Joan and I

By Cynthia Page

Published on Feb 1, 2023


Joan and I Part 2

The following morning Mummy wakes me in her corset stockings and heels. I sense we are the first up. Mummy soon has my nightie off and my corset on, ready for tight lacing. I brace myself against the pink wallpaper as she pulls hard on my laces. I am shocked by the constriction but manage not to cry out. I soon have on my stockings, a black pencil skirt and a very pretty white blouse, and 4 inch stilletoes. I wobble a little but find I am getting used to balancing myself. Sat in front of the vanity Mummy quickly does my makeup, and then says:

I've forgotten. In the bathroom with you.

There she takes off my skirt and white frilly knickers and has me bend over the bathtub while she douches my bottom. It feels surprisingly comfortable. I feel clean and somehow pure.

I bet your bottom is still sore?

Yes Mummy

You will find sitting down not so easy today so I've got plenty for you to do in your high heels. It's good practise. Now let me fix your hair

Mummy takes off the heavy pink curlers and starts to arrange my hair in pretty curls and ringlets, tying a pretty white ribbon at the back.

We need to get breakfast for the men so we need to look our best. I want you to lace me as tight as you can

At this she braces her self and I gather up the laces with my red fingernails and pull as tight as I can.

Tighter. You are such a girl. Pull tighter. Now tie the laces.

Serving breakfast I wiggle my bottom provocatively at Daddy who smiles at me with his eyes. I pretend to bend over to pick something up as the brothers eye me lustfully. I stay in this position hoping they are salivating at the sight. I move teasingly to pour their tea pushing my breasts out, getting them to smell my perfume. I can see their eyes bulging out, but I think: I am Daddy's girl. You will just have to drool. I like the idea of being owned by Daddy. I like the idea of teasing men who cannot own and enjoy me.The brothers look as if they could put me over their knee and spank me for my teasing but I just smile winsomely and teeter on my high heels as I totter into the kitchen where Mummy looks at me reproachfully.

You are headed for another spanking my girl

I pretend to be surprised, acting dumb. I'm only serving our men, I lisp.

Stop being insolent and go and get Daddy's shoes ready, she says smiling despite herself. You are a right little minx.

I totter off to get Daddy his shoes. He leaves the table and slowly and provocatively I kneel in front of him and take off his slippers and put his shoes on and lace them carefully, eyeing the reaction of the brothers who quickly get up and leave for work.

Thank you, my little princess. I will see my little pretty girl later, he says kissing me on the cheek before kissing Joan and leaving the house. We stand on the front doorstep and wave him off. I sigh, thinking of his huge cock, which I hope to pleasure later in the day. O, one day to be a pretty submissive housewife to my own husband!

Joan I spend the morning first fussing with our hair, clothes and makeup then she has me follow her around all the rooms learning how to do housework to her high standards. We fold the bed sheets in the precise way she was taught by her grandmother. We plump up the pillows after changing the pillow cases. Downstairs I have to vacuum the entire layout being careful to clean under the chairs, tables, and sofa. I miss one chair and Mummy reprimands me. I think she is going to spank me but she tells me to get ready to go out shopping. Although I went out yesterday I am still nervous about people seeing me, particularly in my 4 inch stilletoes. I meekly ask her if I am walking alright in them and she pooh poohs me and scolds me to get ready. I go upstairs and primp and tease my hair and makeup, straighten my skirt, make sure my stocking seams are straight. I walk down the stairs feeling a little more stable in my high heels. Being a boy now feels like a distant country. I feel that this is now a state of submissive femininity I belong in. I feel that I now exist to look pretty and please Mummy and the men of the house, in fact all men, which is why I expect and respect why Mummy needs to spank me regularly.

We walk to the local shops where I dread that the shopkeepers will recognize me. In the butchers the man smiles at me while chatting with Mummy.

This is my niece, she says. She is staying with me because her Mother is poorly

It's always nice to have a pretty girl in the place. I could do with you working here to brighten up the customers, he says, laughing at me.

Mummy looks at me as if I should reply

Thank you, sir

She's well brought up Joan.

Yes, but she does need attention at times.

I'm sure she does, says the man, winking at me.

I demurely lower my eyes, My false eyelashes fluttering.

We enter two more shops and I am relieved nobody seems to recognize me. I struggle a little in my 4 inch heels but the click click of them is beginning to please me. With my breasts and corset I am beginning to get a level balance and I start to feel confident even though I am aware that men will think I am a sexy young girl as they ogle me lecherously. I pout my red lips deliciously at the thought.

I struggle a little carrying the shopping bags and I am pleased when we stop at a cafe to get a drink.

While we sip our tea I suddenly blurt out: Mummy, are you angry at me for going with Daddy?

Mummy looks at me reprovingly. I sense that we don't talk about such things. I feel awkward and embarrassed, even ashamed.

I had a hysterectomy a few years ago.

Yes? I say, not understanding. Did it hurt?

Yes, silly girl.

There is a silence untill I say: Are you angry at me?

