Jimmy La Fonte

By John Galaor

Published on Feb 2, 2010


Jimmy la Fonte Boys of high school age.

Warning: These stories contain scenes about homosexual activities between males of high school age. In you are offended by these stories, do not go farther this point.

If the reading of these stories is illegal in your state or the country you are living, you should not go any farther from this point. If you are a minor, please, clear off.

If you enjoyed the story, or have some comments or ideas to improve it, let me know to continue,

This is my post, johngalaor@aol.com Thanks, John Galaor


These series are fragments extracted from a novel I have written.

So, in a mainstream novel events develop much slower pace than in a common nifty story. So, you have to be a little patient with this story. So, this series pretend to be a little fucking piece of serious literature.

It is a bildungs-roman that... hey! Hey! Where are you going? Don't flee in panic, man. It was nothing more than a fucking German word! This apparently long word it only means "the roman describes the pains and fights a young boy have to endure to develop his personality into adulthood. It is the only one of the few German words I know, like Deutsch, kartoffel and eingang. You cannot flee in panic for a damned foreign word, would you? So, in this novel we got a small bunch of boys developing... mostly growing up their hard flesh and pleasures. They are learning the fucking secrets of life. You know, all those bees flying from a flower to another sucking the sweet nectar. It is all about pain and pleasures, the basic tenets of life.

A little background on the story.

The time set is about fifty or sixty years ago. So, nobody had cars, radios, cell phones, or television sets. Young people had very little pocket money and could only entertain by going to dancing halls.

Jimmy La Fonte, was a blond adolescent who went from the remote Kiriwati Islands to another side of the world to the western lands we all know. He was welcomed home by his aunt Martha, a sister of his mother. Not any cheering at his arrival.

I am not going to tell you here all the details of the story, but Jimmy came from a Polynesian paradise to the forlorn, depressing foggy peninsula of Cambria. A country where it only rains two or three times a year, but each spell of rain lasts for several months. When Jimmy arrived his maternal aunt was working at home with sawing machine to make a living. So, Jimmy had to start working on construction sites.

It was on one of the work sites that Jimmy met Dave, a very strong boy that looked to be nineteen or twenty. Jimmy was then seventeen but looked much younger. Had straw blond hair, more long than recommended for a boy, but it was not at shoulders length. His hair had a tendency to hang out in curls, on the sides of his head and his face with thick protruding lips, was rather white.

Dave saw Jimmy first time on a construction site. The foreman told Dave to guide the younger Jimmy in his first day of work. When Dave first saw Jimmy, he could not believe his eyes. He had the most amazing girl's face he ever had seen in his life. He even felt tempted to reach the crotch of Jimmy to feel if he had something there. The feminine look of Jimmy was enhanced by a pair of lustful protruding lips that were so... Dave did not know at first why Jimmy's thick lips were so tempting. It occurred to him that those lips were so delicious that he felt an urge to put them in his mouth and suck them. Dave was not aware that this was a rather weird desire. The thick lips were like a beacon calling him in a dark storming night. Jimmy had also long blond hair with discreet curls around around his head. He had not a very long hair but with the curls you got the picture of the beautiful Jimmy. All the glances on the work site were focused on the head of the young boy.

A worker here or there whistled softly when he saw the cute Jimmy passing. Dave was interested to befriend Jimmy, but he was a little scared with all attentions the boy was collecting in the work site.

When they first met, Dave asked Jimmy for his name and personal circumstances. While hearing him talking, he realized that he came from abroad and asked him from where he came. Front his point on, he worked every day to make Jimmy adaptable to the modern life in Cambria. And when nobody was watching, Dave to put an arm over Jimmy's shoulders, and felt him with discreet touches here and there, like he was playing. Even once Dave held Jimmy by his waist and pressed his body towards him. He felt himself full of energy having Jimmy held by his waist.

Jimmy was not aware of Dave's operations around him. He was glad to have such a funny boy so strong and happy near him; so he did not see anything wrong in his attitude. He had lost his Belgian friend in the boarding school when he left the islands of Kiriwati.

