Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Jan 13, 2024



Elanor had a fellow keeping track of everything. The store General Manager came to see me.

"Your Ladyship... quite the shopping trip."

Laughing I told him I should be here more than once a year... it just hadn't worked out.

Gil did say we had ordered a lot of biscuits online.

The GM was thanked for Elanor and the others.

"Your Ladyship, we are always willing to be of assistance."


Going in the door at Cowley house carrying four tins of shortbread for the staff. Lorenzo gladly took them from me with an `Enjoy' from me.

A big smile, "M'Lady, I love shortbread."


Gil had an email from Oz's PA Eloise... the MI5 team is on the way to Lordsburg. Good.

A Security Service AW139 will pick them up at El Paso. I asked Gil to respond with an Okay and thanks.

Cho said they were all ready to go! So we gathered everyone and left for Wandsworth. The Twins looking cute strapped in their flying seats! They told us about the museum trip.

Volcanos were marvellous, earthquakes ttrrreeemmmendous.

Tha said she had some more things printed about Luis Alvarez for the Twins... a BIG thumbs up from me!

Min and Almira flying us home. Well we just left a home,' Many choices of homes.'

This home had Carter, Carter2 and Audra waiting. The Twins got in their greetings! Jaidee came out to see us! Woofs and a well petted dog.

Walking in... Carter beside us...

"M'Lady, the holiday greens ship in five days."

Wonderful! The beginning of Christmas.

I'd still go up to London but come home each night from now on.

After dinner had Cho and I sitting on the settees by the Great Room fire reading to the Twins. We hadn't managed every night... often. Pride and Prejudice was moving right along.

Chani has added to her list of women characters she doesn't like although Miss Bingley remains at the top... Lady Catherine de Bourgh is giving her a run for the position.

Tucking Chani in she tells me Miss Bingley will have to pay for her being snobby and rather stupid. I can hardly wait for the Pemberley scene with the women and Darcy in the same room!!

Later Cho smiling at me up CLOSE... naked too!

"Chani's nose is out of joint about Miss Bingley."

"Indeed... she has cause."


Greg emailed overnight... The Day called asking for an interview about his game. He was compiling the numbers and getting a copy of the game ready.

I replied quoting my usual fee for being a publicist. I'll wait for an answer.

Cho grinning at breakfast, "What did you do?"

"I emailed Corrie giving her a précis of the game and the milieu it was part of. The sales were mentioned as a means of validating Greg's work. She answered saying she'd put McNeil on it."

A hug! Cho said to ask for ten percent... we laughed!

The Twins came roaring in as usual... hugs and kisses... into their seats. Delphine and I did plates for them.

Also overnight... Oz's folks were at the Lordsburg Ranch, they'll still be in bed. Their stay would be filled with briefings and a lot of drone watching. I hoped one would be a qualified pilot so they could test fly a drone.

Chelle came into the Library with news.

"Fay, NATO reports all its forces will be gone from Belarus this week. To paraphrase their press release: Their troops had done an amazing PR job... representing the democratic peoples of Europe and the Americas.

Their hosts had been pleased to be offered such stalwart support. They in turn had been a gracious and welcoming population.

The last unit will be the American First Air Cavalry Division... they'll fly out their final parts in a grand aerial display of hundreds of helicopters with NATO fighter jets higher overhead. A salute and farewell to Belarus.

Something else good... the troops would be home for Christmas!!!

After lunch Donovan called Gil...

A couple from Richmond, Virginia called Cook County Sheriff's offices about a missing son from forty years ago. They had seen an article about the cases in Chicago in a magazine. Someone at the Sheriff's was polite to tell the caller they really weren't doing anything, they suggested the parents call the Chicago Tribune.

A young woman on the phones at the Tribune got it right away, she sent their call to Donovan who immediately went to work speaking with Grady on the line too.

I had Gil's phone now, Donovan said they hired a local Richmond lab company to go to their house to do swabs for DNA.

That was done in twenty four hours. The lab sent the results and samples on to Chicago.

"Fay, there's a match to one of our young men. The couple are in their eighties, they asked about seeing their son..."

Donovan said to them sadly he is just a skeleton... they wanted to see him.

"Fay, can we pay for their trip here?"

"Hold on..."

Handing my phone to Gil, "Gil call Penn... get a Gulfstream to Richmond for the couple ASAP, arrange a pick up at their home and cars in Chicago also a place to stay."

A smiling thumbs up.

"Donovan, please call the parents... tell them we are sending an aircraft to Richmond's airport for them and Gil will be in touch once things are setup... that includes car transport in Richmond and at Midway Airport for them... plus housing for their stay in Chicago.

Please have a good person be their escort to go wherever they want.... obviously to our warehouse location where their son is now and to the Miami and Elston building where he had been buried.

Also have Grady give them what he knows about it all either orally or your clippings or... whatever.

Find out what method of transportation they would like for their son, a coffin or cremation if they want that.

If they consent to speak to Grady please share it freely with any other news organisation that wants it with the sole stipulation of Grady's byline remaining on it."

"We will get it done Fay!"

I thanked him.

I walked to the Office to see Cho. He was surprised to have me park on his lap... welcome but he could see my face. The sadness of this... the emptiness for all these families.

I got a kiss to cheer me up and congratulate me for being being the one to have started this regardless of the sadness... it needed to be done.

We looked out the Office windows... a wooden frame on the lawn in front of the Rêve was being erected.

Cho grinning, "The latest C&C Production appears to be forthcoming."

Tha's face at the door, "There you are." Very straight-faced, "I am entrusted with the task of issuing an invitation to you for the C&C Production this afternoon."

Laughing we thanked her.

"The Twins didn't think you would need much notice as you are both here for the day. I think the element of surprise is quite intended."

We laughed.

Okay! Phillips folks were suddenly all over the Rêve doing things, putting a cloth on a wood bar then hang it up centred on the wood frame, cloth extensions on each side.

They wheeled out something on a wagon under a gray cloth???

Chairs arranged in front of the wood frame.

Such doings!

Cho hugged me, "Some high drama!"

Smiling in anticipation of the show... I got some kissing too!

Delphine at the door asked if we would go into a room where we wouldn't see the last bits to be done. Grinning we decamped to the Library.

It was good... I showed Cho a present for Max. He and Argyle with his family were coming out soon. Golf and Orwell! I got him to add his `Cho' to the inscription.

A set of Orwell's Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters from throughout his life. Four volumes, nicely bound, handsome books. On the flyleaf of each volume in the set... `For Max, appreciate the man's words and thoughts. Fay Martin and Cho. 2018'

I got a hug, "You are good to your friends."

I managed another bit of kissing. I said Ellie was going to do a nice gift wrapping.

Carter at the door, a message delivered with a huge smile, "M'Lady... Sir Cho... your presence is requested by Lord Munro and Lady Chanthira in Garden."

We were escorted outside to the chairs... one had a blanket... mine! Seated... a group of the house staff behind us. Gil had her iPhone up to record. I didn't see Chelle.

Delphine came out around the curtained frame. She did a curtsey...

"Welcome to the C&C Production of `The Voyage to the New World.' I am the cardholder."

She stepped back to the side by the frame, a table there. She picked a group of cards about two feet by a foot. She held them in front of herself.

The first card card `Opening.'

The curtain was pulled back to show the Rêve... the deck house gone... a table and benches... the steps on the reverse side.

A piano from off stage... a light and spritely tune... a few bars then Delphine dropped a card... `The ship departing to the New World'

Charlie, Chani and Sunny climbed onto the Rêve's main deck. Sunny in a 19th Century frock and hat... the Twins in Little Tramp outfits... baggy pants, white shirt and dark ties, pale gray vest the black jacket buttoned at the top button only! A bowler hat and a bamboo cane! Little black moustaches!! Dark eye brows!

Marvellous!!! We applauded the entrance! Chani nudged her brother... they did a bow with Sunny.

Leaning against the far gunwale were cut-outs pretending to be groups of passengers... Sunny lifted them and did an exaggerated motion. Whoa... the sea!

The piano is now doing a swooping tune... Delphine's card `a storm comes'

Sunny puts down the passengers looking sick... she holds her stomach then her mouth... she turns to kneel over the gunwale.

I saw a cord in her hand... the table began to rock back and forth... Chani and Charlie acting as if unfazed by the storm... They were dancing arms linked back and forth, side to side... their outside arms with the canes swinging in the air. Their feet rising high.

They sit at the table...

A bowl appears... as the table rocks the bowl slides from side to side... they each pull a big spoon out of their front pocket! As the bowl is front of one or the other they pretend to eat it from it until it slides away!

Their timing is wonderful.

Dinner over they lay down on the deck. Sunny gets up to lie down opposite them.

Delphine has been dropping cards all along... the latest "Night after the storm.'

The curtain closes... We and the staff applauding!

A brief break then the piano comes up... light and bouncy. The curtain opens on the Rêve appearing to be past the storm sailing smoothly...

Delphine's card... `America'

Tha is on deck in a navy blue uniform with a hat... she is pushing the Twins, Sunny and the crowd' of passengers towards the aft of the ship...Chani gives Tha a sneaky boot' in her posterior... Tha swings to look at her... Charlie does the same thing! Tha looks at both... which is the culprit?

Things settle down then Sunny and the Twins looked into the distance... a gray cloth of fog colour is slowly withdrawn from the "Statue of Liberty' in the distance. An American flag beside it. They point and hug bouncing on their toes. They hug Sunny.

The piano a rising rousing sound.

They wave off to the the side... then the three climb down the steps and walk off stage left.

The piano is now the `Battle Hymn of the Republic.'

The curtain closing...

A new card... Costumes by Ellie and Lorraine then another Music by Chelle, Sets by Mr. Phillips Crew.

Delphine's last card `Fini'

She lets it drop... another curtsey and she goes behind the closed curtain.

The `audience' goes wild with applause and cheers! We stood up calling out for the actors and crew to come out!

The curtain opens... Chani, Charlie, Sunny, Tha, Delphine side by side. They bow and move to stage right... Mr. Phillips and a half dozen of his folks, Ben, Chelle, Ellie and Lorraine walk out...

We clapped through all that... Cheers from the staff behind us which had grown to about twenty five. Prasert cheering loudly.

We walked to players and crew... hugging and kissing, shaking hands. The whole audience joined us.

Gil stopped recording to hug and kiss Chelle who it turned out had played the Twins electric piano in the wings with a speaker attached.

We thanked them all for a wonderfully inventive and funny show!! Chani holding my hand... up close their costumes were terrific.

Sunny grinning when I said we had no idea she was involved.

"I was recruited to make more of the `passengers' role. We had fun."

I said she was a convincing `sick' person and table operator.

A laugh, "It worked but cord was caught on the end of the table so it stuck up in view."

Carter had Fin, Conrad and Lucas carrying out trays of ginger ale... Everyone with a glass, all guests included.

Cho a toast... "To a fine cast and crew! A big thank you for the wonderful show!"

Raised glasses... Cheers!

Chani and Charlie huge smiles. I knelt between them... more kisses.

Popa gathered our daughter in his arms while I had Charlie's arm on my shoulders...

"We are very proud of you."

Charlie reaching up for Chani's hand, "Mama... Popa... everybody did so much once we got started. Tha and Delphine were the managers getting things done and people prepared. Mr. Phillips' folks are awesome with their part and many ideas on how to do things."

Chani picked up, "Chelle plays wonderfully! That really helped... she and I chose the music."

Chani waving to Chelle who came close with Gil. Chelle kissed Chani's cheek... kneeling beside Charlie for a hug.

I asked about her piano playing... "One of my hitherto hidden talents."

We laughed, Charlie kissed her cheek.

The Garden full of happy cast, crew and spectators!

Cho's hand out to Phillips and Teddy! More thanks yous. Cho asked Phillips about the weather... dry until the day after tomorrow.

"How about you all rest and strike it all down tomorrow?"

Phillips nodding, "Sir, it will be Okay overnight. Thank you."

We stayed talking... marvelling at how it all worked!

Delphine with me, "Fay, it was all prepared in parts. Chani and Charlie with Sunny really needed to be rehearsed. Some was ad-libbed."

I put out my arms for Ellie... a big hug and thank you.

"M'Lady, the basic costumes were all Charlie and Chani's ideas. It was easy to get it done once we drafted in Lorraine. She sat for hours sewing in the Staff Lounge with baby Tom. He's a good baby watching his mom work. Kas helped me by entertaining our cat who very much wanted to sit on the fabric while I worked."

A cheek kiss!

Cho and I made sure we talked to each member of the `crew.'

Dinner was capped off by a chocolate cake blue gray icing with fluffy white icing like waves and a marzipan boat on top! The Twins cut it and we all enjoyed it. Maxine and Sue called up so they could be thanked in person.

The babies got more hugs and kisses at bedtime. They were asleep right away.

What a day for them!

Us adults talking in the Great Room. We were all going up to town tomorrow. A visit en famile to the Natural History Museum after a morning press conference with London's Mayor on the traffic plan for the city.

Antoine was at Cowley House tonight we'd pick him up there.

A rousing ride in the morning... Roland making a lot of noise when we wound down on the Flats. Gaby rubbing his neck... thanking him for a wonderful ride.

Everybody loaded in a pair of AW139's headed for Wandsworth.

Gil told us what I wanted for the Richmond parents was ready... they fly out this morning. They would go to the warehouse where their son's remains were now. The team there setup a special room with a low sided wooden box lined with a soft cloth, their son's bones arranged as they would be in life.

Then to the Miami and Elston site still protected by the Security Service as follow ups were being done.

The parents would meet with the Chicago Tribune folks for a full explanation of the case history.

Donovan knew we wanted him to do whatever is necessary for the parents.

Our Prasert cars dropped us at Cowley House.

The Twins went up to their Nursery after saying hellos to Antione.

Antione smiling at us all. Handshakes. We collected him for a walk to St. John's Smith Square for the press conference.

We hired the hall, had it set with a low stage, big screens on both sides of that. A platform for cameras, chairs for the press in an arc around the front of the stage. Our Security Service doing the protection of the site and the Mayor's staff contributing.

Backstage we met the Mayor with his people and introduced ours. Eric a known face for them, Reg they'd met. I had Antoine's hand... I told the Mayor the Seattle was run from the beginning by Antoine who is a London born fellow. He would manage this project!

The Mayor was thrilled to meet Antoine again and know the best we have would be in charge here.

A big handshake by them! The Mayor introduced his staff to Antoine.

We had agreed on the mechanics of this event so we all just needed to go out.

The Mayor, "Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... this is an opportunity to do a truly futuristic task."

The Mayor is obviously very happy. He had been watching Seattle very closely knowing that our first experiment in traffic control was right here and it was working.

We walked out to the stage... Eric went to the podium to welcome the news folks.

He gave them the news... The Company is to build an all encompassing traffic control system for London like the one in Seattle. Eric did a great précis of what we do and how we would get the job done.

Eric introduced the Mayor...

The Mayor spoke about how the flow of vehicles was so important for any city... how The Company's small London test programme had worked so well. He made a trip to Seattle two weeks ago to see in depth their system...

"It is the most comprehensive traffic control scheme ever devised. Our city will be covered by a network of devices that feed data to a central control room based in Southwark. The roads and bridges in view around the clock.

We plan to discontinue the `congestion' fees when it is operating... there will be no need.

This multiple year project will cost... four and half billion £'s over the entire build and operation for four years. We have a contract whose value to London will be much more than its cost."

Noises from the news people over the amount... hopefully they will listen to the rest.

The Mayor handed off to me... with Gil's help, on her MacBook connected to the big screens, I clicked through showing snaps and video of the Seattle control system. A review of the methodology, the web of sensors, camera and traffic light management devices which gave granular control to the operators in the command centre.

Video showing the big screen, how the panels displays could be changed, the operators watching for alterations in the flow of vehicles. Snaps of the sensors and cameras in place with their small solar panels and battery packs.

"Should the City of Seattle suffer a power outage... the solar panels will keep the sensors, lights and cameras working and the control centre has a power backup system to maintain it online. No interruption.

In the near future the control centre in Seattle will be completely powered by a solar panel grid system in place over the Seattle office car park. Thousands of Apple Mac OS X servers run by the sun."

Boy did that cause a stir in the crowd.

They got the building in Seattle was heated by the thousands of rack-mounted Mac systems so no energy used for heating.

Reg followed giving the press how we would get there and it is a multi-years project on a scale never done before.

"The Seattle project is now the world's only such system of traffic supervision... an entirely unique creation... London is to be even bigger!"

Antione on how the grid would be built, step-by-step build-out, the control centre online early to pick up the incremental additions to the grid. Testing done continuously.

Eric back to the front to say we were in discussions with other cities.

"We are continuously working to improve our devices for functionality and lower the cost."

We were forty minutes in at that point. Eric said we would take questions... "Please direct your question to myself, Reg, Lady Harcourt, Antoine or the Mayor directly."

Off and running...

Questions started with the cost... the Mayor cited numbers from several studies showing the cost to London's economy through traffic issues... in some cases how difficult it was to get building materials to work sites, foodstuffs to stores, moving emergency vehicles around the city and more. Every day people getting to work, schools, shopping and home.

Billions of £'s wasted in the effort to get about the city above ground. Vehicles not moving increasing the pollution in idling their motors. That created more costs and damage to buildings and the environment which are failing to cope with now.

He said we didn't need any more waste shot into the air for us to breathe.

His precise answers put a stop to the questions about the money. Mayor Khan was well prepared!

Then it was about the systems which Reg and Eric handled with ease. They are now practised in speaking on this.

Back channel information said the Northern Virginia, suburban Maryland and Washington D.C. were going to go together to buy into our technology. After Seattle's success and London signing with us they were onboard. An official announcement to come with us attending to do a repeat of this event.

That project would add new levels of complexity given all the huge number of motorways that needed to be considered and the Federal government being involved. I asked Hillary about the latter... she said the Transportation Department would be brought in on the ground floor of the project. She wanted them to be a partner not the boss... The Company would be calling the shots!

We were `told' the announcement would likely be in the first part of the second quarter of the New Year.

I was relaxing next to Cho... no one wanted to ask me questions... makes a change!

Ooohhh I spoke too soon. A question from a BBC fellow... "Your Ladyship, will the operators really have control of every intersection?"

Easy! "No! The residential side streets are not included. The arterial routes, the important roads that feed those are what matter. It is the build up of vehicle numbers leading to arterials we will control. The sensors will report any increase in vehicle numbers which will trigger an operators attention. Some responses are automated but attention is drawn to the event for the operator."

I looked to the Mayor... I said quietly `police,' he nodded. "I want to add one thing... the sensors and cameras are for managing traffic not as aids to the police. It is NOT part of our remit to deal with crimes.

Emergencies occur... the police will have a connection the System Centre to ask for help routing traffic away from an incident and help get emergency vehicles to events."

Cho smiling as I sat down.

"That was a slow roller for you. And a good point to mention."

A fist bump.

Antoine got a couple of soft balls his way. He was beside me... I leaned over to say he looked natural up there.

"Fay, there's nothing natural about that for me."

I squeezed his arm, "You need to get used to it."

A smile... very wry!

The questions went on for nearly an hour AND they were mostly quite good. Some nonsense ones but that had to be expected from a few reporters who simply had no clue what the really meant for the city.

Eric went to the podium to close it out... He thanked the press for coming and their questions. Eric told them those questions where a follow up was promised would be posted on the webpage for this project. The handouts they received upon entering had the relevant URL and contact information for any follow-on queries.

The folks on the stage did a round of handshakes. Mayor Khan smiling broadly.

"Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... this is marvellous. It is a plus that The Company is local... it is a great thing to have such skills and technology right here."

A firm handshake. Cho beside me gets a warm handshake from the Mayor.

We had already informed him about our land purchases for the project. Our buying seven large properties... we included the plans for some of them after the project was completed. The `dorms' would be partly donated to the city for low cost housing or shelters.

The Mayor clearly saw from the outset that we would be boosting the city's economy in manifold ways... always nice for a politician to hear especially when we have a deserved reputation for delivering on promises!!

We all walked to Cowley House for luncheon. We toasted with sherry and fizzy water to success of the press conference.

The Mayor got to meet Chani and Charlie. It was fist bumps for the Twins... The Mayor loved that!

Mrs. Travers did us proud with the luncheon and Clough the wine. The custard tart with raspberry sauce was a terrific ending. Happy faces around the table.

Coffee in the South Drawing Room... I shared a settee with the Mayor.

"Your Ladyship..." My hand out... "Fay" A smile.

"Fay, The Company has become a huge driver of business for the city and Kingdom. It's rise since you and Sir Cho took control is amazing. So many different initiatives in so many diverse fields."

Smiling, "We have lots of interests... they all seem to make money!"

We both laughed.

"I can say confidentially we have a new solar panel system that will power the entire control room building in Southwark... it will be completely green. It wasn't mentioned because it is a secret project... A very potent method that is going to change how energy is generated from the sun!"

His head shaking, "Your solar enterprises are... are out-of-this-world."

More laughter.

The Mayor looking at me as I let him in on the control centre building we bought.

"It is an old theatre... used to show movies, hold concerts and put on plays. It is perfect for our erecting a giant screen like you saw in Seattle. Plenty of space for offices, a day care, a clinic, the canteen and other things. Five floors of office space on the street.

The big racks holding the several thousands of Apple Mac OSX Servers will heat the building as in Seattle. We will vent the heat into the building heating system."

The Mayor smiling, "In summer?"

"It will vent outside mixed with ambient air.

The two parts of the roof are flat and large enough to put five or six of the new solar arrays so we can power the whole building and a battery bank to run the system fully for a long period.

We are testing those new arrays now in multiple places around the world. When the system is ready will mass produce them in three locations. One of the first installs of the new arrays will be over the car park at the Seattle Traffic Control Centre. The grid is being built now.

We are moving The Company's Traffic Division's HQ to a newly acquired building in Notting Hill."

The Mayor asked what else we were up to these days... I mentioned the two book publishers in the city, Mirabelle having five stores, the eight shelters... A lot more head shaking.

He smiled, "You going to be a huge property owner in the city."

"We have fifty properties now." A big grin.

I leaned a bit closer with my hand up to my face in an exaggerated show of secrecy...

"A secret trip for this afternoon... we are ambushing a museum!"

A smile and a questioning look...

"We are all going to the Natural History Museum to give them a donation. They know they are meeting us en famille, the money has been mentioned, the amount being implied as large, not fully disclosed.

Charlie and Chani want to give them money so their Dinosaur Gallery gets even better!"

"I won't give it up." Raised eyebrows... I knew `how much?'

"Let me just say... We have a large mega-million £ cheque for them."

A fist bump. Chani came close to join in.

We did goodbyes after an excellent luncheon and talk time. Smiles and good wishes all around!

Antoine would have a few days here to see family and friends. A hug for him.

Now time for the Twins project. Gil patting her bag... a big grin!!

Prasert cars to the Natural History Museum... through Westminster to Belgravia then South Kensington on Cromwell Road... the museum opened the ornate gates at the front so our cars could drive in off the street.

They had four security people waiting... up the wide double level stairs to the main doors. The museum's senior staff waiting... hands shaken... we were escorted inside. Through Hintze Hall... a left... then another into the Dinosaur Gallery.

Our Protectors spoke to the museum's security... they together formed an arc around where we were standing. The museum staff seemed to wonder what was up... were we taking over?

I mentioned the Twins wanted to give them a donation...

The Twins looking to Gil... she took the envelope out for them. It had their names in calligraphy beside my crest.

Charlie had the envelope and Chani's hand they stepped to the museum director... big smiles...

They both spoke, "We want to give you this so the museum can be even better! Please spend some on dinosaurs and early man."

The director smiling took the envelope... she opened it... we could see the colour rising in her face... she almost stammered in thanking the babies for the unbelievable gift.

Looking to us... Cho motioned to Chani and Charlie. She got it... another thank you for them.

She turned to show the cheque to her colleagues... they had shocked looks but happy faces appeared.

Chani and Charlie smiling to the staff... they said we hoped it would be fun to spend the money. They moved forward to do fist bumps with the staff.

The director stepped to us... her hand out... more thanks.

"This is the largest single donation we have ever received. A wonderful thing you have done."

Cho, "This is Charlie and Chani... they love museums this one especially. They also have enjoyed the amazing Museum of Natural History in New York."

The director, "I know you have done this several times in the last few months... we are grateful to be included. Two Hundred and Fifty Million £'s is a sum we could never ever have dreamt of receiving."

Suddenly a tear from her right eye... I pulled out a Cho-Fay handkerchief... a smile and thank you.

"Do you have objections to our publically thanking you?"

Cho, "No. This is not meant to be a secret... well not any more."

Her smile broader, "We will inform our entire staff and have the press in. Thank you again."

I squeezed her hand.

"This is because our children love this place... you can see it as a validation of the your staff's abilities."

A smiling nod, "We are very lucky to have them all."

She looked at the babies smiling beside us... "Is there some way for us to outwardly show our appreciation for your gift?"

Cho shook his head, "No need. If you spend the money well then that is all we require."

"We will indeed be thoughtful and careful in how we use the money."

She leaned down to the Twins, "We will do our best for the Dinosaur Gallery and Early man."

Fist bumps.

Chani and Charlie wanted to show us some bits in this room so we went along with them. Cho and Gil behind us, I had the director's arm. She seemed very happy to come along.

The Twins showed us a lot of old bones and we heard brief descriptions. A walk to the Human Evolution Room... we passed the T.rex Restaurant... the Twins told the director they have great veggie burgers. That made her laugh.

We saw the bits about the Denisovans and Neanderthals... the DNA crossover. Wonderful science from such limited samples!

The director showed her amazement for the Twins knowledge. She got the background of the twins and the two palaeontologists...a smile at her staffer being corrected.

We did goodbyes at the main doors... the Twins telling the director they would try to be back before Christmas. Hand shakes from us... fist bumps from the babies.

Lots of waving as the cars eased out of the gates onto Cromwell Road. We went directly to Wandsworth and a flight home. Carter and Audra smiling at the Twins going across the gravel to them.

Carter enquired if there were any causalities at the museum... we laughed... Cho said No... only one tear. Carter knew it was to be a partial surprise for the museum.

I got in a late ride. Coming down for dinner in a white skater skirt, navy and white horizontal long sleeve striped top and a navy cardigan over my shoulders. Navy espadrilles.

Chani came running up, "Mama, Come see The Day. Uncle Greg is in it."

Cho had it up on his iMac in the Office. I sat in his lap to read it... Chani on one side Charlie the other holding my hands.

McNeil approached it from the perspective of the history and the amount of research Greg had done. The game was explained as a moving history project... you could do things differently... change the outcome?

Greg got high praise for the excellent work on the visual side... the map and unit counters. The easy to read and grasp rules which could be complicated if you chose to add in the extra rules.

McNeil interviewed several local gamers... two had purchased the game and loved it. The playability and quality features made it a great experience. Nice!

At the end Greg was quoted as saying his sister-in-law had him encouraged to complete creating the game which had languished and a group of gamers in Oxfordshire, England had helped to play test it. He was grateful to both.

A snap of the game package included and Greg's face. A comment on the sales which were in the many thousands now. Quite a success for a home-grown game.

Cho laughed about the unnamed sister-in-law! A kiss.

We did a Pride and Prejudice reading after dinner.

Elizabeth with her uncle and aunt touring in Derbyshire visit Pemberley. Chani's assessment of Miss Bingley is vindicated after the put-down by Darcy. A fist bump from Charlie! Darcy's admiration of Elizabeth so proper and fitting to the story Chani and Charlie well respected him.

Their tour of the north cut short by Lydia's stupidity and wilfulness compounded by Mrs. Bennet's being a nitwit then add in sleazy avarice of Wickham.

Darcy goes to save the bratty Lydia in spite of Wickham and unknown to Elizabeth and her family.

Darcy's unselfishness and being willing to clear away the mess is finally conveyed to Elizabeth by her aunt.

When we stopped the babies were stoked. After the visit to Pemberley they knew what was to happen. Once Elizabeth heard from the staff at the estate about Darcy being a wonderful employer Chani went from skeptic to believer in their being a couple.

The title was appreciated! This is turning out to be a treat.

We walked up to bed with the babies. Dressed for sleeping they arranged their beds... the new dinosaurs slept by their pillow, Blu and Raggedy in their arms. These two are very cute!!

On a settee with Cho... a few kisses. Gil and Chelle joined us.

Email... Oz's people in Lordsburg were doing well, getting the full treatment. They would fly back to El Paso tomorrow to catch their flights to London.

Simon said they were attentive, asking good questions. One was indeed a pilot... he got to fly a drone! His colleagues quite jealous in a jocular way. The fellow had done well... he enjoyed firing beanbags at dummy humans.

Another trip up to London... just me this time. To the Lord's to speak on the pay rise bill for MI5 employees. It is important. Mac was glad I was doing it. Argyle wasn't surprised at all.

Sage had a couple things for me... I looked them over walking to the Lords.

Chilly. Red wool long sleeved frock fitted to my body to the top of my knees, round collar. Gold Jewellery, a black-red-white Hermès scarf tied around my neck. Black stockings and heels. Red lips and nails. `Joy' A black Kelly bag. A black car coat length leather jacket, big collar. Gloves. I was comfy.

In the Royal Gallery... Argyle passing me on his way out. A handshake and a smile.

"I'm looking forward to getting beat by Cho again."

We laughed.

I saw Susanne with a few members talking... a wave.

Dascom said hello. I got his note...

"To me it speaks directly to the need to re-nationalise the water boards. The profit motive is far stronger than the commitment to serve the people. Yours in the Commons?"

Dascom, "They are leaning the same way. We are being poisoned and paying for it."

"That's good! Start using that line and get more information circulating. Send some to me I'll pass it on to my Cross Bench colleagues."


He is smiling, "If you are involved we can have an impact."

I thanked him for his confidence.

"Well you and your husband are out there doing things... not sitting on your money like so many wealthy people."

I cocked my head, looking...

"Oh you haven't heard? The Natural History Museum went full on... over the top praising you two... naming you two as the most generous folks on the planet. Your donation is getting a lot of play."

I waved to Gil... she was grinning holding up her iPad to the Guardian webpage... screaming headlines! Damn!

Dascom said all the news people are doing that.

I thanked Dascom for telling me.

Susanne came over with a woman... "Fay, this is Mary-Alice, Lady Buston, she's from Derbyshire." We shook hands.

"Your Ladyship, I'm pleased to meet you."

I said I am `Fay' which she smiled at. Lady Buston is a Tory Life Peer.

"I want to say your family's gift to the Natural History Museum is amazing. My niece is on staff there... she called right after you left going a bit gaga over you all doing the donation."

I laughed, "Maybe she'll get a pay rise out of it."

Shaking her head, "She's dug in DEEP there. She a specialist in the human evolution department."

"Well she would be right up our children's alley... they have a pronounced interest in Denisovans and Neanderthals."

She stared, "I thought I'd read they were two year olds?"

"Yes they are... age hasn't limited them. They love the museum and asked us to make the donation. They gave the cheque to the museum director themselves with a request for more on dinosaurs and early man things.

They read about both subjects all the time."

"They read?"

Suzanne smiling.

