Jimmy La Fonte

By John Galaor

Published on Feb 2, 2010


Jimmy la Fonte Boys of high school age.

Warning: These stories contain scenes about homosexual activities between males of high school age. In you are offended by these stories, do not go farther this point.

If the reading of these stories is illegal in your state or the country you are living, you should not go any farther from this point. If you are a minor, please, clear off.

Jimmy la Fonte Part two

Two weeks later, on a Monday, Jimmy met Dave in the working site. He glanced at Dave as if he were mad with him or something.

Jimmy looked at him like asking for an explanation. So, Dave said,

"Last Sunday... I was looking for you and you were not in the park."

"Why you were looking for me?"

"To bring you to the dancing hall."

"I don't want to go a dancing hall."


"No girl wanted to dance with me."

"I've seen you dancing with a great girl."

"Well, I did not like this one. She was too tall and strong."

"This are the most that let you screw."

Jimmy showed a sad face.

"I don't like this type of girl."

"Oh! You don't like those that fuck?"

"No, it's not that. It's that... I feel bad."


"I need a girl younger than me."

"These girls don't go yet to a dancing hall. They are too young."


"Then... you don't wanna go dancing?"

"No, yet."

"Is it you... you don't like girls?"

"Well, er... yeah. I like girls, but I feel bad, for all of they said not to me."

"All said you no?"

"That's it."

"Well, perhaps they see you... that got yet a kid's face."

"Kid's face? I am seventeen already!"

"Yeah. But you have a so much pretty face... that..." Then Dave stopped saying what he thought.

"What do you say?" Asked Jimmy puzzled.

"Well, you know... er... do not get mad at me, OK?"


"You got a girl's face." Said Dave giggling.

"A girl's face?" Said Jimmy molested.

"Of course. There is not the least doubt."

"This is... is a lie!" Said Jimmy a little unsure.

"No. It's not a lie."

"How you know I got a girl's face?"

"Cause I am feeling like... asking you to dance." Said Dave smiling.

"What are you saying?"

Jimmy was blushing.

"Don't get angry, Jimmy! It was only a joke."

"It is that... that I am a boy, you know? You cannot tell me this."

"It was only a joke, Jimmy! Just a joke."

"It's a joke without any fun at all."


"I don't like these jokes."

"Come on! Don't get mad. Do you forgive me?"

"Well, yes. I forgive but...


"Well, yes. But do not say this any more."

Dave grabbed Jimmy and hugged him. Jimmy was unsure about this embrace. He had the idea that only relatives can hug one another, and sweethearts hugged also or something. The male friends do not hug. Jimmy looked around that nobody were watching them. But Jimmy thought that Dave was the only friend he had in Foggarty. He was so alone, for he had recently arrived from Kiriwati. He could not be mad with Dave for such a trifle as a hug. He was so kind to him! Dave was helping him a lot.

Dave was a very happy boy that was always smiling when he watched Jimmy. But he had a sort of a nervous tic. Often, Dave was rubbing a bulge he had in front of his trousers. He had a big swelling there. Jimmy thought that Dave should go visit a doctor to cure his illness. It is better to take care of it as soon as possible. But how he would dare to talk to Dave about such a delicate matter?

All mornings, when Dave met Jimmy he gladdened at once. Sometimes Dave winked an eye to Jimmy. In other moments, he passed his arm over the his shoulders, and that was a prove they were good friends.

"You are my best friend." Often said Dave.

But Dave was very fond of jokes. When nobody was watching, he caressed for a second the butt of Jimmy and giggled.

"Why do you do this?" Asked Jimmy.

"It's nothing. It's a joke among friends."


One day Dave was very friendly with his touches and jokes. He gave him a slap on his ass. Then, he pinched Jimmy on a nipple so hard that that it hurt.

"Oh! Don't be a brute! You cannot do this!"

As an answer, Dave gave a slap in the butt of Jimmy and grabbed his buns for a while with his hand. Jimmy felt a weird current that make a shivering through his body.

