Jimmy Takes Over

By Ben Coolen

Published on Sep 21, 2020


Jimmy Takes Over

By Ben Coolen


Readers, please keep in mind that this story is 100% fictional. In real life no man is better than the other, and nobody is entitled to treat other people cruelly.

This story contains sexual acts (domination, submission, humiliation, oral sex, masturbation) between young males. If you don't like it, or it is illegal in your country, state or community, please stop reading it immediately.

Please keep in mind that Nifty needs our donations to keep this great free service running.

I have written several other stories. You can find them here:


Thanks to Naughty Bard for proofreading the text.

Chapter Five

"Jimmy, it's raining and I'm freezing already," I pleaded but he just sneered at me.

"This will keep you warm," he snickered and splashed some of his pee on my bare legs.

I waited, fuming despite the cold and exhaustion. I felt like crying. Three more days with these guys? Would I live through that?

I wasn't able to catch any more sleep that night. I kept thinking about the two coming days, what kind of ordeals were still in store for me?

In the morning I woke up at seven thirty to make breakfast, as I had been instructed by the boys. When I took out a kettle and frying pan, the noise they caused raised an angry protest from the bedrooms.

"Stop that fucking banging or you're dead, Shoeshine!" Jimmy's coarse voice called out.

I sat down, not knowing what I was supposed to do. After a few minutes Cody showed up from his room, hungover and still drowsy from sleep, his blond hair a mess. My cocksucker eyes scanned his muscled body and the huge cock stretching the front of his Reebok trunks. I briefly wondered if I would have that tube in my mouth during the weekend. I felt relieved that he had turned out to be such a homophobe, because I had never served such a mighty organ. A dude like him would never let a gay guy touch his dick.

"We're gonna catch some more sleep and have breakfast at ten. Meanwhile, I got a work assignment for you."

"What's that?"

Cody seemed to be thinking hard, scratching his armpit.

"Well, yeah, go clean the bath house real good."

I was puzzled.

"I already cleaned it last night after you left."

"Just do it again. Give it a really good scrub. You know, wash the floors. Clean the can, I took a shit there last night. I want it to fucking shine. Scrub the tiers. Make sure there's fresh towels ready for the evening. I'll inspect it so don't try to skip anything. And don't make any noise in here before breakfast. Got it?"

Ryder seemed pretty intimidating, but Cody was really scary. His deep voice and the stare of his ice-cold Viking eyes made me shiver, so I answered without my usual sarcasm:

"Got it."

So I spent the rest of the morning scrubbing the bath house like crazy. After that I had just enough time to get breakfast ready before the boys woke up. After I had cleaned the table, I got another job assignment from Ryder.

"This place looks like a shithouse, Shoeshine. Cody and I are going fishing and we want lunch at two. When we're back I want this place to be squeaky fucking clean. Understood?"

"Understood," I sighed.

"I've become a fucking slave to other kids," I thought bitterly while picking up garbage and gathering beer cans all over the house.

I left Jimmy's room last, as I wanted to avoid him as long as possible. I sneaked into his room with a mop and a rag. I had to stop at the doorstep to look at the sight in front of me. Jimmy was in deep sleep, stretched out lying on the bed, on his back, arm across forehead, naked. The underwear he had been wearing when I sucked him off he had casually tossed on the floor.

No matter how much I hated his guts, I had to admit that it was a beautiful sight. His young face looked beautiful and innocent, his long black hair sprawled on the white pillowcase. Since reaching puberty I had been secretly drooling after his slim, toned bod and his penis that had developed more and more manly over the years.

I sighed. I longed for the Jimmy I had known most of my life. But I hated the Jimmy he had become, evil and cruel.

I cleaned his room as best I could without waking him up.

My work camp continued all day. I cleaned the shed, carried some firewood to the sauna and raked the entire yard. All work that was clearly pointless, assigned to me merely as a punishment for something I was obviously missing. After dinner I was totally ready for sleep, but of course that wasn't possible. I still had duties in the bath house to take care of. I prayed that Jimmy would be merciful that night, not submitting me to the kind of humiliation I had gone through the previous night.

My prayers went unanswered.

Jimmy had started to drink beer already after lunch, which seemed to piss off Cody and Ryder. By the time they wanted to hit the sauna, Jimmy was clearly drunk, eyeing me with a devilish smile. I knew he was up to something.

"Shoeshine, more beer!" He called me from the steam room.

I grabbed three cans from the cooler and took them to the sauna. The boys were sitting on the highest tier, Jimmy on the left, Cody on the right and Ryder in the middle.

"Shhoessshinee..." Jimmy greeted me, stretching my nasty nickname as long as possible.

I tried to retreat, but Jimmy wasn't having none of that.

"Don't go Shoeshine. You worked hard today, you deserve some time off. Come on, join us. It's really nice and hot in here."

Jimmy kept insisting, so I thought I would sit for a while like he wanted. I climbed hesitantly to the middle tier.

"No no, Shoeshine. All the way up. We want you to keep us company." Jimmy instructed.

I was about to climb up, wondering where I was supposed to sit in the crowded space, knowing that I was stepping into Jimmy's trap.

"What are you doing Shoeshine, you're supposed to be naked in the sauna. It's the Scandinavian way. We gotta respect their traditions."

I had no option but to strip naked. I decided to do it quickly, not leaving time for Jimmy's nasty comments. I pulled my shirt off, dropped my shorts and after a second of hesitation pulled my grey Hanes boxers down.

That was the moment Jimmy had been waiting for. He burst into laughter, although he had seen my dick countless of times. He pointed at it with his finger.

"Hahaha, you call that a dick, Shoeshine? It looks more like a shrimp to me, ahahahaha! Fortunately you don't get to fuck anything with it, ehehehehe!"

Seeing my limp dick -- yes, and I know it's small compared to any of theirs -- made Ryder and Cody laugh spontaneously too.

Ryder tried to be a bit more diplomatic.

"Well, maybe it's a grower, Jimmy."

That just sank me deeper in Jimmy's trap.

"Think so, Ride? Maybe we can see it grow then. Come on, join us, Shoeshine."

Jimmy moved his ass on the tier slightly, leaving a ten-inch space between him and Ryder who was sitting next to him.

