
By A becker

Published on Dec 22, 2023



Okay a walk up the block. Chani and Charlie running ahead... they wanted to see Ali's baby. Gaby and Ansara keeping up with them.

Ali looking gorgeous sitting in a rocking chair holding Wesley. Blue eyes, light brown hair, quite cute.

Chani and Charlie softly squeezed one of Wesley's hands, Ali smiling.

"Fay... Cho... we are so glad Wesley has joined us properly... me especially!"

Francis nodding behind her... a smile that verged on bursting his face open. A proud popa!!

Daria at the door, hugs and kisses. Francis took Wesley so Daria could hold him, it is amazing to see her face.

"Daria will you be Wesley's grandmother?"

My arm around Daria... she quivered saying `Yes!'

We did a mild cheer for them.

I got Wesley... a cutie for sure. His face now showed a bit of mom and popa.

Noises from him... Time for a feeding... he did his first ones at the hospital very successfully. Ali moved to the nursery, another rocking chair with a swaying footstool.

We got Wesley settled down with her... he went on her nipple right away! Wonderful to see him be so eager. Daria on a chair holding one of Ali's hands... such a light in her eyes. In the living room I mentioned to Francis he'd have to keep his guard up with Daria... a quizzical look.

"I can see she'll be a `spoiler' with Wesley."

We all laughed to his, "She will have considerable competition from me!"

We didn't stay long. Goodbye kisses for Ali and Daria... Francis too.

He is good for tonight. Wesley's nurse would start in the morning.

Strapped in at Newburgh... all Okay for take-off. Next stop Bron Airport at Lyon... Delphine doesn't know.


We had dinner after the Twins watched two Charlie Chaplin movies. The new C&C Production show would be at Harcourt House... coming soon. It would happen on the Twin's schedule... we wait!

Sweet kissing by Cho after forty minutes of intense sex... we have been in total sync about sex from the very first! Pleasure given and taken joyfully!

I was asleep immediately in his warm arms.

"Your Majesty... you have rewarded me quite well... nothing more need be done."

The King smiled, "From your perspective... from mine I think you have been a true and loyal knight, willing to sacrifice for the Kingdom, very skilled in diplomacy and leadership, a strong voice for Me and the Kingdom."

I knelt and received the parchment scroll which declared me the Duke of K********.

The King held my hand, "I'd make you a son if it was possible. Your family is an important part of the history of this land... rewarding you is a pleasure I reserve for myself."

My thank you made him smile, "K******** come have a brandy with me."

We raised our glasses to the the Kingdom. I followed with a toast to him.

Going down the passage to the dining room his arm holding mine... "K******** some individuals standout from the rest... you are one of those. Please indulge my pleasure."

I said I would be as I have been... at his service. That brought a huge smile.

We sat to dinner. He asked me to humour him by allowing a visit so our cook could delight him with one of her marvellous meals.

I said name the date.

A laugh, "I shall inform you soonest!"


I sat up... four minutes until the alarum. I rubbed my face, another Gwen dream without her. They are getting mixed about now. A shoulder shrug... what ever my subconscious wanted to say it was going `round the houses to say it.

Jaidee did his business on the grassy area beside the 767 parked at Bron. Chilly with a good breeze flowing over the airport's open spaces. We kept moving to stay warm.

Breakfast enlivened by the Twins telling Delphine welcome home to Lyon! She jumped up to look out... nothing she knew... she had not been to this older airport which had been superseded by Saint Exupéry Lyon International as the main Airport serving the city.

She sat down to look at me... I laughed, "Ask Gaby..."

Gaby grinning, "I was ambushed last year... we landed in the Dordogne to my astonishment."

Delphine had a small surprise of her own... holding up an old copy of `Science' Magazine from... she said "Nineteen eighty." 1980... I wasn't born yet!

She opened it to page 1095.

`Extra-terrestrial Cause for the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction.'

I laughed, Luis Alvarez, his son Walter, Frank Asaro and Helen Michel... authors.

"Fay, I got this from an online bookseller. The internet can be quite wonderful!"

Delphine told the Twins they would spend time slowly learning about why the dinosaurs become extinct... the `Alvarez Hypothesis!'

The babies clapping bouncing in their little seats!

Visit time!

A wool frock, cowl collar, long sleeves, hem at mid-thigh in dark gray, silver jewellery, black stockings and red Louboutin heels. `Joy' A black car coat length wool jacket, collar turned up and black leather gloves.

Chani in a black velvet dress to her ankles, black Mary Janes, red socks. She had a black car coat too.

Cho and Charlie in identical charcoal gray suits, pale gray shirts and red ties. Red socks for both!! The men wearing trench coats over their suits.

Aren't we cute! The Twins loved us dressing alike!

Cars to the city, it is only twenty minutes to the Croix Rousse neighbourhood in the 1er Arrondissement. Her family lived in a flat on Rue Diderot. Their building had a Traboule and is close to the very famous Traboule et Cour des Voraces. I hoped the Twins could see it.

We climbed out... Delphine smiling, "I well remember this!"

A very nice tiled entry... the ground floor all reddish brown shades... warm colours. Up to the top floor, we carried the Twins part of the way... lots of stairs to get to the third floor.

Delphine's mama and popa welcoming us in the passage... then in their door. A lovely living room past the entry... windows looking out to the east across the Rh`ne and the city beyond.

They were introduced to Chani and Charlie... the Twins said in their adorable dual speaking way they 'loved having Delphine as their teacher' their French impeccable! Her parents shocked... our children did that often.

Mama got another big hug from Delphine then popa. They were very happy to see her. Delphine working for us is a source of great pride. Their daughter as a tutor to the Twins quite the amazing thing.

Her Maman had often seen Delphine in snaps in the news and magazines with Chani and I at Mirabelle stores and elsewhere out and about. She said it was a bit of shock to start... one of her neighbours came over in the spring with a glossy magazine it had pictures of us in a London park... the whole family going around. The woman held it up... waving it a bit... Regarde ta fille `Look your daughter!'

The neighbour lady was amazed and a somewhat envious.

Delphine looking at her Maman... "Vraiment? Mme Benetoit?" "Really? Mrs. Benetoit?"

Her mother nodding. We learned Mme Benetoit was always on about her daughter the fashion model.' Delphine's mother was seen as one upping' Mme Benetoit. Heads shaking.

Delphine laughed later telling us about her mother listening to Mme Benetoit's stream of `news' on her daughter's doings in Paris, Milan, etc...

We were in their sitting room... tea? We agreed. I went into the kitchen with Delphine and her mama... their housekeeper smiling as she was introduced. We chatted as the tea things were put together.

Cho asked about visiting the Traboule in their building and next door... Delphine's popa took Cho and the Twins plus Delphine and Tha with Protectors while we did the tea. I did not do much... I stood by a living room window with `Maman' she thanked me for bringing Delphine home.

I told her Delphine had been an immediate hit with the Twins. Her skill working with above average children had an instantaneous impact. The babies skill in French a direct result.

"Tha is fluent in French but a native speaker like Delphine always gives you more... subtle inflections and tones making the Twins French richer and deeper."

I could see she was struggling on how to address me, I put out my hand... "I'm just Fay."

A big smile, "Fay, Delphine has always been a teacher of some sort. As a child she taught her younger brother how to do things, he's three and half years younger, such as tying his shoes, how to use his knife and fork... always being gentle... helping him learn to do the little things of life."

"Delphine is doing that for our children, she and Tha compliment each other. Both have the skill of educating rather than directing."

The men and babies came back. My trio enjoyed seeing a few secret ways of the old Lyon neighbourhood. A short story about the French resistance outwitting the nazis using the `secret ways' of the district.

We sat down to a nice tea, small cakes, biscuits and cookies. The Twins got three... they loved them much to the pleasure of the housekeeper who made them!

Delphine's parents had been kept up to date of her travels. She told them about our houses, some about us and the Twins.

We heard her family had lived in this neighbourhood for over one hundred and fifty years. This flat for more than seventy years. The family moved in here after the war.

Smiling I said it would pleasant to awake to the view across the Rh`ne, sip coffee looking out. Delphine's mother gave me a smile... Ah... I guess she does just that.

It was a enjoyable couple of hours for us. We did goodbyes and were thanked for our visit... for bringing Delphine. The Twins thanked the housekeeper for the baked treats... that lady's lined face spreading wide in a smile.

Hugs, handshakes and kisses.

The cars dropped us on the tarmac by the 767. Mira had us going quickly. Bron is now a business airport so the traffic is light. Straight to Le Bourget.

On the tarmac at Le Bourget we did hugs and kisses for Jaidee, he went on to Harcourt House to wait for us. Lil and Yobi taking care of their `passenger.'

Odette and Thérèse waiting in their AW139's. Thierry had cars at the heliport for our short drive to Quai de Bethune.

We turned onto the cobblestones... they made a wonderful sound under the wheels...

At the street door Lucien smiling with a wave to the Twins as we drove in. Once they were on their feet they walked back to say hello to Lucien and Augusta. This time they needed no name prompting.

Upstairs we all changed to casual clothes. We were going outdoors for a bit, black skinny jeans, red cut-off t-shirt, the black knitted jacket I found at Redlight in Seattle, the tiny yellow embroidered buttercup flowers along the zipper, snug to my body. Black ankle boots, black gloves. Black Harcourt Racing Apple hat.

The babies in jeans with shirts and long-sleeve pullover jumpers. Caps like mine.

Cho in pale gray flannel trousers, white turtleneck and the black and white Harris tweed jacket. I loved him in that combination!!

We carried Chani and Charlie to Square Barye! Playground! They ran to the slide... waiting for Tha and Delphine to get there... they enjoyed themselves for a few minutes. I motioned to the merry-go-round. They came running.

"Sit in the middle facing out... " Tha and Delphine sat to hold them. Cho and I spun the merry-go-round not too fast to start... we picked up speed... they loved it... whirring around... waving their arms... giggling!!

They wanted keep going... Popa kneeling with them explaining we were going to dinner so they would have to wait for more. Okay.

We crossed Boulevard Henri IV to Rue St-Louis-en-l'Ile... our crowd on the west side going along until we got to Nicolas's store. Cho and Charlie went in... Cho asked for three bottles of Val d'Auge to be delivered. The patron said they will be sent in fifteen or twenty minutes. Chani and I at the door... we waved.

At the connection of the Rue St-Louis en l'Isle and Rue Poulletier a crowd was around the church doors... a christening! Happy faces. The young one and her parents plus toddlers, teens, young adults, middle aged and the elders... this christening had everything! A big family. Picture taking.

We applauded them. They waved... they could see our bunch together.

Father Bertrand smiling. He came over to us. I did introductions. He bent down to greet the babies.

I asked if we could come by tomorrow afternoon? He said he would enjoy giving us a tour. We needed to call or ring the bell at number three... they would get him.

We shook hands. "À demain"

Walking again, a right turn at Rue Deux Ponts. Les Fous de L'Ile. The owner greeted us... he had tables in the front left of the door for us. Two Protectors sat at the end of the bar and a small table.

They had seats for Charlie and Chani who thanked them. We settled in.

Cho suggested the roasted Camembert as a starter for everyone? Lots of `Yeses!'

Okay a good beginning... I chose a Caesar salad to share with Chani. Cho and Charlie went for tomatoes, and stracciatella on focaccia then we four all decided on their cod special of the day.

Cho and the patron's wine decision is a Chateau Haut-Brion Blanc! One of those superb Bordeaux's.

We enjoyed our dinner. The dressing on the Caesar light, full of flavour. The fish flaky, the sauce lovely. Our plates emptied!! The wine very nice! Fruity with a bit of flint in the background from the soil.

The twins both had the strawberry tart with cream sauce while Cho and I split their cheese plate.

