Joaquin 2.0

By Stimle

Published on Apr 13, 2023


Joaquin 2.0 Copyright © 2022 by Stimle ( (MM, Auth, Reluc)

All rights reserved. This story may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author.

Community standards apply to the following story! Please read no further if you are underage or are offended by explicit sexual stories. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental. There are moments of dubious consent or non-consent in this story. If that type of element offends you, or is problematic, do not read.

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This is a re-edited and re-imagined version of my story `Joaquin,' which was originally published in 2008.

It's hard being blessed.

I know that sounds prideful and forgive me it is, but it's not as easy being me as people think. My name is Joaquin Kangas. I'm nineteen and I am blessed beyond belief. I was born with good genetics; naturally athletic, I took to sports like a duck to water. Baseball, wrestling, swimming Ð all of it came super easy to me, which gave me a pretty rocking body.

I know, prideful Ð but at least I am not lying.

I'm six foot one, 185 pounds, with short dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. Because of the sports, I'm all toned muscle (not an ounce of fat), broad shoulders, nicely defined chest, and abs that I have to admit could shred cheese. I take pride in keeping myself looking nice, and I can tell other people like it too, a lot of people. The problem isÉ

Well, you see, my family and me are pretty hardcore born-again Christians.

From the age of seven I was reciting the Bible chapter and verse and going off to church camp every summer where my love for the Lord reignited and grew year after year.

I always had girlfriends, but not in the way normal guys do. I didn't get to kiss or feel up my girls, mine were more holding hands and promise rings and long, involved talks about what we would do once we were married.

Basically, I went through high school with a case of blue balls so bad that I was shocked they couldn't be seen from space. The desire to jerk off was real, but bedsides a few wet dreams (well, more than a few, but that's too embarrassing to talk about), I made it to college intact and a virgin. It wasn't the thing most guys celebrated, but I did. It meant I had faith.

I got a swimming scholarship to a Christian college down South, which made keeping myself pure a little easier. The school was mostly separated by sexes Ð sure, there were co-ed areas Ð and guys and girls pretty much kept to each other for fear of losing control. And let me tell you, that fear was real.

I walked around campus the first semester with a hard-on, another blessing that was in itself a curse. I had a little more than eight inches Ð okay, yes, I admit it: Rundy Foster and I measured ourselves junior year Ð and it was pretty obvious when I got `excited,' even with tighty whites on. I mean there was nothing much I could do: people looked, girls giggled, guys gawked, and I blushed. I mean, what was the point in having a big one if you couldn't use it?

So, the first semester was a living hell. I was young, hung and full ofÉ well you know, and couldn't do a dang thing about it. I went to two formal dances the school set up and let me tell you, slow dancing with a girl was like real torture. I was straining at my slacks and it took everything I had in me to not stare at her boobs. Thankfully I only had a handful of wet dreams and, because I woke early for swim practice, I was able to hide any evidence from my roommates. I can just imagine what they'd have said or done if they ever found out!

By the time winter break rolled around I was ready to go home. I had to have some time to relax, destress, and get all these sex thoughts out of my mind.

My parents aren't loaded, so I drove back home instead of flying. It seemed like a good idea until my Jeep decided to die in the middle of nowhere in New Mexico. It was a long stretch of nothing, going nowhere in both directions, and I managed to make it to a small, rundown rest stop that had been closed up tight for the winter. I got out and opened my hood, not sure why since I knew nothing about cars. But I was a guy and this was what guys did.

I checked my cell phone and, dang it, no bars. Of course there was no signal. I mean why would there be a signal in the middle of nowhere.

It was hot as blazes, not typical December weather, so I took my shirt off, tucked it into my back pocket, and leaned against my Jeep. My options were 1) sit there and wait for someone to come by, or 2) start walking like an idiot and hope I ended up somewhere.

I decided to stay where I was, not sure what to do, until I saw a semi coming over the horizon. I jumped up and waved my hands and shirt, desperate that whoever it was would stop and help me. I thanked God when the 18-wheeler pulled into the rest stop and parked.

