
By ...Mercury.....

Published on Feb 3, 2023



Reply-To: an395341@anon.penet.fi

Greetingz. It be me, Mercury.

This story is special. I know everybody and their fucking brother has it. Because it's good. And everyone's posting it everywhere. But let me give you a motherfucking history lesson.

I know who wrote this. My best friend. This story was written at my request. Years ago. His first attempt at erotica, maybe. So fucking appreciate it. It's good. Partly from his own experience as a boy.

Jim's Story

Jim was fourteen when this story starts. He was a good looking kid of slender build, creamy skin, longish blond hair which tended to hang down over his brown eyes, an infectious laugh, a devastating smile, and sexual equipment which would have looked good on a sixteen-year-old. Additionally, he had a very healthy case of horny which demanded satisfaction every day, a firm little ass that looked like it would fit into a teacup, and a happy uninhibited attitude toward life. His dick, when hard, turned up at a saucy angle and was really quite pretty to look at. One thing that troubled him sometimes, however, was the fact that while other boys his age seemed to think girls were fun to look at and think horny thoughts about, Jim thought that boys were much more inspiring in that way than girls. Of course, he knew better than to say anything about it to anyone, and actually no one in the world knew that boys turned him on. He was sociable and fun to be with and was quite popular at school. Not actually a jock, he was nonetheless a pretty good athlete. He was strong and wiry and couldn't easily be defeated in wrestling.

Every year since the first grade Jim had had a "crush" on some boy at school. He was always very careful not to let the boy he loved realize the strength of his affection, and he acted the typical casual role that boys have played since the beginning of time. At night he would make love to his pillow and dream of actually holding the boy he loved. At first his love for other boys didn't seem to have anything to do with sex. He had learned about sex by jacking himself off in private at the age of twelve. This came about one afternoon when he happened to be towelling himself off in the shower at the school gym. There was no one else in the locker room when he had turned off the shower, but as he started to leave the shower he heard footsteps and ducked back in. Two boys he knew came in to get something out of a locker, and they were talking about jacking off. Steve, who was fifteen, was talking to Jerry who was twelve.

"Come on, Jerry, I don't believe you can't do it!", he was saying.

"Well, I've tried the way you told me. I get it hard and start working on it, but after a while it always hurts and I have to stop."

"Have you tried hand cream?", asked Steve.

"Nope. I tried soap one time in the bathtub and it got into my dick and started to burn."

"I've got some cream here in my locker, I think. Just a minute."

Jim was thinking, "Oh, no! They're not really going to jack off right here with me watching! They don't know I'm here! What if they find out? I better be real quiet." So he carefully went back into the shower and looked at Steve and Jerry through a small hole that someone had put in the shower wall to hang a shelf which had since been removed.

"Pull down your pants, Jerry!", said Steve. He had gotten the hand lotion out of his locker and put some on Jerry's rapidly hardening dick. "Now work on it. I'm going to jack off too." Steve pulled his shorts down and both boys sat on a bench facing Jim. Before long they were both hard and going at it. From time to time Steve added a little of the lotion to Jerry's dick and also got some more for himself.

"OK, Jerry," Steve said, "just keep that up and pretty soon you'll start feeling it."

"I'm already feeling it," said Jerry. This cream sure feels soft!" He moved his ass on the bench a little and stretched out his legs.

"That's the idea" Steve urged, doing the same thing himself. "If it starts to hurt, just slow down a little bit and think horny."

"Yeah. I think I see what you mean", Jerry said rather breathlessly. He would pump until he felt a little uncomfortable and then he would slow right down to almost nothing and move his ass and legs a little bit. Then he would increase the speed again and would feel a wonderful sensation which seemed to be building up to something. Each time it seemed to build higher and higher.

In the meantime, Jim was hard as a rock himself, but he didn't dare do anything with his dick because he was afraid they might hear him.

