Jimmy Takes Over

By Ben Coolen

Published on Jul 5, 2020


Jimmy Takes Over

By Ben Coolen


Readers, please keep in mind that this story is 100% fictional. In real life no man is better than the other, and nobody is entitled to treat other people cruelly.

This story contains sexual acts (domination, submission, humiliation, oral sex, masturbation) between young males. If you don't like it, or it is illegal in your country, state or community, please stop reading it immediately.

Please keep in mind that Nifty needs our donations to keep this great free service running.

Thanks to Naughty Bard for proofreading the text.

Chapter Four

I met Colton behind the old bleachers as usual. School was out for the summer, but the familiar bleachers offered a secluded and convenient place for servicing Colton.

I had recently purchased an inflatable pillow to replace the old piece of foam mattress I had been using to protect my knees from all the dirt and debris under the bleachers. I took the pillow out of my pocket and blew it full of air. Then I sat on it and waited.

A short while afterwards, Colton showed up and greeted me with a little chin pop. He was carrying a plastic bag, which he threw on the ground at my feet. I picked it up and peeked inside: there was a pair of white hi-top Air Max sneakers that seemed to be covered in dirt and mud.

"Hanging at the Wilford Lawns with my boys Saturday night, started fucking raining. We ran for cover, but I slipped and stepped in a pool of fucking mud," he explained.

"Okay," I said and placed the bag next to my backpack.

A few weeks earlier Colton had asked me to wash his cum-stained shirt. He was so happy with the hand-washed and carefully ironed result that he was now using me regularly to do all kinds of services for him. When his mom complained about the mess in his bedroom, which happened at least every other week, he called me over and I cleaned his room and changed his bed sheets. Once his dad told him to clean the garage, and I did it for him when his parents were out of town, while Colton chilled by the swimming pool. I strongly suspect his parents paid him afterwards for the work, but I didn't care.

Colton took my services for granted, but I always did what he wanted. I loved him and enjoyed any opportunity to spend time with him. Making Colton's life easier made me feel good. Besides, I got strong kicks out of serving that cocky, handsome skater boy.

Colton stepped in front of me and I unbuckled his belt.

"No sweat, just bring them over tomorrow."

"Yessir," I said and unzipped his jeans.

He took off his Ray-Bans, pulled his t-shirt over his head and put the sunglasses back.

I pulled his undies down and went to work with his dick, licking and jerking it until it became hard. I also gave his plump ball sack a gentle bathing with my tongue. I knew he liked that, and I liked the smell and taste of his balls especially when they were covered in fresh summer sweat.

When his dick was fully hard, I took it in my mouth and started to suck it, squeezing my lips around the shaft as tightly as possible, just the way he liked.

This time Colton was freshly showered and smelled and tasted clean. That wasn't always the case, but when he saw that I never complained about the way his body smelled, he stopped caring about it, which was very convenient for him, as he could use my services with very short notice... if any at all. Sometimes I serviced him when he hadn't showered or changed his underwear since the previous day. Occasionally he came to see me right after PE class or after spending the whole day at the skate park. More than once I had to take care of him late at night after a make out session with some girl that hadn't let him go all the way. So I took over where she had stopped, overcoming my disgust for the smell of girly perfume.

Knowing that I was just a reserve outlet for his sexual desires was kinda humiliating of course, but I was Colton's dedicated cocksucker and I took care of his needs whenever he wanted.

Colton was now fucking his latest pray, Cindy, when her boyfriend wasn't around. He liked to compare my performance to hers, and this time it was no exception.

"Cindy's pussy lips are so much better than your mouth. You gotta work on that pressure, Henderson," he said.

"Okay," I managed to mumble and tried to purse my lips real tight around his cock.

"Her pussy is sooo wet and slippery, and your mouth feels like fucking Death Valley," he complained.

"Sorry," I said and tried to spread his precum on the shaft with my tongue.

"Let's try something," he suddenly said and pulled out.

"Open up."

I had a hunch on what he was about to do but I opened my mouth and looked up.

He gathered spit and slime into his mouth, crouched down and let it run down. Some of it landed on my chin, but most of it settled on my tongue, forming a slick and slimy layer of lubrication.

"Spread it on your lips too," he ordered, and I used my finger to spread his spit on my lips.

"Let's see," he said and stuffed his cock back in.

He gave a few thrusts and to his delight his spit covered cock moved smoothly between my lips, making slushy sounds.

"Yeah, this is good. We're gonna use my lube from now on."

He enjoyed my pussy-substitute for a good ten minutes while I worked hard to please his cock and felt his body with my hands.

Colton had come up with rules for how I could move my hand. I was allowed to feel his legs and buttocks -- "but don't you fucking dare try sticking your fucking fingers inside" -- and his abs and back. I could also kiss and lick his thighs and lower abdomen, but anything above his navel was no-go zone. Despite these limitations I enjoyed enormously feeling his body that seemed to get firmer and harder every time I served him.

"Get ready," he grunted after fucking my face for maybe five minutes. The heads-up was unnecessary, because by then I recognized the way his rod pulsed in my mouth and his butt muscles hardened and I cocked my head back to receive his baby-makers.

