Jill and trish

By Lust Stories

Published on Apr 12, 2021


Getting served divorce papers on the day I start an affair with my best friend really means its over for me and my husband. I have had enough of his shit and I want to move on with my life and start a family with trish. Her kids are amazing and are good friends with mine and we will make it work I have no doubt. After trish went and picked her kids up from school, my husbands mistress came and picked up a few things for him. She was embarrassed to do such a chore for him. I told her this won't be the last time she would have to do something for the lazy arsehole. She told me how he still won't look for a job and she was already contemplating kicking him out on his arse even after 1 night. It made me laugh as I knew this would happen, he only wants to fuck and have no responsibility at all. He won't be getting a red cent from me in this divorce and he knows it, he will probably try and come crawling back. But its over

I didn't go to work the next day as I had been up all morning spewing my guts, this wasn't a good sign for me as I have had this feeling after having my children. Its not what I need right now as Annie my friend has been arrested in relation to her husbands mistress murder. I have to be down at the police station to help her out, I know she didn't do it and I have had someone look into her husbands past and its pretty clear he got his best mate to do it for him. Trish came down to the station with me as she has concerns for annies welfare, we are her only friends too be honest and we need to be there for her whenever possible. I went into the interrogation room and I tore the strips off the wall, they didn't know what hit them. The lead cop in the investigation cleared Annie of any wrong doing eventually. As we were all walking out of the precinct her husband and Henry were being lead in with handcuffs. They got them and its not a surprise he would do that

Trish came back to my house after we dropped Annie off, she was so happy. She kissed me as soon as we entered the kitchen, it was our happy place and where it all started "I missed you last night Jill" I smiled and knew how much I missed her, even though we were together all day in bed and out of it. I wish she had stayed the night even bring the kids over just for the sake of her staying with me. "Its not a dream is it trish, I am so in love with you and its a dream come true" she kissed me again and we didn't stop hugging or kissing each other for an hour. We watched tv and talked about what we could do when my divorce is settled, we bother agreed that having our own home where our family would grow up together was a must. I have a ranch that I own and I think we could live there and I could practice law in that small town and trish could be a surgeon at the local hospital. I think we have our future set and I can't wait

The next day I went straight to annies office to just talk about what happened in the police station, she was shit scared and I can understand why. She had some news for me when we both sat down at her desk. "Jill I'm going to be a mum again" this didn't surprise me as she hasn't been drinking much of late and she has had a few days off. She hasn't told billy yet, but I am sure those 2 will make fabulous parents and It got me thinking about having a surprise baby shower for Annie. But I would need to get in contact with billy to set it up and I didn't have her number. I had to go to the bathroom a few times during our chat and it definitely made me believe I was knocked up again. I didn't tell Annie that I was having morning sickness as I didn't want to steal her thunder and I want to make sure I was pregnant. I went to the nearest chemist and got myself a pregnancy test. When I got to work I went to the bathroom and took it, it took a few minute. When the result came up positive, I was sort of disappointed as I wasn't sure if I wanted another kid.

I went to my gynaecologist after work to get an ultra sound and my fears were true. I was about 2 months pregnant, I remembered when the night I fell pregnant. It was our anniversary and we had been out to dinner and we were both pretty drunk and I just remember waking up with a bad headache and naked. I am happy as it means trish and I can have our own child together with our own. I went home and started getting a few things ready for when trish and her kids move in. I have enough room for her kids to move in with trish. I was looking at some of the baby photos I have of my own kids and I got all emotional thinking about the one that is coming. I know this baby will have a loving family and I will make sure I look after it

At soccer on Saturday morning trish and I went together, we sat together and helming hands as we watched the kids play. Everyone noticed what we were doing and when billy came up to us and hugged us. I knew she was going to be our friend. "I think we are going to be the talk of the mothers group this week babe" trish said "lets give them something to talk about" I took her face in my hand and I gave her a passionate kiss, it was something I wanted to do and I didn't care about what these bitches were going to think of us. After the game we met up with billy and Annie in the parking lot. They were so happy and I feel Annie had told billy her new "I told billy we are going to be mums" we hugged billy and Annie was so emotional. I pulled billy aside and said I wanted to throw Annie a surprise baby shower today. I have already organised everything can you keep her busy and bring her to my place around 3. She smiled and said I can think of a way to keep her busy

Trish and I rushed back to my place and started setting up for the party, the guests started arriving around 2. The guest of honour arrived at 3 and got the biggest shock of her life, she was totally surprised with what she saw. It was a beautiful day and I was so happy to help her celebrate it. At the ned of the day when things were about to finish up, Annie asked billy to marry her and Billy said yes, it was so beautiful to see 2 of my friends happy. "I hope thats us one day Jill" trish said as she wrapped her arms around me and kissed my neck. After we cleaned up and the guest of honour had left. trish and I finally had the place to ourselves. i was sitting on the back porch when trish came out with 2 glasses of wine. This was the moment of truth for us, she handed me a glass and I put it to the side "honey I have some new for you and I am not sure how I am going to explain it" she smiled and sipped her wine. I took her hand and lead her into my nursery that I set up on Friday. The door was closed and I told her to close her eyes. I opened the door and said "you can open your eyes now honey" she looked around the room and smiled "are you going to start babysitting" I laughed and handed her the sonogram and said "no this is where my baby will be or our baby will be sleeping when she or he arrives" she screamed and hugged me "are you really" I nodded my head. We had tears rolling down our faces "only one way to celebrate Jill"

She picked me up and took me to my bedroom and threw me on the bed, this was very spontaneous of her. She crawled up tom faced and started kissing me and whiled she kissed me. She started unbuttoning my jeans. She didn't take long with my jeans as she pulled them down and threw them to this side. She rubbed my pussy through my pink thong, I was so wet and needy. She pulled my pink thong down and started fingering my pussy, fuck it was so good. She kept fingering my pussy as she started licking my pussy, he tongue is better than any cock I have had in my adult life. She had her tongue cut right through my pussy lips and labia and straight into my pussy. Fuck it sent me over the edge and it was amazing. She was sucking and licking inside my pussy at a vigorous rate. When she found my clit, fuck lord almighty it was magical. She sucked and sucked until I couldn't take anymore and when I came I came hard. The neighbours would have heard it and maybe thought I was in trouble I was that loud.

It took me a while to get my composure back, but when I did I took trish to the nursery and we started painting the room pink. I was naked from the waist down and trish decided she would join me in being naked, her arse is to die for. I love her to bits.

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