A big guy got out, barrel chest, huge arms, just a bear of a guy in jeans and a flannel. He took his cap off as he walked up, eyeing the open hood of my Jeep. "Car trouble, boy?"

"Yes sir, just cut out," I said moving aside as he looked under the hood.

After poking around, he stood up and scratched his beard. "Looks like you overheated. Let it cool down a bit and I got some coolant in the truck. That should get you to Spooners, which is just up the road a spell."

"So just let it cool off," I said, moving to undo the radiator cap so it could vent some heat.

"No!" he snapped, grabbing my wrist. "What are ya, stupid?" When I shot him a confused look, he continued, "That's boiling hot. You open that up and it'll spray everywhere! Just leave it and let it cool down."

I pulled my hand back, feeling stupid as all heck.

"It's balls hot out here. You wanna wait in the truck? I got AC."

I smiled, "That'd be swell, sir. Um, my name is Joaquin. Thanks again for stopping."

"Jack," he said.

I wiped my hand on my thigh and stuck it out to shake.

He grunted as he took it in his big paw and shook it, nodding for me to follow him back to his truck. I climbed up andÉ whoa, it was awesome! He had a whole bedroom behind the seats with a bed, small TV, even a fridge. It was a sweet set up. He climbed in back, flipped a switch, and sweet, cold air began blowing. "Ahhh, that's the stuff. Come on back here and relax, boy."

I joined him and sighed in relief, the cold air felt amazing. Once I was settled, I turned to him and said, "Thank you for stopping, sir. Don't know what I'd have done if you didn't."

He smiled. "Ain't nothing, boy. Just the right place at the right time." He turned to the small fridge. "I'd offer you a beer, but you'd decline right?"

That surprised me. "I would, sir, but how did you know?"

He pulled out a beer, popped the top, and took a long swig. "I saw the Bible college sticker on your Jeep. You Christian boys don't drink or fool around, right?" I nodded. "No idea how you pull that off. Shit, at your age all I did was chase pussy and get drunk."

I chuckled. "Well, I don't drink, sir. And you can imagine the other can be a struggle, but it's worth it for the Lord."

He nodded and I smiled, feeling a little more at ease. "You an athlete? You got the body for one."

"Swimming," I said, taking the compliment with a bright smile. "I try to stay in shape."

He shook his head, "Boy, don't josh me. You know what you look like."

I gave him a sheepish grin and he stared at me for a moment. "Got a girlfriend?"

"No, sir," I admitted. "The temptation is too much."

"So, you straight edge all the way? No sex, no jerking off, nothing?"

I nodded. "Yes sir, my body is a temple to the Lord and I respect it."

He nodded again. "Cool, cool, cool. Hey, go out and check your radiator, put your hand on the cap. If it's still scalding, it ain't ready."

"Yes sir," I said, climbing out of the cab. Dang, but it was hot out here! I touched the cap and it was still hot as heck. Sighing, I walked back to the truck and climbed in. "No luck. Still too hot," I informed him.

"Figured," he said. "Here, I found you a coke."

He handed me a plastic tumbler, filled with an ice-cold coke.

"Oh, thank you, sir," I said, taking it from him and downing half of it in one gulp. It must've been diet because it had a weird aftertaste, but it was still sweet and cold. I wiped my mouth. "Ah, that hits the spot."

He just watched me and smiled. "Good, finish it up, I got more."

"Thank you." I finished the coke and he took the tumbler and filled it up again.

"Good right?"

I nodded, taking it from him and downing another gulp. It was so good after that heat.

"So, no sexÉ no jerking offÉ that has to be tough," he said leaning back.

"Tell me about it," I said, suddenly feeling lightheaded. Man, that heat was something. "It royally sucks."

"Well, it doesn't suck, right?" he said, winking.

For some reason, that was the funniest thing I'd ever heard and I began giggling my butt off. I mean laughing until I was crying. Man, I felt good. This AC was the shit. WaitÉ the shit?

