Joan and I

By Cynthia Page

Published on Jan 31, 2023


I am walking up our hilly road with my neighbour Joan who I had met on the bus coming home from town.all heavy set woman in her early forties. She is always friendly to me. We have been chatting about my school, the neighbourhood, her two sons who are older than me. As we approach our homes Joan says: Come in. I want to ask you something. I was a little taken aback but I agreed. I follow her in noticing her coat and the skirt she was wearing, particularly the seamed stockings which seemed a little old fashioned in this age of mini skirts and tights. I had never been in her house before and I was too flustered to notice a lot of detail but I felt a warm friendly atmosphere.

Sit down and I will make us a cup of tea. It's a bit cold out there. Your Mother won't mind?

No, I don't think so

Good. Won't be a minute

I looked around the living room and noticed the feminine knick knacks on the sideboard and coffee table, the lacy doily's and arm covers, giving the room a slightly old fashioned feel. I decided I liked it even though I did not know why. I was thinking of Joan's seamed stockings when she came in with a tray, a pink teapot and dainty tea cups with biscuits on lacy paper doily's. The place was immaculate.

Here we are.

She poured the tea with a slight smile on her face.

How many sugars?

Three please

That's a lot. It's not good for your weight, you know

I was taken aback by this but took it in good humour

I smiled at her and she smiled back

A little chit chat in which Joan took the lead. She always seemed to dominate the discussion but in a pleasant way, I thought. She seemed very motherly and concerned. I felt good about her. I always did

I felt a little awkward holding the dainty pink tea cup, trying to hold it with my pinky stuck out. Joan smiled as I did so

I saw you last night, she suddenly said


I saw you walking up the hill

My heart raced in fear and embarrassment

Don't worry. I won't tell anybody.

She smiled kindly at the intense fear in my face.

Do you do that a lot?

I couldn't answer

You looked very attractive, even naughty. A girl should not be out at that time of night.if you was my daughter I'd put you over my knee and spank your bare bottom. A girl dressed like that deserves what she gets. Do yu like wearing hot pants?

She smiles at me, I'm blushing as I rub my face

You'd look better in a dress or skirt and blouse. I don't like girls in hot pants or trousers.

I only did it once. I stammered

It's alright, she said as she reached for my hand. I understand. You've got lovely legs. Did you wear tights?


Joan paused and holding my hand said kindly

We've always wanted a daughter. I 'I've always wanted a daughter I could dress you properly, not like a lot of the girls today with their mini skirts and hot pants and jeans. I'd make sure my daughter did as she was told. Dress as a girl should, you should behave ladylike

Do you mean me? I spluttered

Did you feel good last night?

I paused embarrassedly, Yes, I'm sorry, but I am not a poof.

No, I know that, but you looked pretty even if you did look a little sluttish

I'm sorry

Would you like me to help you dress properly?

You mean like a girl?


My heart started to race again

But I'm a boy. How can I?

I can help you

There was silence as Joan looked at me knowingly

It's alright. Nobody needs to know. It will be our secret


Are you free tomorrow morning?

I suppose so but what if people find out? I will look stupid

Leave it to me, sweetie. I know exactly what you need. You'll look very pretty when I've finished with you. Would you like to wear a dress and stockings and heels and lipstick and lacy knickers? You'll look lovely, you know

If it can be a secret...

I left the house feeling light headed, frightened but excited.

The next morning I knocked on Joan's back door as she instructed.

Come on in, sweetie. Now what shall we call you?

I don't know, I stammered

I have always liked Cynthia


Cynthia Page. Do you like it?

Yes, I said smelling the delicious aromas of bread and bacon in the kitchen.

Have you had anything to eat?


Let's go upstairs

I followed her upstairs noticing her broad hips in a tight fitting dress and her shapely legs in those seamed stockings. My heart was racing like yesterday.. I could also smell her perfume, I felt light headed. Entering her bedroom was like being in a dream. It was very pink and feminine. A very girly pink Laura Ashley style dress was on laid out on the bed with an assortment of lacy lingerie and stockings. I noticed high heels shoes on the floor.

Get your clothes off, Joan said commandingly. Don't worry I've got two sons and a husband

I hesitantly took my clothes off. As I did so Joan made comments like These horrid jeans and socks. No wonder you like to dress as a girl. It's much nicer

I stayed silent and very apprehensive. I was afraid she might notice my growing erection. I was very embarrassed as she bustled about the room putting my clothes in a hamper. I wondered what she was going to do with them!

Let's get you in the bath. I've been running it before you came. Her tone was commanding but somehow gentle. I felt mesmerized by her as I followed her perfume into the bathroom which was steamy and perfumed. I noticed the bath water was frothy and pink

I bet you don't bathe your self often?

I was embarrassed. Not too often. I'm sorry

You will be sorry if you was my daughter. You'd get a smacked bottom if you didn't bathe every day. A girl should always look and smell sweet. Now get in the tub

I gingerly got in intoxicated by the aroma and the bubbles. Joan started washing me with a sponge. I felt wonderful and embarrassed in equal measure. She chatted away about my neglect of my appearance until I thought she was actually going to put me over her knee after I got out. She washed my hair and tut tutted about it's condition. She slowly shampooed it and put conditioner on, which I never did.

