
By moc.gnirpsdnim@idpams

Published on Feb 24, 2023


Joaquin, Part 2

by stimle

This is a work of fiction. All rights are protected and the story cannot be reproduced without permission. My stories are archived on my site at as well as at and

Joaquin woke up the next morning with the worst headache he'd ever had. He looked around and found he was in a strange room. He had no idea where he was or how he got there. There were empty liquor bottles everywhere and the room reeked of cigarette smoke. There was also a stronger, more heady scent hanging heavily in the air. Musky with an almost sexual aroma to it.

He was also naked under the sheets. He never slept naked. He tried to think back to what happened but only drew a blank. The last thing he remembered was having car trouble and then that guy Chris came by and helped him and then... And then... nothing. But how did he get here? And where was Chris? And where the heck was his underwear?

Joaquin sat up and that's when he noticed the pain in his ass. Dang, what happened!? His butt felt like the time he rode that mechanical bull at his cousin's birthday party.

He looked around the room again. His keys and wallet, along with all his money, were on the night stand, but he didn't see his pants, socks or shoes. He got out of bed and wrapped the sheet around him. He went to the window and parted the drapes. His Ford Explorer was parked right outside the room. It looked okay. Still unable to find his clothes, he ran outside, wrapped in the sheet, and grabbed his suitcase, hauling it back into the room while trying to keep the sheet from slipping down.

He was about to get dressed when he realized he realized his body was sticky with something. He smelled his hands and realized it was cum. What the heck?! Now he just wanted to get out of there. He looked around for a clock and saw one on the wall. It said it was 11:05 a.m.! Wow! He'd really overslept. He should've been home by now. Plus, it must be close to check out time. He looked out the window again. The parking lot was empty except for his car, but he did see someone through the window of the office.

He went into the bathroom and caught his reflection in the mirror. He was shocked at what he saw. There were black and red marks from his neck down to his stomach. They looked like hickeys! His face, neck and upper body were shiny and felt tacky to the touch. His hair was disheveled and sticky and he could only imagine what that was. And his butt still felt slick and squished when he walked. He knew something bad had happened to him but refused to let his mind wander there.

He stepped into the shower and for the next twenty minutes let the hot water run over every part of his body, using the entire bar of soap as he scrubbed his body, cleansing away all the cum, spit and slobber from his previous night's rape.

After he dried off, he walked to the bed with his towel still wrapped around his waist and opened his suitcase. He pulled out clean briefs, a Liberty University T-shirt, his favorite pair of Levis and clean socks. He quickly dressed and styled his hair. After packing up his suitcase and putting it in his truck, he went back inside the room to tidy it up a bit. He didn't want anyone to think he was messy.

He was about to leave when he suddenly thought about the room charge. He walked into the office and found a guy who looked to be a few years older than he was behind the counter. His name tag read Tony.'

Tony suppressed a smile when he saw last night's fuck toy walk through the door. He was well-versed in the routine because Joaquin wasn't the first guy Chris Evans had dropped off. As long as Tony kept his mouth shut, he was allowed to do whatever he wanted to the poor guy, and last night Tony earned every bit of his silence.

"Hey," Joaquin said as he stepped up to the front desk. "Um, I was in room 4 last night and I, uhh... need to know how much I owe you?" He was trying not to sound stupid.

Tony punched up a few keys on his computer and looked at the screen. Actually, he was looking at a couple of pictures of Joaquin he had scanned and uploaded. One of the pictures showed Joaquin passed out in the back of Chris Evans' van in just his underwear. The other picture was one from last night, with a drugged out Joaquin sucking Tony's cock.

"Uh, it's already been paid for the room, sir," he said. He was almost drooling as he looked at the pictures, remembering back to last night and to how Joaquin's mouth felt on his dick. Because he was behind the counter, Joaquin couldn't see him rubbing his crotch.

"Really?" Joaquin replied? "Who paid for it?"

"Well, that was before my shift," Tony said, "but I can find out for you." He pretended to type in a few more commands. "Okay, here we go... It was someone named Joaquin Kangas. Paid cash for it last night."

"But I'm Joaquin Kangas," Joaquin said softly, confused. It didn't immediately dawn on him that whoever did this to him wasn't about to leave his own name and address anywhere.

"I don't know anything about that, mister," Tony said. "Like I said, my shift just started a couple hours ago and I'm just telling you what's on the computer. Did you want the room for another night?"

"No," Joaquin said, scratching his head. "I just wanted to make sure I didn't owe you anything."

"Nope. You're paid up."

"Thanks," Joaquin said, walking out of the office. "Have a good day," he called back over his shoulder. He got into his Explorer and was on his way.

Tony burst into laughter. He pulled Joaquin's used briefs from his desk drawer and put them to his nose, inhaling deeply. The note Chris had written - I feel empty: please fuck me' - was still pinned to the waistband. The dumb fuck didn't remember a thing from the night before! He pulled out the envelope of pictures Chris had left on the end table and flipped through them. He had been in the room last night shortly after Chris had brought Joaquin back and had taken more than his share of turns with the drugged-out teenager's ass and face. For all the fucking Joaquin took, his ass was still remarkably tight at the end of the night.

