Jimmy La Fonte

By John Galaor

Published on Mar 11, 2010


Jimmy la Fonte 4 Boys of high school age.

Warning: These stories contain scenes about homosexual activities between males of high school age. In you are offended by these stories, do not go farther this point.

If the reading of these stories is illegal in your state or the country you are living, you should not go any farther from this point. If you are a minor, please, clear off.

NOTE: This part is a little longer than usual. I could not make it any shorter, because it would loose some of the charm of dialogues.

Part Four Bed and Breakfast for Jimmy

One day at noon break, Dave and Jimmy were chatting.

"This work site is very far from home." Said Dave. "We have to wake up too early to come work."

"Yeah." Said Jimmy. "It's too far."

"I was thinking that we can rent a room near here so as we do not need going every day home to sleep."

"A room? Would it not be dear?"

"No, it would not. Many ladies rent a room to construction workers."

"How much would it cost? "We can get a bed for three pence, or even less, if one bargains wisely."

"Only three pence?"

"Sure, we can go after work to find a room."

"I'm not sure. Do you think is a good idea?"

"Of course. It is not the first time I rent a room."

"And where will I have breakfast?"

"In the same place. Houses rent a room and breakfast for a price."

"Well, we can try."

At the end of work's day Dave and Jimmy went to find a house who rented rooms. After a time looking for they found one.

"We are looking for a room to sleep." Said Dave to a lady.

The landlady glanced the two boys to appraise them. One boy was as pretty sweet as a young lady. She figured it what he was good for. The other young man looked in a horny condition; an urgent case. The lady stopped a second to watch the bulge of Dave. She was bent to help the horny boy. She had been a very helpful girl in her youth, many years ago. She earned some money in the trade to buy this house.

"I have a room. It's very small. Only a bed."

"Never mind. How much does it cost?"

"Five pence the night."

"Good, five pence for the two of us."· "No. Five pence each of you."

"You got only a bed and you are asking five pence a person? Do you think we are silly?"

"There is a lot of demand. You know with this big project... and all. There is a lot of people asking for a room."

"Nonsense! It is difficult to rent a room for two with only one bed."

"You don't mind it's only a bed, do you?" The lady smiled.

Dave caught her malicious snigger.

"Two pence each and the breakfast."

"Four pence."

"No. Three pence is the normal price for a bed. For a shared bed we cannot pay that much. Two and a half each."

"Two and a half, not breakfast."

"Three pence with breakfast." Said Dave.

"Deal." Said the landlady.

She thought it was not that easy to rent a bed for two boys.

"Wait a moment." Said Dave. "What will you give us for breakfast?"

"Milk coffee and some toasts with butter. No marmalade."

"Would you not give us a sandwich with some cheese for midmorning?"

"That would cost 5 shilling each."

"It's a deal."

Dave took out his wallet to pay and asked Jimmy, "Get out your money."

They paid and the landlady showed them the room. A bed and a night table. The room had a window with a view to a yard with a henhouse. Chickens were crackling softly around and picking something here and there.

"A nice view." Said Dave watching the hens.

"You wouldn't rent a bed to watch hens, do you?"

"Of course not."

"That's what I thought. There is enough room in this bed for you both. You would not have any time to get bored." The landlady smiled naughtily and winked an eye at Dave.

Dave got the wink of the landlady and shut up.

The landlady felt sure of herself.

"I will show you the bathroom. Come."

They left the room and walked by a narrow corridor.

"Here it is." She opened the door. "Don't expect hot water in the bathroom."

"No hot water?"

"The water heats up through the kitchen. Not cooking, not hot water."

"But you prepare hot coffee and milk in the morning."

"I got a small gas kitchen for that."

"What a pity. I like to shower with hot water."

"You look too hot..." The lady glanced at Dave's bulge and added, "too hot to worry about cold water."

"That's true."

"And don't come back late at night. I don't open anyone after past eleven."

"Ok. We will be back before eleven."

They left the house and went to their homes to shower and have dinner. Jimmy thought he has to tell his aunt Louise about his sleeping out in a rented room with Dave.

Due to their expectations, they did little gym and wrestling this day. Michael and Jovi smelled something was happening between Dave and Jimmy. They did not comment about their feelings, but felt a little disappointment of the secrecy. They would like to know what was going on between them.

After wrestling, Dave and Jimmy went out to walk home and have dinner. They need to hurry up to be in time to got back to their new room. They accorded a place to meet after dinner.

It was dark when coming back to the meeting place. In those times there was not much light in the streets after dark, so they had some trouble to find the house of the land lady, for they were not very familiar with that neighborhood.

They found the house and rang at the door. The landlady opened the door and they went upstairs to sleep. Both friends were a little nervous. Specially Dave that was not sure how would react Jimmy at being with him in bed.

Dave turned the key and opened the door. He looked for the switch and turned it on. A yellowish faint light showed the almost bare room. They both entered with a little hesitancy. Then, Dave took out the key and put it again in the lock inside the room. Then he turned the key to close the door.

"Are you closing?"

"I'm thinking of a drunkard. He could open this room by mistake."

"Oh, yeah. It's right."

Dave put the bag he was carrying on the floor. He took out a big alarm clock from the bag and adjusted the alarm to wake up in the morning.

"We are going to wake up at seven."


Dave started to undress and was standing there in underwear. Jimmy avoided to look at his friend crotch for fear that Dave would think bad of him. So, he stated to strip. Dave was naked for some seconds before Jimmy and entered in the bed. Jimmy followed him some seconds later.

Jimmy let the thick blanket fall over his body and the powerful scent of Dave assaulted his nose. It was not the first time Jimmy had experienced the exciting aroma of his friend. He recalled the scene in the basement where he was wrestling, when he dried with a towel totally impregnated of Dave's sweat. It was almost the same feeling, but now it was... it more disturbing, for they were... they were alone in the same bed. This was a scary experience. In the basement were the two other friends of Dave. Now, here... things were quite different. Jimmy was afraid now. Dave could think of him... that... he was... Well, Dave had said his face looked like the a beautiful girl... and then, he said something about his long hair, his blond curls... hanging out of his head. Well, Jimmy was afraid... that Dave could think he was a fag. Jimmy had shivers on his body. He knew he had to be careful not to look like a fag. Dave was so manly! Perhaps he hated fags. And he was afraid to look like a sissy. The nice smell of Dave was making Jimmy a little uneasy. "It is just a smell," thought Jimmy. Then he thought, "this is not the sort of smell that one would consider... it is not a bad odor." Jimmy loved Dave's odor." Jimmy was a little scared by this thought.

The presence of Dave at his side was for Jimmy something unreal. A flood of words invaded his mind. "I am not on the same bed with Dave. I am not. How on earth would I be? Two men do not sleep together in the same bed." It was impossible for Jimmy to ignore the powerful scent of Dave's body.

