Jim West and Artemus Gordon Meet Again

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 15, 2020


Jupiter was dying. He was certain of that. His strength was fading. It was a stroke of luck that Ascularis had sent HIS men to dispose of Jupiter's body. Had it been his brother clones, he wouldn't have stood a chance. He wanted Artie. Even if he only had two weeks left, he wanted to spend them with Artie. And he wanted to live longer, WITH Artie. He needed a plan.

While the clones did not have fully formed brains, they did have survival instincts, and some ability to reason. Hidden in the forest, with Drake's unconscious body in front of him, Jupiter began to form a plan.

First, he needed more strength. He reasoned: he had been born of semen.

What if.....

Drake was still alive. Unconscious , but alive. He might gain consciousness while Jupiter was completing his plan, so.... he stripped Drake ( he'd need the clothes for the next part of his plan), and he tore the undergarments into Scripps, to bind Drake's wrists and ankles.

Then he gagged him. Naked, Drake's cock was right there , to be used.

Thinking it would be easier to drain the man when he was awake , Jupiter smacked him until he stirred. Drake's eyes opened. He saw Jupiter, and tried to scream. "MMMMMMPH" was all that came out. He struggled , but the bonds held firm. Jupiter smiled. He took Drake's cock in his hand, and began to stroke.

" I am letting you live... for now. Do not test me".

Drake did not know that Jupiter was losing strength, so he didn't fight him.

" I want you to think of a woman you desire peon, Think hard." He squeezed Drake's balls. " Or you will lose these."

Drake nodded. He thought of a woman he had met in San Francisco. He planned to marry her someday. He remembered her soft hour, her white skin....and the friction of Drake's hand brought him close to climax.

Jupiter saw the swelling m and moved his mouth down to Drake's cock.

"MMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMPH." A MAN was bringing Drake off, but it didn't matter. He got closer and closer to orgasm, before he exploded in Jupiter's mouth. Drake had not pleasured himself for 4 days, and the load Jupiter swallowed was immense.

With the first drop, Jupiter knew he had judged correctly. The semen was invigorating him. His strength was returning. For how long, he did not know. He didn't need much time though. The rest of his plan would not take long. He would rescue Artie, or die trying.

At the warehouse, both Artie and gym could use rescuing. Artie's guard, convinced that Artie was secured for the night, had gone off looking for a poker game. On one level, he was right. The iron restraints kept Artie in place, and the regular pulses of the cone in his anus, and the Iron Maiden, kept Artie weak, and helpless. Meanwhile , after securing the two loads from West , Dr Midas was enjoying torturing him sexually.

He had decided to fuck Jim once that night, but he would make it long, and painful. He wanted him while he was beautiful, for Dr Ascularis had demanded a boxing match with West the next day,

" I think you nipples have become even more sensitive Jim", Dr Midas gloated as hell squeezed and bit them. "Do you agree?"

" I hate you you BASTARD". Jim got out in between moans. Midas guffawed and squeezed West's balls until he screamed.

"Yes sir and no Sir are the only acceptable answers Jim. When this experiment is over, rather than have you eliminated, I will keep you as my slave." Jim pulled at the restraints and made no progress.

Jupiter had gotten back to the lighthouse. He stayed in the shadows and kept his face hidden. If all anyone saw were Drake's clothes, he might be able to rescue Artie. He made his way to where Artie was being kept.

The guard had not returned yet. The infusion of semen had restored enough strength so that , with difficulty, he tore off the lock of the cell. Artie looked up and almost screamed, but Jupiter put a finger to his lips. Artie nodded.

"Quiet Dr Gordon", Jupiter whispered. " I'm getting you out of here.

Artie was confused. He saw Jupiter killed. Jupiter looked up. " I know, I know. I will explain it when we're gone. For now though, you must give me something." He tore the Iron Maiden from Artie's cock , but kept the pulsing cone in his ass. Then he surrounded Artie's cock with his mouth, as he had done to Drake. Artie had been primed to shoot, and to shoot big. It did not take long before Jupiter's mouth was filled with Artie's seed. The infusion brought him to full strength and he tore the restraints from the wall.

" Jupiter, what in the BLAZES is going on?" " Shut up and get dressed Gordon , if you want to get out of here. The guards will be back soon, and I'll explain later. Artie didn't quite understand , but he was free. He pulled out the plug in his ass, found clothes and dressed. That's when the alarm's began sounding.

"MOVE GORDON . Quick. Down this hall. Clueless, Artie followed. " Now DON'T ask questions. Just do as I say. Turn around. I need to tie your wrists". Artie laughed , what choice did he have ?