Dave thought Jimmy was too fine a boy to be a good construction worker. But nevertheless he decided to keep him under his wings and protect the boy of any trouble. He was not sure if he could achieve that. Moreover he felt a weird interest for him. He could not understand why he felt so fascinated for this blond boy. So, far, his main interest had been girls and going to a dance hall to meet them, and to try hard to see if any of them wanted to fuck or something. If not a fuck, it would be well that she would suck his dick, or give a good wank to his dong, that was most of the time with a boner. But now, he felt a little weird that this cute blond boy, Jimmy, had the same power as girls to make him very horny. So, Dave thought it was a good thing to meet Jimmy outside the work on a Saturday or Sunday. But he did not dare to speak his mind clear to him. He was afraid he could fled in panic.

Part One

David made Jimmy go a dancing hall.

It was a Sunday morning. An abnormal day that showed some hints of sunshine through some holes in the clouds. So Jimmy went to a nearby Park and sat on a bench to read a book.

As he was reading, some shy rays of sunshine were kissing his blond hair. The irregular clouds were announcing that summer was approaching. From time to time, Jimmy spread out a little his curls to make them get a little air. He love his hair when he watched himself in the mirror, but his aunt Martha do not let him to let his hair too long. "Only pretty girls could sport a nice long hair", she said.

So, now on the park, Jimmy was reading a story of Alan Poe, about crow that was picking someone eyes that was dying of thirst in a desert. As he was reading, he heard some boys coming and making a lot of noise speaking aloud. Jimmy rose his head and saw boys. They were not much older than him but only one or two years. The leader of the gang looked at Jimmy that was sitting on a bench on the park with a book in his hands. He recognized him at once and showed a happy smile. He was Dave, the strong boy Jimmy knew on the construction site.

"Dudes! Look who is here!"

The boys looked and did not see anything peculiar.

"He's the islander from Kiriwati!!"

The friends did not understand what a shit Kiriwati was.

Dave approached to Jimmy and was followed by his friends. Jimmy was suddenly surrounded by a bunch of older boys.

"Hi, Jimmy!" Said Dave rising his arms like wanting to hug Jimmy.

The boys were looking at Jimmy while being puzzled by Dave's weird exuberance.

Dave was waiting for Jimmy to stand up. He wanted to hug him with his open arms. But Jimmy did not react to his enthusiasm.

"Don't you remember me?" Asked Dave a little puzzled.

Jimmy was trying to remember some seconds.

"Yeah. You are Dave, the boy I met at the work site."

"I though you had forgotten my name. We had to be friends outside the work place."

"Oh, yeah." Said Jimmy as a sign of courtesy.

"Dudes! This boy here, so... well, you see... you see how... how he is."

Their friends were a little puzzled. It was only a blond boy. It was not very common, but it was not a kind of freak either.

"You know? He came from Kiriwati Islands."

"Ah!" Said one of the boys.

"Kiriwati? Where is that?" Said another.

"Kiriwati? I don't fuck know. Jimmy, tell us something about Kiriwati islands."

Jimmy had a blush thinking he had to explain where were the islands.

"The Kiriwati islands are... are situated in... the Pacific Ocean. Tropic of Capricorn as you go sailing towards the equator."

"Have seen the Capricorn?" Asked one.

"What d'you mean?" Asked Jimmy.

"If you has seen this Capricorn thing. I have heard few times this word but I never had seen any Capricorn thing."

"Well, it's not a thing. It's a line in the middle of the sea. As you go sailing a ship you can cross the line." Said Jimmy.

"Have you seen the line?"

"No. I was sleeping when we passed the line. I think were sailing north."

"So you are a sailor?"

"No. I'm not sailor. I was a passenger in the ship. I passed all the time getting a little sunshine."

"You do not look much tanned."

"No. But I got red. I nearly burned all my face."

Then Dave, wanting to lead the conversation, said,

"What do think, guys? Is he not extraordinary?"

The friends were slow to react to the enthusiasm of Dave.

"You don't see? He is a wonder. He even had sailed from the other side of the world till here."

Dave was nearly drooling as he watched Jimmy.

"Look at his hair." Said Dave.

He even touched the hair of Jimmy. But his friends were not sharing his enthusiasm.

