Jimmy Takes Over

By Ben Coolen

Published on Apr 10, 2020


Jimmy Takes Over

By Ben Coolen


Readers, please keep in mind that this story is 100% fictional. In real life no man is better than the other, and nobody is entitled to treat other people cruelly.

This story contains sexual acts (domination, submission, humiliation, oral sex, masturbation) between young males. If you don't like it, or it is illegal in your country, state or community, please stop reading it immediately.

Please keep in mind that Nifty needs our donations to keep this great free service running.

Thanks to Naughty Bard for proofreading the text.

Chapter Three

It's funny how a person can adjust to totally new circumstances. A few months ago I had a loving family, a very close best friend and no sex life whatsoever. Now the foundations of my family had crumbled, I had lost my best friend and I had a vivid sex life, although a pretty unusual one. And I had gradually grown accustomed to all this.

I was surprised that I didn't miss Jimmy that much anymore. He had been such an important factor in my young life but I didn't consider him a close friend of mine anymore. He had proved himself to be an asshole, quite a different person from the Jimmy I had learned to love.

I rarely saw him anymore, as he was spending most of his time with his cool new friends Cody and Ryder, who were kinda the shit in Jimmy's opinion, whereas I would have classified them as juvenile delinquents.

Sometimes Jimmy still texted me, though, but only to brag about what a good time he was having without me. One Friday night he sent me a video clip he had shot while hanging with Ryder and Cody. It was the first time I got to see what they looked like. I had always imagined them as scar-faced, beer-bellied scumbags in filthy denim jackets.

The clip started with a close-up of Jimmy himself sitting in the back seat of a truck. He grinned to the camera and said:

"Wassup Henderson? Say hello to my boys!"

He turned the camera to show me the guy behind the wheel. He was a burly blond dude, probably a year or so older than me, sporting a blond stubble on his youthful face, blond hair tied into a neat, tight ponytail. He was wearing a tight white t-shirt that showed off his muscled body. A barbed wire tattoo ran around his bulging bicep.

"This is Cody, da Man," Jimmy explained, and the blond kid lifted his two fingers a little from the steering wheel, not bothering to turn his head.

The camera turned to the shotgun seat, showing a lean dude with straight auburn hair that hung sexily down on his forehead, partly covering his eyes. He was resting his white Air Max hi-top sneakers on the dashboard, long legs, clad in ripped and tattered jeans, spread wide. He was wearing a black tank-top, generously open on the side. He didn't look buff like Cody, but the portion of his slim torso that was visible through the open side of his tank-top, was covered with layers of trim muscles.

"And this is my bro Ryder."

Ryder turned to look at the camera through his Ray-Bans and smirked a little, tipping the lid of his white backwards ball cap.

"How's it goin' Henderson-dude?"

I sighed and shook my head. Why on earth did Jimmy want to hang with those dudes who had `trouble' written all over them? I certainly didn't want to get acquainted with them, although neither of them matched my preconception of a couple of D class scumbags. I had to admit that Cody was very easy on the eye and Ryder actually looked hot as fuck. I remember thinking the guy shouldn't have any trouble getting laid.

The camera turned back to Jimmy's grinning face.

"We're out on a pussy hunt, Henderson. Why don't you join us, we could show you a couple of tricks to pick up women," he said and let out a nasty laugh that ended the video.

My parents were seldom at home at the same time anymore. My mom was spending more and more time at her sister's, and when she was home, dad usually was out of town "for business". It was obvious that they would be divorcing sometime soon. I talked about it with my big brother who had gone to college in California, and we agreed that it would be a relief for all of us.

My relationship with dad had become more and more strained. All my respect for him had vaporized the moment I found out he was seeing other women and neglecting his family. It had also became quite obvious that he considered me a disappointment, he would rather have had a more masculine son like Jimmy. The two of us had vicious arguments all the time and when dad tried to make me do something he wanted, like cleaning up the garage, it always ended in a shouting contest. I even took the habit to telling him to fuck off whenever he tried to boss me around to which he would shout back that he would teach me some respect very soon.

