Jock Gone Wild

By bluecollarbear

Published on Jan 9, 2023


I grabbed a sleeveless t-shirt from a gym bag I keep in the back seat of my car. I threw it on before plopping down in the driver's seat. The plug that my new friend Wayne had just inserted in my asshole pushed hard against my prostate. I ground my ass against the seat, relishing the pressure it put on my sore button. Even tho I'd already been fucked into oblivion and cum twice, I was still impossibly horny.

I sat for few minutes thinking about the gang fuck I'd just been through as I finished the weed in my bowl. I wished I could do that every day, I thought. "Better head home you dumb slut." I said to myself before starting my car and pulling out of the fenced in lot.

I had only driven a few blocks when suddenly, flashing red and blue LEDs lit up my rearview mirror. The police car that seemed to appear from nowhere hit me with a couple blasts of the siren. "Holy shit! Where the fuck did he come from!" I said in a slight panic. I tried to pull over smoothly while simultaneously stuffing my bowl down in the bottom of my center console.

When I came to a complete stop, I checked myself in the mirror to see how high I looked. Fuck, I looked like a mess. I'm totally fucked, I thought. "Step out of the car, sir." A gruff voice commanded from my left. Jesus, I didn't even see him walk up to the car. "Excuse me officer, don't you need my license and registration?" I asked in confusion. "Get out of the car, now!" He commanded as he pulled my driver's side door open.

I looked up at the cop standing in front of me. The guy was a monster. He was easily 6 foot 4 and looked like a bodybuilder. He had a big square head topped with a black crew cut that matched his thick caterpillar eyebrows and pushbroom mustache. His black uniform clung tightly to his big muscular chest and hairy arms.

He must have gotten sick of me staring at him because he grabbed me roughly by the arm and yanked me out of my car. As soon as I was on my feet he spun me around and pushed my chest against the side of my car. "What is happening?" I shouted. "You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent...." He said, reading me my rights. "What for?" I interrupted with a squeak. "Prostitution, public indecency, possession of a federally controlled substance, and whatever else I can make stick." He said as he pulled my arms behind my back and slapped his cuffs hard on my wrists. I could feel myself start to cry as he walked me to the cruiser and stuffed me in the backseat. I was truly fucked now, and not in the good way.

The cop put the car in drive and pulled out into the street. I sat in the back silently as tears trickled slowly down my cheek. My mind raced with thoughts of how much I ruined my life with this little adventure. "Was it worth it?", The cop said, breaking the silence. "What?" I replied. "Was it worth it? Selling your ass to those dirty old queers at that shit hole?" he asked, smiling at me in the rearview. "I didn't sell anything." I said, hanging my head. "So you just like being a little faggot and getting fucked by total strangers?" He laughed. His words stung and I felt shame mixed with a bit of arousal at being talked down to by this beast. "Shit, you shoulda sold it. Cute little fag like you could make a lot of money. God knows you could use that cash now." He spat.

What does he mean cute? What the fuck is even happening here? I squirmed in the seat of the cruiser. The mixture of pain from my cuffed wrists, the pressure from the butt plug in my hole, and the cops verbal assault had my mind in turmoil. I should be scared out of my mind but instead my body was tingling with horny excitement.

It was then that I realized that he didn't take my I.D. He hasn't radiod in or entered any information on his laptop attached to the dashboard either. He's supposed to do that stuff isn't he? On TV shows they don't just stuff people in cars and drive away, right? What is he going to do to me? My cock became painfully hard as my mind raced.

I was just about to start asking questions when the car turned sharply into the entrance of an old abandoned factory of some kind. He drove us past a couple of small out buildings before swinging around behind the big main building and through an open bay door. Once inside the dilapidated building the cruiser screeched to a stop and he turned off the engine.

Without saying a word, he got out of the car and threw the door next to me open. He grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the back just as he'd done when he pulled me over. He walked me around to the back of the police car and shoved me face first over the trunk. My hard cock pressed uncomfortably against the back of the car as he put pressure on my ass with his leg. "What the fuck!" I shouted. He quickly grabbed the back of my head and pressed my face against the trunk. "Stop squirming, bitch." He growled into my ear as he leaned into me with his full weight. "What's that I feel in your pants, boy? Looks like I need to conduct a search."