Jimmy felt dazed. Well, perhaps... dazed was too strong a word. Would it be better if we say he was fascinated? Fascinated and a little astonished. He felt like proverbial dove unable to flee off flying before a snake watching. Jimmy could not flight off this bed. And he was scared. Would Dave found out he was a little sissy? Words came again to the mind of Jimmy. It is not that smell of Dave, he thought. He had experience that smell before, yesterday to be precise. He recalled the wrestling with him in tight intimate contact. Dave's body was sweating and Jimmy had deeply breathed the scents of his perspiration. Jimmy's skin was also soaked in the sweat of Dave. But now... this was different. Jimmy's body was having some light shivering. It was not as strong as when you shivers with a fever, but a very light version of this. As when you are scared. Then he turned on his side to look at Dave. Both bodies were at an inch of distance. Jimmy wanted to give Dave's body as much space as possible for not touching him. He did not want to disturb him with the contact of his body. The hand of Jimmy was on his right side and he rose the blanked a little bit. Then as the blanket fell down it pushed a current of air that was carrying the scents of Dave to his nose. Jimmy inhaled this scent deeply and felt better. After some seconds, he felt the presence of his friend inside his chest. He had entered him by his nose and now the essence of Dave was on his lungs. It was a very strong presence. He felt like dazed, or perhaps... a little inebriated. He was drunk with Dave's essence. Billions of particles of Dave's body had entered his body and now it was... it was like he had Dave inside him. And these particles were not light stuff, but were very reactive.

"I'm going to wake up." Said Dave.


"To switch off the light."


Then Dave's body rubbed over Jimmy in his way to wake up. Jimmy felt like a bolt of electricity run through his body. Then he turned on to see what Dave was doing.

Dave stood up for some seconds beside the bed, he bent down to look into his bag to fetch something. As he watched, Jimmy saw that Dave was suffering of his chronic swelling in his thing down there. Dave pulled down his underwear and there he was. His thing was... Jimmy could not believe his eyes. It was thick and large. "This thing could not be real", thought Jimmy. "You have to... you have to touch it with your own hands to believe it."

Dave took the alarm clock in his hands, and checked if it was on the right time to ring in the morning. His thick dick was getting bigger and rising up.

Jimmy was watching the incredible thing, so big and fat, and he was bewildered. He felt envy of Dave's thing. He would like to have something like this. To would like to be as strong and as big as his friend. Dave's thing was... like a wonder of nature. Jimmy's mouth was salivating. He thought "this thing is worth to study scientifically for a time. It's something... to be measured and felt to know it well; it was something like... at this distance... a lovely thing."

Dave went to the door. Jimmy saw his buttocks as he walked to the door. Then, he turned around and said, "Cha, chang!!!"

He had arched his body forward and was making an indecent exhibition of his enormous thing pointing forward. Then he jerked up and down and the wonderful thing of Dave was going up and down. Jimmy's eyes were wide open in amazement.

"Do you like it, Jimmy?" Asked Dave brazenly.

Jimmy was astonished with the shamelessness of Dave.

Watching the wide open eyes of Jimmy, Dave thought he had overplayed his joke. He tried to correct his attitude and said, "Sorry, Jimmy. It was only a joke. I did not meant to offend you."

"Oh! Dave, you're always doing blue jokes."

"You aren't offended, are you?"

"No. I am not offended."

"You want me to hide this thing with both hands?"

He made a mockery of those pinup pictures that hide their crotch with both hands.

"Oh, Dave! I am not a fag!! Switch off this damned light!"

Dave switched off the light. Then he walked in the dark towards the bed.

"You are not offended, are you?" Dave asked again.

"No. But... I told you! I'm not a fag!"

Jimmy had turned his body and was now lying on his back. Then, Dave touched Jimmy's body, and rose up the blanket. He mounted over Jimmy's body and stood still there, for two or three seconds, over his body. Then he went to the other side of the bed and turned to approach his body to Jimmy's.

"Oh, Jimmy, you are pretty hot."

"¿Me? No, I am not."

"Yes, you are."

Dave approached his body to Jimmy. But Jimmy could not move back any more to separate from Dave; his body was now on the edge of the bed.

Both friends were now watching each other in the dark. Each one felt the breath of the other on his face.

"I am a little nuts, Jimmy."

"Yeah. Sure you are." Said Jimmy.

"You have to forgive me. For I am a little nuts."


"There is a time I was dreaming..."

"Dreaming of what?"

"Of this moment."

"I don't understand."

"I was dreaming of being with you in bed."

Jimmy said nothing. He did not know what to say. He never thought of such a thing. But he was well disposed to tolerate weird fancies from his friend. If you want to keep a friend, you have to forgive some pieces of his wrong behavior.

"You don't say anything." Said Dave.

"I'm worried, Dave. You don't think I'm a fagot, do you?"

"Of course not. Don't worry about this, Jimmy. I love joking."

"It is what I thought."

"You had not taken my jokes seriously, do you?"

"Well, no."

"This is my boy!"

They remained quite for some ten or twenty seconds. Very slowly the heat was mounting below the thick blanket. Jimmy was amazed at how much heat his friend Dave was radiating. Dave was a tremendous source of heat.

Jimmy covered his nose under the blanket to inhale the scent of his friend. He was amazed at how much power Dave had over his senses. His aroma was inebriating and pleasant. He felt sleepy and passive. He thought it was a wonderful thing to be sleeping beside Dave.

Jimmy's ass was getting a little cold on the edge of the bed. Jimmy pushed Dave a little backward saying, "My ass is cold and out of the bed. Can you move a little back?"

"You got your ass cold?"


"Poor Jimmy. Turn on. I will heat your ass in a moment."

Dave turned on the body Jimmy and held him tight to heat his ass. Then he was aware Jimmy had this underwear on.

"You have to put that thing off, if I'm going to heat your ass." Said Dave.

Dave started to pull down Jimmy's underwear and he helped by rising his hips up from bed. Then, Dave held Jimmy's ass and back tightly lose to him.

They were quite for a while, not uttering a single word. Many times in the course of wrestling exercises, Jimmy had his ass pressed under the crotch of his friend. So this position was not so unusual. The difference now was... they were both lying on a bed alone in a closed room. There was not any other person there, not Micheal, not Jovi.

"You are not going to tell me anything?" asked Dave.

"Anything about what?"

"I don't know. I was expecting you were going to say something. We can chat a little bit before sleeping."

"I don't know what to say."

"Have you ever slept with a friend?"

"I don't remember. Perhaps when I was a little kid. I had been sleeping with my mom sometimes, I suppose. When I was a baby."

"Well, sleeping with mom is not interesting."

"Well, I suppose not. I never had slept with anybody."

"I had imagined that you had slept with some cousin or another boy like you or a little older. Like a boy like me."

"No, I've never been. I was in a religious school for many years. And each boy had is own bed to sleep."

