
By Carson Keeler

Published on Nov 18, 1997



[Truncated? - ed.]

Sandy ran into Jim down in the apartment's pool change room.

"Going for a swim?" he asked lamely, with a wooden smile. Jim had always been a bit of a bully in school, and enjoyed teasing Sandy. When he picked up the uneasiness in Sandy's tone he decided to bait his teenaged insecurity.

"Yeah," said Jim, following him into the same changing booth. Sandy's eyes widened and his heart raced, but he manufactured coolness. Jim took note of the reddening of Sandy's cheeks. Jim was getting turned on by this. Sandy began to take off his clothes but his hands shook and as a result he was slower than Jim to strip. He stopped mid pant-shucking, startled by the size of Jim's erection. Jim sat spread-legged on the wooden bench rifling through his gym bag searching for for a pair of trunks while Sandy finished stripping.

"Can't find your bathing suit?" asked Sandy, who was naked and blushing from head to toe.

"No, no," said Jim, holding up two pairs, boxer style and jockey. "Can't decide which one. Which do you like?" Sandy pointed to the jockey style. Jim said he wasn't sure, but slipped them on.

"I feel uncomfortable wearing these. You can really see the outline of my cock in them," he said, stroking along the length of the bulge in his swimming trunks. He sat down and took off the trunks. Sandy, gaped-jawed and fully erect just stood there watching him.

"You cold?" asked Jim, reaching out his hand to pat Sandy on the side of his buttocks. "You're shaking, and you've got some cum at the tip of your cock." He leaned forward and licked it off. He smiled up at Sandy. "I just wanted to see what it tastes like. A bit salty. It feels kinda gross though, having a guy's cock in your mouth." Again he leaned forward and this time took the head of Sandy's cock into his mouth. Precum spurted onto his tongue. He swished saliva mixed with cum around the head of Sandy's cock while toying with it with his tongue. Jim stopped sucking Sandy's cock and looked up at him. Sandy was breathing heavily and was completely flushed.

"You're really hot for it, aren't you?" asked Jim.

"Uhh, yeah. That felt great."

"Don't you feel kinda weird, getting sucked off by a guy."

"I guess, yeah, really weird. How about you, sucking a guy's cock."

"Sort of, but not really, cause it's not like I'm the one who's getting off on it. I think that's what matters. As for sucking on your cock I think it would be neat to make you cum." He took the tip of Sandy's cock back into his mouth then took it in as far as he could without gagging. Sandy moaned and his knees went weak. He braced himself by putting his hands on Jim's shoulders. The intimacy of Sandy's hands on his shoulders turned Jim on even more. He grabbed Sandy's ass then took the entire cock down his throat. The muscles of Sandy's ass tightened, and Sandy began to thrust his cock. Jim felt like he was getting fucked in the mouth. As the cock slid in and out of his mouth, Jim began rocking back and forth on the wooden bench and his erect cock slapped between his thighs. Sandy's body tightened as he came closer to climax. Jim's heart raced with excitement as he realized what was happening and he sucked on Sandy's cock with longer strokes. A gush of semen erupted into Jim's mouth. It was thicker, tasted sweeter. After the initial bolt of cum shot forth, Sandy relaxed as the rest of the orgasm came of its own accord, spurt after spurt of cum filling Jim's mouth, flooding past his taste buds and sliding easily down his throat. At the same time Jim felt a familiar rush deep inside of him. He was coming, too. Every muscle in his body tightened. Streams of semen welled up and shot unbidden from his cock, splashing on Sandy's legs. After the ejaculation, Jim kept gently sucking on Sandy's softening cock, then finally stopped. Both boys remained in silence for a minute or so, taking stock of what had just happened.

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