The owners pleased we expressed our appreciation for their work. We thanked them and waved from the sidewalk.

One stop... Calvert's open to catch the dessert shopper. The Calvert folks were glad to see us.

We bought several gallons, a mix of flavours. The Twins got a taste of the salted caramel vanilla!! It is a hit! We added a gallon of that.

At the house Lucien smiling waiting to open the door. Gil had texted him of our approach. Up in the lift to our main floor.

Afters for Cho and I, a puzzle and hot chocolate for Chani and Charlie.

Email from Lawan she'll go onto Mansfield Park in February! Lawan has completed five Jane Austen novels... they are up on the Austen App and available in print. There's not many to go... Lady Susan would be next.

Then the unfinished pair of novels, the other works... poems, letters, etc... The last will be Jane's Juvenilia, three volumes.

So plenty of Jane Austen to go!

My morning walk is through Square Barye again right to the southeast end, watching barges come down river. Leaning on the railing... cupping my hands on the sides of my face... the narrow view could give the impression of the Nineteenth Century.

Up to the high street, loaves from the Boulangerie, eclairs and two almond tarts at the bakery.

Tara and Penny smiling, they'd get first taste because they made the trip with me.

The loaves cut and buttered... into the oven, coffee made, the sweets on a platter. We three sat down to breakfast. Smiles on their faces. The others filed in slowly.

Chani went for an half éclair and a piece of the tart! Charlie likes his bread so he started with that then the other half of Chani's éclair.

The second tart for Augusta and Lucien... big smiles and thank yous.

Happy faces on everybody, a great start of the day.

We had a lot on for today! We loaded some cars for Rue Jacob.

Paul at the street doors smiling as we drove in. We parked near the Pavilion... Emilienne at the door to greet us. She had a huge smile meeting Chani and Charlie. They charmed her with their French.

I told the Twins to wander around inside for now, we'd all go out shortly. Cho and I looked at the book shelves... nearly full now! A wonderful view... the shelves all around the room looking marvellous with the various book spines colours and shapes!

We tried out the chairs and lounges... comfortable. The carpets fit perfectly in what had been in my mind.

Gil went upstairs taking Chelle so she could have a look and they'd check on the book shelves there.

The kitchen was a melange of various time periods.

Cho and I made espressos, sitting in the kitchen when the babies came in with Tha and Delphine. Our children and their ladies loved the Pavilion.

Chani wanted to take Charlie to the temple... "In a few minutes... my coffee is hot."

Chani sat on my lap to encourage me to drink. Charlie leaning on Popa smiling... letting his sister do the wheedling. Cho's smile getting bigger. Tha, Delphine, Gil and Chelle looking away so they didn't laugh. Tara's grin in the doorway...

Chani's doe-like eyes did not break me down... I sipped my coffee. What's the rush... its an espresso cup... three ounces!! Okay done!

Chani had my hand we went out the kitchen door... around the corner... Charlie exclaimed it was `cool!' They both rushed towards it and up the stairs. Paul had been asked to unlock it when we arrived. The babies couldn't get the door knob turned... it is stiff.

Cho reached to do it... giving the door a gentle push. The babies went in... smiles... a play space!

It was clean and neat, the dark wood floor shining, a fire had been laid, a stack of wood in the curved-leg log holder. A wrought iron fire screen with brass feet. A settee, a day-sofa, an over-stuffed chair, side tables and a sideboard. I checked the cupboards... blankets in assorted colours, wool and cotton plus a large pile of colourful knitted throws.

The furniture all from the 1920's.

Cho liked the furnishings, "Simple and usable. Fitting for the place."

A kiss from him.

Chani and Charlie ran around the garden... laughing! Hopping on the white stone squares that make up the pathway.

We gathered them up after a bit of fun.

We drove over to Rue de Seine, across Boulevard Saint-Germain to Natalys. In the car we told the Twins they could buy clothes... no toys.

"We want you to get warm things to start the winter."

Nods and `Okay Mama.' Tha and Delphine would watch out for sizes.

At the door the manager greeted us... I said we had two shoppers... introductions for Chani and Charlie. Smiling she in turn introduced several salesladies.

Delphine went with Chani, Tha and Charlie made a beeline for jeans in boys. Cho grinning said he'd follow his son. Fist bump!

In Girls, a lovely ribbed long sleeve vest in ivory also one in celery green. Trousers, wool in red and black, heavy cotton ones in pale gray. Assorted blouses... all long sleeved. T-shirts!! Several nice dresses... one in ivory white, long sleeves with tiny yellow and blue flowers embroidered on the bodice and several wool skirts.

We kept an eye on sizes... Chani and Charlie were not slowing their growth.

Natalys sent in reinforcements... two new ladies being very nice and helpful... putting things aside, wrapping them as they added each to the growing total.

"Delphine, if there is anything else put them on this space..." My hand where the sales lady said was a good spot. "... I am going to buy something nearby."

She smiled and nodded... `D'accord!'

I texted Cho with one word... << belts >> a thumbs up emoji back.

Gil will stay to do the money, Chelle with me.

I walked into Maison Mulot... their lovely aroma of baking!!

At the counter I asked for six dozen assorted macarons to be boxed and another three dozen boxed separately. The young woman gave me a look... "Madame... you were here last last year?"

I said Yes... "I bought macarons for the nice people at Natalys... a repeat this year."

The manager came out to help... looking at me... she came out from behind the counter... a curtsey?

"Comtesse, it is very nice you have returned."

I thanked her, we shook hands.

Chelle smiling at me dealing with what other people thought was right. A curtsey in Republican France? I did appreciate the gesture.

The Maison Mulot ladies were terrific, quick. I took the big boxes, Chelle to pay and carry the three dozen for us.

I went in the door at Natalys... they remembered too! A young sales lady took the macarons... many `Merci's' which I in turn thanked them for. The aroma of sweet baked treats drifting.

Lucien had arranged through Thierry the courier van for us. It had a good load going to Quai de Bethune including our macarons.

We said goodbyes to Natalys, they crowded at the door waving... calling Merci's and Au Revoir's.

A short walk around the corner to the Apple Store on Rue Clement! The Twins asked to buy more iPhone cases... they liked switching off frequently!

A yellow t-shirted woman came up to us. I said hello, "Our children want new iPhone cases?"

She was looking at me not them... she knew my face. A head shake like clearing her mind. `Oui!' She escorted them towards the accessories. Tha, Delphine and Gaby following.

An orange shirted young woman joined us when I waved... a knowing face, "Comtesse comment puis-je aider?" "Countess, how can I help?"

"Souris d'ordinateur Bluetooth?"

I asked for Bluetooth mice that had precise tracking.

"Ah... Oui, par ici, s'il vous plaît .' This way please."

She showed me several Tecknet models... lightweight. The specs said it was excellent for different uses, adjustable on-the-fly. A small size good for women's hands. I turned to Gil and Chelle asking if they'd like one for their MacBooks? They did... `Yes!' twice. Okay! I bought one for me, one each for my ladies.

I got a Logitech one for Cho, it was larger, more suitable for his hands. Very sensitive, even on cloth like a bed or chair arm or even a trouser leg??

I was looking at other items when the store manager arrived.

He bowed, "Comtesse, it is good to see you with us. Are you being adequately helped?"

I told him my orange t-shirt lady was doing very well as we shook hands.

I motioned to the items I was buying.

He turned to the sales woman, "Lady Harcourt is a Board of Directors member so she should receive the employees discount... You know how to do that?"

I thought it a bit rude but then I didn't know either of them.

My sales helper smiled and said `Oui.'

After the store manager moved on... I looked to her.

"Comtesse, I am new to this store... I came from the Champs Elysees store. He's being careful until I am better known."

I squeezed her arm nodding.

The Twins came running over, "Mama... look!"

They each had two cases, colourful and sturdy. Tha smiling so I knew they were good.

Gil got together with the Orange sales lady to do the numbers.

Thierry's cars took us down Boulevard Saint-Germain to the Rue de Pontoise dropping us at the corner. We told the drivers we'd walk home from Verlaine's.

We were greeted like family at Le Petit Pontoise. They had the entire banquette for us.

I waved from the kitchen door... smiles and lots of greetings!

I chose their house Old Fashioned, Cho a Martini and small colas for the Twins. I split the artichoke and Parmesan tart tatin with Chani, same for the guys.

Chani wanted shrimp so we both did the Provençale shrimp. The guys went for the sea bass in vanilla sauce.

The wine is quite nice, a Chablis 1er cru `Les Fourneaux' fruity but in a mellow sense with the mineral undertones common to the Chablis area. We enjoyed it, Gil and Chelle had a glass which went over very well!

The Chocolate Mousse for two... the Twins. Cho and I shared the cheese again.

A pleasant lunch in a restaurant we liked. A hug for the Maître, goodbyes from the staff. The staff waving.

Many diners looking around wondering what was going on.

Around the corner Monsieur Verlaine delighted to meet the Twins. They did handshakes sensing it was right for him. I took them to a section on animals especially birds... two books each! Delphine and Tha to supervise their choices.

Cho and I had a talk with Verlaine.

"Your children are beautiful."

That always brings smiles from us.

He and Stanislaus were nearly done with Rue Jacob... we said we'd visited this morning... thank yous for them for the work.

They going full speed ahead for Twin Ponds... it was about seventy five percent done.

"Stanislaus is in the Midlands at some sales... we anticipate getting some good titles."

We congratulated him for paying attention to the Twins needs with the books on birds and dinosaurs he sent to Harcourt House.

A smile, "Well when you said those topics Stanislaus had a dozen titles in matter of few days."

Back on the shop floor the babies had their picks... one each and one they wanted to share... a book about birds of Europe... what a tome. Had to be ten pounds of it!! The pictures and illustrations were magnificent. We agreed immediately. Cheers!

A short walk home. Lucien smiling at the door. Chani showed him how to fist bump which brought a huge grin and a call for Augusta to come out. They laughed loudly after being taught to bump.

Gil gave us a heads up... Okay for a visit, its a short walk.

Out the door around to Rue Poulletier... up to the Église St-Louis en l'Isle. Father Bertrand at the door... fuller introductions this time. Chani and Charlie shaking his hand, smiles.

Inside... maybe the most handsome Baroque church in France!! The beautiful gray stone... Magnificent paintings, glorious wood, the chapels... the gilding, stucco embellishments, amazing crystal chandeliers.

The cupola with its gold gilding and rich blues.

Standing there looking up at the ornate organ!! What a gorgeous thing! The organ set into a wooden palace of its own with plaster and stone adornments.

The pulpit of beautiful wood attached to a pillar with curved staircase wrapping around the pillar! The stained glass windows colours so clear! King Louis who became a saint and namesake of this church and island with his wife Queen Blanche.

Father Bertrand gave us a terrific tour... the Twins were quiet looking all around.

At the entrance to the Chapel of Baptism the Twins came alive...

Chani asked why people were baptised?

Father Bertrand, "It is a ceremony to bring them into the church."

Charlie, "So you cannot be part of the church without being baptised?"

Cho smiling, a squeeze of my hand.

Father Bertrand, "You can be part of the community but you cannot receive the sacrament which is the essential the part of the Eucharist."

He looked at us with a wondering face... we could see he thought maybe his words were too much for the Twins...

Chani, "So those receiving the sacrament have to believe it is the body of Christ... without that it is pointless?"

The dear Father's face underwent a change...

"Yes my dear you are correct. Belief is the key."

Charlie, "Do people think receiving the sacrament washes away their sins? What if they don't repent?"

The Father smiling, "People do deceive themselves but not God."

Charlie stuck out his fist... Father Bertrand `bumped' right away... Chani too. The nice man must spend time with his younger parishioners.

