Jimmy's Movie

By Bill Jonners

Published on Feb 22, 2020


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This story is completely fictional.

I'd love to hear from you if you enjoyed this story. Please send any comments to colin4men@gmail.com and I will reply as soon as I can. Bill


"Hello Jimmy. I expected you to return but not quite as soon," Mr H, the producer of the Czech porn movie company, said to the young Asian. "It's only been...what, four weeks?"

Jimmy nodded. "I didn't really expect to be back, especially after getting a good job a couple of weeks ago."

"What is the money for this time?" asked Mr H.

"The deposit on a one-bedroom apartment," replied Jimmy. "The place I am living in at present is tiny and it would take a few months to save enough from my wages."

"So you thought you might earn some money and enjoy a fuck at the same time?" smiled Mr H.

Jimmy frowned. "You know I'm not gay. I just do it for the money."

Mr H shook his head. "Are you still telling yourself that? We both know you shoot a huge load when being fucked by a big cock."

Jimmy used to believe he was totally straight but, despite the initial pain, he had been tremendously aroused on the two occasions he had bottomed for an older, bigger white male. He had particularly enjoyed the sex when paired with Roger a month earlier. The man was kind and gentle when not in front of the camera, and the rough sex had turned him on so much that he had spunked off hands-free.

"Well, I just wondered if it might be possible to do one more movie. You have told me that there's not much of a demand for Asians like me in porn," Jimmy said. "I'll understand if you say no."

"You are a good bottom and I could probably arrange something if you're willing to do another bdsm movie," said Mr H.

Jimmy shrugged. "They pay the best so yes, I'm willing." He paused for a moment and then asked, "Could I be paired with Roger again?"

"I'm afraid not. He's visiting the U.S. at present and I don't know when he'll be back here in Prague," replied Mr H.

"I see. I don't want to be paired with Mack again," Jimmy said.

Mr H rubbed his chin as he thought. "How would you feel about a threesome? I have two daddy-types in mind, neither as well-endowed or as rough as Mack. You'd look good teamed up with them."

"Two men...I don't know." Jimmy was doubtful.

"I'd pay you a thousand," Mr H said.

Jimmy was tempted as he'd never earned that much before for a movie. "But two men fucking me?" he said to himself. "I suppose it would be okay if they have smaller cocks than Mack."

"Well?" asked Mr H.

Jimmy nodded. "Yes. Okay. I'll do it."

Mr H stood up and held out his hand. "Great! I'll get things organised and give you a call soon."

"Thanks, Mr H," responded Jimmy. His cock was stirring at the thought of man-on-man sex.

It was some two weeks later when Jimmy was introduced to his co-stars. He had been very nervous as he approached the studio but he relaxed when he saw the two men smiling at him. He thought that they looked very friendly and neither was much bigger than him.

"I'm Alex," the older of the two men said. Jimmy guessed him to be about fifty years old and thought he was quite handsome with his grey hair and goatee-beard.

"And I'm Lukas," the other man said as he shook Jimmy's hand. Jimmy thought he was even more handsome because of his nice smile and twinkling blue eyes. He estimated Lukas to be in his early forties.

"I'm pleased to meet you both," smiled Jimmy. "I'm still very new at this so I'm a bit nervous."

"Don't be," said Mr H. "These two guys are experienced and they'll look after you."

"Yeah, we will take charge and you don't have to worry about learning lines," Alex said.

Lukas nodded in agreement. "Just do what we tell you."

"What is the story in this video?" Jimmy asked Mr H.

"We're not going to waste a lot of time with preliminaries," the producer responded. "You have been picked up by Lukas in a gay bar and he's brought you home for sex. That's when you discover that Lukas plans to share you with Alex. You express some doubts but Alex reminds you that you're horny and wanted a good, hard fucking."

Jimmy felt his face getting warm but he nodded his understanding. Mr H went on. "You will strip on command and be taken to the playroom for bondage and sexual teasing. Then the guys will fuck you at both ends. I assume you're okay with that? It's why I'm paying extra."

Jimmy gulped and then said, "Yes. I agree to that."

"Good. Now go shower and clean yourself out," instructed Mr H. "Then go to make-up and have your pubes trimmed. I thought they looked untidy last time."

Embarrassed, Jimmy went off to shower while Johan came over and ran through his ideas with Alex and Lukas. There was further embarrassment for Jimmy when he found that the only make-up assistant was a middle-aged lady but he bared all and left the room with little more than stubble over his pubic area.