"Uhh... uhh... uhhhh!"

He pushed all the way in while holding my head in a strong grip, and my nose and lips pressed against his pubes. I often had to pick out some of his hairs from my mouth when he was done with me.

And then the sacred nectar of young semen filled my mouth and I tasted the sweet liquid his testicles had produced. To brush his ego, I squished his cum in my mouth; I knew he liked the way I showed how much I appreciated his gift.

I felt a wave of gratitude for the privilege of having Colton in my life considering troubles with my dad kept growing worse every day. Colton was using me shamelessly for his pleasure and benefit, but I still considered him my safe haven, a way to forget my sorrows for a brief while.

I looked up and looked him in the sun glass-covered eyes.

"Thanks," I said.

He laughed.

"I like your attitude."

I took some baby-wipes from my pocket and cleaned his cock and pubes. Then I zipped up and buttoned his cut-offs.

"I give better head than Cindy, right?" I asked, buckling his white canvas belt.

"Well, she's not competing for the State Cocksucker award like you. But yes," he said and bent down to tie a loose shoelace.

"Bring her over sometime. I might teach her a trick or two," I said.

"Hahaha, kiss my ass, Henderson."

I managed to kiss the red Levi's tab on the butt of his cut-offs before he whooped and sprung away from me. He raised his sunglasses and looked at me.

"You're a fucking pervert dude," he snarled and left.

The following evening, I took Colton's shoes to our backyard and pulled out the laces and inner soles. Then I removed the layer of dried mud covering the leather with a shoe brush. Cleaning the soles was more cumbersome it took me more than an hour to clean every groove separately with a pen knife. Then I wiped the leather and the insides with sneaker wipes I had bought on my way home and finalized my work by spreading leather-care oil on the sneakers with a microfiber cloth. Before going to bed I hand-washed the inner soles and laces and left them to dry on the windowsill of my bedroom.

Next morning, I laced Colton's sneakers, slipped the inner soles back in place and inspected the shoes one more time, wiping tiny wisps of dust off here and there, and drove over to their house. I rang the doorbell, but no one came to open the door, so I looked for a proper place to leave them.

Suddenly Colton's little brother Josh appeared from the back yard. He was clad only in blue beach shorts that hung low on his hips as the current teen dress code required, with the waistband and upper part of his white Hollister boxer trunks visible. His dark-blond hair was dripping water on his tanned slim body making it shine in the sun. He was carrying a massive red-and-yellow water gun.

"Can I help you?"

Then he recognized me and flashed a condescending smile. He pointed his water bazooka at me and squeezed it a little so that a spurt of water landed on my shoes.

"Henderson, what the fuck are you doing here? Colton's out and he probably wouldn't wanna see you anyways!"

Josh had turned 16 only a couple of weeks earlier. He had thrown a huge pool party and almost everybody I knew had been invited. Based on the pictures and video-clips I saw on Instagram and TikTok every cool kid in town had had a great time.

Josh was like a bratty, junior version of Colton; handsome, athletic, funny, confident and arrogant. He had zero respect for me despite me being almost two years his senior. And in a split second, he had taken control of the situation, making me feel uncomfortable.

The boldness of the cocky teen made me nervous, as I always became when confronted by confident and arrogant guys even if they were my junior.

"I, well... Colton told me to bring his shoes," I stammered, lifting the sneakers for him to see and realized immediately how pathetic that looked and sounded.

Josh laughed and showed two even rows of pearl-white teeth.

"You drove all across town to bring Colt his fucking shoes?"

I nodded, feeling my face turn red.

Josh turned around and let out the shrill whistle that every self-respecting jock in America masters.

"Guys, come here, you wanna see this!"

In a minute three more wet teen dudes and two girls appeared from the back yard, each of the boys carrying a water bazooka. One of the girls, a pretty blonde with long hair and perky tits, glued herself to Josh, who casually wrapped his arm around her, leaving his hand on her breast.

"Guys, meet Henderson from Colton's school. He came to bring Colton's shoes. And you know what? Last time I saw those white Air Max of his they were on this porch. Mom didn't let him bring them in because they were all covered in fucking mud and shit."

Josh paused before the punch line, and his friends grinned expectantly. They knew that something very embarrassing for me would come out.

He pointed at me with his finger.

"This is the best part. Big bro needed to clean his mud-fucked kicks, so he just gave them to this fag and told him to take care of them. And guess what? Henderson here scrubbed his fucked-up shoes like a good little bitch. Look how shiny they are now!" He explained and his friends cracked up.

I turned around and placed the shoes quickly on the porch to retreat from the humiliating situation, but Josh was quicker.

"Where are you going shoeshine boy? Come hang with us!" He said and shot a spurt of water on my shirt.

The other guys pointed their water guns at me too and released little bursts of water all over me. Both girls were filming the scene with their phones.

I tried to walk towards the street and my car, but I lost balance on the stairs and landed on my butt on the lawn. Before I could get up, Josh leaped on me and sat on my chest.

"What's wrong, Shoeshine? Don't you wanna play with us," he laughed and shot little spurts of water on my hair and face.

