Jim West and Artemus Gordon Meet Again

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 30, 2020


Legal stuff: this story is completely fiction and there are no implications about the sexuality or sexual preferences of the actors who played these characters at all. It is a work of pure fantasy: a "what if" story. The author has no rights, including but not being limited to, intellectual property rights (copyrights, trademarks, etc), to the characters or the television series which serves as the basis for the story.

Artemus moved into Jim's house after that first visit, and established himself as the alpha male in the couple. He set down the law as soon as they decided he would stay.

"When you're at work, Jim, I don't care how you treat people, or how you act. When you walk in the door, you remember that I'm the Boss. If we're out together, you remember that too. I want no guff, no trouble, and no arguments. Clear?"

Jim was tied to a chair when Artemus said this. Since Arty knew all of his tricks for hiding knives and other paraphernalia for escape, he had disarmed Jim before tying him. And Arty tied a good knot. Jim pushed against the wrist restraints, and found no movement. He wished that he had hidden at least one knife. A wrestling match with Arty would have been fun, although he had learned, already, that Arty was much stronger than he seemed, and he had overpowered Jim on a couple of occasions, before fucking the shit out of him.

"Yes Arty. You're the boss."

Artemus smiled, and walked over. He wasn't wearing one of his more colorful outfits that day, and his close fitting shirt and slacks made him look quite fine.

"I think the appropriate word , is not Arty. Not when we're together. It's SIR"

Jim laughed. "Really Arty?"

"Really Jim.." Gordon reached in and took a handful of Jim's crotch through his tight pants.

"OW. OK OK. You made your point. Yes Sir. Yes sir." Gordon let go and stood back, unzipping his pants.

"Let's celebrate getting back together. SUCK ME."

Jim gulped. Arty was big. And thick.

"Yes sir." He took his friend's cock in his mouth. Jim had never done this before, but Arty had. He guided Jim's head, back and forth, until the friction brought Arty all the way up to his full length and girth.

'SWALLOW YOU SEXY BEAST. SWALLOW." Arty began filling Jim's throat with his semen. As he finished, he smiled. "Oh, this is gonna be MUCH more fun than I thought it would be. You have a virgin mouth. Once taken doesn't take that away. I'll do all I can to make sure it is."

Jim wasn't sure how he felt about what had just happened, although the bulge in his tight pants suggested he liked it.

"Arty, can you untie me now?"

As soon as he got the question out , Jim regretted it."

"NO. And now that it's clear you're going to be defiant... "

"I'm sorry Sir. I'm sorry. I just forgot."

"You won't after today, Jim."

Gordon pulled a pair of clothes pins from the pantry, and brought them out. "One for each nipple. Half an hour. Minimum. "

The first one made Jim scream in pain. He almost passed out after the second one. Arty stood there and laughed.

"You know, with all those villains, none of them ever used something as simple as clothes pins on you. I never understood why."

Jim was gritting his teeth, trying to fight through the pain.

"Please Sir. I won't forget again. Please. They hurt. They hurt bad. "

"That right, handsome? That right?" Gordon moved in, and twisted them , one to the left and one to the right.


"I'll cut it down from 30 minutes to 15. But you're gonna have to learn, Jim. I've got rules, and you're gonna follow them. "

Arty WAS a man of his word, and after 15 minutes, he took the clothes pins off, which provoked more screaming from Jim.

"Next time I guess I'm gonna have to gag you Jim. Don't wanna disturb the neighbors."

Panting, Jim asked "Please Sir. Can you untie me now?"

"Oh, no. That's the way it's gonna be when I'm not using you stud. Tied to a chair, tied to the bed, tied to the walls. Just like the old times."

Artemus was also clear that, in terms of chores around the house, Jim would be doing what a western woman would be doing: he was in charge of cooking, of laundry, of cleaning, and of course, of making himself available to Arty's needs . Gordon would take care of the finances, the repair work on the house, and all the things you'd expect the man of the house to do. Outside of chores, however, they were two men. After dinner that night, Arty "suggested" arm wrestling, to see who got to pick what they did in bed that night. Of course, he insisted that Jim be shirtless for the game.

When they locked up, Jim thought he had a chance. He still hadn't quite assimilated that Arty was really the stronger one: the government had kept him out of the field, because with his education, his strength was not as important as his ability to carry out reactions to test for explosives, or to analyze data, etc. Locked up at the table, with Arty smiling, and Jim's wrist slowly bending to the side, Jim asked, grimacing

"Why didn't you just tell me you were interested Sir? "

"Why didn't you?"

As Jim saw his wrist go further down, he said "because I didn't want to destroy the relationship we had. I knew you had been married, and.... DAMN." Arty pushed his wrist to the table.

"My win. Two out of three?"

"No way. I know when I'm licked, Sir. "

"Licking sounds like a real good thing Jim. That's gonna be part of tonight. STRIP'

"Yes sir."

Jim was still hard, because he had not gotten any release from earlier in the day when he had sucked Arty. His cock stood out in the air. His hands were behind his back, the way Arty liked him, with his sore nipples thrust forward. Arty came over, and began flicking his finger over Jim's cockhead.

"Remember those clothespins, Jim?"

"How could I forget them Sir?"

"Well, you shouldn't. Because they go right nice on a set of big balls like yours. " Jim gulped and his voice went up. "Please Sir. I don't think I could handle that."

Gordon laughed. "Sure ya could. Tied to the bed, helpless, gagged, you wouldn't have any choice. But not tonight. Tonight... you learn the manly art of rimming."

