Jimmy Bondage

Published on Mar 27, 2022


Jimmy Bondage 7

Title: Jimmy Bondage

Fandom: The X Files and The Lone Gunmen (FOX, 1013 Productions, 2001)

Show-website: www.the-xfiles.com, www.thelonegunmen.com

Principals: Jimmy, Krycek, Byers

Rating: NC-17 (bondage, mild torture, some NC sex)

Part: 7

Previous day (Thursday), around noon

Krycek went online for about the tenth time; Jimmy could hear the modem. He looked grim when he closed the laptop.

"Bad news, Jimmy. Your friends haven't agreed to a meeting yet. It's been the better part of a day since they found the pictures of you I put on the web."

"Oh, man! You put those pictures on the web?"

"Only for your friends to see. For now. Looks like they need something a little more substantial." He fingered the button on Jimmy's jeans. Jimmy squirmed, but Krycek deftly unbuttoned it, one-handed. He must have a lot of practice with his own clothes. As if reading his mind, Krycek muttered, "Damn these button flies. It's getting hard to find jeans with zippers these days. Oh well, no hurry." He undid the remaining buttons, one by one, as Jimmy wondered what was coming next. Was he planning on some nude pictures now?

"Why are you doing this to me?" Jimmy asked plaintively as Krycek began tugging his jeans down.

"Because I can."

Sure enough, he took another snapshot of him with his pants around his knees. Then another one with his pants around his ankles and his shorts around his knees.

He left him like that for awhile while he unpacked some supplies. Then he approached him with two small glass jars. Wordlessly, he took his flaccid cock in his hand and began running his thumb lightly underneath it.

"Oh, man! You are sick! You are one--"

"Keep your voice down!"


"Never had another guy do this to you, I'll bet. How does it feel?"

"That's not what's sick about it. I used to do circle jerks with my college buddies all the time. But they didn't kidnap me and tie me up first! Well, there was that one time in the fraternity, but... You know what I mean! Get your filthy hands off me!" He thought about it for a minute and added sheepishly, "Sorry, I mean your filthy hand. No offense."

"Not until you come."

"You're not gonna make me come! I am so not turned on by this!"

"We could do this the hard way," Krycek said, letting go. "You know how they get livestock to ejaculate?"

Jimmy thought about that. "I guess they just grab their cock," he said slowly. "It worked for me, anyway. Although he didn't actually come. But I think if I'd stroked him long enough--"

"What the hell are you talking about? I can't believe you know anything about livestock!"

"That's what that farmer said," Jimmy recalled thoughtfully.

"What kind of bull-- Never mind." Krycek reached over to the nightstand. "Do you know what this is?" He was holding up a small gadget shaped sorta like a pen. Jimmy didn't recognize it, but it looked generally like any of the miniaturized devices Frohike and the others were always making.

"Cool. What is it?" Jimmy asked, intrigued despite himself.

"It's for electrical stimulation. Like this." Krycek jabbed it at Jimmy's balls. Jimmy felt an incredibly intense sensation halfway between pleasure and pain. He gasped and felt his whole body arch in response. Krycek put the gadget aside and stroked his suddenly hard cock. He'd put some kind of lubricant on his hand; it slid easily up and down the length of the shaft. It stiffened further in response.

Then he picked up the gadget again and touched it to a nipple. Another intense electric jolt ran through his body. Krycek then freed up his hand by sticking the electric dohickey in his mouth, and used it to stimulate his nipple while his hand worked on his cock. That went on for an eternity, but then he fumbled it and it dropped and rolled off Jimmy's chest. Krycek ignored it and attacked the nipple directly with his mouth. Jimmy gasped again as he felt the tip of the man's tongue playing with his nipple. His pelvis bucked against Krycek's hand. Krycek was now attacking his nipple with his teeth. The painful sensation, combined with the occasional shocks to his back as he rolled onto the gadget beside him, plus the relentless stroking of his cock, was too much. He felt himself spurt. Instantly Krycek's head withdrew from his chest and was down at crotch level. He felt cold glass pressed against his cock head, catching the next spurt. He tried to hold it back, but that only intensified the orgasm.

After he had spent himself, he watched Krycek carefully upend the glass jar and let half of the ropey fluid ooze into the other jar. He then washed his hand and went outside without another word, taking the ice bucket with him. Soon he was back with a full bucket of ice. He put lids on the two jars and set them in the ice. Finally, he went back to his laptop computer, made a modem connection, and started typing.

"W-what are you planning to do with my cum?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

"You're crazy, Krycek. Sick and crazy. You should get help."

"There's a method to my madness."

"You're gonna use it as evidence that you really have me."

"One of them."

Jimmy looked down at the sticky fluid drying on his belly. "Could you at least let me take a shower?"

Krycek looked up. "Tell you what. As soon as I'm finished arranging for the deliveries, I'll give you a sponge bath." There was a gleam in his eye.

Why was everyone always so eager to give him a sponge bath? Oh well, it wasn't like he had any dignity left.

Next chapter

Next: Chapter 9

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