Jim Courier, Andy Roddick, & Me

By JWW 4

Published on Feb 13, 2003



This story is fiction. As much as I would like to meet Andy Roddick and Jim Courier, I haven't. Nor do I know whether or not they are gay. This is completely made up and is in no way based in reality. That's what makes it a fantasy. ===============================

I love tennis. I am good. I got a full ride through college on a tennis scholarship. Won all sorts of tournaments. I was good.

Coach wanted me to go pro, but I had other aspirations. I loved tennis, but tennis wasn't my life.

I've been out of college a couple of years now. I teach advanced high school history. I also work part time at the tennis center downtown giving lessons. Gives me a chance to keep my game up.

I'm 25. Red headed with green eyes. Stand at an even 6' and try and keep my weight around 165-170. I'm by no means a hulking mass of man. I am toned and defined but not all bulked up. I have a nice tan - the result of a lot of playing and practicing with my shirt off. And I am proud to say after millions of sit-ups, I have a pretty nice six pack. I'm Riley, by the way.

Anyway, every year a couple of the larger businesses in the city get together and hold a tennis tournament to raise money for the Children's Hospital. Most of the pros show up to play. I always enjoyed sitting in the stands and watching. It's a good time.

I had a tennis class to teach the morning the tournament was supposed to start. My students - most of whom were under the age of 10 - were all excited hoping they might catch a glimpse of a real life tennis star. Keeping them focused was a major challenge. We managed to make a somewhat successful morning out if it despite the distractions. The kids all headed towards their parents' cars in the parking lot. I headed towards the locker room. I was drenched with sweat.

I was halfway across the court when I heard a voice coming from somewhere in the stands behind me.

"That was a really good job you did with those kids."

I turned around and shielded the sun from my eyes. I couldn't get a clear look at who I was hearing, but the voice sounded familiar for some reason.

"Thanks. I try," was my response.

By this time the silhouette of a man was walking down from the stands and onto the courts. Just as his foot hit the court I realized who I was talking to... Jim Courier. He was one of the commentators for the tournament.

I was stunned for a second. I had never talked to any of the pros before. Watched them, yes. Conversed with them, no. And this was Jim Courier. The first guy in tennis I really looked up to and admired. I admired him in part because I thought he was a great player with a good attitude on the courts. I also admired him because I thought he was one of the most attractive men I had ever seen step foot on a tennis court. The first time I saw him I was blown away. I had to rush out and buy a white Nike hat like he wore.

He walked over and shook my hand and introduced himself.

"That was good stuff you had with those little guys. A lot of people can play tennis. Not everyone who plays can teach though. You look like a pretty good teacher," Jim said looking me straight in the eye.

I was blown away by his good looks. His strawberry blond hair. Those blue eyes. His red-blond whiskers that gave him a look of 5:00 shadow even at noon. A smile that would melt you. He was even more attractive in person than on TV.

"It's fun. I like it. Keeps my game up. And wears me down sometimes," I laughed. I could feel my cock beginning to stretch and struggle against the confines of my boxers and shorts.

"So what are you up to know that lessons are over?" Courier asked with his head cocked to the side and looking down towards the ground.

"First things first. I gotta get outta these sweaty clothes and into a shower."

"That sounds like a good plan. I was headed that way myself when I saw the lesson going on. You caught my eye so I thought I'd stop and watch for a little bit."

I caught Jim Courier's eye? Did he mean what I thought (and hoped) he meant? My heart began to beat faster.

"Yeah, we were sitting up there watching you for quite awhile."

"We?" I asked.

"Yeah... Roddick and I."

Andy Roddick. The man who had given me renewed reason to watch as much tennis as possible. He was just plain hot. The trimmed toned physique. The adorable smile. The way he wore his hat backwards all the time. I was in love with this new man on the tennis circuit.

Courier must have noticed the amazed look on my face. "We both were having a good time watching you. Andy had to run back over to court three for his bag. He was gonna meet me in the locker room. With any luck he'll be there when we get there."

Any luck indeed. Someone was most definitely smiling down on me today.

The coolness of the locker room hit me in the face in stark contrast to the heat and humidity of the mid-summer air outside. Very refreshing. I closed my eyes for a second to just enjoy this new coolness. When I opened my eyes I was looking right into the deep blue eyes of Andy Roddick.

