Jill and I

By William Steps

Published on Oct 14, 2010




Jill had been my friend for over a decade. We had met in high school, and it was then that our fragmented sexual relationship began. We would end up fooling around with each other when we were both single, but still just being friends the rest of the time. As we got older fooling around turned to casual sex, never altering our 'friends with benefits' situation. As I matured, however, my relationships lasted longer and became more serious, so that Jill and I were rarely more than platonic. Despite this the time came when I suffered from a lengthy and exhausting breakup and found myself single and uninvolved. Jill was in a similar situation, and we decided to take a holiday together to forget about all the complications back at home.

There was never any implication that we would be sleeping together on this trip, though we both knew it was possible. We arranged to spend a weekend in a small beach community that was a full day's journey from our native city. It was all very impulsive, but sometimes that is the best way to arrange a vacation. We were to meet at an ungodly hour of the morning and board the bus that was to carry us away from our worries. Most of the journey would be spent napping and catching up on our lost night's sleep.

Jill was a year younger than me, making her twenty-four years old. As the years went on she allowed herself to gain a little more weight than she should have, and she was now definitely on the chubby side. She never seemed to mind that so much, and made up for her belly with her large bust. Her hair was a dark brown, and she kept it very short. Her eyes were green behind her think-rimmed glasses and her skin was milky white. Despite her extra weight, I still found her more than attractive enough for recreational sex, even though it had been over two years since we had done anything like that.

I myself was, more or less, a polar opposite. I was very athletic, and had a keen interest in fitness. My genetics made it difficult to be particularly trim so I made myself rather muscular to make up for it. My biggest vice was my tendency to drink too much whenever I was bored, which didn't happen all that often. Nonetheless, I was fully intending to stay inebriated as often as possible during my weekend away.

We met on the bus early in the morning and made our way out to the ferry terminal. One on the ferry we shook ourselves out of our doze and sat on the upper deck sipping coffee. As the water and green islands drifted past us I began to feel the first signs of forgetting about all the stress I was leaving at home. I decided that I was determined to relax and have fun for the rest of the weekend without worrying about what was going on in the rest of my life. Of course, I didn't realise what I was in store for, nor would I have guessed that the consequences would follow me home.

Another long bus ride from the ferry dock took us to the small apartment we were renting. It was a two level co-op style building that overlooked a lush inlet. The living room was furnished with a large, HD TV, the kitchen was clean and modern, the bathroom was sparkling and large and the bedroom upstairs was as comfortable as I could ask for. As much I was trying to enjoy myself, I began to wonder how I could afford such a place. I was quickly distracted by that thought however, when I discovered a large mobile phone in the bottom drawer of the bedroom. It didn't look like any cell phone I had seen before, but it was far too expensive looking to be anything else.

"Hey," I said as I walked over to the other side of the bedroom where Jill was putting her things away, "I found a phone in here." She looked over at the mobile I was holding. "Looks fancy, turn it on and see who it belongs to." She suggested. The power button was a self-evident circle at the bottom of the screen so I pressed it down and waited for the device to come to life. Its face lit up immediately, but instead of a standard phone menu it had a strange set of icons I didn't understand. 'Subjects located.' the readout said. A small icon of a woman appeared on the top of the screen and a man at the bottom. A green button labelled 'engage' popped up in the center of the screen. Curious, I pushed the button to see what would happen.

Next thing I knew the mobile seemed to be sending electric shocks up my arm. My hand clenched up, rendering me incapable of letting go of the phone. I saw Jill jump to her feet and shiver, looking just as confused as I did. Then there was a dizzying rush inside my head and I blacked out for a second. When my vision returned I was stumbling around the other side of the room, trying to get my balance. I looked up and saw that someone else was in the room with me, a man who was likewise trying to steady himself on the furniture. Then I recognized that the man had my face. We looked at each other, both realizing what had just happened.

I looked down to see a deep ravine of cleavage looking back at me. I recognised Jill's shirt on my now swollen chest, confirming that I was indeed standing in her body now.

"Holy, shit, it was a mind transfer wand!" I cried out in Jill's voice. As I moved forward to pick up the small device I felt my body shift and jiggle in a way I had never felt before. I nearly fell over as I bent down. "Careful," Jill chuckled, "I don't think you are used to having tits." I caught myself and stood up straight, feeling my new body shift around me. The machine in my hands was astoundingly simple. It looked like a small mobile phone with a knob on the top and bottom that served as the two barrels for the energy blast. You just pointed it at the person in front of you, pressed the button, and that was that.

