
By Mac Rountree

Published on May 4, 2019


This is part of an ongoing story of Jimbo and Mason who met at Boy Scout Camp. They explore what it means to be Boy Scouts and partners in life.

If you have feedback, thoughts or ideas be sure to email me at mcjameson.rountree@gmail.com Please, no flaming as I can do that to myself without any assistance. This is the work of McJameson Rountree. It may not be reproduced without my express permission. As a fairly new writer, I am so thankful for Nifty providing a site to put my craft out for others to read and react. Please send them a donation: http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Wednesday night dinner was fairly quiet in the dining hall. Many of the boys had their families arriving with picnic suppers. My gut was in turmoil. I knew that the evening program was a test but I didn't know the parameters and what was actually being tested. Mr. Fish told me that I was in charge of the entire program and that he would be sitting with the Executive Board for the Council. When I asked him the reasoning, he became uncomfortable and said I would find out later but to do him proud. I asked about the Order of the Arrow ceremony. He said I was in charge of that also.

"You and Mason know what to do. You are an impressive pair."

I had not told Mason about this change in plans. Also, there was the package from Paris. Tonight was not the time to open the package and explain what I had done. Something was coming down and I didn't know if I was prepared.

I felt a nudge. It was Mason. The realization hit me that the troops had finished their meals and were waiting for me to dismiss them. I stood up and put on my best smile. "Gentlemen, Scouts and Rogues, I bid your presence at 7 o'clock in the amphitheater. Please be on time, be fully kitted out in your uniforms, and be prepared for an evening of entertainment and the tapping of new members to the Order of the Arrow. You are dismissed until then."

The staff sat looking at me. It was obvious that I was living totally in my head though I was physically present. Mason stood and asked if everyone was ready for the evening activity. Everyone acknowledged that they knew their roles. Mason dismissed the staff asking that Lester stay back. When it was just the three of us, Mason looked at me and asked if we needed Lester's assistance. I nodded in the affirmative. I swore them to secrecy and said that something was coming down that night but I didn't know what. It was all intuition.

"Guys, my gut is saying that something is happening tonight. I don't know what it is. I think we need to be prepared for anything. We might be making it up as we do it. We need to support Mr. Fish. Somehow, I think Mr. Higinbotham and Toby are connected."

Lester snorted. "Those two are up to no good. I told you on Monday that my gut was telling me that something wasn't kosher." He looked at Mason and then turned red. "I didn't mean anything bad about what I just said. I am sorry."

Mason laughed and thanked him for apologizing. "If that's the worst we have to deal with tonight we will be in good shape. Apology accepted. Thanks, Lester. You have been great to me ever since that Sunday afternoon when I couldn't swim. Jimbo helped me but it was you and the waterfront staff who helped me succeed." Mason leaned into Lester and was about to give him a hug only Lester acted first and pulled Mason into a bear hug. He then kissed the top of Mason's head and said he was a special guy.

"Okay, guys we need to get ready for tonight."

We walked to the staff camp area. I told Mason that I needed a shower before I prepared for the evening. We grabbed our dop kits and headed to the showers. I turned on the shower and started undressing. Mason came up to me, raised my arm and sniffed my pit. "Oh my gosh, you sure stink. It is a good thing you are taking a shower. Your pits smell like a skunk has taken up residence."

We both laughed. I think it was the first time I had laughed all day. Mason kept cracking jokes about my stinky pits, my stinky feet, and my stinky butt. I grabbed a towel and made a rat tail. I chased him back to the camp site with both of us yelling and screaming. We reached the tent and grabbed each other for support. The rest of the staff stood staring at us. "All is good. All is good. I made Jimbo wash his stinky pits so we don't have to suffer that putrid fragrance all night."

The tension was broken and everyone laughed.

We went into our tent and started our ritual of dressing. The package from France was laying on my bunk. It was as if it had taken on a personality. I asked Mason if we could open it later when I was in the right frame of mind. He paused and then agreed.

"It is your package and you get to open it when you are ready."

We completed our ritual and stepped into the camp site. All of the staff were ready and waiting. I could tell that they suspected something was up. We stood in a circle and they waited for me to start.