Many thanks for the tour, Charlie and Chani smiling saying it is a beautiful place... it must make worshipping very pleasant.

Father Bertrand squatted down to say the beauty of the church honours God.

Very nice goodbyes for the babies. Tha and Delphine leading the Twins out.

We knew the nice father wanted to say something.

"Comtesse... Sir Cho... they are two and half? It seems impossible."

Smiling, "You have the same reaction as many others. Yes, almost two and half. They read and write in three languages... They are encouraged to read every day... they play hard, do artwork and love Charlie Chaplin!"

Father Bertrand's face opening to a big smile.

I motioned to Gil for her iPad.

He smiled, "How do you keep up with them?"

Cho, "We have Tha and Delphine around them, guiding and helping them."

Me, "We are busy people... we make time to be with them... they travel with us."

Gil brought up their birds showing them to the Father. She said these were in the summer. Then Charlie's two birds and Chani's landscape... he held the iPad looking intently.

Amazement, wonder, astonishment crossed his face... then Gil flipped to Chani's little Rue Jacob temple... he caught the subtleties of her work.

"I have seen this little temple somewhere."

I told him we owned the property on Rue Jacob where it sat. I said the author Natalie Clifford Barney lived there for sixty years.

"Yes... a tiny Doric temple tucked away in a corner of the garden?"

"Yes! It is at the back in a corner."

"The shading... the way it is framed by the trees... Chani has taste as well as skill."

Cho said we were very happy the babies had many talents and we intended to give them the tools to expand themselves at their pace.

We shook hands with more thank yous for the tour.

We were welcome to come back any time.

The walk back... Charlie asking about Father Bertrand's cassock... as it was different from the Anglican Bishop's clothing who'd come to Harcourt House.

Cho making the point each religion has their own styles of dress, worship and other things unique to themselves.

"You've seen Buddhist monks in Thailand... they are completely different."

"Yes Popa but they are a long way away... here is close and they are both Christians."

Popa agreed. "Christians... yes. Different too... yes."

Charlie nodding.

Time for some schooling, work for me and Cho. I spread out on the dining room table, Cho in the library... phone calls for me to start.

Drinks... we invited Luce and Marie to come up. They sat and talked with Twins... smiles from Cho and I. Both ladies rather amazed after I sent the babies up to dress for dinner.

Luce, "Miss Martin, a rare delight to speak to a young person of such few years and be understood."

Marie said their French is excellent! I reminded them English was the Twins primary language.

Head shaking. Smiles by us.

They were doing very well. An upcoming trip to Poland at Christmas time to visit friends in Warsaw. They were former students from the Sorbonne who were now professors in their native Poland. One taught French Literature, the other was an historian and professor of Medieval Polish history.

I said we hoped their trip was fun for them.

Hugs at the lift.

Dinner at L'Ilot Vache just around the block on the corner of Rue des Deux Ponts and Rue St-Louis-en-l'Ile. A very short walk...

The owner at the door to greet us...

"Comtesse... Sir Cho... we all welcome you."

We shook hands and he bent over to meet Charlie and Chani.

He had the banquettes set aside with several tables in front for our Protectors. Other diners looking at the ceremony... several waved which I returned. Two seats for babies! Settled in... I thought.

"Mama, I need the bathroom." Okay!

I picked Chani up from the seat and put her on her feet. We walked to the toilettes... Tara behind us.

I got Chani up on the toilet... All done... She wiped herself and we fixed her tights and frock. We all washed hands to giggles.

All set!


Gravlax salmon avec wasabi cream for me, the onion soup for the Twins. Burgundy snails in butter for Cho... I've never been able to like snails, eating them... it isn't that I know what they look like but more their squishiness.

Ah... the mains... Royans Ravioli and sage cream for the Twins, they do like ravioli! Grilled salmon Pavé in Béarnaise Sauce for me. Roasted Bar fillet Sauce Vierge for Cho. Gil and Chelle did a mixture of ours and scallops. Tha and Delphine followed me.

The sommelier handed Cho a wine list... my guy scanned it, we were all eating fish... he chose a Chardonnay Domaine Ramonet Montrachet Grand Cru. The Sommelier's face... I could see he was pleased by the choice. Okay!

All the starters disappeared... the onion soup got high marks from Chani! Mine was tasty, Cho clearly enjoyed his Escargots.

The salmon grilled perfectly, the Béarnaise rich and flavourful... not hiding the fish. Cho cleaned his plate, the fillet nicely roasted. The Twins enjoyed theirs! Gil and Chelle, Tha and Delphine grinning with the pleasure of their dinners.

Room for dessert? Yes!

Vanilla Crème Brûlée for Chani, the Chocolate Moelleux for Charlie, they agreed to share! They should become diplomats with these negotiations... desserts and bird books!

Cho and I did the cheese and fruit plate with a Strega afterwards.

The owners kept watch but left us alone, the servers too. They poured the wine when needed. When plates were empty they came over... we were all smiles, their food was excellent!

We did our goodbyes thanking them for the meal and service.

A few `Thank you Comtesse and Sir Cho' were given. Also a few bows.

Smiling we walked down the street to home. The Twins were jazzed they got to choose their food and enjoyed it all.

We did afters in the drawing room, Chani and Charlie got hot chocolate and a new puzzle.

They went to work... Cho smiling their way as he gave me the news from Monaco...our Harcourt Farm foals had names agreed to by the Jockey Club. The gray is GrayHeart to honour his dam Grace of My Heart, Twilight Maiden's foal is Black Nuit. We chose good names, simple and not too long with meaning for us!

My news... Hailey's trip to New York was going very well. She, Coral and Raphaela getting on famously. Hailey sent many thanks for all the perks.

Cho grinning, "You are preparing the way for to move up. Little things for her to get used to."

I kissed him in agreement.

I followed that with...

The Supreme Court announced their stay of the the decision that invalidated Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 would end in a fortnight. They had given websites months to get on... failure to do so is going to cost them.

Fist bump from Cho.

Edmund the Education Secretary has agreed to a meeting. I will give him what my staff will be up to and ask for a `contact' we can use inside his department. We'll see how he reacts.

Cho resting his hand on my arm, "If he baulks point him to Kirk. The MOD worked well with your people."

I nodded.

Cho and I discussed the `Chinese' report we had from the Security Service... Cho was good for sharing it to top levels of certain governments. I'd send it to Hillary and hand deliver to Keir Starmer. Thet was to choose two officers to hand deliver it Chancellor Merkel and President Macron.

Gil was using our contacts with both to make appointments.

Sunny has a meeting with four recent Brasenose graduates to talk about the college and assorted things regarding attending Oxford. It is set for the Great Room in Harcourt House in a few days.

Okay... we'll be going to Scotland, our return to Harcourt House a few days later.

Chani and I on a settee looking at snaps on her iPhone... laughing noises from... the kitchen? Getting louder... the Cho-Air Express came roaring into the drawing room... the Viscount in his Popa's arms... his arms out-spread... he came in to do a perfect landing on my lap!

A stream of giggles... I got him to sit up, arms around him... he's giggling away! Chani's arms open... her flight took off! All about this floor... big laughs from the dining room. Charlie beside me as Lady Chani's trip ended as his did. Cho flopped into a chair... I guess he had run low of fuel.

Such laughter. Gil and Chelle coming out of the lift grinning at the noise we were making.

Such fun for the babies!

My morning walk was for loaves and sweet bits. Alba and Roche along. They were grinning as I walked at a good pace. The first time for them doing this task. Beside the river to Boulevard Henri IV then a right on Rue St-Louis-en-l'Ile. Heading back towards the house with the food stops done.

Soon we had hot bread, coffee and sweets laid out, eating a tasty start to the day. They were smiling. The rest came in to benefit from our work.

Dressed and loaded into several cars. Over Pont de Sully up Boulevard Henri IV around the round-about at Place de La Bastille turning into Rue Faubourg du Saint-Antoine.

Chani in a cute navy blue wool frock, long sleeves, the hem at mid-calf, knee socks in white and red Ralph Lauren shoes. A coat over it all.

The men in navy suits skipping the tie. Trenchcoats for them.

Me in a black snug to the body frock narrow long sleeves, a round collar with a white edge, it is black silk lattice lined with white silk, quite tight to me all over until just above the knee then it is a band of wide soft pleats to my instep. White stockings and black heels. Silver jewellery, the Cho band and the silver torque and red nails and lips. `Joy' A D&G clutch.

At the Mirabelle door Ellise is there! A hug, introductions for my family. Inside the staff is all smiles as I did more introductions.

They would open in an hour... we wandered. Ellise is happy... her staff excellent, the clothes sell themselves.

"We had woman in last week who works for Chanel... she had a good look at our clothes saying ours were well made, stylish and superb colours!!"

Fist bump!

"That really fired up our people!"

Praise is a good thing!!

Their sales were forty two percent above expectations... that made Coral and I happy!!

Goodbyes to her staff and a hug for Ellise.

A short trip to the La Rochambeau Hotel. At the door we met eight folks, four were our employees with partners going out for their day in Paris. They worked for Cho-Fay Air and arranged it so the four couples could be here together. Hands shaken and our wishes they enjoy themselves.

Inside the manager was pleased to see us and meet the family. Everyone got to look around some. We met more of our employees from various places. Paris is a popular destination.

In an aside to Cho... "I believe we should find more R&R locations in the city."

A kiss. I said I'd put Zoë on it.

Onto to another stop... the Paris Shelter on Rue du Temple. It is ten blocks or so...

This is a big stop!

Lydie waiting... a huge smile! A hug and more introductions. Her staff liked meeting the Twins.

Inside Anne Hidalgo. Hands shaken, cheeks kissed. The Twins introduced! The Mayor of Paris delighted to meet our two. She shook hands with Cho... smiling saying she had heard about his golf game.

Cho grinned.

We were introduced to her staffers.

We did a tour of the building then sat to talk.

There weren't many guests here now... most were at school or working or... ? We did speak to five, their stories about the shelter doing things for them were marvellous. I watched Lydie as the guests spoke... her face shining.

Ms. Hidalgo listening intently, getting a feel for us.

She was quite complimentary to us and Lydie.

"You have created a place of sanctuary and education. Congratulations."

We spoke about how it was done, she said several of her people would like to meet with Rona to work on programmes to help in education and employment.

Lydie said Rona gave her a schedule of days she would be able to come over. The Mayor's people could choose any of those.

At the front door I thanked Lydie for her hard work and excellent management of the shelter. Cheek kisses. She waved to the Twins. A handshake with Cho.

Outside the Mayor thanked us for this initiative... "It is quite unusual for such a facility to be brought to a city without any governmental assistance."

I said our method at each location is to get them open to help as fast as possible then ask for aid that would directly affect the guests.

"As you mentioned employment and education. We are paying for schools the guests attend for their high school time but trade schools and university assistance for them is greatly appreciated.

Jobs... mostly part-time to start and after leaving school later are high on our list."

Ms. Hidalgo, "Our people can help address those issues."

A smile on her face, "By the way... your dress is terrific!"

I thanked her. A `Mirabelle' creation had her saying our stores were very popular, excellent write-ups of them in the press.

"I have several woman on staff who have your clothes."

Many thanks for our doing this. I told her we were looking for a site for another shelter... a work in progress.

Warm goodbyes. Cheeks kissed. She was going to shake hands with Chani who got a fist bump in... Charlie followed. Big smiles!

Down on Rue de Rivoli we headed west... we were passing the Louvre... Cho mentioned it... Chani waving to the left... a big grin when Popa asked why... "I am waving to the Mona Lisa."

Our laughter loud and a hand squeeze for our darling daughter. Such memories they have.