The photos were supposed to have been left for Joaquin, but Chris had snatched them up instead. They were just too hot! Besides, what was a kid like Joaquin Kangas going to do with those kinds of pictures? They'd be ripped up and in the garbage in a heart beat. He read the note Chris had written on the front of the envelope warning Joaquin not to report what had happened and Tony shook his head. There was no way the dude was going to report this. Then he saw the part of the note that mentioned a video. Hmmm . . . that could be interesting. He had Chris' number and decided he'd call him to find out how to get a copy of the video.

Joaquin rolled his window down as he drove away, letting the breeze blow through his hair. He tried hard not to think about what had happened to him. Heck, he couldn't even remember what had happened, but he had a feeling it was bad. Really bad. Whatever it was, though, he told himself it wasn't his fault. How could it be? His dad was always telling him that sometimes bad things happened to good people. He just never thought that he would be one of those people. Judging by the way he felt and because he couldn't remember very much, he figured he must've been drugged. And raped.

Raped. Raped? He didn't want to think about that! Guys don't get raped. He'd heard about date rape and stuff like that, where a guy puts some kind of drug into a girl's drink that makes her a bad girl... what were they called... rubies...? Something like that. Whatever it was, that Chris guy must've slipped one to him. But why? Joaquin wasn't gay. He didn't look gay and he didn't act gay. Why would anyone think he was gay and do that to him? He knew he couldn't tell any of his buddies or his dad. As close as he and his dad were, he could just imagine what his dad would think of him.

He thought about stopping at a police station, but what would he say? And would they even believe him? He tried to imagine what it would look like if he, a big and strong guy, tried to tell a policeman that someone had raped him. They'd probably think he was lying. Or even worse... they would probably think he went along with it willingly. That he was gay! No way... he wasn't going to tell anybody. Nope. No one was ever going to hear about this. After all, it wasn't his fault.

What Joaquin didn't know was that as he was driving back to Las Cruces and his normal life, Chris Evans was busy editing the video he had made and posting the pictures he had taken to a variety of web sites on the internet. He was also planning to write a very detailed, graphic story of his account with Joaquin, illustrating the story with several of the pictures he had taken. At the end of the story would be a link where readers could pay for and download high quality pictures as well purchase a copy of the video. Joaquin Kangas was about to become a star... just not the kind of star people normally think of.


It was the end of August and the beginning of the new school year was just a week off. Joaquin was planning to drive back to Virginia the next day after church.

Since he got back to Las Cruces, he'd been working at his old job at a restaurant at the mall. He'd even met a girl there who was planning to attend his same college in the Fall. Her name was Danielle and she was just like Joaquin: good looking, sweet, and naive. They made a very cute couple and had spent a lot of time together over the Summer.

They were still both virgins (well, Joaquin was still a virgin to guy-girl sex) and planned to stay that way until marriage, neither of them an advocate of sex outside of marriage. Over the Summer, however, Joaquin's sex drive had kicked in. Big time. And although he never pressured Danielle into going any further than simple kissing, he found he was always horny and got a hard-on whenever he thought about her. He even started to masturbate, something he had only rarely done in the past. His father's church as well as his college taught that masturbation was a form of sex and Joaquin was ashamed whenever he succumbed to the ever-increasing urges. He was so ashamed that he couldn't watch himself so he kept his underwear on, filling them with load after load of his hot, sticky cum.

He started to wash his own clothes that Summer because he didn't want his mom or sisters to see his cum-stained briefs. He was afraid they'd know what he was doing and would think he was a pervert or something. He was jerking off two to three times every day and was spending a lot of time washing his underwear. Sometimes the stains wouldn't come out and he'd have to toss them out. That Summer Joaquin went through a lot of briefs. He went to several different stores and bought everything from Fruit of the Loom to Hanes to his favorite, Calvin Klein. Those were pricey though, so when he jacked off he would slip on a pair of Hanes or something cheap, saving the CKs for his regular everyday wear. He thought about using a cum rag, but he always came so fast that he never had a chance to reach for it. By the time he was ready to grab the rag, his briefs were already flooded with a huge juicy load.

More than once over the Summer he'd had to "relieve" himself during his break and he started to bring his gym bag to work with an extra pair of briefs and a hand towel to clean up with afterwards. He felt so guilty whenever he did it, too, imagining that everybody knew what he had just done. For some reason, he was just hard and horny and full of cum all the time.

He'd been masturbating so much, in fact, that the tip of his penis was sore and red and tender to the touch. Then, with the new school year quickly approaching, he made the decision to get his spiritual life in order, which meant controlling his carnal urges. So, just over two weeks ago he stopped masturbating... cold turkey.

It was Saturday, Joaquin's last day at work, and the restaurant was pretty busy. The mall was crowded with back-to-school shoppers which translated into more customers in the various restaurants and food court.

He had less than three hours left on his shift when three guys walked in. Joaquin seated them at a booth and took their drink order. They looked like they were in their early twenties, good-looking and had obviously spent some time in the gym.

"Dudes," one of the guys, Billy, said under his breath as Joaquin walked away. "Did that guy look familiar to you?"

