Jimmy's sex weekend

By Ted Collins

Published on Apr 1, 2000



DISCLAIMER: The usual stuff. The following story contains male to male sex with some mild bondage thrown in for fun. If you are too young (i.e. under 18) or it is illegal in your area to read gay erotic fiction then go no further. All characters are a figment of my imagination and any resemblance to anyone real is totally by accident. This is my first try at this sort of thing so bear with me. If you like it and would like to see more please email me at unfrozenman@yahoo.com

Jimmy's sex weekend (M/m, m/m/m/, oral, anal, light bondage, cons)

Jim sat on the steps in front of his dorm, nervously watching for the rental car to show up. He had just got off the phone with Ted, who had arrived in San Francisco that afternoon, and gave him directions on how to get to the Stanford campus and his dormitory. Ted was staying in nearby Palo Alto and the two friends were getting together for dinner and maybe a little more. It was the little more that Jim was nervous about. He knew he really wanted to, but at the same time he was scared as hell. He had cajoled and begged Ted to come visit him, and now that the day had arrived, he felt sick to his stomach.

While they had been friends for a long time, the two had never actually met in person. They were Internet pen pals, Jim having written to Ted first, after reading one of his teen bondage stories posted on the ASSGM website. Jim had been shown the story by his best friend Jay back home, and the horny high school senior had been so turned on fantasizing that he was the victim, he had cum three times before finishing the first chapter! Jim had just turned eighteen on Spring Break of his freshman year of college. He had skipped a grade as a youngster, and was pulling a straight four oh at Stanford. He had tons of friends and all of his professors liked him a lot, yet something was missing. Sex.

He didn't label himself as gay, bi or straight. He figured he was young enough to make that decision later in life. He and Jay used to fool around a bit, going as far as sucking each other off once, and they had a lot of fun together, but now his lifelong best friend was attending UCLA four hundred miles away, and they only got to see each other on school breaks. He jerked off when he could, but trying to have any privacy in the dorm was tough, and he didn't want to mess anything up with his roommate or friends in the dorm by trying to come on to them. That is where Ted came in. Ever since the first email, the two had become good friends, with Jim telling him secrets he just couldn't talk about with his parents or brothers.

Ted felt the same way. While he was quite a bit older than Jim was, he was in his thirties; they shared a lot of the same thoughts and feelings. Ted used writing stories as a way to let out his pent up urges for acts that he didn't have the courage or means to do in person. He had had plenty of experience with the opposite sex, but one day while walking through an adult bookstore; he had picked up a bundle that had a Playguy magazine in it. He opened it at home and at first wanted to throw it away, but curiosity got the better of him. The pictures of the hot young twinks affected Ted like no girl ever did! He jacked off for a year with that magazine. The ex military guy had learned to bury his urges deep down for fear of being discovered early on, and the net proved a way to finally meet some others like him without having to reveal himself in person. With trepidation he posted his first story on the usenet. He was amazed how many letters he got about it, including Jim's.

He had come to think of Jim, or Jimmy as he called him sometimes, almost as a little brother, and tried to give him advice about some of the mistakes he had made while younger. Of course, things were a little better these days as people's tolerance is better than it used to be. The net is a great way for people to realize that they are not alone. Over the past year, Ted watched and read proudly as Jim adapted so well to the college atmosphere. He was always a shoulder for Jim to cry on when things got a little stressful, and tried to encourage him as best he could. Ted was amazed at how smart Jim was and told him how great it was that he was doing so well in school.

Now it was coming to the end of Jim's first year, and Ted had mentioned that he was going to be nearby Stanford on business. Jim had asked him to come down and meet him in person, and while Ted was excited at the prospect, he was also apprehensive. Why did this great looking young college guy want to hang out with a guy almost as old as his father? It wasn't like they even talked about having sex or anything. Just meet in person and have dinner, and maybe go see a Giant's game or something. Still, there was a tension in the emails as the meeting got closer that both realized was there.

