Jock Slut

By ap

Published on May 25, 2022




This is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. This story explicitly details sex between males. If it is illegal for you to read this where you are, please stop now and exit this site.

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When the door closed I got up, looked in the mirror, and saw a a pathetic sight, and smiled bigger than i ever have before. I'm a sub bitch, and I love it!

My hair is a mess, my tie and shirt are soaked with my throat slime, I have tears running down my cheeks, and my face is red. I combed my hair back with my fingers, and tried to wipe my tie and shirt dry, but it was a lost cause. my suit is a mess, and I have a dark stain where precum is leaking through my pants. I needed to go back home before heading to my appointment. I texted the client explaining I'd be a little late, and walked briskly through the coffee shop. I looked behind the counter and saw Sir working, he didn't even look up at me.

I got to my car without interaction, sat down, took a deep breath and smiled and laughed at myself - that was soooo fucking HOT!!!! I took a sip of my coffee and it was the best sip I've ever taken in my life: coffee mixed with Sir's cum. I'm a submissive little bitch, and I love it. This kid owns me! I'll do anything he asks and he probably already knows that. I took out my phone, opened reconn and sent him my number adding: "Thank you Sir. that was amazing"

The day went along like any other day. I checked my phone and reconn all day, but there were no messages from Sir. The next morning, I drove to the coffee shop feeling super nervous, I wasn't sure how this changed things, if he was going to call me into the bathroom again. I wasn't sure what to expect. But I was ready for whatever he decided.

When I walked into the shop, it wasn't busy, there was one customer ahead of me, Sir was working the cash register. When it got to my turn he acknowledged me with his normal cute smile: "Good morning, what can I get started for you?"

"Um hi. I'll have an iced coffee with almond milk and a pump of vanilla" My mouth was suddenly dry and I was nervous ordering the same drink I've ordered a hundred times before.

"It'll be ready at the end of the bar." Sir responded, then turned to work behind the counter while his coworker made the drinks.

I got my drink, walked to my car, and waited in the parking lot for about 20 mins, noticing very few people entering the coffee shop. I checked reconn and my texts constantly. Nothing from Sir. I have to travel for the next 2 days. Should I let him know that? I won't be back til Friday again. Ugh this sucks. what should I do? I already sent him the two messages on reconn, which he saw. He hasn't replied. I can't send another one. Thats pathetic.

I went about my day, checking my phone constantly. No messages from Sir. I took my trip, checking my phone at every opportunity. When I got home Friday I drove to the coffee shop on my way home from the airport. Sir wasn't working. This is torture!!

Saturday morning I went to get my coffee, the line was super long and Sir was busy making drinks. I'm not even sure he saw me, Sunday was the same. Monday I was back in my suit and the coffee shop wasn't super busy. I walked in and saw Sir at the register again. When it was my turn, he smiled at me "Good Morning, what can I get started for you?"

I ordered my drink, and looked around to make sure nobody could hear me then took a chance: "Did you get my number?"

"yup. Your drink will be ready at the end of the bar. Have a good day. Next." I was dismissed.

A whole new week of torture went by without word from Sir. I saw him at the shop periodically, and he was cordial, nice even, but nothing beyond business. I left for a business trip the following Sunday night for three days. On Tuesday morning I got a message from an unknown number: "Slut"

This has to be Sir.

"Good Morning"

"When I contact you, you will respond: Good morning Sir. How may I serve you today Sir."

"OK" I guess I have a lot to learn.

"JC are you a stupid slut? Respond YES SIR. Never ok. This is painful. You're wasting my time fuckwad" Sir responded. I was making him angry.

"I'm sorry Sir. This is new to me Sir. I'll do better. I'm sorry Sir. Good Morning Sir. How may I serve you today Sir" I quickly responded.

"Thats better faggot. I need your throat. Whats your address?"

"I'm on a business trip Sir. I won't be home til tomorrow night." I confessed.

"You're useless."

"I'm sorry Sir. I can help you tomorrow Sir." I pleaded.

I didn't get a response from Sir. Another week went by with no messages and our regular coffee interactions. I was leaving for a business trip on Tuesday so when I was ordering my coffee Monday. I mentioned to Sir "I'll be away for three days on a business trip" he just responded: "Your order will be at the end of the bar, have a good trip. Next." I was dismissed again.

Thursday night while I was having dinner I got a text from Sir: "I'm going to use your throat tomorrow after I get off work at 3. Send your address"

"Thank you Sir." I added my address and immediately changed my flight to an earlier flight so I was sure to be home early.

I got home around noon, straightened up the apartment, took a shower, prepped for any possibiity, and waited impatiently to hear from Sir. 3 o'clock came and went. no word from Sir. 3:30 still no word. This kid really is a mind fucker. Is he ghosting me? Should I text him to find out what time he's coming? Should I wait? This is such a waste of time waiting around for him, and not sure if he's going to show up. This is ridiculous. I have better things to do than wait around for this kid. By 4 I decided it wasn't gonna happen, and started doing my laundry from my trip.