I had pretty much figured out what Jimmy was planning, but I climbed up like a doomed man into the gallows. I turned around and sat down between Jimmy and Ryder, my shoulders toughing theirs and my legs brushing against their sweaty thighs. My cock automatically recognized the closeness of two naked boys and stirred a little. None of the boys saw anything happen, but I knew I would be in trouble.

Jimmy wrapped his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder. He placed his hand on my thigh and left it there.

"Are you comfortable, man? You need to relax, you've been so fucking uptight lately, no need for that," he said and moved his hand higher on my thigh.

I had been sucking off Jimmy dozens of times and made contact with his body and genitals a lot, but he had never touched me in any intimate way. Jimmy was a handsome teen with a body to drool over and feeling his warm hand on my inner thigh felt heavenly. Unfortunately it also made my cock swell.

Jimmy pushed me closer to Ryder.

"How do you like my bro Ride, Shoeshine? A handsome motherfucker, don't you think?"

"Yeah," I said, looking straight forward.

Jimmy laughed.

"Dude, you didn't even look at him. Go on, take a really good look, he won't bite!" He took hold of my head with his left hand and turned it towards Ryder.

Ryder smiled and leaned on the back wall with his hands clasped behind his head. Guys with great bodies usually tolerate admiration pretty well, and Ryder was no exception. He didn't seem to mind being admired by another dude. It probably just brushed his ego.

I tried to find something un-sexy to look at, but it was impossible as Jimmy was holding my head so that I had to look at Ryder. My restless eyes wandered from his hair that was flowing on his handsome face to his hairy armpits and bulging biceps, down his chest and ripped abs to the black fun trail running from his navel to a bush of black hair and to the sturdy cock resting against his muscled right thigh.

The impact was inevitable. I felt my cock starting to rise from its resting position. And naturally Jimmy had been observing the development.

"Hahaha, you were right Ride, he really is a grower!" He announced and squeezed my thigh.

Ryder looked at my genitals and laughed.

"Yeah, it has grown a little, I can actually see it now. I wonder what's causing that to happen, hahaha!" He laughed and flexed his biceps and abs, showing them off to me.

The teasing made my situation even more awkward. My cock was now pointing upwards in a 45 degrees angle. Jimmy squeezed my thigh again.

"You really like my boy Ride, don't you? Look at him, Shoeshine. Ride fucks women with that big mean fuck stick. He's a man, not a fag like you."

He grabbed a fistful of my hair.

"I bet you like the smell of a real man, Shoeshine," he said and pressed my face into the steamy valley of Ryder's armpit.

That made Ryder laugh, but he didn't push me away. His wet armpit hair was brushing against my lips, and when I breathed in, my senses were filled with the intoxicating odor of his fresh sweat.

That was too much for their homophobe pal.

"You're fucking sick, all of you!" Cody announced and rushed out, slamming the door shut after him.

But that didn't stop Jimmy from having a great time on my expense.

"He can't get enough of you, Ride!" He laughed and rubbed my face in Ryder's armpit.

Ryder laughed too and moved his free hand on the back of my head, holding it in place.

"Have a blast then dude! There's plenty more where that came from, hehehe!"

I tried to play reluctant, but my libido had other plans. My tongue decided to come out of my mouth and make contact with Ryder's armpit. It wanted to taste the velvety skin and slick, wet hairs and take in the powerful, manly essence of a 17-years old alpha male.

"Look at that! The fag has a full hard-on now, ahahaha!" Jimmy screamed.

That was true, my cock was now proudly standing in full mast from the thrill of licking another boy's sweaty armpit.

Ryder raised his arm and let go of my head.

"Okay, enough of that."

But Jimmy wanted more.

"Let's make the homo jack off!" He yelled.

"No, that's enough man. Time to hit the lake," Ryder said and got up.

"I'm not done with him yet," Jimmy said and took hold of my neck with his strong hand.

I was suddenly afraid Ryder would leave me alone with Jimmy. He was totally out of control, intoxicated from alcohol and his power over me.

I sent silent pleads into Ryder's direction. Surprisingly, they seemed to work. He turned to look at Jimmy. Then he looked at me and I looked back, trying to plead with my eyes.

"No, Jimmy."

The steely tone of his voice shut Jimmy's loud mouth. He looked like he was starting to sulk, but he got up and followed Ryder.

I got out of the steam room as soon as I was sure the guys were gone and went straight to the shower. The cool water got rid of all the sweat, but my hardon was persistent, demanding relief. My senses were still overwhelmed by the odor of Ryder. I grabbed a towel and went to the dressing room, scanning the piles of clothes on the bench with my eyes. On top of one pile was Cody's black t-shirt, and another one I recognized as Jimmy's. Where had Ryder put his clothes?

I looked out and saw a bundle of clothes on the porch table. I couldn't go and snatch anything without the risk of being noticed by the boys.

But I had to do it.

I went out and leaned on the rail, pretending to watch the guys play in the water. At a suitable moment I grabbed a pair of bright yellow boxer trunks from Ryder's pile and went back in.

I pressed his underwear on my face and consumed his smell, even licking the inside of the pouch before spurting a load of cum on the floor.

I hastily washed my hands, set the boxers temporarily on a bench and wiped the floor. Then I sat down, trying to look calm and idle.

Ryder was the first one to return to the bath house. He stepped into the dressing room and grabbed a towel. Then his eyes fixed on something and he frowned. I followed his gaze... to the yellow boxer trunks on the bench. I forgot to put them back! I knew I was busted. I was going to receive a brutal punishment.

Ryder walked over and picked up his boxers, holding the waistband between his fingertips, like the garment was contaminated. He hung the boxers in front of me, so close that they brushed my face. I saw his stern face over the underwear.

"Were you sniffing my fucking boxers, dude?" He asked with a voice of a judge reading out a death sentence.

I turned my gaze down.

"Look at me!" He snapped.

I knew that trying to deny to truth was fruitless. I looked up and met Ryder's glacier-green eyes.

"Yes," I managed to mumble.

Instead of punching me in the face, as I expected, he smirked. He dropped the boxers into my lap.

"Wash them, fag boy," he said.

I was stunned.

"Ye... yes Sir," I stuttered.

Ryder chuckled and disappeared into the steam room.

