Jim West and Artemus Gordon Meet Again

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 9, 2020


The clones took Jim and Artie to their cell and lay them down on their bed. Bound as they were, they couldn't move very much, other than for a squirm. It didn't take long for both of them to realize, though, that any movement by one of them, caused their penises to rub against each other. It had been days since their captors had allowed them to have any sex with each other, and their combined lust fought against the knowledge that they would be drained again. Lust was winning. Again, the way they had been tied, with Artie's tongue deeply in Jim's mouth, was stimulating them even more. Their necks had been roped together, so Artie couldn't pull back and get his tongue out of Jim's mouth, not even for a second. Jim was fighting the desire to NOT let Artie get his tongue out, and also, the attempt to not give Loveless or Midas another chance at milking. Midas had given him a double shot of the stimulus potion, and he could feel himself weakening. And his cock hardening.

The sensors on their cocks made a very soft whirr, that they could hear in the silence of their cell. It gave off the sound, every time either of their cocks grew even a minuscule amount.

Midas had only given Artie a single dose, because the yield from the milkings was showing that Artie produced far more semen than Jim, although Jim's semen seemed to be much healthier: his fertilization rate was double that of Artie's. Midas had concluded that, perhaps, all the work Dr. Gordon had done with heavy metals, and radioactivity, had had some impact on the viability of his sperm. He laughed to himsefl. "There may be a paper there. Who knows?"

Every now and then, Jupiter would get up and check on them. Artie was trying something. If he saw Jupiter at the cell door, he would try to move, even a little, so his ass cheeks would show. Jupiter noticed, and smiled. Artie thought he had a chance at seduction, but it would have to be fast: with Hermes dying , and the distinct possibility that Jupiter would only be with them another 2-3 weeks, he had to do what he could.

Meanwhile, Loveless was checking on the situation with the clones. Things seemed to be going well. He had upped the nutrients in the culture that the developing cells were getting, and it looked like there would be at least 12 ready for movement to smaller body chambers for development. That's why the train had to move, faster. They were on their way to his friend, Dr. Arcularis, and his lighthouse turned to a laboratory.

Arcularis had captured Jim in the past, and had actually succeeded in breaking his will, with a series of experiments using bright light, pulsing, to coerce him into shooting a rival. It had almost worked. Artie had broken that one up, and got Jim back to sanity. That was when he realized, as he slowly brought Jim back to normal, that his feelings for this man went beyond the usual working relationship. Arcularis had escaped capture, and was now back. Loveless had convinced him to dedicate his laboratory to raising the clones, and it was capable of growing up to 24 beginning clones, and 48 advanced ones. Loveless would need that space.

As he was checking on the specimens, and alarm went off. "AH. " He smiled. "As my mother would say, the biscuits are done." Midas heard the same signal, and smiled more broadly. Loveless, a pure scientist, seemed to have no carnal drive whatsoever, and in any event, not for other men. Midas, on the other hand, was more than happy to be involved in the "Hands on" work of these experiments, especially when it came to West.

Caesar and Augustus went to the cell, to join Jupiter. It was easy to remove the bonds that held Jim and Artie together, while keeping their wrists tied . Naked, the three clones could see the raging hard ons that both men had. Caesar and Augustus were totally emotionless, but again, Artie thought he saw a smile from Jupiter. He whispered, in a very low voice "I'm sure I could get even harder if I had you in me." Jupiter didn't move, but again, a little bit of a grin seemed to pass over his face.

"Well, well, gentlemen. It seems that physical contact gave you a chance to re-ignite your fondness for each other." Midas grinned as he came over, and slid his hand, first over Artie's and then Jim's penis. Again, Artie was watching Jupiter. He could swear he saw the clone bite his lip when Midas touched his cock. Midas didn't linger on Artie's, but he certainly did on Jim.

"So... gentlement, now we have to remove the sensors... for now. And how might we do it? " He grinned. "Of course, I have an idea." He signalled to Caesar, who came over and untied their wrists.

"You're each going to remove the other's sensor. It is a shame that they adhere to your penis hairs, but you're both creative. Let's see how you do it."

