
By MAllen

Published on Jun 18, 1999



I felt as if my heart would burst. Jimmy was the first man that I had seen in my 17 years that simply took my breath away. He had soft brown hair with golden highlights that seemed to bathe him in soft light, regardless of what light was around. His deep emerald eyes even had flecks of gold in them that made them seem perfectly less than perfect. His deeply tanned skin had an internal sheen that made him look as if he was made of warm satin. The fur that covered his chest, arms and legs was of the same soft brown as the hair on his head. I had seen him fully dressed enough to fall in love with him, today I saw him almost naked.

I had auditioned at the local junior college theater knowing that in the fall I would be placed into an accelerated program and would be attending college and high school at the same time. I was a "brain." In the real world that is an asset and is quickly recognized as exactly that. But when you are an overweight 17 year old in a rural town, it is definitely not a plus. I had spent most of my life as an almost reclusive introvert that at most kept one friend at a time.

Occasionally I would make a few new friends around annual achievement test time. They would hang out in secret with me, and sit next to me only in the testing room, only to once again disappear after it was all over. I had discovered that several of them liked to have their dicks sucked while we "studied," it was almost worth the snickers and whispered gossip heard among them and their friends after the pressure was off for high test scores. Almost.

At the college, I was kind of a novelty. Some of them wanted to take me under their wing, and "show me the ropes" as it were. I had been cast in one of the leading roles of the fall production. After the initial shock and anger wore off, the more astute of the bunch recognized that the only time the quiet "geekey" kid showed any spark of life at all was when I was on stage. It was then that I could fold up my inhibitions and put them away, as I truly "lived" safely behind the mask of a character. I was a good actor. I had pretended to be so many things to escape myself through the years, that I was incredibly proficient at enveloping myself in someone else. I knew I liked men. I had known it since I was a little kid. I had slept with several girls. It was okay, but the firm touch of a man simply set my soul on fire. In my nievete, I kept thinking that someday I would enjoy sex with girls more, but maybe for now it was "safer" for me and that is why I enjoyed it more.

At the first rehearsals, I couldn't take my eyes off of Jimmy. He had lived not far from our family for years. His mother and my stepmother worked together for a long time. I guess I just had never noticed him before. His brother was in my class. He was cute, but Jimmy...oh Jimmy. The first time he put his thick arm around me and asked me something, I almost fainted. He was not only talking to me, but touching me and looking at me as if he saw me, not some fat bespectacled amoebae that was over-run with intelligence. He wanted to know if he, his best friend Richard (also gorgeous) and I could go out to the cave and run some lines. Jimmy only had 3 lines in the play, but he acted as if they were the most important lines ever written. It was kind of cool, here this man was asking for my company rather than my help. I was in Heaven. He said that he would pick me up around 11:00 am at my house. I agreed, forgetting that to do that, I would have to skip out of my high school classes. I would have done more than that to spend time with these two popular hunks.

Richard was a tall, slender, ebony haired God. He had eyes of ice blue that pierced a body to the soul. His skin was pale and smooth from his tailored haircut to his blood red lips. Below those gems he wore a goatee. When I saw the ear ring that he was sporting, I was convinced that he was the coolest cat I had ever seen. He dressed in tailored clothing that showed off nicely his lithe and lanky body. His slacks, shorts or jeans always clung nicely to his hard little ass that moved seductively when he walked. There was a tell-tale bulge that ran down the front or his muscular thighs that made my mouth water. Where Jimmy inspired an indefinable feeling that made my heart flutter, Richard simply made my dick hard.

I was in awe of Jimmy. I simply wanted to fuck Richard. And they were both painfully straight judging from not only their, but also all of their friends tales of adventure and exploit. There were constant stories of bar room brawls, exotic women and things of that nature. I was only 17. I was fascinated by both of these studs and couldn't fathom why they would want to hang out with me.

I was terrified that they had heard the rumors of my affinity for male flesh, and were going to get me out in the middle of nowhere and beat the shit out of me. I had sucked off Richard's cousin a couple of times, but even he was in awe of Richard's manliness. I almost declined their invitation out of fear and insecurity. I didn't.

We had a wonderful time. They treated as if I were an equal. We laughed and told disgusting jokes all day by the caves. Just three college students hanging out and cutting class to have a good time. We studied our scripts, but not obsessively. The subject of sex came up a couple of times, and usually went away with my denial of virginity. They seemed to think that was quite funny. I caught them exchanging glances once or twice and became nervous. It was a combination of the fear that they knew, and the hope that they did. Several times I had to sit so that I could hide the erection that I had developed watching these two hunks of beef frolic in the creek. Richard took off his shirt and changed into a pair of cut off jeans. I would have given almost anything to watch him change, but I carefully locked my eyes on Jimmy who was engaging me in a conversation about his newest experiences in being a model. He and Richard had been doing some catalog work and had recently been selected for an underwear commercial that was being done in a nearby city. I would have to get that catalog.