Do you like being a girl? She suddenly said. Do you want me to treat you like a girl?

Yes, I think so

You will like it. Most of the time.


Well, Cynthia, I think you need some discipline if you are going to be a girl. You can't just do what you like. You have to pamper yourself. You have to spend time looking your best. I think it will take me a little time to get you just right.

Thank you, I said, not entirely sure. Will you spank me?

Yes Cynthia. All teenage girls need their bottoms spanking otherwise they become unruly and unlady like.

How often will I get spanked?

That's up to you but I expect once or twice a week. No girl regrets getting her bottom spanked. It is something she learns to expect. A girl needs to be obedient to her Mother. Don't you agree?


Yes Mummy

Yes Mummy

Joan smiles at me and I feel strangely relaxed.

Let's get you out, says Joan wrapping a large towel twisted girly style around my head. She rubs my body. I feel wonderful but strange as she does this. She puts perfumed talcum powder on me and then does something unexpected. She starts to shave my body until I am totally smooth. I am shocked and exhilarated by this. Joan rubs a scented cream all over my body until I feel totally in her control.

She leads me into the bedroom holding my hand gently.

She moves a large wooden chair towards me and sits on it. She pats her knee and says, Come and here and go over my knee.

I did as I am told feeling the soft smooth fabric of her dress and the indentation of her suspenders. Looking at her seamed stockings she starts to stroke my bottom. I feel strangely calm, even though my penis feels increasingly uncomfortable

Now this is what happens to naughty girls who don't do as they are told. Their bottoms are bared and given a sound spanking. Do you want me to spank you?

Have I been naughty? I say, trying to catch my breath

Not yet. I am just showing you what to expect if you disobey or displease me.


Do you want a spanked red botty?

No Mummy

Will you deserve a red spanked botty?

Yes Mummy

Good girl.Now get up and we'll get you dressed

I docilely stand waiting for her instructions

She goes over to the bed and picks up a pair of frilly pink knickers. Put these on, she says as she directs me to sit on the bed and place them on me. I feel elated but desperately embarrassed at my penis sticking out. Joan seems not to notice and as if in a dream she puts a pink frilly bra on me asking me to stick my arms out as she fastens it behind me. I look down on the two lacy cups filled with a heavy bouncy material. They feel enormous and heavy

You are lucky, she says. Most girls have to accept what they are given. You can choose and any girl wants big titties. Do you like them? They look wonderful. Aren't they gorgeous?

They are massive, I say worriedly

You'll get used to them. Now walk around for me.I do so and feel the weight of the breasts even more. They dominate my consciousness.

You'll have to learn how to walk properly. Don't worry I will teach you, sweetie.

Thank you Mummy, I say meekly looking down at my deep cleavage. I think that every boy in the neighbourhood will be looking at me.

How big are they? I ask

36 DD. I don't think you know what that means?

No Mummy

Don't worry you are a lucky girl. Most girls would die for a pair like that.

I look at Joan's bosoms and notice they are even bigger

Do you like your titties? I say in a slightly silly voice

Now don't be impertinent. Just do as you are told, she says smacking my bottom

Yes Mummy

Do you like your frillies? Turn around for me.

I do as I'm told feeling very conflicted but totally under her power

Your frilly bottom looks very pretty, sweetie. You are going to be a gorgeous little girl. Now let me put this girdle on you

Joan presents me with a lacy pink waist cincher. She clips it up the front and then spins me round to tight the pink laces at the back. The constriction takes my breath away and I gasp

Don't be a silly girl. This will help your waist look smaller. Girls love tiny waists

With my heavy breasts and now the lacing I am starting to feel a little panicky as I see the suspenders hanging from the cincher.

Now let's get these stockings on, says Joan as she puts on a pair of silky white gloves and takes a pair of fully fashioned stockings out of their holder, caresses them, shows them to me and smiles.

Aren't they lovely, sweetie? She slowly, lovingly, rolls it up and then says, Sit on the bed and let's see how you feel. She slowly rolls the glorious soft stocking up my leg. Now stand up as we have to get the seams straight. A girl should always have straight seams. I will be looking all the time to make sure your stockings are straight, or else

Will you spank me for that?

I might if you look slovenly. I'm hoping your girly pride will do the trick. Isn't that right Cynthia?

Yes Mummy, I say,as she attaches the dark stocking tops to the first suspender.

Now, you've seen me do it. Try it yourself. I fiddle with the metal suspender and struggle to attach the stockings. I am afraid Joan will be annoyed with me but she eventually guides my fingers and we get the job done. Try the other one. Take your time. You will learn soon enough. Wearing stockings properly is something a girl needs to master if she wants to look her very best. I attach the third one behind my leg more successfully than I would have hoped.

Very good, Cynthia. You are learning quick. I can see you don't want to be across my knee.

No Mummy, I say, as she asks me to roll the next one up my legs telling me to go slow and feel the fabric caressing my skin. I struggle to attach all three suspenders particularly with my heavy breasts getting in the way. She twirls me around and admires my legs.She brings over a full length mirror and has me admire my handiwork. I look very sexy but dare not mention this to her. She just takes it for granted a girl should look like this. I wonder if she looked like this once.

