Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Apr 27, 2024



Once the Royal family left we made our move. We said our thanks to the Committee shaking their hands again. I did a goodbye with the Prime Minister after bringing Cho close.

Back through the hotel up to the Nobel Suite.

I changed to black wool trousers, high-waisted, a black jumper with a black T-shirt under. Ankle boots. The red Hugo Boss moto-jacket, an black Apple Harcourt Racing cap, a black scarf and gloves.

A big hug and kiss with Cho. He is staying for the Nobel Peace Prize Exhibition tomorrow then home.

Gil did a goodbye with Chelle.

PJ and Tara with us.


Out a hotel side door to a car heading to the airport. Next to the 767 was a Gulfstream, Derry waiting. Paulette in the pilot's seat. This aircraft is plain medium gray no markings except the registration number.

Hands shaken.

"Fay, we can go as soon as you are in."

Lis aboard, a big smile.

We sat and strapped in.

Paulette had us going quickly. Lis put a small map of our flight path on the table. We'd cross Sweden and enter Finland above Pori then a turn south to Helsinki. A bit more than three quarters of an hour.

Espresso and work.

An uneventful trip, done at a very fast speed.

We parked at the Business Centre south of the main terminal. I did a few more work things then to bed. We pulled out the beds.

PJ and Tara put out the pylons of the security system. They would exchange being on watch.

Up in the morning, washed and dressed. PJ said no problems overnight.

Lis put warm scones and butter with pieces of pear and apple on my table. It looked good! Coffee flowing.

Our meeting time is nine thirty.

I sat to do some work then by quarter past we cleared it away. I am dressed like last night. I'd mentioned to our guests dressing casually would be appropriate to blend in.

Tara gave us a heads up looking at her iPad linked to the onboard security system. She and PJ opened the door... a conversation I couldn't hear then a fellow came up the steps with a draught of cold air.

The General looked exactly like the photos.

General Yuri Alexievich Milanovski extended his hand... we shook in the entry... His aide Colonel Anatoly Mikhailovich Gurevich. Behind me Gil's hand out, introductions.

Lis took their outer clothes.

We moved into the main cabin, my hand out again, "General, ? ????, ????? ?? ?????, ??? ? ??????? ?????? ??-??????." "I want you to know I speak Russian fairly well."

His eyes huge... "Thank you, Lady Harcourt, it is very honourable of you."

His reply in English made us even. Anatoly smiling nodded.

They sat in the swivel seats opposite Gil and I.

Lis asked if they would like tea, coffee or something else. `Tea.'

"Lady Harcourt..." "General... I am Fay."

He smiled and we shook hands again... "Yuri."

His aide leaned over, "Anatoly."

We laughed as Gil shook Anatoli's hand again. "Gil." "Anatoly."

Smiles after our fun with exchanging names.

"Fay, I believe the agenda is yours."

"We want to meet some of the men who are in charge in Russia... the object is to persuade them into the path of full democracy.

Although we can make no promises for anyone besides ourselves we would give support to that end. This has been in our minds for some time... now we see the opportunity for significant change."

Yuri leaning into the seat... "Fay, you have come here directly from Oslo?"

Smiling, "Yes... Twelve hours ago I was having dinner with King Harald and Queen Sonja."

He laughed, "You and your husband do get around."

"We have global interests... we have done no business in Russia... there are good prospects in your country we would be interested in taking advantage of... we have held off...

But this isn't about us... it is about you and all the Russians.

I know there was a brief period of democracy during the Glasnost Perestroika Demokratizatsiya era which faded when the political situation changed. The Russian people did not have the chance to understand and experience how a real democracy works...

It is a messy form of government... yet nothing is better. What makes democracy so strong is the ability to change as the world does. Imperfect... yes... flexible... yes!

A fellow named J. Bowyer Bell wrote `If you want an open society you have to put up with chaos.'

I think encapsulates how we feel.

In my husband Cho's homeland the Thai army was trying to take control from an elected government... they were in fear of the ups and downs of democracy... that `chaos.'

My husband and I have been working to move the army away from politics. The army leaders have come to our side, the King is willing to allow alterations in laws to make him less involved in military affairs and lessen the effect of lese majeste laws which strangle public comment.

Belarus' army removed their dictator and is supporting the new Constituent Assembly as it makes changes to their constitution to erase the dictatorial powers. It has affirmed it will withdraw from politics after the elections."

Tea and coffee delivered relaxed us a bit more. The cookies brought smiles and thank yous. Smiling I said they are baked by the Kitchen staff at our home in England.

Yuri, "Fay, my colleagues know what you say but your saying it may be quite important. I feel your emotion on this issue."

"Do you believe your brother generals are capable of running Russia... even with technocrats help?"

Yuri's head shaking, "No! I see only trouble. Some of the younger generals and colonels are more tuned into how things work in this complex world... And they are willing to learn and adjust. But all of them at their core are military men unused to ruling an entire country."

"Can they move their seniors the direction Russia should go... in as you say a complex world?"

Another No! "Many of the senior generals involved are hide-bound, uninformed and for some mental calcification has set in."

I am nodding my head, "That is our assessment."

Yuri's eyes up... a questioning look.

"We have some inside information and analysis that is the foundation for this approach... We want to speak to the `seniors' but not insult them. We do not want to say they should do this or that. Or more importantly they should go... what we want to say will be about the challenges ahead for Russia, the multifaceted nature of government and world-wide economic integration and the need for dynamic leadership. Hoping some would want not to be involved."

Yuri laughed, "Good not to push! They are tetchy... often too full of themselves.

The Americans and NATO deflated them a good deal. What they did in Belarus was astounding. The rush of powerful forces from so many nations into Belarus. The vast air power immediately ready... those actions shocked my older colleagues. The younger ones know the power of America... they do not flinch from honest assessments.

It is what set off putin becoming sick. A massive nervous breakdown... delusions and more... I am sure you are discreet but this being in western press would very damaging... we still have much of the Soviet era psychological issues... we do not like being humiliated..."

"I understand... nothing we speak about will be known outside a very small number of people who we hold close."

Yuri nodding, "When NATO moved... putin was watching TV... it was the BBC because they had live coverage. They had up-to-date reports, video, satellite images and photos... it all showed the enormous forces entering Belarus... too much for us to have dealt with... then Kaliningrad was closed! A direct move against Russia... he went into a tantrum he could not come out of... he had to be heavily sedated.

The doctors said not to expect any change in the short term so he was `removed' to the clinic and my brother generals took power.

The FSB had to be squashed as a first step which was done... more bloodshed than was wanted but some chose to fight against the army... very foolish."

"Your colleagues did not reach for the nuclear war button when they knew about Kaliningrad... they knew what it meant though?"

"Yes. That is why they quickly pulled out of Crimea and eastern Ukraine. It was impossible to fight for those lands... they are not ours. Those adventures were hurting the army... putin did not care... the boil had to be lanced."

"Festering! An apt comment on the situation."

"The West's weak and limited response to the Crimea takeover in 2014 raised putin's ego... a Stalin-like megalomania set in. The Donetsk Basin exploit was a mess, the locals are a collection of greedy stupid xenophobic fools."

Yuri's face showed distress...

"They used our men and weapons to shoot down the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17... an unbelievable human disaster and embarrassment. We have to take the blame... they were our weapons even if misused at someone else's direction.

All the sanctions for the various putin adventures hurt then going in the Don River areas of Ukraine re-doubled them... he was urged to go on by those ethnic Russian Ukrainians who were traitors to the Ukraine. They are in Russia now... in a back-channel communication we told Kyiv we do not like them but for internal reasons cannot give them back to Ukraine at this point. The Ukraine signalled they understood. We got the distinct impression they had no use for the traitors... no trials or other such events planned."

"Good! Communication is necessary!"

I sipped some coffee...

"I said up front we can make no promises... we will talk to President Clinton, Prime Minister Starmer, Chancellor Merkel and President Macron personally... asking them to make some positive noises and prepare to rescind the sanctions... all the industrial and financial ones plus the ones applied to individuals."

Yuri eyes narrowed... he was not sure.

"We have met all four, we have very good relationships with them... they will listen."

I grinned, "It does not hurt to help a few be elected."

Yuri laughed loudly. Anatoly's head shaking with a smile.

"We are invested heavily in all four countries... they know we are progressive people who build."

We discussed the general's assessment of public opinion in Russia, the Russian economy and the political climate. He felt there is indeed an opening for true democracy... "Younger people and the middle-aged are far more perceptive and aware than the oldest generation. They know what the important democracies think of putin's Russia."

I got there is a deep strain of conservatism in the rural areas that communism never eradicated. The rural people adapted to survive, they appreciated the health care system the Soviets brought but the upsets to their lives not so much. They are bound to the land as their forefathers had been.

"So many young people in the provinces are poorly educated... they come to the cities... they are lost and vulnerable... we have to change that."

I did point out that dynamic remains in many countries including some First World nations.

"Fay, what I will do is speak to the senior generals who I trust... being honest there are several I do not like or trust but they can be overcome. I will pass on what we have spoken about... your willingness to help Russia move forward to a more stable democratic government."

"Let me add... I have had meetings with the Thai general in charge of all their military... he is onboard with the army returning to its proper function of defence of the state.

I told General Somchair we would advocate with the government, the legislature and the people for the military to be funded fully to do its legitimate work.

The obvious example to use is America. Their military has had every possible weapons system funded by the Congress regardless of which political party has been in power... there were ups and downs but overall you would think the Pentagon has done pretty well out of the Congress?"

Yuri's laughter ringing out again, "Fay, it bankrupted the Soviet state trying to compete... America is too strong... now they have become a behemoth."

Nodding, "I watched those helicopters flying over Belarus... Small wonder putin lost his reason."

"Fay, I watched too... an amazing spectacle. We are not in that league."

"Yuri, did you see any video of the welcome NATO troops received in Belarus?"

He nodded, "Like the end of World War Two... women kissing soldiers, food and flowers... Lukashenko was a jackass... even putin disliked him. A useful fool has their limits of usefulness."

I laughed, "Not a very glamorous role. To be second fiddle, know it and no way to change it."

Yuri's hand out, a shake to laughter. Anatoly had a big smile. Gil grinning too.

"Mrs. Clinton will be our house guest in a few weeks I am sure we will talk about Russia... I like her... she's smart and tough... one more thing she's honest."

I could see Yuri taking that in.

"I will see Prime Minister Starmer before that... I keep in touch with both more than the German Chancellor and French President... as leaders of the most prominent democracies they would welcome change in Russia."

Yuri nodding.

"Fay, on another subject but related... I know you and your husband have donated money to several groups who are helping those released from prison. It is very generous of you both to want to assist.

It has not received much media coverage so far but one of the men I spoke to about this knew everything, he thought quite wonderful a British aristocrat would even know much less give money.

Many of us military types... felt putin's draconian laws were counter-productive and showed the weakness of his leadership.

The `political' people being released is a good sign my colleagues want to redress some legitimate grievances. The true criminals should stay.

Filling prisons with people who speak out in opposition to what the government does is foolish.

It is quite wonderful to see you giving support to those who need it."

"Releasing them is an excellent step widely seen in the West as very positive. We felt without some money it is going to be too difficult for many re-entering society. We also assumed their government was not going to help in any meaningful way."

Yuri nodding, "I agree. For my part... thank you."


I motioned to Gil. She handed a card to Yuri.

"Yuri, here are contact details for us. The phone numbers go to secure phones, the email is encrypted and heavily protected on our side."

Yuri took the note... he gave it a look then passed it to Anatoly.

Gil's smile a thing of beauty when Anatoly looked her way.

Anatoly had been quiet, observing... I turned to him.

"Fay, I am here to support the General..." A smile, "Much like Gil."

Those two shook hands ceremoniously with smiles.

We said it was good to meet.

"Montaigan spoke well of you... encouraging us to do this meeting."

Yuri smiling, "My old friend Montaigan... he sang your praises. For him you and Sir Cho embody a new world... a saner world... a prosperous world... Your confidence in yourselves to get a job done amazes him. You have a firm friend."

Smiling, "We enjoy being with him... our children love him... We made a trip to his Martinique home with the Twins... they cannot wait for him to join us for Christmas."

"Ah... you will see him soon?"

"Yes he will be in England for ten days with our extended families... making merry!"

"Please tell him you have validated his opinion."

"Thank you... I will."

Standing we warmly shook hands... smiles.

Anatoly bowed over my hand, "Fay, it has been wonderful to meet such a well known person and to find you pragmatic and positive."

I thanked Anatoly.

Outer clothes... I helped Yuri into his parka. Hands shaken at the door. They prepared for the cold... zippers up, scarves tucked in, gloves! Lis gave Anatoly a box of cookies for their trip to many thanks.

I waved to them, they were going into the Business Centre to get a cab back to the main terminal.

I sat down. Gil grinning.

"You made your points... Yuri got it... I could see that. He understands the `personal touch.' I think he will be a good advocate."

Paulette on the tannoy said we were going to depart. Tara and PJ had already hauled in the security pylons. Strapped in... taxiing... the rush of takeoff.

Once airborne Paulette came in to talk.

"Fay, on the way over... now back... Penn negotiated with the Finns, Swedes and Norwegians so they knew our flight plan and we wanted to turn off the transponder. We kept them informed with regular radio traffic. They can of course see us on their radar. Once we come close to the Norwegian Sea we will turn it on."

A two hour trip the way we are flying on a slightly round-about course.

Fist bump!

Lis had lunch. Some of Carla's wonderful cream of mushroom soup, warm bread, cheese and fruit! Perfect! I am good to go.

Some work time after food. Emails and a call to Cho. He is taking off from Oslo.

I did a `Na Na Na I'll beat you home...' to much laughter.

I called Hillary. I sent her a heads up email last night. She listened getting the conversation highlights.

"Fay, sounds good. The General speaks the language we need to hear... now he has a hill to climb. Separating the recalcitrant generals from the pragmatists... at least he knows them all."

"I am aiming for a meeting in the second half of January. I will inform the PM so he'll be on the same page."

"So did you have fun in Oslo?"

"It was good. I had King Harald as my dinner companion. I liked him. So that was a plus. The rest was ceremonies which I am sure you can imagine."

Hillary laughed, "That is true! There are times which I wish I could more often shove Tim out in my place. That's the downside of our system no separate `head of state' to do some of the ceremonies."

She said Puan was doing very well... growing up... beautiful and loving!

Hillary ended with they'd see us in a month.

The crunching gravel!!!! The Twins came running out in jackets, furry mittens and woolly hats. Hugs and kisses.

Carter smiling, fist bump. Carter2 and Audra smiling also, fist bumps!

Chelle, once we were inside and she'd been kissed and hugged by Gil, "Cho is fifteen minutes out from Chalgrove."

I thanked her.

I changed to riding clothes before Cho arrived.

The Twins and I waiting for Popa... big hugs and kisses.

Carter shaking Cho's hand. Carter2 and Audra smiling.

Cho said it is good to be back!

The bags came in with our new goodies.

In the Great room our Nobel medals and diplomas on a sideboard so everyone can see.

Cho and I holding hands looking at the sideboard... a red lacquered box... now the Nobel things.

Carter2 joined us...

He had done research for a new addition to the Library... then had several cabinetmakers in for bids on a new shelving unit... Inside to the right, it would have shelves for various awards, wide low shelves on the lower part so my Red Boxes, the dark flat one for the Thistle and Cho's wide dark flat GBE box could slide in, glass doors would close them in.

The work would be done after our Christmas holidays were over. The company doing the work was coming down from London. Their proposal said the wood after staining will match the existing Library wood tone exactly when finished.

Carter2 said he would hold them to that promise. Fist bump!

Chelle looking at her iPhone, "The group coming from Cowley house is on the way. Prasert says one hour."

The crowd coming down is slightly different, Max and his mother Aurora, Chou, Millie, Tom and Rox with TJ to stay over for our Open House.

Thomas and Audrey with Alex and Marshay were going to Chalgrove for their flight to America.

As we flew home Gil sent an email to Francis and Morgan about the Hemsedal Resort Hotel northwest of Oslo. A two and three quarters hour drive up into the mountains from the airport.

I'd looked at maps and aerials on flight home, it looked good for an R&R location, it has lots of ski slopes around it.

It is one town mentioned by King Harald. I texted the King's other suggestions to Morgan, one of hers can look and give us an opinion.

Okay riding!!

Angie and Tessa ready to go. Gough and Geo!! We went north... a fast trip to Sandford. We walked through the village saying hellos and Happy Christmas to folks along the way to the church.

Dr. Lone getting out of his car.

Hellos and congratulations on the Nobel Peace Prize and Her Majesty's latest honours. I leaned down to shake his hand.

They were coming to the first Open House! They would escort our special guest... the Bishop!

We went about for the return ride... on the berm Rebel is wound up...

"Okay Big Guy!"

He's ready... off we go! SPEED! Rebel went through the trees to grass like a whirlwind. Down the Thames path... Geo behind trying hard, Gough a short way from Geo.

A wave... Mr. Radley. I waved back. Dan Fraser's arm pointing to their house. I called to my fellow riders... We made a big turn to trot through their grove of fruit and nut trees up to the back gate.

I slid down, Dan smiling, a handshake. Sarah a hug.

They knew Angie and Tessa.

Sarah, "So you haven't slowed down getting awards."

"We haven't asked for any... people just keep giving them."

They laughed, "We watched some of the BBC coverage of Oslo. You and Cho speaking... we were stunned... what you said and how you spoke... you both are very good public speakers."

I smiled, "Not by choice. I do refuse most all speaking engagements."

Their whole family doing very well. A good harvest, Sarah's homemade aprons being sold at a shop in the village and also at a home store in Oxford. Anne at school for a drama group, Dan Jr. in Oxford getting some parts for the tractor he and Gerry are working on.

Another hug for Sarah, a big handshake for Dan. I remounted with a knee up from Dan.

Across the property line onto the Flats. A busy spot. Exercise rides, track had four horses. Freddie on the fence, fist bump as we walked by.

At the Stables office Monty and Anthony took the horses, we told them there had been some walking already done.

Nightfall not far off.

I walked into the Great Room Gil's iPhone up... "Five minutes."

Okay I'll change later. The babies running ahead of Popa from the Game Room.

Hugs for the Twins! A kiss from Popa.

I pushed my hat onto my back.

Outside to greet our friends returning. Max popped out to wave and say hello then turned to help his mother out. Tom, Rox and TJ. Chou and Millie. Loads of hugs and kisses.

Max introduced Lady Aurora, his mum.

She curtseyed, "Your Ladyship, a pleasure. Sir Cho... thank you for being friendly with Max."

I'd asked Max when he was here earlier if his mother knew about his verbal faux pas. He'd told her the story... she'd been upset but finding out what had happened since...

Cho, "Aurora, Max is fine fellow. The Twins like him a lot."

A door `reveal' for Lady Aurora... She is amazed at the room.

"M'Lady, it's gorgeous."

"Over the top... we love doing this once a year." I squeezed her hand, "I'm Fay...Yes?"

Aurora a smiling nod.

Drinks before dinner. I dashed up to change. Aurora said my riding clothes were very smart.

Back down in Munro modern trousers, white shirt, matching red, white and black tie, black wool waistcoat, black blazer, black Hermès loafers. `Joy' and silver jewellery.

I got a Campari and soda with a twist of lemon from Fin. A grin.

Lucas brought in a Christmas gift... he put it on a table by the fire. It is beautifully wrapped by Ellie... elegant! The Christmas paper with a golf theme courtesy of Elaine at Gaudy Paper.

A card on top... For Max. Happy Christmas!' His eyes slightly wet... His mother squeezed a hand. He read the card Hours of pleasure... we hope for your lifetime.' Cho and I signed it.

Max opened the wrapping... A set of Orwell's Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters from throughout his life. Four volumes, nicely bound, handsome books.

Max untied the ribbon holding the collection together. On the flyleaf of each volume in the set... `For Max, Orwell was a man ahead of his time. Enjoy! Christmas 2018 Fay Martin and Cho'

He read the inscription... Now a tear rolled down each cheek. I handed him a Cho-Fay handkerchief.

"M'Lady... Sir Cho... Thank you both. They are fine-looking."

His hands stroking the black leather...

Aurora's eyes a bit wet too.

The Twins clapping for Max.

Tom patting Max's shoulder, "Great for when the weather is too bad to play golf."

Cho asked when that is?

We all laughed...

Carter at the doors...

A Marandi and Rupinder buffet!!! The Twins cheered! Cho said it is a sit anywhere dinner... except for Chani and Charlie, they have `assigned seats,' which got giggles from them.

Tha, Delphine and I did food for the babies. They split a sparkling Thai mango drink.

Aurora beside me, Rox on my other... TJ next to her in the padded highchair. Max, Tom, Chou and Cho in a group. Millie, Sunny across the table. We talked the schedule of events to come... golf naturally, our first Open House, a trip to Wallington...

Afters... I was on a settee with Aurora sipping Amaretto and espresso.

"Fay, Argyle told me how nice you were to Max after his being rude... It was an amazing gesture by you. Max gave me the story... he choked telling me what he said. He's always so polite... it was out of character... in this case because of you he came out ahead."

Smiling, "I liked him right off. Cho talking golf got Max going."

A bit of a smile, "Max has loved golf..." She stopped... I took her hand...

"Your husband taught him?"

A nod, she tightened her hand in mine, "Ramsay was a terrific golfer... Max could hardly wait to get his first set of sticks... a gift from his dad."

"I lost my parents when I was eighteen... even though we hadn't been close because they were always away for work it was a yawning gap in my life. I worked hard at university to get beyond it.

I reconnected to my mother's family a few years ago... not much left now... We are close."

"Argyle and Nori were my salvation... Ramsay's mother took it very hard... she hasn't gone on at all. His father took it badly to start, he was able to move forward, he's steady! Max is now the heir to the Barony."

"I admire Argyle... he is very good at being Speaker... in control and solid."

A big smile, "He has been the family rock for decades. Father died twenty one years ago... Argyle stepped up... the family leader since. He loved the Army but left when becoming the Earl. Too much to do... the estate needed a firm hand as it was wavering as father declined... Argyle away in the army."

I felt some sorrow for Argyle's abrupt change of career path. I suppose it had to come but later.

I squeezed Aurora's hand as Kendall came up with more espresso and Amaretto.

Aurora, "Fay. These two paired are delightful."

"I'm a big fan. Kendall does the espresso with the tiny bit of a crushed lemon peel!"

My eyebrows up... she laughed, "It is good. The buffet was truly delicious. Your cooks are marvels."

"They also do an Asian and Mexican version and I hear rumours of more varieties to come. We leave them alone... they know what we eat ... no Brussels sprouts..." a wrinkled nose which had Aurora laugh. "... for us four as a family no mammals or birds. Carter lets them know when dinner can be informal or more importantly very formal. He reviews the menus for formal dinners."

"I should do the same... father had a coronary... choked arteries."

`Mine also. It is strange now to contemplate eating a cow... I couldn't do it."

Chelle came close to pardon herself.

"Fay, it was just announced in New York... Fox News has won the Alfred I. DuPont–Columbia University Award!"

I stood up for a hug.

"Tell Cho please."

Aurora beside me, a wondering look.

"The award is perhaps the most prestigious journalism prize in the world. A great honour for our people... they work hard... a real reward... real professional payback!!!!"

Cho's eyes to mine, a double thumbs up.

I asked Chelle to use our 21st Century addresses to email for us to Bill, Kent and the news staff congratulations. Tell them to get the tuxedos out!

Chelle grinning did a `Will do!'

Aurora laughing beside me.

"You do get a lot of awards and prizes."

"We ask a lot of our employees... we tell them we want them to be Number One in everything they do. We compensation them very well and build in other perks to reward them. So what we get are out of this world results."

Aurora smiling, "Seems simple... like everybody should be doing the same."

"But they don't! They act like cheapskates in salaries and benefits... always watching their earnings reports rather than productivity reports.

We demand quality and get it!

Twenty four hours ago we were sitting down to dinner with King Harald and Queen Sonja. We received the Nobel Peace Prize because people we work with are firing on all cylinders."

Aurora smiling, "I saw some on the news... the BBC made quite the thing about it all. Earlier the BBC mentioned you donated your prize money to `Save the Children' which is so marvellous of you. The BBC folks went quite breathless reporting that."

I laughed.

"They said you weren't at an event this morning."

"No. Cho was... I had to be somewhere else for an important meeting."

"Knowing how busy you both are I was... well shocked to be invited to come with Max."

"Argyle said he liked you even though you are his sister."

She laughed, "He would say something like that about me. We fought as kids... he's the older, he didn't want his little sister following him around."

"I'm an `Only' so I'm not familiar with that dynamic. Charlie and Chani love to do everything together but then they are close."

We got up to move around a bit...

Aurora's hand over her mouth looking at Chani's landscape... quite the usual reaction.

"Fay, it's sort of embarrassing... I play around with painting... smearing paint about... mine are good... a few sold recently... a really big thing for me... when I was two I made awful messes on paper. Not Chani... this is very professional and saleable."

I turned her around to see Charlie's birds.

"I'm not familiar with these birds... he's as good as Chani.. just a different subject."

"The one on the right is a Northern Flicker, related to woodpeckers, this variety found only on America's west coast. See the reddish orange..." I pointed out the subtle colour.

My fingers on the other one, "This is a Black-Capped Chickadee, it is also an American bird. Charlie saw these on a picnic in a Seattle park with his Popa."

"So he did these from memory?"

I nodded.

"Fay, more amazing still."

Aurora nodding as I gave her our educational plans for the Twins when she asked.

"I was hesitant to send Max to Westminster... It was his father's school, Argyle's too... Max wanted to go... so I said yes. I think he needed a connection to Ramsay.

He's done well, excellent marks and no issues except yours."

"Mine wasn't much... like he said `showing off' for his mates."

"Those mates are peeved over you and Cho giving him favours."

"Really? He made himself stand out... not for the best reasons though."

"I go up to London often to see Max. A dinner out or a movie or a museum trip. Museums... what you two did for the Natural History Museum is gobsmacking! Whatever will they do with so much money?"

"The Twins told the Director to spend some on dinosaurs and early man their two favourites. The donation was their request."

Noises as the puzzle the three were working on was close to completion.

A cheer when Charlie stuck in the last piece. Cheers from the spectators! I cracked the chicken open... white chocolate for them.