Jerry was now on his last build-up. He put his knees together and worked his dick like mad. He was frowning with concentration and had his lips compressed. Every muscle in his body was tight, especially the stomach muscles. This time he knew he wasn't going to have to stop or slow down. He felt like he was going over the top. The feeling built up more and more until a warm feeling of horny ecstasy flowed all over his groin and ass. He involuntarily went "Uunh! Uuuunh!" and released his muscles. His legs shot apart and white cum shot out of his dick. It wasn't as much as he'd seen come out of Steve, but it felt just as good! Suddenly stroking his dick hurt, so he slowed down again to almost nothing and found that as his dick spurted it felt good to work his dick kind of slowly until it was all over. Meanwhile Steve was building to his climax and came all over himself.

"Well, you finally did it!" he said to Jerry.

"Damn!" Jerry said. "That felt better than anything I've ever felt in my life!"

"And it's better than anything you ever WILL feel in your life, bo!"

Steve and Jerry pulled up their shorts and left. Jim waited a few minutes to make sure they were gone and came out of the shower. He put on a cotton shirt and a pair of jeans and left for home. Jim never wore any underwear. His mom used to fuss at him about it, but she had finally given up. Jim was a kind of "nature boy" at heart and didn't really like anything artificial. I guess he would have gone naked if he could have gotten away with it. Especially in the summer time.

Now you were probably expecting Jim to learn how to jack off by imitating Steve and Jerry while he was still there in the shower. But Jim had a little too much class for that. He had very strong sexual feelings even at this early age of twelve. He knew exactly what "horny" meant because he often got very, very horny. He just hadn't been able to do anything very specific about it. But he didn't like to associate this wonderful feeling with sordid surroundings like dirty locker rooms and restrooms. Being a sort of nature boy, he had a special place in the woods near his home. He liked going there alone and swimming nude in the stream and later drying off in the sun on a flat rock. He decided to go there today and see if he could do what Jerry had done, but in more pleasant surroundings. He had built a treehouse near the stream. It was an unusually well equipped treehouse. He had found a large cast iron griddle and mounted it on nails so it didn't actually touch the wood of the treehouse. He could build a fire on this griddle and stay warm in the winter. The treehouse had roll-down plastic sides to keep out the wind. One day he had found a discarded metal lavatory cabinet, and he had nailed it up to the tree trunk. This provided a convenient place to put things he might need, and anything he put there was safe from rain whenever he wasn't there. Of course, he had friends who sometimes went with him to the tree house. They had even tried to jack off sometimes, but without ever being able to shoot. But a lot of the time our Jim just went there all by himself. He always got a special mysterious feeling in the woods with the sound of the birds and the stream and the wind in the trees.

Today he stopped by the house first and got a squeeze bottle of skin lotion out of the linen cabinet. He stuck it in his shirt so his mother wouldn't see it and ask embarrassing questions. On the way out through the kitchen his mom called out, "Where are you off to?" and he answered, "Just goin' to the woods. Be back for dinner!" Jim got along very well with both his parents. They were quite well off financially and lived in the suburbs of a fairly large city. Behind their house the ground sloped down to Jim's famous stream, which he and some other boys had damned up to make a great swimming hole. There were other houses in the neighborhood, of course, but the woods went on and on for miles. It was a great place for boys to go when they didn't want to be seen.

Today Jim stepped out onto his familiar flat rock and took off his clothes. His dick was quite hard because he knew what he was getting ready to do. He decided to take a swim before starting in and he left the skin lotion propped up against his rolled up jeans on the rock and dived into the cool water. It felt delicious. He floated on his back and looked up at the sky framed by the branches of the big oak trees. He looked at the trailing vine that he and other boys used to jump into the water. His dick was a little softer from the cool water, but not much. It was lying against his flat tanned tummy. He looked at it and made it move a little. When he did that it swelled up and got hard and lifted off of his tummy a little. With his right hand he encircled the place just below the head of his dick with his thumb and forefinger. He was circumcised, but he didn't at that time know what that really meant. He had never seen a boy who was not circumcised. He squeezed with his thumb and forefinger and wrapped his other fingers around the shaft. It felt so good! He pulled his dick a little, not letting his hands slip. That felt good too! He pumped his fist up and down, again not letting his hand slip on his now rock hard dick. That felt really good! So he decided to let his dick slide a little in his hand. But both his dick and his hand were wet and the sliding was kind of uncomfortable and intermittent. So he turned over and swam to his rock. It was a hot summer day, and the rock was warm and clean. It felt good to lie down and feel the warmth on his legs, ass, and back. The birds were singing, the stream was flowing, and the trees were moving languidly with the light summer breeze. That mysterious feeling of being a part of nature was beginning to come over him, and he noticed for the first time ever that it went as well with the horny feeling as cookies go with milk. He stroked his dick gently and felt very peaceful. He knew from lots of practice that there were different feelings in different parts of his dick. The head of his dick was very sensitive. It looked exactly like a pink rosebud, and he could make it swell up by contracting his anal muscles. He usually also contracted his butt muscles when he did that. He touched the rose bud lightly and it felt wonderful. Farther down the shaft of his dick it wasn't so sensitive, and he always enjoyed squeezing that part. And the part just below the head always felt very good to work back and forth without slipping.

