Jim Moves In

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Nov 21, 2015




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I lay in bed in the darkness next to Stacey, my Thanksgiving meal still sitting in my stomach like a lead weight. My wife and I were in bed, all right, and had been for an hour, but we weren't sleeping. We'd fought before going to bed, all right, and now we were listening to the noise from next door. My wife's twin sister, Lacey, and her husband, Jim, who had moved in with us. And the sounds I was hearing were awful familiar.

My wife's and my problem had stemmed from a dreadful thing that had happened three years before; the room next to us, now the guest room where her sister and her husband were, had been the nursery. But our son had died at the age of three months (what they call Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, a doctor's term for "your son just died and we don't know why"), and my wife had somehow blamed me for that, because I'd been the one at home with him when he died. My God, like I'd not wanted my son! I'd put him down for his nap just like I'd always done, and when I went in to check on him ten minutes later, a mere ten minutes, I'd looked down at a blue-faced corpse! Yeah, I'd been pretty traumatized by that, and having my wife think I'd done something to make him die hadn't helped at all. So things had been bad and gotten worse, as my wife substituted shopping for her duties as a mother, and now we were over $30,000.00 in credit card debt. I could pay it off if I could stop this hemorrhage of new debt. Twice a week, or more, I'd come home to see new bags and boxes and more stuff, more, more stuff. But enough about the two of us, I was about to talk about Lacey and Jim.

I wasn't getting a lot of the sense through the walls, just the anger blasted through, like heat from a wood-burning stove, there's a lot of fire on the other side of that iron box...but only the heat comes through, no light at all. The heat and the noise of the flame.

I could guess at it. Lacey was as much of a shopoholic as her twin sister, from what I'd heard over the Thanksgiving dinner. And her husband, Jim, had lost his job about two months ago. I was betting that the argument was over the oldest argument of all...money. They'd already lost their apartment, and moved in with us, by invitation of my wife, who hadn't bothered to ask me if they could come. I'd learned of their plans as a fait accompli, over last night's dinner. That had been the source of my own argument before getting into bed.

I sighed and struggled with my own emotions as I tried to get my brain into sleep mode. You marry a woman for better or worse, for richer or poorer, and at the time you say yes to that, it seems like the best bargain of your life. But five years later, it's turned into a weight around your neck that you can't get rid of and aren't sure you should want to. After all, you still have the memories of how good it had been back when you'd first married, nights we'd stayed awake all night long and had sex, over and over again. Five years later, you measure your sex in terms of weeks instead of hours and like I said, what the hell are you going to do about it?

Jim had married Lacey about the same time I'd married her sister. We'd attended their marriage as husband and wife, my first family affair as Stacey's husband. I'd admired Lacey's choice of a man, for Jim was a big, broad, strong man with movie-star handsome looks. But he was no pretty-boy, no sir, he was a rough, tough, beer-drinking, dirty-joke-loving man's man, and I figured that Lacey may not ever have much money, but she'd sure have a great life with this man in her bed. I'd gone to bed with Stacey that night and found myself wanting her to get on top, seeing her sister in her, and through that, to turning myself into her and her into Jim. A weird concatenation, I admit, but it was enough to give me the most intense orgasm I'd ever had with Stacey. And the last really good time in bed, now I come to think about it.

Now he was bellowing like a wounded steer on the other side of the wall next to the head of my bed, fighting a stubborn piece of woman, his wife and my sister-in-law, and in his pained sounds, I heard myself more than once.

They settled down after a while and I managed to get to sleep, only to have a hell of a lot of wet dreams. You get them when you're used to having sex and then don't get it very much. These wouldn't have been troublesome for me, a welcome addition to a sex life that involved Mr. Hand a lot more often than I'd admit to my best friend, except that Jim was starring in a lot of them. I was dreaming about him and me in bed naked together, rolling around, just two men and no women with caviar appetites on a hamburger budget to hold them down, and me taking his cock in my mouth and sucking on it and filling my mouth with hot male jizz. I'd wake up groaning from that (or my wife poking me in the ribs and bitching about my nightmares) and go back to sleep, to dream of Jim climbing on top of me and stabbing me in the ass with his huge dong and wake up to my ribs poked yet again.

Stacey got out of bed at four a.m. with curses that woke me up again in the throes of yet another dream. "God damn it, Gregg, I didn't get two hours of sleep with you moaning at me! What did you eat yesterday to give you nightmares, anyway! I thought turkey was supposed to put you to sleep!"

"Well, it didn't!" I replied emphatically.

