Jimmy Goes Down and Rises Up

By Mini Tower

Published on Mar 1, 2023



by Mini Tower


This story is fiction. This story is copyright 2006. This story contains graphic sexual material, including depictions of non-consensual homosexual sex. I have separated this story into chapters for ease of reading. I will post chapters over time to build suspense (there are fourteen chapters in total for anyone who wants to wait until all chapters have been posted). If you are under eighteen or it is illegal for you to read this material in your local jurisdiction, please go elsewhere. This story incorporates concepts that I have read in other stories. I am grateful to and thank all the great authors that have inspired me to write this story. Any problems with this story, however, are entirely my fault. I have published this story to share my work with others for entertainment purposes. I strongly encourage any comments - positive or negative. Although short comments are appreciated, the more detail the better. Send all comments to mini- tower@hotmail.com.


I was able to find my way back to my room and avoid any of the household staff. They generally tried to make themselves scarce whenever Bob was in a bad mood. I got into my bed without putting anything on and cried. Although I was in pain, my tears were more a matter of feeling sorry for myself - my parents were dead, my new guardian was insane and I was under the control of two teenage sadists. How could things get any worse? Well I was about to find out. Bobby was not just your ordinary sadist. No, he was a cruel sexual sadist who enjoyed breaking me down in every way.

After about ten minutes of crying, Bobby came into my room with shadow, Billy. Bobby ordered me to stand up, and as I got up he said, "Boy, that was easier than I thought. I wasn't sure how long it would take for my dad to give you to me, but getting you on the first night is just too good to be true. Do you realize that you are my slave now? You have to do everything I tell you to do. I will let you know now that this will not be easy on you. I won't make you do anything that is impossible for you to do or that would leave any permanent marks - at least none that my dad would ever be able to see. But, you will not be happy. That is, you will not be happy until you learn to accept your fate and enjoy your place in this house.

"I understand from my reading that there are plenty of people that learn to enjoy being beaten and humiliated. You need to try to become one of them if you are going to hold up under my attentions. And don't think there is anything you can do about it. My brother and I can overpower you if you refuse to obey. My father will never believe you if you tell him the things we have done to do. All you will do if you go to him or any other adult is make your life worse. If you thought the beating my dad gave you today was bad, wait until you see what you get if I tell him you would not follow my instructions or refused to let me discipline you. He has whips and canes and assorted methods to make you wish you had followed my simple instructions."

To this day, I am not sure what Bob would have done if Bobby or Billy told him I did not follow their orders or if I had told Bob the things they did to me. As bad as it might have been, in retrospect it probably would have been better than what I endured under the control of those two boys. But it was not really a choice I had because through both physical and psychological intimidation, I always ended up doing what they told me to do. From time to time I resisted a little. But as time went on, my resistance wore away. My spirit never died, and I never enjoyed any of it, but I failed to see the benefit of trying to fight them. Bobby was bigger and stronger, and between the two of them, I did not have a chance. I knew no one would believe me, and I was scared what would happen if someone did believe me.

Bobby told me to stand up so he and his brother could get a better look at me. They stared me up and down and then started laughing. Bobby taunted, "What sort of baby dick do you have anyway? My dick's been bigger than that since I was about ten, and even Billy over hear is much bigger than you. I cannot believe you are almost sixteen. I bet you haven't even fucked anyone yet. Well, have you?"

"That is none of your business," I replied.

Slap - right across my face. "Are you talking back to me?" he asked rhetorically. "When I ask you a question you answer it and you answer it honestly. If you don't answer me, there will be consequences. If you answer me and I find out you're lying, there will be even more consequences. So I will ask you one more time, have you ever fucked anyone?"

"No," I said quietly.

"I didn't think so. I bet that thing between you legs barely works anyway. Well, we have plenty of time to find out about that. Have you ever been fucked?"

"Of course I haven't; I'm not gay," I responded.

"We'll see about that," he said ominously.