"Yes their reading level is about level eight in English... close to the same in French and Thai."

"Oh my god! They are exceptional... I guess that isn't strong enough."

I thanked Lady Buston for her kind words.

Baroness Culver approached... wary. She has undergone a change. Obviously lost weight, much better clothes... oh Shit... that's a Mirabelle suit!! Good looking shoes! Her hair not fancy but an effort made towards a style more flattering than a mop cut.

Suzanne being nice and sensing Baroness Culver's reticence said she would speak to me later... nodding to Baroness Culver as she took Lady Buston's arm.

"Your Ladyship, I was humiliated by your look those many months ago... I tried to embarrass you but it redounded upon me. I looked at myself realising why you gave me the look you did.

I needed to change very badly... it has been an struggle but I am going up the slope much easier now... I have momentum. So I wanted to thank you although I know you didn't intend to be of help you were."

A mumbled `Thank you' as she turned away.

I touched her arm, "You are right I wasn't trying to help... probably being too aloof. I admire your effort to change... indeed the changes are quite good. You should be proud of yourself."

"I am but knowing I still have a ways to go so limiting my self praise. Trying to work through other things which hurt."

A pause. "I'm divorced, the ex-husband hired a PA, a younger women, for his expanding business... you know he started as they say having it off with her, right away. A year later we separated and divorce followed... they married. Three children have come and now the rumour in Peterborough is the new' PA is following the lead of the ex-PA `new' wife. The divorce was ten years ago. I was already in the Lords so I suppose that added to the problems at home."

"You are changing which it seems your `ex' cannot do."

"I'm giving it a go. Pardon me I don't want to put you on the spot... how old do I look?"

"If you asked me those many months ago I would have said late forties... maybe fifty... now forty."

A smile, "Thank you. I'm forty-five. You are right when I did that look in the mirror... I thought fifty or more."

"Is that a Mirabelle suit? The navy looks good."

"Yes. I saw an ad mentioning they had a wide range of sizes...I have avoided buying clothes for the reasons you can guess. I had lost some weight so I got up my nerve to go and find some new things.

The Mirabelle store in Notting Hill has very nice and smart women working there. They helped me a lot in making decisions, suggestions for accessories... they have a large display showing customers accessorising their new Mirabelle clothes... marvellous!"

"Do you know I am a partner in the Mirabelle company? This dress... " I turned around, "... was made by their ladies in New York for me."

She was shocked, "I had no idea!"

"I have gone to the store openings throughout this year here, Paris and Berlin, many in America."

Her head shaking.

"A few years ago I went to the original location on Herald Square in New York. They made a frock for me from a photo... it turned very well. They have been making clothes for me... over two years. Trousers, frocks, blouses, suits, jackets and coats.

Coral, who started Mirabelle, became a friend and I suggested she might expand using their suits as a primary device to start up a retail chain. So I put money in the company and financed its growth."

"Your Ladyship..."

My hand out, "We are equals here."

"Yes maybe but I'm a life peer... a Baroness... well below a Countess... a hereditary peer."

"Here we are equal. Fay..." my hand out again.

A sunburst smile, "Gail," shaking my hand.

Her head shaking, "You have no idea how glad I am you did that. You are a stand-out member... I'm not."

"You don't speak often? You can't be afraid... you walked right up to the dragon's mouth today."

We laughed.

"Fay, I was compelled to say my meagre thank you although you couldn't have any notion of your impact."

"Now that's done you should stand up... speak up! If you don't use your voice you are only here as a vote which doesn't seem quite fair considering any effort you make.

Being a tory right now is not easy. Labour is ploughing ahead... some of it is very positive... some banal. Let them know what you think... your colleagues also! Maybe a few changes need to be made there too."

"See you can fire me up... no one else has had much affect. My tory colleagues are mostly very gray figures unwilling to change."

"Maybe that is something else you want to work on?"

A considering face, "Yes I think it is."

She looked around the Royal Gallery... evidently seeing who she wanted.

"Please pardon me now I need to speak to someone."

Smiling we shook hands.

She darted off towards a group of Cross Bench fellows... Mac is in the middle of them... I watched her speak to Mac... they moved away from the group.

Suzanne and Mary-Alice came back... eyebrows raised... I said wait...

Mac looked over to me... a big smile. He and Gail shook hands. As they parted Gail turned towards me to wave.

"Fay, what is that all about?"

"Suzanne I think you will find out when we go in.

We were called into the House.

The Lords sitting... calm before the storm. Gail stood up... she walked down the gangway... a left turn... she came straight to Mac who stood to offer her his hand and his seat beside me.

I stood to shake her hand after Mac.

What a buzz!! Chattering which a grinning Argyle suppressed so we could get on.

A few housekeeping items then the MI5 Pay Rise bill.

I spoke for five minutes making the case that we need the skills and commitment of the MI5 personnel so we should be willing to pay them a decent wage. It is the height of stupidity to hire them... train them... then lose them for better pay to private commercial businesses.

There were many `Hears... Hears' throughout my speaking.

I sat down satisfied with what I'd said. Echoes of my comments were heard in the next several speakers.

Gail said it was a terrific speech.

When we broke I walked out with Mac after saying goodbye and congratulations to Gail again. Mac steered me a corner of the Royal Gallery.

Mac is visibly pleased, "You are now one of the best voices in the House. You speak with feeling... always with the facts to hand... few comments come from opposition benches... they now fear your ripostes.

Twice in a week or so you have spun wondrous speeches."

I was thanked. A hug and cheek kiss for him.

"What is the story with Culver?"

I told him about our first encounter and how she responded to it. A smile creasing his face... growing.

"Fay, you are a change agent even unconsciously. Culver was likely unhappy... trying to hurt you and her failing galvanised her to aspire to be you. Amazing!!"

I held his hand, "Mac there is hope for all sinners."

He laughed out loud. A few heads turned.

He kept my hand, "Can you ask the `Pro' if I could bring my oldest grandson out to meet him and maybe play with us?"

"I don't have to ask... just bring him. Make sure he has clothes, his sticks and such."

Another laugh, "Guy... he's seventeen at Westminster... his last term... he's going up to Brasenose in the autumn to read pre-law."

"You remember Sunny our niece?"

He did... "She's going up to Brasenose also. Pre-law."

We moved to the side... "She's young for that?"

"Sunny will be sixteen this summer... very smart, accomplished at her chosen sport and quite pretty. A lot going for her."

"Guy is my son's boy... I don't talk much about family... my son died in a car crash five years ago..." I was squeezing that hand. "I've tried to be the father without overdoing it... Guy is the heir to the title. I like him, smart, witty, good looking and a decent golfer."

"Well by all means drag him along!"

Fist Bumps!! A hug and a cheek kiss for him.

On my way out Lord Haseley stopped me. We shook hands.

"Lady Harcourt, you must have Irish antecedents... you have the silver tongue gift of gab. Those five minutes were as good as I have ever heard in the House."

I thanked him.

He was doing much better... I found out, like it happens for Coral, Bronchitis came to him around every other year or so.

"I quit cigarettes fifteen years ago but after thirty plus years the damage is done."

We shook hands, I said take care... he smiled... he would.

Rae's car slid to the curb beautifully timed. This lady is good!!

To the Notting Hill Mirabelle... a luncheon engagement.

I stepped out behind Tara... I took a look at the façade... it is good, clean and handsome!

In the door to a big welcome by Garnett. I hugged her and her staff. There are ten or so customers... I said helloes to them.

Garnett had floor coverage so she could come out to lunch. Upstairs I am introduced to Christine... Chris. A lovely face and trim physique.

I asked if she was hungry... Yes! Okay!

Before we went down I told them about Baroness Culver's experience here.

"Fay, I think I know which one she is... sandy gray hair in need of some control?"

"Yes. She has mostly managed that. She has lost weight so the navy suit with the trousers looked good on her. She loved your accessorise board."

Fist bumps.

We walked around the corner to The Swan. A good pub I'd been in during an earlier life. Gil had made a booking with special requests... unusual for midday.

The banquette! It is high so the chairs out front were tall chair-like stools. I sat in the corner, the TV screen looming above the table with some football game on. I did a quick look and turned it off.

Gil beside me grinning at my fiddling with the electronics... Garnett and Chris opposite us. Chris didn't get the roles of Tara who sat beside Gil or Tessa and Alba at a close by table.

I explained... A big `Oh!'

The menu... I chose the veggie nuggets with the hot sauce on the side to start, Salmon and cheese fishcakes with a plate plate of their thick cut chips. Orangina.

Chris smiling at me after my order. "I guess your metabolism is like mine... I burn it quickly."

I agreed... Gil and Tara laughing. Gil out with "Fay is known for her appetite."


Some biographical information exchanged... I'm a bit more exposed so Chris had to do most of the talking... she didn't have problem with it.

I smiled, "I'm not Garnett's mom just an interested person in part of her life."

"A very important part... I'll tell you anything you want I've already told it all to Garnett."

Thirty six, divorced ten years now, no children... not that her ex-husband hadn't pushed it. She is the office manager for a large estate agent's office, it had a sales side and a property management side. She was in overall charge of both. Busy... she had it humming along.

Garnett smiling through all that holding Chris' hand.

Chris' work was a big thing but she liked to leave it behind... taking nothing home. She had a house on Hamilton Terrace in Maida Vale... an old family home which fortunately she had the money to maintain. Quiet neighbourhood, good people nearby. A short walk to the Tube.

Chris a smile, "I asked..." a nudge in Garnett's ribs, "... this one to move in..." A huge smile now, "... she's agreed!"

Garnett's face a giant grin! A kiss! Quiet cheers from us.

"If you look in my dressing room you'd think it had already happened."


Garnett said it is a shorter commute than she has now. On the Tube... Bakerloo to Paddington then either Circle or District lines to Notting Hill Gate. Ten minutes tops! A short walk at either end, two blocks the longest.

Gil's phone making noises... Donovan... she picked up, she spoke briefly then handed it to me.

I asked him to hold... I excused myself. I walked outside with it and Tessa.

"Fay, the folks from Richmond have seen their son... at their request he will be cremated. While it is sad they are relieved to know a forty year gap in their lives is over. A daughter came with them... we have a suite for the three of them at the Fairmont.

The three will go to Miami and Elston tomorrow morning and then sit with Grady in their suite. He will give them a thorough briefing and get some background on their son... as far as they want to go.

They will fly home the morning after. Their son will be ready to go with them.

One other thing... the cadaver dog had a major hit on the exposed ground in the mechanical room. No doubt a body had been there then moved. So we know that much which does get us anywhere really."

"No but validating the accuracy of the radar once more doesn't hurt. My kudos to them."

Our thanks to Donovan and his people.

Inside Gil looking the question... she got the news.

A brief explanation for Garnett and Chris. Neither knew had heard of the case.... it was over before they were born.

Phone noises for me... email from Cho... Aaben said the South Thailand power company would be on site tomorrow to start upgrading the lines.

We knew already... Gil had used a few of Cho's contacts to squeeze the power company to get off its arse and do the work. Success! Fist bump and kiss for Gil!

Chris staring... I smiled, "We do get up to a lot of different things. Having fun!"

She laughed.

Gil's phone noises... email... The tories removed the whip' from the weird leaks' MP. He then resigned! More correctly he has been appointed to an `office of profit under the Crown' which disqualifies him from being in the Commons. A cranky way of doing it but traditions do persist.

He's gone which is as it should be!

A by-election in a solid tory riding??? I don't think Keir Starmer needs my help to fight for the seat.

Food arriving... We dug in. The server looking at the blank TV asked if we wanted it fixed... Tara said no it was fine. A wink to me.

Garnett and Chris were relaxing... not worrying about me which I liked.

We talked Mirabelle, our children and the money given to the museum, travel via the R&R Scheme, real estate...

Chris surprised to learn we owned the Estate Agency' that Mason ran for us. She was friendly with Erin Lonsdale who runs our managed property' division. Chris said she had seen the number of "Estate Agency' managed properties go up.

"I even kidded Erin about it. She said they had a new owner on their lists. I guess that is you."

I laughed, "We own six blocks of flats... more coming for them to take care of for us. Erin is looking for a new assistant... know anyone?"

We all laughed.

Chris quiet, "Actually I may have someone."

I said to call Erin. She would!

Coffee. I skipped dessert. Some ice cream devoured.

Walking back to the store... Kora calling.

I stopped keeping Gil, Tara and Tessa outside with me.

"Fay, we have an entry to a group of systems in the North Korean Defence Ministry. CeCe, our Korean expert, is handling it. We can see the Defence Minister's email, files and his cellphone contents... he syncs it to his desktop.

All the top military people are included."

"We need to talk... face-to-face about this. We want you to come to England. Arrange a flight with Penn soonest! Plan for two days. We will have warm clothes for you."

Okay!! She is to contact Gil with her clothing sizes.

I let Cho know what I am doing with Kora. Cho called Thet and Sumate. He asked them to come with Kora. They were good with that.

I asked Gil to call Chelle... have her tell Carter about our unexpected guests. A grin and salute. My tongue stuck out to a big laugh.

Inside I said hello to the customers... they were amazed to see me. Upstairs I sat down with Garnett and Chris... funny that both are older than me but I am in a sort of an odd position of being a sort of `mother.'

Speaking to Garnett but for Chris' benefit... I said we were pleased with them delighting in their relationship and hoped they had a long loving bond. My hand out to Chris... she was welcome to any events involving families and to be part the employee benefits Garnett enjoyed.

I got hugs and thank yous.

I did goodbyes...

Cho and the Twins welcomed me home. Carter smiling... he was ready for guests. He's always prepared. I could ask about Boy Scouts? He'd probably think them rank amateurs!

Cho smiling with me on a settee. The Garnett and Chris thing is good. Cho's in favour of love!

North Korea... Cho is on the same page as me... an internal dis-information campaign against their military to undermine its links with the dictator. If the generals can be made to think Kim doesn't trust them and might in his incoherent thinking decide to get rid of them, using machine guns again to kill close advisors, perhaps they could be motivated to remove him.

Maybe nothing would change... just another dictator coming out when Kim is gone but it could present an opportunity for transformation on the Korean Peninsula.

We will wait to bring in our government friends... see what we can develop.

Our lawyers in New York emailed that 4chan was willing to do almost anything to avoid the lawsuit going forward. They undoubtedly don't have the money to defend themselves... they appear to lack the resolve to deal with the new reality that each and every post is their responsibility unless they can identify the offending user.

If you want to run a site `on the cutting edge' then you better have lots of cash to pay judgements...they don't!

Cho and I talked it over... Our message to New York... no settlement unless there changes at 4chan... all users must be authenticated with real identities... no exceptions!

No access to past posts except by administrators, takedown offending posts immediately and banish the user based on a two strikes you are out principle.

After dinner we fired up a TV... we sat to watch a news video of the aerial show of the U.S. Army's First Air Cavalry Division departing Belarus. It was an amazing sight... hundreds of helicopters in orderly rows passing over. Above them were over a hundred NATO fighter jets... small wonder the Russian Army generals decided it was time for a change!

NATO's annual heads of state meetings in Brussels is going to be a celebration this year! Hillary and Bill were staying over one night with us in January before going on to Brussels. She was meeting with Keir Starmer and a stop at Buckingham Palace beforehand.

We got that the Queen asked for the meeting. It doesn't surprise me... Hillary is a genuinely nice person... tough too! Hillary doesn't suffer fools gladly... Her Majesty has let go some long-time Palace insiders in the last year... probably for the same reason.

Back channel scuttlebutt talk... I always liked that word... those courtiers let go were firmly against her going outside the norm to ennoble me and `knight' Cho.

I am sounding like I read the red tops. Ha!

We went up with the Twins... sleep clothes, kisses, hugs!

A day at home... An early rise to get in my ride... Pamela and Roland doing loud whinny's at the end of the Flats. Then work, play time, work, riding, play time!

Sitting on a merry-go-round with Cho and the babies! Nobody got dizzy. Gil and Chelle doing the spinning got it going pretty fast. Chani and Charlie holding to Cho and I... wild grinning faces and yells... such fun!!

We have a trip to make... an overnight to Scotland.

After dinner we loaded up a 767 at Chalgrove... north to Edinburgh! I am to be inducted officially into the Order of the Thistle in the morning... quite ceremonial!

En route we got out Pride and Prejudice... we were in the final portion. Just as Darcy is gaining the Twins' approval he brings Bingley back to Netherfield near to the Bennet's which cements their endorsement... it has come full circle!!

Bingley summons himself to go to Longbourn at Darcy's urging to ask for Jane Bennet's hand in marriage... some hemming and hawing... he gets it done... Jane is ecstatic. Elizabeth sees Darcy's hand in it admiring him even more.

Darcy's aunt Lady Catherine, who Elizabeth had met on a visit to her friend married to the local minister, hears from that weasely little church man... Darcy is interested in Elizabeth. She arrives at Longbourn late on an evening to demand Elizabeth promise never to accept Mr Darcy's proposal.

Of course his only proposal had been refused earlier in the year... Elizabeth pointblank declines to agree to refuse a proposal that hasn't been made. Lady Catherine leaves in a huff!

Lady Catherine being in an intemperate mood at home whinges about Elizabeth's `offence' in refusing her demand.

Darcy knowing of Elizabeth's firm rejection of his aunt goes to Longbourn to renew his quest for Elizabeth's hand in marriage. This time his request is greeted with pleasure.

Mr. Bennet is amazed by Elizabeth's turnaround on Darcy... her explanations on their shared pride and prejudice convinces him she is sincere and not just seeking the security of Darcy's vast wealth. Love in fact has triumphed.

At the end the babies cheered. They had been on the same roller-coaster ride as every reader for two hundred years... the ending satisfactory... in fact fitting!!!

They admired Jane Austen's skill in weaving the story... they caught on to the rhythm of her writing as we read it. MORE!!!! Cho grinning as we agreed to that!

We told them we would go back to Jane Austen's house. Also there are several good movie versions... not necessarily exactly copy the book. More cheers!

When we landed there was a Cho-Fay Air AW139 next door. Dee and Craig came down the day before to see Donella and stay over for tomorrow's event. Quarrie and Almira flying this one. Fist bumps for them.

Bedtime onboard at Edinburgh. Tomorrow the Twins will be with Cho as I go through my paces in the ceremony.

A warm Cho on my back... kisses on my neck... "I'm glad you are not spiky all over like a thistle."

Laughing... vibrating each other. Sleep.

St. Andrews Day... the Order of the Thistle gathering!

Dressing... a black light wool frock small round collar, long sleeves cut close to my torso, flaring out from my hips to an inch above my knee. Black stockings and black Louboutin heels. A single silver necklace, small round silver buttons at my ears.

Cho in a black suit, blindingly white shirt and a Harcourt Racing green tie... perfectly handsome standing beside our son dressed the same.

Chani in a black velvet frock to her mid-calf, black knee socks and Mary Janes. A Munro Modern tartan tam... looking very cute with a huge smile.

"Mama, I like this tam."

"Then you can wear it or the ancient version whenever you want."

My hand squeezed.

Gil took snaps of us.

Cars outside... an eight mile drive to the centre of Edinburgh. There are crowds on the sidewalks and the High Street is partly closed. Our car is directed into the open area beside St. Giles Cathedral where we step out. There are some cheers from the people across the square.

Cho and The Twins gave me kisses... they are escorted into the church. I am accompanied to the Signet Library by a uniformed fellow. Inside I am greeted and ushered to a room where I am to be `gowned.'

Once I'd had my conversation with the fellow from the Order who had been sent to see me... they had gotten on with my clothes.

Being helped into the deep green mantle, heavy not so as to make me uncomfortable. The white taffeta lining peeking out as I walked. Fortunately it is easy to move. A huge star of the Order on the left upper breast, ornately embroidered. The collar is high and closed with a long golden cord ending in quite large tasselled pendants near my waist.

The golden collar of links displaying green thistles and sprigs of rue over my shoulders... the white ribbons sewn onto the mantle's shoulders are used to secure it. A big arc of gold over my chest with the St. Andrew badge hanging from the centre.

The hat is a large black elaborate beret-like thing with a white egret's plume in the centre front.

I am draped in green and black. There is a mirror... quite the sight!

I'm the only newbie... so centre stage for me.

I know what I have to do, their briefing and documents made it quite clear.

Out of the gowning room I can see the other `Knights and a Lady' gathering. Lady Fiona Camran smiling came up. I was congratulated... a grin... she was glad of the company as I am the second non-royal lady member.

She did introductions for me... I shook a lot of hands. We are fourteen, two vacancies remain. The men were very nice, welcoming. A number of lawyers in the crowd.

Lady Fiona leaned over, "As a lawyer I must say the firm in New York who have done work for you are superb craftsmen! I read their briefs for the 230 Clause case... they did an excellent job. Very persuasive... obviously with your victory. It is changing the internet."

We squeezed hands.

I mentioned we had gone after reddit and 4chan... they folded.

A laugh from her, "I shouldn't wonder!"

We assembled for the procession... the Queen is on her way. In rows of two we walked through the library doors to the sound of the Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland. The Guard of Honour in front of us with the Colours of the Royal Company of Archers. We were now a big column walking across the square to St. Giles Cathedral west doors.

Just the members of the order went inside... we walked through to the south choir aisle... I could see Cho and the babies beside him. Big smiles and tiny waves! Warming my heart!

Lady Fiona beside me smiling seeing my crowd... she refocused me by pointing out my armorial banner now hanging in the church rafters! White and red!

We turned to pass through the ante-chapel... low ceiling passage about twenty five feet then into the Thistle Chapel proper... a beautiful thing. A soaring ceiling in contrast the ante-chapel. I like this room! Brilliant colours in the elaborate windows... gorgeous. The wood... aaaahhhh... The ceiling! Magical!! A room from an earlier time even though it was only a hundred years or so old.

I am escorted to my `stall.' The other members step into their stalls but remain standing... I am to wait beside the stall for the Queen.

Looking around... My crest plate on the back panel the seat... the red and white! It joined with two others who'd occupied the stall before me. My Countess coronet high atop the pinnacle above the seat.

The Queen arrives with the officers of the Order preceding her. Princess Anne and Prince William accompanying the Queen. Both smiling towards me, they move into their stalls.

The members now sit.

Her Majesty walks to me... a smile. I curtsey... a bit complicated in the Mantle.

A there is a brief installation ceremony, an oath and I sign the pledge.

Her Majesty kept her smile! My hand squeezed by her when it was done.

I stepped into my stall to sit as the Queen sat in the Order of the Thistle leader's throne stall. As monarch she is the head of the Order.

The Queen thanked the members for coming to observe St. Andrews Day. She said it was pleasing I had joined the Order. A few other remarks...

This portion over everyone stepped into the well of the chapel. We all worked our way into the nave of the church in nice rows again following the Queen for a short worship service.

We sat in pews at the front... I `confess' to not paying close attention to the service... discreetly looking at the inside of this cathedral... my first time inside here.

When the service ended the Queen left first... Princess Anne and Prince William close behind her. Once she had passed the doors we rose to follow. By the time we got to the outside the Queen had entered her car... they drove off to Holyroodhouse.

The procession returned to the Signet Library across the square. Inside we all disrobe. The mantles and hats are stored nearby for us.

A short reception for the Order members and Officers. We mix... I met all the members and the officers so now a bit more about each other. Several said I would be good to have around... One fellow with a smile said I `draw a crowd.'

I laughed, "Yes sometimes."

Lady Fiona smiling, "So... do you have a busy holiday season ahead?"

I told her about all the friends and family coming in waves, the Queen in a few days, the trip to Oslo...

"My... you will hardly have time to breathe."

We are to go to Holyroodhouse for a luncheon. We are to go on our own to Holyroodhouse. I went out to find Cho and the Twins. Dee and Craig said they'd meet me at the `Heart of Midlothian.'

I had a short wool coat on... my Thistle Star on my left breast. I went out the door pulling on gloves... PJ waiting. A huge grin... smiling I squeezed his hand! He led me to Cho and the Babies... they were with Dee, Craig and Donella at the `Heart.'

As I approached the High Street the crowd began to cheer and applaud. Amazed... I waved calling out `Thank yous' to them.

At the Heart Cho took me in his arms for a kiss.

YES!! The crowd loved that!! A big roar!

Chani's arms open for a hug and kiss. Charlie didn't complain about being kissed!

Big hug for Dee, a cheek kiss!! Uncle Craig got the same. Donella!! I hadn't expected to see her.

Glittering wet eyes! "Fay, you are made for these things."

I laughed, "Or I'm being made to fit."

More laughing.

This a very short visit... We'd been together for Remembrance Day, they were coming down to Harcourt House in a couple of weeks. Kisses on kisses!

Cho, Charlie, Chani and I into our car for the drive to Holyroodhouse. The Protectors smiling... their job easier with all the security around this event.

Our car left Canon Gate crossing Horse Wynd to enter the palace grounds. At the door we stepped out to salutes. Inside we were escorted to the Queen's Dining Room where there is a reception. Large windows looking over the lawn.

Her Majesty at the windows side speaking to several ladies... when we came in she motioned to us. I did my curtsey holding Chani's hand as she did hers. Cho and Charlie bowed.

The Queen extended her hands to the Twins... they took her hands. The Queen introduced them to the two ladies she'd been talking to...

Lord Munro and Lady Chanthira smiling said `how-do-you-do' very politely. The Queen's smile quite bright.

One immediately asked the babies about today... they were off and running.

The other, Lady Howton enquired if we were excited about receiving the Nobel Peace Prize?

Cho beside me keeping an eye on the Twins squeezed my hand... I said we see it as an affirmation of the process that involved so many others... some amazing people had become diplomats and political leaders rather than hiding in the bush.

The Army generals had to see their opponents up close... they became something beyond caricatures... no longer guerrillas in the bush... living people like themselves.

The insurgents had been at war with the army for over a dozen years... they needed reorient themselves to talking not shooting.

Both sides saw the only way out of their shared predicament was to speak... equitably.

"It was quite something to see the former insurgent leaders a few weeks ago at their southern assembly... all politicians now. They needed to find middle ground with others to be able to govern properly.

The citizens were now their responsibility ... a remarkable transition."

Lady Howton with a smile, "I can see why they might sit and talk if you were part of it. You have a charisma... a charm of an unusual kind."

I thanked her.

I saw Her Majesty's face... she still had Chani's hand but looking at me. A nod. I smiled in return.

I got to meet some spouses of Thistle members, some Scottish government people too. A woman who was a Scots cabinet minister asked about our shelters. I gave her an overview.

"I ask because we have requests from your people for assistance to find employment for some of your residents."

"We do ask for help with educational opportunities and finding suitable work once we have the shelters operating."

"Your foundation paid for all the shelters?"

`Yes, we buy the property, fix them up for our needs, hire staff and open the doors long before we seek assistance for our guests from government. It speeds up the process enormously.

Our initial contact with government is at the city level with the usual building code inspections, licensing and such."

She was complimentary to us for the effort. I said the young folks on the streets are the most vulnerable we do our work for them.

There was a sort of rounding up everyone to move to the Grand Gallery for luncheon.

It was scripted like the dinners at the White House... the Twins were the only youngsters present. Chani and Charlie showed they knew how to behave at table.

Jump seats were provided... we found out later the Queen had made a point of that happening.

The food was good, the wine nice... a Cho very quietly to me `there were better years than this' made me smile.

Between Cho, Carter and Clough my wine sensibilities had been raised but no where near Cho's. I was still a babe in the woods.

The Twins between Cho and I ate what they liked from their plates... our rule was if you don't like something skip it. I agreed with their opinion of the broccoli... not good.

Their table manners, worked on with Tha, were excellent. Tha told us what she said to them knowing how smart they are... `You have to learn how to eat with guests or you won't be invited to dinner.'

Simple to the point. Perfect for our thinking babies.

I could see others watching the Twins... our babies eating like any grownup would. Cho and I did a bit of help in cutting their fish.

Dundee Cake for dessert... clotted cream alongside. This is a first time for Charlie and Chani! I could see they will want it again. I like it a lot, one of Aunt Dee's other superb baking goodies.

The meal over we returned to the Queen's Dining Room to mingle. Her Majesty prepared to depart... she stopped beside us... a brief word... she was looking forward to her visit in a few days. I said we were also!!

The Queen was gone... I could see others looking our way... Her Majesty paying attention to us.

We stayed to chat with a few people then worked our way out to the car. PJ, Rande, Tara and Ansara waiting in the entryway. Loaded we headed straight to the airport.

Tom said he can taxi out whenever we are settled. Down and strapped in. Charlie giving us his take off noise...

In flight on a settee with Cho... leaning on him, strong arms encircling me. A kiss! I said more... he promised lots later!

A not a long trip.

Walking from the car I was left behind as the babies roared across the gravel to `Car!'

I went up to change for a ride. Geo with Tessa making noises, Angie on Mahogany. We headed south around the Sci Ctr. Across the tracks it is a full on gallop past Denham School to the road to Culham Manor.

We turned right before the bridge to run down along the river to the back gate of the Manor. Through we rode up to the front past the tennis court and dismounted. Past the east gate we had Caroline running towards us... I scooped her up.

"Whee! Aunt Fay!"

A big hug, I carried her to the front door. Ting grinning... arms wide for a transfer. Caroline wrapped herself around him! Catherine stepped close for a hug around her big belly.

Andrea on her way home. We sat outside. They are all well.

Ting, "I spoke to my parents after you gave them the idea on staying longer..." He motioned to Catherine, "... We all talked... it is a great idea. Mom and Dad are pleased they can arrange for Tasanee to come with them."

Caroline clapping she wanted to meet Tasanee and run around with her.

I squeezed her, "From what I saw Tasa is going to be big fun. The Twins took to her right off. She's a bundle of energy."

I reminded Ting his folks could go up to London to stay at Cowley House... "Do some sightseeing... so they can get out for a bit and be out of your hair too."

Fist bump! Laughing.

Remounted we changed course... we crossed the Abingdon Road and rode north of Denham School. Past the tracks it became a full on sprint to the Flats. Rebel pulling away from Geo and Mahogany... she is showing speed! I slowed at the top of the slope... together we walked our horses down to the Flats... A wave to Ronnie on the track.

Cho was on his phone... a finger pointing into the Garden. I walked out... the babies on the merry-go-round... spinning! Sunny with them... holding on... waving their free arms... laughing! Delphine doing the work. It was going pretty fast... they held on until spun down.

The spinners saw me... I was mobbed!! Hugs and kisses for them.

Guests! Kora, Thet and Sumate arrived. Kora in a mac we had put on the aircraft for her... a bit wide-eyed at seeing the house for the first time.

Upstairs in her room... several jumpers and wool trousers plus skirts and tights. I said we won't dress up for dinner so any choices were fine. She held the navy trousers and white turtleneck jumper... thumbs up from me.

They all came down to the Great Room for drinks. Kora got an abbreviated tour.

We had a few preliminary words about North Korea. They could sleep in tomorrow we would sit down before luncheon and after.

Before dinner Gil got us all into the Game Room... she has a video from Sky UK of the fun this morning. My trio only saw the inside the church nave part.

The Queen's arrival with Princess Anne and Prince William... all in their robes. The boy holding the Queen's robe train.