"I thought only high-end luxury hotels offered body swap vacations." Jill said in my voice, looking over my shoulder at the device. "I don't think it was put here on purpose, there are no anti-theft precautions. I think this is someone's private toy, and they forget it here when they checked out." I said. "So, we're keeping it right? I mean nobody has come back for it so they may not even realise where they left it. Anyone that rich can get another one." Jill suggested. I looked her, standing there and smiling with my face. "If nobody comes back for it or claims it is missing I guess we can hang onto it." I said. "Let me swap us back and we can figure out what we're doing with it."

"Mike, wait!" Jill cried as she stopped me from pointing the machine at her. "What's your rush?" She asked. "Are you suggesting we stay like this?" I inquired, not entirely surprised. "Well not forever or anything, but for the rest of the weekend." She replied. I took a step back, looking from the remote to the mirror across the room, seeing Jill's reflection where mine should have been. "How much more of a weekend away could you want?" Jill asked. "Think about it, you not only get out of town, but you get to be someone else while you're there. Sounds like fun to me." She had a point, though I wasn't really comfortable with the idea. "Well I'm a little weirded out by suddenly being a girl." I argued, "And besides, what if something happens to this thing? We'd be stuck like this for god-knows-how-long before we could find someone to swap us back. I would not want to explain that."

"Why would anything happen to it?" Jill replied. "We'll leave it in the safe all the time, it will be fine." I was not convinced. "I'm really don't feel comfortable with this at all." I murmured. "Ok," Jill said, "How about a deal? We'll stay this way for the rest of the day and if by the time we go to sleep you really want to switch back we can do that. If you start having fun then we can stay as each other for another two days. What do you say?" I thought a moment. "Fine," I conceded. "But this thing is staying locked up here." Jill beamed at my consent. "You won't regret it," She said, "I promise."

"Now put away your things." She said glibly, pointing to her suitcase, "And lets go get a drink." I was hesitant to actually go out around other people while I was in the body of a voluptuous woman. "Come on, I'm not asking you to put on evening wear," Jill nagged, "Lets just relax somewhere before we get too tired." I agreed, though there was a cold, nervous feeling in my gut as I put away some of Jill's belonging's in bathroom and rolled the rest of her clothes to the end of the bed. Had I really agreed to go out to a bar in the body of a girl? I began to wonder if living in Jill's body didn't mean that I had inherited some of the habits of her brain too.

Thankfully Jill was dressed plainly for our travels so I was not wearing anything too revealing. Clad in a pair of tight jeans, flat shoes and a long sleeved t-shirt that was not too low cut I prepared to go out in her body. I felt weird wearing a bra, but I knew that Jill's tits were too large to go without one in public. I also would have preferred not wearing any make up, but I had on a modest amount already and didn't bother removing it. "Ready?" Jill asked eager to explore the nearest pub. "I guess so," I replied, "As much as I can be."

The nearest bar was ten minutes away on a marina. It was a nice enough place, dimly lit and tasteful with decent music. Jill and I were seated in a corner table and had ourselves a couple drinks as we talked about what we should do with the rest of our time. "I can't believe I let you talk me into being a woman today." I said in a low voice. "It is so weird to feel these things moving around when I walk." I gestured to my breasts as I spoke. "Come on, you're enjoying it." She said. "Just like I find it weird and fun to feel my man parts move around in my pants." I had to admit the experiment of knowing what it was like to be a woman, especially a curvy woman with a totally different body than my own, was interesting. After a few more beers I even started to get turned on the jiggles and wiggles my borrowed body provided.

We moved from our seats to the pool table, where we began to play. I noticed that some of the men at the bar snuck glanced at my rack whenever I lined up a shot. I myself was struggling to get around my bust in order to shoot straight. Instead of being annoyed though, I started to laugh it off. Jill and I shared more than one giggle over how different it was being in each other's bodies, how even the little daily things seemed new and awkward. Following the trend of awkward new experienced, all the beer had filed my bladder and I had to excuse myself to relive it.

Once in the bathroom the lack of urinals reminded me that I had to sit down to pee, so I begrudgingly did so. After I had felt the alien sensation of relieving myself as a girl, I wiped my new genitals clean. I hesitated a moment. This was the first time I had seem my new crotch, and I looked down to inspect the hairless slit I now possessed. I ran my finger up the length of my pussy and shivered. I was a little drunk at that point and starting to get even more curious about how things felt in my new body. Curious as I was, I was not going to start masturbating in a public toilet. I pulled up my pants and left the cubicle.