He hadn't kept anything secret from Jim. He had emailed him several pictures of himself over the time the two had been corresponding. Ted was five ten and pushing 190 pounds, with brown hair that he was losing the battle to keep. He kept it cut short, a habit left over from his GI days, and tried to work out when he could, but he could see the middle age spread starting to appear. He knew he wasn't a candidate for GQ magazine, but he wasn't a bad looking guy either. It's just when he saw Jimmy's picture, he was amazed at how good-looking the young college stud really was.

Jim was five seven and maybe weighed 120. With light brown hair and brown eyes, he had a smile that just made all the girls melt around him. He had a light complexion, that showed off his bright pink cheeks well every time he blushed, which he did a lot. He was very athletic too, so despite being so skinny, he was quite well defined, and at just eighteen, he was still growing.

Ted was starting to shake as he followed Jim's directions to his dorm. The rented cavalier was not as nice as his own car, but it would do. He still couldn't believe he was doing this. Well, maybe we will just have a nice dinner, and that will be that, he thought. Of course, that would be totally fine with him. His friendship with Jim was way more important to him than any one-night quickie. Still the thought of actually having sex with another guy, especially Jimmy, who knew about some of his fantasies, was sending currents into his groin. He had stopped at the local adult store before he left his home and picked up a few things just in case it led to that. Better to be prepared thought Ted. He had also emailed Jim's friend Jay, and got some details and set up some stuff. He hoped his hardon would subside before he got to the dorm. He didn't want to give the wrong first impression. He saw the street that the dorm was on and turned left onto it.

Oh man, what have I got myself into, thought Jim. His palms were sweaty as he waited nervously on the steps. He got up and started to pace, keeping an eye out for the gold cavalier that Ted said he was driving. He thought about going back into the dorm and hiding, and forgetting the whole thing. No, I can't do that, he thought, I am the one that damn near begged him to come here. What am I, some kind of pervert? Damn, I should have jacked off in the shower. He had re read one of Jim's stories after class before his roommate came in and had a boner that could cut steel. He had taken a cold shower and got dressed, pulling on some khakis and a Stanford Basketball T-shirt. He hung out around the #1 team a lot, and even though he was way to small to play, they all liked Jim and let him workout with them. Now he was pacing on the front steps, hoping Ted would show up before his roommate did. He didn't want to explain this whole kind of weird thing to him. His roommate was a year older than he and kind of looked after him, and Jim doubted he would approve of this. He wasn't sure if he did. Just when he was thinking of running back in his room for the second time, he saw the rent a car pull up to the steps. Jim wiped his palms on his pants, walked to the car and got in.

There he is, thought Ted as he pulled up to the dorm. He saw a nervous looking Jim, pacing on the steps. He is probably just as nervous as I am he thought as he pulled to the curb. They made eye contact, and Jim got into the passenger seat of the car. They sat there just looking at each other for a minute, before both of them smiled. Ted put out his hand, "Jimmy, it is so great to finally meet you in person!"

Jim took the offered hand and shook it, he would have loved to hug him, but that wouldn't be smart out here where everyone would be watching. "Ted, I can't believe you're really here, this is so cool! Man, I am so nervous, I almost chickened out, but I am glad I didn't. Man this is so RAD!" He realized he was starting to babble and he was still shaking Ted's hand. For the first time, Ted got to see his young friend blush in person.

"Yes it is," Ted laughed as he got his hand back and pulled away from the curb. "I figured we could go to the Outback and grab some steaks before it gets too crowded, that cool with you?"

"Anywhere you want to go is fine with me man, I can't believe this!"

Ted saw that Jim's legs were shaking with nervous excitement and he was fidgeting all over the place. He was nervous himself but was still concerned. "Jimmy if I make you uncomfortable at all, just say the word and I can take you back. I am not some pervert out for you or anything, but I just want to make that clear."

"Ted I trust you. I don't know why, but I do. All those letters and instant messages were so great! You have helped me through some stuff that I couldn't talk to others with dude."