"I have been sleeping with a lot of friends, cousins, brothers and relatives, in the same bed. We are a crowd of people in the family. And many of those relatives and known people friends of my family lived in the country. They come my home to sleep when they visit the city."

"That looks like a lot of people."

"Yeah. Girls used to sleep with the girls, and the boys with the boys. And sometimes, two or three boys were in the same bed. Sometimes there were as many as twelve or fifteen persons to sleep at home in a night."

"Oh! This is a crowd!"

"Yeah. So, to be in bed with you is the most natural thing for me." Said Dave.

At this moment, Jimmy felt the hot thing of Dave had nested in the furrow of his buttocks and was growing fatter. This produced in Jimmy a stiff on his small dick. Not that it was too small, but could not compare in the least with Dave's. So, the dick of Dave was like having jerks. Jimmy was afraid to say a word for... it was such... such an awkward thing... to mention... that... he could not say that such an indiscreet fat thing was growing up and jerking between his buttocks. He could not acknowledge that such a thing was nested there. Only a fag would had noticed that.

Many times Jimmy felt the swelled thing of Dave when they were wrestling, but he never had mentioned it. Only a fag could be aware of the horny thing a friend has, isn't it? "Do you feel well, Jimmy?"

"Er... what you mean."

"I mean.. if you feel nice and well."

"You mean... well?"

"Yeah. You looked more relaxed... more... I mean, you must be better now. I see your ass is not cold, but hot and... sort of... does it feel good in there?"

"Feel good... you mean if I feel good... there."

"Yes. It's not a big deal, isn't it? We are both here, together in bed. And you got it. I mean... I am your best friend, am I not?"

"Yeah. I feel a lot better now... in my back. It's nice and hot. And... I'm in bed with my best friend."

"I will do my best, to make you feel good."

Jimmy did not reply. He was afraid to. Dave followed saying, "I mean... you'll sleep hot and nice with me. We will sleep tight and hot."

"I feel well. It's... that I'm a little dazed. Perhaps... a little scared."

"We have been countless times wrestling. We have been in full contact many times. I mean, our bodies were tight to each other when wrestling."


"You know what?"


"Do no take it as a bad comment."

"No. I wouldn't."

"You got a pretty face."

"But we are in the dark now! You can't see my face."

"I got your face engraved in my mind. It's like a picture."

"What do you see pretty in my face?"

"Oh! I love your lips, so thick and so tempting."

"Tempting? Why tempting?"

"I feel the need... do not be angry with me, I am being sincere, you know? I feel the need to kiss those lips... suck them into my mouth."

"What? You..."

"And you got these big eyelashes, these blue eyes! I am getting mad."

"My eyes?"

"Not only these. Your blond hair, so long and with those curls hanging out! But those fleshy lips are the most. They are making me crazy."

"My fleshy lips? "Yeah. They protrude out of your face. I feel the need to suck them and bite."

"But why?"

"I want to kiss you."

"But I am a boy! You can't do that! Boys don't kiss boys!"

"Well, but you are... like a girl."

"Me like a girl?"

"Well, not exactly. I know you are a boy, but a boy that looks like a very pretty girl. That's why I want to kiss you."

"But I am a boy!"

"Never mind. I don't mind you are not a girl. You are like a girl with a little penis. I do not mind in the least."

"How do you know I got a little penis?"

"It's very simple. When we were wrestling I grabbed you there. It was a little thing. Also I have watched it when you were pissing."

"I see. Then..."

"Nothing. I know now that you are a boy-girl or a girlish boy. So I can kiss you. I would not kiss a hairy man, or any man. I don't like men."

"So, you don't mind to kiss me `cause I am just a boy?"

"Not in the least, for you have a girlish face."

"You think I look feminine?"


"And you are going to kiss me?"

"Yes. But nobody will know a word about it. Look, Jimmy. I love girls, for sure. But... I got some problems."

"Some problems? What sort of problems?"

"I'm a desperado."

"Desperado? What does mean?"

"It's an American word from Arizona. It means "a man in despair".

"Why are you despaired?"

"I'm feeling so eager... I cannot stand it a day more. I have to do it!"

"To do what?"

"Oh, boy! What would it be!"

"I cannot guess it."

"Don't be silly! I want to fuck a girl!"

"Oh! Yeah! I understand. Well, next Saturday, after getting your pay, you can go to a whore house."

"No. I wouldn't go there."


"I am afraid to catch a sickness."

"A sickness? Why? "My cousin Thadeus went to whore house and got one. He was very ill for a time. He told me, `cousin, never go with a whore'. So I can't go. I think he is still ill with something."

"Well, what can you do?"

"I have to do something. And very soon. I am on verge of exploding."


"Yeah. You cannot understand this. Your life is so peacefully!"

"What do you mean?"

"You got no problems." Said Dave.

"Why you say that? I got my own problems."

"No. You do not. You're never hard." Jimmy said nothing. "You know, Jimmy... I am all day with my cock hard."

"Your cock hard? What is that?"

"The cock? You know what is it, don't you? "No. I came from Kiriwati Islands, you know. I don't understand some of the words used here."


Dave moved backward and pulled Jimmy to make him to turn around.

Dave grabbed the hand of Jimmy and put it on his dick.

"You see? Feel it. This is a hard cock."

The hand of Jimmy was on the hard dick of Dave. He wrapped it with his fingers. It was thick and hard. It was also hot.

"We called this in Kiriwati, the `ugly thing'. But natives called it wonga."

"Wonga? That's a fanny name. Well, you see? This is called a cock here."

"A cock? Like the male of the hen?"


Suddenly, Jimmy was afraid Dave would think he was a faggot. It seemed to Jimmy that it was an indecent attitude to hold in his hand such a big wonga. It was sure a great sin of lust. A sing as big as huge was this wonga. Father Amerindo never was very clear in his chats about morals about this. The sin was greater if the wonga was bigger? The father talked about manipulations and indecent touchings... but Jimmy thought the father was talking about his own little thing. But this thing of Dave... was a huge wonga. The sin would be also a sin of great size. Then he was fearing that... what idea would have Dave of his reputation? If he was delighted in holding this, he would think he was a sissy boy or a fag. He was risking his reputation. So, he took his hand off Dave's organ.

Jimmy turned over his body. His body was now looking to the other side.

Dave approached of Jimmy's body and held him against his body. His big wonga was now nesting in Jimmy's rear.

"You know what I mean, Jimmy?"

"I'm not good at guessing." Said Jimmy feigning not being interested.

"I have had several girls but my problem was growing bigger."

"Was growing bigger? You mean... that before your problem was much smaller?"

"Well, I don't know. I had a problem, but as I was going after some girls my problem was much bigger."

"I have not had a girlfriend. I want to know how it would grow my problem if I have one."

"It is horrible to have a big problem."

"You mean... it hurts... being that big?"

"I don't understand what you mean."

"I mean... that... if this big wonga of yours... had grown so much after being with your girlfriends."