Paul and Mark both looked to where Joaquin was now refilling salt and pepper shakers and then turned back to Billy. "He kind of looks like that dude from that website. The one you got that great DVD from," Mark replied.

"Kinda?" Billy asked. "No, that's him. I'd swear to it." A different server arrived with their drinks.

"How're you so sure?" Paul asked when the server left. He took a sip of his beer.

"Well, his name tag said 'Joaquin' and that was the guy's name in the video, remember? Plus he looks just like him!"

Mark and Paul took a second look. "I think you're right," Paul agreed. Mark nodded as well. "His hair's a little longer and he looks a little more tan, but I think that's him."

"Oh man," Billy said, his hand sliding beneath the table and squeezing the bulge between his legs, "I wish I could get me some of that."

"Uhh... that'd be fuckin' hot!" Paul agreed, keeping his voice low. His hand had also roamed between his legs and he was nervously looking around to make sure no one was watching as he rubbed his cock through his cargo shorts.

A kid at the next booth spilled a drink and a female employee came come over to clean it up. As she was wiping up the spill, she called out to Joaquin. "Hey, Joaquin! Can you bring me another towel, please?"

Joaquin came over with a clean towel and got down on his hands and knees. "Here, let me do that," he offered.

"Come on," the girl said. "This is your last day and you're off in what..." - she paused to look at her watch - "three hours and you're offering to clean up a spill? I can do it."

"Nah," Joaquin said, waving her away. "I got it."

"When do you leave for Virginia?" she asked.

"Right after church tomorrow," Joaquin answered. "Danielle and I finished packing last night and tonight she's saying good-byes to some of her friends. I already saw my friends last night so I'm just gonna head home after my shift and hang out with my family."

"Are you driving out together?"

"Nah," Joaquin said, wiping his brow. "She's driving out with her folks on Monday and they're gonna fly back."

The guys tried not to stare at Joaquin as he cleaned up the spill but he was less than four feet from them, on his hands and knees, and his jeans had ridden up in back exposing his Calvin Klein waistband and a few inches of the white cotton.

"Oh shit," Billy whispered. "He's got the most perfect ass! I think I'm gonna cum!"

"Paul already did!" Mark laughed.

"Fuck you, ass wipe!" Paul retorted, shooting Mark a dirty look.

Joaquin finished and stood up. He noticed the guys looking at him and gave them a friendly nod. "Do you guys need anything else," he asked. "More chips? Another round of drinks?"

"No... we're good. Thanks," Billy stammered.

"Okay," Joaquin said. "Just give me a shout if you need anything." He smiled and returned to the counter.

"All right," Billy said when Joaquin was out of earshot, "time to get down to business. You heard what the chick said: he's off in about three hours. Whattaya say we meet him after work?"

"What the fuck are you talking about," Paul said. "How are we going to 'meet him after work'?"

"You're such a dumbass," Billy said, punching Paul in the arm. "I mean grab him. Have some fun!"

"I don't know..." Paul said, shaking his head. "It's sounds a little risky."

"No," Billy insisted. "It'll work. Look, I used to work down at the GAP, and they make all mall employees park in that far lot outside Target. Anyway, I say we just kinda 'run into' him there after his shift."

Paul was still skeptical. "Yeah, but how're we gonna grab him? I mean, he's a pretty big guy."

Now Mark spoke up. "Well there's three of us and only one of him. Plus, in the story that was on that website of him, the guy says he spiked his coke. We can do something like that."

"What," Paul said, looking at Mark like he was a total moron, "we're just gonna walk up to this guy and say 'here, wanna coke?' That's stupid."

"Geez, you're such an idiot," Billy snapped, rolling his eyes. "Use your head. You know, that thing on our shoulders? It's not just a receptacle for cum and beer."

Paul laughed so hard beer came out of his nose. He set his drink down and turned serious. "You know what, Billy? I wanna fuck the guy, too, but I don't think he's gonna come along willingly! That's all I'm tryin' to say."

"Guys... guys..." Mark said, interrupting. "I was just thinking... okay now, just bear with me for a second here 'cause I haven't thought it all out yet, but the guy in the story used poppers, too. Right? Those'll fuck you up for a few minutes... disorient you. I say we put some on a rag and shove 'em under his nose."

"You mean like chloroform or something?" Paul asked, leaning in. "Knock him out some how?"

"Well, poppers won't knock him out, but they'll buzz him up good," Mark replied. "I think I have a better idea, though. My dad got my mom one of those little stun guns a while ago. She never carries it with her and I know where she keeps it. It's got enough of a kick to knock a guy on his ass for a few seconds. I say we hit him with it and then we make him sniff the poppers. Then, when he's all woozy and shit, we can tie him up or something."

"No, that's when we drug him," Billy said. "After he's all high from the poppers we give him a drink spiked with GHB. You still have some left, don't you?"

Paul nodded, "Yup, sure do!"

Mark was grinning from ear to ear. "This is perfect! It'll totally work! It'll be just like what we did to that guy at the Wagonwheel last month. What was his name..? Stetson Something, wasn't it?"

"Stetson Rasberry!!" Billy and Paul laughed.