Keep those seams straight and watch out for them slipping down, she says as she adjusts the tautness of the suspenders. You will learn. If you want to be my daughter you will

I am a little stunned by her saying this but I say nothing as I get used to the tautness of the stockings, looking intently in the mirror to make sure my seams are straight I feel a little paranoid about this, even forgetting for a moment the weight of my breasts.

Joan then fusses around as she wonders what slip I am to wear. She decides on a lovely satin lacy pink full slip which she puts over my head and has me look back and front in the mirror.

Aren't you looking pretty. Cynthia?

Yes Mummy. I am feeling pretty. Thank you.

That's a good girl. Good girls are always polite and well mannered.

She then takes the dress which again is pink with a floral pattern. long sleeved. I step into it she then zips me up at the back fussing with the hem which comes just above my knees. I feel a little exposed with my stocking tops when she says: Keep your legs together when you sit down,do so slowly and make sure your dress is not creased by smoothing it behind you as you sit, like this.

I do as she wants and I have to practice a few times. I look at myself in the mirror and feel very girly in the dress. As I am lost in reverie I am asked to sit on the bed again while she puts 3 inch pink stilettos on my feet. The feeling is electric. I stand up feeling very wobbly. In a dream state I am told to walk around with slow, small steps, making sure my legs are close together. The thick carpet does not help but after what seems like a long time I manage to walk or mince to her satisfaction.

Now, she says, sit at my vanity and I will get you ready to go out. I feel appalled by this but do as I am told. Seated I notice all the feminine accoutrements like cosmetics hair brushes, perfume, smelling their intoxicating scent. I feel increasingly helpless and docile in her presence and almost don't notice her combing my long hair with a mother of pearly brush

You do have long hair for a boy. She says teasingly. Do you think you are a boy now?

Er, no Mummy

Girls have long hair which they love to curl and tease, don't they?

Yes Mummy

She then proceeds to put heated curlers at the back of my hair. I feel their weight at the back of my head while looking down at my breasts and start to feel my bra straps tugging at my shoulders. I try to tug on one but she slaps my hand and carries on with working on my hair. I notice the difference after a few minutes. I have girly ringlets over my face.

We'll leave the curlers in for a while, she says while I put your make up on. I want you to pay attention because a girl needs to learn how to apply her make up every day.

Yes Mummy

First she covers my face in foundation. It's a good job you still have smooth skin. She then plucks my eyebrows which hurts. Stop being silly. This is what girls do every day. You do want to look pretty for Mummy, don't you?

Yes Mummy, I say trying not to wince, my bra strap falling over my shoulder and irritating me. Can I adjust my bra strap, Mummy?

Yes sweetie. I'll do it. She reaches in to my dress and pulls the strap up and readjusts the tension of the strap which pulls against the wobbliness of my breasts. I feel a little more comfortable. I feel like caressing my breasts but obviously do not dare.

After arching my startlingly thin eyebrows she pencils them in. She admires her handiwork cooing over me and asking me how pretty I look. She then opens a case with false eyelashes. She carefully puts one on my top eyelid and applies mascara to it and then does the other one. My eyes look totally different and girlishly flirtatious. She has me blink my eyes. The lashes feel huge and strange. She expects me to smile with approval which I do despite my discomfort. She then applies some bluish eyeshadow all the time asking me if I can remember how to do it. I nod feeling very uncomfortable about remembering anything she does. She then produces a gold tube which she unscrews to reveal red lipstick. My pulse races as she applies it slowly to my lips and then asks me to rub my lips together. The effect is remarkable. I look very sexy but am afraid to say this. She admires her handiwork and after what seems like an eternity she has me admire myself in the mirror. I am startled as I see a pretty, sexy, pouting young lady staring back at me. Is this me?

What do you think, sweetie?

I don't know what to say

You look gorgeous. I want my daughter to be the prettiest on the street when we walk down the hill together. All the Mothers and daughters will be jealous of us.

Tell Mummy what you feel

I feel like crying, I say

Are you so happy. Girls do cry a lot but don't ruin your mascara, sweetie

No Mummy. Thank you for making me look so pretty

That's a good girl. Now let me finish your hair. After a while, fussing with the back of my hair, I see a head full of pretty ringlets and curls

Stand up and let me look at you

I stand remembering to keep my legs together, trying to look down at my stilletoes past my jutting breasts

Smooth your dress Cynthia like I told you

I do as I am told

Look and admire yourself in the mirror. Girls are a little vain. We need to be to look our best. Always look at yourself in the mirror to make sure you have everything just right.

Joan then has me sit down at the vanity again while she fixes clip on pearl earrings. Next is a pearl necklace and pearl bracelets, followed by a couple of rings. She then quickly paints my nails bright red and then says; I should have painted your toe nails but we can do that later. She has me stretch my fingers out while my nails dry. I am feeling constrained in my dress, bra and clincher but strangely comforted by them. When she thinks my nails are dry I am asked to follow her downstairs. I find walking down the stairs tricky but she expects me to quickly follow. My breasts bounce alarmingly even in my tightened bra. I realize I will have to get my balance or I will not be able to walk. Joan senses this and asks me to walk around the house for a while until she is satisfied I am improving, all the while cooing over me, telling me how pretty her new daughter looks. She expects me to smile and only speak when spoken to, to follow her orders. She then gets out the vacuum cleaner and tells me to vacuum the living room while she dusts and polishes the furniture. After vacuuming I help her to dust, acutely aware of the weight of my breasts dragging me slightly off balance as I reach forward, my spike heels wobblling on the thick pile carpet, my stockings straining against my legs and my suspenders. It is hard work being a girl, I think, polishing a wooden table

I expect my daughter to be very good at housework.

