Jimmy Goes Down and Rises Up

By Mini Tower

Published on Mar 3, 2023



by Mini Tower


This story is fiction. This story is copyright 2006. This story contains graphic sexual material, including depictions of non-consensual homosexual sex. I have separated this story into chapters for ease of reading. I will post chapters over time to build suspense (there are fourteen chapters in total for anyone who wants to wait until all chapters have been posted). If you are under eighteen or it is illegal for you to read this material in your local jurisdiction, please go elsewhere. This story incorporates concepts that I have read in other stories. I am grateful to and thank all the great authors that have inspired me to write this story. Any problems with this story, however, are entirely my fault. I have published this story to share my work with others for entertainment purposes. I strongly encourage any comments - positive or negative. Although short comments are appreciated, the more detail the better. Send all comments to mini- tower@hotmail.com.


I woke up to the boys tearing the sheets off my bed and yelling at me to get up. I was sore all over. My knees hurt from kneeling. My butt cheeks hurt from the spankings and strapping I had to endure. My rectum was on fire from the two fuckings I endured. My throat was raw from the boys' two cocks. My whole body felt like I had been through a wringer. But when I hesitated to get up, they grabbed my arm and threw me to the floor. I slowly got up, but they pushed me back to my knees and Bobby said, "Don't bother to stand up. It is time for our morning blow jobs."

Of course, Bobby went first and then Billy. I was even more uncomfortable than last night because I had to pee badly. My morning hard-on would not go down and my bladder was bursting. Once I finished swallowing their semen, I started to get up. Bobby told me that it was time to see how my little dick worked and ordered me to beat off. I told him that I couldn't because I had to piss so badly. Surprisingly, he had some mercy and said, "OK, go take a piss, clean that little thing real good. I don't want any piss droppings hitting the floor on your way back."

I relieved my bladder, washed the hole at the end of my penis as thoroughly as I could, and returned to the room. My erection had subsided after I peed, and Bobby ordered me to get it back up. I immediately grabbed my dick. In such a short period of time, Bobby had me so under control that I did not even hesitate to start masturbating for his amusement. I had only been able to come for a few months at that point, and I did not really have that much experience beating off. Sure, I had done it, but I had not yet gotten my technique down. I managed to get my penis hard, and Billy told me to stop because he wanted to measure it. He pulled out a ruler that he had been holding and put the edge at the juncture between my penis and abdomen. He looked at the tip of my penis and said that it was only four and one-quarter inches. My whole body from my cheeks on down blushed a deep red. For some reason, even with all of the other humiliating things that had happened to me, finding out exactly how small my dick was made me blush the most.

I went back to stroking my small cock and eventually started to feel like I was about to come. Bobby saw the signs and said to me that I better catch it all in hands because I was eating everything that came out, even if that meant licking the floor. I held my hand in front of my penis and came. I was not yet coming in large quantities, but a reasonable amount came out. It was a little clearer and thinner than Bobby's and Billy's come, but it was still come. I licked my hand clean and asked if I could take a shower. Bobby gratefully permitted me this luxury. The past twelve hours at the mercy of these boys was a preview of my life to come. They controlled almost everything I did and everywhere I went.

I will not bore you with every detail of what they did to me, but I will hit the highlights, or from my point of view, the lowlights. The next big event happened on my birthday, about two weeks later. Bobby and Billy had been using me sexually every day. Billy loved plucking out my pubic hairs. After a few days, however, he switched to shaving to save time. Shaving was a lot less painful. I got the sense that reducing pain might have been part of Billy's reason for switching, but he did not want his brother to know that he was showing me any mercy.

On my birthday, I was told that there would be a big party for me. Bobby and Billy had invited all of their closest friends, as well as some of their siblings that often hung out as a group in the neighborhood. Apparently the Beverly Hills rich kids liked to run in packs. About twenty-five teenagers and pre-teens came to my party. The only adult in attendance was Bob, which was the next time I has seen him after my first night at the house when he spanked and strapped me and turned me over to the control of his sons.

The dinner and cake was fun. Everyone was being nice to me, and they sang "Happy Birthday" to me. I thought that maybe for one night I would get away from the terror and have a good time. Of course, that was not to be. Bobby and Billy had made other plans for me. As soon as we finished eating, Bob told us to go to the children's wing and that he had to return to his busy schedule. I found out that Bobby and Billy knew this would happen and had already arranged the evening's agenda with the rest of the guests. Of the people that left the dining room to move to the children's wing, only I was ignorant about the plans that had been made for me.

We went to the entertainment room, and Bobby put on music. The boys and girls danced together, and a pretty girl about my age named Angie asked me to dance. I started dancing with her and thought she might even like me. As the song we were dancing to ended, she turned in Bobby's direction and yelled out, "Hey Worthington, isn't it time for this little boy's birthday spankings?"