I could see he was furious for losing his authority over me, and I knew there would be repercussions. At the time I didn't care, because I wasn't aware of the punishment that he was planning for me. But I'll tell you about that in the next chapter.

Spending time with Colton was a major bright factor in my otherwise depressing life. I saw him regularly at school and at the skatepark, and we chatted and joked like any all the other kids. He was always the centrepiece of attention with his good looks and great sense of humour. Seeing all the attention and admiration he was getting from other kids, particularly girls, made me feel proud of him.

But the more intimate rendezvous between Cody and me happened totally on his terms. He had an insatiable sex drive, and his cock needed constant attention. Dumping his spunk into the eager mouth of his cocksucker whenever he wanted was a very convenient way for him to get his rocks off without any flirting or persuasion needed. He was very protective about his reputation as a top dawg and a ladies' man, and the fact that he was regularly seeing and using another guy to empty his balls had to remain a secret strictly between us. I understood and accepted that, although the way he treated me sometimes felt cruel and selfish.

Sometimes Colton gave me some non-sexual little assignments he thought were suitable for me. Let me tell you about one such incident.

One day at school when I was heading towards my next class after lunch I noticed Colton lingering near the classroom door. I switched to alert mode immediately, as we didn't take the same physics class. I approached the door, keeping an eye on him. As I passed him, he gave me a discreet upnod with his chin.

"After class?" I mouthed silently.

He gave me a microscopic nod and walked away, looking the other way.

I felt proud that Colton knew he could count on me whenever he wanted to get his rocks off; he knew I never said no and never complained. I would have to skip English class, but otherwise my oral duties didn't affect my studies much. I was already a seasoned cocksucker, and I knew I could take care of Colton's needs just the way he liked and catch up with schoolwork afterwards.

When class finished, I packed my books into my backpack, pulled on my hoodie and walked casually to the bleachers. I took a different route every time and made sure no one saw me, so Colton didn't need to worry about any rumours that might have been spread about him meeting a gay boy under suspicious circumstances. A good cocksucker always follows a strict policy about his clients' privacy.

I was sitting on my little piece of mattress when Colton arrived from the opposite direction. I was already taking my place on my knees on the mattress when he stopped me with a wave of his hand.

"I don't really need to dump a load now, man. But I need a favor," he said and took off his backpack.

"A favor?"

"Yeah, a favor."

He pulled out a plastic bag and pulled out an expensive looking dark blue shirt.

"You see, my mom brought me this shirt from Italy. It must've cost a fortune."

"Ooookay... but what's that got to do with me?"

"Right here," he said and turned the shirt around, showing me the front. It was stained with some greyish substance that I immediately recognized.

"The thing is, I had a little accident last Saturday night when Kitty gave me a handjob in my car. I was horny as fuck and came like a fucking volcano."

I could see that he had shot a very powerful load, there were cum sprinkles even on the right shoulder.

"And?" I asked, although I already guessed the answer.

"Well, this thing is made of fucking gold or something and my mom always washes it separately cause it gets ruined and shit. But I can't put it in the hamper like this, can I?"

"No. You should wash it first."

Colton frowned.

"Me? You know I don't do that kinda shit... I mean..."

"Humph. You're trying to tell me that a guy like you doesn't do shit like washing shirts. And that's why you brought it to me, right?"

He stared back at me, looking annoyed.

"Well, sure yeah, I mean... that's something you guys ... you know what I'm sayin'?"

"I know what you're sayin'? Yeah, I do. You're saying that since you're straight, you can't wash your own cum-smeared shirt, I mean straight guys can't be bothered with that kinda shit, it's beneath you. And that's why you brought it to a gay guy, so he can wash it for you, right?"

For just a fleeting moment Colton looked a bit sheepish before going back to his self-assured usual self. He spread his arms and gave me a disarming smile.

"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. Something wrong with that?"

I had to laugh.

"Now, what could be wrong with that?" I said with a sigh and took the shirt from him.

"Anything else I can do for you today? You said you didn't need a blowjob."