Jimmy did not protest, for he was convinced that his friend was incorrigible with his his practical jokes. It was a relief that nobody had watched Dave grabbing his ass. He knew well, that a boy can grab the ass of a girl, or a girlfriend, not of his male friend. And he remembered that cause in the school of Kiriwati, the natives loved to touch his white ass. "The popoa has a nice white ass." They used to say grabbing or kneading his rear buns when the father Amerindo or other priest was not looking.

"You know?" Asked Dave.


"I am going to ask you this dance."

"What?" Jimmy said a little irritated.

"You got such a pretty face, that I feel tempted to kiss you."

"But boys do not to kiss each other!" Argued Jimmy.

"But... it is that..." said Dave.

Jimmy looked back irritated.

"Do not get mad at me, Jimmy. You know? You got such a girl's face that...

Jimmy was blushing and began to cry. Their tears were running on his face.

"It was only a joke, Jimmy!"

Dave caressed his short blond curls that protruded on the sides of his head, but he was worried to see Jimmy crying.

"Is it that you cannot stand a joke?"

Jimmy did not answer and was still crying.

"Look at my eyes." said Dave.

He looked at his eyes that had a glittering that quited him much.

"Eh! Eh! It was only a joke, Jimmy."

"A joke?" Asked Jimmy a little unsure.

"Of course, man. I am your friend. I am not going to say this words seriously."

"But you said that..."

"It was only a joke among friends."

"A joke?"

"Of course. Smile, come on. I want to see this precious face of yours smiling."

Dave was removing his tears with the tip of his fingers. Jimmy felt very comforted.

"I don't like jokes, Dave." He said whining.

"Look at my eyes and smile."

Jimmy looked at the bottom of his brown eyes and smiled unsure.

"What I was saying about..."

"Once more no. Please."

"I said you got a girls face, but this was a joke. But..." Dave was again laughing. "But you are truly a very cute boy."

Jimmy felt praised, but made a snort of impotence. Her did not like to hear he looked like a girls, but he love to hear from Dave that he was a cute boy.

Dave put his hot hand on the neck of Jimmy, and he remembered the hand of the father Amerindo caressing his neck. He recalled the voice of the father saying, "you look like an angel of Boticelli." Jimmy did not know who was this Boticelli, and why he had angels.

Day by day, Jimmy was getting used at the jokes of his friend. And he gave not a dime, on condition that they were alone.

At the end of each day's work, Jimmy and Dave walked together home. Then at certain cross of street they had to part, each one to his home to shower and have dinner. It was a sad moment for them.

Another day in the work site.

Well, as I said, the first time Dave sighted Jimmy he was aware of the huge potential he had. He wanted to befriend him, and he was around him too often. He was aware that being so often around Jimmy would tarnish his reputation, but he brushed aside the idea.

Dave was often in a state of... I mean he was sort of... well, he often had... he had a "swelling"; he had an enormous bulge in his trousers. Due to the size, Jimmy could see often the bulging part of Dave trousers a little dirty with cement. The color of his jeans were a little faded in this part due to the constant rubbing with the real world. Many times, Dave made rub at his swelling because he could not... well it kind of... I mean, he need it. He had to calm the damn thing a little. It is like when you have rash, you know? Your had to scratch on the spot to feel better.

After five or four days, Jimmy and Dave were friends. The could be seen chatting at the tea breaks when they had a sandwich and drank some tea.

"You see? I have the idea that I know you from long ago." Said Dave.

"Long ago? How long ago?"

"I don't know. It seems that you were a friend of mine when I was a kid of ten, or something."

"A kid of ten? It's not possible. I was in Kiriwati islands."

"Well, let me ask you a favor. Can I?"

"Well, what sort of favor?"

"I want to watch close your face."

"What for?"

"I want to be sure... yours is not the face I recall from my childhood."

"Ok. Watch it."

Dave approached his face to Jimmy's eyes. Their faces were at a feet of distance of each other. He was mesmerized by the sparking blue eyes of Jimmy. He watched his long eyelashes that were flapping like a butterfly.

Jimmy was also stunned by the glitter of the dark eyes of Dave. Jimmy remained for some seconds fixed on the eyes of Dave, and his mind was in excitement that made his eyelashes to flap nervously. Jimmy was almost fainting, or perhaps stunning.