Through Place De La Concorde onto the Champs-Elysees... the Petit Palace and the Grand Palace on our left... down the wide beautiful thoroughfare... the L'Arc de Triomphe standing proudly in the distance.

We climbed out at the corner of Rue Balzac, Georgie at the top of the steps waving. A hug from me and one from Chani. I introduced Cho and Charlie. They were open... customers staring as we entered.

I spoke to some... A teenager, a cute ponytail blonde with her mother asked for my autograph... her mother tut-tutted...

"It's fine," as I squeezed her arm. I got her name... `Marcy' more noises from her mother. The ponytail flicking back and forth... "Maman, I don't like Marceline... too old fashioned... Marcy is Okay."

I could see I was in the middle of a running feud. Her mother pointed out it is her Grand-mère's name.

Marcy said she loved her Grand-mère... AND... "Grand-mère doesn't mind my being Marcy."

I did the autograph on a slip of paper from Georgie who had a big grin as I wrote `Marcy.'

Her mother shrugged but smiled thanking me for being nice to her daughter. I got a big hug and Merci!' from Marcy.'

Cho with a `cute' grin for my doing that. Chani and Delphine chatting with a young girl in a nice pinafore beside her mother. Charlie and Tha in the office.

My phone buzzing... email from Eric... he and his team flying to Washington, D.C. to speak the city government about a traffic plan. Malee and Anne along as tourists.' I replied he should try some tourism' while there.

They had a suite at the Hay-Adams hotel on us. Cho-Fay Air carrying them.

Cho leaning over my shoulder, a chin rubbing me.

I might done more email


Chani wanted me to meet Darla who was the sweet brunette in the pinafore. I shook hands with her and her mother. `Mother,' a slim brunette, had two suits over her arm, loved our store. She had tried on her choices...

"Comtesse, they fit very well. The colours are wonderful."

She liked my frock... I said it wasn't in the stores... she said it looked `magnifique' on me. She would wear it. We shook hands.

I got a moment with Georgie... "Fay, as you see we are busy... sales remain very strong, well above projections."

I told her it was true for all the stores... it seems we have found a `sweet spot' in women's clothing retail.

A huge hug!! She was bouncing on her toes clapping!!

Chani got a hug and cheek kiss too!

We crossed over the Champs-Elysees to Rue Bassano then Rue Vernet to Hermès front door on Avenue George V.

The store manager and Maury waiting, handshakes and a hug for Maury. Mitty in the background with several ladies... they were to help the Twins shop. Introductions done... we were OFF shopping.

Tha, Delphine and I talked about what the Twins should be pointed to... I did add swim costumes as they were growing out of what they had and we'd use the pool at Harcourt House often during our winter stay. Fist bumps which Chani and Charlie joined in on.

Cho got a kiss before he went to the Men's department. Our Protectors would switch off to get in some shopping same for Gil and Chelle.

Me to scarves...

At the door I could see Mirra doing some stocking... we shook hands after a curtsey which I tried to stop her doing...

"Comtesse, it is an honour."

All these French folks bowing and doing curtseys one would think the whole country were royalists looking for the return of the Bourbons. Ha!

Mirra following me as I dove in... I chose many scarves and stoles... more stoles this year since the feedback had been that they were much appreciated for their size and warmth.

When I was done about fifty items awaited Jacques. He came in with his cart... He bowed with a smile that lifted the end of his moustache. We shook hands and I thanked him for doing this.

"Comtesse, you are most welcome... although it is my job."

I laughed, "Yes but I get to see you too."

Jacques bowed again.

I went to do a quick check on the babies... Charlie was doing well, trousers... wool, heavy cotton and corduroy. Long sleeve shirts and several cardigan jumpers. Some sizes larger!! A thumbs up for Tha!

Delphine said Chani had whizzed into frocks... it had taken a while to satisfy her. Now onto skirts. Grinning I squeezed her arm... a big smile.

I headed into Women's clothing. A sales lady was introduced by Maury.

I immediately found a cute black leather micro-mini. In the changing room I let it rest on my hips...PERFECT!!! Leg show!!!

I looked at more skirts then some tops. Several sleeveless ones for the many suits... one shape I bought in black, ivory and pure white... cashmere, loose cowl neck, cut to my waist. Ideal for suits.

I bought some high-waisted loose fit jeans and a wide belt that was terrific for the jeans.

Shoes... Elda espadrilles in aqua, black and chestnut brown. Gemma 95 sandals in black, Gala 105 sandals in silver.

In Equestrian I bought a very nice rain poncho for Sunny also a few zip front undershirts for her they could go under the Kentucky Heat tops... soft against her skin.

Jodhpurs in black, khaki and white for me. More of those plus some white and khaki shirts to be sent to the Moulins de Deauville Farm. Maury with me at that moment asked about the address I gave her.

"We have a horse farm southwest of Deauville for racing at the Hippodrome and for equestrian eventing. Our niece does that so we can host events there next year."

Maury had ridden as a teen, she said it was a good memory. I told her she could go to Moulins de Deauville to ride if she wanted although it isn't close to Paris... "We have good riding horses there year `round. All the tack you need... you could stay in the house... there's a staff that is in place all the time. They would take care of you."

She is staring... "Comtesse... serious?"

Smiling, "Of course you would have bring your own clothes."

Maury laughed, "How would I arrange it?"

"We will get you together with Gil... she do it for you."

Maury got it was an easy to find find place about two hours drive from central Paris. She could stay at no cost and bring a friend.

My hand squeezed with thank yous. A hug.

In doo-dads I bought three Lao paperweights, red, brown and deep aqua stylised elephants, very handsome.

I met Cho... a hug and kiss. He had shoes, shirts, some trousers which would be altered and sent to Quai de Bethune.

He is grinning hearing my offer to Maury. Another kiss.

Tha and Delphine called a halt! The Twins had a blast!! Tha and Delphine had kept them to the task of buying certain things. They were all pleased.

Gil and Chelle had given our `child minders' a break so they could shop as they had.

At the concierge's desk Maury and Mitty had the math done. Gil did the honours. Thierry's courier van outside... Jacques and some assistants put our purchases inside.

Several hours of fun and spending. Hermès getting used to our binge visits.

We did goodbyes to all. Gil gave an envelope to Maury with one of her cards to arrange a visit to Moulins de Deauville. The envelope amount larger since the Twins had been such a big part... getting lots of assistance.

I was ready for FOOD! All my companions joined in on that!

We walked north on Avenue George V to Le Fouquet's for a late luncheon.

The manager and Maître were at the door... bows and welcomes. The room off to the far right was ready again for us.

I was under Lino Ventura once more.

We did caviar and champagne with fizzy water for the babies and the Protectors.

I did their grilled sole, Cho went for the sole but a Meuniere sauce. The Twins saw spaghetti!!! They jumped on that!

We had a delightful lunch! Not too heavy.

We four went for glaces or sorbets for dessert, mine was mango sorbet! Wonderful.

Our server pleased to hear we had a fine lunch.

Many thank yous for coming again after we had praised the food.

Thierry and Anja's cars right outside... left turn onto the Champs-Elysees up to the Etoile, as we circled the l'Arc de Triomphe I told the Twins a bit about it... we'd be back for an up close visit... around to Avenue Kleber south to Place du Trocadero over to Rue de Commandant Schloesing.

There were open places to park right at the gate.

A gendarme got out of a car near the entrance, he motioned Thierry and Anja it was Okay to park.

The officer saluted, he said he would be here until our visit was complete, our cars could remain where they are.

Cho thanked him and shook his hand.

We walked through the gates of Passy Cemetery... I had asked Gil to order six sprays of white flowers from the tiny shop in the wall beside the entrance... she and Chelle would pick them up and join us. Gil knew where we would begin.

The manager waiting. We thanked him for his welcome. I said we wouldn't be here long... a few graves we will visit. He asked if we needed help...

Smiling, I thanked him, "I have been here before... I know where we will go."

He bowed.

Inside we turned right on the broad way then a jog left so a short distance and a right turn into a narrower path, down that to a left turning as the exterior walls were close. I stopped at a gray stone tomb on our right.

I took out from my bag a small flat black stone... I eased to the headstone and placed it on top of the left edge.

I squatted between the Twins... "This is Natalie Clifford Barney's grave who lived at our Rue Jacob house for nearly sixty years... she was an American writer who preferred to live in France." I added her sister is with her.

I had time to tell them a bit about her... before Gil and Chelle arrived... I put one flower spray on the grave.

Around the corner behind us is Georges Mandel. A man of many parts but above all a Frenchman. He refused to agree to the setting up of the Vichy Government because `it debased France.'

Since he was a thorn in the side of Vichy, they arrested him, he was turned over to the Gestapo. He spent time in concentration camps then sent back to France where he was murdered by the fascist Milice collaborators.

A brave patriot in love with France. I laid a spray on his grave.

A turn to the right into Division 10 to the grave of Jean Patou. I laid the spray on the softly rounded top. I told everyone my perfume was created by this man who died unexpectedly at age forty eight.

We retraced our route back to a wider way... at the big central plaza we took the another way going west. Just past the circle a stop to lay flowers on the grave of Edouard Manet. Chani knew his name... she liked his work. I let her lay the flowers.

We headed west to a turn right a short walk to a left, on that almost to the wall again, a left to the grave of Claude Debussy.

Once again Chani knew his name... "Mama, Clair de Lune!"

"Yes! He wrote many lovely pieces like that."

Charlie motioned with his hands, "La Mer... waves like the water."

A kiss for him, "You're right!"

Our babies!! Cho smiling ear to ear! I got a kiss too.

We all joined in laying the flowers this time.

We walked back towards the entrance... near the entrance we walked up a incline to the left up to Pauline Mary Tarn's grave... her pen name Renee Vivian. The flowers... I laid them this time.

Everyone got she was a close friend of Ms. Barney's, Ms. Vivian was also a published author... she died young from an assortment of health problems.

There are many others... Hubert de Givenchy, Marcel Renault, the Guerlain family... a few scoundrels as you might imagine, several truly incompetent World War Two French generals in the bunch.

Much the same as any cemetery.

At the kerb the young policeman was thanked again for helping us.

We got a smile and a salute.

I thanked Gil for the arrangements for today.

A smile, "The police commissaire was very nice. He said he'd preferred know in advance and help rather than hearing about a problem."

Fist bump! Yes... we shared with the Twins.

Thierry and Anja took us a few blocks around to the Pont d'Ièna heading straight for the Eiffel Tower then several turns to the Champs de Mars side. At the gate another policeman and the day manager of the Tower waited. I got a salute from one and a bow from the other. We shook hands. Cho and I thanking them for assisting us.

Little Lord Munro and Lady Chanthira were welcomed to the Eiffel Tower. We walked to the lift where a uniformed woman was holding it.

Our thanks at the doors... inside we slid upwards to the second floor then changing to the other lift to the top. The Twins could see some of the inside of the tower structure as the lift swept upwards.

We worked our way around the top slowly... pointing out some things as we went. They could see Passy Cemetery where we'd just been. The Trocadero Gardens, the slow curve of the Seine, the many bridges. They saw L'Ile Saint-Louis and our house with the aid of one of the telescopes.

All the amazing variety of buildings throughout the city. They were laughing, having fun pointing at things with us. It was fun... they are so curious, their questions always interesting.

Charlie wanted to know the ages of some buildings and how they fit in the history of Paris.

He got a bit that went further back too... the name `Lutetia' the Celtic tribe Parisii gave their city they started on the islands... we have our house on one. Our house from the Sixteenth Century when Montaigan's family built it.

The mention of Montaigan got them... they wanted to see him. Cho reminded them he would be at Harcourt House for Christmas. Cheers!

