Jimmy's Movie

By Bill Jonners

Published on Feb 13, 2020


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This story is completely fictional. It was written in response to a request for a follow-up to my story `Jimmy's Movie Debut.'

I'd love to hear from you if you enjoy this story. Please send any comments to colin4men@gmail.com and I will reply as soon as I can. Bill


Jimmy had enjoyed working in England but the fall in the value of sterling following the vote for Brexit meant that he wasn't able to send as much money home as he'd hoped. Finally he decided to move back to the Czech Republic but to stay in Prague rather than in his small home town.

Being in Prague reminded him of the time when to took part in a gay porn movie to find his trip to England. He had enjoyed that experience more than he wanted to admit to himself and he had masturbated many times thinking about it. He hadn't, however, sought out gay sex while in England as he tried to convince himself that he was straight.

Now, with his savings dwindling as he sought to find a job, Jimmy wondered about taking part in another gay video. He recalled being told there wasn't a huge demand for Asians in gay porn but, as he looked in the mirror, he said to himself, "I'm still cute and don't look much older than eighteen. Yes, I'll do it. I need the money."

Two days later Jimmy was sitting in the offices of the same gay porn company and chatting with the guy he had worked with before.

"Your previous video sold well," Mr H told Jimmy. "Do you want to take part in something similar?"

"I don't need as much money this time," replied Jimmy. "Is it possible to do something less extreme?"

"Such as?" Mr H asked.

"I don't know...um, maybe a spanking movie," suggested Jimmy. "I'm not gay so I don't want to be...you know...fucked."

Mr H smiled at Jimmy. "If I get my way you will be fucked again," he thought.

"Well?" Jimmy was impatient.

"How about sucking a man off after you've been spanked?" Mr H asked.

"Hmm, okay. I guess I could that," replied Jimmy.

"That would earn you about fifty Euros," Mr H.

"But...but...you suggested more for doing that last time," protested Jimmy.

Mr H shrugged. "You were younger and more innocent then."

"That wouldn't last me a week," Jimmy thought.

Mr H could see that Jimmy was reluctant to offer more so decided to make it easier for him. "Three hundred if you let the guy fuck you afterwards. Just sex - no bondage and nothing heavier than spanking."

"But I earned 800 Euros last time," Jimmy protested.

"You were a virgin doing a bdsm movie. Now you're just another bottom agreeing to a fairly tame movie," said Mr H. "If you want more, you know that kink pays much better."

"I don't know," Jimmy said. Part of him wanted to get fucked again and he had been turned on last time by being tied up and helpless. "It got a bit rough last time and that guy Mack had a huge dick."

"As I recall, you shot your load hands-free last time. You obviously enjoyed what Mack did to you," Mr H said with a smile.

"My butt hurts for ages last time," was Jimmy's only response.

"How about doing it with a different top?" Mr H asked. "I'll pay you 500 Euros if you let him use a leather belt on your ass as well as his hand before he fucks you."

"Maybe. Do you have anyone in mind?" Jimmy responded.

"No. It depends on how urgently you need the money and who is available," replied Mr H. "I know that Mack was keen to work with you again but you've ruled him out. Does it really matter who fucks you? It's purely a business arrangement, not a romantic date."

Jimmy knew that the man was right. "It was humiliating and painful last time but I kinda liked it too," he said to himself. "Okay. Anyone except Mack if we can do it before the end of the week," he told Mr H.

Mr H held out his hand. "I'll get the contract drawn up and give you a call as soon as I've found you a partner."

Jimmy shook the man's hand, feeling both nervous and excited about the sex and not really thinking about the money.

As soon as Jimmy left the room, Mr H called his assistant. "See if that big American guy Roger is free to do a movie on Friday."

Friday morning saw Jimmy back in the studio being introduced to Roger. At 6ft 5 in (195.5 cm), the forty-something American towered over the young Asian. "Pleased to meet you, sir," Jimmy said as he held out his hand.

Roger chuckled. "Always nice to meet a polite young man," he responded as he held the smaller hand in a firm grip. "I'm going to enjoy working with you."

