Jim the Contractor and Joe

By Joe jrjn1

Published on Dec 14, 2006


Jim the Contractor and Joe


I had purchased a small piece of property and had decided that I was going to build my dream house on it. I spent a lot of time designing my house. I took the drawings to an architect and had them officially drawn out. Now came the task of finding a contractor.

After a long search I finally decided on my contractor. His name is Jim. He is a very nice man. He is married with three daughters and a very nice wife. From the moment that I met him there was a rugged handsomeness about him. He was not the most attractive man, but ruggedly masculine. He is approximately 6' tall, 190 pounds with brown hair, moustache and usual 5 o'clock shadow on the rest of his face. I remember when we shook hands the day we made the deal; I made a mental note of the rough skin on his hands, a sure sign of a hard working man.

During the process of building the house we had to have many discussions about the work done and the future work still to do. The project took a lot longer than I ever imagined. I also I had my suspicions during the job that he was using or selling drugs. I remember one day finding paraphernalia and bringing it to his attention. He told me that it was just a little speed and it would never happen again. I won't go into all the problems I encountered during the process, but it was rough. There were always people that didn't belong and I didn't feel like I was getting the good customer service I was expecting.

At the same time, I was getting more and more turned on by the guy on a daily basis. I envisioned him laying more than pipe in the house. It seemed as if there was a different girl every week following him around and I started to become jealous. I thought, hey, this is my house and he's my contractor if anyone is going to blow him it should be me.

One day he had ripped his pants. He was walking around with this giant tear in the back of his jeans. His right ass cheek was hanging out and the flap was hanging down his leg so far that you could see his hairy ass and leg. I was hoping he'd bend or move in such a way as to see his cock or balls, but that never happened. I made a joke at the time, saying "Nice Pants", but little did he know that they were awesome for me.

About half-way through the project I just couldn't take it anymore and decided that I was going to try and get a chance to blow him. I knew he was very straight and I was unsure as to how to seduce a married straight man, but I thought I'm going to give it a shot. I rehearsed over and over again my speech. I wanted to make a couple points clear to him, that I didn't want to change him, that in the end he'll still be the same straight married guy when it's all over, and that it's no-strings. I didn't want him thinking that I wanted him to leave his wife and move in with me... I just wanted some no-strings sex. I also wanted him to get the feeling that it was no big deal, that we're actually helping each other out, I like to suck dick and every guy likes his dick sucked and to get off... so we're helping each other out that way.

I thought for sure there's no way he's going to turn me down, because everyone knows that married men never get any sex. I also thought of all his girlfriends that I saw parading around, but I decided that I was going to bring it up to him.

After weeks of rehearsing the speech, I got up enough nerve to finally approach him one day and ask him. The day arrived and I made sure that we were completely alone while doing this. We were standing outside the barely begun house and I gave him my prepared speech. Near the end of the speech was the shocking point... "Jim, I want to give you a blowjob".

I waited patiently for what seemed like hours, but I'm sure it was only a moment to receive the very disappointing answer. "I'm flattered, but no thank you."

My heart sank, but I was not going to leave it at that... I told him "That's cool, but keep it in mind, if you ever need it, just let me know, the offer stands."

He proceeded to tell me that I was the second guy to ever say that to him. The other one was his wife's hairdresser (how stereotypical), but that he never took him up on it. He said the guy really wanted him bad. I'm thinking at that moment, `you have no idea'.

The project went on and almost every time I spoke to him I would bring it up; sometimes subtly and sometimes not so subtly. I made sure that I dropped lots of innuendo and sexual comments every chance I got. Yeah, yeah, I know that could have been construed as sexual harassment, but Oh Well. My comments were on the lines of "Don't forget any time you want a break, I'll help you out and take care of things" or "Come on Jim, take a walk on the wild side, let me show you what it would be like". I shortened the question to a very short phrase that became our catch-phrase... "Is it break time yet?" or "Jim, you look like you could use a break".

He would chuckle and laugh when I'd mention it, sometimes making a comment back, like "there are times I think I should take you up on it". These comments always gave me hope that one day I would land him.