"What are you doing here, Jimmy?"

"Reading a book."

"A book? Nobody reads a book anymore. It is not time to read books."


"You have to go with us to a dancing hall."

"No, I can't. I do not know how to dance."

"Nobody knows how to dance. At least, not well. Do you, boys?"

"Nobody knows how to dance."

"But I..." Said Jimmy hesitating.

"Not buts. You are alone here, in the fucking Foggarty, with no friends... and this is very bad for your health. You have to go with us."

"But I was reading..."

"No more fucking reading. This is obnoxious for the mind. An uncle of mine became insane of so much reading."

"Became insane?"

"Totally nuts!"

Jimmy felt a little incredulity. He was still sitting on the bench and look up at Dave that was taller than him, and looked a hunk of a boy.

Dave bend a little his knees to have his face in front of Jimmy's.

"Look at me, Jimmy. Look at my eyes."

Jimmy was watching the eyes of Dave that were brown and had a weird glitter. He was fascinated with Dave's eyes. He felt like the proverbial dove before a snake.

Jimmy was still sitting on the bench. Then Dave held him by the armpits with both hands and made him to stand up.

"What is this in your hand?" Asked Dave.

"A book."

"Throw it under this bush." Said Dave joking.

"I can't. I borrowed it from the library."

"Then you better hide this on you coat pocket. If someone sees you with a book would think you are nuts."

Jimmy put the small book in a pocket of his coat.

"You see? You are now ready to go with us to the dancing hall."

"Dancing hall? Why?"

"To dance with girls. Don't you like the girls?" Asked Dave.

"Er... I... I never... I had never been with a girl."

"Well, this going to change today." Then trying to make him move, Dave passed his arm over Jimmy's shoulders.

"Let's go." Said Dave.

The friends of Dave were a little puzzled with Dave's behavior but they had not noticed the great bulge he had on his trousers.

They started to walk towards the dancing hall that was on the slope of a mountain.

Jimmy felt a little awkward to have the arm of Dave over his shoulders, for he never had a friend like this. But he loved the interest Dave had shown for him. As they were walking Dave was a little like pressing Jimmy towards his body. Jimmy was now smelling a little the scent of his new discovered friend. In fact, he was feeling well under Dave's arm resting on his shoulders. The boys were walking before Dave and Jimmy. And front time to time, Dave was surreptitiously caressing the little curls of Jimmy.

Some of the boys glanced backwards from time to time and saw Dave was caressing Jimmy. They were a little shocked at the sudden interest of Dave for this blond boy. What he have in mind? So, after they made signs one another to look back a Dave and Jimmy, they decided on each on to look back, and let Dave do whatever he had planned. Moreover, each one was thinking that Jimmy... with his blond hair and pretty face, looked more like a girl than a boy. They began to understand that Dave, who was perennially horny, was suddenly interested in the blond sissy, to say the truth. But Dave was their leader, so they had accepted this unexpected interest. He had been bragging about how much he had fuck with the girls he met in dance hall, but all they knew this was a pile bullshit. It is true that they never saw Dave after they left the dance hall. But if they had not fuck any girl, only at most kissed a few of them, he was telling bullshit, or he would not be so much booing in Jimmy.

All the way, Dave was enlivening the mood of Jimmy. Sometimes he caressed with the tip of his fingers the neck of Jimmy, sometimes he caressed one of his blond curls. And Jimmy for unknown reasons felt so tender with his attentions of Dave that he was unaware that he was playing the role of a sweet girlfriend. Perhaps, the mere fact that he was raised without a family, isolated for years in a religious boarding school, could explain how easy and balmy he felt when Dave was caressing him.

The road to the dancing hall was outside the city, on a mountain. Most of time the road was steep uphill. The afternoon, against all odds, was a little hot. Dave was feeling hot and unbuttoned his coat. Some perspiration scents were going up and a faint breeze carried to the nose of Jimmy. He was suddenly aware of the sweet scent of Dave. He inhaled deeply and even he turned down his head a little to left towards the chest of Dave. He inhaled a little more his manly outpourings and loved them. It was the first time that Jimmy was aware that a boy like Dave, so strong and so... and so kind, so enlivening to his mind, could have such a nice smell. Dave was radiating his heat towards Jimmy and he loved it. Without being aware of it, Jimmy caressed for some seconds the hand of Dave that was playing with his blond hair.

