Jill and Yvonne

By Jan (Jan May, Jan None, Jan 0)

Published on Jul 5, 2003



This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts between women. If this type of content offends you or you are under the age of 18 do not read it.

Author's Note:

This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your own site, please contact the author for permission.

Copyright 2003 Jan, All Rights Reserved.

Please mail to janmay699@icqmail.com if you have suggestions for future stories.

Jill and Yvonne



It was six years ago that Jill met Yvonne. Jill was having dinner at the Brianston Rooms, a small cafe at the top of the only department store in Newport, Gwent. It was a popular eating place in those days, as such it usual it was crowed. She had left work to have dinner and was a little depressed or just feeling a little low.

Jill was sitting at a small table for two. She was eating her dinner while reading the daily newspaper when a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Excuse me. Is this seat taken?"

Jill looked up into the eyes of a smiling female. The woman was wearing a mustard-colored suit that complimented her blonde hair perfectly. She had on a cream colored blouse under the jacket. Her ample breasts more than filled the blouse and appeared in danger of spilling over the top of her bra.

Jill's eyes were fixed on the woman's bust and her mind was drifting when the woman spoke a second time.

"Is this seat taken?"

"I'm sorry, Yes.uh.No! I mean no one is sitting there!" Jill chuckled at her own foolishness and childish response.

The woman took the chair and thanked Jill for allowing her to sit with her. It is just so crowded that it would take so long to get a single table. She introduced herself as Yvonne. She told Jill that she lived in Bristol, a town some forty miles away and that she worked for Saxone, a shoe shop. She was visiting their Newport store.

They were having a pleasant chat while they waited for the waitress to stop by and take their order.

Somehow Jill got through the dinner without conveying the way she was feeling about her (at least she thought she was discrete). They learned a lot about each other. Yvonne was twenty-four at the time. Her measurements were 35 25 36. She had the most gorgeous blue eyes. Jill was attracted to her immediately.

Yvonne found out that Jill was twenty years old. She was a natural brunette, with 36, 27, 38 measurements. Jill felt that she was getting a little to fat.

Jill had deliberately lingered over her meal in order to finish about the same time as Yvonne. Once they both had finished she pulled out her cigarettes and offered Yvonne one. Her new friend accepted and when Jill lit her cigarette lighter she leaned across and held her hand as she lit her cigarette. Jill thought she held her hand longer than need be. Not that she minded. Her main concern was that she would notice how nervous she was.

They paid the waitress together and when that was over, reluctantly, Jill stood up to leave.

"Where's the Ladies here, Jill?" Yvonne asked.

The question was manna for heaven. Jill smiled at her and said, "I need a pee too, I'll show you."

Jill led the way from the dinning-room to the Ladies Room. It was full and there was a small queue (line) for the cubicles. Eventually one opened and Jill gestured for Yvonne to go in first. Yvonne gestured for Jill to go first. They ended up going into the same cubicle together.

There wasn't a lot of room in the cubical. Jill had gone in last. Yvonne was nearer the bowl. Jill insisted she go first. Smiling Yvonne handed Jill her shoulder bag. Jill watched as she slid her skirt up, right up to her waist without any modesty at all. She pulled her cream panties down to her knees. She seemed to favour that color.

Jill felt incredibly thrilled, and she was already wet in her panties. She watched as Yvonne peed. Jill looked at her thighs and wanted so much to stroke and caress them. When she was finished and she was pulling her panties up it was her turn.

Handing Yvonne's bag to her along with her own Jill lifted her own dress up and lowered her panties before sitting on the toilet. Jill looked up at Yvonne's beautiful blue eyes and asked, "Do you have to get back to Bristol in a hurry?"

"I have to return today. I have a long-standing appointment." She said.

Jill's heart broke at that, but then she added,

"I'm free tomorrow and I would love to have a meal and take in a film or something with you."

The (or something) stuck in Jill's mind at once.

"Why don't you come over to Bristol, theirs is a larger variety of entertainment over there." She said.

That was all Jill needed. Before they left the toilet they had made a date to meet at Temple Meads Station at 10:00 AM the next day.

The very next day Jill caught the train to Bristol. She had made love to quite a few girls before including, her mother but the thought of meeting Yvonne had caused her to have a sleepless night. On the train to Bristol she wasn't aware of any thing or any body, even the request by the train inspector for her ticket startled her.

When the train arrived at Temple Meads station and she stepped onto the platform her stomach sank. She did not see Yvonne. Her stomach seems to lurched, the tongue was dry, even breathing seems hard. Had she been stood up?

Temple Meads is a big station with four separate platforms. The station wasn't busy at ten o'clock in the morning. The commuter rush was long past.