About a month ago there was a rodeo near Las Cruces and afterwards a group of contestants, fans and groupies went to celebrate at the Wagonwheel, a bar near the arena where the event was held. The winner of the bull riding event was a gorgeous cowboy from Texas named, of all things, Stetson Rasberry. He was young, blond and cocky beyond his years. Despite being a year under the drinking age, the bar let him in where he proceeded to get drunk and brag about his win to anybody who'd listen. The tipsier he got the more obnoxious he got, but a few drops of GHB in his beer, courtesy of Mark, and the poor kid was out of it. Everybody in the bar assumed he'd had too much to drink and were relieved when he finally shut up. They chuckled and ridiculed as Stetson fumbled his way to the back of the bar, mumbling something about fresh air, Mark holding his elbow helping him navigate through the crowd, which readily parted, happy the annoying kid would soon be out of their way.

Meanwhile Billy and Paul and hightailed it out the front and into Paul's car, quickly driving round to the back of the bar to meet Mark and their drugged out prize.

Mark had Stetson's Wranglers unzipped before he even got him into the back seat of the car, and had them down past his knees by the time Paul threw the car into gear.

"Wow," Paul said, staring through the rearview mirror at the drugged cowboy's tight white BVD briefs which were glowing in the glare of the lights of the parking lot. "I woulda thought a bull rider would have some sorta protection... a cup of something. Looks like Stetson here just has a zipper and a prayer."

"And his tightie whities," Billy said, his hand cupping poor Stetson's bulge, giving it a good squeeze. The dazed young stud moaned at the touch.

Needless to say, Stetson Rasberry never made it back to his room that evening, winding up instead at a sleazy motel a few miles away, a cock in his mouth and another up his ass for the better part of the night.

"One of us'll just wait till he gets off work and follow him to his car," Billy said, returning the conversation to the present. "I'll do it. It'll be dark so I doubt he'll notice. Plus there'll be a lot of people all over the place. You two will be waiting in the lot with the poppers and just bump into him."

"Okay," Paul nodded. "But what about the drink?"

"How bout we give it to him after we get him in the car," Mark offered. "He'll be out of it from the taser and the poppers so he shouldn't put up too much of a struggle."

"Yeah," Billy interjected, continuing Mark's thought. "You guys'll distract him when you bump him and I'll be right there to zap him with the stun gun. When he goes down we hit him with the poppers. Then we get him to the car and give him the drink. We just need to keep him high on the poppers long enough until the GHB kicks in and then bam... he's ours!"

"I say we use less GHB this time, though," Paul said. "Stetson was so out of it... he practically just lay there. I wanna see if we can get Joaquin a little more into it."

Billy was smiling. "You know what would be perfect? Viagra. My dad's got a stash. I'll grab some and we'll make him take it, too! That way he'll be doped up and hard! Fuck, this is gonna be awesome." He looked at his watch. "Okay we gotta get going if we wanna get this all together in time. Let's get the stuff and meet back here at... say... 7:45 p.m. Oh, and guys... my parents are in Phoenix until Tuesday. We can take him to their place and then back to his car once we're done." _________

The guys met back in the parking lot as scheduled and set the plan into motion. Mark and Paul stayed near the car and Billy made his way to the restaurant so he could follow Joaquin to his car and hit him with the stun gun at the right moment.

A few minutes after 8:00 p.m., Joaquin left the restaurant, saying good-bye to his co-workers. Billy was across the way outside 'The China King,' the stun gun nestled in the palm of his hand, absently fingering the trigger as he walked slowly, following Joaquin through the mall and to the outer parking lot.

Back in the parking lot Mark had taken a few hits of the poppers while he was waiting. Fuck! He loved poppers! He especially loved jacking off while snorting them. He remembered the first time he used them... just a couple of months ago. He was with Paul and Billy one afternoon getting drunk and high at Billy's apartment when the two of them sort of jumped him and forced the aroma into him. It was the first time Mark had bottomed, but it wasn't the last. He could still feel Billy's huge cock reaming his ass and buzzing his prostate. He'd been hooked since. He had to fight the urge to sniff more because Billy had just texted saying Joaquin was on his way.

Billy's cock was rock hard as he followed the unsuspecting Joaquin. He couldn't wait to shove it up that hot fuck's tight hole. Mmmm... what kind of luck was this? Just last week the guys were drunk, smoking weed, huffing poppers and whacking off to Joaquin's video and then today... fuck... to see the guy in the flesh!

It took about five minutes for Joaquin to make his way to the parking lot. He didn't seem to be in a hurry and there were plenty of shoppers around so he didn't notice Billy tailing him. He reached the employee lot and headed toward his Explorer. When he was about thirty feet from it, Paul and Mark stepped out from behind another truck, almost colliding with him.

"Whoah!" Joaquin said, stopping short. "Sorry about that, guys."

"Hey, it's all good," Mark said, trying not to sound nervous.

Joaquin looked at the two guys again, a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "Didn't I see you guys earlier? At...?"

"Yeah," Paul interrupted quickly, working to keep his voice calm. "We were just gonna head back there before catching a movie." He looked behind Joaquin to see Billy, arm outstretched and stun gun ready. He was about ten feet behind Joaquin and approaching quickly.