As I was washing my hands I remembered that Jill's deal had been for us to swap back before we went to bed if I didn't agree to stay in her body all weekend. I wasn't sure I wanted to spend another two days as her, but I started to wonder if I could somehow get her to forget long enough for me to have this body to myself for one night to explore it more fully. I felt my body tingle and shiver as I pondered the prospect of fingering my pussy and squeezing my huge tits. I didn't know how I would manage that though, since we were sharing a bedroom. I would have to lock myself in the bathroom to avoid attracting attention, and that seemed a little obvious.

I few more drinks and we were heading back to the apartment. Both of us were tired from our early start and, even though it was only ten in the evening, we didn't have the energy to stay out at the pub. We picked up a few cases on beer on the way back and locked ourselves back in our rented beach home. Feeling more than a little tipsy, I told Jill I wanted to find something more comfortable to wear and headed up to the bedroom to change.

I had just finished stripping off my shirt and fumbling to remove my bra when Jill walked casually into the room, beer in hand. "Hey," I protested mildly, "I was changing in here." Jill shrugged. "We've seem each other naked lots of times, and we've seen our own bodies naked even more." I rolled my eyes. "A knock would have still been nice." I muttered as I rifle though Jill's suitcase, looking for her pyjama shorts. I can feel Jill's silence as I look up at her. She was just standing there, smiling. "Yes?" I ask. "I'm just enjoying the view. All this testosterone is fun, and I like watching my old breasts bob around like that." I stood up, feeling very exposed and naked now. Being shirtless as a girl was a whole new experience. "Thanks." I said dryly.

Jill put down her beer and pulled off her own shirt. I found myself admiring the toned muscles of my old self. Shaking it off I attributed my admiration to estrogen and too much to drink. Jill calmly removed her jeans as well, standing it just her shorts. My eyes drifted slightly and I noticed that she was half-hard under her boxers. It seemed that she was getting aroused watching me undress, even though she was looking at her own body. "What did you bring to sleep in, anyway?" She inquired. "There are some sweat pants in the side of my bag." I told her. She nodded and located the garment I had mentioned. "You can keep changing, I don't mind." She said with a sly smile.

I was about to tell her that I wasn't comfortable being naked around her while we were swapped, but my words stopped short as she dropped her shorts and tossed them in the corner. She was naked now, and her dick was swaying back and forth as she picked up the sweat pants. "She looked up and caught me staring."It's weird seeing yourself from the outside, isn't it?" She said. "Yeah, it doesn't feel like seeing yourself at all." I said quietly. She held her pants loosely in one hand as she stepped towards me. I didn't move away. She playfully poked one of my tits. "I never thought Id find myself staring at my own breasts." She quipped. "Just like I figure you never thought you'd be so fascinated by your old cock." Jill added.

I felt a rush of hormones and my skin prickled up. I could feel my nipples getting hard on my chest. I could tell Jill was feeling the same thing, I could hear her breathe a little harder. I suddenly felt a soft prodding at my hip, and I realised that her cock was mostly erect and touching me. Suddenly she dropped the pretences and grabbed me, kissing me hard. I froze at first, but then I found myself kissing her back. It felt weird, since I was essentially kissing a man for the first time. I felt her stubble scratch me as she crushed me against the wall. I wasn't ready for all the estrogen, just as I'm sure she wasn't prepared for the testosterone.

Her hands came up to fondle and squeeze my huge boobs, causing me to sigh and shiver. I could feel heat grow between my legs. I had been wondering how much pleasure Jill's body could feel, and I started to realise that it would feel even better to have someone else explore me than for me to do it myself - Especially if it was the previous owner of the body doing the exploring. My mind was clouded my drink and hormones, and I failed to stop Jill's advances.

As we made out like drunken teenagers one of her hands left my bosom and traveled downward. She unbuttoned my jeans and slipped her hand inside. When her fingers touched my pussy it felt even better than I could have imagined. I whimpered as she started to rub my cunt. It was fantastic, and I surrendered to the sensation immediately. She helped me out of my pants so she could get at my crotch. I offered no resistance as I stepped out of my jeans. Her finger resumed their play, bringing more moans from my lips. I leant back against the dresser and spread my legs. Jill slipped a finger into my pussy and started to stroke it in and out, curling it inside me. This first taste of penetration only made me want more, and soon I was hunching into her hand as she fingered me.