After a while Cody and Jimmy followed him. I expected to hear a roar of laughter as Ryder told the guys what I had done. But that didn't happen. Why? Was that badass punk being kind to me? No, I told myself. That couldn't be possible.

The rest of the evening was mostly uneventful for me. The boys drank beer and smoked weed just like the previous night, but Cody and Ryder were clearly rationing their substance use. Jimmy, on the other hand, was knocking down brew cans one after the other. Cody and Ryder grew more and more annoyed and finally refused to let him smoke any more weed. Jimmy started sulking and sat in a corner, drinking alone like a promising young alcoholic.

I was dead tired, so I took my sleeping bag and spread it on the porch. The air was fresh and pleasantly cool. I closed my eyes and drifted into deep and healing sleep.

At some point, after several hours of sleep, I woke up to the need to pee. Reluctantly, I left my warm sleeping bag and walked to the bushes to relieve myself. I came back, but just as I was about to slip back into my sleeping bag something buzzed on the table next to me and I saw a little green light blinking.

A message in the middle of the night. I became curious and reached for the phone. I recognized Jimmy's cell immediately.

Now, spying another person's messages is bad behavior, and under normal circumstances I would never had done that. But in Jimmy's case I had no problem bending the rules a little, and I even knew his pin code.

The message was from my dad. I read the entire chat that had started the previous night.

Dave: How's things Jimmy?

Jimmy: making progress

Dave: Awesome! Tell me more

Jimmy: made him do sum hard work

Dave: Love to hear that!!

Jimmy: hes scared of ryder and cody hahaha!!!

Jimmy: we taught him some respect

Dave: Hahahaha!! Awesome!!!!

Dave: I knew I could trust u Jimmy

Dave: any problems?

Jimmy: a few tears

Dave: That was expected lol

Dave: Don't go soft on him!!!

Jimmy: trust me we wont

Dave: u know I trust u

Dave: Love you son!

Jimmy: love u 2 dad!!!

The latest message that had caught my attention was from my dad too, and he had clearly been shitfaced while writing it.

Dave: any nwes for me Jmiy????

I was dumbfounded. My dad had plotted with Jimmy to lure his own son to a boot camp! And Jimmy had brought two thug friends of his with him to make sure I wouldn't raise a finger against the bullying he had planned for me.

Surprisingly, when I thought about this revelation, my anger turned into determination. I had to escape!

I spent the rest of the night working on my escape plan. When the sun came up in the morning I was ready.

I served breakfast to Cody and Ryder, who had showed up on time and looking fresh. Jimmy, on the other hand, was soundly asleep, appearing once to rush to the can to throw up.

After breakfast Cody wanted to take the boat out to the lake, but Ryder had other plans. He posed in front of the mirror, clad only in white Supreme boxers, turning his ripped body back and forth and flexing his muscles.

"Fuck, I think I'm getting fat. I'm gonna do some workout," he decided.

To my surprise they gave me nothing to do. Jimmy was out, Cody was enjoying a boat ride and Ryder was working on his vanity. That left me alone, and it gave me ample time to get some head start before they would notice I was missing.

When the boys left, I packed my bag with some necessities, grabbed a bottle of water and a few bananas and started to quick-march towards the road to civilization. If I reached the highway I could catch a lift or a bus from there. I had no idea how long it would take me to the highway on foot, but I didn't care. I had had enough, come hell or high water.

But things didn't work out according to my plan. I had barely lost sight of the house and passed the parking lot when I had to stop before taking a turn in the road. I heard some loud noise coming from the direction I was heading, and it was frightening.

Some kind of a beast let out an inhuman roar, followed by a loud THUD! A bear raging in the woods? I froze on my heels and listened. A short while later I heard another roar, but this time I recognized the source as a human being. "DIE MOTHERFUCKER!" somebody screamed at the top of his voice, and then came another THUD! Someone was committing a brutal murder maybe twenty-five yards from where I was standing, and I sure wasn't going to be involved.

But instinct made me make an uncharacteristic decision. I gathered my courage and sneaked closer until I saw movement through the bushes. I sneaked even closer and took a discreet look, hiding behind a sturdy tree. There was the little clearing we had driven past with dad, where logs were piled up, waiting to be sawed and chopped into firewood.

Ryder was breathing heavily in the middle of the clearing, his naked torso glistening with sweat and his fucked-up denim cut-offs hanging so dangerously low on his hips that the upper half of his white underwear was visible. He stared at a huge length of a log on the ground for a minute, then bent his knees, grabbed hold of it, wrenching it up to his chest like a weight-lifting bar. He held it there for a brief moment, panting audibly, took a deep breath and raised it over his head with a grunt, his arms stretched as high as possible. He held the log up for a minute like a trophy with all the muscles of his shoulders, arms and back bulging under his tanned, shining skin, until he flung it down with a violent roar.


The log landed on the ground, sending dust and splinters high in the air.

Ryder bent down exhausted, leaned his arms on his knees and panted.

It seemed that his attention and energy were fully focused on that cruel, masochistic power practice, and I wasn't in any immediate danger. I sneaked carefully forward behind his back, convinced that I would reach the steep bend in the road without being noticed. Five, ten, twenty steps... I was almost there!

"Where are you heading, Shoeshine?" Ryder asked without turning to face me.

I stopped and turned around. He was wiping his face and shoulders with a ragged towel.

"I dunno. Home I guess. Or anywhere really, just far away from you fucking assholes."

"That's not a good idea, man."

"Why not? Literally anywhere is better than here."

Ryder picked up his water bottle and took a couple of long gulps. I watched as some of the water ran down his chest and sprinkled on his washboard abs, rinsing away some of the bark and splinters glued on his sweat-sticky skin. The coarse logs had made red scratches on his chest, but he didn't pay any attention to them.

He burped and clasped his hands behind his head to stretch his arms and shoulders, no doubt noticing my gaze than ran down his sculpted upper body down to the waistband of his Supreme underwear and then back up again to his hairy pits.

"You won't get far. The terrain is rough as fuck and there are fucking bears and wolves in the woods."

"I don't care." I said defiantly.

He put down the bottle and sat down on a log.

"Come on, man. Let's talk about it."

