Jimmy La Fonte

By John Galaor

Published on Mar 9, 2010


Jimmy la Fonte 3 Boys of high school age.

Warning: These stories contain scenes about homosexual activities between males of high school age. In you are offended by these stories, do not go farther this point.

If the reading of these stories is illegal in your state or the country you are living, you should not go any farther from this point. If you are a minor, please, clear off.

NOTE: In this part things are already horny, but Dave does not take up yet the ass of Jimmy. This will occur in part 4.

Sorry, boys. You have to be a little patient.

Part Three

Dave taught Jimmy wrestling

After the work had finished, Dave met Jimmy.

"Let's go, Jimmy."

"Let's go where?"

"Don't you remember? I told you, now we are going to play wrestling."


"Yes, we spoke about this yesterday."

"Yes. But you are very strong, and me... I'm not."

"Of course. But I will treat you nicely."

"But I don't want to be hurt."

"Of course. I'm not going to break you any bone."

"You are not going to break me?"

"Of course. I will take care of you. We will treat you nicely, and teach you the secrets of wrestling. You will do also some exercise and..."

"But I don't like doing exercise."

"In this case, you would like it because we will be all naked and..."

"Are we going to exercise naked?"

"It will not be stark naked. We will be wearing sport shorts."

"But I have not shorts."

"Never mind. You can exercise on underwear."

"I will be ashamed of it."

"You have not reason to be ashamed. We are all boys."

"Then... you would not laugh at me for being so weak?"

"No. We will be glad to teach you wrestling."

On their walk, Dave had an arm over the shoulders of Jimmy. And sometimes, he rubbed the swelling he had on his trousers. Jimmy was not sure a thing that big as Dave dick could be normal. Perhaps he was sick or something. Even the natives of Kiriwati had not a thing that big. His Belgian friend in Kiriwati, Gui de la Tour, had also a small thing of similar size to his on. Nevertheless, Jimmy felt sympathy of poor Dave big swelling. If that thing were normal, it was something like a wonder of nature.

"You are my best friend." Said Dave while slapping the ass of Jimmy.

Jimmy felt a pleasant wave of electricity.

"Please, Dave. Someone can see us."

"No one is watching."

"But some one can be watching through the window."

"It's only a joke." Said Dave slapping again.

Jimmy felt a discharge of electrical currents through his body.

"Oh, Dave. Don't do that, please." He did not mean it.

"It is a temptation; Jimmy. I cannot help it."

Dave gave harder slap in Jimmy's ass. A flood of electrical pulses went from his rear to his brain. There they reverberated for five seconds.

Jimmy was unable to protest this time. He looked around and there was people near in the street.

After half an hour of walking, they arrived at Gwendaline Street. Dave opened the door and his friends were there, doing gymnastics already.

Dave introduced Jimmy to his friends.

"Michael, this is Jimmy. Jimmy, this is Michael."

Both boys shook hands. Michael was impressed by the beautiful face of Jimmy. He felt instantly a sort of mild horniness. He held for some seconds the hand of Jimmy in his own, looking at his eyes then to his lips. "Fuck!" Thought Michael, "these lips are a real... oh, my god, oh! no! How can I imagine..."

Dave felt like jalousie watching Michael holding Jimmy's hand. So he grabbed Jimmy by an arm and made him turn to a side.

"Jimmy, this is Jovi. Jovi, this is Jimmy." Both boys shook hands.

Then after a brief pause, he said,

"Now, Jimmy, we have to start with gym to get hot."

Dave started to undress. Michael and Jovi were already in their sport shorts and were continuing with the gym.

"You have to strip, Jimmy. We are going to do some exercises."

"I have to strip?"

"Of course. You see? Like this." Dave was on his underwear.

Jimmy started to undress not daring to look at Dave in his underclothes, nor the other boys.

Dave took off his white undershorts and remained totally naked. Jimmy did saw Dave's enormous hanging thing and turned his glance off. Dave took out a blue shorts from his bag and put it on. Then he saw Jimmy in his white shorts, looking shyly with a hand hiding his crotch.

"Oh, Jimmy. There is not any need to feel shame. We all here are boys, and we all have the same thing hanging."

Jimmy reacted putting both hands to hide his crotch.

"Oh! Jimmy!" Dave brushed aside Jimmy's hands and got a hold of his privates. "You see? I know what you have here. It is a little small, but it would grow bigger like mine in a year or two."

Jimmy was blushing brightly.

Dave left the hold on Jimmy and got a hold on his own bulge and showed it out.

"You see? I got the same thing as you. It's all normal."

Jimmy was astonished watching Dave's exhibition.

"Now, Michael, Jovi, show Jimmy your bulges. It's to break the ice."

Michael and Jovi held their bulges in his shorts and showed them out.

"You, see? It's not a big deal." Said Dave.

Jimmy was astonished and still blushing.

"Now, please, Jimmy, smile. It's not big deal."

Jimmy made a forced smiled.

"Now, get a hold of your things and show them out."