The babies went up, and were settled in. Cho took the men to play poker, Max too for a little while.

Aurora with me and the other ladies to watch the C&C Productions. Gil showed the Voyage to the New World and the Mary Poppins dance scene. The latter hadn't been seen by many.

Millie said she liked seeing them again. So creative!

They loved both the shows but the Mary Poppins one done when they were eighteen months was a real eye opener!

A slight dusting of snow overnight. Pamela never minded the cold or snow. Gaby on Roland, Tessa on Gough again. Millie on Lu. Tara on Plotline... his first time out with us. A marvellous gallop to the lock. Waves from the men there.

Going by the Masjid site the works boss called out... we walked that way as he jogged towards us.

He bowed, "Your Ladyship, may I ask a question?'

I nodded, "Yes. Go ahead."

"M'Lady, You gave the land for the mosque?"

"Yes. We found out the congregation you are building for was renting a village hall once a week for want of a place of their own."

"A very good thing you did, M'Lady. Some of the men have come by to see our progress. They seem very pleased. A decent crowd yesterday... all very happy... thanking us."

"Good. We like helping communities get stronger."

"These men are very grateful."

I thanked him for telling me.

I waved as we turned for Lower Radley. The cows were out so that much is done by Terry.

Jerrold's arm out the car window waving as he drove off to school... only a few days left in the term.

A good gallop through the woods... I looked to Tara... she and Plotline running easily. A big smile.

We turned to the Industrial Estate's western side. Jeffery arriving.

He climbed out of his car, a bow.

"Your Ladyship, congratulations."

I leaned down... shook his hand.

"M'Lady, everything is good here. We have a change... A tenant needed more space we didn't have so a vacancy which only lasted a few hours because of our `wait list.' The new tenant moving in tomorrow morning. They make herbal tea infusers. Quiet and seven employees."

I said that is wonderful. A fist bump. He is grinning.

Over the lock... the substitute on duty. He bowed. I said thank you.

A Pilothouse motor yacht in the lock going north, about a forty footer... a woman on the fantail about thirty feet away... she saw the lock man bow to me... smiling she did a curtsey. I waved saying hello. A man came out of the cabin to see why she'd done a curtsey... he saw me on the edge of lock... he bowed. I waved and wished them a good trip. Their arms around each other waving... smiles.

Mr. Hardy at his door waving, going up to the house shortly. Things were humming in the Wargame Room! It must be exciting we've hardly seen Greg.

Pamela, Roland, Lu and Gough making noises when they saw the gate... We looked at each grinning. Plotline getting initiated. We asked... they soared. A fast paced gallop along the Thames... just the perfect way to start my day. The horses making more noises on the Flats. Happy campers... us too... fist bumps!

I stroked Plotline's face... he is nickering... he enjoyed himself! Fist bump with Tara!

In the Breakfast Room some golfers, Gil beside me said Wade, Flix and Cicely, Ring and Jackson's aircraft from Los Angeles would be on the ground in an hour.

Food. I was finishing my toast when the Twins came roaring in. Kisses and hugs. Tha and I got them in their seats. Delphine started on their food. I joined in to help.

Cho! A nice kiss! The babies got their kisses too... very cute with their arms stuck out to Popa.

Gil told Cho about the inbound 767. Thumbs up and a nudge for me.

A shower and change to a Munro Ancient tartan skirt, white shirt, forest green tie to match my tartan, a yellow sleeveless jumper, a blue jacket with silver buttons. Blue tights and brown ankle boots from Time and Tide. Silver jewellery, `Joy'


I had thirty minutes to do some work.

Two individuals going on sabbatical... Nadia from the Fox TV station in Seattle to work on her PHD Economics of Charitable Foundations and their financial effects both global and local.' Jolly to work towards a possible book on Catholics in Nazi Germany's SS hierarchy and the Concentration Camp system.'

Both sound interesting to me. Their time off will be fully paid, all their insurance will be in force. Neither married, no immediate dependents. Their sabbaticals start January 1st.

Email from Mac... `The Palace notified me I have been named to the Order of the Thistle.' Mac said he is pleased to have his Scots roots recognised in such a public way.

I replied with a cheer and I thought it wonderful and deserved. We'd give him a toast when everyone is here for the 21st Century Fox Board of Directors meeting.

Tom, Rox and TJ, Chou and Millie, Max and Aurora with the Twins in the Great Room waiting.

Fin and Lucas opening the car doors. Wade out... his hand toward Flix, Cicely followed.

Ring and Marthe then Jackson and his lady Tris from the second car.

Hugs for Flix, and Cicely. Wade grinning holding my hand.

Ring! A big hug! Marthe introduced... she seemed quite calm but amazed.

Jackson hug! Tris his lady... quite shy. I took her hand and Marthe's to go inside out of the cold.

Outer wear handed off to Kendall... at the doors, Conrad and Laurel... smiles. Open!

Aaaaahhhhh's and Ooooohhhhh's!

The crowd inside calling out a mix of Merry and Happy Christmases!!

Introductions all around.

Ring kneeling with the Twins, "You two are getting big. Every time I see you it's a few more inches.." His hand going way up!

Giggles and hugs for him. He put his hand out to Marthe... he introduced her to the babies. They both did fist bumps!

Marthe speaking to Chani... Charlie and Ring.

I watched the Twins take Ring and Marthe to their paintings when Ring asked what they had been up to.

Taittinger's and Shirley Temples.

Jackson and Tris sitting with me. Tris said I might not like her saying it but it is an honour to meet me and Cho.

I laughed, "You're fine. We do meet a great many people... most of the reactions to us are mixed. There are a few members of the House of Lords who would prefer not to see my face or hear my voice."

Tris looking a question... "I've bitten them verbally for something foolish they've said."

Ah! A smile!

Jackson squeezed Tris' hand, "Fay, Tris has accepted me."

"Wonderful! Cho!" I waved to him.

Us two with Jackson and Tris as they told everyone. Cheers!

I saw Ring and Marthe heads together.

Ring standing, "Everyone... Marthe has agreed to marry me... this is a good place to say so... we want you all to know... so it's a double announcement!"

More champagne... Cho holding his glass up... "To love... we applaud those who embark on its course!"

Cheers to the four!

Marthe on one settee beside the fire opposite me, Jaidee on his side toasting that brown body.

"Fay, Ring says you have a place in Greenwich Village?"

"Its sort of a secret place near Sixth Avenue and Bleecker."

"My place is Sixth and Carmine."

"Oh... a block or so away. Our Jaidee likes Father Demo Square as a bathroom."

Marthe laughed, "Many do."

"I want you to know I clean up good." A big grin!

An odd sort of squished face, "It's hard to picture you doing that. I can see the headline... Lady Harcourt scoops her dog's poop."

"I do laugh about it. This summer I took Jaidee out for walk on Bleecker... One of our Protectors, she was new, with me as always doing her work as I picked up after Jaidee. I've made a point with the trainers of our protection people they shouldn't offer to carry things or do other tasks... that's not their value to us. She said she hoped I was happy she didn't offer to do it for me... I let her drop it in the trash."

We laughed.

I asked if she would mind telling me a bit about herself?

"No! I know how much you two like and trust Ring. He said you had no problem if I spent more time with him in France next year."

"Please go... we have flights into Le Bourget for our employees frequently... no charge to you."

She clapped her hands, "That is so nice and generous of you. I like Paris. Your home is amazing."

"We bought it two years ago from a fellow who has become a good friend. He'll be here in a few days for Christmas. He lives on Martinique now."

Fin re-filled my glass, Marthe smiling thanked him also for her re-fill.

"Fay, I'm not used to servants. Just some cleaners. I've lived alone since college."

A deep breath... "My family is an old New York one from the Seventeenth Century long before the American Revolution. Mostly Dutch with some of German... later some English. The various generations owned a good deal of property on Manhattan and Long Island. The money came from international trade and real estate.

My place in the Village is in a building I own... the area is quiet... its the top two floors. No view but a very nice roof top private sitting area. I work on my tan."

We laughed.

"I went to Columbia as an undergraduate in journalism then UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism for a master's. I worked for several New York based magazines and newspapers doing general assignment stories... some politics. It didn't satisfy me.

I started to freelance on environmental issues and education. For the last few years it has been political ethics and probity. No shortages of losers and unethical politicians to write about... fewer quality politicians to praise. My pieces have been in the New Yorker, The Atlantic, many news magazines, Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, several serious policy magazines, Foreign Policy Review, etc.. Also in many newspapers... some of which you now own."

I laughed.

I asked if she knew Nick Rawlins' name... she did but not much about him. I suggested she take a look at him.

"He was profiled in Vogue a few months back. I sort of nudged Anna W******* to see if they might be interested in a `good' republican. She went ahead with it. It is a very good piece."

"I'll look it up. I get Vogue mailed but it slips down my reading list."

"There's a copy around here somewhere if you want to see it. I've met Nick several times beginning with a meeting on Capital Hill about helicopter regulation we favoured. He's now the republican leader in the House of representatives. Our family stopped off to visit his ranch in western Nebraska. The Twins had a blast hanging out with his kids and his brother's. Loads of fun with animals.

His brother-in-law is a Broadway choreographer."

"Ah... being the republican leader. Yes he's spoken out a few times to the dismay of republican colleagues? Right?"

"Yes, Nick says what he thinks. Unusual for a politician."

Marthe, "He challenged his party members to meet higher ethical standards or the party would die?"

"Yes! Nick is forthright and decent... values which are hard to find in republicans these days."

Fist bump!

"If you have an interest I could arrange for you to meet him."

"I'll have a look. I would appreciate your help if I go forward."

She smiled, "To finish... I'm thirty three, never married or even engaged... I suppose I created the man I wanted... none fitted... until Ring. Also I'm not a party going type and never go to a lot of public events... lowering my exposure to folks."

She could see I wanted more.

A grin, "I wanted an independent man... knowing he was secure inside himself, being part of some intriguing business and very good at it. The family side I wasn't definite about since mine had thinned out considerably over the last fifteen years. My parents gone for over twelve years.

Ring ticked a lot of my boxes."

We fist bumped.

I asked how they met...

"It was a year ago... I had dinner at a friend's in the city... a real mixed group which always made for interesting conversations. Ring was introduced as a horse racing guy... I naturally asked what that meant. I got his history with horses. We sat beside each other to eat and kept on with the conversation.

Sitting with him afterwards I found out what he does for you and he was recently back from a Christmas visit here."

A grin, "I sort of pumped him in my journalist's way about the visit. He waxed almost lyrically about you two, your children, the house... I had already heard a lot about your stables... I'm primed to meet Asda who Ring thinks will become the most famous sire of all time."

"Asda is quite the guy! He's got the physique and looks, smarts and the the best genes!"

I listed his children... Marthe knew the names.

I took up the background exchange, "We met Ring in London at a friend's house, he's the publisher for our London newspapers, his wife works with a school we have..." My hand aiming south, "... where have classes in an assortment of slightly off-beat subjects.

Adam breeds horses... Ring was well-known as an expert on horse racing. Cho wanted his opinion on racing our top colt in America. That was Glaa... the rest is history."

"I've had a crash course in horse racing. Ring says your stables are the finest in all racing history.

Have you lost a race?"

"NO! Some horses have come second and third to their stablemates. Our horses have superb pedigrees... on the track they are excellent... Monaco is the difference.

Ring was awesome being our person in France this summer. He's so well-known and respected... he has a `presence' about him... sort of radiating his knowledge of racing.

In my experience only Monaco knows as much."

"I met Monaco... he's a smart one."

"Indeed he is. In the Racing Hall of Fame before forty... the first trainer to win three Triple Crowns... three in a row. Glaa retired after his fourth season as the highest earning horse of all time and the Horse of the year three years running."

"Fay, is there any limit on your horses?"

"NO!" I laughed, "We are going to get even better!"

Marthe's eyes big.

"Tomorrow come down to the Stables and meet some potential super-horses. The four times great grandson to Secretariat is there... his sire is Glaa's our Asda."

"Oh my! What a thought... so much could come from him with a background like that."

"His dam is a beautiful and successful California filly named Secret Sea. She has an excellent pedigree. His name is Secret Royal. I don't think Ring has seen him... only snaps."

"I want to very much."

Fist bump! `It's a date."

A look she was near my size, trim, good-looking... lots of blonde hair.

"Do you ride?"

"Not recently. I did as a teen and young woman... quite a lot at our homes on Long Island. One is out in the Hamptons. The other near Lloyd Harbour where horses used to be kept. The space to ride is there."

"We have a house on Georgica Pond. Cho has been there ...I haven't been able to get myself there yet."

"I know the area... a friend lives close by the pond. My Hamptons house is a couple of miles west of there officially in Sagaponack."

"So neighbour... is it a good place?"

"I go to get out of the city... summer is a bear in the city! There are lots of `celebrities' out there especially in the summer months. That means there is some fawning and bowing to curry favour by a few locals and a huge load of celebrity seeking people come out... especially reporters nosing around the celebrities..."

A big grin... "I'm old money... the house in Lloyd Harbour has been in the family since the middle of the Nineteenth Century. The family has owned the Sagaponack one since 1912. There are relationships with businesses, restaurants and such from before the First World War.

My housekeeper has been on the job for thirty years!

The `newcomers' and celebrity hounds usually don't know I exist."

"For us... we don't mingle with the beautiful people much. We do take some money from them... we own `21' which attracts quite a few. Then there is the moths to a flame syndrome we try to avoid."

"You own `21'?"

"We have for a year... the old management was waffling about keeping it open... we made them an offer. The plan is not to change much... in the background only now... just keep the ship sailing along.

We have barred trump and his cronies."

Marthe laughed, "That's a great start!"

Fist bump.

I told her about the hissy fit he threw once when we were there... "Our Protectors occupied his `favourite' table. He stalked off. Bryan, the manager, very happy to tell us that and even happier to be able to refuse to have him in the club.

If you want to go call Gil she'll get Bryan ready. If we aren't in the city he will seat you at our tables."

Marthe thanked me for that perk.

"We can keep in touch... maybe exchange a visits if we are ever on the Island at the same time?"

She would be good with that... then `the Island?' "You've adopted that already?"

"Well our folks there refer to it like that so I guess I've adapted."

Fist bump! She laughed.

"Want to try your seat? I have clothes and lots of liniment."

A huge laugh! "I'd like that but a nice gentle horse."

"Fine... we have just the fellow for you."

I waved to Ring. A big smile as he sat beside Marthe... a kiss.

"Has her Ladyship been grilling you?"

A laugh, "No! I volunteered. I'm going to try a nice quiet horse tomorrow. My first ride in about ten years."

Ring with Marthe's hand looking at me, "You've a good doctor... right?"

A big toothy grin from me, "We've a great vet!"

They both laughed loudly. Ring hugged her in a surrounding protective way.

Cho dropped beside me... looking at Ring and Marthe... then me, "Have you done something?"


"I offered Marthe a horse to ride."

"Oh... Ring don't worry we always bring'em back alive."

More laughter!

Francis calling... Cho and I excused ourselves.

In the Office...

"Good news! The property in County Wicklow has closed. The extra land around it... four of the six properties have also closed. They are the best ones but I think the other two will come in."

We thanked Francis.

"Fay... Cho... this is a very nice location. Easy to get to! It is a mature property... Very little work will be needed. I have spoken to the property manager, he and his family live on the estate, he is quite organised and educated. The old owner highly recommended him. So I believe the estate is in good hands for now.

The old owners are moving west, they will take some of the furniture, I have the list that delineates what and from which room. Surprisingly it is not that much... a few antiques of sentimental value. The remaining furniture is in excellent condition, country house shapes and colours which you saw in the snaps.

The horses and tack as agreed. Two horse trailers and two trucks included in the agreement. The remainder the manager assures me are in tip top shape."

From me, "Do any of them know who has purchased the property?"

"No. They only know it is corporation. The manager, of course, wants to know how he should proceed."

Cho, "Tell him there will be a visit... until then he is to be a steward for the new owners doing his best to run the estate. Get him a credit card with a fifty thousand limit from the City Investment Bank to cover expenses. Get bank accounts setup for the estate for general purpose, payroll, etc..

Also we want to retain as much of the staff as possible so inform him of that."

"Will do. Any timing on your visit? It would be good for him to know something."

Cho, "We will be back to you on that."

Answering my question... "Wesley is wonderful. I think his eyes are coming into focus... when Ali or I get close those little arms stick out! We are reading to him, Ali and his nurse sing to him in English, French and Spanish... it worked so well for Chani and Charlie we have to try it."

We encouraged him. Love to them all.

Leaning back on Cho... "Our first property in Ireland... the shelter in Dublin and the Mirabelle store coming very soon."


I got a few minutes with Tris before dinner. Pretty face, a few faint lines around her eyes which did her no harm... probably Los Angeles sun, warm brown hair, bright green eyes, slender, just below my height...

She had a grin, "Jackson said you would want to know some about me... He loves you both for how caring and connected you are."

On a settee together we leaned back to see each other.

"I'm forty one, four years younger than Jackson, I'm a divorcee with a young woman daughter who is nineteen, a student at UCLA. Her father is completely out of the picture... he has been for more than a dozen years.

I'm a native Angeleno, USC grad in molecular biology, PHD from Caltech. I work at a research firm in El Monte, I'm a vice-president of the company and a stakeholder."

She was grinning at my grin.

"You two met how?"

Her smile larger, "I'm a licensed pilot with a Twin Beechcraft I keep at San Gabriel Airport. I was going there... I had a tyre blowout. Jackson was driving behind me... I got to the side of the road... he parked behind me with his warning blinkers on. He even threw out a flare."

We laughed.

"Being a gentleman... he tried to change my tyre. My spare was flat!! Looking at the damaged one he said it wasn't fixable... the side had burst. The store where we stopped was kind enough to let me move off the road to their car park until I could get a tow truck.

I guess you can surmise I'm not a car person.

To make a long story shorter it was towed to my regular garage four miles away... they would put on a pair of new tyres... and fix the spare tyre... it would be about three... maybe four hours or so.

I gave up the flying idea for the day... Jackson said he could drive me to the airport... I could get a cab back to my car.

So when we got to my aircraft I offered him a ride around Los Angeles County and more, we went up to Bakersfield then east.

We talked as I flew, he saw some new sights... we went over the mountains to the north... Jackson got to see some California desert at Ridgecrest we turned south..."

Me, "We have a newspaper there... I dropped in on them earlier in the year."

Tris looking like why there... I said it is part of a chain we bought. She nodded.

"Heading back we went over the Santa Anita race track which got him to tell about being a trainer for your racing team which for me was... like he was a celebrity. He knew you and Cho personally, he spent time with you."

A laugh from me.

Tris, "I don't get out much." Another laugh. "Its impossible to not know some about you if a person watches or reads the news."

"Well in contrast we get out too much sometimes."

I motioned her on...

"On the ground I called the garage they said another forty minutes. I bought him lunch for being so nice at Annia's Kitchen at the airport. Their food is spectacular. Real Mexican food done like it should be!!"

Fist bump.

"The next day... Sunday... he took me to the race track... you didn't have any horses running. We sat in your box... Thank you very much!"

A thumbs up for her!

"I got a tour of your barn, meeting people and horses. I had some time with horses when I was young then nothing. I loved stroking them, warm and friendly."

She laughed, "I had a baseball cap on... one, a white horse, stole it off my head. He didn't want to give it back. Jackson laughing managed to talk the horse into letting him have my hat. A few teeth dents in the visor. It certainly gave Jackson a good time."

We were laughing.

"We found ourselves enjoying each other's company. He has his room at the Glass' ranch... me an apartment in Alhambra. I love to cook...light pescatarian, I rarely drink..." Tris held up her champagne glass, "... this is very nice."

"Taittinger's... the best! They are one of our racing sponsors."

"Wow! They are a big name... I know about Jackson's drinking past... and why it happened! He is so steady, enjoying his life."

I got Gil to text to Rande and PJ to come up. I got Tris to stand up, arms linked as the guys came in...

Jackson saw them... Tris got to see the handshakes and hugs. She was introduced. She got the inside story of their first meeting at Saratoga Springs. Jackson saying he still gets twinges from Rande's punch.

I got them stay up with us for luncheon.

I am leaning back on Rox's shoulder... she has TJ on her lap... some tummy to tickle. Little arms waving as my finger made him giggle.

PJ and Jackson talking... a big handshake!

PJ smiling towards me. He came close.

"I'm ready for the meeting."

"Are you going to Basuto Road after?"

"That is the plan. Four days!"

A hug and kiss on his cheek.


Carla's crowd did a wonderful New England style clam chowder, nice rolls, quiche! Fruitcake and cookies at the end.

The men going to play golf. The ladies who weren't riding got a house and Garden tour.

My riding companions went north with me... a quiet walk through Sandford... a stop for liquorice... seeing some neighbours. Then a romp home with Rebel leading the way.

Charlie and Chani in the Garden... us adults around to supervise their play giving Tha and Delphine a break.

Jaidee woofing as he spun around with the Twins on the merry-go-`round. Giggles and laughter.

Chani going way up' in the swing surprised our guests. Millie did the pushing I was the guard.'

Inside to warm up, a cookie and hot chocolate for all.

The men came home... they wanted drinks. The uninitiated amazed by Cho's game... a 60 today. I got a grin from my guy. The Pros all did very well... below par. Tom at 65!

I sat beside Marthe picking up where we left off earlier, "Your choice of topics now comes from what?"

A considering face, "I was sick of seeing corrupt people hurting others... no remorse... not caring how they made money... by stealing, chiselling, corrupting otherwise good people. I felt some light needed to shed on them. Exposed then investigated by police and charged.

The idea corrupt politicians would benefit financially or getting re-elected or having policy decisions go their way well and truly infuriated me. I decided not to vent my splenetic anger into the air rather I'd do my best to get it in print so the public could see."

I got Chelle's attention... would she please get Royce and Quinn's contact details for Marthe.

"Talk to Royce and Quinn... Chelle add Clement... about doing some work for the Daily News. They love to skewer crooked folks in the city and nationally."

Marthe grinned, "Yes I know! They got a deserved Pulitzer! Boy... my friends and I enjoyed watching the Daily News take apart the Times. The Times publisher hiring all those neo-fascist editors and `senior' reporters from internet sites that were useless.

How the mighty have fallen!"

We fist bumped.

"We had the pleasure of watching that happen around the world. In Seattle and Los Angeles we built newspapers from the ground up... charged the editors with the task of taking their city by storm..."

I threw my arms up... "Success!"

Our laughter drew Ring over... his head nodding hearing what we were on about.

"My mother had been a loyal New York Times reader throughout her life... she now takes the Daily News."

Fist bump for him!

"We acquired the London Times and The Sun via a court action... we did some shuffling of people... bringing in several of our friends who were qualified and zoom..." My hand sweeping up, "... their sales and advertising soared. The Sun overtook the Daily Mail being London's best selling daily and continues to widen its advantage.

`Print is dead' doesn't work for us. Inside people want more than a cursory look at the news. A two minute segment on a night time newscast on a major world event will not cut it."

Marthe, "I see that in what I do... editors I work with frequently ask for more..." a bit of preening for effect.

We laughed.

Carter at the doors...

In the Dining Room Mexican decorations... Cho and I said it is a sit anywhere dinner. The sideboards filled with marvellous aromas. The Twins love Mexican... between Roslyn, Dolores and here they have had many tastes of quality cooking.

Mini-Chimichangas and burritos, makings for fish or meat tacos, Arroz and Frijoles, Camarones y Arroz aka shrimp and rice, various tortilla chips for salsa and guacamole. Corona Beer, flavoured waters and colas and limeades.

Wade, Flix and Cicely... they are good Angelenos... they love Mexicans food and remembered the food at Old Topanga Ranch!

Flix, "All your cooks are very good!"

Fist bump!

Tris smiling as she sniffed the aromas. She looked to me... it got her!

Delphine and I loaded up plates for the Twins, Tha parked them in their seats, giggly babies ready to EAT!!

I got Tris on one side and Millie on the other. Marthe, Millie, Cicely and Flix opposite. Rox and TJ beside Tris. The golfers in a group. Jackson, Rande and PJ.

Our cooks knew how to do this so well! Lovely to see the crowded table's occupants enjoying.

A lively fun dinner. Tom and Rox knew Mexican food very well... they complimented our staff for authentic taste. TJ in the padded highchair waving his hands giggling although he didn't get any Mexican tonight.

Tris said Annia's Restaurant had serious completion! Fist bump!

I told her about Roslyn and Dolores... "We will have you over to sample Dolores' delightful fare."

A thumbs up for that.

Afters Cho and I opposite Jackson and Tris by the fire. Chani rubbing Jaidee, a cute grin. Max and Charlie in the Library doing something. Aurora talking with Marthe, Millie and Rox. Tom, Ring and Chou... golf the likely topic!

Tris gave us a description of the house she and Jackson were going to move into a month. On top of a ridge above Sierra Madre, ten minutes from the track, fifteen minutes to her office.

Four bedrooms, one for her daughter, Patty, whenever she's not at school, a living room that opened to the terrace looking south across the Los Angeles basin. A swimming pool, a big carport. An eat-in kitchen which was being re-done the way they liked.

Solar-To-Go panels going up on the flat roof.

"I'm not sure how Jackson could afford a house like this... he didn't ask for me to help..."

Cho smiled towards Jackson, "You should tell her."

Tris turned to look at Jackson's face, "Cho made me an offer I couldn't refuse..." A pause for effect... "He and Fay bought the house and transferred it to me..."

Huge eyes on Tris.

"I have to work for them until I die."

He couldn't help himself he burst out laughing.

"Jackson..." a swat on the forearm!

He looked to us still laughing, "Okay... They gave me a no interest mortgage and the money to do the `fixes' we wanted as part of the mortgage."

A kiss, Tris looking at us... "Thank you for being so nice to Jackson. Right from your first meeting... without knowing him at all."

Cho, "A friend spoke well of him and we understood what happened."

Jackson's son Fletcher is coming to Los Angeles next month to meet Tris and Patty plus see the new house. He is doing very well... Jackson is proud to announce. "He's the lead groom in the stables where he works!"


They wanted to marry in their garden in spring... before it got hot. Would we come?

Of course. We said keep Gil up on the date.