With his right hand he started patting me down. He started by feeling all over my back then reaching around to my chest. His big hand reached into the hole of my cut off sleeve. He spent a minute smacking and squeezing each of my pecs before feeling down my abs and around the waistband of my jeans. My diamond hard cock hurt as he ground into me from behind. Jesus, this big mother fucker is going to rape me, I thought.

He let go of my shoulder and took a step back before grabbing the chain on the cuffs and twisting it, making me gasp through clenched teeth. I felt his hand move to my hip down the outside of my right leg before working his way up my inseam. When he got to my crotch I could tell he felt the base of the butt plug inside me. I felt him pull his hand away, then suddenly he smacked the base of the plug with the palm of his hand. I yelped with a mixture of pain and pleasure.

I then felt his hand reach up between my legs and grab my package. He crushed my cock and balls savagely as I thrashed around helplessly. "That little dick is rock hard, boy." he said, before letting go of my poor junk. He stood up and reached around to the front of my waist and ripped my fly open before jerking my jeans down to my mid thigh.

Oh my God! Oh my God, this is really happening! I thought. This vicious tank is going to fuck me! Fuck, I thought the gangbang I just had was hot, now here I am about to be raped by this gorgeous monster. He let go of the chain on the cuffs and took a step back. I looked over my shoulder at my sexy assailant as he pulled a rubber glove out of his pocket and pulled it over his right hand with a snap.

"I watched Wayne and his friends work you over, but I could tell your hot little cunt could take more punishment." He pressed down on the center of my back with his left hand and grasped the plug with his right. He pushed and twisted it a few times saying, "how about it, boy? This pussy need some more action?"

"Yes sir!" I shouted. With that he grabbed the base of the plug and jerked it out of me before squatting down and spreading my cheeks open. "Push that hole open, bitch. Show me what they left inside there." I did as commanded and pushed my hole open the best I could. I could feel warm runny cum trickle down my balls and inner thigh.

"Fuck yeah, boy. They opened you up nice and wide." He said before slapping me hard right on my asshole and nuts. I winced in pain from the smack but he immediately thrust two fingers inside and found my prostate. I could feel my cum gush out through my dick head as he pumped my hole a few times.

"Mmm, This is one sweet cunt." He said as I felt him add a third finger with little effort. "You been fisted yet, kid?" I managed to groan out a no in answer. "Good. We'll work on that." he said.

He worked my hole with his fingers for a few more minutes, then he gave me a hard smack on my right ass cheek and said "I'm gonna help you get your right leg out of your pants and when I do, hook your leg up on the trunk, got it?" I gave him a yes sir and he quickly had me in his desired position.

I heard a quiet scraping sound of metal on metal as he stood behind me. I couldn't quite see what he was doing but I felt him push my shirt up my back then he laid a cold, long, metal tube on the center of my back. The cold metal thing felt like it reached from the top of my ass crack to the center of my back. "Can you guess what that is?" I shook my head no. "That's my Maglite. I usually use it to crack heads, but today we're going to see how deep this hole goes."

He lifted the big heavy flashlight off my back then I felt the flat bottom press against my well used cunt. The coldness of it made my hole clench but he started pushing anyway. I did my best to open up and accept it. "Yeah, boy. You're taking it good." He said as he got about half of the light's length inside me before he met resistance. He pulled the flashlight out a few inches then started pumping it back and forth in a sawing motion. Each time he pushed in he went a little deeper.

"I need to get this on video." He said, as the LED flash on his phone lit up the scene in front of him. I looked over my shoulder and could see his hulking silhouette behind the light on his phone.

"What's your name, bitch?"


"Brad, what?"


"And what are you, Brad Dykstra?"

"I'm a slut."

"What kind of slut are you, Brad Dykstra?"

"A faggot, slut, sir" I moaned as I felt him push the last couple inches of flashlight handle into me.

"Yeah you are. You got almost a foot of metal stuffed in that dirty cunt right now. Tell me how it feels." He growled at me.

"It feels amazing, sir!" I cried as he pumped the handle with a steady rhythm.

"Good." he said as he started pumping the long metal handle in and out of my ass. "I'm gonna push this light all the way up in your cunt. Then you're gonna hold in there, turn and squat down because I'm gonna feed your other fuck hole. Got it?"

"Yes sir!" I groaned as he shoved the full length of the handle deep inside me. I reached for the end of the light with my cuffed hands and made the awkward maneuver of holding it in as I swung my leg down from the trunk. I did my best to squat down without falling. When I got as low as I could, I released my hold on the light and felt it start to slip out of my ass until the end was stopped by the concrete floor of the old factory. I let myself lean back so that my back was supported by the bumper of the police car.

