
By Mac Rountree

Published on Jun 11, 2019


This is the ongoing story about Jimbo and Mason. They have left summer camp, moved on from Jimbo's parents and are settling into Mason's home....and it is time to start school. Thanks for reading.

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We were seated at the breakfast table that we had claimed as our favorite place in the house...other than our bed. The table overlooked the Nansemond River at its confluence with the James River. Just beyond our view was the Chesapeake Bay. It was magical for me to look at the rivers as my only view of water growing up on the farm was the hog pond. Of course, there was Lake Gaston where Camp Falls was located but that was just for the summers and it didn't compare to the rivers. The house sat on a small knoll above the river. We were located in the back of a subdivision but this house was much older than the others. Mason told me it was the original manor house for a large farm that had been developed into suburban housing stock to meet overflow demands from the Norfolk and Virginia Beach metropolis. When we walked around the exterior of the two-story home, I noticed the English bond brick work. The windows looked to be original. The house was from the late 1700s and the exterior architectural features were still in place. The interior had been renovated but still had a colonial feel.

The house had additions that were appropriately scaled to the original structure. The kitchen was in such an addition and was large and filled with windows on the river side. The garage had been added in recent years and was architecturally in alignment with the age of the home. The stratification was perfect. The brick, mortar and windows matched the original house. Windows would always give away that an addition had been added if they didn't exactly replicate what was original. I reckoned an architect has done the design work. The garage doors opened to the back unlike the other homes in the neighborhood where the double garages were prominent on the fa‡ades facing the street. This house was its own slice of paradise. The oak trees on the property were ancient. English boxwoods were aligned across the front of the house. Mason told me that his mother called them 'cat pee' bushes because they smelled like...cat pee. I wouldn't know as I was never allowed a pet when I was growing up. My father said we didn't have the money to feed animals unless they were going to slaughter.

The sun was starting to set and I was exhausted from the week but also at peace being at home with Mason. It felt like a home. There was no tension from my parents. There was no hiding. There was no threat of violence. The only unknown in the house was Black. He had cooked our dinner and sat with us as we ate. When we finished eating, Mason said he would do the washing up. Black excused himself and said to let him know if we needed anything. He was still very proper with us but was a smidgen nicer.

It was just Mason and me in the kitchen. I leaned in and kissed him. The kiss became more intense, I was practically crawling across the table to get to him. He chuckled into my mouth as we were kissing.

"Someone has been missing his lover." I could only nod at what Mason said.

Mason stood, dropped his shorts and hitched himself onto the counter top. He pulled off his shirt and dropped it to the floor. He was at full mast. I almost ripped my new clothes as I rapidly discarded them. I fell to my knees and crawled to the counter where his butt was hanging off the edge. His legs spread for me to have full access. His torso leaned back and he supported himself as his heels found their way to the edge of the counter.

"The butter is on the table. Use the butter. I need you inside me, lover man."

I reached around and grabbed the butter dish. I slathered it on both of us. I stood and slid into heaven. Mason stared me down as I grabbed his hips and did my push/pull. We spoke nasty to each other about our needs and what we wanted the other to do. This was new territory for us as we had not had that freedom of expression at camp and certainly not at my parent's home. Just as the first volley jettisoned from me, Mason's body twitched and I watched as shot after shot of his scalding cum hit his face, then his shoulders and then his stomach. We were both stunned by the intensity of his reaction.

We did not move until our breathing had returned to normal. Mason let out a snort that was almost a bark. He pulled himself into my chest as I stood at the edge of the counter holding him. Mason asked that I let him down as his body was sore and aching. I helped him down from the counter top and then I pulled him to me again. I kissed his forehead.

"Are you growing? I thought I had been kissing you on the top of your head."

"Maybe that explains this pain I am having." Mason found a tape measure and sure enough he had grown two inches in the past month. "Plus, I noticed that I have hairs growing on my chest and the hair in my pits is thicker. That explains why my clothes don't fit."

"You're just a growing boy." I laughed as I said this.

Mason grabbed his junk and said he hoped that would grow also. I told him it was a nice size. "Hmmm, I want it to fit down your throat. So, I will use your mouth as my measuring stick. When you start choking, I will know that it is larger." We both continued the laughter. Gosh, how long had it been since I laughed so freely?

