Jjs Bodyshots


Published on Jul 16, 2016


JJ's Bodyshots

This is entirely the work of the author, and no similarity to other works or people is intended. All characters are from my imagination, albeit that my imagination has to start somewhere.

Copyright of this work is held by the author, and contains details of M-M relationship and sexual acts. If under-age, or these acts are illegal in your location, please leave now.

If you like this, you may like my other Nifty stories: https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/celebrity/gerrard-sports-shop-visit https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/encounters/bondi-beach

From part 1

I wasn't sure I'd ever get this chance again, so I went for it. With one last lick and run round in my mouth, I let his balls flop out of my mouth and dived for JJ's cock. JJ's painful "aww" as his balls left my mouth was made up for by the "AWW!" as he realised I was going for the main event. Jane might have gone, but JJ was going to get a blow job tonight.

Part 2.

"Aww, fuck, yeah!" came from JJ's mouth over and over, as he face-fucked me none too gently. I was still a novice at this, but he seemed to think that I was doing ok. I was sucking, licking, kissing, feeling, and breathing over his cock, balls, and arse in equal measure. It seemed that I couldn't get enough of JJ's most intimate parts. It was like a new heaven that I'd only just discovered. No sooner had that thought gone through my head than JJ was pulling out of my mouth, though. Seemed he was too close and just wanted to last a bit longer. I wasn't going to argue as he pulled me into the bedroom, though.

Once there, he wasn't so much looking for cock play or continuing the blow job just yet, he pulled me to him and started kissing me and pawing me. Fuck. Looking back on the experience, this was so much hotter than it had ever been in bed with a woman. At the time, though, I wasn't thinking at all and was just going with what felt good - being with JJ, exploring each other, and exploring each others cocks, balls, arses, and less intimate parts. Maybe I was drunk, maybe I was sober. Maybe I was just going with the experience, or maybe I was home.

JJ pushed me back onto the bed and climbed on, kissing up my thighs and torturing me. I lost it and just shouted to, "fucking suck my cock, NOW!" "Pushy little bastard, aren't you?" he asked, with the shit eating grin back on his face. He licked all round my balls and cock, going from the bottom of my groin on one side to the bottom of the groin on the other side. Then he pulled both my balls into his mouth and ran his tongue round them. If there was a god, he was smiling down at me right now. JJ was obviously quite experienced and was REALLY good at this. My cock was achingly hard, yet seemed to be getting harder as my balls had a thorough tongue lashing from JJ's talented tongue. Just as this registered, my balls felt cold again as the air hit them. With a final lick, he moved to the star attraction and took my cock into his mouth. Not just took it, but ended up with his nose in the stubble of where I'd shaved prior to putting the Budgy Smugglers on this morning. Fuck. I was being deep throated by one of the guys I'd been to school with, and he was showing me all that I'd been missing with girls. He hummed or groaned, just vibrating his vocal chords and adding to my experience. I was going to shoot soon just from how turned on I was.

A new experience shattered that thought. Pressure at my arse, and then a silky feeling finger slid inside. It felt its way forward. It made me feel a bit full, but not too much. It rubbed around, stretching, feeling, massaging, and then was joined by another. The two were much better at stretching me. Pulling me. I closed my eyes and just fell into it. My cock was warm, my arse felt full. Then BANG! A finger hit my prostate. It was like an electric shock that went from deep inside to my balls and my cock. My cock jolted in JJ's mouth. JJ backed off and sighed, "Mmm, you like that, then?"

"Oh, fuck, yeah," I breathed, almost too quiet to be heard, such was the state of complete bliss that was washing over me.

"Feel like something bigger?"

"Oh, yeah."

I could barely believe I'd just agreed to JJ fucking me, but that didn't register at the time. All I wanted was to feel so close to this man, so intimate, and so alive. He reached to the bedside and a condom and a bottle appeared in his hand. He squirted something on his fingers and they slid back into my arse. Lube, I realised. I squirmed on his fingers. I let them massage me in the most intimate way that anyone had ever done, and I loved it. As quickly as they'd arrived, his fingers left that special place. I felt empty, a hole that I'd never realised existed suddenly needed filling in the best way possible. Then I heard a rip of a foil, and knew what was coming. And hopefully coming in me.