Richard came back from the car wearing nothing but the cut offs. I mean nothing. I could see his huge cock as it slithered around a bit underneath the worn material of his shorts. The head of his cock was clearly demarked as his hose lay across his thigh and up to the top of his leg. He caught me looking at his dick a couple of times and just smiled or looked away as if he hadn't. Neither Jimmy or I had brought other clothes to get wet in, so we sat overheating on the bank for a while. Suddenly Jimmy stood up and said that he was going in his underwear. Richard laughed and said that we should both shuck our clothes and jump in. Jimmy pulled off his shirt and I was practically drooling as I watched the sunlight catch on the hair of his chest and explode with golden brilliance. He looked directly into my eyes as he kicked off his tennis shoes and reached for the button on his jeans. I involuntarily licked my lips as he pulled apart the closure and teasingly undid his zipper. He looked at Richard, who was knee deep in the creek. As he pulled his jeans down slowly the waistband caught the back of his underwear and exposed his muscular ass. He casually reached back and grabbed the waistband and smiled at me as he pulled the underwear up again. His underwear were string bikini style, and purple and black striped. They barely covered his assets, let alone his ass. I tried not to stare at his bulge, yet I wanted to see as much of his cock and balls as I could. He absent mindedly rubbed his crotch and adjusted his package as he stood up from the now discarded jeans.

I declined undressing, it simply would have been more than I could take. Here these two men had taken me into their fold, and I would not have betrayed their trust by letting them know I was one of those horrible creatures that craved the hot touch of a man. (Like I said, I was young.) I said that I simply "didn't want to" when they tried to cajole me into joining them. I sat back contentedly on the bank as I watched their rambunctious play. I had to sit Indian style to cover the fact that my dick was rock hard.

As they tired of the pushing, shoving and splashing, they come back onto the bank of the creek. I had to fight myself not to stare openly at their cocks. Apparently the water was warm, because if what I was seeing was a result of shrinkage, I could only dream of what their dicks looked like when they weren't shrunken. I soon got my dream. Jimmy stretched out beside me on the warm ground and placed his hands behind his head. He closed his eyes and lay "sunning himself." Richard went back to the car for a moment. I watched the matted hair on Jimmy's body as the water ran down and dried. I practically stared a hole in his body as I followed with my eyes the trail of hair that came together at the base of his breastbone and thickened and darkened as it ran to the line of pubic hair that I could see just above the line of his soaking wet underwear. I realized that they were a mesh material and in their wetness clung to his cock and balls in the most mouth watering way. I could see flesh just beneath the surface. Some hairs had worked its way out through the tiny holes and stuck out teasingly, as if they were saying to me "I'm here and you're not."

My imagination ran rampant as I imagined that his bulge had grown and was becoming more and more defined. He reached down and scratched his balls, moving his cock further up in his underwear. His cock curved beneath the material as it stretched for air.

"Nice, huh" Richard practically made me jump out of my skin. I had been busted. I was going to either be beaten up, or get to suck them off and then lose their friendship forever. I hoped for the latter if those were the only two choices. In response, I decided to play dumb.

"Huh?" I asked Richard innocently, as if I hadn't just been mentally licking the sweat from his best friend's balls.

"The day, Nice huh. (WHEW!!!) It's a little hot though. You ought to get in the water, It's perfect now."

Richard handed me and the now mobile Jimmy a couple of beers. I didn't usually like beer. But as part of my new found "manliness" I was going to give it a hell of a run. I popped the top off and took a big swig trying to hide the gagging from the burning in my throat. The guys exchanged glances again, this time I knew why. It didn't bother me if they laughed at me right then, even I knew I was not hiding my youth well. Richard commented on the whiteness of my skin. I was not remotely "outdoorsy." Then with skin color on his mind, he noticed the faintest hint of a line at the edge of his shorts. His big modeling shoot was coming up. With a quick claim of that being his motivation he stood and quickly shucked his shorts, leaving him beautifully naked.

His smooth body did not show much of a tan line as my eyes raced from his thick dark hair down to his long thin feet. I got hung up on the upsweep, though. His cock was bobbing freely in the air as he closed his eyes and "stretched" for a while. I watched his dick sway and marveled at the big balls that hung pendulously below it. Jimmy showed no emotion when I realized that I had been staring at Richard's equipment, and looked at him as if I was shocked.

