
By A becker

Published on Jun 16, 2024



The member of the board of governors had given me an idea for another short stop. Cho is all for it. Our cars parked in front of the Harcourt Racing Museum. Gil contacted Gillespie, he was there. Handshakes and introductions for the Twins.

Gillespie gave us an update. The entire base frame is done! It did indeed look like a giant `Erector Set.' More steel would be put up when the glass sections go in.

He told us there was work to be done on the interior things... wiring, plumbing, etc. then the glass installs would begin. They were two months ahead of schedule!!

Our thanks for his fine work.

We could see Charlie's intense interest in the metal framework. Later I asked Cho about an erector set for the babies? Cho said he'd had a Meccano Set as a boy...

"Its likely in storage in Bangkok. I'll get someone to find it for the house there. For here we should buy a new set."

Fist bump.

On the Forecourt Carter, Carter2 and Audra with smiles after the now `traditional' greetings by the Twins.

Our guests had started luncheon. The last stop delayed us.


After lunch time for another visit... a much different one! All the kids to Arche's Farm. Caroline, Artie, Sam, Suki, Rak2, Anurak in his dad's arms, Rak holding Chana, Chani and Charlie. They were happy, giggly and laughing watching the tiny goats and sheep gambol about. Petting for pigs and cows through the fence.

The chickens and geese... they got a bit closer... Terry and parents beside them so no one is pecked or snapped at. The gander named `Lookout' hugged Charlie again... he likes Charlie... our son is laughing.

The dogs came over to see the kids.

Loads of snaps by the parental units and Charles.

Archie and Margy happy meeting our family again.

Old `Gus' the cat came out to see about the excitement, the babies were introduced. Gus happy to be rubbed by a crowd of small people.

A big success!!

Back at the house the men went over to Oxford East for a round. Swimming for most of the others. I went into the Library with Gil and Chelle to work for a few hours.

Gil took a call from the World War Two veteran soldier I met in Alness. He is Okay but another veteran needs help. Gil took the information. She told him we would look into it and be back to him and the fellow in question.

I asked her to contact the local MP... see what he can do. Say I will help. Thumbs up.

I called Mason and Morgan on the Conference App. They had good news... six possible locations for Mirabelle production in Great Britain. Mason is doing visits this week so we will have firmer information to go on shortly.

Their opinion based what they know now is the locations in London's East End and Manchester were likely the best choices... they ticked all our boxes.

I thanked them for the work.

News from Bangkok... I bet I know before Dad... Thang and Lek passed the officer's test suite. Given their excellent operational experience they would be lieutenants soon!!

I sent our congratulations to them!!!

Chelle said she got something from the New York lawyers screening mail... a well-known nuclear disarmament group in America wanted me to speak to their group and help promote the idea.

No way anyone is going to co-op me. I told her to respond I am working using my resources and methods for now. I applaud their efforts.

I got a grin.

Stanton delivered a coffee tray to big thanks. He smiled, "Mr. Carter had it prepared."

Gil poured. Good to have this.

A report from a Thames Valley Police superintendent on the wood thieves. The one they bailed has been re-arrested on burglary charges. The men had been using the narrow boat to go along the canals and rivers... stopping to go ashore to rob homes and businesses. They would move on after a break-in to a new location to scout then rob.

Crickdale, Castle Eaton, Lechdale-on-Thames, Eynsham and more all had housebreakings and night time burglaries.

The Thames Valley folks quite pleased to have collected those two and ended their run of crime.

A big thank you for us!

I asked Gil to inform the Radley's in case they hadn't been told. She gave me a thumbs up.

The golfers were back in time for drinks. The swimmers all cleaned up... shining faces.

Cho reading the note from the superintendent with a smile.

"I suppose `peaceful' boaters do not make good suspects."

We shrugged.

Sam next to me... I congratulated him on the programme. I liked it. I said it showed good programming qualities and excellent skills in coding graphics.

Fist bump!

We watched all the babies surrounding Jaidee and Tasa working on them.

"Aunt Fay, Jaidee is the true lucky dog. And right now Tasa too."

I laughed, "Indeed! He gets so much love. Tasa is learning how good it is to have a grandchild around... or two or three." I nudged him, "... Take a lesson... if people you love want to pet you... let'em!"

We laughed!

Carter2... "M'Lady, the young woman from the caterers delivered a box for you."

He handed it to me... Sam's eyes big... shortbread... he's developed a real taste for it. I offered him a test piece... we munched! It is very good! Much like Dee's.

I asked Carter2 to share it with my aunt. A smile.

Dee had a bite... a smile, "She got it!"

We laughed.

I turned to Gil, "Please ask her to come see Carter and Carla... maybe we have a position for her if she's interested... " Louder... much louder... "We cannot keep pushing Dee for shortbread."

Aunt Dee grinning, Uncle Craig did a thumbs up.

I leaned over the back of the settee to kiss Dee's cheek, "Maybe you need some time off? Maybe bake something else?"

I was hugged.

Gil extended a folder to me... Rafferty's report on the Linton Castle Trials books!

She handed me a second folder with the title of local Linton amenities... I was going to get a fresh Campari and soda... Sam he'd go for me. I thanked him.

Looking at the numbers... the sponsors had thinned out in the last few years, paid attendance down twenty nine percent in three years despite the money they spent to promote the event. It almost seemed the more they paid out to build up the event the fewer folks showed.

The main sponsor's cold feet came from a business decision... the event wasn't doing anything for them. Cold on their part... at least honest.

We weren't interested in profits... it is certainly easier for us.

So it comes down to this... if we put money up we have to have control so mistakes of the past are not repeated. Santayana!!!! I borrowed Gil's pen to write it as a note for Cho! He will laugh!

Gil smiling, "I'll take it to Cho."

I said hold off until I've seen the second. local Linton amenities... quite a lot! No big amusement parks... Ha! Many local fairs There is excellent fishing nearby... salmon and trout. Small hotels, B&B's and cottage rentals... the only sizeable towns... Jedburgh and Kelso are fifteen minutes away.

A large number of ruined `castles' scattered around close by. Several museums, a good one in Coldstream. Lots of golf courses!

I wrote a note about shuttle buses and tours... greens fees?

I handed the folder and her pen back to Gil.

Fist bump.

Sam asked about the Linton thing. I said the event had money trouble, we were going to try to rescue it.

"Has Sunny ridden there?"

"No. If we are involved she might but that is not up to us. It will take time to raise the event's profile to make it worthwhile for her to go."

"Aunt Fay, you are so smart... where does it all come from?"

I laughed and hugged Sam, "My parents were quite smart too. Doc is a PHD so she's smart.

Something big for me... your uncle in my life has given me opportunities to expand myself like I had never had before. I'm still growing on the inside.

Never stop learning!!"

Sam emphatically, "I won't!!"

Another hug! Sam, Artie and Sunny, cousin Suki linked with the Twins... a lot of brain power in small bodies!!


Folks were hungry.

We had a wonderful Carla dinner. A highlight are the little casseroles of grilled vegetables under a glorious crust! Sue and Maxine made the tops look like Indian tepees for the kids... they loved them! Fun!

The carrot cake with whipped sweet cream cheese icing was quite a hit!

Afters... a puzzle contest... Chani, Sam and Suki versus Charlie, Artie and Caroline... the same puzzle for each... a view of the Bangkok house garden... a riot of colour.

Tha set them off! Charles doing a video.

All us adults clustered around. None of us could cheer for a side since they were so mixed up.

Cho behind me... those strong arms holding me. A whisper, "See our babies leading the way on each team."

I squeezed his encircling arms.

Looking at the teams progress... I'd have to give the edge to Chani's side... slightly ahead.

Chelle had the stopwatch on her iPhone running... sixteen minutes...

Dad with Phailin looked over with a huge grin.

Pieces were going in by many hands very quickly. Chani gave two to Sam pointing. Sam a big grin stuck them in. Suki held up one... Chani tapped the puzzle... in it went!

Damn they were close to finishing... Chelle showed us the time twenty two and half minutes.

Just a handful of pieces left... Chani's hand went way up... down to complete their puzzle. Yells from them. Artie put their last piece in... twenty seconds later according to Chelle.

We cheered and clapped for all of them! White chocolate squares for everybody!!

Fun to see jaws working on the thick white squares.

Ting's mom and dad smiling, his mom, "Fay, that was wonderful to watch. They are all very good puzzlers."

"Chani and Charlie have been doing puzzles for over a year... they have a real eye for shapes and colours."

Ting's dad, "Their art shows that."

Indeed! Ting's parents are enjoying being with us all. Fun times! Tasa getting so much attention... small hands all over her.

The babies went up after the Culham crowd headed home.

The men did poker. Artie and Sam went with the men for a bit.

Us ladies talked about lots of things. All the children mostly.

I got in my morning ride...

A bit later Cho and I with Dad going to Cowley House for start of the intelligence heads meeting.

In the AW139 I asked Dad's aide Ton how he is doing. A big smile and a thumbs up!

"Miss Martin everyone is very nice. Several Security folks took me on a few car rides around the area... into Oxford... it is beautiful... much different from home."

A laugh, "Miss Martin, I have had fish and chips!!"

We all laughed.

"Are you staying warm enough?"

Another smile, "Yes! I have been given coats, scarves and gloves! I haven't dressed like this before... many clothes on."

I said he looked good in his suit. A thank you.

Cho and I were at the doors as our important spook guests began to arrive. Dad beside us. Ton behind Dad to guide them to the South Drawing Room.

Oz is first. Handshakes. He is doing well. He said a proposal for MI5 leasing our drones has been forwarded to Downing Street. Good.

Oz and Dad shook hands warmly. A friendship of long standing.

Eloise, a big smile from her.

"Your Ladyship, it is very nice to be back here."

A warm handshake.

Morrison of MI6. He is new to us.

"Your Ladyship, I know your parents worked for us for many years. I can have their files brought out if ever want to see them."

"That is a maybe... right now I am working from memories."

"I understand. It would be an honour to be of assistance."

Smiling he shook Dad's hand, they have a twenty year history going back to when they were junior officers.

Douglaston of GCHQ, also a new face for us.

"Your Ladyship... Sir Cho..." He leaned close, "... My congratulations on your people doing so many penetrations of our enemies systems. Some of my people are quite envious."

We shook hands, smiles and thank yous from us.

The Canadian, New Zealand and Australian London representatives of their foreign intelligence bureaus were introduced. The Five Eyes colleagues of Great Britain and America.

They were all escorted to the South Drawing Room.

General Cellier is the Director of the French Direction générale de la Sécurité extérieure. We shook hands... Cho and I greeted him in French. A smile.

He thanked us for the speedy trip from Chalgrove. Cho said he is welcome.

Herr Kramer of the German Bundesnachrichtendienst. He is not surprised by our fluent German. Ah dossiers made up on us!

He also thanked us for a quick trip from Chalgrove.

"Your people are very professional."

Cho thanked him for that.

The last were the Americans... Director Williams of the CIA and Deputy Director Thompson from the FBI.

Director Williams smiling said, "Theodore says hello."

Laughing we thanked him.

Thompson said we had done a great service helping to expose two different moles.

"The Director wanted me to thank you both personally."

We shook hands again.

All the various aides, not too many... buzzing around all these important men.

Everyone chatting in the South Drawing Room... circle of settees in the centre of the room each with a low table in front, taller ones at the sides of each settee. A table with coffee and tea service with trays of cookies, biscuits and shortbread on the side. Two large stand-up monitors on each side of the seating viewable by all.

The tables in the middle had name signs... extra seating for the aides behind each settee if needed. Cho and I standing in front of our settee, Gil and Chelle behind us.

They all were standing at their places.

Clough came in to stand near us.

Cho, "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Cowley House."

He motioned to me to sit which I did so the rest could.

"I want to introduce Clough our butler. He is in charge here. Should need you anything... please ask Clough."

Me smiling, "Clough is quite resourceful and prepared to make your stay a pleasant experience."

Cho motioned to him, Clough stepped forward, "Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen, your bags have gone up. When you need to go upstairs for any reason you will be initially escorted to your rooms so you know the way. The house layout is simple, all your rooms on the first floor. Some aides on the second floor.

All meals will be served in the Dining Room. Should you need help of any kind please ask."

He bowed and withdrew.

We introduced Graham. He briefed our guests about our security and the `extras' installed here. The Drone Defender on the roof and immediate response of a wing drone on airborne patrol that is armed. The white-noise system on the windows surprised a few. I could see CIA Director Williams... a knowing smile.... he must have spoken to Hillary.

Graham said his people will be around to answer any questions.

He bowed and went towards the back passage.

We all sat back...

Cho started things...

"Fay and I will be here this morning for the portion on Asia. We have some important items for you know and consider.

To start off Fay will brief you on border situation in southern China with General Keren contributing. You may know some about these events..."

Smiling, "Gentlemen, The Company, which we control, has erected an electronic wall along the border of Vietnam and China. It is fully operational. The border can now only be crossed legally at a few designated points.

It is not a military barrier... it is meant to stop smuggling... primarily drugs coming from China. It is a network of complex sensors and cameras that is patrolled by wing drones we lease to Vietnam's PAVN.

To date the Vietnamese have collected many dozens of smugglers, Chinese, Vietnamese and others. They are building files on all, they go into the Vietnamese judicial system except the Chinese they immediately deport back to China. There has been some back and forth between the two countries... it is polite to characterise the Chinese response as whinging."

Smiles around the room.

"The Vietnamese are taking a hard line on the smuggling... harsh prison sentences to those sent into their justice system.

You also may know there is a working group of many nations preparing a plan to extend the wall to the eastern side of the Indian border so it covers Laos and Myanmar. Most of your nations have agreed to participate in the wall extension.

The Indians will use some of our technology to protect their border and the plan is for them to share it with Nepal and Bhutan. Much of those border areas are quite inhospitable and the rest heavily militarised making smuggling very difficult.

China's southern provinces are already restive so this plan is not being well received in Beijing.

A side note the Vietnamese are patrolling over the Laotian-Chinese border with their drones based in Dien Bien Phu. They primarily work at night using a variety of sensors so they are unseen by the Chinese. This not a solution... only a temporary aid to the Laotian border police forces."

I paused.

Gil started up a short video on the border wall and the drones. I watched faces... Oz had a grin and a `discreet' thumbs up.

Afterwards there are questions... Cho and I shared answering them.

General Cellier asked about the drones armaments... lots of looks our way as I answered him.

Gil queued up another video... this from the ICE foolishness in New Mexico... our guests could see the drone dominating the action.

Me, "The drone was in Lordsburg for testing... this was its first operational use. "

Faces towards me... a few smiles.

"I suppose we should thank ICE for helping us assess its capabilities."


Cho managed a straight face.... he explained how we are rolling them out around the world and two manufacturing plants near to being fully functional.

I moved us on...

"Our most important topic for you is North Korea. Our Security Service computer division has penetrated the systems of the North Korean armed forces."

Noises and raised eyebrows all around. I could see Dad's smile in my peripheral vision.

"They made an attempt to enter our systems... we took advantage of their poor security. Our staff can see the email, voicemails, notes, address lists and more of all the top commanders and their staffs. All their data is open to us... messages, supply status for their entire armed forces, war plans, proposals, etc...

We have begun a scheme to alienate the army from the political leadership."

I motioned to Director Williams and Morrison... "President Clinton and Prime Minister Starmer authorised some assistance to our people which is being kept very quiet for obvious reasons."

Gil and Chelle were going around handing out reports on what we have done to date and the general programme going forward.

"Some small effects are appearing which encourages us to go on.

We have identified several generals who we believe could be leaders to overthrow the dictator... as you can surmise this is preliminary and very secret.

We know the difficulty of getting any agent on the ground in North Korea so this is a one-sided effort. We do hope to open communications soon with a select group of officers without putting them at risk. We have identified one general we believe is the best possible leader... he is getting extra attention.

Our efforts are subtle, discrete and promising.

A good deal of this is vague except our willingness to try. Our ability to do what we want inside the North Korean systems is completely unknown to them."

They were listening and looking at the what we provided.

I asked for questions. There were a few technical ones I handled. Political ones I thought too involved I aimed them to Dad and the CIA Director Williams and MI6's Morrison.

General discussion about it all.

A pause.

I stood up to get coffee... Herr Kramer joined me.

"Your Ladyship, you people are quite amazing to do this."

"They are indeed. As a team they are also kept busy dealing with wannabe hackers and real ones who want to get into our systems. Some creative ideas are employed to block and trap those who try."

Smiling Herr Kramer said, "Our people do the same. We see a lot of Russian IP's."

I got a pen and pad from Chelle... I wrote down Eve's email. I gave it to Herr Kramer.

"Have yours talk to Eve... she has a wonderful long list of IP's to block. They are Russian and from many other places where they have penetrated to use as beards plus a host of VPN's they like to use for the same purpose."

He laughed, "I will, thank you."

I turned to look for Williams... coffee in hand I moved towards him.

"Sir, how much have these gentlemen been informed about our other penetrations? Can they be discussed?"

"Your Ladyship, the Five Eyes all know. The BND and the DGSE have been briefed... what level of detail I do not know off-hand."

"So steer clear of that?"

"A moment."

He took Morrison aside. I sipped my coffee. Those two stepped close as Cho came up behind me.

Williams, "We believe you can speak to it in general terms. Please allow me to do a précis beforehand."

I said I am fine with him doing it.

Coffee and tea with a few sweet bits around the room as we sat.

Director Williams, "So you can appreciate this programme of the Security Service is very serious and likely could cause changes to occur we need to be ready to deal with. I want to acquaint you with a bit of history.

The change in Belarus was started by the CIA, NSA and Mi6 with support from GCHQ. We connected with their army leaders telling them the NATO exercises in Poland could be used as a cover for the protection of Belarus to prevent Russian interference if they moved to remove their dictator.

The ability to connect was created by our host's Security Service penetrating the Belarus army and their local KGB computers. We, NSA, MI6 and GCHQ took over their work and extended it into what happened.

The Russian generals were approached in a similar manner as part of a larger scheme to undermine their confidence in putin being capable of leading because of the damage being done to their military by their dictator's adventures.

Fortunately NATO's hugely successful move into Belarus triggered a meltdown by putin giving their army an unexpectedly quick opening which they took at our urging. The blockading of Kaliningrad was the signal to the Russian generals.

Our host's skilled people ate their way into the Kremlin and the depths of the FSB exposing their secrets then giving us the access. We used it all for maximum effect!"

Looks were coming our way... I sipped coffee.

"In Asia the security Service did penetrations of Chinese and North Korean systems which they handed off to the NSA who brought us in and GCHQ... and ultimately the Five Eyes."

Williams looked to several colleagues... Morrison nodded.

"All North Korea ICBM launches are watched from inside their systems... no nuclear warheads have been constructed or loaded. If any armed missiles are launched they will be self-destructed after lift-off."

Heads shaking and meaningful nods to us by a few.

"The multiple Chinese and North Korean criminal gangs which used spyware and ransomware to earn money were wrecked by these penetrations because of their symbiotic relationships with their governments. Even now they have been unable to rebuild because of a combined effort of government and private companies to watch and destroy any resurgence.

The inability to make money through criminal cyberattacks has hurt North Korea badly... when combined with our much tighter surveillance of their other activities means significantly less money and goods are flowing into the country. Their elites are having to deal with less like their population. They are restive.

There is a lot more but in the interests of time..."

Questions... first on the favoured North Korean general.

I led off, "We are moving forward on the one general not to the exclusion of others...

His name is In-Su.

If you have anything that could help us please be in contact. Kora, our computer systems division manager, is open to suggestions. Contact information for her is in the hand-out you received."

A few more nuts and bolts questions. Also some more on the border wall scheme. One from Herr Kramer of the BND.

"So the heroin base coming from Laos is actually Chinese?"

Dad answered this one, "It is indeed. While the Laotians do not claim perfection they have been very active in discouraging poppy cultivation and doing eradication operations. The Laotians do not like being an innocent `beard' for the Chinese."

I turned to Dad, "General Keren's folks did a very nice operation in northeast Thailand with the Laotians a few months back collecting a huge shipment."

Dad smiled, "Gentleman something you should know if you do not... several years ago Phailin and I adopted Fay into our family... she is our daughter."

Many surprised faces mixed with smiles.

Morrison grinning, "Very prescient of you Keren."

Dad laughed, "Well perhaps... it was before she and Cho have moved to takeover the world."

Loud laughter around the room. Cho and I grinning... he squeezed my hand.

Dad smiling picked up the thread, "We have been coordinating with the Laotians for some time, one of their agents in Yunnan spotted a large shipment of heroin base. They managed to keep an eyeball on it to river jetty where it was loaded on a boat. They passed on the information. Together we followed it to a border river port. It tied up on our side of the Mekong River where one of my people in disguise went on board, he placed a wireless tracking device in the shipment. From a distance it was followed to a dumping site in our far north.

Cameras and sensors were setup around the location."

A big smile, "The technology bits were courtesy of Cho and Fay."

We exchanged smiles.

"We picked up the shipment and the drug gang with their leader when they tried to move it south.

Via interrogations we were able to give the Laotians and Vietnamese some names in China to investigate. A great deal of damage was done to those smugglers but it is only a fraction of the drug traffic."

Dad's head shaking, "What is important to us is we were able to stand off and do our work. Only at the end did we have to have direct contact with the smugglers.

The old saying about `boots on the ground' applies... fewer humans... using technology instead."

The faces on all the settees liked that!

Cho, "Our people have been skilled and persistent. Our adversaries... all of them... have not protected themselves as well as they might while trying to break into other's systems.

The North Koreans act as if they are invulnerable as they pursue information and money elsewhere.

What the data we have obtained says is there is not widespread starvation... there is considerable privation throughout North Korea... the sort childhood malnourishment that will have knock-on effects later... also an undercurrent of dissent, strong in some areas, which the North Koreans have failed to stamp out even with their ruthless secret police methods.

There is tension between the politicians and generals... the army more pragmatic... less ideological."

I followed, "One thing we are creating is a parallel messaging system so we can directly connect with those individuals we choose outside their communication systems which are monitored by the secret police.

This is going to be a long process... we will move slowly, deliberately. Whatever assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated."

We thanked the gentlemen for hearing us out.

They were smiling and then clapping.

Another break... coffee and conversation.

General Cellier, "Your Ladyship, what creative and smart people work for you."

"We are lucky and picky. The first penetration is over two years old... the GRU tried to infiltrate our systems in New York. Our people `followed them home' back through the Belarussian KGB computers.

We handed over the penetrations to the NSA which allowed them to use the security cameras inside the Russian's buildings to watch them, intercept email, read documents, build-up dossiers on GRU officers, map their offices, create work schedules for their people... so much more.

We gained access to a FSB email server... we downloaded the entire database of mail."

Cellier is laughing.

"My father's folks did an isolated mockup of a Russian system and began to read all the mail. The NSA did the same."

His head shaking, a big smile, "I love that the news media always talk about how some computers were compromised in America, Canada or France... but we never tell anyone when we do it."

I showed the General how to fist bump. He is laughing as I said, "Try that on your children."

When everyone was settled Cho told them we would be leaving them to their own devices. Laughter.

Me, "The house is yours Gentlemen. We have no house rules mandating neckties."

More laughing and smiles.

They stood to shake hands.

Morrison moved his PA Colin forward.

"Your Ladyship, if you decide to have a look at your parents files Colin will arrange it for you."

I thanked Morrison and shook hands with Colin. I introduced Gil and Chelle... any request would come from them.


I squeezed Eloise's hand with a wink which brought a huge smile.

In the entryway a hug for PJ. He is taking Eloise to Basuto Road for a few days after this. Cho shook his hand with a shoulder pat and a big grin.

In the cars we headed to Fulham. First stop is Fulham House. Graham with us. Thomas smiling at the door. We got a tour from the firing range in the cellar to the drone base on the roof.

A bit of rearranging up there to be able accommodate the new larger drones... Graham said it was not a problem.

I asked about re-fuelling at Wandsworth Heliport... they said it should not be an issue.

Graham, "We are close only a manner of a minute or less flight time."


Thomas shaking our hands, he got into a car for Cowley House.

On to New Kings Road to Mirabelle then home.

Pia at the door... a big hug for her. This store has the highest per square foot sales in the entire company!! They sell them some clothes!! Big congratulations for Pia!!

A few customers... we said hellos to them.

The staff had on their Mirabelle blue pins... the `M' looked great! The staff loved the pins... thank yous!

My main reason for visiting... We met Colby the first `Manager in Training' hired by Clare and Hailey. A beautiful young woman, creamy dark skin and wondrous wavy golden brown hair. She is from Manchester and very happy to be part of Mirabelle. Colby had retail experience in clothing stores in Manchester and a couple years at Uni.

"Your Ladyship, this is a terrific opportunity. I hope many more women can follow behind me."

"You are our number one... many more are already on the track after you. This is an important step for us."

Hugs for the ladies. Cho shaking hands.

Almira and Avril lifted us up for Oxfordshire. The babies with Carter, Carter2 and Audra at the front. We scooped the Twins up! Happy babies squeezing us.

Cho and I with Gil and Chelle had lunch. Everyone else had had theirs.

Chani and Charlie sat with us... we got the tale of their morning... lots of fun at the day care. Suki and Rak2 came along. Their younger siblings too with their mothers.

They did a painting `class' for the kids.

Iris time before lunch.

Charlie, "Mama, Iris is like Jaidee... she loves to be petted."

The babies doing fist bumps.

Golf! Cho and the golfers including Artie drove off to Oxford East. The club Pro is going to give Artie some time on the putting green.

Me and Doc, Phailin and Dee to visit the last schools. Kay, Kanda and Tona going into Oxford for some sightseeing and shopping. Gil doing her thing for them!

Montaigan is going to read to the Twins in French. Rak2 and Suki off for some fun in the Garden with Jaidee. Sam in the Office doing some programming and watching videos on the iMac. I had a programming challenge for him... we'll see.

We are having some mild Christmas weather... A black wool softly pleated skirt to mid-calf, a white fitted jacket, long sleeves, snug to my torso flaring out to cover my slender hip top, a black cloche hat with a wide rolled brim all around, black band and a red poppy on it. Black stockings and heels. Black leather gloves, a black Hermès Kelly bag.

My companions all wearing Mirabelle suits I had them sewn especially for each waiting in their room armoires. Phailin in royal blue and a mid-calf skirt, a pale yellow blouse. Dee in navy with a with pink blouse with a skirt like Phailin. Doc in yellow, a sky blue blouse and a miniskirt. Double-breasted jackets for all.

They loved the outfits... a really fine fit too! Dee grinning said Craig had a good time measuring her. Then she had to do him. Laughter!

Matching trousers for all three. There is a mini-skirt for Phailin and Dee too.

Tara and Alba with us.

First stop Caldecott Primary School in Abingdon. Prasert driving on the Oxford Road south then west on the Abingdon Road... I pointed out schools I'd already visited. I pointed to Denham School doing a brief update on our involvement. Over the Thames into Abingdon then we worked our way west to into southwest Abingdon.

Down into the Caldecott neighbourhood where Caldecott Primary School is located. Going in the main door we clearly shocked a woman... seeing six women walking in... I found out later she thought we were Ofsted people coming for a surprise inspection. They'd had one last year so they were not due.

I eased her mind introducing myself. She went to get the Head Teacher.

The Head came out of a doorway... looking at us. It was like she wasn't sure but her own eyes validated us.

We shook hands.

"I have gifts for you can we sit?"

"Oh of course, Your Ladyship. This way."

A bright, colourful office... children's art up.

I did introductions, seeing me with my family was quite the surprise. I said we were here because the son of one of our employees attends her school.

"I see your motto is `Happy Learners, Aiming High' which is what my husband and I want for your students."

I laid the cheque for five thousand £'s on her desk blotter. She is amazed, a nice smile came out.

"M'Lady, you are a wonder. People usually don't walk in to give us money."

Her head shaking when I added the Letter of Credit.

"For the money we would like you to send us a note saying how it was spent. Not an itemised list, a simple list. Such as... repaired a window or bought paint for art classes... no details.

The Oxford Computer Store will it do their own list for us so you need not worry about that side."

"Robin Hood is a mythical figure... you are quite real... it is still difficult to believe this."

Phailin laughed as we all did, "You will find Fay and Cho are indeed real... incredibly so."

I squeezed Phailin's hand.

A few questions about their Ofsted experience... much the same as others.

"Your school is large, new looking! I see a lot of well cared for schools. I'm sorry your term is over so there are no students but if you don't mind I will try to come back in the spring."

"You will be welcome any time M'Lady."

A brief tour of the front then goodbyes at the entry.

I waved going in the car door.

Northward then west to Copenhagen Drive which is a perimeter road, it changes to Dunmore Road, a right on Boulter Drive to Long Furlong Primary School.

Prasert parked in a spot across from the main doors. Alba leading we walked across the tarmac... a woman is visible through the glass doors.

Smiling I told her my name and I wanted to speak to the Head Teacher.

She invited us inside saying she would get her for me.

We waited in the entry... the Head walked up. She curtseyed, we shook hands. I introduced my family. She looked to Tara and Alba... "Tara and Alba are my Protectors."

An `Oh!'

In her office I explained Cho and I supported primary education so students could get a good start for their school careers.

I slid the cheque her way... Five thousand £'s lit up her eyes.

"Your Ladyship, you are doing this because one of our student's parents works for you?"

"Yes. If you do some recruiting to get to four the amount doubles."

She is shaking her head. A nice smile.

I slid the Letter of Credit to her.

"We do request you do several things for us... first a note sent to Harcourt House listing what you spend the money on. Nothing specific just write you bought chairs or sleeping mats or paper... no details. The Oxford Computer Store will keep track on what they do so no need to bother on that."