Everyone got tomorrow was our first Open House, they could be out and about or... all wanted to be around to meet our neighbours. For Chou and Millie it would be year three. Tom and Rox their second.


Cicely brought her riding clothes so its a `go' tomorrow morning.

Flix beside me at the bonsai... she loved the graceful plant.

"Is the planter an antique?"

Tongue in cheek, "About two hundred years old..." I laughed, "...actually it's a four months old."

She looked... back to me... I borrowed Chelle's iPad. Flix marvelling over Charlie's amazing replica. The Japanese bonsai being two hundred years old and in Paris for a hundred years... just more amazement.

She answered my `book' question... "Fay, I am astonished, it is number five on the New York Times Best-Seller List... my publisher said it is going to continue to rise based on orders."

"Kinda nice to see it... right?"

"I get tingly looking at the numbers wondering if it is really me?"

"You want a pinch?"

"NO! I said that jokingly to my daughter... I got a bruise!"

I laughed, "That's reality and love for you."

We hugged laughing.

Her book was in its second printing... it would go to a third... no doubt!

"So now you own my publishers overseas... Sales in the UK rising fast... The Managing Director Davis at Clark's asked about doing something on British women of the same era. I am considering it... also your idea about war widows.

The translation to German is already fully in progress, my editor in Berlin is raving about what I have sent."

"Do you have time to go over there for a quickie trip? We can get you on a plane."

"I'll ask Wade and Cicely... they'll want to come."

"I haven't been to visit the Berlin publisher yet... maybe a family day trip for us next month."

Flix, "I don't think I ever told you why my German is so good... my grandmother was a US Army war bride from the Stuttgart suburb of Möhringen where a U.S. Army base was and is still, Kelley Barracks. Its in an old German army kaserne where my great grandfather had served before the war.

She lived to be ninety nine... she had it all together... healthy... until her body just stopped one night. My granddad had been gone twenty five years... cancer from smoking for sixty years.

She was a survivor... she had been arrested by the gestapo... she convinced them their snitch was the one who was passing anti-nazi material around Stuttgart not her. She went off the radar after that for two years... then Americans drove through the village where she was hiding.

Because of her genuine anti-hitler credentials she was hired to help run the local government.

I got to spend a lot of time with her practicing my German. What I did not get was her Swabian accent although I do use some phrases unique to southwest Germany."

"A great story... you should get it in somewhere..."

"I've written it out... a lot of detail."

"Maybe it's a short piece rather than a book? Perhaps a serial in one of our newspapers or magazines?"

"That is an idea. I will ask my agent."

Fist bump.

Cicely sat down wondering about the fist bump... Flix told her... she knew about her great grandmother... Cicely liked the story... she'd used in a school project once.

Marthe in my Dressing Room... I could lend her some riding clothes as we are close in size... It hadn't been so for Audrey her being several inches taller with larger feet. Marthe's foot a half size smaller, heavy socks would do for the half boots. Jodhpurs, a shirt, a tweed jacket, gloves and a coconut style helmet... a crop.

I added a tie... she looked up with a `huh' face.

"Sorry you cannot ride in England without a tie."

Now I got a `no way' look.

I shrugged. I said I'd do the tie for her. A big grin.

Marthe undressed to try it all, it fit very well. Including the tie.

A hug and a thank you.

"I'll be out at dawn for my morning ride then breakfast. I'll get Diana to help you after you eat. She's a great rider and teacher. She works with the Twins. They love to ride and take care of their Iris."

"Fay, you and Cho are almost other-worldly... good and kind, generous and open-minded..." She stopped... then, "This huge house feels like a home made so by you two being the way you are."

I hugged and thanked her. "It's all based in love."

Marthe nodded saying she could see that.

Laying next to a warm Cho with a happy well rubbed brown puppy between our big grins. Cho carried our boy to his bed... he's kind of big... not for Cho.

Kisses applied to me with considerable tenderness... I lost my fingers in that soft curly black hair. Those eyes!!!!

Cho rolled me... his skin against mine... sleep.

The senior footman, `The Duke of K********* '

I walked into the big throne room... heads turned. I stepped to His Majesty... I bowed.

His hand out, `K********* I am glad to see you... we need to speak... come.'

The King struggled to stand up...

We walked slowly down a passage... His limp is worse.

`I need advice about India... the government is seeking to expand there... taking control of more from the East India Company which I approve of. The company has become more ruthless about making money without regard to the other costs. I do not like having to support their actions after some damn fool new thing they have done.

It is time for the slave trade to stop in more than just name... the Royal navy now has our mandate to clamp down hard... seizing vessels, arresting ship's captains and crew, freeing the slaves... No more slave shipments... no more slavery!

Additionally I do worry about the Company selling opium into China. They make money, big profits for the City Banks and their shareholders... the Chinese do not want the trade to continue... so the Company is forcing their way in.

I know we have always done what is good for commerce... is this that or rather what I think it is... an entrée by the East India Company to take part of China? Is there anything there for us?'

We sat in chairs by a fire in his library.

`Sir, now that the French Wars are behind us I believe we should enjoy the fruits of our successes rather than take on more responsibilities. If other countries seek to occupy more of the world... it will not diminish us.

If the French want to sell opium...'

I shrugged my shoulders... `They will increase their wealth but for me it is going to be a short-lived adventure with many pitfalls going forward. The French are over-extended now.

To this point colonies taken without a proper economic foundation turn to the expense side of the ledger. Opium appears to me not to be an honourable reason to expand our territory. I can see new naval bases in China would be valuable... it is the wrong way to go about that.

To go forward in China seems to me to be a risk we need not take regardless of the supposed profits and the East India Company should not be driving our foreign policy.'

The King's face a smile, `Damn I wish you are at court more... commonsense and thinking. Two qualities missing from many in government... I know you love your home in K********* '

He laughed, `I know Alice prefers it.'

I smiled at that thought.

He reached his hands toward the fire, `I would appreciate your coming up more... I will not press you because your happiness is quite important to me as it was to my father. I also know you do not suffer fools gladly...'

He laughed. `Wellesley thinks like you... he does not like the London political types any more than you.'

We both laughed.

`I believe he will enter the government with my hope he will try to rein in the Company. Can I tell him you would be available to assist him in this?'

Smiling, `Yes Sir. I will write to Wellesley to inform him of my opinions and offer my support.'

`Thank you. Your help eases my mind.'

The King's face looking happier.

On my walk home to the St. James's Square house... some considering of the situation... The King has changed a good deal since he ascended the throne... the long years of the insecurity of the Regency over... He now thinks like a king.

He has not been well for long periods. His dissolute younger life paying him back.

Unlike all the Hanoverian kings' sons... Princes of Wales... they never got on with their fathers... He has no son or daughter to squabble with... his heir is his brother who also has no children. Too late for both to do anything about that. Possible insecurity for the kingdom.


Awake sitting up... No Gwen again? Odd to have these dreams based around my horse without her being part of it.

A shrug like the Duke...

Dressed, our brown boy with me going down the stairs. Millie calling out behind me. I waited... her smiling face... a hug.

Cicely came into the Kitchen shortly after us... I showed her how to operate the hot chocolate machine. Millie and I did coffees, scones for us all and our `fees' as Jaidee finished his crunchies.

Scones transferred... smiles. Pamela whinnied loudly when Andy got his. Roland joined in with Plotline. Gaby and Tara laughing. Lu quiet but her head nodding. Desiree for Cicely making noises.

Down the lane... across the Flats and up the slope... we do this every day... it never gets old... all pleasure!

At the lock the two men waving with smiles. Over the Thames a turn into Abbey Meadows. We crossed Abbey Close into the grounds of the old Abbey... The Abbey Gardens. Under the trees on the east edge we slipped down, tying the horses we walked into what had been a Benedictine Abbey until Henry VIII dissolved it.

The remains are a quiet park with some bare ruined stone walls and a few remaining buildings that are preserved by the Friends of Abingdon Civic Society.

Millie asked why Henry did it. I said it was after the `Divorce' and he wanted to end any power for Catholicism in Britain. He wanted to erase the old church.

He also coveted the money the sales of church property brought to the Exchequer.

"He gave some to his favourites as gifts like the abbey at Dunwich to Cromwell..." They looked toward me, "... no not that one another earlier man who was his great great granduncle. Dunwich was immediately sold on for a large sum."

Tara and Gaby remembering our visit.... heads nodding.

Cicely asked what happened to the people in the closed abbeys?

"They were turned out... some of higher ranking ones, who to feather their own nests agreed to the dissolution, received grants of money, lands and possessions, others got small pensions, the laity workers got some money but were now out of job and a place to live.

It changed tens of thousands of lives, a vast amount of ill will against Henry VIII occurred to the point of open rebellion in a few places, many who resisted were executed in gory displays meant to cow the others. The usual excessive brutality of the time... hanging then drawn and quartered."

Our guests were not familiar with England's grisly execution styles. I did not go into details just saying it horrible.

I thought Cicely wanted to know more... I said to go to English-heritage.org.uk.

"They have several articles on the Dissolutions."

A lot of scallywags like Cromwell around in those times... today too unfortunately.

It was a peaceful spot now.

We remounted, back through the meadow over the small bridge to Harcourt House land. The Thames Path going north... under the railroad... a few narrow boats tied up. No one about... it is early.

The Carmichael's house quiet... a good gallop to the Boatyard... silent. Around it going onward. Lower Radley behind our left shoulder... into a heavily wooded section of the Thames Path.

We could see through the trees a narrow boat tied up on the opposite shore southwest of the Radley's farm buildings. Some one from the boat I presume is chopping at a tree... I motioned to Gaby, she called our Security office. They called the Thames Valley Police and the Radley house.

Tara dismounted to record the action. I asked Millie and Cicely to move to my side away from the river.

Gaby said a team is on the way. In half a minute a winged drone came over us... we pointed.

The Security Office called, Mr. Radley said he hadn't given permission to anyone to cut trees.

The drone hovered over the water, using their loudspeaker they ordered the men to stop cutting the tree. We could see the fellows jump at the loud hail... they looked our way to see us and the drone.

The drone ordered them to put down their tools, stand still hands on their heads.

They were genuinely surprised by the drone... they didn't think it could do anything. They yelled we could all `piss off' they resumed cutting at the tree.

I got Mr. Radley on his mobile... he is in his Land Rover heading to the spot... I asked his permission to stop the men..."M'Lady, do it!"

Gaby passed that on to Security office so the drone operator got it immediately.

The drone moved closer... Phut... Phut... the two fell over screaming about their pain. They were down as our Security people leaned over them... Mr. Radley standing twenty feet away with an open shotgun cradled over his arm laughing as the two weasels were flipped over whinging about their pain to be cuffed. Those bean bags really sting even on low power!

The drone had lifted up... it said on it's hailer two police cars were coming out from the Radley's lane. I waved to Mr. Radley... motioning behind him. Mr. Radley turned gesturing the cars his way.

The Thames Valley folks rolled to a stop near Mr. Radley.

We could see the police laughing at the trussed up bozos. They kept laughing as our cuffs were exchanged for theirs.

I called out to our people I was riding around. Waves.

We galloped quickly to the lock, a wave for the substitute lockman. Through Sandford... out the gate... our horses tearing over the grass. A bit over three quarters of a mile covered rapidly.

The police had the men in their cars. One was searching the boat to see there were others on board.

I slid down Gaby taking Pamela.

Mr. Radley grinning. "Your Ladyship, you might have given them another hour... the tree is rotten... needs to be down."

We laughed... that was the topper for the PC's they really laughed.

They had called for a boat to come and tow the narrow boat up to north of the Sandford Lock. I said it could be moored at our boatyard a mile downstream saving a police boat the time of coming all this way plus passing the lock twice.

They radioed my suggestion. A superintendent gave it the Okay. I told the PC's I will have our Boatyard staff come up, move and tie it up and chain it. Keys will in our office.

They were fine with that.

Everything they needed is done. Mr. Radley's statement he had not given permission for any wood cutting is recorded, snaps taken, our video from Tara and the drone would be available whenever the police asked.

The PC's thanked us for the customers and our help. Hands shaken.

Mr. Radley smiling as we re-mounted, his thanks for catching the rascals. He and one of his men would come to finish the work. The wood to go into his fireplaces where it belonged!

The sun shining now... still cold.

We waved riding off. We did a good warm up trot as the horses had cooled down all the way to the Flats. Up at the Stables office Monty got we'd stopped several times so much less walking was fine.

He gave me a smile, "Mum is coming to the Staff Christmas Dinner."

Wonderful. Fist bump.

In the Breakfast Room most folks were done. We three got our plates full, Carter smiling as he poured our coffee. Fin with toast racks. He would get a hot chocolate for Cicely.

Cho sipped his second cup grinning, two words 'event magnet.' I could only shrug... it wasn't as if I wanted to have such fun.

Some laughter as I described the events. The `why question' was asked.

"They have a stove onboard to heat their boat... looking for some free firewood. They couldn't be seen from the Radley's. People are odd... Radley said he'd have let them have it if they asked."

Laughter. Heads shaking.

Gil said the number of NHS thank you letters had reached ninety eight percent. Good. Two percent defaulters isn't much. Cho looked when I said that...

"Why shouldn't there be one hundred percent?"

I said it is odd! Folks are like that though. We didn't do it for the praise and thank yous.

I asked about the missing trusts, one was large the rest small. I asked her to cross reference if they had deposited the checks. A thumbs up!

Down to the Security Office. Yone smiling as I thanked Benjamin for the nice shots. He said `Fish in a barrel' to much laughter.

I said hello to Kara... she's just back from Bangkok, time off and a course at headquarters.

I went up to shower and change... two visits today. A black pleated mini-skirt, white short sleeve shirt, an electric blue tie, a black sweater' jacket from Redlight in Seattle. Black tights and Nordstrom ankle boots. Silver Jewellery, Joy', red lips and nails.

A black car coat, a white Hermès scarf and black gloves. The small black sunglasses from Cho.

Our guests who weren't riding or golfing headed up to Oxford for some fun except Cicely...

Cormac smiling as we shook hands on the Forecourt, "M'Lady, my first helicopter ride."

Cicely too!

"Good... new experiences."

Tessa and Kara in the AW139. Kellen smiling around her `mic.' A wave from Avril beside Kellen.

A `Good morning' for them.

Up and heading west by southwest. It is a five minute flight to Denchworth and the Crump's farm.

Kellen approached from the south to flare for landing in a field below their house near the drive. The field was empty... our approach away from the sheep in a nearby pasture.

Four people came out of the house... we walked to the drive then up to them.

"Hello... I am Cormac from EFT to do a welfare check on Polonaise. This is Lady Harcourt who owns the EFT."

The man said he is Mr. Crump, his wife, son and Lizzie who is the rider. I shook their hands.

Cormac asked Lizzie to lead the way... she is shocked to see me here... no more so than her family.

Apparently they had no idea we owned EFT. Well we don't advertise.

I let Cormac get on. I talked with the other Crumps. Their farm... Mr. Crump said they'd had a good year, their animals healthy... some spritely young ones... things were good. They were ready for winter to come on more.

"I know you don't have a helicopter arrive every day..." Their heads shaking, "... I have another visit after this so a speedy trip is good."

The male Crump's looking at the AW139.

Mrs. Crump said Polonaise is a good boy, seems happy. Lizzie is enjoying riding him.

"Has she entered any events?"

"Yes, recently over in Kingston Lisle... she came third, M'Lady."

"Wonderful. Is Lizzie still in school?"

"Yes, one term to go, M'Lady."

"If she wants and you agree she could bring Polonaise over to Harcourt House for some higher level training this summer. We can put her up and take care of Polonaise... no charge."

They were staring..."Your Ladyship... that is so generous. We will talk with Lizzie. Thank you."

"Lizzie is eighteen?"

"She is, Your Ladyship, she is a year behind... she lost a year... an illness which we are glad is gone, she is healthy. The riding is good for her."

"I'm happy for her and you not having the worry."

Mr. Crump, "M'Lady, can the boy and I have a look at your helicopter?"

"I'm fine with that. Please speak to Kellen it's her ship."

Okay. They walked over.

Mrs. Crump invited me in... we sat in her kitchen when she offered tea.

"M'Lady, sure you wouldn't rather be in the lounge?"

"No, your kitchen is quite nice."

A big smile. It is sunny and comfortable.

The tea came quickly, hot and strong... I added a bit of milk.

Cicely sitting beside me, Tessa and Kara standing smiling with their tea mugs... Mrs. Crump got their roles.

"M'Lady, I can understand why, you are so famous."

They grew vegetables, grain, kept sheep, a few milk cows and a bunch of chickens. They had geese years back... all died from old age. She is on to Mr. Crump to get more... "They were better than the dogs watching out."

We laughed.

She looked over to me, "Your Ladyship, you've met the Queen?"

"Yes many times, at functions, at Ascot and she's visited our house twice."

"M'Lady, not telling but is she as nice she appears? My gran looks the same, she's a sweetheart."

Smiling, "Yes, our children really like her. Her Majesty sits to chat with them.

We talk horses... She breeds and races horses as we do... She is quite knowledgeable on horses... ours are well known on race courses here and in America. Three of her mares came to visit last year and are in foal to our foundation sire... they are due in February."

"Oh... that is amazing."

"There is a distance around her which is natural... she can be funny and laughs often."

Mrs. Crump smiling, "She does have a nice smile."

Lizzie came in the back way with Cormac.

Cormac smiling, "M'Lady, Polonaise is tip top shape. A nice big stall and paddock, lots of grooming tools. Lizzie is doing excellent care."

Lizzie looking proud.

I said her parents have something to discuss with her for the summer. She looked at her mum.

Outside I thanked Mrs. Crump for the tea. Mr. Crump and their son said the helicopter is a marvel.

"M'Lady, Miss Kellen was very nice to show us everything and described how it flew. Thank you."

We did goodbyes... I confused Lizzie a bit more when I said I hope we see her this summer. Her blonde ponytail flicking back and forth looking between me and her mum.

Waves from the AW139 door.

Kellen lifted us up, a turn south. A very short hop into Wantage. She did a steep narrow landing in a grassy open space on the grounds of St. Marys Convent... the west side... A few sheep at the far end of the big open space.

Down on the grass, door open... Tessa leading we walked towards a gate under the trees. Several groups of people had come out to see what's up. We headed to the group that came from the front of the main building.

A middle-aged man asked if we had problems?

"Hello... No problem. I am Lady Harcourt, I came to visit the people in the Vale Academy Trust offices."

Boy that stopped him in tracks... he bowed.

"Your Ladyship, a rather unusual way to visit."

Smiling, "Faster than a car."

"Yes well... the Trust office is this way, M'Lady."

"Please lead on."

We followed him. In the main entrance of St. Marys Convent, up the stairs to a first floor doorway.

Our guide opened the door to say "You have a guest."

I think he liked the idea they could be surprised too.

I thanked him.

A woman in a navy frock looked up as I stepped in... flustered she stood up. Okay she knows me, a naughty internal laugh.

"Your Ladyship, welcome to Vale Academy. Please let me get the our director."

Through a door at the back... some muffled conversation.. a loud `Who?'

A slender man of average height in a multi-coloured jumper came out like he had been kicked.

He stopped and bowed, "Your Ladyship, welcome. I am Mr. Digby, the director. Please come in."

In the centre of the office I said I wanted to give the trust a Christmas gift. I lifted the cheques out of my bag. He stared at the handful of five thousand £ cheques I gave him.

"We would like for you to give these five thousand £ cheques to each of your seven schools with the extra five thousand £ to be used at your discretion for any worthwhile project. Each has a school's name."

His face is red, "M'Lady, this has never happened before... You don't have any connections here or at our schools?"

"No direct connections. We just try to support primary education especially where our employees have children. You have three children of our workers in three different schools so we decided to bring it all in one pot to you. We do this in other south Oxfordshire villages and in different places around the world where we have homes."

He is even more thoroughly surprised... shocked at the gift. Head shaking...

"M'Lady how can we recognise your gift?"

"Tell the schools we would like a letter sent to us listing what they spent the money on. This not to be a detailed accounting but rather a simple list. Such as... we bought an XYZ model printer or a classroom was repainted... That would apply to the five thousand £'s that is your discretionary portion."

I looked to him... "Yes I understand. That sounds very easy. Are you sure nothing else?"

"No..." His eyes came up... "Please have them enjoy spending it."

Several of the staff laughed.

He said he would encourage them.

For the letter?

"The address is there on the cheque."

He read it aloud, "Harcourt House, Nuneham Courtenay, Oxford..."

I nodded.

I handed him the addressed Letters of Credit. I explained to Mr. Digby how it worked and the store is keeping all necessary records.

"There is one for this office in the bundle."

More thanks from him and several of the office ladies had been clapping.

I shook everyone's hand... Turning to Mr. Digby, "You yourself might enjoy giving them the money?"

He finally relaxed and laughed, "Yes... M'Lady, I will definitely do that. Thank you very much for thinking of our schools. I think there will be seven very shocked Head Teacher's. I expect them to be like me."

I shook his hand.

I waved from the doorway. Down the stairs and to the helicopter.

Walking across the grass ... there were a dozen or so people around Kellen's bird looking.

They moved back a bit... a bit shy of me. I said hellos and waved to them. They smiled and waved back.

Avril, the co-pilot, stepped out... saying to the group... "Sorry... you need to move back to near the trees to avoid the prop wash when we start up."

Kellen waited to startup until they were far enough away. Warmed up we rose up then turned east going straight to Didcot then a turn to port... a beeline to the house landing grid.

Piling out I said I'd see them tomorrow morning... Waves from us all for Kellen and Avril.

Carter grinning, "Welcome home Mother Christmas... Ooops... I am sorry M'Lady!"

We laughed, fist bump!

I am laughing inside again... we are getting to Carter! He's easing up some.

Inside Chelle holding up her iPad, "The Cook County sheriff has resigned!!"

The Tribune's investigation kicked him in his hind parts. Even though he wasn't shown to have done anything wrong personally it is a total disaster for his leadership. He's completely disgraced.

I waited until just after luncheon to call Burton and Donovan. They were over the moon. The story had been careful to delineate who they could prove had participated in the corruption... the sheriff's failures were obvious since he had put each in their positions.

The chief deputy was taking over for now... he wasn't implicated in the mess.

I thanked them for the hard work. I said Chelle is working on an email I will send to the entire staff.

They thanked me for that and our support of them.

Donovan told me there is no news on our last few young men from Miami and Elston. He is optimistic the new temporary Sheriff will see the light and release the data the Sheriff holds on the unknowns from the murderer's house. He didn't have any profile on the issue. So he could move it forward if he wanted. Good!

More thanks from us.

Chelle grinning, "Fay, you are amazing... you and Cho! I know Burton likely didn't say... I have the data... they are going to finish this year nine points up in circulation and thirteen percent above last year in advertising space."

Fist bumps! It validates our approach to newspapers.

I asked Chelle to get Julian on the phone for me.

Julian sounding chipper, "Your Ladyship... Yes I know you said Fay but after Her Majesty did your elevation I thought I ought to do one!"

We laughed, "Okay I accept that. I wanted to thank you for your work... in six months the NewsQuest numbers have shot up. Nine in circulation and nearly ten for advertising space. Wonderful numbers."

"Do you have the numbers for the Oxford Mail picked out of the totals?"

"Not to hand."

"They are up thirteen percent in circulation and thirteen in advertising... lucky thirteens! They are leading the way for the whole company. You worked a miracle there."

I did feel good about that newspaper... they were so obviously in the dumps... working hard at the job then being ignored is a soul crusher!

I thanked Julian for that. I wished him a Happy Christmas.

Chelle had an email to send the Chicago Tribune folks ready for me... she'd have two more ready in a jiffy... one for all the NewsQuest employees and a second special one for the Oxford Mail staff.

I fired the one off for the Chicago Tribune workers and their management. Our thank yous for their work!! CC'ing Terrill.

Similar ones for the NewsQuest people and the Oxford Mail went out soon after. CC'd to Justin in Virginia and Julian.

A hug for Chelle!

Up to change then a light lunch, the golfers eating at Oxford East... Open House goodies to come.

Sitting at my writing desk... a message from General Milanovski. He has spoken to the most senior generals in the junta... the ones he said he trusted... they are receptive to hearing me. Would it be possible to meet them in Russia?

I replied `Yes.' Suggesting an airport near St. Petersburg.

Gil had forwarded me a reply to the query to Alexi Navalny. He would send his top deputy to meet me if that was acceptable. For my reply she should send... `Yes' Suggest Minsk Airport. Meet onboard my aircraft. A date pending.

I walked down to the Stables...

Marthe had a good time riding. Diana was very helpful. Diana had Scout for her.

"Fay, it is as I remembered an enjoyable time."

"You can ride whenever you want. We do have some riding horses in France at a farm near Deauville. We race at the Hippodrome throughout the spring and summer especially in August.

Ring stayed at the Moulins Farm where the horses are stabled."

She smiled, "I get it! Another inducement to join Ring. I won't need much."

Fist bump!

"Also up in Dutchess County there are riding horses at Pleasant Valley Farm. There is a guest house we use, you could go up for a weekend. Gil has the contact details."

Marthe smiling saying that is another wonderful offer.

We visited horses... Marthe got to meet Penelope and Secret Royal and their dams in a paddock. The little ones playing but they came when I called. Some cut apples shared out.

Marthe stroking Secret Royal... I drew out my iPhone to show Marthe the snaps of Secretariat at the same age.

She is smiling, "If he is his great grandfather come back everybody better watch out!"

Fist pump by me!

Our other ladies coming home from Oxford sightseeing with Gil. We were all in the Great Room when the golfers returned.

Hugs and kisses. Scotch and sherry poured.

The room ready, tea and goodies on the big tables.

Our guys were in casual golf clothes with sport jackets, the ladies in a mix of frocks and skirts and trousers. Charlie like his Popa casual gray trousers and white polo shirts. Black blazers over.

Chani in a white wool frock to her cute knees, blue knee socks and red Ralph Lauren ballet shoes. Red fingernails. Her first nail polish. Chani had such a huge smile holding up her hands when it was done.

I got a big kiss!!

Me in the Hermès black micro-mini leather skirt, a white silk long sleeve blouse, black Chanel thigh high leather boots with spike heels. Some thigh showing in-between! Six silver chains of different weights in the collar opening, the silver Cho' band on my left. Red lips and nails. Joy'

My outfit and Chani's nails a topic of conversation! Chani loving it.