"Alright guys, I think something is up. I don't know what. Mr. Fish is not leading the program tonight. He will be sitting with the Executive Board of the Council. Lester will be the wingman for Mason and me tonight. If something comes down and you are needed then Lester will let you know. Lester had put on his loin cloth for the evening. This, in and of itself, was unusual. He always wore it on Fridays but not on Wednesdays. His black hair and blue eyes were startling with his cheeks sporting chevrons of yellow paint. His loin cloth was a dark green and centered with the Triquetra symbol surrounded by shamrocks. The knot symbolized eternal spiritual life. Though he appeared to be an extrovert on the waterfront I knew Lester to be an introvert who relished in his inner reflective self. His Irish heritage came through with his loin cloth. He didn't look Native American with his chest of shaggy black hair. The pelt crossed his shoulders and went down his back. Once, I had suggested he shave it off for Order of the Arrow activities and he gave me some slack answer about why he wouldn't shave it. I thought he just enjoyed showing off his body. I would. He was a handsome man and his summer sun tan made people swoon.

In his quiet voice, Lester gave instructions to staff. He directed different staff to sit with each troop. He said they were to stay with the troop during the program and to accompany them back to their campsites. He was clear that they were to stay with the troops until he came to get them to return to the staff area. He doubled down to make sure they understood. There would be hell to pay if they left their posts. The tension heightened as Lester finished but everyone was absolutely clear about what was expected of them. We headed into the unknown.

The amphitheater was packed with scouts and their parents. I looked up at the benches and saw staff scattered with the troops as Lester had dictated. Lester had posted himself at the bottom of the stairways so no one could leave without going past him. Mr. Fish was sitting in the middle of the Executive Board. He looked very uncomfortable.

I channeled Degataga and looked at Che Sequah. It was important that we be these Native American personae tonight. I stood together with my red bird. I remembered what I had told Mason about the Whitman phrase: standing together we were invincible. I stood in front of the bon fire with my head bowed to the ground. I then lifted my head and spoke through Degataga welcoming everyone to the program. I used a lesser amount of humor than Mr. Fish because I was Degataga and not Jimbo. I used lots of references to nature and our natural life. I incorporated the Scout motto and used that as the spring board for everything I did. Che Sequah led the tapping ceremony where inductees were brought forward. I was prepared to step in and assist but looked and found Lester taking on what had been Mason's role. He knew exactly what to do. He even gave them instructions for after the program.

The program ended on a solemn note with the inductees being led away by Lester. I thanked everyone for attending and for trusting their sons to us for the week. I reminded them of the importance of the scouting program and their support of the summer camp program. I left the arena and stepped into the dark. Mason was right behind me. I was quiet as a thief as I watched staff accompany each troop back to their campsite. They were doing exactly as Lester had instructed. There was only one complication. Mr. Higinbotham and Toby were telling staff they had a meeting with the Executive Board. The staff told them that they were instructed to take everyone back to their camp sites and there were no exceptions.

I intervened and said that I would take responsibility for Mr. Higinbotham and Toby. I saw Toby smirk. The insolent brat. Lester was right. Mason and I walked them to the camp office. We walked in and saw the Executive Board and Mr. Fish already there. Mr. Higinbotham looked like the cat that had just eaten the cream. He was self-satisfied. The Chairman of the Board thanked me for bringing them and said that Mason and I were excused from being in the meeting. I looked around the room and once again channeled Degataga.

"Thank you sir, but as acting Camp Director for the week and a Vigil member of the Order, I believe it is important that Che Sequah and I stay."

There was consternation among the board members. Finally, the chairman agreed since it would impact my role at the camp for the rest of the season. We were all sworn to maintain confidence in what was said and done.

He looked around the room and said, "It has come to my attention that there may be some inappropriate sexual activity happening at camp. We are here tonight to see if we can resolve this is a quiet, amenable manner."

My heart felt like it stopped.

Toby was grinning. I realized that Mr. Fish had been set up. I looked at Mason. There was silence in the room.

"Excuse me, sir." Mason said those word and then started crying. What was happening? Why was Mason crying? Everybody in the room stared at him.

"Yes, young man. What do you have to say?"

"My name is Che Sequah. I am also known as Mason Jenner. I am a member of Troop 10. Mr. Higinbotham is my Scout Master. Toby is in my troop."