"Yeah, I feel sorry for you," Jack said, interrupting my thoughts as he slid close to me. "If these walls could talk, it would be all sex."

"Really?" I asked. Wow, was the truck moving? "All sex?"

He put one arm around me and patted the mattress with the other. "Yup, right here. You know how much pussy I've plowed? Girls just laid out, begging to be fucked?"

"Pussy?" I said, my throat suddenly dry. I drained the tumbler and he took it from me and set it down. I looked at the small mattress and could imagine hot naked girls, spread outÉlegs openÉbegging to beÉ I shook my head as I realized I was getting excited and hoped Jack didn't see the swelling in my jeans. "SinfulÉ" I said, my voice slurring.

"Nah," he said, his hand moving across my chest. "Human nature."

He tweaked my nipple and I gasped; it was like an electric shock straight down to my crotch! I pushed my chest out, silently begging for more before I realized what I was doing and tried to bat his hand away. "NoÉ"

"ShhhÉ" he said, moving close and licking my ear, "RelaxÉ"

Oh God! I leaned into him as his tongue rolled around my ear, traced the shell, and then began darting in and out. It was like nothing I'd ever felt before! I was moaning as he continued to probe my ear with his tongue, making my whole body shiver. He moved down to my neck and I raised my head as he nibbled, more moans escaping my mouth.

"Yeah, you're a hungry boy, aren't you?" he said, easing me down onto the mattress, his mouth still ravishing my neck. "A body like this needs to be used, not neglected. Celebrated, not celibate."

I was writhing under him as he bit lightly on my nipple and my back arched as a bolt of pure pleasure moved through me. I was trying to push him off me but each time his teeth bit down on my nipple, another wave of ecstasy would wash over me, and I would pull him down onto my chest for more.

After a few more minutes of nipping, licking, and tweaking my nipples Ð in short, working me up more than I ever have been up to his point in my life Ð he moved down to my abs. "How can such a stud like you be untouched?" he asked, licking my eight pack as he undid my jeans.

"NoooÉ" I whined. I tried to stop him, but it was like my arms had turned to jelly and he easily brushed them off and went back to his task of opening my jeans.

"Tighty whities?" he laughed when he slid the zipper down and spread the flaps. Leaning down so his mouth was next to my ear, his breath hot and moist, whiskers tickling my sensitized skin, he whispered, "Did your mommy buy these?"

I blushed as I nodded and he laughed again, a rich, low rumble that sent shivers through me as he worked my pants down and off, leaving me in only my socks and briefs, feeling somehow like I was underwater.

"Someone is liking this," he said, cupping my hard-on through my underwear. I felt my hips come off the mattress as I arched my back, pushing up into his hand. I knew this was wrong, but it felt SO good and I didn't want to stop.

"That's it," he said, his voice a deep, silken purr. His big hand cupped my balls again and he worked his thumb up and down the length of my boner. When he got to the tip, he swiped the pad back and forth over it, buffing it with the soft white cotton, causing me to gasp with pleasure.

"Ooooh," I moaned as I ground my butt into the mattress.

He continued to tease me through my briefs, his fingers feathering over the tip of my dick. When he moved his hand away, I whimpered, arching my back again so only my feet and the back of my head were on the mattress.

"Damn," he said with a laugh and eased me down. He covered my dick and balls with his hand and began a slow, gentle massage, alternating between rolling my balls and squeezing up and down the length of my shaft. My breath was coming in pants now and my moans and groans filled the small cab.

He leaned over me and swirled his tongue in my belly button. I threw my head back and began to moan. The sound was low and throaty and guttural. Animalist. I opened my eyes and my breath hitched when I caught site of myself in mirrored ceiling tiles. Hair tousled, face flushed, eyes wide with a look of panic overlaid by sheer lust. There was what looked like a rash on my throat and neck where the whiskers of his beard and mustache had scraped across the delicate flesh, and my nipples were red and swollen-looking from where he'd been feasting on them.