Jupiter hoisted a bound, and then gagged Artie over his shoulder. He dropped Drake's clothes. "Ascularis' men know Drake but the clones all look the same to them. Cross your fingers that's all we meet."

There was rampant confusion with the alarms, and the destroyed cell. As Ascularis' men watched Jupiter carrying Artie he announced. " This one got some of the clone nutriment and almost escaped. Fortunately, he's ripe for milking. I'm bringing him to the train. Rest assured he will be punished after that."

Jupiter and Artie got out of the lighthouse that way, but it was still dangerous. When they were away from the lighthouse, and in the shadows, Jupiter out Artie down. " We're going to have to take this one step at a time Gordon". Artie tried to speak but Jupiter cut him off.

" I know, I know. Your precious Jim is back there, one thing at a time, For now, we need safety. And you)re welcome.

That's when it hit Artie. The seduction had worked. Jupiter came back but for HIM. He had no feelings for West. Artie was going to have to solve that one himself.

"MOVE ARTIE MOVE, There's a cave not far from here. You'll learn everything once we're there, For now, just follow orders, however hard that is.

Artie heard the alarms and the men gatherings at the light house. He heard horses neighing. No, he would have no trouble following orders now. He had been warned that hecwas superfluous to Loveless' plan, and recapture could mean death.

" Yes sir. Just lead."

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At the lighthouse, Loveless, Midas and Ascularis gathered in the main room.

"WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALL HEAVENS HAPPENED? " Loveless demanded an answer. "Everything seems fine, the specimens are under lock and key, and the next thing I know, there are alarms going, break ins, and Gordon is gone. " He turned to Midas. "Did you at least have the sense to secure West before you came down to this meeting?" "Of course I did. He's chained to the bed, and gagged. And omega is guarding the entrance. He's going nowhere. "

"Well, at least we're ok on that front. DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED?" One of Ascularis' men rushed in . "Excuse me Sirs. The first search party found Drake. He was bound, naked and scared. We have him in the recovery room. He thinks he knows what happened. " "They brought Drake in. He was Ascularis' man, so Ascularis did thequestioning. "Drake, you have always served me well, but what has happened tonight... EXPLAIN WHAT YOU KNOW." Drake was shivering, scared, because he knew what this meant. Maybe if he could provide some assistance, he would live. "Sir, Clement and I did what you told us to do. We dragged Jupiter out, to bring him back to the train. We were going to drop him into the recovery bath, like you told us. We all thought he was dead." He paused. "He wasn't. Clement got away, but I took a swat across the face that knocked me out for at least two hours. " He took more breaths as he tried to recover. "When I woke up again, Jupiter was in front of me. He had tied me up, gagged me, he had my clothes. And then... he sucked me off. He took my seed. Then he left me in the forest. I don't know what happened to Clement.. I haven't seen him yet. That's all I know Sir.

"Take him away. We'll decide what to do to you later. " Loveless was lost in thought. "Hmm. Jupiter may have discovered the reason why the clones are dying. He drained Drake to get some strength. And I would bet he drained Gordon before he took him. "Sir, if I may." It was clone Caesar. "Yes Caesar?" "Clones are supposed to be seen and not heard, and we thought you had noticed it . Clone Jupiter had developed a fondness for Gordon. There were times when he would speak of taking Gordon off with him, and making him his prize. "

There was silence. "Something went wrong with that early experiment," Loveless turned to Midas. "The clones should NOT have that level of reasoning . Or that level of feeling. " Midas added bitterly. "Or the level of intelligence to determine how to prolong their lives." Caesar heard that last line and thought back. He remembered hearing Drake speaking of draining. So an infusion of semen could keep them alive. He knew where the semen stores were. On the train.

Ascularis spoke. "You are scientists, and not military men. I am. What is clear to me, is that you have a renegade soldier, who needs a source of energy to maintain his source of strength. He has such a source in Gordon. You also have a HUGE supply of this source, on your train. I believe what you need to do, involves several steps. First, he is ONE clone, and no match for the others as a group . I will come back to the existing clones. But for now, you MUST speed up the development of the new clones, because if you have 72, or even 48 clones patrolling the area, we can eliminate this renegade. Next, did you see the look Caesar had when he was in here?" Midas and Loveless looked at each other, and had to admit that they didn't. 'YOU FOOLS. Now he knows how to keep himself alive. There is NO WAY my men can defend the train against them, if they decide to devour the semen - and they will. And when that semen is gone... where do you think they will find it?" "We have a situation Loveless," Midas said to him. "YES. YES YOU DO.' Now if I were you, I would immediately allow the clones to take the semen they will take anyway. You will have to secure more, in order to feed the new clones. " He grinned. "It might be fun to see my men milked. And as far as the semen of West, you will have to keep that secret. There may be good production, but there will not be enough to feed 72 clones. "