Our family and guests ready in the Great Room... Carter looking to Cho and I... A nod from Cho. The front doors open!

Cho with me... shaking hands, a few cheeks kissed. Lots of red and white Christmas clothing. I got a few stares too! My legs did!

The Thorn's, the Cotton's, several teachers from St. Thomas School in a group.

The Bed & Breakfast lady, a big smile. She is doing well, full almost all the time with our Cho-Fay Air crews.

Families from the villages, lots of children. The Game Room ready for them. Charlie and Chani saying hellos. Tha and Delphine would be switching off being around all the time plus Angie or Penny.

Christmas music in the background. `The Holy and the Ivy' at the moment.

Tom and Chou with a bunch of golfers. Millie smiling remembering ladies from past Open House's. Rox holding TJ, speaking to mothers with their little ones. Lorraine smiling, I got to kiss her cheek and tickle John the Sixth's tummy... giggles and bubbles.

Gladys... she is using a walker now, looks like she has mastered it.

"Your Ladyship, my doctor said it was time to take the weight from my right arm. Teddy was over for tea yesterday... he is so grown up these days."

Smiling, patting her arm, "You can't stop growth... our children prove that... we blink our eyes they get bigger."

Gladys laughed, "M'Lady, its their time for big growth."

Tom brought her over in his car... right to the door.

She went into the Great Room with the lady from the Talking Shop by the church.

Fin beside me, "M'Lady... Tom said he saw something odd by the cars parked down the slope next to the drive."

"Fin, bring him in to Yone."

He bowed and went off.

Dr. Lone and Mrs. Lone, a special guest... the Bishop of Oxford.

I met them inside the doors. Lucas took their outer wear.

They bowed and curtseyed. Hugs and kisses for the Lone's.

The Bishop smiling, "Your Ladyship, thank you for the invitation."

I squeezed his hand.

"Can I have a brief moment with you and Sir Cho? Or just one of you..." He could see there is quite a bit a of crowd, "... it is not earth-shaking."

"How about now?"

He nodded.

The Lone's smiling went into the Great Room.

I led the Bishop to the Breakfast Room. We sat in the chairs by the fire.

"M'Lady, first congratulations. Her Majesty could not find anyone more deserving."

I thanked him.

"I want to again thank you and Sir Cho for your amazing generosity to our schools across the southern part of the county. Your money is going fully to enrichment for the students at each school. You are doing even more visits this year and giving more money. Bless you two."

He had my hand... a big squeeze.

Grinning, "Are you up to date? I made a stop this morning at the Vale Academy Trust in Wantage... I sprinkled some of my fairy dust before I left."

He laughed, "Well you could right about the fairy dust."

"I gave them money for each school and a bit extra for something special."

His head shaking, "I have written to every parish commending you and Sir Cho to them. I have also written to the Archbishop of Canterbury to inform him of what you do in Oxfordshire. You may hear from him."

"Please do tell the schools and churches if they have an important project to contact us... you might tell them not to hesitate. Things happen... roof issues, plumbing... who knows what else... we can help."

"I do not want you to feel obligated to do too much."

"Bishop, at last accounting there is one hundred and forty billion £'s in our coffers... some requests for worthwhile projects isn't likely to be a burden."

That got him to laugh again, "Thank you once more. By the way the furnace in the Cuddesdon rectory is quite nice. The rectory is warm throughout and the cost is lower. I sat with the vicar two days ago... nicely warm. I didn't feel a Victorian need for fingerless gloves indoors as I had in the past."

I showed the Bishop how to fist bump which brought out a loud laugh.

"Your Ladyship, you do have a sense of fun which is enviable."

Smiling I said we did have a somewhat new thing... "We own a church... St. Aldhelm's in the Fields. It is on our Twin Ponds Estate in Millsford near Amesbury. It is in good shape with a fine vicar Wyatt Matthews and his family. The benefice has two other churches in it. We pay one half of Reverend Matthews salary."

"I do not know the Reverend Matthews but the church... I was there once... maybe twenty years ago. It is old... yes?"

"It is an early Norman church built over an Anglo-Saxon church. It avoided being `modernised' so it is quite beautiful. There is a rectory beside it, a very lovely house and garden. We were told the church and rectory came to the estate in Tudor times."

"As I recall there are some fine windows?"

"The one of St. Aldhelm is particularly wonderful. Since we own the church we will maintain it at the highest possible level."

The bishop's smile... "I can imagine that easily."

"Okay... time for you to get some nibbles."

I walked him out my arm through his. Cho saw us they shook hands... I winked to my guy.

I steered the Bishop to the food... Mrs. Lone joined him. A smile for me.

Flix and Marthe talking to a mixed group... I would guess writing is being discussed!

I saw Gaby speaking to a woman, late twenties I thought, sort of `country' dressed but her clothes looking very new... she is not looking quite right in them... stiff... her hair... she seemed out of place. The woman moved towards the doors with Gaby... one of Yone's people there took her arm to lead the woman out of my sight.

Gaby saw me, "Fay, the woman is a bit of mystery... she was marked coming in from her car by Shelby's drone and Tom. She made a call then left her phone in the car, no bag, she leaned over to check the front of her car before walking up... Attention was drawn... Yone said her registration plates have been altered..."

I squeezed Gaby's arm, "No fuss?"

"I asked her to come with me... sort of a let-down face... no trouble."

I wandered about... I managed some tea and shortbread. I spoke to many neighbours.

Deanna Radley smiling as I complimented her very nice navy frock. She is baking tomorrow morning early...

"I may stop at yours."

We laughed.

Mr. Radley joined us with a cup of tea and plate of various bits to share with Deanna. I was pleased to see no tie... finally... he laughed.

I mentioned the shortbread... Aunt Dee's. They remembered it. One disappeared inside Mr. Radley. Deanna and I laughed... he chewed... with a grin.

"Have you heard anything about your two visitors?"

"No M'Lady."

"They have not been down to pick up their boat."

I said we'd call when we knew something. He thanked me.

Wade and several men speaking and gesturing... one is an architect living in the village.

Wade saw me and gave me a wave.

"Fay, Robert... " he introduced the architect, we shook hands. Introductions for the other two. "... He told me about your museum. Could we.." His hand motioning to the group, "... have a look?"

"Get Mervyn's contact details from Gil or Chelle... He's the museum director. I think he'd be open for a visit. Gillespie is the works director Mervyn can ask him."

I am thanked.

PJ at my shoulder. We went downstairs... Yone said the woman is the holding cell for a few minutes...

"Fay, she gave us her identity... she's a reporter for the Telegraph."

I laughed, "It is odd our competitors seem to want to be punished... its almost pathological."

PJ smiling, "So since she's part of the Fourth Estate we cannot just shoot her?"

I squeezed his shoulder smiling, "No that is a bit too much..."


I turned to Yone, "... you can torture her for a while with solitude."

He laughed, "Her was car towed because of the altered registration plate. Thames Valley folks would like an.." he bowed with a sweeping arm motion in the direction of the room where the reporter is, "... an audience so she could explain that little faux pas."

"Her car is gone? To where?"

"Yes... They just left. It is going to St. Aldates police station."

"Please drive her the police station... deposit her."

My guys laughing out loud now. A hug for Yone.

"Fay, it was Shelby who spotted her with an assist from Tom. Shelby tried the registration with Thames Valley."

I walked into the Control Room... I leaned over Shelby's shoulder, "Thank you for the excellent catch."

Fist bump and a huge grin.

PJ walked up with me... `I will circulate.' Fist bump!

I got another cup of tea... a young fellow beside me... I helped him get a fresh cup for Gladys. I thanked him for being nice... a big smile. I put some goodies on a plate and followed him.

Gladys' face a bright smile. She very nicely thanked the young fellow. I opened the china Orpington chicken... eyes bright... he got a piece of white chocolate. A big thank you! A huge smile by Gladys.

Wade and I sat on a settee to talk about Harcourt Ranch. The main work is done! The punch lists are complete. Chips, Aguirre and himself signed off on it all.

"Fay, the various builders did terrific work. It looks like a ranch from a hundred fifty years ago unless you know what is inside the walls. The old guest houses are to be razed after the New Year. The replacement buildings will go up on the same foundations. Nothing complicated about their construction so it will go along quickly.

The landscapers are hard at work.

The Security building where the train station formerly sat is fully operational. I'm sure your Security folks will fill you in more fully than I can. The works office moving into a trailer."

He said Chips is sending report on the whole project to date.

I thanked him for the work.

"I liked this project. Time for creativity, using some skills not often employed. You two are the perfect clients... you don't bug people you hire... that in itself is a huge compliment."

I squeezed Wade's arm...

Gil leaning over, "Fay, Gunther in Berlin..." Pointing to her iPhone.

I excused myself to Wade.

She handed me her iPhone. I moved to the Garden side windows with her.

"Lady Harcourt, do you remember Elke at the Ludwigkirchstrasse shelter?"

I said I did.

Gunther said she wanted to make a visit to her family home when she knew her father was at work.

Transportation and protection was provided by us.

"She wanted to see her sisters... One had been sick... They hugged and were talking on the front stoop, their mother was inside... she wouldn't speak to Elke. One of our uniformed officers was with Elke. I sat in a car not far away watching.

Suddenly the father arrives, he tried to hit Elke... our Security Service officer stepped in his way, the father swung at our officer..." He laughed, "... She blocked him and flatten him with one punch. She was wearing a body camera on her uniform jacket which captured it all.

I went right over...

As he lay on the sidewalk our officer warned him about trying to hit his children. She told him to get up `go have a beer to cool down.'

He slinked away... he did not look back."

Gunther said he went to speak to the daughters, he gave them a card, they can call any time to get help should their father try to hurt them.

"Lady Harcourt, I went inside to speak to the mother... turns out she called her husband. She's so much under the fear he creates.

I told her husband lacked self-control and is a domineering brute... she was suffering his abuse... she should contact the local authorities. I added we would be watching... carefully! I made the point she needed to pass that on to him.

Elke was able to have some time with her sisters. They were told to come to the shelter or call the number to be picked up if they needed to get away even for a few days."

I thanked Gunther. "Please thank and commend the officer."

I could hear a chuckle, "I did... she said it was a pleasure!"

We both laughed. I thanked him again.

I handed Gil her phone. She heard my side I gave her the whole story... she was laughing at the last bit.

I took a look in the Game Room... lots going on, games, puzzles, a Disney movie running on the TV... food being consumed. Tha in a chair not far from Chani and Charlie who were in a group of older children playing some game... a word game!!!

I stood beside Tha's chair she looked up with a grin. The Twins started this game.

A fist bump with Angie.

Tom, Chou and Cho in group that looked like golfers to the max.

I caught Cho's eye... he pardoned himself.

In the Library I told him the Berlin story. A kiss!

"I am glad she enjoyed punching the rat.' Another kiss.

Arms around me... "I like this skirt... simple and neat. Damn you do have good taste."

I did a twirl... laughing. Cho also liked it was very short... Cho loves my stems!!

"Those boots... you look like a fashion model ready for the runway."

Another kiss!

Back in the Great Room... Sunny... Cicely... Anne... Kate... in a clutch of girls with a coterie of boys in attendance. Small wonder the boys were close... The girls looked pretty snazzy... great outfits!. Some SHORT skirts!

Sunny in an outfit she borrowed from me. A light gray softly pleated skater skirt well up on her thighs, black thigh-highs showing a wide band of smooth toned leg and black heels. A short sleeve white blouse with a small shirt collar she has closed. A silver horse pendant hanging down on her shirt buttons. A dark gray waistcoat with a deep scoop front and hip length long sleeved jacket in the same gray. Sexy! She is teasing. Her legs were perfect for it.

I nudged Cho... my head motioning.

"Oh that is what you two were up to yesterday?"

"Yep! She looks good!"

"If I were a boy at her school I would be drooling. I can hardly wait to see you in that!"

We laughed.

Mr. Thorn without the missus.

"She's checking on the babies at the Day Care."

I went to the food with him. I got tea and a gingerbread man... a red nose.

"Your Lady... Pardon me... Fay... it hard not to use your rank... it suits you."

Smiling, I thanked him, "Her Majesty has a lot to answer for doing it to me."

We laughed.

"I've heard from several Head Teachers about your visits... they wanted to know how to thank you and Sir Cho further..." He grinned, "... I told them if they thanked you in person that is all you would ever want."

"Good advice. Thank you! I am sure I don't want want some space named the Lady Harcourt Room."

I shook my head. He laughed.

"Fay, you should expect that to happen at some point whether you wish it or not."

I thanked him for that lovely thought.

He grinned.

"The Bishop has gotten our drift... he said he wrote the parishes saying we had their best interests at heart."

"You two are marvels of liberality. I heard about the land you donated for the mosque in Abingdon. It was word of mouth since I've seen nothing in any news."

My turn to grin, "I guess the dozens of attention-seeking press releases we sent out were ignored."

Laughing loudly Mr. Thorn said. "Well... for sure anything you say will be reported. One doesn't have to be around for more than a minute to know you two are self-effacing and earnest."

His head shaking, "The folks at the Natural History Museum have to be in clover!"

"It was Charlie and Chani's idea. We had to sign a cheque is all."

He laughed, "I spoke to Chani earlier... she asked if they could visit the school again... I said Yes... they should get you to call this time."

"Don't bet on that. They have iPhones and know as much about them as me. So look out one day they'll get Tha and Delphine to drive them down for a surprise visit."

More head shaking, "We will be welcoming at any time. They are amazing children. Chani said she's interested in Maths... she likes algebra."

"They started doing equations in the summer... they've moved onto some complex ones. Surprising both of their teachers."

I tapped his arm, "They talked Delphine into starting German lessons without asking us."

He laughed, "I guess the idea of `Dick and Jane' has passed by?"

"Oh... Those aren't still being used?"

"No! It is phonics now."

"Chani is reading the first Nancy Drew book The Secret of the Old Clock. Charlie is deep in Animal farm.' So Dick and Jane's dog Spot has to run for some other babies."

We laughed.

Mrs. Thorn returned.

"All is well. Some dancing by little ones. The soft cookies your kitchen sent over disappeared."

Fist bump!

Mr. Thorn laughing, "Fay, you have everybody doing fist bumps."

"I showed the Bishop earlier! You can thank the Twins they teach most everyone they encounter."

They were grinning.

I wandered... speaking with lots of folks... many thank yous for doing this. A woman from the village said she sees some neighbours once a year right here.

I asked why... she doesn't walk so well these days.

I asked...

"M'Lady, I'm fine...thank you for asking... a nephew and nieces do many thing things for me and drive me to the doctor and such."

I said if she was needed an unplanned lift somewhere... make a call to our house telephone number... "Our drivers would help."

She thanked me squeezing my hand, "You are a throwback to another era that has passed... sorry to say."

A thank you for her.

More people to say hello to... exchange a bit of news... A daughter who has a new job in London... beagle puppies coming... A farmer on the east side of the Oxford Road very pleased with Gregory's cat exchange programme they have good mousers without repeated litters... A special thank you from another farmer for Gerry's help repairing a harvester... his only costs were parts.

Ring and Jackson speaking with a fellow we know... he is a dog breeder... King Charles Spaniels. Beautiful dogs... like our chocolate Labrador this breeder very careful about his blood lines. He also likes to bet the `ponies' for a bit of fun. So horses is the topic.

A fellow I didn't know looking at Charlie's bonsai... he wasn't dressed like a villager... a nice suit.

"Your Ladyship, this a beautiful plant."

I said it is a copy of a two hundred year old one in the Japanese Embassy in Paris.

"Two hundred years, M'Lady? It is so small."

"This little conifer is ten years old... we got it for the planter our son made."

"M'Lady, It looks very good... the red is rich, looking old. Your son made it? So how old is the planter?"

"He made it in New York this September."

He stood up... a bit amazed. "M'Lady, pardon me... I'm Gordon Alcott, I teach French Literature at Christ Church. I live in the village in one of the new houses at the north end."

We shook hands.

"The back story is my husband and I saw the two hundred year old one in the Japanese pavilion at a Paris trade show. I took a picture... Charlie was intrigued by the plant... he and his sister visited the Children's Museum of New York. The museum staff help disadvantaged youngsters use art to work through issues and for fun.

Charlie chose to do clay. This is his project. Chani did a watercolour of a little Doric Temple on a property we own in Paris' 6e Arrondissement. They are both very good artists... they WOW'd the museum staff."

He had a thoughtful face... Gordon walked with me to their art on our walls.

Gordon said he'd seen the birds... he liked them. I said Charlie did the birds he saw in a park in Seattle.


Some wondering beginning to creep in...

He liked Chani's landscape, "It is the view northwest from the north end of the house."

He asked if they had exhibited their work anywhere?

"No they are a bit young to consider that... it may come... " Smiling, "... Actually Chani's watercolour temple is on display at the Children's Museum.

Right now learning German and Palaeontology are amongst their highest interest subjects along with maths, music, art... and having fun..."

Something was bubbling to the surface... "Your Ladyship, how old are they?"

Very phlegmatically, "A few days short of two and a half."

His head jerked back... A gaping look... "M'Lady, I'm sorry to stare... I am taken aback. Two and a half?"

"Yes. Chani did this at a couple of months past two the same time as her brother's birds."

I asked him come with me to the tea table. A new cup... He got a good sip of his.

Maybe we should have some whiskey out?

Smiling, "Gordon, they have tested at year seven and eight for math and verbal ability... though my husband and I believe they are further along than that. They are fluent in English, French and Thai... as I mentioned German is new."

A thinking face... "A small Doric Temple in Paris... "

Remembering his field was French Literature, I said `Natalie Clifford Barney.'

He snapped his fingers, "Yes...M'Lady, the house on Rue Jacob."

"Exactly. Chani made a visit there with me. We own the property now."

"That is amazing, M'Lady. My students... almost universally have never heard of Ms. Barney. They like her when exposed. Her book of epigrams is popular."

"I read some of her work as a teenager... I admired her strength of character although I didn't quite get her behaviour towards girlfriends. Maturity allowed me to see she manipulated them for her benefit but wasn't cruel..."

"Yes... she did have a domineering personality."

I sipped, "We had the Pavilion renovated, decorated to an early Twentieth Century style. Lots of books. We'll use it as a place to meet friends... get togethers away from our home in the city. If you are in Paris we can arrange for you to have a look."

"Your Ladyship, that is very generous of you. I will be there next month for a conference. Would my partner be welcome?"

"Of course. The Concierge will be instructed to let you have a roam around. All you need do is ring the bell at the front and identify yourself."

"Could we take photos?"

"Outside yes... not inside... that is private. Yes?"

"I understand M'Lady. Here... this room?"

"This room has been seen on TV and in magazines..." My motioning around the gathering, "... Our neighbours have been here many times."

Smiling, "None had been inside this house prior to our owning it. We started doing open house days at Christmas three years ago. Our current house guests joined in which is very nice of them, our family will be here for the second Open House."

"You and Sir Cho are quite different from the usual run of landed gentry, M'Lady."

I laughed, "Because we don't have that mind-set not being from that milieu. We are unlike the `usual run' because we are business people thrust into new roles by external forces. Becoming a Marchioness wasn't part of the plan."

Cho's arm slipped around my waist, I did an introduction. He got I had given Gordon permission to see the Rue Jacob property.

Cho asked him what were his favoured choices in French literature to teach.

I squeezed Cho's arm moving away.

Tris getting tea, "Fay, your neighbours are quite the mix. A hairdresser who recommended I change my hair a bit for my face shape."

A laugh from Tris.

"I've spoken to a professor of chemistry at Oxford... we chatted about science teaching. He introduced me to another teacher at the local school... St. Thomas?"

"Yes... it is at the north end of the village. We have connections to it."

"Connections? From what he said you should call it more than that."

Smiling, "We do support schools all around us of whatever type not just Church of England affiliated ones. Primary education should be just that. Loosing focus by emphasising subjects other than the basics leaves children starting their lives behind where they should be.

I'm for arts, music, sport, etc... the `three R's' are vitally important."

Tris smiling, "There is a lot going on in your beautiful head. I suppose you are occasionally under-estimated?"

A big grin... "Yes and its marvellous!"

We laughed.

Melody Jones and Anika Cluff from St. Thomas School... nice to see them. They were doing fine, I saw snaps of two new cats, tabby boys, littermates. Cute. They held hands... Mr. and Mrs. Thorn and the school knew they were partners. No problems for them. Kisses for their cheeks.

They have been frequent visitors to Harcourt Close to be with Kas, Anika's nephew.

"M'Lady, Kas is so funny and happy. Prasert and some of the staff made him a car to drive around their back garden. He loves it."

"Well cars do form an important part of his dad's life... maybe its genetic?"

We laughed.

Anika smiling, "Ellie is... well she's just so calm and gentle about everything these days... Ellie has found her place... she's content! It is so marvellous to see."

"Ellie is very special to us. She has many talents we put to use. And you two?"

Mel said. "Now the school knows about us and there isn't a problem. We love teaching... " squeeze of Anika's hand, "... we are moving towards Ellie's place of equanimity."

A hug for each.

I `glided' away to get my cup refilled. One of the caterers, a sweet looking young blonde, smiling... a curtsey. I thanked her... I got a plate for some nibbles... several pieces of shortbread. I asked if she liked shortbread?

"Yes M'Lady."

I did a comic `look about.' "Try one its Okay."

She took a bite, "Mmmmm M'Lady, it is so buttery delicious."

"They are made by my aunt in Fortrose. Real Scots shortbread."

"M'Lady, she has the touch... I wish I could do as well."

"If you are back here for our second Open House you can ask her yourself how she does it."

A huge smile, "Thank you, M'Lady! I'll try to be here."

Sunny waved, I went close... a kiss for her cheek. I was introduced to a few girls I didn't know. They loved my clothes. Sunny told them her outfit is actually mine. Big eyes.

The hovering boys giving my legs a look. Perhaps I'll be the `imaginary friend' maybe Sunny when next they have sex with themselves!

Kate beside me. She said her parents and Tom were around somewhere.

Kate smiling when I asked if she was still riding... I hadn't seen much of her.

"Your Ladyship, I've been working on school... my last year... I wanted to keep my marks up to apply to Uni... I've earned a place at Sussex in pre-med... so the work is the price I paid for that success."

A handshake, `formal' which had her giggling.

"Wonderful! A doctor? Of what type of medicine are you interested in?"

"M'Lady, I want to be a paediatrician."

"Good! Getting babies off to a good start in life... very important. Don't forget you may also have to train their parents."

A laugh, "Yes, M'Lady, I see that. Too many people have kids with little preparation... I don't mean buying bassinets."

"Have you seen our Twins recently?"

Her hands motioning, "No...M'Lady, there is a shortage of kids in here."

"They're in the Game Room having fun. Come on."

Delphine with the Twins now... a big smile. Penny watching... Max on a settee with Chani and Charlie watching Albert Finney being Scrooge on the TV. I asked if we could interrupt?

"Mama, I like him but Alastair Sim is better." Fist bump by Charlie agreeing with his sister's opinion.

Kate was staring... I moved us away so the others could watch. Settee and chairs by the outside wall beyond the billiard table which is covered.

They vaguely remembered Kate... I introduced Kate to Max. I left the Twins and Kate to talk..."Tell Kate about your C&C Productions. Carter2 could run them when the movie is over... or on an iPad."

Clapping. "Okay Mama!" In a chorus!

Max with me. I saw Cho with Tom... I aimed Max over there... a grin.

Aurora saw Max go over, Cho's arm on his shoulders. She joined me at the tea table.

Smiling, "I think you are a natural matchmaker."

I gave her a précis of my successes. A toothy grin, "I have no experience making up golf foursomes."

We laughed.

My cup freshly refilled. We moved to a settee by the windows.

"Fay, this room is perfect for this sort of gathering... easy to move around, lots to look at."

"It is a comfortable room despite its size."

Aurora agreeing, "The huge fireplace is right for the room."

"We like this house... we spend the most time here in any given year. More to come with my being in the Lords."

"I'm not telling tales... Argyle thinks you are among the very best members."

I grinned, "I try not to cause him trouble... I make trouble for the tories."

Aurora laughing, "They deserve it after so many years of rubbishy governing... cronyism and blatant theft of the kingdom's resources."

I raised my tea cup to her... we sipped.

Aurora loved the shortbread... she got its provenance.

"I checked on the kids in the Game Room... lots of action. Max was watching the movie `Scrooged' with the Twins."

I turned to her, "Chani and Charlie really like Max. Perhaps because they are on the same wavelength."

Aurora, "If they are year seven or eight they are intellectually close."

"True. We aren't moving them towards a classroom because the obvious physical difference. We are not worried about socialisation... the Twins are gregarious and excellent conversationalists."

"Chani and ha a conversation about brush strokes," a big grin on Aurora's face.

Fist bump!

"From the outside looking in... whatever you are doing is working very well."

We grinned at each other.

I excused myself when I saw Yone. We squeezed hands.

I stepped to Yone. "Fay, the Telegraph woman is at the Thames Valley Police office in Aldgate Street. Spencer took her. He said the police got the email I sent, they have a few questions for her."

A grin!

"They did ask if you wanted her held for trespassing... Spencer was told `No' by me before he left after I spoke to Cho.

It seems important that her car arrived with the registration already altered. Being on the road makes it worse I suppose.

She will likely get a caution or maybe a small fine at the end."

I thanked Yone.

He smiled, "Its great to see our folks work... they prove our approach to hiring and training. Tom as a driver... after passing the driving school he is very much more of an observer than before."

Fist BUMP!

"One more thing I did not ask Cho about... do we give the story to your news media?"

A moment... "No. We will deal with it another way. You have snaps and data?"

"Oh yes! She signed an admission she was not invited nor does she live in any village nearby. Her sole purpose coming here was to spy on you and take photographs with a secret camera. We looked at the snaps she did take... nothing of any concern."

"Fine, email it all to me."

I thanked Yone... fist bump!

By the windows... another tea. Dark coming soon... Anne came up.

"M'Lady..." She saw my face... "Its rather hard to call you Fay... you're older.... I mean like older but... not too old..." I suggested she stop digging... a big laugh together, "... now you are a Marchioness... it was hard enough when you were a Countess."

I grinned, "I'm still a Countess... now twice over."