I sighed, knowing that my escape plan had officially failed. Reluctantly, I walked over, put my bag down and sat down next to him. He took a sip of water and offered the bottle to me. I wasn't thirsty but sharing a water bottle with Ryder somehow felt like a nice idea. I took a sip too and handed the bottle back.

Ryder surprised me by putting his arm around my shoulders. His bare arm felt hot and moist on my neck, and the odor of his sweat was strong.

"Maybe we were a bit rough on you last night. Got carried away, you know."

I sighed.

"Jimmy does that all the time. He loves to bully me."

"Well, Cody and I, we're no fucking bullies."

Ryder's change of attitude and his hand squeezing my shoulder made me feel better, but despite that I stood my ground.

"Oh yeah? You made me scrub the whole place and rake that fucking yard for no reason at all. It makes no sense, it will be fucked up again by the next thunderstorm."

Ryder paused for a minute.

"Well, we promised your dad we'd do that. Go a little rough on you, that is."

"Yeah. You promised, and I am the one who does the fucking raking!" I exclaimed.

Ryder chuckled.

"Yeah, sucks to be you I guess! But you were out-voted by three to one."

"Humph. I guess that's how it's gonna be," I said, not amused.

"I guess it is. But it's just for a couple of days. And Cody and I will see that things don't get out of hand anymore."

"But why are you guys doing this to me anyway? You got no reason to be here, you don't owe any favors to my dad, do you? Or do you harass me just because you like to do it?"

Ryder took his time to answer. Then he said:

"Well, Jimmy asked us to come and we didn't have anything better to do. Free food and booze and weed, you know."

"Yeah, right," I said bitterly.

I had a feeling that Ryder was not telling me the whole story and I was right. After a minute of silence he dropped the bomb.

"And the money was good. He paid us up front," he added matter-of-factly.

His words hit me like a sledgehammer.

"What?" I blurted, totally dumbfounded.

"You heard me," Ryder replied, without looking at me.

"My dad paid you to give me a hard time?" I yelled, sprang up and picked up my backpack, ready to hit the road again.

Ryder got up too and grabbed my arm.

"Hold on little dude, listen to me."

But I had enough of listening. Somehow I managed to wrestle my arm free and took a couple of angry steps away from Ryder, but he grabbed my arm again, this time holding it in such an iron grip that it hurt.

"Keep your hands off me! I've got nothing to say to you!" I screamed and tried to struggle myself free, waving my free hand in the air.

Ryder kept his grip with little effort, but somehow the elbow of my wildly swinging left arm punched him in the face.

He gave me a little shove on the chest, and when I took a step back to regain my balance, he swept my legs from under me with a swift and controlled kick. In a split of a second I found myself on my back in the grass. Ryder sat on my chest, trapping my arms under his knees. I tried to wriggle my body to throw him off balance, but it was useless; he kept me firmly in place without raising a finger. In my helpless fury I tried to bang his thighs with my fists.

"Let me go, asshole!" I screamed.

The only result of my struggle was that Ryder tightened his hold of me and inched his butt forward, so that my head was clenched between his thighs.

His latest move had brought his crotch only two inches from my face. I was looking straight into his scrotum; I could see the legs of his white boxer trunks through the rips in his cut-offs.

The sight was far from unpleasant, but I felt I should try to resist to let him know I didn't approve the way he was subduing me, so I tried to struggle a bit, rolling my upper body back and forth, trying to wriggle him off balance, but he just looked at me with a little smile and clenched his thighs tighter on my head, making it impossible for me to move it. Some loose threads of his ripped pants were tickling my nose but there was nothing I could do about that. I felt the warmth of his inner thighs through the thin-worn denim on both my cheeks, and I felt a familiar stir in my pants.

Ryder reached for his backpack, took out a vape and lit it, letting the grey smoke flow slowly out from his mouth.

With him sitting on my chest with seemingly no hurry in the world, I started to become worried. Was he going to hurt me? The answer was probably yes, and I had absolutely no way to fight back. Suddenly I realized how alone I was there, in the middle of nowhere. There was zero hope that Cody or Jimmy would help me even in the unlikely event they came to look for me.

All kinds of scenarios started to flash through my mind. What was Ryder going to do to me? For a fleeing moment I had thought I could trust him; what a fool I had been! I had punched him in the face, and I could see that it was already a bit swollen where my elbow had hit. It had been an accident, but a tough kid like him wouldn't let that kind of act of disrespect go unpunished.

All kinds of scary prospects flashed through my troubled mind.

He could easily kill me if he wanted. He could choke me to death with his powerful legs without bothering to use his hands.

But no, Ryder was street-smart, he wasn't gonna kill me. He was going to beat the shit out of me.

I looked at the hand resting on his lap. There were scratches and little scars; maybe he had got them from beating up other kids? And when he would put away his vape he would start pounding my face! I had no escape from those merciless fists. When I thought about how much that would hurt I couldn't hold back tears that were welling up in my eyes.

"What... what are you gonna do to me Ryder? I'm sorry for hitting you. It was an accident, I swear! Please don't hurt me, I'll do anything," I said with a sob.

He crouched down to look at me. I didn't see any feelings in his green eyes; not a hint of the pity I was hoping to see. The only expression on his face was just that little smile.

"Shut the fuck up, kid," he said calmly and sat up again.

I sniffled without him paying any attention. He took one last whiff of his vape and leaned over me to put it on a rock a few feet behind my head. To reach it he had to lift his butt and crouch over me so that his crotch briefly rubbed my face. I instinctively inhaled through my nose. The bulge smelled of unwashed denim, dirt and sweat.

Despite my desperate situation I felt aroused by the way he casually held me at his mercy. I could smell the sweat he had broken while working out with the logs, and I felt my cock getting hard.

He looked at me again and said:

"Listen up, boy. You're not the first sassy kid I've sat on. Sooner or later every wimp breaks down. You're a stubborn little smartass, so in your case that might take a while, but I got time. You can try to fight back if you want, I don't care," he said matter-of-factly.

A phone buzzed for an incoming call and Ryder fished his phone out of his pocket.

"Wayyyne, where have you been hiding man, I've tried to call you a fucking dozen times. Still fucking that ugly bitch of yours? A-ha? Really? Fuck you're a real asshole Wayne, did you know that hahaha?"