Jimmy did not dare.

"Please, Jimmy. Do it. It's to break the ice. It's not big deal."

Jimmy took a hold of his privates and made an immodest gesture.

"You see? You have done it. We are doing gym here, and we have to watch us almost naked as a natural thing. We are not pansies, you know? We are normal boys, like everybody."

He made a pause to read the face of Jimmy.

"You see? After doing some gym, we'll do wrestling. Our bodies would be in intimate contact to each other. And sometimes we see bulges and our dicks get hard. It is quite normal. We have to get used to that. It is a part of the wrestling. It is not a big deal."

"Now, we are getting cold." Said Michael. "Let's start with the gym."

"Yes, we have to start with the gym." Said Dave. "Wait a second."

Dave looked into his bag and found an old faded red shorts and gave it to Jimmy.

"Put on this old shorts, Jimmy."

Jimmy awkwardly pulled down his own underwear to put the red shorts on.

"Now, we can start."

They were doing some brisk gym and getting hot. It was a fresh day of spring, soon they were all sweating.

After twenty minutes of gym they call it finish. The boys started to dry the sweat of their bodies with their own towels, but Jimmy had had not. He was not prepared for that event of doing gymnastics.

Dave finished drying his body and gave Jimmy his own towel.

"Help yourself with my towel, Jimmy. I got only one."

Jimmy took Dave's towel in his hand and he felt immediately the scent of Dave's body. It was very strong. Energetic currents were shaking his mind. He felt a little dizziness. A short of imaginary string was tying his mind to Dave. He felt like paralyzed.

"Go on, Jimmy. We have to start with the wrestling."

Jimmy applied Dave's towel to his face and inhaled deeply. The powerful scent of maleness were doing havoc in his neurons that were buzzing like a swarm of wild bees. His blood was hot, like a dose of liquid hot pepper were running on his veins. Jimmy felt dazed and his legs bobbled a little. Dave approached to Jimmy and held him steady.

"You are feeling the dizziness of hyperventilation." Said Dave.

After being steadied by Dave, Jimmy resumed the drying process with Dave's towel. The hot smell of Dave's sweat was assaulting his nose. At rubbing Dave's sweat on his skin with the towel, he felt the essence of Dave penetrating the pores of his skin. His blood was altered by the energy of Dave's smell and sweat. Jimmy's heart was pumping fiercely.

Michael and Jovi were doing already some wrestling.

After Jimmy dried his body, Dave started to instruct him on the basic concepts of wrestling. He taught the different positions and holds. Jimmy was all the time feeling mild tremors as Dave grabbed him to show a particular hold, or a pin down of the adversary. Jimmy was dazed most of time and barely was understanding what Dave was saying.

Jimmy felt specially excited when Dave's body pining him down, with his body on top of him. He liked the feeling of being overpowered by Dave's strength. But Dave don't like Jimmy were a passive wrestler.

"Don't be quite." Said Dave. "You have to squirm out."

"Squirm for what?"

"You have to squirm out as trying to escape."

Jimmy squirmed, and the most he squirmed, the most powerful was the hold of Dave on top of Jimmy.

"Squirm on!" Said Dave. "You have to resist."

Jimmy tried his best at squirming to the delight of Dave that rubbed his big thing over Jimmy's ass. He was at the verge of cumming off. So Dave had to stop and do another hold to cool himself. Were not his friends there, watching them, Dave would have tried to fuck Jimmy on the spot.

Very often Jimmy was under the body of Dave. He made his best efforts to squirm out from Dave as ordered. And all that squirming and all that pressing holds were gluing their bodies in a net of hot desire.

After an hour of wrestling, Michael and Jovi finished and were drying off the sweat off their bodies. They were watching Dave on top of Jimmy and they felt a secret jalousie. Each one loved the idea of being on top of Jimmy. All this rubbing between Dave and Jimmy made them horrible horny and they stopped watching. They don't wanted to be seen as pansies, with a great hardon watching Dave and Jimmy's performance. Even if they were often horny while wrestling, when both partners are tightly in contact... pressing your crotch on the ass of your opponent... well, in these moments it is unavoidable to have a hardon, or when your hand is holding your opponent near his crotch. Well, wrestlers are not made of stone, so you cannot avoid to get a woody.

"Hey! You have to finish! You aren't going to stay here all night!" Said Michael.

"Yeah. You are right." said Dave standing up.

He had an enormous bulge in his shorts and Michael watched his bulge in envy. Most of us had felt envy of a great bulge, hadn't we? Specially when we were younger.

Even Jimmy stood up and was showing a little horn on the red shorts a little too small, that Dave gave him to wear.

Michael and Jovi looked at them but said nothing. In wrestling they rarely make any comments about the bulges and hardons, but they don't passed either unnoticed.

Dave started to dry his sweat with the towel while Jimmy was watching him. Jimmy was eager to inhale the sweat of Dave once more, to feel once more the drunkenness state.