"Hey... cool... glad you're here. Wanted to compliment you on some awesome lessons out there this morning. You\re good."

Compliments from Courier and now Roddick. This was a day to remember.

"Well, uh... thanks. It's not that big a deal really."

"Glad I got to run into you in here. Jim and I were talking about trying to meet you while we watched," Roddick continued to explain.

I laughed, "Well, you got me."

Courier leaned over and put his arm around my shoulder. "I certainly hope so," he said smiling and looking between Roddick and me.

Roddick chimed in, "Definitely hope so."

This story is fiction. As much as I would like to meet Andy Roddick and Jim Courier, I haven't. Nor do I know whether or not they are gay. This is completely made up and is in no way based in reality. That's what makes it a fantasy. ===============================

I love tennis. I am good. I got a full ride through college on a tennis scholarship. Won all sorts of tournaments. I was good.

Coach wanted me to go pro, but I had other aspirations. I loved tennis, but tennis wasn't my life.

I've been out of college a couple of years now. I teach advanced high school history. I also work part time at the tennis center downtown giving lessons. Gives me a chance to keep my game up.

I'm 25. Red headed with green eyes. Stand at an even 6' and try and keep my weight around 165-170. I'm by no means a hulking mass of man. I am toned and defined but not all bulked up. I have a nice tan - the result of a lot of playing and practicing with my shirt off. And I am proud to say after millions of sit-ups, I have a pretty nice six pack. I'm Riley, by the way.

Anyway, every year a couple of the larger businesses in the city get together and hold a tennis tournament to raise money for the Children's Hospital. Most of the pros show up to play. I always enjoyed sitting in the stands and watching. It's a good time.

I had a tennis class to teach the morning the tournament was supposed to start. My students - most of whom were under the age of 10 - were all excited hoping they might catch a glimpse of a real life tennis star. Keeping them focused was a major challenge. We managed to make a somewhat successful morning out if it despite the distractions. The kids all headed towards their parents' cars in the parking lot. I headed towards the locker room. I was drenched with sweat.

I was halfway across the court when I heard a voice coming from somewhere in the stands behind me.

"That was a really good job you did with those kids."

I turned around and shielded the sun from my eyes. I couldn't get a clear look at who I was hearing, but the voice sounded familiar for some reason.

"Thanks. I try," was my response.

By this time the silhouette of a man was walking down from the stands and onto the courts. Just as his foot hit the court I realized who I was talking to... Jim Courier. He was one of the commentators for the tournament.

I was stunned for a second. I had never talked to any of the pros before. Watched them, yes. Conversed with them, no. And this was Jim Courier. The first guy in tennis I really looked up to and admired. I admired him in part because I thought he was a great player with a good attitude on the courts. I also admired him because I thought he was one of the most attractive men I had ever seen step foot on a tennis court. The first time I saw him I was blown away. I had to rush out and buy a white Nike hat like he wore.

He walked over and shook my hand and introduced himself.

"That was good stuff you had with those little guys. A lot of people can play tennis. Not everyone who plays can teach though. You look like a pretty good teacher," Jim said looking me straight in the eye.

I was blown away by his good looks. His strawberry blond hair. Those blue eyes. His red-blond whiskers that gave him a look of 5:00 shadow even at noon. A smile that would melt you. He was even more attractive in person than on TV.

"It's fun. I like it. Keeps my game up. And wears me down sometimes," I laughed. I could feel my cock beginning to stretch and struggle against the confines of my boxers and shorts.

"So what are you up to know that lessons are over?" Courier asked with his head cocked to the side and looking down towards the ground.

"First things first. I gotta get outta these sweaty clothes and into a shower."

"That sounds like a good plan. I was headed that way myself when I saw the lesson going on. You caught my eye so I thought I'd stop and watch for a little bit."

I caught Jim Courier's eye? Did he mean what I thought (and hoped) he meant? My heart began to beat faster.

"Yeah, we were sitting up there watching you for quite awhile."

"We?" I asked.

"Yeah... Roddick and I."

Andy Roddick. The man who had given me renewed reason to watch as much tennis as possible. He was just plain hot. The trimmed toned physique. The adorable smile. The way he wore his hat backwards all the time. I was in love with this new man on the tennis circuit.