Colton thought about it for a minute and smiled.

"Well, actually, since you happen to be here now, I might have a quick one."

I packed the shirt into my backpack and kneeled on my mattress.

He was in a hurry, so it was just a routine performance from me. Open his pants, pull them down with his underwear, jack and lick his dick hard, suck it until he comes, clean up.

He waited while I cleaned his dick, stuffed his package back into his boxers and zipped up his pants.

"You can leave the shirt in my locker, the code is 2886," he said and left.

It was always up to Colton when and where we would meet. Usually we met under the old bleachers behind our school, but sometimes I sucked him off in his car or in the tool shed of the skate park. Once when he was grounded for coming home drunk, he texted me and told me to meet him in their backyard. I drove over, climbed over the fence, sucked him off behind their garage and drove home; not a word was spoken during the process. I enjoyed even that, but secretly dreamed of spending more time with him. I wanted to show him how dedicated I was to his comfort and pleasure.

Then came the weekend when I got an opportunity to ask him to come over to our house. Both of my parents were away, and I had the house to myself from Friday to Sunday. How cool would it be to hang there with Colton? There was one big question I had to answer, though. I had his contact info of course, but how would he react if I texted to say I wanted to meet him at my house? He might freak out, thinking I would ask him to be my boyfriend or some other `gay shit' as he put it. I spent a restless Friday night, trying to decide what to do.

On Saturday morning I sat on my bed, staring at the screen of my phone, gathering my courage. I had typed the message already but hesitated. I wasn't sure if I wanted to send it. Finally I told myself that if I didn't send it, I would regret it bitterly afterwards. I pressed my lips together, closed my eyes and hit the button.

Nothing happened for a few minutes. Then my phone clinked. I checked my messages immediately.

Coltbozz17: WTF dude?? NEVER txt me!!!!

Another message rolled in.

Coltbozz17: acc

I was puzzled. Acc? What the hell did that mean?

I was about to text him to ask him what he meant, even if he had just told me never to do so. But when I tried to do that I was stunned: Colton's message had disappeared. I browsed my contacts but Colton wasn't among my friends anymore. He had blocked me! I was devastated. I had made a terrible mistake!

I had a hard time trying to understand straight boys. One moment they can be friendly and caring and warm and fun, and then the next second they can turn into selfish assholes that don't give a fuck about your feelings. But still I admired enormously their boyish qualities; self-assurance, buddying, endless sex drive and even their natural cockiness. I knew that if I wanted to hang with Colton I would just have to adapt to his quirks. Only another guy like himself could stand up to him and still stay his friend.

Five minutes later I received another message. It was a friend request.

`Hornyztud100 wants to be your friend. Accept?'

I pressed Yes. His reply came almost immediately.

Hornyztud100: use this but only if important

Rudy_321: yes sry wyd

Hornyztud100: whaddya want

Rudy_321: got oc today wanna come over

Hornyztud100: ur house no

So, he didn't want to be seen entering my house. No surprise there.

Rudy_321: its safe legit!! nobody can c u 😊

Hornystud100: how

Rudy_321: path str8 to our back door

Rudy_321: nobody can cu promise

Hornyztud100: address

Rudy_321: 242 lantern

He made me wait for a few minutes; I knew he was looking up the address on Google Maps.

Hornyztud100: wheres the path

Rudy_321: starts behind gas station on hamilton

I knew he was studying the street view now to make sure there was no visual contact from the nearby houses. Well, I knew there was none.

Hornyztud100: how long oc

Rudy:_321: 3 pm tmr

Hornyztud100: might stop by like 4

Rudy_321: sweet!!! u wont regret

Hornyztud100: might be hungry

Rudy321: sandwich??? pizza????

Hornyztud100: smoothie

Rudy321: banana?

Hornyztud100: no

Hornyztud100: strawberry

Rudy321: lmk what time u come

But he had already ended the chat.