She felt ill, especially when she realized that she had no phone number and no home address for Yvonne. All she knew was that Yvonne worked for the large shoe retailer Saxone. .

She walked up and down the platform hoping and wanting in desperation. She glanced at her watch and decided to wait another five minutes. She figured she would make for Saxone's in the Broadmead shopping center. It was about ten minute walk from the station.

Jill needed to go to the toilet but Bristol is a modern station and the toilets are in the concourse under the platforms. That would mean she would have to leave the platform and that she didn't want to do. She turned to walk up the platform for the last time before heading for Saxone's when she heard the voice. It was unmistakable to Jill. The lilting and sweet sounding voice could only be Yvonne. She turned and there she was, standing at the top of the stairs leading to the concourse. She was smiling and waving.

"Jill, hi, Jill." She said.

"Yvonne!" Jill cried out as she ran towards her as incredibly corny as it sounds. That's how the meeting occurred.

They did not care how it looked. They only saw each other. With hearts pounding they rushed to meet each other. There was a wild embrace and Jill kissed her on the lips, right there on that station platform, for the entire world to see. Jill embraced the woman, with an intensity and feeling she had never experienced before. Yvonne was hugging Jill as tightly and kissed her back. Eventually they broke the embraced and stood there grinning at each other like children.

They went to the Ladies toilets. There is a row of twelve cubicles, all clean and sparkling. That day one or two of the cubicles were occupied. They went into one as far from the occupied cubicles as possibly. Once the door was bolted they went back into an embrace. It was just as passionate as the one on the platform but this time Jill was moving her hand rapidly, urgently, under Yvonne's dress. There was no sensitivity, no tenderness just the urgent animal lust as she thrust two fingers into her cunt. Yvonne was so wet and waiting.

Yvonne was doing the same thing to Jill. As soon as she touched Jill started to cum. "Oohhh!" Yvonne was groaning as she entered Jill's cunt. Jill squeezed her thighs together, trapping the fingers inside her. The moment lasted only briefly. Love at this level rarely does last long. It was enough for them to feel sated and to calm down enough for them to leave the toilet and walk from the station reasonably sanely. Jill's need to pee incidentally had vanished completely.

They took a taxi to Yvonne's flat on the outskirts of Bristol in an area called Fishponds. Inside the door of the flat they went back to kissing again. Somehow they made there way to Yvonne's bedroom, undressing each other as they went.

Yvonne knelt and kissed the inside of Jill's thighs. Jill's legs were shaking as Yvonne pressed her head to her cunt. When her tongue entered that trembling slit Jill thought she was going to die. They fell to the floor of the bedroom and Jill was kissing Yvonne's cunt as they joined in a mutual act of cunnilingus. It was an act that they never wanted to end. How long it went on was unknown. It was well into the evening, there was no food, other than the food of their love.

They were lying on the bed with Yvonne cuddled to Jill as they watched the last rays of the evening sun casting patterns on the wallpaper.

"I just knew you'd be wonderful." Yvonne had murmured.

They became a couple that day, but it was another month or so before Jill I moved into Yvonne's flat. During that time Jill commute to work in Newport. She did eventually find employment with the Civil Service in Bristol, transferring from her previous post in Newport.

One night they were in bed and after making love to each other they lay there talking to each other about sex when Yvonne asked Jill to tell her about how she found out about women as she toyed with her breast.

Jill thought about it for a short time. Then she began her story by telling her that she was brought up in a mining village in the Gwent Valleys, Newbridge to be exact. It was a very rough coal-mining town. It was the kind of place and women and girls were simply treated like mindless playthings. To put it kindly, Jill saw her father drunk more often than sober. He beat is wife frequently. The Victorian ethics were still the norm in the 1970's, it was not considered right to for a woman to divorce even an abusive husband in that part of England.

Jill's father started abusing her when she was very young. He started feeling her up. That progressed into getting in bed with her. He didn't even bother making excuses to his wife. He would simply mount her in her bed and fuck her until he climaxed, wipe his wet dick on her body and closing the door behind his naked ass as he returned to his wife's bed.

When Jill started to go to school the boys and the girls played together as every boy and girl eventually does. She was familiar with both sexes from the age of about nine. It was just childish sexual exploration for the most part. Jill never told anyone what her father was doing to her or let on she knew more about sex than they did.

Jill's first experience with a girl that went all the way was when she was eleven. Her best friend was a girl named Gwen. They used to stay at each other's home on some weekends. At least when Gwen was staying with Jill her father didn't visit her bedroom during the night.