Courier must have noticed the amazed look on my face. "We both were having a good time watching you. Andy had to run back over to court three for his bag. He was gonna meet me in the locker room. With any luck he'll be there when we get there."

Any luck indeed. Someone was most definitely smiling down on me today.

The coolness of the locker room hit me in the face in stark contrast to the heat and humidity of the mid-summer air outside. Very refreshing. I closed my eyes for a second to just enjoy this new coolness. When I opened my eyes I was looking right into the deep blue eyes of Andy Roddick.

"Hey... cool... glad you're here. Wanted to compliment you on some awesome lessons out there this morning. You\re good."

Compliments from Courier and now Roddick. This was a day to remember.

"Well, uh... thanks. It's not that big a deal really."

"Glad I got to run into you in here. Jim and I were talking about trying to meet you while we watched," Roddick continued to explain.

I laughed, "Well, you got me."

Courier leaned over and put his arm around my shoulder. "I certainly hope so," he said smiling and looking between Roddick and me.

Roddick chimed in, "Definitely hope so."

Having said this Roddick took a step closer just as Courier's hand slid from my shoulder and down my back to rest on my firm tight ass. I could feel his fingers tenderly massaging my butt muscles. Roddick followed his lead and placed on top of the building mound between my legs. His fingers were tracing a path from the base of my sac up to my mushroom. Roddick's other hand was working similar magic on the bulge in the front of Courier's shorts. I couldn't move. It took all I had to remember to breathe.

Finally coming to my senses, I reached my left hand out and found Andy's crotch. I began to massage my hand across it until I could feel his rod standing at full attention.

Courier walked around to stand in front of me. Roddick stood behind me. I could feel his love muscle pressing against my ass through the shorts. His lips were against the back of my neck. His hands were running up and down the muscles of my back and butt.

I was standing looking into the eyes of one of my tennis heroes when that same hero leaned in and kissed me. Softly at first, then our lips parted and our tongues began to run across each. His hands were placed on each of my pecs. He could feel my erect nipples through the sweat soaked t-shirt that was hugging my muscular body. Courier was as a amazing a kisser as he was a tennis player.

I couldn't decide what to do. I wanted them both.

I reached my left hand around and placed it on the mound of Andy Roddick's tight little butt. I began to knead it firmly. I pulled his body, and subsequently his cock, closer to me. I wanted to feel Roddick's hot rod pressed tight against me.

My right hand was wrapped around the muscular back of Courier. I was hugging him and pulling him into my body while we kissed. I could have gotten lost inside that kiss. My hand slid down his back until it came to the waist band of his shorts. I slid my index finger along the band until I was in the front. I could feel the stiffness of his cock. He was big enough that the very tip of his head was poking out of the waistband of his boxers. I could feel the warm stickiness of precum already oozing from his slit. He moaned as I caressed the tip of his head.

Almost in unison these two tennis studs had their hands at my waist and were pulling my t-shirt off over my head. After mine was removed they began to remove theirs as well. I could feel their smooth chest on both sides of me.

I was in heaven.

Jim continued to kiss me and massage my pecs while Andy slid under my legs and raised up until his mouth was even with my crotch. I could feel his fingers tugging to get the button open and the zipper down. A moment later I felt his fingers slip just inside the waist band of my boxers. I could feel the boxers and shorts sliding down my legs. I raised each foot to completely step out of my shorts. Roddick's warm breath was focused at my pulsing dick.

Just as Roddick leaped onto the full length of my 7.5 inches, Jim dove onto my right nipple. Courier's tongue was whipping across, massaging my pointed nipples while Roddick's tongue was massaging my cock. All I could do was stand their and try not to blow my wad immediately. One hand was running through Courier's hair while the other was wrapped up in Roddick's hair - pulling his mouth farther down my shaft.

I didn't want to be left out. I pulled out of Roddick's mouth for a moment and slid my tongue down the side of Courier's neck pausing briefly to tickle his nipples with the tip of my tongue. Before I knew it I had his shorts off. His dick was so hard that it smacked me in the face while I was pulling off his boxers. I wanted this to be something he would remember. I wanted it to be slow and romantic. But seeing his cock right there in front of me framed by his strawberry blond hair I couldn't control myself. I dove onto his dick until I felt my nose being tickled by his pubic hairs. He let out a quick gasp of air.