"OK dude, just making sure," Ted said as he made his way onto the El Camino Real, the main drag up and down the South Bay area peninsula. They made small talk the rest of the trip before arriving at an Outback that Ted had seen earlier. Ted almost ordered a beer before he remembered that his dinner guest was too young to drink, so settled for a Diet Coke. They caught up on each other's lives over dinner, with Ted doing most of the talking; revealing some aspects of his life that he couldn't do over the computer. When he finally paid the check, the two felt as if they were lifelong friends. Still, there was tension as they left the restaurant and got back into the car.

Ted took Jim's hand and looked him straight in the eye. "Well Jimmy, it's your call. Do you want to go home or go back to my hotel for a while? Don't worry dude, I will still like you and keep writing if you want to go home, I understand." He felt Jim squeeze his hand and the freshman licked his upper lip.

Here goes everything thought Jim. "Let's go to your place Ted. Hurry before I change my mind."

"Anytime you want to stop, just say the word Jimmy, although I have to say I am pretty happy you want to come with me. I still don't quite believe it, but I am happy!" Ted had to be careful not to drive like a maniac on the way to the Holiday Inn where he was staying. His hardon was pressing painfully into his jeans and judging from the bulge in Jim's khakis, he was pretty excited as well.

"I really want to Ted. I feel like I am going to explode!" Jim laughed. He gave a jump when he felt Ted's hand tentatively rest on his thigh, but put his hand on top of it. It felt nice, and his cock further stretched his department store briefs.

They rode the rest of the short distance to the hotel in silence, each one lost in private thoughts of what they were about to do. Jim was relieved to find that the hotel had outside room entrances and he wouldn't have to walk through a lobby. Even though no one was giving them a second glance he felt like he had a big sign on his face that said "Were are going to have SEX". Jim led him to his room and opened the door. "Last chance buddy," he whispered to him. Jim went into the room and Ted closed the door behind them.

Ted had set the room up before he left for the dorm. It was a large room with a couch and table along with the King size bed that dominated the room. There was some beer on ice, along with a bottle of champagne, he didn't even know if Jim would want to drink but he wanted to be ready. He offered Jim a beer and he accepted, sitting down on the couch not knowing what to do next. Ted sat down next to Jim and put his arm around him. "Do you want to do it like we talked about Jimmy?"

Jim took a big gulp of the Pete's Wicked Ale and nodded his head yes.

"In that case Jimmy, what do you say to your Master?"

Jim swallowed, "y, yes sir."

"Very good Jimmy, but you will be punished for your mistake a little later. Go into the bathroom now and take a shower. When you are done, put on the clothes I have laid out for you then come back out here. Make sure you get extra clean, and dry your self completely. From now on, if you want to stop, use the code word basketball, and everything stops. Any questions?"

"No Sir."

"Good, now get to it."

Ted watched as Jim disappeared into the bathroom. When he heard the water start he picked up the phone. "So far so good, be ready." The line went dead. He picked up Jim's beer and finished it in a couple of gulps. I can't believe I am doing this, Ted thought. He squeezed his hard dick through his jeans hoping he would not fire before his time! After taking off his button up shirt, Ted was now just wearing jeans and a black T-shirt, with black Doc Martin boots. He grabbed the stuff for Jim and silently went to the bathroom replacing the freshman's clothes with the ones he had bought for him. He resisted looking through the shower curtain at the young stud soaping up his naked form on the other side.

As Jim was soaping himself up, making sure he got all the nooks and crannies clean, he was trying hard not to linger on his five-inch boner. It was painfully hard and the slightest thing was going to set him off. He turned the water to full cold and stood suffering under the ice water, till he had shriveled up enough to get out. He took one of the hotel's huge fluffy towels and dried himself off. He looked around on and noticed that Ted had taken all his clothes. In their place was a small shopping bag. With trepidation he reached in and pulled out the contents. All that was in there was a white 2Xist thong and a pair of brand new Tommy Hilfiger white quarter hi socks. Jim held up the thong and gulped. It looked just like a tiny white triangle with a waistband and strings. He had never worn anything like it in his life. When he figured out how it went on it felt funny. The string riding in the crack of his ass felt weird, especially when he bent over to pull the socks on. He hesitated in the bathroom for a while to calm down a bit before walking back to the main room. He saw Ted sitting in front of his laptop computer and went over and stood next to him awaiting the next move.