Downstairs we let the Twins go into the little shop to get one bit of kitsch each. They both chose a postcard of the tower, different ones.

On to the house... a busy day.

Lucien waving as the car slid by... in the courtyard one of the Security Service people had a football... Charlie asked `could he kick it?' The fellow rolled it to him... Charlie did a very good kick... Cho squeezed my arm... as he followed our son.

Chani smiling as we stepped into the lift. We went up to our rooms to change.

On the main floor I wanted a coffee, a fruit drink for Chani. In the library Chani and Delphine shared a settee and a book on the small animals of France.

I sat at the table desk to do email and look at some things Chelle put down for me.

I saw Donovan's email and dialled him.

"Fay, the Cook County Sheriff is digging in his heels. The uproar has made him more adamant. It is a political disaster for him. All local politicos know it is the sort of spectacle to avoid.

You have to conclude he doesn't intend to run for re-election."

Laughing, "Any way to encourage him?"

Laughter on his end, "We keep reporting the refusal and what others are saying about him in general terms... some of it is getting ugly. You've seen our competitor's copy?"

"Yes. Thanks for sending it. Please remain at a distance as you have been. If mud is being slung at him I don't want it come from us. Straight reporting is quite damning enough."

Donovan... I could almost hear his head shaking, "He started the whole DNA thing a few years ago as you know... he's lost control of the narrative."

"To be hoisted with one's own petard is never comfortable. Not following through with us is plain silly. It does seem to be like him because his office would not ever admit the error of the Michael Marino identification... they spent their time whinging about Mrs. Marino not co-operating.

I believe Mrs. Marino has very good reasons not to trust the sheriff... the sheriff's office not recognising their mistreatment of the victim's families is a major source of the distrust."

"Fay, we... are getting very big plaudits for our stories and sticking to our guns despite the sheriff's complaints, you two standing behind us is also being applauded. Your names are in our competitors stories, print and electronic.

Our sharing of everything with our press colleagues from the Miami and Elston search gives us gravitas... honesty and fairness which the sheriff cannot match."

Donovan said he'd discussed asking the Sheriff to go with his Tribune colleagues. They felt it is too early. They wanted the uproar to keep building. Okay... fine by me they knew the ground. He knew we supported whatever he decided.

I said his keeping us in the loop was great. We rang off with good wishes.

A zowie tone... Francis.

"Fay for starters everyone here is marvellous. Wesley is eating, pooping... thanks for the diaper service... and smiling! He's won our hearts completely."

I congratulated them on being enthralled with their son. LAUGHTER!

We exchanged some news... he said the Chicago business is getting nasty. I said the Tribune is doing straight news no commentary.

Eric's trip... "I hope they go for it... with London signed up then the U.S. capital sends a huge message."

I brought up the Pew Research Centre's release of their report on the newspaper business... it shows an uneven upturn in circulation, website engagement and advertising revenue.

"They didn't break it down by company but they did single out the NewsGroup as the leader in the changes in the industry. Their figures showed our newspapers were much more than bucking the downtrend... rising even in many tough markets.

Our newspapers were showing gains across the board... in some cases ours were more than twenty percent ahead of where they were in 2016 the last time they did such a report."

"Fay, that's marvellous!! You and Cho asking the people to do their upmost as you give them tools and a proper wage is an unmatched strategy!"

I gave him a précis of the back story Bergen County articles... he was amazed.

Francis, "I've been watching from across the Hudson... They have gotten the state of New Jersey government in an uproar... the other local press have jumped on it... expanding the story... TV video of some of the muck in the river was quite gross."

I laughed, "When we visited their offices I told them it was up to them but we wanted their newspapers to survive. I gave them the news about the building which brought tears to one woman's eyes.

They told us about the pollution stories... I told the publisher to go Justin for more resources to get the job done. He did so they put the pedal down... you are seeing the result of good journalism!"

We covered a few more topics. They would stay in New York for Christmas... spending most of their free time sharing Wesley with Daria.

"Francis, we have a several large boxes full of gifts going to you shortly. One box is for the `day' you know..."

Laughing, "Strange it will be the first time we haven't ridden out together. Thank you for remembering a turning point in my life."

"My pleasure."

I said to kiss his family for us. He would and I should do the same.

Lucien was thanked for bringing up our purchases. He said Thierry's driver helped getting it into the lift.

Now I had to go through it with Tha and Delphine.

Cho and Charlie came up. The little man smiling as he climbed onto my lap.

"Mama, it was fun to kick!"

Cho ruffled Charlie's hair, "He did very well!"

Chani called to Charlie to come look... Delphine joined us so Charlie could sit.

"Chani is looking at martens, the Beech and Pine ones that live here in France. They are cute little things."

Cho pointed out we wouldn't want to be any kind food near them... they could be quite tough customers.

iPad... I pulled up some snaps of them... cute, nice sharp teeth too.

Chelle leaned over with her iPad... edited snaps of me... oooooh are my breasts really that big??

Cho shaking his head with `Some people need to get out more.'

The snaps had been sent by Tai's assistant Tatra. Her email said `takedown' notices had been sent to all websites reminding them they were now liable for what is posted on their platform.

Some are already gone... she mentioned it is a `whack-a-mole' fight. One could only shrug at such human silliness in making and bothering to look at obvious fakery.

I turned to Cho... "Maybe we sue some more to get the point across? Other victims don't have the pulpit or money to do so."

"They perhaps do not want to draw attention to the offending material?"

"Well I'm not hiding from anybody! Privacy is linked to decency."

A kiss.

I asked Chelle to email the lawyers... CC Tatra... have them arrange a meeting and see if there were any more good targets to choose to make the biggest impression. I suggested `4chan' as a good place to start since it was one of the most lawless sites.

It looked like reddit was going get their shit together.

A thumbs up.

I worked some more then we changed to go out for dinner.

Casually dressed we walked along the river to La Brasserie de l'Isle Paris. The city lit up as always... the lights delighted the babies.

Alain greeting us at the door. Our crowd took up a good part of the back of the restaurant. Thierry and several other servers came to get our choices. I gave mine before walking up front to get an espresso and speak with Alain.

He and his family were doing very well. His son would start in pre-school after Christmas... I congratulated him.

"So what will your wife do with no children at home part of the day?"

He laughed, "She has list of things she wants to do... at home and around... I do not think ennui will set in."

A fist bump for him!

I took my second cup of coffee back to the table.

Everyone ready for food... me too.

I started with the herring then I split the cod in basil sauce with Chani also an omelette aux Fines herbes for us both. Charlie grinning with a piece of bread in hand... his sole disappearing. Cho had the sole also in his favourite Meuniere sauce.

A Chablis from La Chablisienne went well with our fish. The babies had Oranginas.

I had the Crème Caramel Maison, Chocolate Mousse for Charlie and Chani. The baked apple for Cho.

We did coffee... we'd do afters at home.

We sat to talk after the Twins were tucked in.

Cho got a précis of my telephone calls and emails.

The hair salon in the ground floor of our Great Peter Street building were moving to Kensington so they will not renew their lease.

"Let's renovate the space and move Andi and Rikki down there. Room for more staff... we need someone to do some coordination for the properties... maintenance especially."

Clare could use the office in the flat for now... "We should move her to the new building at Notting Hill so she can have a proper office, room for her staff and space to do interviews."

Cho's fist out... bump!

The block of flats I wanted is purchased in Berlin... I gave Cho a description of the building... an eye glass shop and a cellular phone store on the ground level, the second floor had offices for the City of Berlin... a sort of overflow office space.

Then three floors of flats, sixteen each on the second and third floors, the top floor had ten. Two large flats each with four bedrooms, the others were two bedroom units.

"The two large ones are side-by-side so we can join them by creating an opening. Us eight in that mega-flat, the Protection Team and guests in the others.

We will need to make changes to the lifts... use a small dongle system linked to the floors. You wave the dongle at the scanner... it detects your flat number and sends the lift to that floor... or something like that."

I added we have taken over another building at Tegel Airport for the car service. Repair space, lounge and changing space for drivers, a large office included.

We kicked the Berlin bits around.

"How about we all go for an overnight to Berlin in January. Stay at the Adlon, see the new building and go out to Bogensee?"

Cho kissed me in agreement!! Its great we agree... the kissing even better!

Breakfast was done by me again! I am the popular choice if for no other reason than I'm up early so when the slug-a-beds come down it's all prepared.

Everybody laughing and some insincere kowtowing. A lot of laughter.

We were packed up, goodbyes to our Parisien people. Thierry's cars carried us to the heliport then a short hop to Le Bourget. Two Gulfstreams, one for us and some Protectors to Inverness, the other to Chalgrove.

PJ going to London... time for Eloise!! He was razzed a bit... not by me. He got a hug and cheek kiss... `Enjoy' in his ear!

One hour to Inverness, Derry put his foot down. We taxied to a stop northeast of the terminal. Two AW139's waiting... we were away immediately.

We crossed the firth between Fortrose and Ft. George then turned around the golf course driving range to land in the field in front of our house.

Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig our welcoming committee!! Marvellous to see their faces when the Twins on their feet ran to them... "Dee!" "Unc!" Arms wide open.

We delivered loads of hugs and kisses.

Gilroy and Isobel smiling... a bow and a curtsey. We shook their hands thanking them for doing a fine job guarding MacQuarrie House.

Chani fist bumping with Izzy, "Chani... Charlie... you are growing up!"

Charlie said they were having fun doing it to much laughter.

Chani was coming with me and Dee into town, the guys were going to the golf club. Gil and Chelle working... two tongues stuck out towards me. I found their objections easy to dismiss since they so `graciously' piled work on me.

Us three with Tara and Alba walked to the High Street. We went into a few shops... the fishmonger said his lad would deliver the fish I bought for tonight's dinner to MacQuarrie House. I thanked him. I left a tip for the young man.

The greengrocer boxed what I bought... he would co-ordinate with the fishmonger on the delivery so only one trip. A thumbs up for that.

I left another tip since the young fellow now had a double load.

I picked up a few newspapers... one of which we owned... funny to pay for it... The young woman in the news agents was the same who I spoke to on the first visit. She was thrilled to meet me again. Now I am a Countess. I got a curtsey. Okay.

We crossed the road to the Fortrose Café! The owner welcomed us. We seem to come when it is too cold for sitting outside in their nice garden area.

A cappuccino! Apple juice for Chani. Dee joined me.

We three all chose their coriander carrot soup, their good bread came with. We added a plate of chips to share.

The chocolate tart was still on the menu... Yes!

Chani did a tummy rub of appreciation for the lunch!

Funny our server asking about a banana... Chani thanked the lady saying she's trying other things. They are nice people... a well run restaurant... the aromas... magnifique!!!

A slow walk back to Ness Road... we stopped at the Remembrance Gate where the ceremony would be tomorrow. Several people were getting things ready...

The Mayor bowed, "Your Ladyship, welcome."

I thanked him and introduced Chani. Smiling he shook her hand.

"M'Lady, We are very glad you will speak tomorrow."

"I'm happy to do so but nothing too long..." I looked at the weather... "... a bit of a blow coming."

"Yes... it does look like it... fingers crossed... " Which he did, "... it won't be wet."

We shook hands.

We walked to MacQuarrie House... we passed Fortrose Academy on a footpath, off Greengates Place we turn north on another path... it connected on the other side of the housing estate to Ness Road. We did take turns carrying Chani... she was giggling.

At the house Freya said the deliveries were here, she put things the fridge that needed it. Okay. I thanked her.

Chani went into the garden to visit with Moire who was doing autumn things for the plants. I could see them with Delphine.

Gil and Chelle had things for me. I chose the drawing room and a comfy chair. A few hours of that then I washed up to begin dinner. Moire came in to help... she was smiling... I asked...