Am I helping you Mummy?

Yes, you are. I will train you how to do it properly. If you are going to be a good housewife you must keep your house spick and span. Your husband expects to come home to a clean home after being at work all day

Yes Mummy

Are you a housewife Mummy?

Yes, silly. Your Daddy does not want his wife working. A womans place is in the home looking after her family. That's what I will teach you to be like. Isn't that right?

Of course Mummy

Joan smiles at me and says: A husband wants a sweet obedient wife to come home to. Is that what you want for yourself?

Yes Mummy

Then I will teach you. I want you to be a sweet, obedient, submissive little daughter and wife if you are to find the right man to please and obey. All girls should want to be like this. It is also whatGod wants. I don't think you go to Church do you? Do you believe in God, dear?

No Mummy. I mean I don't go to church

We will start going together. If you want to get married in Church and repeat your wedding vows you need to obey God, the Church and your husband. This is what we girls need.

Yes Mummy

Now let's have a cup of tea and we will go down town and get you some dresses, skirts and pretty frillies. You need a pretty nightie, don't you

Yes Mummy, I say feeling very nervous at the thought of going out in daylight.

Mummy, which is how I think of her now, puts a pretty pink coat on me, admires me and then opens the front door. I am feeling almost petrified as we step out of the door. Who is looking? I am convinced everyone on the street is looking. The cold air rushes up my legs as I wobble on the concrete in my spike heels. Mummy is now no nonsense. She expects me to follow her holding a pink handbag. In it is my makeup spare stockings and a mirror and compact. She makes me look in the mirror and puts a little more lipstick on me, makes me pout in the mirror and then walks through the door. I become almost obsessed about the seams on my stockings. Are they straight? Will they stay straight? I quickly come back to reality as I pass familiar houses and gardens. I hope and pray nobody is looking, that nobody will be on the streets we walk towards. My breasts protrude as I struggle to get my balance. My suspenders strain against my legs, my waist is pinching as the perfume of my lipstick and makeup creates an almost narcotic effect. Mummy chats away reminding me to take my time. I notice alarmingly the click click of my stilettoes. Am I walking correctly? I think, licking the smoothness and smelling the scent of my lipstick. Will people laugh at me? I see a man walking a dog coming towards us and I nearly freeze, grabbing Mummy's hand.

Put your arm in mine like Mother and daughters do, sweetie. I do as she says and feel reassured as the man passes close to us with a polite, Good morning ladies.

Mummy smiles and I feel almost stunned at being called a Lady. What a beautiful name, I think.

I click click down the pavements, crossing the road so carefully I forget how I use to bound across them. Now I have to be ladylike and dainty and careful of so many things about my appearance.

You are doing well Cynthia. Isn't it lovely to walk out with your Mummy?

Yes Mummy. I am a little bit afraid.

Of course sweetie. All girls are self conscious when they go out. A girl must never go out on her own you know

Yes Mummy

My legs and feet are aching as we approach the bus stop. I am not sure how I will manage to walk down town. The thought of sitting on the bus however scary seems a relief.

Mummy, my feet are aching

Of course sweetie. A girl has to get used to high heels. You'll soon feel natural in them. Just be patient

Yes Mummy

We wait at the bus stop behind an elderly lady who greets us smiling at me sweetly. Mummy obviously knows her and starts chatting about how she is taking her niece downtown shopping.

She's very pretty, says the woman

Say thank you, says Mummy

Thank you, I say, almost curtseying

What a good girl you are, a credit to your Mummy

Thank you, I say

You've got lovely hair, dear

Mum, I mean Auntie does it for me

Very nice dear

Thank you

Mummy smiles as the bus approaches. Another woman comes behind us and I feel very self conscious again as we board the bus. I try desperately hard to be feminine and careful with my movements. Mummy beckons me to sit next to the window a few yards from the driver who smiled at me. I smiled back. Mummy noticed and when we are sat down she says:

No flirting Cynthia. You know what happens to naughty girls

I feel a little aggrieved at this but accept that now I am a girl the rules are different particularly with Mummy's views on a girls place.

I'm sorry Mummy

You will learn dear, particularly when your bottom has been spanked a few times

I blush and hope nobody heard this but a lady in front of us turns to Mummy and says: It's good to hear that dear. I wish I had my daughters at home still. Girls today need a firm hand. There's too much permissiveness today.

I agree dear. When I was growing up I obeyed my Mother or else

Same as me dear. What's your daughters name


Nice to see a pretty girl like you Cynthia. Do you obey your Mother?

Yes, I do

And if you don't you expect a session over her knee

Yes, I say pouting my red lips

She's a good girl but she does need correction at times. She's lucky she can sit down without a sore bottom today.

But I'm sure it might be different tomorrow, says the woman

Girls today being what they are. Cynthia knows what good girls have to do.