"Well, it's time for something new!" he said aloud. He opened the bottle of lotion and squeezed some out onto his dick and put some in his hand. The cream felt cool on his dick, but when he wrapped his hand around it and began to stroke slowly back and forth the sensation was perfectly unbelievable! He noticed that his stomach muscles would involuntarily contract at a certain part of his stroke. He cooperated with these involuntary contractions and started moving his hips in time with his strokes so that it was a combination of being jacked by his hand and fucking his hand. His hand was very slippery, and his hard dick slid back and forth. The sensations were growing very fast. Jim noticed that he was breathing hard. He increased the speed of his thrusts and bit his lip. He thought he must be frowning kind of like Jerry did. He closed his eyes and squeezed harder while his muscles got tighter and his dick slid back and forth faster and faster. Suddenly there was a crescendo of the horny feeling and it felt like something between his legs contracted with a full, indescribably delightful feeling. He groaned a little without really meaning to and experienced a spasm of his stomach muscles which thrust his pelvis with a jerk up from the rock. At the same time he felt the muscles at the base of his dick give a jerk and a spurt of white stuff landed on his chest. He could feel his anal muscles rhythmically contracting and with each contraction another drop or so of sperm came out of his dick, each contraction producing a little less sperm than the one before it. The indescribably good feeling was still so strong that he wondered how he could stand much more of it, but the contractions became less and slowed down and the feeling faded slowly away until he was lying there still breathing hard and knowing that he had really done it!

Well, he lay there quite a while in the warm sun. He put a finger in the sticky white cum on his chest and found out that it would stick to his finger and make a long string. It smelled like a freshly laundered shirt, only stronger. He thought of tasting it but decided against it. When his breathing settled down he noticed that his dick was getting back on the soft, and he dove into the water again. It felt great! When he knew he was clean he came out of the water and after drying in the sun for a few minutes he put his clothes back on. Then he went up into the tree house with the bottle of lotion and put it on a shelf in the cabinet for future use. Then he just sat in the tree house and thought things over. So that's how babies are made! It's the same thing dogs and cats do to each other. Also he had seen horses do it. He supposed that some day he would have a wife and would come inside her and have children of his own. But that left the mystery of why he only seemed to fall in love with other boys. But he knew he could do it to a girl if he just decided to. No problem. And the more he thought it over the more he was glad that he fell in love with boys instead of girls. You could have a lot more fun with another boy than you could ever have with a girl. Unlike a lot of young guys he worked it out in his head so that he had no feelings of inferiority about it. Lucky Jim!

So Jim had discovered sex and from that day on it was very unusual for a twenty-four hour period to go by that he didn't come at least once. He tried it all sorts of ways. He found out that he could fuck a pillow and come that way. He even tried sucking himself off, and that was how he first found out what sperm tasted like. It tasted kind of good. He thought that maybe it would make a good salad dressing! But his favorite place to jack off was still the rock down in the woods. That mysterious feeling of being one with nature always made it better!