"Your Ladyship, I have been a teacher for seventeen years... nothing like this have ever happen before. How do we show you it is appreciated?"

"That's our second request... enjoy spending it and enrich your students... that is quite all the appreciation we need."

"May I bring someone else in?"

"Of course."

She stepped out... Dee squeezed my hand, Doc gave me a thumbs up. Phailin... a cute smile.

The Head Teacher was back with a woman... middle thirties, slender, glasses on a finely drawn face. She introduced her deputy and the school finance person. She showed her the two bits... her fine face became a bit pinched. She turned to us... wet eyes...

"Your Ladyship... " a small choke, "... thank you! This is a special thing you are doing."

"Please do our second request... enjoy spending it. Maybe on some wish list item you never expected to get. Also if you have a project or large repair that needs doing please contact Gil my PA..." My finger on the Letter of Credit where Gil's contact details were, "... We can help with those things."

Ofsted questions... nothing different. Too much the same! Change needed!!

No students... so it is another postponed tour. They said come any time.

Laughing, "We won't pop in... you will hear from us first."

We did goodbyes.

Prasert had us going right away... up to Northcourt Road, east to Appleford Road. We turned off Hendred Way into the school car park.

Rush Common Primary School... in the door, a woman is at a long counter... she smiled and asked how she could help.

"Hello... I am Lady Harcourt... I would like to speak the Head Teacher please."

Her head jerked back! She picked up the phone receiver... it slipped from her hand... she managed to get it up and pressed some buttons.

I stepped back to give her space.

A brief conversation.

"M'Lady, he is on the way."

I thanked her.

A youngish looking fellow came through the office heading our way. He stepped through the gate at the far end...

He came up... he bowed... "Your Ladyship, Welcome to Rush Common School!"

I thanked him.

"I have some gifts for you ... can we sit?"

"Yes.. Yes! Please his way through the gate."

Passing the staff in the office I shook some hands. A good sized study with a conference table... I motioned to it... he nodded.

We sat. I did the introductions... Phailin being my mother did take him by surprise... she looks like she's thirty five.

"I have two gifts for the school. My family wants to support primary education especially where our employees have children enrolled. You have two students from one family... these gifts are in their name and ours."

I slid the five thousand £ cheque to him... his eyes widened... a huge smile!

"M'Lady, this is wonderful."

I pushed the Letter of Credit to him.

"The cheque has two conditions..." His eyes up, "... You need to send us a letter listing what you spend it on... no details just a simple list."

He is nodding.

"The second condition is that you enjoy spending it."

He laughed, "M'Lady, I am sure we will fulfil your conditions with pleasure."

"The Oxford Computer Store keeps records so no need to be concerned for any reporting for that."

He thanked me again.

I asked my usual questions about Ofsted inspections as I had been doing at each stop... he had been through one.

"M'Lady, I found the personnel to be uncaring, disruptive and disorganised."

My question about their data collection devices bought a laugh, "M'Lady, they all went off-line several times."

I thanked him.

"I know the term is over so I will schedule a day for my family to come for a tour when the new term starts... if that is good for you?"

"Please! We want to show you all of Rush Common."

"Good then my PA Gil will be in touch."

We shook hands again.

At the door he thanked me once more. I waved walking to the car.

Prasert took us back into the Abingdon downtown area to re-cross the Thames. We rolled up the house drive just ahead of the golfer's car so we became a greeting committee.

Hugs all around.

Phailin got a text from Dad. He is fine. One more meeting after dinner then again in the morning. It would be over before noon.

I called Dad, "Should we make an appearance in the morning?"

"I wouldn't think it necessary... unless you had something more to say."

"Not really... just showing the flag."

I sent a kiss down the ether.

Ash called from Seattle.

"Fay, I spent one hundred and thirty seven thousand of your dollars to help a woman's family successfully sue Seattle Police in Federal Court over the death of their mother at the hands of police officers. They will receive five and half million dollars from the city.

The judge also ruled the Seattle police regulations for officer conduct are not being properly enforced. The lack of consistency violates City policies and is unfair to the police officers and especially unfair to the citizens of Seattle.

She also ruled the portion of the contract between the city and the police union on disciplinary actions is invalid. The judge wrote in her opinion because it fails the basic test of no extra-legal methods and a failure to provide a proper punishment regime for police officers and no reporting to the community. She wrote a disciplined officer should no right of privacy for their misdeeds any more than a criminal has. It goes beyond being an internal personnel issue... it becomes a public safety issue.

Those parts of the contract have to be redone.

They are in the midst of contract renewal talks so those will be stopped for now.

She rules the punishment for police officers use of weapons, types of weapons being carried, reporting of events, and more are not being reviewed as ordered by the another federal court decision.

Her ruling specifically says the consent decree under which the police are to operate is not being appropriately enforced and that this case is outside that decree.

She really laid out the police department and the city for their failure to properly supervise police officers and adjudicate their misdeeds.

It is a sweeping set of rulings. It is also well written, all her work is deeply sourced in previous cases and the law. It will be very very hard for an appeal to succeed because there is no weak point to attack.

The Judge really took care to be comprehensive and sweeping... this ruling is going to affect police operations around the country... every police force now has to face the challenge her ruling presents since it is going to be used by attorneys across America.

She also disallowed a stay on any of it."

I congratulated Ash on the fine work.

"Your briefs must have been pretty damn good too."

He laughed, "We sweated over them! They went through many reviews."

I thanked him for spending our money so the family will receive the whole judgment.

Another laugh, "Fay, I have another even happier reason to call... Clem gave birth to a beautiful healthy girl. She and Cassandra Fay are doing very well."

"When did this happen?"

"Last night. Cassandra popped into this world five minutes after midnight."

"I'll bet you didn't get much sleep... So Clem is still in hospital?"

"Yes. We hope she can come home tonight... if not then tomorrow morning. All of Cassandra's tests are perfect. She's a sweet looking little one. I'll send some snaps."

When I asked... "Yes, the Fay is you. You do so many good things around the world we thought it perfect."

I thanked him very much for the honour.

I heaped our congratulations and love on them all. I said we'd look forward to seeing Cassandra in spring.

Chelle is put on flowers and Taittinger's. A thumbs up!

Gil grinning... I asked... "I doubt you have noticed but the number of baby girls being named Fay is rapidly moving up the most popular charts."

Shaking my head, "Odd. I suppose it's a mark of how well Cho and I are doing positive things."

Chelle leaned over to fist bump, "Fay, you two are tops!"

I laughed, "Okay your bonus went up."

We all laughed out loud.

Tonight is the St. Thomas School Christmas Choir performance! Phailin, Dee and Craig and Montaigan all coming with us. Tara and Roche along.

Montaigan ready for Christmas music. Something we know he likes.

Two cars to drop us. Mr. Thorn at the entrance with Ron Cotton as always. Smiles and handshakes. Inside we had the same seats as the play... Cho and I on the end, Phailin beside me, Dee and Craig next to Montaigan.

We shook a lot of hands, a few hugs on the way in. Many congratulations from villagers. Our thank yous.

Mr. Thorn doing the welcome... he did single us out... again!

"Please welcome Her Ladyship and Sir Cho and their family with General Montaigan."

Applause which we acknowledged, standing to wave to the room.

Mr. Thorn introduced the Choir leader...

She came out, smiling she introduced a trumpeter, cellist and violinist, they were from Oxford. She sat at the piano we bought two years ago. The students came out to take their places on the four risers. They were in black robes with white collars, their music in silver binders.

They began with classic British Christmas carols then moved to American ones including both traditional and religious carols. Several boys and girls did solos displaying their fine voices... Merry was one! He is very good! The same girl as last year did a marvellous job on her two solos. Her voice control showed her training.

They repeated a medley of holiday songs from European nations in the original languages. A new collection chosen this year. I could see the audience flipping their programs to see the translations.

The instruments adding fine touches to the songs.

A lot of practice had gone into this... they had it down!

The finale, as usual, a rousing `Adeste Fideles' which was marvellous with the instruments taking part. They outdid themselves this year!!

The audience gave them a exciting thank you with loud and sustained applause plus a few cheers! Montaigan on the other side of Phailin doing a thumbs up towards us.

We walked down to say hello to the students and their leader. I saw Merry's mother and father. The sergeant bowed before shaking my hand. Merry came up beside his father... he bowed. I took his hand... he had a big smile... he and his father really looked a lot alike.

I congratulated Merry on his fine solo.

A bit of pink in his cheeks, "Thank you M'Lady."

His mum Janette's face a huge smile, "Your Ladyship, Merry worked hard on that."

"Well it showed."

Cho shaking Merry's hand.

We introduced Merry's family to mine and Montaigan. When introduced to General Montaigan Merry's father came to attention even though he is in mufti. Smiling Montaigan extended his hand.

They said they would be at the second Open House. Good!

Cho said he and the guys wanted to go across the road... Thoi and Somsak were coming down to join them.

Cho invited Merry's father. He was going to say no until Merry's mum made noises like he should.

I stepped up, "Why don't you and Merry... " Motioning to Janette, "... come up to our house then after the guys have a few pints we will have a car for you to go home?"

They looked at each other... Merry is up for it. An Okay!

I said I'd send a car back for them. A kiss from Cho. I repeated my admonition to `eat something.' Another kiss.

We said goodbyes to various folks on our way out. We put Merry and his mum in a car.

On the Forecourt Carter smiling. In the Great Room... empty!

Carter2 said they were watching a movie after dinner. `Star Wars 3'

Ah! The Twins!! I could see Merry approved of the choice.

I asked how long Carter2 it had been running?

"Just a few minutes, M'Lady."

I looked to Merry... "Do you want to slip in?"

He nodded.

Carter2 said, "Come on, I'll get you a good seat."

Merry smiling!

Janette smiling, "Merry has seen it several times... he loves Star Wars."

I asked if they had eaten?

"A bit... I was going lay out something cold at home."

She is pleased to share a light supper with us.

Me, "There are the usual candies, fruit drinks and popcorn in the Game Room."

Janette laughed, "I guess this is a good night not to worry about a balanced meal for Merry."

We joined in the laughter.

Carla did potato leek soup, lovely stuff. Warm brown bread and butter, four cheeses, cut apples and pears.

Christmas cookies, stollen and Collin Street Bakery fruitcake at the end.

I recommended the stollen. Janette loved it.

Afters in the Great Room. Janette said they aren't big drinkers... she liked the Amaretto!

We chatted about their life, Merry... a thank you for paying his school fees, a huge help!

The possibly of her husband's unit being moved to Dalton Barracks in Abingdon.

Janette is quiet...

Me, "I suppose you are really hoping for the move."

"M'Lady, he's away so much now. He is going to be promoted... he is to be a Company Sergeant Major. So we are anticipating he will not be travelling as often."

I squeezed her hand, "I'll cross my fingers your wish comes true. It would be wonderful for you all."

A big smile.

I asked why, if she didn't mind, they lived in Baldon Row?

"M'Lady, The house is an inheritance from an aunt of mine. I spent time there growing up. It has plenty of room with lots of countryside around for Merry to enjoy. He so likes being outside."

Kendall brought me another espresso and a refill of Amaretto. I thanked him.

Janette thanked him too for hers.

"M'Lady, I've never been around servants... Perry likes to do things for me... a bit pampering when he's at home... funny because I try to do the same for him... we laugh about it."

Phailin leaned over... she told Janette Dad had been on the go a lot in the early years of their marriage.

"His commander at the time used him for all sorts... relying on Keren's good judgement and can-do attitude."

Phailin added how things can be upset by a husband's work... she gave a short bit about Dad crushing a big drug gang and getting wounded.

Janette's head nodding, "Before our marriage my father took me into our back garden to talk to me about marrying a soldier... I would have to face separation, possible wounding or worse.

I told him Perry had been very up front about his work and I loved him so... My dad hugged me."

We talked more on husbands and their work. Aunt Dee said she had been lucky Craig's work is more settled. He had been in the Territorials early in their marriage... time away for training and in the summer a few weeks away.

"Once Graeme was born he reduced his time with the Territorials... when Donella came he stopped."

Janette got my childhood with my parents being away so much. The Froyle house was my world except for trips to London.

All this made Janette relaxed about being in the house with us. I suppose two glasses of Amaretto helped.

The men came home... hugs and kisses spread around. We sat near the fire... a bit of chat then the Game Room exploded!! The Twins leading the pack roaring out from the movie. Babies and moms!

Hugs and kisses applied! Merry quite happy to have seen the movie again... Luke Skywalker!! Fist bump with Charlie!

The Babies rubbed Jaidee for a few minutes before they needed to go up. Goodnights to everyone. Dee, Phailin and I went up with them. Tha and Delphine had a head start.

Tom ready to drive Merry and his parents home. They thanked us for our hospitality.

We said we'd look for them at the Open House. Hugs and handshakes sent them on their way.

Phailin and I on a settee.

"Fay, you were very nice to Janette... she was anxious."

Smiling, "I have had a lot of that in the last year. I do seem to make folks nervous... not that I want to."

A shrug.

"Janette was fine when she realised I'm fairly normal to talk to."

Dee laughed, "Normal? We wonder what you might get up to next."

Phailin stuck her fist out... Dee bumped!

I laughed about that... the Twins infecting the grown-ups!

The men to play cards for a bit. We ladies talked for a while then decided to go up. Loads of hugs and kisses on the landing.

In bed I ran Sam's programming challenge solution... he did a beautiful graphics show of a spaceship passing two planets then orbiting a third. Stars and the bypassed planets moving in the background getting smaller. He added beyond what I asked for... the orbiter descending to the planet surface.

Writing code not using some flashy graphics app.

Very nicely done!

The sun giving us a hint of her waking up going down the grassy lane. Tara and Tessa with me crossing the Oxford Road above Berinsfield, we had a great run across farm field north of Burcot.

We turned left on a path to Shadwell Avenue... at the end a right turn and across the road. This had been some sort of community building in the past presently unused. We own it now... a plan!

Peeking in... it looked Okay, the outside was fine... some fresh paint, the grounds needed work... overgrown shrubs and patchy grass.

We re-crossed the road to the next corner, we dismounted, tying our horses to the privet which is interestingly in big pots. Maybe its an invasive type?

We walked to door of the Berin Centre. I knocked... their lights are on... it is early. A woman answered my knock... she STARED!

Smiling, "Good morning I hope I am not too early?"

She stammered out a `No' and invited us in.

Another woman behind her her jaw dropped seeing me as I pushed my hat onto my back.

"Ladies I want to talk about a possible addition for Berin Centre."

I motioned to a table and chairs... The second lady, "Please Your Ladyship."

We sat introduced Tessa and Tara as my Protectors. More staring.

"My husband Sir Cho and I recently bought property here in Berinsfield... one is..." I motioned over my right shoulder, ".. the empty building over the road."

They were with me... "We would like to donate to your centre if you want it."

Smiles and nods... "Okay! You can discuss it with your board we don't need an immediate answer. If the final answer is `Yes' our solicitors will do all the paperwork."

"M'Lady, we will have a meeting tonight. It is wonderful of you to offer."

Smiling, "So you can do whatever is needed inside to make it suit your needs... "

I lifted the cheque from my inside pocket.

"Ladies, this is a gift with no strings. We would appreciate a letter from you by the end of the year how you have used the money you have spent. Not a lot of detail is needed."

I laid the five million £ cheque on the table between them.

The second lady's face became tears... the first squeezed her hand.

"M'Lady, you have just solved so many problems for us."

Now they both had tears. I did my patented quick draw of a Cho-Fay handkerchief. They shared it.

"Good! As I said no strings. Do things you have put off, rise a few salaries, buy more play materials, etc... And use it to redo the building if you choose to take it."

I squeezed their hands.

I laid one of Gil's cards on the table, "Please contact Gil my PA when you have a decision."

"Your Ladyship, how do we re-pay your kindness?"

"Enjoy spending the money and using the building... that is quite enough for us."

We shook hands... I got hugs. Huge smiles... shaking Tara and Tessa's hands.

Outside we mounted, waving we went to the Oxford Road to cross. A short wait then over. A good gallop back the way we came but bearing left after passing Clifton Hampden.

We rode to the main gate at the Culham Science Centre. A bit of a fuss getting to the gate with it being built for cars not horses. The guard stepped out when a car stopped... the driver waved us forward.

"Your Ladyship, what can I do for you?"

"I want to see the people at the Oxford International Biomedical Centre. They don't know I am coming."

"Oh, one of your surprises?"

He lifted a copy of the Oxford Mail from his station desk... they have a front page story on our gift giving.

Laughing I said yes.

He passed us through... he had to call ahead so they would know I am coming. Rules.

I thanked him. We waved.

We walked to the right down about a quarter mile of what had been an aircraft runway in World War II covered up mostly now with car parks... a turn left for another quarter mile. Grass verges made it easy on our horses.

A man standing in a doorway... we tied our horses to a big shrub.

We stepped inside, the man welcomed me, "Your Ladyship, what can we do for you?"

I told him Sir Cho and I wanted give them a donation. We appreciated the work they do towards science education.

He escorted us to a conference room saying he would gather the right people.

I sat in the middle of the long side, Tara and Tessa on either side.

Three different men came in... not the first one. I stood up to shake hands... they each bowed.

I repeated that Cho and I knew about their company and liked their educational work.

"We would like to support your efforts. Our donation has only one string... we would like a short report of your activities by December of 2019. If you do one for any outside purpose or your governing board it will likely be fine for us."

I passed the five million £ cheque over to the fellow opposite me who had introduced himself as the Managing Director. His eyes jerked up to mine...

"Your Ladyship, you are very generous. This is an unprecedented thing. We have received grants before but you and Sir Cho are... this completely different."

"We encourage education in many ways... this is just another avenue to do that. We understand your classroom events go down to Key Stage 2?"

"Yes, M'Lady... your donation will change what we do at each stage. We will do a lot more at all the three key stages.

Our year end report for this year we will send to Harcourt House and next year's. We expand `Café des Sciences' it will be in there."

"Good. We will look for it. Please send us a letter by the end of next year explaining how the money was used. Please do not make it detailed. In general terms tell us what you did... no `accounting' needed."

They said they would do so.

I thanked them.

I said I needed to get on... we hoped they kept on expanding science education.

More hand shaking.

We mounted and turned to reverse our path. There is no `back door' to the centre. We walked out the same gate, a wave to the guard.

Outside we rode down to the Abingdon Road then turned north onto our property... a warm up then we asked our horses... Roland whinnied... we are off. Pamela striding out... Roland and Plotline running with her.

The grass beneath us a blur all the way to the slope. Fist bumps and neck rubs!!

Walking up from the Stables... Jaidee alongside... happy face... lots of tongue showing. I guess he had fun with Thames.

Gil and Chelle came into the Breakfast Room arm-in-arm. I am half through my plate.

They got food and Carter2 poured coffee.

The Oxford Mail story on our donating money to south Oxfordshire non-profits... The Sylva Foundation, The Pendon Museum, Aston-Martin Heritage Museum and FootSteps. They said we had no direct connection with them... we were supporting valuable groups in our neighbourhood.

Cho being the owner of The Railroad in Thailand and our guest Chou the president of the Taiwan Railroad cited as a link to the Pendon Museum. Our family had a visit, our children excited to see the train layouts.

The museum staff were over the moon to get the money!

The museum hadn't yet done a public announcement so someone had provided the information... no matter to us.

The Sylva Foundation said it is pleased to be recognised by our generosity. Their education outreach in schools, community groups, etc... would be increased and their building of ancient style homes for expositions and dramatizations will be enlarged.

The FootSteps folks told the reporter they were quite amazed to see us all... shocked to receive ten million £'s from us.

Our children very interested, they spoke with a young patient.

The piece said FootSteps had been arranging financial help for families of young people who needed care but would not be able to fully pay. Our donation will make it possible to make such care available for completely free to those young people suffering from neurological disorders. Further research will be funded.

The Aston-Martin Heritage Trust director amazed by my visit on horseback to a car museum... the shock of being handed one hundred thousand £'s right out of the blue' left the staff amazed and pleased. The director said he found me to gracious and while not a car person' interested in the history of Aston-Martin and the trust.

The newspaper went on to say we had for years been giving hundreds of thousands of £'s to schools in south Oxfordshire where our employee's children attend. Council schools, Church of England, Catholic schools and independent schools all had received monetary gifts plus the ability to obtain free computer equipment from the Oxford Computer Store.

The Oxford Computer Store had acknowledged the connection of several years standing but declined to say anything further mentioning our privacy.

Our paying the school fees for our Harcourt House employee's children is just one of the many ways we showed how we valued our workers.

The newspaper's reporter wrote I frequently arrived at the schools with companions on horseback. Something of a source of amazement and fun for the school children and faculty.

The piece said pointedly no one else in Oxfordshire had ever been so generous and open-handed... they added in the County Library System is seeking public comment on how to use the ten million £'s they received from us.

They made the point we were slowly changing the south county region. Making life better for wide swath of the people.

They also included a note saying we own NewsQuest Newspapers which the Oxford Mail is a proud part.

I liked that!

I called Alwyn, the publisher and editor to thank him for a good piece.

"Your Ladyship I followed your rule... the reporters on the story wanted to call you to ask about the piece... I said you told us to print what was true in an ethical manner and you'd be good with it.

I also assumed you would not comment based on what you have said so we did not bother you."

"Alwyn, thank you for all that. You did the right thing."

I laughed, "I made two stops this morning if you want an update. The Berin Centre in Berinsfield and the Oxford International Biomedical Centre at the Culham Science Centre."

Alwyn laughed too, "I'll have the reporters do a follow-up."

I thanked him for the hard work to rise the newspaper's numbers. He is proud of his staff leading all of NewsQuest to excellent results.

Cho grinning as I told him all this, a kiss.

"You barged in there like a tornado... we get a hugely positive outcome."

I got a big kiss for giving away ten million £'s!!

Gil sat opposite holding a letter... a second thank you note from the Sylva Foundation for our donations. I had her send an additional cheque for sixty thousand £'s to juice-up the amount for them. They were overjoyed to receive the extra money... thanking us for supporting their work.

Gil said she would reply. Thumbs up!

Gil's iPhone binging in email, "Fay... Cho... news from India... they have decided to go with the H2O Management Group's proposal for the water saving project in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains."

I held up my iPhone, "I know Taj sent me an email. He told his Indian counterpart they have made a decision they'll rue."

Gil shrugged, "They did have a cheaper bid."

"Yes but they will likely go over the contract budget when they start to source the parts needed, hire locals and more. Then they will squabble over who pays...

Our plan had nearly seventy five percent of all parts needed to be made in India. Jobs and money staying the country..."

I shrugged, "The H2O plan has less than twenty percent made in India parts. Its their country so we are out now. It wouldn't surprise me if we hear from the Indians again."

I finished eating... Eric called. We discussed the Indian project. Eric also thought they'd be back.

I said we'd talk this afternoon.

The Twins came roaring in with Tha and Delphine. Hugs and kisses. Into their seats and food delivered. They are good!

I sat down to finish my coffee...

Cho on the Indian news, "We cannot expect to rule the world."

Doing a `Chani' sitting up... shoulders squared... I put my hands on hips... "Why not?"

Laughter... Chani giggling. And I got a kiss!

Sam came in... a big hug for his programming work. I said I liked the way everything changed in the background as the perspective moved... things got smaller, moved slower. The ship descending to the planet nicely done.

A kiss for him. He's grinning ear to ear!! The family congratulating him! Fist bumps with his brother and the Twins.

I left my hat on a table in the passage and walked downstairs.

The gamers were hard at it. School terms are over so Jerrold, Boyer and Cordell are here with Carl and Spencer. Greg and Mr. Hardy running the show. Someone I didn't know sitting watching.

The men all stopped and stood up. I thanked them motioning them to go on. Jerrold introduced Fleming another school colleague.

Fleming bowed, we shook hands.

Jerrold smiling, "Fleming is in my department... he came in as Boyer and I were talking about the game."

He made a head motion towards Fleming.

That fellow a bit shy... "Your Ladyship, I played war games as a boy in my teens. It was impossible to find any opponents. I didn't make it known at school because..."

"You might have been razzed by others?"

He nodded.

"Me too. I stayed solo. I enjoyed myself... it was Okay for me."

I pointed to the copy of the `Streets of Stalingrad' rules in his hand...

"Getting stuck in?"

"Yes M'Lady. I've a bit of time now. My partner had not heard about war games. So telling her was interesting."

I asked... "We live in Appleford, M'Lady."

"If come you back on the 23rd make sure she comes to the Open House... maybe I can smooth the way for you."

He laughed and thanked me, "M'Lady, I have heard about your exploits on the game battlefield."

"If..." my hand out, he said `Everly' "... wants I'll tell her all about this indoor sport."

They all laughed.

Fleming was in for that.


I leaned over the map... Spencer had split the Russians in a very bad spot... the ferry docks and main pier. Making it tougher to re-supply the Russian forces in the city. German artillery hitting the Russian guns across the river with visually directed fire reducing their effectiveness. A big loss for the Russians.

Spencer had rolled up the flanks of the Russians widening his penetration. He controlled the Tsarista Gorge Crossing and is close to overrunning the Lazur Chemical Works. He's getting reinforcements from Mr. Hardy... two infantry battalions!

I stayed to watch two Russian attacks which failed due to Spencer's careful placement of his units.

Mr. Hardy looking quite chuffed... He is Spencer's mentor... they are showing sound tactics and careful planning.

In the north, Boyer has taken the Dzerzhinsky Tractor Factory. His units very near to the river. A large Russian counterattack was beaten off. In the south the Sixty Fourth Russian Army has been pushed back and no longer has a link to the Sixty Second Army in the city.

All these successes and its only the middle of September 1942. A load of headaches for Greg.

Greg beside me in the passage getting a coffee.

"Damn Fay, Spencer is good... a natural."

A hug for him, "Your family thinks you are some sort of cellar dwelling hermit."

We laughed.

"Funny... Kay kissed me when they arrived saying it was nice to see me if only for a brief moment. Sunny told her I was among the missing."

More laughter.

I said go back in there and rev up your folks. He would. A kiss for his cheek.

I retrieved my hat and stuck my head into the Breakfast Room. Kay with Artie. I parked next to her, "So you know I just spoke to your husband... he is fine."

Kay laughed. "He's a Will-o'-the-wisp these days."

Artie grinning, "I'm going down in a few minutes."

"Good. Give your dad some encouragement the Germans are making his life hard."

Fist bump with him.

Phailin came in on her iPhone.

"Keren is coming down now. The meeting over. He said it was extremely valuable for all."

A hug for her.

Reg, Rona and MFA are in-bound from London with Eric, Malee and Anne. The Culham crowd coming for drinks and dinner.

Mr. Cowley as Father Christmas will be here in an hour or so. Caroline is coming early for that.

Dad's AW139 fluttered in. He got hugs and handshakes. Phailin and I doing kisses.

Inside Dad asked for coffee. We sat by the fire to share a pot. Tasty.

Phailin grinning at Dad over her cup rim.

Cho and I with Charlie and Chani out front to greet our friends... Anne and MFA released came running across the gravel. HUGS! KISSES! The Twins laughing.

Cho had MFA in his arms. Anne's arms sticking up to me. Okay!

We walked in with the girls in our arms. Inside I got a hug and kiss from the adults. Smiling faces.

Gathered at the doors Conrad and Laurel... Cho's nod they pulled open the doors...

A loud Happy Christmas from our family and Montaigan.

Anne and MFA rushed in... all the family greeting them. Then they ran towards the tree.

"Aunt Fay, its marvellous! So huge!"

I hugged MFA.

Anne smiling... I squeezed her shoulder... "Father Christmas coming for a visit to see you all very soon."

Anne clapping her hands!

Jaidee came over... the girls hugged him. They liked the beautiful red bow!

Phailin and Dad, Craig and Dee, Doc, Kay arms open to greet our friends.

Reg, "It is wonderful to see you all again!"

Rona gave Doc a big hug!

Chani and Charlie walked our new arrivals to their art work... the babies were thrilled for ours... their parents shocked!

I am beside Montaigan... he is smiling, "Charlie and Chani are good promoters."

We laughed.

I told him about the `Streets of Stalingrad' tussle downstairs. He said he'd go down to have a look.

I said now? He is up. We tootled off.

At the Game Room door... Greg smiling as he shook Montaigan's hand.

I introduced the General to those who hadn't met him.

He took Mr. Hardy's hand, "Monsieur, your book is storming the history book world! Congratulations"

Mr. Hardy thanked Montaigan for that and the work he put in reading and making suggestions.

Montaigan, "I would not have missed the chance. Fay says you are working on another?"

"Oh yes! According to Her Ladyship it seems I don't have choice with everything I have already done in research and collecting sources."

"Good. I am sure it will be more of the same."

Montaigan got a briefing from both sides leaning over the map board. Where they were versus the historical battle.

"Gentlemen I do not know the game methodology but you are locked..." He hooked his hands together, "... in a death grip. Although some things are different it seems that part has not changed."

The players agreed.

Montaigan looked some more talking tactics.

Carl and Spencer's past with the British Army is told to him. They were happy to meet another `Para' and a General.

"You both were Paras? In combat?"

Carl, "Yes sir! Both in the Regiment."

"Well this sort of combat is infinitely safer."

Smiling from them, nodding

Spencer said it is nice to be a `boss' this time.


Montaigan said good luck to all.

Okay time for Father Christmas. The babies gathered. Chani, Charlie, MFA, Suki, Anurak, Caroline came with Jian, Anne, Rak2, Chana, Liam and Kas. Fran brought Aiden and Aisling. Dorothy, Carl's wife and their Dorrie, Melonie and John the Sixth with their mom Lorraine. Great to have them all here.