"Yeah, good bitch." The cop said "Tilt your head back."

I did as commanded, and when my head was back he dropped his massive tube of flesh on my face. "Oh fuck!" I groaned. The thing was massive. His cock felt just as thick as the flashlight up my ass and nearly as long. His big hot nuts pressed against my lips and his cock wrapped across the length of my face and well into my hairline.

I instinctively started lapping at his giant balls, trying to suck one of them into my hungry mouth. "Mmmm, you're just a hungry little whore, aren't you?" He grunted at me. I managed an "mhmm" as one of his huge orbs sucked into my mouth. I rolled my tongue over his ball and savored the sweaty musky taste. He started grinding his crotch against my pinned head and growled a yessss at me.

"You want me to fuck that throat, boy?" He asked menacingly. I did my best to answer in the affirmative. He pulled his nut out of my mouth and dragged his snake across my face till the tip was touching my parted lips. I opened my mouth a little and extended my tongue to lick his swollen cock head. Just as I made contact with his piss slit, he chuckled and said "You're gonna need to open up wider than that."

That was the only warning I got before he started pushing his monster into my mouth. I opened as wide as I could as he slowly pushed it to the back of my mouth, then passed my tonsils and into my throat. He didn't stop til he had my nose buried in his pubes and his balls pressed firmly against my chin.

"Fuck, that's a deep throat!" He groaned. He held still for several seconds, enjoying the feeling of my throat convulsing as I struggled to breath through my nose.

He suddenly grabbed the top of my head and said "Look at me!" I did my best to look him in the eyes. "We're going to have a lot of fun, bitch." With that pulled his hips back far enough that his cock head rested on my tongue. I managed to get a decent breath before he thrust back into my face.

He continued like that at a steady pace. He'd pull back enough that I could breath, then thrust balls deep into my drooling mouth. I was so turned that my cock was painfully hard. I did my best to ride the flashlight handle wedged in my ass, hoping I could make myself cum. Unfortunately with my head pinned between my assailant and his cruiser I was forced to just stay still while he fucked my throat.

After several minutes he started to pick up the pace, slamming his meat harder into my face as he growled over me. By now everything began to ache. The back of my head, my jaw, my shoulders and wrists from being cuffed, my asshole and cock most of all. I could feel my precum trickle down the underside of my frustrated penis and off my balls.

God, I needed to cum!

Suddenly the cop began to grunt loudly before giving two last hard thrusts and smothering my head with his pelvis. His whole body shook and his cock spasmed as I felt a warm flood in my throat and belly. There was no point in swallowing since he was in so deep.

I began to get light headed from the lack of oxygen and could feel myself start to struggle involuntarily against his weight. Fuck, he's going to kill me! I thought. Just when I started to feel a blackout coming on he pulled himself out of my throat.

I gasped for air as I fell over on my side. When I hit the ground, I felt the flashlight slip out of my ass and heard it clatter on the cement floor. I laid there like a sloppy mess, breathing hard.

I stared up at the ceiling with glazed eyes. I could make out the pig's silhouette in my peripheral vision. I heard him chuckle.

"You're a fucking mess kid. You need a shower."

I could feel the slime from my throat all over my face and chest. I looked down at my body and saw that I was completely glazed with sweat and spit. My dick was still rock hard and dripping precum on my stomach.

I was suddenly hit in the chest with a blast of hot liquid. I had enough time to look at the cop and see that he had started pissing on me. I started groaning as he moved his stream to my face and open mouth. It tasted like and smelled like rancid coffee. My mind raced as he started moving his stream back down the length of my body. The second his hot piss made contact with my cock and balls I started cumming.

My whole body shook with an intense orgasim as his stream seemed to go on forever. For my third time cumming I was surprised with how much spunk I felt hitting my chest and stomach.

The cop kept his piss stream aimed at my cock till he was through. The sensation of hot piss hitting my junk and trickling down over my sore asshole was amazing. Even after my dick stopped shooting, my body quaked with several aftershocks as he finished peeing on me.

"We're going to have a lot of fun together, kid." The cop said, staring down lustfully at my naked writhing body.

"I think so, too." I replied with a shaky voice.

"I think so, too."

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