So now we're back to Jim's fourteenth year. It was summer again, and that spring a new house had been built up on a hill not far from his own house. He could see it going up from his rock. Finally the day came for the people to move in. He went over on his bike and noticed that the new family consisted of a mother, a father, and a boy who looked to be just Jim's age. But then Jim did a double take! The new boy was so beautiful it made his toes curl up! He had dark hair and blue eyes and a very serious expression. But there was something kind and wise about those eyes too. Jim found himself thinking about Alan every night before he went to sleep. He knew that he was in love with Alan and pretended that his pillow was transformed somehow into the great guy he supposed Alan to be. There was nothing sexual about this, at least not at the level of awareness. It was just love and the desire to know him better and be close to him and hug him. Jim had been in love before and knew that love seemed to come and go. It would be strong for a few months and then it would gradually fade away. Especially after he got to know the boy and found that he had no serious thoughts and didn't feel one with nature in the woods. But somehow he felt that Alan was going to be different. Sometimes his feelings were so strong that they scared him a little and he often thought that maybe he should fight against this feeling. But, as is usual in such cases, he was unable to keep himself from riding over on his bike almost every day in hope of getting to know Alan.

When it did happen, Jim had nothing much to do with it anyway. He was reading a science fiction novel by Heinlein one afternoon when he heard the scrunching of gravel in the driveway. He went to the window, and there was Alan riding a shiny racing bike up the driveway. Jim rushed downstairs, and when Alan came onto the porch he opened the door.

"Hi!" he said. "My name's Jim. You must be the new guy who lives up on the hill."

"Right you are!" said Alan. "My name is Alan and I thought I'd come over and meet you. I've seen you riding your bike."

"Well, come in and let's get acquainted." Jim led Alan into the living room and they sat down. "Are you going to Hillcrest this fall?"

"Yep", replied Alan. "My first year in high school. Will you be there too?"

"Oh yeah. I'll be a freshman too."

"Good, then," said Alan and blushed a little.

Jim didn't know what to say so there was an awkward silence. Then inspiration struck. "Come on up and I'll show you my room and stuff."

"Great." Alan had an easy way about him and Jim knew that this was going to be one fantastic friendship.

And it was. Alan was not like other boys Jim had been attracted to. His interests weren't exactly the same as Jim's, but he had real interests and knew a lot about many things. Jim liked to read science fiction and Alan was interested in astronomy. Alan liked Beethoven and Jim liked Beethoven too but also Led Zeppelin. Jim was bright and cheerful almost all the time and laughed easily while Alan was more serious and tended to be shy at the oddest moments! Later when they studied the famous poems L'Allegro and Il Penseroso they decided that the former had been written to describe Jim and the latter to describe Alan. That summer was a memorable time for Jim and Alan. They were always together. Of course Jim showed Alan the swimming place and they spent some time there almost every day. They weren't at all shy about swimming together nude but they never became sexually aroused during those swims. Jim was aware of a need to keep himself occupied in horseplay so that he wouldn't have time to think of sex because, of course, he was afraid that Alan would think he was weird if he didn't maintain the image of sexlessness. Jim of course wondered whether Alan had similar feelings for him. Sometimes he thought he would catch Alan looking at him with affection, but then Alan would seem to notice Jim looking at him and would instantly change his expression to a more ordinary one. Jim sometimes got curious about whether Alan was interested in girls. Alan told him he had had a girlfriend before he moved, but he didn't say much about her. Alan was always fun for Jim to watch. He moved with force and decision. There was nothing feminine about either of these boys. Jim especially admired Alan's shiny dark hair which was perfectly straight and not quite as long as Jim's. In the nude Alan looked very attractive with a somewhat darker patch around his dick than Jim had. Alan was not circumcised, and it was hard for Jim not to stare at Alan's dick. Jim was puzzled about the appearance of Alan's dick, but he didn't dare ask about it. He couldn't admit to Alan that he didn't know. So he kept on looking at Alan's dick, and he caught Alan looking at his more than once. But this was not unusual. Jim had noticed that at school the guys tended to look at each other and then to look away if anyone noticed they were looking! The best times were divided between hours spent in the treehouse, which Alan especially admired, talking about the meaning of life, the other side of space, the end of time, the existence of free will, and whether it was possible to build a perpetual motion machine, and other equally enjoyable times when they would spend the night together. They would stay awake sometimes until the sun started to come up. But they never talked about feelings of love and they never talked about sex except in a superficial and joking way.