Mr. Cowley sitting on a settee near the fire welcomed them... each baby got to sit on his knee. Aiden was not sure about the whole thing... Father Christmas tried to soothe him... he calmed down. Aisling was quiet, her big green eyes on Father Christmas' face.

Anurak, Chana, Kas, John and Liam being the other first time young ones were Okay.

MFA, Suki and Caroline were fine... old-timers' now. Anne enjoyed herself, Mr. Cowley is the real' Father Christmas for her.

Dorrie is great... her first time with us.

Ours on the other hand... troublemakers. They didn't believe in the whole thing. Cho and I spoke to them beforehand so they toned down what they might say. They are not going to ask for anything for themselves.

Chani wanted everybody around the world to stop smoking because it is so bad for them and their families. Harking back to her being at Upperville seeing some of Gerald and Antonio's guests smoke hearing what I said about the habit.

Charlie went bigger... he asked the whole world be nice to the planet, help the climate and buy solar panels.

Mr. Cowley having experience with the Twins survived much better than last year.

All us adults thanked him for coming. At the Entryway he thanked us for the continued loaning him of our costume. He looked very good in it.

Cho said it was his to keep if he agreed to come here every Christmas. A huge smile and handshake to close the `deal.'

Carter2 put him in a car to Berinsfield then he would go to a group in Dorchester.

Okay. Christmas moves on!

Fran got a big hug.

"M'Lady, thank you for having us."

"Come back again next year. Aiden will be older, likely easier. Aisling is so quiet. They'll have a cousin to join in."

A big smile! They would.

"M'Lady, Aisling always watches... taking things in. When she does speak it is amazing."

A hug for her and the little beauty.

Fidel shaking Cho's hand as we said goodbyes.

Dorothy thanked us, "Dorrie is a believer... for now." A smile.

Lorraine smiling, "M'Lady, this is fun. We are glad you do it." A hug for Melonie. A tummy tickle for John Six.

Prasert, Ellie holding Kas thanking us. Hugs! A kiss for Kas' cheek... a smile... he stuck out his arms for a hug.

Audra and Andy with Liam... such a cute boy! He had been very good with Father Christmas. I got a hug from him!

My arm around Jian's waist holding Caroline's hand, smiles and a kiss.

Drinks! The other adults from Culham Manor joined us. Tasa in her red coat.

Sitting with Rona and Jian. I gathered Anong to us.

They are my happy foundation campers! Good people working for them!

They had all the money needed to keep rising. With the new shelters coming I wanted make a few personnel changes... New regional managers!

Deborah in New York to be the eastern half of America and Astara in Los Angeles to be her western counterpart. Ku would supervise them and be involved in further expansion.

Jian smiling... nodding.

"Fay they are hard workers, smart and good leaders."

"Astara and Deborah will each have four new shelters to open so plenty of work and travel. I want you to setup meetings with them and Ku... together. In late January or early February. Pick a city... it doesn't matter. Whatever works. Get a suite for you all... take some time with it."

Fist bump!

I said, "Wait!" Jian almost bounced... "Have them come to London... drag this one in..." My hand squeezing Rona's, "... you could do a lot together... add Tala, Maida, Phwanna, Tini, Jenna, Jotral and Angus.

Cowley House will be perfect. Lots of room with space to spare for meetings plus close by places for entertainment in their off hours..."

They thought it a fine idea.

I squeezed Jian's hand, "Please consider whether we should replace Astara and Deborah in their respective cities or not. I'm of two minds on that."

Jian said she would.

I took Rona's hand and Jian's, "We have to consider changes for Europe... eight new shelters... how about for now we promote Angus to be the head of the shelters in the UK reporting to Rona. So Rona can concentrate on the continental expansion?"

They were good with that. Rona said it made sense.

"After we have the shelters up and running we can sit to decide on the future. Possibly regional managers for the continent with Rona supervising them."

Agreement and kisses.

I wanted another Campari. Graeme and Montaigan talking with a few hand gestures. Dee, Andrea, Catherine, Phailin with Kanda. Thoi with Cho, Ting, Rak and Craig.

Dad's arm around my waist. Fresh drinks we sat so I could get the results of the meetings at Cowley House.

"Fay, your North Korean gambit is quite the shock for my colleagues. Those not knowing you and Cho got a good bit extra from me, Morrison and Oz. They came away astonished, heads shaking.

All of those fellows want to help your effort..." He laughed, "... some are having a difficult time with the idea you and Cho are involved in this sort of activity that is usually done by government secret agencies... they do appreciate the total deniability you are offering."

Fist bump for that!

"The CIA is going to brief your people in Bangkok on `In-Su' and a few other North Korean generals via your Conference App. Williams said they have some good things on him. It was good you sent Thomas... he's arranging it."

I squeezed his hand, "We know. The team in Bangkok is ready whenever the CIA has their copy the Conference App downloaded."

"The extent of your world-wide interests is another point of surprise for them. The size of the Cho Family Banks is always going to get notice... given the bank's increased power governments around the globe are going to be watching what your banks do more carefully.

It is obvious the Cho Family Banks operate in an ethical and wholly legal manner which is entirely down to Cho... some did not know he holds the controlling interest in the company. With their reach governments should be paying attention."

"I would if I were them. It is possible the Chinese banks will take some write-offs to fix their problems... although Cho and I don't think they have the nerve to do it properly so some half-assed reforms will be done which will not repair their image or bottom lines.

The Americans and our Chancellor of the Exchequer agree.

Since they are backed by the Chinese government they feel invulnerable but there will be a point where the government will be in a bad way and not able to help the banks leaving everyone who does any business with those banks at risk.

The Cho Family Banks will likely pass those ridiculous Chinese banks in a year or so... moving to the top of the largest banks even without their failing to fix themselves... still carrying those valueless loans on their books. What a joke it is for those loans to give value when they are garbage."

Dad smiling, "When I first met Cho... thirty years plus ago I saw in him a fellow with a full slate of skills even though he was just fifteen or so. Old Shan had let things slip in his last years running the company... a few years later when Cho took over almost immediately things began to hum! Now the noise is like that amazing American spy plane the SR-71 Blackbird taking off... a loud roar that deafens one and doesn't stop... the speed of action just as astounding!!"

We laughed.

Eric and I by the tree... I told him what Taj sent me about India.

"You and I think they will be back... if so it will be a huge embarrassment for the Indian government. There will be damage to Modi and his party."

Fist bump!

Eric's head shaking, "They chose the bid with the lower visible price tag although they know it won't hold. Too bad!"

"Well it wasn't because we did not do the right job creating the bid and delivering it. It is partly a political decision not based in fact... rather it feels like something underhand.

I always wonder about that happening... the Indonesian and Madagascar governments made their decision after due deliberation and for the right reasons which the Indian government did not do.

If the Indians do come back to us we need to make sure the contract we write covers whatever we have to do to remediate what has been done which we cannot use... so there will have to be a definite `time and materials' clause for that."

Eric agreeing.

"Another issue... they will be a year behind where they could have been. Other projects that come in the interval should not be moved aside to help India overcome its own errors."

Eric nodded, "I am of the same mind. No way I will hurt good clients to fix a wayward one."

Fist bump as Reg joined us.

He laughed at the gist of our conversation.

"Taj is definitely on our side."

Another fist bump... three-way!

Me, "I think someone else will be back... Belarus. Their internal situation has changed so dramatically!"

Reg pointed a finger my way, "You may be quite right."

Another three way fist bump.

I suggested we talk with Michael when he and Karla are for New Year's Eve. Nodding heads.

Carter at the doors...

We went into dinner. Oh the babies were happy... spaghetti and meatballs!! All young ones in their seats... bright eyes as they were served. Charlie going for bread right away!

Bowls of grated Romano around, green and black Sicilian olives too.

Carter served the Emidio Pepe Trebbiano Montepulicano from our Italian trip. Perfect for this dinner. Delicious. The others drinking were appreciating it.

Watching all the babies twirling their spaghetti is fabulous. It is a fun dinner! Charlie using his bread to get more red sauce on his fork. Across and down a few seats MFA grinning bringing the pasta to her mouth with a couple of tendrils.

I asked about the golf.

Thoi shaking his head, "Arnold Palmer there wiped us up as usual."

Dad laughed, "I am not sorry to have missed another beating."

Cho, "You had a room full of spooks to play with."

Dad smiling, "My business as always full of such types."

Everyone heard Sunny had a crowd in her flat... school friends. No school for two weeks so PARTY time!

The Kitchen made pizzas for her. Combined with colas, popcorn, candy they were going have fun. Music, videos... movies... inflatable mattresses and maybe a hundred pillows... Laughter from the table.

Sunny's latest success discussed. Her year had been phenomenal. I gave the tale of her FEI ranking even though she had not entered that many events.

I laughed, "Winning them all does give you a boost."

Kay and Greg smiling as the table laughed! Artie and Sam did fists up for their sister.

Dessert! I had an inkling... the cart rolled in... Tiramisu!!! Nice big pieces served as Carter poured Lustau Solera los Arcos Dry Amontillado sherry for those who wanted it.

All the babies loved Tiramisu! Chocoholics one and all! Artie and Sam smiling very broadly! The Twins diving in!!

Not that the grown-ups were laggards... digging in! Me included!

In the Great Room a new puzzle challenge... it was big... six feet by four. All the babies sitting watching Chani and Charlie make a plan with Artie and Sam. Then all went to it... they divided the work. Smarties. All hands to the pumps!

Espresso and Amaretto! Kay and Somsak with me on a settee by the windows watching the puzzlers.

I nudged Somsak's arm, "So is being Thailand's number two in America good?"

He laughed, "A lot of paperwork, meeting people who you would never imagine you might. Dreary dinners. Vapid conversations at cocktail parties.

Meetings with business people interested in Thailand. Your names come up!"

I shrugged.

"Going to events to show the flag...

The Ambassador is a good man, hard working, he delegates then I get to do some of that too.

Tona is quite skilled at the social things... moving between different types of people. The Ambassador's wife has some mobility issues right now... a bad knee so Tona is seconding for her."

Grinning, "On the home front. Suki loves her nursery school and her play space at ours. She is very active. We got her a two foot tall plush tiger toy for her birthday... its her best buddy... around the house and in bed at night especially."

I said I'd met `Tom the Tiger' upstairs. Grins!

"Anurak has been meeting a lot of people going to events with Tona. His tricycle buggy pram has a lot of mileage."

We laughed.

Somsak grinning, "You've seen that smile..." Kay and I nodding, "... he charms folks with it. Madee, their nurse, loves Suki but is especially fond Anurak. He's everyone's baby! Suki likes to push him around the garden in his small pram."

"So you are conquering Washington? Met any interesting folks?"

"We met Mrs. Clinton at a White House function. She knew you are my sister... we had a nice chat. We've met the Vice-President several times... he is nice, his wife is also. A clutch of Congress people... a few interesting ones... some I found out are lazy as well as dumb as the proverbial `post!' Then I know some in Bangkok in government who are supremely stupid but they hang on."

Me, "In my public life I have seen the same. I shouldn't be but I am surprised that citizens vote for these numskulls. There's a by-election in West London for a seat where the MP resigned after he lied about something he spoke to the press about and got caught.

What is peculiar... he was on a rather important committee I'm on that holds national secrets. How he got there I don't have a clue..." I stopped, "I'd like to know."

I pulled my iPhone from a pocket... texted Des and Adam about that fellow... asking the question.

Kay grinning, "You don't ever stop do you?"

"Well there are many threads... sometimes like right now ideas pop into my head. Finding out things is fun... poking the tories in the nose is quite nice... it also helps to sell newspapers... makes money!

Also maybe they learn not to game the system."

We laughed! Fist bumps!

The crowd doing the big puzzle is doing well, the outline is done and the insides filling up very quickly.

I looked to Tha with a hands up and out shrug.

Laughing she came over.

"Fay, it is Twin Ponds from the top of the stone bridge looking to the west. The house and part of the garden."

Ah! Lots to do for that.

Tha's smile, "Chani and Charlie divided up the work. The pieces are bigger than what they have been doing lately. Easier to build the big thing."

I could see Charles over there getting snaps.

Somsak asked about Charles. He'd been around the last three Christmases.

I told them how he is doing a lot of work for Ni and Winnie.

"He recently finished work for an Oxfordshire estate agent editing aerial drone video shot over properties for sale. Its part of a trial we are doing with our soon to be mostly retired propeller drones.

We created a company offering aerial video for all sorts of projects. Our drone pilots from the Security Service are contracted in their free time to fly the drones... Charles does the editing, adds graphics and music into a final product.

We have a series of videos showing the stages of the Racing Museum. Winnie puts them up on the Racing Museum webpage.

Charles is going to edit them into one. Fascinating to see things grow!"

Grinning, "We only have personnel costs really since all the hardware is already here. Charles is quite good. He is almost sixteen... earning from multiple sources. His mother is our head chef Carla."

Kay and Somsak smiling at our people being so involved.

"He does the New Years Eve night video show for us of the entire Christmas season.

This year he got snaps of Her Majesty giving us her `little gifts!' Not last year... too bad."

I asked Kay if Greg comes up to sleep in their bed?

Loud laughter from us. "He is but goes right to sleep then gets up in the morning and goes off straightaway."

Somsak leaning over me to poke Kay's knee, "Honey, you need to try sexy nightwear!"

"Is being naked not enough?"

More laughter!

Me, "I'll lend you something to catch his eye."

Fist bump!

The puzzlers are near to finishing... the last piece Charlie gave to Suki... she poked it in to loud cheers! We all gathered around admiring the work... the puzzle picture is a hi-res snap looking very beautiful. Hugs and kisses for the puzzlers.

The current candy dish is a big white china Orpington chicken... you lift off its upper half to get to the little packages of white chocolate.

Grins as the candy disappeared.

Ting's mom, Tona and I with Anurak sound asleep in my lap near the fireplace as the little ones crowded around Jaidee and Tasa. Those puppies revelling in rubs from so many fingers! Tasa rolled onto her back... small hands descended on her tummy!! Good stuff! Tasa's mom beside me laughing.

Oh Oh! Yawns. I thought Caroline's head would explode with hers. So the move is on to get babies into bed.

Our Culham mob is hugged and kissed. Tasa in her red coat... we waved them away.

Tha and Delphine going up with ours, Somsak with Suki. Rona and Malee holding hands with their daughters. Tona with the very cute sleeping Anurak. Anong holding Chana, Rak and Rak2 together.

Cho and I followed. The second bedroom in the Nursery being used again filled with small beds and sweet babies. Tha and Delphine sharing the night duty with Madee to watch over the youngest ones. The other nurses are having vacations.

In the Great Room the men decided to play cards. I took the ladies to the Library for videos. The Twins' shows for those who hadn't seen them and a Alfred Hitchcock move `The Trouble With Harry' which I love.

Shirley MacLaine is luminescent in her first screen role! The colours are marvellous, the actors underplaying giving it an enhanced comedic effect. This movie sparkles!

We shared some M&M's and had fun! Everyone loved the movie. Many had not seen it so it was a special pleasure!

We talked about... Hitchcocks delving into black comedy, his usual appearance' at about twenty minutes into the film, the spectacular colours and little Jerry Mathers. Even I knew about the `Beaver.'

Going up to bed involved hugs and kisses.

I drew Kay into my Dressing Room... a lacy black silk tank top... small, cutoff. I suggested dropping one strap off a shoulder. Matching black lacy boyshorts to sit on her hips. She'd fill me in on how it goes. A big grin! Hug and kiss.

Jaidee right behind me going through to the bedroom. He parked in his bed. I got out a bit of Lords reading.

I sat up not looking Jaidee's way but he is watching... I moved some of my junk... smoothed the duvet... he's on high alert!! I turned towards him... he's crouched now... I raised my hand to pat the bed... ZOOM! He is grinning as I stroked him. We settled in.

As I finished something I dropped the bits over the side of the bed not disturbing my brown companion.

I slipped down to pull the bed clothes up and turned the lights to the dimmest setting. One hand on Jaidee's warm back I am asleep almost instantly.

Cho woke me moving my printed junk to a chair and carrying Jaidee to his bed. A naked man behind me, arms snaked around my body... a kiss on my neck... sleep.

I walked to the Stables with Jaidee... cold, no wind so not biting. There's light frost.

Pamela nickering... my hand on her neck. Roland and Plotline ready to roll! Gaby and Tara too!

Down the grassy lane to the Flats. Warming going up the slope... across the tracks we opened up down to the lock. Waves for the men. Over the river to our property... the Masjid work going along strongly. No one there yet.

We turned towards the Thames Path... narrow boats tied but no one showing as we rode past. The Carmichael's is quiet. Around the boatyard going north.

About a hundred yards from the large wood a iPhone call with our Security's ringtone. I slowed us.

Yone, "Fay, where are you?"

I told him.

He said an intruder had crossed the railroad tracks west of the Wellans where trees are close on both sides. About a mile and three quarters behind us.

I said we'd go on.

"Fay, I'll keep you posted. Carter is going up to Cho."

I thanked him.

I told my ladies. We took off... a trot first then a canter. Over the lock with a wave to our friend. His daughter at home. I said enjoy! A big wave.

We went straight to the south gate and off. Our three striding out!! A lovely gallop to the property line. We walked right up to the Stables office.

"Monty, we didn't do any walking."

A thumbs up from him.

I went to the Security offices. Yone and Cho behind the drone consoles.

Yone, "He moved away from the tracks under the trees going southeast to the larger and denser woods. The Wellans and Carmichael's are sheltering."

He said the sensors say the pack the man is carrying has a several long pieces of metal inside pressing against the fabric.

Yone pointing to a spot in the woods opposite the Wellans.

"He will have a view through those same windows the other fellow shot into. A good view of a high traffic part in the house. If he goes to the spinney the view is better."

Yone turned to us, "Your gifting the Wellans the bulletproof glass for those windows is terrific. The windows themselves and the storm windows on the outside will stop almost anything even a .50 calibre round."

Fist bumps.

Yone said, "We are sure this has been set off by Scott Wellans having another big drugs case. He's prosecuting four big wigs from one gang so we had already raised the threat level for that part of the estate."

Cho's head shaking, "Those Russian's cases were in the press including their gunmen being stopped... so what... these fools don't read the news?"

I shrugged.

Yone leaning over, "He looks like settling in."

Shelby on duty again zoomed her camera in through a gap in the trees... a small puff of smoke beside him.

Yone anticipating us... "He's trying to hide the smoke. That will not be visible outside the woods. Cigarette smoke is light... dissipates quickly in the open. It means he feels secure."

Cho looking at a topo map... "Its all flat in the woods around him... How far can he see laterally?"

Yone, "Its dense, lots of undergrowth... not very far. Sneaking up from behind will be difficult... no way to be silent enough in the brush."

Cho, "I want small teams of our people to go along the woods east edge from the south and north... we launch flash stun grenades all around him then our two teams jump him, another team closes up from the back.

One of our sharpshooters can dismount at the turn to the Carmichael's behind the hedge... " Cho hand motioning on the map, "... then go behind Wellans and work to the east side tree line south of the house. Tell them to get him in their sights. Tell the back side group to stay prone in case our sharpshooter needs to fire."

I squeezed Cho's arm. Yone smiling.

"Good tactics." He laughed, "Those new drone pods are going to come in handy."

Cho asked Theresa to call the Thames Valley Police...

Yone stepped a way to issue orders sending our people to surround the intruder.

Yone moved closer to Shelby, Benjamin just sat at another console. He got a wing up to be over the estate to do the patrol and be above the river to assist Shelby if needed.

Colleen is doing a complete scan of our secure zone checking all sensors and cameras... nothing so far.

Shelby, "He's doing something with the pack... unloading whatever it is."

We watched... Shelby, "M'Lady... Sir Cho... he's attaching the gun mechanism now the barrel onto the stock. That shape is a sniper's rifle. Looks like a heavy calibre semi-auto."

She zoomed in, "Yone, that muzzle... it's a Barrett M82."

Yone looked, "You're right!"

He spun around to us... "It is a top quality sniper rifle... 50 .cal, very high penetration power."

I asked Yone if he could see the Wellans' road from there. Yone looked to me his eyes narrowed.

"He can! There's a large gap on the west side... the trees are spaced so he could see the car moving that direction and be ready to fire. I'll contact our people going to the Wellans' house."

Me, "Has Scott Wellans called the court to say why he isn't able to come in?"

Yone didn't know... Carl behind us. He's off duty coming from the Wargame Room.

Carl said he'd call.

The intruder's movements said he is settling into a prone position, the gun barrel pointing towards the road. He's completely surrounded by undergrowth... the gun muzzle is covered by the leaves of a small shrub.

Carl said Scott Wellans informed the judge about what is happening.

Marshall on the radio when asked, "We are in position behind at Wellans' house."

Cho looked to me...his face tight... he took the radio, "Marshall, we will call the Wellans so you can get his car keys. I want you to start it up his car and drive..." Yone pointed the tree gap, "Look at the road... you will see a large gap in the trees on the road's west side. The gunman is setup to fire into that space but he'll be able to see the car between the trees... so as you move slowly forward getting his attention our teams will jump him.

Do not go into that gap. There's no reason to expose yourself beyond what I am asking. Okay?"

"Yes sir, I understand."

Marshall reported the rest of team in place... "Amber has him in her sights in the underbrush."

We watched the gunman behind his weapon looking eastward. Shelby hovering above and behind him.

Yone, "The three teams are in place. The north/south teams are working their way to the jump off points. The rear team is settled prone a few metres inside the woods."

We turned to Shelby, "He's quiet... no movement and he is not smoking. His peripheral field of vision is even less now he's at ground level surrounded by undergrowth which will also dampen noises."

Marshall, "I'm in the car ready to go."

Yone replied it won't be long until everyone is prepared.

The north and south teams communicators double clicked their mics to signal they were ready.

Yone turned to Cho... He nodded. Yone gave the go!

Marshall moved... he had the intruder's full attention... Shelby above the sniper let loose the volley of flash stun grenades... she laid a circle around him... the blasts were VERY loud on Shelby's console... the flashes very bright... Benjamin's wing cameras zoomed at maximum resolution... we saw the intruder jump... four figures dove onto him... one came away with the rifle...

In a minute or so three came out of the brush carrying a body... trussed up... he is unceremoniously dumped onto the dirt.

Shelby moved in to hover twenty metres away... her camera giving a superb view.

Theresa had already informed the Thames Valley Police we were taking action... they said they were en route... Theresa keeping the police up-to-date told them our capture operation is being executed... she followed up with them the fellow is in custody.

She added the location is in the same field the previous sniper who tried to kill Scott Wellans had been caught. Theresa said for them to come through Lower Radley, take the south-bound road to the southeast corner. We have a officer there to direct them.

Yone asked Benjamin to do a cover loop at altitude on both sides of the river. He checked Colleen at the sensor and camera desk... all clear.

Benjamin from his altitude had a wide view, "There's a column of police vehicles on the A34 flying along... lights blazing!"

Carl called the Wellans to let them know the incident is over. They can come up but we asked they remain inside for now. He gave the Carmichael's the same call.

Benjamin, "The police are really moving."

I leaned over Shelby's shoulder.. a quiet `Well Done' as I squeezed her left arm.

"M'Lady, I love these little diversions."

Cho beside us laughed with me... Shelby giggled.

Benjamin, "They are off on the Oxford Road going fast to the Abingdon north perimeter road. They avoid most of Radley that way... Through the first roundabout going east."

I was looking at Shelby's screen... Our people guarding the weasel... some mounting up to return to base. They had not moved the intruder's other equipment in the brush... taking snaps only.

Benjamin, "They have turned toward Radley at the roundabout. I can see some PC's out of their cars waving traffic off the road in Radley ahead of the column."

I asked Shelby if the wing is more fun than the propeller ones.

A laugh, "M'Lady, these are Rolls-Royce's!"

"Have you seen the new ones?"

"Only snaps... they look a lot the same."

"They do but now you can shoot down airplanes."

We laughed.

Benjamin, "The police column is at Archie's. Neil is directing them onto the Wellans road."

Yone asked Benjamin to do a full circle of the estate. Shelby's starboard side camera view could see the police cars. They came down the road... Bertrand there pointed to the tree gap... they turned into the field.

Franco waved them close. A senior officer stepped out to walk over. He shook Franco's hand. Two of his PC's re-cuffed the intruder, his ankles undone... they walked rather dragged him to a police car. It looked like they `threw' him into the backseat. The car bounced a bit.

We could see Franco speaking to the officer... motioning around.

Several Thames Valley Police constables were putting out `crime scene' tape... going into the underbrush to create a perimeter.

Shelby moved her wing closer. Cho took a radio... he got Franco... "Franco please ask the senior officer to come to the house."

Franco did a `Yes, Sir Cho!'

Carl called the Wellans and Carmichael's homes with the all clear. He told them the police were marking off a space... otherwise they could move freely. Carl said thank yous were expressed by both families.

Cho and I thanked everyone for the fine work.

Upstairs... breakfast? Cho said he wanted coffee at least. I looked at the clock in the Breakfast Room... only ten o'clock! Time can move slowly when your having the wrong kind of fun!

I decided on some toast and coffee... Cho joined me.

Dad and Thoi came to the door. Cho waved them in. They got the story.

Dad, "This QC gets all the tough drug cases?"

Cho said it seems so. He has quite the track record in obtaining convictions. He is in demand.

Thoi smiling, "If he is that good I would want him on my difficult cases."

Cho, "We will speak to Scott. He's as well protected as can be by us. This joker today was seen crossing the train tracks not on our property yet."

Dad laughed, "I thought there had been publicity about the defences here?"

Cho smiling, "There were stories about people being caught... not much on our actual defences... I suppose drug lords don't read newspapers... not even ours."


The Chief Inspector was escorted into the Library as the Great Room was full of family.

Introductions. Cho thanked him for coming over.

He told us what we likely could expect for charges... trespass, the weapon is the big one.

"It is a Barrett M82 which is a .50 calibre rifle with long range and high penetration power. He also had a Glock 9mm and a specialised knife.

The weapons will put him in gaol for thirty years.

We have his address because we have his car keys... an Alfa-Romeo. Not a usual car for around here. We quickly found it in the railroad station parking lot. There was ammo and another handgun there.

He has been staying on a farm east of Bicester... the local Thames Valley Police units are going to the farm as I arrived here. They know he was heavily armed... we advised extreme caution not knowing if he has associates. Armed officers leading."

Cho said we won't keep him but we appreciated the update.

"The Superintendent will likely call you when he has been briefed and we have a little talk with Geoffrey de Blume, our new acquaintance."

We shook hands. Cho saw him out.

I ran up to change... a black pleated mini-skirt, white shirt, a soft long-sleeve plum jumper, black tights and ankle boots, silver bits and `Joy'

Going down... Kay! She had a big smile... I laughed "Looks like some one scored last night."

We laughed and hugged.

"Fay, it was fun and very nice!"

A kiss for her cheek, "Keep the black bits for more."

Big smiles holding hands going down.

A late start for the golfers... we waved them away. Then down to the Stables for us. Heavy wool socks for the wellies.

I realised I had no pockets?? Gil said she will carry enough treats to share with me. A kiss.

We wandered through seeing everybody... doling out treats.

Glaa! My arm over his withers rubbing his neck. Nickers... deep, almost growly. My Big Fast Man is happy.

I was in between Asda and Hathai rubbing them both as they chewed their mints.

The babies looking through the fences... Charlie climbed up so he could stroke IrishRainbow's neck and nose. That big brown boy nickering. My Arm around Charlie. Very sweet seeing Charlie enjoy the horses.

Secret Royal, his dam Secret Sea, Pamela and Penelope all got visits. Aroon, the gorgeous scion of our chestnut wonder pair and Notre Noir, Rebel and Mahogany's child coming up from the track looking handsome and filling out as they should being young two year olds.

The Twins introduced Iris to the uninitiated. Rubbing her sides... getting all the babies in her stall to touch her.

Our Stable stars getting loads of attention.

It was fun for all.

The two mom cats and the horde of kittens in the office were running riot. We held our babies up so they could see. Giggles and clapping as the `cat chair' is overrun with small cats who climb, slide, fall over, grappling playfully with each other... enjoying themselves.

They would run out of gas soon enough. Nap time coming.

We had lunch in the breakfast Room.

The guys eating at Oxford East.

I sat to some work, Gil and Chelle passing along some things.

Gil took a call from the Thames Valley Police, a superintendent wanted to come to brief us on the gunman. I looked at my phone, "When? In an hour or so would be fine if it works."

She said that to the person on the call... It is a go!

Good, it will be over before we have drinks.

Some work done. New projects!! Newspapers and Vanishing Sleeves!

The Superintendent Winters arrived before the men came home. I had him brought to the Library as a quiet space.

He bowed, "Your Ladyship. It is nice to see you again although the reason is not pleasant."

I thanked him after shaking hands.

I asked... he would appreciate tea. Lucas bowed and went off.

"What we have is a hired killer, M'Lady. One who is known to us and our continental colleagues for being suspected in possibly eight murders in France, Belgium and Spain."

"Just suspicions?"

"According to Interpol the French Police Nationale they want him for interrogation and investigation but no one had put eyes on him. Possibly because he has been here.

We have not had any direct contact with him under any name on his various passports we found. His fingerprints gave us his real name. He is a Belgium national.

We are ballistically checking his rifle... should it match what they are sending from the continent they may be able to close a few cases. We can get this thug off the streets."

Tea arrived. I poured for the Superintendent... a plate of Christmas cookies and shortbread. I recommended the shortbread... he took a bite. A big smile.

"Delicious. Your cook knows how to do this!"

"Actually they are made by aunt in Scotland. We keep her busy with our consumption."