"But, but... feeding the new clones new semen will dilute them. They will not reflect West and Gordon," Loveless whined. "DO YOU WANT TO LOSE THE WHOLE PROJECT OVER THIS SET BACK. LOOK. IT'S ALREADY HAPPENING." From the light house they could see the clones descending on the train. They had lost the advantage of being able to dole out the semen. "All you can do, is start milking my men, and using that as feed for pre-existing clones. We must find some way to keep West's seed separately. And if you want Gordon back, when we recapture him, which we will, we will have to do the same for him."

Midas looked up. "If the clones are gone, West is not being guarded." He ran up to the chamber and found the room empty. West had picked the locks on his restraints. Omega was gone, so there was no way to probe his mind. Where was he?

Midas was lost in thought. "As far as we know, West does NOT know that Gordon has escaped. Perhaps we can use that to our advantage. "

"The lighthouse is not that large" Ascularis added. "No one knows its nooks and crannies better than I do . I will conduct the search myself. " He turned to his lieutenant. "Sharock, summon the men. They are all to help Drs. Loveless and Midas in their experiment. It will take no more than ten minutes a man." He turned to the two of them. "if we need to , I will summon several whores from town to help us. Now excuse me. Scientists invent, and hunters hunt. I. AM. GOING. HUNTING." He took off.

Loveless turned to Midas. "We're fortunate to have him. His knowledge of strategy may just save this project."

They heard banging as they saw the five clones ripping open the doors of the train. They had found the semen repository.

Meanwhile, Ascularis had headed down into the bowels of the lighthouse. He knew that if West were a creature of habit, he'd be looking for the tunnel through which they had brought him when he was captured the first time. His instincts were correct.

"WEST. I was looking forward to our boxing match tomorrow. With an audience. It seems it will just be the two of us. " Jim looked up and threw a fist. Ascularis blocked it. He was as strong as he was the first time. He held onto West's wrist, and drove him down to the floor , West wincing in pain. "It is over West. You are mine, as you were last time. "NEVER," Jim yelled, and tried to take out Ascularis with a leg sweep. He hit a metal pole. "You have forgotten West. My legs are artificial. You cannot take them out so easily. I , on the other hand, could break yours like twigs if I chose to do so" He threw West against the wall. The impact stunned West . Then Ascularis smiled. "Bright light took you down last time, and it will do so again." He pulled a small device from his pocket, and began flashing it at Jim's face. In the small quarters, and with nothing to block the light besides his hand, Jim was helpless. He dropped to his knees, and the light kept coming. The pain was so strong, he blacked out. His last thought was "Artie, GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN."

When he woke up, he was in a dark room, shirtless, hands bound behind his back and gagged. The door opened. In came Dr. Midas, grinning.

"Mr West , it is time for your milking. And with Dr. Gordon not amongst us any longer, you will need to produce more. I will start milking you at least three, sometimes four, times a day. " Jim struggled in his chair. "Dr Ascularis has expressed a desire to see you suffer. Whether I grant that desire or not, and to what extent, is based solely on your cooperation. Now, Mr. West, the first point on which we will need your cooperation: do you have any idea how we might reach Dr. Gordon?"

Jim didn't make a move. He didn't shake his head, and he kept his body still. Midas turned. "Dr. Ascularis?" Ascularis walked in. "One of the lesser known pressure points on a man, is right... here." He leaned elbows into West's shoulder.

'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" a long scream from Jim came out as just a gagged moan. "So, Mr. West. How much of this can you endure, before you answer Dr. Midas ' question?

In another section of the light house, Dr. Loveless was addressing the clones.

"We did not know that semen was required to keep you alive. We do know that now. Dr. Ascularis has a force of thirty men, all of whom can be milked, regularly. We will do so. Rest assured, you will be kept fed. Be it from our supplies, or... " and he smiled. "Should any of you wish to choose a man and treat him as your own cow, simply discuss it with me and I will discuss it with Dr. Ascularis. "

In the cloning room, the 24 junior clones were nearly ready to be moved to senior status, and the 48 senior clones, would be ready the next morning.

And in the forest, Jupiter was taking his measure of Artie's ass, in the cave. He fucked him hard. "You are ungrateful. I rescued you from their clutches, and all you can think of is your precious Jim. I will have my thanks. And I will have it now, before we attempt to rescue your Jim. "

Next: Chapter 10

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