School started and both boys were kept quite busy with the normal schedule of schoolwork and social activities. But they still managed to get in some time together. There was a girl at school who wanted Jim to pay her more attention. Jim liked her all right, but he didn't remotely love her. One day she became impatient with him and said, "Well, everybody can see you always look at Alan and he doesn't have eyes for anybody but you!" She turned on her heel and left in a huff. Her remark started Jim thinking furiously. He was so busy thinking about what she had said that he couldn't even factor an easy polynomial that afternoon. "What's the matter, Jim?" said Mr. Thacker, the algebra teacher. "You seem to be on another planet today!"

It was Friday and Alan was to spend the night with Jim. They were lying silently in the dark in twin beds. But the beds were pretty close together to make more space in the rest of the room. Alan was the first to speak.



"Thought maybe you had gone to sleep."

"Nope. Just lying here thinking."

"Me too. I've been trying to decide whether to tell you or not."

"Tell me what?" Jim was immediately curious. "Now you're going to have to tell me or I'll die of curiosity!" he said propping himself up on one elbow.

"Well, it's kind of serious."

"And that's not surprising, coming from you!"

"OK. I'll just go ahead and tell you. I 've been thinking . . well, it's hard to say it."

"Alan, I've been thinking of some things I'd like to tell you too but they're hard to say and I think I know what you mean."

"You can't be for real!'

"Oh, I'm for real all right. But you brought it up, so go ahead."

"Well, you'll probably think I'm silly. Maybe even something worse than silly, but I guess I've just got to tell you. It's about . . well, us. You and me. Is that anything like what you've been thinking about?

"You hit it right on the nose, Alan. I've got a lot of things I want to tell you about you and me, but I'm scared to bring it up!"

"I can't believe this! But what sort of things? You think I'm a dork or something?"

"No. Just the opposite. If I thought you were a dork it would be easy. Alan, I'm scared that I like you too much."

"Thanks for saying it. I have the identical same problem! I just think about it a lot. I've never had a friend like you. I think you are the best friend I ever had and I just wanted to tell you that. So now you can make fun of me if you want to. I won't care."

"Make fun of you? You're out of your mind! I know you're the best friend I ever had. I've sometimes thought we should have an agreement or some kind of sacred pact to seal our friendship forever. That's what I think about. Forever."

There was a moment of silence. And then Alan said, "I wish you could know how happy I feel right now, Jim. I was worried that it was all on my side."

"And I had the same worry! I'm really glad you brought it up." Jim felt more self assured now. "The thing of it is that it's more than just liking you. I actually think I love you!"

Both boys were lying with one hand off the bed. Their hands were just inches apart. And there was some kind of magnetic force that was drawing those hands closer together. Then there was contact. And then they were clasping each other's hand fervently. They were both trembling with the ecstasy of this first non-casual contact. It was as if there were some kind of electricity flowing between them. Jim looked over at their clasped hands and was surprised that they didn't glow in the dark!

They lay still with their hands joined. Alan was so overcome with emotion that he felt that he was going to cry. And then all at once his body shook with the first sob. Jim felt the shaking and said, "Alan, are you laughing?"

But then Alan, who was speechless, gave an audible sob and Jim was instantly in bed with him hugging and kissing his tears away. Jim himself was crying now, and the two boys held each other as close as they could and cried quietly together for some little time. It was a moment of such intense ecstasy for them both that it is doubtful that either one of them ever again had such strong feelings of love. They didn't talk now but just loved each other. Hugging. Kissing. Smoothing each other's hair. It was an innocent kind of love. Neither one of them was aware of an erotic element, although both had stiff erections. They weren't yet ready for the sexual part of the relationship.

After this first night when they had confessed their love for each other, Jim and Alan were closer than ever before. They realized that their love couldn't very well be a secret. The other kids at school must certainly notice how they were constantly looking at each other and were together at just about every opportunity. So they decided it would be best to develop a kind of reserve between them so their love wouldn't be so obvious as to start the other kids to talking and probably to making fun of them. They purposely ate lunch together only one day a week and refrained from sitting together in every class. They each cultivated some other friends of both sexes and the result was quite satisfactory. While the other kids had at the first of the year occasionally made a comment about their special liking for each other, now there was a more balanced acceptance of their friendship and they did not suffer the snickers and pointed glances which might otherwise have occured. However, the purposeful act of "cooling it" as they called it had the effect of bringing them closer together on the inside although they were outwardly farther apart.