He smiled.

"We at Thames Valley Police appreciate your security team. This is a large and spread-out estate... trying to police it would be difficult. You have I understand many prized horses."

"We do! In fact the world's most valuable horse is here right now."

His head shaking.

"Our horses are one among other reasons we take security so seriously."

"M'Lady, I know about the MI5 fools who trespassed earlier in the year. While the press doesn't have any details about your defences they have written about how you have grabbed up a variety of criminals."

"Not the MI5 pair."

"True. Not to expect a large landowner to have their gates locked and being on watch is simply stupid in these times.

That lunatic sniper wannabe who camped out? We can only hope all our criminals remain as foolish as him."

"It is possible they don't know they have to cross our property to get to the Wellans. It is not something we speak on... some news items mention the estate as nearby... nothing further."

Winters paused and said, "That is very possible, M'Lady."

Cho, Dad and Thoi came in. Superintendent Winters stood up...

"Superintendent... this is my husband Sir Cho... "

They shook hands.

"This is Mr. Thoi formerly Thailand's Justice Minister..."

They shook also.

"Superintendent Winters, my father General Keren, commander in chief of the Thai Security Police."

Winters shaking Dad's hand while shaking his head, "You have quite a houseful, M'Lady."

We all laughed.

"All family."

I asked if he could do a quick re-cap of what he had just told me and the inspector's information. He did.

After that he picked up from there with news things...

"We spoke to Scott Wellans.. he does not know this fellow's name or the names on his collection of false passports. He wants to see anything we might get from the Bicester farm to see if it links him to the drugs gang he is prosecuting.

What I do know from our Bicester people is the farm is unoccupied now but there are signs of more than one person being in residence... as many as three or four individuals based on our early forensic examination. Notebooks, jottings, maps with marks, etc... have been swept up. The cottage is being ripped apart for any hiding places.

In a barn our colleagues found .50 cal or 12.7mm ammunition for his rifle and rimless 9mm semi-auto ammo... hundreds of rounds. It looks like they used the building for target practice."

I asked a question, "Could his rifle penetrate the Wellans' windows?"

"The inspector on the scene was told by Mr. Wellans about the windows... seems you paid for the glass to be installed. A wonderful thing to do. It would stop a .50 calibre round.

Of course his car is not armoured. We will question the fellow why he was choosing to fire at a target moving away... we want to see if he knows about the windows... and how so. So we have to ask the right questions so as not to let him know about the windows."

Dad asked if anything showed more than his fingerprints and DNA?

Winters, "There several sets of prints on the car that are not his... the house at Bicester has many sets of prints... we are working on them now. DNA also. The rifle and other items he had with him... just his.

We are taking the car apart to see if it was somehow used to bring that gun into Great Britain. We are tracing its movements. We have CCTV of it loading on a cross channel ferry with two occupants. The car is registered in the name of woman with an address in Brussels. It has EU Belgium vehicle plates. The Brussels police have detained her and are searching her home. They are being very helpful... they have two gang slayings they want to put on your sniper. In Spain a prosecutor was badly wounded and lost an arm. Another man was killed. The Spanish National Police have sent ballistic data. The French have sent a good deal of information and an EU arrest warrant."

Winters leaned back, "We are very pleased the Wellans live inside your security's territory. He is one of the most effective QC's doing drug prosecutions. Keeping him safe is important.

We are going to review what else is being done by us for him beyond your grounds."

Cho, "You have met Yone, our Security chief?"

"Yes. He invited several of the force's senior officers up early this year. We got a full look."

Smiling I said, "We have added something... a new drone. If you have a few minutes you should take a look."

"Yes! I would be very interested!"

I texted Yone. He joined us in a couple of minutes.

In the interim... Thoi asked Superintendent Winters about UK gun laws. Winters gave us a précis.

Thoi, "This fellow is likely to see over twenty years on the guns alone?"

"Oh yes! That rifle is a serious offence! Typical sentences for like weapons have been twenty to thirty years. Not even mentioning the two Glocks."

Winters said the Thames Valley force would release a press statement that another attempt to murder a QC has been foiled. A professional assassin captured with the public's assistance. It will be described briefly and the location will only be `south Oxfordshire' to the press.

We all shook hands... Yone escorted Superintendent Winters downstairs.

My guys looking at me... Dad laughed.

"Life is not dull around you two."

Thoi laughing motioning to Cho, "What was that you called Fay... `event'..." His hand waving to Cho.

Cho so helpfully aided Thoi... "Magnet!"

My tongue stuck out to Cho who laughed. The guys all laughing.

I did point out Cho was close to the action and no one was interested in me.

Thoi bowed with a big grin, "I am casting no aspersions towards you. Events do happen around you both."

I shrugged, "We do not seek attention."

Thoi added `It comes nonetheless.'


Dad did ask about the stun flash grenades, "Your people were close... were they not affected?"

Cho grinning, "They all had special sunglasses and ear plugs. The one on each team that maintained a radio connection had noise cancelling headphones with a manual mic button."

Dad smiling, "Your folks think of everything."

Cho, "We do hope so!"

Time to join the families.

Drinks. There are questions which we answered fully because there are no secrets involved.

Gil came close, "Fay, the Berin Centre wants the building."

I smiled, "I was sure they would... please contact the solicitors to get it transferred to them."

Fist bump!

Carter came in to speak to us. Yone outside. We stepped out to him. Yone asked if he should bring the Superintendent up afterwards... right now the fellow is engrossed watching Pearce fly.

"We ran some video for him... you know... Kentucky and Lordsburg."

Cho looked to me, I shrugged.

Cho, "Have the Superintendent come in for a drink if he feels Okay about it."

I asked, "His driver?"

Yone grinned, "We brought him inside a while back... He got some tea and cookies, he is sitting near Pearce watching him do his thing. Grinning."

We laughed.

Cho, "Good! Ask the Superintendent and let us know. There's a bit of time before dinner."

I parked on a settee with Dad and a Campari. He is grinning... I gave him a `What?'

"You two have quite year once again. Last Christmas we all said in our toasts how amazing the year was... how do we top that?"

"Well you have raised the bar so you need to excel in your toasts!"

Fist bump when Dad said he is working on it. Smiles.

Chani ran to us to get a fist bump too. Dad lifted her to the space between us.

Chani grinning too. All these smiling toothy grins?

"Mama, did we do Okay for Father Christmas?"

"You were wonderful. Your friends enjoyed seeing him."

Chani clapping. "Montai read Sense and Sensibility to us in French! We had fun!"

"Wonderful! Was it Okay?"

"Oh yes... Charlie and I understood because Montai does not read fast. His speed is like you and Popa. Harry was a bit too fast, Meghan was great."

Dad's smile is huge knowing who she referred to as their readers!!

Speaking of the man... Montaigan came over.

"Did Chani tell you we snuck off to the Library?"

"She just did! Thank you they enjoyed themselves."

Chani stuck out her fist... Montaigan's face in a big grin... he bumped!!

Chani stood up to take Montaigan's hand... she looked up with a smile... turning to us...

"Mama... Gramps... Charlie and I want... is it Okay if Montai is our Grandpere?"

She certainly took us all by surprise!!

Montaigan's face a sight to see... flushed with happiness. He leaned down to kiss her cheek.

"Thank you little one... I am honoured!"

A hug! She took Montaigan's left hand.

Dad put out his hand to Montaigan, "Welcome to the grandparents club!"

They shook. Chani took Gramps' hand to lead them both to where Charlie and Artie were talking.

I stood to motion to Cho... he came close... he gave me a stare when I told him what Chani is up to... we watched Charlie take Montaigan's hand to shake. Big smiles... then a hug!

Artie looking over to us... a big smile.

Dad called to Phailin... we stayed back... seeing Phailin take Montaigan's hand... all the faces are big smiles.

Dad called to everyone... He and Phailin stood with the Twins and Montaigan...

"Chani and Charlie say Montaigan is their Grandpere! We are very happy to welcome Grandpere Montaigan to our family. We thought you might want to congratulate them all."

Cheers and applause!! We all moved to hug and shake hands.

I knelt beside Chani... in her ear, "This is a wonderful thing to do."

I got a kiss and a big squeeze!!

"Mama, Charlie and I have been talking about it. He said to do it."

As things quieted down I had Montaigan's hand to thank him for accepting.

"Fay, your children are so special... no question I would accept."

"Now I should tell what the duties are..."

He is pleased to have missed the changing the diapers part.

We laughed!

Another small digression...

Superintendent Winters did take an inch of Lagavulin and a few drops of water. He thanked us for the drink and our good morning's work!

We chatted about something else... like golf. Superintendent Winters enjoys the game so he is invited to play. They'll arrange it.

We said goodbye to the Superintendent in the Entryway.

Dad smiling, "You two made his day better. Be happy."

A hug as he shook hands with Cho.

Graeme by the fireplace...

"Fay, the intruder had a Barrett M82?"

"Yes, that's what the police say. Carl, one of our security fellows, who was in the Regiment saw it on video... he knew it right off."

"I saw Americans in Afghanistan using one... shooting out over two thousand metres."

"The Thames Valley people said will question him about firing at a moving target when he could have shot through glass at a possible stationary person."

Shaking my head, "It is extremely odd to talk about it like this... as if his target was a paper silhouette."

Graeme a wry smile, "Dealing with killing machines being abstract helps."

Carter at the doors...

A big crowd in the Dining Room... informal... Broccoli Cheddar soup after some very nice mushroom savouries, baked halibut with a piquant lime sauce... whipped potatoes, grilled asparagus, soft rolls.

A delicious white Burgundy that harmonised with the fish very well.

Dessert is a vanilla crème Brûlée. We told the kids the top was hiding delicious delights but it is wonderful too. Fun to watch the babies around the table crack the top to get to the wonders underneath. Happy small faces when they did! The grown-ups loved it too!!

Afters in the Game Room... movie time. It started with a trio of older cartoons... Popeye, Road Runner and Bugs Bunny. Lots of laughs the kids thoroughly enjoyed it.

Chani and Charlie with Gramps and Gamma on a settee for `Scrooge!' Cho and I with Sunny on another settee. Everyone cosy in chairs and settees with small bowls of M&M's.

Greg had been at dinner... back downstairs now... Kay and the boys together. Tona, Suki and Somsak grinning towards us as the movie started. Little Anurak upstairs tucked in.

Reg, Ron and MFA together. Eric Malee and Anne. Eric gave me a thumbs up. Dee and Kanda on another.

Rak, Anong and Rak2 together, little Chana upstairs asleep.

Montaigan, Thoi, Craig and Graeme with a tray of Calvados and fixings in the Library.

Carter2 dimming the lights had the Twins clapping as the movie started.

I leaned on Cho's shoulder... Alastair Sim is a marvel! Such a terrific face!

We should get some more of his films for the babies. Green for Danger' School For Scoundrels' `Hue and Cry' all excellent movies! Sim marvellous in each! They are old fashioned but good. Some explanations will be needed though for the cultural differences.

`Scrooge' is sort of on auto-pilot for me... thinking about other things.

The Department for Education had responded to my first letter about their school `inspections' regime. They defended the need and to some degree disputed my interpretation based on my wholly negative reports from a multiple different types of schools... in different places.

My second letter drew a different response... it showed some weakness to their solid front of denial. I'd pointed out their initial reply smacked of a bureaucrat's temporising and obfuscation.

I reiterated... to be clear... I had spoken directly to school staff at over two dozen schools... their reported rudeness of inspectors and inspectors being in the way of school activities which is directly contrary to policy then the part about their software failures hit home for sure.

Their latest response included a fair bit of whinging... saying they had a few problems with their equipment...

My third letter went to Edmund, the Education Minister, with copies of the correspondence to date. He replied he would speak to the individuals involved himself. Ofsted inspectors should be above reproach anything less degrades their authority.

The software issue he said has been dogging the programme from the outset. The previous government did literally nothing to fix the problems. Instructions to cover up any on-site failures by lying, which was policy under the tories, has been stopped but some inspectors feel the software issues undermine the results and their position. So some still lie. A lot!

Edmund said all inspections will cease for three months so they can hold training seminars for all field employees on how they are to behave and reinforce their actual duties. He plans the software problem will be addressed in the same time period.

He is to hold a press briefing the week after New Year's.

I composed a reply in my head. I knew what I needed to say.

The inspection methodologies are flawed, a serious re-think on methods and goals. The only worthwhile goal has to be making the schools better. Right now there is an element of `punishment' in the process or at the very least a picayune attitude.

Inspectors should go into a school with positive frame of mind... evaluate how the school works... perhaps they do somethings differently... that does not make their ideas inappropriate or less educationally sound.

Schools must be allowed some flexibility. The rigidity of the process has to go!

I re-focused... Scrooge is in trouble with his `future.' I looked over to the Twins... they were holding Gramps and Gamma's hands... looking very serious. Such wonderful babies!!

I nudged Cho... I did a gentle thumb towards them... He looked, a brilliant smile. I got a kiss.

Seeing Cho and I Sunny squeezed my hand after a glance at the Twins.

Smiling watching Scrooge hopping around Christmas morning... realising it is a cold cruel world so one should do one's best to make it better!

Mrs. Dilber scared then understanding...

The little boy sent off on his `turkey' errand...

The Cratchit's bemused by the turkey arriving...

The Nephew's delight at Scrooge coming to dinner is so special! His wife thinking of how wonderful Scrooge's coming is for her husband!

Boxing Day morning... a gobsmacked Bob Cratchit!!!

Scrooge the human!

We all clapped at the end!! Chani and Charlie jumped down to get hugs from us. Smiles all around.

The children all got one more piece of white chocolate...

The Library guys joining us in the Great Room. They enjoyed their talk... the Calvados too!

Candy chewing done we began the trip up to bed for the young ones.

Chani put her hand out to Montaigan... Charlie joined her... they went up together.

Chani standing on her bed hugging me.

"Mama thank you for the movie."

"Popa and I are glad you like it."

"Thank you for Montai!"

Charlie chimed in saying to Montai how happy they are.

Charlie thought how great Scrooge is for changing... too bad other mean people do not get night visitors! He got a kiss from Popa.

Lots of kisses and hugs for them. The babies in the other room all getting some too.

A crowd of parents in the passage grinning.

Montaigan subdued. I took his hand... I led him into my Dressing Room.

"The Twins are so forward... I hope they have not made you remember something painful?"

"Fay, after a long life there has to be many painful things... memories are always a collections of sweet and sad events. It is impossible to be sad around Chani and Charlie."

"Good! Please we would like you to be with them as often as possible."

A smile, "It is something to work on."

I got a hug... we went down to join the others.

Some of the men went in for some poker. Us ladies said goodnights.

I got an espresso from Kendall sitting with Phailin by the fire. Sunny's legs tucked under her with a hot chocolate rubbing Jaidee.

"Fay, Chani and Charlie are amazing with how they think."

I smiled to Sunny, "They are growing up very quickly... I don't want them to miss out on being kids."

Phailin squeezed my hand, "Fay, you and Cho are being very careful. You couldn't find anyone better Tha and Delphine."

Smiling it is easy to agree.

"Fay, can I assume you saw the local Bangkok press on the Yangon trial events?"

"Yes... a few Bangkok reporters wanted statements from us... we did not oblige them."

"Well it was my big mouth telling a few friends... you know how it goes. Of course I did not preface what I said with a confidentially clause."

We laughed.

"How careless of you!"

More laughing.

"I haven't exactly been close mouthed. I told some year five's at St. Birinus School in Dorchester... I do not expect it to spread far from there.

The trip wasn't a secret. At the end the topper was tea with the family at the Empress Hotel in Victoria, British Columbia. Very tasty!!"

Sunny turned her head, "Fay, you outdid yourself on that one."

Smiling I thanked her.

Phailin smiling squeezing my hand, "What you did was so important for that family. I got email from her local solicitor... the family is doing well... moving on."

"I am happy for them!

The side benefit was my meeting the Justice Minister it was very important. He lit some fires under a few people to get the electronic border wall talked about. On the ministerial level the plan to build the electronic wall is progressing. America, Britain, France, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Canada are in to help. We thought about asking Taiwan but it would put them on the spot with China... they don't need more drama in that relationship."

Sunny asked... I explained, "The Company built an electronic border wall between Vietnam and China. Vietnam wanted to stop smuggling especially drugs. It is operational and working as designed.

I spoke to the Myanmar Justice Minister on Phailin's case..." a hand squeeze for her, "... I introduced the idea to him... he was immediately interested. Nobody likes drug smuggling.

There was a meeting of all the countries bordering China and close by as far west as India in Bangkok. They agreed to work on an agreement to find a way forward.

Now the important industrial countries are joining the effort with financing. The Company will be in charge of the project..."

I pointed to Reg over on another settee... "I think my buddy Reg will be spending a lot of time in Asia."

His head came around... I waved... I got a `what are you up to' look back.

Reg came over to sit opposite us. A big smile when I told him what I said.

"I will earn loads of frequent flyer miles for sure."

I laughed, "We don't do that so you'll have to fly commercial to get them."

Reg putting his hand to his heart... stabbed to much laughter.

We started a move upstairs... kisses and goodnights!

Jaidee is invited up on the bed. I sat up reading... one hand busy rubbing him!

After a while I slid down Jaidee against me... sleep.

Cho moved our boy and is on my back... warm. I am away to dreamland again...

Gaby and Tara waiting at the Stables Office. Andy getting his `fee' for Pamela. Off down the grassy lane across the Flats to the slope. Cold, breezy, frosty!

Roland and Plotline happy to be out running like Pamela... striding out beautifully. A terrific run to the lock... the men waving... saying hello.

Over the river going east, the underpass behind us... Up the road toward the Wellans' place. We could see crime scene tape across the field with a solitary police car sitting close by.

Scott came out. We were thanked. Sandra waved from their door...

I said we had a talk with Superintendent Winters lots of action happening.

"Have they found anything linking him with your case?"

Scott said not as of last night. Scott said he is going to court today.

We shook hands.

Scott said they were coming up for the Open House. Good!

Going on passing the brightly lit milking barn, a few cows out.

A light on at Jerrold's... probably getting ready to go the Wargame Room. Now school is over for the term he's been walking to the Boatyard and rowing across the Thames to our side then walking up to the house. Its faster than driving and he gets some exercise.

A good gallop through the woods to the first bridge then over the lock. The lock man said his daughter asked to meet me

"M'Lady, can I bring her over tomorrow morning?"

"Yes... I'll be riding."

He thanked me.

Mr. Hardy out... we turned for the gate... our horses making noises... wanting this next run!

We let them go! We are galloping quickly running along the river path. Mr. Hardy is ahead up the slope to our left on the path to the house. We waved to each other.

We cooled our horses for a bit on the Flats watching folks come down to work horses. Andy and Monty took our happy horses. More walking. Thumbs up.

I am alone in the Breakfast Room, eggs, potatoes, tomatoes... toast from Fin and coffee from Carter.

From Carter... the house is good. Our staff anticipating Christmas.

Cho and the babies came in... not quietly. Morning hugs for all and a kiss for my big guy.

A busy day. A trip to Cowley House then the second Open House here.

A Cowley House staff meeting... I chose an emerald green silk frock to mid-calf, short sleeves, close to my body until my knees then widened a small bit to a softly pleated flounce. Pale stockings and plum colour heels. Plum nails and clear lip gloss. Gold jewellery, `Joy' A small black bag. The black Mirabelle asymmetrical coat, a Hermès emerald green scarf and black gloves.

Chani in a red heavy cotton knee length frock, white tights and Mary Janes. Her nails redone in the same red. A gold necklace. Her black coat on with gloves and a red scarf.

The guys in tweeds and wool, black trousers, white turtlenecks and black, gray and white Harris tweed jackets. Black coats and gloves.

Chani clapping when the guys came down, "There's Popa and little Popa."

We all laughed. Carter almost lost his phlegmatic countenance.

Avril and Almira lifted us four and Protectors up for Wandsworth. Allyn waiting there.

Clough and Temple at the Cowley House door. Temple got our outer things.

In the South Drawing Room the staff waiting... we said `Good mornings' to them... smiles.

The twelve foot Christmas Tree looking quite beautiful. Several ornaments I'd sent on from Harcourt House... old family ones... hanging on the front.

The entire staff standing in a shallow arc... smiles!

Clough had everything ready.

Cho stepped forward, "We want to thank you all... you have done a marvellous job here. Maintaining the house, helping our guests, cooking, serving and all the others tasks that are necessary.

We know we can count on you to do the best work and we are proud to welcome guests here because of your efforts."

I added more guests coming up from Oxfordshire. The next will be our family. I also thanked them all for being flexible especially the kitchen staff.

Clough thanked us in return, "Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... we are proud to work in this house."

Cho shook his hand. Then me. The Twins did fist bumps with Clough... smiles on the staff faces!

Charlie and Chani helped Cho and I give our staffers their Christmas presents.

We shook each hand or fist bumped... Lots of smiles. Thank yous!

Everyone got a new iPhone. In the package were instructions to move all their data, etc... to the new one and then wipe the old one. The note also said if they rather our Security people will do it for them. Their iPhones are always gifts so they can do what they like with the old phone.

All the managers got new iPads with an iPhone and the same note.

Also each staffer received iTunes code numbers to enter valued at one hundred £'s.

We also gave each a Victorinox I.N.O.X. watch, several colours and styles to choose from.

They each received a five hundred £ cheque. Big eyes!

Our house supervisors had gotten their bonuses.

Many thank yous!! Chani and Charlie walked around talking with everyone... lots of fist bumps!

There is Christmas punch, non-alcoholic, and piles of cookies, fruitcake and other goodies.

I got a drink and a plate of mixed bits. Cho `stole' a salted caramel biscuit!!

Charlie and Chani had some eats and shared a glass of punch. They nibbled and then wandered to talk to the staffers.

Clough with us... watching the Twins work the room. Cho had a big grin.

Clough smiling, "M'Lady, Sir Cho... the Twins are marvels... it hard to think of them as babies."

I laughed, "Clough that is a common problem. Tha and Delphine are careful to schedule some things suitable to their age. Even so they they do act much older when they play. Right now... doing this... they are like teenagers."

A big smile.

Clough thanked us for his bonus... Cho smiling told him we are very pleased with the way he runs the house.

Mrs. Travers and Mrs. Kelly had also thanked us again for their bonuses. Very much earned.

We spoke to all the staff individually... a happy group. They knew we respected them as workers and wanted them all to feel like family.

They were going to use the South Drawing Room for their Christmas morning... a beautiful tree for them! The kitchen was making things for a fun morning.

We said Happy Christmas to everybody. Temple and Lorenzo helped with coats.


We loaded for Wandsworth and the return to Harcourt House.

Carter at the front smiling when we got to him... the Twins had been there first!

A smile, "M'Lady... Sir Cho... the house is ready."

Our thank yous.

Carter did say Yone wanted a word if possible. Cho asked him to send for Yone... the Breakfast Room.

Yone came up right away.

Smiling, "Fay, Cho... we are adding a second drone to watch the front... down to the Oxford Road while the other does its usual patrol.

By-the-way the Thames Valley folks sent an email... snaps of the Telegraph woman's car registration as she had it and after they removed the tape she used to alter it. They allowed her to drive home afterwards. They said she had been co-operative. I suppose that will help her."

I squeezed Yone's arm, "Superintendent Winters was quite impressed with the wing drones... whatever you showed him blew his doors off."

We all laughed.

"We ran the videos from New Mexico and Kentucky... he was impressed. The best was when he got to see Pearce pilot it over the estate. He did some hair-raising manoeuvres."

"That'll do it."

We laughed.

"I also told him what the pods could do. Our drones here are armed with the mini-gun did get a look from him... I explained the Prime Minister and Home Office knew about them and approved the pods. I also told him the operator cannot fire the mini-gun without a code number a supervisor controls. He did a nod for that."

Yone told us he had no news from the police today on their new `friend.' Not a surprise we are sure they will be very deliberate in the investigation.

Upstairs Chani and I to my Dressing Room to help Doc get dressed. Grinning Doc stripped down quickly to bra and nickers with a butt wiggle for me. Laughing we hugged. Chani giggling and clapping.

We got Doc in the uniform... she looked great!!

I did her face... she looked into the triple mirrors over my vanity desk... Dramatic but not over the top.

"Fay, you did good! I love it!"

A careful hug for Chani and I.

I stayed in my green frock. Chani didn't want to change. Cho said he and Charlie would not change.

We walked down together... into the Great Room... Doc got cheers and applause. Dee gave her a hug.

Graeme beside me, "We ought to get you a busby to finish off the look."

A thumbs up for that idea.

Graeme, Craig, Somsak, Montaigan, Reg, Eric, Thoi and Dad were going to the Library. Lucas following with a tray... two bottles of Aberfeldy, glasses and carafe of water.

We are ready... Carter got the nod from Cho... Doors open!

Cho and I with Charlie and Chani greeting people.

Merry and his parents among the first. The Twins took Merry to the food then the Game Room. Merry's folks laughing. They knew some people here they went to talk with them.

Lea and her two... the youngsters off to the Game Room with a stop for some food. Lea saw me... I am laughing.

"Alone again and so quickly."

She shook her head with a smile. She and I got a cup of tea.

"Jerrold is having fun downstairs... he tells me a bit but doesn't go on about it. I'm happy he has friends to mix with."

"And you?" from me.

"I have a sewing group we swap houses twice a month. We make all sorts and help each other with projects. We did a lot of costumes for Halloween and school Christmas plays."

I thought it a wonderful way to use one's talents!

Sewing! I saw Sarah... I got them together.


Rona and Tona with several ladies... babies and Rona's pregnancy and their's... the handsome Anurak in Tona's arms getting made over!

Dan Fraser is talking to a fellow I knew is a farmer from across the Oxford Road. Dan said Dan Junior is coming... he and Gerry just finished working on their tractor.

"I would guess Gerry will be along in a bit after a clean up."

Several local Church of England ministers came up to me... bows. They all wanted to thank us for our support of the schools. I said we had enlarged the area this year so it took longer to do.

One, "Your Ladyship, you have helped to jump start parents to be involved..." Looking to the other pastors, heads nodding, "... we are seeing an much larger number coming forward to take active roles in the schools and church events."

I showed them how to fist bump! They loved it!

The Wellans... Scott and Sandra thanking us for the action of our security yesterday.

"Our people know what to do... this time they had a few new tools to help. Because of your current case Yone raised the threat level for your area so the fellow was spotted before entering our property."

I explained the wing drone and what it could do.

Scott's head shaking, "The CPS has been on to me about further protection when I am in court and for Sandra and Torri. I am to meet them tomorrow."

I did a comic `look around.'

Sandra, "Oh... Torri is is around here somewhere."

"I'd bet near Anne, Sunny and Kate."

They smiled and nodded.

Rabbi Kotlar with his wife Shona and their daughter Anna at the door. I greeted them and introduced Cho. Handshakes. They thanked us again for our part in the unpleasant business earlier in the year.

Cho said although unintended it was fortuitous our people were there.

Our families both following the case.

The construction of the addition is going ahead on schedule. They asked if we would come to the opening next year... we said we would glad to attend.

I reminded the Rabbi Gil had given him a card so he could keep us in the loop on when it would occur.

More handshakes. I walked them into the Great Room... smiles on all the folks... I pointed out the tea and goodies to the left. I walked Anna to the teens group... I did introductions. The boys paid attention, Anna is pretty.

Maeve and Gerry. Hug for Maeve... I said the girls were by the far wall near the tree...

A big grin, "M'Lady, I will find them."

She looked quite nice in slender cut trousers and cute horizontal striped multi-coloured jumper, snug to her torso. Maeve is growing up!!

I thanked Gerry for his work on our neighbours farm equipment.

"M'Lady, it is easier to find time with Fazli doing a lot of basic maintenance. He is a hard worker... he learns quickly."

It is good to hear the young man is working out. I'm sure his parents are happy.

The Johansson's from Marsh Baldon... the family. Tomas, the father, Dagmar, the wife and Greta, their daughter. Their son, Johan and his family, are at his wife's parents place this year. The family were originally from Sweden but have been farming in Oxfordshire for over sixty years. Tomas' grandfather moved them here after the war.

Dan Jr. behind them. Nice casual clothes without a tie which is noted... a smile from him.

He is introduced to the Johansson's. A bit shy with Greta... who is a looker.

A lot of folks arriving... Greeting for the Carmichaels, all four as their two children were home Uni for the holidays. We were thanked for the skill of our security people.

I said we didn't like to upset them but sheltering seemed advisable.

Althan, "It is not a fuss. We know you wouldn't ask unless it is important. Scott is doing the kingdom proud getting convictions for those drugs criminals. We are behind him."

Marta added our protecting him is marvellous, "Your people are so polite and efficient."

I thanked them.

Mr. Horrock from Abbey School. I told him there are a number of his students wandering around.

A smile, "Your Ladyship, I am off-duty."

We laughed.

The Ely's and White's arrived together. I told the younger ones where the food is and the Game Room is hopping. Grins as they headed to the food.

Their dad's happy at Chalgrove, more work all the time, that is why they are there. They are happy. Their salaries were good enough so neither wife had to work. They both did some volunteering at the schools and for various town events.

Mrs. White said they were joiners to laughs.

Dr. Ryles! I said we are glad he came over.

"Your Ladyship, I wouldn't miss a do like this."

We laughed. I said there are a number of his brethren about.

Richard from Denham School with his wife and kids. A big handshake. He knows we are pleased with the school... he got his bonus, we got his thanks.

The Wilcox's. No troubles at theirs. They are inside our security bubble. Mr. Wilcox said he is just back from a showing of some of his coin collection... Roman and Greek, Persian and other southwest Asian peoples. The children doing well at school. Mrs. Wilcox looking nice in a red frock.