I tried to turn my head away, but he put my head on a vice, keeping it in place between his thighs. One of his friends pressed his bare foot on my forehead, and I lay there helpless. The only thing I could see was Josh's legs and a group of grinning young faces. To my horror I felt a boner tenting up in my pants.

"Josh, we wanna shoot water on him too," his girlfriend chirped.

"Sure, babe," he said.

"Shoeshine here loves shooting games."

"No, please!" I begged.

Josh pondered his decision with a nasty smile.

"Tell you what. You'll run one round around our back yard and the girls can chase you after a five seconds lead. Then you're free to drive your wreck back to Shoeshinetown. How's that?"

I thought about it for a second. I wasn't a fast runner but I was sure I was fast enough to beat a couple of girls with a five seconds lead.


Josh led me to their back yard which turned out to be huge. Well, running around it still wouldn't take more than a minute in any case, even dodging the girls' bazookas.

"Casey, set us off!" Josh said and I briefly wondered what the `us' part was about.

"You got it!" Casey replied then went "Ready... set... go!"

I took off like a rocket, but Josh leaped like a cat, wrapping his arms around my neck. As I stumbled forward for balance, the lithe teen managed to climb on my shoulders and settled there, closing his legs around me.

"Giddy-up, Shoeshine!" He screamed.

I was wobbling from side to side under his weight, so I grabbed his legs to gain better balance. I started to clumsily run around the lawn with Josh on my back while the screaming girls chased us with their bazookas and the boys chanted:

"Run, Shoeshine, run! Get him, girls!"

Josh who was wearing only swimming shorts was having a great time while my clothes and shoes were getting more and more soaked and heavy, making running even more difficult.

On the other hand, having Josh's crotch and thighs pressed to my neck and squeezing his smooth, sinewy thighs was having its effect on me. While I hoped for the ordeal to be soon over, I also wished I could do another round.

I had almost managed to complete my round without getting completely drenched when Josh suddenly covered my eyes with his hands. I stumbled on, but after a few wobbly steps I toppled and fell down on the lawn with the laughing teen still on my back.

We landed on top of each other, me on top and Josh under me. He closed his legs around my head and declared:

"Thirty seconds of free fire, ladies!"

The girls emptied their guns on me while Josh kept me in place, his legs clamped iron-tight around my face so that my lips were pressed on his hairy calf.

Finally, he declared:

"Alright, that's enough!" He offered me his hand and I let him pull me up while I covered the bulge in my pants with my free hand.

He looked at me with some concern.

"Did you hurt yourself?"

"Nah, I' m just a little stiff from the run," I answered truthfully.

I tried to look away from the shirtless boys to make my hardon go away, but then Josh casually pulled down his trunks and revealed a pair of wet white boxers that were glued to his skin and mostly transparent save the critical parts in the front. Josh hung his trunks on a chair, grabbed his towel and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Come on Shoeshine, let's get you a towel," he said and guided me inside the house through gliding doors.

We stepped into a spacious indoor spa room with a swimming pool and a large Jacuzzi. It seemed that their family was even more loaded than I'd imagined. My thoughts went to the sixty bucks Colton had 'borrowed' from me.

Towels and teen clothing were scattered all over the stylish interior, on the floor, on chairs and tables, and a towel was even floating in the swimming pool.

Josh peeked into a closet and frowned.

"Looks like we've used all the clean towels. Well, you can use mine," he said and started to dry his thick mop of hair with the towel.

"Can I come in?" A girl's voice asked from the doorway.

Josh cried out:

"Boner alert! Lexi coming in!"

She laughed and came in.

"The others left to grab some burgers. Should we go too? She asked, took the towel from Josh and started to dry his shoulders.

"I dunno. I might wanna grab something else, he said," and reached back to squeeze her ass.

"I bet you would, bad boy," she purred.

I knew the right thing to do would have been to leave immediately, but I couldn't take my eyes off the play evolving right in front of my eyes. Besides I was supposed to wait for the towel, right?

Lexi dried Josh's back gently but thoroughly before handing the towel back to him. He pulled his wet underwear down and kicked it off, shamelessly revealing a nice nursery of dark-blond pubes and a man-sized cock that rested on top of a low-hanging ball sack.

Lexi wasn't one bit embarrassed to see his boyfriend naked in the bright sunlight; she watched approvingly while he dried her chest and six-pack while I stared at the sight too, desperately pretending to look elsewhere.

Josh used the towel to dry his genitals with great care and sat down to dry his legs and feet. He went carefully through every little space between his toes before wiping the soles of his feet.

Finally, he stood up, dried his buttocks and crack and threw the towel to me.

"All yours, Shoeshine," he said with a wink.

I dried my face with a corner of the towel and decided I would steal it given the opportunity.

Josh grabbed a pair of jeans and pulled them on commando, leaving them hang low on his hips. Then he took Lexi in his arms and kissed her lips, fondling her nearly naked ass.

"How about you and me go upstairs to my bedroom and see if we can figure something to do, huh?"

Lexi giggled and glanced at me.

"Why is he still here?"

Josh followed her gaze and looked at me with a scornful smile.

"Get lost, Shoeshine," he said, and I hurried out, my wet shoes sloshing on the lawn.