One time they were lying on the bed in her room and Jill just suddenly kissed Gwen. They had never kissed before, well, not like the way she was doing now. Suddenly they were kissing each other and feeling under each other's clothing and they slid their knickers down so they could felt each other. Looking back it was just juvenile groping but it felt wonderful, so different from the crude groping of boy's.

Gwen put her finger in Jill's cunt and wiggled it about and causing her to become really wet. She then removed her finger and sucked it and then Jill did the same to her. They just lay on the bed kissing and feeling each other for ages, until they heard Jill's Mother shouting up the stairs that it was tea time.

They couldn't wait for bedtime. When they did go to bed they don't slept at all. They just made love to each other all night. The most wonderful time was when Jill kissed Gwen on the cunt and put her tongue up inside of her.

After that night Gwen and Jill just couldn't seem to want a day to go by without being together. Sex was not everything to them, just being together made them so happy.

Shortly after Jill and Gwen started their love affaire, Jill was staying home because she felt ill. She had had a tummy upset. Mum had been to the local shops to get some groceries and the newspaper. When she came home she ran up the stairs and dropped her handbag on the floor. Jill saw her going directly to the bathroom through her open bedroom door. She was pulling up her skirt as she rushed towards the bathroom.

The bathroom door was half-open so Jill heard her peeing rapidly then she gasped and shit with a loud splashing discharge. Jill got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Her Mum had her coat and her skirt up around her waist and her panties down on her knees.

Jill asked her what was the matter? Mum told her that she had the runs real bad. Jill went into the bathroom and saw that she had actually fouled her panties. Mum asked her to help her get her knickers off because she feared that they might soil her other clothes. Jill knelt and carefully took her panties down and off her feet. Jill rinsed them in the sink and then dropped them in the soiled linen basket.

Mom suddenly reached out and kissed her, thanking her for helping out when she felt so bad. She shit again and it went on for a long time before she was finished. Mum wiped her bum and she kissed and cuddled Jill for a while.

The bathroom smelled of runny shit that lingered even after she flushed the toilet. Afterwards, Mum wanted to take a bath. Jill helped her undress and bathe. It was strange to bathe her Mum like she was the child but she could not deny that she enjoyed seeing and touching her mothers naked body. She even helped her dry off afterwards.

Mum led Jill to her bedroom and took her to bed with her. She cuddled with her as she undressed her. She was almost in tears as she told Jill how her father often came to bed and made her suck his cock after he had fucked her child. He smelled of her daughter's cunt and the aroma made the woman excited in spite of herself. She would eagerly suck his shaft and capture the remnants of his incest in her mouth. Mum encouraged Jill to feel her pussy as she talked and the feeling was wonderful. Jill found herself moving her face closer to her mother's cunt. She felt a chill run through her body as she placed her mouth over the hairy slit and slipped her tongue into the soft flesh of the cunt. Mum was hanging onto Jill's hair as she humped her way through a climax. Then she reversed positions with Jill and sucked her young breasts and down her body until she was sucking her daughter's pussy. It was a very exciting afternoon.

As Jill grew up there were many other times when Mum and she went to bed together. Jill has loved women ever since that first day with her Mother. She even developed a taste for following her lover's to the bathroom. What better way to show her love for them than to let them sit on her lap and shit or pee between her legs!

As she finished her story she rolled over to face Yvonne and kissed her on the mouth. She placed her hand between her lover's legs and sought out her love button. Then she pleaded with Yvonne to tell her about her introduction into the life.

Yvonne told her that she was born in Street, Somerset, on August 12th, 1967. Her childhood was not something that she wound like to recall too much. Her father was, to put it bluntly, an overbearing and often cruel man. In the home his word was law, to be obeyed immediately. Her mother, whom she loved dearly, was a quiet and gentlewoman. It remains a mystery to her how such a refined person came to marry her father. They were poles apart in every aspect of life.

Yvonne went to boarding school in Glastonbury from the age of eight and from there to public school at Roedean, near Brighton. It was at Roedean that she had her first experience of being with woman.

The first time is something that remains indelibly etched in her memory. After sports one morning she was late into the changing rooms. Most of the girls were already showered and changed by the time she stripped off and went into the shower room.

That was when she saw her roommate and the field hockey tutor together. Clearly they hadn't seen her for they were embracing each other. They were kissing and cuddling up real close. The tutor was holding the roommate's hand down between her legs. She could see that her roommate (Sarah) was pushing her finger into the tutor's pussy.

The tutor, Miss Parry, a woman in her late thirties was writhing under the feel of Sarah's fingers. She was a tall slender woman with dark hair. She was pressing Sarah against the tile shower wall as she thrilled to the masturbation efforts of her student.

As the water poured down over their bodies and they were embracing, It just caught hold of Yvonne. She found herself fingering her own pussy and staring goggle eyed at them.