Ms. Davies and Mr. Foote from Chalgrove. All is good at their schools. They've heard from other Head Teachers about our gifts. Their schools had been the first stops I ever made.

Ms. Davies, "Your Ladyship, head teachers at several schools new to your gifts asked about your doing it... you know the `why' of it. I told them you and Sir Cho had big hearts and support all sorts of learning."

Smiling I thanked her for that.

Mr. Foote smiling, "We are doing very well. Your gifts being well used."

Fist bump! Laughs.

Monty and his mum came in. Fist bump for Monty and handshake for her. I told Monty where the food and girls were. He kissed his mum's cheek... he took off. She is smiling.

We were thanked again for helping Monty.

"Your Ladyship, he is becoming a man."

I could see she is pleased to say that.

"Monty has become a valued member of the Stables staff. He works hard and wants to learn more and riding a lot..." I laughed, "... I am not sure we need to pay him."

She laughed with me.

"M'Lady, he loves to ride... a dream you made come true! Now he gets to do exercise rides which makes his day."

Deanna and Tom Radley... handshakes and cheeks kissed. I slipped my arms through theirs...

"So your wood thieves turned out to be real thieves after all."

Mr. Radley smiled, "Wrong'uns for sure, M'Lady."

I looked at Tom... a smile, "Fay... you are making it more difficult to not say M'Lady."

I squeezed their arms, "Not me Her Majesty. We don't have anything to say about it."

We laughed.

I sent them into the Great Room.

Iman Khan and Laria! Handshakes and a hug for her. I told them what Gerry said.

"Your Ladyship, your generous nature has helped our family a good deal. Fazli is a happy fellow. He enjoys the work and is learning quite a lot. Prasert and Gerry are admired for their skills and willingness to work with him."

"It is an excellent outcome for all. You have a happy son who makes you happy and we get his excellent work."

The Iman holding my hand... we were thanked again for the land for the Masjid.

I said the works boss had commented on the fellows who come to watch... he said they act quite pleased.


"Yes some do go often... thinking of the day we can have the opening of our Masjid. Will you and Sir Cho come?"

I said we would be glad to join them celebrating. More smiles.

I pointed out the food and tea from the Great Room doors. Smiling they went in.

I saw Dr. Ryles wave to them... they came together.

Okay time to circulate.

I got a cup of tea and small plate of goodies. The petite blonde from the caterers is here working again.

I said I hoped she wouldn't need to `spill' any tea on a boy this time. She looked a bit uncomfortable... my face brought her out of that with a grin. A fist bump!

"Boys that nasty need to pay a price."

She thanked me for understanding.

I told her I'd find my aunt in a bit. A big smile.

In the Game Room clusters of children doing many things. Chani and Charlie were doing a math game on a white board with a half dozen children looking to be from twelve years old and up.

Penny nearby with Tha. Fist bumps for them.

I let Tha nab a cookie! Ha! I set the plate down for her to share with Penny. Thanks from both.

There is a cut-throat game of `Go Fish' around the card table. MFA and Suki taking no prisoners.

Carter2 has queued up a run of Bugs Bunny, Donald Duck and old Popeye cartoons. The settees and chairs partly occupied. Bugs Bunny making a fool of Elmer Fudd to Anne's delight! The others enjoying the show.

I went back to the Great Room... Dee talking with a few ladies... cooking! I asked if I could borrow my aunt for a few minutes... they all laughed.

I introduced Dee to the petite blonde... they started on shortbread.

More tea and a fresh plate of nibbles for me.

Doc in a group of young women... several remembered my wearing the hussar outfit. They liked the look. A blonde and a redhead said they like to look `boy' just for fun!

Me, "Why not? It isn't like we don't look pretty good in boy clothes."

They agreed. One said `We look better than they do!' to laughter!

The hussar outfit is admired... the ornate touches on the jacket front!

One said it is perfect to be over-the-top!

I saw Sunny and a group of teens. Teddy right in there. He's a couple of years older than most and at Uni which will likely appeal to the girls since they always say the local boys are just that.

Monty talking with several girls.

Anne came again as did Kate. Torri looking cute in a navy mini-dress. Maeve not a wallflower chatting with two boys.

I wandered. Laurel is escorting a woman coming towards me. She said her name is Everly. We shook hands. I thanked Laurel.

"So wargaming has invaded your quiet home?"

A smile, a pretty face, "M'Lady, It is unexpected and not. Fleming takes his history quite seriously. I can see this is an extension."

I waved to Lea. Introductions done.

I asked if they wanted to see what the hullabaloo was about downstairs?

Yes they did. We walked down... at the door Jerrold and Greg were conferring.

Lea stuck her head beside me... chairs scraping as the men stood up.

I waved them to their seats.

We three stepped in... Jerrold was a good guy introducing his wife.

Fleming smiling introducing Everly. The men were polite and welcoming made easier by two nice women who wanted their partners to enjoy themselves.

Jerrold gave Lea and Everly a brief outline as I took a closer look...

The Russians had problems. Spencer's attack axis had been significantly widened! As I thought he had rolled up the flanks further! A pincer movement with Cordell's 24th Panzer Division from the south had pierced the Downton area taking the Tsaritsa Gorge crossings and Train Station Number two plus most of the central city area.

In the north the tractor factory and the Barrikady Ordnance Factory had both been taken by the Boyer's XIV Panzer Corps Germans.

The Russian 62nd Army is very fragmented. Its large calibre artillery guns across the river have been smothered by German artillery directed from the top of the higher west river bank. Supply crossings are ever more difficult with the Germans using dive bombers and aimed artillery fire to attack the shipping docks.

Greg is not a happy camper.

Lea and Everly shaking their heads as we walked up.

"This is an addition to their love of history... the opportunity to do it differently to change the outcome. I very much enjoyed the history behind the games. In a group it takes on new perspective."

"M'Lady, Jerrold is such a good history teacher... he works on his lessons very hard. He has me help him with the language to keep it at his students level and still challenge them."

"Keep him at it we need history to be rich and interesting so students get a sense of their background."

Everly said Fleming is constantly reading... he does not let his knowledge rest... always working on it.

Everly rather surprised to know I had played games and had last year been part of the big Christmas game like that one. I repeated it's the history. Lea knew I pounded on Jerrold last Christmas. He isn't having a better time this year.

Upstairs Sir Alan just arrived. Laurel took his outer clothes. Lucas getting his bags. I introduced him to Lea and Everly.

"We've come up from the Wargame Room... Lea and Everly's partners are down there locked in a tense fight."

Sir Alan smiling, "Better paper than real bullets."


Arm-in-arm I escorted him to the Library. Our entrance greeted with loud hellos.

Dad poured, added a bit of water and held up several inches of scotch. Sir Alan grinned and bowed to me as I left them to it.

More tea! The little blonde thanked me for introducing my aunt... "M'Lady, I think I have the `secret' to shortbread."

We laughed. I said make some and let me taste... "I'm a connoisseur. I've been eating my aunt's for thirty years."

A big smile and a nodding head.

Malee and Kanda speaking with a group about Bangkok... the terrible traffic... the wonderful markets... the many temples... big movie houses... the spectacle of the river with all the boats and ferries...

I joined the young ladies around Sunny. She is a leader even though some were older.

My hand on Teddy's arm... a big smile from him.

They were discussing a TV show... I hadn't heard of it. They said it is great!

Sunny grinning when I told them I didn't watch TV except for special events. I know Sunny doesn't watch much either. I did not let on.

The girls all showing some nice legs... they are all in school uniforms so much it is their 'normal' attire. They like to let go a bit when they could. I do too!

The hovering boys didn't get any thrills looking at my legs this time around. The girls loved my frock... the rich emerald green a big hit.

I saw Fazli with his parents. A wink to his mother and father... they are smiling... I slipped my arm through his... would he like to meet some other teenagers? He looked a bit dazed... his mother Laria encouraged him.

"Come give it a chance..."

A smiling nod.

I walked him to the teenage crowd and did introductions. Smiles and handshakes. The girls were interested... Fazli is cute fellow and he has a job... not at school!

One boy seemed mildly hostile... competition?

I asked him to come to the tea table to help me. I got another cup and his name... Dunstan.

"So you know girls appreciate boys who are more open and willing to engage. You are good-looking... you don't need to freeze another boy out... be friendly and accepting..."

His face had undergone a few changes now looking a bit woebegone.

"What do you like to do the most?"

"Ride my bike!"

"Girls like to do that..."

"I mean in competitions."

I looked him, "You are saying that the crowds who watch the Tour de France are all guys?"

"No M'Lady..."

"Are there no competitions for girls?"

"There are, M'Lady... I just think they wouldn't be interested."

"So sweaty hunky guys don't appeal to girls?"

A grin now.

"See you get it. Take a plate of goodies and share... offer it to Fazli first since he just arrived from work and hasn't had anything."

He loaded a plate... "Thank you, M'Lady."

I said he is welcome.

Off he went... I watched from a distance as Fazli got several cookies with a smile. Sunny looked over... I did a discreet `fist' by my hip. A broadening grin on her beautiful face.

Mr. Horrock came close, "M'Lady... teaching?"

I nodded, "A bit of socialisation."

He smiled, "M'Lady, Dunstan is a smart lad and a good athlete. His father is a barrister and QC."

My eye on the teen crowd. Fazli is engaged as is Dunstan... so boys can indeed be encouraged to behave like better young men.

Mr. Horrock, "Your Ladyship, you talk sensibly which can seep in even against their natural instincts."

We laughed.

"M'Lady, We will be sorry to see Sunny leave. She is a star student, excellent in the classroom, a leader in many ways. Her going up to Brasenose is a shock to many... she does not need another year with us... she's ready."

"We think so too. Her moving to Abbey School was direct challenge to her intellect and ambitions. Sunny rose to it magnificently."

"Oh... M'Lady did she. Sunny has pulled a few others in her wake by inspiring their own efforts. Not to speak out of turn but the perfect example is Kate... she was drifting... Sunny's attitude and skills galvanised Kate. Now she is on her way to being a doctor."

I patted his shoulder, "Abbey School and Sunny. You are both part of the equation."

He nodded, "We do not like to see promising students slack off... so I do have a few informal chats with students... Sunny is a bright light drawing others, M'Lady."

"Have you spoken to ours? They like equations."

"Your children, M'Lady? Aren't they quite young?"

I laughed, "Only size says are they still young."

I watched Mr. Horrock's face as I told him about Chani and Charlie as we walked to the art on the walls.

"M'Lady, I looked at these... I liked them. Beautiful work... done at two?"

"Yes." I got Chelle's iPad to show him the Rue Jacob watercolour and her pastel of the Thai Ginger plant. I moved us to the bonsai.

I showed him my snap on Chelle's iPad at the Paris trade show and explained Charlie liked it enough to duplicate it.

He stared at the beautiful little tree.

"This conifer is ten years old... a delicate and lovely little tree."

He looked at the snap... Charlie's copy... back and forth.

"M'Lady, I cannot tell the difference."

"You can be assured we did not kidnap the Japanese Embassy's plant."

He laughed, "Yes.. M'Lady... I am sure you wouldn't. So Charlie only had your picture?"

"When he made the planter he hadn't seen the snap for a month or more. Chani had fifteen minutes with the little temple."

Head shaking!

Mr. Horrock said before `headmastering' he was a mathematics teacher, he also has a degree in psychology. He had worked for a company that did testing on children. He used the Stanford-Binet Test... he had never heard of it being administered to anyone younger than six.

"Ours were almost eighteen months... the two psychologists began with another test switching to the Stanford-Binet when the Twins showed their abilities. They scored at the top of the scale."

I told him of Charlie's little joke using French and Thai words to answer a question.

"Your Ladyship that shows so much... that sort use of humour and language... out of this world!"

I shrugged, "We have been giving them plenty of stimulation. They've been tested at a year eight level in English, French and Thai... Cho and I believe they are above that... they just started learning German.

They love algebraic equations!"

I walked him to the Game Room... the babies watching a movie. Tha said they'd played games for a while now settled in to watch `Them' an unusual choice. Three teen boys watching also.

Mr. Horrock could see them concentrating on the movie. A big event... the first ant is encountered by the lady scientist in the desert.

Smiling Tha said the movie is their choice, "I read a synopsis... it is definitely not a Christmas movie."

I laughed, "Indeed not! It has a lot of interesting subplots so it will fun to hear what they think."

I squeezed her hand.

Back in the Great Room Mr. Horrock shaking his head some more.

"They are imaginative and love being independent."

I pointed out the Rêve in the beginning to darken Garden.

"They have their own ship which was recently used as a prop in a short play they wrote and performed about immigrants sailing to America a la Charlie Chaplin."

Laughing I said I have a running joke with Lord Balloch, the Speaker of the House of Lords, about they're going to Uni soon.

Mr. Horrock said it is seems like the right thing to do. We laughed.

Cho... a kiss. I did introductions. Mr. Horrock saying he is a bit shell-shocked learning about the Twins.

Cho with a grin, "It is a common malady amongst people when they first meet Chani and Charlie."

Cho a short laugh hearing what movie they were watching.

"A classic! From the New Mexico desert to the sewers of Los Angeles... a good flic."

With the failing light our guests started to leave. Lots of thank yous and Happy Christmases. We shook a lot of hands, some cheeks kissed and hugs.

Dr. Ryles, in a group of vicars, had my hand shaking, "Your Ladyship, I found out you and Sir Cho donated the land for the Mosque. Quite wonderful! The Khan's are good neighbours."

Smiling I said it was easy when I found them renting Radley Town Hall.

The other vicars chimed in with their approval.

Several had been benefitted from our willingness to help their churches.

I told them we wanted communities to flourish then expand to link to others.

They were amazed at our thought behind it all.

Dunstan bowed over my hand... thanking me for pointing him in the right direction. Smiles.

"Are your parents here?"

He came with a friend's family.

I said `Happy Christmas' to him.

He returned it.

Anne in a nifty red frock showing a LOT of LEG! We giggled over that! She thanked me for allowing her to have two goes at the Open House. I said always.

A hug!

She is going to Denham School after Christmas to talk with Richard the headmaster.

I said if she went for classes there would be no fees. A gasp and a big thank you.

Everly is going downstairs before leaving.

Lea managed to find their two children... they spent the whole time in the Game Room. She lost all her family to games. A big smile.

"It is wonderful to have spent some time with Sarah. We may do some things together."

A hug.

Bill White Jr. didn't fall asleep this year. Fist bump! He laughed.

I said goodnights to Ms. Davies and Mr. Foote.

Monty and his mum. She thanked us for this... "M'Lady, I have not been here before. You have a beautiful home."

I thanked her. I said we will see them at the Christmas dinner tomorrow.

Tha beside me... "Fay, the teenagers watching the movie asked if they could see the end... about twenty minutes?"

"Yes but maybe they should check with their families?"

Tha nodded, she would pause the movie so they can do that. The Twins can see the remainder later.

I said, "Let them finish also... we don't have a fixed booking time for dinner."

There was a cluster by the doors... I walked over and asked if they were missing a few of sons?

Laughter, one father, "Yes, M'Lady we are."

I told them what is up... the boys joined us... they asked me and their families permission to stay.

I said we are dining out but our children wanted to see the movie end so it is fine with us for them to stay for the finish.

They are village families so just a walk home down the hill for them. They got the nod. Laughing they headed back to the Game Room... leaving thanks yous in their wake.

Carter2 smiling hearing what is going on... he'd take care of it.

Cho and I with our family... we thanked them for helping us host our neighbours.

Phailin hugged me, "Fay, you are lucky... your neighbours are good people."

Dee joined Phailin in her words and the hugging!

Kanda had spent time with Iman Khan and Laria... "Fay, they are very fond of you."

Cho and I told them we donated the land where their Masjid is being built.

Kanda grinning as she nodded, "Yes they said but more important is what you have done for their son."

A few hugs and kisses for me when she told the family.

Carter routed out our `men' in the Library. They were all looking happy... the Scotch obviously enjoyed.

Our crowd going out to eat to free the rooms for cleaning... we were going to Gees in Oxford. Gil arranged for the whole glass room for us. I lost count at thirty five! What a mob!

By the time we are ready to go the Twins and the teenagers came out from the movie. Many thanks.

Cold, light rain. Bundled in warm outer clothes we loaded up. Six vehicles to tote us all. We had to recruit some Security Service drivers.

One Security officer drove the teenage age movie viewers down to the Oxford Road in a covered golf cart to spare them the walk in the rain down the drive.

Straight up through Oxford to Banbury Road. We entered behind Rande and Tara and Gil and Chelle. The restaurant is ready for us. The Glass Room set with a long table in the centre. They had a server to take our outer wear.

Seats for the babies which Gil purchased and had sent to them, Gil told the owners to keep them to share with their other diners. The restaurant owners pleased with that! Big thank yous!

I had Phailin on my right, Doc beside her. Sunny on my left with Dee next to her. Thoi, Graeme, Kay, Tha and Charlie opposite.

I gave a try to their Grand Manhattan cocktail. Not bad... I prefer Le Pontoise's more classic version.

I told Cho I would be doing fish so he could choose any wine he thought appropriate.

A mushroom and cheese savoury course for everyone... Tasty. Then the grilled artichoke hearts. My main is the roast cod with risotto.

All the starters and mains ordered up front so the kitchen could get it all scheduled.

Cho and the sommelier managed the wine. A nice Assyrtiko for me which fitted the Mediterranean style food.

The Twins both went for the small pizzas. They got the Homemade Strawberry Lemonade. It is sweet so they loved it.

It looked like everyone is enjoying their choices. Conversations pickup after a pause to start eating!

I asked Charlie about the movie. A grin... he liked the big ants...

"Mama they looked pretty real. I know the regular sized ones are very strong... the big ones could lift a house."

I wondered if he got why they had become that large. He did not know about New Mexico but the ants being irradiated he understood. I told him the very first atomic explosions had taken place in New Mexico near the end of the Second World War.

"Oh... so it took some time before they got big?"

"Yes... years which for ants is a very long time. Many generations."

He asked if the man they had in a hospital would be Okay. I said he would be fine after the ants were no longer a threat... the government people were worried he might start a panic if what he saw became widely known.

"So other people would be afraid and do funny things?"

"Exactly. Sometimes people create a big thing without knowing very much."

Charlie nodding, "I read about yelling `fie' in a crowded place is wrong."

I wanted to give him a kiss! "Yes, you have the idea."

I could see this conversation is amazing our family.

My food is very good. The Twins' pizzas looked great... that is before they disappeared inside them.

Sunny smiling, her dinner going away too. Phailin leaned her head on my shoulder. Hers is wonderful!

The servers came to clear away... we had also done dessert choices at the beginning to ease the kitchen load... Chani and Charlie went for vanilla ice cream with biscotti. Sunny and Phailin went for ice cream too. Me... affogato with Kahlua.

The desserts are popular and vanishing.

Charlie mentioning the movie again, pointing to his dessert, "The ants love sweet things too... going after all that sugar."

I laughed, "Yes! They would like your dessert. And no you cannot save any for them."

Charlie giggled. Everyone close laughed.

The restaurant manager speaking to Gil... he is nodding. They went off.

We all getting up to stretch. I lifted MFA from her seat... on her feet I got a hug.

"Aunt Fay, mine was great!"

"Good, I'm glad."

Similar sentiments from all. I got a kiss from Cho!

We left Gees with their knowing we appreciated their food and service.

We unwound ourselves back to the house. Carter at the door said we could use the Great Room.

We thanked him for the fine work.

All the babies going up together. Giggling and laughter. Kids and grown-ups.

I kissed a lot of cheeks!

We did afters... for me... espresso and Amaretto.

The men to play poker... us `ladies' chatting about the Open House. Laughs when they heard the movie the Twins watched. Giant radiation mutated ants! Just another day in the 1950's New Mexico desert.

Phailin pointed out Charlie certainly got it! Laughter.

I did goodnights on the landing. Hugs and kisses. I get to do those a lot which is so different than my life before I first went to Bangkok those years ago. Not much of either.

Jaidee on the duvet... my fingers in his hair as I read some more Lords stuff. At least these tonight weren't all rubbish. I conked out after a bit.

Cho relieved me of the reading material and moved Jaidee. I got my warm husband against me. Flesh to flesh... I was asleep again easily.

Christmas Eve! In the Kitchen Marigold is very chipper.

"M'Lady, I have the next two days off this year!"

Cheers for her. She would be home on Christmas morning for her sons and husband!

I had my scone plus my fees, one for Sunny... she decided to join me. Coffee and a hot chocolate. I am loaded... Sunny arrived so it worked out.

Jaidee going down faster than usual. Thames at the Stables Office... ready to roll!

Pamela ready too. Sunny on Plotline, Tessa on Gough and Gaby on Roland. Our thanks to Andy and Monty... plus hot scones!

Down the grassy lane to the Flats. It is cold, clear, no wind, light frost.

A warm up then a terrific gallop to the lock. Waves to the men. Our lockman will be off tomorrow so Happy Christmas to him and his family.

Over to Barton Lane... the workers hadn't arrived at the Masjid yet... maybe not today? We rode to the end of Barton Lane going to the underpass and up through our woods heading to the south of Lower Radley away from the `scene of the crime.' Around the green to the dirt road going north. All quiet in the village.

We stayed on the tree lined road up into the larger wood then to the Thames Path to the bridge and lock. We dismounted to walk over the lock gate.

The lockman there with a slender young woman. Shaking Lyle's hand... all this time without knowing his name. He introduced Lindsay his daughter.

She did a curtsey. We shook hands.

I asked... "Your Ladyship, I am a deputy curator at the Natural History Museum. What you and Sir Cho did gobsmacked us all. I just wanted to say a personal thank you."

Smiling we shook hands again.

I thanked her for her thank you but... "It was Chani and Charlie's idea. We signed the cheque."

Lindsay smiling, "M'Lady, I have seen them in the museum... they have a crowd with them."

"Two are their teachers, the others are their Protectors."

She nodded. "Your Ladyship, They are unusual children I understand from other museum staff... there is talk in the canteen."

"Yes... they are quite smart and talented in several ways. They have the normal childhood interest in dinosaurs... more especially now in our early ancestors...." Smiling, "... they are particularly intrigued by the Denisovans."

Lindsay, "M'Lady, I heard that... I have a copy of a report by the museum staff... preliminary... not usually shared outside the institution... on new research on the inter-relationships between the Denisovans and Neanderthals and how it might impact our collection.

It is a copy so... "

Lindsay handed the stapled pages to me.

"Are you Okay with sharing this? Trouble?"

"Yes, M'Lady, I'm Okay... it is not finalised and it certainly is not controversial... trouble? I might get a ticking-off for not asking but no more..." A laugh, "...I believe your good will and your children's interest will shield me."

I laughed at that. "Well.. if you have push back let me know... we will do what we can."

We shook hands again.

"Up early?"

"Yes M'Lady but there's baking to do for Christmas supper... I wouldn't have much more sleep any how."

I thanked Lindsay for the report and wished her and the family a Happy Christmas.

A wave for Lyle as we remounted. I pushed the papers under my shirt.

Sunny grinning while we walked our horses towards the south gate.

"Fay, there's a simple repayment for your efforts."

Fist bump!

We asked our horses... a rush across the grass aiming for the path by the river. Pamela leading the way but the other three are strong so we are a tight group roaring along.

Plotline striding out!! Looking magnificent!

We covered the distance very quickly to roll up on the empty Flats. We hugged and did fist bumps. Rubbing our equine friend's necks. A bit of a walk then up to the Stables office.

Monty and Andy took our horses for some more walking. Monty grinning... a thumbs up for him.

Sunny linked arms with me walking up to the house. I fished out the report and laid it on the Breakfast Room table between their seats waiting for the Twins.

Eggs, tomatoes, potatoes... Coffee from Carter2 and toast from Fin. We chatted about Seattle... what she wanted to do and how her friends might be.

Cho! I stood up for a hug and kiss. Sunny got a kiss too.

I pointed to the museum report... Cho read the title page... big eyes towards me.

"Lindsay, Lyle the Sandford lockman's daughter, gave that to me. She works at the museum and thought the Twins would like to see this. It is sort of a backdoor thing."

Cho grinned, "Well the Twins will be happy!!"

As he spoke they came charging in with Tha in their wake. She is laughing.

Before food I told them about the nice lady who had a gift for them... the Denisovans report received clapping and a cheer.

"I have her name an address you should write a thank you note to her."

"We will Mama!" From both.

Food for them. Montaigan came in to a big welcome, a huge smile!

I washed and changed to black wool trousers, a white cashmere roll-neck jumper, Hermès black loafers and some silver jewellery bits.

Gil and Chelle with me in the Library to work for a few hours.

Cho took part of the crowd to the Stables to visit Glaa, IrishRainbow and the others.

The Twins were upstairs with their pals having fun in the Nursery. Jaidee with them.

The Culham crowd came over. Caroline and Tasa straight upstairs!

Email to the Duke of Wellington about the water crisis and the water boards. I said the regulation scheme has failed to ensure the for-profit companies did as they were supposed to do.

The dumping of human waste into the rivers is beyond a disgrace it should be criminally charged. There is no doubt of it being a hazardous waste... inimical to all life. So the act of dumping is a knowing criminal act... depraved indifference. Sounds like GBH to me! A serious crime!

I suggested it is time to re-nationalise all water boards returning control at the national level removing the duplicitous profit motive.

The Lords is in recess but plenty going on without the House sitting. I'd put off doing this until a report from Dascom hit my email on two water boards with the worst reputations. It is disastrous!

I CC'd Dascom.

We all gathered for luncheon... Italian Potato Soup, grilled polenta rounds in an arrabbiata sauce with Romano to sprinkle over it. Pugliese style bread and our butter. Sicilian olives!

Carter opened bottles of Trebbiano d'Abruzzo! Delightful!

A fine lunch!! From the looks of our family faces they thought so too!

The babies in the Garden with Tasa and Jaidee! What a scene... kids and puppies running hither and yon! Tennis balls flying!

The Garden toys came into play... sliders, spinners and swingers. Parents all around as guards at the various pieces..

Jaidee hopped onto the merry-go-`round... Tasa being brave did too! The Twins and Caroline holding them... the spinning started. I am pushing... not too fast. Tasa seemed fine with it.

I let it slow to stop... Tasa jumped off acting happy... she and Jaidee bounded off... ours and Caroline in pursuit. A new group waiting... all aboard. Rona got on with MFA, Anne and Malee. Eric took up the spinning.

Cho and I watching ours chasing Jaidee and Tasa. Caroline with Ting at the tall slide. Puppies and kids came by... Chani branched off to the swing... Tha there. Dad went to be the `spotter.'

Cho chuckling at all the doings.

Tona holding Anurak... his arms waving at all the action. Anong came out with Chana bundled up... those big eyes smiling.

Ellie is sewing in the Staff Lounge... I called her, she came out with Kas. He went to the smaller slide with the hump. Cho went to be with him. He was good waiting for an adult. Cho made sure he went up Okay.

My arm through Ellie's watching her little man slide clapping all the way. He dropped off the end to run around to go again.

"M'Lady, I'm pregnant."

Ellie said it quietly... a subdued grin. A hug for her.

"We just found out at the doctor's yesterday morning. We are happy. My family is thrilled! Mum and Dad had Kas for an overnight... Kas came home all happy to be with the `grands.'

Prasert is going to call his parents after the dinner hour there..." She looked at her watch, "... he's probably doing it."

"Ellie, the C&C Store is well stocked so you won't have to worry about baby clothes."

A smile, "M'Lady, that is such a wonderful place for all the families."

Kas went down the big slide... we could see Cho grinning next to the slide as Kas went around for another go.

The babies had fun. The puppies loved all the little people running about.

Inside we removed outer clothes and sent them into the Breakfast Room... cookies and hot chocolate!!

Us big folks joined in! Dad sitting with all the grandkids munching a walnut molasses cookie!

Kas' little white teeth diving into the big cookie. Ellie beside him grinning.

Jaidee and Tasa had doggie chews... they are working on them.

We are talking dinner... dress up for the big Christmas meal!

The Culham crowd went back to dress for tonight. Tasa stayed with Jaidee.

Gil with a note... all the trusts have deposited the cheques and only two haven't sent thank you letters. They are smaller ones, one in Scotland, another in the West Country. She would follow up. I thanked her.

A few minutes doing email at my writing desk. Some visits go onto the schedule... a busy January and February... it is not going to slow up any time soon! Lots of travel... I'm skipping the early races... there's just too much to do. Cho and the babies going together to a few races.

Cho came in... a big welcome. He is wearing a silk robe in pale blue... perfect. His black tuxedo pants and SHINY shoes.

He sat in one of the chairs, me at the desk.

"I decided to do some expansion of the Cho Family Banks retail operation. We will open branch offices in major cities... America, Canada, Mexico, here and on the continent. I mean big cities... New York, Los Angeles, Chicago... Toronto, Quebec, London, Birmingham, Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, Madrid, Mexico City and more.

The local banking laws will determine where... I would not like to have to make dozens of new corporations just to open a few branch offices.

Kuva and I have been tossing this around for a while. It will raise the banks profile outside banking circles, probably make us some money..."

I interrupted with a laugh.

"Yes I know we don't need any more money... there will be many good jobs for local folks, well paid! Our contribution to wealth creation. Also our banks are not going to fail so there's that."

I sat on his lap... kissing.

"You will have to find someone to run it rather dumping more work on Kuva."

"Yes, I have a few people in mind... Kuva has her list so we will make decisions. The bank's Hibiscus Brilliant logo will be seen in many more places."

I loved the beautiful red flower! Another kiss.

I shooed him out so I could dress.