He held his hand just out of reach of my thrusting hips, and I watched as my dick Ð fully erect and straining the thin fabric of my underwear Ð frantically searched for it like a heat-seeking missile. The image of my hard-on, jutting up and out in my gleaming white briefs, bordered on obscene, the contour of the flared head obvious through the now pre-cum-dampened cotton.

"Yeah, come on, boy," he said in that smooth voice, "let's get you comfortable."

I felt him grip the waistband of my briefs and felt a stab of panic. I slammed my butt down to the mattress to stop him and he chuckled. "Too late to play hard to get," he said, his hand moving back over my cock, making me moan and grind into his hand.

I don't know how long he kept this up, working me to the point where I thought my dick was going to explode, only to ease up and let me catch my breath. He'd let me soften up a bit and then he'd work me up again until I was even harder than the time before. He continued until I was leaking and getting sloppy in my briefs, and then he took his hand away. When he didn't continue, I looked up at him with dazed eyes and he pulled at the briefs again. "Come on," he urged, "lift that pretty little ass for meÉ"

I swallowed a sob as I obediently raised my hips, letting him pull my underwear off. Once free, my cock slapped up against my eight pack, smearing it with precum and, for some reason, making me even more turned on.

"Oh, look at you," he said. My eyes were closed as I lay there, fighting the urge to start jerking off, while knowing the smart thing to do Ð the right thing to do Ð was to run out of the truck and pray for forgiveness.

A flash of light hitting my eyelids surprised me and I blinked my eyes open to find him hovering over me with a camera, taking pictures. I covered my face as he kept snapping, and let out a loud whimper when he grabbed my cock and stroked it lightly. I moaned and threw my head back. More picturesÉ oh GodÉ

"Yeah, come on stud," he said, spreading my legs with his own. "Show me how hot you are."

I wanted him to stop but his hand felt so good. I was moaning and writhing under his touch like a cat in heat, my hips bucking up to meet his grip. I felt like such a slut.

"Oh, baby is hungry for it," he said, his finger moving over my cockhead. I gasped it was so sensitive, crying out in protest when he let go of it. "Open upÉ"

I felt his finger at my mouth and for a moment I resisted but his other hand touched my cock again and I moaned, letting it slip in. For the first time I tasted my own precum. The shame was horrible, but my traitorous tongue rolled around his finger as he jerked me off and I began to suck on it in earnest. It was like a whole other me was in control of my body and all I could do was watch.

"So hot," he said, taking a few more pics before putting the camera down. "You ready for more?"

I was panting like I'd just run a marathon. I looked up at him, "PleaseÉsaving myselfÉnotÉ"

"ShhhÉ" he said, grabbing the tumbler and pouring more coke into it. "If you don't want to do anything we won't. Here." He put the cup to my mouth and poured it in. "Just drink up."

I swallowed. Well, I had to either drink it down or be choked by it because he kept tipping the big glass back. Once I had drank a good portion he took it back. "Just relax, it's okay."

I laid back down and again experienced the sensation that the cab was spinning. I felt like I was on a Tilt-A-Whirl and I held on to the mattress with both hands. I looked at myself in the mirrors again, fascinated by the site of my erect dick slick with my precum bobbing up and down with every breath I took.

Within moments I was super relaxed and when I felt him take my cock in his hand again, I moaned and pushed into it.

"Such a big dick, wasted on a goody two shoes like youÉ"

I tried to say something, but nothing came out.

I thought he was going to jerk me off some more and then I felt a wet, warmth engulf my dick and I let out a gasp as he began to suck my dick.

I got up onto my elbows and looked down, eyes wide as he took my whole cock Ð all eight inches Ð in his mouth. With his eyes locked on mine, he pulled off, making a loud slurping noise as he did. He held the base and began to lick up my shaft slowly, never breaking eye contact with me. My boner was throbbing and I was literally shaking as he tongued the length of my dick, waves of pleasure crashing over me like nothing I had ever dreamed. I mean I had always wanted a blow job, but I had no idea they felt this good!