Untied, Jim and Artie might have been able to make an escape, but with Caesar, Augustus, and Jupiter there.... Again, Artie had been working on seducing Jupiter, and it seemed to be working, but Jupiter wasn't going to let him go. If anything, Artie thought Jupiter wanted him for himself for the next three weeks. "Listen bud.. Probably should do this as quickly as possible. It's gonna hurt, but... it's like a bandage. Get it off and get it done." "You do it to me first Artie. Just rip it off." Augustus moved behind Jim and held onto him tightly. Artie closed his eyes, and whispered "forgive me Jim." He took hold of the sensor, took a good grip on it, counted to three, and pulled.

'AGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' Jim's scream went through the entire train. The sensor had been removed, together with a nice patch of his pube hair, and the touch of Artie's hand on his cock had gotten him even harder.

"Your turn Jim. Don't worry." Caesar moved over to hold Artie the way Augustus had Jim. Jupiter muscled him out of the way. His hand "inadvertently " brushed Artie's nipple, and in spite of himself, Artie's cock jumped. Jim noticed. So did Midas. "I'm surprised that neither of you simply asked for a scissor," Midas gloated. "It might have made things much easier. But then again, less chance to touch your partner's privates." Jim looked at him. "Is it too late to request one." "Not at all Mr. West. Not at all. " He handed Jim the scissor, and he looked at Artie. "Hold still bud. You were always the barber, but now..." He trimmed away. Artie's cock was growing as Jim cut. The combination of Jupiter's strong grip, together with his head, placed so close to Artie's sensitive ear, and the hands working on the sensor, were pushing him very close.

Jim finished the cutting, and had the sensor in his hand. He thought about trying to use the scissor, but he knew, it was too small, and again, at least for now, the three guards were keeping a very close eye.

Loveless walked into the room. "EXCELLENT. We have the sensors back, and the train is making ample progress toward the lighthouse of Dr. Arcularis." Jim gulped when he heard the name. Midas had captured him by tricking him, but Arcularis had defeated him, in hand to hand fighting when Jim became his prisoner. He had tried to escape three times, and each time, Arcularis had beaten him soundly. He remembered the light treatment. The bastard had actually broken him. HE was involved with these two?

"I would also let you know that the cloning is proceeding apace, gentlemen. We should have two more members by the time we reach Arcularis. Then, we can begin to move the first West, and the first Gordon clones to the finishing chamber. For now though, it is time for specimen gathering. " He turned to Midas. "What is your plan today, Sir?"

Midas smiled. "I think we are going to use the electronic anal plugs today. We knew that you were amenable to anal stimulation Mr. West, but we were not sure of Dr. Gordon." He paused and added "But we have a plug, comfigured to be an exact physical match of Jupiter's penis. " Another pause, and he added slowly. "I'm sure you will find it sufficient."

He turned to the clones. "Please strap each one to a platform. He handed a plug to Jupiter. "I presume you will want to do the honors on Dr. Gordon, Jupiter." Jupiter smiled. "Dr Midas, if you were to fit my own penis to perform this job, it would be better." "I agree Jupiter, but we do not have that technology yet. Perhaps soon." Jim and August were strapped down, face up. Their cocks were still hard, as the milking tubes were attached. Then, Midas began slowly inserting the plug into Jim. It was ribbed, and he turned it as he went. "Perhaps not quite the way I use mine, but effective, I would say," as West's cock jumped. Jupiter was far less gentle. he smiled, as he rammed the larger plug into Artemus in one push, producing a whine from the man.

"Start the pulser. One pulse ever ten seconds, at level one. Had this been the first experiment, it would have been over soon. This was the level Loveless had designed for virgins. As the men had experienced more than a small amount of anal penetration, there was almost no effect. "As I expected," Midas said, as he wrote down notes. "Caesar, raise it to level three, but don't increase the frequency yet." At this level, both men began to feel something. Jim unconsciously began to push his butt against the plug, trying to get more. Artie was used to a larger cock, and one that was far from gentle, so the effect on him was almost negligible. Again, Midas noticed. "Increase the frequency on Dr. Gordon to every five seconds, and move it to level five." He walked over to West. "Perhaps an addition to the plug will be of assistance. " He put down his pad, and began running his thumbs along Jim's nipples. There was a gasp from Jim, and Artie muttered "You bastard. Take your hands off my man." Midas laughed. Artie was playing right into his hands. Jim, hearing those words, got taken right to the brink. Midas smiled at him. "Is Dr. Gordon your man, Mr. West? Is he the man you wanna give your ass to, as often as possible?" He squeezed Jim's nipples hard.