"Oh, no. It was big already, more or less since I was fifteen or so. I was talking about other problems, like... you cannot kiss the chick, for she refuses most of the times. She says her mother could see us kissing. Sometimes you can kiss her swiftly. But is not a good kiss anyway. I mean... I cannot cure of my troubles with a kiss."

"You cannot?"

"Well, you know, Jimmy? Girls have a slit, you know that?"

"Yeah. But I've never seen it."

"Well, sometimes we can cure our troubles by entering our dick in there."

Dave's dick was now hot in the rear of Jimmy and was having some automatic jerks.

"You mean... entering your thing into her?"

"Exactly. You had heard someone talking about this, don't you?"


"Well, that's my problem."

"I see. And you never had... I mean... entered that thing into any of them, chicks?"


"Perhaps you've showed they your... your big thing."

"Yeah. I had showed it to them. "

"Perhaps... well, the girls were scared."

"Scared, why?"

"That thing of yours is terrible big. It had scared them."

"Yes. It's a little big. That's sure."

"Then, you see."

"No, I don't see. Even if they were afraid of me entering... my dick into her slit... that damned thing was made for this very purpose."

"For that... very purpose? Yeah. I see."

"Even if the girls were afraid... any of them could had helped me with her hand, you know? A minute or two jerking it up the damn dick, you know?"

"Jerking the thing up and down with her hands?"

"Yeah. Or even better. She could had helped me, by sucking my dick for a while, till I cum off. You understand?"

"Sucking the thing? What you mean?"

"I mean sucking it. She put her lips on the dick, you know? Then she suck it like a lollipop, you understand?"

"You mean sucking it... like a lollipop?"

"Exactly. That's what I mean."

"And she... I mean... they... girls don't like lollipops."

"No. They don't."

"Perhaps girls think that this thing tastes badly or something. You know, you piss through that thing."

"Well, I know that. But it's a clean thing."

"Well, the girls don't know. By the way, does it tastes good?"

"Of course! It tastes nicely."

"How do you know?"

"Well, I heard tell. People says, dick tastes good."

"I see. But you don't know for sure."

"No, I don't."

"Then the girls you got, don't liked to suck dicks and don't even jerked it for a while till you cum off."

"That's it. They don't."

"What happened with these girls you had?"

"I left them."

"Now, what are you going to do?"

"I feel a lot better now. Now I have not swelled my balls all day."

"I see. But it seems you got still swelled. You should go to visit a doctor. This swelling of your thing could be a dangerous thing. The most you delay the visit, the worse it would get."

"My dick is not swelled. This is its normal state."

"It's all day like this?"

"Yes. Sometimes is more, sometimes less."

"Then, you are not going to see a doctor?"

"I don't need it."

They were silent for a while.

Dave's dick was having jerks in the rear furrow of Jimmy.

"You know, Jimmy?"


"I thought you would help me, you know?"

"No. I don't think I can."


"Well... I'm not a fag."

"Of course, you're not. I wouldn't be in bed with a fag, would I?"

"Oh! Well... you mean... what do you mean?"

"I don't know how to put it, Jimmy. Let's suppose... that..." Dave hesitated. "We are friends, aren't we?"

"Yes. We are."

"In fact, we are... much more than friends."

"Much more?"

"Yes. We are... buddies."

"Buddies? What's that?"

"That is... like friends... but much... much better. Buddies are more... intimately close to each other, you got it?"

"Buddies are more intimately close?"

"Yes, more... close. Tightly close, you know? "

"Like in wrestling?"

"Yes. But... even more tight. Like we are now."

Jimmy felt the hard thing of Dave nested in his rear furrow as having jerks.

"More close?"

"Yes. Perhaps, close is not the right word. My grammar is not very good. Buddies are more... are more like `connected'. That is... buddies are... like they were plugged, you know? One inside the other."

"Like plugged?"

"Yeah. It's love and desire that connect their buddies."


"Well, buddies had to help each other."

"So, we are buddies?"

"Of course we are. Or we wouldn't be so close."

"Then... we are."

"Yes. The first time I saw you... My god! I was very impressed. I said, this boy is really cute!"

"Cute? What's that?"

"It is like... a prime cut. Well, it's like the best piece of meat on the butcher's shop."

"The best piece of meat?" Jimmy was a little disappointed at the comparison.

"It means first class', Jimmy. It means... the best thing. The word is used this way. The best thing, in general. We can say this is a prime cut'. Or in modern chat we say, he's cute, or he's a cutie. We use these words to mean this is the most beautiful boy on earth."

"The most?"

"Yeah. As I was saying, when I first met you, I exclaimed, oh, my god! He looks like the cutest girl on earth! I suddenly felt the urge to..."

"The urge of what?"

"Do not take as an offense. I was crazy to do it... with you."

"To do what?"

"You know it. When I saw you, so pretty... with those thick lips... the blond curls around your head... I become crazy this very moment. This lovely lips of yours produced a flood of desire in me. My mouth was drooling."

"Sorry, I didn't know you were getting so excited with my lips."

"No reason to be sorry. I think I fell in love with you."

"You fell in love? You can't. I am a boy!"

"Don't get me wrong, Jimmy. I don't like men. But with you... this is quite different."

"So, you do not like... men?"

"Of course, I don't like men. But, I like you."

"You like me? What..."

"You would not have my dick in your ass if..."


"My dick is in your rear, Jimmy. Don't you feel it?"

"You mean... Oh, yeah. I can feel it. But I was thinking, `Dave in not aware he has this hot thing in my ass. This thing is in there by accident."

"Right. It was there by accident. But a few minutes later, the dick was getting hot and hot; and it was growing thicker in your ass. It was a very sweet place for a dick to be. The feeling was so great... that I could no take it out."

"Well, I... I suppose... we are doing this... `cause we are buddies."

"Of course. If we were not buddies... we would not be doing this. Now, next question is, do you like it?"

"Yeah, but you know. I don't want you to presume... I'm a fag!"

"Of course! I wouldn't! How could I think such nonsense! I wouldn't be in bed with a fag, would I? Not in a thousand years."

"So, we are buddies."

"Of course we are. Anyway, you feel like a girl, don't you?"

"Like a girl? I don't know."

"Well, boys in general are not so pretty, you know. Your case has to be a special one. Nature made you like this. To enjoy the virility of men."

"What is that?"

"It's like a famous boy Ganimedes. It is a Greek myth about a boy so pretty that the god Zeus, the Stronger and Mightier of all the Olympic gods, fell in love with the boy, as he watched him doing gymnastics."

"Who fell in love? And what happened?"

"Zeus approached the boy disguised as an eagle. Then it grabbed the boy lovely in his claws and carried him to the mount Olympus, where he... well, he was delighted with the beauty of the boy."

"Was delighted?"


Then you are like Ganimedes, and me... I'm like Zeus."

"How do you know this story?"

"My uncle Nico told me. I visited him to ask some advice about you. For I have fallen in love with you."