Odd to see myself in the Order's mantle and hat walking in the procession... winding its way across the square into the church.

Video at the ante-chapel... nothing inside though.

The Queen's departure... the members walk back to the Signet Library in our rows again.

Gil paused it... "The next part will not be on Sky UK News... the editor added it on for you."

They had me on video coming out to hug and kiss Cho and the Twins. Dee, Craig and Donella getting embraced too!

My waving to the crowd as the cheers and clapping rose in volume... I do not remember the noise being that loud... I was too happy being with my family I suppose not paying attention.

Cho asked Gil to thank the Sky UK editor for us. A thumbs up! She is going to forward a copy to Aunt Dee.

Kora, Thet and Sumate all watching the show... unlike anything they had seen before.

Dinner was new experience for Kora too... she seemed to enjoy the `English' foods.

The afters and the Twins blazing through a puzzle very new for Kora. She was holding the box top looking the snap of the puzzle within... a panoramic view up the Puget Sound from our house... a gray day, gray clouds, gray water with the `halo' of evergreen all around.

A slightly later ride... after breakfast. The greenery was arriving today, the Abingdon company people were coming to put up the tree!!

The Twins and Cho with me in the Breakfast Room... excitement!

I walked down to the Stables... Gaby on Roland and Tara on Gough... I rode Pamela we are off to Sutton Courtenay for several purposes... First, I am to meet our Oxfordshire MP Clark at All Saints Church.

We dismounted at the side gate and walked to Orwell's grave. The church yard quiet as always... a brief moment... Clark joined us. He was silent beside me.

We shook hands. His smile and a motion to the black metal framed box of stones... "M'Lady, You do get around."

I laughed, "This has been going for a couple of years now. Dr. Ryles is pleased I think... he's a closet Orwell fan."

"M'Lady, why a Closet Fan?"

"Well neither Eric Blair or George Orwell had much use for the church although it played its part in his life on several occasions. He was married in a church and he's buried here."

Clark did admire the workmanship in the black metal, "M'Lady, this started with just your stone?"

"Yes... it grew... I'm not sure why it has... there's no encouragement. Dr. Ryles and I have joked about a black stone sales booth."

He laughed, "Your Ladyship, it might make some money for the church."

"That had been the starting point for our joke because the roof here needed work... Cho and I paid for that so the congregation could raise funds for other projects."

Clark's head shaking, "M'Lady, you two have done so much for South Oxfordshire... churches, schools and more have benefitted. Does anyone go to Harcourt House cap-in-hand?"

"Actually no... it is not easy to get close but we have many of our people in the community... they live and shop locally, their children go to the schools.. so we have information coming our way."

Clark joined me heading to the Community Café' day and Bring and Buy' sale. Dr. Ryles smiling at the annex front door. Hands shaken... in the main room tables with the items `brought' which had a good crowd milling around.

Dr. Ryles, "Your Ladyship, thank you for the books and baby clothes... the clothes will go quickly I'm sure."

I asked about the `train' ladies... "They are here somewhere.." He turned to Clark, "Did you want an introduction?"

Clark nodded... I thought without enthusiasm... understandable.

Dr. Ryles found the ladies we sat to talk... the Good Reverend. delivered coffee... a smile for him.

We spoke to the two wives about the train system and its cost to their commuting husbands... since it is a private company the government had only so much influence. Clark was good... his constituency chairman arrived and is put to work.

I strolled around looking at the items on the tables. Some nice bric-a-brac, books, etc... Our baby clothes were gone. Good pants and tops for younger ones... almost mint condition. When Conrad dropped them all off the other day he left the note saying they could price the items however they pleased.

Gaby smiling, "Fay, baby clothes always sell... they can be so expensive."

I gave her a look... "Not that I have any direct experience just buying for family."

Tara laughing poking Gaby's arm... we all laughed. We all remembered her mother's comment last year about babies and it was so good' of Tara to remind Gaby. A Gallic' shrug from Gaby.

I didn't buy anything, just looking and talking to folks.

I said goodbye to Clark... He said his constituency chairman is working on it.

I slipped my arm through his walking towards the front, "We have to face facts... the privatisation of the thatcher era is a failure of policy and leadership. All the rail systems need to be re-nationalised. Great Western is the best run of the bunch... in the north and southwest the failures are stark. A peer from Norfolk complaining about the trains over there."

Clark agreed that it is time to begin doing that otherwise it will only get worse.

I pointed out the same situation exists for the many water boards... takeovers were the only way forward.

"A Lords colleague said something to remember... `They are poisoning us and we're paying for it' quite apt."

Clark nodding `Another shambles.'

I suggested he speak to the several Lib-Dem Commons members about the water issue.

"It is in the national interest we solve this problem."

Clark agreed.

I said goodbye to him and Dr. Ryles.

We mounted in the lane and re-traced our ride back over the river into Culham. A left turn at the High Street... time to order cupcakes. Inside the lady owner was pleased to see us.

I asked for twelve dozen mixed for Harcourt House and three dozen for Culham Manor... also mixed.

A thought... I called Culham Primary School to find out how many children and staff were there... I said for a sweet surprise.

I gave the number to the cupcake lady... she would deliver them shortly for their snack. A thank you from me.

Smiling she thanked me for the order. I said there was no hurry for ours, "Please call the House when you are ready. Someone will pick them up... both batches."

We shook hands.

Mounted once more going out the bakery drive... Gaby thought left to go the Manor...

I shook my head, "If I go there every time I am out riding they will be hardily sick of looking at me."

Tara grinning pointing to me. Fist bump!

Gaby laughing. We turned for home... big doings!

I walked Pamela up to the forecourt when Gil's text landed. Tara and Gaby with me standing on the gravel edge... the noise not bothering our horses. The huge truck sitting there partially unloaded... Gaby's head shaking as the hydraulic lift moved the tree to the ground.

Tara took Pamela for me, my thank you.

I walked to the door... Carter there with Carter2 and Audra. Their folks had the Great Room ready.

The wood, canvas and cardboard put down by the Abingdon installation folks for the lifting device to enter and setup the tree.

Carter informed me Cho was in the nursery with the Twins while all this is going on.

The Abingdon Company foreman bowed, "M'Lady. This is my third time doing this for you."

I thanked him for his excellent work and shook his hand.

I went up to wash and dress. Munro Ancient tartan mini-skirt, white cotton long sleeve shirt, blue tights and dark brown brogues, a forest green tie, yellow sleeveless jumper, blue blazer.

I was looking at the tree going up, Carter beside me.

"M'Lady, these folks really know their work. They get right to it. We have luncheon ready for them once the tree is up and secure."

I thanked Carter for being his usual prepared self. I did ask about Boy Scouts... A `No' but Baden-Powell did have the right idea.

I said I thought he might think them amateurs. He nodded with a smile. We laughed.

My Crew would be here tomorrow, from Bangkok and New York. Our Christmas time opening get together!!

Cho and I in the Library with Kora, Thet and Sumate. Carter had Stanton outside to keep anyone from coming in.

Kora led off with the status of her team's work.

"We have continued to monitor the North Korean Army systems we have penetrated. No signs they are aware of the intrusion. CeCe folks are being very careful, documenting what they do, where they go specifically. We have done no offensive actions... merely looking... evaluating.

There several ways we could introduce items into their systems. We can drop files anywhere we think is appropriate, false emails, edit existing documents, place information in calendars and to do lists.

An email can be created and sent with fraudulent addresses to show it came from inside the government. We can make fake emails that will appear to be passed between close associates of the dictator... send them on to the generals anonymously as if someone wanted them to know what was occurring. Many actions like those."

I asked a few questions.

I turned to Thet and Sumate pointing out we would have rise our threat level to prepare for the North Koreans possible response if our work is found out.

They nodding in unison.

Cho touching my shoulder, "Can you talk to Hillary for up to date information about conditions inside North Korea?"

"I can but she will legitimately wonder and ask questions."

I sipped some coffee... "How about we bring the Americans and Brits in? We tell them what we are working on... ask for assistance. They could have total deniability should it go pear shaped.

This is what America did to the Russians... they undermined the Army's trust in putin, made them feel insecure and encouraged them to act before their existence was fatally destabilised.

Thee Americans could do that because our people gave them openings this time we would be out front."

Our people looking at me... Kora said we have the ability. Thet motioning to Sumate said the Security Service will protect our assets.

I looked to Cho... My guy smiling.

"Our American friends will have a lot of valuable information... they have to be part of the equation. Kora's folks getting inside can make it happen only if what is done `fits' into the Korean's mind-set... it has to feel right or it won't work. The Americans..." a finger pointing to me, "... the MI6 and GCHQ folks here can provide the details to give the verisimilitude required."

Fist bump.

Kora pointed out she has a group of people who do try to break into our systems. They are skilled and persistent but they always fail. No complacency is allowed... test and retest!


We talked more about it then went into lunch.

After lunch Gil, Chelle and I joined Cho in the Library. A Conference App call with Francis, Ali and Wesley. One was blowing bubbles in his mother's arms to considerable laughter.

They were doing very well. Aylesha texting them in the middle... >Daria on the way< we were laughing. `Grannie Daria' visited four or five days a week, taking her role as grandma seriously. Ali and Francis loved having her... she doted on Wesley. That little cutie was a month old.

Our three guests were downstairs with Yone.

Work for me and my ladies! We skipped tea so I could finish and get to ride again. Chelle volunteered to complete a few things so Gil could come out with me.

Rebel ready! Geo and Max under Tessa and Gil. We crossed the Oxford Road to Baldon Lane up into Marsh Baldon. We rode around the Green to the primary school.

We walked to the door before dismounting... the woman who ran off last year came out smiling today. She curtseyed.

"Your ladyship, welcome."

I thanked her. The Head Teacher joined us. Handshakes.

The Head was smiling... we sat in her study. Gil going to her pocket...

"My husband and I have decided to change the way we do our holiday giving... this year since you have five students from our worker's families we have a check for ten thousand £'s.'

She was clapping, "M'Lady, you are so generous!! We will do a lot with the money."

"We would ask you do the same as last year... send us a letter with a list of your purchases in general... no specifics.

"I will be glad to do it."

I added the line of credit to the Oxford Computer Store... Her palms to her cheeks.

In anticipation Gil had reviewed the letters... all the schools sent one... they were just what we wanted... simple lists.

I did a tour... sticking my head in classrooms. Smiling faces waving to me.

It is close to the end of the day so everyone is happy. One more day closer to Christmas and end of the term.

We did our goodbyes. Several staff people at the door waving.

We rode to pass through the same farmer's yard as last year. I leaned down thank him and shake hands.

"Any time, M'Lady."

Going east across harvested fields then south to meet the Clifton Hampden Road, through Chiselhampton to the fields beyond we approached Stadhampton Primary from the rear.

We walked through the tree line to the playfields... some students out there said hellos... one girl did a curtsey. I slid down to take her hand. One of the boys ran to get the Head Teacher when their teacher's aide requested it.

The children got to pet the horses... smiles. I found out very few had ever been this close to a horse. We three held the reins tightly to keep our horses in one place. The children stayed around front as I asked.

The Head came out smiling... she could see the children having fun being about the horses. The little ones went in... the day is ending.

It is a clear day with a bit of sun... no wind... chilly but pleasant so we sat at the outside tables.

"Your Ladyship, you crossed us up this year... coming in the back door in the afternoon."

We laughed.

"Well there are more stops..."

I got to it... She was amazed at the ten thousand £ cheque!

I explained our changed method and she now had an additional student from one family making four. The line of credit didn't need any explanation.

She is very upbeat... she is not having the problems she had during last year's visit.

"Several parents are doing much better so they do not have fees issues. Plus your employees pay the term's fees up front thanks to you."

Since Cho and I decided to pay all our workers school fees and any additional costs we knew that burden was gone. Giving it at the start of each term got it out of the way... no worries.

We did goodbyes after a short visit inside... the children running hither and yon heading home. The Head walked us back to the horses... another thank you. A big handshake and a hug!

Mounted we reversed course towards Chiselhampton then south to cross the B480 then southwest aiming for Berinsfield's east side. We were able to gallop for a good ways... slowing to pass between Mount Farm and the Berinsfield Cemetery.

A turn right going into Lodden Avenue, it is a close but at the end there is a gap to Abbey Woods School playfields. We did hellos to a half dozen people as we passed down the street. At the end a left turn to walk onto the grass... crossing over the fields to a car park and a lane to the offices.

The same tree as last year served us to tie our horses. This time the Head Teacher is at the door to greet us.

"Your Ladyship welcome!"

We shook hands... she did introductions for her office staff. Handshakes all around.

Sitting in her office... I gave her the news Cho and I changed our donation policy. There are still six students from our families attending here... "So we are giving you ten thousand £'s."

A discreet whoop... huge smile.

"M'Lady, was our letter satisfactory?"

"Yes... perfect we know how you used the money without a mass of detail."

I took the line of credit letter from Gil letting the head know it was the same as last year.

Their day was over the school mostly empty, a short tour. Just a few students in their red, white and black uniforms. I said hellos to them. The school was very well kept, clean, bright paint. I got to meet several teachers.

A fellow who did Year 4's came out to the corridor as I turned a corner... he stopped to bow. I shook his hand. Today had been very good day for his kids when I asked.

At the tree out front the Head thanked me again.

"We want your school to excel... we hope the money gives you a boost."

"M'Lady, It will!!"

A hug. She waved to us as we headed out.

We crossed the A4074 above Berinsfield then a good gallop to the Oxford Road... over that we are on Harcourt House land.

Now for Rebel to have his fun! I asked for speed... he burst forth! Two and half miles to the Stables we rushed over the grass... tree lines and lanes were blurs... I checked over my shoulder... Geo running hard is six lengths behind us... Max ten or so.

At the top of the slope I eased Rebel back... his whinny's very loud. Tessa a grinning fist bump! Gil on my other side... a lean over hug!

Up at the Stables we handed off our horses to Marsha and Monty... smiles.

Up to the front door... The big delivery truck is gone... everything it left is cleared away inside. The garlands and the trees for the staff lounges in place waiting to be decorated.

Fin there, "M'Lady, Sir Cho and the Twins are in the Great Room."

I thanked him.

At the door I paused... the St. Thomas School garlands up! Blue, white, gold, silver, red, and green around the door, the metallic silver, gold, green, blue, purple, orange, copper, yellow white and red on the stairs bannister.

The tree standing there... a tall green column... the marvellous scent of the noble fir!! The lights all set, the decorations above ordinary folks reach level glistening...

Cho smiling pulling me into his arms... KISS!!

Chani and Charlie clapping. Hugs and kisses for them.

"Mama, the tree is magnificent!" They said it together... an echo!

The Abingdon folks were done...all their equipment is out... our room back to normal... the foreman ready to test the lights now they are installed... I'm just in time!

Kora, Thet and Sumate with us marvelling at the tree.

The foreman looked over to us... Cho waved... the switch on the wall flipped...

YEA!!! The brilliant lights all on! The decorations reflecting the light every which way!

The Twins bouncing on their toes clapping cheering!! Cho's arm around me... another kiss!

Cho said that is good for now. Okay!! Lights off.

In the Entryway we thanked the Abingdon folks... we were in turn thanked for a wonderful lunch.

"Your Ladyship, your trees are the biggest we put up. Marvellous smell to a Noble Fir."

The Twins clapping agreed!

At the Great Room fireplace with Kora, Thet and Sumate. We talked in general terms about the Security Service, goals and methods.

Sunny came home from school. She is excited seeing the tree up.

"Dad coming early is great! I know he'll hole-up in the cellar with the gamers but he'll be around for some fun."

Fist bump.

Sunny leaning back beside me... her term was near to end... one more before she goes up to Brasenose.

"It is going to be strange to start I know... a dorm sort of place will be quite different... Away from here. I hope find my equilibrium dealing with fellow students. I'm sure the classes will be Okay... tutoring is going to be new... I have seminars now so it should be a wash."

Fist bump. Sunny has her shit together!

Sunny has had her friends over several times to hang-out and/or stay over. Anne and Kate from here, others from school. Maeve around a lot... she's come out of her shell this year at Abbey Hill!

Gerry is amazed... friends come by, new clothes and styles, changed her hair... He's happy for her!

There is a sleep over planned for Friday night... eight girls in Sunny's flat. We have inflatable mattresses, lots of blankets and comforters, loads of pillows... plenty of room to have fun.

The Kitchen is to do brownies and pizzas for her!

I asked Carter later... "M'Lady, I don't hear them. Sunny doesn't play her music loudly, no shrieks or yells."

We laughed.

Before dinner we brought out the family Christmas decorations. The wooden red-nosed reindeer chosen by Charlie on the table by the fireplace. Chani's sparkling snowflake on a front tree limb! These are the Twins first choices made last year.

The tree ornaments and other bits from my family and things we bought last year.

The first special glass ball... our 2018 family ornament... Charlie hung it with Popa's help. Chani and I clapping.

There is a trip to Abingdon for shopping at Elaine's Gaudy Paper store on for tomorrow in the morning before the Crew lands at Chalgrove.

Kora, Thet and Sumate watching us `do up' the room. The St. Thomas children's artwork on sideboards.

We had one more meeting with Kora, Thet and Sumate in the Library. We finalise the decision to ask America and Great Britain for assistance to give the project its best chance of success. I would be the one to do that part.

Dinner with us then a flight home from Chalgrove.

Kora thanked us for the trip and some time with us and our family. She had three children, two boys and a girl. They were a joy for her and her husband. She said ours are amazing and quite amusing.

The warm clothes fit very well, we would store them for a future visit in chilly weather. The mac she would continue to wear for obvious reasons!

Thet got a hug to share with Krai and Reyna. Yes Chalermchai too! Laughter when he rubbed Jaidee!

Sumate, the bachelor, smiling about our happy home with the Twins. He had a girlfriend... they aren't sure yet how far they wanted to go. Working on it.

I said next trip he should bring her... a smile and a maybe it would be good.

After our guests were gone Cho and I sat in the Library for a call with Raphaela... a little project in the New York.

A Security Service team tasked with watching for illicit copies of Mirabelle clothes found a ragtag company in Brooklyn making counterfeit clothing to appear like ours and putting our name on. They just started up.

The building they were using on Varick Street we bought to help put them out of business. Some pressure used by us when we informed the owners of the illegal acts taking place on their property... they couldn't sell fast enough. They got a full market value price so no damage done to them. They made a profit selling to us.

The Security Service arranged a raid jointly with New York State and U.S. Department of Justice fraud investigators along with a team from Immigration... since it was now our property no warrant was needed to enter the building once we vacated their lease.

We knew several things to help us deal with these jokers... they weren't connected to any organized crime group, a thank you to the FBI for that information. The counterfeiters were doing this on their own... they didn't have much money, doing everything on the cheap was necessary to maximize their profits... they hired immigrants at the lowest wages possible... no benefits of any kind, no FICA or Social Security deposits... cash-in-hand only.

They worked their people hard... in poor conditions, in some cases all they had is half-assed equipment... old sewing machines and cloth cutters.

Going in we knew the owners were there... our surveillance kept track of them. The law enforcement folks grabbed them straightaway. The staff was moved to an inside room to be questioned.

Petra and Gary there to look after our interests. Knowing enough about the operation I asked Raphaela to go along to look at the setup to see if we could use what was there... she and Coral were aware of the details of the operation. At least the building is likely to be good for us. Planning ahead in case it was.

Petra and Gary had been armed with several possible options to use in dealing with the criminals.

The two `owners' in a room with Petra and Gary... they were told the criminal violations were theirs to work out but we would not sue them individually for fraudulently making our clothing if they sold all the equipment, stock, etc... to us.

Not that we wanted the junk... it wouldn't be available to them or anyone else in the future.

They looked at each other... sitting there in handcuffs... nothing to lose... a price was put forward... they accepted... then they signed a sales contract put in front of them by Gary. He handed them a check made out the correct amount.

Shock on their part for our anticipating the outcome. Done. We got it all for very little.

The Feds and New York State took the `owners' away with what paperwork they had found after scouring the building. Invoices, accounts payable, bills, payment records for workers and utilities, etc...

Petra and Gary with the Immigration personnel went to speak to the twenty four workers. Our Mirabelle people had been able to see their merchandise when we `bought' some... the material was shoddy but the sewing was good despite the old equipment.

A conference with the Immigration fellows... we were told if they were legal Okay. If not there was likely deportation. Petra said our lawyers had worked a deal with Immigration in Washington so there is some hope for the illegals... Raphaela told us later the Immigration team was was bowled over after they checked with Washington but it was a deal they could go with.

Raphaela and Gary walked into the room... apprehensive faces... our pair weren't government... the twenty women and four men standing there... Raphaela fluent in Spanish... she started by telling them they had been making counterfeit copies of clothes she designed for the `real' Mirabelle. That shook them up a bit more... what was that going to mean for them if such a person was here?

She gestured for them to sit... boxes, crates.

Motioning to a couple of FBI and New York investigators...

"I can tell you the men who were running this operation have been arrested and will likely go to prison. You will have to speak to Immigration about your status..."

More down looks... "But... those of you who are here legally will be Okay... those who aren't there is a possible solution... the `real' Mirabelle who I work for now owns this building and all the equipment... We are going to make our clothes here... you all are invited to apply to work for us."

A sudden change in atmosphere in the room... a few smiles.

"To be clear... first you have to deal with Immigration... then you will be checked out by the Security Service which is a separate company owned by the corporation that also owns Mirabelle... if all is good we want you."

Big smiles, relaxing postures.

"I have seen the clothes you made here... the cloth is very poor quality but your stitching is quite good."

Raphaela laughed telling us the seamstresses clearly appreciated hearing that.

"Fay... Cho... we split them between legal and illegal... the Immigration folks were on our side so no bully boy stuff. The legals went through the interview quickly since they carry their documents... Petra and Gary's people took them aside to get details to check on them. I am pleased to say they all came through Okay!"


Raphaela added the four illegals were given temporary documents on the spot with us as sponsors because there was the deal in place with Immigration.

"I suppose a few less people to worry about for them and a well-known set of sponsors. Immigration seemed pleased this was so easy to clean up."

Raphaela went back the next day to meet them all again... twenty four were waiting with cheerful faces when she invited them in to have a talk.

Amazement when they found we had coffee and sweet breakfast things on tables.

Raphaela's voice sounding happy, "We had chairs arranged in an arc so they all faced me directly they automatically felt differently, a bite to eat, good coffee... they were treated as if they meant something to us.

When I got going on what we had on offer for them one woman nearly fainted... hearing our pay rate and our benefits... tears were shed by more than a few.

Many thank you's!

I explained we would use the current cutting equipment... old and manual but workable until more modern cutting machines were brought in. Newer sewing machines would be here in a few days and all the cloth would be new... our high quality cloth... plus the superior thread we used.

A new powerful and proper cloth roll mover... I pointed to the men... they smiled. The forklift they had been using was a dangerous way to shift the huge massively heavy rolls. New cloth roll storage fixtures will be installed.

I told them they were to make our clothes to our standards... more smiles when I said `we do not skimp on quality.'

I pulled up my chair closer... looking into their faces... I spent some time telling them about Mirabelle's demand for excellence... how we are building a new company to compete in a tough business... we want our quality to define us...

Three stores in New York... one in Boerum Hill a few miles away. Two on Manhattan. And fourteen elsewhere... Great Britain, France, Germany, Los Angeles, Seattle.

Then some time on how Mirabelle and your other companies feel about individual rights, equality and proper treatment of all workers regardless of race, sex or gender preference, religion... everyone is valued.

I made the point more workers would be needed... to the seamstresses I said they could suggest women they knew BUT only those who would work hard and hopefully have some experience... the latter is less important than work ethic... heads nodding. I did add that men can run sewing machines... a few faces seemed to be interested hearing that.

To the men... a similar statement... men who will work on the loading dock and drivers for the cloth rolls especially.

I emphasized that we wanted the best... nothing less is good enough for us. Boy did they like hearing that!

Paid training time for them on the new equipment as it arrives would be scheduled re-enforcing they had value to us and we wanted them to be fully proficient and aware of any safety issues.

I doubt the former `owners' ever did anything other than bully and threaten them.

I told them a cleaning crew was coming to do a deep clean... We would not be working here until it was sparkling clean... if they wanted to start earning their hourly wage they could join in. That brought more smiles... looking at each other... happy faces.

All twenty four signed up to work with the cleaning company."

We gave her a well done!

Raphaela was going to spend time on this... the day-to-day she had covered. Two long-time seamstresses at Herald Square are near retirement... they are going to manage this site. One from Brooklyn, the other Queens so they were near.

She said both ladies were level headed, smart and proven good workers. They would not be sewing rather teaching and leading.

She had asked if they took these positions would they defer their retirement so we could get the location up running. Both agreed to that and a new higher pay rate for them.

Their work day was going to be much different... a challenge... it seemed to energized them.

Raphaela was to do the purchasing for now... cloth, thread, etc...

"Fay... Cho... Gary has a team there setting up all the security bits and pieces. They will hold classes for all the workers to explain the importance of the security of the building and how it impacts themselves."

Me, "Raphaela, we have spoken to Gary... there is going to be remedial work done to insure the safety of the workers in case of events like fire or other difficulties. The required training on emergencies and evacuation plans will be done. The fire suppression system explained and maps posted showing fire alarms and fire extinguishers. The sprinkler system needs some minor repairs which Gary has in progress.

Everything they need to know about the safety systems will be told to them.

When things are running they will ask for volunteers to learn basic first aid and CPR methods. The Security Service will protect the building around the clock."

The various posters and handouts about their employment are multi-lingual, all the teaching will be also. The two ladies coming to manage the location are native Spanish speakers.

We could tell Raphaela was jazzed about this new location. I suggested calling it `Mirabelle East' which Raphaela loved! Simplicity!

The building has big working spaces... plenty of room for sixty sewing stations, lots of space for the large steel cloth storage racks. Office space is large on the ground floor, more on the second. On the first floor we'd split it between a canteen breakroom and the daycare, hearing that lit up the group's parent's eyes.

The building is divided between the front which is three floors and the back which is one floor with high ceilings giving a large flat roof suitable for solar panels!

A lot of graffiti on the exterior... no point in fighting that... we wanted to keep folks off the roof is all. I suggested we paint the exterior white as a backdrop for the local artists... Cho loved that!

We will put up signs saying anything overtly violent or threatening is not acceptable otherwise `feel free.' Also the roof is off limits and will be protected.

What this location meant for us is larger production of our `basic' items feeding the growing number of stores. Output of clothing in Europe, now Landy Costume is going full speed, is excellent! We can expand further with the capacity we have. I want production in Great Britain so our estate agents are looking for locations in tandem with the Sharks searching for existing businesses which might suit our needs.

Mirabelle West's Antonella is getting new equipment and staff to quadruple her production which can handle expansion in the western two thirds of the United States. The East Los Angeles building is looking ever better as a purchase since its size will now work for us

Luisa, her deputy, will have two deputies who will report to her managing the production rooms.

Mirabelle at Herald Square and Mirabelle East should be able to cover expansion in eastern America.

When we finished Cho and I sitting holding hands... He laughed saying it sounds like the two ladies moving to Brooklyn aren't the only ones `energised' by this. Raphaela obviously loving this.

Mirabelle East! Cho chuckling... he said `Farm School.'

We laughed loudly hugging... kissing!!!

Donovan calling... "Fay... Cho... The couple from Richmond... they took their son home today. They sat with Grady so he got background on their boy Thomas. Grady is working on his piece.

Like so many others he went looking for something... his sister said he did not know what but he knew Richmond wasn't where he wanted to be. She also said he was not gay... they were close growing up.

The family heard from him when he was in Boston then New York, Buffalo for one `hellish winter' as his dad said he called it.

They thought he was going to the west... the Pacific Coast. Then nothing..."

I heard sadness in Donovan's voice... maybe I was wrong to open this forgotten box... NO! This needed to be done. People's lives had been blighted by these murders... there could be a similar creature out doing the same things right now... exposing the failings of Chicago of the time might get some individual off their arse and make a call... give more meaning to the young men who died.

Cho kissed me, tight hug he knew I was thinking about it.

"This has taken a toll... I really hate people like this monster and Ted Bundy... and all the other slime who think they can do what they want to others. All society does is kill them in retribution which is a poor return for the lost lives.

The death penalty is a terrible joke played by the worse sort of politician to gain votes or money.

There is no penalty which deters murder... not in all human history has it ever been so.

Despite the many gruesome, sadistic tortures used to execute criminals murder goes on.

Hardened criminals don't think they'll get caught and the murder in a moment of passion killers are never discouraged by thoughtful consideration of the consequences."

Cho, "It is in us... not everyone obviously but enough so it happens every day. The way some countries are now with masses of lethal weapons freely available on the streets it will only continue... made easier by enormous firepower."

I kissed Cho, "I think we need to get in the Christmas spirit and let this go for now.'

A smile on that handsome face... more kissing!!

Cho enjoyed Walt's piece on Tom Angleten in the Bergen County Record and the Herald News of Passaic. He sent it on to Tom.

"Walt did good. Tom is a thinking man playing his sport at the highest level... tough work."

A cold morning... some Kentucky Heat bits on underneath, going down the grassy lane to the Flats. We are out early... Gaby on Roland, Tara on Gough going up the slope warming our horses. Over the tracks a terrific gallop to the lock.

The lock man waving. Roy setting up. A handshake for him, I am glad to hear Angie is good. They were going to visit his nephew rather than the grand-nephews coming here this year. A smile for my `Have a good time.'

The Masjid was looking like a building, roof on, exterior walls closed up. A wave to the works boss.

We went along Barton Lane to the end... the dirt road to the underpass through the woods going northeast towards Lower Radley. Lights on in the milking barn. On Hill Street going north... the lovely old trees... hardwoods, gracefully covering the dirt road.

Two thirds of a mile of the woods beside the river then to the Thames Path up to the lock. The lock man starting his day with a narrow boat waiting to go south. He waved saying it was Okay for us to cross the south bridge.

Mr. Hardy is away in the north on his book tour so we went straight to the south gate of the village. Pamela and Roland making noises... wanting this... They were released! Striding out beautifully side-by-side, Gough a few lengths behind.

To the river path... asking our horses for more! We rushed through our neighbours land Pamela edging away... Roland giving it a great effort closed up to her rump as we crossed the property line. Gough two lengths back.

Fist bumps for us riders... whinny's from our three. Our cheeks were red from the chilly air! Otherwise we were WARM! A walk across the Flats to the lane... Monty and Andy there all smiles. Our thank yous to the horses, hugs by me.

Tara grinning her arm over Gough's withers. A fine start to the day. I stroked Gough's face.

Andy, "Fay, he is a happy fellow! The morning rides are something he likely hadn't done in many years if what Freddie said about the estate he came from is right."

"He did have daily exercise rides... nothing like this!"

A handsome fellow, strong and willing.

The Breakfast had Gil... no Chelle, a well-known slug-a-bed. Grins.

Carter poured my coffee as I loaded a plate. Fin put a toast caddy at my place.

Gil, "Fay, Erin emailed last night. She hired the friend of Chris... Willow. Just in time I think. The four blocks of flats you wanted ... two have closed, the others tomorrow.