Bobby responded, "Absolutely, but he is not dressed properly for the occasion. He needs to put on his birthday suit." Even though everyone in the room other than me knew that line was coming, they still roared with laughter. Kids can be so cruel.

I walked over to Bobby and pleaded with him in a low voice so that hopefully no one else would here what I was saying. "Bobby, you can't be serious. What you and Billy do to me in private is bad enough. Please don't make me take off my clothes in front of all these people. I am begging you."

"Hey everyone, little Jimmy over here doesn't want to get formal for his birthday," Bobby shouted at the crowd. "I will leave it to all of you. Should he be allowed to stay casual like is now, or should he change into his formal birthday suit?"

Chants of "birthday suit" filled the air as everyone in the room voted with their voices for me to get naked. "Birthday suit, birthday suit, birthday suit!" They kept chanting over and over again. Everyone came to the party mainly to see me get spanked in the nude, so it was no surprise that they wanted to see what they came for. They were Bobby's and Billy's friends after all.

Bobby then said, "Alright little fella. If you don't want to get changed into your birthday suit it is fine. We'll have Angie do it for you." That statement generated another round of laughter and a round of applause. They started chanting in a low rumble, "Angie, Angie, Angie."

"I'd be happy to help him," cackled Angie. This girl that I was attracted to and made me think she liked me was about to strip me of my clothes. I was mortified. She walked over and told me to lift my arms. She took off my shirt. Then she told me to raise my legs one at a time so she could remove my shoes and socks. Once I was down to just my pants, she stood back for a moment and observed me.

"He is pretty short and skinny," she remarked. "I don't think I have ever seen a sixteen year old that small. I guess we will see if the rest of him is small as well."

Billy spoke up, "Oh, he is. Don't worry. You may need a magnifying glass to see his thingy." Billy's delivery was not as sharp as Bobby's so Billy did not get many laughs. But Billy seemed proud of his contribution anyway.

Angie walked back up to me and unbuttoned my pants. She slowly lowered the zipper and dragged my pants to the floor. She ordered me to step up as she removed the pants from my legs. As I stood in my boxers, Bobby said, "Wait a second. Cut them off with these scissors. He won't need them anymore anyway because after today, he is not going to be allowed to wear underwear anymore." Bobby managed to come up with new ways to humiliate and embarrass me all the time.

The scissors cut away one side of the boxers, but Angie called one of her friends to hold it up because she wanted to do the reveal at her leisure. She went to the other side and cut away that side of the boxers. At that point the only thing holding up the boxers were Angie's hand on one side and her friend's hand on the other. Angie put down the scissors and then used her free hand to grab the front of the waist band on the boxers. She then said, "Let go," and pulled the front away from my body. I stood there in all my glory, while about fifty pairs of eyes stared me down.

I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. A room full of kids were looking at me naked, and the birthday spanking part was about to come. Angie commented, "It is really small. I cannot believe this guy is sixteen. I would link this was his twelfth birthday based on the size of that thing. Does that thing even work yet? What about those tiny pebbles in his sack? His balls are smaller than the balls of the eight year old boy I used to babysit. And he's got no hair. I know boys develop slower than girls, but I thought by sixteen all you boys have hair down there."

"Oh, he has hair," Billy informed her. "He doesn't have a lot, but he has some pubic hair. I just shave him every morning. We don't think he should have any hair below the neck, so I am in charge of making sure he is smooth as a baby. And if you want, I think we can get him to show how well it works later." Billy seemed so proud of his role in keeping my body smooth. I don't think it occurred to him that some of the people in the room might think he was a little too interested in shaving me and seeing how "it works."

Once they were done commenting on my small size and lack of hair, I had to "run the gauntlet." That meant that everyone stood in a line with their legs spread, and I had to crawl under their legs as each person smacked my ass as hard as he or she could. Although that hurt, it was not nearly as bad as the next part. Each person sat in a chair, and I had to go over his or her lap. The person was then allowed to give me sixteen spanks and "pinch to grow an inch." They all made various comments about how on me an inch would really make a big difference. After getting spanked sixteen times by more than twenty people and a hard pinch from each one, my butt checks were flaming hot.

Bobby made me keep the promise Billy made to the group that I would show them how my penis worked. I had started to get used to beating off in front of Bobby and Billy, but a crowd this big was quite intimidating. I had one advantage, however, which was the ability to look at Angie while I stroked myself. I thought of her naked and at my mercy, and that got me hard. I knew that Bobby was going to make me eat my come, so I came in my hand and licked it up without being to do so. I wasn't sure whether it was worse to be seen as doing it with or without being ordered, but it made me feel like I had a little more control.

"Gross," one of the younger girls said. "He ate it. That stuff looks nasty."

An older girl turned to her and remarked, "I bet you will be eating that stuff sooner or later yourself. It's not really that bad." I think at that point, the girl realized she had said too much and got very quiet.