My dad texted me soon after I got home.

"Rudy, got something really cool planned for us for the weekend."

Something really cool with my dad, huh? I couldn't imagine what that could be.


"We are going to the lake, just us boys."

"What boys?"

"You me and Jimmy."


"Talk about it tomorrow. Rec room at 6 PM sharp. Be there!"

I was immediately on alert. After our latest row my dad had yelled at me that he was going to straighten me out, whatever it took. Was this a part of that plan?

I lay on my bed, wondering what to do. It occurred to me that Jimmy and Colton were still buddies. Colton might know about the weekend trip. Maybe he was invited too.

Colton didn't want me to call him so I texted him, asking him to call back ASAP.

My phone rang ten minutes later.

"Wassup Shoeshine! I watched your victory lap on Instagram hahahaha! Hundreds of likes and comments already, can you imagine? You're a celebrity now, dude!"

"Yeah, great," I answered, sulking.

"I spent hours cleaning you fucked-up shoes, and what do I get in return? Your little brother harassing me with his friends and making me the laughingstock of the entire town!" I said, my voice shaking.

"Hahahaha, exactly! How fucking unfair is that, hahaha!"

I sighed. I had hoped to get even a little pity from Colton, and maybe even a tiny bit of remorse. I decided to change the subject.

"Colton, I wanna ask..."

But he wasn't finished yet.

"And you know what, Shoeshine? The clip's going fucking viral as we speak, hahahahaha!"


"You got LOLs from Italy and... ehehe... Japan... and... South fucking America eehehehe!"

All I could do was to wait for his laughing fit to die down, and that meant having to listen to him read aloud user comments from Josh's feed.

"What a jerk! Loser got watered down LOL!' This is from New York. He must be a fggot, right?' And Josh replied to that, `The biggest fggot I've ever seen' Hahaha, well I gotta agree with lil'bro on that one, hehehe!"

And so on.

Finally, Colton said, panting:

"Whoa, that was fun. You wanted me to call. What's up?"

"Colton, my dad told me something about a trip to the lake with him and Jimmy. I don't like the sound of it. You know anything about it?"

He was silent for a moment.

"Oh... yeah, the trip. Lake, right. Well man, I want you to know I got nothing to do with it, okay?"

"I get it man, but do you know what it's about?"

"Well, not much. But you'll be alright dude, just stay tough. It's just a weekend. I gotta go now. Talk to you later man," he said and hung up.

That didn't help me feel better at all. To divert my thoughts into something else I took out my phone and opened Instagram.

Josh's latest post was an eight-piece set of photos and clips, captioned `Ridin' with Shoeshine! Shoeshine Boy Henderson stopped by to bring Colton's shoes and look how they shine! Shoeshine even offered to give me a ride!!!'

I sighed. I knew that when a popular kid like Josh decides to give some poor guy an embarrassing nickname, it will stick like superglue. I would be known as Shoeshine for the rest of my time in high school. Hell, maybe for the rest of my life...

I gathered my courage and flipped through the post. The first image showed me standing in their porch, holding Colton's shoes in my hands, looking like an idiot. Next came a 45-second clip of me staggering on the lawn with Josh riding on my back, then another 30 seconds showing the girls spraying me with their bazookas, then five photos of me running clumsily and finally a photo of me on the ground, Josh's legs around my face, bazookas shooting water all over me.

I took out the towel I had stolen. I lay down on my bed and pressed it on my face, thinking how the luxurious cotton had gotten the privilege to caress every inch of Josh's naked body.

I thought about his warm, ripped body being pressed tight against me, his legs clamped around my chest and my hands holding his thighs, feeling the bulge in his wet shorts on my bare neck as I ran, his taunting voice ringing in my ears. Him keeping me pinned on the ground, my head between his thighs and my lips sliding on his hairy calf while his beautiful friends laughed and jeered at me.

Josh and his girl looking at me with mocking smiles, knowing that they were going to have amazing sex in Josh's luxurious bed while I drove home alone, Josh's used towel around my neck.

"Get lost, Shoeshine!"

A powerful orgasm made me forget my dad and his trip and helped me fall asleep later that night.

At six o'clock the following evening I left my room and went down to our rec room in the basement. Dad and Jimmy were already waiting for me there, watching basketball on the giant screen on the wall. Dad greeted me with a big, fake smile, and Jimmy smirked. `Shoeshine', he mouthed at me.

Dad went straight to business.

"Son, as I explained, I have planned a really cool trip to the lake house with you and Jimmy. We'll leave on Thursday and come back on Sunday. You know, a boys-only weekend."

"I'm not going." I said firmly.

Dad's smile vanished.

"Yes you are, Rudy. You are going, or you can say goodbye to your car. I might even give it to Jimmy. And I'll cancel your registration to the art camp."

The car was like a lifeline to me; it gave me a way to get away from our house whenever I had problems with dad, which was often. And I had really been looking forward to the art camp. Some of my best friends would be there, and I would be left home to imagine all the great time they were gonna have.

"You can't do this to me, dad," I said with a shaky voice.

"Yes I can, son. You know I can, and I will."

"But four days... just you and me and Jimmy. What are were gonna do there?"