They exchanged gifts on birthdays and Christmas and were together most weekends. It was a little cool for much out-of-doors activity, but this didn't stop them from spending a number of happy Saturday nights in the tree house. They both had down-filled sleeping bags, but they never used but one of them at a time! And all this time there was no overt sexual activity between them - just a lot of love which was so sweet and ecstatic that each boy frequently wondered how he could be so lucky as to have such a friendship.

One warm day in April of that first year, Alan had gone to visit his grandparents, and Jim found himself on a Sunday afternoon with nothing to do. His solitary sexual activities had mostly taken place in bed, and he was annoyed with himself when he noticed that he was thinking about Alan a lot when he jacked himself off. Anyway, he was feeling pretty horny this afternoon and decided that it was warm enough to go to his rock. It had been months since he had done it there. He climbed up into the tree house, took off his clothes, and got the bottle of skin lotion. Alan had asked what the lotion was for, and Jim had told him he liked to put some on his skin when he came in from swimming! But today he used it for its original purpose, and it felt great! It had been a while since he had "communed with nature" as he called it, and he had an unusual flood of ecstasy with thoughts that spring was here and the summer was before him! Next day Alan was back in school. Jim caught Alan looking at him strangely during English class but didn't think much about it. After school Alan invited him over to see a present his grandparents had given him. He wouldn't say what it was and Jim was filled with curiosity. They went up to Alan's room and there by the window was a 4-inch reflecting telescope! "Let me show you something," said Alan. He adjusted the scope and then invited Jim to look. Jim approached the scope cautiously and after a few tries he was able to see clearly, but what he saw struck him dumb! It was his rock in the middle of the stream! It filled the field of the telescope, and it was perfectly plain to Jim that if Alan had been looking through the scope the day before he would have seen everything in perfect detail! He turned to Alan and saw a sort of sneaky grin on his face.

"What time did you get home yesterday?" he asked.

"About two o'clock," Alan answered, now grinning broadly.

Jim was really worried now. His little session on the rock had taken place at about three, and Alan would have had plenty of time to set up the telescope.

"Don't tell me!" said Jim.

"OK I won't tell you. But it's true anyway."

"You didn't see me on that rock yesterday did you?"

"I cannot tell a lie, said George Washington. You were really getting it on, my man!"

Jim was, uncharacteristically, embarrassed. He sat down in Alan's armchair and looked at the floor.

"Now, Jim, don't take it so hard. You know we don't need to have any secrets from each other - not about anything! And I don't mind telling you that I do the same thing all the time."

Jim was still speechless for a beat. "Well, I guess it's all right. I'm not surprised that you do it. I guess everybody does. But it still isn't the kind of thing you like anybody to see you doing!"

"And why not?" Alan persisted. "It was a real turn-on for me and I just about came in my pants watching you!"

Jim had to think that one over for a few seconds. "You got turned on?"

"Sure. And I sometimes think about you when I'm doing it here at home and it helps me get off."

"This is too much," Jim said with consternation. "Usually you're the one who is worried and I am the one who tells you it's all perfectly normal. Is this NORMAL, Alan?"

"Well, I thought about it a lot last night. Do you think we're gay, Jim?"

But Jim was not in an answering mood just then, and Alan continued, "I think we may be gay. Or we may grow out of it or something. I read a book about it, and I'm pretty sure it's very common - if that makes it normal."

"Well - I don't know what to say. But I'll tell you this, Alan, there isn't anybody in the world I'd rather have watch me than you, and gay or not I'm not going to stay worried about it! But just tell me this: would you be willing to return the favor? I mean would you do it on the rock sometime and let me watch?"

"Sure. Why not? But you don't have to watch through a telescope. And now that I know what that skin lotion is really for, why don't we do it together? How about next weekend?"

They both laughed about the skin lotion, and Jim felt as if a great weight had been removed from his solar plexus. "You horny devil!", he said to Alan, and they began a sort of tussel which ended up on Alan's bed. But just then the phone rang. It was Jim's mother telling him supper was ready. So the boys parted with a mixture of emotions but a prevailing sense of expectation.