After my show ended, Bobby turned the music back on, and everyone went back to dancing or talking. I was not allowed to get dressed and had to stay out with the group. Throughout the night I had to dance with most of the girls. They all looked down at my little dick as it jumped around while we danced. I was filled with shame and embarrassment as everyone kept looking at my small and bald genitals. I was so humiliated being naked in a room filled with fully clothed kids. I was not sure how I was going to make it through the evening without breaking down. I could not wait until the party broke for the night.

I should have hoped that the party never ended because a few of the guests stayed behind to make my life even worse. I was not going to enjoy what happened with the people who were invited to this after-party. This group consisted of two of Bobby's closest male friends, one of Billy's male friends and one girl about Bobby's age. It turned out that these four people were told details about the sexual favors I had been performing for Bobby and Billy. The boys wanted some action, and the girl wanted to watch.

The girl's name was Sheila, and she was a slut. She had been fucking both Bobby and Billy for months, and apparently she also had sex with most of Bobby's and Billy's friends. She was not unattractive, but she was not beautiful either. She seemed to measure her self worth by the amount of attention she got from boys, which she generally only got if she had sex with them. In some ways I felt sorrier for Sheila than for myself. She degraded herself willingly. I had no choice.

Bobby sent me into the bathroom with Billy to get my enema. Billy gave me an enema before each time they fucked me. This time Billy's friend joined him in the process. They shoved the end of the enema tube up my ass and filled me up with the enema solution. This process always caused me discomfort, but after a while, I got more or less used to it. They made me hold the liquid in for almost longer than I could hold it and then let me shit while they watched. Once I emptied my bowels, Billy told me to take a quick shower, which I always did after an enema, and told me to get especially clean for our guests.

I knew I would get punished if I took too long in the shower, so I soaped up my ass as well as I could and rinsed off. When I returned to the room, Sheila encouraged the boys to give it to me hard. Each of them fucked me and made me give him a blow job. Each of the boys came at least once in my ass and once in my mouth. Some came inside me more than that. By the end of the night, I had been used sexually by all five boys in every way they could imagine. At one point I had a cock in my ass and another one in my mouth while my hands were busy jacking off two other guys. Servicing four guys at one time took a certain amount of concentration.

I tried to get used to having a dick shoved up my ass, but it was impossible for me. Each boy had a slightly different technique, so the sense of humiliation was refreshed as I felt a slightly different type of fucking each time. As a boy would force his dick into my ass, I would try to stay relaxed, but usually I would tighten up by instinct. This reaction only made the pain worse. The back and forth thrusting of a cock up my ass was agonizing, of course, but having it done to me while a group watched on was a new torture I was learning to endure. These boys loved riding my ass, and I just had to bear it while their dicks went back and forth. Each shouted in triumph as he came in my ass, trying to sound more triumphant than the prior boy that fucked me.

Sheila kept her clothes on until they were done with me. Then they tied me to a chair and blindfolded me. I heard the boys shout out catcalls as Sheila took off her clothes. Bobby insisted on fucking her first, but I believe that she let all five boys fuck her by the end of the night. Young teenage boys have a lot of stamina when they are sexually aroused. They can come and come and come. Sheila was a screamer, so even though I could not see what was going on, she gave me an audio play-by-play as she wailed away.

Once all of the boys finished fucking her, they came over to me and tipped the back of the chair until I was lying on my back still tied to the chair. Sheila walked over to me and squatted over my face, ordering me to lick her pussy. I was still blindfolded, but I stuck my tongue out as she rubbed her cunt against my mouth. The combination of the boys' come and her pussy juices were leaking into my mouth as I licked and sucked on her pussy. She was moaning and wailing while I ate her out. I was forced to swallow all of the fluids that came out of her as she was grinding her pelvis all over my mouth. She finally shook and screamed as she experienced a powerful orgasm, and she wouldn't let me stop eating her out until her orgasm was completed. Then she got up off me, and I was left lying on the floor for about fifteen minutes as everyone put back on their clothes.

When I was finally untied and allowed to take the blindfold off, everyone had left except for Bobby and Billy. Bobby told me that I should be grateful that they threw such a fabulous birthday party for me. He said, "It's clear to me that you had just as much fun as they had, especially when you were eating out your first girl. You should thank me for giving you the experience of actually having sexual contact with a female. If you don't thank me, I will take it as an indication of your lack of gratitude." I realized what he meant, and I told him that he was a wonderful host for allowing me to lick Sheila's pussy. He made it clear that I better not forget what a great guy he was because if he thought I had forgotten, things could get a lot worse for me.

I was allowed to wash up and go to sleep. I fell asleep almost immediately. I had just survived the worst birthday of my life. I didn't know how I was going to go on this way for much longer. It turned out, however, that you can adapt to a lot when you don't really have a choice. Getting publicly humiliated in front of a group of kids, fucked by some boys and then forced to eat out a slut was pretty bad, but not as bad as it could get.

End Chapter 3 Send comments to mini-tower@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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