"Well, uh, have a good night," Joaquin said.

"You too, man," Paul said. Joaquin was about to walk away when Billy pressed the stun gun to Joaquin's neck.

"Unnnggghhh!!!!" Joaquin grunted as electricity jolted through his body. His knees buckled and he collapsed backward into Billy's waiting arms. He blinked a few times, his body twitching. What the heck just happened? His body felt all rubbery and he couldn't make his arms or legs obey him. He looked up into the faces of Mark and Paul. Neither of them said a word.

"Wha... uunnnhhh..." Joaquin moaned, his eyes pleading.

One of the guys pulled a small brown bottle from his pocket and knelt down next to him, uncapping it and putting it to his nostril. "Here, take a good sniff of this," he said, using his other hand to block his mouth and free nostril. "It'll help."

Joaquin thought they might be smelling salts so he inhaled. An oddly familiar aroma assaulted his nostrils and within moments a warmth coursed through his body and he felt light-headed and dizzy.

"Unnnhhhh..." he moaned as he felt himself being pulled to his feet. The guy with the little bottle unstopped his mouth and put it to his other nostril.

"Come on," the guy urged. "Again."

"Whooaaah....unnnggghhhh..." he signed as he inhaled more of the vapors. "Mmmmm...." Another rush swept through him and he felt his body swoon. He thought he was going to fall but was caught by several strong arms that maneuvered him out of the lights of the parking lot and toward a waiting car. His thoughts were a haze; the hands on him electric. There was passing feeling of de ja vu.

Paul opened the back door of the car open and slid across the seat. Mark and Billy eased the dizzy young man in next to Paul and then Billy got in. Mark jumped into the driver's seat and started the car, driving away as quickly as he dared so as not to draw attention to them.

Joaquin had inhaled enough of the poppers to be rendered rather helpless. His head lolled onto Billy's shoulder and he was babbling incoherently. Billy opened a small bottle of orange juice, drank nearly half of it and topped it off with vodka. Then he added a few drops of GHB, shook it up, and put it to Joaquin's mouth. "Here . . . drink up."

Joaquin was out of it and did what he was told, but sputtered and coughed as the sharpness of the vodka hit his taste buds. Paul took the poppers, put them back under his nose and elbowed him. "Come on, take another whiff... it'll make you feel all nice."

Up in the front seat, Mark held up a zip lock bag containing four Viagra. "You know what, guys" he said, reaching in and pulling out one of the blue pills, examining it. "I think we should see how long we can keep Joaquin hard naturally." He tossed the Viagra into his mouth and washed it down with a drink of Diet Coke. He then handed the pills to Paul.

Billy put the GHB-laced juice back to Joaquin's mouth and tipped it in, watching it flow over the teen's soft pale lips and stroking his throat to help him swallow. Within a minute the bottle was empty. As they drove to Billy's parents' house, they continued to keep Joaquin dizzy with the poppers, gradually lessening the doses as the vodka and GHB began to take effect.

"What're you doing...?" Joaquin slurred, looking back and forth at the guys on either side of him. He was starting to feel giddy and confused. "What's going on?"

Billy reached onto the front passenger seat and grabbed a large manila envelope. He pulled out a sheaf of photographs and showed them to Joaquin.

"Recognize anybody?" Billy asked, softly rubbing Joaquin's inner thigh.

"What is thisss...?" the drugged teen asked, shocked at the images before him. They were pictures of him in varying stages of undress and lewd positions.

"This is just another day in your life, my friend," Paul snickered. He had pushed Joaquin's T- shirt up and was licking his nipples.

"Unnnhhh..." Joaquin moaned again, his voice low and quivering. Ever since he had started masturbating in earnest that Summer he had discovered his nipples were sensitive. He'd had no idea. "Oooohhh..." he sighed again as Paul's tongue lapped at the rubbery cones.

He couldn't believe the pictures he was being shown. What on earth? They were disgusting! He was naked and in one of them he was on his hands and knees sucking on some guy's penis while another guy had his up his butt!! That's what must've happened to him back in May! He'd managed to not think about it all Summer, but now as he sat there in the back of the car, his head all spinning and fuzzy, his mind couldn't help but wander back, trying to remember something - anything - about that fateful day.

"I... I... I don't know about this is..." he tried to say, but neither Paul nor Billy was listening, and Mark was too busy trying to concentrate on driving while at the same time pulling his erect cock out of his pants.

Joaquin felt something at his waist and dizzily looked down to see his belt undone and Billy unbuttoning his pants and unzipping his fly. He lifted a heavy hand to resist but Billy easily slapped it away.

"Mmmm... it's nice to see you're still wearing the Calvins, Joaquin," Billy cooed as he opened his jeans and ran his fingers up and down the length of Joaquin cock which was quickly getting hard in his tight white briefs.

He showed Joaquin another photo: Joaquin was lying in the back of a van, arms tied over his head, knees bent and his jeans at his knees. He was wearing white Calvin Klein briefs and it was obvious he had a hard-on. And now, with this guy rubbing at his crotch and the other guy licking at his titties, Joaquin was throwing a bone again! What was wrong with him? This wasn't right! These kinds of relations between men were wrong and sinful. Why was he hard? "Unnnhhhh..."