Johan, the director, entered at that point. "You remember Johan, don't you?" Mr H said to Jimmy.

"Yes, sir," replied Jimmy.

Johan nodded at the two actors. "Simple story," he began. "You're a college student in detention, Jimmy. You were caught fighting after being called a faggot."

"I'm not a faggot," Jimmy said, blushing slightly.

"Put that line in the movie," responded Johan. "Anyway you need to get away early to help out in the family restaurant and you ask Roger if you can postpone the detention...and then agree to what he tells you. Okay?" Jimmy nodded. "Good. Just follow Roger's instructions."

Johan led the way to the studio and to a corner which had been set up to look like a classroom. As on his first time, he felt surprised to see so many other people around - two technicians as well as two cameramen and Johan's female assistant. He wondered if he'd be able to get an erection.

"You can change over there." Johan pointed to a table which had some clothing lying on top and then joined Mr H for a discussion.

"First time, kid?" Roger asked as he started to undress.

"N..no. Second time," answered Jimmy, gazing at the broad expanse of the man's muscular chest.

"Well, you know roughly what to expect," smiled Roger. "Were you told that I'm very well-endowed?"

Jimmy's eyes opened wide. "No, I wasn't told anything about you."

Roger smiled. "Well, I'm sure you'll manage. A pretty boy like must have taken lots of cock up that cute ass."

"Actually, no." Jimmy blushed. "I have not had sex with another man since that first movie."

"Wow! You're almost a virgin." Roger shook his head in disbelief. "Well, I'll make sure they use plenty of lube and I'll try to be careful but you're going to have a sore ass later."

Jimmy gulped and closed his eyes. "Think of the money," he told himself. He quickly changed into his student `costume' of polo shirt and jeans while glancing occasionally at Roger. The man had his back to him but Jimmy could easily see that he was a strong man. He remembered how Mack had dominated him and turned him on while making his debut porn movie and began to stiffen.

Johan approached Jimmy and said, "We will start with you sitting at a desk reading a book. Then Roger will enter. Just follow his lead and you'll be fine."

"Okay," said Jimmy. He looked over at Roger to see that he was now smartly dressed in a suit and tie but nothing could hide the fact that he was big and muscular. Jimmy shook his head and walked over to sit at the desk. He opened the book and started reading. It was a book about the history of China and he was intrigued.

"Action!" cried Johan. Jimmy looked up into the camera and then turned to see Roger approach.

"Detention again, Jimmy," said Roger. "And for fighting this time."

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir," responded Jimmy.

"It started with name calling, I believe," Roger said as he removed his jacket and sat down. "What did he call you?" Jimmy mumbled something. "I didn't hear you," said Roger.

"He called me a faggot, sir. I'm not a faggot," Jimmy stated.

"Faggot isn't a nice word but I sort of assumed you were gay. You're telling me you're not?" Roger asked.

"I'm not!" Jimmy said loudly.

Roger raised an eyebrow and gave Jimmy a look that said, "I don't believe you." Then he slowly nodded and said, "And after he slapped you, you used one of your judo moves to throw him to the ground."

"I was just defending myself," said Jimmy.

"But he landed badly and had to get medical treatment," Roger responded. "Judo is supposed to be for self-defence but you over-reacted. It's not looking good for you."

Jimmy frowned and stared at his book. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt him."

"We'll see what the Principal has to say tomorrow. Now read quietly until six," said Roger.

"Six? I need to leave by five to help in my family's restaurant, sir," complained Jimmy. "We have a big party booked this evening."

"Too bad," said Roger.

"Please, sir. Can't we change the detention until tomorrow?" begged Jimmy.

Roger shook his head. "I'm busy tomorrow."

"Oh, sir!" Jimmy wailed. "I don't want to let my parents down."

Roger stood and slowly walked around the room. Then he stopped in front of Jimmy and said, "Perhaps we might consider a different punishment."

"Yes, sir. Anything, sir," said Jimmy.