Also Mason emailed he has two folks looking for hotels in London for the R&R Scheme. He spoke to Andi on what things his people should be looking for in a property."

Fist bump!

More housing in the city for our folks to enjoy, close to Tube stations and shopping. Like the Maida Vale and Bramham Gardens blocks nice sized mixed flats good for singles and small families.

Erin would get the empty flats ready at the new buildings... post them on our Apple Enterprise network's housing page.

My iPad had a few emails in the queue...

Update from Jasmine...

Her and Rona's office move to the new building in Notting Hill is done. Our office on the top is being re-done, Solange is in charge. A week until it is ready.

Rona's office had room for MFA to have a play space. The new one growing inside Rona would be welcome to come over, MFA could go to the Nursery school downstairs! Everybody happy!

Eric, Cho and I talked about office space. The Traffic division will move to the new building after a few alterations. We allocated several floors for them with room to grow.

The water projects team will stay in the main building... getting more space.

With Jasmine and Rona gone the accounting folks get the whole top floor.

The new Daycare there is almost ready. It will be for all our employees at the Notting Hill locations, The Company, our office, Mirabelle, etc...

An Erin Lonsdale email... the house on Hurlingham Road we wanted is a done deal! It is a great place, well kept inside and out. We want to do a bit of change inside.

It is six blocks from the office of the Security Service for Europe in Fulham House. The plan is for the duplex to be made into one house for Thomas's family. Most of the interior work will be making doorways on the three levels.

Four children, their twelve year old girl on the edge of her teenage years gets one of the two master bedrooms both en suite, the three younger boys each have a bedroom and share two bathrooms. They'll have a spare rooms for guests. There is a back and side garden plus off street parking.

A lot more room for the family, a short `commute' for Thomas. Two blocks to New Kings Road shopping, two blocks to the east is a primary school, eight blocks to a secondary school for their daughter.

Thomas and Laurie excited, their kids too. They like being in Oxfordshire but London... you know the `big city... bright lights.' Thomas and Laurie are both from London... so a return.

They'll stay here until the summer so the kids finish their year at school.

"Mama!" The babies came into the Breakfast Room in their usual sedate style... Roaring!

Tha and Popa bringing up the rear. I knelt to hug them. Cho got a kiss.

Breakfast over...

We got cleaned up to go shopping. Chilly! High-waisted blue jeans from Hermès, wide brown belt, a long sleeve Kentucky Heat shirt and a white long sleeve cotton t-shirt under Arline's ivory cable-knit cardigan, brown square toe ankle boots from Time and Tide in Seattle. Gold jewellery. A brown and gold Apple Harcourt Racing cap.

Chani in red wool trousers from Natalys, white jumper, blue denim Velcro close trainers and a blue jacket. A cute new hat from Nataly's, blue with a red pompom on top.

Charlie in black and gray. A gray and white houndstooth jacket over.

Cho in brown wool trousers, a beige turtleneck, brown and white Harris tweed jacket. A trenchcoat.

We certainly are colourful!

A couple of Range Rovers on the road to Abingdon. Going by Culham on the Abingdon Road to the bridge over and up to Market Place, East Helen Street. On Lombard Street Prasert and Tom found parking for both vehicles.

A short walk to West Helen Street then the High Street... Gaudy Paper opposite.

Elaine at the door, a big smile. We re-introduced the Twins... fist bumps!

I had them with me, I squatted down, "You can pick out some Christmas ornaments for the tree or the tables like your..." A finger gently poking Charlie's tummy, a giggle "... reindeer. Several each... have a good look around."

Angie and Ansara with them, Delphine picked up a basket. Smiles... they're off!

Cho had my hand... I am pulled close.. a kiss.

Elaine grinning at us, "M'Lady, Ellie has been over several times for various things... we have some wrapping paper she ordered."

"Is it a lot?"

"No... just some special designs. All together it's a couple of pounds."

"We will take it with us."

A thumbs up.

Cho and I wandered slowly giving the Twins some space. I dropped some very pretty ribbon into my basket. Cho motioned to me... coloured paper packs, 8.5 by 11 inches... good for laser printers. Gold, silver, bronze, shiny azure and bright red. We loaded a pack of each colour into my basket.

Ooof! I leaned way over pretending it weighed a lot... Cho laughed but took the basket.

A box of Christmas cards with a snowed in cottage on the front and `Happy Christmas' on the inside. The cottage had lights in the windows and smoke from its chimney. A simple pretty design. Maybe in time for Arlette to use.

Cho took the basket to the front... Elaine put our things in a pile to wait for us. Cho came back and we went around more. Delphine came by with a bulging basket... she asked the obvious question.

Cho laughing, "Let them go ahead... it's a good opportunity to see their consumer skills. Maybe we should have given them a limit so they could see the value of money."

"We can do that another time."

I got another kiss.

We did call time... our babies giggling coming for a hug.

At the front Elaine and several of her people were getting things arranged to tote up.

Cho and my selections on one side the Twins beside it. They picked out the same paper as we did so some was put back, some Christmas stickers, a new collection of coloured pens, multi-coloured tissue paper for a `secret project,' pastels for Chani to try, a plastic model of Father Christmas' house for Charlie to assemble.

Two new tree ornaments... a hanging rayed silver star, simple and handsome. A two foot long sparkly red and white candy cane.

A pair of surprises... another reindeer like Charlie's but smaller... A group of colourful porcelain Christmas trees in four sizes. Delicate.

Cho grinning, "Very nice work! Good choices."

Kisses from me.

Elaine's folks got it added up and packaged. Prasert and Tom brought the cars to the door to load. Ellie's paper going in too.

Hugs and handshakes for Elaine and thank you's for her people being nice and doing `special' packaging for the Twins important new Christmas things. Big thank you's from Chani and Charlie.

We unloaded at home... in the Great Room the Twins put the two new decorations on the tree and we put the new reindeer beside the first one. The cluster of porcelain Christmas trees on the table opposite.

After lunch we are ready for the Crew! The Culham crowd coming over for tonight's festivities then they go home to their own beds.

Gil grinning coming in the Library where Chelle and I were working...

"They're on the ground!"


Chani and Charlie with Sunny, Tha and Delphine in the Great Room plus Gil and Chelle... Cho and I out front.

The cars brought the crowd from Bangkok first... cars rolling in... the Lawan and Thang out first. Lawan in her hoodie and gloves with a big smile. Hugs and kisses for them.

Ni, Kavnu and the boys! Loads of hugging, cheeks kissed.

Thet back with us, Reyna with Krai. The little one growing up. Cho got Krai... once again he always grabs the babies.

Everybody inside, coats off... in front of the Great Room doors. Smiles on all faces... Conrad and Kendall there waiting Cho's signal... open! WOW's and cheers!

The crowd surged in to greeting from Chani, Charlie and Sunny, Gil and Chelle, Tha and Delphine.

Loads of hugs spread around.

Delphine beside me, "Fay, I've never seen a Christmas like yours."

I squeezed her hand, "You ain't seen nothin' yet!"

We laughed.

Lawan's hand in mine, "Fay, the Twins are unbelievable. They talk like grown-ups."

"Actually... they are!"

We laughed.

"We will tell everyone... I want you to know first... Thang and I are going ahead with having a baby."

A huge hug for her.

"I will do a full explanation when we are all together."

"Wonderful I can wait."

Carter had Fin and Lucas circulating with sherry and Shirley Temples. We toasted their arrival.

All close, "Dinner tonight is casual... tomorrow is the BIG.." My hands spread wide, "... one!"

They all laughed.

I added they had a few hours to relax.

I sat beside Reyna and Krai. The little guy in my arms looking up with those dark eyes.

"Fay, he has just begun to crawl a good deal. OH... the teething salve you recommended works a charm."

I held Krai close and did a big wide mouth opening... he grinned and opened up... cute little white things!!

Reyna laughing.

Chani came over to sit beside me, she squeezed one of Krai's hands... a big smile from him.

Reyna responded to my question... she hadn't been riding much too busy. The stables in Bangkok weren't so far out but the traffic is horrendous. It could take an hour to get there.

"Go out and ride Scout, he's easy. Then maybe more."

Reyna smiling saying she brought her riding clothes... fist bump! Chani too.

I changed for a ride. Walking down Gil bringing me up-to-date on the `heat ray' cases in Los Angeles. The three who didn't made a deal with prosecutors were convicted. That was fast. The Los Angeles County folks not wasting any time. All their co-workers rolled over on them. The prosecutors had all the data from the company which showed what they did and who decided what!

Sentencing to be in January. The prosecutors asking for the maximum naturally, court observers saying it could happen.

"Donovan says the Cook County Sheriff corruption story is advancing. They have proof of multiple fraudulent purchases, interviews and an audio tape... nothing goes to the top of the chain of command. It involves millions of dollars... even without a link to the Sheriff himself it is on his watch by the timeline."

I laughed, "So he gets to to be either a thief or an idiot. What a choice."

Gil grinning, "A day for publication is soon. You will get a heads-up."

A kiss for Gil's cheek.

An email from Kamol... she, Sarge and Landon in Los Angeles with the family. Landon being `spoiled' to the nth degree. A mass of smiley faces after that!

Rebel's left hoof pulling at the ground...

"Okay... Okay we are going."

Tara and Angie laughing, they are mounted. Anthony gave me a knee-up.

"Teddie is doing fine. She wants you to come over to see the house."

"Tell her I will... ask her about tomorrow morning after my ride and breakfast."

"I will ask."

Onto the lane to the Flats we turned to go north. A shout... Ken is coming down on Natasha. Okay! We rode north... a stop in Sandford.

A rousing run to the south gate then we walked to Mr. Hardy's. He is smiling at his door... he and Greg were meeting tonight in our cellar with the whole group of wargamers to finalize their Christmas game arrangements.

I bought a game for them as a gift to the group... Streets of Stalingrad' the third edition. The version I own is the first edition. They wanted to play it but since it is a mint' copy they did not want to punch out the pristine unit counter pieces. As Mr. Hardy said it wouldn't be right.. it would devalue the game... not that mattered to me... so I solved that problem for them.

They had been gob smacked to find the box in the Wargame Room waiting one of their game nights. My note on top said it was for them to play and share. I added this version had more `standard' unit identification symbols on the pieces so it would be MUCH easier to play.

Mr. Hardy grinning about his hand in a wrist supporter, "Between signing books and shaking hands I come away sore each time. A book store in Edinburgh had to extend my time because the line was so long."

I`m laughing which got everyone to join in even the sore handed Mr. Hardy.

"You did make suggestions about preparing myself... I signed over two hundred and fifty books that day!"

A hug for the `poor fellow' which brought more laughter.

On leaving I declined to shake his hand... another hug to my companions further laughter.

We walked through the village... saying hellos to many people out and about. Tessa on Geo pointed out her lady had pooped. A man came out, "Don't worry M'Lady, I'll get it up for the wife's flowers."

We thanked him... a smiling wave as he went for his shovel.

At the Lone's rectory his missus is out front looking at their front door.

"Oh nothing wrong... I am considering changing the colour."

She had a few colour samples... nice blues.

I said any would be nice to see but maybe the darker shades would standout more.

She agreed.

We smiled before turning for the dirt track... Rebel already anticipating his fun.

I asked... Rebel roared off like a jet fighter taking off. I could hear my fellows asking theirs for more... Rebel is on auto-pilot. His program is SPEED!

I aimed us to the river path once there I asked for more... A whinny and Rebel geared up. Leaning down close to his neck the cold air rushing by... fingers gripping the reins... my gloves keeping my hands warm... my cheeks almost burning from the chill.

Rebel ate up the ground, we crossed the property line in full flight. I slowed him a turn to the right away from the Flats to go up the slope to the lower spinney. We walked back downward to meet the others. Today Geo was left behind.

Fist bumps by us walking up the grassy lane. Monty and Ethan smiling taking our horses after some hugs had been applied.

Andy said Yvonne went with Reyna to the south about fifteen minutes ago. I thanked him.

I asked after his young fellow. Liam is smashing! Happy, developing his personality... always smiling, big grins! He starting on solid food! Fist bump! A big milestone.

Cho in the Entryway... more guests.

His hand on my cheek, "Don't you look like the classic English rose."

I stepped to the mirror, my cheeks still quite reddish from the cold ride. I had to laugh... I didn't look thirty one! More like twenty!

Ku and Eve!! Cho and I met them at the doorway... kisses and hugs. They looked wonderful. At the Great Room doors they got a `reveal' which made them applaud. The crowd inside gave them a big welcome!!

Time to clean up for dinner. Casual so... Black trousers, slender cut to my ankles, a white long sleeve silk shirt, full arms. A thick black cotton vest with big gold buttons. A wide red cloth sash wrapped several times around my waist with the tasselled ends hanging down on my left. Red St. Laurent heels. Three rows of pearls around my neck resting on my skin in the open collar, pearl drop earrings, the gold torque and the Cho' gold band. Red lips and nails with Joy' applied.

Chani came in... a black heavy cotton trousers, a red long sleeve shirt collar jumper and her red `heels.' A single strand of pearls and a big smile!

A hug for her.

The guys came by... Chani and I clapping for them. Both in charcoal gray flannel slacks, black turtlenecks and gray, black and white Harris tweed jackets.

What a pair!! Hugs for them!! Cho's cute smile. He knew I loved him in those colours for casual wear. Now Charlie!! Charlie's jacket a bit big... he'll grow into it fast enough... and beyond!

Hot damn!!! We looked in my mirrors, giggles and laughs.

Downstairs we greeted Jian, Ting, Andrea, Catherine and Caroline!! So lovely to have them here. We were all holding hands, the babies in front. Kendall and Conrad smiling as they opened the doors to the Great Room.

We made a grand entrance... this is just a warm-up for tomorrow night.

All our guests smiling and clapping as we swanned in. Laughter!! Hugs spread around.

Carter sent in Taittinger's! We toasted all our guests individual successes of this year!

Ni's coding shop produced marvellous things for us, Kavnu managing several important projects at the Railroad.

Lawan doing Jane Austen superbly, an amazing production of translations, Thang promoted to senior sergeant.

Reyna is now the top-ranked Thai Red Cross disaster co-ordinator, Thet... he is running a company which is expanding its client list and technologies, he has expert help from Sumate and Kora.

Ku opening shelters in new cities fighting through some opposition, Eve operating the Fox Tower computer centre at the highest level!

Jian running the clinic and shelter operations! Such a smartie, hard-working, a good leader. Ting has a grant and a sabbatical to work on new surgery techniques, he's jazzed!

Andrea's staff is now an entire floor at Notting Hill, growing as The Company expands its offerings around the world. She'd be a mother again next month.

Catherine ready to be a mom too! She runs their houses keeping everyone going.

Marvellous accomplishments by all with excellent prospects for the future!!!

Carter at the doors... smiles we are ready.

Yea! It is a Marandi buffet!! Cheers by the Crew! We dove in. Ellie's cards describing the foods so informative and beautiful.

The Twins in our arms getting a look and making choices. Cho and I with Tha and Delphine got them set.

Pakoras, samosas, Aloo Gobi, Dal Tadka, Dal Makhani, Chana Masala, Shahi and Vindaloo Paneer, two Biriyani's, shrimp and sweet, garlic or plain naan. Ras Malai, Gulab Jamun and rice pudding for dessert. A buffet of lovely things!

Kingfisher beer, flavoured or plain water, mango juice and Orangina's.

We sat in an Any o' Way' style. I had Sunny on my right Charlie on my left, Delphine beside him. Ni, Jian and Kavnu opposite. Down and across the table is Chani, Popa and Tha. We dug in.

All the voices went silent! I laughed... everyone looked up. I remarked on how food is capable of shutting us all up. Loud laughter.

We talked the Queen's visit, horses, Bangkok which I said Sunny should visit... she's up for it.

Ting's new medical project, shelters. Jian smiling about my meeting with Anne Hidalgo at the Paris shelter.

Andrea's help for hiring installers for the new traffic control system. She had links in other United Kingdom cities plus Amsterdam, Berlin and Brussels.

I went back to the buffet... Charlie asked for more shrimp Biriyani and naan. Me too and Vindaloo Paneer. Charlie thanked me, a kiss for him. He grinned. I think we may have broken through a little boy's not liking being kissed.

The crowd descended on the dessert sideboard... a line which made me laugh. Sunny was good to bring Gulab Jamun for Charlie. He enjoyed those tasty little balls. Rice pudding for me.

Marandi came up so we could congratulate her for the lovely buffet. Smiling she brought along Rupinder. She is new to us and her Punjabi background would bring in new tastes for us. Big thank yous for them.

Afters in the Great Room then we had a show! Actually it is a repeat' but new to most of the viewers. We assembled in the Game Room in chairs and settees to watch the C&C Production Voyage to the New World.'

Charles took Gil's video... she did good as the video person because Charles had to be in school. Charles cleaned it up, added some titles and music over the titles.

Lights dimmed... Chani and Charlie on a settee with Cho and I.

It started... the babies loved the new things Charles did.

The beginning... Delphine out front... it is great! Gil's camera work was excellent!

Chani squeezing my hand.

Lots of noises from the audience... laughs, clapping.

Delphine's `Fini' then it was over. All our guests cheering and applauding.

Charlie and Chani smiling and giggling. Sunny, Chelle, Tha and Delphine joined the Twins to take a bow. More clapping.

Back by the Great Room fire some white chocolate squares were consumed by our thespians.

Chani on Aunt Jian's lap, Charlie with Thang... the talk was about the show.

Cho said they could watch the genesis movie by Charlie Chaplin on the house server, `The Immigrant.'

Gil sat beside me her iPhone out... Jenna sent a report her testimony to two Congressional committees. Good.

Another one from Seattle... from Eowyn... an after-action assessment of the traffic system dealing with Seahawk football crowds.

In the morning for those.

Also Willow is fitting IN! Erin very pleased, Willow is smart and a self-starter!! I asked Gil to send a thank you to Chris for recommending Willow. Thumbs up.

Thang and Lawan standing holding hands... they got our attention... their decision to have baby was cheered loudly. Hugs and kisses for them.

They knew there is a lot of experience in the room they could draw on!

Lawan cute saying, as she squeezed Thang, they had `in house' half of the required parts... her second cousin who has two children has signed on to donate an egg and carry the baby for them. Her husband is behind it so all good.

More cheers! They got hugs and kisses.

I carried Chani up when the yawns came out. Cho behind us with our son. Changed to night clothes, kisses and hugs. They snuggled into their beds with their buddies.

The Crew still amazed by the Twins.

Caroline next to me on a settee, "Aunt Fay, they asked if I would like to do a show with them. I want to!"

"Well join in! I'm sure you can all have fun!"

A hug for her.

The Culham crowd going home. Caroline's yawns came on quickly! Mass hugs around the room. Cho and I at the door waving them away.

Goodnights for the Crew. We were thanked for the wonderful dinner and the Twins show.

Pamela shaking her head on the Flats after a blazing run from Sandford. Gil beside me walking up to the house. We're the first in the Breakfast Room. Food! Coffee! Email!

Eric's overnight email from aircraft bringing them home from Washington, D.C. The traffic control deal for the Greater Washington metro area is signed!!! Two Northern Virginia counties, four Virginia cities in those counties, two Maryland counties and the Federal Government for D.C. all participating.

They committed to do a lot of preparation work with the knowledge the project won't jump off for two years. This one is going to be more complicated since the motorways will be more involved.

A lot of digital signage, links to a public website, use of existing traffic cameras like in Seattle, etc... Loads of interconnections plus the many local governments to deal with.

I checked the time... three in the morning in Kentucky... I'll wait rather than wake up someone.

Great read... Eowyn's report about the football crowds in Seattle. Our system handled them perfectly... five home matches had the vehicles moving out of the stadium area smoothly with no issues. She sent a video of the colour coded animated map, it showed small transient orange spots that disappeared or re-appeared briefly... importantly no sustained blockages.

The flexibility built into the system allowed controllers to deal easily with the increased flow away from the stadium. Almost seventy thousand people departed... minimal fuss.

Eowyn received a call from the Seattle Police Chief thanking her and us for the marvellous results. He said he could relax about it and send fewer traffic control officers to those events.

I emailed her with our thanks for herself and her team.

Cho came in to a big welcome from me and Jaidee. Our big brown boy is going to make babies again this year. Carl is shortly driving him to the breeder's kennels for two days.

Cho grinning as I told him about Seattle.

"Over here if a football match lets out there are many fewer cars involved. Seattle has a light rail stop near those two stadiums which has to help."

Fist bump.

"MAMA! POPA!" The Twins arrived for breakfast! They were hugged and kissed... in their seats. Cho and I brought them plates. Tha got the milk and juice.

Sipping my coffee watching the babies enjoy the food. Cho's arm around me... squeeze and a kiss on the back of my neck.

The Crew started to come in... they liked the breakfast laid out on the sideboards. Smiling faces as they filled plates, the coffee poured for them.

This morning they were to wander the estate with guides, a trip to Oxford, lunch, shopping and sightseeing for the afternoon.

The BIG dinner tonight.

I walked over to Harcourt Close to visit Teddie. A big smile at their door.

"Your Ladyship welcome."

I got the tour... good choices for furniture, comfortable and nice colours. Their bedroom creame and royal blue... it looked great.

I asked if she had chosen nursery furniture?

"We are working on it. It's down to two choices."

"Gil will help when you decide. She doing the same for Diana and Pat."

We sat in their lounge for a few minutes. Her parents have been over for dinner a few times.

"They are very excited about the grandbaby."

"As they should be!"

"Dad likes footie but doesn't play so no pressure for that."


They are doing very well. Anthony always enjoys the work...

"I don't have to have a job because you and Sir Cho are so good letting us have this house all that expense doesn't exist."

"That is one of the reasons we do... across the way Dorothy stopped working when they moved in. She's home for Dorrie and Carl Jr. Now Dorrie is going to the Nursery School and Dorothy can get things done."

We laughed.

I thanked her for the tea.

A hug at the door.

After changing I took Gil and Chelle to the Library.

First to read Jenna's testimony and her re-cap of the committee's hearing. It sounded as if the Congress might throw some funds our way. Jenna did a marvellous job explaining us and where we intended to go.

Her take is the committee would recommend assisting groups like ours... legislation which would bring in several branches of the government to work with charities like ourselves.

Jenna had made it clear to the committee several particularly important areas where the Federal government could help... education and jobs.

She was asked quite a few questions about how our shelters were financed... the Chanthira Foundation paying its own way had shocked the committee. She gave them handouts about the endowment... they could see we had put in many billions and the Cho Family Banks investment bankers managing the endowment were supremely successful.

The committee members congratulated Jenna for the foundation's accomplishments. She raised eyebrows when she provided the locations that are under consideration for next year.

Washington, D.C., Chicago, San Diego, Oakland, Las Vegas, Denver, Miami, Atlanta... she did say two in Canada plus another in Paris and Dublin, Lyon and Marseille, Amsterdam and more in Germany, Munich, Hamburg and Stuttgart.

Gil smiling, "Jenna has the gift of gab too!"

"Well we have given her a lot to work with."

Fist bump.

Greg's online video interview with gaming magazine is terrific. He explained his research, building the unit values, choosing terrain features to put on the maps. The maps have a unique feature... they need to fold in half for the packaging... Greg invented a flat paper and vinyl hinge to go under the centre so the maps would lay perfectly flat and not wear out the paper. He showed it on the video. Yes, he's applied for a patent.

The interviewer was obviously impressed, he got some background on Greg... who told him about the Conference App. No family things.

For a twenty minute interview they got a lot in.

I emailed my congratulations to Greg.

Aston's report on Western Newspapers' year is a fabulous document. In the half year we owned the chain it had a turn around at each location. More readers online, more newspaper paper copies sold and advertising space up on average 10.25 percent across the chain.

Damn I liked reading these reports. Gil and Chelle laughing.

Gil, "Okay... only positives go to you... we'll send all the bad ones to Cho."

Shaking my head, "Not fair... I'll take what comes."

Lunch for us then some school visits.

A new suit from Mirabelle... Pale gray wool, skinny trousers, high waisted, a black belt. The suit jacket is double breasted cut to my waist, narrow lapels, no outside pockets. A black shirt with a small collar underneath.

Gigi modelled it in the Vogue photoshoot. She looked smashing... me in the mirror... I think I do too! Black heels and the black onyx set. A small black D&G bag with my driving license, black leather gloves, the small round black lensed sunglasses Cho got for me in California.

Prasert had a Land Rover out front for me. Gil, Tara and Alba along.

A sunny day for this long trip.

Down to the Oxford Road, south a short way, a left onto the Clifton Hampden Road going to Stadhampton. On the Milton Road heading north not long after it becomes the Stadhampton Road there is a small school on the right.

Little Milton Church of England Primary School has a small car park.

At the door a young woman smiling, "Can I help?"

"I would like to speak to the Head Teacher... I am Lady Harcourt."

That got her attention.

"Please Your Ladyship come in. I'll get her for you."

The Head came out looking surprised.

"Your Ladyship..."

"I've come to give you somethings. Can we sit?"

"Oh I am sorry... please this way."

A small but bright office. Children's drawings on the walls.

Gil handed me the two items.

"Your school has a student who father works for us at Harcourt House. We together with their family want to give the school a gift."

I reached over to lay the cheque on her desk.

She stared at it... her eyes slowly came to mine.

A shocked look on her face... fighting with a smile... the smile won!

"Now please spend the money in any way you need for the school we only ask you send us a letter on how you did use the money. No details... just a list of items... like five hundred £'s to repair something or drawing paper or crayons."

She nodded, "We will gladly do that. Your Ladyship... why do you do this? You don't live here."

"We live in Nuneham Courtenay... My husband and I have children... we want to support education in primary schools so each student gets a good head start on their life."

I passed over the line of credit notice.

"We will get an accounting from the Oxford Computer Store so no need to send a description for what you spend this on."

Her eyes damp... I started to go for a Cho-Fay handkerchief... she had one to tamp her eyes.

"M'Lady, I've never seen anything like this before."

"I have been doing it in villages to the west of you for three years. This year I am widening my area."

I asked if I could have a tour... `Oh Yes, Ma'am!'

We went to the Rowan Class, the older ones in here. They were doing history, Anglo-Saxon England. Bright green jumpers and black short-pants or skirts. We came in at the back. The teacher stopped... I waved... the children turned around. I said hello...

"I don't mean to disturb."

The teacher didn't need an introduction... she knew me.

I said I heard the topic being discussed.

"Your Ladyship, do you have any Saxon in your family?"

I laughed, "Not that I know of... my Martin family came over with William the Conqueror to rough up the Saxons. The Scot side went from Ireland to Scotland around 1100."

"Oh yours have been here quite some time!"

"Yes they have. Can I ask a question?"

"Of course M'Lady."

"Is there a name for the people who lived in these isles before the Celts?"

"Ah that is a tough one. Stone Age peoples came over to hunt because the water levels world-wide were lower before the melting of the huge glaciers. They left only objects for us to find and evaluate. There were the `Beaker people' who made wonderful things in clay. They like everyone was an immigrant these islands... stone age hunter gathers then they learned the skill of metal working with farming coming on so they stayed.

So the long answer distilled is no there is no overall name unlike the Celts who came afterwards."

I thanked her. I said goodbye to the class. They waved and called out goodbyes.

The Head at the front thanked me again, "M'Lady, you and your husband are very unusual people. We are lucky you live near here."

We shook hands. Waves.

I turned us right going to Great Milton. Gil and Chelle had come over to sample the two star restaurant of the chef who had a place at Ascot we tried.

We made the left onto Church Road passing Le Manoir Aux Quat'Saisons. It is a big place, restaurant and hotel. Two Michelin stars!

Past the village green the school is on our left... no place to park... I turned right and did a u-turn to stop on the grassy verge opposite. Gil did a note to put on the dashboard to say we were at the school for a few minutes.

Across the road we knocked on the door. A middle-aged woman opened it...

"Hello I am Lady Harcourt... I wanted to speak to the Head Teacher."

A hand extended to reach mine, "I'm the Head Your Ladyship. Please come in."

Another small school but very pleasant inside... homey.

We sat in her study.

Gil opening her bag... two envelopes.

"You have one boy whose dad works for us at Harcourt House... My family wants to give your school a gift for the Christmas season from us and the boy's family."

I lifted the cheque out I laid it with the envelope on her desk face up.

She jerked... then a very nice smile which warmed any heart, "Thank you and Robert's family for this gift. Amazing!"

Gil gave me the second... I explained about what we wanted about reporting their use of the money then handed her line of credit with a description about it.

"M'Lady, such generosity! The students will see many benefits from this gift!"

"Cho and I support early education so the young people get a good grounding for their future studies. Our Twins enjoy learning... we hope the best for your students."

The Head's head shaking... I laughed inside... I asked for a tour.

"Of course, Your Ladyship... please follow me."

"Your Year Fours?"

`Right here, M'Lady."

Nice colours, clean and neat. A classroom of Year Fours... spelling. I stepped in to say hello... the students stood up... I asked them to please sit. I shook hands with the teacher. At the back is Robert looking just like his father, blond, slender, blue eyes. Robert senior has worked for Phillips for many years.

I said hello to Robert... he grinned waving.

His classmates looking around at Robert... amazed I'd know anyone in the school. I may have changed his social life a bit...

I said goodbye to them... lots came back. The teacher smiling.

At the front door I shook the Head's hand saying I hoped they had fun spending the money.

She laughed, "We will M'Lady."

We crossed to the car. Back on Church Road south to The Forties Lane up Windmill Hill then a left onto the road to Cuddesdon. We passed All Saints Church then through the village to make a sort of dogleg to Denton Lane going east to Garsington.

Garsington Primary School's driveway off Wheatley Road, a small car park at the front. We walked through the main doors. A woman at the desk smiled and asked to help.

I took off my glasses, "I am Lady Harcourt... I wanted to speak to the Head Teacher."

She stood up, "I will find her, Your Ladyship. Please wait in her office."

She dashed off... this is a much bigger school... I hope she good legs.

The office is pleasant, shades of blue... soothing probably on purpose.

We didn't go in... waiting for the Head.

Several girl students in their burgundy tops and black skirts came by... passing us they stared, they whispered looking at us. A burst of giggles.

Gil nudged me... laughing eyes.

The first lady came back, "Sorry for the wait, M'Lady. She is coming."

I thanked her.

The Head came around a corner... she smiled and extended her hand to take mine.

"Your Ladyship, Welcome to Garsington Primary."

I thanked her, "I have a few things for your school."

That got her attention.

Her study, nice chairs. Gil passed over the envelope with the cheque inside... I laid it on the desk. The Head looking at me opened it... a gasp.

"Your Ladyship..."

I told her the daughter of one of our workers attended here, the money is a Christmas gift from her family and ours to the school.

Gil smiling gave me the letter of credit, I added it to the other. I did my explanation of the letter and uses for the money.

Her head shaking... "Your Ladyship this is marvellous."

"Please use the money as you see fit to benefit the school."

"How do we thank you for this gift?"

"No need for anything special. Enriching all your students is our thank you."

We shook hands over desk.

She laughed squeezing my hand, "I am glad you are real because I could think this is a dream."

We all laughed.