All the next week, Jim and Alan found themselves looking at each other and grinning. It was hard for them to keep their casual acquaintance act on track. Jim noticed that he would start to get a hard-on when he and Alan would look at each other, and he began to wonder if Alan was having the same reaction. So he would sneak a look now and then at Alan's crotch to see if there was any sign of life. He mostly couldn't get a good look without being obvious about it, but finally in American History class he was sitting where he could see Alan pretty clearly. He decided to see if he could get Alan excited and started sneaking looks at him when he thought Alan would notice. He put one hand between his own legs and made sure Alan could see it. Before too long the chance came. Alan looked over and caught Jim looking at him. Jim gave his devastating smile and moved his legs apart a little. He also moved his hand just a bit over his dick and watched closely to see if Alan reacted to it. Alan gave Jim a dark look (he was very good at dark looks) and then looked away. But Jim thought he could see an increased tightness of Alans pants. In fact in the next minute Alan shifted his position in his seat as if he was uncomfortable. When he did, it became obvious that he had the beginning of a hard-on which showed down his left thigh. Alan glanced nervously back at Jim and turned red in the face. But he had to reach down and position his rapidly growing dick. Jim felt a moment of triumph. He was glad that he and Alan were going to get together that weekend and he felt pretty confident that they would have the best time they had ever had together. And that was hard to imagine!

After class they were at their lockers and Alan turned to Jim and said, "Don't DO that!"

"And why not?" Jim replied.

"People will SEE US", Alan said quietly but with emphasis.

"OK. I won't do it any more, but I've been having trouble controlling myself even without trying anything."

"Same here, but we've got to keep cool. Friday will be here before you know it."

But it seemed as if Friday would never come. It was one of the longest weeks the boys had ever lived through. But of course, Friday did finally come. It always does. And they chased each other home on their bikes, hollering and making jokes. And when they got to Jim's house they fell into a tussle in the front yard. Both of them got hard, but that only made the fight more intense. Of course it wasn't really a fight. It was an imitation fight designed to disguise those hopelessly overpowering feelings of affection.

They went up to Jim's room and began to put some things into his back pack. They had told their parents they were planning to spend the night in the tree house, so there wasn't really anything for them to do except pack up and leave. No one would notice that Alan's sleeping bag was still in his closet at home.

They stopped in the kitchen to collect franks and some potato salad Jim's mother had made. They weren't coming home for supper but planned to eat down in the woods. They wanted a campfire and They wanted to take their time about everything tonight. It was a wonderful spring evening. Sort of cool. the sky was clear and dark. No moon would make its appearance on their first night of complete intimacy. Jim was in heaven, contemplating the coming events of the evening and night. Alan was in heaven too, But with an occasional doubt or niggling anxiety about whether It was "all right." Jim noticed a feeling of complete freedom he had never experienced before. as they walked down the trail toward the woods he had an extra spring in his step. He felt like a wild animal. he was completely free. He was going to do just exactly what he wanted tonight, and he knew he would be accepted and loved. for Alan, it was a little more difficult. He would start to have the same feelings as Jim But then he would have his doubts and anxieties. Jim could see this, and had a plan which he thought would bring Alan around to the same ecstasy he was experiencing. It was as if he had a sacred trust to bring to Alan the same experience he was having and to free him so that he too would be wild and free. "Just two tigers in the night," he said to himself.

They arrived at the treehouse and set down the pack, which Jim had carried. They looked at each other and slowly came together in a warm embrace. The spring sky was still light, but there were signs that the evening was coming on. There was a gentle breeze disturbing the branches of the trees, and the everlasting stream was gurgling over the rocks.

"We better start our fire." Alan pulled free and went in search of firewood. Jim did the same. They knew that they wanted a fire that would last for hours because They had much to say to each other and they didn't want to have to stop and go out again for firewood. Jim had constructed a separate platform in the treehouse fpr firewood, and They began to load it up with more dead wood than It had ever had before.

"This ought to last us all night," Jim told Alan. "I don't think we can run out."

"This is just GREAT!" Alan said. I wish the night would last forever."