Ted saw him enter the room and did his best to ignore him, which took every bit of self-control he had. He was running through a slide show on his computer that had hundreds of pictures of young guys off the net. Some were nude, but most were of guys in underwear and shorts or bondage pics. He clicked few a few more, making sure Jim could see them. He already had a nice little bulge growing in the front of his thong. "Well lets have a look at you," Ted said. He got up from the desk. "Do you like the thong I bought for you?"

"Yes sir," Jim said. He was starting to shiver slightly. He felt weird being almost naked like this in front of the fully clothed older man. What he didn't know was that Ted had also turned up the air conditioner to make it colder in the room.

Ted smiled at his young friend. He looked incredible sexy standing there in just socks and thong. "It looks good on you Jimmy. Here let's put this on you now." Ted pulled out a leather collar that he got from the adult store. "I saw this and just knew you would want to wear it!" he beamed. Ted placed the collar around Jim's neck and with his own hands shaking slightly fastened it at the back. "Walk over to the mirror and look at yourself Jimmy. Make sure to turn around and look at your cute butt too!"

Jim's face was a bright shade of red when he went to the mirror to check himself out. He couldn't believe he was wearing this getup, especially the collar! He was embarrassed to see his dick growing and straining to stay in the confines of the tiny cotton pouch. Several of his light brown pubes were poking out from around the sides and top as well he noticed, while he turned around and saw how the little strings formed a Y at the top of the crack of his ass before joining the waistband.

Ted walked up behind him and held up something to Jim. He recognized that it was a blindfold. He stood passively as Ted slipped it over his damp hair blocking out all his vision. "Place your hands behind your head now Jimmy," he whispered to him. Jim did as he was told. He couldn't see, but he could feel Ted's presence as he walked around inspecting his boy for the night. Jim gasped slightly when he felt Ted's hands start to explore all over his smooth body, starting at his shoulders and working their way down his chest, stopping to play with his nipples until they were hard little nubs.

Oh man, thought Ted as he felt the young Adonis' body in front of him. His own cock was rock hard, and he noticed that Jim's had started to leak as he saw a small stain on the front of his thong. When he got Jim's nipples good and hard with his fingers, he brought his mouth up to the right one and licked it gently. He heard Jim suck his breath in at the feel of the hot wet tongue on his sensitive tit. As Ted continued to rub Jim's back he worked his tongue from one nipple to the other licking, sucking and gently biting. Jim was having trouble standing at this point. Ted went to his bag and pulled out the nipple clamps he had ready. They were the kind without teeth, so they wouldn't hurt, but Jimmy would definitely know they were there. He clamped one on the left tit first, smiling when Jim gave out a little "oooohhhh" when he put it on. He made the noise again when the right one was attached. His thong was now tented way out in front of him.

"Jimmy you look very sexy like this, but I need to fix one thing."

Jim could barely find his voice. He felt so turned on it was all he could do not to grab his dick and crank it. He was sure he was about to cum as it was without even touching it! "Yes sir," is all he could manage to whisper.

Jim heard an electric buzz start, kind of like in a barbershop. Ted's calm voice reassured him. "Just going to trim these hairs out of the way boy." The next thing Jim knew he felt the buzzing blade of a cordless clipper trimming his bush around the thong. It was a very arousing feeling. Ted noticed his young partners knees starting to shake violently and wondered if he was going to far, but Jim didn't use the code word, so he continued trimming away so that Jim was as smooth as a baby around his skimpy covering. "Good boy, lets get you over to the bed now." Jim allowed himself to be led over to the bed and was laid down on his back.