Anne smiled, "Her Majesty certainly likes you!"

"It appears so... her children and grand-children are on her side and ours."

I told her I liked her frock. White linen, spaghetti straps, scoop bodice, straight to mid-thigh. Bare legs and red heels.

"Mum and I made it... sort of a copy of one I saw on a model. Hers was shorter..." Her hand motioning to the hem and neckline, "... Mum didn't want me to go there. Unlike you! Wow your skirt is a killer."

I said it came from Hermès, looking closer at her frock, "This is fine work... have you done more than this?"

"Yes... all frocks... of course with the school uniform and work around the farm I don't get to wear them often."

"Are you interested in design?"

"Its fun to draw something and see it appear... Mum is a wizard with her sewing machine. I'm learning her tricks."

"It looks nifty... showing some leg doesn't hurt."

We laughed.

"Most of the boys around here are `boys' difficult to take seriously... a bit of leg sends them into spins. Sunny is really zapping their heads."

Laughing, "She got that outfit from me."

"Really? Its hot..." A shy look, "... you would look devastating in it."

I thanked her for the compliment.

"So not too old?"

Anne had a grin and "No!"

"So how long have you been making your frocks?"

"Almost three... and half years. Some I've outgrown."

"What are your plans after school?"

"I am considering Uni... I'm not cut-out to be doctor like Kate or a rocket scientist..."

"You could try fashion... there are possibilities there."

I told her about the design classes at Denham School as maybe a start... no cost... she is interested!!

"There are many more fashion design undergraduate possibilities now... several good ones in London."

I asked if she had her designs on paper or digital?

"Actually both. I've used some drawing software for a few and done snaps and scans of the paper ones."

I told Anne about Hadley's serendipitous meeting with me.

She looked wide-eyed hearing about Hadley's success.

"In fact there's a show at Ralph Lauren's on New Bond Street on Saturday... invitation only... Want to go?"

She was nodding vigorously, a big smile.

"Okay... you can go up with us, see the show... maybe you can stay the night? We are. Sunny is in an equestrian competition the next day we are attending... then we'll come back Sunday late afternoon.

The show is summer clothes... Hadley will be there, she has a lot of her frocks in the mix."

"Fay, that is marvellous of you... I'll talk to mum... she won't mind I'm sure."

Bouncing on her toes clapping!

"I'm going home now to ask."

Gil joined us at my wave. She got what is happening.

Gil smiling, "Anne, call or text whether you will go, I'll send on the itinerary and dress code."

The last got a laugh.

Zoom she is off! She asked me to tell Sunny she's gone.

Gil and I grinning.

Kate came close, "M'Lady, Chani and Charlie are incredibly smart! They talked about Alistair Sim as Scrooge comparing him to Albert Finney and Charlie Chaplin. I learned they love algebra. Charlie is reading Orwell. Chani started to speak Thai then French then German... smiling at me the whole time. Their artwork... its just amazing!"

She is shaking her head.

"M'Lady, its like they are almost adults! Their C&C Productions... the dancing..."

"That is why wanted you to meet them again. Child development can be like them or the other end of the scale... a paediatrician needs to be alert to all the possibilities. You will have an important role... " I squeezed her hand, "... Go For It!"

She laughed, "Thank you, M'Lady. I am excited by the challenge."

A hug.

Her parents with Cho in the entryway... brother Tom came running up... one more cookie. Laughs.

We said goodnights to them.

The crowd thinning as night closed in.

Cho and I at the door saying goodbyes... Many thank you's for doing this every year

Hugs and some kisses shared. A few fist bumps too.

Tom out front for Gladys.

The Lone's and the Bishop. I had the Bishop's hand, "Please bring the missus. And any children at home. We would like to meet them."

"I will."

"I mean for any function."

"This has been wonderful... meeting so many people. Just ordinary conversations about every-day things. Good to hear these bits about their lives."

He thanked us again.

More goodbyes. Jocelyn said to Mr. Thorn she needs to make a quick stop at the Day Care as it winds down.

Tom beside me saying goodbyes.

"Rox went up to feed TJ, they are asleep on the bed. I covered them with one of the knitted throws from a chair."

A hug. Tom is a happy fellow, his career booming along, a loving and joyful companion, TJ making them near perfect.

"We have made the decision to have another little one. Rox is very much in favour which is good since she has to do most of the work."

We laughed! Cho congratulated Tom... "Two is a good number."

Chou and Millie smiling.

Millie, "Your neighbours are nice. This is fun to do each year... meeting so many different people."

Smiling as I hugged her, "Then you will just have to continue."

Chou said they were good with it... not a strain. Millie nudging him to laughs.

Okay dinner...we were going to a restaurant to be out of the way for the takedown and clean-up of everything.

Gil had arranged for half of No.1 Ship Street. So outer wear on, cars out front. Up the Oxford Road to Abingdon Road to the city centre where it became Cornmarket Street. Prasert, Ron and Tom dropped us out front.

At the door the fellow I'd spoken to about putting the server Cate on the spot last year greeted us... a bow.

"Welcome Your Ladyship. We are glad to see you again."

Cate is on duty! Gil made sure of that! I said hello to Cate, a big smile.

We spread out on the tables, seats for Charlie and Chani! Charlie said it smelled great! A fine start!

Our Protectors between us and the rest of the restaurant.

I recommended their Negroni. Many needed to be made after that.

Scallops, grilled sole, tasty vegetables with Parmesan on top, good bread... Charlie and Chani voiced their approval.

We ate it all! Dessert... Lemon sorbet for the Twins. Scooped clean!

Cate and three others took good care of us. Gil smiling close beside me at the cars, "I left a big tip for the servers in Cate's hand."

Fist bump!

Afters at home.

Sitting around the Great Room... well fed, espresso and Amaretto in hand leaning back on a settee by the fire. Rox leaning against me with a smile... a look at my face...

"Tom told you?"

"Yes... he said you had given your thumbs up."

"We are going to `try' arranging it so the new one comes out after the Grand Slam tournaments are over or before. Not this coming year... next."

We laughed... Tom sat opposite grinning.

"A small sop to my work."

"Can't you get Cho to substitute for you?"


"I'm afraid the PGA wouldn't agree to that. Besides my colleagues might revolt."

More laughter!!!

The men decided to play poker a short while.

Sunny said goodnight to all. Hug for her.

A big thanks for the clothes, she gave me a wicked grin! A hug!

An event... "I'll tell you later." Eyebrows raised.

Lots more hugs upstairs, kisses and a good nights sleep wished for everyone.

A few moments of Rox in my arms... big grins in between kisses.

Rox said they will start to work on a new little one February of 2020!

I suggested May so they could come here for Christmas but the pumpkin would come out a month or two before the Masters Tournament!

A big yes from Rox. Then we both considered... our Phuket fun would be not be possible! Ah... a devil's choice miss Christmas or Phuket!! She'd talk with Tom.

Another kiss.

Millie and I going downstairs for her last ride of this trip. Cicely with us. Her dad Wade at the Entryway... Prasert is driving him and Robert, the local architect, to the Harcourt Racing Museum for a looksee. I said enjoy. A big smile.

Coffee, scones and Jaidee going down the lane. Cold, dry, slight breezes.

A big grin on Millie's face!

Cicely smiling her gloved hands in the Ariat Gloves around her hot chocolate.

Marthe looking a bit sleepy... sipping her coffee! Marthe surprised herself and Ring wanting to do this at the early hour.

Our horses ready... Roland's right front foot dragging in the dirt... he's all set. Pamela, Roland, Lu, Gough, Desiree and Scout saddled.

Across the Flats... the sun peeking out. Up the slope then we walked over the tracks... our horses urged on roared across the grass down to the lock. The men smiling, waving. Roy well bundled up in an Angie `sanctioned' manner. He laughed when I said that. They had a wonderful time at their nephews.

We rode pass the Masjid... it was looking good! Roof and sides, plastic over the openings. The works boss just driving up waved, we returned it.

Up into Lower Radley... the cows out... Terry working!

Quiet in the rest of the hamlet.

Up the dirt road into the trees... we turned towards the Boatyard... the wood thieves' narrow boat tied up with two chains locking it to the wharf.

A strong gallop through the woods to the Industrial Estate. The car folks have shut their big sliding doors to the cold. The building's car exhaust vent smoking in the cold air. Over the first bridge to the lock...

Our favourite lock man smiling, fist bump.

We walked by Mr. Hardy's... he pops out at our clip-clops holding a cup of coffee smiling, "The game is exciting."

I said I'd be down.

The six horses making noises upon seeing the gate... they were rewarded with a blazing run to the Flats... we went like the wind in a storm! On the Flats whinnies, hugs and fist bumps.

Monty shaking his head, "M'Lady, we watched the end... you all riding like Old West cowboys chasing bad guys in a movie."


Millie and Marthe beside me on the banquette, sipping coffee... Cicely had a fresh steaming hot chocolate... the quiet here is shattered by the Twins arrival!

Delphine laughing behind them. Hugs for them! Millie helped getting them in their seats. Cicely helped me get plates loaded, Tha did milk and juice. The babies dug in... giggling.

Rox and TJ. The little man waving to us.

Wade came in from his morning visit.

Cho gave me some `hip' sitting down. A happy crowd... Flix, Tom and Chou at the door shaking their heads at us grinning. Ring got a kiss from Marthe. Jackson and Tris... smiles everywhere.

Me, "See Ring we bring'em back alive!"


He thanked me for not causing damage. Marthe did a wonderful fake pout about his lack of faith in her skills.

More laughing.

Sunny and I sat in the Library... Her bit of `something to tell me later.'

"Fay, a boy made a rather crude suggestive comment and a gross gesture about my clothes while we were at the tea table. The cute blonde server 'accidently' dumped some tea on him. She apologised right away. Her eyes on mine so I knew.

The boy was PO'd but her apology cut off his doing anything but leaving.

He was pretty wet!"

We laughed.

"Is he someone you know?"

"Not really... he's a friend of a friend who I like but not that boy... even less now."

"Will you say something to your friend?"

"Yes, I'll tell him his friend was crude right before the tea accident. He's a nice guy so I'll find out what kind of man he is."

Fist bump!

I told her about the shortbread.

"Well if Aunt Dee can't teach someone then no one can."

My feelings exactly.

I waited to change until after my visit downstairs. I left my hat on a table in the passage.

The gamers huddled over the mapboard. Some at their `day jobs.' Spencer, off duty, is attacking towards the centre of the city... He had a conference with Mr. Hardy... Spencer's German units making a slashing move... they smashed two Russian brigades creating an opening then widened the gap. I could see him guarding his flanks blocking possible avenues for Russian counterattacks. Very good work.

Mamayev Kurgan hill already taken was behind Spencer giving him an excellent observation point. Train Station No. 1 captured. He's two blocks from the Volga River.

Greg on the front lines in Jerrold's absence... managed to stop Spencer's forward rush at some cost to the Russians. I could see him trying to find an opening to counterattack... there is one but he doesn't have the forces available he needs... what he does have are inadequate to do anything meaningful. A weak attack would be pointlessly wasteful! Spencer's move left the Russian reserves in the area on the wrong side of his penetration. No way to switch them over.

I had re-read the rules before they started so I would be an informed observer... Spencer is being quite sharp! He took advantage of a weakness and recognised the Russians could be at a disadvantage in responding if his attack moved forward along one main road... and succeeded... which it has.

I got an espresso and watched Greg trying to stabilise the situation... he didn't want the Germans to reach the Volga River dividing his army. Certainly not this early in the fighting. Spencer was in position to do that. His next push will get him to the river, he can pin them with frontal attacks on either side of his penetration then roll up the Russian flanks to south and north along the river.

Mr. Hardy's folks will have a direct view of the river traffic and be able to bombard the Russians across the river in Krasnaja Sloboda slowing supplies into the city.

Carl came in... a big smile, "M'Lady, did I miss anything?"

I told him what Spencer had done. Surprised... He went to Greg to confer. It isn't area but it brought more pressure throughout the defence.

Mr. Hardy grinning as we stepped into the passage.

"M'Lady, Spencer has learned very quickly how to play games."

Fist bump!

I squeezed his arm, "I enjoyed watching his attack... skilful. Fun to see. I'm certainly glad not to be a Russian."

I waved goodbye to the men.

Tom, Rox and TJ in car going to Chalgrove... a long flight home over the pole. They were well kissed and hugged. We will see them in February for the Phuket trip.

A Gulfstream ready for them. Next stop Phoenix Sky Harbour Airport.

Wade, Cicely and Flix going to Chalgrove also... a flight to Berlin. We had a booking for them at the Adlon. It is a short walk to Flix's publisher. They could be tourists there for a few days.

Wade thanked me again for this morning's tour we arranged at the Harcourt Racing Museum. He, Robert, the local architect and two others got to see it all.

They are all impressed with the design.

Wade smiling, "Kotro has done something amazing."

We think so... unusual and remarkable. We can hardly wait to see it completed.

Ring and Marthe, Jackson and Tris all going to Cowley House for a few days. Adam and Daphne were taking them out for dinner tonight. Daphne said drinks at theirs then the short walk to their favourite Indian restaurant.

After London they were going to Paris to stay at Quai de Bethune for a few days. They would fly home from Le Bourget.

A last treat for Chou and Millie before they leave... a visit to the Pendon Museum in Long Wittenham... TRAINS!!

We loaded cars... us four, Gil and Chelle, Tha and Delphine, Chou and Millie and protectors for the short drive. I pointed out the schools where I'd made stops to my car companions. West on the High Street to the museum.

At the door the museum director and staff... they were pleased to see us. Chou being the President of the Taiwan railroad is greeted with more smiles and handshakes... Cho owning The Railroad in Thailand brought more of the same. They are amazed to have `real' railroad executives visiting.

Chou and Cho talking about their own layouts... it is magical to watch the faces of these people who volunteer their time to build and maintain the three wondrous scenes here hearing what others are doing.

Chou said his is modelled on several parts of the railroad he runs. Lowland areas with a switching yard, semi-tropical highlands with rice terraces. Jungle like growth down the hillsides to high density commercial and housing.

Cho describing ours as European temperate with farms, a big town, switching yard, roundhouse, industry, commercial, high rise housing downtown stretching out to bungalows. A large semi-alpine hill having a tunnel underneath, animated buildings such as a sawmill and a grist mill, lots of fibre optics to light every building.

Charlie holding Chani's hand said they are an engineers, Chani fist bumped with her brother.

The Pendon folks loved hearing it all.

We got a terrific tour... The Dartmoor and Seawall line... it was made to duplicate of parts of branch lines in the West Country that never existed as a connected line brought together here. It is a wonderful looking construction of hills and bridges.

The Madder Valley Railway is the oldest model railway in the world!! John Ahern built it in the 1930's at the dawn of model railways. It only runs a few times a year so we will have to come back on one of those days to see it go. The museum folks promised to let us know the schedule for 2019.

The main attraction...

The Vale of White Horse scene is a recreation of the Vale' part of the Great Western railroad in the 1920's and 30's. The landscape surrounding the museum back as it had been. The detail is astounding. The buildings are built by hand from photos and text descriptions... they are exact copies of what has mostly disappeared. Homes, farms, shops, pubs, schools and churches placed into the recreated terrain showing the Vale' eighty plus years ago.

If you squint you can be transported back in time, the small people in the scene almost move.

Thatched rooves, carts and wagons, horses, children, swans and chickens, railroad workmen and shoppers, ponds and streams, rabbit hutches, bikers, cars and trucks, the multiple railroad tracks, crossings, signals...

The verisimilitude is extraordinary. Wooded hills, grassy pastures and river sides, garden gates, the locomotives... Charlie and Chani in our arms so they could see it all... delighted expressions on their faces. Pointing out things they liked. Charlie pointed out the layout had cows like ours.

Millie smiling, "Fay, it is marvellous work. So real it almost breathes."

Our tour ended at the front... We thanked the staff for giving our group a special excursion through their marvellous work. And for coming in early to do it.

Us four holding hands... Cho said we have a donation for them... it is large! After seeing the museum we know they will use the money wisely. Gil handed the ten million £ cheque to the director.

He is flabbergasted... gobsmacked... he showed it to the others... shocked faces... then they were jumping up and down, clapping!!

The Twins clapping for them.

Me, "We know it is a lot of money... you are doing such spectacular work we hope to make the museum financially sound well into the future."

Cho, "If there is a major project we would like to help outside of this donation."

"Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... you have done something very fine. This is an out-of-this-world moment for us. Thanks don't seem adequate enough."

Me, "We are pleased and want you to enjoy spending some money on a few wish-list... over-the-rainbow projects... maybe something big?"

The director said they would!

Many handshakes... fist bumps started by Chani and Charlie. The Pendon people were quick learners!

We did our goodbyes.

Time to say goodbye to Millie and Chou! We smothered them in hugs, handshakes, fist bumps and kisses. We four waved them down the drive. A Gulfstream waiting on the flight line at Chalgrove.

More fun!!

Sunny, Max and Aurora, the Twins, Cho, Gil and Chelle, me and Protectors, Ken and Gaby included especially in two AW139's lifting off for Wallington.

The folks at Manor Farm gave us the Okay to use their pasture again.

They got to meet Cho and the babies. I introduced everybody. Max and Aurora grinning at the Manor Farm folks happiness to meet us all. Max jazzed they owned the `Manor Farm.' He and Charlie doing a fist bump!

We walked to 2 Kit's Lane, Gil had called the nice woman who lived there. Millie, a different one, waiting with a smile.

"Your Ladyship, Welcome. Please come in."

Introductions all around. I shook Millie's husband's hand... he said he is amazed to meet us.

Max got a tour... even upstairs. Gaby and Ken too.

I sat with Millie to show her snaps of the rose cutting she gave me.

"M'Lady, it looks strong and well tended."

"The latter for sure. Our gardeners like the idea of it being connected to Orwell."

The Twins knew Orwell... I told Millie Charlie is reading Animal Farm. She is shocked... looking at our son at their bookshelf... he pulled Animal Farm out.

He flipped to the Battle of the Cowshed... he'd left off there.

Poor Millie... she is having a hard time dealing with small bodies being VERY big on the inside.

Smiling, "They are special... we see new things everyday!"

Millie's head shaking, "Your house must be exciting."

"It is. Things move quickly."

Many thanks for being kind to open their home to us.

Max is grooving on this... being in a house where Orwell had lived and wrote!!

I could see Ken's face he felt the same. Gaby a quiet face, "Fay, I like this."

A squeeze for her hand.

We got together to walk down `The Street' past the Manor Farm... the name on the barn made Charlie laugh more.

I had his hand, "I think Orwell walked this way seeing that barn many times."

Max taking snaps with his phone. Gaby and Ken's phones up! Charlie in the middle of the road with his iPhone up. Ken and Gaby around him watching.

I slipped my arm through Ken's... a huge smile.

"Fay, thank you for this."

I suggested he go up to London to visit some Orwell sites. He said he would.

"Maybe I can work it out so Gaby and I can go together."

"Talk to PJ."

Fist bump. Charlie beside me got one too!!

We turned onto Church Road... the Church of St. Mary, we stepped inside. The vicar waiting... a huge smile.

He bowed, "Your Ladyship, welcome back."

I thanked him, "I brought friends and family this time."

I did our introductions. The vicar introduced two Wallington residents who are councillors in the local parish. One bow, one curtsey.

The church warden bowed, I shook his hand... he offered to do a tour... Okay. Max taking Charlie's hand, Sunny with Chani. Cho grinning offering one arm to Aurora, the other to Chelle.

I had Gil stay with me.

"I have a purpose for coming today beyond bringing our guests..."

Gil handed me a cheque... I gave it to the vicar backwards... the amount not showing.

"This is for you to use however it is needed. This is a quite good deal more than the eighty £'s I left you on my last trip."

He looked as he turned it... fifty thousand £'s... his hand shaking a bit as he showed to the others.

Many thank yous!

One of the councillors said he'd heard about our giving money to churches in Oxfordshire. A neighbour's son lives in Sutton Courtenay.

"Yes, we try to give them assistance with the maintenance of the churches and we help with schools. I'm a life-long admirer of Orwell. Whatever I can do to keep up his memory I do... meaning this church is special beyond its own history to me."

The vicar smiling, "We appreciate your generosity. We do see many of Orwell's enthusiasts each year for the Orwell festival."

"I'm sure you will find ways to use the money... do not forget the rectory or other church buildings but if you have a particular problem please contact Gil. We would help you."

Gil handed him her card.

I was thanked for being so kind and generous.

They had no pressing issues in the church... there are always things to be done.

The crowd coming back... the vicar showed the cheque to the warden... a smile and another bow from him.

Many thanks. Hands shaken... fist bump lessons for the Wallington folks by the Twins. Laughter.

Goodbyes and a few more thank yous.

Goodbyes to the Manor Farm family. Their offer of the pasture landing space good any time is repeated. We thanked them.

Kellen and Avril, Quarrie and Min lifted us up looping eastward over open fields... Then turning west to pass between Milton Keynes and Luton then southwest to the house landing grid.

Carter, Carter2 and Audra smiling as Chani and Charlie ran towards them.

Carter, "Your Ladyship, Your guest has arrived. We gave her coffee in the Great Room. Jaidee is by the fire."

I thanked him.

Alycha! She got hugs and handshakes. She met us all at Old Topanga Ranch. We introduced Aurora and Max.

Sunny said come down to her flat, she'll change.

"We will get you some wellies and a tour."

Smiles, we waved them away.

Gil, her iPhone in hand, "General Montaigan is inbound. They've crossed the coast."

The Twins were excited to see Montai! His is one of the few `baby' names remaining.

They are waiting in the Great Room for the doors to open.

On the Forecourt... the car from Chalgrove rolled to a stop Lucas opened the door. Montaigan stepped out... he got a hug and handshake. In out of the cold.

Rubbing his hands with a smile, "I am ready!"

Laughing we each took an arm leading him to our Aladdin's cave entrance...

Conrad and Laurel drew open the doors... a very loud `Happy Christmas' flooded out from multiple voices.


Montaigan went forward to get hugs from the babies and fist bumps.

It is a lively welcome... Montaigan's face showed his pleasure.

He happily accepted a glass of Taittinger's... we raised our glasses to our friend and the holidays. The Twins sipping their Shirley Temples.

Montaigan leaned back, a smile, "It is good to feel the cold once a year... No more than that."

We laughed.

Cho repeated our offer to come up whenever... all he had to do was call. He thanked us and maybe he would.

There'd be no gathering of `Paras' this year... Gaby's brother Christophe was in Africa with his company chasing insurgents. Graeme not able to come until the family does.

We thanked Montaigan for Milanovski's name and his assessment of him. I told Montaigan of my meeting with Yuri and where we were going with it.

He laughed hearing how well we got on, "Yuri can be funny... there are the typical Russian morbid times. He is a man of Russia without a doubt."

I gave Montaigan Yuri's comment on us. He smiled, a knowing nod of his head.

I said he could invite Yuri down for sun and the food.

Cho nudging him, "One of our aircraft can carry him."

A handshake by them, smiles.

Tea now... nice eatables on a sideboard. Tonight is the St. Thomas Christmas play, eat a bit now with a light supper after the play.

Montaigan coming with us. The men in navy suits... me too. Montaigan with his red Christmas tie!

My Mirabelle blue suit with a mid-thigh length skirt, white shirt with an Ancient Munro tartan tie. Black heels and navy stockings. Gold jewellery, red lips and nails, `Joy'

We skipped the overcoats since we were going in and out of cars.

Flurries forecast which weren't supposed to mean much.

Mr. Thorn and Mr. Cotton at the doors. Handshakes. They had met Montaigan last year.

We sat in our usual seats on the right. Chairs for our Protectors against the wall.

Mr. Thorn in front of the stage to welcome everyone, "A special welcome to Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho and their guest General Montaigan."

He started to clap... the room took it up. Cho and I stood to say thanks. Montaigan too... waving.

We got everyone to sit.

The drama teacher came out to do the introduction.

The room was darkened...

Music, light lyrical. the curtain slid open. The stable in the centre set back to stage rear, a fenced area to stage left.

Joseph and Mary arriving stage right. Our Iris `acting' as she carries Mary in from stage right! The innkeeper walks with them. He said his inn was full, this... pointing to the stable... was all he had to offer to them.

They understood, tired, they accepted, going in... Iris with them... the door close behind them... silence for a few minutes... Joseph came out going off stage in a rush, he returned with the innkeeper and his wife. The wife went in... Joseph stayed outside pacing between the stable doors and the stage edge... a baby's cry. It startled Joseph.

The innkeeper's wife's head appeared at the door, she called Joseph in.

The stage lights lowered and a star appeared above the stable... a spotlight on it. The curtain closed.


The lights came partially up. Conversations started immediately.

Cho's lips beside my ear, "They are doing nearly the same show this year as last." I nodded.

They were doing very well... a definite improvement from the previous edition. They were moving easily, no awkwardness. Obvious their teachers working hard with them... it showed.

The second act came on in a few minutes... the lights down once more... the stable doors open, an infant lay wrapped up in swaddling clothes in a hay filled manger in the doorway with Mary sitting beside him leaning over to gently touch the male child. Joseph smiling, the proud father.

Neighbours came to visit, workers from the corrals clustered on the edges. Iris leaned over to nuzzle against Mary's shoulder.

Many people coming to see the infant whose birth was foretold by the star.

Several local bigwigs came... they hemmed and hawed... they didn't want to put their stamp of approval on the infant as being in any way out of the ordinary. A special child could cause them problems.

The other local people treated him as different, a sign of distinction.

Mary took the baby inside as the visitors moved off stage.

The curtain closed.

The third act.

Some men armed with spears come on from stage right... they ask about the baby born here... the innkeeper says to them he is in the stable.

Mary holding the baby at the doorway with Joseph. As the men approached the child they knelt to touch his swaddling clothes thanking Mary for allowing them to see the infant.

Joseph shakes hands with them. The men leave by stage right waving to the family.

Several stable boys lean on the fence talking amongst themselves... one looking and pointing away to stage right...

The three oriental Wiseman arrive. Their clothing denotes their higher social status. They each have packages.

Knelling one at a time to offer their gifts saying they followed the star for many days to see the new child. Standing and bowing deeply to the child as they backed away...