At 4:15 the front door buzzer of the condo complex buzzed. I looked in the camera and there was Sir's face. I buzzed the door, and opened my door and waited for him.

Sir walked up to my door "Don't look at me. Eyes down." I immediately looked at my feet.

Sir walked passed me into my condo and began walking around the condo checking it out. I closed the door and continued to stare at my feet, not sure what to do. "You have a nice place here faggot. We're gonna have fun here. Strip and get on all fours." He commanded as he continued to walk around the condo looking in the bedrooms, my office, kitchen, opened the refrigerator, helping himself to a beer, then sat on my couch and spread his legs wide.

"Get over here and put my cock in your throat faggot." Sir instructed. I got up to walk over to him. "Down on your knees and crawl bitch."

I dropped to my knees and crawled between his legs, unbuttoned his black jeans which hugged his form perfectly. I pulled down on his jeans, he lifted his butt to allow them to come down to his ankles, then I lowered the front of his boxers, he didnt seem inclined to let me pull them all the way down, so I hooked them under his balls and caught a whiff of his musky man scent. I was instantly hard and sniffed deeply.

"like perfume to you fags isn't it?" Sir asked after he took a swallow of his beer.

"yes Sir. you smell amazing sir." I complimented.

"get my cock in your throat" Sir commanded.

I took his semi-hard uncut cock into my mouth tasting a drip of precum and smelling his musk even deeper.

"Good faggot. You're proving yourself to be both useful and smart. You fags are usually super needy, but you didn't text me constantly and thats the sign of a good submissive faggot. So, I'm gonna give you a try. You want me to use you slut?" Sir asked as he watched me slide my lips up and down his hardening cock.

I slid off his cock to answer and felt a gentle slap across my cheek. "Get my cock back in your throat faggot." he hissed.

I took his cock back into my throat and gagged a little as his cock was now rock hard.

"Now answer me. Are you going to serve me as I deserve slut?"

With Sir's cock deep in my throat I tried to answer "mmmmhhhhmmm"

"Thats a good faggot. Here's how its gonna work bitch: You will never contact me, ever. When I contact you, you will respond immediately, I don't care what else you are doing. Do you understand bitch?"

My throat was still full of Sirs uncut cock "mmmhhhhmmm"

I felt Sir's hand on the back of my head as he pushed me deeper onto his cock making me gag and wretch. "Gah, that feels so good." Sir sighed as I gagged around his rock hard cock.

Sir released my head and I pulled off his cock to heave in a breath of air, while throat slime spilled out over my bottom lip down my chin.

"get back on my cock bitch" Sir commanded.

I slid his cock back into my mouth.

"You need a lot of training. It's going to cost you, but it looks like you can afford it. Go get your wallet." Sir instructed as he took a sip of his beer.

I hesitated a second, which Sir must have sensed because I felt his hand on the back of my head again as he pushed his cock deep into my throat making me gag and wretch, tears streaming down my cheeks. "Are you deaf faggot? Go get your fucking wallet" Sir instructed, then released me to allow me to heave in a breath of air. I got up to my feet quickly to head to the bedroom to get my wallet. "GET ON YOUR KNEES! CRAWL FAGGOT" Sir yelled. I dropped to my knees and crawled to the bedroom. My cock has never been this rock hard, and drooling precum like a faucet. I feel like I could cum at any moment.

I grabbed my wallet and crawled back toward the living room "Put it in your mouth bitch, and get over here." Sir instructed. I put my wallet in my mouth and continued crawling toward him, back between his legs staring at his hard cock, glistening with my throat slime.

Sir took 3 slow sips of the beer while I kneeled waiting with the wallet in my mouth, saliva drooling out of the sides of my mouth.

Finally, Sir reached out for my wallet, removing it from my mouth, allowing me to swallow the spit that was pooling in my mouth. My jaw was begining to ache.

Sir opened my wallet and pulled out all the cash that was in it. "Theres only $96 here faggot. Is this all I'm worth to you slut?" Sir quizzed me.

"No Sir. You're worth so much more Sir." I enthused.

"How much more faggot?" Sir stared into my eyes.

"um i don't know Sir." I wasn't sure how I was supposed to respond.

Sir stood up and pulled his boxers up, then pulled his Jeans up "Look up at me faggot. Open your mouth" he hissed.

I did as I was told getting up onto my knees looking up into his eyes, opening my mouth, hoping he'd slide his cock in. Sir spit into my mouth three times. "I suggest you figure it out slut." Sir put the empty beer bottle down on the coffee table and walked towards the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" I got up on my feet and walked towards Sir.

"Get back on your knees faggot." Sir commanded. I dropped to my knees. "Never question me ever again. I make the decisons here. You do as your told."

Sir walked out the door.

My cock is rock hard and dripping. I can only stare at the closed door. I need to JO immediately. This kid has such a hold over me. He just spit into my mouth, and took money out of my wallet and left. I will do anything for him. He owns me. I am his pathetic slut, the strongest emotion I feel is sadness because I disappointed him. I'm going to an ATM before I JO in case he contacts me, I can't disappoint him again.

Next: Chapter 3

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