Finally it was time for filming to begin. The first scene was in a small set made to look like the living room of a house. Alex was inside while Lukas and Jimmy stood on the other side of a door waiting for their cue.

"Action!" shouted Johan.

Lukas opened the door and pulled Jimmy into the room with him, saying, "We're going to have lots of fun."

Jimmy smiled until he saw Alex. "Who's this?" he asked Lukas.

"This is Alex. You'll like him," replied Lukas. "His dick is just as big as mine." Then turning to Alex, Lukas went on. "This is Jimmy. Isn't he cute? I met him in our favourite leather bar."

Jimmy shook his head. "You didn't say anything about another guy."

Lukas smiled. "I thought it would be a nice surprise. You told me you were really horny and in need of a good, hard fuck. What could be better than two guys fucking you?"

"I don't know..." Jimmy looked from one man to the other and then said," Okay. Let's do it."

"Strip off and let's get a good look at you," said Alex.

Jimmy swallowed and tried to ignore the cameras and small audience who had gathered to watch. He unfastened his belt then knelt down to remove his boots and socks. Looking up at the two men, Jimmy pushed his jeans down and stepped out of them. Next he pulled off the skin-tight white t-shirt he had been given to wear and stood before the men in nothing but white, low-cut briefs. His stiffening cock was clearly outlined.

"Very nice but carry on," Alex demanded.

Hooking his fingers into the waistband, Jimmy pushed the briefs to the floor. His hands went automatically to cover his now fully erect cock but Lukas coughed and he put his hands by his side. The two men could now see the whole of his naked body and his thin but very stiff 13 cm (just over 5 inch) cock and hairless, grape-sized balls.

"Turn round and show Alex your cute little butt," said Lukas. Jimmy did as he was told. "Isn't that a beauty?" Lukas asked his mate.

"It certainly is. Let's get him into our playroom," replied Alex.

"And cut!" shouted Johan.

The bright lights went off and Johan said, "It's going well, guys. We'll be ready to go on the other set in just a few minutes."

Jimmy wore a bathrobe as he followed the others to the next set and soon recognised `the SM dungeon' where he'd lost his virginity to Mack a few years earlier. He began to get nervous again as he remembered the pain and humiliation of being fucked by a man for the first time with others looking on.

Alex came over and put an arm around Jimmy's shoulder. "I know you've not done much porn and it's natural to be nervous. You enjoy being a bottom, don't you?" Before Jimmy could answer, Alex went on. "We've seen your first movie and we will try to make this one just as special. Lukas and I would love to be able to make you cum without touching your cock again."

Jimmy gave Alex a weak smile and hoped the two men would be more gentle than Mack.

"Okay, guys. Get into position," Johan shouted.

Jimmy got rid of the bathrobe and went over to stand between Alex and Lukas. The two men took hold of his arms and waited.


"You said you were into kinky stuff and we've got some nice equipment," Lukas said as Jimmy was led over to a swing.

The two men helped Jimmy to get into the swing and then he lay back while they cuffed his wrists and ankles to the supporting chains. "Think of the money," he told himself but at the same time he was looking forward to seeing Alex and Lukas naked.

Jimmy didn't have to wait long. As soon as they were satisfied that Jimmy was secure, the two men began to strip.

Lukas revealed a smooth, muscular chest with massive pecs and big nipples that had Jimmy licking his lips. Then Alex showed off a hairy chest that made Jimmy equally excited. The two men had their back to Jimmy as they completed undressing but one of the cameras caught his lustful look as he continued to watch them.

The men stepped into tall leather boots before they turned around to face Jimmy again. The young Asian gasped at the sight of the virtually naked men and their erect cocks. Mr H had promised the men would not be as generously endowed as Mack but they both possessed impressive cocks. They were both at least 8 inches (20 cm) long and pretty thick.

Alex and Lukas moved to stand on either side of Jimmy. "Nice body," said Alex as he reached down and pinched the younger man's left nipple.

"It is," agreed Lukas. He squeezed Jimmy's balls and brought a gasp from the Asian.

"Let's use some of our toys on it," Alex said. He turned to a shelf and returned moments later with a stainless-steel pinwheel which he placed just above Jimmy's left knee. Jimmy whimpered as the wheel ran up his inner thigh cause pinpricks of pain. Alex didn't stop when he reached the top of the thigh. He moved the spiked wheel over the hairless balls and up the cockshaft, bringing moans from Jimmy. Once off the stiff cock, Alex ran the wheel up Jimmy's torso, over the left nipple a few times and then over the right nipple.