I had to listen while he chatted with this guy Wayne about some GM truck spare parts; I got a strong impression they weren't exactly acquired legally.

I got a desperate idea. Ryder was totally focused on his business call. Maybe I could use that to my advantage? I could surprise him and run into the woods, I didn't know where to, but it might save me from getting beaten up. This was my last and only chance!

I took a deep breath, gathered all my strength and sprang my upper body violently upwards with all the power I possessed as an attempt to throw Ryder off my chest. I succeeded to throw his ass up, but my movement made him also move forward, so when gravity brought him back down, his butt landed on my face.

My face was now pinned in the fold of his groin, my mouth pressed against his buttock and my nose touching something soft that could only be Ryder's ball sack. Only the thin-worn denim and the cotton of his underwear now separated my nose from his cum factory. My mouth was blocked by his rock-hard butt muscles but I was able to breathe through my nose; the hot air that I breathed in had been filtered through Ryder's genitals and it smelled like boys' locker room after PE class.

Ryder crouched down briefly to check out how I was doing. After he saw that I was able to breath, he leaned back and continued his conversation.

"Well yeah, it comes from a 97 model but it should fit your 95 just fine. Yeah, two quarter inch bolts in the middle and four on both sides, use rubber washers against the chrome parts. All included in the price. Yeah man, that's all."

He moved his butt a little; I felt the seam of his cut-offs scratch my lips, and my nose sank deeper into his ball sack. If someone had touched my cock at that moment, I would have shot my load immediately.

"Payment in bitcoins as usual, okay? Sure thing man, I'll text you the code. I expect to see it on my account by the end of the business day, all right? Okay... okay... sure. Hehehehe, yeah. Yeah. Talk to you later, asshole," he finally said and ended the conversation.

Then he rapped my forehead with his fingers and spoke to me.

"You can tap out anytime you want, little dude. But don't try to fuck with me again, or I'll slap you in the face. Understood?"

I tried to open my mouth to answer, but his ass prevented my lips from moving, so I nodded.

The only way I could tap out was to bend my wrist and pat his leg. I hoped he wouldn't freak out. I tapped his thigh and he slid his butt backwards so he could look me in the eyes.

"Gonna behave like a good boy?"

I nodded again.

"Good. Never had a guy's lips on my ass before, it felt kinda weird," he said and backed off.

"Thanks, that was a bit uncomfortable. And your pants smell pretty bad," I said.

He laughed and looked at his stained cut-offs.

"Really? I thought I washed them a month ago. You never know."

"Want me to get up now?" He asked.

I knew that if he didn't get up soon, my limbs would be totally numb. But having Ryder so close to me, my face between his thighs, was something I didn't want to miss for a second. And feeling his hard body against me, looking at his handsome, confident face and naked torso, felt like a rare opportunity despite my uncomfortable position.

I shook my head no. He smiled a little.

"You want me to sit like this?"

I nodded.

"Okay, I can do that."

"But if you could just move your knees, my arms are hurting." I added.

"Sure," he said and lifted his butt a little so I could free my arms from the pressure of his knees.

He sat down on my chest again and the rips in his pants brushed my cheeks. This time he rested his feet on the ground on both sides of my head, and I could smell the leather and rubber of his Air Force hi-tops.

"Look man, I'm trying to help you out."

"How? By throwing me in the ground and pinning me down?"

"I didn't throw you. I just secured you like this so you would stay put and listen to what I'm telling you and no one would get hurt. And by no one I mean you, dude."

"So... you're not going to beat me up?"

He laughed aloud, looking genuinely surprised.

"Beat you up? Why the fuck would I wanna do that?"

"I dunno. Maybe because you like to."

"You really think I get a kick from beating up little sissies like you? Think again."

I thought about that for a while.

"I guess you're not all bad then."

He laughed.

"I'd say I'm about 99 percent bad. You just happened to be lucky enough to meet that one percent today."

"So, what are you saying?" I asked confused.

He replied with a question.

"How do you get along with the guys in the locker room at school?"

"Okay. I guess."

"You guess. Do they know you're a homo?"

"There are rumours."

"Of course there are, closeted fags are magnets for rumours. They give you hard time?"


"Anyone in particular?"

"Yeah. Brad. One of the jocks."

"What does he do to you?"

"Well... you know. Calls me faggot, makes fun of me in front of everybody, sometimes shoves me against the lockers. Tells me to go fill his water bottle."

"And what do you do then?"

"I do as he says. Let him have his fun."

"You don't punch him in the face or call him an asshole?"


"Why not?"

"I dunno." I said, although I knew the answer. And so did Ryder.

"Lemme tell you. You don't talk back to him because he is stronger than you. Both physically and mentally, and he has all the other guys on his side. Right?"


"You know what? You keep quiet and do what he says because you respect him."

"Brad? I don't respect him, he's a fucking dumbass jerk."

"Dude, respect in the locker room doesn't mean that you like someone, or that you look up to him. You respect the fact that he has the upper hand on you. Just like a rookie in the army respects an officer, even when he knows the officer is a fucking moron. And you know what? Respecting the strongest dude in the locker room means being clever."

"How come?"

"Because you're smart and this dude Brad is not. He'll probably end up doing road work with a shovel or bussing your lunch table if he's lucky. It's all about being smart and surviving. And being smart is gonna make you survive this weekend."

"You guys do this kind of shit to other kids for money all the time?"

"Naah. Cody and I, we try to pick our gigs carefully. If someone wants to pay us for roughing up some dude, we make sure the guy deserves it before accepting the job. In your case we seemed to have made a mistake. We didn't do the usual background check because we trusted Jimmy. He told us your dad was a great guy and you were a spoiled little brat who drove his poor dad crazy. Jimmy's gonna pay for lying to us, that's for sure."

That was music to my ears. But what was going to happen to me?

"What are we gonna do now?" I asked.

Ryder got up and offered me his hand.

"Let's walk to the pier. I wanna smoke a joint. You can keep me company."

It was difficult to haul up my body with my numb limps, but Ryder pulled me up.

We walked past the house and down to the pier. Ryder sat down on the wooden fixed bench while I felt better standing.