The kitchen clean-up took longer than we had planned but it was enjoyable as we were both naked. I said we would need to sanitize the counter top. I gave him the eye when he was about to ask why we should disinfect it. Mason walked up and stuck his tongue down my throat. "Mmmm, that tastes really good. Let's take it to the bedroom." We raced each other through the house.

The next morning was our last free day before we started school. Black called us for breakfast and we found our way to the kitchen wearing only our briefs. We plopped down in our chairs looking tired and freshly fucked. We had only brushed our teeth and washed our faces before coming to the kitchen. Black snickered and said it was a good thing it was only the three of us. Fortunately, there was a pot of coffee at the ready. By the time we had finished eating we were more coherent and somewhat verbal. We had moved from 'mmm, 'nhuh,' 'ugg,' to 'yes please,' 'no thank you,' 'more please,' and finally to complete sentences. We were not with it at all.

Black asked about a time for us to plan the week. We said we needed showers. Black broke a grin and said we were redolent with the essence of sex and teen age testosterone. We grinned at him and said that things had arisen during the night which required immediate attention and we didn't bother to bathe. Black suggested we wash the bed linens also because if they endured much more it would mean they would need to be burned. We all laughed. He had a full throaty laugh. He was warming up to us. How could this feel so normal? We were three gay guys sitting at the breakfast table talking about doing the nasty. No lightning bolts. No scripture reading. No throwing hell and damnation at us. No rebuking us for our sexuality.

I mentioned that Mason was having a growth spurt. Mason spoke up said he was having pains in his bones and muscles. "Yeah, there is one special bone I really want to grow." Mason said as he was leering at me.

We all grinned and Black said he wasn't going to measure that, but did think it was important to keep a record of his height.

As we got up from the table, I noticed that Mason was at full salute again. Just talking about his penis caused it to stand up and take notice.

"Let's take this to the shower. You stank real bad. Yep, that is the Southampton County way of saying it so don't correct my language. It looks like you have a swelling that needs to be fixed."

An hour later we were back at the breakfast table that was stacked with folders, books, composition books, pens and four calendars. Black told Mason that he would take him to school each day and then pick him up in the afternoon. Mason went to Norfolk County Day School and one or the other of his parents had always taken him to school. Both of his parents worked in Norfolk so it wasn't that big of a problem. As expected, Mason allowed as he was old enough to drive and that he should drive himself to school. Black laughed and said that was wishful thinking.

"Not going to happen, Mason. Direct orders from your parents. Besides, you don't have a car."

The pouting teenager face appeared. "That's just not fair."

I thought that one minute I was dealing with a highly mature partner and the next minute I was raising a child.

"Tell you what. I will make sure you take Driver's Education and I will give you driving lessons when we are out and about." Just like that, my comment had turned the pout into a grin.

Black started to speak but I interrupted and said that I was the guardian and if he wanted to speak to me about my skills then it should be in private and not in front of the child. Black let out of howl of joy. Mason's pout returned.

"That's alright little boy. When you start acting like a man, we can make this happen." Mason cuffed my shoulder and said he was not a little boy and that he would hold me to my promise.

Mr. Cohen had already enrolled me in classes for the fall semester and Black pushed a stack of books my way. My eyes grew large. Black then pushed a stack toward Mason. Mason grinned and said that was a fair weekend's worth of reading. I thought, 'smart pants, we'll see if you ever get your license'.

The calendars were partially filled in. Black reminded us both that we were to keep our calendars up to date and to keep the calendar current that would be put in the kitchen. It was important that we all knew exactly where each other was and what we were doing.

I said that it would be good for me to head over to William and Mary for the afternoon so I could identify parking lots and the buildings where I had courses. Mason was excited and asked if we could go to Colonial Williamsburg. I nodded and told Black not to fix dinner as we would find something to eat. Black recommended the Raleigh Tavern and said he would make reservations for us. Black then handed me a set of keys and said my Jeep Wrangler was in the garage. I loved Wranglers but had no idea that would be the vehicle provided to me. I was used to an old farm truck. This was heaven.

"It is a perfect day to take the top off." Mason watched as Black showed me how to remove the top. Black then reviewed the road systems in Williamsburg and where I could park. He pointed to my W&M parking sticker and said I could park in any student parking on campus. Man, he thought of everything.

"Are you going to follow us?"

Black grinned and didn't answer. Damn, I knew it. We weren't ever going to be totally alone.