"YES. YES. I WANT ARTIE ALL THE TIME. " He sighed, because he lost control of his erection, and began shooting into the tube. "I can't believe you did that to me," he spat at Midas, who responded "I'm going to do MUCH more to you Mr. West, rest assured. " He turned to Dr. Gordon. "Up to level seven, and every three seconds" They had estimated that the force of Jupiter's thrusts was probably closest to six, so the increase to seven, was more than Artie was used to. And with almost no break between the pulses, he couldn't hold out. "JIM," he screamed, before his own jizz went into the tubes.

Loveless walked in. He had two clones whom they had not seen before.

"EXCELLENT gentlemen. You both provided more than adequate loads. I am pleased. We'll have plenty to do when we arrive at the lighthouse. And let me introduce you to the two, newest clones. I've named them Phobos, and Excalibur. These are the final two that were nourished with the older culture. We can begin fresh when we arrive at the new laboratory."

The train pulled into a station. From their cell window, Jim saw Dr. Ascularis, standing, legs spread, arms folded, a slight smile across his face. Ascularis was a big man: at least 6'4". He towered over Jim, who barely came in at 5'10" and Artie, who claimed 5' 8" . Still, when it had come to hand to hand fighting, Jim had been confident that time. He had taken down bigger men, wild animals, anything that had come at him.

Ascularis was different. Jim hadn't seen his body, but he remembered that, when he punched him, it was like striking metal. And Ascularis had a grip that was like the strongest vise. He had just hoisted West over his shoulder, dragged him into a cell, and kept him locked up there. When Jim proved to be too much for his guards, when he was taken for torture, Ascularis came himself. He administered all of the "treatments" Jim had received. Artie had kept secret how he had gotten him out, but was very clear that it had taken six months of work to undo the brainwashing he had received. Jim wasn't afraid of many of his adversaries. He WAS afraid of Ascularis.

Dr. Ascularis stood on the platform with a group of about 20 men: all fit, and strong looking. They were here to work with the three clone brothers, to bring whatever needed to be brought from the train, to the lighthouse laboratory.

"Time gentlemen." Jupiter was at the cell, where Jim and Artie had been locked, hands cuffed in front of them, leg irons on their ankles, like federal prisoners. Jupiter took Artie's forearm, and walked him out of the train, while the other two pushed Jim along roughly. "nice touch you got there," Artie said to Jupiter, who actually smiled.

"Mr West. Dr. Gordon. I am delighted to have the chance to see you again," Dr. Ascularis spoke. He looked at Jim. "You look quite broken, Mr. West. Such a shame. Defeating you at full strength is one of the highlights of my career." "You won't get the chance again, Ascularis." Jim spat out, to laughter. "We shall see, Mr. West, we shall see." He turned to Dr. Loveless and shook his hand. "Loveless." and then to Dr. Midas. "Morgan. it is good to see you again. Why don't you go and tour the lab, and the , ahem, 'quarters' we have for these gentlemen? I will make sure that the content of the train comes along nicely. "

Loveless and Midas went on ahead, and Ascularis addressed Jim and Artie. "So as to be sure we understand things, gentlemen. You are ALL guests in my home. I have my rules, and I expect them to be followed. " He smiled. "And I am looking forward to wrestling matches with each of you." He walked back to his men, as the clones pushed Jim and Artie up ahead. Artie was trying to communicate with Jim, but the clones were too close.

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"What a fascinating set up, Dr. Ascularis," Loveless was gushing. "Subterranean quarters for safekeeping." He smiled and looked at West and Gordon. "A complete lab on the first floor - WITH ENOUGH PODS FOR DEVELOPMENT." And upstairs? " Ascularis smiled. "Mr. West could tell you. Our persuasion chamber is up there. You are free to use it, if your milking equipment can be moved there.

"No, I think we will continue to milk on the train; however, it will be good to finally have room to keep these two... separated." He saw the color drain from West's face, and laughed like a hyena. "Yes, my friends. Hereafter, your sleeping together will be only under controlled conditions. There are separate chambers below. You will each be kept in one of them. Perhaps visited occasionally by a new boyfriend or two, and perhaps not. "

Augustus came up to Loveless and whispered. Loveless responded by smiling. "EXCELLENT. The clones that were 'baking' on the train have finished. Caesar is leading them right now." A leer crossed his face. "one from sperm donated from each of you. I believe we will name them alpha and omega. Alpha shall be the clone of Gordon's sperm, and omega, that of West."