I started to get even more nervous at that point. This conversation was headed in a very dangerous direction. He started bragging about his own sexual exploits and even had Billy talking about his experiences. I was too shaken up to listen to all the details, but apparently some of the girls in Bobby's class had given up their virginities. Most of these relationships ended when Bobby made them have sex with Billy. Billy seemed to be happy just to get Bobby's sloppy seconds and did not have much success, or even try very much, to get his own. Bobby and Billy were never charged with rape, but based on some of the details I caught, they certainly could have been.

Bobby then ordered me to get on my hand and knees. I did not want to get hit again, so I got down. Then he told me to lick his shoes. I looked up at him like he was crazy, but he just stared me down until I crawled over and did it. The shoe tasted nasty, and I felt degraded. He then ordered me to do the same to Billy's shoes.

Once I had licked their shoes, Bobby seemed to get impatient with the proceedings and wanted to speed up the action. I waited on my hands and knees as Bobby and Bill took off all of their clothes. I looked up and saw them and felt even more ashamed. Bobby's soft cock was about as long as and even thicker than mine hard. He was about four and a half inches and pretty thick. Billy was about three and a half inches and noticeably thicker than my tiny two inch worm. Then Bobby said the words that still reverberate in my head to this day - words that I never thought I would hear directed at me, "Suck my dick!"

I did not know what to do. I knew I could not reason with him because he would only hit me if I said anything. I wasn't even sure how to suck cock. I had some idea, but I had never really thought about it that much. I did not move a muscle, and then he slapped my face on both checks. He was going to keep slapping me until I gave him a blow job. I opened my mouth, and he stuck his dick into it. He let it sit there for a while and then started giving me directions. Apparently he knew what felt good. He warned me that he would beat me if I scraped him with my teeth. He told me how to lick it and suck it and move my head back and forth to stroke it. Pretty soon it expanded to a little over six inches and swelled in thickness.

It became difficult to keep my teeth away, but I managed to cover them with my lips and open my jaw as wide as possible. This position was extremely uncomfortable, but I did not dare to stop. Then he grabbed my head and started to fuck my mouth. Soon he had the tip of his penis at the back of my throat. I started to choke but avoided throwing up. I tried to suppress my gag reflex, but I was inexperienced and struggled. Bobby got more excited the more desperate I looked. At one point I thought I would pass out. Before that happened, he started to come. He pulled back during this process, getting come on my tongue and then all over my face. He forced me to swallow the come in my mouth, and the ordered me to wipe the come from my face and eat it. I followed his instructions and almost threw up again - this time from the idea of eating his come rather than from having a cock in my throat.

Here I was, a normal, straight teenager, being forced to give a blow job to a younger boy. The humiliation was not nearly over. He then made me lick the come from his dick and suck it dry. As I began to suck on it again, it started to swell. Pretty soon he was hard again. I thought he was going to force me to give him another blow job, but that would have been a favor. He pulled his penis out of my mouth and said calmly, "Alright, turn around. It's time to bust your cherry. I am going to fuck your ass."

I started pleading, "No, don't make me do that. I am not gay. I know it is going to hurt. I will do anything else you want. Just name it. I just can't let you do that to me."

"What are you talking about?" he inquired. "I am not asking you to let me fuck you up the ass. I am telling you that I am going to fuck you up the ass. There is no negotiation here. You have nothing to offer me. Anything I want from you, I will take. You have nothing to bargain with. You will do what I say, when I say it. Get used to it. Now you had better get my dick soaking wet with your spit because it is the only lubricant you will get. I have heard that this hurts even more when done dry, so get working on it if you want any hope at getting out of this without a torn up ass."

My worst nightmare was coming true. No, that was not really true. My worst nightmare already happened, my parents' deaths, but this was pretty bad. And to be clear, it was not really one of my nightmares because I never even considered that it could ever happen. What teenage guy ever thinks about being forced to let another guy fuck him up the ass?

My whole body went weak, so it was good that I was still on my knees or I might have fallen down. I was scared - scared of the pain and scared of the humiliation. How could I ever live it down if people found out I was being fucked up the ass by a fourteen year old boy. This day was going from dreadful to even more dreadful.