I ran into the house to get my sunglasses and a cap. I opened a dresser drawer to grab my wallet and noticed that W&M tee shirts had been placed in the drawer. I opened Mason's drawer and saw some in his size. I grabbed one for each of us and was pulling mine over my head as I walked back to the Jeep. I handed Mason his tee shirt. He immediately stripped off his shirt and slipped the tee over his head. I noticed that he did have more hair in his pits. The hairs on his chest were glinting in the sunlight. I sprang a boner. I was rearranging it when I climbed into the seat saw Black smirking.

"Remember that your dinner reservation is for 5 o'clock. After dinner you are to come home. Understand?"

We both said, 'yes, dad' at the same time. We cackled with happiness at saying the same thing. The all too familiar look of mirth was on Black's face. I turned the key and as soon as the engine roared to life my emotions suddenly caught in my throat. I was between throwing up, dying of asphyxiation, and crying. I couldn't breathe. Mason grabbed my right thigh and then took my face in his left hand and turned it towards him.

"Breathe, Jimbo. Just breathe."

I realized that Black had reached across me and turned off the Jeep.

"Are you able to do this Jimbo? Is this too much too soon?" Black looked very concerned. I came back to the present. I sat there wondering what had triggered the attack and knew that I had to find out.

"That's it. I am following you. Everything in me says that I should drive you but you are going to have to learn how to do this on your own. Can you drive, Jimbo, or do you want me to drive the two of you?"

I looked at Mason as he leaned in for a kiss. "You are strong. You are my partner. You are my hero. You can do this." Mason and I looked at each other as I nodded my head at the affirmation.

"Black, I can do this. I will do what has to be done. Thank you for your support and thank you for being in Williamsburg." I then noticed that he handed Mason the emergency call thing-a-ma-bob.

I refocused and turned the key. The Jeep started and I backed up, then turned the Jeep to head out of the driveway and toward Williamsburg. The wind blew over, around and through us. It felt liberating. We crossed the James River Bridge and then turned on Route 60 west. We decided to forego the interstate and take the more leisurely route. There was lots of traffic as we traversed the roads in Newport News. Mason made a good navigator as we approached the colonial district of Williamsburg.

I had not been to Williamsburg since the 4th grade when we took a field trip to Jamestown and Williamsburg. We quickly identified the buildings where I would be attending classes. We then walked across Richmond Road and were in Merchant's Square. Beyond the square was the colonial district. Mason grabbed my hand as we walked the streets. I was in awe of the buildings, the gardens and the gingerbread men that we bought at the Raleigh tavern. Mason and I had a contest to see who could bite off and eat the gingerbread man's head first. I counted to three and we both lunged. I was chewing when I looked and saw that Mason had chewed into the man's crotch. He then ripped off a leg and stuck that in his mouth. He was grinning, chewing and smacking his lips when he said he loved eating a man. I then tried to cram the entire man into my mouth but it was too big. I almost choked but coughed up an arm and then said that I was okay. I then turned to Mason and gave him a big kiss on his smacker. People around us stopped what they were doing and just stared.

"Sorry folks, I just had to kiss my boyfriend."

They continued to stare. Mason grabbed my hand and pulled me along. He wanted to see the Governor's Palace before it closed for the day. We were standing in line while waiting to go in when a man in his forties walked up to us. He stared at us and then I saw tears in his eyes.

"You guys are beautiful. I lost my partner last year and he loved to do the very thing I saw when you kissed each other. He was fearless."

We continued to chat. His name was Gino. As we approached the gate to the Palace someone said he was breaking in line. Mason immediately said, "He is my dad. We were waiting in line for him to join us. You need to mind your own business." The fellow looked nothing like us as he had Italian background. Gino was dark, swarthy and had a bull chest covered in fur. Mason was a ginger and I was a blond. Nah, we looked nothing alike.

We laughed and started calling him 'dad.' He played along with us. Mason would grab his hand and say, "dad, you have got to see this," or I would put my arm over his shoulder and say he was the best dad in the world. Our new 'dad' glowed with the attention we were bestowing on him. He used the time to teach us and give us information that the docent did not disclose about the Palace.

When we finished I said it was time for dinner. We asked Gino to join us. He said it wasn't fair for him to break into our time together.