"Okay, boy. Stand up and bend over the desk. I'm going to thrash that cute little ass," growled Roger.

"What?" Jimmy did a good job of looking surprised.

"You heard me! A butt-whipping is what you deserve," said Roger. "But maybe you'd prefer just to sit there until six o'clock rather than take your punishment like a man."

Jimmy frowned but he stood up and bent over the desk. "I can take your punishment," he said.

"Drop the jeans and the underwear. It's gonna be a bare butt punishment," said Roger.

Jimmy knew this was coming but he could feel himself blushing slightly as one of the cameras moved closer. "Drop my underwear?"

"Yeah. In fact, just strip naked," replied Roger. "You are too cocky by far."


"It's my way or you just sit here till six," snarled Roger.

Jimmy gulped and then pulled off his polo-shirt, revealing his slim body and the beginnings of a six-pack. He looked up at Roger as he unbuckled his belt and then knelt down to remove his shoes. Trying to ignore the two cameras focusing on him, he unzipped and then pushed his tight jeans down.

One camera tracked down the front of Jimmy's body and then zoomed in on the growing bulge in the low-cut white briefs. In spite of his nervousness about being fucked again in front of a small audience, Jimmy was turned on at the thought of submitting to the big, dominant man standing in front of him.

The second camera scanned Jimmy's rear and zoomed in on the cloth-covered buttocks. The briefs clung tightly to the small, firm globes. The camera pulled back a little as Jimmy took hold of the waistband and slowly pushed the briefs down.

Roger and the first camera were now focusing on Jimmy's semi-erect cock. It was at a 45 degree angle and stiffening rapidly under the man's gaze. By the time Jimmy had stepped out of his briefs and placed them on top of his other clothes, his cock was rock-hard.

The young Asian's cock was 13 cm (just over 5 inches) long and quite thin. It stood above a pair of hairless grape-sized balls and was surrounded by a bush of short, stiff, black hair. Jimmy wanted to cover his cock with his hands but he knew he couldn't do that in a porn movie.

Roger smiled and nodded towards Jimmy's cock. "You still trying to pretend you're not a faggot? Look how hard you are being naked in front of a real man."

Jimmy bowed his head and felt tears come to his eyes. "I'm meant to be acting but he is telling the truth. I am excited by the thought of sex with him," he said to himself.

Roger took a seat. "Come over here and bend over my knees. I'm going to start by spanking you as if you were a naughty boy." Jimmy did as he was instructed and soon felt a large hand caressing his butt. "I have always thought you had a nice ass. It's good to finally touch it," said Roger. Then he raised his hand and brought it down sharply across both buttocks.

"Ouww! That hurt!" Jimmy complained.

"It's meant to!" retorted Roger as he brought his hand down again. He followed this up by rapidly sparking each globe in succession, ignoring Jimmy's moans and turning the butt pink. After a final hard slap across both buttocks, Roger said, "Okay, you can stand up now."

Jimmy climbed off Roger and started rubbing his sore bum. He was aware that his cock was still rock-hard but he was more concerned with his rear.

"Shit! Look at what you've done!" Roger pointed to the damp patch on his trousers and then at Jimmy's leaking cock. "You can't keep that thing under control."

In the background Mr H smiled and turned to Johan. "He's a natural submissive. This is turning out better than I'd hoped."

"Sorry, sir," said Jimmy. He bent his head and waited for the order he knew would follow.

"Bend over my desk," Roger said as he stood up. Seeing a wooden ruler, he picked it up and tapped Jimmy's butt. "You need more punishment. Open your legs wider!" Again Jimmy obeyed without question. Roger used the ruler to tap the pink buttocks a couple of times and then went between the young man's legs and tapped the hairless balls.

Jimmy grunted but did nothing to resist a second, slightly harder, tap. One the cameras zoomed in from the side to capture a thread of pre-cum dripping from the stiff young cock.

Roger threw the ruler back onto the desk and unfastened his belt. "Six strokes," he announced. "Count them for me."