Because Arty had a feeling that Jim was going to react, strongly to the feel of a tongue on his ass, and just because he liked seeing Jim tied up, he restrained him to the bed. He attached the restraints very tightly, keeping Jim's arms pulled as far away from his body as possible. Jim looked at both restraints, to see if any escape were possible. There wasn't. Arty had studied what each and every villain had done, and had gone beyond.

"Your ass is as pretty out of pants as it is in pants Jim." Arty slid his hands under Jim and cupped his ass. He squeezed, and saw a drop of precum on the tip of Jim's cock.

"You wanna taste it Jim?" Arty took it on his finger and brought it over to Jim's mouth.

"I don't really have any choice, do I Sir?" He took it. Not as thick, clearly, as Arty's cum, but salty.

"You're gonna make a lot more of that now, handsome.." Arty pushed Jim's ass into the air. He was smiling. "I wonder how many licks I'm gonna get in, before you lose control."

It almost happened with the first one. Jim knew from the classes he had to take that there were more nerve endings in that area of the body than anywhere else. He had never experienced it first hand, however, as Arty's tongue touched his asshole.


Arty looked up and smiled. "Just a man and his tongue, Mr. West." He got back to work.

"SIR. This is more intense than the electroshock therapy I had."

"And better. Right Jim?"

"Yes sir."

It was maybe four or five licks, before Jim did lose control . He squealed, in a high, girlish voice, and shot a huge load all over himself. Arty laughed. "More laundry tomorrow Jim" He began stroking Jim's hairy torso, before he bent down and kissed the area around where his pants would meet his body. It tickled, and Jim jumped.

"OH, Jim. You're gonna regret that just happened. But right now, you know, being around you has just gotten me so damn randy.." He pulled up Jim's legs.

"AGAIN ARTY? OH, Sorry, I mean SIR. I'm sore. I'm really sore from you."

"Get used to it. That ass is mine now."

"Yes sir."

As with the first time, Arty lacked finesse and rammed Jim hard. His style of fucking had gotten him nicknames like "ram rod" or 'pile driver,' and it was deserved. It was no wonder Jim, who was new to anal sex, was sore. Way more experienced men had walked away hurting, when they could walk again.

He pounded Jim without mercy.

"FOUR YEARS I COULDA HAD THIS ASS. FOUR FUCKING YEARS. YOU'RE GONNA MAKE UP FOR IT AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. FOUR.. FUCKING... YEARS..." Jim's ass received a baptism of Arty's semen again. He was getting it two, sometimes three times a day, and Arty showed no sign of letting up.

"Better get some sleep, stud. You gotta go to work tomorrow, and I gotta go and look for some."



The headline couldn't be clearer. Artemus saw it that morning, as he was looking for work. Finding a job turned out to be much easier than he thought. Gold prospecting was still a big industry in the area, and qualified analysts, who could determine the content of gold in a sample, were hard to find. Arty's training as a chemist got him an interview with a merchant, who was at first, skeptical.

"Harvard man, huh? Hmmm. We don't get many East Coasters out here. Wonder what your side angle is Gordon." Arty flashed the smile that had seduced more than one woman, and way more than one man. "Well, Sir, to be honest, I worked for the government for a long time, and when the program ended, I went back to teaching. Just wasn't for me. So, I packed up, and headed west. I planted myself here, when I found my old partner from the time at the government living in town."

"You mean Jim West?"

"Guilty Sir."

"Well damn, why didn't you say so? West is one fine man. If you're his friend, you're my friend. You can start tomorrow, if you like."

"That sounds good to me Sir." He shook the guy's hand. "Thank you Mr. Midas. I'll be here tomorrow."

"Please. Call me Morgan. We're gonna be working in very close quarters. No formality here."

As Artemus walked out, Midas smiled. "Don't remember me, huh Gordon? I shoulda taken both of you when I had you. Now, I will. All in due course." He closed shop and went to the telegraph office and shot something off to a Mr. Quixote:

"Congratulations, STOP. Need to come West. STOP. James West.


"Hey, Jim, great news. I got a job at the assayist. I'll be his cupellator"

"His WHAT?" Jim was at the stove, making a venison stew. He had taken off his usual crisp white shirt, and was in an undershirt and his tight pants. He realized he had forgotten SIR, and hoped he wasn't gonna pay for it.

Arty smiled. "A cupellator measures gold in samples. Ya learn it early on in chemistry. " He came up from behind Jim and rested his chin on Jim's neck. "Smells good."

"It's venison."

"No, it's West." He nuzzled Jim's ear."

"Sir. I'll burn the stew."

"I'm already burning." Arty pushed his groin into Jim. "You gonna get on your back?"

"After dinner Sir."

Arty tickled his sides. "Maybe you misheard me. I said 'go get on your back."

"Yes sir." Jim turned off the heat on the stew. It got hot in the bedroom instead. Arty either forgot, or didn't care, that Jim was sore from all the fucking. And he wasn't any gentler than he was the last time. He DID let Jim jerk himself off though.

When they were cleaned up, and finally did eat dinner, Arty pulled out the paper. "You see this today Jim?"

"Yes, I did Sir. I didn't know what to make of it. I remember that when they took him away to prison, he turned around and said "we'll meet again West," and smiled. "

"I wonder what they found that got the conviction reversed."

"Whatever. We should be on guard. If you could find me Sir, it means he probably can."

Arty's new job, made that much easier for Loveless. He read the telegram from Midas, and smiled.

Next: Chapter 3

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