A man that passed nearby was interested in the scene.

"You two are in love?"

Dave was startled for a second.

"He has a speck of sand in his eye."

"Take care of him." Said the man smiling.

Dave took out a handkerchief and started to feign he was to take out a speck from the eye of Jimmy.

After a second Dave resumed his chat.

"You know, Jimmy? Your face reminds me of something."

"Of something?"

"Well, it seems like... I don't know. It is like... I had been waiting for someone like you... all my life."

"Waiting for me?"

"Yeah. While watching your eyes... I've seen that you are; you are the one."

"You mean that... I am the one that I am?"

"Yeah. Sure. Your eyes are the real eyes. So, you are you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't know. But did you watch my eyes?"


"You've seen them well?"


"Then... you have seen the same thing as me. What did you see?"

"I've seen... your eyes had like... like a glittering."

"So, that's it. We have been known each other in a former life."

"In a former life?"

"Sure. I have not doubts about this."

"I've never heard anyone talking about a former life."

"Now you know. We have to resume our past lives together."

"To resume..."

"Yeah. And the sooner the better. We have to start to do something together."

"Something together? Like what?"

"I want to be with you after work. I can teach you wrestling."

"Wrestling? Why?"

"Well, you do not look very strong. You need to exercise your body. This way you can have a stronger body like mine."

"A stronger body like you?"

"Yeah. Look."

Dave grabbed the hand of Jimmy and applied it to his biceps."

"Press here, on my biceps."

Jimmy pressed.

"Pressed more strongly. You are not pressing hard."

Jimmy felt an electrical wave passing from the muscles of Dave's to his hands and his mind.

"You see? They are muscles hard, like steel."

"Yeah. They're hard."

"Feel it more. Feel the heat. It is hot, isn't it?"

"Yeah. It's hot."

"You have not seen my thighs."

"Your thighs?"

"Yeah. They are very thick. Feel them."

Dave grabbed a Jimmy's hand and put it on his thigh.

Jimmy was pressing but his thigh was very thick to hold.

"Here. Press hard. Use both hands to see how thick it is."

Jimmy was trembling when his hands were grabbing Dave's thighs. It was the first time he was touching the thigh of anyone. Then Jimmy was aware of the scent of Dave's body was outpouring. It was sort of strong, intoxicating or something, but not disgusting. He had smelled Dave several times on occasions but this was the first time he had a clear knowledge of the powerful sweet scent of Dave's body.

In a moment, Dave made a movement and the hand of Jimmy touched the swelling thing of his friend. Jimmy recalled the religious school in Kiriwati, the words of "father Amerindo" that said, "causal touchings of the private parts are not a sin, but a deliberate touching, an intentional manipulation of them is always a mortal sin." Jimmy pulled out the hand as he had touched casually the swelling bulge of Dave.

It was about the break time and Dave took out his dick to piss. He did not turn to a side to hide from the sight of Jimmy, but did it by showing off his big dick openly. Jimmy was surprised at first, then a little astounded. Jimmy's thoughts were, "How could his thing be so thick and large?" Then, being aware that a modest boy should not to show any interest in the dick of his friends, he shunned his glance away.

The piss of Dave was doing an impressive noise, piiiiiirssrsst, iiiirrssst, showing itself off in a proud yellow jet.

Dave was not sure that Jimmy had seen his wonderful meat.

"Hey, Jimmy! What do you think of it?"

"What do you mean?" Said Jimmy avoiding to look at the evidence.

"Seen my dick? It's pretty big, isn't it?"

"Oh, yeah. It's pretty big." Said Jimmy feigning indifference.

"What do you think, eh?"

"What do I think?" The pissing of Dave stopped. "I did not know I had to think something."

"I mean... it looks big, isn't it?"

"Yeah. It's very big."

"So, do you... do you like it?"

"Well, it's... I mean... I don't know. I suppose... it would be much better if it's big. Mine is small."

"But... do you like... yours would be big?"

"Of course, I would like it best if mine were also big."