"Yes, thank you for sharing that. I don't see how that figures into what we are doing." "Well, you see. You were talking about inappropriate sexual things happening. I assumed you were talking about me." Mason had big fat tears rolling down his cheeks and his voice was quivering. "I just need to say that Toby made me have sex with him. I knew that we shouldn't do those things on camping trips but you see he told me that if I didn't do those things he would tell Mr. Higinbotham and also tell my parents. He said he would report me to the police if I didn't do what he said. He is older than me and I was afraid I would be arrested at the scout meeting and I didn't want that to happen so I let him do those things to me." Mason stood there with tears running down his face. "I know it was probably wrong but I felt like Toby had power over me and I didn't want to get into trouble. He was the leader of the pack I was in and he always said that whatever he demanded of us we were to do. I am sorry that I have caused this problem. I guess I should have told you earlier. But we didn't do anything here at Camp Falls. I told him that I wouldn't do it and he got really mad with me."

Everyone, I mean everyone, stood there with their mouths hanging open. Except for Toby. He was really angry.

"You fucking faggot. I am going to get you for this." Toby was outraged. "You weren't that good, anyway."

Toby stormed out of the office.....into the arms of Lester. Toby could not get past the waterfront director. "I think you need to pack your bags." Lester then led Toby to his campsite to get his trunk.

The members of the Executive Committee looked confused. "Gentlemen, I think we have been led down the wrong path by that young man. Mason, on behalf of the Executive Council, I offer our sincere apologies for what happened to you. Our attorney will want to talk with you. Are you willing to do that?"

Before Mason could speak, I said that his parents were out of the country and that I was his guardian and would let them know whether Mason would speak to the attorney. Technically, that wasn't quite true but it served our purpose at that moment. I did have the envelope even though I didn't know what was in it. I suggested it had been a long day and these gentlemen needed to drive back to the city and that one of them needed to take Toby home. They argued among themselves over who would have that responsibility. It was finally agreed that the Chairman would have that task. He called Toby's parents to alert them of his impending return. Everyone departed, mumbling, confused and angry about what they had just heard.

Mason and I were alone with Mr. Fish and Mr. Higinbotham. I suggested we sit.

"As Acting Camp Director, I want an explanation. Mr. Fish you go first."

He objected. I stood and looked at him. "I didn't ask. I said that I want to know what is happening. Mason just laid his life on the line for you. You owe him an explanation. Start talking."

I saw a broken man sitting in the chair. He had tears in his eyes. He then looked at Mr. Higinbotham and said, "I love you Ed, but we need to tell them what is going on."

Mr. Fish then proceeded to tell us how he and Ed were lovers. Toby had found out about it and had blackmailed them. Toby had told the Executive Board that he thought that Mr. Fish was gay and seducing boys. It turned out that Mr. Fish had provided a week of summer camp to Toby without charge. Toby had convinced Mr. Higinbotham to have sex and was using that as blackmail.

"We have a huge problem and we need to get our stories straight. Do not think that Toby is going to accept this without a fight. He was caught by surprise tonight. I am also concerned that you, Mr. Higinbotham, do not come across as an innocent in all of this. So, Mr. Higinbotham, tell us what is going on. Did you really have it set up that you were to be Camp Director with Toby as your assistant? What does he have on you?"

Mr. Fish's eye flew open and his mouth was agape.

Mr. Higinbotham hesitated. Che Sequah stood, walked across the room, and lifted his chin. "Degataga has given you an order. You will obey or I will start the process to have you removed from the Order of the Arrow. I will testify against you after what I saw what happen the other night."

All of the color drained from Mr. Higinbotham's face.

"Yes, I saw you and Toby in the apartment with Mr. Fish. He was not a willing participant. That is called assault and rape. It is a shame that you and Toby won't be able to share cells because he will be in juvenile detention and you will be in adult jail after I finish with you. You saw me tonight - I will make any jury believe me. How could you do that to the man who is your partner? Now talk."

It was hard for him, but Mr. Higinbotham talked about succumbing to Toby and how Toby then used that against him. He said that he and Mr. Fish had been lovers for five years. While Mr. Higinbotham told his story, I could see that Mr. Fish slumped in his chair. He sat mutely with tears running down his face.

"Gentlemen, Mason and I have had enough for one day. Mr. Fish you are back in charge starting at breakfast tomorrow morning. Mr. Higinbotham, you have a troop to manage for the rest of the week. They are not up to standard and you have two days to pull them together. My guess is that Toby was keeping you busy with sex while he working behind your back. He is a master manipulator. Also, the two of you have talking to do about yourselves. Mason and I will meet with you after the Friday ceremony. We have to decide certain things and that will give us time to find solid ground after what has been revealed tonight. Also, you should thank Mason because, gentlemen, he saved your asses tonight. I have to decide whether I have any respect for either of you. Mr. Fish I will let you know at breakfast whether Mason and I will stay past noon on Saturday"

I turned and took Mason's hand. We stepped out of the office and Lester was standing there. It was unclear what he had heard. It didn't matter at that point. He maneuvered between us and put his arms across our shoulders.