"You've talked with your uncle about me?"

"I had to. I was an ignorant about love of boys. Then he chatted with me for a while, and he told me the story of Ganimedes."

"Well, what told you your uncle about me?"

"Well, I will tell you later. Now, we have a better things to do."

"Like what?"

"Keep quite."


"Turn on, Jimmy. I want to kiss your lips."

Jimmy turned on his side and felt his thick lips were suctioned by the mouth of Dave. He felt weird to have his lips sucked by the mouth of another person. But Dave was... his buddy. On the other hand, once you are in the bed with your best friend... you don't mind if he kiss you, do you?. Nobody knows your friend is sucking your lips.

Dave was sucking Jimmy's lips and caressed them with his tongue. It was a wonderful experience for Dave to have those fleshy lips in his mouth. He could not tired of playing with the lips of Dave. Then after a while, he pushed his tongue into the mouth of Jimmy. The boy was surprised at the intrusion but Dave's tongue was nice and sweet. They were playing like this for a while, till the mind of Dave told it was time to do something different.

Dave left the lips of Jimmy, grabbed his shoulders and pushed him down to make the boy meet his wonderful wonga. Jimmy understood the intention of Dave and he moved to meet the dick of his friend. As he was near his crotch the male scent of Dave was stronger, and Jimmy was delighted. Then the thick dick of Dave rubbed the lips of Jimmy. He was awed. His hand reached for the dick to feel it and it was really thick in hands. He could not believe it how big it was.

So far, Jimmy only knew that Dave had a great bulge, but now here it was the real thing, hot and hard in his hand. He would have like to have the light on to watch it with his own eyes.

Then, exploring more, Jimmy found the big hairy balls of Dave. He could not believe that anyone could have such big balls. His own were rather little. The scent of Dave here was powerful and Jimmy felt elated and overwhelmed. Jimmy went back to the dick and started to caress the big head it has.

"Kiss it." Dave said.

Jimmy did no hesitate. He thought such a wonderful thing deserved to be kissed.

The thick lips of Jimmy touched the head of Dave's dick that was a little wet. It felt a good feeling on his lips and he opened them a little. The head entered and Jimmy touched it with his tongue. The knob of dick offered Jimmy a pearl of sweetness. It was delicious. The hand of Jimmy moved up and down the heavy trunk and it gave up more drops of honey. Jimmy could not believe his senses.

Dave was delighted with the feeling, and began to moan softly.

"Oh, Jimmy. Oh, my! How sweet you are! Oh, my god! Oh! How sweet!"

Jimmy loved to hear his friend moaning this way. So, he began to suck the whole head like a lollipop. Jimmy had never had a big thing like this in his mouth. Only he had seen the dicks of boys like him in the school. Small things, that is.

The more Jimmy sucked the knob of Dave's dick the more he liked it. It was like sucking a lollipop. Every few seconds the huge thing was giving up many drops of sweet honey.

"Oh, Jimmy, oh! How sweet! Keep going! Oh, god! It's sweet!"

Jimmy loved to hear the moaning of Dave. He was delighted to see he was doing it right. It was the first time he was doing this, but it looked like he was doing a good job.

The hand of Dave was on the back of Jimmy's head. He softly pushed his head down suggesting him to take more dick into his mouth. Jimmy got the hint and started to take it deeper. This action was not as lovely as when sucking the knob of the dick. But he was ready to please his buddy. He was taking more dick each time, till it began to hit on his tonsils. This moment he began to gag and could not take it more deep. He was working on Dave's dick for a while, and he loved it.

The most pleasant part of this sucking was to hear the moaning of Dave that was in the bless of heavens.

Then, Dave rose the head of Jimmy stopping the sucking process. He then, approached Jimmy's mouth to his and began to kiss him once more. After a while kissing this phase ended. Then he turned Jimmy on his side and began to rub his dick on the rear furrow of Jimmy. He hold his dick with a hand to press harder rubbing there. With this action the dick became hard as steel. Jimmy moved his ass a little back to make it easier for Dave action. He was very excited with the experience. He felt good knowing that Dave do not considered him a fag. They were just buddies doing a plugging. He wanted to help his friend of all his troubles, for Dave was all day with his wonga swelled. Dave's dick was hard as steel.

"I'm ready. I'm going to take your ass."

"What do you mean?"

"Sh! I'm going to take your ass."

"Oh, no, Dave, please! This thing is too big!"

"No, it's not."

Jimmy reached for the dick of Dave, and sized it in his hand.

"No, you can't. It is the biggest thing I've ever saw!"

"Have you watched many dicks?"

"Well, no. I've never seen a man's thing but yours."

"It would be easy."

"How do you know?"

"I consulted with my uncle Nico and he explained to me."

"He explained to you what?"

"How to make a penetration. Don't worry. It would not harm you in the least."

"Do you think this big thing can enter my ass?"

"Of course. It will enter easily."

"I can't believe it."

"You should have confidence. My uncle told me, `you have to buy a little can of hand-cream and spread it well."

"A can of hand cream?"


Dave recalled the words of his uncle. `Too much cream and it would be too slippery. Not much pleasure can be achieved if it's too slippery. Too little or not cream at all, and your friend would get badly sored. His inside linen would get badly damaged. Next day, your friend would get an inflammation in his ass and would not let you fuck him again."

"What's the hand-cream for?"

"It's to make it slippery."

"Slippery? What you mean?"

"Slippery means, the dick would slide into you easily. You would not feel any real pain."


"Shut up. Or we will pass all night arguing."

Jimmy shut up.

Dave got the little can of cream from under the pillow and spread it on the hole of Jimmy. He entered a greased finger into his hole. Jimmy grimaced at the finger entering, but said nothing. Dave greased two fingers now and entered there. This was the way uncle Nico told him. When Dave entered his two fingers, Jimmy cried a little, saying "Ouch! Please, Dave. Don't be so rough."

Dave spread well with cream the head of his dick, and around the base of his knob, but he did not grease the trunk. He followed the advice of his uncle that said, do not grease the whole dick or the fuck would be too slippery.

Now Dave was ready to start.

"Now, Jimmy, you're Ok?"

"What you mean?"

"If you are ready."

Jimmy was a little scared.

"Ye... yes."

Uncle had told Dave, try to explain him the different phases. Dave did not know a word about these phases, and his uncle told to him about the correct procedure to fuck a virgin ass.

"Listen, Jimmy. I will go on slowly."


"Yeah. Then, at first it seems it cannot enter, you know? The hole is very tight. It is very tight, but at the same time... it is very hungry."

"Very hungry?"

"Yeah. It has a natural appetite... for my meat."


"Then, I will push for a while, and it enters a little. Like two inches or more. Then, you'll feel like a little sting."

"A little sting?"

"Yeah. It is nothing to worry about. Then, after a little rest, I'll push again and it enters all."

"It doesn't hurt?"

"No. It will give you like a little discharge of current, but it soon wears off. And that's all."