Paul pushed Joaquin's T-shirt pushed up under his armpits and fastened his lips around one of his erect, fleshy nipples, nibbling and lightly chewing on it. He was twisting and tweaking the other with the fingers of one hand while he slid the index and middle finger of his other hand into Joaquin's mouth. Every so often he would dose the dazed stud with another hit of poppers.

"Ohhh... nnnnghhhh..." Joaquin panted, arching his back and thrusting out his chest as the delicious surprises ambushed his body.

Meanwhile, Billy was lowering Joaquin's jeans. "Hey buddy," he whispered into Joaquin's ear, his breath hot and sticky, as he gently patted his butt. "Lift up a little."

Although pretty out of it by now, Joaquin was somewhat aware of rising up off the seat of the car just enough so Billy could pull his pants down. He was beyond caring right now... he just wanted relief. It had been more than two weeks since he'd last shot his load and his dick was rock hard and making a tent in his briefs. His nipples were being tortured and he could feel a wet finger slip under the leg band of his briefs, fingering around his butt hole.

"Uhhnnn... ooooohh... nooooo..." his moans, although partially muffled by the fingers in his mouth, were getting louder and louder. He was still aware of what was going on around him and he stared straight ahead in wide-eyed shock when Billy pulled his underwear down and gulped his cock into his mouth.

"Ohhhh!!!!!" he cried out as Billy's suctioning lips slurped his cock. The bottle of poppers appeared at his nose again and he took a sniff. The blast of warmth coursed through his body and his eyes rolled up into his head and he slumped deeper into the back seat. He thought he was going to faint!

"Oh yeah, that's it," Mark said. "Now here's a little something else that'll hopefully jog your memory." He reached over the seat and brought back a portable DVD player. He opened it and pressed a couple of buttons. A home movie began to play. It was Joaquin in the Texas hotel room down on all fours with a cock in his mouth and another in his ass. And there was somebody else tugging on his dick and playing with his nipples. The camera panned around the action, zooming in and out, as Joaquin was being fucked from both ends. His eyes were glassy and vacant and his face was shiny and slick with something he assumed was cum.

The movie then cut to him lying on the corner of the bed on his belly with his legs spread, surrounded by six or seven sweaty looking men with their cocks out, slowly jacking off. The first guy put on a condom and shoved his cock into his asshole which was gaping open. Joaquin was just lying there, a spaced out look on his face. He was obviously drunk or drugged because he didn't even flinch when another guy came over and shoved his cock into his mouth.

Joaquin watched in sickening horror as three guys joined the guy who was fucking his face. They were running their cocks along his face and hair. Then one of the guys began to moan and tense up and the tip of his dick actually looked like it expanded twice its size before it shot a rope of cum across his cheek. Holding his spurting cock, the guy aimed it squarely at Joaquin's face and continued to shoot his spooge. It landed on his upper lip and up his nose and dripped down onto the cock that was still pistoning in and out of his mouth. The second guy jerked his cock and sprayed his cum all over Joaquin's forehead and hair.

The guy whose cock was in his mouth started to pull out until just the fat tip was left in. He let out a loud grunt and his dick started to pulse. He was obviously shooting into Joaquin's mouth because cum began to bubble over his lips and run down the corners of his mouth. He shoved his cock all the way back in and Joaquin began to gag, having to swallow the fuck swill in his mouth to avoid choking. When the guy finally did pull out, Joaquin opened his mouth and gasped for breath, drool and cum slobbering over his lips. That's when the last guy blew his load, right into Joaquin's open mouth, some of it spattering against front teeth.

"Uhnnn... nooo..." Joaquin whimpered as the clip finished and he turned his head away. He was initially repulsed by what he'd seen on the little screen but now... well now he felt so weird. Light-headed and warm and fuzzy. He could tell something was going on, something very bad, but for some reason it didn't really matter right now. Was he drunk? Is this what it felt like to be drunk, because he sorta felt good right now.

Billy was bobbing up and down on Joaquin's cock in earnest, his index finger rooting up the dazed teen's ass, and Paul was biting at his nipples when Mark announced they were pulling onto Billy's parents' street. Billy pulled his finger out ass and stuck it into Joaquin's mouth along with Paul's. "Here, lick this off," he instructed. Joaquin was so high he just sucked. It tasted musky and tangy.

"Where's your garage door clicker?" Mark asked, as he pulled into the driveway. Billy said it was in the center console. Mark found it and clicked it. The garage door opened and he pulled inside, closing it behind him.

"Okay," Mark said, stepping out of the car and tucking his still erect penis back into his boxers, not bothering to zip his fly, "let's get pretty boy here into the house because it's my turn!"

He opened the back door and Billy pulled while Paul pushed Joaquin from the back seat. Joaquin could barely walk, the drugs now in full effect. His cheeks were flushed and he had a dazed, stupid grin plastered across his handsome face. His T-shirt was under his armpits, his jeans were at his ankles and his briefs were tented obscenely as the guys helped him wobble into the house.