You don't want them copying these permissive types in mini skirts and hot pants, do you?

I know. It's disgraceful. Cynthia bought some hot pants without thinking I knew.

Did you get a spanking, Cynthia


Not yet, says Mummy smiling knowingly.

Mind you do as Mummy tells you and you will stay out trouble

It was only now that I notice that I was speaking in a lispy,girlish voice. I looked at her demurely and she seems pleased

We are going to buy her some nice dresses and frillies, not those awful sluttish fashions you see every where today

You have to keep on top of teenage girls today. They think they can do what they they like today. I don't know how they expect to find husbands

We stop outside a shop which features all kinds of feminine undergarments in the window, a shop I used to furtively glance at whenever I passed it. I was amazed we were about to enter it. Mummy said that she regularly bought items here and knew the owner well. Inside hangs all manner of corsets from large rather ugly girdles to lovely lacy Victorian corsets which immediately catch my eye. Stockings of all kinds are on display with suspender belts to suit every size and taste. The atmosphere is dizzying. My feet are hurting me after the long click click march from the bus stop past scores of shoppers only a few of whom took any notice of me and they being a few cheeky men one of whom smiled and winked at me. Mummy noticed this as she was is always hawk eyed when it came to my indiscretions. I felt she was totting them all up to lead her to an inevitable conclusion: I needed a good spanking. It seemed unfair that Mummy made me look pretty and sexy and yet blamed me for the attentions of men but I suppose it was all part of being the daughter, the girl Mummy wanted me to be. My reverie spiced by the scent of womanly perfume floating through the shop is stopped suddenly by the owner greeting me with a broad smile and kissing me on the cheeks. I was startled by this. I smell her perfume, and her breasts are even larger than Mummy's. As she steps back I can see she is a handsome woman about the same age as Mummy with a bouffant style hair do, an emerald green dress, and at least 4 inch green stilletoes. Her presence is even more commanding than Mummy's. She lead us into the rear of the shop where there are mannequins wearing corsets and stockings, full girdles, and a younger style with high heels, stockings and suspender belt. My head is in a whirl when the lady unzips my dress. I am startled by this.

Don't be embarrassed young lady. I need to take some measurements so we can find the right foundations for you. In my slip and stockings and heels I am measured while Mummy and the lady coo and fuss over my appearance, and how I should look. It was decided that I should try on a Victorian corset which is hanging on a display. It looks incredible: pink with white lace trim. The suspenders look huge. They are pink and frilly. Everything about it oozes an old fashioned femininity. Although I feel it to be totally out of fashion I love it, even if I am too embarrassed to say so. I feel very awkward as the lady pulls my slip off. She seems to ignore the bulge in my knickers and she unlaces me and takes off my cincher. I feel exposed and almost naked as she takes the corset and shows it off to Mummy who smiles her appreciation.

Like mother and daughter, says the Lady, and I surmise Mummy must be wearing something similar. But how would I walk in such a garment! We go into what looks like a changing room which keeps a plethora of feminine foundation finery. I teeter behind dutifully smiling my joy at being fitted for such a beautiful corset. I see a wooden bar hanging from the ceiling and I am told to take hold of it. As I do so it is winched up until I am just on the balls of my feet and barely touching the floor with my spike heels. I feel a little uncomfortable and say so but my bottom receives a sharp slap and I am told to hold still and keep quiet. Soon the corset is fitted around my waist and hooked up in front just below my bust. The lady starts tugging on the laces and her tightening is almost severe. She seems stronger than Mummy who keeps telling me to be a good girl and hold still. I cam hardly breathe when I am let down. I feel exhilarated and stunned. My stockings are attached to the lovely suspenders. The lady takes some time making sure my seams are straight, at one point slapping my bottom with her right hand and the long red finger nails she wears.

Don't let me break a nail or I will have Mummy spank you, here and now


Now hold still and turn around. What do you think Joan?

Excellent Gertrude.

This will help with her shape. Men love a girl with an hour glass figure. Do you want a hour glass figure my dear?

Yes, Madame, I say. I had been instructed to address her this way by Mummy

There was a time when all proper ladies wore a tightly laced corset and you are a lucky girl that your Mummy keeps up this fine tradition. She again slaps my bottom. I was startled into saying, Thank you Madame, while I am struggling for breath. Young girls used to compete to see who had the tiniest waist. I'm sure Mummy will help you lace down. Men love a girl with a tiny waist, you know

Yes, Madame. Thank you Madame

Look at yourself in the mirror

I turn around with difficulty. My full breasts seem even larger now and I struggle in my stilletoes.

You will soon be wearing higher heels which will help you to take on a more ladylike deportment. All it takes is perseverance and will power. Does she have this Mummy?

Well if she doesn't I will train her to adopt the right attitude even if it means sitting down gingerly for a day or two.

By the way,Joan, I have a Victorian leather strap which I used on my girls when they were younger. You can put it to good use here, she said patting my poor bottom, already stinging a little from her slaps. Have you been spanked yet young lady?

No Madame

Well it's about time you were. A young girl needs proper guidance and discipline. My girls benefited greatly from frequent trips over my knee. They now all have good husbands who appreciate old fashioned obedient wives. Do you want to be an obedient wife one day, my dear?