Then it got even better as she bent down and wrapped her lips around my sex. Using her mouth and her fingers she started to eat me out. I grabbed her head and gasped as I revelled in this new pleasure. It felt so wet as she brought me deeper and deeper into my arousal. It was more intense than oral sex as a man, and I couldn't get enough of it. All too soon she broke away from me though, and we resumed kissing. Her fingers still pumped inside me as I tasted my juices on her tongue. Jill pulled away and took a half step back. I had no idea where my desires were coming from, but I didn't hesitate for a second to follow her.

I dropped to my knees and took my old cock in my small hand. I closed my slightly plump fingers around the shaft and started jerking her off. Jill moaned and grinned from ear to ear as I manipulated her dick. I felt a rush of female hormones as I leaned in closer. I barely knew what I was doing when I opened my mouth and took the head of her tool into it. I jumped right in, stroking and sucking her as best I could. She grabbed my head and thrust gently into my face as I blew her. I found myself enjoying the smooth, salty taste of her organ as I went down on her.

Jill's hands caressed my back as I swallowed her cock. "How do you like sucking my cock?" She moaned. "You seem to be working it like a good little slut." I knew it was mostly the hormones talking, but I wished that hearing her speak to me like that didn't turn me on even more. I pulled her dick from my mouth. "Come on," I panted, "I know you want to fuck me." I said as I stood up and then sat down on the edge of the bed. I spread my legs as I pulled Jill towards me. She needed no goading, and moved herself into position right away. I wrapped my chunky legs around her waist as I felt her cockhead press against the wet spot in my groin.

I was so wet and my new slit was so hairless that her dick slipped into me in one slow push. I felt the entire length of her manhood fill up the empty void inside of me, pressing deep within my body. It was an amazing sensation. I felt electric and euphoric as her hips ground into mine. She started to pump in and out of my slick pussy, increasing the pleasure I was feeling. I whimpered and moaned as her organ slid against my pink flesh, my tits beginning to shift back and forth under my chin. I grabbed at her ass and pulled her into me a little harder and I ground my pelvis against her thrusts.

In that position we started fucking like crazy, I clawed at her, trying to get her deeper and deeper into me as she pounded my cunt as hard as she could. We were both sweating as we slammed into each other, by body rippling under the impact. The ecstasy grew and grew until I realised that I was on the brink of an orgasm. "Oh god!" I shouted, "Don't stop, I think I'm..." My voice trailed off as I felt the first jolt of my climax hit me. My eyes shot wide open as I came, my whole body shaking under tremors of bliss. I cried out in wonton abandon as I felt wave after wave or orgasmic energy wash over me. It seemed to go on forever, but when it finally subsided I was still there, being fucked hard by my old cock. Unlike when I was man, my orgasm didn't mean we were finished.

Jill could tell I had finished cumming, and she suddenly pulled out and rolled me over. She positioned me on my hands and knees as she shoved her dick back into my pussy from behind. She grabbed my hips and fondled my swinging breasts as she took me doggy style. My chest swayed violently back and forth like a pendulum as she shagged me. "You like me fucking you?" She asked aggressively. I whimpered in response, unable to speak. "Do you like me fucking your fat ass?" She insisted, slowing down her trusts and pulling nearly all the way out of me. I tried to push back, desperate for her to continue, but she stopped me. "Tell me how much you like it or I'll stop." She menaced.

"I love it, please keep fucking me!" I cried. She plunged back in and resumed her thrusting. I moaned in delight as I felt another orgasm approaching. "I love watching your big titties bounce." She grunted. "I'm cumming again, keep going!" I begged as I surrendered to another climax. It was glorious, and I screamed as I came a second time. Just as my passion was ebbing back I felt Jill tense up. "Oh, fuck, Jill -" She stammered. I realised, even as lost as I was in the sex, that she had just called me Jill. "Fuck, you fat slut, I'm cumming!" She groaned. A second later I felt a gush of hot semen spray into my pussy as she came. She kept pounding me, filling me up with her seed as she had her own orgasm. I felt her cum leak out of me as she pulled her softening cock out of my slit.