"I don't like... electricity." Said Jimmy a little scared.

"Don't be afraid, Jimmy. You are not a fag, are you?"

"No, I'm not."

"Then you have to take it like a man."

"Like a man?"

"Yeah. You are not going to whine like a girl in her wedding night."

"Like a girl... Oh, not! I am not a girl!"

"Ok. Now, sh!"

Dave's dick was looking for the hole of Jimmy. He found the spot and Dave started to push. He was holding Jimmy with both hands by the hips and was pressing. But the hole of Jimmy was very tight.

"You never had any, have you?"

"What you mean? "If you have been... er... have you got ever one of this in here before?"

"If I had... ever a... oh, no! I never..."

"Then, you're a virgin."

"What? No, I am not the virgin. I am a boy."

"I mean... I'm gonna break... your virginity."

"My... Does it hurt?"

"Well, not."

"Does not?"

"In fact... it hurts a little bit, the first time."

"Do you know... how to break it?"

"My uncle told me."

"He told you?"

"Shut up, please. This is a solemn moment."

"What's it?"

"A very important moment."

"Very important?"

"Sh! It's like... a holy sacrament."

"Is it holy?"

"Sh! It's a ritual, deflowering time."

"The flower of time?"

"No, Jimmy. It's your flower. You got a flower inside."

"I got a flower?" He was impressed. "I didn't know I had."

"Sh! Hush! Shut up. I have to concentrate on the task."

Dave was pushing now a little harder. He pushed and pushed. He was pushing in mild pokes. He followed his uncle's instructions.

Jimmy was concentrated in the feeling it has in his rear. It was very weird. The pokes of Dave produced a pleasant feeling in there. It was amazing. His rear was now relaxing with the pokes. It was like dave was noking on his rear door.

"Oh, my sweet girl! Oh!" Said Dave enthusiastic. "oh! How sweet!"

Hearing the moaning of Dave, Jimmy wished to open it up whole to his friend.

"Oh, my! My sweet lill' whore! Open it up, dear!"

A frisson crossed the mind of Jimmy at hearing `sweet lill' whore'. These words were not very delicate. But they were said with a sweet tone.

Dave continued poking on the rear of his friend, like calling on his door.

"Oh, how sweet you are, Jimmy! Open it up, please!"

The pleasant words of Dave were soaking of sweet the mind of Jimmy.

"Open it up, honey!"

Jimmy was thrilled with the eager pleads of Dave. Then, Jimmy's tight sphincter loosened a little bit and... slap! The hard dick of Dave slipped suddenly two or three inches inside.

Jimmy was startled by a surge of pain. It was like sting. His mind was knocked for a second or two.

"Ouch! Ow, ow!" Jimmy was alarmed.

"Sh! Do not cry so loud. Sh! The landlady could hear us!" Said Dave.

"It hurts!!"

"Sh!! Don't whine like a little girl!" Said Dave in a low voice.

Dave's dick stopped. He was even shocked with the tightness. His dick was at the verge of being strangled by the tight sphincter of Jimmy. But in a way, this was a thrilling for Dave. His heart was wild pumping high blood pressure in his dick to stand the tightness of Jimmy's ass. Dave could not believe it.

"Ouch! Ir hurts!" Whined Jimmy.

"Don't panic! It is only a little pain." Dave said softly on his ear.

"It hurts, Dave. Please, take it out."

Dave hushed on Jimmy's ear, "Calm, calm! It is only a little stretching. We are now in the phase of stretching."

"Stretching? This thing is killing me, Dave!"

"Nonsense. It cannot be that much."

"You have broken my ass."

"I do not, sweet Jimmy. Nothing is broken. It is only a little stretching. It is a needed phase to go on. Everybody has to go through it."

"Every body?"

"Yeah. Everybody that takes up a dick."

"But it hurts."

"It is only a little sting."

"It's not little. It's a very big one."

"Sh! Don't whine so loud. The landlady could hear us! Brave boys do not whine like a fag. You aren't a fag, are you, Jimmy?"

"No. I am not."

"Then, shut up. Only fags and girls whine like this."

"It's not going to hurt more?"

"No. It is only a little pain; and it happens the moment it enters."

"A little pain?"

"That's what my uncle told me."

"Your uncle told you?"

"Shut up, please; Jimmy. You don't want to alarm the landlady, do you?"


"She can call the police if she hears you are crying like a girl."

Jimmy did not reply.

The pain of Jimmy's ass was almost gone. He was complaining for the sake of it.

Dave was again pushing in short quick steps; first going back, then forward. This work was meant to relax the sphincter of Jimmy. That was what uncle Nico told Dave, `you must go slowly, in small pushing steps. First back, then forward. A little in and out each time.' Dave thought the instructions of his uncle were doing fine. Jimmy was not complaining now. The boy was relishing the thing of Dave moving inside him; he felt not any pain. Then, Dave gripped Jimmy's hips and pushed suddenly. His dick slid in, like a flash, and got in three or four inches more.

"Ouch! Oh! Ow! It hurts, Dave! Ow!"

"Sh!!! It's already in. You got it."

"I got what?"

"You got it all in."

"You mean the thing?"

"Yeah. You got it all."

"The whole `big' thing?" Asked Jimmy astonished.

"Yeah. It's all yours."


"Yeah. All we have to do now... is to wait a minute. It's for... your body needs a time to accommodate it. Now it is stretching farther."

"Oh, Dave! It feels... is too big. It's like burning."

"It's only a little heat. It's caused by the friction. "

"It burns! You have broken me something."

"Sh!! Do not speak so loud." Dave hushed in Jimmy's ear. "You are not going to feel any more pain, Jimmy. I promise."


"Yeah. I have deflowered you already. There is no more pain. Now, it comes all the pleasure. No more pain."

Jimmy was astonished feeling the huge thing inside him. He could not believe it. He was imagining, how the big member of Dave, was wholly stuffed inside him. `We are now plugged like buddies.' Thought Jimmy.

Dave felt a great pleasure in his dick. It was tightly held by the potent sphincter of Jimmy. Dave's heart was pumping of blood to his dick at a pressure of 25 pounds per squared inch. This much was needed to balance the pressure of Jimmy's ass that was trying to crush the intruder.

In half a minute, Dave felt that it was time to go deeper. The sphincter of Jimmy was now a little tired by the effort and relaxed. Dave felt it was not as pleasant I th softer state and had to go farther in. So, he began to push again back and for. Dave's dick got thicker and harder as he pushed; it was giving more pleasure now. It was moving back and for in a lovely rhythm.

"Do you like it, Jimmy?"

"Err... well... yes. You mean... Yeah. It's lovely."

"You see? Once the dick is in, the pleasure grows up."

"Oh! It's true. I can feel it. It's very thick. It is growing bigger."

Dave was moving faster now. He had only half his dick inside Jimmy. The greatest pleasure would be achieved when Jimmy would have the whole dick in.