The new clones were brought in. They were each about the size of their paternal sperm, but somewhat more muscular, and also hairless. There was a hatred in both sets of eyes as well.

Loveless turned to clone alpha. "What is Dr. Gordon thinking now?" The clone closed his eyes, and was silent for a minute. The voice that came out of his mouth was a complete mimic of Artie "How the hell am I gonna get us out of this? Jim's ass looks hot in those pants. How the hell am I gonna get us out of this? I'm horny. I hope they don't see it." Midas broke out laughing. "Perhaps a good FUCK from Jupiter can get rid of that feeling, Dr. Gordon." He turned to the omega clone. "And what of Mr. West?" Jim tried to put up a mental block, as omega began probing him. Jim felt the block pushed aside like so much paper. "He kicked the shit outta me. He can do it again. I know he can. What can I do? How is Artie doing with the seduction of Jupiter? Can we do anything with that? I'm horny again. Damn that sex juice." Now it was Midas' turn to laugh like the hyena, when he saw the color drain from Jim and Artie again. "SO... there was a plan to turn Jupiter on us? Hmmm. We were concerned that Jupiter had too much of his father in him." He turned to Loveless, and Loveless nodded. "It is necessary." Midas pulled the electro stunner he kept in his pocket out, and turned it to high. He pointed it at Jupiter. In ten seconds, the big man was on the floor, no longer breathing. "You will have a new guard Dr. Gordon. Alpha shall be in charge. " He turned to Ascularius. "May I impose on your men to bring Jupiter back to the train? We will reuse his body parts for further cloning. ashes to ashes, dust to dust." "Consider it done," Ascularius signalled his men, and they dragged off the body of Jupiter.

"Now, we shall have to settle down for the night." Loveless smiled. "I believe that Dr. Midas has some ideas for the sleeping arrangements. " "Indeed. Mr. West, you shall be joining me, first in the torture chamber upstairs, and then in my bed chamber. Dr. Gordon, Caesar will make sure that you are chained to a wall, with an appropriate electro plug in you, and the iron maiden on you. It will prepare you for tomorrow. " He smiled. "Mr West will be drained tonight, by me."

The cackling from the three villains was loud and victorious.

Meanwhile, as they dragged Jupiter back to the train, one of Ascularius' men could have sworn he felt motion. He turned to his colleague. "I think we'd best check, Drake. We may have to put a bullet in this one." He never got the chance. Jupiter had faked death by holding his breath as long as needed. One full sweep of his arm, and he took out Drake. Shocked, the second man ran off. Jupiter went after him, but with the impact of the long term cloning catching up to him, he couldn't find him. His only alternative was to hide. He knew his time was limited, but he had more than a crush on Artie: he wanted him as his spouse. And he would get him, one way or the other. He headed for the thick woods surrounding the light house, to wait for his opportunity.

At the lighthouse, Gordon found himself naked, and spread out on a stone wall, chained at the ankles and his wrists. Caesar had inserted a plug larger than the one they had used that afternoon, and it hurt. Then he put the penile "iron maiden" on him. "Sleep well, slave," Caesar laughed as he left the room.

Upstairs, Jim found himself tied down to a softer bed, but with Midas very gently stroking his body with a very sharp razor. "It is an excellent technique for calming the mind, Mr. West. Just on the edge of removing your body hair... or cutting, if you move too fast." Jim swallowed, as he watched the straight edge pass over his body. He gritted his teeth as Midas took his cock and balls in his hand and began doing the same there. "Do you find it stimulating Mr. West?" He laughed because it was clear from his reaction that Jim did. "Should I take the collecting cup now?'' Midas reached for it, and ran the blade over Jim's cock one last time, before he pulled it, and got a full cupful of sample in return. He grinned. "I will be making some deposits myself tonight. But for now, I have to get this to Dr. Loveless so that he can preserve it. "OMEGA. Please keep an eye on Mr. West."

"It shall be done Master." Midas went to find Loveless.

Next: Chapter 9

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