I spent the afternoon cleaning my room and changing my bedsheets in case Colton wanted to get a nice, long blowjob as I hoped. At three o'clock I went to the kitchen to prepare his smoothie. I tried to make it as good and nourishing as possible, not stinting with the fresh strawberries I had bought from the local supermarket. I even added some fresh pineapple my mom kept at bay for her fruit salads. Then I poured the treat into a high glass, covered it with kitchen film and stored it in the fridge for my most valued customer.

Colton texted me at 5:30.

Hornyztud100: oc?

Rudy321: yup

I waited for his response to no avail. Was he coming or not? Well, I just had to wait and see.

Half an hour later he texted me again.

Hornyztud100: white picket?

Rudy321: coming down!!

I rushed downstairs and held the back door open. Colton appeared through the bushes and hopped over our fence. He was wearing a black hoodie, sunglasses and a snapback hat with the lid poking out from the hood. He wouldn't take any chances about being seen enter my house. But I didn't mind, I was happy to see him.

I held the door open for him and he slipped in. We went into my room and he looked around, noticing my teddy bears and action figures.

"Looks like a goody-goody little boy's room," he said and handed his hoodie to me. He had a loose black tank top under it.

"Yeah, I guess. Not like yours?" I asked and folded his hoodie on the chair.

"Haha, nah. My mom's always on my case about the posters. You know, tits everywhere... nothing you would understand." he said with a smirk.

He raised his left arm and bent his neck to sniff it.

"I haven't showered since yesterday morning. You think I stink?"

I leaned over and poked my nose into his pit. I took a breath through my nose. His body had an unwashed odour.

"Yeah, you do. Wanna take a shower? I can lend you some clothes."

He snickered.

"Sure, me wearing your nerdy gear? Get real, dudes."

He glanced at his smartwatch.

"Look I ain't got much time. Let's get down to business," he said and sat down on my bed.

So much for the long blowjob, I thought and kneeled down to take off his shoes. Colton leaned his back on the wall and flipped his phone. His left hand wandered down his flat stomach and sneaked under the waistband of his shorts. The movement in his pants told me he was fondling his package.

"You know Cindy Hamilton?"

"I'm not sure," I said and pulled his left shoe off, releasing a considerable waft of teenage foot sweat. He really did need a shower.

"Blonde, with perky ass and medium sized tits?"

"Oh yeah, I know her," I lied and fumbled with the laces of the other shoe.

Girls' titties and asses were something that separated me from most of the boys in our school; I wasn't constantly staring at them or talking about them.

Colton turned his phone around and grinned. I looked at the picture on the screen; it showed a beautiful redhead in skimpy bikinis, her tanned wet body shining in the sun.

"I managed to take this at Marty's pool party. She was with her wimpy boyfriend but she eyed me all night. I'm gonna fuck her soon, boyfriend or no boyfriend."

"Good for you," I said and pulled off his other shoe.

"But today you're in luck. Take my pants off," he said and unbuckled his belt.

I unzipped his cut-offs and pulled them down carefully not to cause any more rips to the tattered denim. He kicked them away, pulled his shirt off and gathered my pillows behind his back.

Suddenly his stomach let out an audible growl.

"How about that grub?"

I had forgotten the smoothie.

"Wait a sec!" I burst out and ran downstairs. I took the smoothie from the fridge and added a straw. Then I carried it upstairs and handed it proudly to Colton.

"Strawberry smoothie, just the way you like."

He took a sip and grimaced. Then he spat the pink liquid out of his mouth back into the glass.

"What the fuck dude, did you put fucking pineapple in this?"

"Yes." I said, disappointed.

Colton handed the glass back to me.

"I fucking hate pineapple."

"I'm sorry man." I said, devastated.

I tried to think of a way to make it up to him.

"I still got some strawberries. How about a strawberry-banana smoothie?"

"Hmm. I dunno, might've lost my appetite with that shit. But okay, I'll give it a try. Just don't fuck up this time. Don't put any fucking pineapple or fucking bleach in it. And gimme my fucking phone, it's in my pocket."

I picked up his cut-offs, handed him the phone and rushed to the kitchen to prepare another smoothie.