Dave was moving his dick back and for. It was sliding easily, like nice and sweet stroll on the park.

"You like it?"

"Yeah. It's lovely."

"It's going to be be better."


"Yeah. Wait a minute."

Dave was moving back and for to make Jimmy relax, then after a minute or so, he gripped hard on Jimmy's hips, and pushed suddenly; the dick slid stabbing Jimmy to the bottom.

"Ouch! Oh! It hurts! Oh! Ouch! I can't stand it!"

"Sh!! It's nothing, Jimmy." Hushed Dave in Jimmy's ear. "It's nothing!"

Jimmy was suffering the sudden presence of Dave's dick in silence.

"Jimmy!" Dave's sweet voice was soothing the boy. "You got it all, now."

"Got what?"

"You got the whole dick in. Now it's real."

"The whole thing?"

"Yeah. Reach your hand. Here."

Jimmy reach his rear with his hand. It was not even a little space between his rear and Dave's body.

"You see? We are now plugged."

"Oh, are we plugged?"

"Yeah. Real plugged. Like good and sweet buddies."

After a moment, Dave get back two or three inches. Then, Jimmy explored the space between them and found the base of Dave's dick. Then he found the hairy balls of Dave that seemed bigger now.

"How big are his balls" Said Jimmy amazed.

Dave put attention to his feelings. His dick was tightly pressed in Jimmy's rectum. It was an incredible thrill. It was held by a hot and tight ass. Never in the best session of jerking had Dave felt such a powerful feeling. He felt like he was on his first wedding night. The difference was that it was not a girl's cunt he had the dick in, but the tight ass of blond sweet boy.

Dave felt the thrilling of having his dick prisoner inside Jimmy's ass that had a powerful sphincter. He was proud with the new word his uncle taught him, the sphincter. He made Dave to write the word in a piece of paper. He wrote it wrong and his uncle, corrected him: SPHINCTER. Nico was playing the teacher with his nephew. Now, Dave's mind was back at his dick that was powerfully gripped by the sphincter of his friend. The musculature of Jimmy's ass was pressing the intruder. It was trying to crush it into a pulp. Dave thought his dick was going to get flattened at any moment.

Dave tried to make Jimmy relax a little and asked, "Now, how do you feel?"

"Um, let me see... it's... it's amazing! I feel like... like I am full. I mean... I feel like... I am now like... a lot much bigger. Almost like you."

"Yeah. You are really bigger, now. You got now a huge dick."

"I got it?"

"Of course. Now, you are like a grown up. You got a very big dick. And it's all yours. It's you dick, Jimmy."


"It's all yours. You deserved it. It's not mine any more."

"Oh, Dave! I feel great! It's unbelievable."

"Tell me how do you feel."

"I feel like... I am so full! It's great!"

"So, you like it, eh? Now you see. How good is to have a great dick. The bigger it is, the better the feeling."

"Yeah... It's great to have a big dick inside."

"I'm glad you loved it."

"You know, Dave? I watched my own thing... it was so small that I asked, when it will grow?"

"Now it is like... you have now two dicks. One small to pee and a big one in your ass to give you pleasure."

"Yeah! It's great!"

"I'm glad you're happy."

"I feel... like a grown up. I'm now a man."

"Sure. With a dick this size you have to be a man."


"Now, I have to maneuver to make you feel better."

"What? You have not finished?"

"No. I have to work a little more for you."

Now the pressure in the ass of Jimmy had fallen a little. Dave started to move his dick inside Jimmy, going back and for. Jimmy ass was still tight. Dave's organ was full of blood and keeping high the pressure. After a while the dick was about to burst. It was very hard indeed. He began to move faster. He moved back his dick just to get out of the sphincter point, then he pushed forward, till the bottom. He was repeating this pumping action for a while. Each time Dave pushed forward, the waving profile of his dick made Jimmy's sphincter to vibrate, sending currents of pleasure to his brain. With all this coming and going of Dave's dick, the prostate of Jimmy swelled to twice its normal size. Then, when the head of the dick got in gave a lateral knock on the prostate, that startled the gland. This knock sent a train of electrical pulses to the pleasure center of Jimmy's brain. Those pulses were playing havoc in his mind.

Dave's hard dick was coming and going inside Jimmy. Each time Dave entered his dick, Jimmy received a powerful pulse of pleasure that run to his mind. So Dave's was doing this miracle at the rate of one and a half times per second.

Jimmy's prostate was in a state of alarm with all the knocks it was receiving. And the brain of Jimmy was overwhelmed by this electrical storm. So it could no we aware of the weaker pulses sent by the sphincter as it vibrated with the undulated profile of Dave's dick.

On the part of Dave, the tight sphincter of Jimmy gripped dick as it went forward and and his skin was stretched as it went forward. This tension around the base of the glans sent a train of pleasant pulses that ran fast to his brain. A storm of electrical currents were pinging among the neurons in the pleasure center of Dave. The place was more chaotic with each new pumping. His mind gave a command of `go more faster, go more faster'. Dave pumped his dick much faster into Jimmy's rectum. Dave's dick grew bigger and thicker, and he was knocking now on the bottom of Jimmy's rectum.

With the turmoil of currents Jimmy had in his brain, he was unaware of Dave's dick hitting on the bottom of his anal cavity.

Jimmy's mind was in a chaotic state, with so many currents playing havoc in his pleasure center. With each pump, his prostate gland was becoming crazier, sending longer trains of electrical pulses. The brain of Jimmy was more chaotic than ever.

Dave thought he could pump Jimmy's ass much better being on top of him. So he took out his dick and made Jimmy lay over his belly. Dave resumed his fuck on top and Jimmy was moaning like crazy. Dave had to put a hand on Jimmy's mouth to soften his cries. There is a moment that things cannot be stopped. Dave got more crazy in his pumping. He was fucking wildly and the orgasm was announcing his prompt arrival. In a a few seconds, "Jimmy, I am cumming!" He said.

Jimmy was also on the verge of exploding, specially now that his stiff dick was being rubbing like crazy over the mattress with the strong pumping of Dave.

They had their orgasms at the same time. Dave was filling Jimmy's ass with potent shots of hot cream. Jimmy was impressed as he felt the dick of Dave jerking and bursting hot spurts of cum in his ass. It was an unforgettable feeling. Many years into the future, Jimmy will remember this feeling of the hot cum of his friend bursting inside him.

Dave's dick was now running slippery on Jimmy's ass. Jimmy had the most powerful orgasm of his life. He sensed Dave was filling his ass with a lot of hot milk. Jimmy thought that Dave could had filled his ass with half a glass of hot cream. Dave's dick was slippering on his ass that was oozing the excess of cream. Dave lost his energy and fell on Jimmy's back panting. He dick was still having some small jerks and spiting the last globs of jizz.

Jimmy felt the chest of his friend on his back totally wet with sweat. Then he felt the weight of his body over his back and he loved. They were still plugged.