"I am indeed made of flesh and bone. Could we have a tour?"

"Yes... please, M'Lady." Her arm motioning.

We followed her... we got to see the class rooms, the hall, outside play areas and a stop at a Year four class doing maths. The teacher saw us and came to the door.

The Head introduced me, we shook hands... I could see the students craning over to see. I made a motion to go in... The teacher waved me on...

Inside the kids stood up... I motioned them to sit. I said hello, a big reply of helloes.

On the board... triangles! I borrowed the teachers chalk and straight edge... I drew an obtuse triangle... turning to the class I asked what kind was it. Hands shot up... the teacher's face in my peripheral vision... smiling.

I chose one boy... "Obtuse." Smiling I congratulated him. Then "Why?"

He answered immediately, "Because it has one angle greater than 90 degrees."

I stepped to him to do a fist bump! Laughter around the room.

I thanked them for letting me give them a break. More laughter and clapping.

I waved goodbye. I shook the teacher's hand on the way out as the children called out goodbyes. A last wave.

In the passage the Head`s face a big grin.

"Your Ladyship you have the gift!"

We laughed and shook hands.

At the door we got more thanks.

I waved from the front of the Land Rover.

We left Garsington going northwest to the Eastern By-Pass Road then north as far as Horspath Driftway then west bending north, right turn on Wood Farm Road to Titup Hall Drive. Wood Farm School on the left.

I parked in front... we walked to the front door... a nice looking new school. At the door a fellow asked if he could help...

"I am Lady Harcourt... I wanted a few minutes of the Head Teacher's time."

He stepped back opening the door and bowed... a neat trick.

Several girls in gray skirts and navy tops walking down the passage away from us... staring back.

The man escorted us to the office... got a another man's attention. I was introduced to him... his eyes opened up!

"Your Ladyship... how can we help you?"

"A few minutes of your time?"

"Yes of course... please come in."

A nice sized office with a sofa and a table and chairs which I motioned towards.

Smiling we sat.

"I have a gift for your school. You have three children from one family whose father works for us at Harcourt House. This check is the gift in their names as well as our family's for the school."

He took the cheque... staring at the five thousand £'s. His eyes back to mine.

"M'Lady this is extraordinarily generous of your family. Is there any other connection to Wood Farm?"

"No. My husband and I support primary education as a building block for better citizens. We give to other schools around the South Oxfordshire area. Council schools, Catholic, Church of England all have received gifts from us."

His head shaking.

"We have a request... a letter telling us what you spent the money to purchase. Not a detailed accounting just a simple list... like a new group of chairs or a new kitchen device or class accessories or such."

I handed him the letter of credit and explained it.

A big smile, "M'Lady... " He stopped, "... Thank you from all the students and staff! These gifts are a remarkable kindness... the whole school will benefit."

He thrust his hand across the table... we shook!

"How can we acknowledge your gifts?"

"Use the money to enrich the students and you have done enough for us."

More head shaking.

"So you know over two dozen schools will be visited this year. I can have a tour? Maybe visit a Year Six or Five class?"

"Yes! I would like to show you around."

We walked the school for fifteen minutes then a class door... He looked and motioned to the teacher.

I was introduced to a very surprised woman. The subject is the Mongols and their impact on History.

I motioned in... the teacher looked at the Head who nodded.

I stepped inside... the class stood up... amazement, smiles and a few little waves.

Smiling I asked them to please sit.

"So Mongols! What a big pain in the backside they were for a few centuries."

They all laughed. The adult faces all smiles.

I asked the one thing that made them so successful in battle?

Quiet then one brown-haired lanky boy near the front stuck up his hand... I waved him on...

"They were great horsemen who manoeuvred very well."

"Yes you are on the right tack but more..."

A blonde boy at the back suddenly seemed to get it... "They had stirrups!"

"Yes! The basis for their horsemanship..." My hand out to the lanky one, "... they could stay in their saddles shooting arrows, turning around easily. Their opponents for the most part did not have stirrups.

The Mongols light cavalry would charge coming close to the enemy... shoot a lot of arrows then retreat... turning around in their saddles to shoot more arrows... the enemy would charge like the Mongols were being beaten and running from the field of battle then the Mongol foot soldiers would shower the advancing enemy with arrows and the Mongol heavy cavalry charged from the sides smashing the enemy who thought they had won."

The students laughing! Their teacher with a huge grin.

"Inventive battle tactics based around the stirrup. Something I use every day... commonplace now."

An arm shot up... a blonde girl with a question...

"How did they dress when riding?"

"They wore heavy cloth trousers, and tops, padded jackets, metal helmets. Light cavalry often wore woven armour with leather patches to cover vulnerable places. The heavy cavalry ones wore much more elaborate protection... big shoulder pads, layered armour with breast plates and leg coverings.

Also they came from an area with a hostile climate... much much colder than here so they wore heavier clothing every day... they lived outdoors most of the time."

A boy said I knew a lot.

"I read History at Exeter and I was a bit of a swot."

They all laughed!!

I said I need to go... "Nice to see you all."

Thank yous and goodbyes.

In the passage their teacher thanked me. "Good history well told."

We shook hands.

The Head was obviously pleased I stopped by for more than the one reason. He walked us to the Land Rover... another thank you. We waved as I pulled away.

Back to Horspath Driftway south to Hollow Way, a right turn onto Barracks Lane. There is a school car park off William Morris Close.

Tyndale Community School was very new, multiple floors because of the small area.

We were met at the door by a young woman...

`Could she help?'

I told her who I was which did surprise her... like why was I here?

We arrived at an in-between time so a lot of rushing around. Our greeter led us to the office. She got the attention of another lady who upon seeing me did a curtsey... a bit much...

The Head came up her hand out, "Your Ladyship, quite amazing to see you."

Sitting opposite across her desk I gave the reason for my visit... I said the daughter of an assistant cook at Harcourt House attends here.

She is very excited to get five thousand £'s and the Letter of Credit.

"Your Ladyship, no one has ever done anything like this wonderful gift in all my teaching years. Thank you very much from the whole school."

In answer to my question... the school is new in this area with new housing estates nearby.

"We would like more outside space..." A shrug, "... it is good the school is close... our students can easily walk here."

"I would like a tour but I am running late so Gil..." My hand on her arm, "... will call after Christmas holidays to find a day."

She seemed delighted with the idea.

Handshakes at the door and a wave as we rolled out.

Back on Hollow Way down to the Oxford Road, straight across for Our Lady's Catholic Primary School. I parked in front, headed for the door. Entering the lobby there is a desk. A older man sitting behind it.

He asked our business I told him who I am and I wanted to speak to the Head Teacher. My name had its usual impact... surprise I should be here.

He dialled his phone... he told whoever it is on the other end. He stammered out something...

"Your Ladyship, the Head is coming."

I thanked him.

The Head, a middle aged woman, came bustling out... she got a look at me... a curtsey. Her hand out to mine..

"Your Ladyship, you do surprise. How can I help you?"

I told her... we were ushered to her study. In chairs around a table I went to it.

Flushed cheeks as she held the five thousand £ cheque... she is squeezing it... her finger tips going a bit white from pressure.

I let her know what we wanted in return.

"M'Lady... that is all?"

"Yes! My husband and I enjoy seeing our children learn new things so we give support to primary schools in south Oxfordshire. This Letter of Credit to the Oxford Computer Store you will find valuable for miscellaneous computer supplies, they also do repairs, network wiring and more."

"M'Lady your family is very generous. Mattie is a lovely girl, smart and a leader."

I asked for a quick trip her class... "She's a year Five I think."

"Indeed she is M'Lady. Right this way."

Down a passage with a turn brought us to the Year Five room.

The Head motioned to the teacher... I was introduced. She curtseyed, we shook hands.

I stuck my head to say `Hi!' to Mattie. She laughed and waved back to me. I said hello to the whole class.

"I'm just popping in today... have fun with electricity."

A wave... I was out.

The teacher said I arrived at the right moment to `shock' the children. We all laughed and I shook her hand again.

At the front the Head thanked me again for our gifts. I said she and the school were very welcome.

A last handshake.

In the Land Rover a few turns going generally south to Bartholomew Road... Church Cowley St. James Primary School. This is one of the largest schools I will go to.

Bright yellow and green on the outside... a big HELLO right on the wall!

In the door a young woman walking by was startled she dropped several books... Alba lent her a hand.

"Your Ladyship, can I help you?"

"I wanted to see the Head Teacher."

"The Head Master, he is right this way M'Lady."

The school was empty of students now... all done for the day.

I introduced myself to the Head Master. I could see the wheels turning... `Why is she here?'

So I got right to it. His wheels ground to a halt... "Your Ladyship what an extraordinary thing you have done. The money and the Letter of Credit!!"

"I am visiting two dozen schools this year doing the same thing. Our children are so excited to learn new things... I want other young ones to have the same fun as ours.

So remember in the letter to us no details... keep it simple."

I needed to go... running late but I wanted a tour so Gil would be in touch after the holidays. He said he would look forward to it.

We shook hands at the door.

One more stop. Rose Hill Primary School is west of us... We worked our way through Rose Hill to get to the Oval where the school is.

This is also a large school also. One more time... in the doors. Two girls in black skirts and red jumpers saw us. They gave us a look... "The Head's office is there."

A slender arm pointing,

I thanked her. I took off the black lensed sunglasses... A gasp from the girl, her friend turned around to see... staring our way. I waved and opened the office door.

An assistant was putting papers in pigeon holes... she knew someone was there... "Who did you need to see?" Pushing papers into boxes.

"Hello, I wanted to see the Head Teacher."

She looked my way... frozen... I smiled. She sort of exploded... "Yes M'Lady, I'll get her."

She rushed off across the room towards doors on the far side. She knocked on one and stuck her face in.

Gil grinning beside me, I could see Tara's head shaking in my peripheral vision. I put my hand out to her, a squeeze. Alba giggling behind me.

Another woman stepped through the door... her eyes aimed my way. I guess I was obvious enough to propel her forward.

She came close to curtsey which shocked others in the room who hadn't been paying attention. Now all the faces were towards me... more curtseys.

Smiling I asked for a few minutes of her time.

"This way please M'Lady."

A bright office, children's paintings around.

I told her I am making visits across southern Oxfordshire before Christmas delivering gifts to schools where there are students whose parents work for us.

"A Year Four student named Merritt, his father works at Harcourt House. This gift is in his family's name and ours."

I gave her the five thousand £ cheque... a surprise for sure. Smiling I was thanked for being so generous to the school. She nodded when I told her what we wanted...

"M'Lady I will be happy to send a letter. Is that all you want?"

"No... I want you to enjoy spending it."

She laughed, another thank you.

I got the Letter of Credit from Gil.

The Head very pleased to see it.

"We always need computer bits and pieces... children do break things."

"Good. You will find they also have more substantial things like ready to use computers, printers and various services you might need... like repairs."

An excited lady at the thought she could get some needed things.

I encouraged her to contact Gil if there was some other issue for which they might need help.

I said I needed to get on. I would try a return to get a tour. I waved from the Land Rover door.

The neighbourhood is something of an island... half surrounded by the by-pass road, we had to go back east to go south towards Sanford. The Henley Road linked to the Oxford road our way home.

A right to go up towards our drive... we waited for other cars to turn. We are rolling up the drive behind the cars with the Oxford sightseers.

All out on the Forecourt. Hugs!

Carter asked to speak to me... "M'Lady, I want you to know the Twins arranged a visit to St. Thomas' School. They went with Tha and Delphine and Rafe and Tessa in a car about an hour and half ago.

Tha said it wasn't to be a prolonged visit."

"Carter, we have to get used to Chani and Charlie doing things... we are fine as long as Tha and Delphine are with them and they have Protectors. Tha knows she can veto anything which she believes is too dangerous or time-consuming."

I thanked Carter for telling me.

Fist bump!

A text from Tessa... they were on the way home.

I waited at the door... the car stopped... Fin opened the door... Tha put Chani on her feet then Charlie... they ran across the gravel for a big hug.

They were happy to have seen the school and met some of the children.

"Mama, Mr. Thorn was very nice. He gave us a tour."

I squeezed Chani's hand.

Charlie, "We got to meet Ms. Jones and Ms. Cluff's classes right at the end of their day. They made the garlands and we thanked them."

Fist bump for that!

They had fun... an outing they created! Happy babies.

Drinks were cut short so everyone could prepare for the Big Dinner...

Cho had been in to do the `Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes.'

He got the Twins outing news... Cho laughed, "They will surprise us a lot more I am sure."

"They called Mr. Thorn themselves after Tha agreed if they got his Okay."

Cho's arms around me, "They are like you marvellous points of light in my life!"


I shooed him out so I could dress.

I was looking in my mirror... Emerald green metallic bandeau, zipped on the side, snug to my breasts. Some inches of tummy showing. A full white silk skirt resting on my hips... instep length, flowing down softly. White heels. Gold jewellery, a choker with links of rectangular gold pieces, gold big ring earrings, Cho's golden torque with the ruby eyed horse heads on my left wrist, the gold Cho band opposite. Emerald nails and shiny gloss on my lips.

Chani and Delphine came in. Chani in the white frock from Nataly's with the embroidered bodice to her ankles, white lace top socks and her red heels... a new pair because she'd out grown the first. A few dabs of `Joy' for her and Delphine... they were laughing.

Delphine in a silvery white dress, scoop neckline, straight to near the floor, soft silk. A gift from me.

Tha in a white ankle length lace dress with a silver lining, silver jewellery. Very sleek!

We lined up in front of my mirrors... fist bumps!

The guys!!! Cho and Charlie in white tie. Gorgeous men. They got hugs. Cho a kiss. White tie is perfect for them! Charlie was a perfect copy of his Popa! The first time he's been in white tie... not the last!!

Sunny came up in the passage! Her outfit delicious! A silvery vest cut off to show some tummy like me. A white tube skirt on her hips to mid-calf, snug to her slender body. Silver heels. The ruby solitaire necklace on a short chain she got last year.

I stepped to Sunny, "Close your eyes."

Cho winked at me... he pulled a small flat box from a pocket...

Cho opened the box I held her hand as he closed the bracelet around her wrist. A narrow silver band with five rubies.

"Okay open."

Sunny looked down... "Fay... " a big hug. "Cho..." another big one.

"Thank you it is beautiful." She held it up high... we all admired it.

We walked down to the Great Room doors... Kendall and Conrad there... big smiles.

They opened the doors we stepped in to a loud welcome... the Crew and their men cheering and applauding us. Careful kisses and hugs all around.

Our friends looked marvellous, colourful and beautiful. Shiny! Happy faces!

Caroline in a bright white top and a ruby red skirt to below her knees. She had on her ruby necklace we gave her last Christmas. She and the Twins hugging and giggling.

Taittinger's and Shirley Temples in hand!!

Our family clustered by the switch for the tree. We held hands.

Cho, "We are happy having you here again this time of the year to start off our holiday season. It has been an unusual but quite wonder filled year! Here's to a fabulous Christmas for our friends from all of us!!"

Cho flipped the switch... The room exploded with the tree's light. A shimmering tower reflecting itself throughout the Great Room.

Aaaaahhhhh's and Ooooohhhhh's!!!!!!

We drank!

The babies clapping... we were all laughing... bright smiling faces.

Jian in my arms, the red Hugo Boss frock. We laughed holding tight.

I thanked her for a job well done at the Foundation.

"Fay, I am enjoying the work... our people are terrific... I could not imagine anything more rewarding personally."

"Keep at it!"

More laughter.

A kiss. "You are going to be a mom again in a month... amazing to think you will have two children."

Those dark eyes a bit wet, "Fay, I hope this isn't a dream because I am so happy."

A tight SQUEEZE, "You are awake in my arms! It is a living dream for us both!"

This petite woman in my arms... she was the beginning of my new life... I am the product of a unique chrysalis... that shell left behind as I spread my wings... I am soaring now.

I motioned to Cho while my lips were against Jian ear as I told her my thoughts. Cho surrounded us with his strong arms. A Cho-Fay handkerchief for a few tears.

Catherine came close at the urging of my waves. Catherine took Jian in her arms... a smile and a kiss.

Cho and I moved around speaking to one and all... a sudden rush of folks to where Chani and Charlie were with Lawan... their art work! Lawan was urging everybody to see the Twins art!

Chani and Charlie holding Caroline's hand as the grownups marvelled at our babies.

Their skills obvious... they were congratulated!

Carter at the doors... we gathered in families... Cho taking my hand, Chani beside me with Sunny's hand, Charlie holding Popa's hand. Tha and Delphine behind us with Gil and Chelle.

The Dining Room... beautiful! Ellie did something wonderful. It was silver and white everywhere except the the centrepieces... Many colours! Masses of yellow, red, green, blue, magenta, white flowers and abundant greens!!

The table glittered.

on the big window sill were a family of snow people... momma, popa, a boy baby and a girl baby. They were us in Papier-mâché. A fluffy snowscape under them. They were holding sheets of music which accounts for their open mouths.

I loved them. Chani and Charlie got a look before sitting... they were giggly seeing themselves.

We settled the Twins in their seats. First wine glasses charged already, fizzy water for those not of age or with child. Everyone standing in front of the chairs... Cho raised his glass we followed.

"To you all... our friends... we love and honour you!"

Huzza... Huzza... Huzza!!!

Ting raised his glass, looking around the table, "To Fay and Cho the most noble, generous friends one could ever hope to find."

Huzza... Huzza... Huzza!!!

Cho raised his glass to Ting.

Big smiles as we sat. Oysters to start... everyone had been queried before they arrived about food choices... shellfish, meat, etc... so some got fresh oysters and others deep fried.

The soup is a very creamy broccoli cheddar bisque. Little toasted stars made of bread with Romano and Asiago on top beside each bowl.

A new wine in the second glass... this is a Beaujolais newly arrived from France.

The two different main courses... roast beef or salmon. For everyone... roasted new potatoes with rosemary and thyme. Grilled asparagus in a lemon cream sauce, a small ceramic casserole with creamed petite peas under a roof of flaky pastry. Yorkshire pudding for all.

The whole table working on their food. Chani next to me grinning, "Mama, it tastes good!"

I helped her breaking the crust to get to her peas. Chani got a piece of the crust... chewing... giggling.

I inclined myself forward a bit to see Charlie beside his Popa... our little man enjoying... Cho leaned close to kiss my cheek. Bright shining eyes.

The conversation drifted among topics... our trip to Oslo coming up. Cho told them there were events we needed to attend and an hotel suite where we'd be expected to stay.

"Gil has informed them we would not be able to stay long afterwards because of our businesses will require us to be elsewhere."

He motioned to Gil down the table, "Gil said they were good about it since many laureates have similar commitments."

I did an `air' fist bump with Gil.

Reyna had ridden and is feeling comfortable. Good, tomorrow? "Yes!"

Cho was taking golfers to Oxford East in the mid-morning. Riders with me.

Everyone brought swimming costumes... POOL! Tomorrow afternoon.

Caroline is going with Chani and Charlie to ride Iris. Grooming after. They all clapped.

Dinner here and their trip to Cowley House in the following morning. Four days there, sightseeing, shopping and visits to some special places have been arranged.

Thet going to Fulham House to speak to Thomas, Graham and the rest of the folks there.

It is easy to see our friends dinners were disappearing. Mine is gone... Chani grinning with an empty plate. Cute little white teeth! Cho nudged me... Charlie's plate is bare too!

Carter is organising the removal of all the dinner plates. Fin, Lucas, Stanton doing the job.

Carter 2 and Kendall pouring sherry for those who want it.

Dessert coming... trays being off-loaded to the sideboards... kirshwasser applied... Carter and Carter2 went along lighting them up! The footman serve. Chani, Charlie and Caroline's servings had a teaspoon of the kirshwasser which burned away quickly.

Smiles... then ATTACK! Laughter! Cherries Jubilee Artie's fav! He'll be here soon for a repeat.

We moved ourselves to the Great Room for afters. I got an espresso from Kendall.

Jian, Catherine and I at Chani's landscape.

Catherine's head shaking, "Fay they are so skilled. No one has taught them how to paint and draw?"

"No. They are autodidacts in this and other things... like their C&C Productions. Tha and Delphine and our outside staff helped, Chelle played the music... they had the original idea and wrote the play... designed the costumes, they also had inputs in all of the rest."

Jian's arm through mine, "It's you and Cho... your best qualities being magnified in the babies."

A kiss for her.

Caroline joined the Twins doing a puzzle... she is putting in pieces... the Twins much faster.

Andrea and Jian watching their daughter, I had their hands squeezing. Jian kissed my cheek as Kendall brought another coffee I got my hands back, my friends holding each other.

Cho and Ting came close... a strong arm around my waist... a thumb stroking my bare skin.

They were close to finishing... Charlie ceremoniously gave Caroline the last piece... IN to many giggles. We cheered. It is a snap of us all in the Bangkok house pool, mostly heads and torsos in the the water.

White chocolate pieces as their reward.

Sitting beside Thet, he looked relaxed. I asked...

"Fay, we have so many things going on but we have excellent people managing them all. My worries are reduced. Our training gives individuals the skills to do their work without having to call for direction.

A perfect example is Tilly... the bank robbers... she organised the capture, co-ordinated with the local police superbly. She knew her job and got on with it."

Me, "Also Claude with search for the lost boy."

"Yes! She was quick to get that going!"

"We were pleased the local Kentucky government recognised the contributions of the Kentucky three which is why we made the effort to be there."

A big smile, "We have signed a new client... you and Cho will be interested... the deal done late this afternoon..."

I was laughing as Thet dragged it out...

"Keeneland. They sent a pair to California to look at Santa Anita and Del Mar... they came away impressed by us and how much those tracks appreciated our work."

Fist bump!

We knew they were enquiring.

I am pleased, "Good, more race tracks. We have the relevant experience."

Smiling squeezing Thet's arm, "Go forth and multiply!"

He laughed.

Is so much fun to wander around speaking to everyone... getting bits of their years events.

I sat with Thang... His promotion six months ago... "Your father asked me to sit for the officer promotion board... as a senior sergeant I am eligible... he said it didn't matter how long I had been in the rank."

Thang is moving up!! He smiled when I said that, "Fay, I am working hard... it is one of those things which makes it worthwhile... recognition!"

Fist bump!

"You two should go Chawton... its fun to see Lawan's work on the shelves. Its only an hour's drive... we can get a car for you."

"Fay, a lot fuss to look at books?"

"There's more to it... it's a lovely place... the people are very nice, 1'm sure they would like to see Lawan again. You can have tea across the road which is always fun. Ask Lawan... there is no problem arranging it."

"I'll ask Lawan."

I squeezed his arm. A cheek kiss.

I saw Lawan and Jian chatting... I took Lawan's place sending her to Thang.

Jian asking what I was up to... I explained.

"It would be a boost for her too. To see her work on a shelf in an English country village."

Jian got it! Fist Bump!

We watched Thang and Lawan talking... Thang stood up... a thumbs up in the air! Okay.

I got Gil's attention... grinning she said it would be done. A hug.

We carried the Twins up to their Nursery after the Culham crowd went home. Chani and Charlie sleepy, they said it was a good night. Kisses applied.

I was out in the frosty cold morning... Gaby on Roland, Tessa on Gough, we rode east to Chalgrove.

First stop to see Miss Symes at the village hall.

"Your Ladyship, you're out early."

"Always. Things are good here?"

"Yes, M'Lady. The village is growing, new homes and people. Your folks at the airfield living in the area have brought a bit of life. They are joiners and doers. Our local businesses appreciate their trade."

"Excellent. There are going to be more permanent staff and transients coming for training at the aerodrome. I wonder if you might inquire around about any villagers thinking of trying to do a B&B... We would rather our people stayed in something like that than a hotel we might build at the areodrome. We get comfy housing for transient pilots and crew plus some money is made by Chalgrove citizens."

"I would gladly ask... there are a few who could do it. Thank you for considering the idea."

She is pleased.

I wished her a Happy Christmas.

We turned for Chalgrove Primary.

Ms. Davies as always out front greeting the early kids.

"Good morning, Your Ladyship."

I returned that and asked whether the excitement was building for the end of the term.

She laughed, "Not so much for that... rather for Christmas.... they are of course linked!"

She thanked me again for the computers and the extras.

Inside we got hot chocolate like the kids who came early as their parents were off to work.

I drew out of my inside pocket an envelope...

"This year you have two new students whose parents work for us at the aerodrome... this is a gift from those three families and my family for the school. We have changed the way we do this."

Ms. Davies looked at the ten thousand £ cheque. Her cheeks reddened...

"Your Ladyship, this is incredible! We could never have imagined the level of your generosity."

Smiling, "Please have yourself and staff enjoy spending it.

We would ask you send us another letter saying what it is spent on but remember we don't need any details."

I added the Letter of Credit which increased her astonishment.

"M'Lady, my staff is going to be bowled over."

"Perhaps you'll need to get them prepared... I'm sorry I didn't do that for you."

"M'Lady, I'm not sure you could have done so... it is just so much money."

"I know seems like a lot but in today's world costs can soar for even the simplest items."

"Thank you and Sir Cho. We are very lucky to have you living in South Oxfordshire."

A hug for her.

I did ask about the Ofsted inspections... I said I have been doing the same elsewhere... were they fair and objective or...

"Your Ladyship, during my time there has been one inspection. We were given a good' rating but I would have given the inspectors an inadequate' grade. They bumbled around, whinging about this and that to each other, one was rude to a child, another obviously was sick with a cold or something like... she should not have been in a school possibly infecting children."

"Any colleagues at other schools voice their opinions?"

"Yes but we are low-key because the Department for Education has been quite brutal to some schools... there is a sense of retaliation."

I know my eyebrows went up...

"Your Ladyship, despite what the Ofsted people say the inspections are subjective... completely so. No way around that."

I thanked her for being plain-spoken.

A short ride to St. Albans Church of England School. Mr. Foote greeted us as he opened the door.

"Your Ladyship, Welcome!"

We shook hands.

"How is everyone liking the Macintoshes?"

"Oh Your Ladyship, they are very popular, a sign-up list is in use. The colour printer is terrific... we do go through toner!"

Sitting in his study... "Then this will be good to cover those toner cartridges."

I handed him a cheque for five thousand £'s.

"M'Lady, we still just have Dan White like last year."

"My husband and I have changed the way we are doing this to get more money into the schools. Schools that have one to three are getting five thousand and those with four and up get ten thousand. So maybe you need to do some recruiting?"

We laughed.

The Letter of Credit brought more smiles.

"We used this last year to get some network cable run to several classrooms because the wireless signal was weak going through the brick walls they said. A man and woman came and had it done rather quickly... I was surprised. They were quite creative in placing the cable."

I said its always nice to hear people have a `can do' work attitude and thinking skills.

I asked about Ofsted... a similar set of comments.

I wished him and his family a Happy Christmas.

"Your Ladyship, everybody in the village would wish you the same."

I thanked him.

We waved going east then a turn onto Willow Mead to the Ely's front gate. Our clip-clops brought Bill Senior to the door...

"Your Ladyship, doing your Christmas visits?"

I smiled sliding down, "Yes. We just left St. Alban's."

"M'Lady, please come in."

Bill Junior and Eleanor finishing breakfast came into their lounge, Mrs. Ely with a big smile behind them.

Handshakes all around. They are coming to our Open House.

They were all doing very well. Bill the younger won a prize for a story he wrote. Cheers.

Eleanor pulled out a glossy magazine... a snap of Cho kissing me in Edinburgh.

I laughed, "That was after the Order of the Thistle installation."

Pointing to the folks around us.

"That's my aunt and uncle, cousin Donella. Our children are behind me."

Mrs. Ely said it is wonderful the Queen gives us honours as we are always doing things for people.

Bill, "The money you gave to the Natural History Museum... amazing. The news was full of it for several days."

"That was a special request by our children... they love the museum. Dinosaurs are very big right now along with early man."

Mrs. Ely, "The BBC said that... it seems impossible... they're two?"

"Almost two and half but quite advanced. Their memories are highly developed giving them an advantage growing up."

Tessa handed me her iPhone... a snap of Chani's landscape. I gave it to Bill...

"Chani did that a few months ago... it's a view from the north side of our house."

Mrs. Ely looking with Eleanor.

"M'Lady, its like a Monet."

"Chani spent some time looking the Impressionists at the New York Museum of Modern Art... Manet, Degas, Monet... Constable is a favourite. Her brother liked the Post-Impressionists like Van Gogh more because he said they used brighter vibrant colours."

Bill, "If they can do something this at two and half..."

His head shaking.

"We are trying give them as much stimulation as possible remembering they are babies."

Mrs. Ely, "I expect we will hear of many wonderful things they will do."

"We hope so... it is very much a part of their upbringing to be creative and to care about others."

I said I'd let them get on. We will be happy to see them at the Open House.

A wave as we rode beside their house to the open ground and Berrick Road. The short-cut Bill showed me several years ago.

A knock on the White's door. Mrs. White opened it... Ah... another White on the way. I congratulated her. A massive smile.

Inside Dan Junior came out to shake hands. The bigger version too.

"Father Christmasing again Your Ladyship?"

"Indeed. We just left the Ely's. I did a bit of Christmas cheer at St. Alban's."

Dan Jr., "Your Ladyship, the Macintoshes are the bomb. Everybody wants to work on them."

"Good, we like Apple's things. We all have IPhones and such."

Mrs. White, "Mr. Foote is very good using them. He shows all the students little tricks to do things faster or make searching the internet safer."

"The latter is very important these days since there so many unscrupulous characters online."

Dan Jr., "M'Lady, some software comes up to say a site is dangerous and why which is great."

Fist bump!

"It's good you are learning that... staying safe is so important."

I wished them a Happy Christmas. They all came to the door to wave as we walked away beside Berrick Road.

A re-trace of our outbound route until we reached the A4074, we crossed over to gallop to the Oxford Road then we asked our horses for SPEED running to home. A marvellous run to the top of the slope Roland close, Gough nearer than usual.

In the Breakfast Room it is crowded. Cho saved me a spot... the babies heading up to work on `Christmas things.'

The golfers would eat lunch over there. Hand warmers would be provided. My laughing at their need... the weather never stops Cho.

Fin at the door, "M'Lady... Sir Cho... your brother-in-law has arrived."

Great! Greg handing over his outer clothes to Lucas.

Big hug! Was he hungry?

"Yes. I told Lis not to bother with anything this morning just coffee for me. Your two Security Service folks who onboard are very nice. They're heading to London now."

"A good flight?"

"Yes, very smooth. Those beds are very comfortable I was asleep quickly."

Fist bump.

He sat beside me as the Breakfast Room was emptying. A full plate.

The rest of his family is primed to come soon!! Waiting for school to end!

He had just missed Sunny on her way to school.

Greg grinning, "Mr. Hardy and the fellows are to meet downstairs..." a quick look at his watch... wrong time zone... "... Nine?"

He got the right time and he had a while to eat his breakfast.

Gil and Chelle came in holding hands... this is a day-off for them. I thanked Gil for getting cheques ready.

"The new method blew their doors off."

Fist bumps!!

Email in the Library... Candace going to San Francisco for the holidays to see her sister. I replied if her sister doesn't know to take her to Scoma's for seafood... here are the directions. AND have a Happy Christmas.