Yes Madame, I said looking poutingly down at my feet past my seemingly huge cantilevered breasts.

Well if you listen and obey your Mummy you will be the treasure of a good husband

I will Madame, I said struggling for breath, not believing I will have to wear such a tight corset from now on in.

You are going to keep it on Joan?

Yes, of course.

Mummy purchased a number of items, stockings, frilly knickers, lacy bras and then picks up the dreaded leather strap, eyeing me with a knowing smile. I wince at the thought of all the bottoms it has disciplined over the years, and now it was the turn of mine!

After a lot of gossip interspersed with serving customers, mostly middle aged to elderly ladies who take delight in admiring my corset, reminiscing about the days when they had tiny waists and wish they could have now,though one lady had a very well defined waist and a beautiful hour glass figure. I had to stand obediently while all this went on. I was not allowed to interrupt. I knew that if I did the lady would invite Mummy to spank me there and then. All the ladies agreed that it was essential when attracting a good husband to have the right figure which went with the right demure attitude, the latter suggested by approving glances at the leather strap.

We eventually left the store. My feet and waist seemed beyond pain now as I click clicked my way to the bus stop. Every step seemed impossible and I was relieved to be standing legs together at the bus stop not really caring now about who was looking at me. I did notice a couple of men staring at me. I tried not to look,averting my eyes as Mummy had instructed. As always Mummy seemed to notice. I was sure the strap was to be put to good use when we got home! I resigned my self to my fate. I was to be a tightly laced, high heeled young lady who would be severely disciplined if I did not do as I was told all for my own good so I would attract a good husband. My discomfort was to be a useful experience in my training. My every movement would now be constricted and controlled. I was to be obsessed with my appearance and deportment. I was now constantly in fear of my seams not being straight, my waist not being small enough, my heels not being high enough, my make up not being just so, along with my hair and nails and jewellery. This was my fate as I passed the familiar sites along the bus route as Mummy chatted and fussed and swapped conversation with other ladies sat nearby. I was meant to be silent,, obedient, demurely pouty, and I was. I notice men staring at me, some lusting with their eyes. I used to be like that and I knew what my place was in the world: to please men and then find that one man who I vowed in church to obey for the rest of my life as a good old fashioned housewife whose aim in life was to please and obey his every whim and need. I told myself that it took real discipline and sacrifice to be a good girl and wife and I was determined to be just that.

Back home Mummy busied herself packing away my new attire. I noticed a lovely chiffon pink baby doll nightie on the bed in the spare room where I was to stay the night. Looking into Mummy's bedroom I saw the dreaded strap on the vanity chair.

Mummy asks me to help her prepare dinner for her husband and two sons. I am a little mortified thinking of them walking in and seeing me but Mummy told me to stop my girlish nonsense and prepare the dining table.

Mummy ordered me upstairs and said we was to look our best for when the men get home. She preps up my make up and ties a pretty pink ribbon in my hair. She busies herself applying her lipstick which is now as red as mine. She surprises me by taking off her dress and asking me to tighten her corset, which is pink and frilly like mine. Lacing her I look at her ample bottom and think about the times when she was spanked as a girl. I asked her how many times a week was she spanked and she said it wasn't enough as she often got away with naughty behaviours her Mother overlooked. She said she would not make the same mistake with me. She said that her Mummy was too lenient and it was her Daddy who spanked her but this was not often as he was at work a lot.

I know what teenage girls try to get away with, she said with a smile, and I won't make that mistake with you.

I dreaded to think what that meant and I was sure now that sooner or later I would be over her knee. Was she waiting to spank me in front of the family of men to help me understand my place as a docile obedient daughter who needed to serve and obey men? The thought appalled and excited me as I finished lacing her. She put her dress back on and turns me around to check my waist

That will do for now, she says, as I feel great relief to hear that but I can not get out of my mind the image of me over her knee as the menfolk watch my bare bottom turning a bright red to their increasing delight.

After she primps and fusses over me we go downstairs to see Mr Page entering through the front door. He looks at me but does not seem surprised. Mummy helps him off with his coat and he kisses her cheek. As you can see dear this is Cynthia. Cynthia kiss your Daddy.

Embarrassed and awkwardly I totter forward as he kisses me on the cheek. He brushes against my breasts and I feel a strange shiver down my back and legs. I feel a little weak at the knees smelling his manly smell, aware of his large manly frame and jutting chin. He wears a suit and tie.

Let's go in the kitchen Cynthia and prepare dinner.

Soon the eldest son arrives and he too is greeted with a kiss and he too is invited to kiss me. He smiles at me and I lower my eyes as he looks piercingly at me with a slight grin

So you are our new sister.Welcome to the family, Cynthia. It's great to have a pretty girl around the house

Thank you I say averting my eyes and pouting my full red lips

Mummy seems to have a disapproving look on her face, as if it was my fault that males looked knowingly at me. I was definitely going to have a sore bottom, but when..?

Tomorrow I am going to teach you how to curtsey when you greet a man. And address him as Sir

Shall I curtsey for John when he comes in?