"There's some minor work to do, you know, clean up the construction waste from building the annex. The rest of the time is for fishing and swimming and barbecue. And a couple of Jimmy's buddies are coming too. You'll make new friends. We all know you don't have too many of them."

I looked at Jimmy, and he looked back at me with a sneer. He was really enjoying himself.

"What... friends?"

"What were they called, Jimmy, was it Cory and..."

"His name is Cody, Dave. Cody and Ryder." Jimmy said.

He gave me the most devilish sneer I had ever seen. He knew I was doomed.

Dad was driving and Jimmy was riding shotgun.

"So... Rudy, there's a minor change of plan," dad said and looked me in the eye in the rear mirror.


"Something came up. I have to go and take care of an urgent business situation."

Jimmy glanced at dad with a knowing smile.

"Will you be back today?" I asked.

"No, it'll take the whole weekend. I'll be back for you on Sunday afternoon."

That sounded really strange and ominous.

"Well, okay. I guess." I said.

"And one more thing, Rudy."

"What's that?"

"Let's not mention a word about this to your mom. Okay?"

Jimmy got a sudden cough attack. I glanced at him. It looked like he was desperately holding back laughter.


"Thanks Rudy, I knew I could trust you."

When we arrived at the small clearing that was used as a car park, there was already a vehicle. Two young guys, the ones I had seen on Jimmy's video clip, were sitting on the hood of a bad-ass black RAM truck with bulky tires and a heavy grille.

Jimmy jumped out before our car had come to a full stop and rushed to exchange high fives and man-hugs with his friends.

Dad climbed out of the car too and went to greet the guys. He shook hands with the blond guy sitting on the driver's side.

"Hi, I'm Dave, you must be Cody. Good to meet you, man."

"Yeah, you too, Dave."

Then he went around the massive hood of the SUV to greet Ryder, a slim guy with auburn-blond hair flowing down his forehead, almost covering his eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Ryder. Glad you could come."

"Yo, Dave."

I walked over too and offered my hand to Ryder. I could feel his power when he squeezed my bony hand.

"I'm Rudy."

"Wassup, kid."

I went to meet Cody and offered him my hand.

"Hi Cody, I'm Rudy."

He nodded but didn't take my hand.

"That's what I reckoned."


Both guys seemed to be older than me but not much, maybe a year or so. Definitely not enough to justify calling me a kid. I later learned that Cody was 18 while Ryder had only recently turned 17, so he was actually half a year younger than me.

But somehow they both looked more mature and manly than me; the way they carried themselves made it clear that they had already seen and done quite a lot of things that a family boy like me had no idea of.

Both of them assessed me shamelessly with their eyes, like some pet in an exhibition. I felt uncomfortable and insecure as those two guys I had never met before stared at me silently. I tried to look straight back at them but had to turn my gaze away after looking into Ryder's hard green eyes for a few seconds. Cody seized me up with open contempt, while Ryder seemed more amused.

I was a seasoned observer of hot young guys, and I had enough time to form a conception about these two dudes. Cody looked like a high school top jock type, with blond, messy hair and strong jaw, more than six-foot-tall frame, broad shoulders and bulging biceps that were covered with tattoos.

Ryder was about the same height as Cody but with much leaner body, although his wiry arms and strong biceps told me he possessed enough power to take care of himself. Ryder was also easily the more handsome one of the duo, although Cody's more rugged looks with that blond one-day-stubble was not bad to look at either. But I was immediately drawn to Ryder's boyish face combined with his strong bad-boy aura.

Ryder, too, was sporting tattoos, but with more style than Cody, just some kind of ornament around his left bicep and some symbol on his right shoulder. His strawberry blonde straight hair that flowed down on his forehead had auburn streaks that shone in the sunshine. In his loose tank-top and well-worn ripped cut-offs Ryder would certainly turn heads wherever he showed up.

My dad woke me up from my daydream.

"Rudy, why don't you carry the grocery bags to the kitchen."

I grabbed the three big bags from the trunk and wobbled with them inside. I unloaded their content into the refrigerator, occasionally glancing out. Jimmy, Cody, Ryder and my dad were still at the clearing, leaning on the vehicles. They seemed to share something funny. I pried the window ajar quietly. The guys' rowdy laughter echoed in the air.

"Dave's business trip goes like this," Jimmy said and made lewd thrusts with his hips.

"Ehh... ehh... ehhh..." he grunted, and the guys exploded with laughter.

My dad punched him on the shoulder playfully. Then he put his hands up, obviously asking Jimmy to lower his voice. I could hear some of his words.

"Hehehe, Jimmy, please... shh... Rudy..."

But he was still grinning, basking in the macho encouragement he got from the much syounger guys.

I didn't know what I was supposed to do, so I returned to the cars. The guys' lively chat died down for a second when I showed up, but Jimmy snapped his fingers.

"What are you waiting for, Shoeshine, take our bags inside. And there are some boxes in Cody's trunk. Bring them in too."

Jimmy had the nastiest sneer on his face when he said that. Was I really supposed to let him boss me around like that in front of everybody? I looked at my dad for guidance, but he just looked back at me with a stupid smile. Ryder and Cody were looking at me too, Cody with a blank stare and Ryder with his cocky little smile.

