Jimmy Goes Down and Rises Up

By Mini Tower

Published on Mar 14, 2023



by Mini Tower


This story is fiction. This story is copyright 2006. This story contains graphic sexual material, including depictions of non-consensual homosexual sex. I have separated this story into chapters for ease of reading. I will post chapters over time to build suspense (there are fourteen chapters in total for anyone who wants to wait until all chapters have been posted). If you are under eighteen or it is illegal for you to read this material in your local jurisdiction, please go elsewhere. This story incorporates concepts that I have read in other stories. I am grateful to and thank all the great authors that have inspired me to write this story. Any problems with this story, however, are entirely my fault. I have published this story to share my work with others for entertainment purposes. I strongly encourage any comments - positive or negative. Although short comments are appreciated, the more detail the better. Send all comments to mini- tower@hotmail.com.


I knew that the events of the evening were not over yet. All I had to do was wait for Bobby to act. I knew these boys better than they knew themselves. One thing neither of them knew was that while we were in the other wing taking care of their father, I had experts come in and wire the rooms for video and audio. From my room, I could watch and hear everything that went on in the other rooms.

After about an hour, I heard Bobby quietly open my door to see if I was asleep. I pretended to be asleep and continued a deep constant breathing while Bobby stood in the doorway. Bobby closed the door and went into his brother's room. I turned on my equipment and watched and listened. I heard Bobby say, "OK bro, you fucked me. Now it is time for me to fuck you."

"No," responded Billy. "I did not want to fuck you. Jimmy made me. Having sex with your brother is wrong. I admit it, I love getting fucked. But you are the one person I definitely don't want to get fucked by. If Jimmy makes me, I will do it. But I am not going to do it for you voluntarily. My days of taking orders from you are over."

Their conversation went pretty much as I had expected. Billy was a little more assertive than I thought he would be, but basically, I knew what each of them thought about the situation. Bobby was not taking no for an answer. He was much stronger than his brother, and he forced Billy onto his stomach. Bobby spread Billy's butt cheeks and started spitting onto Billy's asshole.

Just as the head of Bobby's cock was entering Billy's opening, I came in the room with my whip in hand. I cracked the whip over Bobby's ass and ordered him to get off of his brother. He jumped up in surprise and started begging me for forgiveness. He told me that he was just so horny he could not help himself. He also felt that it was only fair because I let Billy fuck Bobby's ass.

I didn't want to hear any of it. Well, actually I did want to hear it, but it was not going to make any difference. I was going to whip Bobby into submission. Actually, I knew that Bobby's will was too strong to be broken by being whipped, but I enjoyed punishing him just the same.

I made Bobby lean over the bed as I whipped the entire back side of his body. Then I made him lie down face up. I whipped his entire front side. I did not leave his most precious appendage unscathed. He was crying and begging, but I did not stop until I felt I had made my point. Then I sent him back to his own room and told him to stop trying to rape his brother.

The truth of the matter was that I wanted Bobby to rape Billy. Billy had to know what it felt like to get raped. The fucking he was getting from me was a gift. He begged me to fuck him as often as I was willing to do so. But getting fucked by force from Bobby was not something that Billy wanted. I just needed to make sure it happened on my timetable.

I took total control over the boys' lives. They could not go outside without my accompaniment. Their telephones were removed. They could still watch television, but the remainder of the summer was going to be quite different than they had anticipated. I continued to get sexually serviced from them whenever I felt horny.

I concentrated mostly on using Bobby, but I took my turn with Billy as well. Of course, Bobby hated having sex with me now that he was the bottom. Billy loved it and tried to get me to have sex with him more often. Although I actually sort of liked Billy - he was mixed up but basically a decent kid - I did not like him in that way.

I was not gay, and for me sex with the boys was principally a matter of evening the score and achieving justice. Now if I liked Billy and thought he was basically a good kid, why did I think it necessary for Bobby to rape Billy? It was all part of my master plan, and Billy had to play his part.

I knew it was just a matter of time. About a week after I fucked the boys the first time, Bobby snuck back into Billy's room when he thought I was asleep. This time I was going to let Bobby rape Billy. Bobby said softly, "Wake up Billy. I need some relief. It has been too long. This asshole has prevented me from getting any sex. I haven't gone this long without a fuck since shortly after my first pubes grew in."

Billy tried to tell Bobby that sex between brothers was not an option.

Bobby was not listening. First he shoved his dick in Billy's mouth. Billy started to cry a little as he moistened his brother's cock. Bobby then pulled out and grabbed Billy's legs. Bobby threw them over his shoulders and got ready to fuck his brother for the first time. Bobby was obviously in a pent up state. I don't think he had come since the night I forced him to masturbate after I took his anal virginity.