"You like that?" he asked, pausing. I opened my mouth and again, nothing came out. "Ask me to keep goingÉ"

I wanted to tell him to stop, tell him I wasn't gay, that this was a sin. I wanted to quote Leviticus at him, explaining how this was forbidden, but my cock was leaking so bad and my head was spinning like the dickens. And then, something seemed to snap in me and I began to nod furiously. "Please, sir," I blurted out. "MoreÉ"

He gave me a wolfish grin and went back to sucking me. My head fell back and my hands found his head, pushing him down on my cock and I pumped up into his mouth. I didn't care if it was a sin or against GodÉ it felt so damn good. I was sobbing, begging for more as he rolled his tongue around my shaft, bringing me closer to shooting with each second.

While one hand gripped my shaft, the other played with my balls, which I had no idea could feel so good. I slumped back into the mattress and spread my legs to give him full access to my swollen nuts. He made me whimper with just his tongue. My body bucked once, twice, and then I was surrendering my body to him, hips thrusting up like pistons into his waiting mouthÉwanting so badly to blow my load.

His mouth came off me and I looked up as he took one of my balls in his mouth and swirled it around.

"FUCK!" I cried out as I slammed my head back onto the mattress. I had no idea where that came from because that's a word I've only ever used a few times andÑ

"Oh fuck!" I wailed again as he sucked my other nut into his mouth. He played with each one, driving me more and more insane. He nibbled at my ball sack and then pushed my ass upÉ and began to go lower.

"OhhhÉ." I whined as I felt him lick between my ball sack and hole. He held my legs up as he laved and chewed at the spot, sending erotic earthquakes through my body. All I could do was moan as he worked his hot mouth up and down that small strip of flesh, my hands balled into fists holding onto the mattress as if I might float away from such pleasure.

"Mmm," I heard him grunt as he dove between my legs, his whiskers tickling the sensitive flesh of my most private area. "Delicious taint, boy."

Taint? Wha - oh... OH! Wait, THAT'S your taint? That's what Mike Soper was talking about when he said some chick worked his taint?

But how diÑWait, were all my Christian friends having sex?

His tongue lashed over my taint again and I forgot everything I'd just been thinking. I felt so debased, so cheap, like just another whore he picked up at a rest stop, begging for him to use me.

Whenever he'd pause for a moment, I tried to steel myself to tell him to stop, but then his tongue would touch me again and another throaty moan would escape, and I would push back onto his face wantonly.

He had me in a daze. All I knew right now was sex and that I needed moreÉ so much more. When he stopped and lowered my legs I was out of breath, head spinning.

"Turn over," he said, moving me to my stomach. "Up on your knees. Now."

I did as he ordered, confused and overheated. My cock was still erect, still slapping against my abs, still swollen, still needy, still aching to shoot. I knelt there, head down, ass up, not sure what was happening when I felt him pry my cheeks apart and blow on my hole.

"Oh!" I cried, feeling myself exposed, "No pleaseÉI'm notÉ"

His tongue moved around my hole and then touched it lightly. My whole body quivered as my protests faded and my hole unclenched for a moment. He did it again, this time pushing lightly, and I felt a thrill of something move from my hole to my cock and I moaned deeply as he pushed into me.

"FUCK!" I screamed as I felt him enter me, that warmth touching things inside me that I knew were wrong but felt so damn good. At first, I thought he was tongue fucking me, slowly pushing in and out, but I eventually realized he wasn't moving. No, he wasn't moving but I was. I'd been rocking back on his face, fucking myself! "Oh God, no," I moaned even as I continued to push back harder, not believing what I was doing.

He went deeper and deeper, driving me further and further over the edge. I panted, pushing back. "MoreÉmoreÉoh fuck moreÉ" I muttered under my breath. It wasn't enough, he was tickling something in me that wanted to be scratched, and the more he played with my ass the hungrier it got.

I shocked myself by reaching back and pushing his face deeper into me, "HarderÉ" I cried, "MoreÉ"

He spread my cheeks even further and another half an inch entered me, making me squeak with joy as I pushed back harder and harder. Oh, God what was this? Why?