My outfit is not complicated... The Hermès black cashmere dress... upper thigh hem, long sleeves, oval collar. Soft!!

Showing my stems!!

Tiny black silk bra and panty set, very deep black stockings... I know even though they are very short my garters will be seen a few times. Black ankle strap heels, a tiny red chrysanthemum on the heel back.

`Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes' applied by Cho before he left.

Silver two inch circle loop earrings. The `Cho' silver band on my right wrist. The double row of diamonds bracelet on my left. Red lips and nails

Something new from Cho! A three inch wide flat herringbone silver necklace! It lay smooth on my skin... cold to start but my body warmed it up. Heavy! Simple and sleek!

Cho received several pre-lipstick early Christmas kisses!

Sunny sharing my Dressing Room... grinning as Cho attached the new necklace.

The guys!! White dinner jackets!! Red carnations on their lapels. Silver vests rather than a cummerbund. Black trousers with a satin stripe. Terrific!

Sunny is in a white silk frock, slender straps, a shallow scoop neckline, straight to her upper thighs. Silver thigh-high stockings and silver heels. She had her ruby necklace and bracelet, silver button earrings. Fifteen looked very good on her!

Sexy!! We laughed! Cho bowed to us.

Chani came in with Delphine. She looked beautiful!! A white velvet long sleeve frock to her knees, red tights and Mary Janes. Her nails freshly re-done. The ruby necklace from last Christmas. Silver ball drop earrings!!

Delphine in a white dress, short sleeves, scoop neckline and a few inches above the knee. Silver jewellery. Her blonde hair in a Chignon... terrific!

Tha joined us. A red and white diagonally striped frock to her knee top. Close to her slender body. Her dark hair swept to one side. Red heels. A big smile!

Down the stairs to the Great Room doors... Conrad and Laurel smiling. They are in our evening dress for footmen... silver gray trousers, white shirt, silver tie and black jacket... today they had red carnations in the lapel holes!

They opened the doors we waltzed in... a big welcome!! Hugs and careful kisses all around... that took a while.

Phailin's arm around my waist. "Your hem and Sunny's are a pair."

I squeezed her, "Sunny has the legs for sure."

Leaning over to look at Phailin's slender legs... I looked up... we grinned and hugged.

Kay came close, She had on a white dress with a quite short hem too.

Her `What lovely thighs we have' made us laugh.

Sunny's arm on her mother's shoulders joining in. Together in a line we four did a leg kick. Decorously.


Malee in a shimmering blue frock, mid-thigh length, came up with Rona who is also showing leg in a silvery frock! They have tummies sticking out some... short dresses now because soon they couldn't.

Kanda in red with a lot of leg and décolletage! Always a sexy lady!

Andrea and Catherine longer frocks with BIG baby baby bumps! Caroline in a red frock with white trim... very Christmas... she giggled when I said it.

"Aunt Fay, it is Christmas!"

Aunt Dee and Ploy, Ting's mother, looking very nice in red frocks... a good bit of knee showing!!

The men in tuxedos, black and white jackets. Colourful cummerbunds. Montaigan has a red bow tie!! We laughed... he was grinning!

Tasa had a red ribbon on her collar like Jaidee!! Caroline said it is her idea!

Taittinger's in hand Cho smiling, "Thank you for being here... You all mean so much to us! Sharing the end of another marvellous year... We look forward to being with you often throughout the coming year. Many thanks to you!!"

We cheered and drank. I loved watching all the babies drink their Shirley Temples!

Phailin and I wandered... she got to see the Nobel medal and diploma again... we'd put them away for the Open House. The red box back on the sideboard.

"We watched the news of your Oslo trip. I would have given the award to you for your efforts to help the lady in Yangon."

I smiled, "The best part for me was the dinner beside King Harald. He is quite nice... we had a good talk. The Prime Minister on my other side was also very nice."

I motioned to the medals... "The rest was ceremonies or meeting the press which was boring. Repetitious."

A squeeze, "Your speech was wonderful. So was Cho's. The dull parts are the price of fame!"

We laughed!!

Lucas circulating with a fresh bottle of Taittinger's... refill!

I am on a settee in-between Reg and Eric... "So do we lay bets on when the Indian government calls us?"

They laughed.

Eric's head shaking, "According a source in Delhi nothing has happened to date. They emphasised `NOTHING!' No meetings, no schedules published, no staff has arrived... nothing."

Reg leaning forward, "I wonder if H2O Management actually expected to get the contract. They do not act as if they did. Its been six weeks since they were told they won with their bid."

I looked back and forth to them... "I heard from you last week! What happened to the notice?"

Eric, "Our source told me the timing... which had not been announced publically. It makes the lack of action weirder."

Me, "They have not made a move to get Indian suppliers on board? Hiring? Spring weather in the mountains is going to here soon enough when you have deadlines to meet you need to get going."

Reg sighed, "I still think there may have been some sort of underhand deal done. We know so many people around the world who have told us they are perplexed about the project being handed to a company with no worthwhile track record."

Me, "Especially for two reasons... the Indians need the water very badly and we have have an unparalleled reputation for delivering what we promised on time... properly done."

Eric, "They did do some whinging about costs during our talks. We offer so much more than H2O... at every level. I know they see that... making Reg's thoughts go a bit further."

I shrugged, "They made their choice. As I discussed with you... " My hand to Eric, "... if they come back... we do not muck with our schedules for other clients. You will need to tell them that."

Eric said it would the first thing in any discussions. Fist bumps all around!

Kanda looking happy to be dressed up sexy and sleek... a big smile when I said that. A hug.

"Fay, it is a fun part about coming here!"


I asked after Reyna.

"Fay, Reyna is one of the steadiest person in the office. We do not have many crises... thankfully... when we do she gets going! Very organised and a leader.

We had larger than usual Mekong River flooding this year... she had medical teams, food, clothing, household goods on the way to the east the morning after the evening we were contacted. She flew there that same day to do an assessment... then ordered up more supplies directing them to the neediest locations."

Fist bump!

A finger to her lips... "The International Committee for the Red Cross organisation in Geneva has made inquiries about her. Could she be loaned to them so she gets to know their workings and for large emergencies.

I am to have a talk with her on my return to Bangkok."

"It is a great honour?"

"Yes! It shows her skills have been recognised and appreciated. I think we will send Reyna for the orientation period in March so we can have her back for the monsoon season."

"Does Reyna know anything?"

"Not in so many words. She knows the ICRC brings people to Geneva periodically. I am sure she will agree to go... it would be two months at the most. Thet and Krai are well looked after, Krai by his nurse, they have a cook and a housekeeper now to take care of the men."

Fist bump!

Montaigan with Graeme and Dad... I said they are looking good. My frock is admired.

Montaigan's red tie... a smile, "I got it especially for tonight."


Cho came up with the Twins... Sunny... Ah... time to take a walk. A short walk to the Outside Staff Lounge... Christmas dinner will start after our turn.

Charles ready to go.

We five did big `Happy Christmas' to everyone in the lounge. Their tree bright and sparkly.

Our workers and some family. Monty's mum, a dozen children. Audra! Liam! Cho scooped him up. Tom, Lorraine with Melonie and Tom the Sixth. Archie and Margy.

Behind us Lucas, Fin and Laurel brought in the gifts.

They all got new iPhones with same note as the Cowley House team. The supervisors received iPads too. Included are one hundred £ iTunes code numbers in every package.

Everyone is given a Victorinox Hercules knife, an excellent suite of tools and very toughly constructed! A belt holster for it. Smiles for those!

Each employee received a cheque for five hundred £'s. Those are welcome if faces are any judge.

We shook hands with each person as we handed out their gifts. Ellie had wrapped each... lots of work for her doing all the staffs, Lorraine is assisting her. A friend of Lorraine's, Joan from Sandford, is also helping through the holidays. Ellie thought Joan was terrific and creative.

We thanked the Stables team for their hard work and diligent care for our horses. I specially mentioned their assistance for our racing trainers and the breeding operations.

Phillips folks were thanked for their work in our Gardens, the whole estate covered with beautiful shrubs and flowers.

A shout out for the Orwell Rose! Cho told everyone they should go up to see it.

Archie's team were congratulated for our high farm yields. Terry here so we could thank him for our milk and eggs.

Margy smiling holding Archie's hand.

We wished them a good dinner and a good day tomorrow.

A shower of thanks and Happy Christmases!!

Back in the Great Room... the crowd liked hearing how it went.

Carter at the doors!

I did not peek into the Dinging Room on purpose... I want to enjoy the surprise too!

It is a WOW!! The centre piece is all about Father Christmas. A cute snug cabin with a workshop beside it. Father Christmas at his door hugging his Missus! A sleigh with nine reindeer, one with a red nose! A huge bulging bag at the back of the sleigh.

A couple of elves looking out the workshop door towards Father Christmas.

Fir trees and green shrubs dappled with snow around the candelabras... all sitting on a snowy white tablecloth. Large silver candles, the tallest in the centre growing smaller towards the table ends.

The wide window sill had a small village deep in snow... people, dogs and horses around. Horses pulling a sleigh.

The Twins went over to look, Caroline, Suki, Anne, MFA... shining faces... holding hands enjoying the scene. It is great view for us... the babies tall enough to see over the edge... their noses right up to the pretend snow looking into the little village. Cute!

We gathered them to sit. In their seats beside the parents... the adults at the chairs... the first wine glass with Barbadillo Reliquia Pedro Ximenez or water for ladies who are with child or they had ginger ale like the children.

Cho's glass raised, "I invite you to toast to love... mother and father for child... men and women for their loves... friend for friend... It is a rare thing to find true love!" His head turned to me, "... We wish it upon everyone here and throughout the world!"

Huzza... Huzza... Huzza!!!! We drank!

Smiles! The babies sipped their ginger ale... they liked toasting!

Dad across the table raised his glass... We all looked to him.

"To Fay and Cho with Chani and Charlie... four who are dearly loved by all of us here tonight. You capture hearts with ease because of who you are. You are the epitome of kindness! Love from us all!"

Huzza... Huzza... Huzza!!!! Everyone drank!

I blew a kiss to Dad. A huge smile reward.

Uncle Craig... "Being around Cho, Fay, Chani and Charlie for even a brief time you know they care about others and want to contribute... for them giving hundreds of millions of £'s so others would benefit typifies them. Schools and museums made better for others and a simple thank you is enough for them. Our hosts... the perfect philanthropists."


Cho... a smile... he thanked Craig saying we are doings some things because they need doing.


Montaigan standing across from us beside Phailin... he raised his glass... "To Chani and Charlie who honoured me with the title of Grandpere! Thank you!"

We cheered and drank.

I blew a kiss to Montaigan... Chani beside me did too!

A huge smile on Montai's face.

We took our seats. The centrepiece grabbed our attention... Ellie had made magic. She said Lorraine helped design it, she, Joan and Lorraine did the work together.

The menu cards at each place silver script on green card-stock, a small holly berry and leaf on the top left corner.

The first course being served... mushroom and egg savouries... Béchamel sauce. Wonderful!

Carter pouring the second wine, a very pale Egon Muller Scharzhofberger Riesling Trockenbeerenauslese 1959. A nose first.... delightful. A sip... I let it linger... fruity, hints of honey, beeswax, and lemon. This is lovely!

Perfect for the slightly sweet nutmeg taste of the Béchamel sauce.

I turned to Carter as he poured the last glass... those eyes twinkling... I nearly laughed out loud. A smile is enough by me he understood. Cho grinning at the exchange. He raised his glass... Carter bowed.

Others saw our interaction... Reg decided to one-up us... "Carter... superb!"

I laughed now. Those who tasted it responded likewise.

The soup... a Vichyssoise so creamy thick a spoon would almost stand up in it. The little bread squares got Charlie's attention!

The main course depended on personal choice... there is the roast beef or baked salmon, everyone is served the new potatoes roasted with thyme and Rosemary, a broccoli-Caerphilly cheese casserole with a top shaped like Harcourt House delivered to each place!! A piece of Yorkshire Pudding for all with a lovely brown vegetarian gravy sitting on its own plate.

Carter is serving the Domaine de la Romanee-Conti Romanee-Conti Grand Cru Pinot Noir! Wonderful for the beef... outstanding for the salmon!!!

It is a big hit with our guests!

Dad and Phailin clinked their glasses. Smiles.

Dad winked! We both laughed.

Chani next to me giggled when Gramps winked.

"Mama, Gramps is funny."

A kiss for her cheek, "Yes he is. So are you."

More giggles.

"Mama, the salmon is tasty!"

Her Harcourt House casserole had a huge dent in the side so she could get to the goodies inside!

I looked to Charlie beside Cho... his Harcourt House had taken a bigger hit! In fact he had a piece of the delightful crust on his fork going to his mouth.

Around the table the food disappearing... happy faces... talk about all sorts. Dee next to Chani smiling when I asked about the blonde and shortbread.

"Fay, she was sweet. I told her how I do it... she is a baker so she got it!"

An `air' fist bump!

Chani stuck out her fist to Aunt Dee... the other to me! Chani linked our fist bumps! A double big bump!

Folks laughing.

The food so good I am giving it my attention. Cho gave me a nudge head motioning to MFA who is crushing Harcourt House. We smiled towards Reg and Rona who are laughing!

I asked Dad across the table about Lek and Thang's promotions.

A smile, "Their promotion papers were signed before I stepped on your aircraft. They are going to spend some time at HQ learning new roles at their new rank."

I was surprised I though I'd gotten the news quickly. Dad grinning... such a smartie.

We had questions about the Nobel Peace Prize aimed our way. The Queen's visit! We'd be in Bangkok in February...

Horse races to go to! A question about the House of Lords.

Cho suggested they go to see Fulham play at Craven Cottage once they transfer to Cowley House. We would go also if a match day works.

Artie is certainly up for that! We would work on it... if we cannot be there they could go and use our box.

I asked Graeme about his new role at the MOD. I laughed when he said he couldn't say very much except he had more responsibilities... plus he still had duties for 2 Para at Merville Barracks as adjutant.

A new bit of fun drama... dessert! The table cleared... Carter pouring Lustau Solera los Arcos Dry Amontillado for those who wanted it. I sipped its splendour. It turned Prince Phillip's head!

Dessert carts coming in... Everyone got to choose... a piece of the Christmas Yule Log filled with whipped sweet cream or Christmas Pudding with a chance for the George V silver Six Pence.

I gave the lead... I asked for small pieces of each.

I gave a look around... the babies giggling as they got their share. They were told to eat the pudding slowly because of the coin.

It is quiet then... "Wow! I got it!" It is Rona! She held up the shiny coin. Clapping we congratulated her.

A quick wipe on her napkin... Rona handed it to MFA for a look. Reg explained King George V is Queen Elizabeth's grandfather.

Chani giggling when Aunt Dee asked her about her Yule Log piece...

"Dee, it tastes so good!"

Dessert a big hit for the young set.

Sunny said the Yule log looked very real before being cut. The bark weathered, curling and split! Sue and Maxine are very good!

We moved to the Great Room for afters. Before we could settle in Maeve joined us... Oh I sense a video! We shifted to the Game Room... Sunny connected her iPad to the HDMI cable.

Maeve and Sunny standing in front told us this anime is dedicated to Cho, Fay, Chani and Charlie.

They sat, Carter2 dimmed the lights... On the screen in a bold magenta background, bright blue letters this a `MS Production.'

Off screen a horse whinnied loudly during the titles!

Much laughter by us.

A rider in the distance crossing over a grassy field came close then turned left... all in black with a Spanish Equestrian hat riding a chestnut! They went down a street lined with buildings and trees... a school... the rider entered the school grounds galloping towards the door then swung away their hand reaching out flinging sparkling dust over the school.

The rider called out `Happy Christmas.'

Across a wide field dotted with trees to a village street a quick right turn... a church... a school nearby where the rider headed... the rider dusted this school with the same called out wish.

They entered a dense wood on a narrow track galloping fast...trees flicking by on each side. The rider leaning down over the horse's neck... urging the beautiful chestnut on!

They exploded out the woods into brilliant sunshine... a castle on a hill ahead... a large flag fluttering in the wind from a high tower... the rider aimed that way... the horse covered the ground like a rocket... up the slope to the big front gate... the huge doors came open with their approach, the rider dashed inside.

A handsome dark haired man in the dress of an English Lord waited. A groom ran out to take the horse when the dark rider slid down... the dark rider stroked the chestnut's nose... the rider walked to the Lord... swept off their hat and shook their light brown hair loose.

The Lord took the rider his arms for a kiss. Two children ran out calling for their `Mama!' A dark haired boy and light brown haired girl.

The rider knelt to hug and kiss them.

The Lord's voice deep and resonant... "Did you reward more schools?"

The rider, "Yes! Two today... more tomorrow."

The Lord, his hand on her shoulder, going inside, she held the children's hands.

The boom of the big doors closing behind them.


I started clapping... the whole room did too.

It isn't the story being intricate or very long... the graphics mattered and they were terrific! Smooth animation, detailed characters, the scenery crisp and colourful.

I loved being a heroine again! The Twins giggly happy to be part of the video.

Maeve and Sunny standing holding hands.. a bow! We laughed. Cho and I hugged them. Fist bumps by the Twins.

Afters! Espresso and Amaretto! Maeve sitting with us for a bit by the big fireplace. She and Sunny getting more praise. Sunny said they now knew how to do the higher quality animation so they will work on making the story more detailed.

I said they could try doing another subjects... Sunny grinned, "Fay, you four are so interesting we need to expand you all."

I think my eyes rolled around inside my head.

We did a loud `Happy Christmas' for Maeve as she headed for the door. Tom out front to drive her home.

Time for some gift giving. Our usual one gift within our immediate families.

We had one gift for both babies... a Meccano Super Construction Set! They shared the unwrapping... it is a WOW! They thought it terrific they could make things and there is a motor! Chani and Charlie did a fist bump! We got big hugs!

We let them look inside the box but not take parts out... no point in getting started on it now.

Cho got me a replica of the Secretariat statue at the Belmont saddling paddock. Big Red striding out!! It is desktop size so it would sit on the writing desk in my Dressing Room.

An excellent reproduction of the greatest horse racing champion!

A big kiss for Cho.

Cho unwrapped four Polo shirts.. sea foam blue, canary yellow, light plum, celery green. He loved the colours. They were right for his skin tone!

Yes we are all a bit idiosyncratic in gift giving.

Chani and I wandered seeing other's gifts. Some lovely things but this has become a time of unusual gift choices unlike tomorrow morning.

Time for the babies to go upstairs... But before that so they all could see... Fin came in with a tray... cookies on a plate and thermos of tea. A nice tea cup and saucer, a silver tea spoon, milk and sugar.

He placed it on a table near the fireplace.

All our little ones loved this. Chani in my arms kissed my cheek... a small white teeth grin.

We said goodnights for the Culham crowd. A big hug for Caroline. Her first Christmas at Culham Manor... she is excited. She said they have a beautiful tree like ours only smaller. A kiss for her.

We waved them away.

Tucking in Chani she whispered in my ear... "Mama. I know Father Christmas is not real but I like the idea there could be a generous someone."

A kiss and hug for her. Cho came over to do his part.

Holding Charlie's hand looking down at his sweet handsome face... "Mama, I told Popa it is nice you do the cookies and tea for the others."

A big hug, I slid my fingers through that wonderful hair like his Popa's, a kiss on his cheek.

In the passage Cho and I exchanged those little titbits.

I pressed against him, looking up he took my face in warm hands... a kiss!!

The other parents going down with us... many thanks for the `theatre' of Father Christmas.

They had presents to put under the tree, us too! We would follow the form of it until Chani and Charlie said not. They are thinking of their friends. I loved how perceptive and caring they are.

In the Library we gathered our Protectors... I had a laugh... they are dressed up to go out on the town. A Christmas Eve night of clubbing. A fling... some going on holidays after.

Cho and I thanked them for another year of superb service!!

They received new iPhones and iPads with cases. They loved the two hundred £ iTunes gifts!

They also got eight hundred £ gift certificates to Dalvey to buy new watches or anything.

They had already received their bonuses... Thank yous and smiles!!

Handshakes, hugs and cheek kisses for everyone!

We wished them a fun night!

Sipping Amaretto with Malee and Rona... they had tea... their tummies had the dad's hands on them. They were supremely happy. Their daughters eager for the brothers to appear.

Malee next to me smiling, "Rak and I have discussions on FaceTime often. He likes my buys. I have had quite a few successes this year! We did a line of women's summer frocks from a London designer... not a big name but known for quality... Rak was so pleased... Mongkut did a complete sell through of the entire stock at the normal price!"

Cheers and fist bumps for her.

Rona looking forward to having all the shelter regional managers and staff here in January. They have a lot to talk about!!

"Fay, it is marvellous of you two to let us impose on your hospitality. Cowley House is the perfect location. Lots of space for everything we want to do and close to tourist stops for their free time."

Fist bump!

The dads brought the Father Christmas gifts down... it looked so sweet with those gaily wrapped packages under the tree. Snaps taken.

It was agreed to have a seven in Christmas morning call for the babies. They would get to open their gifts as the parents had coffee and sweet nibbles.

The men to play poker... we sat to talk for a bit then upstairs.

I was behind the brown dog... tail wagging going down the grassy lane to the Stables office. Thames came out to woofs and rubs then they took off.

Tara on Plotline, Gaby on Roland... Pamela nodding as Andy got the scone. Okay! Happy Christmas... Andy going home shortly to be ready for Liam's Christmas morning!

My ladies said they had a good time clubbing... no hangovers.

Gaby going to the Dordogne in a few hours... Delphine and Yvonne to Lyon... a Gulfstream at Chalgrove for them. Yvonne is going on to Paris by train in a few days.

Yvonne is staying with us for now. She has her PHD but the life at Harcourt House is... she likes us and we like her. For our side the longer she is with us the better for our Stables.

A Happy Christmas for Andy and Declan. Andy going home to be there for Liam's first real Christmas morning!!

Down to the Flats... very quiet, cold, frost... the sun just making it clear she is planning to come out for the day.

At the lock the substitute on duty... he's waving saying `Happy Christmas' which we returned. Roy at home with Angie... no fish today.

We rode by the Masjid... quiet. It is looking quite well along. The south, west and east side only had a few high up windows.. beautifully designed colourful glass panes. The south wall is actually facing southeast to Giblah. Its easy to see the Mihrab alcove extending from the southeast wall. The musalla takes most of the space. There some smaller rooms on the north side, the ablution rooms... one for men, one for women and offices.

We went a short way on Barton Lane then a right going to the Thames Path. A canter northward... under the tracks... past the Carmichael's a gallop for the longer run to the Boatyard... very silent. We stayed on the path... Fraser's across the river. A long section where the path is covered by trees then some open space past the Radley's on the opposite shore we picked up the pace.

At the lock the substitute bowed his good morning... we wished him a `Happy Christmas.' A wave.

At Mr. Hardy's his head popped out... "Prasert is coming in half an hour."

"Good. See you then."

The gate in sight now the ponies were psyched... we had a terrific run along the river to ours.

Loud whinnies on the Flats... almost an echo. It is very quiet here.

I stopped in the Outside Staff Lounge to say `Happy Christmas' all around. Their tree looked very nice. Our two ornaments amongst the many! A cheerful crowd. Big fuzzy booties sticking up!! Hands waving!

The Breakfast Room empty... Sunny came bounding in. A hug and kiss.

"Fay, I came to see the Santa Claus doings... oops Father Christmas! Food first."

I laughed, "Smart!"

Fin landed two toast racks and Carter2 poured my coffee. Fin said Sunny's hot chocolate will be here in a jiffy.

Eggs, potatoes and tomatoes. Sunny giggling at my toast under a big spread of strawberry preserves.

We talked horses.

Cho came in with the fathers... most in robes... coffee then upstairs to roust out the young ones.

I leaned over to kiss my son's cheek... sleepy eyes... a smile.

"Good morning, Charlie. Happy Christmas!"

He stuck up his arms... I moved closer so he could hold me... I lifted him up to his feet. Chani smiling reached over for a fist bump from Popa's arms!

Into robes and slippers for the trip down. We gathered by the tree... each parent drew out their babies' goodies.

Mr. Hardy joining us. Coffee and some sweet things for him by the fireplace.

Artie and Sam interested but well past the Father Christmas thing.

Charlie got a new football, Artie said they'd give it a try out later. Fist bump.

A new engine and cars for his model railroad upstairs.

Chani smiling holding up several new sets of clothes for Raggedy Anne. The Complete Ramona Collection, eight books. Chani gave me a `look' knowing Father Christmas wouldn't bring this to a two and half year old. We giggled, a hug.

They shared the opening of a package addressed to the Twins'... two books... Fine books for their reading level. Pax' about the life experiences of a boy and Fox named Pax. `Genesis Begins Again' about a girl who dislikes her dark skin and her journey to figuring how to know herself.

They moved around looking what the others received. I could hear their laughing and happy voices talking to their friends.

Our Culham family arrived! Caroline came running in. She spread hugs all about. She told the babies what she got.

My hand on Caroline's shoulder I pointed to the last package under the tree... "I think Father Christmas got the address wrong for that one... you know he was so busy last night."

Caroline looking to me... Andrea, Ting, Catherine and Jian. At the tree leaning over to see her name on the tag... she picked it up, very pretty wrapping in pink, a favourite colour right now. Caroline parked by Chani to unwrap it... a pair of pink wellies... just her size!! A wondrous smile.

Jian leaned over to kiss me with a quiet thank you.

Okay... now time for a clothes change and breakfast for those who hadn't.

Chani in red jeans, a white turtleneck jumper and blue trainers. She sitting in my Dressing Room after my shower as I slipped into loose high waisted blue jeans, a wide brown belt and a big circle buckle. A navy T-shirt. Arline's pale cable knit cardigan jumper. Brown Hermès loafers. I shared some `Joy' with Chani. Giggles.

Going down I parked Chani in her seat and got food for her. Carter2 poured coffee for me.

"Chani, the Ramona books are for girls who older in years... you may have questions... you can ask me or Delphine or Tha."

"Okay, Mama. I have a pad of paper I will use."

I grinned.

Our guys came in looking very nice in flannel shirts over jeans.

The men guests in flannel shirts too! They are a gift for them like the Mirabelle suits I had waiting in wardrobes for each lady. We ordered them from McNair in Yorkshire. Mid-weight lambs wool, the standard length and made to fit measurements our ladies had forwarded with their own for their Mirabelle suits.

Others came in from changing... a wide variety of looks all casual!

I went into the Great Room. Christmas music in the background.

Mr. Hardy, Montaigan and Graeme talking by the fire. They were looking fine in flannel!!

Mr. Hardy smiling, "Looks like Father Christmas did well here."

I said he did!

Soon we were all together in family groups for the rest of the gift giving.

The Twins got us started... Cho and I each got a Christmas card. Mine had a wintry white woodland scene on the front with hoof prints in the snow going off the edge... I opened it... the footprints going left to right ending at a chestnut horse with a black rider outside a school handing a paper with a £ symbol to a woman.

A big `Happy Christmas Mama.'

Love from Chani and Charlie at the bottom. On the back it said it is a C&C Production.

Very cute and sweet. Big hugs and kisses for them!!

Cho's card had him... a cartoon body with a printed face from a photo standing on a grassy space with a golf green in the far distance... inside a pop-up Cho swinging and the ball going into the cup!

`Happy Christmas Popa' and Love from Chani and Charlie at the bottom. His also said it is a C&C Production.

The babies are funny! Cho kissed them.

They handed us each a wrapped package... mine was is a black and white drawing of a horse standing in a paddock! A fine head, beautiful muscles, a bright eye. It is beautifully matted and framed.

A striking look!

C&C at the bottom right.

Cho's is a different horse in full colour pastels. A chestnut with three white socks. Matted and framed.

Two gorgeous drawings!! Kisses for the Twins. They said they shared the work.

Cho put them on a table near the fire... so everyone could see.

I handed Cho a small box in red and blue wrappings. I got a bigger one in return... the babies each had one from us...

Now for our further gift openings...

Chani found three Nancy Drew books with a note that said there were forty more in the Library for her. All the books from the early part of the series. A big grinning thank you.

Charlie looking at me behind a pair of Ray-Ban Aviator sunglasses like his Popa's. There is a huge grin underneath.

They also received some assorted clothes... jeans, jumpers, etc. New trainers!

Cho holding a tiny camera that is Bluetooth connectable... it is made to sit on a model train to give a view from the track level of our layout in Bangkok. He could make movies going forward, from the side or the view from behind. A kiss.

Another gift he would have to wait to see... a brochure about a step ladder made for train layouts, balanced so you can go out over your tracks and houses to reach hard to get to places.

I told him there was one of each in Taipei for Chou. A kiss.

Gifts for Millie too.

Millie and Chou's gifts were labelled not to be open before Christmas.

I opened mine last... a braided silver necklace... fine silver looking like a rope, soft bendable, an inch in diameter. I did a loop and Cho closed around my neck. I like this! Heavy... but its comfortable!

More for the Twins... Chani grinning a set of `red' nail polish shades!

"Thank you Mama!"

Fist bump.

A big one for Charlie... his first sticks... golf clubs, all sturdy plastic... plastic golf balls... it is a starter set to see if he likes the sport. A big thank you for Popa.

I handed Cho several boxes... a grin as I got a big one in return. Stanton and Laurel had to carry it in!!! It is huge! I am staring... Cho said `its not that daunting.'

Cho loved the pairs of cufflinks... white and blue mother of pearl ovals! Dalvey of Alness... craftsmen!!!

They are around the corner from Castle Munro.

A Dalvey pocket watch in silver with a blue mother of pearl face. A real beauty.