Lukas took over at that point, running the pinwheel back over the right nipple and then back down over the squirming young man's cock, balls and inner right thigh. "How did you like that?" he asked Jimmy.

"It hurt," Jimmy replied with a pained look on his face.

Lukas laughed. "It didn't hurt me," he said as he ran the pinwheel up and down the soft skin of Jimmy's inner thighs. Jimmy groaned and tried to wriggle free.

"Let's try these," Alex said as he held up a pair of nipple-clamps. Lukas moved aside as Alex placed one of the spring-loaded clamps over Jimmy's left nipple. Alex suddenly released it and Jimmy howled in protest as the clamp squeezed the erect nub. Alex smiled and moved the other clamp over the right nipple. This time he released it slowly. Jimmy moaned loudly.

"You must like us playing with your body. You're still stiff." Lukas squeezed Jimmy's stiff cock then fetched a cockring with short leather straps attached. The straps were used to separate and slightly stretch Jimmy's balls. "That looks nice," Lukas said before flicking at the cockhead with his forefinger and thumb. Jimmy whimpered, looked towards Mr H but said nothing.

"I want to fuck him," Alex said as he joined Lukas and spread Jimmy's arse cheeks open. A camera zoomed on the twitching pink pucker.

"Go ahead," Lukas responded. "I'll use his mouth first." He moved to the top of the sling and turned Jimmy's head towards him. "Suck my cock, boy," he ordered.

Jimmy had only taken part of Lukas's Colin cock into his mouth when he felt Alex's greased finger pushing its way into his arsehole. He tried to relax but found it difficult when he could see a camera pointing towards him out of the corner of his eye. He moaned as the finger pushed deeper and then gagged on Lukas's cock for a moment. Lukas eased up and allowed Jimmy to concentrate on sucking and licking his cockhead.

Under Johan's direction, the two cameramen focused on Alex as he lined his cock up against Jimmy's hole. The scene was captured from different viewpoints. One of the cameramen moved back to record Jimmy's facial reaction to being penetrated. His eyes opened wide and he groaned around the cock in his mouth and Alex pushed his cock deep inside in a single thrust.

The swing rocked back and forward as Alex proceeded to fuck hard and fast into Jimmy's tight arse. Jimmy whimpered, having lost Lukas's cock.

Lukas watched for a while, then told hold of Jimmy's head and pushed his cock back into the young man's mouth. Jimmy gagged again and accidentally bit down on the cock. "Shit! You bit me," cried Lukas as he pulled out.

"Sorry. I don't have much experience," responded Jimmy, still moving backwards and forwards under Alex's assault.

"We'll soon fix this," Lukas said. He left for a moment and returned with a spider-gag. Jimmy tried to resist but soon the metallic device was keeping his jaws open. Lukas shoved his cock back into Jimmy's mouth and began to face-fuck him, not caring when he gagged occasionally.

Jimmy, who had lost his erection earlier, was soon fully erect once more as he surrendered his body to the two men. By the time Alex announced that he was about to cum, Jimmy was leaking pre-cum. Moments later Alex pulled out and shot his load over Jimmy's body.

"Cut!" shouted Johan when the cameras had finished recording Jimmy's cum-soaked body.

"You are doing well," Lukas told Jimmy as he passed him a bottle of water.

Jimmy croaked a "thank you" and watched as a padded bench was pulled forward.

A short time later, filming re-started and Jimmy was moved from the sling into a face-down position over the padded bench. His wrists and ankles were cuffed to the four corners. The nipple clamps had been removed but he was still wearing the spider-gag and the cockring/ball-divider.

"Great ass," said Alex as he rubbed Jimmy's buttocks. "Too pale though." He picked up a cat o'nine tails with soft leather strands which would produce the right look without causing much pain.

Surprise was the main reason for Jimmy crying out when the first blow landed across his arse. Alex ignored him and proceeded to lash the buttocks and the backs of Jimmy's thighs. Jimmy whimpered and struggled against his bonds as the whipping turned his skin pink.

Lukas wanked slowly as he looked on and then said, "That's enough. I need to fuck him now."