I had to make two trips to carry the boys' bags inside. To my surprise the boxes Jimmy mentioned were three 24-can cases of beer and a box containing ten bottles of wine. So, my dad was going to leave me in the middle of nowhere at the mercy of three drunken teenagers? I heard a car engine start, and my dad drove away without saying goodbye to me. I felt suddenly very, very lonely.

The place dad and his pals owned was still partly under construction. Most parts of the main building were finished, but only three of the five bedrooms were ready. That meant that while Jimmy, Ryder and Cody each had their own bedrooms, I would have to sleep in the common open space that served both as living room and kitchen. Showers and a Scandinavian style sauna were available by the lakeshore.

The boys wanted to go fishing right away, but first they needed something quick to eat. My dad had told me that I would do all the cooking, and I had nothing against it, because I liked to make food. I fried some eggs and sausages and I laid them out on the big dining table with some cold cuts, vegetables, cereals and milk together with coffee, cookies and sodas. We had lots of food, and no one would go hungry during the weekend. I started to feel better already about the whole thing. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad after all?

I wasn't hungry, so I just sat at the table sipping coffee and nibbling some cookies, watching the boys wolf down the food I had neatly prepared for them.

My good mood waned gradually when I watched those three dudes munch their food, dropping partly eaten bread slices on the floor, liberally spilling milk and coffee on the table and throwing pieces of cucumber and tomatoes at each other. I had suggested to dad that we buy some disposable plates and cups to avoid washing dishes, but he said no; `It's much better for the environment to use proper tableware.' When had my dad started caring about the environment?

Ryder was the first one to get up with a loud burp.

"Let's go guys, we got only a couple of hours daylight left."

"Shoeshine, we wanna try the sauna when we come back so make sure it's ready by then. We want beer too, and make sure it's cold! Fill the cooler and bring it down. And towels of course," Jimmy instructed me.

When the boys were gone, I cleared the table, washed the dishes -- no dishwasher available - and wiped the floor. It seemed like I wouldn't have much free time over the weekend.

I walked down the steep stone stairs to the bathhouse. There was a spacious dressing room, showers and a steam room with a rock-covered stove where the bathers would throw water to produce steam. `Dad and his pals are gonna have a blast here with their whores', I thought bitterly.

I quickly figured out how to work the electric stove and turned it on. What else? Oh yes, the beer. I climbed up the stairs, found a cooler, filled it with ice and brew cans and staggered with it down the stairs. Mmm.... Was I forgetting something? Didn't seem like it so I decided everything was set for the boys to return.

I sat on the stairs of the main building and watched as their boat sped towards our pier. Cody was at the wheel and steered the boat expertly. As far as I could see, they hadn't caught anything. I saw them enter the bathhouse and expected to have at least an hour for myself before they needed my services.

"Shoeshine!" Jimmy's voice echoed around the shores of the otherwise silent wilderness.

I sighed and climbed down. He was waiting at the door.

"Where fuck are our towels, Shoeshine?" He wanted to know.

"I'm sorry, I'll be right back," I said and ran up to the main building.

After some searching I found clean towels and carried a pile to the bathhouse. The boys were already enjoying the heat of the sauna. I decided to hang nearby to avoid climbing the stairs up and down.

Suddenly the steam room door slammed open and Ryder rushed out, fumbling with a heavy silver chain around his neck. He stepped in front of me, turned around and said:

"Dude, help me take off this fucking chain, it's burning my fucking neck!" He snapped.

"Okay", I said and stepped closer.

I was standing only inches away from his steaming body. I tried to be careful not to accidentally push my loins against his naked buttocks, which was exactly what I longed to do.

Ryder was about four inches taller than me, so my nose was only inches from his broad shoulders. I felt the heat of his body and smelled his sweat as I reached for the chain with my slightly shaky fingers. To find the lock I had to push my fingers through the thick layers of his hair, already moist with sweat. I slid my fingers along the chain and felt them brushing lightly against the skin of his neck and shoulders.

"Hurry up dude!"

I managed to locate the lock and free him from the burning chain. I was so nervous that I dropped it on the floor at his feet.

"Sorry, I'll get if for you."

I had to go down on all fours to find it in the dim room, and while searching for it I had time to quickly check out his package. A tube of finely cut American man-meat, at least six inches long, was hanging down from a bush of dark-brown hair, almost hiding a pair of hairy balls.

I found the chain, partially hidden from my eyes by the gracious arch of Ryder's foot. I fished it out, got up and offered it to him. He pointed to a pile of clothes on a nearby bench.

"My gear's on the bench there, put it there. And bring us more beer," he said and went back to the sauna, letting me admire his V-shaped back and muscled, slightly hairy buttocks for a fleeting moment.

I recognized the pile of Ryder's clothes and placed the chain neatly next to it. I stared at a pair of stars-and-stripes patterned AE boxer trunks on top of the pile. If I had showed up in the boys' locker room wearing such blatant underwear, the jocks would've made me eat it, but Ryder had no doubt the necessary credibility to back his style.