Dave gave Jimmy his wet towel, and he approached it to his nose. He inhaled deeply the potent scent of Dave that flooded his lungs. He stopped for some seconds, then he thought it was better to hide he was inhaling the sweat. So Jimmy started to rub the towel on his face and neck. Later he rubbed the towel on his chest and belly, on his back and rear, then his legs. Nevertheless the scent of Dave was still all around his skin and lungs. He had drank the very male essence of his friend.

Dave was already clothing.

After a while, and getting clothed, Jimmy was still affected by the powerful scent of Dave. It was like... like an elixir? No. It was like a drug. It was an inebriating drug that... he could not... he approached the towel to his face and inhaled once more. Then, he saw that Michael and Jovi were observing him and stopped instantly his action. Jimmy gave back the towel to Dave that kept it in his bag. Then they all finished to dress and were ready to get home for supper.

Once in the street, Michael and Jovi said good bye to Dave and Jimmy before they left.

Dave was for a while walking beside Jimmy.

"Did you like the wrestling?"


"What part do you liked it more?"

"What part do I...?"


Jimmy was shy to answer this question for the part he liked most of the wrestling. For it was when Dave was on top of him. Jimmy could not confess that, could he? His friend would think he was a fag or something like this. Then... it would be the end of their dear friendship. Dave would reject him, for nobody wanted to be the friend of a sissy or a fag. Jimmy himself was afraid of fags. He didn't like them. He liked manly boys like Dave, not sissies.

On the other hand, Jimmy was badly in need of affection. He has felt hunger for affection all his life. In the school of Kiriwati he was cherished sweetly by father Amerindo. And sometimes, Jimmy dreamed that he was... the father he missed so much. The father Amerindo was a strong man, with a big head and big lips; he had a strong jaw, and strong arms and wavy black hair. But most of all, Jimmy loved when the father caressed his long blond curls. While all the boys had to be have their hair short, Jimmy was allowed to wear long hair, for he played the role of an angel in the month of May. In this month the father put him a rob of white tulle, and painted his lips with red lipstick. Then, the father powdered his face and put a little rouge on his cheeks. And to top it all, the father hanged a pair of angelic wings, on his shoulders. While he was preparing Jimmy the father caressed his buttocks and whispered in his ear, "you look so pretty! You are... like an angel of Botticelli; all made out of temptations and beauty." Thus, wearing like an angel in his white robe of tulle, he entered radiant in chapel before all the fathers and boys. Some of the younger fathers could not avoid a surge of lust and jump up of their flesh.

Then, before the altar, Jimmy began to chant long verses to the Virgin Mary. But, he was not just an angel chanting verses to the virgin Mary. He was the real one. I mean, he was the genuine and unique for he was the only blond angel in the school. There were some other five boys that played the role of angels, but they were natives. Jimmy was sad, because the favorite angel of father Amerindo was Makito, a "demi", half native and half popoa. He was not as dark as the other natives in the school, for his father was a popoa. Makito was most of the time by the side of father Amerindo and he caressed him very often. Jimmy felt a great jalousie of Makito. Sometimes Jimmy dreamed of Makito dead, and he was glad to assist to his burial.

Jimmy's dreaming was cut out and returned to the present. He was aware that Dave was giving him a lot of affection. Dave was not such as huge a man as father Amerindo, but at least, Dave was not wasting his attentions on a demi like Makito, but all this attentions were directed at him. So, Jimmy was conscious of how fortunate he was, to be so cherished by Dave. He had to be... Well, Jimmy was aware that had to be careful. He could not risk his friendship with Dave.

"What part of the wrestling do you like more?" Dave asked again.

"Umm. I don't know."

"You don't know?"

"It is... is it that... it has to be a part... a part that I like most than the other at wrestling?"

"Yeah. I think it must be."

"Well, the part I like more is... when a player hold his opponent... you see? Then the player is on top of the other, you see want I mean? And the opponent... even if he squirm a lot, for he can squirm a lot, then... he can not get out from his bottom position."

"That is the same I like. I love to catch the opponent in a powerful hold. Then I love to be on top of him with a total control over his body."

"Oh. I see. You like being on top."

Jimmy was impressed at the words "with a total control over his body".

"Now, Jimmy. It is very late and dark. I have to go home to shower and have dinner."

"Me too."

"Good bye, Jimmy."

"Good bye, Dave."

"See you tomorrow."

"See you."

And Dave parted to their homes.

On his way home, Jimmy was smelling his own body; and it was full of Dave's scent. He was admired of the effects that the sweat of Dave had on his mind. Then at home, he was hesitant before showering for all this memory of Dave's sweat was going to disappeared dawn the drain. But he had to shower for his aunt Louise would see he was smelling badly, due to all the wrestling he has done and the dirty accumulated in the work site.

End of part 3

I am thankful to all that had read my story till here.

If you enjoyed the story, or have some ideas to improve it, you are welcome. Let me know what you think

This is my post, johngalaor@aol.com

Thanks, John Galaor

Next: Chapter 4

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