Ted had set up his bondage kit that he bought earlier in the afternoon. He had restraints with adjustable lengths fastened to the bed frame legs, and now started to hook up Jimmy in them. First he put a pillow under his head and made sure he was comfortable, then hooked his left wrist up and took out the slack of the rope, next came his right wrist, followed by his legs. He was now secured spread eagle on the bed, with his little white tent jutting proudly out from his groin. Ted untied his shoes then took his jeans off. He had to stuff his own six-inch dick back into the Joe Boxer's he was wearing. He climbed up on the bed between Jim's tied up legs and brought his mouth down on his smooth flat belly.

Jim could actually feel his dick throb, when he felt the first cuff attached to his wrist. How many times had he jerked off fantasizing about this sort of thing, he couldn't count. The blindfold just intensified the effect, as he couldn't tell what Ted had up his sleeve next. He heard some rustling then felt the bed move as Ted got on it. The next thing Jim knew there was a hot wet tongue diving into his belly button. "Oh, man," he moaned in pleasure as he tried to thrash, but was held back by his bonds. He felt the tongue flick in and out several times and he lifted his ass off the bed as best he could, trying to match the thrusting tongue. Then is stopped, and Jim collapsed back, panting. He wasn't given much rest though, as he soon felt the tongue leaving a trail of saliva down his belly toward the waistband of his thong. Then he felt Ted's mouth engulf his cotton pouch.

Ted's dick was sticking out through the slit in his boxers as he moved his mouth onto the eighteen-year-old nut bags in front of him. He started sucking Jim's ballsack through the thong, while reaching up and gently tugging on the chain that was connected to the nipple clamps. Jim again started wreathing and squealing in pleasure. Ted was fucking the mattress while he went to town on Jimmy's crotch, and had to stop before he came too soon. Now was the moment of truth for Ted. In his thirty something years, he had never sucked another guy's dick before, and now a picture of perfection was tied to his bed, in his room right before him. Using just his teeth, he gently bit on the waistband of the 2Xist garment and started tugging downward. Jim lifted up his hips as best he could and allowed the skimpy covering to be pulled off of him, both men struggling slightly to get the elastic over Jim's raging, and at this point profusely leaking dick.

Ted used his hands to pull it far enough down to expose the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Sure the pictures in the magazines and on the net are nice, but to be inches away from a freshly scrubbed and trimmed jock crotch! Ted couldn't delay any longer and cupped Jim's balls gently in one hand while holding his dick up with the other. He slowly brought his mouth down onto Jim's pole for his first ever taste of cock. It was everything he had hoped for and more. It wasn't long before he was slobbering all over Jimmy's love stick, mixing his saliva with Jimmy's precum, making it one big sloppy college hot dog!

Oh fuck! He is taking my underwear off! Wow he is using his mouth! Oh man! Oohhhhh. He was too excited to speak, so Jim just lay there and moaned. He forgot that it felt this good, having been almost a year since he and Jay had fooled around. But wow, this was different. With Ray, they had been in his bedroom at home and there was the constant fear of discovery so they were always in a rush. This was incredible! Oh man, he is sucking me! "Oh geeze, Ted, fuck that feels awesome, don't stop, oh Man. Fuck Ted, I can't take much more, fuck I think I'm gonna cum, you better stop dude, oh shit!"

Ted heard him but didn't care. He started sucking harder, making sure not to use his teeth, then reached under Jim's cheeks running a finger between his crack. The second he did that, he could feel Jim tense up, then squeal out as he started firing months of pent up sexual frustration into Ted's mouth. Ted did as best he could trying to swallow it all, but it was his first taste of cum ever and a lot of it ended up back onto Jim's crotch. He didn't care though, and neither did Jim apparently as he just kept jerking his pelvis up while his dick continued to drool out his seed until finally he lay back, exhausted.

