Jim West and Artemus Gordon Meet Again

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 28, 2020


Jim had battled, and defeated, each of Dr Loveless , Dr Midas, and "General" Ascularis. But he had defeated them with Artie at his side and , more importantly, one on one. Now,united, he couldn't exploit their weaknesses. Loveless and Midas were way smarter than he was, but no match for him in a fight. Ascularis was "no genius" as Artie had put it, but Jim was no match for him physically. He thought of that as Ascularis had tied him tight, thrown him over his shoulder, and carted Jim to the laboratory. Ascularis stood by as Midas made him strip, get in the table, and tied his wrists and ankles to the table. Midas was grinning .

"Mr West. It's good to see you again." He ran his hand down Jim's torso and grinned more broadly. Jim pulled, futilely, at the restraints. "The feeling is NOT mutual Midas." Midas only laughed, as he saw Jim's cock jump. "Now Mr West, that is a VERY bad attitude." Midas smiled as he passed a hand over Jim's cockhead, making Jim's penis jump again. "Genera Ascularus would like nothing more than a boxing match with you, whichI presume you know, you would lose." His smile grew wider. "So Dr Loveless and I have had to do some planning with your Dr Gordon having escaped. See. With him gone, Mr West, I'm afraid you'll have to pick up the production gap. So...." Dr Loveless came into the room, pushing a primitive IV machine. "This machine is filled with Dr Midas' formula Mr West. We will start infusing you with it continuously. And...". Loveless rubbed his hands gleefully, as he put a small device on each of Jim's balls. "These sensors will recognize when you have produced enough semen for a pulse". Loveless now put a second device around Jim's cock. "The sensors will activate the stimulator, which will, shall we say, induce orgasm. Your sees will be carried off by the tube. Constantly empty, you will constantly produce more. All day, all night. And we will collect every drop". He cackled as Jim struggled more.

"YOU WONT GET AWAY WITH THIS" Jim yelled. Midas turned to Loveless.

" May I?" Loveless nodded, and Midas produced a huge bandana that Jimmrecognized as Artie's.

"I had suggested gagging you West , for no other reason than I like seeing you gagged. But perhaps your lover's scent will stimulate you even more." Indeed, as Midas affixed the gag, a slight buzz went through Jim's testicles, followed by a brief shock to his penis. He felt the semen pour out of his cock.

"SUCCESS GENTLEMEN SUCCESS." Loveless crowed. " Put three guards on the door. We have much to discuss, and Mr West is going nowhere". Jim heard the laughter as they left. He worried about Artie, and the fluid turned that worry, into desire

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcxxxxxxcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx

In a separate room, Midas addressed Loveless and Ascularis. "Gentlemen , we have a problem. Even with Mr West's superb physique, we cannot maintain this for long. We MUST recapture Gordon. "Agreed Midas, agreed" answered Loveless. Have we options? General Ascularis, you are most experienced in the capture of runaway prisoners.

Have you a suggestion? Ascularis smiled. " indeed I do. In return, I want a match with both West and Gordon, when he is recaptured." The scientists looked at each other "Agreed. What is your plan?" West mustn't escape. Under controlled conditions, of course. Your clone, and Gordon will seek to help him." He paused. "And then we shall have them all."

From the forest , Artie and Jupiter could hear the alarm, and they could see the bright light at the base of the lighthouse.

"That indicates the next batch of clones is ready, Artie. They now have 48. ". He put his hand firmly, but gently, on Artie's shoulder. ` You would not leave without your precious West. We have no more time.

48 of them will find us. We must act quickly."

At the lighthouse, one of Ascularis' men came into the lab where Jim was held prisoner. Jim had ehaculated six times, and felt a seventh orgasm on the way.

"It's time to replace the instruments Mr West. Dr Loveless feels more power will lead to more production."

"MMMMMMMMMMPH". Jim squeezed out through the gag. He couldn't take more of this! The guard removed the instruments, and then put his finger to his lips as he loosened the gag. Jim shook his head in understanding.

The man whispered " I'm undercover for the government, I'm gonna get you out of here." He loosened the bonds.

`Quickly, quietly. Get dressed." He moved a few items so that a makeshift ladder resulted. He wrapped a large object in a cloth. " Be careful. Climb carefully , break the window and jump. There is insulation on the ground. MOVE. There only about half hour before Midas checks."

Jim didn't get a chance to thank the man or ask questions . He was gone. Jim didn't need any encouragement. He did what the man said, and soon, was out of the lighthouse and crouched on the ground, scuttling to get as far away from the lighthouse as possible, not knowing that the coven was watching all the time......