While I worked on Courier's front, Roddick had moved around to the rear. He reached around and grabbed the sides of my head and helped guide me farther and faster down onto Jim COurier's love muscle. Roddick had his face pressed into Courier's crack. His tongue was tracing a moist line around the puckered opening of Jim's ass. I felt Courier's body tense and I knew Roddick's tongue must have finally plunged an entry in the waiting hole.

I could have sucked that man dry if I had enough time. However, Jim reached down and pulled me into a warm kiss. He then turned around and leaned forward, resting his powerful arms on the bench in the middle of the locker room. He grasped my hardness and began to guide my muscle towards his moistened hole.

I felt the mushroom of my dick slide into the dark warmness of his ass muscles. Courier's ass muscles tensed and the slowly relaxed. Slowly I slid until our flesh was touching and I was buried completely in this studly tennis ace's butt. I just stood there for a moment lost in the emotion of it all when I felt Roddick lean around and kiss my ear. His fingers were playing along the edge of my own hole. I could feel my ass twitch with each movement of his fingers. I had to have him inside me.

With my ass firmly planted inside Jim Courier, I reached around and found the pulsing muscle of Andy Roddick. I guided his thick rod against my ass. For a second his just stroked the tip of it up and down my crack and across my hole. It felt so amazing. I could feel a thin layer of Roddick's precum gliding through my ass.

Suddenly, it entered. The round bulge at the tip of his cock was inside me.

Roddick began sliding deeper and deeper into my body. It took all I had not to scream. I was in the middle of the perfect tennis sandwich.

As Roddick began to slide outwards from me, I in turn slid back from Courier. Everyone let out a slow deep moan of pleasure. We moved as one unit. Roddick gliding into me. Me gliding into Courier. Courier firmly planted on the bench so the force of the double thrusting didn't knock him over.

I knew I wouldn't last long like this. It had been awhile since I had jacked off anyway. This was total sensory overload for me. I could very well cum any second.

I felt Andy begin grasp my shoulders with both hands. His strong fingers digging into my muscles for balance and grip. His thrusting were becoming more rapid and harder. He was pounding deeper inside me than earlier. It felt great. I wanted him all the way inside me. I could hear his breathing becoming quicker as well. I knew I was not the only one on the verge of exploding.

"Here it cums! AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I heard from behind me.

And with one last thrust he planted his thick meat deep in me and began shooting a flood of hot liquid inside me.

I couldn't take it anymore. My ass muscles clenched around Roddick's still hard dick to hold it and his love juice inside me. I thrust deep and hard into the muscled butt of Courier. You could hear the slapping of our flesh throughout the locker room.

I could tell I was getting close. With one strong forceful thrust I let forth a rush of cream flow out. Multiple streams of cum began to shoot and cover the inside of Courier's ass.

He looked around at me. "That was fucking awesome, dude."

Roddick and I moved in unison. We both slid out. We turned and met in a long hot passionate kiss. Our tongues were rolling around on top of each other.

"Hold it there, boys," we heard Courier say. "One of us isn't finished yet."

With this Roddick and I knelt down and went to work on Courier's twitching hot cock. Roddick was sliding up and down his shaft while I explored his sack and balls with my tongue. A few minutes later we switched. I took his entire cock into my mouth. Roddick was tickling the area between his sack and hole with his tongue.

"Oh God, guys. I'm gonna ...."

Before he finished the sentence I could feel his dick tense in my mouth and I was suddenly flooded with the cream of my all time favorite tennis player.

I tightened my lips around his rod, determined not to allow one drop of this sweet cum to escape.

Once I felt his dick begin to limp, I released it from my mouth's grip.

"Wow, that was totally unexpected, but totally amazing," I said breathing hard.

"Dude, I can't believe we just did that," was Roddick's reply.

Courier was looking into my eyes. "So are you coming to the match tonight? Andy here's playing. I'm up in the booth. You should come out and join us."

"Wish I could. Tickets for this match went fast. Sold out before I could get them," I sighed.

Andy laughed. "You're in luck. We can both get you. You can sit up in the booth with studly over there" pointing at Courier.

"Are you guys serious??? I would love to."

Courier flashed another big smile. "Awesome. And who knows, with any luck maybe we can get together after the game for some drinks and maybe some more fun."

I knew there was a reason I liked tennis.

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