Jjs Bodyshots


Published on Aug 7, 2016


JJ's Bodyshots.

This is entirely the work of the author, and no similarity to other works or people is intended. All characters are from my imagination, albeit that my imagination has to start somewhere.

Copyright of this work is held by the author, and contains details of M-M relationship and sexual acts. If under-age, or these acts are illegal in your location, please leave now.

If you like this, you may like my other Nifty stories: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/gerrard-sports-shop-visit https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/encounters/bondi-beach http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-friends/garage-job

From part 2

I gathered my stuff and stormed out of the room, ready to go back to the apartment that Janet and I were meant to be sharing. JJ came towards me, still trying to apologise, so I took an ill-judged aim and smacked him in the jaw. It had the right effect, even though the mechanics didn't feel quite right, as it took him by surprise and sent him sprawling backwards.

With that, I turned on my heel and left.

Part 3.

I managed to get into the other apartment, but only Jane was there. Janet, it appeared, had gone to the airport and would be on a flight back to Blighty by now, Jane explained. I collapsed on the floor and the tears came within seconds. I was mumbling. How I'd messed up everything with Janet. How I was straight. How I'd left that kid who got bullied for being gay behind and become a str8 guy instead. How I'd fucked it all up by being drunk and seduced by a school friend that lied to me in school and lied to me now that we were back together as friends again.

At some point, Jane managed to pick me up and deposit me on the sofa. A box of tissues appeared at my side, and Jane put her arm around me.

"It's ok," she said, soothingly. "Some blokes like women, some blokes like men. Most are in-between. They like either, depending upon when it is and who's around. Didn't you ever admire any lads when you were at school?"

"Some. Like JJ."

"Did you admire him? Did you want to be him, or did you want to be with him?"

I thought for a long time, before answering. "I guess all three. I wanted to be popular. I wanted to be part of the in-crowd. I also wanted someone to help me answer the questions that I had at that time about why I looked up the men's underwear in the Littlewoods catalogue, rather than looking at the women. But then I managed to settle with Janet and I emerged as the straight bloke that I wanted to be. I put all of that teasing and bullying behind me."

"And now it all comes back up again?"


"I think you and JJ need to talk. No blame, no assumptions, no nothing, just talk and open up to each other. It may end up with you both being friends?"


"I'll go and get him, while you tidy yourself up."

Jane left the apartment and went to find JJ.

A few minutes later, they both walked into the room. JJ was still rubbing his jaw, although I'm not sure whether it was red from rubbing or red from the punch. I suspect it was just from rubbing. At least he'd put some clothes on, although a pair of Sluggers and a pair of sandals wouldn't keep him warm on a dark night. He sat on the sofa beside me, as Jane walked through to the kitchen and put the kettle on.

"I'm sorry," we both said at the same time.

We both indicated to the other to start, then grinned sheepishly, and I went first.

"Sorry for smacking you in the mouth."

"Well, it wasn't too bad. I just wasn't balanced. If I'd been standing properly then I'd have been able to hit back... I'm sorry for taking advantage and lying to you."

"Well, you can make amends now and start telling the truth?" I commented.

Just then, two mugs of tea appeared in front of us, and Jane said she was going shopping, "for some stuff. Don't kill each other whilst I'm gone."

The door closed behind her, and JJ and I started to drink our tea, whilst thinking about what to say next and how to move forward. Then, he started to talk again.

"I used to be married. When I left school and started work, Jane and I met. I thought she was the one, and we settled down. We even got two kids to show for it. But we both recognised that it wasn't working and that although I loved her, I wasn't in love with her. It was a bit of an awkward time, but she was the one who pointed it out to me, not the other way around. She'd also realised that she was bisexual, which made things easier and harder, all at the same time."

"Jane and I divorced, but we're better friends now than we ever were when we were married. The kids live with her, although they come and stay with me at weekends so that she can have friends round overnight."

"So, am I just your latest conquest?" I asked.

"No. You're more of a long term project. I wanted you at school, although I couldn't understand why. I wasn't gay! I played football, and smoked behind the mobiles, and got into trouble regularly, although still got to be a prefect. I wasn't gay. I couldn't be!"