The cast on stage then sang a cappella:

We Three Kings of Orient are,

Bearing gifts we traverse afar,

Field and fountain,

Moor and mountain,

Following yonder Star.

O Star of Wonder, Star of Night,

Star with Royal Beauty bright,

Westward leading,

Still proceeding,

Guide us to Thy perfect Light.

The stage lights dimmed once more as Mary, Joseph and their son go into the stable... the star glimmering with a spotlight on it.

Curtains closing.

The lights in the room came all the way up.

The parents standing to applaud the children's efforts. Montaigan said they were very good... he asked their ages... I said the year 3's and 4's did the play, ages eight to ten.

Montaigan said hardly a problem which quite good for their ages.

The curtain reopened... all the cast and the crew with three teachers... the clapping didn't slow down.

Little bows from the children on the stage then the curtain closed again.

The chatter was how well they'd done... the mother of Joseph near us grinning accepting the congratulations of her neighbours for her son.

Cho and Montaigan decided to go with Ron Cotton and Mr. Thorn to the pub across the road, a short walk.

I said I will have a car sent... plus coats and gloves for all. My hand on Rande's arm, he thanked me with a grin. It is snowing lightly.

A kiss for Cho's cheek with... "Eat something."

Cho laughed saying they would.

The Twins were upstairs doing `Christmas art' we were told. They had their dinner.

Sunny and Alycha, Gil and Chelle joined me, for the light supper in the Breakfast Room. One of Carla's wonderful soups, bread, cheese and fruit. Lots of cookies too.

Sunny and Alycha were going up to Cowley House afterwards. Charlotte, Declan and Marsha had already taken the horses to the Olympia Centre for the horse show. Lynnette would be with Sunny the whole time.

Cho and Montaigan back as Sunny and Alycha were leaving. Kisses for them.

The guys had pub grub and a few pints with our neighbours. It was good. The local fellows very welcoming. Cho bought a round for the house.

Cho and I up to Cowley House Saturday morning with Anne, the Twins stay home with Montaigan who said they get might into some `trouble.' Laughter.

A glorious ride in the cold morning, Plotline thrilled with his new role! He's making noises on the Flats as we slowed down. Tara grinning.

Breakfast... then on our way.

Anne with us... her first helicopter ride! The AW139 settled down at Wandsworth. Anne went to Cowley House for a brief stay before Hadley's show while we do a visit.

Rae's car turned onto Horse Guards Road to the back entrance of No. 10... we were checked by the PC's. Rae dropped us at the door... Keir Starmer there to greet us, hands shaken. We followed him to his office at the rear. PJ and Rande waited in a drawing room.

Cedric smiling as we shook hands. We sat... I knew what they wanted. I gave the story of my visit with General Yuri Milanovski. What was said and how we left it. Milanovski's latest note about the generals willingness to meet brought smiles.

"We have a date in January to meet on a Russian Army aerodrome near St. Petersburg after which I will fly to Minsk to meet Navalny's top aide at the airport. Two in one day."

A thumbs up from Cedric.

"My idea is to tell Navalny's aide what was said to the generals and their responses..."

My hands palm up spread out to them.

Starmer looked at Cedric who nodded.

"Fay, we are good with that... they should know as much as possible."

"I sent an email to Hilary, she thinks the same."

Leaning back, Cho, "Reactions to the thumb drive documents?"

Starmer, "First, it paints a bleak picture which the Chinese could alter if they act in a sensible manner. There is little confidence in that and no evidence of them doing anything worth noting to this point.

I would like to add our people thought the analysis superb."

Cho and I smiling.

Cho, "The Thai government has been informed. The Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and..." a motion to me, "... Fay's father all are in the know."

"My father has people working with the Laotians and Vietnamese on cross border intelligence gathering."

Keir Starmer picked up, "So you know if Mrs. Clinton has not yet said... the Americans have a plan to move a surveillance satellite over the Chinese southern border areas adjacent to Vietnam where they might build up forces to do a land grab. A precautionary move... there are rumblings in Chinese army units... preparations for some activity. On a large scale but nothing moving at all. So it may be an exercise.

The Red River Delta rice has to be an objective of any attack given the Chinese will need to feed their population. I'm sure they would rather pay with lives versus expensive foreign exchange.

Mrs. Clinton has spoken to the Vietnamese... we, the French and Americans are going to share intelligence with the Vietnamese.

I cannot say what they might do but they know the Chinese well enough not to trust them at all.

Ms. Clinton told us they were selling some military equipment to Vietnam... short range artillery missile systems, the HIMARS, capable very accurate attacks up to one hundred and ninety miles. Also intermediate range heavy lift missiles that can carry something special... a new version of the American's MOAB bomb as a warhead. Do you know the acronym?"

I said I did... looking to Cho... he nodded, "Are they going to use them as interdiction weapons?"

Keir looking at Cedric while motioning to me... His head shaking.

"There doesn't seem to be very much you don't know. We surmise the Vietnamese would use them that way, against troop concentrations, airfields or ports. Given the limited routes to the border inside China such interdiction could isolate any Chinese forces near the border."

Keir cleared his throat, "Mrs. Clinton said they are considering sending a new weapon... a missile system that is supersonic, it flies low then pops up and explodes over radar systems dousing them in in ionised graphite ruining the radar. The Americans told us this weapon was devised to attack anti-missile systems which to be effective have to keep their radars on all the time at some reduced power level which can be detected."

I looked to Cho... a slim smile.

"Secondly, as you suggested... we spoke with the French and Germans since you alerted us they had copies of the report. We have not sat down to talk at great length about it... both think as we do about the unpleasant possibilities. We also discussed possible Chinese actions."

Me, "I think Chancellor Merkel and President Macron were a bit surprised to get messages from us saying we were sending a Security Service officer to them to deliver a sensitive document. No problems... our people were ushered right in. They gave Macron and Merkel the same documents you received. We have received their thanks and subsequently they both have spoken to Hillary."

Cho, "Our source inside the Chinese government who is mentioned in the thumb drive reports has been quiet... no sign of distress. We've tried to keep contact to a minimum for their safety."

They were pleased with us. Some diplomacy on the side by no-nonsense people at no cost to them.

Cho and I were holding back on North Korea. It looked very promising... destabilise their military through fear of an irrational dictator. Too early to know anything certain. You could call it `The Russian Army solution' after what the Americans did in Russia.

We intend to tell Hillary and we will host a group of top intelligence officers before Christmas where we will brief them on North Korea.

I did tease Keir about my promotion.' He laughed saying if any people needed promotion' we were the `poster pair.'

"Prince Charles did ask me to tease you very gently since you were onboard."

"There has been some push back... I explain we are bringing forward a bill to reform the House of Lords."

My Would he be interested in my ideas of the Lords reform' got me an immediate Yes!'

Smiling, "I will forward it to you."

We did handshakes and goodbyes with Happy Christmases shared!

Now to Mirabelle and Ralph Lauren. Rae dropped us outside Mirabelle. Anne's car stopping behind ours.

PJ opened the door for her... Anne looking a bit stage-struck... her own car, PJ holding the door for her... a hand out to her... standing beside us at Mirabelle's front door.

Hailey here with Cynthia, the manager.

Hugs for them. Introductions for Anne.

There were a dozen shoppers being attended to by staff.

Cynthia was comfortable as manager, she had promoted an assistant manager some months back... Ella who we got to meet.

The Christmas season was going well. Although clothing wasn't usually a top December item... their sales remained strong. Fist bump!

A hug for Cynthia.

We took Hailey with us. I'd asked when we got the invitation... she is very interested!

Across the road and down a bit to Ralph Lauren's. Anne smiling as we walked through the doors... another new experience for her.

Upstairs to a large room... the store manager there to greet us, others coming in...

PJ behind me quietly... "Fay, turn around..."

Ralph! We hugged, he and Cho shook hands.

"I was told you accepted the invitation... Hadley is a big part of this. She's nervous to show off some of her contributions... a bit more since she knows you are in the audience. I think you will like her dresses."

Anne introduced to Ralph... smiles as they shook hands.

He had met Hailey before... his `She is excellent competition' made us laugh.

This an event for local fashion press to see summer clothes in advance of London Fashion Week... Some other select guests like us and quite a crowd of press.

Cho and I with Anne and Hailey sat at the end away from the rest of audience.

I told Hailey that we had locations here in the UK to manufacture Mirabelle clothes being looked at. More to come for her on that. She gave me a thumbs up!

Ralph came out to do a welcome and introduced a beautiful young woman in a very nice calf length fawn suede frock... western style boots... she is the hostess.

Doors opposite us opened... the first model emerged... the collection being shown is a mix of frocks, trousers, skirts, tops, swimwear and outer wear. The hostess kept things going.

I paid the most attention to the frocks... I liked several enough to want to buy them. Good shapes and colours... a sleeveless yellow one that is mid-calf and a white cap sleeve V-neck silk frock at mid-thigh.

I marked my brochure for frocks I thought Hadley had done... I borrowed one of Cho's terrific Mont Blanc pens... I had to give it back. Poo! He laughed.

When the show was at an end... all the models came out in the last outfit they'd shown with three women, Hadley was one. The hostess introduced them to the audience. Applause... Cho and I joined in. Hailey and Anne clapping loudly.

Ralph beside us, "I supposed you would like to see Hadley..." a big smile.

He led the way to the back area... it looked there'd been frenzy ... now slowed down.

Ralph called to Hadley when she came into the back... A huge smile... she ran to hug me. Kiss on her cheek. I introduced Cho... a megawatt smile, "Sir Cho, it is lovely to meet you."

Anne and Hadley shook hands... Hadley got Anne was interested in clothes design, here with us for some look-see.

Then Hailey. Hadley smiling, "Hailey, you must have an easy job selling Mirabelle clothes."

Hailey grinned, "They are flying out the door!"

We all laughed.

I handed my brochure to Hadley... a smile when I explained... "Almost perfect! The pink one wasn't me."

I said the white and yellow ones circled I will buy. A big smile and thank you.

I asked after Carrie, Lily, Cammie and Michael... Hadley she had an email a few days ago. All is well in Chillicothe.

"Things don't change there very quickly."

"So New York is Good?"

"Yes! I love it. It is so alive. The apartment is terrific! Roslyn is an awesome cook! I'm going to get fat! Yi is in and out doing her book things. Alice sleeps with me whenever Yi is gone... very cute."

A hug!

"Have you seen any of London?"

"No, we've been preparing since I arrived. I have to go back to New York early tomorrow."

"Another time you could see some of the city."

"I want to see a lot of places... London is high on my list."

"Good. Let Gil know when you have some free time."

She would!!

A woman came up to Hadley with a question... I kissed Hadley's cheek... we all said goodbyes. We waved from the door.

Walking with Ralph Cho asked if he wanted to see our horses at Harcourt House?

He did! Cho said we are here overnight then back to Oxfordshire.

"That would work for me."

"Come for an overnight? We will provide the transport."


I said Gil will contact your PA... she will be welcome to come.

Hugs and handshakes. Anne and Hailey got a cheek kisses like me.

Rae took us to Cowley House. Late lunch!

I sat in my Lady's Room... things from Arlette to sign.

Anne wandering around the house... Clough got Temple to give her a tour.

I changed to walk over to Millbank House. I took Anne for a glimpse behind the scene.

Sage smiling, Linc sipping tea.

At my desk with Linc across grinning. Anne curled up in the overstuffed chair.

"Your Ladyship, the MOD fellow Reginald sent a note to thank us for getting the information from the retired RAF guy. He said they found the two aircraft in question and they were sent for the overhauls that were overdue. He added something with a request for it to be kept quiet... a civilian in maintenance was discharged for his part... an RAF officer was officially reprimanded."

We leaned over to fist bump.

Anne laughing.

"On the education business we have gotten a good bit of information from the Department for Education. The items missing... definitely did not arrive at more than ten dozen schools. Most were never notified the materials had been ordered for them. They are all council schools by the way."

I could see the `why' of their being chosen. Gawd... even when stealing the tories were snobby.

"That plus information from the Education people makes one think this is an inside job.

Working in their own records they have found some significant invoices which were doubled billed. Someone had to authorise them as well as the fraudulent `purchase' of the missing items.

There is a limited number of candidates to do those things.

So some progress. Harriet is our contact over there. She's seems nice and willing to help. And aware of the need to be circumspect."

"Good. I can see you've added a lot to the original reason to get started."

"Casteen is in Manchester to talk to a woman we found... she had worked for one of the companies involved with the items in the letter that began this."

I thanked him.

I took myself upstairs to see if Lord Chilgrove was in.

He smiled when I stuck my head in his office and waved... `Was he busy?'

He stood and bowed.

I laughed, "What was that for?"

"You are a Marchioness now."

"I'm hardly unique."

"Well actually you are. The only woman who holds the title in her own right...not by marriage. One of only three in the House."

I parked my butt on a table edge... I moved us to education, Mortimer is the Labour person in the House for education. He frowned as I unfolded what we were doing.

"Fay, please keep me in the loop. There's not enough money there for any to go astray."

I said I would.

Back to Cowley House. Cho on his phone... he waved a piece of paper at me.

Accountants acknowledging the move of five billion £'s to the Chanthira Foundation. The foundation's endowment reached eighty nine billion £'s... between our donating and Sud's folks at the Cho Family Investment Bank doing their wizardry. We have spent eight and half billion on the clinics and shelters. We're not sitting on it like some non-profits.

Five billion £'s? That only leaves us some where around one hundred and thirty five billion... laughing inside.

Cho and I together... I suggested we buy a piece of land in Long Wittenham... offer it to the Pendon Museum to build a new much larger space! Cho liked that!! I said I'd get Mason on it.

"I am thinking more than five acres so they plenty of space to work with for the building and a car park." A kiss for me!

I called Mason... I suggested he look at a plot of land on the eastern end of Long Wittenham, on the east side of the Little Wittenham Road... it is open land not being farmed. He would be on it straightaway.

"If it is for sale buy it?"


A thank you from me.

I told Cho... I got another kiss. Laughing I said, "Every time I spend money you kiss me... that sort of encouragement could bankrupt us."

Cho laughed out loud, "Go for it!"

He pulled me down beside him... he outlined our current financial picture... One hundred and thirty five billion £'s... more or less. Much in land, buildings, businesses, equipment, etc... but we had considerable liquidity... nearly forty billion £'s. I'm not a financial wizard... even for me I knew we were excellent shape.

I sat in my Lady's Room to make two calls... Chancellor Merkel first.

I gave her the details of my talk with General Milanovski... what we said we would do. She laughed when I said this is part of my promise to the General.

"Fay, we will wait as you suggest to hear from you. I will say to the press we are hopeful about developments in Russia and we would welcome them into the European family of nations."

I said it sounded good and bland... more laughter.

"This is personal diplomacy on your part which could be what is needed. No posturing required."

"That is an element I want to avoid. General Milanovski sounded quite positive."

President Macron started off congratulating Cho and I for our new awards.

Once he got my explanation of my self-imposed task he is very supportive.

"Fay, your approach has many possibilities... to make it succeed you will have to put yourself out there... publically at some point."

"Yes, to start it will be silent then once they have come onboard I will have the task of being available for publicizing the effort which I am prepared to do."

"Good! You will raise the chance of success exponentially being who you are."

I thanked him for that little boost.

We laughed.

He changed the tone...

"About your Chinese documents... Chancellor Merkel and I have a bit time to talk... our people do not see the Chinese making the difficult decisions to repair their economy. It moves us toward Vietnam being as you suggest a target at some point in the future."

"It is obvious... how long will they wait concerns me. I am glad Ms. Clinton is looking to be proactive watching the border areas. What is good is the geography... it narrows what the Chinese can do."

"Have you been told... we, the UK and America are going to share intelligence with the Vietnamese?"

"Yes. The Prime Minister told us. We have several good links to the Vietnamese which we will use."

"Excellent! A cataclysmic event in China we would like to avoid although only they can prevent it."

"Indeed. I have an idea a bit more personal diplomacy which I will let all of you in on when it is over.

He laughed, "It may be best to keep some secrets."

Like Ms. Merkel he would make a few noises with hopeful sounding words. Something about France would welcome the renewal positive relations with Russia who had been an ally in the past. I liked that.

Cho grinning as I gave him the tale of my phone calls.

"Macron is right about keeping a few secrets."

A kiss!

Sunny, Charlotte and Alycha here for dinner. They'd be out early tomorrow although Sunny's event doesn't start until early afternoon. Lynnette smiling, she is Sunny's shadow.

Sunny and Anne chatting about school, clothes... Sunny got a précis of the Ralph Lauren summer clothes from Anne and Hadley's frocks looking at my brochure. I knew Sunny liked Ralph Lauren's clothes... slender looks and a bit horsey when you wanted.

A big grin, "Can we have a shopping trip when it all hits the stores?"

A thumbs up from me. A cheer!

My morning walk was positivity peaceful... no issues or press. I guess we're off their radar for now. Maybe not... a fellow with a telephoto lens aimed my way. An internal shrug, nothing to do. I just went on about my business.

Cho in his study, me in my Lady's Room... working!

Anne with Ansara took a walk around the outside... looking at the buildings, a walk along the Thames.

Luncheon... a creamy potato soup and grilled vegetable sandwiches. Tasty!!

Dress for the horse show.

Navy wool ankle length skirt, white long sleeve blouse with a shirt collar... ruffled cuffs, red blazer, gold buttons. Navy stockings and black block heel ankle boots. Gold jewellery, red lips and nails, `Joy'

The Coach navy camels hair coat, navy leather gloves and a Hermès blue, white and red scarf.

Cho in a navy suit, white shirt, a Harcourt Racing tie. His navy wool coat and gloves.

Anne had a navy dress... my suggestion after she sent me some snaps of her frocks. She and Sarah made it. Very nice clean shape, several inches above the knee, long sleeves, a shirt collar. I lent her a pearl necklace. A big smile in the mirror.

A beige wool coat and navy gloves. Anne looked very nice! Far from a farmer's daughter!

Our Protectors in navy too... aren't we cute!

Us in a car with Anne, PJ and Tara with Rande and Ansara on the road to the Olympia Centre in West Kensington. We stopped on Olympia Way outside the Apex Room entrance... Metropolitan Police all around managing traffic.

Inside the door a security fellow and an aide... we are recognised... they bowed. Into the lift... up to the Apex Room.

A young woman took our outer wear. We were given badges... they allowed us access to all areas of the show.

Princess Anne, big smile, "Ah... Good to see you! We are using this room for a place to rest and get a bit to eat and drink. So if you get footsore come on up."

Anne is Introduced to Princess Anne!! The Princess smiling, "A fine name that!"

Laughter. Anne a bit flustered meeting the Princess Royal... shy but smiling. She did a very nice curtsey.

The Princess Royal said she is looking forward to the Jumping Grand Prix to see Sunny compete.

She asked to speak to us about the Linton Castle International Horse Trials in Roxburghshire.

The Trials are having financial issues, it may be forced to stop holding the event.

Princess Anne asked if we could see about putting together a group to assist the Trials.

We looked at each other, Cho asked did Princess Anne know their difficulty?

Nothing specific, likely the current sponsor is not going to put in more money or? Cho said we would take a look.

The Princess motioned to her aide... she asked the aide to call the Earl of Linton... we would have an introduction to him, the Earl worked with the Trials people. He provides the land.

Marquis and Lady Ovendem came in... no outer wear so they must have been here already. We shook hands... Grace asked what Sunny had entered.

"Only the Jumping Grand Prix."

"Yes... I can see why. She was masterful at Badminton."

Anne introduced once more. Easier this time for her. Another perfect curtsey.

Cho saw coffee... Grace said she wanted some also. Denis and I got in our requests. Cho asked... Anne said nothing for her.

Denis smiling, "A big welcome to the small society of Marquisates... It is good to have a woman join in. We are mostly old fuds like me."

"Denis, no need to fish for compliments. You look quite hale and hearty."

He laughed, "I spoke to MacDonald the other day... he seems to be getting younger."

"He likes his grandchildren... so taking better care of himself is giving him much more fun with them."

"Yes... We are near to having our first... our son and his wife plus our daughter's first with her husband."

"Both?" A nod. "You will be busy. Do they live nearby?"

"Our son here in Kensington, our daughter's family in Northamptonshire... twenty miles from us."

"Easy to get to either. Wonderful for you. Ours are two and a half so we have a while to wait."


Cho brought me a coffee, Grace for Denis. They were thanked.

The coffee is good!

They had seen some of the events... there are so many... impossible to see it all. They did give a pass to the canine events... not their thing.

They also wanted to see the Jumping Grand Prix so we could walk around to the Princess' box together. Princess Anne's invitation had us use her box.

PJ and Rande had a venue diagram so they knew where we needed to go... they were leading. Denis winked my way with a head motion towards our Protectors. I smiled. My hand in Cho's, a squeeze. Anne beside me... she seemed to be dealing with all the Royal and aristocrat excitement around.

We walked around the National Hall looking down on the activity. Anne leaned over the balustrade to see the action, many retail booths.

A right turn into a passage leading to the Grand Hall. We walked through to the level above the arena floor.

Approaching Princess Anne's box... the security fellow bowed and opened the door.

It is empty we sat on the front edge to the left. We had a wonderful view of the area from the middle of the long side of the rectangular arena. Cho on my left side, Anne the other side of Cho.

Time for the Jumping Grand Prix which is part of the Longines FEI World Cup.

The jumping layouts in place... a complicated arrangement for more than one event. It looked cluttered to me... I would think it tough on riders.

Princess Anne arrived we all stood... smiling she motioned us to sit.

The first rider coming out... Sunny is near to the end of the queue at number ten.

We watched each of the riders come in... only a dozen... do their tour of the jumps and out. The scores on the big board... each had penalties of one sort or another... their times thirty four seconds or higher.

The tannoy... "Miss Sunny from Harcourt House on Prince Sergey."

There is polite applause.

Sunny in her black outfit and the Spanish Equestrian hat looking quite different from the white jodhpurs and blue or black jackets which most of the other riders wore. Prince's roan pale gray plus black mane and tail adding to the unique `look.'

Sunny moving... the first jump... they soared over it... she worked her way through the layout.. clearing each with room to spare! They looked relaxed... composed moving between the jumps.

No hurrying to keep the time low... just a calm consistent motion.

A triple! Prince bounded over them as if they were one foot high... Sunny's form perfect at each jump. Never over-balanced, steady and calm. She kept Prince moving in a smooth manner... some horses jerked about especially on landings.

The last jump... they went over floating on air!

Once Prince's hooves were on the dirt the crowd went a bit gaga... cheers, yells and applause.

Princess Anne leaning over smiling, "She's consistent! An amazing ride. Her time very fast."

Sunny's marks... NO Penalties! The fastest run of the circuit by far!

There were two more... one a past FEI Showjumping champion and the winner of this Jumping Grand Prix... he came out to quite a nice welcome. He moved through the jumps easily... then on the triple jump he knocked a bar... it rocked but did not fall.

He finished the rest cleanly. A very nice applause for him.

He got a few penalties for that knock and bouncing around a bit in the saddle. He is a six tenths of a second slower than Sunny.

The last fellow knocked a bar loose it fell to the dirt.

Princess Anne's smile, "She's done it!"

She leaned over to shake hands.

Anne clapping for her friend.

The tannoy said the results would be announced at the end.

Grace and Denis grinning... Grace's `Was there any doubt?' had us laugh.

Denis pointed out several of Sunny's competitors today had also been beaten at Badminton...

Princess Anne departed for the award ceremony.

All the eventing riders back into the arena... they were in a line abreast across the narrow width of the arena... the individual awards were announced... for the three days of events... the riders moving forward to receive their various awards.

Then "Miss Sunny from Harcourt House and Prince Sergey winners of the Jumping Grand Prix."

The announcer... "Miss Sunny at fifteen is the youngest to have ever competed. She is the reigning overall Badminton champion also winner of Badminton's Showjumping event.

Prince Sergey is British bred and owned by Miss Sunny."

She and Prince advanced to the award spot. Blue ribbons, the show people brought the big silver and crystal plate for her to hold up for the photographers. Princess Anne smiling beside Sunny and Prince Sergey.

Bright flashing lights had Prince turn his head.

When all the awards were completed Sunny and Prince led the riders in a circuit of the arena... waving to the crowd... the applause quite loud. The other riders moved to the exit leaving Sunny and Prince by themselves finishing the second circuit.

She ended going out at the end to the warmup space beyond the big doors. Warm and loud applause following her.

Goodbyes for Grace and Denis, they were staying for the next event. We walked down to the ground level heading to the rear where the warmup arena was located.

Security... our badges allowed us into the arena... Anne looking around, a first time at something like this for her.

The riders had dismounted, they were talking with each other. The grooms working on the horses, a face stroked here and there. Blankets going on.

Charlotte, Declan and Marsha with Prince. I could see he was chewing... a mint must have appeared from Marsha's pocket.

Sunny talking to several other riders with Alycha. Lynnette right there looking cool and professional.

We were spotted... Sunny ran over. A hug and kiss on her cheek. Alycha and Lynnette on her heels. Charlotte coming behind the youngsters.

"Fay... Cho... it was marvellous." She stopped, "Prince is the best. All our work for thirty three seconds..." A smile and a shrug.

A hug for Anne. Big smiles.

Anne congratulated Sunny, "It was terrific to watch you for the first time. You are amazing."

Sunny thanked her, "Its because Prince is so wonderful... a real competitor!"

A hug for Charlotte and a congratulations.

"Fay, Sunny is the once in a lifetime student."

Cho shaking her hand, "Charlotte, you should clone her."

We laughed to Charlotte's `As if.'

Sunny introduced us to a few of the riders... they bowed... we shook hands. We spoke to several for a few minutes... these were among the younger ones.

Sunny went to the fellow who is the past showjumping champion who finished second today. They spoke, Sunny led him over.

She introduced Everett. A nice looking fellow, early thirties. He bowed, we shook hands.

We congratulated him for being the overall champion here.

Smiling he said it is just as well Sunny didn't enter all the events. He had not been able to go to Badminton this year, he came third the year before.

He is on the UK Olympic Equestrian Team.

"I suppose I will get to see Sunny riding for America?"

Sunny, a brilliant smile, "I've been riding with the U.S. Team, several events over the summer."

Everett's head shaking, "You are just making it harder."

Sunny grinned and patted his shoulder, "You are up for the challenge?"