"You are bravest men I have ever met." He pulled us in close so that our heads were together. "You have my permission to take the morning off." He laughed knowing he didn't have that authority but it was an idea that had a lot of appeal. When we got back to the campsite all of the staff were waiting for us. Mason and I could barely stand because of the drama that had just happened. Lester said that he was concerned about dismantling the camp starting on Saturday.

"Jimbo designed a plan for dismantling the camp. I think we throw it in the trash. I had not planned to stay because I had other things to do before heading to school. I have changed my mind. If everyone agrees to stay and will work together we can finish by midday on Monday. Who is with us?" To the person everyone agreed that they would stay and help. They started joking that they could actually finish Sunday night. I could barely control my emotions that they were stepping up for me even though they didn't know the particulars.

Mason and I stepped into the tent and closed the flap. The package was lying on the bed. I tried to find language to let Mason know I didn't have the energy to open it. Before I could speak he said, "We are both exhausted and need rest. Whatever it is can wait." We didn't take the time to remove the paint from our faces. It was the next morning in the shower that we discovered we both had smeared the red paint all of either other's faces and in our hair. No amount of cold cream could get all of the color out.

We walked into breakfast and sat at our place. Mr. Fish was present and in charge. His usual humor was missing but he was present and accounted for. After breakfast, I went up to Mr. Fish and said that Mason and I were honorable men and would stay and do our part to dismantle the camp. I then told him the time frame had been compressed and that all of the staff were staying to complete the work. He started to speak when I held up my hand in a stop fashion. I then said that Mason and I were taking the morning off and we would be back on duty at noon. I turned and walked out of the dining hall. I found Mason talking to Lester. I smiled and told Mason to put on his orange speedos and then turned to Lester and said we were taking a canoe for the morning.

I was in the stern position as we paddled away from camp. About a half mile from camp was an island in the lake. The camp had bought it for the Order of the Arrow chapter. We had been so busy we had not gone over. We would use it for our fall conclave. There was a simple hut on the island and I headed us in that direction. I opened a locked chest in the hut where blankets were stored. They were musty but I didn't care. We made a pallet on the ground and lowered ourselves. We held each other in a death grip. I kissed Mason's eyelids. My tongue snaked down his cheeks and found his mouth. Our teeth clattered against each other as the pent up energy forced each of us on the other. I leaned down and bit Mason's right nipple. He yelped. I placed the palms on his shoulders and held him down. I then leaned down and bit his left nipple. He let out a cry. He had tears running down his cheeks. I wrapped him in my arms and flipped us so that I was on my back. I lay there waiting for him to attack me. He stretched his body the length of mine. In a quivering voice I said, "hurt me, you have a right. I didn't protect you enough so do whatever you want to do. Hit me, slap me, Mason I am so sorry." I was a mere shell of myself and deserved whatever punishment he meted out.

He gently kissed my lips. "I love you. We are warriors together. When one of us hurts the other hurts. When one of us loves the other loves. We are one, Jimbo. I could never hurt you because we are one. Hurting you hurts me. Hurting myself hurts you. I may come across as this young kid, but when we are in danger, I become a fury. I will take on anyone and anything to defend us. There are people who wish us ill because we love one another so let us only love each other with all that is in us."

I lay on the pallet unable to move. There was a great crushing weight on my chest. It wasn't Mason lying on me but rather my heart breaking into tiny pieces at his selflessness. How had I been so lucky to find this boy to be part of my life? We lay there not moving. Finally, I felt my being knitting itself back together; no not knitting but rather forming an amalgamation of the two of us in my heart, mind and soul. The tension of the week and the great danger for both Mason and I had led me to examine my weaknesses and I found myself wanting in many areas. When he stepped forward last night, I was amazed at his audacity but also his sheer strength in confronting wrong. His fury. I knew that I had an equal as a partner. He was younger but wilier and more strategic than me. We would make a good pair. I knew the moment had come.