"So what changed?"

"I found you again, and realised why it was that I wanted you at school. A closet queerboy, so far in the closet that I didn't even know myself."

"That makes two of us."

"But you were always teased at school? How come?"

"Well spoken, not liking football or rugby, not getting into trouble. Need I go on?"

"Good point..."

"But you said, `I found you again.' That was only recently. How come you and Jane split?"

"After she told me she thought I was gay, she set me up with someone. We fooled about a bit, but it never really went anywhere. Neither of us were that into it. He turned out to be bi, and I was just confused. I wasn't really looking for anyone, and a quick wank got me over my horniness. I wanted to settle, but couldn't. Guilt over Jane, guilt over not being straight, guilt over the kids having a gay Dad, and then you appeared. Things are different as you get older, hopefully leaving behind the teasing and bullying that happened at school. School was a long time ago, but some memories stay with you. Like you staying to the side of the showers instead of being in the middle of things..."

"Talking of which, I'd better go and clean up," I said, getting up and heading for the bedroom.

"Need a hand?" JJ asked, hopefully.

"I'm ok."

"Ok. Wear the red Sluggers. I like them, and we'd match!"

He couldn't miss an opportunity, but I was still thinking and my head was still a mess. I showered quickly, ignoring that my cock was getting semi-hard at the prospect of a day in those red Sluggers. Who knew they'd be a turn on? Well, JJ, apparently. Showered and dried, I rummaged in my bag for the trunks, and put them on. With only half lining in the front, it was either show off the fact I was circumcised, or dress upwards and revealing more of my cock anyway. Taking the lead from the swimmers I'd seen at the pool earlier, I dressed upwards, and went back into the lounge.


"I don't smell so bad now," I offered back.

"Well, you didn't smell bad, but better now, I agree," JJ retorted. He never missed an opportunity.

"What made you think I'd be interested in you or in getting it on with you?" I asked.

"I didn't, but I wanted to try. We'd become friends, and it was worth a chance. You had no idea how I felt, I wasn't sure how I felt, and I was due a holiday. I talked to Jane about it, and she left it up to me to make the arrangements. The only thing that she was insistent upon was the trunks."

"Really??" I was incredulous.

"Really. She said that if I expected her to wear a bikini then she expected me to be in swim briefs. She then persuaded Janet that this was a good idea, and the rest is history."

"Wow. Mind you, if I were her and got to see good looking blokes like us every day, I'd probably want them to wear speedos as well."

"Well, not speedos, but speedo-style."

"You always so pedantic?" I asked.

"Is pedantic really the word you wanted to use?" we both asked together, then collapsed into peels of laughter.

The tension gone with the laughter, it was now or never.

"I'm glad that you persuaded me to come on holiday, and that we got this out in the open," I admitted. "Not that I'm sure what this is, but if you can give me time to understand?"

"Well, not sure about the time, but I'm glad about it too." With that, JJ turned towards me and started pushing me back on the sofa and kneel-walking up my body unit he was sat on my upper chest.

"What're you doing?" I asked, not entirely comfortable at being sat on.

"Stopping you from getting away. Are you able to move?"

I tried to struggle, but it was pretty difficult to move with this man sat on my chest. "I give up. No, I can't move."

"Good," he said, and pushed his cock out of the leg of his trunks. "Time for your first sober lesson in cock worship." He aimed his cock at my mouth, and gently pushed. I opened my mouth to say something or breathe, and it pushed past my lips. "Good boy," he said. "Just try and breathe through your nose, and let your tongue wash over my cock. Yeah, nice work."

"Mmmrph," I tried.

"Ooh, yeah, nice."

JJ began to face fuck me gently, pushing his cock into my mouth, not pushing me too hard, not expecting a deep throating, but just seeing if we would both enjoy the experience. Clearly he was, and I wasn't doing too badly either. It was a turn on too, as my own cock was coming to life in my trunks. JJ was rolling his hips, again and again, pushing in lightly, and then pulling out. He was clearly good at this, either from time with Jane or from time with other blokes. Then he pulled out.