"Ya know buddy, you're right, wouldn't want to fuck up this job before it's a sure thing." Jimmy said and quickly pulled his underwear off. I wanted to explode. Here I was between two of the hottest men I had ever seen, scared to death, and hornier than I could have ever hoped to be. Richard laid down on the other side of me face down. Jimmy laid back, and I just sat frozen, sitting between them.

I watched Richard flexing his ass muscles as he lay in the sandy grass. Jimmy had returned to his original position and his dick was laying straight up on his stomach. It looked as if it was hard, but just lay on his stomach. I really wanted to touch it. Just touch it.

"I believe ole Michael likes looking at your naked ass Rich ole buddy" I went white. His eyes were still closed.

"If he does maybe he want's a better view" Richard reached back and spread his ass cheeks wide. Still his eyes were closed. I looked at his beautiful ass.

"Is that little pink fucker winking at you Mikey" Jimmy asked. My mouth was too dry to speak. They joked around all the time about being gay, but it was a joke...Wasn't it?

"Careful Ritchey, he might get the urge to poke his finger up there"

"It wouldn't be my finger," I said boldly, hoping they would think I was playing their little game. They both laughed.

"And what pray tell would you be putting in my ass?" Richard asked playfully

"From the size of that gash, there's a tree over there that might fit nicely" I said, proud of the barb. Both men laughed hysterically. Then the wrestling match began. Both naked men were taking me down and "pantsing" me. I noticed, perhaps even unconsciously that despite Jimmy's upright position his cock was still pressed against his belly. Also I realized, quite consciously, that Richard had removed my pants and was tugging my underwear down forcefully. I fought valiantly, I wanted to protect what little dignity I had.

Jimmy was squatting over me pinning one of my arms to my side and the other over my head. They were laughing hysterically. I was bucking like a wild bronco trying to pull my underwear up and buck Jimmy off of my chest. He lost his balance and went foreword over my body. I realized suddenly that his hard dick was pressing into my cheek and his balls were at my chin. The hair from his bush was tickling my face and catching in my squirming mouth. Suddenly I heard my underwear rip and although I was holding tight to a piece of it, the rest was gone. I felt Richard's hands forcing my legs down.

Suddenly I felt the most incredible sensation on my rock hard dick. It was enveloped by a hot moistness that made me freeze. Richard was sucking on my cock. I gasped loudly as the electric sensations ran rampantly from the head of my dick through my body. Above me, Jimmy was fucking the side of my face. I could feel a slick drop of precum as it smeared across my eyebrow. I closed my eyes and began licking the salty skin of Jimmy's hip as he rubbed his cock along my cheek. Richard was now bobbing further and further down my dick. The waves of pleasure amplified each time he went to a new fraction of my cock.

I turned my head into Jimmy's thrusting rod. He lifted himself up as he released my hand. I ran it up his leg feeling the silky hair and firm muscle beneath. His cock dangled at my mouth. I licked a drop of his precum from the spongy head and slipped it into my mouth. I could feel his legs trembling as he fought the instinct to jam his meat down my throat.

Richard was between my now spread legs sucking my balls and jerking my dick as he moaned tickling my balls. I squeezed Jimmy's ass with my free hand and slid the other out to join in the fun. I was sucking the man's cock for all I was worth. The firm dick getting harder and harder as it pushed into my throat. He finally gave in to instinct and started fucking my face furiously. I could feel the head of his dick as the opening of my gullet expanded with each thrust. I didn't believe it, I wasn't even gagging as his body slammed into my face. Richard had begun licking my ass. I had never felt anything so exotic in my life. It felt as if my asshole would fall out, it was quivering so hard.

Richard pushed a finger past his tongue and into my virgin ass. It felt like fire shot up my spine.

"MMM This one's tight. You like that Mikey?" Normally I hated being called Mikey, but when a man has had you cock in his mouth and is currently talking to you as if your asshole is a microphone, you tend to get past the little shit. He began fucking me with his finger, lubricating it with his tongue as he added another and another finger.

Jimmy had stopped fucking my face. He just kept his cock buried in my throat and wiggled it in a circular motion. He pulled it out of my mouth and slapped my across the face with his hard dick.

"You like that, man?"

I could only moan. Richard was now up to three fingers and was trying to work in a fourth. I pushed his hand away from my cock. I was fixing to blow, and I didn't want it to be over yet.

"You've done this before" Jimmy said as he got off of my chest. He lay beside me and began to stroke my titties. He reached down and grabbed my dick.

"Not bad, boy." He lowered his head and put my cock in his mouth. I was astonished at how beautiful he looked as his soft lips slid down my dick. Richard turned around and put his huge cock at my face. I took the head into my mouth. My jaw felt like it would rip as I stretched it wide to accommodated the large invader. I was determined to get it into my throat as deep as possible. Jimmy had stopped sucking my cock, and was joining Richard at the ravishing of my ass. He placed a finger alongside Richard's and both men fucked me with their powerful hands.