"M'Lady, I've never cooked dinner with a Countess before."

We laughed and divided up the work.

I made the Indian spice rub for the salmon, we shared chopping the vegetables. We washed the fish fillets which we positioned on big baking sheets lined with aluminium. The rub went on easily, chunks of onion surrounded the fish, into the ovens. Slow cook!

It was right to have the second oven installed.

Dee was grilling the naan... they had a terrific aroma! Into the warming oven!

Moire got the rice ready, I began to grill the vegetables. I chose the spice mixture for the curry sauce... we put it together in the big cast iron pot.

I punched the button on the DeLonghi... caffeine! Moire seconded that! We leaned back on the workspace edge sipping our espressos.

I thanked her.

"M'Lady, you are very handy in a kitchen."

"Before marriage I lived alone so it was either feed myself well or open tins. The latter was a non-starter."

She laughed, "You don't look like you overfed yourself."

"No... I did eat leftovers."

We clinked cups.

Dinner well on the way when the men returned. Several noses winkling at the nice smells we were making. I put Cho to work... I pointed down... Cho grinned... a kiss. He and Craig when down to choose the wine.

Charlie joined Chani in the garden.

Our Protectors watching it all happen... smiles... they were lucky most of the work is done... I asked for volunteers to help set the table.

All of us sitting around the big table, we served the salmon by the piece on each plate then four bowls of curried vegetables. Rice for under the curry in big bowls... Platters of naan. The table groaned... delightful!!

Glasses charged, wine, fizzy water, juice and colas raised for a toast... Cho standing... "A happy meal with those we love and value... We are in Scotland to honour the dead... while we have life we will remember their sacrifice... by doing many positive things to benefit others."

Smiling at my man, we stood... Huzza!! Huzza!! Huzza!!

After a few bites faces turning to me... I was congratulated! I pointed to Dee and Moire... glasses raised to us.

It did turn out quite nice. The salmon... good rich taste of fresh fish from the waters of Scotland. Cho chose a French Pinot Noir which was an excellent fit for the fish.

The curry is spicy but it did not bite. Dee's naan!!! Wonderful.

I enjoyed my own cooking! It was rewarding to see the bowls and platters emptying. Chani beside me put out her hand... we leaned together so she could kiss my cheek...

"Mama, it is so good!"

I thanked her.

When everyone rested I announced dessert was an interactive event... huh's?

"There will be containers of ice cream on the work surfaces... bowls, spoons, sprinkles and syrups. You choose what flavours you desire and load up."

I did ask for everybody to bring their dishes to the sink. As I and Freya laid out the ice cream there was a stream of folks delivering empty dishes taking clean ones to fill up. Cho helped the Twins filling their bowls.

Moire was managing the dishes... when I went back later she had the dishwasher running... the next load ready on the workspace.

Standing in the doorway to the dining room to watch everybody spooning up the ice cream into smiling faces. Me sipping an espresso.

Dee, me, Freya and Moire cleaned up the rest of the dinner with the men taking care of the dining room.

Sitting with espresso and Amaretto outside... it was chilly but the blanket was good. Cho grinning...

"You did a wonderful meal."

"I had help."

"Yes but it was your leadership."

"So what... I should become a chef? Manage a kitchen?"

We were laughing at the thought. It was too late for such simplicity.

The morning walk in the breezy weather... chilly... over to the beach then along the perimeter of the golf course to the lighthouse at Chanory Point. The return on the opposite side of the golf course to Wester Greengates to Ness Road. A good bit of ground. Alba and Roche with me grinning for the exercise in such beauty.

Time to go to events.

Winds picking up, lower clouds threatening to rain... the chill deepening... I chose a black wool long sleeve frock close to my torso, narrow waist, the hem a couple of inches above the knee. Black stockings and heels. Silver jewellery. `Joy'

The Mirabelle big black wool coat with the close on my left hip with one big button, blue-white-red Hermès scarf with black leather gloves. A black cloche hat, a narrow brim rolled up all around, a black silk band with a large red poppy on it.

Cho and Charlie in black suits with red ties.

Chani in a black velvet frock to her mid-calf. Wool knee socks and Mary Janes.

They all had wool overcoats, scarves and gloves. Chani had a black tam with a red button.

Each had a poppy on their coats!

The car dropped us on Union Street. Aunt Dee and Uncle Craig waiting for us.

A constable opened the crowd... suddenly there was clapping... Amazing! A few people got started then the whole lot were applauding. Surprising! We all waved to them.

The Mayor escorted us onto the platform... I shook hands with the other guests.

The Mayor got things going. Two ministers asked the Lord's blessing on those who are remembered here.

Several people spoke then it was me...

The Mayor introduced me although it seemed unnecessary...

"A word on the news from Holyrood... Our next speaker has just been honoured by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth with the Order of the Thistle."

Loud applause...

"Please welcome Her Ladyship, the Viscountess Munro."

I'm wearing the Order of the Thistle star on my left breast... happy it arrived in time for this trip included was the Queen's permission to wear it before I am officially installed..

I stepped to the microphone... very nice polite applause that continued for a bit...

The faces of Scotland in front of me... fresh faces, ruddy or creamy white cheeks, lots of pale or ginger hair sticking out from hats... Brown hair and green eyes... Dark eyes on some... more than a few bearded faces.

There is a long tradition of military service in the Highland people which the monument remembers.

"On this gate there are names of people most of us never met... their not knowing any of us did not stop their going to war and regretfully failing to return safely... two Munro's, my family, one in each great world war laid down their lives in the struggle to keep Great Britain a place of liberty and decency.

Each time we as a nation asked for their service against a venal and dangerous enemy... they went, liking it or not, they went with their brothers into the maelstrom of war...

Both sides of my family sent men to France in the first war to fight in the muck, noise and blood in the trenches... my Munro great grandfather wounded but survived the war.

In the second... I lost a great grandfather in Burma and a grandfather fought in the desert. My father, a Martin, served in the Royal Artillery then intelligence where my Munro mother joined him to be an active MI6 agent."

The crowd was amazed by that... they were speaking to each other... an untold story.

"Serving the Crown... can be quite costly... we never sought war but when we needed to fight we did. Sacrifices were made on the battlefield and at home. I lost a great grandmother in London during the Blitz.

Each year we come to places like this gate to pay our respects to the dead... it is not a morbid task... rather look upon it as what the future gives the past because without the sacrifices of the brave men and women in the forces our future is in jeopardy.

Thank you!"

I stepped back and waved to the crowd.

They applauded once again. The Mayor with a big smile shook my hand... an elderly major had a nice smile as we shook.

"M'Lady, I sensed it was a heartfelt speech."

Smiling I said "Yes."

I shook a lot of hands... introduced Cho and the Twins with Dee and Craig beside us.

The major shook Charlie's hand saying to Cho next to our son... it was good to see the future here.

Charlie amazed him, holding his hand, "Sir, thank you for your service to Queen and Country."

The major bowed.

I could hear people saying it was very nice to meet `Sir Cho.'

Being promoted to the aristocracy is an interesting experience. The Old Major said it was fine to see my Star...

"It is good for the people seeing your connections to Scotland."

I thanked him.

I did pigeonhole the Mayor...

"So you know... and can tell others... Ft. George will not close. The list of bases to be shut is being completely revised... the previous government did not follow the guidelines in making their decisions."

He was pleased, the Fort was a tourist attraction besides being an active military base and a link to the long military traditions of the Highlands. We shook hands.

We gathered all the parts of our crowd to the cars. At MacQuarrie House we transferred to the AW139's for the hop to Alness.

We landed at Castle Munro... cars to the eastern end of the High Street. As arranged we parked at the Ardross Alness Bowling Club and walked to the rear of the Alness Community Association building I'd visited by horse on an earlier trip.

Through the trees we could see the crowd filling the roads... quite dense and attentive to the current speaker.

A gentleman, old enough to be my grandfather but appearing quite hale greeted me...

"Your Ladyship, it is wonderful you have come..."

He stopped looking at the star on my left breast...

"M'Lady, that is a wonderful thing Her Majesty has done."

I thanked him.

Cho after introductions of the Twins and Dee and Craig said go ahead he and our crowd would watch from here.

My greeter, "Please let me escort you to the dais."

I took the fellow's arm. Tara followed.

I allowed myself to be brought up onto the platform behind the other guests... several turned around at the activity... several amazed faces.

The Mayor introduced an older officer who edged forward with his cane to the microphone.

The mayor moved back to greet me... "Your Ladyship, I am glad you have come. Would you say a few words to the people?"

I am not on the programme... I agreed.

"Given the wind and temperature it will be quite short."

He said that was fine.

In a few minutes the Mayor at the microphone...

"Our last speaker is not on the programme... Her Ladyship, the Viscountess Munro of Alness...."

He turned to start the clapping which got quite loud... They did settle down after a few minutes...

"Good morning..." I pointed to the big red stone cross, "tha seachd Munro air a 'chrois ... am measg nan saighdearan urramach eile ... na h-ainmean sin a tha a' cur nar cuimhne gu bheil sinn de"nach uallaichean saoranachd a ghiùlan, uaill ann an teaghlach agus gaol na dùthcha a dh 'fhaodadh a bhith a' ciallachadh an call mu dheireadh."

The crowd was silent... amazed... then they applauded.

I smiled my thank you.

I repeated in English what I'd said in Gaelic... "... there are seven Munro's on the cross... among the other honoured soldiers... those names that remind us all of the willingness to bear the burdens of citizenship, pride in family and love of country that could mean the ultimate loss."

"To best honour the fallen... do not let them down... they fought so you could speak freely... vote freely... live freely... so go out and do so keeping in mind that there are limitations... everyone has the same rights and privileges as you.

Stand up for the person who is different for the very reason that they are... Differences are what make our society stronger... They give it character and stability.

Give back to your community in small and large ways... Donate your time to causes that enrich the community... Help those in need... a kind word or a bit of money... they can go a long way.

Support the women and men who today serve in the Forces because they are on duty for you and the Kingdom... My family... both sides have served, been to war and given their lives for us and the nation.

Most of all... stand up and be yourself because our families have sacrificed in lives and given much blood so you could make your own way.

Thank you."

I waved to the crowd.

There was loud applause that went on for quite a bit... The Mayor stepped close to shake my hand and thank me for being here.

"M'Lady, What you said was simple and direct... and special to hear."

My hand being pumped.

I shook other hands from the people on the dais.

As things wound down I had the Mayor's arm, "So you know the Dockyard at Invergordon will not close."

He smiled.

"The government is not going ahead with the proposed closure list."

The Mayor, "M'Lady, Our MP has said nothing."

"I may be in a position to know more because a Parliamentary committee I am on has been tasked with a review and recommends scraping the tories' list."

"Thank you M'Lady. Shall I tell the Invergordon Mayor and his people there?"

"Yes... please! It is not a secret."

He did more introductions. The old Army officer with the cane was indeed a World War Two veteran. He showed me his Africa Star... "M'Lady, I knew your grandfather out there. I was then a Subaltern in the second battalion of the regiment and often took messages to him."

I had his hand, "I glad to meet you. Are things good for you?"

"Yes M'Lady. I am well looked after... I live with my daughter's family... lots of young ones to keep me active."

I motioned to Gil... she gave him her card...

"If you need anything out of the ordinary contact Gil. She is a wizard at helping..."

We shook hands again... I led him to Cho and the Twins... introductions. Fellow was charmed by our babies.

He was smiling as he shook hands with Charlie... Our son with a beautiful smile back... the future Earl and Viscount.

We stayed for a bit talking with many people out of the wind under the trees... a bit of mist coming in... we did our goodbyes. The cars took us to Castle Munro.