"All we have to do gentlemen, is have the clones follow West" Ascularis spoke. You've told me the clones have a strong sense of smell. Jupiter will know he's out there. He's with Gordon, and he wouldn't DARE harm West, given how he feels about Gordon, and how Gordon feels about him."

He smiled. " I can't wait to have West back in my clutches."

"Nor I" added Midas. " " Should we disable the train? It is their only way out of here" Ascularis smiled. "FINALLY you are thinking strategically. Perhaps we should divide the new clones: half to the train, half after West and Gordon?" Loveless shook his head no.

"If the clones so much as smell semen, we now know they'll spend their time searching for it, rather than doing their appointed task"

Midas interrupted. " I have an idea. Ascularis - you and I - we'll take the invisibility potion and get to the train ourselves. We can surely disable it, and bring back whatever we can use.

"More strategic thinking . Bravo. The clones can protect Dr Loveless, not that I see any concern about an offense from those three." Midas administered the drug to the two of them , and they headed toward the train.

In the cave, Artemus was locked tightly in Jupiter's grip. After the thorough fucking he had received, Artemus had allowed Jupiter to feed.

The brutal pounding his prostate had received provoked an extra large amount of semen, and after he had taken it all, Jupiter smiled.

"It grows sweeter each time Artie". Gordon didn't recall When Jupiter had started using the pet name Jim had given him, but he was in no position to argue. He felt Jupiter's grip loosen. He was awake. He winced. Was Jupiter going to take him again?

" I smell semen Artie. It's not yours. There's another human out there. Be still." Jupiter got up and went out into the forest. He barely made a sound.

Then Artie heard struggling, and muffled sounds of .... JIM!!!!!!!!! "SILENCE YOU FOOL. There are others out there. At least one other man.

I cannot see him yet." Gordon was all smiles " I knew you'd get out, but....how? "Long story Artie, for later. Now, how do we get outta here?" "The train? You think we could make it back there?" "What choice do we have? We know they won't kill us. Let's try. ". Artemus turned to Jupiter. " we can't leave without him. He saved me.

And those bastards WILL destroy him" "OK Artie. Let's go. Jupiter, you with us?"

"WAIT" Jupiter said in a commanding voice. "There's someone else around. I'm sure of it. I smell it. VERY powerful semen. VERY strong. " He smiled "No offense Artie, but I could live on what I'm smelling a lot longer than yours." "You seem to have been doing fine. Listen do you see anything?" "Nothing. Absolutely nothing." "Ok, we've just gotta get moving. The clones will be coming soon."

The three took off, trying as hard as they could to keep low. Ascularis, whose semen Jupiter had smelled, laughed invisibly. This would be easy. His long strides were taking him to the train as fast as the three of them. Midas was already there, setting traps throughout the train, moving things to places where they were hidden, finding restraints, etc.

When the three got to the train, Artie said "Look . We gotta separate most of the train from the engine. We don't need the lab or all that stuff, and we'll go faster. "Great idea Artie. How long is it gonna take us to detach?" "FUCK. You're right Jim." "Not long.." Jupiter jumped in. "How many cars do you want?" "Oh, I don't know. Probably two, maybe three." "We'll take 3." Jupiter went to the juncture of trains 3 and 4, and reached down. His strength was ebbing: he needed to be fed, soon, but he grabbed the coupler, and pulled. The metal shrieked, and they could see the clones picking up speed at the sound. But it was done. The train had been severed. "LETS GO" Artie yelled. "Help me Artie. That took out most of what I had. I'll need to eat. Soon." "Roger... Artie put his arm around Jupiter, and pulled him into the third car. Jim was already there. He ran up to the engine, and turned on the automatic power switch. The smaller train started moving. "Once we're far enough away, we'll start planning a route. " Artie sat down. He spread his legs. "Jim, I'm gonna have to try to get Jupiter some energy. Can you help too?" "Yeah, one minute. Let me just go check to make sure the engine is in good shape. " Jim walked forward two cars. That's when the fist from the invisible Ascularis took him down. "Tie him up." He said to Midas. "Yes SIR. No argument from me." Ascularis went back to the car where Artie was pulling down his pants. The invisibility drug wore off just as he got there. "HOLY SHIT. How did you get on the train." "HA HA HA HA HA. In due time. " He threw a fist at Artie and knocked him out. "Now, YOU clone. I've been looking for the challenge of a clone, for a while." At full strength, Ascularis would have met his match. In his weakened state, Ascularis took him easily.

When Jim and Artie woke up, they found themselves bound, gagged, and straddling an equally helpless Jupiter. Midas and Ascularis were standing over them, smiling, as the train hurtled forward.

Next: Chapter 11

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