Jigsaws Return

By Adam Mcdonald

Published on Apr 15, 2010


All the disclaimers and warnings from my last stories are in effect.

Wolfy sat, speechless and nearly paralyzed, as the full meaning of what was being told to her via the recording hit her head on.

"Part of the game," she whispered in terror, "What have I done to deserve Jigsaw's notice?"

As if in answer, the recording said, "I'm sure you are wondering why I would pick you to participate in my little game, since you have not wasted your life on frivilrous and selfish pursuits as my other players have. You truly are a good person who has done all you can to ensure the safety of not only the public, but also your friends and family who surround you. I wish you no harm, and it does sadden me I have to pick you as a player. However, it has come to my notice that you are much too interested in me and my mission to allow you to continue in your efforts against me. I am sorry. Do you accept my apology?"

With that, the recording seemed to freeze, as if waiting for an answer. Wolfly was about to respond with a string of vulgarities until she noticed the microphone on her computer was active. Could this be a test? Did Jigsaw WANT her to answer as she felt? If so, she needed to respond in a way that would please him in order to get to the next step of the game, both with her safety and with whoever else's fate may soon rely on her.

"Yes," she responded timidily, "I forgive you."

The recording shook, as if accessing data files, "Please, Ms. Wolfly, do not think me stupid. I have ways of telling if you are lying, and I would say it's in your best interest to be completely truthful with me. If you lie again, I will know, and the consequences will not be pleasant."

"Fine, fine FINE!" she murmured fiercely, "I think you're a piece of shit for bringing me into this, and I can't wait to catch you, or whoever is behind this, and either kill you or put you behind bars! Of course I don't forgive you! I hope you burn in hell!"

After a moment, the recording continued, "Thank you, Ms. Wolfly for being honest with me. I promise to always be honest with you, and if you follow my advice, you, along with all that matters to you, will escape unharmed. In fact, this may even prove quite lucrative for you. How would it look on your resume to say you caught the Jigsaw killer from 'beyond the grave'? I wouldn't expect that Captain would be far off in your future if you could boast that. Do you agree?"

Wolfly hesitated. This could be a trap. Jigsaw was known for baiting and tempting his prey into accepting deals that should have helped them when, in reality, it ended up destroying them, or costing them their lives, since it played on their selfishness.

Not to say she wasn't tempted to accept this offer. Not for the promotion she would receive for catching this killer, but because of the person she saw trapped in Jigsaw's puzzle who she could request to be be freed if she did his bidding.

"I accept under one condition," she finally replied, "Only if the person you showed me will be set free, unhurt, from her predicament. A promotion means nothing to me. She can't be killed in the process."

The recording absorbed what she said, "You have spoken truly, and I promise, again, no harm will come to you, and she will be released unscathed from her current position, provided you follow my rules. Do you agree to this?"

Knowing she was making a deal with the devil himself, Wolfly bit her lip so hard it almost bled before whispering, "Yes."

"Excellent!" the dummy replied, and if she didn't know better, Wolfly would have sworn the inanimate object smiled at her, "Your first test will begin now. I assume you are familiar with the game '20 Questions', so we are going to play a version of it. I am going to show you a situation you have every ability to stop by simultaneously pressing CTRL S on your keyboard. If you do, the player will survive their ordeal and will be set free. Should you press CTRL K, the game will also be finished, and the player will immediately be killed. Your goal is to decide whether or not the player deserves to live or die based on their answers to the questions I ask them. They will see you and will know it was you who spared their life or led to their demise. I will not tell you which response you give will lead you to the next level of the game, only that you must not let your emotions overwhelm you before you make your decision. To help you, I will not let you make your decision until after 5 questions have been answered. Let the game begin."

The picture of the dummy disappeared, and a new live video of a man replaced it. He was hung, chained to the ceiling and floor, and surrounded by 20 weighted swords aimed at his body. The man struggled and called for help, when suddenly, a tv on a stand next to him sprang to life.

"Good evening, Mike. In life, you pierced the ones you claimed to love with your actions and lies, so now I am about to pierce you literally and just as deeply. Your fate partly depends on your honesty. For every question I ask, and you lie about, a sword will descend and impale you until you are dead. Do not hope to pass any lies past me; I know more about you than you can possible imagine. I must warn you, though, that even if you answer all 20 truthfully, neither I nor you are responsible for your survival. There is a third party who decides if you live or die. She is watching us right now. I'm sure you need no introduction to your own daughter."

The man's head jerks up, "Maria?!"

"DADDY!" Wolfly yelled.

That's it for part 3! I'm undecided for how the next part should go. Should she kill or save her father, and why? If I get enough responses with good reasons either way, I might include it in my story. Let me know! ender2155@gmail.com

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