Jimmy got up and knelt between my legs. I had never been fucked, if this was going to be the first time, then I wanted it to be by this man. His hard dick slapped his tight stomach as he pulled it down toward his balls and released it.

He knelt closer and closer, raising my legs and draping them over his own. He moved Richard's hands as he put his cock head at the opening of my ass.

"You want this, Mikey?"


"Yes what"

"I want you to fuck me. Please fuck me."


"Oh yessssss, Now please fuck me."

He thrust the head of his cock into my ass. It was the most blissful moment I had ever found. In that same moment Richard had begun sucking my rod again. I felt a cacophony of inner noise as Jimmy began to fuck me in earnest. His cock was sliding in and out of my quivering ass as my balls tried to withdraw clear into my throat. Without warning my cock exploded into Richard's mouth. He pulled off and my cum spattered onto his forehead and again onto his chest. Jimmy fucked harder and harder as he felt my ass clenching his sensitive meat.

Richard stood and I watched as Jimmy took that hard cock down his throat in one quick movement. Richard's ass muscles clenched and unclenched as he fucked this beautiful man's face. I ran my hands alternately over Richard's smooth legs and Jimmy's furry chest. I squeezed his nipples as he just fucked harder and harder. Again I began to feel the tingling at the base of my balls. I was coming again, and this time It was going to be a doozy. Jimmy slammed my ass harder and harder as he spit out Richard's cock. He pushed deep and held his cock there as I felt him cum inside of me. The twitching of his cock was unbelievable. Richard stood over me jacking his cock and watching the agony turn to ecstasy on Jimmy's face. All too soon Jimmy slid his dick out of my tingling ass. I needed to cum again. Badly.

I reached up and took over the working of Richard's cock. I pulled him down to me as I turned over and got on my knees. He knew the drill. He snuggled up behind me and put his thick cock head to my now well lubricated ass. He pushed slightly and the head disappeared into my hole. My ass felt as if it would split open. Jimmy knelt beside me and started caressing my back and belly as his friend socked his organ deeper and deeper into my ass.

"I love it when he does that " Jimmy said kissing me. The stubble on his face scratched deliciously at my face as I tasted the salty taste mixed with his sweet spit. I had never been kissed by a man. I could suck their cocks, but to kiss them was definitely a taboo. I was slightly shocked by the kiss when Richard again got my attention. He pushed his cock all the way in. I felt the

[ Part 2: "cc:Mail note part" ]

pressure clear into my spine. I was full to the brim with grade A American cock meat. He slowly started to pull out. Part of me wanted to just pull him back to me and keep that full feeling that was setting my insides on fire. The other part of me knew that soon his cock would be buried again. I was not disappointed. He began fucking me. I felt his huge nuts swinging and slapping my balls. It was an incredible sensation. The friction from his rod sliding in and out was driving me crazy.

Jimmy dropped down to his back and slid under us. He took my dick in his hot mouth. I tried my best to suck his, but from the pounding my ass was taking, I found it hard to concentrate. I could taste the tang of my ass, mixed with the sweet salty taste of his first orgasm. It was, after the initial shock, not a bad taste. Richard's hands began a crushing squeeze of my hips. Soon he was buried deep in my ass exploding repeatedly. I could feel strong spurts of cum hitting my insides. It was an unbelievable sensation. Richard was grunting and moaning like a torture victim. Jimmy was beating his cock furiously. He began to shoot on my face and chest. It was too much for me. I felt a chilling numbness start at my toes and my ears. It worked its way to my cock causing my back to spasm, my legs to cramp slightly and soon I was showering Jimmy's lapping face with spurts of boy cum. Lots of cum. In fact I had never been hit so hard with orgasm in my life. I collapsed onto Jimmy with Richard's cock still clamped in my ass. We rolled to the side and just lay there. Jimmy and I knee to head, and Richard's softening dick slowly slipping from my aching asshole.

We cleaned up in the creek and headed back to town after several hours of laying there and talking. It seems that Jimmy and Richard had been fuck buddies for years. When I blew Richard's cousin, he was going to blab to everyone, he started with Richard and his brother. Richard had felt sorry for me and told everyone that it was the cousin that had tried to blow me, in fact had tried to blow Richard and Jimmy too. In anger the cousin never opened his mouth about the incident again. They said that they were glad that I was their friend and they had been planning this little "get together" since the first day of rehearsal. Higher education was going to be a beautiful thing.

I learned a lot in college, but the most important thing I learned was that I was not alone.

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