"At least you get to sleep in today." Stacey went on. "Lacey and I have to travel into Bentonville to do some decent shopping for Christmas. We'll be lucky to get there by six a.m."

"So wait and shop next week." I offered hopefully.

"And miss all the four-day sales? I'm trying to save you money here, so I have to get there before they sell out of their specials."

I moaned, but didn't push it. "Okay, so remember that we have to pay it all back some day."

"I just feel sorry for Lacey." Stacey went on. "Jim being out of work for two months and he's not even looking for work, Lacey says. He needs a real job anyhow...." And she went on in that vein until she mercifully finished dressing and got out the door. I heard Lacey waiting for her and then the car drove. Ahh, a merciful silence in my home at last!

Trouble was, once you wake up like that, it's the devil to get back to sleep. Add in that, despite the overload of food yesterday about sundown, I was getting hungry. I tried to sleep, woke up with a jerk from another wet dream with Jim starring in it, and said to hell with it, I'd get up, fix myself a breakfast and figure on a long, long nap afterwards.

I used the back stairs to get to the kitchen, that let me go straight there and fix my breakfast and I loaded my plate with two breakfast burritos and walked into the family room to sit and watch some TV while I ate.

And Jim was lying on the couch in there, a couch throw semi-covering him and failing to entirely hide the fact that this big stud was busy masturbating! Oh, his groin was covered by the throw, but his hand was making it shake in an all-too-familiar fashion. I stopped, staring and made a small, involuntary sound of surprise, and Jim looked up and saw me gawking at him.

"Gregg? Aw! Aw, aw, hell!" he groaned and fumbled ineffectually at his crotch, trying to cover the huge bulge in the covers somehow.

"I'm sorry, man, I'm sorry!" I told him. "I didn't know you were down here!" I was only wearing a pair of shorts made of the same material as sweatpants, which I'd been sleeping in, but I felt fully dressed compared to him.

"That bitch threw me out last night!" Jim told me. "Didn't you hear it?" He sat up on the couch and wiped his bleary eyes with one broad hand.

"Sorry, man, I didn't." I admitted. "It's okay, though, it's cool, just me and you here now."


"Lacey and Stacey took off for Bentonville to do some shopping."

"Shit!" Jim made an angry face. "She knows we're broke! What's she got to go shopping with?"

I made my own face. "I assume Stacey will let her use one of our credit cards."

"Sorry about that, man." Jim said.

"Don't worry about it." I sat down beside him. "Here, have a breakfast burrito on me."

"I can make my own breakfast."

"Don't worry about it." I said to him again. "We eat this and I'll make some more."

"Well...thanks." Jim took the burrito and I took the other. A single burrito would make a light breakfast for a big man like Jim, not enough, but enough to stay the pangs a while.

He and I talked, we'd discovered a lot in common while watching the games on TV yesterday. With our wives gone, we enjoyed ourselves even more, the sort of locker room talk that guys use to affirm our masculinity and our humanity at the same time. Women can't stand this sort of talk, and squelch it whenever they can, for it's filled with crude behavior (crotch scratching and belching topping the list), and talk filled with bigotry and misogyny and always turns women into objects of sex, objects who should spend every non-sexual hour cooking and cleaning for him. We don't really mean it when we say it, gals, honest we don't! But it's nice to say it to another guy and have him agree with you and know that he understands. It's the guy version of girl talk, with much the same objective, and I wish women everywhere would just understand that and let it alone when they encounter it. Just smile, nod, and walk away and if you've got a nice booty, shake it as you do so we can stare at it and appreciate it and congratulate your man for having it in his bed at night. Your man will love you for that gesture of understanding and faith in him and will repay you grandly later, trust me on this.

But I was talking about me and Jim. We had built ourselves a nice rapport full of humor and ease and had compared our twin wives' accomplishments in bed (I told you the talk turned nasty), by the time we'd finished our burritos. I said, "Well, I'd better go make us another couple of these, Jim."

"Hey, it's my turn, let me make them." Jim offered. "God knows I won't be able to chip in on the grocery bill for a while, so let me cook for you until our wives get back."

I agreed and he stood up. I guess he forgot the throw over his lap was the only clothes he had on and he stood in front of me nude as a Greek god, like you see in a statue, only this one didn't have any figleaf on a rather huge dong!

"Whoa!" Jim said. "I should have kept that thing on!" He bent to pick it up and as he did, I caught hold of his arm to stop him in mid-motion. He looked over at me and the tension in the air and the look between us was so thick you could cut it with a steak knife.