Soam... the flash and stun grenade launchers are being tested at Sari Buri. I replied... would he send range and effective radius data when he has it.

Over night from Donovan... the Cook County Sheriff's office corruption story will run on Sunday... nice and big on the front page above the fold!! I said to say thank the reporters and researchers for their work. Congratulations to him and Edison.

Zoë in Paris... she had six possible hotels for the R&R expansion plus possible shelter locations. I looked at the attachments... I replied to talk with Francis about the money... I wanted hotels numbers two and five the most. Number three would be Okay if the price was lower. More rooms close to the centre of the city on Metro lines.

I wanted more information on the three shelter possibles... the neighbourhoods, secondary schools.

New York attorneys... Reddit and 4chan are making progress... fewer complaints against posts... users when they log on are told they will have to present identification to maintain their account. They have turned over documentation on users to others when requested by court order without any demur.

The attorneys are monitoring them for compliance every day.

I rounded up Reyna, Penny, Tara and Angie for a ride before lunch. At the Stables office there is a small horde of tiny cats! Two mothers given birth close together... all their babies running around raising hell... making Gregory's office a slice of cat purgatory and giving him many laughs.

Natasha ready for me... mounted, down the grassy lane to the Flats. Warmed up we asked for speed past the railroad tracks.

The lock man waving, he said Roy was done for the day. Over the Thames going east to go around the small lakes beside the tracks. North next to Thrupp Lane to White's Lane to Church Road to Radley Church of England Primary Church School.

We covered the ground quickly... trotting... cantering and a good gallop!

We tied up at the back of their car park... the head Teacher came out smiling.

"Your Ladyship... it must be Christmas."

We laughed and shook hands.

Inside the entry was filled with Christmas paintings by their students. A couple were very good. Some skilled artists here.

In her study I said they had four students whose parents work for us.

"We've changed our methods to increase the monies we are donating..." then I gave her the cheque for ten thousand £'s.

A gulp... big eyes.

"Your Ladyship, this is terrific!! We have several projects this will push forward."

The Letter of Credit was welcome... they needed a new student computer as one died.

We walked to their computer lab... older Windows computers running version 8! Ooof! What a garbled mess that version was... a disastrous release by Microsoft. It makes Windows 10 look good which I didn't think possible.

I made the same offer I'd done in Chalgrove twice... new Macintoshes and a Window 10 laptop beyond the money I just gave her. She did a spin overjoyed.

I said my PA Gil will be on to her about the arrangements.

"We will pay for them to be installed including good anti-virus and malware software..." Their laser printer is monochrome... "...We will throw in a colour laser printer too."

The Head was hopping up and down clapping. Many thank yous. A woman is passing outside the door heard the noise... the Head motioned her in... she introduced the Year Four teacher who is their resident computer whiz.

That woman's face nearly exploded hearing what was to come. She shook my hand thanking me.

I peeked into a Year Three class, the kids waving to me after my hello. They are doing current events.

Before leaving the Head got the same question about Ofsted... I got another negative response.

In the car park the Head thanked me again. I said they were most welcome and repeated that Gil would be in touch. She rung my hand some more. I shooed her inside out of the cold.

We mounted going northeast to cross the fields we bought earlier in the year. These field are harvested. We rode about two thirds of a mile to the the new underpass we built for our farm equipment. It looked good, a solid roadway done at an angle to eat up less farm land. Completely dry... the power line for the sump pump is safely buried. All cleaned up! Nice work. The railroad is happy too..

An email to Gil to thank and commend the construction company for a job well done. I asked for the works boss... the man in the trilby whose name I don't remember to get special mention.

North to the Industrial Estate and over the lock.

The lock man grinning... "M'Lady, did you get to sleep in?"

We laughed.

"No I rode to Chalgrove early this morning."

I checked with Reyna... she is good. Okay!

No stopping at Mr. Hardy's he is in Manchester signing books.

Natasha didn't know the south gate routine... she took off willingly at my urging. My companions followed.

Tara on Max next to me. Max stepping out proudly. We galloped down the river path right to the Flats. Some exercise rides happening so we dialled it back.

Fist bumps by us riders and rubs for our mounts. Natasha making happy noises. I gave her a hug when down... rubbing her neck.

After lunch I sat with coffee in the Library to call Effy in Louisville. Her job at the racetrack is seasonal so she has to do other employment to make ends meet.

I called... it is eight o'clock in the morning... `Could she talk or did she did to get to work?'

"Lady Harcourt I have time... Why call me?"

"We want you join us... starting at Harcourt Farm working with our PR person Dickie on outreach for the Farm to the local community and state-wide. You would learn about our work, our ethical values, learn real working PR from a very smart fellow and after some time learning you could be moved... possibly to Washington, D.C. as a PR person involved in a new project we have there.

I am right in remembering your major in college was Communications with a minor in French?"

"Yes Ma'am, I've never been able to find steady work in the field."

"What we are offering is a full time position, housing paid for on the Harcourt Farm and the chance to use your knowledge."

"This comes from a few hours you met me at Churchill Downs? Not a lot..."

I interposed, "Yes, just that little amount of time to know you had sense, adaptability plus you picked up on our pushing the envelope. Of course we had some background developed on you... that did you no harm."

A laugh, "I don't have a lot of history."

"Your being young is not a barrier for us if you want learn and work hard."

"So this isn't a maybe call you are offering the position?"

"Yes absolutely. If you want to talk to Dickie to get more of a feel for it I will send you his telephone number or you can visit the farm. Do both actually. It's only an hour drive."

A bit of silence...

"I can give you another number... what the salary is?"

I did.

"Oh my! You really think I am worth that?"

"We rather hope you'd grow into it."

More silence... "Lady Harcourt that single day at the track is looking pretty important to me."

"You aren't yet twenty five... lots more great days to come."

A thank you for thinking of her.

"So if you want drive to the farm after speaking with Dickie... get directions... look around... Dickie and Costello can show you the house we put aside. If you decide to go forward then Costello will arrange for any personal property of yours to be moved and get all the relevant paperwork done."

"Ma'am, I want to have a look..."

"I'm Fay... Okay. So call Dickie. You got my text?"

"Yes. I will call."

"Okay I hope to will see you at the farm. Thanks for considering us."

"Lady Harcourt... Fay... it is the easiest thing I have ever done."

We laughed and said goodbye.

I called Costello. He knew about this as did Dickie.

"She has not signed on officially but I believe she will."

"Fay, I will get the paperwork prepared. We can have a truck for her property whenever she's ready."

I thanked him. I asked him to transfer me to Dickie and Victoria's house.

Vickie answered, "Your Ladyship... " "Fay" "Fay. We are very happy to help Effy."

I thanked her.

Fin's smiling face in the door, "M'Lady, Miss Caroline is here."

Good. I thanked Fin.

Jian `escorted' Caroline over for fun with the Twins and Iris. Hugs!

Caroline in her riding outfit... looking quite cute! A kiss for her. They all had their swim costumes too!!

Our two young riders came down. Hugs with Caroline, fist bumps all around.

Tha walked them out the door to go to the Stables.

I followed the babies. Jian grinning walking alongside.

She watched the preparations for the riding. A kiss for her cheek.

Rebel is `Ready.' Tara on Rascal. South!

We rode to the east of the Sci Ctr to cross the Abingdon Road. Walking beside the High Street to the Clifton Hampden Church of England Primary School.

Another small school... like the others, neat and well cared for. There were some loud Year Two's near the door.

The Head Teacher got some order, they moved off to their classroom after we did hellos and some fist bumps with the little ones!

I remembered the Head's study is small... we fit in easily since it is just Tara and me.

I gave her some build-up so I wouldn't shock. I'm very uneven about this so I need to just `do it' every time.

She has three young ones from our estate family. She is very excited to get five thousand £'s.

The Letter of Credit is the icing for her.

Many thanks.

I said she is very welcome. I said we like doing this for the small schools around us.

I added enjoy. She laughed saying they would.

Her answer to my Ofsted inquiry resulted in a short comment which wasn't in the inspectors favour.

All these real-world working educators despised the government's employees. Time to ask the government what changes they are implementing after the disastrous tory years of mismanagement.

A happy Christmas for her.

Further south across the Thames, we trotted beside the High Street into Long Wittenham to the Primary school. It is also Church of England school. We tied our horses on the hedge.

At the front a woman in a nice floral frock, smiled `Could she help.'

"Hello, I would like to see the Head Teacher my name is Lady Harcourt."

"Oh M'Lady excuse me."

I said she had nothing to be excused for.

She would get the Head.

Another woman, about forty, slender, a nice face. We shook hands.

"Lady Harcourt, it is pleasure to meet you. Please come this way."

To answer my question she said this is her first year here.

I asked the Ofsted question... she hadn't been through an inspection as a school leader... she did know their methods which were not appreciated in the schools. For her everything the inspectors did was subjective... totally lacking in objectivity!

I moved on to happier subjects.

"Last year at this time I stopped with my husband... we made a gift in the name of a student whose father works for us. I am here today to do it again. It is a larger amount this time."

I handed her the cheque. She looked surprised. Quiet.

"I suppose five thousand £'s is unexpected. We try to support primary education to benefit the families and the Kingdom. I have a Letter of Credit for you to use at the Oxford Computer Store... they sell a wide range of products, you can also us it for services they have such as repairs."

"Your Ladyship, you do this at other schools?"

"More than two dozen, more each year. In case you might wonder the Bishop knows I ride around giving money away to church schools."

She laughed, "The way you said that it sounded funny... sort of Robin Hood. I don't suppose you have robbed rich men on forest roads?"

"No, it comes from our purse. We do not need to rob anyone although it has a nice ring of medievalism to it."

"You are very generous. We are lucky."

"We don't live far. Should you wonder we support Catholic and county schools as well as Church of England schools."

She thanked me again for thinking of their students.

I said they were our future citizens the more knowledge they had the better for all.

She gave me a look as if I were for real.

I stopped at her door, "The dictators in this world usually find their support from an ignorant populace that can't break out of the shackles of their limited knowledge."

I smiled and shook her hand again. She definitely had a wide-eyed look.

Ooops I let my guard down... I am a thinking aristocrat... shouldn't let that slip!

Tara was laughing at her reaction as we rode away from the school.

"Fay, it looks like even teachers can be shocked by your thinking."

I shrugged, "If they believe because I am now a peer my IQ had to slip... they haven't met many peers... those like Argyle or Mac or Susanne or Terrance. I have seen many more of the life peers acting foolishly and stupidly especially those just pushed up... by the tories in particular."

Tara and I walked our horses back up the High Street a short way east to a dirt road on the south side. We walked across a field on a worn path to an open fence into the yard of the Sylva Foundation. They exist to help build and manage the forests of the Kingdom for the future, a non-profit foundation. They are independent of government.

They promote reforestation, manage and nurture the cultivation of trees. Their main offices at Little Wittenham in the old manor house that is from the time of the Dunch family.

We came to the front of what looked like an administrative building before anyone noticed. A fellow came out of what must be their offices.

"Are you lost? May I help you?"

I laughed, "No thank you. I am where I want to be. I would like to speak to a foundation representative. My name is Lady Harcourt."

He was surprised. "Your Ladyship, I sorry I didn't know you."

"Actually that is good. I don't need to be known on sight."

I slid down with Tara.

"Can we sit for a moment?"

"Yes... Yes, of course. Please come in. I'm Gareth, a foundation deputy general manager."

Wood... lots of lovely colours in their office. I stood looking... very nice.

"We have a newspaper chain based in Seattle... their offices date from the first quarter of the Twentieth Century... all wood throughout... they have those low walls like fences between the visitors sitting area and the offices. A small gate.

Beautiful hardwood... lovingly maintained."

I could see Gareth appreciated that.

We sat down, "I came by to give your foundation a gift... we hope to encourage your work."

I reached over with the forty thousand £ cheque.

He was startled, "Ma'am, this is quite the gift. Do you know about us?"

"Yes, my husband and I know a lot about non-profits in South Oxfordshire... some research was done when we learned you were here.

This..." My hand motioning around the room, "... is just the sort of thing we admire and want to assist."

"I don't know how to thank you."

"Please use it to the best of your ability to enhance your programme of education. People need to learn how valuable trees are and what is happening to our forests. Reforestation is something we do on our properties around the world.

We have a forest products company in Southern Thailand... over a hundred years old. They harvest lumber less than they plant it."

"That sounds good, M'Lady."

"We were there a few months ago... deep tropical forest all around creates a stillness... until the animals decide you are harmless."

A laugh, "I have experienced that."

I pulled up a photograph of the Forest Palace.

"My husband built this from trees than had fallen or were carefully culled from the forest around it."

A smile looking at the snap, "It is beautiful. It glows."

"Yes, it is a rather special place. Cho's management of the forest extends to having it protected by our security force from hunters and poachers of timber. Our people are skilled using very advanced technology to guard the forest."

More head nodding. "I can see you know a fair amount about conservation of trees."

I shrugged, "Not as much as my husband... I am learning."

"Your Ladyship would you take a schedule of our events... maybe we could tempt you to come see us work."

I gladly accepted it. I said if he wanted to see what we are doing at Harcourt House he could call the main number and ask for Ryan who is the forester. We shook hands.

Tara and I rode north skirting the edges of fields until we were opposite the Barley Mow Pub. We re-crossed the Thames... over the Abingdon Road we asked for speed. Rebel ripping off the three miles... Rascal very game. Things flashed by as we tore across the grass.

At the top of the slope we slowed to a walk. Rebel whinnied loudly.

"Me too."

Tara laughing, "He said it!" Fist bump and a hug for her.

We walked down towards the Stables my hand rubbing Rebel's powerful neck. Tara's glove in Rascal's mane... stroking.

Anthony and Ethan... they took our friends for a bit more walking.

Diana waiting, "M'Lady, can I have a word."

Smiling I took her arm turning us down the Stables `Main Street.'

In Pamela's stall... I stroked my girl's flank, little Penelope growing up... coming to my hand.

"M'Lady, I want you to know first... I'm pregnant."

A hug, tears... I fished out a Cho-Fay handkerchief.

"I'm so pleased for you. I know Cho will be equally so. A date?"

"The doctor says mid-July is likely."


"He took me in his arms and thanked me for being willing to put up with him and a baby. We laughed."

Another hug for Diana.

"Our baby gift to you will be the nursery furniture. Pick out a full set... the works! Get on to Gil when you are ready."

Another tear... "You and Sir Cho have been the most marvellous people Pat and I have ever met. So willing to extend yourselves for us."

"You both are repaying us in the finest way possible... prospering and now growing a family. I guess Pat will get his back thumped by Fidel again."

We grinned, almost simultaneously said, "He can take it!"

Fist bump!

"Best to let Gregory know... in case you need time at some point. Also I don't think you need worry about any stray bacteria here since all our animals are healthy. Be sure to talk to your doctor about it.

Gregory can keep you away from mucking out if needed."

Another hug. And a question about Fran and Fidel.

"We are getting them out of the Three Ponies to have dinner here."


Walking back to the office arm-in-arm. A hug at the office door. The top of the door open... inside the herd of tiny babies running amok. Everybody loved these cute furry kittens.

Diana said she and Pat had been considering taking two... "If you do... the catbox is something Pat will have to do to be safe if yours go outside at all."

Diana said she understood. If they did take a pair she wanted them indoors only.

"The house is big enough for them to find play areas and `hidden' sleep spots."

We laughed. Fist bump.

The golfers were in the Great Room changed and having drinks. I got Cho to come up for a minute.

I was going to tell him my news but kissing started it was so nice I enjoyed extending it.

When I did tell him he was delighted.

"Something else... Diana's stepmother's divorce from her father, who is still prison, is done.

The ex-stepmother is moving to Australia with a new male partner."

Cho shrugged. Diana and Pat are together doing very well which is what matters to us.

Effy called, Gil knocked on my Dressing Room door, she passed her iPhone to me.

"Your Ladyship... Fay, I want to accept the position. Visiting the Farm was an out of this world trip. So much like a hundred years ago and very up-to-date.

Dickie is terrific, smart and nice, so is Victoria. They put me up overnight. I had a real good look. Thank you for thinking I could fit in."

"You are welcome. I'm glad you didn't waste any time going for a look. We are always on the lookout for folks who could add a new dimension to our businesses. I'm pleased you want in. Did you do all the paperwork?"

"Yes. Costello said they had a background check which I passed easily. He said I was official."

I laughed, "Good. That means we are going to give you money! Here's your first task... go learn and have fun."

"Will do, Boss."

That was a nice call!

Gil grinning, "Your Bolero jackets from Noi are here with Jian's frock."

High Five!

POOL! The men drinking, they weren't swimming, all us ladies were!

The Twins and Caroline jumping from the pool edge... such fun! Splashing... laughing... more fun with Jaidee. All tired out we lay on lounges after drying off... The pool room temperature kept away chills.

Jian next to me... a red tank costume, she looked great. Catherine lay beside Jian...very slowly lowering herself... big smiles on their pretty faces. Happiness is a great thing to see in your friends.

Casual dress for dinner. The Crew to leave for Cowley House in the morning at nine o'clock, the Queen will be here at eleven.

After dinner there were some Cho-Air Express flights for the Twins and Caroline. It was a hoot to see them fly by arms out-stretched making whooshing sounds. The adults laughing.

When the yawns came... The Culham crowd was waved down the drive.

In the morning after breakfast the Crew going to London.

Hugs on the Forecourt... they'll be back in a few days.

Lawan and Thang going to Chawton first then London. Gil had called the Jane Austen house to let them know.

Waves as the cars disappeared down the drive.

Carter with a smile... we knew he was ready for the Queen's visit. The house running at the top line.

Carl picked up Jaidee at the breeders this morning. He came romping into my Dressing Room all waggy tailed... a happy to be home. He was rubbed and kissed.

Cho took him up to the Nursery so he could see the Twins before they were dressed up for the Queen.

Gil's head in the door... A call from Kentucky, "Fay, Vickie is pregnant. It sounded on the call like they are very happy."

"I just talked with them yesterday... I guess they were at the doctor's today."

Fist bump! More babies... good people having children.

"Let them know our baby gift will be the nursery furniture."

She would.

Cho at the door of my Dressing Room... a black suit with a Harcourt Racing tie. He said Charlie was the same.

I'm in a charcoal gray wool frock, long sleeves, a round collar, snug to me until my hips, hem at few inches above my knees. Black stockings and Black heels and silver jewellery, `Joy' A Harcourt Racing Hermès scarf around my neck.

Chani in a black velvet dress to mid-calf, white knee socks and Mary Janes.

The Queen's cars coming around the Forecourt. Cho and I with Carter, Carter2, Yone and Audra.

Stanton, Lucas, Fin to open the doors.

We bowed and curtseyed. Her Majesty smiling to Cho's welcome to Harcourt House. We were introduced to Prince Phillip. Carter escorted the Queen and Prince Phillip in as we greeted Prince Charles and the Duchess, Camilla.

Their outer clothes taken we moved towards the Great Room...

At the Great Room doors... the St. Thomas School's garlands surrounding them... green, red, blue, white, gold, silver mixed. The shimmering metallic garland of many colours going up the the stairs handrail attached to the greenery.

Her majesty smiled to me...

The doors opened by Kendall and Conrad...

A small gasp... "Well... it is beautiful... as we expected. Your tree does have an amazing affect on the room."

We walked in side-by-side... Cho and Prince Phillip behind us... Prince Charles and Camilla then their staffers.

Charlie and Chani came up to us, a bow and curtsey...

"Your Majesty, Welcome to Christmas at Harcourt House."

The Queen's smile very big. She shook hands with both.

To the Twins, "Thank you so much! Is Christmas your favourite time of the year?"

Two Yeses! Chani said all our friends come to visit. Charlie said Gramps and Gamma come from Bangkok. Chani added Dee, Unc, Doc and Graeme come from Scotland.

Her Majesty smiling saying that sounded wonderful.

"Lady Harcourt... amazing!"

I explained the Scots were my mother's side, Gramps and Gamma were my adoptive parents.

She nodded.

Sunny standing there... a pretty girl... A ivory slender cut wool frock to her knee top, long sleeves with cuffs. Pale green Heels. She was wearing her jewellery gifts from us... the Gaspeite pieces.

"Your Majesty, this is Sunny our niece."

Sunny did a very nice curtsey.

"Ah... the equestrienne?"

Sunny with a big smile, "Yes... Ma'am, that's me."

"Princess Anne was full of praise for your success at Badminton."

"Thank you Ma'am. I did have a good three days."

"That sounds somewhat understated... Princess Anne said you took all the top prizes."

Sunny with a slight blush said she had.

Her Majesty turned to Cho and I... "Maybe Princess Anne should come with us next time?"

Cho smiling, "Ma'am, We would be pleased to see her again."

I reintroduced Gil, Chelle was presented. Very nice curtseys. I said Francis and Ali she met last year were tending to a new born in New York. Just a month old.

"Oh... I hope everything is wonderful for them."

"Your Majesty, They are indulging themselves with parenthood."

Laughter around us.

Tha was also introduced again and Delphine, who did a beautiful curtsey. The Queen said they must have exciting days with the Twins. They nodded,

Tha smiling, "Your Majesty, Chani and Charlie very active intelligent youngsters, full of fun, a joy to teach."

Cho had introduced Prince Phillip to the Twins, they bowed and curtseyed, a nice formal handshake.

Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla said hellos to the Twins after the bow and curtsey. Big smiles. Handshakes.

More introductions.

By the tree I said how much I appreciated being honoured with my appointment to the Order of the Thistle. I was proud of my Scots connections.

"Ma'am, My Scots family is very pleased. We were in Alness and Fortrose for Remembrance Day. They are delightful communities who have a reverence for the sacrifices of their neighbours. My being made a member of the Order of the Thistle was well received."

The Queen smiling, "We are glad you are doing many of your wonderful things in Scotland. We watched a BBC News item on Castle Munro and your employees staying there. The show said they were using it as a base to go across the Highlands... exciting for them."

"Your Majesty, Our people are going to so many places... enjoying themselves... Cho and I are quite happy with the entire programme. I visited a location in Southern France... a family from near Dartford, where the father works at our Solar-To-Go assembly plant, were on their way to the beach for the afternoon four days after we acquired the property."

Eyebrows raised!

Prince Charles asked, "So quickly?"

I turned to him, "Sir, It is a working hotel so adding our guests was simple. The Twin Ponds Estate in Millsford, Wiltshire needed to be furnished so that took a bit more doing. Guests arrived there three days after its listing on the webpage."

Her Majesty looked to me... I smiled, "Ma'am, it is a short walk to Stonehenge plus all the other things to see on the Salisbury Plain close by."

An `Ah!'

Prince Phillip asked about what were the arrangements since they were working people.

I said we had a person acting as their `travel agent' running the R&R scheme. She and her assistant arrange the rooms and flights on sophisticated software we had written especially for the task.

Cho said the daily rates are fixed to cover the expenses... as low as possible, they included meals and the airplane trips were free to them.

Prince Phillip did a wide-eyed look. Then nodding, "Very generous!"

Cho followed up, "Sir, We do put enormous pressure on our people to be the very best at what they do... we pay well with extra benefits... still we feel they need places to unwind from work... places which they can afford... some of which are off the beaten path to give them unusual places to explore.

Our productivity rates across all our enterprises are much higher at every level in any comparison to others in the same business."

Prince Charles said to his father our businesses maintained the uppermost ethical standards so we were trusted by everyone to be honest and straightforward... something all our employees follow diligently.

Prince Phillip, "Yes... Yes... you gave them an award..."

Prince Charles said the Business in the Community' group gave them the Responsible Business Award' for those reasons.

Prince Phillip nodding.

I could see Our Charles staying on the periphery taking snaps, no video. The Queen's advance folks had Okay'd his activity since what he produced was for our internal use only. Nothing to anyone outside not even our newspapers or TV.

Cho pointed out Charles took pictures last year... none leaked to the news folks.

The Queen was chatting with the Twins... she found out about their love of creating art....

Chani came to me, "Mama, can we show Her Majesty our pictures?"

"Yes, if she would like that."

The Twins escorted the Queen to Charlie's birds on the wall beside the tree. Her Majesty looked and motioned to Prince Phillip... they stood there staring... a look to us from the Queen... she was smiling.

Chani had the Queen's hand, she turned them to see her work...

Charlie's birds are wonderful, so well done, life-like... Chani's landscape blew really their doors off!!

We joined them... Her Majesty's head shaking...

"Lady Harcourt... Sir Cho... these are amazing works for two year olds... the brush stokes and lines are marvellous."

I said they did them from memory... That turned their heads again!

"Charlie saw the birds in a park in Seattle on a picnic and Chani's is the view from our swimming pool on the north side of this house. They worked on them upstairs in their Nursery."

Prince Charles and Camilla had a knowing look... they were smiling having met the Twins on a number of occasions and had seen how articulate and mobile they were. Camilla slipped her arm with mine...

"You said they were mentality and physically elevated... somewhere up in the stratosphere I believe."

We laughed. Chani and Charlie clapping with big smiles they know the stratosphere since their Solar System interest!

Back by the settee group near the fire... We going to get them seated then sherry... The Queen smiled... She was standing beside Prince Charles... "There are two bits of business we need to do first."

Cho and I looked to each other... here we go! Tha and Delphine had the Twins with them. Gil, Chelle and Sunny to our right.

Prince Charles motioned towards the doors... a pair of men came through.... OH... OH! Another red lacquered box... I turned back to Cho who had one of those `smiles.'

Déjà vu!

The men stopped like last year near, not too close... One opened the box... the same brilliantly white parchment paper, ornate and colourful script and the large red seal embedded on the opposite page.

The Queen beside me, we moved closer to the red box, "Fay Osborne Martin with the advice of my family and my government... We bestow upon you under my Letters Patent the title of Marchioness Harcourt... " A p a u s e, "... You are made Countess Munro of the Black Isle..." A pause again, "You are made the Viscountess Nuneham Courtenay. This is for you and all your heirs."

Inside I felt happiness for being recognised for doing positive things... it was almost too much. I was light-headed once more... steady-on!

I curtseyed and thanked Her Majesty for her generosity. The Queen... her smile just short of a grin.

"Marchioness, over my time I have rarely bestowed honours upon anyone as deserving as yourself."

She squeezed my arm.

She smiled, "I suppose you know what to do now... you having been doing quite superbly for the last year."

We laughed... the others in the room did too.

The Queen's smile stayed as she turned to Cho...

"Sir Cho... I do not have a special red box for you... I do have an honour which I consider quite important, it does involve some participation for you... You are my choice and with the government's highest recommendation you are named to the Most Honourable Privy Council of the United Kingdom."

She extended her hand to Cho who bowed over it and thanked her for the honour.

"Myself and the government wanted your knowledge of business, science and finance included in their deliberations. They were very pleased after consultations to agree to your naming. I am just as pleased to be able to name you and tell you."

Cho thanked her for the `naming and telling' and he hoped to make a meaningful contribution.

Chani came over taking my hand... a squeeze. Charlie did the same for Popa.

The Queen and her family opposite us... all smiles.

Prince Phillip waved his arm... "Yes... Yes... we have gotten those bits over. Time to sit."

Laughter. Prince Charles near to eye rolling.

Prince Charles and Camilla came close to shake hands with us... Camilla's raised eyebrows and smile... she didn't say anything about the warning... I didn't say it didn't do me any good... still light-headed.

Carter had trays of sherry circulating... I saw Prince Phillip take a sip... his face brightened.

"This is good..." He stood up... his glass raised, "... Well done all."

Smiles as everyone joined in.

Prince Charles close to me said there would be the press release at noon announcing all our doings. He also leaned a bit closer to thank me and Cho for being such admirable people... so giving us honours was not only correct but downright pleasurable... "And in the kingdom's best interests."

Smiling I thanked him.

"The Nobel Peace Prize is one heavy lifter in this amongst your many other successes this year."

I laughed lightly, "Sir, we are being loaded up... so to speak..."

"Mother and I want to help move the aristocracy forward towards more relevance... she knows her doing this aids me when I become King... a precedent set for more.

There will be a number of new hereditary titles announced this afternoon. Mostly younger people from a wide array of fields and backgrounds... Active, positive British people like you and Sir Cho.

This is separate from the usual New Year Honours list of new life peers and knighthoods and other honours.

The Prime Minister has been a leading figure in the effort to make the choices."

A look from me, "Yes, a Labour Prime Minister. He's very involved with the selections so they are people of worth, intelligence, possessing strong ethical values and having a pronounced personal drive to succeed and contribute to the Kingdom's wellbeing. Just as you and Sir Cho are!!"

Prince Charles looking to me, "The Government is looking advance a bill to restructure the House of Lords. Something involving more hereditary peers to sit in the House and possibly a fixed number of Life Peers who can be seated. The Prime Minister wants the Lords to be more in line with the American Senate. A sort of `senior' body that would be more carefully deliberative... also reflecting the Commons numbers."

I wanted to see that proposal!

I said I would have to gently tease Keir Starmer...

Prince Charles laughed, "He is on board with The Queen so only gently."

I said I would be kind. Prince Charles laughed again.

Side-by-side we sipped the sherry... Prince Phillip was quite right it is delicious another triumph for Carter.

I asked later... Lustau Solera los Arcos Dry Amontillado. Those skilled Spanish vintners!!

I finally got to sit...

Her Majesty was sitting with Chani... amazing to see. Prince Charles, Charlie with his Popa standing near the fireplace... Prince Phillip joining them.

Camilla came to sit by my side...

"Your children are quite special. What is your educational plan for them?"

I explained how Tha began everything and Delphine joined us with her skills.

"Cho and I think that the Twins exposure to so many places and people has created a huge wave of curiosity in their already sharp minds..." I laughed, "... they are doing more complex equations now..."

Camilla sat back... "Really? When I told Charles about their doing equations he was staggered."

"Several education specialists recently spent time with them... they are encouraging us to continue as we have been in their learning programme. They are nearly thirty months old, physically as you can see they are above a thirty six months level for size but maybe five years old for physical dexterity.

Those two experts are going to send us some detailed suggestions for their further education. We will see."

I told her what Argyle, Lord Balloch, said about getting them into a university.

Her head shaking... a light laugh.

I leaned a bit closer... "Sometimes Cho and I joke about Midwich Cuckoos."

Camilla laughed, "Fay, that is funny. There's you two... quite smart, forward thinking, gifted physically, hard working... your language skills, Cho's business acumen... you both have common sense and are cool under pressure... those qualities mixed together have created a formidable pair of children."

At my suggestion we walked towards the doors to the Terrace... even in the weak sun the Garden looked wonderful. Pink and white flowers on the many winter flowering shrubs.

"Cho has been placed in physical danger and come through due to his coolness..." I paused, "... I have fired a handgun twice... once in defence of our home and friends, another for my adoptive father and myself... wounding men each time ending the threat."

Her eyes wide on the latter... her hand on my arm.

Camilla, "See... you make my point... you two besides your other talents are physically courageous. That requires thinking as well as doing."

I sipped my wine, "We are the parents of two amazing children... our recognising their gifts will mean we will do our best to maximize their ability to reach their full potential."