Inside the lid... `For Cho Christmas 2018 with love, Fay'

Silver chains for it in two lengths... for a trousers pocket or waistcoat.

Cho stroking the watch, the silver is lustrous. The blue face is amazing!! One of those cute smiles. A kiss... it lasted.

Charlie asked to see the watch... "Popa, it is wonderful!"

Popa pointed to me... our son leaned over to fist bump.

Another for Cho... a box of silk pocket squares, six, in various shades. A smiling thank you.

The big box from Cho... it is six or seven feet by five... tough to get a handle on it... Cho helped with Laurel and Carter2... It opened like a book... two paintings... the James Seymour and George Stubbs ones I had ferreted out at the coastal estate sale.

That cute smile back, a hug and kiss.

"I got Gil to do telephone bidding for them. She did quite well getting both for under a valuation I had later done for our insurance. Now you have the task of choosing where they go."

I said I will be pleased to do that. Another hug!

A hug and kiss for Gil.

"Fay, I liked being allowed to be sneaky for you."

We laughed.

Two final gifts for the Twins... Charlie smiling holding a beautifully leather bound copy of the Hobbit and a copy of the Atlas of Middle Earth. A smile! Thank yous!

Chani also had two cloth bound books, The Diary of Anne Frank, an unexpurgated version and A Girl of the Limberlost.

"Mama... Popa... I know about Anne Frank... thank you for these."

Hugs and kisses for the Twins.

Gil got a warm stole in navy and a pale tan with a gold stickpin with a horse's head. Also new charms for her bracelet... some overdue... Vietnam, Iran, Angola, Brazil, New Guinea, Germany, France, Italy, Norway and Finland. More coming!!

I did add we could get an arm sling for when she wears the bracelet and the new charms... heavy!

Gil said she'd build up her muscles instead. Laughter.

Chelle's stole is electric blue like her hair used to be and sunflower yellow... her pin is a gold rayed sun. A bracelet of cloisonné circles in shades of blue and yellow. Like Gil... a new iPhone and a new big iPad with all the trimmings! They both got two hundred £ iTunes code numbers

Mr. Hardy, his gifts bedside him on the settee... a huge smile and many thanks!

Charles Esdaile's `The Peninsular War.'

Sir William Francis Patrick Napier's `English battles and sieges in the Peninsula.'

William Willoughby Cole Verner's edition of George Simmons, `A British Rifle Man: The Journals and Correspondence of Major George Simmons, Rifle Brigade, During the Peninsular War and the Campaign of Waterloo'

We had sent our thanks to Monsieur Verlaine for finding the latter two quite rare old books.

The last gift is for Chani's ears... ruby earrings to match her necklace. She looked wonderful with them in! A fist bump from Charlie.

Now for a trip around the room with Chani... MFA, Caroline, Suki, Anne and Caroline all got ruby earrings like Chani's. They matched the ruby necklaces we gave all girls the last Christmas which is nice to see they are wearing today..

The girls smiling... hugs and kisses for them. Big thanks from the parental units.

We stopped by little Chana and Anong... Chani gave her the identical earrings and a necklace so she is up to speed with the others. Anong's eyes wet... a big smile. A hug from her for Chani. Our daughter doing a fist bump with Rak. Thank yous.

Montaigan got a card made by the Twins showing his house on Martinique, red tile roof and all, with a delivery truck outside on the front, inside a sideboard with six bottles of Remy Martel Louis XIII cognac sitting on it. Delivery done!! Love from us all.

He is very pleased!!

He unwrapped a new pair of tropical slippers as they tend to wear out.

A pair of classic Ray-Ban Aviator sunglasses.

And as a gag gift a particularly `loud' flowered Hawaiian shirt. He laughed!

"I will wear it for Milanovski!"

Handshakes and hugs. He said he is well taken care of!!

Sir Alan got card... his house in Cornwall Gardens on the front with a delivery truck, inside his bar with a Remy Martel bottle open and a snifter beside it... five more next to the open one.

He and Montaigan shook hands!

Sir Alan unwrapped a stone paperweight shaped like his Cornwall Gardens house. Gil found a fellow who did commissions for small size stone work... it was a fine likeness of the old family home.

Sir Alan loved it. "Fay whatever made you think of it? It is finely done!"

A box of Dalvey pocket squares, five in various blue patterns. He always wears one so...

Sir Alan thanked us for thinking of him.

We had pried Greg out of the cellar... He got several rather nice jumpers for the chilly Seattle weather including summer. I found several interesting games for him... some espionage by Kay and their sons helped for the next two gifts... Greg didn't have these... a mint copy of Panzergruppe Guderian, a classic World War Two game and a very difficult to find mint copy of PanzerBlitz.

Greg sitting there with the two games looking at me... "How did you...

My grin quite big... all teeth!

The PanzerBlitz was a coup... to find a forty eight year old game un-played... tough... very tough!!

Panzergruppe Guderian is forty two years old. Classic games!

Artie's gift is something Cho did... Artie had fun at Oxford East hitting balls and putting. The Pro told Cho he had real aptitude for the game.

Artie leaned over an big elongated box... he worked it open... a set of Callaway Apex irons, Callaway Paradym woods and a Bettinardi BB solid block putter... all in a nice black bag. The set is sized for him with a some room to grow. Artie shocked!!

A card... he is a member at the Seattle Golf Club courtesy of Ken and Cho. A suite of lessons included.

Artie ran over to hug Cho. We were clapping. Kay looking towards me... fanning her face.

Sam had a two foot tall card done Chani and Charlie... an Apple logo on the front... inside it said there is a 27" 5K iMac waiting in Seattle for him. 3.7ghz CPU, 64gb Ram, 3tb Fusion hard drive and a 2tb SSD drive, Radeon Pro Vega 48 graphics suite. A set of Harman Kardon speakers and an external backup hard drive.

Plus several books on programming for iOS and iPad OS.

He knew it was me so I got rushed... a big hug! I kissed his cheek.

"Aunt Fay thank you!!"

I pointed to Cho... he leaned over to shake hands.

Sunny sitting with her family holding the two pair of loose, high waisted jeans with belts... Gaspeite buckles on each!! Black belt with black jeans, brown with blue. Damp eyes!

A large box... Sunny opened it to a pair of Cavallo Stanford Classic Dressage Tall Boots. Gorgeous black leather!

A big smile!! I got kissed.

Chani handed her a small wrapped box... a pair of ruby earrings with the same setting as her necklace and bracelet!!!

Tears now. She hugged her cousin and me!!

Rak2 holding an HO train starter set, engine, cars, track... the lot. Plus two expansion kits of track. A big grin. Another box of easy to assembly HO scale buildings.

I had a wide low box looking gorgeous in ornate red and gold wrapping! Jian saw me coming... I got a kiss before she opened it.

Inside a `RED' silk dress, scoop bodice, narrow shoulder straps, form fitting to the waist then an A-line to mid-thigh, made by Noi. Jian tearing up as she held it against herself.

Catherine gave my hand a squeeze. I passed over a Cho-Fay handkerchief for Jian.

I got another kiss from Jian.

Catherine and Andrea both got several sets of new born onesies plus matching cotton cardigans and caps.

Cute with bunnies on them! Hugs from them.

With Laurel's help I am ready to do my fairy dust spreading around the ladies in the room. Chani is coming along.

Cho with Charlie is going about handing out gifts for the men. Lucas helping. For the golfers, which is most all of them, a bag of tees with their name on the shaft, two dozen Titleist ProV1 balls with their names, several pairs of Callaway OptiColor Leather Gloves and a silver ball marker for the green with their name on the flat top. And more.

Kha, Ting's dad smiling holding his collections of gifts. Ting joking his dad saying he looked like a lottery winner. I am glad Kha and Ploy are here... one of the benefits to having our friends in Culham Manor... we are drawing more family close.

One gift I got for Cho to deliver is one of the Bluetooth cameras for Reg and his HO gauge railroad in their cellar. Make movies! I would have ordered a step ladder as I did for Cho and Chou but Rona did some measuring... there is not enough room for it.

For the ladies...

Stoles and scarves, beautiful ones from Hermès mated with brooches and pins. All picked with an individual in mind.

Kay... a late arriving gift... a set of sleepwear... a tiny cutoff white silk and lace sleeveless top with ONE button on the front and a small pair of teddy pants in the same white lace and silk. She held them up to whistles and sounds of encouragement. Sunny clapping. Greg's head shaking.

A sea blue stole from Hermès, a gold stickpin with an eagle's head with a ruby eye. A pair of Draper's of Glastonbury ankle height shearling slippers.

Anong... sweet face looking down at her scarves across her lap... four in different colours all from Hermès. Beautiful blues, yellows and red across her lap! Two stickpins, a gold sun on one, a silver moon on the other. A cashmere stole in brilliant sea blue with silver tassels. Anong wrapped it around her shoulders... the colour perfect for her.

Suki smiling at her two new bikinis with matching halter après-swim frocks and flip-flops. A brilliant yellow cashmere jumper and a cornflower blue butterfly pin. A pair of Draper's shearling ankle high slippers.

Suki coddled the jumper against her skin... soft! A big thank you.

Catherine smiling holding up the scarlet and black stole, a big arrow pin for it in silver. A knit hat and scarf in the same red! Ankle high Uggs for her... they brought smiles!

Andrea open her first box... a yellow and navy scarf and knit hat combination. A gold bird in flight pin for the scarf. Then a silk padded throw in navy for her lap and legs for siting in her office and a pair of shearing ankle high slippers from Draper's of Glastonbury..

Rona smiling holding a black and white checked stole with a diamond silver stickpin. Ankle high Uggs.

Four Hermès scarves, red, black, white and navy, a round gold snap closing holder to slide up on the scarf ends.

Malee's eyes wet after seeing her gifts! A midnight blue stole with little silver stars! A half-moon silver pin.

Uggs for her, ankle high. A charm bracelet with a dangling charm... `Anne.' A note saying when their son emerges a new charm will also arrive. A big hug!

Kanda a royal blue and bright yellow stole with a crescent moon pin in silver. Silver moon earrings to match. A necklace in gold... a series of concentric loops to rest on her décolletage.

Kanda kissed me with an emotional thank you.

Ting's mother, Ploy, got a cashmere cardigan, pure white with small yellow flowers on the collar. The beautiful brilliant green and turquoise of the Asian Green Bee-Eater in a gold cloisonné pin will bounce from the cardigan's white! A gold locket with Caroline inside... room for the little boys when they decide to show up.

Such a beautiful face filled with a smile. A kiss for her cheek.

Phailin watching me bear down on her again after the first go `round... she is wearing her royal blue stole, the gold sun pin holding it close... a small box... she smiled lifting out the charm... Phailin held it up for all to see... Anurak!

Somsak held up the very one... we all cheered!

Anurak holding the little brown bear he got from Uncle Cho and Aunt Fay! A huge grin on his cute face!

Tha smiling as she opened her gift box to find a forest green stole and gold stickpin ... a lightning bolt. She wrapped it around her shoulders... rubbing a cheek against the cashmere... soft!

A gold butterfly pin with iridescent cloisonné green inlay.

A new iPad and iPhone. Max memory and really good cases! A pair of Sony noise-cancelling Bluetooth headphones! Code numbers for two hundred £'s on iTunes.

Delphine's first Christmas with us! A red and gray cashmere stole and silver pin shaped like a bird on tree limb, it has an emerald eye. A silver necklace of six thick strands hanging consecutively.

She also received a new iPad and iPhone. The code numbers made her smile. The same headphones Tha received.

Both of our very important ladies received bonuses... They were shocked when we told them in the Library last night. Cho smiling made it plain they were essential to our household functioning well just like Gil and Chelle who were sitting holding hands after finding what their bonuses were... astounded also.

Jaidee's gift... a dozen tennis balls, several rubber chew things and a bag of eatable chew bits.

Tasa received a selection of tennis balls, a rubber bone and the same bag of chewables.

Mr. Hardy the last last gift... a bit of a gag and I hope useful. Everyone watching as he unwrapped it. A fancy wrist supporter. Loud laughs. He thanked us... it would be put to use next month when his book tour re-commenced!

Our inside staff joined us! We had Christmas gifts for them. The same iPhone and iPad distribution as the other staff. The one hundred £ code numbers. The five hundred £ cheques brought out big smiles.

A Victorinox I.N.O.X. watch for each, different colours and types to pick from.

The four of us giving the gifts shaking hands or fist bumps and hugs.

Our guests clapping!

Carter and the other department heads all had their bonuses. We were thanked again.

Luncheon in the Dining Room. Carla's cheddar soup delicious, buffet of things to make sandwiches. Salads. Christmas cookies, stollen, fruitcake spread out on a sideboard.

I loved watching our daughter eating a cookie... she is biting the head of red nosed reindeer! Charlie chomped the head of a Father Christmas!

All the kids dressed warmly were rampaging across the Garden with Jaidee and Tasa. Cho tossed Charlie's new ball to him... he and Artie booting it around... Sam joined them.

Andrea and Catherine stayed inside... they got tea.

Parents dressed up to go out... then the Garden big play toys got used. I was on the Terrace with Montaigan and Sir Alan. They were grinning at all the action.

"Its non-stop here."

They laughed.

Little Tasa trying to get a grip on Charlie's football made us all laugh. Charlie got it from her to boot to Artie onto Sam then Charlie... a sort of keep-away game with Tasa rushing around.

Cho did get them to stop before Tasa is worn out. A tennis ball is good! Off she went chasing Cho's toss.

My phone making noises... a call from Francis. I stepped back inside.

"Happy Christmas to New York!"

"Fay, we are all happy here. We hope you are doing as well. Wesley is in his mother's arms blowing bubbles and waving his arms.

Thank you for the gifts... we waited until this morning to open them.

Wesley likes the little bear. Ali is blown away by your necklace, bracelet and earring set. Now we have to find somewhere for her to go dressed up to wear them."

"Remind her diamonds are a girl's best friend."

Laughter... more in the background when Francis passed along that bon mot.

"Fay, the sword... you two always find something exotic as gifts. It is on our mantel."

"Well you are our rapier so it is apropos. It's a Seventeenth Century do-dad so don't put in it a boot sale."

"Seventeenth Century? I do hope its age has no reflection myself?"



"I'm wearing the watch... thanks again it is a handsome thing."

"You are very welcome!"

I told him what the scene is here... we laughed about the appearance of chaos.

They are naturally staying close to their flat... an almost two month old doesn't need to be out in a wintery New York City.

We rang off with love.

Emails from Bangkok!

Lawan and Thang thrilled with the box of unusual and rare film noir movies! Many thanks!

I replied with `break out the popcorn and Enjoy!'

Ni and Kavnu!

Ni loved the pin and silk Hermès scarves we sent. I sent something cute and sexy... a pink sleeveless, cutoff cashmere top. Ni really liked it, she is going to pair it with short shorts!

Kavnu a big iPad, their boys smaller iPads. I queried Ni about those tech toys... she said the boys were sharing a iMac desktop. Okay now they were cordless. Ni setup connections to the house colour printer.

Reyna and Thet! They thanked us for the gifts. A darling plush brown dog toy for Krai... he loves it!! Thet had begun playing golf... Cho's influence. He got the same collection of goodies the men here received. Reyna was sent a red cashmere stole and a diamond circle pin for it. Hermès scarves in several colours. A silver band for her wrist with Krai and Thet's names engraved.

They are a happy couple!

I could see Cho rounding up the folks... large and small. Quite a mob scene in the Breakfast Room for walnut molasses cookies and hot chocolates! Carla's staff made the hot chocolate by the gallon... our machine would never be able to cope with the demand.

Lots of chewing going on! Smiles!

I had been upstairs briefly to put a couple of items in Cho's Dressing Room... more Terre and a box of refills for the Mont Blanc pens. He'd see them soon.

Chou called Cho's phone... Many thanks for the little camera and step ladder. Cho passed me the phone... Millie sent her thanks and love for the beautiful Cloisonné necklace and bracelet pair... the greens and blues were fabulous. She adored the Hermès scarves and the pin gorgeous!!

The scanner is very welcome. She had said she wanted to get all the boys baby photos in digital format so... now time for the work! Millie laughed at that.

Love to them!

Most everyone wanted to be in on the Stables tour.

I had changed to red jeans, the white knitted jacket from Seattle, over a sleeveless red t-shirt. I am wearing the Hermès brown loafers, I carried heavy socks to go into wellies.

We walked down and I encouraged folks to put some mints in their pockets. The big people could go into paddocks the babies touching through the fence or from on top.

Huge laughter as Asda `searched' me for a mint. He found one, I handed it over enjoying seeing him chew it happily as the crowd cheered. Hathai got one too.

All the beautiful horses... they love our attention. Iris is surrounded by babies, treats and a happy many handed grooming session. The Twins doing some `training' of their friends.

We told the Culham crowd we would get a pony for Caroline and the `boys to come' if they wanted. They all looked at each other... nodding. Ting said yes. Okay.

I asked Gregory to do a search for a nice pony. A thumbs up.

The baby horde moved upstairs to have fun in the Nursery. Adults did drinks.

I am beside Montaigan.

"Fay, Secret Royal looks like a runner already."

"He does, lanky but he isn't as gawky as others his age. He is spending time on the track... nothing serious... just running on a lead getting him to feel comfortable."

Graeme and Craig sat opposite.

At their grinning request I promised to keep them up-to-date on the prodigy's training so they could put a fiver on him later.

I said put in the bank and let it draw interest because it's a year and half before he goes racing.

I got thumbs up to a laugh from Montaigan.

Fin brought me a new Campari and Soda... the piece of twisted lemon rind in the red mixture. I loved seeing those colours together!

He got a thank you.

I wandered talking to everyone... Phailin linked her arm to mine...

"Fay, I was watching your stables people... they are so loving to the horses."

"We have an excellent staff. They do love animals... treating them like people in best way that means."

She met Pat last year, seeing him again reminded her of how he was with the horses when she first saw him. I told her the story of his coming to work for us.

Smiles, "You! What a way to reward a fellow... breakfast in bed!"

"Now he is married with a son on the way living over on Harcourt Close. His wife you met... Diana, the woman who looks a lot like me..?"

"Oh yes. You do look alike."

"They courted while working... married in summer in the Garden with Cho giving her away."

"A nice story! As a couple many nice things happen around you."

"We hope it radiates from our own love."

A squeeze.

Sunny coming in her `work' clothes, Artie and Sam had been watching their sister. They heard about the London International Horse Show and Sunny winning the showjumping so they wanted to see more of her on a horse.

Sunny stopped to stay with her grandmother for a bit as I wandered further.

Eric and I together on a settee. Malee is upstairs with the kids.

I asked... Eric smiling, "Ba's little family is doing very well. Their son growing nicely, he's a cute kid. Pinky doing well at school. Ba helping our housekeeper and she acts as cook when our regular has days off... we get down home Bangkok Thai cooking each a week!"

We laughed, "A good deal for you! And the joiner?"

"He's working for an excellent company that does finishing work for general contractors. He's earning well... putting money away for the children's education and a nest egg for a house."

"Good. He seemed a nice fellow."

"He and Ba love each other... its shows. Pinky is his daughter for sure. Soon legally, formal adoption papers are filed. He does things with her, giving her a lot of time. He taught her to ride a bike recently. Pinky and Anne do things together... around the house and they go on days out in the city with with Ba and Malee."

I am smiling... Eric looking... "I am thinking about how Ba ended up here... then with you and how it has all come together very neatly."

Eric grinning, "Malee and I were talking about it all the other day. How you introduced us!"

"Yes but your suave charm did the rest."

Eric laughed out loud! "Fay, I have never been called suave before."

"Well you rushed Malee off her feet! In a matter of hours you two were joined at the hip."

"True... it was more we both needed someone in our lives and happen to find in each other that very loving person we needed."

"You are lucky you had me as your `Yente' otherwise it would have taken years."

My giggling made Eric laugh more.

A kiss for his cheek.

Dee and I together.

"Your husband is quite funny when he gets going on a story."

I gave her a cocked head look with a raised right eyebrow.

"Some golf stories he was telling Craig and I. He has a bit of fun humbling a new course... shocking people."

`Well we will see if our son has the same super-natural abilities."

"Charlie is the biggest two and half year old I have ever seen or heard of."

"We do hope there is some sort of levelling off because at this rate he'll be twelve feet tall. The cost of the clothes!!" Eyes rolling shaking my head.

Laughter and fist bumps!

"Graeme started off as a big fellow then it caught up to him... six feet is a good size for a man."

"I love Graeme in his khakis and I am glad he doffs them here to relax. He hasn't come out to ride lately."

"Fay there is an excellent reason for that which Graeme will have to be the one to tell you about not me."

"Okay be cryptic. I am now expecting something big from him."

Dee's head shaking, "It is big!"

An email pinged in with the ringtone of my House of Lords account. The Duke of Wellington responding. Christmas Day?

I remember Argyle saying he seemed to be leaning to quit the tories. An issue like the water supply was totally cocked up by the tories!

He said he would like to meet... he'll contact Dascom and see if we can talk as a threesome... maybe the morning before the House reconvenes??

I replied that is fine with me.

Dee smiling, "The Duke of Wellington! My we do have elevated correspondents."

Laughing, "It is about water and the sorry state of the various water boards. The Duke is very involved in the subject. A colleague Lord Dascom has gotten me interested. I want to re-nationalise them all right away before they cause an epidemic with their shoddy methods and grifting attitudes."

"Ours seems to be doing Okay. No bad events... that is if they are telling the truth."

"That is the problem... by and large the current management groups across the country are a pack of liars. Poisoning the water and telling porkies about their work."

Dee smiling, "You get into many things... we read news items all the time... some of our neighbours ask... of course we don't know much so..." Dee shrugged.

I squeezed her hand.

"Sometimes we cannot anticipate where events might lead."

Whoa! The kids arrived in anticipation of dinner. Happy faces running around grabbing at mamas and popas. Chani in my lap, a huge grin. Tickling... giggles.

Their timing excellent.

Carter at the doors...

Tonight's dinner... savouries, vegetarian onion soup with a layer of Parmesan on top, today's main course is grilled plaice, shrimp risotto, steamed broccoli under Hollandaise sauce.

Very tasty!

Dessert... something for Artie... Cherries Jubilee! Artie clapping as the flaming plate was put in front of him. The babies all had a tiny bit of kirshwasser... all burned away.

Spoons very busy!!

Carter serving a Hidalgo Amontillado sherry! Me like this!!

Afters in the Great Room. We did all our drinks sending the staff off for the rest of the evening.

The Twins wanted to watch a movie... Carter2 went into the Game Room with the Twins, Artie and Sam. In a few minutes Carter2 came over to me...

"M'Lady, I started the movie they chose. It is an excellent movie with no bad language or nudity..."

He hesitated... I motioned him on...

"It has a very serious subject... It is `Sapphire' by Basil Dearden."

I smiled, "Carter it is fine. Go on... have your time off."

He bowed.

Dad next to me looked...

"It is about racism in England in the late 1950's. It is a superb movie... beautifully shot, top notch acting with a solid story that is all too accurate."

Smiling more broadly... "I'll ask later but I would bet it is a Chani choice."

I explained about the Nancy Drew book Chani had finished and her wondering why people would be unkind to others merely because they looked different.

"Charlie finished reading Animal Farm. He said it was a sad ending... no hope ordinary people."

Dad's head shaking, "What is the world going to do... you and Cho are much more than anyone can handle... now there are copies of you who might be even superior?"

We laughed and fist bumped!

A few of the men went out to smoke cigars. Phillips had put up the windscreen on the Terrace in case. Cho didn't!

I went downstairs... a little bird told me the game is approaching a climatic event.

I arrived at the door as Greg threw a tea towel in the air... much laughter and handshaking by the Germans. Handshakes all around. I am clapping for the Germans success. I leaned over the map board...

All the industrial facilities were captured, the downtown too, the Russian supply base on the opposite side of the Volga destroyed and the Russian artillery nearby likewise.

So holding the city was not possible.

I put my arm around Greg as he shook Spencer's hand.

"Spencer, your attack into the city centre did us in. Well done!"

Spencer smiling, in quiet way thanked Greg.

"Greg, I thought you might stop me... a couple of good die rolls got me going."

Me, "So gentlemen... why don't you leave it as it is until tomorrow and go home to your families?"

They agreed.

I shook their hands.

Mr. Hardy smiling when I said, "You do very well if you are not playing against me."

We laughed.

"I suppose I'm better at strategy than tactics?"

"No you directed Spencer... that went off quite well."

"Maybe then its just you?"

More laughter.

Greg walked up with me. I took his hand to escort him over to Kay...

"Kay, I found this stray downstairs..."

Everyone laughed. Kay stood up to hug him. Sunny too.

"Where are the boys?"

I said they are watching a movie with the Twins.

Greg told Montaigan the outcome of the game.

Montaigan commiserated with him. "It is only paper after all."

Greg grinned, "True but some mental effort went into it."

Montaigan said that is a fair comment.

Sunny headed off to hers. Hugged and kissed!!

The Culham crowd thanked us for a great day. Kisses for them. Tasa so dainty and sweet in her red coat. Caroline with her lead.

We waved them away... their cars loaded with gifts.

Talking with Dee, Doc and Rona. The shelters in Scotland were described for Dee and how Angus is such a natural leader. Operations in Scotland ticking over beautifully.

Kanda, Phailin and Malee together speaking in Thai about Malee's clothes buying. What she liked and what designers were doing ordinary women could wear.

Malee pointed over to me saying Mirabelle had hit a sweet spot for women especially working ladies. A fist in the air by me. Laughter!

By the fire sitting beside Jaidee. MFA and Anne working on his warm body with Suki. Bliss for him!

We took the girls up to bed... our two went on with the movie. Tha said it had about twenty minutes to run. Fine... let them watch it through.

Tha going up to prepare for the night.

I walked up with Kanda and Phailin, hugs on the landing. I slipped into bed with a book `Behemoth' and Jaidee. He is still warm from the fire.

Email... Delphine, Yvonne and Gaby's flight delivered them to their families.

Cho came up with the Twins. They came in to say goodnights.

"Mama we liked the movie."

I asked Chani if it was her choice... "Yes Mama. After Nancy Drew we are interested in why people think some people not like them... "

Charlie finished with, "... should be treated differently. I got that from Orwell."

Chani looked to Charlie, "Irrational... right?"

Charlie nodded.

"People like the daughter who killed Sapphire hate irrationally?"

I am smiling holding their hands, Cho behind with a broad smile...

"Often people like her do not ever think about why they hate. Sometimes its because their parents hate... so it builds up through generations in families.

It is very difficult to stop. Proper education is the only way."

Fist bumps for them. Kisses.

Cho took them to the Nursery. Tha waiting.

Cho lying on top! Some very nice sex had occurred! Very nice! My favourite penis now soft pressing against me. My fingers sliding through dark soft curly hair... lips on mine... I raised my legs to cross ankles above Cho's lower back... SQUEEZE!

A very pleased look on that handsome face. I am glad to be the cause of that!!

"Thank you Sir for the donation of your signature."

We bounced from the laughing!

I eased Cho's head onto my shoulder... one hand stroking his back I kept the other in that HAIR!

I kissed the top of his head... not even a hint of gray!

We unwound lying against each other kissing... I said I might take out my nipple bars. Cho stroked them, "They are your titties... you choose... just one thing..."

I said accented properly, "Wot?"

A grin for that, "Please do not make them bigger."

"Oh no! You do not have to worry about that. I understand the need in some women to do that... that is not in me. My hormones are doing a fine job don't you think?"

I arced up showing off my boobs... Cho laughed stroking them.

I placed Cho's hand between my legs, "This was necessary... nothing more."

I was squeezed and kissed.

It is Cho's turn to go for the water... I did a quick wash up.

Sipping cool water under the bed clothes...Cho's eyes motioned towards the very watchful face in the dog bed.

I smiled and nodded. We kissed and made a space in between us... my hand smoothing the duvet... that put our puppy on high alert... Cho did a single finger come-on gesture... seventy pounds of Labrador landed with a whoosh!

That Choco body getting rubbed straightaway... tongue lolling out. This is puppy has been rubbed way beyond normal and is loving it! We did until he looked comatose...

I gave him a kiss before Cho carried the limp boy to his bed. Cho climbing up next to me a big grin.

"The Twins strike again! Irrational!" Cho kissed me, "You did a very nice explanation... not thinking just accepting... I do not have a cue why anyone would do that beyond the force of their parent's will."

"That's where education comes in but it often neglected or discouraged to avoid inflaming the parents. Schools should not molly-coddle adult bigots. They should educate the children to see the possibilities in all people."

Another kiss!

On my side, Cho on my back... sleep!

Pale gray jodhpurs, a short dark gray vest a matching dark gray bolero jacket, black tall boots, a black Spanish equestrian hat... smiling face going down the stairs with Jaidee. He has recovered from his over-load of rubbing quite well. Big tail wagging.

Face down in his crunchies after a Kitchen Garden visit. Me doing scones and coffee.

At the Stables office Andy smiling as I `pay' my fee... one horse... one scone. Tessa and Tara smiling too. I got a knee up and we are off.

Roland and Plotline running with Pamela.

At the lock my usual's there, waves, hellos and a Happy Boxing Day.

On the west side of the river we followed the Thames Path northward. Quiet... nothing moving... just us. Past the Carmichael's a good run to the Boatyard. I am glad to see the wood thieves narrow boat gone... no further responsibility for us.

We headed left near the Industrial Estate so I could see the Yurts. Several cars, two motorcycles and a minibus parked. Looking at the space... We walked between the Recording Studio and the new car repair building. We entered the studio... Celeste at the desk... early?

She stood up... I asked after waving her back in the chair... she is doing accounting for the year end. Ah... fun.