"And what is the name of those islands?" Asked Dave.


"You see? I had not the foggiest idea where are those islands."

"Well, they are very far from here."

"That is right."

From time to time, Jimmy looked at the face of Dave that was so glad and was smiling all the time. Jimmy thought that Dave was a happy boy, so full of energy and so kind and pleasant.

"In the dances, you always can meet a girl that screws." Said Dave smiling on his own daring.


Jimmy was a little shocked for he was twelve years in a religious boarding school, and this word was utterly forbidden. The school was ruled by the fathers of the Holly Mortification.

"To screw. I suppose you like to screw, don't you?"

"Er... Oh! Yes." Lied Jimmy that barely masturbated from time to time.

"You had done it already, don't you?"

"Oh! What?"

"Screwing a girl."

"Oh, no, never. It is... a mortal sin."

"A mortal...? Oh, no! This is nonsense. It can't be a sin."

"Why not? The priests say it."

Dave had a little laugh.

"What they know about this? The priests don't screw!"

With his arm over the shoulder of Jimmy, Dave felt daring.

"Oh!" Said Jimmy impressed with the brazenness of this word.

Jimmy recalled this obscene word was only used by the natives of Kiriwati when teasing him. "You got a good ass to screw!" One said while some other was doing the "rave-rave" sign of screwing with their fingers. The sign is made with the index finger entering repeatedly on the left hand closed.

Dave caressed the blond hair of Jimmy and said,

"Look, you know? To screw is a greatest of all pleasures." Said Dave.

"I heard something of that in the school."

"If something is so pleasant, cannot be a sin."

"No? I understood, that everything pleasant was a sin."

"No, it isn't. It's only a sin if it hurts."

"If it hurts?"

"Yeah. Once I hit my finger with a hammer, you see?" Dave showed Jimmy his right index finger. "Here. It was a great pain."

"A great pain?"

"Yeah. I was swearing like a fucking miner."

"You did?"

"It was such a pain. Then, I said to myself, `stop whining like a little kid!' Then I stopped."

"And the pain disappeared?"

"No, but I had to be much stronger. So I won over the pain."

"I see."

Really Dave looked a great boy to Jimmy. He showed always a happy face. Jimmy needed this badly to have someone with a happy loving face watching him. Dave reminded Jimmy of father Amerindo, who clothed him in a white tunic with wings hanged like an angel to recite verses to the Virgin Mary.

Jimmy was not very happy when they arrived to the dancing hall, and they had to pay for tickets to enter. Jimmy had no any money on his pocket and Dave paid for his ticket. His friends had already forgotten about Dave and had entered at the hall.

Dave bought the tickets and said to Jimmy,

"You have to keep this ticket."

"Why. It is the receive that tells you have paid. If you want to go out to the take a little fresh air, or to smoke a cigarette, you have to show the ticket to the doorman, when you want to enter again."

"I see."

They showed their ticket and entered. The place was full of people, and the atmosphere was very dense and dusty.

"I never been in a dancing hall before." Said Jimmy.

"Never mind. Stay by my side and look what I do. I will ask a girl to dance; if she tells me no, I asked another, and another, till one said yes."

Dave asked a nice girl,

"Wanna dance?"

"Yeah." She said delighted.

Before grabbing the girl to dance, he said to Jimmy.

"You go asking a girl to dance."

Then he was lost in two seconds among the dancing crowd.

Jimmy was desolated. He felt lost in the middle of such a crowd.

All the girls were waiting standing all around the hall. They were standing up one after the other, like books in a library. Some of the girls were chaperoned by their moms to make a sight to them who really deserved to dance or not. Jimmy was nearly desperate, but he remembered the words of Dave, "I will ask a girl to dance; if she tells me no, I asked another, and another, till one said yes." So, Jimmy thought, I have to be brave and began to ask,

"Wanna dance?"

"No." She said with indifference.

He asked another,

"Wanna dance?"

Her mom made a sign to his daughter.