Bobby fucked with gusto. He was like a starving man eating his first meal in days. He pounded his brother like this might be the last fuck in the world.

It was not Bobby's last fuck, but his fucking days were going to come to a close soon for a long time. Billy kept pleading for his brother to stop, that it wasn't right for brothers to have sex. Bobby ignored Billy and kept stroking his dick in and out of Billy's ass. Bobby finally came with an outburst of triumph.

As Bobby was forcing Billy to use his mouth to clean Bobby's dick, I walked in the room. Bobby went pale, and Billy started to cry again. Billy ran over to me and said between sobs, "I am so sorry for what we did to you. I finally really understand what we did to you. That was awful getting fucked against my will. It was such a violation. How were you able to put up with it for two years? I would have gone crazy."

I held him and stroked his hair. I told him that it was going to be fine. He had made a terrible mistake, but he realized how wrong it was and wanted to be a better person. While I was trying to comfort Billy, Bobby tried to slip out of the room. "Not so fast, young man," I shouted. "Get back in here. We have some unfinished business."

I took out my whip and whipped him. I also made Billy whip Bobby, which neither boy liked. Then I paddled Bobby and strapped him. Once I was done I stated condescendingly, "Now I hope you have learned your lesson. Fucking your brother is wrong. Now say you are sorry." Bobby was a pretty good actor. He pretended to be sorry and apologized. I knew he didn't mean it, and I knew this would not be the last time Bobby would try to rape Billy. Bobby knew that as well. But the thing that I knew that Bobby did not know was that this would be the second to last time Bobby would ever fuck Billy.

Again the normal routine continued. I focused more and more on using Bobby, to his dismay, and less and less on using Billy, also to his dismay. This plan was not about making life easy for either one of them. Billy was redeemable, but it had to be done right. Bobby was beyond redemption, but his treatment also had to be unfolded carefully.

Bobby managed to last about two weeks this time before raping his brother again. The details the second time were pretty much the same as the first. Bobby tried to be as quick and quiet as possible. He did not know that it did not matter how quick or quiet he was because I could see and hear everything that happened in that room with my surveillance equipment. Again, I waited until Billy was cleaning Bobby's cock after the fucking ended. I walked into the room and Billy jumped up. Bobby said defiantly, "Go ahead and beat me. I can take it. I have needs. It's worth the pain. My brother owes me his ass, and I am going to take it."

I was ready for this attitude. Bobby thought he had outsmarted me, but he had another thing coming. I calmly replied, "Oh, you will feel the pain. But you will never fuck your brother again. I will see to it. That is a promise. It is a promise that I will not break - not to you, not to Billy and not to myself." Then I proceeded to give him a worse beating than I could have imagined. I also made Billy give him a similar beating. Bobby was in agony when we finished.

After the physical part of Bobby's discipline ended, I pulled out the finished touch. I reached into my bag and showed the boys a male chastity belt. They had no idea what it was. I took it over to Bobby, fitted the belt on him and locked it into place. It had a large metal cage that encased his penis and scrotum. It fit him like a jock strap, so his ass was still available for all uses.

I explained, "This is a chastity belt. These were made famous during the Middle Ages when men would leave for battle for extended periods of time. They didn't trust their wives to stay faithful, so they fitted them with these contraptions so that no one could fuck them. Well, Bobby, I trust you even less than those men trusted their wives.

"I tested you, and you failed. Now you will have to wear this. There is a hole at the bottom for your piss to drain out. But nothing else is happening. It is built so that you can still get an erection, but there is nothing you can do with it. No way to cause any friction for release. From now on, you will wear this chastity belt except when I allow you to take if off. Now enjoy your celibacy. Billy and all the girls at school that you can no longer force yourself on will thank me."

Bobby was in a state of shock. He never even knew such a device existed. Now he was effectively neutered. He had no way to have sex or even masturbate. Bobby's hell just got a little hotter. He thought that he might go out of his mind if he could not come at all. Now he had to wear a metal contraption that prevented him from even touching his penis. Fury grew on his face, but he knew he could not strike out at me. As stubborn and arrogant as Bobby was, he knew that the consequences of attacking me would be extreme and would not solve his problems.

After that stage of my plan was implemented, I did not need to live in the children's wing any longer. After Bob moved out of his part of the house, I had that entire area remodeled to my taste. By the time Bobby was safely encased in his chastity belt, the remodeling was completed. I moved into my own wing of the house and monitored the boys through my video/audio feed. I also visited their wing often to check up on them.

End Chapter 9 Send comments to mini-tower@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 10

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