"Gregg?" Jim made it a question, a loaded question.

"We married twins, and they're two of a kind." I said. "So I know why you were busy in here when I came in. I'm not trying to ruin your marriage or mine. But I am saying, why not? Our wives won't be back until sundown."

"So nobody has to know?" Jim's chest was a beautiful symphony of muscles sculpted by labor into sharp relief, paired globes of pecs, the rows of abs beneath that. All these orbs of maleness were decorated with just enough chest hairs to keep them interesting, no imitation of cold marble here, this was all warm, hairy man, for they rose and fell in slow waves, being raised and lowered from the power of his rising passion.

"Nobody but you and me." I assured him.

Jim's answer was to rise upright again and two short, turning steps brought him to stand in front of me still sitting on the couch, though slid forward to its edge. And his cock was right in front of my face and it was rising rapidly, a bulb of clear precome seeping out to reach its lazy way toward the floor.

I didn't have to think about what Jim's cock would taste like, I'd been dreaming about it all night long! I reached up and caught that glob of clear man-flavor and it was just like I'd been dreaming, warm and male through and through! From there I moved up and onto his prong, and as I sunk onto him, Jim gave out a moan of soft, slow, long-withheld male lust. "Uhhhhhh!" he said, but it was softer than the grunt of incomprehension, this was a soft sighing of breath that happened to vibrate his larynx on its way out, making that simple song of joy as it flowed.

I caught hold as I sank to the lowest point I could manage, with his glans pushing against the back of my mouth, and I lifted back and as I milked at him, Jim's prong gushed more of that heady male fluid onto my tongue.

The flavor of this man, this strong, male man, was intoxicating. If this had been Lacey instead of her husband, I would have felt dirty, cheating on my wife. But this, even though I guess it was cheating, it was the sort that would never interfere with my marriage. How could it? A marriage is a man and a woman, isn't it? How could sex with another man be anything more than the comfortable relaxation of the sexual tension that builds up when your wife cuts you off? Well, that's what it was for me, anyhow, and I assume it was for Jim as well.

So I sucked on him like a gigantic lollipop, or a nice-sized breakfast burrito, I smirked around his cock as I conceived that conceit. I'd fed him one of my breakfast burritos, and now he was feeding me his trouser-burrito in exchange! And man, this was one bodacious breakfast!

Jim was getting into it, the big brawny man was swaying on his feet, one hand on my shoulder to steady himself, and his hips swinging back and forth, helping me drive him down my throat and pull away again. As his passion built up in him, he took hold of my head and began to fuck my face in earnest. I relaxed my own efforts as he took charge of my head, his hips ramming his dong deep into my mouth with every thrust, and I only had to hang on and let him fuck my face.

The strength of this man was great, but he tempered it with a control that kept it from bruising my mouth, though he shook me with the power of his thrusts every time he jammed it into me. I imaged the strength of this man fucking me and I groaned with incipient lust and my hand went into my shorts and I began to flog myself.

And Jim groaned, and said, "Ah, man, I'm about to come! I gonna come! Can I shoot in your mouth? Or do you want it all over your fucking face, man?"

Oh, God, all over my face! That sounded so good all of a sudden, to feel the male heat on my flesh, burning my eyes, inhaling it into my nostrils, licking it off my lips. But to drink it down all swift and hot as he squirted...that sounded good, too!

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" His hands relaxed on me, enough to let me pull away if I wanted and it wasn't until then that I made my decision.

As he shot his load, I caught his cock's base with my hand and I lifted away and I pumped him as I let go and he blasted his spunk like that, his first volley going into my still-open mouth, then I closed it and tasted the salty musky liquid while he peppered the rest of it onto my face. I got it into my right eye, onto my nose, onto my right cheek, and the fifth and final volley hit my lips and I licked my tongue out to catch it and he shoved his cockhead back at me and I felt the hot glans with come dripping from its slit and I opened my mouth and he slid that sticky head back into me to suck on once again.

"Aw, man, aw, man, that was so fucking hot!" he told me and I guess that was when he saw my hand in my shorts, still pumping away manfully. "I guess now it's your turn."