Jimmy jerked and let out a howl, quickly followed by, "One, sir!" when the belt fell across his buttocks. "Ow! Two, sir." Roger wasn't using much force but the strokes left dark pink stripes. Jimmy let out a sigh of relief after calling out, "Six, sir!"

"You took that well," Roger said as Jimmy straightened up. To his surprise, the teacher saw that Jimmy still had an erection. "Hmm, maybe you deserve a reward. Would you like to suck my dick?"

Jimmy licked his lips and then replied, "Yes, sir" in little more than a whisper. He wasn't acting now and he wasn't thinking about the cameras.

"Then get down on your knees in front of me," growled Roger.

"Cut!" shouted Johan. "We'll take a short break."

Jimmy felt a bit frustrated but he was surprised when Roger pulled him to his feet and said, "Let me put some soothing cream on your butt." He followed the man to the changing area and then bent over to allow him to apply the cooling cream.

"Grease up his hole when you're done with that," Johan said as he tossed a tube of KY jelly to Roger.

Mr H approached with bottles of water for the two performers and said, "Great work, guys. It's going to be a hot movie."

Jimmy smiled and then gulped down some water. He wasn't used to praise from Mr H.

"He's a hot little guy," Roger told Mr H. "I'm looking forward to getting into his tight pussy." Jimmy wondered how big Roger's cock was and hoped taking it wouldn't be too painful. "Can I cum inside him?" Roger asked Johan.

"No. He's not experienced enough for a `cream-pie' scene. End with a facial," replied Johan.

"Yes, that pretty face will look good covered in cum," said Mr H.

Jimmy felt embarrassed but he said nothing. He simply bent over again and spread his legs when Roger picked up the KY jelly. A moan escaped his lips when one of Roger's fingers pushed some lube into his hole. "You like that, eh? You like having something in your pussy?" Roger asked.

"Hmm." Jimmy's reply was non-committal but his cock began to stiffen again. He closed his eyes as the finger probed deeper. He moaned again when Roger used two fingers. "Don't worry, boy. You'll get something bigger in there soon." Roger finger-fucked Jimmy for several minutes, sometimes opening his fingers to stretch the entrance.

"Okay, time to get started again," shouted Johan.

Jimmy got on his knees in front of Roger and waited for the signal to begin. The first camera caught him looking up into Roger's eyes while the second captured a side-on view of the pair.

"Go ahead. Take it out and suck it," ordered Roger.

Jimmy reached up to open the man's trousers and pull them part way down his legs. He admired the broad, hairy thighs and then took hold of the baggy boxers. He gasped when he saw the thick, semi-hard cock and the large, hairy balls.

"Big enough for you?" teased Roger.

Jimmy swallowed and wrapped the fingers of his right hand around the base of the growing cock. He wanted to watch it become fully erect but he bent forward and kissed it first. Then he gave it a few licks. Soon it was fully erect. At 22 cm (just over 8.5 inches), it wasn't quite as long as the cock of the man who had fucked Jimmy in his first movie but it was thicker. He thought it looked beautiful but frightening. "That is going to hurt," he thought.

"Don't just look at it. Get it good and wet," snarled Roger. "You're not going to get any other lubrication."

Jimmy gulped and then moved forward to suck the huge cockhead. "You've got a hot mouth, boy. You're doing a good job," Roger said in response to Jimmy's efforts. Encouraged by this Jimmy took more and more of the cock into his mouth until he started to gag. Then he pulled off and began to lick the shaft.

"Lick my balls too," said Roger. Jimmy did as he was told and then noticed pre-cum leaking from the man's piss-slit. He wanted to taste it so he took the cockhead into his mouth once more. This time Roger took hold of Jimmy's head and then slowly pushed his cock into the young man's mouth. Jimmy gagged a few times and Roger pulled off. "Too big for your little mouth? Don't worry. I know where it will fit." Roger pulled Jimmy to his feet, spun him round and then bent him over the desk. "You want my cock in your boy-pussy, don't you?" said Roger.