Dave's dick was still hard, but now it was not as big as before. Nevertheless Jimmy loved the feeling of having his friend plugged into his ass. He thought, I would love to have him all night inside me.

When Dave breathing was normal, he wanted to talk.

"Hey, Jimmy. Did you like it?"

"Yeah. It was great!"

"I'm glad you had also fun."

"And you?"

"The same. It was the best fuck of my life."

"I thought it was called a plugging."

"It was much better than a plugging. We have been moving a lot."


"You see? The big thing entered easily into you."

"Yeah. It was painful at the start."

"Of course. The first time it hurts a little."

"I see."

"In this case it was a little worse, `cause my dick was bigger than normal."

"Is it bigger than normal?"

"I think it is. Michael and Jovi have dicks much smaller than mine."

"What they say?"

"They say nothing, but I had seen they watching, and they feel envy of my size. I have seen many workers glancing with envy at my dick when I piss."


"Yeah. Mine is a very big dick."

"As you said, now it is also mine, isn't it?"

"Of course, it is also yours."

Jimmy loved to feel the dick of his friend was still inside him. He thought they were like one flesh. Dave was plugged on his ass. And a great amount of his maleness have been injected into his body. He felt like full with his fluids. The member of Dave was not thick now. It had become softer and, after a while, the tightness of Jimmy's ass pushed it out.

Then Dave turned to a side and lay on his back on the bed. Jimmy was a little disappointed. He would liked to have him for longer time with his dick inside.

Jimmy was not sleepy. He was a little worried that his friend would have remorses now, after injecting his powerful lust into him. Now he would lack any interest in him, and probably would throw him out of the bed.

So, Jimmy had to ask, "Dave, we are buddies, aren't we?"

"Buddies? Oh, yeah. We are. Why you ask?"

"Well, you said I was not a fag, isn't it?"

"Yes, I said that. We are... buddies."

"So, I had heard something about fags. They take it up, with men. Isn't it?"

"Yeah, they take it up."

"But I'm different, isn't it?"

"Yes. Of course, you are different."

"Then... how it is a fag different to me?"

"Well, a fag is... is different because... is different. I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"I have to ask my uncle Nico. He is a free-thinker."

"A free-thinker? What does it mean?"

"That means... he is free."

"In which way is he free."

"He is free... to think; whatever he likes. He thinks about everything. Very difficult questions, I mean."

"Then you don't know the difference?"

"No. I don't know."

"Dave, please. I don't want to be a fag!"

"And you aren't. I told you. I would not be in bed with you if you were a fag!"

"Then, what I am?"

"Let me see." Dave was looking for the right words. "I know it. A fag is... a public homosexual."

"Homosexual? What word is this?"

"It is a new word. Educated people use it now. They don't say fag anymore. My uncle Nico don't use it."

"But why a... a homo... sex thing is public?"

"Cause... well, err... he moves and acts... like saying, look, here I am."

"I don't understand."

"He moves like a girl looking for a... horny boyfriend. It is like... he moves like... he were saying, have you seen my ass? You like it? So, every horny man around feels he wants to fuck him. Or perhaps, he would ask the fag to suck his dick."

"He goes around saying all this?"

"Well, no. He don't say this. But a fag acts in a way, that everybody knows what he is good for. What he wants."

"Then... what I am?"

"Well, you are a beautiful boy. But you should take care."

"Take care of what?"

"Of the way you talk and move around. I heard tell some workers you have a beautiful ass, and I can swear they want to fuck it."

"What? They would like... oh, my god!"

"So, it is better if you cut your hair a little shorter. I have to think about this. I will give you some advices, so that people in the workplace would not be dreaming of fucking your ass. They are also thinking of... those pretty lips of you. They commented they are very good for cock sucking."

"Oh, my god! I did not know all this. I came from Kiriwati, you know?"

"Yes. Kiriwati, you told me. And what is your question."

"My question is... I was a long time living a school as internee. I was for ten years like in prison. But it was a school. We never talked about fags there. Well, I heard something, you know. They despised me, the natives, I mean, `cause in May... I was clothed like an angel, you know. So everybody has their hair cut short, but mine... was long to the shoulders. I had a lot of blond curls hanging around my head because I have to play the role of an angel. And I was very proud of my curls."


"Father Amerindo put lipstick color on my lips, and a little rouge on my cheeks. Then he caressed my hanging curls and my neck. I loved this. Then he undress me totally and put over my body a white tulle tunic that...

"A white tulle tunic? Quite interesting! Tell me more."

"Well, he was taking care of the undulations of tunic, and he caressed my thighs and buttocks, when nobody was watching."

"Who did it?"

"Father Amerindo. I felt like... beautiful currents throughout my body."

"So, you felt good?"

"I don't know. I felt... a little stunned. I could not move. Then, he put on my back something like... like a harness with the wings of the angel. It was made of very white feathers."

"White feathers?"

"Yeah. This are the white weathers of purity, said father Amerindo, caressing my buttocks."

"What was all this for?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean the white tunic, the wings, the lips colored."

"It was to chant verses to the Virgin Mary. It was a catholic school."

"Oh! Very interesting. Then?"

"Then the natives felt envy. I was clothed like an angel and they not."

"They felt envy?"

"Yeah. They called me fa'afafine."

"What is this?"

"Not sure. I think it's... is like a native way to call someone a fag."

"How you know it mean that?"

"Well, one made a sign like throwing me a kiss... with his hands. Other had a bulge in this trousers, you know, and they rubbed it with their hand ad showed it to me, when the father was not watching. Others made an indecent sign with their hands, you know? A finger entering repeatedly on a hand closed."

"They were horny, then?"

"Yeah, it looked like they were. Others were wetting their lips with her tongues while watching me. Sometimes an older boy pinched my ass. And I hated all this for the other boys laughed at me.

"I see. And you do not liked it. You don't like to be a fag."

"Yeah. Exactly."

"Well, this... You have to take care of how you look."

"I have to take care? How I would do that?"

"I mean... you have to... you cannot look like an angel anymore."


"Cause... people like to fuck angelic beings."

"But here, I not wearing a tunic and my lips are not painted in red. I have not long hair anymore."

"I see. The trouble is... that you look like a... the most beautiful girl I ever have seen. Well, you cannot change that."

"So? What can I do?"

"I don't know. I have to think something to help you."

"Oh. Dave, you love me!"

"Now we have to sleep for a while, as in an hour or so... I will awake you for another round."

"Another round? What you mean?"

"I have not had enough. I would have to nut another glass of cream on your ass."

"We have to repeat it?"

"Yeah. Now we have sleep for a while, for tomorrow we have to work."

After a while they were sound sleep.

End of part 4

I am thankful to all that had read my story till here.

If you enjoyed the story, or have some ideas to improve it, you are welcome. Let me know what you think

This is my post, johngalaor@aol.com Thanks, John Galaor

Next: Chapter 5

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