He stopped and I looked back over my shoulder and whined.

"You like that?"

I nodded, frantic.

"You want more?"

Another nod.

"See that bottle in front of you? The one that says VHS cleaner."

I looked and saw a small bottle on the shelf above his pillows. I grabbed it and handed it to him.

He opened it and then put it to my face, closing one nostril. "Inhale. Keep your mouth closed."

"What is it?" I asked, already knowing I didn't care.

"Is smells like happy," he said, gesturing for me to do as he said.

I closed one nostril and inhaled, it smelled like medicine. Nasty. He moved it to the other. "Again."

I did it, hating the smell. He took it back and as he was screwing the cap, I felt it. The world tilted under me and I moaned as I felt myself shrink into my mind. I felt my head hit the mattress as he moved my legs apart. I assumed he was going back to putting his tongue back in my butt when I felt something nudge my holeÉ something thick.

There was a moment of blind fear and I wanted to scream for him to stop, not to do it, but I was so far away from my body that all I could do was let it happen.

He thrust into me, and I expected pain, but it was like it was happening to someone else. I knew I was being fucked, but it was so far away, so distantÉ It was almost like a dream.

"Oh, fuck yeah, you're tight," he groaned, shoving his entire length down my virgin hole. I was aware there was pain, that my ass walls were burning, but just like the penetration, it was happening to someone else. All I could feel was the fullness as he took my virginity and began to thrust into me.

"Fucking cherry pussy," he said, slamming in and out as hard as he could, "Damnit boy you should have been a whore. You missed your calling."

My head rolled from side to side as he held my hips and rode me mercilessly. It was just a daze at first, but as time passed, I began to realize I was coming back to my body, and I could feel him fucking me for real. I could feel his cock sliding in and out of me, there was a small ache, but all I could feel was how full I wasÉ

"OhÉ" I gasped, feeling something in me explode with pleasure.

"Oh yeah, there it is," he said pausing and pushing back in.

"OH FUCK!" I cried as I felt it again. Something that felt like an electric current danced up and down my spine.

He chuckled and began to rock back and forth over the same place, "Found your bitch buttonÉcome on, boyÉpush back on that cock."

I was horrified to find myself doing just that. He was touching something in me that was driving me insane. Some kind of button, like he said, that was turning me into his bitch hard. I was panting hard, pushing back into his thrusts, moaning like a whore.

"Come on boyÉpush back on itÉ"

I slowly got back up to all fours so I could rock back harder, his thrusts making flashes of lights appear in front of my eyes. It took me a second to even realize I was screaming, "FUCK ME! HARDERÉ OH FUCK!"

He pulled out with a wet pop and I moaned in disappointment. I feltÉ empty.

"On your back," he said, flipping me over and moving between my legs. He reached over me and grabbed the bottle again and brought it down to my nose. "Sniff." This time I didn't argue, I inhaled Ð twice in each nostril Ð and by the time he had put the bottle away I was flying again.

I felt him grab my ankles and spread my legs and then push into me, making me groan as he penetrated me from a completely different angle. I watched him hold my muscular legs apart in a wide "V" like I was some two-cent whore as he continued to thrust into me, more moans escaping my mouth.

I could feel him violate me over and over, and as I slowly came back to reality, what puzzled my addled mind was the fact that my ass was gripping his cock like a sleeve! What the ever-loving heck?!

"You like that, boy? You like being fucked?"

"Oh, fuck yes," I screamed, feeling years of what apparently was pent up sexual frustration spill out as he slammed into me, sending me to new levels of bliss with each thrust. If this was what I was missing out on all those years, give me more! I wanted more sex!

"You like being my bitch? You like your legs spread as I slam your pussy?"

My pussy? Why would he call my ass a pussy? The words stung, but I was too far gone to realize that was exactly what he was doing: turning my ass into a pussy and making me scream for more. I began to babble, "Fuck meÉplease fuck me harderÉoh fuckÉ"

"You want more?"