Ten minutes later I handed Colton a new glass, filled with freshly made smoothie and a few pieces of strawberry on top of it. He looked suspicious but accepted the glass and took a slurp. I held my breath as he squished it in his mouth before swallowing. Then he slurped again and burped.


Nothing more.

I sat down on the floor in front of him and watched him slurp the smoothie. I felt hurt for the way he treated me.

"I hope it suits your demanding taste better, Sir," I said, hoping to sound sarcastic, but my shaky voice betrayed me.

Colton saw the look on my face and grinned.

"Aww, did I just hurt your feelings, hehehe!"

That didn't make me feel any better, and Colton took it as an opportunity to tease me more.

He lifted his socked foot and brushed my cheek with it. The white sock looked brand new but the sole and heel were smudged from his day at the skatepark.

"Henderson is sad now."

"No I'm not."

"Hehehe, I can see you are. You're a sad little gay boy, Henderson."

"No, I'm not. Stop that."

He picked up a piece of strawberry and shot the milk-covered missile at me with the long spoon. It hit my forehead and dropped on the floor. I picked it up and threw it angrily towards the paper bin. I missed and he laughed.

"Dude, you throw like a girl, hahaha!"

I was infuriated. I had tried to do anything I could to get Colton to come over and make him happy, and all he did was make fun of me. I felt tears of frustration well up in my eyes, as I always did in a situation like that. I hated that frailty in me. I wasn't really about to cry, but I couldn't hold back those tears, something that other kids easily noticed. Colton saw it too and rubbed my nose with his big toe. The smell of his foot was overpowering.

"Aww, Henderson's gonna cry now. Boo-hoo!"

I should have gotten mad at him of course. I should have gotten up and screamed at him and told him to fuck off. But I didn't. I wanted him to stay. Besides, my cock was getting hard from the teasing.

"Stop that Colton," I said with a shaky voice.

"Stop what," he asked and rubbed my nose again. Then he slurped his smoothie.

"You served me a fucked-up smoothie, Henderson. How are you gonna make that up to me? Huh?"

"If you stopped that I could show you how."

"Stop what, I ain't doing nothin'. Just eating my un-fucked smoothie and minding my own business. You want me to stop that and get the fuck outta here?"

"No. But we both know why you came here. You want me to suck you off. So, let's just get it over with."

"Oh nooo, it doesn't work that way, gay boy," Colton said, sounding like a father soothing a little kid.

He tousled my hair with his foot.

"You're a cocksucker, dude, remember? I came here to decide if I should let Henderson the cocksucker suck my dick today or not. I haven't decided yet."

His foot stroked my cheek.

"Would you like to suck my dick today, Henderson?"

We both knew he was holding all the aces. And he knew I knew.


"You would? Well, what should I decide then? Whaddya think?"

"I think you should decide to let me suck it."

Colton peeked into his glass. There seemed to be some pink substance left, and he took the straw between his lips.

"Let's see... slurp... On a scale from one to ten, how bad do you want to have my dick in your mouth?"


"Ten? Wow, you got a very serious case of cock craving, dude, never seen anything that bad before. Well, I kinda like the idea of letting you suck me off but... slurrrpp... there's a problem."

"What's that?"

Colton burped and handed the empty glass to me. Then he clasped his heads behind his head and smiled.

"I can't let you suck my cock now that you're mad at me. You can't give me good head unless you really love me, and I hate bad head."

"I'm not mad," I tried.

"Yes you are. You're a sad little fag, Henderson."

"No, I'm not."

He pressed my nose with the ball of his foot.

"Toot-toot, yes you are, hehehe! Now, listen carefully, this is important."

He paused for a second to emphasize the importance of what he was about to say.

"Can you cheer up like a good boy, so that I can let you suck my fucking cock and swallow my fucking spunk, Henderson?"


"Then tell me how much you want to do it. Use these lips to convince me, he said and flapped my lips with his toes.

"I wanna suck you off, Colton."

He laughed and rested his foot on my shoulder.

"That wasn't too convincing. You can do better than that, dude. Try again."