Ted couldn't help himself. He had to cum now! He just pulled his boxers down and grabbed his dick, holding up against Jim's slimy but still hard cock and started rubbing them together. Years of imagination could not prepare him for the feelings he was getting and with only three strokes, he added his own goo to the puddle pooling on Jim's groin. "Oh shit, that was awesome!" he said as he collapsed on top of Jim. He started kissing his neck and face, and Jim responded reaching with his lips until they were trading tongues with each other. Jim could taste his own juice in Ted's mouth and that drove him wild. Even though he had just fired, he was still horny and his dick had not even softened a bit.

After a bit, Ted got up and got a washcloth. He gently scrubbed Jim's belly and crotch clean, and then undid his ankle restraints and pulled off the thong, leaving him in nothing but his tiny white socks and leather collar. "Jimmy, I am going to go to the bathroom for a second, just lay there and relax a bit."

"Like I can go anywhere if I wanted to," Jim replied. This was incredible!

Now was time for phase 2, Ted thought. Silently he went to the door that connected to the room next to his and opened it. Waiting next door was Jim's friend Jay, whom Ted had contacted when he was setting his visit up. Jay was wearing an identical outfit to Jim's except his thong and socks were black. He silently came into the room and walked over to the bed where his friend lay, still tied by his arms. Jay, who was also five seven, had almost black hair and dark eyes and had a college wrestlers build, used to regularly beat Jim into submission when they played around but this was wild. He jumped at the chance when Ted had called him and gladly made the five-hour drive up state to be with his friend for a very special weekend. He was also eighteen. His own five-inch dick was growing at the sight of his best friend secured to the bed with leather cuffs like that.

Ted pointed for him to get up and straddle Jim's face. Blindfolded as he was, Jim didn't know there were three people in the room yet. When he felt the cotton covered balls in his face he started licking at the thong, not knowing it was his friend. He gave a start thought when Ted grabbed his ankles and handed them up to Jay exposing his puckered rose bud to Ted.

"What the hell! Ted what's going on."

Jay spoke up, "Quiet Jimbo, slave boys aren't aloud to talk! Just keep sucking me, you still owe me a few!" Jay took the blindfold off of him.

Relief and excitement flooded through Jim at the same time. His cock was full hard again! He didn't know how Ted had set this up, but he even was more comfortable now that his best friend was here. He looked sexy as hell in the black thong and too! He started liking at the familiar cock pouch in his face.

"Punishment time now Jim," Ted announced. "Jay has nicely sold me all the swats you owe him, so we can take care of his and the ones you owe me for not answering correctly. For every swat, I want you to lick the crack between Jay's dick and ass hole. If he feels you are not doing a good job that will add to your sentence." He showed Jim a large black leather-spanking paddle that he had picked up at the adult bookstore. "Do you understand?"

Jim looked up to see Jay grinning mischievously at him, he told him everything, he thought. He looked at Ted and the looking paddle. "Yes sir, I understand."

"Jay get into position," Ted said.

Jay crawled further over his best friend's face and laid the little string of his thong right over Jim's mouth. Ted smiled and raised the paddle.


"Oooh!" Jim moaned, but did his duty and licked his friends thong string.

Ted continued with nine more smacks, not very hard, but enough to leave Jim's quite spankable cheeks a shade of pink matching his blushing cheeks. Jay's thong string was stuck way up in his crack, wet with his friend's saliva. Ted nodded at Jay, and he peeled his skimpy thong off as well. He adjusted himself so that his balls were in Jim's face, and he immediately started licking and sucking his friend's scrotum. Then he felt Ted's tongue on his ass hole. He almost bit into Jay's balls when he felt that. It was the wildest sensation ever!

Well, thought Ted, I already sucked his dick and tasted his cum; I might as well go all the way. He tentatively put his tongue right on Jim's exposed love hole. It tasted like the soap that he had just used to wash himself down there, so Ted started exploring more, getting more into it. His own dick was starting to respond again. After he was able to get his tongue slightly inside Jim, Ted reached under the bed where he had put a tube of KY earlier. While still licking at Jim's back door he squirted a big glob of it onto his fingers. He backed off with his mouth and started spreading some of the lubricant around Jim's winking turd cutter. Jim wiggled and giggled as the cold goo was spread around his rear end. He now had Ray's cock in his mouth and was doing as good a job he could at sucking it from this position.