I opened my mouth and took his penis back inside. I slobbered over it as much as I could. My mouth had gone a little dry from the panic, but I managed to get his cock as wet as I could. Then his pulled out of my mouth and made me turn around while I was still on my hands and knees. I crawled to face the other direction, and then he took hold of my hips. His thumbs poked toward my asshole, and then he pulled my ass cheeks apart as far as he could. He collected as much spit in his mouth as he could, and then he spit on my hold. He straightened up, and the head of his dick approached my hole and then touched it. In my head, I was freaking out. But I would not let him see this reaction. I wanted to remain as outwardly emotionless as possible so as not to give him any more satisfaction.

As his penis entered me, the pain started to build. By the time the entire head of his cock had penetrated me, I thought I would pass out from the pain. I did not even realize it, but I started screaming in agony. The entire time Bobby had been raping and abusing me, Billy had been watching and cheering him on. As I started to yell, Bobby said, "Hey Billy, put your dick in his mouth and shut this faggot up. And you cocksucker, the same rules apply to my brother. If you scrape him with your teeth, you will think the pain from my dick in you ass was a fun little tickle party."

Bobby slowly and methodically eased his dick into my ass. Eventually he got all six plus inches into my rectum. I felt his public hair touch my back as his balls slapped into my butt cheeks. The pain was incredible. It felt like I had a baseball bat stuck up my ass. I thought I was going to pass out from the pain and shock. Once Bobby was inside me, he leaned over my back and talked calmly into my ear, "Well faggot, you should thank me. Now you are no longer a virgin." This comment made Billy laugh like a hyena. He knew that I was still a virgin in any way that actually mattered to me, but he wanted to humiliate me as much as possible.

Bobby went on, "You are now my bitch. I was the first person to fuck you. You have been blessed to have my dick up your ass. No matter how many other dicks go up your ass, and believe me there will be plenty of others, I will have been your first. You always remember your first. Your ass is now a pussy. You got that. Whenever I talk about your pussy, you will know I mean this tunnel I am plowing with my man-dick. Now that you have had a dick up your ass, you can never truly be a man. Deep down, you will always just be my bitch."

Of course, on some level Bobby was right. I never forgot getting fucked by Bobby that first time. Every detail became etched in my mind, and the visions of that evening haunted me ever since. How can anyone forget the night that changed his entire life? In a way I remained Bobby's bitch because I was never able to let go of the pain and anger completely.

As soon as Bobby was done with his speech, Billy walked over for his blowjob. His penis was a little under five inches and hard as a rock. In addition to being shorter, it was thinner than Bobby's so I was able to take it into my mouth with more comfort. As soon as I started to accommodate the cock in mouth, however, the one it my ass started to move back and forth. So here I was - only a short time ago I was a happy teenager getting ready to celebrate his sixteenth birthday with his parents and friends. And now I was the sex slave to two psychopaths who only care about their own sick pleasures - well one psychopath and one disciple of a psychopath.

I was getting fucked from both ends. They started moving in unison, so Bobby would slam into my ass at the same time Billy would force his entire dick in my mouth. Then they would both pull out and repeat the process. Luckily Billy could not last very long and came in my mouth in less than five minutes. He kept his cock in my mouth until he had finished coming and then told me to swallow. I cleaned Billy's dick with my tongue as Bobby instructed me to do, while he continued to fuck me. Bobby enjoyed a slow back and forth thrusting - in, out, in, out, in, out. He would go in long, slow strokes, and then he would speed up for shorter and quicker thrusts. Each time he slammed into me, I could feel his pubic hair against my skin and his balls slaps against me and then fall back. He became an animal in heat, fucking me for all I was worth. I felt an overwhelming mixture of physical and emotional agony.

Eventually Bobby came in my ass. He leaned over my back with his penis still inside me and said softly, "Now the process of making you my bitch and making your ass a pussy is complete. You will absorb my seed and a part of me will always be with you, at least in spirit." Then he roughly yanked his dick out of my ass with a plop.