I picked some sock fluff from my mouth.

"Please, Colton. I really wanna suck your cock. I wanna make you feel real good."

"Hmm... a little better. But add some more passion. Show me true love."

He wants me to show love to him? I can do that, I thought and took hold of his ankle.

I looked him in the eye.

"Please, Colton." I said and kissed the arch of his socked foot.

"Hehehe! That was better. But I wanna see you really, really show me how much you want to suck my dick. I'll give you one last chance to show me that you wanna be a good cocksucker. If you don't convince me, I'm outta here!"

I looked at his taunting grin and bright blue eyes.

I pushed his foot gently aside and crouched over towards the bulge in his underwear. His American Eagle boxer trunks were white, but there were yellowish stains on the thin cotton over his bulge.

I pressed my lips on his rod and kissed it through the fabric of his underwear. It was warm and the smell was so strong. I looked him in the eye and said:

"Please Colton."

Then I licked the shaft from head to base, getting a lewd taste of cotton, sweat, piss and precum in my mouth.

"Please let me suck you off. I'll do it just the way you like it. I'll suck you dry, I promise. I wanna be a good cocksucker."

I was surprised to hear myself say those last words with such determination. Colton thought it was hilarious.

"I wanna be a good cocksucker... ahahaha! Dude, you are one eager fucking homo, I can't believe you really said that, ahahaha!" he laughed.

Then he moved aside, pulled his boxers off and patted the mattress at the head of the bed.

"Have a seat, cocksucker."

I got up and sat down, leaned my back on the wall and he straddled me with his hands on the wall above my head, his hard cock swinging in front of my face. He put his palm on my forehead and bent my head back.

"This is awesome, you can lick my balls now."

He turned his snapback backwards and pushed his pelvis forward so that his full balls were hanging over my face. I stuck my tongue out and started to lick his hairy sack. My spit dissolved the dried sweat on the sack, and I dutifully lapped up every drop of it. It tasted just like you would expect an unwashed teen groin to taste, but I didn't care; Colton wanted me to do it, and I loved to make him feel good.

I pushed his pelvis gently back to inform him that I had serviced every spot on his scrotum, and he pulled back enough to point his cock towards my parted lips. He slid his cock into the welcoming nest of my mouth and made some preliminary thrusts, but then he stopped and pulled out. I looked up to see what was wrong.

"Dude, your lips are dry. Got any lube?"

I was puzzled, as my lips didn't feel dry at all.

"No, sorry."

"Oh yes, you do. You made it yourself."

He leaned over me to reach for something on my nightstand. He showed it to me with a shit-eating grin: it was the first smoothie he had turned down.

"I'm gonna lube your lips with this fucked-up smoothie of yours," he informed me.

Then he scooped up a spoonful of the thick liquid and used the spoon to spread it on the head of his hard dick, which he pushed it slowly into my mouth.

"This is the only purpose that your smoothie is good for. Eat it, fag."

I sucked it in with a slurp. It didn't taste bad at all to me, although the treat was now mixed with my spit and Colton's precum.

"You like it?"

I nodded.

"Good, because there's a lot more to come. Choo-choo, here comes the big smoothie train!" he said and lubed the next inch of hard young cock before pushing it in.

He kept giggling and feeding me his smoothie-covered cock inch by inch until my lips were pressed to his pubes. By then my chin and shirt were smeared with slime and smoothie.

Then he put the glass away and started to fuck my face in earnest.

Now I was back on my familiar turf, and I knew how to please him and his cock. Besides, this was the first time he was naked while I sucked his dick, save the snapback, and I took the opportunity to run my hands up and down on his muscled back, then down over the hard buttocks and slightly hairy skater legs.

I loved squeezing Colton's buttocks. Skating seems to do so much good to a guy's butt muscles; both Colton's and Jimmy's butts were hard and firm, fat-free with sexy dents on the sides; a real delight to a gay guy's hungry fingers.