I pulled out the contents from the package. Inside were two rings. They were 18 kt. rose gold and consisted of strips woven in a way that resembled ocean waves. They were actually made in Nags Head but Judy Jenner wanted to take them to Paris to be blessed. I had told her about the rings and in the midst of preparing for her trip to Paris she had driven to Nags Head to purchase them, took them to Paris, had them blessed by the chief Rabbi and sent them back by courier. She had worked wonders making that happen. Mason and I had committed ourselves to each other but this was one more outward symbol of our love for each other. It was important to Judy that they be blessed. They also were a symbol of the blessing from Judy and Herbert. Instead of fitting our ring fingers they were made to fit on our middle fingers. She told me the French would wear them that way. We exchanged rings and sat in contentment. We had been through so much for the past few days that the excitement was muted by our exhaustion.

We paddled back to camp, got dressed for lunch and entered the dining hall with the rest of the staff. At first, neither of us noticed that the staff kept glancing at our hands. When I realized that they were staring, I blushed and grinned at them. Lester looked at us and said he wanted to be best man at the wedding. The staff whooped in agreement. We were both blushing by that time. We said nothing.

The Friday night ceremony was carried out as Mason and I had planned except that Lester said he wanted to participate. He told us that as best man in our upcoming wedding and fellow gay man he felt that we were like the Three Musketeers. I just grinned at how he outed himself to us. Mason gave him a big hug and thanked him for telling us.

"Thank you for showing me how to be open in an honorable way. You are the first guys I have told so there is no need to spread the news. My boyfriend and I are both going to college together in a couple of weeks. We are trying to learn to be open. You have given me the courage to do that."

Mason and I stopped at the office to meet with Mr. Fish and Mr. Higinbotham. I knew what had to be said and had discussed it with Mason. It was basic: this was now no longer of concern to either of us. They had to sort through the detritus and figure out if they could salvage their relationship. Mason would stick to the story he told on Wednesday night. We assured them that what happened was bound by confidence and we would abide by that rule. We wished them well and said the case was closed.

After the closing ceremony on Saturday, Lester called the staff together and said it was no time like the present to start dismantling camp. He told the staff we would finish the day with a cook-out and swim fest on the waterfront. We all put on our grubbiest clothes and started by taking down the tents in each of the campsites. The staff worked like a well oiled machine. They were an impressive bunch of guys. We heard the bell ring at the parade grounds. We all arrived and Lester said we were heading to the waterfront and that swimsuits were not allowed. He had told Mr. Fish we were giving the dining hall cooks the night off. We raced to the lake and became rudie nudies. The tension of the week evaporated as we dunked each other, dived off the pier, and played water volleyball. We grilled burgers and dogs for dinner. After securing the area we headed to our tents. Everyone was exhausted.

Lester was right that we finished our work late on Sunday afternoon. The only problem was that everyone had told their parents to pick them up on Monday.

"What kind of wimps are you? I think you had an easy life this summer. We are scouts, so we are camping out." Lester was laughing and taunting us.

We built a bonfire, spread out our sleeping bags and fell asleep. Mason and I had joined our bags together and cuddled. We kissed each other. I thought we were pretty quiet as we whispered words of love to each other. All of a sudden, we heard the guys making kissing sounds. Then they started making sex noises and calling each other darling and honey bun. Finally, someone started laughing and before we fell asleep everyone had a good chuckle. When I awoke in the morning, my arms were wrapped around Mason. Looking up I saw Lester smiling at me.

"Good on you, Jimbo. I am going to miss you guys so much."

We stowed our gear in the dining hall while we were waiting for rides. We would be back in a few weeks for the fall Order of the Arrow conclave so we didn't have to close down the dining hall or the office.

It was hard to believe that summer camp was over and that I had met Mason. What a remarkable, life changing summer it had been.

My mother arrived after lunch. She said my dad was working and couldn't take the afternoon off. We put our belongings in the trunk of her car and got in the back seat. She gave me an odd look. I sat behind her and Mason sat on the other side. We held hands. I could see her look at us through the rearview mirror. She was not happy.

In less than an hour we were at the farm. We started unpacking and my mother told Mason which room to use while he was staying with us. Reality smacked me beside the head. We were back in civilization and our life was about to take a new turn.

Late afternoon, my father arrived at the house. He had been in the fields all day and took a shower. We sat on the porch until it was dinner time. He gave a start when he saw the rings on our hands. Nothing was said.

We ate dinner and my father barely uttered a sound. Mason offered to help my mother clean the kitchen. My mother was starting to tell him that he was guest when my father said that was a good idea since he needed to talk with me. We walked onto the front porch and sat.

"What is that ring on your finger?"

I swallowed hard and prepared my thoughts. We had lived in a bubble and were now back to reality.

"Well, dad, Mason and I gave these to each other. We are extremely fond of each other. They are like friendship rings."