"Indeed I am... so watch out."

Laughter as they shook hands smiling.

An event person came close... chivvying the riders... time to meet the press so off they all went.

Alycha smiling, "Fay, it is great to have been behind the scenes, watching from the entrance didn't let me see it all... I could hear the crowd's response... like a whoop sound."

"We were on the top... a great overall view. The crowd loved Sunny and Prince."

I walked Sunny to the press centre holding hands. She was happy, smiling... a cheek kiss. A handshake for Lynnette, a huge grin. Alycha had press credentials so she went in also.

Sunny and her team going back to Harcourt House afterwards like us.

A woman reporter asked to speak with me... I said, "Sorry! It is the riders you need to talk with today not me."

I gave her a good smile. She smiled back and thanked me anyway.

PJ giving us a thumbs up... we walked around to the stairs, up a level to get our outer wear... wrapped up, we went down the lift to the Apex entrance of the Olympia Centre. The car waiting... Metropolitan Police folks around doing their things.

Loaded... straight to Wandsworth and home.

Carter, Carter2 and Audra at the doors.

A car for Anne. Big thank yous for the trip... it had been so incredible. A kiss for her. We waved her away home.

Carter said the babies are in the Great Room with Montaigan.

Carter, "M'Lady... Sir Cho... your guests have arrived. Lady Chanthira and Lord Harcourt greeted them out front with me."

A monster smile on his face. Carter really loved the Twins... pleased they are so clever and a bit forward.

Adam and Daphne, Des and Roseanna, they had all just arrived. Hugs and kisses for them.

They got Sunny's news! We toasted with Taittinger's but not Roseanna... she is pregnant!! They had it confirmed the day before yesterday! A big hug for her! So she got a Shirley Temple like the Twins.

"Fay, we are happy. My colonel is pleased for us. He said I needed to keep him up to date on how things were going so he can manage any modifications I might need in duty assignments."

She did an exaggerated swipe of her brow... "He's a good officer, father to three, so he knows what's involved. In the past the Army might have asked me to leave the service... not now. The family benefit changes are for the better!"

A big smile, "He likes my work!"

Fist bump! Lord Harcourt joined in on that... Roseanna laughing... "I do hope it is a boy..." She ruffled Charlie's hair, a big grin. "... Des isn't so concerned."

Her family very excited... she is the oldest, no other grandchildren so far... they'll be new grandparents!

Adam beside me, "Fay, it was quite the scene to have your children greet us in your stead. They look so much like you both it was like you were minimised."

I told him what Chani said about people coming our table at 21 when the Twins lunched there.

We laughed!!

More Guests... At the front we greeted Matthew and Rose. They had been in London to see Eileen, Sue and Rosalie. They wanted to see us, just a short visit.

Sue pregnant with their second baby, not having a fun time so far... lots of morning sickness.

They might be out before Christmas... Rose shaking her head, "Sue doesn't want to have an `episode' here. She said it would be too embarrassing."

I squeezed Rose's hand, "It is awkward anywhere... unavoidable for her. We can handle it."

Rose would call to tell them.

Gil leaned over, "Ralph is on approach..."

I kissed Rose's cheek... "Another guest."

Cho and I out front to greet Ralph. He had a big smile walking over from the AW139, his PA close behind. Lucas went to get their bags.

"The house is as it should be..." A big arm wave, "... suitable for a Marchioness."

We laughed and hugged, he and Cho shaking hands.

I welcomed his PA.

"Your Ladyship, it is a beautiful house."

"Inside is even better."

Laurel took their coats.

Conrad and Kendall at the doors to the Great Room... Open!

Ralph looking to me... a grin!

"A wonderful room!"

I could barely hear him all the Happy Christmases being called out. The Twins walked up... they did fist bumps with Ralph. He knelt to do it laughing.

We did introductions all around. Glasses of Taittinger's and Shirley Temples.

Cho, "To friends being here to help us celebrate Christmas! Welcome and enjoy!!"

We drank... Cho holding his glass up again, "To Roseanna and Des plus the absent Sue and Eileen... congratulations on becoming parents soon!"


Des and Roseanna side-by-side... huge smiles saying thank you to Cho and everyone.

I parked on a settee near the fire with Daphne... she looked at me... "Did I curtsey?"

"No... your second offence... so you better do a good one if you expect to keep your head."

Daphne stood up and curtseyed. Laughter!

I asked about Sara... A smile, "She's in Paris with a new love interest."

"She hasn't given up on you?"

"Oh no! In any case I'm not possessive. Her newbie is a sweet lady whose family has been in France since the end of the Nineteenth Century... from Vietnam."

"Ah... Eurasian or...?"

"No! They have only married Vietnamese like themselves... merchants, educators, artists and mandarins who preferred France to Cochin-China."

"Is it serious?"

"It is right now. I've met Thào. She is nice, very pretty, slender, petite. She was funny when we were alone for a few minutes... she asked me not to be upset because she and Sara were together. I told her I only wanted Sara to be happy... she looked relieved.

Sara told me Thào is very sensitive to feelings. They appear quite close... It warms my heart... Sara and I are good as pair but there is no chance Adam and I would ever part. I think it is realistic of Sara not to want to be an appendage... she needs full time loving."

A hug for Daphne!!

I saw Ralph with Charlie over by their pictures...he looked incredulous... I took Daphne with me.

Ralph's head shaking, "Fay, Charlie said these are six months old. They were two?"

Daphne squeezing my hand as she said "DAMN!"

Close to Ralph, "They were done in the late summer four months or so ago."

I laughed, "Pretty good... Huh?"

Daphne's hand clutching mine much tighter.

Ralph squatting down, "Amazing Charlie. I easily recognised both birds."

Charlie, "Chani's landscape is the view to the northwest across the valley."

His hand motioning over our right shoulders.

"Marvellous..." Ralph reached out to fist bump with Charlie... smiles.

Daphne kissed Charlie's cheek. He didn't mind a bit!

Adam came over... Rose and Matthew came with Chani. Des and Roseanna.

Ralph motioning to Charlie's, "They are American birds."

Ralph said Charlie's birds were spot on to the real things.

Charlie told everybody he'd seen them both on picnic with Popa in Discovery Park while we were in Seattle.

Chani with a cute `Popa' grin said the she told me she wanted to paint the view when we were laying on our tummies by the pool. Laughter.

Sunny, Alycha and Charlotte made it in time for dinner. Now our guests got the details about Sunny's latest triumph.

We had a wonderful surprise for our guests... a Marandi-Rupinder buffet!! The aromas brought out big smiles! Beside my daughter as we ate... she is flashing those cute little white teeth biting a pakora.

Our cooks were praised!

Afters in the Great Room... sitting with Roseanna watching Chani rub Jaidee's hair backwards then smooth it down... little fingers getting in deep... gentle tail flips by the Choco Boy.

Cho held up his iPhone... snaps from Dave Hendry's wedding in Florida. A pretty bride and Dave with one of those `how lucky can a guy get' smiles! Cho replied with congratulations and good wishes!

Cho told everyone about Dave chasing after Tom Angleten. "Dave is the current British Open champion."

Gil had an email from Effy... she likes Harcourt Farm life and the people are awesome. Dickie knows his stuff... she's going to learn a lot. I asked her to reply with a `Go for it!'

The Twins did their goodnights, they got hugs and kisses from the crowd. We carried them up... I got a look at Chani's tiny tonsils on the way. Roseanna came with... I suggested it to `learn' about bedtime rituals. She laughed and happily helped.

Everyone got how we do breakfast.

Cho and the men played poker for a while... a la Cho!

Me in black going down the grassy lane with a brown dog... Pamela letting me know she was READY! Gaby stroking Roland's neck, Tessa on Gough.

South over the tracks a wondrous gallop to the lock. Hellos for the lockman. I moved Pamela closer and asked his name.

A big smile, "I'm Rudyard, M'Lady."

"We've been doing this for several years I'm sorry not to have asked before."

"M'Lady, I could have spoken up before myself."

We shook hands.

Rudyard said Roy is not coming today, a family wedding in Swindon.

Over the river to the Thames Path... galloping along at a decent pace up to the Boatyard... quiet. We went left into the woods... on the dirt road we asked for more speed... our mounts willingly widened their strides.

We were at the lock rapidly... over the little gate bridge with hellos then on the grass... we didn't have to ask they knew... SPEED! A great run... the sun breaking through the clouds it made the river shimmer.

We slowed at the Flats as there is activity. A short walk then up to hand over the horses... hugs for horses and Protectors.

A new treat for us in the Breakfast Room. A Chani pastel chalk drawing of a Thai Torch ginger flower! It has various shades of pink, Chani chose delightful combinations. Ellie matted and framed it.

It is sitting upright on the table.

Chani has real talent... maybe time for some art instruction? Or not as she seems to be doing just fine!

Ralph came into the Breakfast Room after me. Sunny next.

"Fay, I love your outfit! Sleek and appropriate for you."

Sunny said it is what she competes in. Ralph said its much better than the traditional clothes and funny round top helmets. Fist bumps to laughs.

Alycha in for food! She is going out to watch Sunny practice. She flies home this evening.

Everyone so amazed by Chani's pastel!

Cho! I got a kiss. A smile looking at Chani's work.

"She has a very sure hand."

I nodded, "With many types of medium."

A kiss.

Matthew and Rose, Adam and Daphne, Des and Roseanna... they browsed the sideboard. After being at a loss for words looking at Chani's work.

I tried to hide my last piece of toast under strawberry preserves. Cho grinning... watching... I succeeded.

"Yea!" The Twins arrived with Tha and Delphine... we got together to get them settled and fed after Chani is congratulated for her pastel. Chani said the plant is growing in our Bangkok garden.

Food in... wellies for some coming for a walkthrough of the Stables. Ralph borrowed a heavier mac, Cho offered really warm gloves... gratefully accepted.

Adam, Daphne, Rose and Matthew, Roseanna and Des coming. Everyone wanted to meet Glaa!

We walked down... The crowd got to meet the staff and all the horses.

Ralph had a delighted face as he stroked Glaa's neck...

"Cho... Is he here all the time?"

"No... he and IrishRainbow will stand stud here for a few months then go back to Harcourt Farm in Kentucky. He was in Thailand in the summer, he has five mares in foal there."

I grinned, "They were the dams for SakChai, Aneka, Sasithorn, Rando, Prichit and more of our winners."

Ralph laughed, "You are doubling down... Glaa's genes from champion parents mating with proven dams... extra special babies... more great horses!!"

Cho, "They are here because the Queen's stables are sending several of their mares to each. Her Majesty likes our colts. She has three mares in foal to Asda who is next for us to visit. He is Glaa's sire, Glaa's dam Hathai is beside him."

Roseanna stroking Glaa's muscled neck... smiling to me, "Fay, amazing to do this. He was so awesome on the track."

Fist bump!

Ralph fed Asda a mint... Hathai came to the fence... she got one from Roseanna!

Ralph impressed with our `Power couple.' "Damn they are gorgeous!! No wonder Glaa turned out out so well!!"

They all got to meet Penelope and Secret Royal and their dams. All in one paddock... the yearlings are buddies. I handed Ralph an apple in quarters... these ladies loved them some apple! I had another half cut into smaller pieces to share with the younger ones. Munch!

Gil held up her iPhone with a snap of the one year old Secretariat... Ralph asked why a black and white snap of Secret Royal.

I leaned over, "That is a forty seven year old picture. It was taken in Doswell, Virginia at Meadow Stable."

Ralph looked... at Secret Royal then the snap... You could see him work it out.

He looked to Cho and I...

Cho smiling, "It is indeed Secretariat."

"My god has he come back?"

I squeezed his arm, "We fervently hope so!"

Cho explained Secret Sea's pedigree merged with Asda's.

"He is a handsome boy."

Cho, "We are hoping he likes to run... run fast! Many of Secretariat's records still stand especially those in the Triple Crown. Only Glaa has come close in forty five years!"

We got golf carts for more touring... they got to see a lot that is close in. Not much point of looking at harvested fields or those sown with winter wheat... flat earth. We did a buzz around Sunny's bits.

Notre Noir and Aroon on the track... they got see them.

We walked up for lunch.

Ralph, "Fay... Cho... it is so beautiful and organised."

Cho, "The countryside is beautiful... Luckily we have managers who insist everyone putting things where they are supposed to be."

I dashed up to change then food. The brown and cream checked cigarette trousers, brown ankle boots, a cream silk t-shirt under a brown cashmere Cardigan, coral lips and nails, `Joy'

I walked into the Breakfast Room... Ralph smiling saying I looked terrific. A nice easy look! I thanked him. Grins!

After lunch Cho had calls to deal with so Ralph and I walked with our friends in the Garden with the Twins and Jaidee running around. At the stone wall he got Chani's view... a different season but the same.

He liked the idea of a rose of Orwell's growing in our garden. Adam smiling to me mouthing `Orwell.' I grinned.

"You can see our gardeners are taking good care of it."

Ralph did some merry-go-`round pushing for the Twins...they we very cute asking... big thanks after.

Inside Gil and Chelle needed some time... it looked like Ralph's PA also had some work for him. We put them in the Office.

Work for two hours.

Cho came in to root me out... he had called the Earl of Linton. The Earl said the current primary sponsor is having very cold feet... smaller sponsors could not cover the costs.

While many riders came to participate... the paid spectator numbers were failing. The sponsors are unwilling to rise their financial participation... ongoing deficits were not to be covered.

The current Linton Castle Trials management seemed bereft of good ideas to change the sliding attendance numbers.

"I told him if we get involved it would mean an overhaul of the management, our bringing in people who we feel have the skills to operate the Trials.

There is no argument. He is on the Trials board of directors... he said they would go his way."

I thought that was a bit much without hearing what we might offer. He provides the land so he has the whip hand... Something for us to consider also.

We sat to talk... we decided if we go ahead we would need absolute voting control of the board... no point in putting in any money without that... things might not change the way we know they need to go.

I did make the point we needed some sort of new contract arrangement with the Earl of Linton about the land.

So it comes down to if they want us to save the Trials they will have to trust us to use the power to make things happen.

It isn't like we don't have the reputation for good business sense, a deep knowledge of horses and probity. A Board of directors we control would insure the trials being well managed.

We bounced a few ideas around... using other places of interest nearby to encourage tour groups to come and be part of the trials like the Cheviot Hills, Berwick, Floors Castle, many other castles and quite a few golf courses...

Accommodations... this is where the biggest failure is. Not enough rooms nearby. Encourage more B&B's and cottages to let, caravan sites with amenities, build a yurt village... ideas needed!

Maybe some `package deals' for guests... tours, golf, fishing... salmon!

Horses for riding and space on Linton's estate to go about. We could duplicate Discovery Park Stables electronic fencing system.

Cho grinning, "Okay time to turn off your idea machine. Write some of it down."


Cho used his Dressing Room to call Linton back. He would tell him we'd send some people to look at the books and the physical layout.

I sat at my writing desk to scribble all my thoughts and few new ones.

Drinks. Ralph and his PA would fly back to London after dinner. Alycha departs for Los Angeles later. Matthew and Rose to leave for Froyle in the morning.

Ralph enjoyed another excellent dinner. He is smiling when the Bakewell Tart is placed in front of him. His PA grinning... her first go for this classic English dessert. Clotted cream included.

In the Entryway Ralph thanked us for the visit and a second look at our life.

"Your Christmas is quite the event!"

A hug and handshake for him.

His PA smiling, "For an American girl it is an eye-opener."

I said we were glad she could come.

We waved as Min lifted Ralph and his PA up for the short flight to Wandsworth. A Prasert car waiting for them.

Alycha in a car for Chalgrove, a non-stop flight to Santa Monica. Many thanks for our hospitality and helping her learn about eventing. A hug from Sunny.

A car at the other end to go to the home she shared with her partner Tommy who being in a basketball season couldn't come. Alycha said she had snaps to show him.

The babies were upstairs... we ran up for kisses and goodnights. They were snuggled in... sleepy smiles holding their bed buddies.

Des and I talking... he is a happy fellow... he loves his work.

"Fay it is rewarding me every day.

Rose and Matthew happy to have had time here. Eileen, Rosalie and Sue were thinking about coming out after Rose's call. Sue's tummy upsets notwithstanding we'd like to see them.

Matthew and Rose's farm is doing very well... good harvests, healthy animals, Eileen's horses don't get ridden enough.

On the last, "You need to get those girls out to visit more."

They laughed. Rose, "Its only an hour's drive but you know they have their lives."

In bed later... Cho holding my ass cheeks tight squeezing me against him... a grin.

"Linton said `send them' he would have a place for them to stay. I said we would be in touch."

Okay looks like we have a new project. We pulled the bedclothes up around us and called Francis.

They were awesome!! Wesley growing... looking handsome. His paediatrician very pleased.

He would talk to Morgan and Philippa in the morning and email Rafferty now to be prepared to go to Scotland.

We asked him to get the Sharks looking for some folks to run the trials. I'd call Clare in the morning for the same task. Okay!

My morning ride fabulous... Pamela said so too! Roland and Plotline let Gaby and Tara know their agreement. Seems Plotline really likes our runs... stepping proudly on the Flats.

The Breakfast Room had Cho, Gil and Chelle... I am surprised by the latter.

A big grin at my comment, "Only for you Fay... lots of things to do."

She got a kiss.

Cho and Gil weren't left out on that.

Matthew and Rose breakfasting with us then we waved them off home.

Adam and Des eating with us, their ladies getting packed with some help by our people. We fed them all well... kissed and hugged them before they loaded up for the city.

Roseanna got a big hug for two.

Daphne and I did get in a talk last night about Denham School... more fashion designers coming in the spring term!! I told her about Anne.

Back to work for the newsmen!

We had a story for them to take with... A change of mind on our part... The Oxford solicitors called... a report on the Telegraph lady we picked up at the Open House. She was charged with unlawfully altering her vehicle registration then bailed until the second week in January when she had to be the Crown Court in Oxford.

Des said he could send someone to the Aldgate Station. He asked if the Oxford Mail knew. Gil said when she heard she called the editor. Okay. Des said they will work with them.

"They can do this end, we will speak to the Telegraph and do research on the woman."

Our London newspapers still rising against their competitors. The Daily Mail and the Daily Telegraph falling further behind!

They were cheered on before the car doors closed.

The Twins did `lessons' in the Nursery... German vocabulary and grammar. The Body Part Game now included ellbogens sticking out mixed with what they were sitting on... stuhl. Jaidee is a Hund they wanted zum spielen with.

After lunch we all walked down to the Oxford Road to catch a lift on the Hay Ride in the village. Dan Senior and Junior doing their thing with Boxer and Rosie pulling the flat wagon piled high with hay. The three sides of the open frames keeping it on the wagon.

The Twins first time doing this. Cho paid for us all and a donation. The Cotton's managing it as usual.

We put the Twins on board four feet from the edge between us... Alba and Roche sat on the edge in front of us. No falling off for us. Sunny went up to the top to be with her friends. Anne waved to us.

The Hay Ride is happening before the family coming from Seattle this year so Sunny's brothers are missing out. Next year.

We waved to people as the wagon worked its way south to the turn-around point. Chani and Charlie getting a kick out of this new thing... waving with both hands to people on the road side.

We stayed on all the way to the northern turn-about and back down to our drive.

We climbed down... the Twins went to thank the Fraser's for doing this. The two Dan's bowed and did fist bumps.

Sunny staying a bit longer with her friends.

Little Lord Harcourt holding Lady Chanthira's hand walking up the drive ahead of us. I am hand holding with Popa who had a huge grin looking at the Twins. A kiss!

Hot Chocolate and a walnut molasses cookies for us! Alba and Roche joining in... the Twins invited them. Nice!

I sat in the Library to get some work done. Gil and Chelle there to start then they dumped things on me and took off. The last they saw of me was my tongue stuck out their direction.



Lamarr in Louisville letting us know the day care opened today for Security Service workers and others working for us in the city. It is beside our Security building on S. Preston Street. He is pleased, the crowd of kids had a splendid opening... cheers and fun!

The After School Room on the west side is terrific... computers, a quiet room and a tutor/supervisor to help with homework.

The snaps he sent were great! Moms, dads and kids with smiles! Balloons and cake! A big welcome sign!

Cho is included with Tilly, Sumate, Thet and me so I don't have to forward it to him.

Donovan's email... the new temporary Cook County Sheriff let them know he is taking legal advice whether to release the DNA info for the unknown young men found at the Summerdale house of horrors.

A review in progress... no date for a decision.

Well more waiting for some bureaucrat to get off their arse!

Flix emailing from Berlin... They are having fun. The publishers are very nice, her editor over the moon with the translated text to date.

They are to meet the several Berlin ladies in the book, Cicely looking forward to seeing them and their families again.

Wade indulging himself with the architecture!!

Many thanks for the Adlon Hotel!! It is luxurious!!! The staff very attentive. My reply `Enjoy!'

A call to Hillary...

She thanked me for the Milanovski update.

I gave her the rundown on what we were doing in North Korea's computers. How we started and how deep we are.

"We are going VERY slow in creating our false messaging. We are copying the syntax and the official verbiage which seems to prevail.

We found some contentious emails between several generals about government policies. We are exploiting that rift. Subtle word usage.

There are also emails from government departments on army policy, planned displays of army equipment for the dictator, etc... we are studying them for ways to utilise the content.

The email of one general involved with their nuclear programme has given us leads to new documentation, supply levels of fissionable material and rocket data.

We are sending all that to Theodore for evaluation and to pass along to appropriate government offices."

I added we will inform the guests at our intelligence heads meeting.

"Your folks have been busy! Your hosting the heads of intelligence services will likely get you many questions about it."

"We anticipate that... we will make available a video briefing for them with our folks in Bangkok."

"You know an FBI representative is attending with Williams?"

"Yes, we were told. An Assistant Director. We have room for them all. The house staff will be instructed about the secret nature of the meetings... they are steady, loyal people. Clough, our butler, is a man much like Carter... an unflappable organised leader.

Our transport folks have it all prepared for those landing at Chalgrove. It all looks very tidy.

We, of course, are causing these fellows some fuss so we want to play nice."

Hillary laughed, "Don't you always?"

Laughing, "We do try."

Hillary laughed hearing Nick Rawlins and family were to visiting before she and Bill.

"A republican? Whatever next?"

"We sent you and Bill a Christmas package, a personal gift. Two books and collar for Puan. A red ribbon on it like her Popa is wearing. Jaidee looks great in it."

She thanked us for the gifts. Hillary wished us a wonderful holiday with our family. I reciprocated... and for her to say hello to Chelsea's family.

Gil's head in the Library doorway, "The Bangkok Express is on approach... the Fortrose Rocket is on the ground. The Seattle Supersonic less than an hour out."


Everybody in the Great Room... ready! Cho and I out front... The Scots have arrived!

Lucas opening the car door... Uncle Craig out with a big smile... his hand out to help Aunt Dee out then Donella!

Hug for Dee, big squeeze. Arms around Craig! Doc's arms around my neck, cheek to cheek. Cho and Craig shaking hands. Aunt Dee and Cho laughing as they hugged.

Craig's golf clubs lifted from the boot with their bags.

At the Great Room doors... pause... then open... a huge Happy Christmas from inside! The Twins rushed forward... They yelled out... DEE! Unc! Doc!! Joyous greetings!

Craig and Montaigan shaking hands... smiles.

We followed them in... My arm around Doc's waist... her lips on my ears... "Can we talk about the outfit?"

Okay. "You still want to wear the hussar outfit? We can go up to my Dressing Room..."

"Oh yes! A try on?"

"Fine after the Bangkok group is in."

A cheek kiss.

Gil waving, "They are getting into cars."

Our Scots family wound up by their greeting wanted to lay a big one on our next family crowd coming in.

Okay... doors closed.

Kendall and Conrad ready... Laurel grinning in the Entryway ready for outer wear...

Cho and I inside... face to face... CLOSE... a kiss.

Cars coming up the drive... on the Forecourt... we stepped out with Carter, Carter2 and Audra.

Lucas, and Fin opening doors... Dad a big smile... a big hug! Phailin... in my arms. Kisses applied.

Somsak, Tona, Suki... she jumped out running across the gravel... "Aunt Fay!!'" She rushed into my arms. HUG!

Tona arms open... hug and kiss. Somsak with Anurak. Cho grabbed him up!

Thoi and Kanda... A kiss for the old fox's cheek... a kiss and hug for Kanda!!

Rak, Anong, Rak2 and Chana. Hugs for them. Anong's smile huge, "It is good to be here again!"

Another squeeze for her. Rak2 looking even more handsome which he didn't mind hearing. His dad ruffled his hair.

We got this mob inside... coats off... at the Great Room doors... pulled open to a LOUD Happy Christmas! They flowed into a mass of smiling faces with open arms!

Carter had the Taittinger's ready! Kendall, Conrad and Laurel circulating with trays. Fin making Shirley Temples!

Glasses in hand... Cho smiling one arm around my waist... Charlie and Chani holding hands with their drinks raised...

"To you our family who we are pleased and honoured to have you all here for the holiday... enjoy!"

Cheers!!! We drank!

They all know Montaigan from last year except Rak's family introductions done. Dad shaking Montaigan's hand saying it is good see him and offering a stay over in Bangkok if he wanted.

Montaigan said it could happen since the weather is like his island home until like here..." a shiver... many laughs.

Carter2 came to tell us the Culham Family is coming up the drive.

"Places everyone!"


Cho and I out front again. Cold! I'm glad I put on the red jeans and my moose jumper. Cho in his tweeds and a turtleneck smiling... he is cosy.

The car stopped... Andrea with a smile helped out by Ting... Ting lifting Caroline on to her feet... she dashed to us... Cho bent down arms open... she dove in! Jian helped Catherine step onto the gravel.

I got Caroline for a hug and kiss. We chivvied our friends inside to the warmth.

At the doors big grins... they knew what was on the other side... WOW!! A huge explosion of `HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!'

It had to register on the Richter Scale!

Ting and Jian got Taittinger's... Shirley Temples for the youngest and the pregnant ones... everyone armed for a toast... Dad delivered it...

"The best of times each year... we are together!! Cheers to all! Happy Christmas!"

Cheers indeed!

Carl at the doors, "M'Lady, your cousin's car is spotted by the drone... he's turned up the drive."

I thanked Carl.