"Erm, no. It's too big," said Jimmy. He felt the man's hands spread his arse-cheeks and sensed one of the cameras moving in for a close-up of his twitching rosebud.

"You will manage it," Roger said as he let his cockhead slide up and down the arsecrack. Jimmy tensed when he felt pressure against his hole. "Relax and it will be easier for you," Roger said softly. "Push out as I push in."

Jimmy was grateful for the advice and tried to do as he was told. He gritted his teeth and pushed back. He couldn't help letting out a scream when the thick cockhead burst through his sphincter but he felt pleasure as well as pain as the cock pushed deeper.

"So tight. So fucking tight," murmured Roger. He took hold of Jimmy's hips and then rammed the rest of his cock inside, bringing another cry from the young Asian. Roger slid his hands around Jimmy's torso and held him tightly. He wanted to give Jimmy time to get accustomed to his size before going further. When he felt Jimmy relax a little, one hand slipped down to take hold of the stiff young cock. The other moved upwards to pinch and pull at a nipple. "Ready?" he whispered.

"Yes," said Jimmy. "Fuck me!"

Roger started moving slowly but then gradually his thrusts became faster and more forceful. Jimmy whimpered a few times but then started moving back to meet the thrusts. "You like this don't you? You like being fucked by a big dick," said Roger.

Jimmy didn't reply but pre-cum was now pumping out of his cock - something caught by one of the cameras.

Roger started moving even faster, really pounding into Jimmy's tight hole. Jimmy whimpered and knew that he'd cum soon.

Then the youngest member of the film crew, the one doing the lighting, went stiff and gasped. The light he was holding shook as he blasted off inside his baggy shorts. Johan cursed but he could see that his actors hadn't been put off.

"I'm going to cum!" Jimmy cried. Seconds later he started spunking off hands-free, sending spurt after spurt of white cum across the desk.

Roger was close to the edge but he waited until Jimmy had finished before pulling out. He spun the young man around and pushed him to his knees. Then he took hold of his throbbing cock and started wanking furiously. Moments later the first blast of man-cream erupted to land across Jimmy's nose and lips. Jimmy opened his mouth in surprise and received the second blast across his tongue. Jimmy closed his mouth and his eyes and more cum hit his face. Some landed on his lips and chin. The next lot fell across his left cheeks. Then some landed on his right cheek and eyelashes. Roger then pushed his cock between Jimmy's lips and fed him the rest of his load.

Finally Roger pulled out and stepped back. "Okay, you can get dressed and go now," was all he said.

Jimmy looked up at him and was about to ask for a hug when he remembered the cameras. "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." He stood up and wiped his face with his hand. Then he looked at his cum-covered fingers before licking them clean.

The cameras followed him as he got dressed and prepared to leave. "If you want a repeat session, you know where to find me," said Roger.

"Yes, sir," Jimmy responded before walking off the set.

"And cut!" shouted Johan. "Good job, guys," he said, addressing Roger and Jimmy. Then he turned to the young lighting man. "And you...well, if we have to shoot that scene again the cost will come out of your wages."

"I'm really sorry, Johan. I don't know what came over me," the technician said. He said that Johan was staring at his baggy shorts and looked down to see a large damp patch. He blushed and said, "Oh!"

"Maybe you'd like to appear on the other side of the camera. You're cute enough," said Mr H who was now standing beside Johan.

"No, sir. I'm not gay," the young man responded.

Mr H laughed and walked over to Roger and Jimmy. "Great job as always, Roger. And you did well, kid. I'll have your money ready when you've showered and dressed."

The man left and Roger turned to Jimmy. "I hope you enjoyed that. I certainly did."

Jimmy gave a weak smile. "Since I came while being fucked, I think it's obvious that I liked it."

"Maybe we can make some more movies together," suggested Roger.

"I don't plan to make any more," said Jimmy. "I just needed some money quickly."

"Pity. You're a great fuck," smiled Roger.

Jimmy couldn't help smiling but he didn't say what he was thinking, which was, "I'd love to have sex with you again."

Next: Chapter 3: Jimmys Final Movie

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