I glanced at the door. I picked up Ryder's boxers and felt the pouch with my fingers, thinking that his ample package had filled it just a little while ago. I slipped my hand inside and rubbed my fingers on the silky material and took my hand out to smell my fingers; I imagined I could sense the sweet odor of his genitals in my nostrils. I slipped the fingers into my mouth and licked them, wondering what it would be like to taste the real thing.

I glanced at the door again and was just about to sniff Ryder's pouch when Jimmy's voice roared from the steam room.

"What's the hold up, Shoeshine? We want our beers!"

I quickly fetched three cans from the cooler and knocked on the steam room door before entering hesitantly. The three boys were sitting shoulder to shoulder on the top level of the compact room, their sweaty skins glistening in the dim light.

"Sorry about that, guys," I said, hating myself for acting so servile in front of three kids my age.

"Bout time, dude! We had to tell you twice, for fuck's sake! Don't ever let that happen again, Shoeshine!" Jimmy scolded me with pleasure.

"I won't. I'm really sorry."

I picked up three empty cans off the floor and retreated towards the door.

"Well, umm... I'll be right outside if you guys need anything," I said.

But Jimmy had other thoughts.

"Have a seat Shoeshine, keep us company," he said with a friendly smile. I knew him well enough to recognize fake friendliness.

I hesitated but sat down on the lowest bench with my back to the boys. For a good while nothing happened, the guys just kept chatting without paying any attention to me. Then I felt the sole of Jimmy's foot on my right shoulder. He left it there.

"Did I tell you guys that Shoeshine here gives awesome foot rubs?"

"He does that?" Cody asked.

"Sure. And he's good too. Wanna try him, Cody?"

Cody thought about it for a while. Then he said.

"Nah, I don't want him to touch me. You try it, Ride."

"You heard him," Jimmy said to me.

I turned around and settled in front of Ryder, looking at his hairy legs.

He crouched down and pointed at a spot on his left foot between the big toe and the next one. I could feel sweat dropping down from his floppy hair on me when he instructed me.

"Give that spot a good rub, kid. Kinda hurts."

There was some sock fluff between the toes, so I cleaned it with my finger before rubbing the sore spot gently.

"Yeah, that's the stuff! Do it harder."

Rubbing the younger boy's sweaty feet on my knees while he and the two other naked guys sitting above me watched me with smirks on their faces made my cock throb in my pants. I was glad I had decided to keep my shorts on before entering the hot steam room.

Then Ryder asked:

"So why do they call you Shoeshine, kid?"

"Just a nickname," I mumbled, but Jimmy was more than happy to tell the whole story to his friends.

I had to listen to my humiliating ordeal being laid out to those young studs while I rubbed Ryder's bare feet, and the steam room roared with laughter. From time to time Jimmy threw some water on the stones of the stove, and steam flowed, making the room even hotter. I was already sweating in my t-shirt and shorts.

"And Josh starts yelling like, `Giddy-up Shoeshine', and the fag tries to run with Josh riding on his shoulders, hahaha!"

Jimmy made the story last as long as possible, telling every excruciating detail he knew and adding a few he made up himself. When he finally got to the end, Ryder asked me:

"But why the hell did you agree to clean Colton's fucked-up shoes in the first place, kid?"

"Well, helping a friend I guess."

But Jimmy laughed.

"Hahaha, that's bullshit! Colton lets him suck his dick and the fag pays for the privilege by shining Colt's shoes or by wiping his fucking ass if he wants."

"Haha! For real?" Ryder asked.

"Is he sucking your dick too, Jimmy?" He added.

The question took Jimmy by surprise. He wasn't prepared to answer it, so he passed it on to me.

"Why don't you ask him, Ride?"

Ryder leaned down to look me in the eyes.

"You suck Jimmy's cock, kid?"

"Yeah," I admitted, looking at Ryder's feet.

"What the fuck, Jimmy! You let a fag slurp on your fucking dick?" Cody exclaimed in disbelief.

But Ryder chuckled.

"I wouldn't mind getting some head, if he sucks good."

Then he looked at me again.

"Would you like to put your lips around my junk, Shoeshine?" He asked, leaning his back on the wall so that his genitals were fully exposed to me.

"Look at it, dude. I bet it looks yummy, doesn't it?" He teased me, lifting his dick up with his finger.

"Why don't you just stick your fuckstick his mouth and find out if he's good or not," Jimmy said.

"You guys are fucking sick," Cody snarled.

"Let's start with something smaller," Ryder said and pressed his middle finger on my lips.

Without thinking I parted my lips and let him push his finger into my mouth, and the laughter of Jimmy and Cody roared in the sweltering little chamber.

"Yeah, that's it, Shoeshine, mmmm, yummy, huh?" Ryder purred, sliding his finger in and out of my mouth.

"I knew it right away. Look at him, the kid's got cocksucker lips," he laughed.

"Last one in the lake is a faggot!" He suddenly declared and rushed out of the steam room with Jimmy and Cody stomping right behind him.

Their bare feet slapped on the pier until they jumped into the lake with huge splashes.

I felt totally humiliated. The aftertaste of Ryder's sweaty and not too clean finger was strong and fresh in my mouth, the guys' laughter and jeer still rang in my ears and my cock was about to explode in my pants.