"Okay this time let's do it differently... hide behind the furniture and in the passage... your cue is 'Sorry Graeme you missed them.' You all jump out and yell Happy Christmas!"

Laughter and giggles!. They scattered.

Cho and I out front once more! Graeme's blue MGB rolling over the gravel... that lovely sound.

Fin opened his door... Graeme unfolded himself from the small interior... he looks very snappy in his khaki overcoat and beret.

A big smile as he came close... then a stop... he executed a perfect salute.

"Your Ladyship, permission to come aboard."

We three dissolved into laughter. Hugs, kisses and handshakes.

Carter behind us grinning. I saw Fin's smile. He got the bags including Graeme's golf clubs strapped to the boot lid.

Laurel took his overcoat, gloves and beret. At the doors... I said to take a deep breath...

Laughing... the doors open... silence... no one in view... the fire burning... Jaidee lifted his head...

I slipped my arm through Graeme's... "Sorry Graeme you missed them!"

Whoops... cheers... very loud `HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!'

Graeme smiling... Dee taking her son in her arms... Craig a handshake... Doc a kiss for his cheek.

He waded into the mob getting squeezed, kissed, his hand pumped .

I got a glass of Taittinger's from Stanton for Graeme... Graeme smiling... he raised his glass... "To all you sneaky people!"

Rolling laughter! More champagne and Shirley Temples!

My arm around Graeme... I reached up to touch the crown on his shoulder boards, "Very nice, Major!"

A smile, "It is nice to have one's efforts recognised."

A hug!

Somsak next to me on a settee... "Did you four have fun in Bangkok?"

He nodded, "It was Anurak's first trip... he had fun... he's a good crawler the parent's house is good not many obstacles... the grassy spaces were great! His knees always need extra cleaning."

Gil gave me a wave... Okay! I had a card up my sleeve... a surprise for everyone.

Ting's parents and Tasanee arriving at Chalgrove for their for two months or more stay.

We were all in groups chatting... Charlie and Chani's artwork being enjoyed... heads shaking.

Cho's hand in mine going to the front. Lucas opened the car door for Ting's mom and dad. We hugged and kissed them, a good handshake for the dad! I rubbed Tasanee she was wiggling. She was on a lead with the cute red coat we had placed on the Gulfstream along with coats for mom and dad.

A bit of a reverse at the doors... the people didn't know my surprise, Ting's parents arriving a day early to `fox' Ting... so this time Conrad and Kendall opened the doors without fanfare... Cho and I in front then we stepped aside... Jian saw her in-laws... she out a yell she ran to hug mom... Ting behind her... Caroline racing to get hugs from her grandparents.

Jaidee came over... he and Tasanee sniffed... Okay! Tasa's tail `goin' a mile a minute. I took her off the lead. She wiggled around Jaidee who is welcoming in his reserved sort of way to this ball of energy.

Andrea smiling holding Ting's father's hand... Ting's mother's hand on her tummy.

Catherine got a big hug from Ting's dad. Mom did a hug and kiss for Catherine. Her tummy patted with a smile. Soon to be three grandkids!

Introductions done where needed. Taittinger's reloaded, fresh Shirley Temples.

Jaidee back to the fire... Tasa beside him taking in the warmth after some chilly moments for her. We took off her coat. The babies clustered around them... rubs! Blissful puppies! Tasa taking to it right away.

Anurak and Chana getting lessons in dog rubbing from our experts.' Caroline and Suki are veterans.'

Standing beside Ting's mom taking in the scene... a big smile..."That little girl... she will be so spoiled by the time we go back home."

I squeezed her arm, "Tough luck."

We laughed.

Gil's iPhone up... Okay. I whispered to get Greg out of the cellar. Gil laughed.

Cho and I on the gravel... arms open for Artie and Sam! Kay's beautiful face... a huge smile!!

Inside Greg hugged and kissed his family... into the Great Room after the ceremonial door opening. Quite LOUD greetings!! Hugs, kisses and a few introductions!

More Taittinger's! Fin having to keep up with the demand for Shirley Temples. Making them by the large pitcher size. I got a big smile from him.

Sunny changed after practise to join us... hugging her brothers and mother, grandparents and EVERYONE!

Sitting with Dad on a settee on the windows side of the room.

He nudged my arm, "There is no doubt you two have have become a power!"

I laughed, "Well..." I stretched out my hands with the fingers vibrating, "... I feel it coming!"

Dad laughed, "Be careful it might happen and you will blow out a wall."

I leaned against his shoulder laughing.

Some shop talk... Dad got America, Great Britain, France and Japan were `IN' for the border wall. Hillary working on Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Possibly Germany will be approached...

Vietnam's wall so far had been very successful. Multiple arrests of smugglers... mostly Chinese who the Vietnamese created dossiers on and then deported to China with a one time warning. Vietnamese and others captured went into the judicial system. All the seized drugs were destroyed, other items and personal property sold at auction... the monies realised went into a military widows and orphans fund.

Dad grinning... "Narong says there has been some back and forth between the two governments... The Vietnamese give the captured drug smugglers their papers and walk them over the border at Dong Dang with no explanation to the Chinese border guards. The Chinese indignant their citizens treated as criminals.

Narong had huge laugh hearing what the Vietnamese Foreign Office told the Chinese... something like... `If you don't want them back then we will put them in prison.' It did not go over well in Beijing."

Laughing, "I shouldn't wonder."

Dad said the Laotians and Myanmar folks had redoubled their border watch. "They have help from the Vietnamese to infiltrate their agents into China's southern provinces to ferret out news on drug shipments going their way.

I have added more officers in our north, many in undercover roles.

So we are all watching. AND before you ask... we are interested in your drones to patrol the north."

"Let's sit soon to have the serious talk."

A grin.

Dad laughed with a head nod.

"We have shipped extra fuel pods for the drones to Vietnam... extended range and loitering time."

Fist bump!

Dad going to London for the meeting with other heads of intelligence and police forces at Cowley House. Cho and I going for the start which is to be on Asia. We had `goodies' for the spy guys.

Our intelligence guests were staying overnight, another meeting in the morning then they would go home. Some were flying into Chalgrove, we are to lift them to Wandsworth, the UK government providing cars to Cowley House.

We have stops to make after the morning meeting.

Gil leaned over to pardon herself, "Fay, I know it isn't especially important... since you were involved... the wood thieves at the Radley's... "

I waved her on...

"One was bailed today, the other had an outstanding warrant for another theft so he's being held. The boat is unlocked, the bailed man can take possession when he gets to it."

I thanked Gil.

Dad got the story... head shaking time especially when I got to Mr. Radley saying if they'd been hard up he would have given them the wood if they only asked.

"Fay, we see so much of that... people thieving, cheating when they need not do it."

I shrugged, "There have always been grifters through all human existence... on the margins of civilised behaviour... eking out an living when they could do so much better with some effort."

Dad smiling, "It keeps me in business."

We laughed, a hug.

Chani came our way, "Gramps, I want to show you something..."

She took Dad's hand... his eyebrows up. I said it is worth the trip.

They went out of the Great Room doorway making a right in the passage.

Cho standing by the fire looked over... I joined him and Uncle Craig. Cho inquired... I said `ginger plant.' He smiled.

I explained it to Unc Craig.

Dad came back with Chani. Gramps carrying the pastel drawing. He moved through the Great Room showing off Chani's work. Shaking heads all around. He came towards Craig whose head is shaking Cho put the beautiful thing on a table near the fireplace.

Carter at the doors...

I'd been given a heads up on this dinner...

A buffet of English, Welsh, Scottish foods! Meat or vegan Bangers, mashed potatoes, mushy peas, grilled onions, baked beans, onion or beef gravy, Welsh salmon cakes, Rumbledethumps, Scottish Morning Rolls, our local butter.

The dessert sideboard had Sticky Toffee Pudding, Amber Pudding and Cranachan!

It was quite the show!

I gave everyone the basics... sit anywhere, go back for more, get your dessert last. Cho said the drinks... several English beers, plain and flavoured waters and fruit juices on the right.

Uncle Craig rubbing his hands made me laugh.

I sat between Graeme and Jian. Andrea, Sunny, Doc and Kanda opposite. Charlie and Chani, Suki and Anurak surrounded by grandparents and grand uncle and aunt! Caroline with her grand folks. Cho, Thoi, Artie and Sam talking football.

I nudged Graeme with a grin motioning to his clothes... dark brown corduroy trousers, a cream white Polo shirt under a nice soft light brown jumper... very casual.

A smile, "Yes this feels good. No khakis for a few days!"

The food is terrific! I did some mash and a vegan banger with onions and gravy, a salmon cake and Rumbledethumps. A pair of Morning Rolls.

I split a Bass Ale with Jian.

Graeme smiling, "Your cooks have a magic touch. Everything they make is delicious!"

I was grinning with a mouthful.

I looked around the table... everyone enjoying!

Sunny telling folks about her latest news. A fresh doo-dad on her shelves.

Everyone had a look at our Nobel Peace Prize awards plus the `red box' is open for them to see.

Lots of talk about those things. They had watched coverage from Oslo. Thoi asked about the `capstone' question at the news conference.

Cho grinned pointing to me... I shrugged.

"It seems so unlikely we would consider one award the end of it all for us. The way it was phrased, nicely done, gave me the opening. Our Fox News fellow loved my answer. The other reporters were looking at each other."


"The King of Norway has seem Chani and Charlie's artwork... " I waved to the Twins... they put up their arms waving about... giggles.

"They amazed him and the Norwegian Prime Minister!"

Cho added he showed Queen Sonja the Twins and their art. "She congratulated us for having amazing babies."

Charlie did a Yea! Chani a fist pump! That surprised me.

Cho told them Glaa and IrishRainbow were down in the Stables. They should visit them and Secret Royal our little prince.

We gave them some of the activities planned. We had several events to go to... in London and locally. The Babies were going to Archie's farm to visit the animals taking their friends. Also a visit to the Day Care. Swimming!

The Rêve is seaworthy... there were new fun things in the Garden for the younger set which brought laughs and cheers!

Our London friends would be here in a few days. More little ones for fun!

After dinner there is a showing of the Twins two videos. Everybody in the Game Room... settled into comfy seats... Gil's iPad connected to the big TV... she ran the `A Step in Time' video first.

It fun to watch the Twins dancing on the Greenwich Village terrace. Gil had the outtakes of us hugging the babies and chimney falling over to huge laughs.

"Voyage to the New World' is much more involved and better done. Charlie and Chani are nearly a year older... Their dancing smoother and co-ordinated.

The families loved the show! Huge cheers and applause! Chani and Charlie drew Sunny, Delphine, Tha and Chelle up to share the praise.

Chani, "Mr. Phillips and his crew were so good figuring out what we meant for the set."

Charlie started them clapped for the absent fellows... everyone joined in.

Gil ran the Lords Introduction... they are surprised to see me in the robe... the formal steps and the BBC narration... I am asked about what made the Speaker smile...

"I said I wanted to speak immediately to the nuclear declaration bill... the why I added in.

They asked about the gold collar since the other Lords did not have it.

"It is for the Order of the Thistle... Her Majesty appointed me to the order last month... it is an order of chivalry for Scotland."

I did a quickie bit on the ceremony... Cho on being in the church with the Twins and the luncheon later. Chani said they got to see the Queen again then she came here.

The Dundee Cake was brought up by Charlie... he and Chani did a fist bump to much laughter!

Dee told them about their being outside the church in Edinburgh and our meeting at the Heart of Midlothian which ended up on TV and newspapers plus magazine covers.

"Our neighbours amazed to see us on their newspaper's front page."

We laughed.

Back in the Great Room... scattered around on settees and chairs then Charlie and Chani went to each family group bringing them to the tree to put on their ornaments. The Twins handed each the glass ball... Greg, Kay and Sunny watched Artie and Sam put up their family ball.

Thoi and Kanda. Dee and Craig did theirs, Graeme and Doc had one each.

Dad and Phailin. Somsak, Tona, Suki and Anurak hanging theirs.

Ting's parents surprised when Chani took their hands to lead them forward... big smiles as they jointly hung the glass ball.

Rak, Anong, Rak2 and Chana up! Wonderfully happy faces doing theirs after missing last year!

The Culham crowd and Montaigan cheering each family on as theirs were already up.

All done.

More afters to toast to our Christmas tree!

Goodbyes for the Culham crowd. Tasa wiggly as her red coat went on. Caroline doing a hug for the little dog. Big bright eyes on the two of them. She got to hold Tasa's lead. Tasa looking up adoringly to Caroline... tail wagging.

We waved to them.

Babies going upstairs. What a mob!

The big people sitting talking. Artie and Sam with their sister in the Library watching something on the TV... the first episode of Foyle's War. A very English show, no bad language or nude folk. Fairly good World War II history... on the whole.

Kay with me at Charlie's bonsai.

"Fay this is beautiful. The conifer is delicate...' Her hands flowing over its shape, "... Lovely form."

I'd shown Kay the snap that started it all.

"Ben is keeping an eye on this beauty. He really helped to make it be this nice. Charlie is happy."

We walked and talked... Sunny's successes were out-of-this-world for Kay. Horses weren't part of her life. Greg had some experience... nothing could have prepared them for Sunny's seemingly innate skills.

She thanked Cho and I for supporting Sunny, "She's talented but your efforts on her behalf make the difference."

My arm through Kay's, "Sunny is in the top ranks in the equestrian world. At fifteen it is unprecedented. She is in the top ten of FEI Eventing rankings although Sunny hasn't been that many eventing trials. She just scores so highly at each event."

Mass goodnights by us ladies as the men went in to play poker for a while. Cho's manner of play... all for fun, no money, made it contest of card `smarts and poker faces.'

In the morning... Plotline surprised us all on the Flats with a LOUD whinny! A happy guy! He loves running with Pamela, Roland and Gough in the mornings! Tara is a great rider for him... pushing him.

Sunny in the breakfast Room... a wide smile hearing about Plotline.

"Marvellous Fay. He has such a outgoing personality."

A success changing his role. Fist bump!

A local series of visits... Cho and The Twins coming to do a school donation trip and more`.

Prasert and Tom driving us.

First stop in Wallingford... the drive gave me time to review my email to Kent and Bill plus all the newspapers in America about gun control. I want us to push for serious changes...

No assault rifles to be sold in any manner at all... not new or used. They are not to be permitted at gun shows anywhere.

A generous buy back programme to take assault rifles out of the population.

Background checks in great depth done by the Federal and state governments combined with a minimum two month waiting period to get the weapon. Longer periods for handguns.

Gun locks required as part of the sale, an automatic felony charge for any gun in a home found without one.

Increased gaol sentences for using a gun in any crime.

No felon convicted of a gun crime can ever legally possess a gun even after serving their goal time. If caught there is NO bail allowed.

No ammunition for any weapon can be sold via the internet also no retail sale without valid picture identification which is recorded.

Concealed weapons carry permits only good in the state where it is issued. Renewed only after re-check of status and if reason to issue has changed, any criminal convictions even for misdemeanours, domestic violence charges the permit is revoked.

Leaning back so Cho could look... I feel it reads like one of Draco's laws. It is a choice needing to be made... to go on as America is racking up horrendous gun crimes every week or step up for a change? It is a stark choice to me.

A kiss and a yes! I sent it... I CC'd Hillary. Having gone over all these points with her I knew where she stood... right behind us! I sent it to Nick Rawlins saying I would like feedback when he comes to visit next month.

Green Tree School where we had lunch last year... too early today.

The Head Teacher smiling at the door, Gil called ahead.

Chani and Charlie leading the way... fist bumps done! Smiles. The Head pleased to meet Cho and the babies. The office staff smiling as we went through shaking hands or fist bumps!

In the Head's office everyone sat... I got it started... Chani gave the check to her... the five thousand £'s surprising her... I said we changed how we are are doing things this year.

Charlie handed her the Letter of Credit.

The Head thanked our children for the nice gifts. The babies clapping.

We did a short tour so the Twins could see some of the school. We stopped in a year six classroom... the students stood up when we walked in... their teacher bowed when we met in the passage.

They were doing pre-algebra, an equation on the board. The babies grinning holding hands looking up to me... "Mama, we know the answer..."

The teacher looking at us... we were nodding. He shook off his surprise putting a piece of chalk in Charlie's hand.

The Twins went to the blackboard and wrote in the solution... a bit of stretch up to reach but it was good.

The teacher smiling now, "That is correct! Good work!"

The class of ten and eleven year olds were gobsmacked.

Charlie told them he and Chani loved maths.

We thanked the teacher and his class for letting us visit them.

The Twins waving goodbye.

The Head beside me as we walked towards the front...

"M'Lady, they are..."

"Two and a half in a week."

Her head shaking, "So advanced!"

I told her they were working above level seven or eight in English, French and Thai.

"They just started with German."

At the front the Head thanked us again... we shook hands, fist bumps by our little extroverts.

On the road to St. John's County School. Going in I was recognised by a student... she did curtsey. I took her hands, a big smile.

"Did I do Okay? I haven't ever done it before."

I said it was just right.

The Head came out of the office seeing the crowd.

The young lady, Flora, went on to her class after I thanked her again.

I did the introductions.

The Twins said like they were in tandem... "We have some gifts for you."

In the Head's study Chani and Charlie gave the gifts to the head. She was thrilled by the increased amount of the cheque.

"Your Ladyship we had fun as you suggested last year. Lots of supplies for art work... new orange cones for the bike safety classes... lots more."

I reached over to shake her hand saying that is exactly what we wanted.

We walked around a bit. Looking in at few classes. Charlie and Chani waving to the students out on the playfield.

More waving to the Head from the cars.

Up Croft Road to the High Street then east over the Thames to Crowmarsh Gifford. The Church of England Primary School on the Old Reading Road had a big crowd on the tarmac playing.

Chani and Charlie looking up to us... I said Okay. Penny and Angie went along. The Twins ran over to say hellos.

Cho's arm around my waist... squeezing as our babies chatted with the students in their forest green tops and black skirts and trousers.

The Head Teacher came out when we were `spotted' watching ours. Handshakes and introductions. Today is the last day of the term now onto their Christmas Holidays... everyone is revved-up!

Laughing I said ours always like that.

Chani and Charlie came running when Cho called them... they waved goodbye to children they had been talking with. They did fist bumps with the Head.

Inside we did our thing handing out the gifts. The rise in our donation amazed the Head... many thank yous. We could see she really liked the babies giving her the cheque and letter. They are so personable and happy.

She said the school is doing well... a top rating from Ofsted in response to my query. I asked the same questions as I have been at each stop.

She wasn't happy about many attitudes from the inspectors... off-hand, rude and they get in the way which is strictly forbidden to them.

"Your Ladyship, I went through an inspection at another school where I was the deputy-head. It was a half dozen years ago... now early in the autumn term here... what I disliked about them my first time hasn't changed... they have not improved."

I inquired if she or any staff had experienced one of the inspectors having a data link failure?

"Yes, several times. One tried to cover it up by lying... I knew it was a lie because one of my people was behind them when the screen was erasing. Another said he had a link issue so he shifted to using another application to write things down... that is against the rules. They are mandated to use only their specific software on their devices.

So we got an excellent rating which I am pleased about which I think we deserved even though I have no confidence in its qualitative value."

Cho looking at me... I said, "See... this is what I have been looking into."

I thanked the Head for the information.

"This is an unofficial taking of the sense of things by me. The Department for Education was badly managed by the tories... I want changes made... I think the Labour government will act. Some prodding won't go amiss."

We shook hands... two fist bumps done. The Head grinning!

She walked us out to the cars... another handshake!

We went up to The Street then a right heading to the A4074 roundabout. North to the Henley Road going into Dorchester. By car all of my stops are just a few minutes apart... longer on Pamela.

We rolled up Queen Street stopping at the Footsteps Foundation. They help children with neurological conditions gain control of their bodies and be more independent for a better life.

We stepped inside to the desk. The woman looked up to see us four, our Protectors behind. She is about to ask... then my face is in focus... she stood up.

"Your Ladyship, welcome! How can I help you?"

I asked to speak with their manager and charity coordinator... "We have a donation for you."

She picked up her phone, "Just a moment, M'Lady."

Shortly we are introduced to the two women who filled those roles. In the manager's office...

"We want to give you a donation... it is a fairly large amount which we feel you will find a good use for some immediately and maybe some to put into your endowment fund for student assistance."

Charlie and Chani handed the manager the ten million £ cheque. Her eyes told their story... HUGE!

"M'Lady... Sir Cho... I don't what to say... "

The charity coordinator... a tear from each eye.

Chani put out her hand to me... on her wavelength already reaching for a Cho-Fay handkerchief... I put it in her small palm.

The coordinator lady amazed by Chani thanked her for the handkerchief... cheeks dried.

Cho smiling, "There are no conditions attached. You need not tell us anything on how you use the money. We have done a bit of research... you have a sterling reputation."

The manager thanked Cho for that.

Me, "We hope you will continue to be so wonderfully supportive to those with limited resources."

"Oh Your Ladyship, you have given us the chance to redouble our efforts. How can we recognise your gift?"

Smiling, "There is no need for you to do anything special. If you have a list of donors put us on it but past that we would not want exceptional treatment."

Chani and Charlie asked to have look around... The manager led us to a room across the passage. A rectangle shaped space with large mirrors, various kinds of tools to get children using their hand and eye skills. The centrepiece is the `spider' which is a web of cords connected to a metal frame, those cords can be attached to a harness a child is wearing. It supports them and helps them develop muscles and co-ordination to overcome their neurological issues.

A unique device. A physio-therapist is there.. she's smiling as she shows the Twins how it works. The fact they were quite young didn't faze her... her explanation did not pander to their size... she sensed they have above normal skills.

It is wonderful to watch the babies interact with adults... verbally I think they are advancing well beyond that year eight level.

We are in the room when a boy came through the door in his wheel-chair. The Twins said hello. The young fellow had a big smile... fist bumps which thrilled him and his mother.

We said hello to his mother while kids talked.

"M'Lady, your children are beautiful."

We thanked her.

Cho, "Your son is a handsome fellow. How is he doing?"

"FootSteps has really made a huge difference in his life. He is getting the idea how things can work and building up muscle and the co-ordination so he can do things himself."

We three watched our children chat... the boy engaged fully with Chani and Charlie.

The physio-therapist had things ready for the young fellow's session so we let them get on... we said goodbye to his mother.

The Twins did goodbye fist bumps! Leaving a broadly smiling young fellow.

The manager and Charity coordinator with us in the passage... There must be something they could do to show how much they appreciated our generosity?

Cho and I said, "Keep on doing what you do and you thanked us which quite enough."

In the Manager's office... the charity co-ordinator lady brought in the director and founder who had been with a patient... they told him what we had done. He is slack-jawed...

"Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... do you have any connection to us?"

Cho smiling, "No, we just want to help your work and give patients the best chance to progress."

Me, "We do give to other non-profits in South Oxfordshire. The link is you are all working toward a positive end for people."

The director shook our hands... his eyes were wet.

We thanked them for the tour.

They thanked us again at the front. Goodbyes.

In the cars for the short drive up Queen Street to St. Birinus School. Gil had earlier alerted the Head Teacher we were coming. She and her deputy plus two of the school Governors got to meet the Twins and Cho at the school front.

A short walk around the building to the south side... through a gate to cross Manor Farm Road after our Protectors were in position to stop traffic. We passed through the gate... Standing together in the grassy space surrounded by trees we told them this acre of land was free for their use as a play space and for nature classes.

Me, "We bought land for your school to use to enrich your students."

They are thrilled. Hands shaken... fist bumps introduced. They did many thank yous.

Cho said, "We have negotiated with the Dorchester town government to have a few things done on Manor Farm Road to make it safer to cross."

I picked up, "We are funding a series of speed bumps on both sides of your crossing location, signs and painted warnings on the pavement. There will be sensors to detect a vehicle coming from either direction, including bicycles, which will light up warnings on both sides of the road for your staff and students.

As part of the sale we promised not to build on the land. As you see it is already fenced so upkeep of the fence will be necessary... we will attend to that."

The Head in front of me, "Your Ladyship, this is such a fine gift. Your family is being so generous."

She laughed, "The Fifth Year ones are still talking about your visit and what you told them about your mother in Myanmar. A highlight for them."

"I enjoyed it too."

"M'Lady, your family is making a difference in south Oxfordshire."

I squeezed her hand.

One of the Governors, "M'Lady... Sir Cho... I drove by the Harcourt Racing Museum the other day... it looks like quite the amazing place."

"We hope it will be interesting inside and out..." I laughed, "... we have a lot of trophies to display but the focus will be on the horses, the people and the history of racing around the world."

The other Governor came close to ask a question.

Cho, "We will maintain ownership... our solicitors are working on a written agreement that gives St. Birinus School access at any time. The students will be able muck about and examine the entire plot, taking samples of the soil or plants. Dig or whatever."

He thanked us.

I added we will be paying the council rates on the land.

The Governor again, "Your Ladyship, so your idea is to not give it to the school so the land remains part of the town for tax reasons?"

"Yes. If we gifted the land to the school it would be part of your non-taxable property. Localities need all the tax revenue they can get."

His head shaking, "You and your husband do think ahead. Thank you again for being so generous to St. Birinus School."

Shaking his hand, "Primary education is a focus for us... our children are so enthusiastic about learning we want to promote it for others."

Lunch time was ending at the school so we all walked back saying our goodbyes at the car park.

The member of the board of governors had given me an idea for another short stop. Cho is all for it. Our cars parked in front of the Harcourt Racing Museum. Gil contacted Gillespie, he was there. Handshakes and introductions for the Twins.

Gillespie gave us an update. The entire base frame is done! It did indeed look like a giant `Erector Set.' More steel would be put up when the glass sections go in.

He told us there was work to be done on the interior things... wiring, plumbing, etc. then the glass installs would begin. They were two months ahead of schedule!!

Our thanks for his fine work.

We could see Charlie's intense interest in the metal framework. Later I asked Cho about an erector set for the babies? Cho said he'd had a Meccano Set as a boy...

"Its likely in storage in Bangkok. I'll get someone to find it for the house there. For here we should buy a new set."

Fist bump.

On the Forecourt Carter, Carter2 and Audra with smiles after the now `traditional' greetings by the Twins.

Our guests had started luncheon. The last stop delayed us.

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Next: Chapter 89: Cast of Characters

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