I collapsed onto the floor, hoping the horrible events of the evening were over, but the boys were not done with me. Bobby told me that after getting fucked, it would always be my job to clean off the dick that fucked me with my mouth. That thought really grossed me out. But I was in no position to argue, so I got back on my knees and opened my mouth. Bobby put his soiled penis inside my mouth. The taste of come, blood, sweat, shit and whatever else had been inside me that was now on his dick tasted awful. I managed to suck all remnants off his cock and he pulled out of my mouth. I must have looked pathetic because Bobby looked into my eyes and said, "Don't look so down little boy. The fun is only beginning - for us at least." And then he and Billy started to roar with laughter.

Bobby then told Billy that it was his turn to have a piece of my ass. Billy said that he wanted to see my face while he fucked me to they brought me over to the bed and told me to lie cross-wise on the bed with my butt hanging over the edge. Bobby then grabbed my legs and pulled them back so that my knees were resting over my shoulders. Billy then walked up, spit on my hole and shoved his dick in my ass - all in one motion. Now at this point I was opened up by Bobby, lubricated with Bobby's come, a little of my own blood and Billy's saliva. In addition, Billy was smaller than Bobby, but it still hurt considerably. Billy's smile broadened as my face contorted in pain. Bobby shouted, "Way to go bro. Fuck that faggot's pussy. Make him your bitch too."

The pounding I was getting from Billy was not as painful as the fucking I got from Bobby, but it was pretty bad. Billy also stared into my eyes the entire time. If I tried to close my eyes or look away, Bobby would smack my head and tell me to show his brother the respect he deserved. Billy lasted longer in my ass than he did in my mouth, but he was, after all, an excited thirteen year old. So even though it was the second time he came in less than an hour, he did not last too long in my ass. At one point while he was fucking me, however, it looked like he was bending over to kiss me. But before our lips actually touched, he quickly glanced up at his brother and pulled back. He never made that move again, but there was something unusual about that aborted attempt. I was just getting used to the back and forth motion of Billy's dick in my ass when he finally came.

After Billy pulled out, I had to clean him off just as I had done for Bobby. The taste was just as bad, but I was started to get a little used to it. Bobby informed me that pussy boys were not allowed to have any hair below the neck. Billy got tweezers from the bathroom and made me lie on my back. He started pulling my pubic hair one by one. I had about twenty to thirty hairs, so it did not take that long to finish. As anyone knows that has pulled out hairs from the root, this procedure was agonizing. I winced at each plucking.

After Billy finished, he asked Bobby to be in charge of my hygiene. Bobby agreed. Bobby instructed Billy that he was to examine me every day to make sure that I had no hair below the neck. Bobby instructed Billy that shaving rather than plucking may become necessary as the number of hairs increased. In addition, Bobby did not want to deal with a "shitty" ass any more. Billy was responsible to give me an enema any time Bobby or Billy expected that my ass was going to be used. After Bobby finished giving these instructions to Billy, Billy decided to examine my body more closely for any remaining hair. He looked under my arm, on my arms, on my legs, in my ass and finally took a good look at my dick and balls. I was clean. I had grown no other body hair other than the pubic hair that Billy had plucked.

I reflected on what had happened to me that night. I got spanked and strapped by Bob. I gave Bobby and Billy blow jobs. They both fucked me. I was degraded, humiliated, used and abused. Bobby told me that I should go to sleep, but not before he and his brother gave me a final good night spanking. He said that the spankings were intended to remind me of my place and that he just enjoyed the sound and feel and my butt getting smacked hard. First Billy gave me a spanking as hard as he could, and Bobby followed. Of course, Bobby being stronger than Billy, even the numbness from Billy's spanking could not protect me from the pain Bobby inflicted. My ass was red and practically glowing once they were done. They left the room, and I cried myself to sleep.

End Chapter 2 Send comments to mini-tower@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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