I limped to the dressing room and peeked out to make sure all three were still swimming. I sat on the floor and hastily unzipped my pants, grabbed the Stars and Stripes boxers from Ryder's pile and pressed them on my face. I filled my nostrils and brains with the sweet odor of a young Alpha male, jacking my aching cock frantically, until I shot a huge load of cum into my cupped hands.

When the guys were finished with their bathing I served them dinner: burgers, baked potatoes, salad, coleslaw, corn on the cob, beer, white and red wine and sparkling water; for dessert I had prepared strawberries with whipped cream and apple sauce.

I was really hungry myself too, but there was no time for me to eat anything, as I was busy serving food and drinks and bussing empty plates to the kitchen. When the guys were finished, I cleaned the table, wiped the floor and went back to the bath house to collect empty cans, chip bags and used towels. Then I washed the dishes in the kitchen sink.

When I finally got to sit down myself to enjoy a cold burger and other leftovers from the boys' dinner Jimmy wanted to show us a 10-minute video compilation of `Ridin' with Shoeshine' that Josh had published on his YouTube channel. The boys watched it and Jimmy made sure I had to watch it too. He wanted to replay it immediately, but Cody and Ryder had fortunately already lost their interest on the subject.

"Well, what do you guys wanna do now besides beer and weed? Anybody got some good porn?" Jimmy asked.

"Just the old and lame," Cody said.

"I got some," Ryder said matter-of-factly, with a sly smile.

"Is it good? I mean, not some fat old guy fucking some used up whore, right?" Cody wanted to know.

"Nope," Ryder mused.

"Well, what's it about then?"

"Yours truly."

"What? You? In a porn?"

"Yeah. Starring me and my magic cannon."


"Yeah. I fucked a local waitress and my buddy Will shot it on video."

"How did she let you do that?"

"She's crazy about me. And I promised I'd never show it to anybody."

"You're fucking with us. I don't believe a word." Cody grunted.

Ryder laughed and raised his phone.

"Oh yeah? Wanna watch it?"

"Hell yeah!" Jimmy shouted.

Ryder tossed his phone to Jimmy.

"The file is called Ryder Fuxx, f-u-x-x."

Jimmy flipped through the input channels of the TV until a blurry still image appeared on the screen.

"Yeah. That's it."

Nobody told me to get out, so I didn't. I jacked off to straight teen porn sometimes, although I couldn't care less about the naked girls. I loved to watch young studs expertly use their strong bodies and hard cocks.

The video was amateur, of course, but modern smartphones can do wonders. It was shot in bright daylight and the frame rate was good, so little was left to imagination.

The waitress was leaning against the bathroom sink and Ryder was fucking her from behind; both were naked, but only the girl's face was shown in the mirror, as Ryder was standing with his back to the camera.

Ryder was banging her as hard as he could, holding her ponytail in his fist in true porn film tradition while squeezing her breasts with his free hand. The muscles of his back tensed and eased in rhythm with his buttocks as he thrusted his rock-hard cock into her, making his floppy hair swing in the air.

After ten minutes of hard fucking came the inevitable end scene of a porn film that everybody expects: Ryder pulled out his big, hard man-cannon and shot a load of cum on the girl's back and turned her head to face the camera before shooting the rest of his load on her face.

Ryder turned hid flushed face to the camera, flashed a shit-eating grin to his audience and showed the horns sign with his fingers. The End.

After some roaring masculine laughter and catcalls and complimenting of Ryder's manly abilities the guys settled in armchairs to enjoy their booze and weed.

I had made my bed in a corner of the kitchen, as far as the living room as possible, but I had no chance to sleep due to the boys' loud chatting and joking and card-play. At some point the noise died down and I was able to fall asleep.

"Dude! Dude, wake up!" Jimmy whispered in my ear, shaking my shoulder. I could smell the booze in his breath.

"Lemme sleep Jimmy," I groaned and turned my back to him, but he shook me again.

"Wake up Shoeshine, right now! I need you!"

It was obvious that he wouldn't let me sleep, so I opened my eyes.

"What is it now?"

"Come on, get up. But be quiet," he said and sneaked towards the front door through the dark room.

I followed him out. The chilly night made me shiver in my t-shirt and underwear. Jimmy led me to some bushes and pulled his boxers down. His cock was getting hard.

"Ryder's video got me horny," he said and pressed my shoulders down with his hands.

I sank to my knees on the wet grass. Without further explanation Jimmy pushed his cock into my mouth and started to fuck my face. He panted and used me maybe five minutes before depositing his load into my mouth.

"I needed that," he said, turned aside and started to pee into the bushes.

"Wait ten minutes before following me inside," he ordered.

"Jimmy, it's raining and I'm freezing already," I pleaded but he just sneered at me.

"This will keep you warm," he snickered and splashed some of his pee on my bare legs.

I waited out the mandatory ten minutes, fuming despite the cold and exhaustion. I felt like crying. Three more days with these guys? Would I live through that?

Will Rudy live through the weekend? If you would like me to write one final chapter to this story, please drop me a line:


Next: Chapter 5

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