She squeezed my arm again with a nodding head.

"Even if they are cuckoos."

We laughed.

I was glad of the alcohol in the sherry to soothe me... getting honours is nerve racking. I don't feel particularly deserving of anything more than I had... I couldn't say `No.'

Like my parents... I believe in the monarchy... it suits our country. Cho feels the same about the Thai monarchy. We have our ups and downs with the institutions, those are usually with the persons in roles rather than their position.

We also have to not put people on pedestals... even Royal folk have feet of clay sometimes. They stumble like the rest of us. Our entire history with the monarchy shows that clearly.

When scumbags like the news-of-the-world under M******** and all the red-top tabloids bribe or corrupt people for inside information... then print it... those `persons in the news who are part of the institution' are hurt... so is the institution. Not that they care a penny.

All for the sake of gaining a bit of money and notoriety. Rather pathetic.

I can't call a halt to everything to get a hold of Cho so we can talk.

It's very odd... now I have FIVE titles... I'm almost clanking like Jacob Marley. Our son is an Earl!! He will be a Marquess!! Too bad the rules forbid Chani from being a Countess with one of the subsidiary titles.

Charlie is going to be a wonderful Earl and Marquess... he shows he cares which is so important to Cho and I... Ah! Maybe the Queen has figured that out.

What is clear Keir Starmer had some considerable things to say about all this... possibly his remark about doing one more thing after he had successfully tossed out the tories with our help has come back to roost?

Another reason to talk to Cho. Damn!

Sunny at my side, she took my hand, a smile, "Fay, it is marvellous. My aunt the Marchioness! A year ago I wouldn't have any idea what a marchioness was."

We laughed.

"You have no idea how jealous my girlfriends will be!!"

"Remind them I am just me regardless of the titles."

A hug!

Carter at the door... Luncheon.

The Dining Room yellow and white. Beautiful yellow flowers of many types; Roses, lilies, Gladiolus, Carnations, button pompoms, daisies all matched with luscious greens. The table cloth blindingly white, slips on the chair backs the same, the silver glistening at each place... The yellow flowered centrepieces looking like floral explosions had happened in a field of white...

Carla's crew had been working hard on this luncheon!! Menu cards from Ellie at each place. I could see our guests... the Royals and their staff people staring... some comments to each other.

Ellie making something beautiful and functional! Most of the menu cards went home with our guests.

We started with Dorset crab in a white wine and butter sauce, a light layer of breadcrumbs.

A small glass of Muscadet Sevre et Maine from Pierre Luneau-Papin called Le L d'Or. Rare and delicious. I could see our guests tasting it... pleasantly surprised...

The main course...

Baked West Wales salmon with honey dill sauce, Rumbledethumps, Glamorgan sausages. Some very beautiful Scottish Morning Rolls, almost too nice to eat unless you caught the aroma, our local butter.

Tastes from Wales, England and Scotland.

Carter... what an amazing wine connoisseur! The Domaine de la Romanee-Conti Romanee-Conti Grand Cru!!!!!!!!! Maybe the world's finest Pinot Noir from the Cote de Nuits, outside of France a lesser known Burgundy region.

A red perfectly made for a rich, flavourful fish like salmon, fresh red-berry flavour, balanced acidity! Subtle herbal taste underneath! Smooth! Smashing!

Cho and I made our pleasure known... Carter an almost twinkling smile with a bow. I saw Prince Charles across the table looking at our interchange... a wide smile and a nodding agreement. He lifted his glass to Cho and I... we returned the gesture.

Everyone clearly enjoying their food! And wine. Charlie and Chani grinning... they liked salmon, the Rumbledethumps was something new. Chani pointed to it with a tummy rub... her seal of goodness!

It was amazing to have them at table with us... such good manners! Tha is a wizard at teaching them!!

The non-meat Glamorgan sausages were going away! A very nice taste combination of Caerphilly cheese and leeks rolled in breadcrumbs, fried and baked. Charlie voted with his fork on that... all gone!

I could see around the table the Morning Rolls were a hit too.

A lovely luncheon!

As we wound down, a bit more of the wine. Prince Phillip smiled, holding his glass up, "Superb! Sir Cho you have an excellent cellar."

I love my guy, "Sir, I do know a fair amount about wine... Carter is a true expert's expert..." Cho held up his glass, "... Thank you Carter!!"

Prince Phillip raised his glass again.

There were Hear... Hear's' for that. Carter bowed to the Prince with a soft Thank you' to Cho!

Dessert... a thick square of yellow and red Battenberg Cake, toasted with scoop of rich vanilla ice cream on top and a narrow wedge of chocolate dipped waffle cone upright in it.

Smiles around the table. Spoons were put to use.

Charlie and Chani... natural dessert aficionados, heartily approved!! Laughter at their expressions of delight.

In the Great Room Her Majesty pronounced the luncheon one of the best she had had in a long while. Cho and I were thanked for the remarkable menu.

"Your cook is exceptional in making ordinary British foods taste delightful. Excellent combinations."

Prince Phillip had enjoyed himself it was obvious.

We sat with coffee then the personalised Christmas balls were put up on the tree. Thank yous for thinking of them.

Those going to the stables could get `wellies' if they wanted. We had an electric cart for Her Majesty and Prince Phillip to make the trip easier. Cho driving.

Camilla beside me walking down, "Fay, I need this walk after your luncheon."

"Me too!"


This stables visit was shorter than last year's... The Queen got to meet Notre Noir and Aroon again now handsome yearlings plus Penelope and Secret Royal and their dams who were pregnant last year.

Secret Royal standing in a paddock with his dam Secret Sea. He's almost ten months old... The Queen put out her hand... the little man walked right up. He is handsome no doubt... Her Majesty said she thought so.

His pedigree loaded with promise. Cho and I hoped for the second coming of his four times great grandsire... he looked the part for sure.

Gil handed me her iPad with a snap of Secret Royal beside one of Secretariat at the same age... identical. The Queen smiling at the snaps... she wished us luck for him to follow his great-grandsire!

We got to introduce much of our staff... the young Montgomery through to Gregory. She remembered Ronnie being with Secret Sea as a `package deal.' Ronnie grinning ear-to-ear thanked Her Majesty.

Sunny introduced the Queen to Prince Sergey and Zephyr. The Queen stroked Prince's neck.

"So much strength in him..."

Sunny said Prince does her proud at every event. His being the finest at Badminton was an incredible thrill for her.

"Young lady don't forget to take the right amount of credit for yourself. Prince Sergey is following your direction."

Sunny smiling agreed as Her Majesty patted her arm.

We told her that Glaa may be here for a time standing stud. She is interested for several mares.

Her Majesty said she remembered how IrishRainbow had impressed her... "All your horses have... Glaa was amazing to watch... his run down the stretch at Ascot... breathtaking!

I just have IrishRainbow in my mind."

Cho smiling to me, "Ma'am, he is retired since the Breeder's Cup races... We can have him stand stud here for a while. He's well enough known to attract attention."

"Sir Cho, if he's here we will want to send a few of our mares to him and Glaa. They are big powerful fellows!"

I said, "Ma'am, he's also been easy to train. Three years ago when we bought him on Kentucky Derby day after he finished eighth... Monaco took him in hand... he was third at the Preakness a few weeks after and second at the Belmont... he learned quickly and improved every race. Since the Preakness three years ago he has only lost to Glaa and Rando."

"Good! Losing to those two is no shame. I like smart horses. They make determined competitors."

Cho, "Your Majesty, they will be here. We will be ready whenever your ladies are."

A big smile on the Queen's face.

"Our mares your Asda covered are doing very well... our stablemaster is cossetting them."

We all laughed at the thought.

Smiling I said, "Ma'am, I can imagine heated leg wraps, electric blankets and extra honey in their oats."

Her Majesty laughed, "Well he probably is not going that far..." A pause, smiling, "... Maybe I should ask?"

More laughter.

Back up to the house. Everyone in their proper shoes. The Twins joined us in the Great Room for goodbyes. We were thanked again for a delightful visit.

A bit of a surprise... Prince Phillip holding my hand, "Lady Harcourt, everything about you says you are suited to your role. It is very nice to see."

I thanked him.

The Twins said goodbye, Her Majesty shook their hands... smiles! Her last words for Sunny... `Keep going, you have many years ahead of you!'

Sunny did a perfect curtsey.

Cho and I on the Forecourt... our farewells. We waved them away.

Cho smiling, a squeeze to my hand, "An Aide said I would be notified when the initiation ceremony would be held for my Privy Council position. It will be at Buckingham Palace in the first week of January."

"Good! We'll all go to be your cheering section."

A kiss!

The cars gone down the drive... Thames Valley Police had some PC's on the Oxford Road for when they came out... Yone said there are village folks waiting to see the Queen when they found out she was here.

Carter smiling, "Your Ladyship, it is marvellous for you. We are all proud for you both. I presumed... Carter2 is gathering the staff in the Great Room."

A fist bump and a hug for him. He and Cho grinning as they shook hands.

The Twins and Sunny beside Cho and I holding our hands... Gil, Chelle, Tha and Delphine behind us... our inside staff in an arc in front of us.

Cho, "Thank you all for your excellent work this day and every day. Her Majesty said she was very pleased with her visit. She likes this house which you all work so hard to maintain at the highest level."

I was smiling, "Each of you make a contribution we appreciate... Her Majesty shows she does too!"

I motioned to the Kitchen staff, Carla out front, "Her Majesty and Prince Phillip thoroughly enjoyed their luncheon. The English-Scots-Welsh character impressed her and Prince Phillip. She complimented your choices and the skill to make them be stand-outs!

Sue and Maxine... the Morning Rolls were awesome... the dessert was a killer!"

I clapped, the family joined in... so did the rest of the staff.

Cho nudged me... motioning to the sideboard where my second red box sat...

"Her Majesty chose to give us new honours and..." my hand squeezing Cho's arm, "... Cho is now a Privy Councillor to Her Majesty..."

Clapping! A few cheers!

Hard for me to toot my own horn, Cho took my hand, "... I have been made a Marchioness..."

Cheering... loud and very happy sounding. Applause!

My further elevation in the aristocracy still amazing to me... I pointed to Cho... they cheered some more.

Cho laughing... a hug and kiss.

"I also got a few other titles... One is local... the Viscountess of Nuneham Courtenay. Charlie..." I knelt down to our son, "... is now Lord Harcourt."

My hand to Chani, a hug. Chani hugged Charlie. Giggling!

Our people cheering and applauding.

Gil said the Palace press release was causing a huge volume of calls and emails.

The press asking about the first marquisate created in close to ninety years!

Gil was asked again to write a press statement... "Can I use last Year's?"

We laughed with a `Yes' but with a few alterations. A thumbs up from her.

I was to sit with the BBC tomorrow so I suppose they'll mention it. Ha!

I looked at my phone many calls and emails... I'll return them later.

One I did read... From Gregor... our deal with Man is renewed. Good... we have helped their sales and ourselves with the video devices in their buses.

We have a greatly enhanced version of the server software ready to roll out in the new year.

The hardware in the buses will get an update via remote control, speedier transmissions via tighter compression, the encryption made faster.

Gregor's email thanked us for continuing to improve the hardware and software... they are very pleased with the new things!!

We walked down to the Outside Staff Lounge... it was filled with Gregory's folks, Phillips' crew and Archie's!

We thanked them for their preparation for the visit. There were shining eyes... The Stables staff were especially pleased as we told them how delighted the Queen had been. She loves to see our horses!

Cho and I, Chani and Charlie with Sunny applauding our marvellous people!! Big smiles, laughing faces!

They knew about our new honours... applauding us. Many thank yous from us.

Monty came up, "M'Lady, thank you for letting me meet the Queen. Mum will be very excited."

We did a fist bump!

Gregory got that IrishRainbow would be coming. A smile at his `command performance.' He would make sure our big brown fellow's presence was known in horse circles around the country. IrishRainbow's victories at Ascot were very widely known and admired.

His record in America was excellent... racing only on turf this year. Unbeaten this racing season until the second place to Rando at the Breeder's Cup.

Glaa didn't need any build-up!!

Walking back up to the house... Gil with her iPhone to her ear... "Kent! He says we should watch Megan at the top of the hour. He sends his congratulations!"

Fifteen minutes! We moved ourselves to the Game Room. Carter2 got Fox News up... commercials.

We all parked on chairs and settees... Chani with me in a chair, Cho and Charlie in another beside us.

Megan's face on the screen, a beautiful woman in a navy Mirabelle suit! We even got a line in the show's credits for supplying her with clothes!!

The Twins clapping and calling out her name!

"This morning in England Queen Elizabeth visited Harcourt House the country home of our Fox CEO's... Lady Harcourt, Fay Martin and Sir Cho.

Lady Harcourt recently was named to the Order of the Thistle, an order of chivalry associated with Scotland. Lady Harcourt mother's family are part of a very old Scots clan.

Our CEO's and their children were in Scotland for the Remembrance Day ceremonies on November the eleventh... the same as Veterans Day in America. Lady Harcourt spoke at two ceremonies.

During today's visit the Queen gave our CEO's some new honours.

Sir Cho is named to Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, an important consultative body which advises the Queen and government on matters of state and has judicial functions. He will join several hundred members in assisting the Queen and the government with their various skills and expert knowledge.

Lady Harcourt herself received a new set of aristocratic titles.

She is now the Marchioness Harcourt... the first new marquisate created since 1936. Her position in the aristocracy is above an earl and just below a duke. She is now one of thirty five persons of that rank and the only woman.

She is also made the Countess Munro of the Black Isle... which is a connection to her Scots family from that area of Scotland in the County of Ross and Cromarty. She has strong family ties there.

Lady Harcourt is also made the Viscountess Nuneham Courtney... which is the village near their home, Harcourt House, in Oxfordshire. Her family has a close relationship to the village and southern Oxfordshire, many links to the people and the land.

Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho are to go to Oslo in a few days to accept the Nobel Peace Prize... one of many awards for their world-wide projects they have received this year.

The couple known for business acumen, high ethical standards and philanthropy are the parents of twins. Their son Chati, known as Charlie, is now Lord Harcourt and Viscount Munro as male children use their parent's subsidiary titles.

The Most Honourable Lady Chanthira is their daughter. Chani does not have any further titles according to the rules of the British aristocracy.

Queen Elizabeth has twice now granted aristocratic titles to Fay Martin so maybe there is more than a brief wind of change blowing from the British Royal family.

Everyone here offers their congratulations and best wishes to Lady Harcourt, Sir Cho and their children!"

Well that was nice! Megan's looks still attracting considerable interest, her voice has lost a bit more of the Southern accent which wasn't very strong to begin with.

Charlie and Chani giggling over having heard their names mentioned on TV.

Chani holding my hand. Charlie came to me for a hug.

Carter2 looking at his iPhone...

"M'Lady... Sir Cho... the BBC is announcing new peerages being given by the Queen."

Cho, "Please switch us over to them."

Carter2 had the BBC up...

A good looking gray haired fellow on the screen.

"To re-cap... This from Buckingham Palace in the last hour...The Queen has granted five new Letters Patent creating hereditary peers after being at Harcourt House today."

He named them. A baroness, a Viscountess who I had met in Edinburgh, Fiona Camran, two Viscounts and an Earl.

"For Queen Elizabeth this is an extraordinary event. Last December she recognised the contributions to the Kingdom by Lady Harcourt by ennobling her as Countess Harcourt of Oxford. Earlier today Buckingham Palace announced Lady Harcourt's elevation to a Marquisate. She is now Marchioness Harcourt.

Lady Harcourt received two other titles... she is now the Countess Munro of the Black Isle and Viscountess Nuneham Courtenay.

A burst of aristocratic activity we haven't seen before in the Queen's reign. According to our Parliamentary correspondents the Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, has been involved in choosing the new peers which from a Labour Prime Minister has to be considered unusual.

The actions of Lady Harcourt in the past year could only have encouraged Her Majesty. Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho will go to Oslo next week to accept the Nobel Peace Prize for their crucial part in ending a protracted guerrilla war in southern Thailand.

Our Len Copley is to sit with Lady Harcourt tomorrow at Harcourt House for an interview to be broadcast on Sunday."

He went to other announcements saying he'd be back with biographical information on the five new peers.

Cho grinning, "So some of the heat will be deflected."

We laughed.

I explained to the Twins other people were getting new titles like me. Chani said that is nice for them. Fist bump with Charlie.

I saw Gil's face, she leaned over to me giggling, "I've ordered new stationary, business cards, etc.. for you and Cho."

I laughed, "No grass growing."

Cho looking over, he laughed out loud hearing Gil's news.

Gil giggling more, "I even got the post nominals right!"


I asked Gil to email Fiona Camran with our congratulations. Fist bump.

My iPhone buzzing, Argyle. "Congratulations, Fay. Her Majesty is coming out of her shell. It is quite good for the Kingdom.

I want to set a day for your re-introduction to the Lords so your voice is not dimmed."

"So you mean just the ceremony is all?"

"Yes, you know ancient protocol and all that."

"That means my robe has to be changed... When?"

"How about the morning of the seventh?"

I motioned to Gil... she looked and nodded.

"That will do. I'll be in town. The nuclear debate still likely to be going?"

"Yes probably. We will slot you in before it gets going again."

I thanked him for thinking of me.

He laughed, "I was also thinking of the House... you are too entertaining to miss."

Loud laughter by us.

Goodbyes were light-hearted.

Cho had a grin hearing Argyle's comment. I got a kiss.

The babies had taken off to change.

Cho holding me by the Game Room door, I turned to Gil.

"Please get my parliamentary robe to Ede and Ravenscroft, have them add the half bar. Tell them I need it for the morning of the seventh."

Thumbs up. She'd call Ede and Ravenscroft now then Clough. A thumbs up for her.

There is a swim period... Tha's `clock' had long run out of the hour of waiting. I sat on a lounge away from the shallow end to return calls.

The babies cheering... laughing as Popa did some tossing. Jaidee on the edge he jumped in... Cho as a breakwater for babies blocking the splash.

Charlie giggling did ball tosses for Jaidee. Chani and I on a lounge watching Cho and Charlie do a short bit of `keep-away' with tennis ball. Jaidee got the ball on an errant throw by Charlie. Cascades of laughter.

Calls from friends and returned calls... Mac... laughing he said it is wonderful to have me at the same rank. "Argyle is a good friend and he likes you because you are an excellent member.

You and I are making a good team."

I blew him an `imaginary' kiss.

Ashover was thrilled... a `well deserved' honour.

"Fay, it will be my honour to give you a bow."

I thanked him.

Terrance, Alexander, Cecil, others.

Susanne, "Fay, the Queen is fond of you which is easy to understand. You and Cho involved in so many projects that benefit the Kingdom."

I thanked her, "We are also having fun!"


Eric and Malee on speaker on their side... "Fay, there doesn't seem to be a ceiling for you."

"I suppose there is one but it is up to Her Majesty for this sort of a thing."

Anne was rarin' to go for Christmas... "Ours too! All our trappings are up... adding to the interest!"

They asked if our Father Christmas is going to be there?

"For ours... Father Christmas is known to be a nice fellow but the job he does doesn't wash for them."

They were laughing, "Anne wants to see Father Christmas at yours... she doesn't care about any others."

"Ah... we've spoiled her."

More laughter, "Once a year at her age... who knows."

I said we were looking forward to them all being here. I reminded them about swimming costumes.

Reg and Rona on a conference call... they were very happy for us. Rona, "The Queen giving you honours surely does her no harm!"

I laughed, "I don't know how much the red boxes cost... they are very nice... I have a collection now."

More laughter.

MFA excited about Christmas at ours. They got the Twins also!

I called Dee and Craig... they were excited for us. A greater role for Cho! Me... I was becoming a star in heaven... We all laughed when I said I was a bit too connected to earth for that.

The Thistle had been wonderful... now I was a Countess for their very own part of Scotland. Rising their beloved Black Isle's profile around Great Britain.

Christmas is going to be great!

Hélène calling... "Fay, doing a curtsey for you will be a pleasure."

I thanked her.

"I know you are busy with Christmas we are looking forward to seeing you the week after. Is Dalton coming?"

"Yes. He wants to spend time with the helicopters. Our son and his boy coming too."

"Not the girls?"

"We didn't want to overburden you."

"Bring'em on! We've room and I'll find some trouble for them."

Hélène laughing said it will be done.

Returning calls to America later.

A bit surprised to get a call from Oz.

`Fay, if I may still call you that... I amazed and pleased for you. Her Majesty has a good eye for choosing people to give honours to... you and Cho are the best of us."

I thanked him for the compliments.

"I understand your folks were WOW'd by Lordsburg?"

"Oh yes indeed! They liked your facilities... the combat course stopped them in their tracks! The drones... they were like kids in a candy store talking about it all.

We are interested... now of course we have to get the money. To show the Prime Minister how good they are... can you fly one into Number 10's back garden?"

We laughed, "We can... I'm surely not sanguine about the response of Starmer's protection folks."

More laughing.

"If it helps we can do a demo for him or his people."

"I'll make a start on the process and see what comes before asking for anything else."

We rang off with Happy Christmas!

The Sci-Fi ringtone... Hillary.

"Fay, the Queen is a sharpie. She knows you two are wonderful publicity team for the monarchy and aristocracy even if you are outside it sometimes."

"Did you see what else she did today?"

"Yes, I spoke to Keir Starmer two days ago. He mentioned the other peerages but did not let slip your... as your friend said... your promotion."

"Prince Charles said he's up to his neck in the business so I'm going to gently tease him... being a Labour man and all."

"What I got was it was a joint effort by the Queen and himself."

"He made an oblique comment after the election when we helped him a bit... he thanked us several times and said he would do it only one more time."

"Well your chickens came home to roost. And it was a lot more than a bit! He owed you!"

We laughed.

I asked her thoughts about the border wall for Laos and Myanmar.

"What you sent was excellent. If those countries commit to making their military resources available it can be done sooner and at a lower cost. I have the Secretary of State working on it. Great Britain and France are in... so is Japan! I'd like to see Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand in too."

"Yes! Another to try is Canada... an outside possibility is Germany."

Hillary added, "From our standpoint the more the merrier."

She said there is progress. "With the documents Narong sent plus your father's little bit of fun really adds punch."

"Dad was rather funny about it. The idea of watching criminals do bad things from a distance tickled him."

"That is exactly why this will fly... no boots on the ground just investment via your company so we all can be assured the money will be spent properly and to full effect."

I thanked her for the compliment... "We can see a fairly tight border leaving the Chinese to deal with their own issues to the utter delight of many."

"Your Security Service's assessment of China is thought-provoking. We have seen some movement to deal with the real estate mess... tepid to this point perhaps more to come. The banking sector is so tied up with the real estate fraud.

Our Federal Reserve Chairmen tells me they think what the Chinese banks should do is write-off the truly uncollectable loans, refinance the other under-performing ones and accept the losses. It would be a bloodbath for them but they would get out from under their mess, be stable and have a certain level of acceptance by world banking circles which they lack now."

"Sound advice... can you see Yi and his comrades biting that bullet?"

"Frankly not the whole package... some but temporising only makes it go on sliding down albeit at lower velocity. This is one of those things where you have to go whole hog to solve the problems."

"Cho and I talked about it... that is our opinion. Losing face in such a public way... across the world... is a bitter pill... Not doing something drastic to us could mean economic disaster... anarchy in China and the overthrow of the Peoples Republic... at a minimum the current leadership would have to go... anyone coming to power would have to make the changes anyway."

Hillary agreed.

Me, "It is quite ironic that the Chinese Communists have placed themselves in jeopardy trying to emulate capitalism but they have even more corruption than usually accompanies an unfettered economy."

A laugh from Hillary, "I doubt Mao Zedong would be happy to hear that."

More laughing.

She and Bill looking forward to their stay with us. Puan is having a blast being part of their family.

"She's well behaved, enjoys her housemate and Bill's ball tossing on the South Lawn."

We wished each other a `Happy or Merry' Christmas.

Gil came into the pool room... straight to me. "The BBC have been on about their timing, setup, etc... I told them the house was ready. They have the Security Service number to call to be admitted. I understand the technical folks will arrive first then Mr. Copley."

I shrugged... nothing for me to do.

I called Dad... he and Phailin were very proud of us! The Queen giving us such honours is proof what we have been doing is right... our causes noble.

"Fay, the local press widely covered it... very laudatory."

The business of the Army and politics is moving ahead... Somchair is not sitting on his hands. He trusts you."

"That is good for Thailand."

"I spoke to the Prince, he's a fan of yours... I could hear the excitement in his voice. I think the Prince knows you two only want the best for the country."

"There excitement here but very low key... no hopping up and down. Cho is likely in for some work... the Privy Council is not a sinecure. I did let folks know I wasn't going to become a shrinking violet now I had a much higher rank."

"Well no one with any sense would think that of you!"

We laughed. They were keen for Christmas to start like the babies.

"Not long now!"


I called Kanda, Thoi is in court today. He's advising in a case.

"Fay, we love hearing the Queen likes you two. She's being quite smart to follow up on the success of your being a Countess. I can see she took a risk... not too large... on the reaction by the public and yourselves last year.

You and Cho certainly rewarded her."

"We are doing what we do... if it helps her towards a goal we have no problem with it. The one thing which has come from it is my name is disappearing."

"Oh... I can see that. You are "lady' this or that not Fay."

"It is an odd thing."

She and Thoi were READY to go for Christmas!

"Us too!"

We rang off with love.

An incoming call surprised me... Narong!

"Prime Minister..."

"Fay, congratulations to you both. I know Cho's new honour is not as flashy as yours but the Privy Council is an important post."

"It is! Cho is interested to find out what they may have in store for him. He does his initiation January Fourth."

"Someone as smart as Cho will be wanted to do a lot I am sure."

I said Cho was assuming so.

Narong understood we would be going back to the south on our return to Thailand, we have been invited to address the Assembly.

He is pleased we agreed, "The Assembly is doing the work we hoped it would. So far it is quite a success. You setting them up in a new building was quite exciting to hear. It shows them you have not lost sight of them. Very generous way to maintain a link."

"Something needed to be done... it is good luck to find an existing building we could use. Faster getting it going for them."

We would try to get together to review the border wall initiative progress when we are in Bangkok.

He wished us all a Happy Christmas!

More calls... the ones in America I'd do after dinner. Many emails had been replied to... more to do.

I read the two education specialists recommendations for the Twins... not much! They thought what we were already doing is marvellous. Their suggestions included expanding the subjects the Twins were learning. They knew a classroom situation is not in the near future.

A validation of our approach... not a lot more.

I dropped the folder on Cho's desk.

Cleaned up in blue skinny jeans, a blue crop T-shirt and Arline's Ivory cable knit cardigan, ankle height brown Uggs. I went down to see how the gamers were doing.

I stepped in... the men all stood... Jerrold bowed, "Your Ladyship, the Queen has done a great thing!"

I thanked him and the others when they agreed.

Greg smiling, "I'm just an American outside of all this except it is rather nice to have a high ranking aristocrat in the family... you know `my sister-in-law the Marchioness' and all that."

The room laughed.

Carl bowed, "Your Ladyship it is an honour to work in this house."

I shook his hand thanking Carl for being so nice. I squeezed down on that hand, "Don't be nice..." My other hand pointing to the game table.

He laughed, "No M'Lady, I will be ruthless."

The men all laughing.

The Streets of Stalingrad laid out. I liked the map, it was cleaned up some from my version. The thin clear plastic sheets laid over flatten the map board sections and could be written on with a china marker and wiped off. They were sorting the unit pieces and getting a start on the initial setup.

I was thanked for buying them this game and the plastic sheets. I leaned over the mapboard. Everything was crystal clear through the plastic.

"Gentleman, I enjoyed my first game at ten years of age... solo. I am pleased you get together to play as a group... it has to be much more fun.

So who is doing what to whom?"

They laughed, Mr. Hardy as his first book tour is ending today is to be the German commander. Greg is be to the Russian supremo. He laughed when I asked if changing sides will bring luck.

Jerrold's teaching colleagues had heard the tale of last year's contest... they were to be Germans in this new game so Greg's luck changing is not desired. Laughter.

Jerrold is a Russian this time... looking forward stopping the German advance.

Greg pointed to the Lou Zocchi game. His is a slightly updated version.

"Fay, your notes are great! I made a copy for me. The idea that the French Paras units can be hidden by that side is a terrific add-on."

Smiling, "There is of course history behind that... the French bases were watched by Viet Minh supporters... especially the airfields... they could see the Paras mounting up for some kind of operation and they could see the direction of flight of the troop carriers. They passed it on. The French did catch on and flew in the wrong direction until they were out of sight then turned for their destination."

Greg smiling, "We can't ever disregard people's inventiveness."

We laughed.

The gamers were interested in this older game... it is basically a two player... they could come and use mine for a short bit of entertainment.

I said I'd be down every now and then to see the progress of the game.

Jerrold thanked me for the refreshment table. I warned them all against eating too many cookies... "They could dull your senses."

Much laughter.

I waved as I was leaving... sending `Good Luck' to both sides.

Gil at the top of the stairs said the first of our next group of guests is just landing at Chalgrove.

I changed to my Munro Modern mini-skirt outfit.

Cho and I waiting as the cars doors are opened. Sydney and Sylvia out first. Hugs and cheek kisses. Sam and Beverly!! Looking good. Raymond's crowd going to Valerie's family this year.

Tom and Elinor...Tom still marvelling at the house. Elinor much less shy, a big smile.

Sasha handed Riley out to me from the car seat... I said hi to him... a big smile... I got a `Hi' from him. Roundell laughing as he took Riley, "He has a thing for pretty women."

Robbie and Sal. They were tanned... their Florida house! Sal sleek in a long coat and boots.

Wally and Dolly, young Walter the 4th looking all around... Cho the baby magnet had him.

Monaco. A hug and handshake. I walked in arm-in-arm with him.

Gil, "Fay the next aircraft is on the ground."

I kissed her cheek.

Coats off they were all at the Great Room doors... Conrad and Kendal with smiles pulling the doors open... Aaaaaahhhhhh's Ooooohhhhh's.

Inside The Twins called out `Happy Christmas.'

The crowd moved forward. Hugs for the Twins. Riley and Wally4 on the carpet getting around Okay. Chani and Charlie sitting with several grown-ups to talk.

Cho and I back out front... Thayer `hopped' out the car! We laughed. A hug and cheek kiss for him. Damn he looked good!

Jack and Ellice smiling. Ellice's arm around me walking in... She said the house still astonished her.

"It is becoming a home we spend a lot of at with me needing to be at the Lords."

These three had the same reaction when the Great Room doors opened for them. A much bigger welcoming committee for them.

They waded in.

Carter had Taittinger's and Shirley Temples circulating. We toasted for a wonderful holiday season for us all!

From me, "Dinner tonight is casual. Tomorrow is the dress up dinner with some local guests."

I sat beside Sal, speaking to everyone, "In morning the BBC is going to be here for an interview. We'll be in the Library... I know Cho wants to take some money off golfers foolish enough to bet against his game..." Loud laughing... Tom saying `little chance of that.' Cho telling me not to give it all away... much more laughter. "... Those who want to go sightseeing in Oxford... Gil will take you. There's a good lunch spot we go to.