Ryder took out a joint and lit it, and we chatted about this and that while he smoked. The weed in his joint seemed to be pretty strong, and his mood turned light pretty quickly, and he laughed at whatever I said to him. He looked at me with a goofy smile.

"You sniffed my dirty boxers last night, dude."


"Sniffing another guy's dirty underwear is sick as fuck, dude. But you know that already, don't you?"


"I think I'll call you Sniffer from now on. How do you like that, Sniffer?"

I shrugged.

"I guess I don't have any say in this, do I?"

"Hehehe, you know it, Sniffer."

Standing in front of Ryder while he teased me and questioned me about my underwear-sniffing habits was embarrassing of course, but it was also causing stirrings in my pants. I looked at his handsome face and cocky grin and deep in my mind hoped he wouldn't stop.

He took another whiff and cherished it for a long time before blowing out the smoke.

"You like sniffin any guys' underwear or just mine?"

"Just yours," I said, although I had had my way with Colton's and Jimmy's boxers too while cleaning up their rooms.

"Is that because you think I'm hot?"


He smiled that goofy high-smile of his again.

"You know, it kinda makes me feel good, knowing that I'm so fucking hot in some fag's eyes that he wants to bury his face in my stinking boxers."

"Good to hear," I said and moved my hand to cover the growing lump in my pants.

He took another whiff of his spiff.

"Did you jack off to them?"


"Hahaha, that's too sick."

"Yeah, I guess it is."

I felt my cock pressing against my palm, demanding to be let out.

"I wish I could've watched you do it."

"I'm sorry I forgot to invite you," I joked.

He laughed and looked at me for a long time before saying:

"You know what, I think I AM gonna watch you do it. Unlock your phone and give it to me."


"You heard me."

I handed him my phone and he inspected it. Then he kicked his shoes off and pulled his cut-offs down.

"Now, you're gonna show me how you sniff my bad boys. Straight outta the source," he said, lifted his butt off the bench so he could yank his boxers down with his free hand. He held the white Supremes for me to see and dropped them on the pier between his spread legs.

Then he pointed the camera at me.

"Pick them up."

"Are... are you gonna film me? Please man, no..." I pleaded.

He snickered.

"Of course I'm gonna fucking film you. Pick them up."

The humiliation of sniffing Ryder's dirty boxers while he watched would be unbelievable. And even worse, he was going to record it. The only sane thing to do was to fiercely refuse such a degrading demand.

But there are probably no more ill-judging brain cells than those of a horny teenager. And in my case the idea of being made to sniff Ryder's underwear while he watched was irresistible. Add to that the fact that he was lounging in front of me, naked, and I would be able to eat him with my eyes with his boxers on my face.

I kneeled down on the planks, picked up the white-and-red bundle of Ryder's Supremes, still warm and moist from his body, and looked at them. They were well worn and fluffy from all the cycles of wearing and washing. There was a yellow stain on the pouch where the tip of his cock had been.

I looked up. Ryder looked back at me with a nasty smile of expectation on his face.

"Start sniffin' and look at the camera," he ordered.

I pressed the bundle on my face and took a deep whiff through my nose, taking in a strong aroma of teenage genitals: sweat, piss and raging young testosterone.

Ryder laughed.

"You like that?"

"Yeah," I said to the camera.

"Haha, I bet you do, Sniffer. Now put your hand in your pants and jack your little weenie."

I stuffed my hand into my shorts, wrapped my fingers around my already hard dick and started to jerk it very carefully, not wanting to shoot my load right away.

Ryder started to narrate the scene to an imaginary audience.

"What we have here, ladies and gentlemen, is Sniffer, aka Shoeshine, sniffing nothing other than another dude's boxers, worn for about twenty hours by a godly straight stud, aka ME! Hahaha! You know how it is, they reek of the other dude's ball sweat, that's really disgusting. But Sniffer can't have enough of it, he fucking loves the smell of a real man. His cock is actually rock hard just from sniffing a straight dude's filthy underwear. Go on Sniffer, jack your little dick, I know you want to. And keep sniffin'."

Ryder's taunting and his naked body right in front of my eyes and the smell of his manhood held me under his spell. Despite the extreme humiliation I kept sniffing his Supremes and jacking my cock. I knew that if he didn't stop teasing me, I would cream my pants very soon. But Ryder had no intention to stop. He moved his socked foot on my crotch and rubbed my hand through my shorts.

"Look at you Sniffer, never in the history of faggotry have we seen anything so sick and perverted like you, dude getting off by sniffing another dude's ball sweat, ehehehehe!"

The next sniff together with the pressure of his foot on my dick sent me over the edge, and I shot a two-day load of cum into my pants with an involuntary moan.

"Aa... aaaa... aaaahhhh!"

"Ahahahaha... ladies and gents, you just witnessed a boxer-loving crazy homo wetting his pants with cum!"

I was wearing thin cotton shorts I had pulled on in haste and anger when I decided to try my luck through the woods, and a dark wet spot had already appeared on top of my now softening cock. I quickly covered the spot with my hand, but Ryder wasn't about to let me off the hook yet.

"Move your hand away, Sniffer and let the audience show how you wet your pants."

I did, and Ryder zoomed the camera into the embarrassing sight.

"Looks like Sniffer had saved a nice load for you, ladies and gentlemen."

"And... cut!"

Ryder watched the clip, laughing.

"Ohhh fuck, this is so sick it hurts!"

Then he rewound it and turned the screen towards me. There I was, on my knees between another dude's legs, with his dirty underwear on my face and my hand in my pants. From the camera angle I could see Ryder's slim body, ample genitals and slightly hairy legs. I knew right away that I would have jack-off material for several years to come.

But how many other people would be watching it? I became suddenly alarmed. The stoned teen snickering in front of me was holding my entire future in his hands!

I tried to grab the phone from his hand, but Ryder dodged my attempt.

"Oh noo Sniffer, we've gotta share this with your friends. I bet Colton and Josh will love this, ehehehe!"

"Ryder, please, no!" I pleaded but he just laughed and tapped the keyboard rapidly.

"This one's good! I think I'll send it to Mom too, hehe. Would you like that, Sniffer?"

"No no no... please, I'll do anything but don't send it to my mom!"

He laughed and poked my chest with his foot.