Little by little Colton's thrusts became more and more aggressive, he was clearly enjoying the new position. Usually I was kneeling on the ground when I gave him head, and he couldn't really fuck my face with all the power of his body. But now I was pinned between his pelvis and the wall, and my lips dove really deep into his pubes and my nose was squeezed on his hard underbelly. One of the pillows behind my back dropped on the floor and the back of my head banged against the wall, but I didn't care, I was determined to make this the mother of all blowjobs.

And then he shot a burst of fresh teen cum into my mouth. I expected more to be on the way, but Colton surprised me by pulling out and aiming his cock at my face. The next shot hit me between the eyes, and the next one after that landed on my hair and forehead. He swayed a little on the soft mattress, and the last one missed my face and landed on the wall behind me.

Finally he pushed his cock back into my mouth and waited while I cleaned it. Then he pulled out, sat down and exclaimed:

"Whooa! That was fun!"

I sat up, trying with cupped hands to prevent his slime running down on my bed.

Colton laughed, grabbed his phone and showed me my own face on the screen. My face was flushed and my hair was a mess, and most of all, I had spunk all over my face. Cum in my hair, cum running down on my forehead and nose, and my lips and chin were smeared with cum-flavored smoothie.

"Your face is a fucking mess, dude, ahahaha!"

"Why did you do that?"

He gave me a shit-eating grin.

"I saw a guy in a Pornhub clip give his chick a facial like this. It looked so fucking sick that I wanted to try it on my own bitch."

He put his boxers back on and checked his phone.

"Well, what do you know?! Cindy wants to meet me tonight. Her boyfriend is out of town."

"Great," I said sarcastically.

He slapped me on the side of the head playfully.

"Don't you see what that means, Henderson? I'm gonna fuck her tonight! Well done, me!"

"But I need your help," he continued.

"What kind of help?" I asked, wiping my face with a tissue.

"I'm fucking broke. I need you to lend me some cash. Just a short-time loan. I need to buy her coffee and shit."

"How much?"

"Not much, say... forty bucks."

I sighed and got up. Then I went to my desk and opened the top drawer. I took out the small pouch that contained all my stash of cash. I took out some twenties.

"I really need this back man, I've got..."

Before I had finished my sentence Colton had snapped three twenties from my fingers.

"Thanks," he said and slipped the bills into the back pocket of his cut-offs before pulling them on.

"That's sixty bucks, Colton. When are you gonna pay me back?"

He took his hat off and pulled his shirt on. Then he put the hat back on and turned to check his looks in the mirror.

"Soon, Henderson, soon."

He turned to look at me and tapped his snapback with his finger.

"I already made a note in here. It says, pay Henderson forty bucks."

"Forty? You took sixty bucks, man."

He gave me his most charming grin.

"Yeah. But you owe me twenty."

"What? I owe you?"

"Yeah. I charge ten bucks for facials. And there's a ten bucks' fine for putting pineapple in my smoothie. See you, gay boy," he said and left.

My phone woke me up in the middle of a deep sleep. I glanced at my alarm clock: 1:27. What the hell, that had to be important, maybe my mom was hospitalized or something. I fumbled with my hand until I found the phone on my night desk.

"Hello," I groaned.

"Henderson? Still got the crib?"

"Colton? Why are you calling me in the middle of..."

"Look, I've got no time for that now, dude. I need your bedroom. Just for an hour or so."

I was still drowsy from sleep, so I had difficulties in comprehending what he said.

"My bedroom? Why?"

"Why? For fucks sake dumbass, I got Cindy all warmed up but we don't have a place to go. We'll be there in fifteen minutes."

"Wait, Colton, no..." I said but he had already hung up.

I switched the light on and climbed up from my warm, comfortable bed. It occurred to me that I hadn't changed my bedsheets after receiving Colton's facial, so I hurried to put a fresh set of sheets on. Then I took a look at my room. My old teddy bears and action figures seemed suddenly too childish for Cindy's eyes; I didn't want word about them to go around, so I gathered them and hid them in my drawer.

I had barely time to pull on some clothes before I heard a car door bang in front of our house. I ran downstairs to hush my uninvited guests inside before they woke up our neighbours. I opened the door, and Colton walked in, followed by the hot redhead in the picture he had shown me earlier that day.