Not now but you can call the men Sir

Yes Mummy

When John arrives he kisses me, my breasts brushing against his chest and I say: Thank you, sir. Dinner is served soon after. Mummy and I did not eat while the men eat. We wait in the kitchen in case they needed anything

Here's a clean napkin, sir, I say to Mr Page trying not to look at him

Thank you Cynthia

The brothers watch me with grins on their faces. I blush and try not to pout but can not help myself. Mummy stands in the doorway looking disapprovingly.

You are a little flirt young lady. It is very naughty to flirt with your brothers. You will have to be disciplined later when I tot up all the flirting you did today with strange men

I'm sorry Mummy

You will be later ,she says in mock seriousness. I know what teenage girls get up to when they are not chaperoned and carefully watched.

Sorry Mummy, I say ,wanting to burst into tears.

Don't bat those eyelashes at me young lady

Am I going to be spanked in front of the men?

You will find out, now go and take Edward this pudding. I totter into the dining room hoping the suspense around my spanking would end soon. John asks me to fetch him a paper he has dropped. Naively, I ben down where he has placed it on the floor. The two brothers eye my bottom with grins. I feel silly and ashamed. I totter quickly into the kitchen where I tell Mummy: I can't help embarrassing myself

Yes you can. You need to be more ladylike and not tease the boys. You will have to be punished.

Yes Mummy

After cleaning up the dinner table Mummy serves our dinner which contains very small portions. In my corset I find my appetite restricted. Mummy says that girls have to watch their figures and cannot eat like men. As I eat she tells me to eat slower with more dainty actions. I have to copy her and she seems a little irritated by my attitude.

After dinner I feel a great stirring in my poor stomach. Daddy reads the paper after Mummy shows me how to take his shoes off and place his slippers on his feet. I do the same to Edward as he grins at me. Kneeling before him I try desperately not to look at him but cannot, my poor waist making bending almost excruciating. He stares at my breasts and I feel awkward and excited. I look up to see if Mummy is watching. This time she is not.

The boys go out soon after. Mummy and I watch a soap opera while Daddy reads his paper in near silence.

After the programme Mummy says: How do you like our little girl, Daddy?

Let me get a good look at her

Turn around for Daddy, Cynthia

I do a little twirl which turns out to be difficult. I can feel Daddy's eyes scanning my bottom.

Well Daddy Cynthia has been a naughty girl today. I have caught her teasing and flirting with strange men and her behaviour with the boys is unacceptable.. What is the punishment for naughty girls Daddy?

In my day it used to be a bare bottomed spanking over a parents knee

After he speaks, Mummy says: Upstairs Cynthia, to your room. I follow Mummy upstairs as Daddy follows behind. I am embarrassed he is eyeing my bottom as I totter up the stairs with difficulty. I am breathless and excited but dreading what is about to happen

Mummy goes to her bedroom while Daddy follows me into my bedroom which has been decorated in a very girly style, all pink and frilly, perfume suffusing the air. Mummy enters the room with the strap

Please Mummy. I'm sorry. I want to be a good girl

Well Daddy how do girls get to be good?

I think the old ways are the best, Mummy

Mummy positions a wooden chair in the middle of the room. She presents the strap to Daddy who takes it and sits on the bed.

Come Cynthia. Over my knee.

I did as I am told finding it difficult to brace myself to go over her knee. With help I mange to position myself to her satisfaction. While lecturing me she slowly raises my dress so that my frilly knickers are in full view of Daddy. I try to look at him but cannot. I imagine his cock growing at the sight of my knickered bottom circled by pink suspenders and seamed stockings

You will have to learn to be a good girl so I am going to teach you a lesson by pulling your pretty knickers down and baring your bottom for a jolly good spanking. What do you say my girl?

Thank you Mummy I say bursting into tears

Save your tears for later, my girl. I will not have such behaviour in our house. Isn't that so Daddy? It is our duty to punish you when you deserve it and today you have given us plenty of cause

Mummy slowly lowers my knickers. Daddy must be huge by now I think, you naughty girl. I did need a spanking. I feel the cold air circulate around my poor bottom waiting in suspense for the first smacks. Mummy takes a huge amount of time constantly scolding me as she finally pushes my knickers further down my stockinged legs.

Are you ready Cynthia?

Yes Mummy I said tearfully finding the suspense and shame unbearable. What is Daddy thinking? as the first smack stings my right cheek. Spank after spank follows. Mummy beckons Daddy over to hold my hands as I writhe and flail to protect my poor bare bottom. His strong hands hold me, and he smiles kindly at me while Mummy soundly spanks my bottom a bright red.

Do you think she has learned her lesson Daddy?

Daddy smiles at me. I try to smile back through my tears and runny mascara. I bat my large eyelashes at him hoping he will intercede with Mummy but Mummy asks him for the strap, something I was dreading. Soon the leather is stinging into me. I am by now writhing and crying like a little girl. My eyes are full of tears and runny mascara. I feel embarrassed that Daddy is seeing me like this. He firmly holds my hands and I fully submit to Mummy strapping my poor bottom, which is burning and glowing, not entirely unpleasantly. I start to feel calm and totally obedient. Mummy suddenly stops. Daddy lets go of my hands and I slump gratefully, my hands on the carpet.

Mummy eventually helps me up and sits me on her knee

Mummy has spanked you for your own good , she says dabbing at my runny mascara. What do you say to Mummy and Daddy?