In the entryway Caillen and Hume greeting us. The house was doing well, the many guests booked for the summer had kept them busy. The autumn had slowed the numbers but they had eight guests in right now. A fair number had booked for the winter sports so they would be remain full of activity.

Galiene had cookies! We all sat at the kitchen table for a few with coffee or hot chocolate. Very welcome after the cold breezy ceremonies.

Back to Fortrose. Cho and Craig took Charlie to the golf course... we `ladies' did a nice walk... afterwards Chani and Dee in the drawing room chatting and playing word games with Delphine and Tha...

Me... I got to work.

Dinner when the guys were back was done by Freya and Moire. Very tasty grilled local trout, whipped potatoes and veggies. Soft soft rolls which Charlie heartily approved of!

Big hugs and lots of kisses from Dee and Craig. We'd see them at Harcourt House next month.

An early night for Chani and I. The guys were going to Turnberry then home with a stop at `The Cottage' on Windermere.

Cho and I tucked Chani in. Charlie sitting with his Popa... a book on Scotland's national parks.

Me to bed.

Our daughter grinning at me as Kellen settled the AW139 to the grass of a playing field in Warriston North Edinburgh. We'd flown down to approach from the east... Calton Hill, Holyrood Park and Edinburgh Castle all pointed out to her.

Three stops for us... Tolivere with a big smile at the door of the shelter... he stepped back... there was Angus. Yea! Handshakes all around... Chani giggling as she and Angus fist bumped.

"Lady Chani, you've grown so much."

"Sorry Angus... I can't help myself."


We got a tour... meeting guests, seeing the rooms and... everything! It is my first visit.

Tolivere, "We are sixty percent occupied... the cold pushing more in so we will likely be close to capacity for the winter."

I asked about the attic space... "We can use it if necessary. It is clean with very little stored there. Its heated but it isn't tropical."

We laughed.

"We've a good supply of comforters and blankets to keep any sleepers warm."

I could see Tolivere knew what to do and the guests obviously liked him.

Delphine and Chani wandered whilst I sat with Angus and Tolivere. Rona had been here two weeks ago... she was a whiz at getting things they needed.

Angus gave me the tale of the other Scots shelters. All running along smoothly for the most part... a few hiccups and minor dramas you'd expect from teens.

"Fay, I have been surprised that there is little bother... The Chanthira Foundation's ethos permeates... we act as you want... treating the guests as such and as adults. They appreciate being valued instead of condescended to by older folks! Protection is a huge thing... living on the streets is all about fear in one form or another.

The challenge of living in a community.... they rise to it."

Fist bump.

They'd had visits here, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Dundee from the Scots government folk about education and jobs. There isn't much happening right away... plans for visits to sit down with all the guests.

They didn't need anything special... Rona is good.

We did our goodbyes.

A short drive to Mirabelle on Princes Street. This is an excellent location... downtown, opposite Waverley Station... an important shopping area. Many businesses and government offices nearby.

The store had its opening several weeks ago... Channing at the door. Our first meeting.

She had a Scots accent, not too much, quite enough to make every customer feel at home.

Chani was introduced.

"Lady Chani, welcome!"

Chani did a fist bump with Channing and then the staff. They were all here... even the ones off-duty to meet us.

I thanked them all for coming and their hard work to get the store open.

As a group they said there was `No way they'd miss meeting me' as I shook hands. Smiles!

Chani did a tour... I spoke to Channing and her assistant manager.

Their opening was terrific. They had sales almost four times what we projected for the first days. The Landy Costumes new operations coming on line making a difference in stock availability. They were a bit thin in a few areas after their big opening days but re-supply did the trick.

Their doors would be open here for the day very shortly...

"M'Lady, there are customers coming in the door all day long."

Her assistant nodding... "Everyone is getting the appropriate break time only because we are keeping more staff on duty. I have hired two new ladies... both with retail clothing experience..."

Fist bump.

I sat with Channing in the office...

"Your store is earning above twenty six and half percent more per square foot than similar women's clothing stores."

Channing had a shocked look... "It's early days for you so the numbers will likely settle down to around fifteen to sixteen percent where the other Mirabelle's are."

"Your Ladyship, do you know what part of the store is doing the best? Speaking from my numbers it is the suits."

"It is the same in every store. The suits are the reason Coral and I started the expansion into a small retail chain. Our women seamstresses are skilled at making an excellent product, good designs and fabrics... we have also been careful on choosing locations.

Yours is in a prominent spot, heavy foot traffic, close to many other retailers and near business office buildings. Allison's in Birmingham where Chani and I are going next is in a like location.

Our advertising has been targeted and subtle... it is getting our message across to the kind of woman we like."

Chani and I with our crowd did goodbyes. We walked two blocks along Princes Street to Leabhar Publishing. They had two floors of a building on Waterloo Place.

I had Gil give them a heads up. The MD Hector was waiting with his top folks... handshakes after he bowed.

Meeting Chani was unexpected for them... she did her princess routine... they were eating out of her hand. What a cutie!! A walkabout for her after meeting the staff.

These people acting very happy to meet me... the publisher saying it was wonderful about my joining the Order of the Thistle.

"I will be back in a few weeks at St. Giles for the installation ceremony," I smiled, "My outfit will be quite different."

One of the editors, a woman about forty said the robes and hats were marvellous to look at. I said I hoped they aren't too heavy.

Leabhar has a good author list, many titles in print and a good catalogue of older titles. A strong reputation for publishing titles on Scotland's history and people. Several award-winning books on the western isles and the inhabitants! The Highlands well covered in non-fiction and photographic books. Many unique titles with solid sales.

I told them Vinni would be by to see them as soon as...

Being part of Munro Publishing sounded good to them... we had deep pockets giving them the chance to expand.

A good discussion on their issues and needs. Gil keeping track.

A short visit... showing the flag... a more thorough visit was up to Vinni. She'd get copies Gil's notes.

We rounded up Chani to do our goodbyes...handshakes and fist bumps by our daughter... waving from the cars as a few people came out.

Back at the Warriston sports ground I thanked the rugby club manager...

He bowed, "Your Ladyship, we are happy to do it again... please contact us."

I thanked him once more.

Kellen lifted us up turning south. Birmingham and a Mirabelle.

On the intercom she said Penn and Gil arranged a landing spot on the top of a multi-story car park... six blocks from the store location. Great!

An hour in flight... we spiralled down to the car park top. A police car sitting in the up ramp to the top. I walked over to thank the PC's.

"M'Lady, it is an assignment but a real pleasure."

I gave them a big smile. They asked if it was Okay to have a look at the helicopter... I said to see Kellen she was in charge... a grin. Okay!

We went down to the street... six blocks I carried Chani most of the way... I didn't want to wear her out.

The store was open for the day... it was just past noon... quite a crowd.

Allison saw us... I put Chani down to shake Allison's hand and introduce her to Chani and my people.

Chani with Gaby and Delphine went exploring.

"Chani's has been to many of our stores... she likes to look around. Do you have enough coverage so we can take you to lunch?"

"Yes, knowing you were coming I added two staff to the day."

I made a point of saying hello to each staff member before taking my crowd out around the corner to Trocadero. I'd been in here years ago... I loved the glass and tile, a beautiful turn of the twentieth Century look!

Gil had booked a side room where we could talk... no games and they would turn off the TV screen for us.

The manager greeted us... he bowed. We were led us towards the back... a long narrow room... perfect... tables together... a seat for Chani!!

I thanked the fellow.

"It is an honour to have you visit."

"Actually I've been here before... half a dozen years back I think... maybe more. I'm glad to say it looks the same."

"Oh M'Lady, we don't dare make any big changes the regulars would revolt. We stick to adding a few new things to the menu."

We laughed and shook hands.

Chani in her seat with a menu card... a big grin... Oh what's up?

"Mama, fish and chips for me!"

With that said she put the menu down... Okay... DONE!

Our server looking at Chani... like she couldn't have `read' that?

I smiled, "Chani, like me, makes up her mind quickly."

Chani looking at our server with a `Cho cute' smile, "Can I please not have the mushy peas?"

Our server gob smacked by that!

She managed to get out `Of course... would you like a substitute?"

Chani considered, "No thank you. The rest will be enough."

Our server a bit shell-shocked.

I chose the Veggie sausages and Mash. I'll skip the beans. A `Brown' for me, a small cola for Chani.

Everyone else was more or less normal... a second server was doing our Protectors... she got it was all part of one bill.

Nice to sip a Newcastle... I hadn't done this for a while. Allison listening to Chani tell her we had been in the original Trocadero neighbourhood in Paris the other day.

Allison looking to me... I smiled.

"We went to a cemetery for a visit it is on the border of the Trocadero and Passy neighbourhoods. Then we went up the Eiffel Tower which Chani and Charlie liked a lot."

Chani giggling and clapping, "It was fun to see our house through the telescope."

Allison a wondering look. I told her we had a house on l'Ile de Saint-Louis.

Allison loved hearing the two Mirabelle's in Paris were sales like hers... way up... she got we were looking for more locations in Paris.

Chani was half down on her cola when the food arrived. Delphine said she could have another.

Allison smiling, "Your Ladyship..." I said `Fay' informally. A smile!

"Fay, we... everybody... is enjoying the work... we know Christmas will be busy... I have scheduled each staff member for time off to be able to rest and be able to shop for their families."

Fist bump! Chani stuck hers out... Allison bumped with a grin.

"We are prepared for busy days... your guidelines about providing snacks and drinks for staff are terrific! Nibbles will help keep energy levels up."

"It is a small thing... we hope it helps."

The vegetarian bangers were very nice! I never miss the meat.

Chani grinning as she chewed a piece of fish... "Good?" She nodded.

Gil and Chelle a gave a thumbs up. Delphine too.

I looked to the Protectors... smiles.

We worked on our lunch... chatting about clothes and the city. Allison was a Brummie' a true native' of Birmingham, she loves the area.

Our server seemed to have recovered from the shock of Chani's small body doing things she herself would do.

"Your Ladyship, can I clear?"

I said of course.

Chani looking past me... she pointed...

Gil, "Fay, we have a few gawkers..."

I turned to see four young women at the opening of the room... I waved to them... smiling, giggling they waved back.

Our server slipped back in between them... I asked her for five menu cards and a black felt tip pen. A big smile, "Yes, Your Ladyship."

When she returned I signed one for her and one each for those young ladies.

Chani, "Mama, can I give those to them?"

I said she could, we got her down... Chani walked right over, Gaby beside her.

"My Mama says hello and these are for you."

I watched my new PR person hand a menu card to each... Wonderful.

Chelle behind me, a whisper, "Fay, Gil is getting it."

The young women were thrilled... thanking Chani as they did fist bumps with her. Waving to me as they turned to leave.

Chani waved and ran to me... big hug!

"Mama, that was fun!"

A thank you for her doing it.

Gil motioning with her iPhone. Good!

Our server was waiting with the bill, Chelle gestured her over.

I thanked her for the fine service, I mentioned Chani making her lunch choice, "Chani does surprise people with her abilities."

"Ma'am, how old is she?"

Chani, "I am almost twenty nine months old."

Our server was smart enough to now address Chani with her thank you and "You are very smart."

"My brother and I are not as smart as Mama and Popa."

I laughed for that.

We walked back to the store. I spent some time speaking to customers... there were quite a few... the store was busier than when we left.

I got many comments saying our clothes were `the best' and the staff marvellous. Always a thrill to hear our people and their work praised.

Allison beside me, "Fay, this is rewarding... seeing this... hearing the ladies liking the clothes and our people."

I said I felt the same.

"Well you should..." her hands motioning around, "... this is your vision."

A hug... fist bump with a grin.

Chani came close, we did our goodbyes.