"Awright, dude," he greeted me and put his hand on the girl's ass, guiding her upstairs.

I spent a restless night in our guestroom, which was my big brother's old room next to mine. I had to listen to sounds of giggling and kissing and moaning and slushing and my own bed squeaking on the other side of the paper-thin wall.

When it finally ended, I was able to drift into well-deserved sleep. But after a while I woke up to those sounds again:

Giggle... smooch... moan... squeak... slush... moan...

This time Colton was able to edge much longer and I estimated he fucked her for at least forty-five minutes.

I woke up in the morning with no idea how long I had slept. I checked my alarm clock: 9:17. Then I realized something disturbing: TV noise coming from downstairs. Were Colton and his girl still in the house?

I grabbed my bathrobe and went downstairs to check the situation. The TV was blasting a sports channel but the two spectators were gone. There were slices of toast, cereal, a jar of marmalade, an opened carton of milk on the table. I cleared the table and went upstairs to check my room.

My bed sheets were tangled on the bed and on the floor, my blanket was in a bundle on the floor together with my pillows. I gathered the sheets and pillowcases and stuffed them into the washing machine.

Then I came to think of something. Did Colton fuck her with a condom? In that case I had to find it before my mom did; there was little chance that he disposed of it in an orderly manner. I was right; no condom in my trash bin, neither in the bathroom.

I didn't have to search for long to find clues. I saw something blue poking out between the mattress and the wall. I picked it up: a condom wrapper. I would have to find the rubber itself.

I peeked under my bed. Yes, there it was, discarded nonchalantly out of sight. I reached out and picked it up between my fingers, avoiding contact with the outer side that had been pumping inside her pussy. I dropped it into the trash, satisfied that I found it before my mom did. But then something else occurred to me. Colton had fucked her twice. Was there a second condom?

I didn't know a lot about condoms, just what other boys had said about them in the school locker room. Can you fuck with the same condom twice or do you have to change it? I had no idea.

I started a systematic search, going through my desk and closet and drawers... nothing. Then I went through the books on my shelf one by one. And there, hidden between the pages of one of my Harry Potter books, was another blue wrapper. Colton had hidden it there deliberately; I didn't find his prank amusing at all.

I stood in the middle of my room and scanned it with my eyes like a robot. I knew the condom was somewhere in the small room but I had already searched everywhere.

Absentmindedly I put my hands into the pockets of my bathrobe and froze: The fingers of my right hand met something soft... and slimy. I fished out the rubber and looked at it. The tip was empty, which was kinda strange. To make sure there were no more surprises, I checked the pockets once more and stuck my hands down to the bottom of them; I grimaced when my fingers met a layer of slime.

I went to the bathroom to wash my hand and started the washing machine. Then I threw myself on my bed. What an asshole he was! He had teased me and made fun of me before shooting his cum all over me and snatching my money. Then he had woken me up, used my bed to fuck his bitch, eaten our food and left it to rot on the table. And he had not only hidden his used condom in the pocket of my bathrobe; he had also deliberately squeezed all his jizz out of it into the pocket!

Then I imagined the sight: Colton hiding a condom wrapper inside my Harry Potter book, throwing the slimy rubber as far as possible under my bed, squeezing his cum out of another condom into my pocket before placing the rubber on top of it. I could see his mischievous, victorious smile while sneaking out of my room; I even imagined him wink at me before leaving the crime scene. The idea made me laugh aloud.

I took my phone and browsed through my ever growing collection of Colton-photos, most of which I had copied from his Instagram account. Colton telling jokes in the classroom, Colton taking a selfie, Colton flirting with girls, Colton posing with his skateboard, Colton driving his car.

"Colton, you are a fucking selfish asshole!" I said aloud.

"And I love you," I added before starting to jack off to a picture of him riding his skateboard shirtless, with a smile on his face, his shorts hanging low, showing half his ass, his reckless bangs of blonde hair flying in the wind.

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