Thank you Mummy and Daddy, I sob.

Kiss Mummy

I kiss Mummy on the cheek

Kiss Daddy

I get up with difficulty and kiss Daddy on the cheek

Now let's get you ready for bed

While I am rubbing my poor bottom Mummy takes off my dress and gradually helps me take off my corset and stockings shoes and make up. She then helps me put on my pink baby doll nightie which makes me look cute and sexy even as my sore red bottom is barely covered by the thin pink panties. She then puts my hair in curlers which I find a little uncomfortable imagining how I am supposed to sleep in them. She also puts some new red lipstick on me which she tells me is smudge proof. When all is ready she tells me to kneel and say my prayers. I am told to say :Thank you God for making me a good little girl who obeys her Mummy and Daddy, and thank you Mummy for spanking my bottom so I will learn to obey my parents, elders and menfolk. She then kisses me good night. Lying in bed rubbing my bottom I try to get comfortable with my heavy metal curlers on the soft pink pillow. My sheets are pink satin and have hearts and bows on them as does my bed cover. I reflect on everything I have experienced today with a degree of heightened awareness and tension about the following day. Will I really marry a man and be a submissive housewife Mummy expects me to be?

My thoughts are cut short by the arrival of Daddy who says: How is my little girl Cynthia?

Fine thank you, Daddy, I say, surprised. He kisses me, and says I look very pretty in my pink nightie. I flash my eyelids at him and he smiles.

I thought I would put some cream on your poor botty to soothe it.

Thank you Daddy

Daddy sits on the bed and tells me to come over his knee. I do so wriggling to feel comfortable. I can feel his strong leg muscles under his trousers as he slips my panties down and starts to rub some delicious cold cream over my bottom, slowly rubbing it in with his strong big hands. I feel soothed and relaxed by his touch even though I sense his erection growing. I can sense his heavy breathing as he massages my red bottom. I can feel that he is excited by me being over his knee. I feel strangely protected and comforted by him.

Does that feel better my princess?

I love him calling me this, and in my best little girl lisp say: Yeth, Daddy. I love it.

Come and sit on my knee

I slowly get up from his knee and giggling sit on his big strong lap smelling his manly odour, sensing his excitement. Would you like to give Daddy a kiss? I slowly kiss his lips tasting my lipstick perfume as we lock together. His tongue soon goes down my throat and I feel totally in thrall to him. He feels my breasts and starts to breathe heavy. I start to feel I will do anything he wants.

Kneel in front of me princess

I coyly kneel in front of my Daddy as he opens his fly and reveals a huge 9 inch cock. I gasp at such wonderful manliness. Kiss me princess

I lick the tip of his wonderful manhood and then say: Can I lick and suck your balls Daddy. Please

He lowers his trousers and underpants and I kiss and caress his balls with my long red fingernails. I hear him moan. After a few minutes I takes his cock into my mouth to suck and lick it. I hear him groaning with pleasure and I feel intense desire to please him in any way I can. I suck his 9 inch monster at times gagging with the size of it when he pushes it down my throat. I wonder if he will come when he says:

Princess, kneel on the bed for Daddy. Put your sweet red bottom in the air. He pats my bottom and says: Is it feeling better now?

Yes Daddy. Thank you

He rubs my bottom with a cold jelly like substance and puts his finger into my virgin rosebud. I moan with pleasure. Daddy then puts two then three fingers into me exploring my boy pussy slowly but deliberately. I moan, then give out a girlish squeal.

Do you want to please Daddy?

Yes, sir. I want Daddy to make me feel like a girl pleasing her man, her lord and master. Please Daddy, please

Daddy pushes his cock slowly into my pussy. He pushes and pushes but slowly and deliberately. Soon I am desperate for him to enter me

Please Daddy, take me, master me, show me you are my master, you are my man whose big cock fills my pussy. Ride me master, ride me, enter me. Please. You are so big. I want you in me.

Daddy pushes and pushes until I am almost hysterical with desire. As he enters me I feel intense pain but he rams his manhood home and he is soon rhythmically bucking me as I moan in high pitched girlie squeals.

O Daddy, you are so manly, so big, so strong. You are all a girl dreams of. Fill me with your cock. Empty your manliness into me

I'm coming princess. Keep your pretty red bottom high and still

He increases his thrusts and I feel totally violated by his huge cock. I feel very girlie and submissive. I want to do anything to please him. He slaps my bottom

Do you want me to spank you as well as Mummy? he says, groaning

Yes Daddy. I'm a naughty girl who needs her bottom bared for a good sound spanking over your knees

At this he erupts into me. I feel his huge cum fill me and I am ecstatic

Have I pleased you, sir? Is Daddy satisfied with his little girl?

Yes, yes. You have a lovely red bottom. It needs to be regularly spanked and ridden

Yes Daddy, yes

He pulls out of me and I stay in my submissive position waiting for his orders.

That was good little girl. You'd better get to sleep now. You have a long day ahead of you with Mummy. I want you to get your beauty sleep. I want my princess too look pretty in the morning. He kisses me on the lips and I fall dreamily into bed ignoring even my large curlers digging into me, my bottom alive with intense sensations.

I have pleased a man, I lisp, dreamily.

Next: Chapter 2

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