"Dad, you are joining us. Am I clear?" He nodded, moved between us and threw his arms across our shoulders as we moved across the Palace Green toward the tavern. I was thinking of what to say once we arrived because Black had made reservations for Mason and me. Hopefully, they would be able to accommodate a third person.

When we arrived at the tavern we went to the hostess. She looked at the reservation sheet and said, "Yes gentlemen, I have your reservation for a table for three." I looked around and saw Black sitting at a table. He smiled and nodded his head.

It was a delightful meal as Gino told us about falling in love with Ahmed while they were in college at William and Mary. Ahmed then went on to medical school in Richmond and Gino stayed at W&M for law school. They lived in New Kent County which was halfway between the two.

"Guys, it was magic every day. We were young and people thought we would not survive as a couple. There was also the fact that Ahmed's family was not happy with him connecting with a Catholic boy. Of course, my family went wild. Not only was I gay but I was with a Muslim. There were many holidays with just the two of us celebrating. We connected with the gay group on campus and that helped a lot. Gradually, our families began to thaw and we were at all of the Muslim holiday gatherings and the Catholic holiday gatherings. We said we had the best of both worlds. Ahmed introduced Middle Eastern food to my family and I introduced Italian food to his. It wasn't long before we were being asked to bring specific dishes because the families loved the way we cooked. It was not easy but our love carried us through. When Ahmed died there was grieving by both families. He developed a fast-moving brain cancer and was gone within a couple of months. His colleagues at the hospital were devastated that they could not save one of their own. At that moment, the light was extinguished in my life.

Mason and I sat holding the other's hand with tears running down our faces. We each stood, then walked up behind Gino and kissed him on the top of the head.

"Dad we love you. You are a gift that has been brought into our life." I couldn't think of anything more to say except "okay, we need to change the subject and talk about something happier."

Gino said one of his happiest days was when he went to the lake on campus and saw Ahmed trying to swim. He thought the man was drowning. Gino stripped and jumped into the lake to rescue him. He grabbed the floundering man and pulled him to his chest to try to calm him. When their eyes connected all struggling disappeared. Ahmed kissed Gino and thanked him. Gino said he was not able to get out of the lake because he had such a boner. He didn't want anyone, especially Ahmed, to see. Ahmed told him that he also had an erection and didn't want the people of shore to see him so excited. They both laughed and decided to walk out hand in hand. Neither had reason to be ashamed.

"We never went anywhere again when he wasn't holding my hand. He always needed to be touching me. Holding my hand, arm across my shoulder, legs touching while we were sitting, or his lips kissing mine. What can I say? The Gods brought us together and we weren't going to be separated except through death. He was a gift from God to me. I will never have that love again but when I saw the two of you today, I thought of Ahmed and me when we first met.

Gino asked why we called him dad? Mason stumbled answering not wanting to tell him details of our lives. Finally, he said that we were creating a family and we both were clear that he was to be our dad. Gino had tears in his eyes. "Guys, you have given me the greatest gift in the world. I was so sad this morning thinking of Ahmed and decided to wander about the colonial district thinking that being around people would make me feel better. It is as if God knew that I needed to be here to meet you. God sent you into my life. I believe these things, I believe in destiny, I am Catholic."

Mason and I looked at each other, then leaned in and kissed.

I told Gino that I would be starting school at W&M the next day and that Mason was at Norfolk County Day School. Gino asked what classes I would be taking and I told him. He started smiling and said that I would see him at 8 a.m. the next day. He was one of my professors. I was glad because we had quickly grown to love Gino but I was also scared because I wasn't sure about my academic prowess and I didn't want to disappoint. It was time for Mason and me to return home since we would be up early the next day.

Black walked up to the table.

"Professor Antonucci, it is good to see you."

Gino nodded his head in acknowledgement. "It was good to have dinner with these gentlemen tonight. Let me introduce you."

All three of us laughed and said that we were more than mere acquaintances.

The professor told us good night and left the restaurant. We followed shortly afterwards. The drive back was somewhat leisurely. When we crossed the James River I reflected on the beauty of the river at night. The shipyard was to our east and I saw the naval vessels being built. The water faded to black as we looked upriver. Boats plying the river had their running lights on. Mason and I held hands. We were both grateful for having such a great day.