Tab came out. We shook hands...

"Thank you and Sir Cho for my bonus."

"Well thank you for another big year! Forty percent rise in revenue is rather good."

A laugh, "We are fully booked until the first week of December. The Yurts..." Tab motioned to Celeste who handed her a slip of paper, "... the yurts are booked solid until the end of November."

"Time to add more... we have the room."

"It would be good if possible. We have had to send some people to other local places for rooms."

"I'll tell Carter2 when I am back to the house."

I walked through to Lotte's. Several fellows sitting by the fire with hot drinks and food... they saw me and stood... I thanked them waving them to sit.

Lotte said all is good for her. Her café drawing folks from all over. Excellent!

We led our horses to the small bridge then to the lock. Lyle waving. I said the Twins going to sent Lindsay a thank you note.

He smiled, "She would be very pleased."

We remounted and waved to him. At Mr. Hardy's a head appeared. He is coming up to close out the game. I congratulated him again for being the German commander. A smile.

Our horses saw the south gate... noises... they are ready... out the gate we asked they were off... a quick trot...a fast canter... a full on gallop to the Flats.

Going up the lane we passed Diana on Heather as she walked Secret Royal down to the track. She leaned over to fist bump... grinning. Freddie behind her with Aroon and Notre Noir. Fist bump!

Monty and Pat waiting. They got that `more walking' is needed.

In the Breakfast Room I am alone... not for long. Greg came in. He's smiling.

"Yes I'm the losing chief but it was fun! We all learned a new game system. Time to clean up."

He got some eggs, potatoes and sat next to me. Fin deposited a toast rack for him.

Greg looked over to my bread plate... "Any strawberry preserves left?"

I gave him an elbow... a very fake `ow!' I passed him the preserves jar.

Gil came in holding her iPad up... everyone scheduled to be here on the 28th is ready to fly. Also she had done a test with Daria and Pedro using the Conference App. They were a `go.' My thanks.

I asked Carter2 to sit for a few minutes. He seemed a bit uneasy about it.

His head nodding as I asked him to add more yurts.

"M'Lady, there is space enough to double the number... do you want to go there?"

"Yes absolutely. They'll be able to link to the current water, sewer and power?"

"Yes M'Lady. Plenty of capacity on all three."

Fist bump!

Carter2 almost got run over at the door by the Twins. My heart warmed when they stopped to apologise for rushing into him. Carter2 bowed and said thank you for their words.

I parked Chani in her seat then did Charlie. Tha started on plates, I helped. The Twins happily eating when Popa arrived. Cho beside me laughing about Carter2 being rundown and the end. A kiss for them being well-mannered.

Golf this morning, lunch at the club. I gave Cho the weather report, light overcast, no wind, no rain, not very chilly.

The golfers and their ladies came in to eat. Smiles!

The ladies going into Oxford with Gil and Chelle

Caroline and Tasa came over for play time in the Nursery. Ting dropped them and sat for a bit with coffee before golf.

Me in the Library... several hours of work.

Some dedicated Lords working on holidays! Dascom replied to the Duke's email with his willingness to meet. I was included. Okay

He added he has been sending emails to colleagues in the House and Commons members doing as I suggested using the `They are poisoning us and we are paying for it' line.

I sent a reply to both... The duke chimed in a few minutes later saying it is a wonderful tag line.

I sent an email to Mac saying we should carve out a few minutes when he is here to talk about it.

Stanton at the door with a coffee tray. I `blessed' him... he managed not to burst out laughing. A big grin on his way out.

I emailed Taj thanking him fighting our side but the Indians needed to do what they feel is best for them. I included our assessment they would be back to us within six months.

He replied shortly with a smiley face, agreeing it is likely. He sent snaps of the SolarToGo plant construction in southwest Tehran... it is going on at full speed.

I knew how it is going because Lamai is a great communicator. I have video shot inside... amazing progress. She said the Isfahan plant was not as far along because some materials had not arrived when scheduled but it was close to the timeline for completion.

I did calls and email, read some reports on paper... we are still killing too many trees!

Mason had visited the possible locations for Mirabelle manufacturing. He was clear the Manchester one and London's East End were by far the best choices. His reports are thorough. I replied for him to buy both and notify New York when they will close.

I emailed Coral and Raphaela with the news saying I would try to have a look at both. I asked Raphaela to put Mavis on ordering the big equipment bits for the two sites, materials and such.

I said I am putting Clare on the hiring of managers. In a separate message to Raphaela I asked her to be ready to travel to here.

Raphaela is back quickly. She reminded me now we have a general manager, Edith, for Mirabelle East so it is off her shoulders. Travel is easier now.

Mirabelle's expansion for 2019 is audacious... our success to date is the engine behind the decision. Every store is a triumph, sales numbers the envy of the industry. We have attracted a lot of press notice... our clothes, the stores looked appealing and the staff being raved about.

Positive press coverage is always nice... we aren't spending a great deal on advertising... the campaign is subtle, low-key and targeted carefully. Margeaux in Europe and Granger in America working together have done a awesome job bringing in customers. Our sales numbers show that!

Everything validating our clothes appeal to a wide spectrum of women!! Working women especially!!

The Manager-In-Training plan going ahead full speed. We have twelve in the programme now working in stores in America and Europe. One Kanokwan from Bangkok is in Los Angeles at Mila's Rodeo Drive store. Kano was hired with Tala's help. It shows how we can co-operate across companies using Tala from the Chanthira Foundation, paying for her time.

We want Kano to open the Bangkok store at the end of October.

Being a private company we did not disclose much financial data... our accountants saw it and were impressed.

Mason also had news about Long Wittenham... we own the land at the east end of the village. Time to talk with the Pendon folks to see if they'd like to move to bigger quarters.

Maybe we should all go... Chani and Charlie would love to watch the trains go around the stunning Vale of White Horse layout. I'll make a start so another trip can be about the trains.

Sipping coffee I leaned back with my iPad to look at some of our newspapers. In America Gun Control is on every front page! The articles having a local perspective of the terrible loss families suffer through gun violence. Interviews, statistics, pictures painting an ugly scene... which is the unfortunate reality!

The damage a bullet from a semi-automatic rifle can do is portrayed vividly without having to display the gore. Doctors saying how difficult it is to restore the living victims to health and how quickly death comes to those hit by bullets from such high velocity weapons as AR-15's.

Our editorial pages saying gun owners need not fear their weapons being taken away if they are used in a proper manner. Being responsible is reiterated as part of good citizenship. If our readers want America to be the great country it claims to be they have to follow the laws passed by their elected representatives. The ballot box is where to change the nation's course not on a street with an AR-15.

I know Cho will be as pleased as me.

Several laws have been proposed in Congress to curb gun sales and severely tighten the buying and selling of all types of firearms. Background checks being more thorough and a much longer waiting time before a gun purchased can be picked up are definitely included.

The Federal government taking over background checks, `straw buyers' will be spotted quickly through frequency of checks on their purchases, they will be investigated for their buying patterns. And they'll have to account for every weapon they buy. Acting as such a buyer will be criminalised as a major Federal felony with heavy gaol terms, confiscation of property and huge fines.

Also Federal control on gun permits crossing state lines. No more automatically accepting what another state allows especially involving concealed weapons carry. Federal gaol time for offenders.

Movement is good... still too slow. And too timid! Assault guns need to be gone! No sales and a buy-back programme.

We are hoping the press attention rises the level of activity in Congress!!

I emailed American NewsGroup editors and publishers to thank them for their efforts and to keep the pressure on!

Gil left me a note about the old soldier in Alness whose friend who needed help. It wasn't crucial to life but a long overdue honour that should be approved and given. The local MP is involved now so we'll see what happens. The fellow sacrificed to serve the least we can do is give him his honours due.

An email from Adam to Cho I am CC'd on... he would like to take advantage of Cho's offer of breeding visits by a few of his mares to Glaa or Asda. I knew they had discussed it also Cho had made the same offer to Sir Harry.

The first visit is proposed for next month.

It will be interesting to see in a few years what might come from joining our stallion's pedigrees with Sir Harry and Adam's equestrian eventing stock. A lot of power in our guys combined with smarts! It will take longer because a good `Eventing' horse is usually eight or nine years old before top-flight competition.

Cecil, Alexander and Barry were all bringing mares to our stallions in the next few months.

The Queen's mares coming soon.

Montaigan and Sir Alan joined me for coffee. They'd been downstairs talking with the gamers. Sir Alan had to forgo golf with an ankle bothering him I got Carter2 to get ankle brace for Sir Alan from our storage.

Montaigan, "Fay, they are fascinated with tactics. I said they ought to play one of their games at the strategic level to get a feel for command.' We were shown a game you bought for them War in the West.' It looked like what I suggested... I believe they are considering it."

"What you saw me participate in last year was a scenario of War in the East' a massive game that combined tactics at the operational level and strategy. The War in the West' is the companion. I think they will get going on it although I would recommend they try smaller strategic ones for a bit to widen their scope of knowledge and faster play."

Sir Alan, "They are dedicated... no doubt."

Fist bump.

Me, "I do love the history in wargaming. I think my father thought it might get me to join up...it didn't. The life I led as a boy... I did not want anyone else to experience. My father and later my mother chose their work over me which did me no good."

Sir Alan, "That is why I never married. The peripatetic lifestyle should be chosen not imposed."

Montaigan, "My wife and I decided she would remain in Paris for our son's and her normal life... I did all the travelling, living solo."

Me, "Hard on both of you."

"Yes but good for our son. When he chose to go to St. Cyr I was pleased. It was our family tradition but I never pressured him. He knew I had moved about for duty assignments... not being around much... nothing concealed from him... open eyes... he went on."

Sir Alan, "Serving one's country is always a difficult decision... it can narrow your life."

Smiling, "You two are examples of men who did just that but did not shrink inward. Conversations with you are always fun and enlightening simply because you are probably not ordinary military men.

I met another career soldier... a U.S. Army officer, a retired general, a bad night for air travel... stuck in an airport no where to go. We had a long talk... many different subjects... like you he was a professional soldier. Widely read with a curious mind and a vast experience of duty in several wars and the armed peacetime of the Cold War around the world."

Shaking my head, "He did things he did not like... actions he did not regret but they left a mark. He served during World War II as a young officer in the Pacific. He commanded an infantry company at age twenty... " Raised eyebrows on my companions, "... The First Filipino Infantry Regiment recruited from Filipinos in America after the Pearl harbour attack when the Philippines was also bombed then invaded.

They fought in New Guinea for a long period and the Philippines on the islands of Leyte and Samar. Scouting and mopping up operations."

I could see their faces... they were getting it.... not the easiest or most pleasant work.

"On Leyte he led a patrol one day entering a village to see a row of dead bodies... hacked to death by the retreating Japanese. Nuns and a priest among the dead. The village in turmoil!

One fellow in his company had family there and knew the land... The American took a small group... using a route unknown to the Japanese got ahead of them to set an ambush. They wiped out the Japanese force.

They wanted to take back a token for the villagers to see their dead had been avenged. They were more than three times as many Japanese dead as he had soldiers... impossible to carry the bodies to the village. They cut the heads off the officers and took what the Japanese had stolen from the village.

The villagers were pleased, full of admiration for the feat. The soldiers were given gifts. The young officer was given a bolo knife handmade in the village with the date freshly inscribed on the back of the wooden sheath.

His head shaking remembering... he did admit he still had the knife. He had worn it on his belt opposite his .45 cal revolver for the remainder of the war."

Montaigan, "Fay, wars are replete with such stories. Men do things they abhor by necessity. It is why PTSD exists... physical scars are easier to deal with."

Sir Alan, "Your companion went on... surviving, fighting and killing becomes automatic in combat. Later reflection is when we pay."

"My airport friend was highly decorated... he received a medal for leading his company in that operation... I think the award description always bothered him... it was given for successful actions against the enemy where his company killed three hundred and eighty seven Japanese at no lost to themselves."

Both of men had shaking heads.

Montaigan, "Fay, the dry prose of such documents can be disturbing... the context is missing. The humid jungle battlefield... the blood... the dead... the need to get on with the fighting are lost. The bare numbers..."

He shrugged.

Sir Alan smiling at Montaigan, "Your storyteller's success became a burden for him unlike shell-shock which is so overwhelming for the person at the time... his came later."

Me, "He didn't have to say... alcohol was his likely salve. Until his son was old enough to understand he had no one to share his stories with."

More head shaking... they knew.

Carter at the doors... luncheon.

We blew away the darkness with many small lively people! Carla's marvellous soup and grilled salmon cakes with a Caesar salad making us all happy.

In the Great Room afterwards I watched the young crowd dress for the weather... Montaigan and Sir Alan going out with them. Tha smiling as the last hat went into place.

Charlie, Chani, MFA, Anne, Caroline, Sam rushing out with Jaidee and Tasa. Liam and Kas joined them.

Standing as the big windows closed behind them Audra beside me.

"Fay, it is wonderful to see them romp."

Nodding, "They'll burn off some battery, recharge ready for dinner and whatever after that."

We laughed.

Liam getting his feet couldn't go to do all these things yet. Kas is walking and running but not at the speed of the others. They both enjoyed being able to slide and ride the merry-go-`round.

I went back to work before I took a break for riding.

Dressed for a ride I said goodbye to the mob in the Garden. I saw an icky well used tennis ball... One of Phillips fellows smiling said he'd retire it. A thumbs up and a thank you from me.

Rebel itching to go! Tara on Gough, Tessa with Geo... we went south then east to cross the Abingdon Road. Over the river passing the Barley Mow Pub we rode at a fast canter beside the High Street towards the new property.

We entered a farm yard that is north of the new property... A fellow looking at us... not nicely. I asked for the owner. The fellow called out... A stout man came out of a barn, a florid face, a big yellow moustache.

"Whoever you are we don't want anyone posh here."

Another fellow came out of the barn with a shotgun over his arm... it is rising! Tara's quickdraw much faster than his reactions...

"Lay it down NOW!"

The shotgun on the ground... he stepped back and laid facedown on the dirt as Tara demanded.

Tessa's Glock aimed at the big fellow's stomach... his hands came up when she told him. HUGE EYES!

The first fellow we met standing back... empty hands... he laid down beside the other after Tara's command.

I had a look around... no one else. I asked... the big guy... only his wife daughter were here. He called them out on my demand. They were shocked to find the family at gun point.

I told the family who I am... that did not make their day any better.

"Why the harsh reaction we walked in peacefully?"

I was told they had a home invasion ten days ago. Mr. Abernathy said they were robbed of part of a valuable gun collection.

I waved to the shotgun... it had been in the barn.

I motioned to him to lower his arms. I told him to lift the gun and break it open. He unloaded then laid it down again.

I told the two facedown men to stand up.

My pair's guns down but not holstered.

"Mr. Abernathy do we pose a threat? Three riders? Did the thieves arrive on horses?"

"No M'Lady, we are worried the men might come back. We overacted... you took us by surprise. Please accept my apologises!"

"Why would they come back? You have more guns?"

"Yes, Ma'am, in a safe. Only our daughter was home at the time she doesn't know the combination."

I pointed to him... "Your comment about posh not wanted?"

"M'Lady, the men were masked but they talked very posh my daughter said."

"Did Thames Valley Police come?"

"Yes, M'Lady. They took pictures and interviewed our Cassandra. Besides the masks... they wore gloves and dark glasses. The police doubted they would ever catch them."

"You had serial numbers and all?"

"The police have everything. Many are too old for serial numbers. Several over three hundred years old."

"Sorry for your loss. Insurance?"

"Thank you, Ma'am... insurance... Yes... you know that is only money."

I nodded.

Glocks put away.

"So you know you may be seeing more of me. I ride this way often... Plus we purchased the land adjacent to your south."

"The ten acres?"

"Yes, we have plans for the property. There may be some construction.

So you know we are good neighbours and we have a high security consciousness.

Tessa and Tara are part of our protection team. They are very good at their jobs."

He nodded to them.

"Your man there came close to being hurt. I am glad nothing happened... we want to be friendly."

Mr. Abernathy introduced his family, the two sons and Cas their daughter. His wife Hedda, a very nice smile.

I asked they had ever been to the Pendon Museum?

The shotgun toting son said he helped build some of the houses with a friend who volunteers there.

Mr. Abernathy told me they were friends with many of the volunteers who are local. They have been in the museum many times.

They got we gave the museum some money. They hadn't heard. No surprise the museum contacted us to say they were going make an announcement after the Christmas holidays.

I did say when the work is done next door there would be a security perimeter around the site.

"Call the Harcourt House published number and ask for Yone. He is the head of the estate security. Talk with him about being part of the security perimeter.

There are trade-offs... you would have to follow some rules and be willing to use the security devices we will provide at no charge. Nothing drastic but still different from how you do things now."

"M'Lady, " he looked at his family, "... I we will seriously think about it."


I moved Rebel forward and leaned down to shake Mr. Abernathy's hand. I did the same for the whole family.

Mr. Abernathy apologised again.

I said we will forget it all.

"Can we walk through to the property?"

"Of course M'Lady. Please come through whenever you need."

I waved as I nudged Rebel into motion. Through a hedge opening into the big open space beyond. I toured around the land... mostly level... tree lines surrounding and sub-dividing the property, several old wooden sheds.

At the back outside the property is the village sewage treatment facility. I didn't smell anything.

Going home we went back to the Abernathy's... Morris, the father, said they never smelled the sewage plant. I thanked him.

Another wave we rode north.

We had to wait a bit for an opening in the traffic on the Abingdon Road. Tara looking to me... I said once we are over.

On the dirt road we were abreast, "Tell PJ and Yone everything! Ask Yone to quietly investigate the Abernathy's."

Fist bumps!

Now for Rebel to get his run! I asked... he is off. I leaned down to his neck encouraging this lovely fellow on! We flew across the grass... blowing through treelines.. speed! My hat flipped onto my back.

The three miles disappeared. At the top of the slope I eased him down... we walked down as Tara and Tessa caught up.

We handed our horses over to Monty and Anthony.

The men home from golf! A hug and kiss for Cho... I led him into the Office. I put him in a chair then dropped on his lap. A kiss.

Cho got we owned the land in Long Wittenham and I'd ridden to see it.

I told him about the Abernathy's reception.

"A daylight home invasion? I thought Agatha Christie was over the top with all the countryside crimes... now I'm not so sure."

"Apparently it is well known in the village about his gun collection because his grandfather started it... his father added to it as he has done. So anyone in the village or even a guest could know.

He keeps the newer more lethal guns in a safe... the guns taken were mostly antiques not easily replaceable for him. They are sought after by collectors. I asked him to send us a copy of the list.

That does not make it any better for the Thames Valley folks in finding the culprits with few serial numbers just descriptions.

"I'd say it rather precludes it."

Nodding, "I'm sure there are plenty of unscrupulous collectors who aren't concerned about provenances."

I shrugged and asked for more kissing. I am suitably rewarded!!

Drinks was fun... Rest of the Culham crowd came in. The young ones all together doing word games.

Gil leaned over my shoulder, "A fellow came to the gate saying he had some papers for Lady Harcourt. Yone's folks let him in and took the sheets of paper. It is the Abernathy's list of what was stolen.

I looked over my shoulder... Gil nodding.

"They wasted no time in doing that."

She handed me the sheets.

A shrug from her, "I suppose they wanted to show you they were Okay with what happened and fulfil your request. What are you going to do with it?"

"I thought about doing a sting... pretend to be antique gun nuts to lure out the stolen ones."

Her turn for big eyes, "Won't that be..."

"Dangerous? Yes but I am not going to do anything. I'll let Yone set it up."

Fist bump.

Superintendent Winters paid us a visit... Cho and I with him in the Library.

"M'Lady... Sir Cho... a brief update. We have spoken to Scott Wellans. Notes found in a search of a flat owned by Geoffrey De Blume under another name in Brussels yielded the name and contact details of a London solicitor for the drugs gang Mr. Wellans is prosecuting. He is their principle brief.

The notes imply some co-ordination between the sniper and the court case. When he might be in Britain and prepared for action. The solicitor has been questioned under caution and bailed. He is to be forced to drop the drugs gang case as he is now part of their conspiracy.

Mr. Wellans will bring this to the attention of the judge in his case so there will some fireworks."

He's smiling.

"Also the gun is forensically tied to the Brussels, Madrid and Paris murders. A Glock in the sniper's possession linked to another shooting in Paris. It looks like he will be shipped to France as their case is well advanced."

We thanked him for the news.


Dinner was a Asian food buffet! Thai, Chinese, Vietnamese!

We grazed the choices. I watched Phailin try the Massaman Vegetarian Curry over sticky rice. I had some... it is great. Phailin looked over to me... a big smile.

"Fay, they did it right!"

Me a big smile.

I some Pad Thai with tofu. I munched on the Ch? cá Lã V?ng which is Turmeric Fish with Dill and Noodles. The aroma fabulous! Thai spring rolls with red chile dipping sauce. I split a Thai mango fizzy drink with Chani.

I went back for more. I brought Chani some Vietnamese Honeycomb Cake! Eyes big after her fork delivered a piece into her mouth. She chewed.

"Mama, it is so sweet and good!!"

I got some Vietnamese rice balls for my dessert... I gave a mouthful to Chani. It is not chocolate but real close in being a desirable taste.

Chef Thanh's cookbook being a primary source. I asked Gil to write him a note thanking him again and telling him how it is put to use. Ask if we could have it translated into other languages then published by one of our companies... we would have contracts written for he and his lawyers to review.

A smile and a nod from her as she chewed part of a rice ball.

Afters... Montaigan is going on to Paris tomorrow so the Twins took him into the Library for a last reading from Sense and Sensibility in French.

Other young ones and a few parents watching a movie... the original animated 101 Dalmatians.

I sat with Dad when he asked about Russia... I told him about how we got to General Milanovski through Montaigan. My meetings for next month.

"So you want to move stubborn Russians towards a direction their gut says not to go?"

Grinning, "Yes! They need to go there. The clique of generals was smart enough to see getting out of the Ukraine had to be done and letting political prisoners go was not going to cost them much. Releasing Navalny gave them real credibility which they should now build on. Navalny is intelligent, driven and a clever leader. Against a fascist dirtbag like putin he wasn't finding much traction... a freer press and no FSB thugs trying to kill him... he is gaining ground... showing restraint in his rhetoric which validates the generals decision about him.

They are at a tipping point... Belarus will vote on a new constitution then hold free and open elections next door to them... that cannot be lost on the Russian generals."

I shrugged, "We want to exploit that using Thailand as a model of the army backing away. I told Milanovski about my meetings with Somchair. He gets it."

Dad poked my shoulder gently, "I know you can be passionate about things... keep your cool. In my limited experience Russians live up to their reputation as obstinate fools."

We laughed.

Dad said remember Saul... I touched my left forearm... I understood and remembered. He nodded.

Graeme dropped in at the end of that, sipping his cognac, "So playing with Russians?"

"A bit... for a good cause."

A nodding head as gave him a précis.

Graeme, "I don't have direct experience against Russians only their proxies. They fight very dirty, women and children are legitimate targets for them."

I said I've seen their disregard for others manifested in cruelty.

"No blinkers on! We need to try... plus there's an opening... a big hole in their hubris after what NATO did in Belarus. An event they had not anticipated... no planning... they don't deal well with crises... not much fluidity to their thinking.

So we'll give it a shot. Besides how can those old army guys resist me?"

I threw my arms wide... a cheesy grin! Laughter!

More espresso... Malee and Rak talking... its got to be clothes. Dee, Kanda and Phailin together... who knows what they are up to. Sir Alan, Thoi, Rak, Ting and Cho with Uncle Craig... golf!

Sunny was at Kate's! Her family taking a turn to hold a girl's party night.

Rona, Anong and Jian on a settee. Eric and Reg heads nodding in agreement for something or other.

I gently poked Graeme's shin with a foot, "What is this big thing you have going? Dee is being coy."

Graeme smiling at us, "You will have to wait until it is ready... tough luck."

A very histrionic huffy pose, "Well see if I tell you any more of my secrets."

We three laughed. Dad told Graeme to hang in there... "Do not let missy here buffalo you."

A phrasing which surprised me... Dad said he's seen John Wayne cowboy movies.

I saw all of Graeme's teeth as we laughed, "I'm a Para and tough!"

He brought his right arm up to show off his bicep inside a jumper... the fabric sagged down... which did not do it justice. More laughing.

The Twins came in from the Library. Happy faces holding Montaigan's hands.

Ah... a wave of little people and adults from the Game Room. They loved the Dalmatians story!!

They got in some rubbing of Jaidee and Tasa before bedtime.

A big send-off for Caroline and her folks. Tasa in the Entryway... tail wagging full speed.

Our crowd were well escorted up the stairs. Tha had things ready, Cho and I got them in night clothes. They were kissed and hugged. Sweet faces holding onto Blu Dog and Raggedy Anne.

Their friends snuggly next door, I gave them each a kiss.

Montaigan and I on a settee. He is smiling at my smile... "Yes I do enjoy your children. Smart, funny and perceptive. It is great to read to them. They ask if something is not clear for them... marvellous."

"You should come up more than once a year... it does get reasonably warm here by August and September."

"I think I might try Bangkok first. Keren and Phailin have asked. Its my kind of weather."

"And Yuri?"

"Since you so graciously offered aircraft I will ask him. We can do a tour of the best eating spots around the island. A few hospitable little hotels for a stay."

Fist bump.

"Maybe next month when it is very ugly weather in Moscow."

"That is a thought. I'll wait until my Parisien visits are over!"

"Right... I can see that Yuri would be good for you to have around."

I went downstairs to see Yone. Sitting in his office we reviewed the Abernathy thing,

"Fay, the Abernathy's are Okay. They are not known to the police. They are thought of as sound and successful farmers of long standing in the village. They are financially secure."

Good! That is off the table.

I handed him the list of stolen items.

"Can we try to do a sting? Get the robbers interest and nab one or more?"

"We can try it."

Yone looking at the list, "These would definitely draw out collectors... some rare weapons. I will email Thomas and see what we could do.

The whole robber mentality is fascinating and easy to manipulate. So it is very possible we can game them."

He held up his hand rubbing the first three fingers together, "Money... Money... Money is what they want. So some danger is acceptable to them. I am sure we can manage a way to engage with them."

Fist bump.

Choco Boy and I made our way upstairs. Jaidee to his bed as I prepared to read more government bits and pieces. The smoothing of the duvet caught his attention... I waved him up.

It wasn't long before I dozed off with papers on my tummy and a hand resting on a brown dog.

Cho came up, he changed the arrangements... me back asleep immediately.

Stroking Pamela's neck after a great ride. Plotline making noises, a happy horse. Tara smiling... fist bump. Tessa on Roland smiling... a fine start to the day.

Sunny came in unexpectedly to the Breakfast Room...

"I want to work with Zephyr this morning and have time for the family unit if we can pry dad out of the cellar."

We laughed.

Sunny and I eating talking horses and her year coming forward. She would not compete until the Gloucester Trials in the first week of April then a break until Badminton Trials a month later. Sunny is to ride with the U.S. Equestrian team at the CHIO Aachen World Equestrian Festival in Aachen, Germany the last few days of June in the first days of July. She's entered in Show Jumping and Dressage.

After that she's entered in our Upperville Trials late in July. September she'll go west for the Winterset Trials. She and her team staying at Harcourt Ranch to train. We will be there at some point.

"Fay, I want to repeat the show Jumping at London International Horse Show. Six major events and some competitions with the U.S. Equestrian team is all I want to do now. If I make the team I would go to the Olympics in Tokyo in 2020."

I am grinning... Sunny looked... "Fay, I may not make the team."

"Only if you fall off every time you get on a horse."

We laughed.

Further discussion cut short by Cho arriving. A kiss for us.

"I heard rumbles upstairs so expect loud company soon."

It isn't much of a wait... the Twins leading... the other babies came running in. Tha and Madee who is Suki and Anurak's nurse then Malee and Rona following closely.

Tona and Anong came last with a big smiles. Anurak and Chana in their arms.

Tona grinning, "Fun to watch the crowd go down the stairs."

Kay entered with her boys positively quiet in comparison.

We gathered together getting small people in seats and food delivered. A boisterous crowd. They were ready for the day to begin! A trip to the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford. they have a European Prehistory exhibit the Twins want to see! Taking their friends.

Golfers! They stoked up for a round at Oxford East.

Ting brought Caroline over for the museum trip. He is grinning, "Fay, Caroline is so bouncy and happy at Culham. She has the gardeners on her side so all parts of the grounds are well known to her."

We laughed.

The men ready to go... a kiss from my golfer. I waved them away.

Gil and Chelle with me in the Great Room... Gil is doing the museum trip. I asked her to sign up everyone who goes as a member plus include Cho and I and our Protectors too!

"Fay, I have a booking at the Rooftop Restaurant in the museum for lunch."

Fist bump!

Email from Rufus and Cam... the design for the new solar collectors is final. The manufacturing equipment is already being built... the last changes will not slow that process. We will be making them by autumn in three places. Those buildings are finishing in January, the first manufacturing parts will arrive in February.

Chaloem in Bangkok is prepared, Jerome at Dartford and Roscoe in Los Angeles all have been involved in the design process with their deputies. Lamai's team of installation folks have visited the manufacturing plants to get an on-site view.

We are going to enjoy this... making solar work in a major way.

The steel grid over the car park at the Seattle Traffic Control Centre is complete. It is ready for the new collectors to arrive then we will be cooking with the sun!!! The whole system powered by solar panels... it won't go off-line!!

Seattle has fallen in love with the traffic system... running it without carbon using power or water power is a huge advance. London will see the same... a gigantic promise we made to Mayor Khan and the city will come to pass!!

A fist in the air!!!

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