No, she says, as if the matter is over.

Thank you Mummy

Now drink up. We have to visit a friend of mine.

We enter a small bungalow home to an elderly lady who treats me kindly and offers me compliments. I am starting to feel confident as a girl in the company of strangers.

The two women chat while I demurely fold my hands , keep my legs together at a slight angle as Mummy taught me and wait silently. It is clear that I am to be seen and not heard, which suits me as I am still not confident with my girly voice.

Let me look at you Cynthia, says the lady. The living room is similar to Joan's: old fashioned with chintz and lace, and pink. I stand up and I am asked to twirl around for the two ladies to appreciate.

You've done an good job there, Joan. She'll have every young man in the neighbourhood after her. You can't let her out, you know

She never goes out on her own. She has to follow my rules or else

Were you spanked at home, Cynthia? Asks the lady kindly


Mrs Edwards, says Mummy

No, Mrs Edwards

Joan and I believe that teenage girls need a firm hand.

You did a good job with your girls, Agnes

They are all married now

Are they housewives? I say

Don't be impertinent

It's alright Joan. She's a young girl. Yes, dear, they are.

Mrs Edwards made sure her girls were well disciplined.

It never did the girls any harm. In fact they tell me now that it was the making of them, and that they are strict with their girls. I know it hurts when you are across Joan's knee but you need to be grateful she takes the trouble. When you are married you will have to get used to your husband spanking you. I think it helps a marriage that a husband is head of the household and disciplines his wife. Everyone knows where they stand. It makes for domestic peace.

You was spanked by Harry, wasn't you Agnes?

I was, and we had 40 years of happy marriage. When we first got married he said to me: Agnes, I am going to put you over my knee if you break my rules, and he did so regularly.I think it is good for a man to have a wife who accepts this. A christian wife obeys her husband.

Yes, I want Cynthia to start going to Church

That's nice. Have you been before, Cynthia?

No, Mrs Edwards

I'll see you both on Sunday. It's about time you learned how a christian girl behaves.

Yes, Mrs Edwards

I spanked her last night. Edward and I thought she needed to know obedience. We are her guardians now. We will teach her the proper christian way.

It's good to know in this day and age that at least one girl is being brought up the old fashioned way.

We'll see you on Sunday, Agnes

At home I was put to work sorting out my clothes and lingerie, shoes and stockings. We spent a lot of time fussing over what clothes I needed to wear. Mummy showed me some lovely if slight old fashioned dresses she had in mind for me. She said they needed altering and she would teach me how to sew and use her sewing machine. She also says that she makes her own dresses and she would teach me how to do this.

She shows me some of the basics of using the sewing machine and she shows me a mannequin with a half finished dress on it.

I think I will let you have this dress. I was making it for Agnes's daughter but she says you need to learn to sew and you can have the dress when it's finished.

I feel a little apprehensive as Mummy shows me the intricacies of dress making but she insists I try my best. At first I feel all fingers and thumbs but start to feel some pleasure in working on a dress I will one day wear. The dress is a purple chiffon material. The fabric feels soft , flouncy and feminine. Mummy then has me sew by hand a hem on another dress of hers. I takes me a long time but I feel very satisfied when I finish.

I lose track of time when Mummy says

It's time to make dinner

In the kitchen I have to strictly follow her orders. I am wearing a full frilly white apron, as is Mummy. She scolds me when I make a mistake. I start to wonder if I will get another spanking this evening if I keep making mistakes. My feet are beginning to ache but I dare not say this to Mummy. I feel I have been on my feet for hours and I am desperate to sit down.

After an hour or so in the kitchen Mummy marches me upstairs to get me ready for the arrival of the menfolk. She puts a pretty pink dress on me with a wide hem but tight at the waist. She primps up my make up and puts another ribbon in my hair. She obviously takes great delight in doing all this. I start to feel that I am pleasing her. She tells me to smile at all times, to only speak when I am spoken to, to always cast my eyes down and never look a man directly in the eyes. That I should always let a man open the door for me, and that I should never, never keep my legs apart, particularly when men are around. I should sit and stand upright, never slouching. I do this, very aware of my breasts jutting out. Mummy compliments me on my improved posture. She has me walk around using small mincing steps with a book on my head. I feel very silly but I am desperate to please her and not drop the book. She then teaches me how to curtsey holding the hem of my dress. I am told to curtsey deep not just do a quick dip. I practise for a long time in front of the full mirror untill she is satisfied. She tells me that when Daddy comes home I am to curtsey to him before kissing him on the cheek. I should then when he is sat down remove his shoes and put on his slippers after which I bring him a drink and anything else he asks for. I should never bother him with girlish chit chat or questions. I am to be demure and quiet. I am to show great interest if he tells me about his day and I should not tell him about my day unless he asks.

Daddy walks through the door 30 minutes later and I curtsey to him after Mummy kisses his cheek. I try hard not to look at him but his presence excites me and I feel weak at the knees as I kiss him on the cheek, his stubble tickling and exciting me. He smiles and pats my bottom and I follow him into the living room where I kneel in front of him and put his slippers on. I linger on my knees trying hard not to look at his crotch, catching a glimpse of his knowing smile. I am sure I will be doing more kneeling before him before the night is out!