"You keep that up I'm going to blow my load," he said, after pulling out.

"Isn't that what you want?"

"Not yet. I'd like to get comfortable and just enjoy some time together. We've established that we're both into it, though, so that's the first step. In fact," he added, feeling my trunks, "I'd say you were pretty much into that. Nicely so."

I had to admit to myself that it was a turn on, and I was becoming relaxed at the idea. JJ looked at me quizicly, raising an eyebrow rather than voicing the question. I nodded in answer. "Yeah, it's nice. Not sure if it's familiarity or challenge or something different, but I could get used to having your cock around."

"Is that your way of saying you'd like to see where this goes?"

"I don't know, but let's just see."


With that simple ok, JJ stood up, and held out his hand for me to take. I accepted, and he led me into the bedroom and onto the bed. "Right, lesson two. Lie down on your back, legs slightly apart." I did as he asked, and he lay down beside me, then rolled onto his side towards me. "Just relax," he added, as his hand gently rubbed my chest, bringing the nipples to slight excitement. He pinched them, making me shiver. Then brought his mouth down to the one nearest to him, and began to suck on it whilst his hand moved lower down. A slight pinch of teeth brought a sharp pain, but wasn't too much of a turn on. He rolled over onto me, though, and moved mouth from nipple to neck, kissing and licking from collar to ear lobe and back again. I would give him all day to stop doing that. It was hypnotic, erotic, and arousing. I groaned, and put my arms around him.

"Mmmm, that's it, now you're getting the hang of it," JJ whispered into my ear. "Just go with what feels good." My hands caressed his back, feeling the strong muscles round his shoulder blades, down his sides, and the mound of his arse inside the trunks. I tried to put my hand inside, but they were tied too tightly to let me in. Sensing my frustration, JJ whispered, "that's lesson three. Don't jump this lesson, it's got a great ending to it."

JJ was still nuzzling and licking my neck, but was also moving his hips again, rubbing his cock against mine through our trunks. This was definitely a great lesson! He hooked his lower legs into mine, giving him another point of root between us, increasing the contact point, making it more interesting, more intimate, but also meaning that neither of us could get away. The level of friction between us was just enough to give traction, move JJ's foreskin in the trunks, and excite the head of my cock without its foreskin. The pressure of cock to cock contact stepped up when he entwined our legs, the rolling of his hips was relentless. My breathing had been in perfect time to his, but was becoming slightly ragged. My cock was hard as nails, and his felt the same. My trunks were wet with precum. Then I felt a tingling at the base of my spine, flowing forward to my balls, and WHAM! I felt the wet spot on my trunks before I even realised I was shooting my load. I tensed and groaned, and felt JJ tense as he shot his too. One, two, three spurts. Then he collapsed on top of me, spent, shattered, and a dead weight on my chest! He moved his mouth, and his lips met mine. A searching contact gave way to more definite contact as his lips parted. He broke the kiss and whispered, "thanks," then rolled off. "I'll get a towel."

I saw JJ's arse in his red trunks, as he headed to the bathroom. I thought about how juicy and delicious it looked. Where did that thought come from? He arrived back with a damp flannel and a fluffy towel. He pulled at the tie on my Sluggers, and wiped at the cum that was cooling within them. Then he dried the damp patch that was left with the towel, and indicated that I should do the same to him. I did. His cock was still impressive when it wasn't erect.

"Don't even think it," he said. "Little JJ needs time to recover as well."

"`Little' JJ?"

"Yeah. Little JJ. He's big when he's happy, but he's a bit tired now after you wore him out, so he's going to rest a while." With that, JJ winked at me, took the flannel and towel, and dropped them over the side of the bed. He then pulled back the covers and invited me in. I lay on my side, his arm around me. Whether it was just the post-sex pheromone fuelled rush or what, I don't know, but this was good. This was nice. This felt right, and being held here in JJ's arms felt so different to everything that I'd had before.

It felt like I'd come home.

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