"Oh, it doesn't need to. There'll be plenty of other nights, you know!"

"Sure there will be, but tonight is the first one of its kind. It's special."

Jim and Alan were sitting in the tree house, having just brought the last load of wood. Jim reached over and pulled Alan to him. he kissed him on the mouth and held him tight for a long time. Alan responded passionately, and when Jim tried to break free Alan was still clinging to him.

"Down, boy!" Jim chided. "We've got to get supper going and get ready for night time."

They laid the fire with care. They had built enough fires together that they no longer argued over the best way to do it. Soon they had a cheerful blaze going. Alan got out the franks and they heated them up by holding them to the flames. They found they were quite hungry and they soon ate all of the franks and all of the potato salad. But they were satisfied.

By now it was beginning to get dark, and the temperature was falling. There was a great horned owl in a tree nearby who began his syncopated call. They put some larger logs pm the fire for warmth and sat looking into the flames. Not touching. Not talking. just being together.

Finally, Jim broke the silence.

"I feel perfectly free. I don't think I've ever felt perfectly free before. I've always had to worry about what someone else is going to say about me. But when I'm with you I never have to worry."

There was a moment's silence. Alan poked the fire with a piece of pipe They had found in the woods.

Finally he said, "Jim, I don't quite know how to say this, but you are the only person in the world who can make me feel free. I have always doubted myself. But you have shown me that I can be myself and be accepted for it. And the miracle is that I would rather be with you than anywhere in the world!"

Jim reached out and took Alan's hand. "I want you to feel as free tonight as that great horned owl! I want you to be exactly yourself amd no apologies. that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to be exactly myself, and I want you to follow my example!"

"You mean, like this?" Alan reached his other hand out and laid It on Jim's thigh. He rubbed it against the inner side of Jim's thigh and worked it up toward Jim's crotch. He said, "I feel every bit as free as our friend the great horny owl!"

"Horny owl? You nut!"

Jim moved into Alan's arms and the boys lay down in front of the fire and kissed passionately. They moved their bodies against each other as if they were trying to interpenetrate, merging soul with soul. This was something they had done before, but tonight they knew that there would be more.

Jim started by unbuttoning Alan's shirt. The rest was easy. Alan began slowly undressing Jim. It wasn't long before they were both naked in each other's arms. This was a first for them. They had been together naked, and they had loved each other clothed in pajamas. But this was the first time they had ever been in each other's arms with no clothes to hinder the natural course of passion. The excitement was so great that both boys started to produce the natural lubrication of sexual excitement. This was something they had both experienced before and had talked about. But tonight the quantity of the lubrication was astounding. Jim found his penis sliding between Alan's legs, and Alan's was sliding against Jim's tight stomach. They were lying on their sides in a close embrace. They kissed as they continued to move against each other. Jim let his tongue slip into Alan's mouth. This was another first, but Alan had decided to follow Jim's example and gave as much as he received. Their movements increased in amplitude and speed. Jim suddenly realized, much to his surprise, that he was about to come. "I think I'm coming, Alan," he said. Alan said, "Go ahead!" This was said with a catch in his voice. Jim thrust only five or six more times and came with a force he had never known before. It seemed that the feeling of ecstasy lasted for minutes instead of seconds. The reason for this was that just as he began to come he suddenly realized that Alan was coming too! Alan gave a small moan and gave one thrust, stronger than the rest, and held Jim so tight Jim could hardly breathe. Jim felt a hot spurt of sperm on his stomach at the same time he was shooting sperm between Alan's legs. They held tightly together while the reflex of mutual orgasm ran its course. They pumped sperm while holding each other with such intense love that there was never any attempt afterward to describe in words the feeling which seemed to justify their very lives. It was an experience of sacred sharing which all too few ever experience.

They lay for several minutes in each other's arms after the passion was spent.

Comments are invited on GAYCHAT. Where do I go from here?

The author

NOTE to users of Different Drummer BBS: GAYCHAT is a local echo specific to Charleston South Carolina. If you have comments you wish to make--sure you do! Make them!--then call the Charlestowne BBS and leave a message to Eric Miller, a friend of the author's. That's (803)-763-4657. This file was uploaded on 11/18/90.

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