Jimmy thought it probably helped a little if he were more polite. He went to another girl and asked.

"Would you, please, like to dance with me?"


Jimmy thought, "fuck! This is really hard."

He went to one girl after another and all were saying no. He was desolated, but he persisted. After twenty minutes or so, he had made the round of all the hall collecting noes. He had already asked to as much as fifty girls to dance to not avail. He was wondering why Dave was almost instantly dancing, while he was collecting a great lot of nays.

He was like a sleepwalker asking,

"Wanna dance?"

Suddenly someone told him, yes.

He was asking like a sleep walker and had barely had looked at the girl. Jimmy felt being grabbed under one of his armpits and a hand by a pair of strong arms. He was being dragged like doll, by a girl much taller than him. The girl was pushing him toward the center of the dance floor. Jimmy was with his face buried in a huge bosom. He felt aghast.

"We are going to dance all evening." She said.

"What?" Asked Jimmy a little dazed.

"You are very pretty."

"Eh?" The music was very noisy.

"Don't fake you are dumb, boy! You are a yummy."


"You are tastier than a chocolate bun." She said in the middle of the musical noise.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, boy. I will eat you alive."

Jimmy felt like a shivering on his back.

The girl was like dragging Jimmy as she was following the rhythm of the music. Sometimes, Jimmy clumsily was stepping on the feet of the girl. He was smelling the bosom of the girl but he did not like her scent. He was smelling to a strong cheap perfume, but Jimmy did not like perfumes. He remembered the cheap perfume his mom was smelling when she put him on the steamship on his way back to gray foggy Cambria. He wanted to stay in the Kiriwati islands with his mom, even if he barely knew her; for she never had time to visit him in the boarding school of the Holy Mortification. He had been there for a nasty row of eleven years.

Then, Jimmy made an effort to distance a little from the girl that was dancing with him. But she had grabbed him tightly against her body. So, Jimmy made an effort and bent backwards his neck to look up. The hall was poorly lighted, and he could barely see his face. Even then, he was sure she had a great head. This girl was a huge lady perhaps. Jimmy was being dragged on the dance floor like a rag doll. There was a couple of seconds in which they were moving under a faint light and he saw the face of the girl that was dancing with him. Jimmy thought she was ugly. He had the glimpse of some warts or something. He felt badly. He was not very interested in dancing, but this lady was too tall and to wide and too ugly for him.

He wanted to flee, but the lady had him tightly held.

The piece of music ended and Jimmy pushed her off and started to go.

"Where are you going, bun?"

"I wanna pee." Said Jimmy.

He was going off to the door, and getting out of the dancing hall.

"Fuck! The sweet bun fled." She said disappointed.

The air outside was fresh and he inhaled deeply. All the dust in the dancing hall was making him sick. Some boys were showing a face like being frustrated and were smoking eagerly. Jimmy did not like the smoke of tobacco and decided to back at the city. It was already getting dark. It would be better to go down while there was some light.

In this wayward home, he asked himself why the girls said him nay. He could not understand it. He thought he was fortunate by having a pretty face. But it had resulted that his beauty was repellent to the girls, for almost none wanted to dance with him. So far, Jimmy's face was only a beacon to Dave who was fascinated with him. His long blond hair and his fleshy lips on a perfect white face was irresistible to him.

It was true that he did not paid much attention to the face of the girls. They were just girls, but he did not see anything special in them. He was more happy watching the face of Dave, always happy and smiling to him.

Now, walking back home, he missed him. He he had gone away dancing with the first girl that say yes, to him. And perhaps, he was now in a meadow rolling with her, or perhaps... he was fucking her; this word had a great meaning to Dave. Jimmy felt a little awkward when he imagined Dave moving his ass up and down over her. He knew that much about fucking, because a brazen native was simulating the "rave-rave" moving of the ass over him. "I am fucking your white popoa ass", he said. All his friends were laughing.

End of part 1

I am thankful to all that had arrived reading till here. You are a sturdy reader.

If you enjoyed the story, or have some comments or ideas to improve it, let me know to continue,

This is my e-mail: johngalaor@aol.com

John Galaor

Next: Chapter 2

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