I felt empty without her inside me, and I closed my legs to keep from making a mess all over the sleets. We both lay on the bed, catching our breath. I was still basking in the glow of having two amazing orgasms, but eventually I had to get up to clean the goo out of my snatch. Sitting on the toilet I let the sticky mess drain out, and then wiped the rest of it off me. Jill cleaned herself up quickly as well, and we both collapsed back in the bed. I tossed my glasses on the beside table as I reclined on the sex-mussed sheets. Whatever our intentions were, we both seemed to pass out the second our heads hit the pillow.

I woke up with a nagging hangover.

My first realizations were that I couldn't see. It took a few moments of blinking and fumbling before it all came back to me. I was in Jill's body, and I needed my glasses to see. I found my specs and put them on, seeing the room become clear around me. Jill was already up, and I could smell coffee brewing in the kitchen. The rest of my memories of the previous night came back to me as I started to get out of bed, which prompted me to mutter a few obscenities under my breath. I could not believe that I had gotten drunk and let Jill fuck me in her body. The real problem was that, no matter how hard I tried, I didn't completely regret it. I felt awkward, naked and sullied - but I also felt really satisfied. I could not remember the last time sex had been so exciting and new.

I rose from the bed and resigned myself to the ambivalent feelings I had. I was embarrassed and ashamed about what I had done, but I also accepted that I had really enjoyed myself at the time. I covered my ample body in Jill's pyjama shorts and a matching shirt. No longer nude, I walked downstairs to meet Jill and see how she was taking the odd turn of events. "Good morning." She said to me as I reached to pour myself a cup of coffee. She seemed a little tense as well, which was reassuring. "How do you feel, you drank quite a bit last night." She asked. I told her I was a little hung-over but nothing some water and a few cups of coffee wouldn't fix.

"Look," she began, "I'm sorry about some of the things I said to you last night." she said apologetically. I recalled the phrase 'fat slut' coming up more than once during our passions. I shrugged it off. "It's all right; you weren't use to all the testosterone. I don't know if you noticed but I gave into doing some pretty uncharacteristic things as well once these new hormones kicked in." Jill laughed. "Yeah, the chemicals in your body are pretty persuasive too. Anyway, sorry again, it was just my own insecurity talking during some rough sex." I told her the apology was accepted.

"So, we both kinda passed out, I never asked if you wanted to switch back yet." Jill inquired. "I'm surprised you didn't jump on that loophole to say that I had to stick to the deal about staying like this for the rest of the weekend." I quipped. "Well," Jill said, "Only if you didn't agree first." Jill grinned at me as I shook my head. "Come on, you had a blast last night." Jill added after a moment's pause. I thought about the prospect of being Jill for another night and two days. As I thought I found myself absent mindedly staring at her. I replayed the previous night in my head, finding that the memories were both frightening and arousing. I thought about Jill's cock thrusting into me and how alien and new it felt. It seemed I had gone onto a slippery slope, and now that I had given in to the experimentation once I wanted to try it again.

"I'll agree on one condition." I stated flatly. "Oh, what's that?" Replied Jill. A smile spread across my face. "I get to be on top next time." I answered.

In the shower Jill fingered me as we soaped each other up. It felt almost as amazing as when she dropped down and started to lick my pussy. I came quickly, though it was nowhere near as good as when I was being fucked. Afterwards I returned the favour, slurping her hard cock into my mouth. It wasn't long before I got my first taste of cum, and I regret to say I didn't do the best job of swallowing, and the jism leaked all over my chin and dripped onto my tits. I cleaned myself up as we finished our bathing.

When we were dry and groomed Jill insisted on showing me how to put on a little bit of make up, which I reluctantly allowed. The two of us also chose the outfits that the other was to wear that day. At Jill's request I found myself in a purple knee length skirt, a grey t-shirt with a very low v-neck, flat leather shoes, black knee high socks and a short jacket. I found myself feeling a guilty pleasure at dressing my new body this way, especially at someone else's bidding. It was also strange to find my old body more attractive in certain clothes. I chose a well fitted jeans and dress shirt outfit for her and, thus attired, the two of us were ready to go out again.

We spent the day walking around the small town. We eventually made our way to the beach and wandered along the shoreline for most of the afternoon. We seemed incurably euphoric the whole time. I suppose swapping bodies with the opposite sex is kind of like going through puberty again - all the hormones making everything seem new and exciting. We were constantly slipping aside to make out along our convalescence. I also marvelled how every step I took felt totally different that when I was myself and nothing in my body seemed to move the same way. Considering we are the same species, it was amazing to see how much of a difference a wide body and a set of massive breasts made.