"Fuck yes!"

"Pick up those poppers and start sniffing."

"Yes sir." I reached for the bottle, fumbled the cap off, and took a deep snort.

"Oh yeah," Jack said with a barbed laugh as I switched the bottle to my other nostril. "All you Christian boys are the same. Loosen you up a little and you turn into a total slut."

It was embarrassing to be called a slut, to be used in this way, but as I lay there, impaled on his cock, the fumes from the bottle soaked into my brain again and all I cared about was being fucked. With every thrust of his thick, throbbing cock, I pushed back into him.

"Yes!" I cried. "Fuck me!" I reached down to take hold of my cock and was surprised when he slapped my hand away.

"Hands off, boy," he growled. "That's my cock. No touching unless I say so, got it?"

When I didn't answer immediately, he grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head off the mattress. "Answer me when I speak to you, boy," he snapped. "You understand?"

"Yes sir," I whimpered.

"Whose cock is this?"

"Your cock, sir," I cried out. "It's your cock."

"Good boy." He let go of my hair and gave it a quick ruffle. Then he sped up his thrusts, making me gasp and whimper as my eyes rolled back and drool began to roll down my chin.

"I'm gonna breed this Christian cunt of yours. You ready to have my babies, slut?"

Babies? Breed? Cunt? I didn't even know what he was talking about, but if it meant more of this Ð more of that big cock of his railing me Ð then sign me up!

"Yes," I moaned. My balls were tingling and I knew I was close. My moans grew louder until I was almost screaming. "Oh God, breed me, Jack!"

"You want my load?"


"You want me to cum in you?"


"Ask me nicely, boy."

"PLEASE CUM IN ME!" I cried out, not grasping what I was saying because by this time both my mind and body were being driven by lust. I felt him pulse inside me, felt the warmth of his load as it shot deep in me, and my own cock exploded. I arched my back again and slammed down onto his shooting cock, even as my own semen sprayed up over my abs, chest, and onto my face like some kind of perverted baptism.

He pulled out and eased my legs down onto the mattress. I was covered in cum and sweat, panting like I'd just run a 4-minute mile. He ran his index and middle fingers through the pool of cum that had settled in the concave of my belly and brought them to my lips. I opened my mouth without being told and sucked both digits in, licking them clean while he slid them in and out.

"Smile for the camera," he said, pointing toward the ceiling of the cab. I looked up and saw there was a camera in each corner, plain as day. Oh GodÉ he had filmed us? How had I not seen them? I wanted to freak out and panic, but I was just too tired to care. It was like all my energy had somehow been sucked out of me, and it was all I could do to keep my eyes open.

"Talk about a diamond in the rough," Jack said as he turned the cameras off and backed out of the sleeper cab. And then nothing.

~ ~ ~ ~

I woke up much later.

The sun was setting as I sat up in my Jeep. My head was spinning and I felt dehydrated, like that time junior year I fainted after running suicides. I looked around, not sure what exactly had happened. Had I been dreaming? Images flickered at the edges of my consciousness, but I couldn't pull them into focus. My dreams were always like that, though. Smoke on the wind.

I shrugged inwardly and looked down. The keys were still in the ignition.

I turned it over and the Jeep started right up. I cheered and sent up praises as I put on my seat belt and took off. Everything sounded okay, and I was praying it wouldn't give out on me again when I saw a sign in the distance. A service station! Yes, I was going to make it! More praises. I pulled off, parked, and then froze when I saw the name of the placeÉ Spooners.

How did I know that? It was a dreamÉ right?

I went in and got some coolant and then called my parents to tell them I'd be home soon. I went to the bathroom and about panicked when I opened my pants. I was commandoÉ Where was my underwear?

I closed my eyes and felt my legs spreadÉ

"NO!" I said, immediately dismissing those thoughts and chastising myself as took a leak, washed my hands, and left.

It was a dream. It was a bad dream and I wasn't going to ever think about it.


So help me God.

Next: Chapter 2

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