I was skirting the truth. Why hadn't I prepared myself for this conversation. Why had I thought that we would get through the next couple of weeks without anyone noticing?

"Why are you wearing that ring on your middle finger?"

"Well, Ms. Jenner said that is the way the French would wear them?"

"Are you French now?"

"No sir, I am still a Virginian. It is just the way these rings are worn?"

"What is so special about those rings? I want you to take it off while you are here. Tell that catamite he is to take his off also. You tricked me. I didn't know that I was going to have to house a Jewish boy. After you got us to say he could stay here is when we found out what kind of person was staying here."

"Dad, that wasn't...."

"You knew what you were doing, boy. You lied to us. We don't associate with those kind of people out here. Now, take off that faggot ring." His voice was louder and his face was red.

"No sir, I can't do that."

"Are you a faggot? Are you telling me that my son is a faggot?"

"Sir, Mason and I love each other."

"I will not hear that. You are a man not a fairy. Just look at you with all of those muscles. You ain't no faggot. That boy has seduced you. I will do the Christian thing and let him stay here until his parents return. Then you can get your sense back. I didn't raise no queer boy. You got it? I didn't raise no queer boy."

At that point, he stood up, walked in the house and slammed the screen door. I was stunned but should not have been surprised. This man was the same person I had known all of these years. We had never had a conversation about gay people but we listened to many sermons at church where the preacher castigated gays. My father was a firm believer in whatever the preach said.

Mason slipped onto the porch and sat in the rocking chair next to mine. He gave me a questioning look. I shook my head to indicate that we shouldn't talk. He sat in companionable silence. When I started to relax my mother came to the screen door and told us it was time to go to bed. She reminded Mason where his room was and said that I was to sleep in my own bed.

We walked to the top of the stairs and I saw my mother standing at the bottom watching us. I told Mason good night and went into my room. I left the door open. Mason left his open also. My mother came up the stairs and closed both bedroom doors. The next morning, we shared the bathroom as we got ready to work. We had a good morning kiss in the bathroom. We sat at the table and my father read a passage from Leviticus as our morning grace. He said nothing else while we ate our breakfast. Once we finished eating, he told Mason that he would work with one of the day laborers. I was to work with my father.

It was grueling work. The heat, humidity and hate filled language from my father was as much as I could take. I had less than two weeks before I left for college and decided that I could stand anything for that time. My mother rang the dinner bell in the back yard to let us know that lunch was ready.

Pork chops. She had cooked pork chops for us to eat. Mason looked at me and offered me his chop. I thanked him. My father spoke up and told Mason that he should eat the food my mother had cooked. Mason thanked my mother for her cooking but did not eat the pork chop. He left it on his plate. We finished.

"When Jimbo was growing up we had a rule in this house: if he didn't eat everything on his plate then he didn't get dessert. We still have that rule in this house." My mother put slices of pie in front of my father and me. She didn't offer pie to Mason. I refused to eat the pie. That was difficult as my mother was an excellent cook. She had always laughed at my ability to practically inhale her pies.

At the end of the work day we returned to the house. My father said he had something important to talk to me about while Mason showered. I could then go upstairs to shower. We always had a cold supper and mother had made bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches. Mason took the bacon off of his sandwich and made a lettuce and tomato salad. I didn't dare get any dressing from the refrigerator. This wasn't summer camp. There were also potato salad and sliced cantaloupe to eat. Again, he wasn't given any dessert. I refused mine. My dad reckoned since I didn't want mine he would eat it. After dinner, Mason and I went and sat under the oak tree in the back yard until bed time. This became our daily routine.

We talked quietly while sitting under the tree. This was our only time to be alone. He took his volume of Cavafy poems and we read them to each other. That is until my father asked what we were reading. I told him. He told me to give him the book. I answered that it was Mason's. He then stormed back into the house. The next day while we were in the fields, the book disappeared.

My parents would sit on the back porch trying to hear our conversation while we sat under the tree after dinner. We talked in soft voices so my parents could not hear. If we got too close my father would come off the porch and make some comment about looking at the stars. He would stand there until Mason `and I moved apart. He would then look at me and go back on the porch.

Each day became longer and longer as my yearning for Mason grew. I needed to touch him. I needed to make love to him. I needed to protect him from my parents but I didn't know how. We both knew that Mason's parents were due back in a few days and that we could survive the short term to be able to have the long term together.

Next: Chapter 7: Open the Envelope

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