We stopped off for more booze on the way back to the apartment. Things turned naughty as soon as we were alone. I ended up removing my jacket and shirt and bra very quickly, parading around in my skirt and stockings. I had always loved watching women's tits jiggle as they moved around, and now I loved feeling it on my own chest. Jill certainly didn't mind either. She was likewise topless, and I could also see the almost permanent erection in her jeans. I could tell she was having a hard time keeping her hands to herself. After an ample amount of teasing I put down my drink and slid over to her. I unzipped her pants and relived her of them, watching her cock pop free.

Compelled to perform all the actions I would have enjoyed as a man, I began rubbing her dick between my cleavage. I pressed my bosom together and slid her tool between my huge pillows. Jill seemed to love tit fucking me, and I enjoyed watching her face as I stroked her rod on my smooth flesh. I let as much of her cock as I could slip into my mouth as it peeked out from my twin mountains. I slipped my panties off under my skirt as I pleasured her, but I kept the rest of my clothes on. I was getting dripping wet from all the anticipation, and it was easy to tell that Jill was beyond herself with lust.

I pushed her back on the couch and climbed up on top of her. I straddled her hips and lifted my chubby ass up above her raging hard on. I lowered my self down, feeling her sink into my dripping pussy. I gasped as I felt her all the way inside me. Rolling my hips, I began to grind into her, I rode her slowly at first, but then I gradually picked up the pace. As I bounced on her cock my tits started doing jumping jacks in front of my face. It started to actually hurt so I cradled them a few times to keep them from jolting too painfully.

When I came it was the most full body experience I had ever had. I tried my best to stifle the screams that were escaping my mouth as I climaxed all over Jill's cock. Jill was grabbing my hips and thrusting up into me as I shuddered and bucked. "Oh my god!" I moaned, "Oh my fucking god!" The orgasms seemed to last forever, at least compared to being a man. When I finally came down from my high I was sweating all over, my breath coming out in gasps. "What do you want?" I asked Jill, "How do you want me now?" She sat up and rolled us onto the floor, coming up behind me as I lay on my side. She spooned up to me and fed me her wonderful prick once more.

Jill reached around to grope my bust as she started to fuck me in that position. I resumed my whimpers of joy as she drove herself into my womb. Her fingers found my clit and brought me on my way to a second climax. In no time at all I was cumming again, though less powerfully than before. Suddenly Jill pulled out and rolled me over again, mounting me again on top. She started drilling me mercilessly, watching my body ripple with each thrust. "God, I love fucking you." Jill grunted. "I love fucking a big titted slut like you." Amidst my cries of pleasure I noticed he was calling me a slut again, though at least this time he wasn't adding in the part about me being fat.

"I want you to cum all over my tits." I sighed, pinching my nipples. "If I'm such a slut I want you to cum all over me." I whispered as I closed my eyes. With a little coaxing I got Jill's dick between my gigantic breasts again and she started tit fucking me as hard as he could. I slurped at her cockhead as he did, and soon enough I heard her grunt as he clenched up. Her jets of semen coated my face and chest, and I made as much of a mess with it as I could. I felt filthy, rubbing myself in her jizz. Yet that dirty feeling turned me on all the more.

I slurped her tool into my mouth and sucked it clean. When she had finished twitching I stopped devouring his manhood and let it fall limply from my lips. "So we're gonna go again now?" I asked, looking hopefully up at her. "You really are an insatiable little whore, aren't you?" Jill asked me. "For the rest of the weekend I'm your insatiable little whore, Mike." I responded jokingly. "Now let's keep drinking until I can get you hard again." I added.

Needless to say we spent the rest of our vacation very recreationally. I grew almost completely comfortable with the role-play of being Jill, and soon enough we were both playfully calling each other by our body's names. I found myself getting more and more turned on my being Called Jill, especially while 'Mike' was thrusting inside me. We remained as we were, pretending to be one another almost the whole trip back. In a ferry bathroom, after one last quickie, we used the device to return to our proper bodies. It almost seemed strange to be a man again after so much sex as a woman. Nonetheless, I was happy for the safety of my own life, and Jill and I were giddy the rest of the journey home. Finally, when we were back at my place, we stripped down and had a welcome home party, fucking for a few hours in as our old selves.

As I lay on my bed, catching my breath after satisfying myself with Jill, I knew that we would end up using the body transfer device again. Sooner or later, probably sooner, we would get curious and that would be that. I wondered if it was possible to get addicted to swapping back and forth like that. As is turned out I was completely right.

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