"Just kidding. But I'll keep your phone for now."

I was about to protest, but Ryder stood up and cut me off.

"Shut up faggot. I need to get my rocks off. Show me what you got," he said and positioned himself right in front of me, his limp dick swinging in front of my face.

I was about to lean in to put my lips on it, when he stopped me by putting his hand on my head. I looked up.

"Dude. A guy like me can hardly go to a party without some fag offering to suck me off. You're the first one that really gets to do it," he said with a solemn look on his face.

"Thanks Ryder, you won't be disappointed," I said.

I really meant what I said. I had almost won Ryder to my side, and I was going to seal it by giving him the best blowjob in history. I would use all the cocksucking skills I had learned so far by giving head to Jimmy and Colton. I knew Colton particularly well; I had serviced him so many times already that I could play his cock like a violinist plays his instrument. I was able to read his mood when I saw him and knew right away how he would want to be pleased. If he was in a bad mood, I would let him use me as an outlet of his anger, focusing my mouth and hands on his most sensitive spots. If he was relaxed, I would edge him for a long time, avoiding those spots to make him last as long as possible.

But Ryder was a blank page to me. I would have to show him the full assortment of my offerings and let him choose the ones he liked best.

I leaned in slowly and brought my nose close to his cock; not touching it but close enough for him to feel my breath on his genitals. I took a deep whiff through my nose.

"You smell like a real man, Ryder."

"You like that, don't you, Sniffer?"

I blew some air on his cock.

"Of course I like it. And I bet you taste like a real man, too."

I stuck my tongue out and slowly licked his groin, starting from the inside of his left upper thigh, to the hot and sweaty valley where his leg met the scrotum, then to the hairs under his sack. When I repeated it on the other side I could see that his cock was starting to get hard. I was on the right track. Very probably none of the numerous women he fucked would want to tongue bathe his sweaty package; I on the other hand had no problem doing that.

"Your balls are all sweaty, Ryder. I'll clean them up for you."

I lowered my mouth to the spot where his hairy sack met the hairs of his crack. I licked the sack gently, not missing a bit of the wrinkled skin, until all the sweat his merciless workout had produced was transferred into my mouth. I cherished the taste of the sweet-salty liquid before gulping it down to where it belonged, in my cocksucker's belly.

Then I went for the main prize, his studly cock that was now pointing to the sky in it's full glory of eight inches of young masculinity.

I kissed the underside of his cock a couple of times and started to caress it with my fingers while my tongue licked every spot of his cum-sling. Some more jacking, and I felt his precum moisten my fingers. I jacked the shaft gently up and down to milk more precum out and lapped it into my mouth, slurping loud enough to show him that I appreciated every drop.

I looked up. Ryder was looking back, his eyes narrowed into slits, his lips pressed tight. He was breathing harder now, and a little puddle of sweat was running from his bellybutton, down the black trail of hair on his lower abdomen. I lapped up all of it, running my tongue through his thick pubes and love trail. Then I pressed my lips on his navel and slurped in all the sweat it contained.

I looked up again. Ryder's head was thrown back, his thick hair hanging down, his neck shining with fresh sweat.

"Would you like to fuck my face now?" I asked gently.

"Yeah," he let out with a coarse voice and grabbed a fistful of my hair.

Let's imagine a drone flying over and around that serene lakeside wilderness, streaming the performance of those two young males on the pier for us.

You can see one of them standing straight and proud, a young man in his prime enjoying the service of a weaker young male on his knees in front of him. Both of them know and accept their natural roles. The strong, superior youngster is enjoying his ancient privilege to be serviced by other, weaker and less worthy males. The boy on his knees knows that he is doing what he is born to do, to serve other boys and bring them pleasure and satisfaction.

Now the superior young male starts to use the other young male's mouth as a substitute pussy, fucking the faggot's puffy lips that are squeezed tight around the mighty rod pumping in and out his mouth; first slowly and then gradually faster and harder. The young man's strong hand holds the faggot by the hair, guiding him to serve him right.

The sculpted youngster's body is working harder and harder, becoming more aggressive, pushing his cock now all the way to the homo's throat. When the superior male pulls his cock back, we can see that the faggot's mouth is leaking a slimy mixture of precum, spit and cock sweat down his chin. The poor homosexual boy has difficulties in breathing properly, but still the stronger male forces his hard penis back into his cocksucker's mouth again and again until the pervert's lips have disappeared into the black forest of pubes. But the homo does not try to resist. He knows his place in this world; his hands are cupped on the other boy's hard buttocks, pulling his pelvis closer to add power to his thrusts, not caring about his own wellbeing at all, because the only thing that matters for him is to please his young master.

And now we'll lower the drone to record the finale of this wonderful play of nature.

The superior young man bends his cocksucker's head back, uses his free hand to force the faggot's mouth open and aims his cock to the waiting oral cavity.

We can now watch in slow-motion as the first spurt of the sacred nectar leaves the young man's cock and disappears inside his cocksucker's mouth, and the faggot keeps it open, waiting to receive more semen. But we all know how young men are, they love to play. The young Adonis wants to have a little fun with his toy and he uses the grip of his hair to move his cocksucker' s head back and forth, so that the next spurt of prime-quality heterosexual sperm lands on the faggot's hair and forehead. Another move and the homo's nose and lips are painted, and the final two, already weaker spurts decorate his shirt.

"Oh fuck! Ohhh fuck! That was unbelievable!" Ryder panted.

"You liked it?" I asked, my eyesight limited by the sperm covering my eyelids.

He laughed and wiped his cock on my hair.

"You sure know how so serve a man like a good faggot."


"But hold steady now. I gotta record this."

Ryder used my phone to film me, kneeling on the pier with my face and the front of my shirt covered with sperm.

"Nobody has ever looked more like a cocksucker than you now, dude."

I smiled.

"I guess you don't believe in equal rights for gays, Ryder?"

He laughed.

"Hahaha! Equal rights for fags? You're funny, Sniffer!"

He raised his size 11 foot and pressed it on my chest. A strong push sent me flying in the air and into the lake with a huge splash.

"Enjoy your bath, Sniffer. I can't stand cum-stinking faggots."