I curtsey to the brothers and kiss their cheeks. John pats my bottom cheekily. I pout at him and Mummy tells me in the kitchen to stop flirting. I bat my eyelids in pretend innocence.

I know your bottom is still smarting but it will smart some more if you are not careful, young lady

Yes Mummy

I no longer think it is unfair that I am treated this way. I am beginning to know my place.

The brothers say they are going out again and then Mummy and Daddy say they have to visit his sick Mother in hospital. I am relieved when they say I can stay home.

After clearing away the dinner table and washing the dishes I am left alone.

Turning the telly on I start to watch a soap opera which Mummy says I can see and then turn the telly off. Suddenly the front door opens and the two brothers walk in smiling at me. I am frightened

Don't worry, we won't hurt you, silly girl, says Edward. We thought you'd like some company of boys your own age.

You are older than me, I pout

That's alright, says John

Do you want a drink? I say

I bring them a drink when Edward says: Sit on my knee

What if Daddy walks in?

He won't. I promise

Alright but Daddy won't like this

I sit awkwardly on his knee. He puts his hand up my dress and I weakly try to stop him when he kisses me on the lips

You are a cockteaser, little sister. We think you are flirting with us

No I'm not, I say poutingly

Isn't that so John?

Yes, I think she needs a good spanking

No, please. My bottom is sore from Mummy's yesterday

Alright but you need to make it up to us for all the flirting.


Let's go upstairs, he says stroking my thigh above my stocking top

I am ordered to go ahead. I mince up the stairs acutely aware of the brothers lewdly watching my bottom wiggle in my high heels.

In their bedroom John says: We've got something for you.

What? I say, poutingly

We thought you'd want to look a bit more fashionable, like other girls today.

He produces a pleated mini kilt, schoolgirl style. It is very short

Put it on for us.

My stockings will show, I say, unconvincingly.

Go on

Help me off with my dress

Edward walks behind me and unbuttons my dress. I slip out of it, take the mini skirt and step into it buttoning it up from the side

That looks great. Isn't she...

Crikey, bloody marvellous, you sexy cockteaser. You know what happens to cockteasers don't you?

No, sir

They should be spanked but because we take pity on you we will spare you a red botty

Thank you, sir

But you must make it up to us


Walk around

I slowly walk around the thick carpet my high heels buckling slightly, the cool air circulating up my legs.

She's a right cockteaser

You must do what we say

I bat my eyelashes at them starting to feel excited

Come here and sit on my knee, says Edward. He kisses me as soon as I sit. His tongue goes down my throat and his hands explore my stocking tops.

He has me stand up


He opens his fly and produces a large cock, not as large as his Father's but thick and manly. He is fully erect

Suck it

I take it in my mouth and start to suck him for a few minutes gagging at times as he fucks my face

Now do the same to my brother

I get up and kneel in front of John who is sat on his bed. His cock is also large and full erect. I suck it greedily listening to him moan. After a few minutes I am ordered to kneel on the bed. In the mirror I can see my high heels and stocking tops and the short skirt over my bottom, My lacy frilly knickers strain against my skin

Edward removes my knickers and puts his cock against my boy pussy

Please, sir, lubricate me first.

Alright, but what?

Daddy has some jelly he uses

John goes into his parents bedroom and after a few suspenseful minutes with Edward saying: I am going to fuck your arse good, girl

He makes me say: Thank you, sir

You will thank me when I'm finished with you my little cockteaser

He then lubricates me. I am so relieved John found the jelly. It feels slimy and cool on my pussy as Edward tries to force his way into me. I cry out.

I won't hurt you, little cockteaser. Hold still like a good girl. You know you like this, a man fucking you silly

He pushes into me and I gasp with pain but he proceeds to ride me. I' m thrown forward when I see John's cock pushing into my mouth.

Suck it cockteaser. Show me your pussy lips

The brothers fuck my mouth and pussy for a long time. John is the first to come. I am relieved as I am getting exhausted. As I swallow his cum Edward cums into me with a great shudder.

That's great Cynthia. What a sexpot you are. You are a real cockpleaser

Thank you, sir, I say, swallowing cum

After a while still with my bottom in the air Edward slaps my bottom and says: You'd better clean yoursel up before Mummy gets back. Daddy will want to ride you later.

I do as I am told. I douche my self then admire my mini skirt in the mirror

You like that, don't you, Cynthia?

Yes, sir. It's very pretty.

You can wear it again when Mummy's not around. We like girls in mini skirts

I love to wear it. I wish I could go out in it

You little cockteaser. All you girls need a good seeing to and a good hiding.

I pout at him

I put my dress back on which John helps me with. I rearrange my hair and makeup and go downstairs as the brothers slip out into the night. My pussy feels sore but I want to get ready for Daddy's big cock later on.

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