"Ye-ahhhhhh!" I groaned and I was quick to lay back. Jim's big, beefy hands were like bear's paws as he pulled on my shorts, skinning them down to mid-thigh and then he knelt down, this huge, strong hulk knelt down and submissively took my prick in his mouth and I was immediately thrown into a universe of glorious delights. I don't know if Jim ever sucked a cock before mine or not, but if he was a virgin, he was a damned talented one. I was moaning and writhing under him in no time and I looked down to enjoy the sight, this beautiful handsome hunk slurping on my pud, and the sharp delineation of his muscles still showed in gorgeous relief. Sculptors dreamed of this body, tried with their chisel and marble to capture it for all time, but they failed every time because a major part of its beauty was the motion of the muscles as they flexed, inflated, distended and relaxed, moving this form in a constant dance of life, of majesty, of strength and desire.

So soon, much too soon, my pleasure rose in me and I felt my orgasm approaching like one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, telling me that my kingdom was judged and doomed to destruction, my moment of ecstasy was upon me and could not, ever, be denied. I surrendered and let my climax overtake me, giving only the moment's notice to my sturdy male lover.

"I'm gonna come, Jim, I'm gonna come!"

Jim's reaction was to speed up, his lips milked at me like a maniac and when I came, he did like I did, he pulled off at the last instant and I squirted my load all over his face, his mouth open caught its share.

He crawled up to lie on top of me and I looked at his come-splattered face. As he lowered himself to kiss me, I returned his kiss but when he let go I began to lick at the spunk on his face, and he laughed, just a soft low chuckling sound, and he returned the favor, and we spent some time licking at each other, cleansing ourselves of every incriminating dreg of our spent lust.

"Mmm, man, that was terrific." Jim said to me when he was done. "I don't know when I enjoyed sex more than this."

"Me, too." I agreed. "And it's not over yet. Stacey and Lacey are going to be gone the rest of the day."

"Then we'll see how things develop." Jim agreed. "Right now, I need me that second burrito you promised me."

I'd lost out on the offer to cook it, I noticed, but I let it slide, for my big male lover was going to be busy earning his keep in other ways from now on. I went in and got to cooking and brought out the next pair in short order.

An hour or so later, we were both ready to go again and this time I insisted on Jim fucking my ass. My wet dreams wanted to see how much the reality lived up to their promise. I'd never before felt so much of a mixture of pain and pleasure as his huge dong wormed its way up inside me, but Jim was powerful and patient, and after an hour of careful struggle on both our parts, he got it into me and began a gentle pumping of my butt. After a time, he wasn't so gentle, but I was fully opened up by then, and I got my ass-ramming that I'd been craving. Jim fucked me for a half hour before he could reach his second climax, but when he did, I took the entire load up into the depths of my ass, and I sprayed his stomach with my own at the same time.

We were still panting from that when my cell phone rang, and I made a long arm and caught it from off the nightstand and said, "Hello?" Jim was still on top of me, lying on my body, my come gluing us together, his cock still in my ass.

"Gregg? Hi there." my wife Stacey said.

"Hi, love." I said dutifully. "What is it?"

"Mulligan's is having a three-day sale. Different things every day. If I do all my shopping there, I can pick up everything for Christmas real cheap."

"A three-day sale?"

"Yes, I figured if we stayed here over the weekend and came back on Monday, Lacey and I can save a lot of money. We're going to need some things for them since they're staying with us, too, you know...." I know Stacey was going to go on in this vein for a while, but Jim began to move his cock back and forth in my ass, and it was getting hard again.

"Yes, yes, sure, honey, why don't you two stay in town until Monday and get it all done." I agreed.

"You mean that? Will you two be all right alone until then?" my wife didn't believe it, and of course, I'd normally argue about the expense, so she'd been expecting a fight.

"Of course we'll be all right." I said. Jim was beginning to fuck me gently. "We'll be fine."

"If you're sure about this...."

"Oh, oh!" I gasped. "Yeah, honey, I'm sure we'll be fine. You two spend all the time in Bentonville you want to. Call me when you're ready to come back, okay?"

"All right. I love you, baby."

"I...love...you...too." I told Jim.

"Bye now!"

"Bye!" I said and clicked the button to turn off the cell phone. "And hello." I said to my renewed studly lover. "You ready to go again?"

"I dunno. Figure I'll find out." Jim said.

"Works for me." I said and held onto his strong back. He was ready, though that took another hour.

By the end of the weekend, I'd offered Jim a job in my office, one that would involve regular overtime and work on weekends, I was sure. A good thing for him he accepted, because Lacey came home and announced she was pregnant. And Stacey wouldn't hear of her moving out until after the baby was born. I knew that probably meant that these twin sisters would be joined at the hip by then, and Lacey and Jim would never move out. But that was fine with me, because I was so really glad that Jim had moved in.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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