Jigsaws Return

By Adam Mcdonald

Published on Apr 9, 2010


All my warnings and disclaimers from my last story are in effect.

Wolfly sat at her desk and rubbed her eyes. The beginnings of a migraine were hitting her hard, so she focused even more so on the computer monitor in front of her as she tried to finish her report on the death site she responded to. Paperwork was a bitch, but a necessary evil of her job since, when they caught the criminal responsible for whatever crime was committed, all their notes and reports would be needed for the trial. Defense lawyers LOVED incomplete notes, and the DA wasn't very fond of losing trials because the cops didn't do their jobs.

Thus, the paperwork.

Wolfy opened her desk drawyer, found some Advil, popped three with some stagnant coffee still on her desk, and prayed they would take effect quickly before turning back to her report.

She was at a loss for what to say. She had accurately and completely described the murder scene, including the Chain of Custody cards for all the evidence, but the horror and lack of motive left her speechless.

Sure, everyone knew that the Jigsaw murders really had no motive, other than to preach, but she couldn't officially report it WAS a Jigsaw murder! That maniac had been dead for over a year; she HAD the autopsy reports in front of her, for God's sake, so no one would believe he was responsible for it. Yet, how could he NOT be?!

The paradox of the truth made her skull throb even harder, so she stood up and strode to the bathroom to freshen up. She had been up for over a day and a half, and she felt grimy. Maybe if she freshened up she would feel better.

Her time in the bathroom was uneventful, as even splashing cold water on her face failed to lead her to a different conclusion, but it did wake her up and reduce the pain in her head. Either that, or the Advil finally decided to work.

As she walked back to her desk, her BlackBerry vibrated with a new call, so she pulled it out and glanced to see who was calling her.

'Restriced Number' was her phone's response.

Thinking it a telemarketer or some wrong number, she hit 'ignore' and sat back down at her desk, determined to finsh her report without making her sound like a crazy person.

"Think, think, THINK!" she muttered to herself.

Her phone rang again. And again, it was a restricted number. She hit ignore.

Turning back to her report, she continued, "The victim was found strapped to a table with multiple syringes stuck in him. They had been compressed completely, allowing, what the ME confimed, sulphiric acid to flow through his body, thus destroying him from the inside out. A ten bladed device was strapped around his penis. Each one set to sever one inch of his penis, and each one controlled by a trigger under each of his ten fingers. Six were depressed. Only four inches of his penis remained."

Wolfly breathed slowly as she decided how to phrase this next part.

"It is common and proven knowledge that the serial killer known as 'Jigsaw' is deceased, however, it would appear as if the UNSUB copied his MO as a way to murder the victim. The 'live or die' game the killer played is identical to that of the 'Jigsaw' killer."

Wolfly paused again, then slowly, and deliberately wrote the next part, "We should focus our investigation on the people who survived Jigsaw's games. They would be the ones most familiar with, and most damaged by, his crimes."

She hesitated for a moment, but then pressed 'send' which forwarded her report onto her superiors, and God only knew, who else.

Finally done with this task, she began to shut down her computer and go home for some much needed rest, when an icon flashed on her screen saying she had a new instant message, Wolfly frowned since not only was she not logged onto any sort of messaging service, her work computer did not allow employees to have access to such sites due to security issues.

"What the hell?" she asked to herself.

She ignored the pop up and clicked on the 'shut down' icon on her computer, but as she did, the icon blinked and popped up on her screen with the link http://snipurl.com/newjigsaw

She tried to click on the shutdown icon again, but her computer suddenly had a mind of its own and opened the link. Once it did, she was presented with the face of Death itself, Jigsaw.

The picture stayed immobile, but a familiar voice began speaking, "Hello, Sgt. Wolfly. You know who I am, and what I am capable of, and that makes you dangerous, for both you and me. The people around you think I'm dead and incapable of teaching the world the message it so desperately needs; one I am uniquely positioned to teach. You, alone, understood what took place around Kevin's suicide."

Wolfly's eyes narrowed at that word.

"Ah yes," the recording continued, "You wince at my choice of words, but it is very true. Kevin was given every chance to stop his death, but he chose it over the alternative. Do you not see that as I do? He ddin't have to die; he could have gone on living without his tool of destruction, but he found such a future something he could not live with. The world is better off without a blatant murderer as him living within it, yet you call me the killer.even though I stopped one. But I digress. The future has nothing to do with a real killer, like Kevin. Instead, it involves you, and the choices you will soon make. You are currently receiving a video file which will soon be downloaded on your computer. Please click on the link that will soon pop up."

As the recording said that, a new IM popped up on Wolfly's computer. Her hand could barely stop shaking long enough to move the mouse to click on it.

When she did, a new window popped up and showed, what she assumed to be a live feed, of a familiar person, chained , and spread eagled,naked, to a dirty wall.

They had a hood over their face, but their voice was too familiar for her not to know who it was. They pleaded and cried for help, Suddenly, a blade flicked down and cut two deep slashes in their body. The video ended.

"I am teaching you a lessonto prove how serious this is. I called twice, and you ignored me twice,"

Wolfly fought the tears falling down her face, "You fucking son of a bitch!" she said silently.

"Tell no one what you have seen," Jigsaw said, "You're part of the game now."

Feedback welcome at ender2155@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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