"You sure about this?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah. Fuck me. Fuck me, now!"

A little more lube on the condom that was stretched over his cock, and he was gently pushing at my back door. At first, it seemed huge and didn't want to go in. Then something popped, and the head was inside me. God, that felt huge. Judging by what I'd seen in JJ's trunks earlier, it WAS huge! I didn't care. I was pulling him into me, ignoring the pain, just going with trying to get as much of this cock inside me and making me feel good. The alcohol had lowered my inhibitions and the pain was light compared to the spinning in my head. JJ was holding off on me, though, resisting my urges to just push and push.

"You ok?" he asked me, slightly breathless. "Fuck, yeah." "You've got quite the potty mouth on you when you're having fun." "Fuck, yeah," I sighed again.

He pulled me up to him and kissed me deeply whilst fucking me deeply. Each thrust went from just his head inside, to balls deep. The full length of his cock was pushing into me. I was right, this was heaven. He hit my prostate, then again on the next push, and again. Lights went on behind my eyes and I felt myself falling over the edge. I was cumming, without touching my cock. My cock spat out my load, my arse contracting around JJ's cock at the same time and pushing JJ over the edge too. We both shouted, "Fuck!" in unison, pushing our loads out, mine onto my abs and JJ in the condom deep inside my arse. I had my eyes squeezed tight shut, letting the feeling of JJ's cock inside me expand my horizons, making me feel warm inside. he collapsed on top of me, making even more of a mess from one of the biggest loads I'd ever spunked. I was like jelly, completely spent, yet not wanting this to end.

JJ's cock slid out of my arse and I felt empty. The come-down after cumming. JJ slid up the bed, though, and kissed me deeply again. In between kisses, he asked if I was ok. "Fuck, yeah," I replied.

"Cool," was his response. "I'll get a cloth and clean you up."

JJ got up off the bed and crossed to the en-suite. Seconds later he was back, having got rid of the condom, with a damp flannel and a towel. He wiped up the jizz, and dried me gently. He also wiped the lube from round my arse, and dried there too. Towel dumped in the hamper, he came back to bed and took me in his arms and we fell asleep. Content and happy.

Now, it was the following morning, and my head was banging and the recollection of last night had me wondering what the fuck had happened. I got up, peed, and found some paracetamol in the cupboard over the sink. Someone had been prepared! A glass of water, quick mouthwash to take away the taste like a budgy's cage in my mouth, and then I went back to bed. As I sat there, I felt movement beside me and big hands start caressing my back.

"Morning, stud."

Definitely JJ, it wasn't a dream. Fuck. A kiss on my shoulder, and he got up out of bed and went to the bathroom. From the sounds, he was repeating what I'd just done. He came back and sat cross-legged on the bed.

"Sorry," he said.

I was confused. Sorry for what? I must have looked confused as well, as he looked very guilty, but carried on.

"I'm sorry. I lied to you."

Now I was feeling cheated and very unhappy. "About what?"

"About the girls."

"What about them?"

"Jane's not my girlfriend."

"But you came here with her. And with me and Janet?"

"She's what might be termed, `a good sport'. She's a beard."

"A what?"

"A beard. A cover."

"What are you telling me, JJ?" I was getting angry, but even more confused. What was JJ actually telling me?"

"You know the wanking in the classroom when we were at school?"

"Yeah." Like I could forget it.

"Well, I worked out then that I wasn't like other boys. I liked other boys. Jane plays the part very well, but we came on holiday so that I could get cosy with you. And get you in a pair of speedos."

"So this was a fucking setup, from the start???" I blasted, jumping out of bed and about to smack him one round the jaw.

"Yeah, that's why I'm sorry. Sorry I lied, but not sorry that I got you into bed. Not sorry that I had a good time and hope you did too?"

"You haven't fucking changed since we were in school, have you? Still fucking lying. Still trying to get one up on anyone around. Still fucking about every chance you get."

I gathered my stuff and stormed out of the room, ready to go back to the apartment that Janet and I were meant to be sharing. JJ came towards me, still trying to apologise, so I took an ill-judged aim and smacked him in the jaw. It had the right effect, even though the mechanics didn't feel quite right, as it took him by surprise and sent him sprawling backwards.

With that, I turned on my heel and left.

Next: Chapter 3

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