There were a couple times that we would have conversations while we were alone and I would think I've almost got him. It looked as if he was almost ready to take me up on it but then would come up with an excuse at the last minute. "I'm really dirty, I've been working all day, and I need a shower first". That of course would not work, because I told him, I would prefer him dirty...

One of his other excuses was "There's nothing really there to suck on, my dick is really small and it's not even worth it". I would remind him that it isn't the size of his dick that I'm attracted to, it's the person that it's attached to.

In the end the house was finally finished on January 13th 2006, and we were moving in. Unfortunately I never had the chance to fulfill my dream. He never took me up on my offer and he never took that break.

We have talked or seen each other here and there over the last 5 months, but still nothing.


June 16th, 2006. I called him to tell him something, and while on the phone, I reminded him of my "offer" that I'm still waiting to take care of him and he said YES...

I got an immediate hard-on. I thought, Oh, My God, he's taking me up on it. I knew that he and his wife had been having some hard times lately and were fighting a lot. I guess he hasn't gotten laid in quite a while so he finally gave in to my offer.

We talked about scheduling and location. My partner was home so we couldn't go there. We were able to agree on a time and his friend had a place.

I arrived at the place first and waited outside for him. I smoked more cigarettes in that short time than I ever have. I was so nervous. I've sucked plenty of cocks in my day... but for some reason this one was different. I believe I am breaking in a straight guy so I wanted this to be special.

He was carrying a rolled up towel under his armpit. After unlocking the door to the apartment and we went in, he said he wanted to take a shower. I tried to talk him out of it and told him that I'd rather have him dirty, but he insisted that he needed a shower. I sat on the couch and waited for him to come out.

He came out barefoot, with unzipped jeans on and a t-shirt, carrying a straight porn magazine. He called it "inspiration". He said that he would probably need that to get into it. He was obviously really nervous. At that moment in time he was the hottest thing I had ever laid eyes on.

He sat down next to me on the couch and we each smoked a cigarette. After exchanging small talk and finishing the cigarette he turned to me and asked "so how do we do this?" How cute is that! I thought that was hilarious, but I made sure I didn't burst out in laughter.

I said "You tell me, do you want to just lean back here, or lie down on the couch or stand up?"

He said, "Just lean back here would be fine"

I said, "We also need to lose some of the clothes"

He stood up, undid his jeans, let them drop to the floor and then leaned back on the couch. He had been really self conscious about his cock. I remember one time when I pointed to something on the house and I asked "how big is that... 6"? He jokingly responded "that's what I keep telling my wife"...

He said "see I kept telling you that it's really small it's almost not worth the effort."

He put the magazine stiffly on his stomach almost as if it was a wall between us. I told him that I needed to remove my shirt as I didn't want to get all sweaty. I did and then went to work.

I knelt down between his legs and saw the most perfect cock in front of me. It was just beautiful nestled in all that hair. True he wasn't really hung, probably around 5", but it was absolutely perfect lying there waiting for me. With the magazine on his chest I figured he wasn't going to watch me and he was not willing to let my hands explore. So I thought, let me just give him a great blowjob.

I did my best to give him a memorable blowjob including some ball sucking. His cock was getting harder but still was not completely hard and it felt like I had just started when he surprised me by putting the magazine down and said "Oh, Man, you got it!", and he shot in my mouth.

I made sure that I cleaned him up and swallowed every drop. What was nice is that he isn't sensitive after he cums. So I was able to lick and suck and clean up every drop.

After I made sure he was cleaned up, he pulled up his jeans and I sat down on the couch next to him and I said... "So that wasn't so bad was it?"

He responded "No, it was OK, I'm sorry that it was so quick"

I said "It's no problem, I enjoyed it".

So we sat and had a cigarette and chit-chatted for a while before we left the apartment.

I immediately went home and jerked out a load in the bathroom. I was so horned up it was incredible. I also began to dream that there would be a possibility of a repeat performance. I wanted him more than ever and this time I didn't want him to wear any clothes... we'll have to see.

Comments can be sent to jrjn1@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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