Her pussy soon became wet and she felt very strange in her tummy, strange but nice. This went on for a few minutes. Suddenly Miss Parry turned and saw her in the doorway. As they broke away from each other Yvonne blabbered out an apology and turned and ran out of the room.

About an hour later she was ordered to report to Miss Parry's study. When she arrived at Miss Parry's, she was afraid she was going to be in trouble for spying on her but Miss Parry was not stern at all. She did tell Yvonne it wasn't nice to stare at people or to pry. Yvonne explained that it was an accident and that she had no intention of doing so.

Miss Parry asked, "Have you ever kissed a woman before?"

Yvonne told her, "No!"

Miss Parry casually walked across the room and locked the study door. Then she returned to stand in front of Yvonne and without any word she kissed Yvonne very gently on the lips. It was a wonderful moment for the girl. Miss Parry was so soft and cuddly. She asked the girl, "Did you like it?"

Yvonne murmured, "Yes."

She kissed the girl again but much harder this time. Yvonne loved the feeling and when her tongue entered Yvonne's mouth and touched hers she thought she would die.

Yvonne was so wet she thought she had peed in her knickers. Of course it was no such thing. It was the first time she had climaxed. Something that she knew little about at the time. As they kissed she touched Miss Parry's breasts through her blouse.

Miss Parry opened the blouse and pulled her bra down to expose her tits and brought the girl's head down to them. She let out a groan as the girl kissed her nipples. The nipples hardened as the girl's tongue licked them. Miss Parry pressed the girl's head hard to them.

Yvonne felt her hand go under her gym skirt and finger her pussy through her knickers. Miss Parry murmured that she was so wet and then she slid Yvonne's knickers down. She touched the girl's pussy and then slid a finger into her. It was Yvonne's turn to groan. Her tummy turned over as she clung tightly to the woman. The girl tentatively reached under the woman's dress and touched her thigh above her stockings. She was so warm and soft. She went higher to touched the crotch of her panties and found that Miss Parry was as wet and warm there as she was.

Miss Parry guided the girl over to a couch in her study. She asked Yvonne to undo her dress for her. Yvonne did so and helped slid the dress off her hips. As it fell to the floor around her feet Miss Parry pulled her panties down and exposed her full growth of pubic hair to the astonished gaze of this inexperienced girl.

Yvonne looked at the pussy of a grown woman for the first time in her life. Miss Parry asked her to kiss her there so she knelt down and pressed her lips into the moist hair. Miss Parry held the girl's head close against her cunt. The smell of a woman was deliciously thrilling to her. When her tongue touched the moist flesh hidden there under that thick mat of hair for the first time Miss Parry started to tremble and pressed her head tighter to her cunt. Yvonne tasted the love juices from this woman's flowing cunt and she was intoxicated by it. Suddenly they were sprawled on the couch and Miss Parry was kissing her hungry pussy. She didn't know how long they were lying there licking and sucking each other like that but she recalled the phone ringing and Miss Parry going to the desk to answer it. Yvonne eyed the woman's bare arse and thought how she would love to kiss it and run her tongue up and down its crack. Alas the phone call meant the end of her first sexual experience.

There were many more times that she was summoned to Miss Parry's office. She also began a regular lesbian relationship with Sarah before she left Roedean. On occasions Miss Parry would invite both girls to visit her at the same time. During those sessions she would teach her students about the joys of the daisy chain and other erotic lesbian pleasures.

With the telling of Yvonne's story the women could not contain them selves any longer and it was Yvonne that took charge. She placed Jill on her back and got on top of her. She spread Jill's legs and placed her face in the valley. She was already sucking on the flesh as she swung her body around so that she could straddle her head.

Jill was looking up at her lover's dark patch of hair. The heat was increasing the strength of the odor was heady. Jill lifted her head and placed her mouth over the lips of the pubis. She lapped at the valley and found the clitoris with her tongue. She sucked on the clit as Yvonne was sucking on hers.

Jill was looking up at her lover's arse as she sucked on her cunt. She could not resist reaching her arms around both of her legs and pull the cheeks apart with her fingers. She inspected the rose colored hole. She traced the puckered mound with her right fingertip, touching the few strands of pubic hair ringing the hole. Yvonne was unable to hold her bottom still. In her moving her butt around she caused the finger to plunge into her arse. Jill heard her moan into her cunt. As Yvonne started to climax she bit on Jill's clitoris, causing her to climax too.

The two women continue their special relationship to this day. As much as they love each other they both have a close group of friends that they date from time to time. They learned to enjoy these friends individually and as a couple.

I hope you enjoyed the story and have a story you would like told please send your mail to janmay699@icqmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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