They propped against a wall and held him in place as Mark leaned in, voraciously licking his nipples while at the same time reaching into Joaquin's underwear and grabbing his pulsing cock. Billy yanked Joaquin's briefs down past his knees, wet two fingers in his mouth and slipped them into Joaquin's ass, slowly moving them around in a small circle. Then he sucked the shocked teen's balls into his mouth.

"Oooohhh...!!! Wha...?" Joaquin squealed at the multiple assaults on his body, his drug-addled mind overloaded by the strangely delightful sensations.

"Let's get him to the bedroom," Paul said. He and Mark each threw one of Joaquin's arms over their shoulders and, jeans tangled around his ankles and Billy's fingers still up his ass, shuffled the hapless teen down the hallway, their hands groping his bulging crotch, squeezing his ass and twisting his nipples. Joaquin's head was spinning as they ushered him into a large bedroom and sat him down on the edge of a large bed. They let him go and he flopped onto his back, his legs hanging over the edge.

The room began to dim and slowly spin as Joaquin lay on the bed, arms akimbo. There was a flash of light and then another and another as someone took pictures of him. Joaquin didn't move, didn't want to move, his body felt so good right now.

Billy got down on his knees between Joaquin's legs and spread them, moving in and nuzzling his face against the bewildered teen's nut sack, still encased in his briefs. He put his mouth on Joaquin's crotch and blew warm air against it, pushing and prodding it with his chin. His fingers were back in his ass, continuing their slow but ever-widening circle.

"Ohhhh... mmmm..." Joaquin exhaled lightly, his skin tingling at the touch. Billy slid a third finger between Joaquin's butt cheeks and braced himself as Joaquin's body bucked at the new intruder, his arms thrashing.

At the same time Paul began plucking and flicking at Joaquin's nipples, eliciting moans of pleasure from the drugged teen. Billy cupped Joaquin's nuts in his hand and began a slow, steady massage as his other hand grasped Joaquin's hard cock through his briefs, jerking it and squeezing it.

Mark grabbed Joaquin's flailing arms and pinned them over his head, taking a ready length of rope and binding them together and then to the headboard. Then he put the poppers to Joaquin's nose. Joaquin inhaled the aroma from the bottle and instantly felt the warmth cascade over him.

"Oh my God..." he groaned as the rush wrapped itself around his brain, cradling it and dulling his anxiety while at the same time heightening his sense of bliss. He basked in the feeling of his body being expertly worked, whimpering and grunting as his hips thrust back and forth, rutting like a dog. His dick was fully erect, pointing up and to the left like a flagpole and straining to escape the confines of his underwear. His pre-cum had soaked through the soft white cotton where his prick tip strained at his briefs, turning the material translucent.

Mark dosed him with the poppers again as Paul worked the buzzed college student's turgid cock and cum-filled balls through the fly of the briefs, jacking him off in a slow corkscrew motion as Billy blew softly into his butt crack.

"Oooooohhh... wha...." Joaquin cooed as he felt the warm air on his backside. In a daze, he lifted his butt off the bed and Billy used the opportunity to rip a six-inch slit in the seat of the briefs, exposing his pink asshole. He slipped his tongue through the hole in the material and ran it lazily back and forth over Joaquin's anus, softly lapping at it. Probing it.

Joaquin opened his eyes in surprise and lifted his head. He was about to protest but the poppers were shoved to his nose once again and he was hit with yet another wave of warm dizziness. His head dropped back to the bed, his cheeks flushed with sexual heat, as he submitted to Billy's tongue working its way around his clenched asshole, flicking and teasing.

He was given more poppers and as he luxuriated in the exquisite feeling of his cock and nipples being worked, the new sensations in his ass caused a tingling he hadn't felt before. His cock lurched and he felt his asshole twitch and spasm and then slowly unclench as Billy's insistent tongue drove further inside, slurping and sucking with abandon.

"Unggghhh.... ooooohhhh... ngggghhhhh... mmmmnnnnnaaaahhhhh!!!!" Joaquin arched his back and pushed his hips up, thrusting his already jutting cock into Paul's roiling fist. Then the hand was gone from his cock.

"Wha... nggghhhooo..." Joaquin moaned, hips still thrusting, his aching dick searching for the relief that had suddenly disappeared. Then, as quickly as it had left, the hand returned and resumed its ministrations, tugging and twisting his hard cock. He grunted and was about to explode when the hand once again withdrew.

For the next several minutes Paul continued to bring Joaquin just to the edge of orgasm, only to pull back and then resume once his body relaxed. The whole time Billy continued to eat his ass out while Mark played with his nipples.

"You wanna cum?" Mark asked, leaning over Joaquin's flushed face.

Joaquin nodded, breathing heavily. God, he wanted to cum so bad. He needed to cum so bad. He closed his eyes and furiously nodded his head. "Yesssss... Ohhhh.... yessssss!!!"

The bed shifted and Joaquin felt a slight pressure on his chest. He opened his eyes to find Mark straddling him, his hard, dripping cock just inches from his mouth. He looked up into Mark's eyes and saw a sinister twinkle.

"Suck my cock and I'll let you cum," Mark said, his mouth twisted in an evil grin. He traced the glistening tip of his cock along each cheek and over Joaquin's clenched lips, leaving a trail of cum.