Ted started working with his finger at the entrance to Jim's love tunnel. There was resistance at first, and Jim even moaned a bit. "Just push out like your taking a shit Jimmy," Ted said. Not that he was an expert to say the least, but he had read where that helped. Sure enough, when Jim gave a bit of a grunt his finger went right in.

"Mmmmm." Jim moaned. Wow, how weird he thought. He and Jay had tried some butt stuff once, but it hurt too much and they had no idea what they were doing. Now he felt Ted finger fucking him and it felt wonderful! He couldn't believe that he was sucking his best friends dick while I guy he only knew over the computer had his finger, no wait, now two fingers up his ass, and he was loving it!

Ted noticed after he got his second finger inside the incredibly tight butt hole that Jim's prick was rock hard again and drooling. As much as he wanted to take Jim's cherry, he knew he couldn't. He looked up at Jay and nodded. The two switched places and Ted was not at all displeased to feel another guys moth on his cock for the first time in his life! Jim took his dick with a fever, and Ted leaned back and moaned! He looked up to see Jay rolling a condom onto his rock hard jock cock. Even though he knew these two didn't screw around, Ted had insisted on protection when he laid his plan out to Jay. He applied a generous amount of lube to it. Jim wasn't really paying attention until he felt something that certainly wasn't a finger at his back door!

Jay looked at him and said, "only if you want me to, Jimbo."

Jim stopped sucking Ted's cock and looked at his buddy. "Stick it in me Jay, Fuck me with your dick! Ram it home dude!" Jim couldn't believe words like that were coming out of his mouth, but he was so sexed up right now, he didn't care!

Ted leaned back and stroked himself while he watched the two novice lovers get set up. Jay lined his cock up against the target and proceeded to apply some pressure. Jim grimaced, but did the grunting thing again and in went Jay's cock. The look of pleasure on Jay's face turned Ted on incredibly. Jim was wincing, but saying to keep it coming. He was grabbing handfuls of sheets while Ray continued feeding his tube steak into his friend.

"Oh, god Jim! This feels so fucking hot! Oh man!" Jay started to slowly rhythmically fuck his best friend while Ted continued jacking off to the live sex show in front of him. As Jim got more used to the feeling of being filled he started to respond to his fucking and started trying to suck more of the cock inside him. Ray had found his love button with his dick, and his dick throbbed with every thrust inside him.

"Oh man, Jay, I'm gonna fucking cum again!" he squealed. He was getting totally overwhelmed from feelings. When Ted reached down and massaged his nipples, it set him off. For the second time in three hours, Jim's cock started pumping a gusher of jizz out over his stomach, chest and even his face! When Ray saw his friend cum. He couldn't hold it any longer and started filling the reservoir tip of his rubber with his own cum! Jim could feel his friends cock spasm inside him and it just intensified his own orgasm. He pulled his dick out with a loud plop and pulled the rubber off tossing it aside leaving his dick glistening and hard laying up against Jim's spent balls.

Ted for his part, couldn't wait any longer either. He jacked his own load of cum all over Jim's chest again making a mixed puddle of man juice on young Jimmy's body. All three collapsed for a moment, totally spent in post orgasm exhaustion. He undid Jim's wrist cuffs, and told the two boys to go take a shower and clean up. They eagerly ran for the bathroom.

After a lengthy shower, with some snuggling and kissing, the two boys returned to an empty room. They found a note from Ted, saying thanks for the great time, and to stay the weekend, the room was on him. He would catch Jim online when he got back from his business trip. Oh and by the way, he kept the thongs!

The end? I had a lot of fun writing this. If you liked it and would like to see a second part let me know at unfrozenman@yahoo.com

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