"That's what I thought. I am very proud of mine."

"And... this thing... is so big as such... in a natural way?"

"What do you mean?" Said Dave with dick out showing.

"I mean... if that thing of yours is not sick or something... being that big."

"Oh, no. It's very healthy and strong. Full of... lust and desire."

"It's full of lust... and desire?"

"Yeah. You can check it. Grab it.


"Get a hold of it."

"What you mean?"

"Get a hold. Press it. See how thick and hard it is."

"Oh. Boys don't do that."

"Well, they can do it if they are friends."

"Well... I am not sure."

"Nobody can see you. Feel it and press."

"I can't."

"Yes. You can. You got my invitation."

Jimmy held it. His hand was a little trembling. He felt the thing was hot and it began to grow and grow and to get thicker instantly. Jimmy was a little scared and swiftly took his hand off.

"You have not any need to be so scared. This is the most normal thing among friends."

"The most normal thing?"

"Of course."

They were quite for some seconds, while Dave was keeping his fat thing inside his trousers. It was showing now an impressive bulge underneath his pants.

"You know, Jimmy? You look a little too weak. So, today after the work, we are coming together to play a little wrestling."

"A little wrestling? I don't want to get hurt."

"You are not going to get hurt. I will take utmost care of you. We are a bunch of good friends doing wrestling after work. We would take care of you and teach you wrestling."

"A bunch of friends?"

Jimmy looked a little disappointed.

"Yes. We are three friends. They are eagerly awaiting to meet you."

"They want to meet me?

"Yeah. I told them a lot about you."

"You told them about me?"

"Yeah. They are only two. You know them. They were with other boys when we were going up to the dance hall. Remember? So they want to know you."


"They are eager to know you better. They think you are such a... such a wonder boy."

"Oh, Dave. Don't be so silly."

The bell sounded announcing the break had finished.

At noon, it was time for lunch. Both friends were again chatting.

After a while of nonsense...

"You know what?" Asked Dave.


"You got a pretty face."

"No. Do I?"

"Yeah. You know it already, don't you?"

"Well... It seems that... perhaps. Do you think is pretty?"

"In fact, you face is so beautiful, that... I thought you were a girl."

"Oh! Dave, how can you say that! Shut up!"

"Don't be angry with me."

"Well, I don't like what you said. I am not a girl!"

"It is not a tragedy... to have a pretty face."

"Is not?"

"No. It is a bless. It's a gift of mother nature."

"A gift?"

"Of course. You'll triumph in life."

"But do not tell me I look like a girl. I'm a boy."

"Of course you're a boy."

There was a moment of silence.

"You know, Jimmy? I know you are a boy, but nevertheless... sometimes..."

"Sometimes what?"

"Sometimes I feel like... I want to kiss you."

"But you can't. I told you. I am a boy. Boys don't kiss boys!"

"I know they don't. Yeah, sure. But you see. It seems I am a little nuts."

"Don't tell this nonsense. I'm a boy."

"Sure. I haven't check it. I've never seen you pissing. "

"Well, I can show you... well, I got all the things a boy has to have."

"Of course, Jimmy. I was only joking."

"I don't like these jokes."

"Well, forgive me. Will you, Jimmy?"

"Yes. But do not joke anymore. I don't like jokes."

This moments were tense sometimes for Jimmy. But he loved the attentions that Dave had with him. They stood up chatting. Then Dave held Jimmy by his arms, made him turn and hugged him for several seconds.

Jimmy was uncomfortable at first, he never had been hugged by anyone; no even by his dear friend Gui de la Tour in the boarding school. Now he felt the close proximity of Dave and his nostrils were full of the scent of Dave. It was a sweet scent and he got like inebriated. His legs were weak and bobbling but do not fell because Dave was holding him steadily on his strong arms.

After several seconds Dave stopped the hug, and Jimmy was recovering slowly of the daze he felt.

End of part 2

I am thankful to all that had read my story till here.

If you enjoyed the story, or have some comments or addictions to improve it, you are welcome to let me know.

This is my post, johngalaor@aol.com

Thanks, John Galaor

Next: Chapter 3

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