Gregory is ready for you all to see our Stables... so you can walk down whenever."

Standing, "Breakfast is in the usual manner, I'll be out riding."

I stood up, "Anything you need please ask."

Sasha, "See I told you she wouldn't say anything. Fay, don't be too self-effacing we want to hear about your gongs!"


Sasha looking around... "I mean... gongs is the right word?"

The room laughing.

I went to the red box on a sideboard... lifting the lid.

"It says here I am now a Marchioness... a new promotion as Sylvia so aptly put it last year."

Clapping and laughing. Sylvia raised her hands clasped together above her head. The loud laughter bouncing off the walls!

"Her Majesty is being very generous. A few things will change... Cho is a Privy Counsellor which a big thing over here. He will have some events to take part in through the year. Knowing Cho they will want him to be active.

Charlie..." I leaned over to kiss him... giggles, "... is now Lord Harcourt. Chani is no longer the "Right Honourable' she is now the Most Honourable' as am I. Cho is The Right Honourable' due to the Privy Council thing."

More champagne! Thayer stood, "To Fay and Cho whatever they are called over here... in America we call them friends."

Cheers. Cho and I bowed to much laughter.

Conversations starting around the room.

Bottles prepared for our youngest guests. Mom's sat with us feeding them.

Chelle bent close, "Fay, the Russian NGO's sent an email explaining what they are doing with the money you and Cho gave them."

I squeezed her arm, "Does it look good?"

"Yes! They are providing varied forms of welfare... food, shelter, cash, trying to arrange work and schools. They included some snaps of events and people they are working with who look pretty happy."

"Thank them for us and have Gil send them another ten million £'s."

A big grin on that pretty face, a hug.

Carter at the doors. We gathered ourselves. Our staff had left the dining room as it had been... beautiful!

Everybody loved it. I made sure Sal sat in the place where the Queen had been... just a gag over her sitting on the settee last year wondering if anything would rub off on her. The whole crowd laughed! Sal did a fist in the air.

We had a terrific dinner. At the end Twins grinning as the Spoom is placed in front of them. A white chocolate Bombe Glacée on the plate.

Afters in the Great Room. I went into the Library to make a few more calls.

Kent liked my joke about the BBC `scooping' them on their interview with me although it had been planned for several months.

"Fay, when I heard about the five new peers I remembered when you said earlier this year the Queen might be moving things along... it came true."

"Off the record?" I got a yes. "Prince Charles says his mother is doing these things on purpose to make it possible for him to continue later to advance the aristocracy to more relevance.

It is likely a bill will come from Labour on House of Lords reform. You might talk to Zachary upstairs at the Daily News to see if Teresa Wright, their London correspondent, has anything on that."

"I will. So you know ahead of time we will have a team in Oslo."

"Okay. I guess I better check my makeup."

"Right as if you wear much. Our studio guest prep folks downstairs were amazed by you."

I laughed.

He congratulated Cho and I again as we rang off.

Bill... He's astonished at the Queen and very happy for us. We talked some on the coming 21st Century Fox corporate meeting here after Christmas. Tillie looking forward to it.

Our numbers were excellent, personnel working at the top line. Advertising full on every show with quality companies, our rates at the top of the industry scales. The future? Likely even better!

A few others... back to our guests.

I said `sorry' I had quite a few emails and calls to do.

Sasha asked how many emails I got... maybe a hundred.

I got a `is that all?' look. "I don't share my personal email with many people." I motioned to Gil and Chelle who were inhabiting a chair together... big grins. "... Gil and Chelle get some of mine that is screened. Arlette who you will meet at Cowley House gets most of the local screened ones."

The littlest ones had gone up earlier... Charlie and Chani rubbing Jaidee.

I sat down to join in. A warm brown puppy, back from the breeder wearing a new red bow on his collar. The babies small fingers going through his hair.

Everyone laughing about the BBC thing... they know it isn't a favourite thing for me.

I stroked Pamela's nose... nickers, she is ready. Gaby up on Roland, Tara on Gough. Down the grassy lane to the Flats... up the slope. A big warm up necessary... a cold morning. Heavy frost! White edges on the grass and plants! A bit of sun making the frost sparkle!!

A wonderful gallop to the lock. The lock man bowing with a big grin. I waved. Roy away with Angie.

Over the river... a few workmen just arriving at the Masjid. We waved to them. Out Barton Lane, under the railroad tracks up towards Lower Radley. Lights on in the milking barn, Terry working. A couple of cows coming out. Up past Jerrold's house into the woods. We came out of the north end of the woods turning right to the first bridge then the lock.

My favourite lockman smiling, "Good morning, Your Ladyship."

I returned that and waved.

I steered us away from Mr. Hardy's... I knew he would have come in late from his tour. He'd up to the house later. Game time!

Pamela and Roland whinnied when they saw the gate... Okay let's go' Off rushing across the grass heading to the river path... SPEED! Pamela soaring... Roland close, Gough close to him.

Riding like the wind across the prairie. The several miles were terrific.

We crossed the property line in full gallop... slowing to a walk at the foot of the lane. We turned our horses for some cool down.

Andy and Monty waiting, big smiles. Monty smiling, "Yes M'Lady, more walking."

We all laughed.

Monty smiling..."My mum... she said to say thank you to you for my being able to meet the Queen. I am amazed... she is over-the-top happy for me."

A fist bump!

I am first in the Breakfast Room! Eggs, veggie sausages, tomatoes. Fin set a toast rack down for me, Carter2 poured the coffee.

Lucas at the door, "M'Lady, the BBC technicians have arrived."

I thanked him.

Carter2 said he'd go to see what they needed in the Library.

Gil bounced in smiling, "Fay, the new computers for Radley Primary will be delivered today. Software installed including productivity, protection and backup so they'll be up right away. At the school the Oxford Computer Store folks will get them on the school network and put in what login credentials the school wants. The computer store folks will move data, bookmarks, etc... They'll be up and running."

Fist bump!

Carter came in, he asked if I could come down to his office after breakfast. I said I would in a few minutes.

Cho and the Twins arrived with quite a few others so I made way and walked downstairs. Not before some hugs and kisses. A `special' kiss from Cho after a night of some considerable passion... a personal celebration of the previous day!!

Carter rose from his chair as did a slender young woman near my height... nice face, a bit of rose in her cheeks and a ponytail. He introduced Laurel... he is hiring her as a Footman. I looked at him... a smile breaking out.

"M'Lady, Sir Cho has given permission for another footman. Laurel is qualified for the job in every respect but one... the `man' part."

I was smiling rather broadly at that point.

"Laurel, you must be up to the work or Carter wouldn't have gone ahead... what about the inevitable teasing?"

A smile, "M'Lady, I have a thick skin and I can give as good as I get."

A handshake for her.

"If you are aware and want to go forward I am pleased to welcome you to our home."

A big smile on her face.

Turning to Carter, "You will have the extra burden of explaining Laurel to the others."

"M'Lady, I have been given a decided advantage... Laurel is Conrad's niece."


"M'Lady, I am strong, a good worker... I am up to the challenge."

"Your uncle is a valued member of staff. Again... Welcome."

Another handshake.

Carter positively grinning at that.

"M'Lady, Laurel will start this afternoon after settling in her room and getting uniforms."

I thanked him, smiling to Laurel, my hand on her arm, "I am glad you are breaking the barrier."

Another huge smile.

Looked in at the Wargame Room... Mr. Hardy sitting by himself scanning the mapboard. He heard my deliberate foot scraping... He stood to bow...

"Your Ladyship... my congratulations. Her Majesty likes you!"

We shook hands. I sat beside him.

"It seems she does... I guess the only way to stop her is to not invite her to visit."

He laughed, "She might just come anyway."

Smiling, "She might at that."

"This is a monster game with challenging game turn mechanics. The guys said they did several hours of playtesting and they have the routine down. We have talked about what I want to happen... we'll see how fast we lose control.

The weather to start will favour the Germans... we'll also have the initiative so they'll be reactive.

My plan is to be patient when committing reserves because if they are in the wrong place moving is going to be a time problem. I want to keep mobile units close the front line to take advantage of any exposed Russian flanks. The attacks must be crafted so we don't leave any gaps for them."

"Well see the big picture... punish them wherever you can to thin their units... they do not have unlimited human resources."

A handshake... "Go get'em!" We laughed.

I went to the front hall as several men were escorted in. Len Copley and his producer. The technical director arrived earlier with the staff.

They introduced themselves... both bowing.

"Lady Harcourt, quite the outfit... did you want to..." A question on their faces.

"I am going up to change now."

I asked Lucas when he was done with their outer clothes to show them to the Library.

"Yes, M'Lady."

Copley seemed a bit nonplussed by the house... then dazed by the Great Room. Grinning inside I left them to it.

A new suit from Mirabelle New York. Fire engine red frock two inch straps over my shoulders, bare arms, a scoop bodice, slender torso, the hem at my upper thigh, four narrow pleats on each hip, a flat front and back. A narrow belt covered in the same fabric. The matching jacket with two gold buttons, long sleeves.

Very pale stockings and black Louboutin heels. Cho's black onyx set with the Cho' gold band on my left wrist. Red lips and nails. Joy'

In my mirror... looking good, sexy. Might as well give the BBC their money's worth.

Cho knocked, his head sticking in... eyes wide... "Now that's an outfit!"

We laughed.

"Not too much for the old `Beeb?' Hhhmmm."

"No... you'd best be doing your most discreet leg crossing technique."

More laughter.

Cho is taking the golfers off. They'd lunch there.

Our women guests going to Oxford, Gil their guide. Lunch at No. 1 Ship Street.

I went down to the Great Room... Len Copley sitting by the fireplace waiting with his producer. They stood up when I entered.

"Do I clean up well enough?"

A bit of a choke, "Yes Your Ladyship. A handsome look."

We sat... Len gave me what topics he wanted to cover. They were looking for approximately ninety minutes to be edited down to an hour show. Okay. They went ahead to the Library.

Carter2, "M'Lady, we have moved a few things away. They wanted to do more but I did not permit it."

I thanked him.

Looking in the Library... they were set for me to be on a settee, Len Copley in a chair, two cameras aimed at my spot, one on Copley, lighting stands.

A make up lady had a look at me... a smile, "M'Lady, You know you've left me almost no work."

I smiled, "I'm not an expert... just doing what I think looks good."

"M'Lady, you are doing fine. Maybe just a bit of powder on your forehead because of the bright light."

She applied some powder, very softly.

I sat on the settee, it has an upright back so I could sit back against it feet on the floor. Testing... I crossed my legs... the skirt stayed down, a silky sound.

I thought I saw Len Copley's Adam's apple bounce. Being naughty has its rewards... Mr. Copley is on his back foot.

He started with the Section 230 lawsuit. He introduced the topic saying it had made a huge change in the internet.

I gave précis of why we went forward. Regardless of the many nay-sayers the principle is turning out to be valid... changes are happening for the better. Websites can reduce their exposure to lawsuits by being good citizens. A good deal of rubbishy comments no longer are posted... people's lies will come home to roost which infuriates the neo-fascist rightwing nuts since lies are their only weapon.

He asked why the settlement was so small after we asked for a billion dollars.

"We sought to change the manner in which websites did business not to punish one particular offender. No one should have to put up with scurrilous lies being posted.

Hillary Clinton is a perfect example. The republicans in America in concert with the then M********* owned Fox News produced a stream of falsehoods attempting to elect an infamous liar and hitler lover and wannabe dictator as president.

Our investor group purchased the 21st Century Fox Corporation to return honest journalism to the airwaves. Without the corrupt Fox News supporting them the republicans were soundly trounced.

Fox News is one of the world's most trusted sources for a true account of the days events.

All those lying tweets and comments on webpages defamed Hillary were encouraged by the old Fox lying repeated in their news shows and their commentators scurrilous noisy guests.

All of what they said was constantly repeated on the internet... the perfect echo chamber for lies.

A sweeping change of character has taken place... people and websites are responsible for what is posted."

Copley asked about our other lawsuits, were we litigious?

"Actually we have sued very few companies, only those for which we had cause. You may note all our lawsuits have been successful, we happen to be in the right. If you balance those few lawsuits against the scale of our enterprises they pale to insignificance.

The difference is the attention drawn in the news to our actions... we do make news which sells newspapers and TV advertising."

I laughed, "Even for our own."

Copley did too.

The NewsGroup was next...

"Now that you and Sir Cho own more newspapers than anyone ever has... what will you do with that power?"

Smiling, "We tell all our CEO's, Publishers and Editors the same thing... find the news, investigate it, write it, edit it and publish. They know from our lips if they do all those honestly, fairly, ethically they are doing what we want.

We never interfere with content.

It is the job of the people at those news organisations to do the work so we hire the best people to do it.

We have such a scale of operation that to micro-manage anyone is to diminish our ability to see the larger picture... we are strategic not tactical.

Another feature of our style is we know people will make mistakes... we want those errors to be owned honestly so we can make corrections to prevent a re-occurrence. If an error happened and it is the fault of a lack of training we will own that because we believe education is fundamental to success."

"You have done some high profile personnel dismissals... how has that worked out?"

I went into how our research underpins decision-making... we make decisions armed with facts and thoughtful consideration.

"We had at first a single primary researcher, he has been augmented by a team that is growing. They research people, places and things. From building dossiers on individuals to technology to real estate... they have a wide ranging remit. They look at trends in business, property, banking, science and more... Cho and I like to be ahead of the curve."

Len nodding...

"We have replaced individuals at the top levels of several large newspaper chains we purchased. Those people were not doing the job as we wanted although what we wanted was clearly spelled out for them.

Our new managers at those companies are doing terrific work! Circulation rising, advertising space spiking up and their workers are energised. Some remarkable improvements!"

The trend in newspapers...

"Cho and I are readers. We think it can be the most enriching form of information intake for humans. We do not believe we are alone in that opinion.

Our newspapers are rewarding our initiatives... the staffs are working hard to put out a good newspaper... finding important stories and working them hard.

We gave them incentives... proper pay, more resources, improved working conditions, other benefits. In return we asked them to work at their highest level... the response is obvious. The Day in Seattle a newspaper we created from the ground up won a Polk Award, a Peabody and Pulitzer Prize in its first year of operation. A unique and spectacular accomplishment!! Besides those awards The Day is now the largest selling newspaper in Seattle overtaking a long established competitor.

The Day in Los Angeles, like it's Seattle sister, has passed the Los Angeles Times. Our two West Coast newspapers run by excellent publishers with marvellous reporters directly challenged older entrenched competitors winning over readers by reporting the news clearly, doing follow-ups and having a progressive style which dares to remind readers America's greatness came from the variety of people who came to those shores.

It should also be a reminder to Britons how we have benefitted from the diverse peoples of the Empire who came to live here and contribute to our nation in so many ways.

The Pew Research Centre's recent report on the newspaper business stated clearly our newspapers were bucking the trend... leading a resurgence of print journalism."

The Company!

Smiling, "The Company has always been an advanced technology business. We have put it on steroids in several fields... the software and hardware to monitor railroad shipments is without doubt the best in the world. It quite literally sells itself. The two largest railroad systems in America are users as is The Railroad in Thailand. We also have many other clients around the world... the list is rising.

New ventures such as water management are based in the sophisticated sensors and cameras we have developed. Some are off-shoots from the railroad devices we created. They are married to new remote control processes created by The Company.

Climate change has altered weather patterns around the world, tropical nations can no longer count on bountiful rains to fall at appropriate times of the year. They must conserve water as strange as that seems. Often those same countries do not have enormous sums of money to hand to spend on large scale projects. Our skill is in providing automation so smaller dams and reservoirs will fill their need rather than constructing massive disruptive highly expensive dams."

Copley was going on but... "There is a new company which is a spin-off from The Company... Solar-To-Go. It is based in London... it makes solar panels and software to control them. We have a strong research programme inside Solar-To-Go developing new means of capturing the sun's energy to generate much more power.

We install solar panels wherever we can on our homes and businesses, our security uses them to be independent of external power supplies in case of emergencies.

We signed a large contract with the Iranian Energy Ministry to sell them solar panels and we are jointly building two plants to manufacture the panels in Iran. Iran has oil reserves but they recognise the danger to earth's climate of burning fossil fuels. Inexpensive but efficient solar power generation is now a major goal for them."

We have three manufacturing centres... Bangkok, Dartford and El Segundo. Our basic panels are build at each location. Solar-To-Go is expanding in those places with a new manufacturing facility that will make our next generation of solar collectors.

Shelters were next. He got an earful about families who toss away their children because they are gay.

"Cho and I believe every life can have value... not to realise that is ignorance. It is our differences which make us stronger... we have to take into account someone else's situation which should cause one to reflect upon oneself.

The young people who come to our shelters are quite often above average in intelligence, who seek a new life and most importantly education... we give them security, shelter and opportunity to pursue their goals.

The potential stored in these youngsters is unbelievable as is the thought it might be wasted.

Living on the streets is difficult even for hardened adults... for teenagers is very dangerous and soul destroying. LGBTQ teens are the most vulnerable."

I gave Copley plenty more to work with on parents and family plus the bigots who hate because they feel threatened because of their own inadequacies. I was explicit that our shelters would accept any young people... we weren't an exclusively LBGTQ oriented foundation... it is simply those young people have a greater need.

Our R&R scheme... I gave the history, the mechanisms and what our plans are for the future. I mentioned a few locations in general saying at any moment there are thousands of our employees out there doing fun things.

"This is an internal operation... I do not want to talk specifics except to say it is wildly popular with our employees!"

Horse racing... I laughed, "Well Cho is the proper person to speak to Harcourt Racing."

Copley finally getting his feet, "Just a few questions."

I motioned him on.

"You win every race you enter... it seems impossible to believe your horses are so much better than the entire racing world. Is there some technique you can share?"

Laughing, "I can tell you why but sharing doesn't appear to be possible. The `why' is Monaco. He is simply the best trainer working. We send him excellent horses with quality pedigrees... he makes them winners.

As you said we win all our races... that attracted attention two years ago... in America, the states of New York, California, Florida and Kentucky all conducted investigations into our racing establishment.

All their findings said our stables are the best run, most open and above board they had ever seen. They added we had given them total access to every facet of our stables, any location at any time. We only asked for those people coming in abide by our Security rules in identifying themselves and maintain proper conduct on our premises. We did not interfere in any way.

They can come back whenever... we made that plain. They have and their opinion of our racing establishment remains the same.

It comes down to Monaco being a skilled and forward thinking trainer. Careful and precise in giving instruction, an excellent judge of people and horses.

Our jockeys are at the top of their game... they ride for other trainers and usually win for them."

I added except for my general knowledge Cho or Monaco were the best people to ask.

South Thailand... Why did we get involved? What got us started?

"Cho's family has owned land in the south for four generations. It is a large scale timber business that Cho had not been to visit for many years... it was an unstable situation. His managers onsite told him it was best he did not come down. Even though Cho is known as an excellent employer, treating his workers properly in pay and working conditions... it was a volatile area.

Cho had good people so the business prospered. Now that there is peace we made a trip to see the timber business and visit the Southern Assembly.

Timber company is expanding, new land, more workers, new equipment. Several local towns will be impacted by our workers living there, spending money, growing the possibilities for more people in the south to benefit.

Our thinking was if Cho cannot go there then it has to be too dangerous for the people to live there. We felt we needed try to make something happen to break the cycle of violence.

We used our resources to speak to both sides... in the south our representatives contacted insurgents on both sides of the border with Malaysia as Cho and I spoke to the government in Bangkok. We know the men who make up the political and military leadership... we could speak directly to them.

The crucial decision by the government was to accept our proposition that a level playing field was essential for any movement to happen.

The Army backed away from conflict mostly due to several generals who clearly saw the futility of their operations.

The insurgents came to the same conclusion... they responded by stopping activity, dumping some weapons.

They all agreed to meet at a location we own on the coast near Narathiwat. Our Security Service protects the compound, acting in a completely neutral manner and in the background.

Cho and I were there for the first meeting... we saw both sides wanted something to come from it. That shared feeling gave us hope. We encouraged them... the several days of meetings had a much wider range of issues discussed than we contemplated.

Progress was immediate... trust was established. A series of meetings at the same location built on that first gathering... discussions brought out concrete proposals which were shaped into the Narathiwat Peace Protocols. Those men ground the issues down to where solid agreement became a peace solution.

We stayed away so they could do the work by themselves because ultimately they had to live with it. I can say for Cho and I we are very proud of both sets of representatives.

Cho and I feel they fully share in the Nobel Peace Prize we will receive. We will mention the principals in Oslo.

The Southern Assembly is amazing. Men and women who fought the government are now part of it. The have transitioned to the political side very well. Their quickly learning the give and take of democracy is truly remarkable.

My adoptive father is the head of the Thai Security Police... equivalent to MI5... his people opposed the insurgents for over a dozen years.. sometimes fighting directly but more often working in the shadows.

Skilled and implacable... their work helped make it possible for a lasting agreement. When the Army backed away from aggressive tactics the Security Police watched... they saw the insurgents honoured local ceasefires. That built trust so the process could move forward."

We took a break...

Copley, "Your Ladyship, it is truly a marvel to watch you speak to these issues in such a confident and knowledgeable manner. I don't know any government person or business person or celebrity I have interviewed who has a like command of a subject or many in your case."

Smiling, "I do not think I am giving you any sound bites."

His head shaking, "For this I think it would be pointless. The BBC audience is going to go gaga over this interview."

Back to it after some water.

Philanthropy next...

This is easy... "We respect for the work of thousands who labour to preserve the world's art and the history of our past be it be good or horrible... museums are part of our conscience... keeping alive events which have shaped us.

Museums around the world have problems raising money... even generous governments have limits.

Our choices have been somewhat eclectic... there is thought behind them.

Anyone who wants to expand themselves through education should be supported. Primary schools need help so they can educate the future... making our upcoming young people good citizens... informed voters.

We have given aid to schools here in Great Britain also in America. We are going to expand that effort in the coming year."

Smiling broadly, "There are other museums, schools and non-profits who we will visit. I have not been as considerate as I might be for the impact of my dropping in, leaving behind a few million £'s... unannounced in a few cases and not letting them know how much I may give. Cho has been on my case not do it any more."

Copley, "You mean the recipients have been upset about the money?"

"No... I shocked them with what I was giving them. The Natural History Museum knew we intended to give a donation... they had seen us give ten million £'s as gifts to other museums... so they could assume the same amount.

Our children wanted us to do it because they love the museum. The Twins wanted us to give a lot. The amount is our largest to date. Chani and Charlie are very happy."

A big smile from me.

Copley, "Your Ladyship, two hundred and fifty million £'s is sum you likely couldn't prepare anyone to receive."

"In the new Year we will make more visits... we don't let anyone know where or when in advance except the institution itself."

Copley shaking his head.

Employee student loans and college education payments...

"The key to all successful lives is education. We want our employees to succeed... their lives improve... our businesses advance as a result... it is a proven and desirable end. The loans students take out to finance their schooling can be so burdensome since they are just starting out in their work life. Not earning a high salary.

Lifting those crushing financial demands means they can aspire, think more clearly, work to their upmost... just what we want from them. It is self-interest on our part and a sound business strategy.

In all our companies the worker productivity is much higher than any competing business... in fact for some cases it not even close. Workers freed from crushing debt have a full life which we enhance through our R&R Scheme. If you could take a relativity inexpensive trip somewhere interesting... it's a goal to work for. Our people give an extra effort for those reasons.

Recently two newspapers in New Jersey broke stories about dangerous polluters... the air and water in their area was fouled by chemicals which cause myriad diseases and horrific birth defects.

Both the Bergen County Record and Herald News of Passaic had been declining because they lacked support from above... when we found out about those stories the publisher was told to go the CEO of the Gannett... he gave them the resources needed to get those stories in print. A gigantic scandal has resulted, criminal charges are to be laid and a clean up plan is being created.

The reporters are being lauded for their skillful work... justifiably so. They worked hard, extra time and some danger involved. Unmotivated employees do not do that."

No zinger yet or maybe it was a squib.

Len asked if we felt our attitude towards our employees is paternalistic?

"Not in the pejorative sense... we would never stop an employee changing jobs. If we give them the skills, education and encouragement we are making them more valuable for us and themselves. Their advancing their careers is what we want... we cannot offer everyone the job they desire. We are sad to see anyone go but they govern their own existence not us even if they have benefitted from our liberality.

We provide many services and benefits no other employer does all in the service of better employees and better results. No bitterness on our side when someone leaves... we do hope they do not burn any bridges in departing.

It is a matter of pride that across all our businesses our employee turnover rate is below one quarter of one percent."

Big eyes on Copley.

The Nobel Peace Prize...

"We have received many awards this year... we accept them is the spirit they are given and we give credit to those behind us who are doing so much to make things happen.

The Nobel Peace Prize is both a reward and a challenge to us. A new level we have to live up to and show we are worthy.

We could not refuse because there is a solid success underpinning it even we believe we did not do very much. It is not a phantom result... a very real success.

I can appreciate Le Duc Tho's position in refusing the 1973 award... there was no peace in Vietnam so no validity to the award. It was a sham papering over an ongoing bloody war. It was the height of hypocrisy by kissinger to accept the prize also indicative of his personality."

Copley shaking his head, "Your Ladyship, you do not hold back do you?"

"Well in the case of total poseur like kissinger... NO! His reputation is a house of cards stained in blood... not just tens of thousands of Vietnamese and Cambodians but thousands of Chileans murdered by Augusto Pinochet's corrupt fascist regime kissinger and nixon helped to create by engineering the murders of the properly elected president and the Chilean army commander who supported him.

For Americans they shouldn't forget half the names on the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. are from the nixon-kissinger era that after nixon promised to end the war with a `secret plan.'

kissinger should be in front of the War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague for what he did."

More head shaking.

Copley, "Now that Her Majesty has ennobled you further to a higher rank do you have plans to change anything? You are now part of a very unique group."

"I am humbled that Queen Elizabeth thinks I am worthy... more to live up to... Such honours are built by our world-wide employees doing what we have been honoured for. They know our appreciation of their skills and work ethic.

Cho and I have what is called in America the `Bully Pulpit' a term coined by Theodore Roosevelt. Our voice is magnified so we must be careful what we say and do... remembering at all times the amplitude our voice carries.

We will continue to advocate for all our interests, causes and any new issues which we find need attention."

"You and Sir Cho appear to have a wonderful relationship... you laugh a good deal, enjoy doing things together, you have a large circle of friends and you are both noted for your generosity.

Your kiss in Edinburgh was widely photographed and shown on the BBC and other TV networks... on the covers of many glossy magazines!

This strong bond is of a short duration... less than four years... how did you get so close so quickly?"

My face must be a giant smile, "We were simpatico from the moment we met. Our first date was dancing at a place in Bangkok called the `Ballroom.' We literally danced until near dawn wearing out the orchestra. I found out part way through the evening Cho owned the Ballroom.

We love to dance... rock and roll to EDM to a waltz to Swing to disco and everything in-between. We've been to Raffles a few times... it's always enormous fun to dance with Cho.

Underneath we share a common feeling that people matter... they deserve to be treated decently, have opportunities, be paid properly and be encouraged to be their best. It isn't some deep religious or spiritual thing... just being a decent human.

We are trying to be sure our children understand how we feel... it appears they do."

"Your children are reported to be exceptionally bright. Are you doing anything regards their education that is special or unusual?"

"We have a terrific lady who began as their nurse, she continues with them as a governess and teacher. She is intelligent and subtle with the Twins. A wonderful person they love.

Earlier this year we added a second person to the staff. She is a graduate of the Sorbonne and had experience dealing with advanced children before she came to us.

Our two ladies are an exceptional team, they fully understand our personal ethos and inculcate it to the Twins.

We began, soon after they were born, to be trilingual around them... reading to them every day. A game they still enjoy is to point to or mention an object and use the word for it in English or Thai or French... then they choose another language to identify it. We rotate between the three languages frequently. When walking through a garden... the plants and flowers are used or in a room furniture or pictures ... it started when they were eight or nine months old as naming the parts of their body they could touch as a game.

We started to add mathematics when they were one... they loved that right away. More advanced language and math skills are introduced gradually... often the speed of those disciplines being brought in is driven by the Twins themselves.

They started doing algebraic equations at two... they are quite good at it.

What does amaze our friends and family is their ability to engage in conversation with adults. To think on their feet... so to speak.

Sometimes they shock people who come in contact with them... there was an occasion at a museum where they corrected a woman who was giving them a tour about what proper sub era of the Mesozoic age a particular dinosaur lived. Two other museum staff overheard and tried to test them about another dinosaur's place, a more obscure dinosaur, in the earth's timeline. When they correctly identified the era the two staffers were gobsmacked.

Their memories are quite powerful which is the foundation for their amazing abilities."

We wound down having well exceeded the ninety minutes. Len Copley frankly said he did not want to stop.

I moved us to the Great Room to allow the staffers to take down their bits and our people to return the Library to normal.

Len Copley did ask about what I might want to see come from this interview... I stopped him.

"I did mean it when I said we do not interfere with content. Everything I said is on the record. What I do want is for you to use it ethically... beyond that you are on your own."

"Your Ladyship you are probably the most unusual person I have interviewed... you speak clearly, make your points powered by an obviously potent memory. You are widely read and capable of developing your thoughts coherently... very rapidly.

Now I don't mean this as overt flattery just my observations."

I nodded... saying `Just being me.'

Smiling, "How about luncheon?"

They were pleased to agree after being taken off guard.

Their crew were invited to the Staff Lounge for their meal.

Carter had us setup in the Breakfast Room. The Twins had their luncheon already.

I did laughingly say I was off-the-record now. Both men did laugh.

Chelle joined us.

Conversation was mixed... horses, children, travel, the BBC, the idiot tory MP and his radiation leaks which brought up a discussion about the complications of politicians speaking on background and what they thought might happen in the by-election.

When we were nearly done Delphine's head appeared in the doorway... the Twins were going out to play. Okay.

The two BBC fellows beside me at the Great Room big windows watching the Twins run around with Jaidee. Tennis ball tossing and chasing our brown dog when he decided to hold onto it.

Jaidee was making for the far wall when Charlie stopped... he called out for Jaidee... our Choco Boy came right to him dropping the ball. Charlie rubbed his ears leaning over to kiss his head. The ball came flying our way... the brown streak on it!

They asked Delphine pointing to the merry-go-`round, she nodded. They ran to it climbing aboard. Jaidee joined them. They held on for themselves and Jaidee. Delphine said something then began to spin it.

The producer, "They are two and half?"

"Yes... in three weeks."

Heads shaking.

Out front their crew was done loading the equipment after eating. The technical director came over to thank me on behalf of the crew for the excellent lunch.

I told him they were very welcome.```````````

I did goodbyes with Len Copley and his producer after their many thanks. They said I would be informed of the exact showing time Sunday.

I waved them down the drive.

Carter behind me, "M'Lady, was it what you wanted?"

I laughed, "I did not want it at all... I have a feeling it was not what they expected. Fortunately no silly questions or attempts for celebrity gossip bits. I think my attitude or maybe my rank precluded those."

Carter laughed, "M'Lady, you could herd cats."


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