Joaquin shook his head and tried to twist away, but Mark held his chin firm and shoved the poppers to his nose. As Joaquin felt the easy fade overtake him, Mark slid his cock through his easily parting lips, pushing it all the way back to his throat. Joaquin felt the pubic hair tickle his nose and the warm scrotum brush his lips. Mark began to rock his hips back and forth and he fucked Joaquin's mouth at the same time Paul jerked his dick.

Mark suddenly pulled out and Paul instantly stopped. Mark put his cock in front of Joaquin's lips and he asked again, "You wanna cum?"

Again Joaquin shook his head, fighting with everything left in him to resist, but Mark and Paul were undeterred and continued the game three more times, each time bringing Joaquin closer and closer to the edge.

Joaquin found it more and more difficult to resist. The solution was so obvious. Relief was right there in front of him. The drugs coursing through his body had finally lowered his inhibitions enough, sufficiently clouding his mind to the point of obscuring the rationale between right versus wrong. It all seemed so easy now, he reasoned, as his lips voluntarily opened. Hesitantly at first, and then wider, willingly accepting Mark's dick.

"That's a good little cocksucker," Mark smiled as he victoriously inched his throbbing cock into Joaquin's warm mouth. "You know what to do, don't you?"

Joaquin nodded and blinked, a tear rolling down his eyes, as forgotten memories of a hot Texas day came flooding back to him. He opened his mouth wider, swallowing the full length of Mark's dripping cock.

Paul released Joaquin's dick and picked up the camera, shooting off several pictures of Joaquin sucking Mark's dick greedily and hungrily, the promise of relief only moments away now. "Yeah, you're a natural," he complimented.

Busy working at the cock in his mouth, Joaquin was vaguely aware of Billy getting to his feet, lifting his legs up and resting them on his shoulders. Then he felt a new pressure at his asshole. Different, but somehow not so bad. Billy had rolled a condom onto his seven-inch dick, slicked it generously with some kind of jelly, and pushed it gently but firmly into Joaquin's spit-lubed ass.

"Mmmmpphhh.... aaaannnggghhhh...!!!" Joaquin grunted and squealed, his ass feeling as if was being split apart. Mark had the poppers ready and quickly thrust them under his nose. Joaquin readily snorted deep twice.

"Mmmpphh..." he groaned again, softly this time, as the poppers did their magic. Mark's cock in his mouth kept battering the back of this throat, ramming in and out, going deeper and deeper, as if searching for a perfect fit. At the same time Billy's ramrod pole began sluicing in and out of Joaquin's ass, buffeting and pummeling his tender, sensitive prostate. Joaquin squealed each time the ribbed condom raked his nut, his tumid, relief-deprived cock now burping pre-cum in a steady stream.

A succession of camera flashes lit the room as Paul continued the photographic chronicle of Joaquin's debasement. Then he returned to Joaquin's cock, manually working it in a counter- rhythm to Billy's anal assault. Joaquin wailed as Billy drove his cock deep and hard into his ass, pulling it nearly all the way out and them slamming it back home, his hairy balls making a slapping sound against Joaquin's smooth ass.

Joaquin moaned and grunted as his drug-blitzed body was fucked and mauled, groaning even as he basked and reveled in the incredible pleasures his body was encountering.

Paul's hand on his cock sped up and suddenly Joaquin's dick erupted in the most intense orgasm of his young life. He felt his dick throb and twitch, finally releasing stream after stream after stream of pent up cum.

Paul's hand was still on Joaquin's cock, aiming it into a glass, as it emptied its first load in more than two weeks. He milked every last drop out of it and then began to immediately masturbate it again.

"Ungghh... whaaa..." Joaquin howled, his over-sensitized prick tip barely able to handle the attention. He tried to buck his body but he was too carefully pinned. His eyes rolled up into his head and he panted hard.

At that instant Mark's body tensed as his cock exploded into Joaquin's mouth, unloading his hot swill into Joaquin's suctioning throat. Joaquin had no option but to swallow and as he did, his horny cock erupted once again, shooting an equally large load into the glass Paul held at the edge of his dick, not spilling a drop.

Joaquin lost all track of time as Billy, Mark and Paul alternated positions and roles, fucking the poor teen and continuing to make him swallow load after load of their ejaculate while they milked every bit of cum from him they could. Finally, when his dick was unable to produce anything more, Billy put the nearly full glass of collected cum to his mouth and tipped it in, coaxing the woozy, zoned out teen to drink his own semen. Joaquin gagged and sputtered but eventually downed the entire contents of the glass...

Joaquin woke up shivering, a crick in his back. For a moment he wondered where he was, and then he realized he was behind the wheel of his Explorer, the seat fully reclined. He sat up and peered out the window into the dark. He was in the parking lot of the mall, his truck right where he'd left it earlier that day. The windows were open just a crack and the cool night air had permeated the vehicle. He adjusted his seat to its normal position and searched for his keys. They were in the ignition. The clock on the dashboard glowed 4:33 a.m. He felt for his wallet; it was in his back pocket. But something was wrong... his underwear was missing... And then the night's events came back to him. Not again!

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