I was five minutes late getting to class the next morning. I didn't know it was almost impossible to find a parking space on campus. I slid into a seat in the back of the classroom. Professor Antonucci gave me a look and welcomed me to class. He said that from now on students who were late would receive a demerit on their grade. He looked up to where I was sitting and said, "Even for my son." Everyone in the class turned to look at me. I could feel myself redden with embarrassment. At the end of class, I went down front to apologize. As I approached him, he opened his arms and pulled me in close. He kissed both cheeks and thanked me again for dinner. I had an hour before the next class and he suggested that we get coffee. I was loving college already.

When I got home late that afternoon I was met with frowns from Mason. School had been challenging for him. He had been teased by the usual suspects. He had attended school with these guys for many years. Word had gotten out about him being gay and having an older boy friend. It didn't help that he had pasted a rainbow flag on his knapsack. He didn't deny being gay and having a boyfriend. Gym class had always been a horror for him because he wasn't very coordinated. That was evidenced at summer camp. His body had filled out and he was in that place between boy and man. His red bush and pits were the source of jokes in the shower. Some of the guys made fun when he sprouted an erection but others were jealous that he had grown up so much over the summer and that his woodpecker was turning into an eagle. Strong, wide and long.

The academic classes were boring to him. He knew not to raise his hand when the teacher asked a question. He was wise not to appear to be overeager. A few times the teacher would be exasperated at the answers given and ask Mason if he had the answer. Of course, he did. That invited taunts from his fellow students. They had called him brown nose for years and now they added gay boy to the taunts. This would be said soft enough so that the teacher would not hear them. Mason heard and internalized every word. He muttered to me that it would be another horrible year of school and this was just the first day.

Mason stirred the food around his plate. He said he wasn't hungry. I asked what I could do to help.

"Nothing. Just nothing."

"What did your parents do when you told them?"

Mason just sneered at me and said he could never talk with his parents about this. He said this was the first time he could actually talk openly and honestly about what a living hell school had been for all of these years.

Black was taking it all in but not saying a word.

"Eat up young man, so you can continue to grow. I am going to do certain measurements after dinner."

It was the first smile I had gotten from Mason since I had arrived home.

Black asked if we could clean the kitchen as he had some work that needed to be done. We nodded and asked if he wanted some dessert later that evening. He smiled and said he never turned down dessert.

Mason and I made quick work in the kitchen and then went to the bedroom where I pulled out a yard stick. He chuckled and said that he had both 6 inch and 12 inch rulers. I told him that he was growing and I wanted to make sure that the measuring instrument was big enough. He dropped his pants as I dropped to my knees.

"I need to get this monster at its longest." I slid my mouth in place and I heard Mason gasp for air. I worked on it and could feel his legs getting weak. I pulled off, grabbed the yard stick and clumsily thrust it across his abdomen and down toward his pelvis.

"Damn, bro. It is getting bigger. Soon we will need to do the tonsil test." I dropped the yard stick and replaced it with my mouth. I pulled back coughing and hacking.

"That thing is about to strangle me it is so long." Once again, I plunged down and came up coughing. By that point, Mason was doubling over laughing at my silliness. He pulled me up by my ears and stuck his tongue in my mouth. He pulled back and said he was going to tickle my tonsils with his tongue. I welcomed the onslaught.

When we finally finished both our silliness and our seriousness, Black called out that dessert was ready. We had one of my favorites: peach ice cream.

Mason had finished his schoolwork but I had to write a paper for Dr. Antonucci that was due on Thursday morning. The topic was why we chose international studies as our major. My paper could have been very simple: because Mr. Cohen signed me up for this major. Full stop. Instead, I thought of the importance of international studies, law school, learning foreign languages and its impact on my future. I knew that Gino (I was having a hard time thinking of him with that name since he was now my professor) would easily sniff out any false sentiments on my part.

I had to ask myself why I had agreed to attend William and Mary and then Law School. The answer was easy: I was besotted with Mason. Totally in love. The answer was also hard: I knew deep down that I did not want to be a farmer in Southampton County and this was a way out. While that was true it was hard to admit that I might be perceived as taking advantage of someone just to get out of being a farmer. Neither of those thought patterns worked so I focused on what my future might look like going down this career pathway. I had a fairly good first draft of the paper completed when it was time for bed. I was concerned, however, that it would not stand up to academic scrutiny or to the truth test.

Mason and I wrapped ourselves around each other as we fell asleep. We needed our rest to prepare for our second day of school.

Next: Chapter 10: School Bells Redux

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