Alex stepped aside and Lukas got into position. While one camera caught the defeated look on Jimmy's face, the other focused on the thick cock sliding between his arse cheeks. Jimmy raised his head and gasped loudly when the cockhead burst through his sphincter. Lukas took hold of the slim hips and then rammed his cock balls-deep in a single savage thrust, bringing a loud cry from Jimmy.

As Lukas began to fuck Jimmy with slow, steady movements, one of the cameras zoomed in on the young man's cock. It was still rock-hard, pointing downwards as it pressed against the side of the bench but now a long thread of pre-cum was dripping from it.

Lukas began to speed up and Jimmy moaned softly with each inward thrust. Alex stepped forward, shoved his semi-hard cock in Jimmy's mouth and made fucking movements. Once again Jimmy was being fucked at both ends.

Now Lukas was really pounding into Jimmy. "The boy is about to blow," Johan said into the earpiece of the cameramen. The one nearest the rear zoomed in on Jimmy's cock in time to capture his eruption. Spurt after spurt of cum splattered onto the floor. The other cameraman remained focused on Jimmy's face, recording the look of embarrassment as he spunked off hands-free while sucking cock and being fucked hard.

Lukas pulled his cock from Jimmy's arse moments later and fired his two blasts across Jimmy's back and buttocks. Then he prised the arse cheeks open with one hand and aimed at the puckered hole. Cum painted the twitching entrance and all around it. When Lukas had finished cumming, he pushed some of the white cum into Jimmy's hole with his cock. "You're a great fuck, Jimmy. We'll have a little rest and then start round two."

Jimmy groaned and let his head drop.

The two men walked away and the cameras filmed some long shots of the bound Asian before pulling away.

"Cut!" shouted Johan. "Great job, guys."

Alex and Lukas returned to release Jimmy. "I really enjoyed that. I hope you did too," Alex said.

"Hmm," was Jimmy's only response.

"I'd love to work with you again," said Lukas. "You're hot." Jimmy didn't reply. He gave a weak smile and rubbed his sore wrists. Lukas smiled back. "You'll feel better when you've had a shower."

"I hope so," Jimmy responded. He was almost limping behind Alex and Lukas in the direction of the showers when a hand reached out and gripped his arm. He looked up and saw his co-star from his previous video.

"Are you okay?" Roger asked. "I only caught the last ten minutes but that looked pretty rough."

Tears came to Jimmy's eyes. He nodded and said, "It was rougher than I expected but I will be fine. What are you doing here? I was told you were in America."

"I was visiting friends in New York and got back earlier today," replied Roger. "I received an email from Mr H asking me to let him know when I was back and he mentioned that you had asked to work with me again. I thought I'd visit him in person. Come and sit down."

Jimmy allowed the man to lead him to a seat and then leaned against him. "I was turned on working with you. If I had known you'd be back so soon, I would have waited."

"I only booked my flight back a few days ago and I didn't tell Mr H," said Roger. "And I didn't expect you to be back here. Haven't you found a job yet?"

"I've a job, quite a good one," replied Jimmy. "But I want to move into a better apartment and making another video seemed like an easy way to get extra money quickly." He winced and adjusted his position. "It wasn't as easy as I thought."

"Poor baby," said Roger. "Maybe we can work together next time."

"There won't be a next time," said Jimmy. "I know now that I enjoy sex with men but I hate having an audience and knowing that strangers will be watching me having sex."

Roger smiled. "You enjoyed the sex with me...even after the spanking?"

"I loved the sex with you. It was the best I've ever had," Jimmy said softly. "That's why I wanted to work with you again. It didn't matter if you had to spank me, whip me or whatever first."

Roger lifted Jimmy's chin and then kissed him gently on the lips. "I enjoyed having sex with you and I think you're adorable."

Jimmy smiled. "I think you're incredibly sexy. I have masturbated many times thinking about you and what we did together."

"Really?" Roger smiled.

"Yes...daddy," Jimmy replied with a big grin.

"I have a very nice apartment and sometimes I get a bit lonely," said Roger. "Maybe we could try sharing and see how things work out."

"I'd like that," said Jimmy.

"I only have one bed so we'd have to share that too," Roger said.

"Well, I am more than happy to share THAT," smiled Jimmy. "And you can spank me if I'm slow to help with the chores."

Roger hugged Jimmy. "Go get showered and dressed. I'll be waiting for you...son."

Jimmy put his arms around Roger's neck and kissed him. "Thank you, daddy."


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