My first reaction was to be furious for being treated like that. But the warm lake water felt too pleasant and comforting to be mad. I made a quick risk assessment and concluded that my wallet was in my backpack and Ryder had taken my phone.

I took off my soaked hoodie that was pulling me underwater and lifted it onto the pier.

"At least you could get me some soap so I can wash my pants," I said.

Ryder rummaged his bag until he found a bottle of shower gel. It landed in front of me with a splash.

"Here's your soap, Sniffer."

He picked up his cut-offs and boxers and threw them into the lake too.

"Wash these too while you're at it."

Ryder sat down and lit his joint again, now reduced almost to a butt and took a deep whiff.

"I guess we were wrong about you, little dude. You're okay."

"Thanks," I said, rubbing my shorts with the soap.

"We need to sit down and talk this over. Jimmy's still suffering his hangover and won't bother us. Cody will come back pretty soon and we're gonna see if we can make things right. But we're gonna keep the money we got from your dad, I hope you understand. That's just business."

I squeezed water out of my shorts and placed them on the pier. Then I picked up Ryder's boxers that were floating on the water next to me. I spread some soap on the inside and started to rub the cotton between my palms.

"Yeah, I get that. I'm sure we can figure out a way."

When I got my bathing and washing done, I took a shower and changed into some dry clothes. Then we sat down with Cody. Ryder explained him the situation, and Cody listened, occasionally chiming in with a characteristic comment.


"No shit?"

"Fucking Jimmy."




After a lengthy discussion and some phone calls, two made by me to my mom and one by Cody and Ryder to their lawyer, Twisted Tommy, we had reached a deal.

On Sunday afternoon we waited at the parking lot for my dad to arrive. We didn't talk much. I was very nervous and wanted to keep close to Ryder, and Jimmy stood by himself, sulking for finding himself as a recluse of the group. Cody was lounging on the hood of his car and seemed to be catching some sleep.

And then dad arrived. He stepped out of the car, grinning like crazy. He greeted the boys and approached me, expecting to see his son regretful and broken, ready to fulfil his every wish.

"Ready to go home with me, Rudy? Have you learned anything over the weekend?"

I took a deep breath. Suddenly my nervousness vanished, and my voice was strong and steady as I spoke.

"Yeah, dad, I learned something. I learned that you're an even bigger asshole than I previously thought. And I'm not going home with you, because you have no home anymore. Mom has filed a restraining order against you, and her lawyer said that if you try to approach our house, we can call the police and have you arrested. You can send someone to pick up your belongings next week."

Dad's jaw dropped. He looked at Cody and Ryder and it dawned on him that I was telling the truth.

"You fucking little brat!"

He raised his fist and rushed at me.

"This beating is long overdue but now it's coming!" He screamed in rage.

I flinched, expecting his fist to land in my face in a second. But a strong hand grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"You ain't touching this kid, dude," Ryder said casually, chewing gum.

My dad gave him a furious look and raised his other fist. I glanced at Cody, expecting him to come and help Ryder, but he just sat on the hood of his car with a sly smile.

Ryder kept looking at my dad in the eyes, flexing his biceps a little, chewing his gum and smiling that cocky, self-assured smile of a tough guy waiting for a fool to challenge him. My dad saw it and was clever enough to put his fist down. Gotta admit I felt slightly disappointed.

"Fuck you punk. But I want my money back."

Ryder laughed and patted dad's cheek.

"Sure, Pops. All you need to do is to take it from me."

Twenty seconds later the dude I used to call dad had ushered the dumbfounded and still hungover Jimmy into his car and sped off.

That left just me, Cody and Ryder on the clearing where this crazy weekend had started. Because the guys were headed to the opposite direction, we had persuaded Colton to come pick me up. But we still had about half an hour to kill.

Cody surprised me by approaching me and taking me aside.

"Look dude. I'm a homophobe, you know."

"Yeah I know. But I know many homophobes who are actually okay guys," I lied.

"Yeah, I got nothing against fags. It's just that I... you know... well, guys doing..."

I smiled.

"It's okay. What can I do for you, Cody?"

"Well, I've been here for days... and I'm feeling real... you know... I was thinking maybe you could..."

I had to laugh.

"Sure man. Let's go behind those bushes and I'll help you get your rocks off."

Cody followed me, looking sheepish, which made him look cute in my eyes. But when I unzipped his jeans and pulled his cock out his inhibitions vanished. I didn't even try to take his entire cock into my mouth and he didn't try to force me. But he loved the blowjob.

"Oh fuck... dude... what are doing... ohhhh fuck!" He babbled so hard that Ryder heard it for sure.

He was surprised when he saw that I would let him shoot his cum into my mouth, and he watched in awe as I did it and swished his cum in my mouth before swallowing.

"Thanks dude," he said.

"You're welcome, Cody. Still a homophobe?"

"Yeah. But I think I'll be more tolerant from now," he smiled.

Then he seemed to remember something and pulled something grey out of his pocket: the Reebok boxer trunks he had been wearing two days ago. He offered them to me.

"Ryder told me you like straight dudes' underwear. I want you to have these," he said, looking solemn like he was delivering a precious prize.

I smiled.

"Wow, thanks man. I appreciate it," I said.

Twenty minutes later I sat slumped down in the leather seat of Colton's Range Rover and felt very tired. We stayed silent while he navigated the winding, narrow road through the forest. After half an hour we turned to the local highway, and Colton relaxed. He poked my arm with his elbow.

"Dude, I missed you."

I opened my eyes.

"You missed me?"

"Yeah. I watched a porn movie Friday night before going to sleep and I wished you had been there sucking my dick. I had to use my own hand, dude," he said with an accusing tone in his voice.

"Sorry I wasn't there for you, Colton."

"Forget about it. You had a fucking hard time here. What a piece of shit, your dad!"

Then he remembered something.

"Oh, and I brought you something. It's in the back seat."

I picked up a plastic bag and peeked in. There were two pairs of hi-top sneakers, both covered with mud.

"Two pairs?" I asked.

"Yeah, the other one belongs to Josh. We had a little fun with our dirt bikes. He asked me if you would clean his kicks too. I said you'd be happy to do that. Was I right?"

"Right as usual, Colton," I said, closing my eyes.

I smiled to myself. Everything was gonna be okay.

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