A stop at Starbucks... pastry for two. I used my iPhone... the Seattle Starbuck woman's reaction repeated.

A bit of a choke, "Your Ladyship, do you need your balance?"

I smiled saying no... "It is large... I am working on it."

A smile and I shook her hand.

Then another stop... the Apple Store! We walked in... I love the old buildings Apple buys and makes into fabulous new look spaces.

An orange shirted fellow came up to us... when he got close it hit him... WOW! He almost jumped.

He bowed, "Your Ladyship... welcome to the store. Can I call my manager?"

I said yes. In a fast minute I shook hands with a fellow... middle years but trim looking good in a sky blue Apple long sleeve T-shirt.

"I am just stopping to look at the store. I try to do whenever possible during my travels."

I motioned above us, "I like the lights."

Big round balls suspended from the ceiling... looking antique.

"Ma'am, they are copies of what was here."

"Your space is quite similar to one on Prince Street in Greenwich Village, New York. The skylight and more."

"We are all glad they kept the best parts of the building... it is like a jewel for us."

His voice told me he meant it.

I shook his hand.

Chani behind me leaned around sticking her fist up... a huge smile as he brought his fist to hers. Laughter.

We said goodbye. Chani and I waving from the doorway.

Tara leading we walked back to the multi-story... the PC's were amazed I'd buy them a treat... I said enjoy. They thanked me... we did selfies.

Kellen said she'd given them a tour of the AW139. Fist bump.

Up and away to the south! Kellen said twenty minutes.

Right on time we dropped to the Harcourt House Grid.

Chani leading the way running across the gravel... "Car!"

I got a smile and a fist bump from Carter. Chani was fleet afoot... she wanted to see Jaidee... the very same came running from the Stables... a happy reunion at the Entryway. The brown dog licking her face and she rubbing him.

Gil, her phone against her ear, following Chani, Jaidee and I into the Great Room after Fin got our outer wear.

"Fay, Cho and Charlie are en route... about fifteen minutes."


I grabbed Chani going up... Delphine took her the rest of the way up to the Nursery to change as I did.

In riding clothes I hugged my guys. Jaidee bouncing around... three young ones went into the Garden... ball tossing!!

Cho's arms around me... Charlie did a good throw...'Woof!'

Such fun to watch. I got a kiss... a very nice one!!

Rebel gave off a big whinny when I came around the Stables office. I stroked his neck, "Hey big man! Time for some entertainment!!!"

Tessa on Geo... down the grassy lane to the Flats. Freddie, Diana and Ronnie working with some youngsters... nothing hard just getting them used to the discipline of the track. Waves.

We turned north along the river... I was asking... Rebel geared up! Speed! I looked back Geo running hard only three lengths back. We covered the three miles to Sandford very quickly... a cool down walking into the village.

A stop at Mr. Hardy's. He came out at our clip-clop sounds.

Inside he showed me his schedule of signings and talks... it was growing with the very large sales of `The Age of Warfare: Napoleon's Military Impact on Europe.' It was the fastest selling non-fiction history book... here and in America! Rocketing up the best seller lists. The simultaneous release in America building a wave of interest. Lots of notice already by American reviewers!

An American tour would be starting in the New Year.

It was likely to go into its second printing any day now.

"Please keep Gil in the loop... we have places where you can stay instead of an hotel room."

Smiling he thanked me. A thumps up for the Gil connection. A hug.

Tessa and I kept walking through the village, our horses clip-clops attracting notice. I waved and said hellos to many smiling faces.

Dr. Lone outside speaking to a fellow in coveralls. I stopped... Dr. lone smiling saying it is close to time for Christmas... Laughing I said it is now.

He laughed, "It will be good to see you riding about."

He introduced the fellow... a plumber there to replace a faucet. The man pulled off his hat... I leaned down to shake his hand.

"M'Lady, I see you occasionally when I am in the village."

"I will be around more for a bit. Nice to meet you."

Tessa and I turned the horses back to the dirt road... Rebel itching to run... when I asked him... another huge whinny as he burst into a run. We were GOING in a flash!

Tessa and Geo with us... down the berm to explode through the trees onto the grass. I steered my stallion to the river path... Geo sticking close! We rocked!

I wave to Mr. Radley... I heard `Welcome home!'

On the edge of the Flats we scaled back... Freddie on a fence... a fist up... cheering! We slowed to walk around to where he was... Fist bumps for us.

"Geo looking like she was enjoying her run."

I rubbed her neck... "I think they both did... I know we did!"

I leaned over to hug Tessa.

Up the lane Monty grinning... "M'Lady, I got it. More walking!"

A thank you for him.

Carter said the Twins had gone up. "Sir Cho is in the Office."

I thanked him!

Cho on his phone... a forehead kiss as I pointed up. He mouthed an Okay.

Gil said everything was set for tomorrow. Fist bump.

A quiet evening for us.

I got in my early morning ride with Pamela and Roland. Gaby cheeks flushed at the end, a huge grin. Fist bumps!

Dressed for the outdoors, black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt and a short black jumper... all under the Hugo Boss Moto jacket, black Doc Marten half boots, all my accessories were black... cashmere scarf, leather gloves and an Apple Harcourt Racing cap.

Cho in wool and tweed. A trenchcoat, gloves and a fedora.

The babies in jeans, jumpers, boots and jackets with woolly hats and gloves.

Kellen riding as the instructor' pilot although Almira was an experienced pilot who joined us on loan' from Agusta Westland in Italy. Min and Avril in the other AW139.

Up and turning west... crossing Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Wales then over the Irish Sea... we crossed the Irish coast above Balbriggan. Past Duleek we turned north to approach Newgrange from the south away from the monument.

I could point to several other sites nearby in the Brú na B"inne valley.

The people at Newgrange Farm arranged for us to land in a field east of them.

A small group waiting. They greeted us... our thank yous passed on.

"Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... we are pleased you would bring your family."

They met the Twins... bright shining faces!

We walked up to Newgrange. Chani and Charlie holding our hands. The brilliant white front and the glossy green grassy top a marvellous look even on a cloudy day.

We had a guide who led us up the steps... into the narrow passage... Charlie and Chani could walk easily enough. Our guide giving us a running monologue on the creation of this ancient structure.

In place five centuries before Stonehenge... even more than the Egyptian pyramids... a sophisticated burial mound with other religious connotations.

Interior was brightly lit then as we gathered in the end-chamber our guide said she would turn off the lights... when we were ready... we all held hands...

Lights out... she put on the ones that simulated the winter Solstice sunrise light entering the chamber. Wonderful! Amazing the ancients timed the solstice so carefully...

Not a bit strange the sun should be so central to every culture no matter where on earth they may have arisen.

A laugh inside... now we are here in Europe for the holiday season I wouldn't be getting much sun.

The Twins loved the light show, our guide was quite good at giving descriptions which kept their attention. Charlie did ask how they choose what day and time to align the opening to the chamber.

The ancients were diligent astronomers... carefully plotting the stars and the sun movements of each day... the solstice day had special meaning for the changes of seasons which so dominated their agrarian lives.

Birth in the spring, mid-year, harvest, winter the end of the year.

Chani as we should expect asked about the design etched into the rock on the inside and outside. Our guide told us what could be inferred from the shapes... nothing definite beyond there was a love of stylised designs.

I said another mound close-by was aligned to the setting sun of the winter solstice which tied the multiple sites together. I'd read a piece from some fellow saying it was mere co-incidence... sorry the ancients proven to be quite clever and organised... co-incidence my foot!!

We said many thanks to our guide. Smiling she said we were a good group. Shaking hands all around.

We did a walk around the whole mound, Cho and I carrying the Twins for most of it then down the path to re-cross the road. At the helicopters the picnic lunch was broken out, lots of fruit, many cheeses, crackers or bread. Cut vegetables and a tangy sour cream dip. Cookies and other sweet things for the end! Flavoured waters or fruit juice. A huge thermos of tea!

Napkins... I went around handing them out to everybody... Tara with a funny face, "Fay, cloth napkins?"

I laughed, "Be happy you aren't on the wash team."

Tara laughing shaking her head.

The sun decided to peek out and stay for a bit. No wind which made life easier as we sat around on the blankets... Chani and Charlie were loving this! Alfresco dining was big on their list of fun things to do.

After our feed a short walk to the Newgrange Farm and their petting zoo... which was not disclosed prior to lunch... for the obvious reasons. Now the Twins were stoked. Both has expressed the desire to go to Archie's place to see the animals like last year... they'd gotten an Okay for that... this is extra!

The farm folks were nice, the animals in wonderful shape... they looked pampered. Baby goats and a momma... very cute. Rabbits... soft... nice wiggly noses. Small cows, a couple of sheep, a lot of chickens... ducks, geese.

Cho and I plus Gaby and Penny stayed very near the babies during all the petting.

There is a wooden scarecrow picture frame where you stuck your head in an opening for pictures, both did that. An open shed with tiny tractors they had to pedal. Trailers to load with hay. Another picture frame thing with farmer's bodies, more snaps.

A couple of nice dogs of uncertain ancestry although it looked like a golden retriever got in there somewhere.

It was a fun two hours... the babies on the move the whole time.

I was leaning on Cho... "They'll be asleep in the helicopters." A kiss on my cheek in agreement.

When all the fun things had been done we did our goodbyes. The farm people said we could use the field any time they just needed a bit of notice. We thanked them and waved goodbye.

Almira and Min got us going. I asked if we could cross the coast north of Drogheda near Baltray then turn south to Rockabill Islands. Kellen queried the Irish air traffic control people... Okay for that.

As we flew over Baltray I told everyone about the two standing stones below... that they were the exact same type stone as the interior of Newgrange and they were astronomically aligned with the stones we would pass over on Rockabill Island... those two locations were connected to another mound by star and sun readings. All very complicated leaving no doubt of the skills and determination of the ancient peoples of Ireland to bring some order into their lives.

The stones on Rockabill Island were the same as the other two places... they had to ship the stones off shore to the island... more than five miles of open sea... it showed they knew about about building boats, currents, tides and winds!! What an awesome show for five thousand two hundred or more years ago!!!!

By the time we passed over Rockabill the babies were drowsy... asleep long before we reached Wales. Cho and I holding hands looking at them... Amazing!

At the house we carried the sleepy ones in and upstairs to bed. Tha and Delphine got their bedclothes on... kisses on soft cheeks.

Sunny came up to eat with us. She was blooming, riding a lot, enjoying it all. She is getting ready for the London International Horse Show.

Because of school she was only entering the Jumping Grand Prix competition there.

"I'm trying to get my best school marks so Brasenose sees my commitment... I know I have a place but I don't want them to think I'm any kind of slacker."

A kiss for her. She is a sharpie.

Carla did her wonderful vegetable soup... cheese to sprinkle on top, warm bread. We had it served in the Breakfast Room.

Cho nudging me, "You knew everything the guide told us?"

"No, I knew a lot I admit... it is nice to hear new things. I liked the the light show... very effective... evocative."

I asked more about Windermere... Bronwen and Geena are doing very well.

"It is a popular choice with our people given all the outdoorsy things to do. What about some horses?"

"Actually I hadn't thought of it. Good on you! I'll look into some things... we will need a stable since the old ones are now used for other things... we'd need to find a groom... horses... How many do you think?"

Cho's hand on my arm, "Before you start... Let's have Bronwen ask some guests and get Andi involved... let's see if there is an interest. Then Gregory could do a lot of the basics. No need to do anything until the end of winter."

A kiss!! Cho being organised!

I reminded Cho I had to go up to the London in the morning. He was going to Oxford East then into Oxford to meet solicitors.

I said I didn't know which of us would have more fun. We laughed.

Pamela easing down from another amazing run from Sanford. Roland beside us with Gaby... a wild face with delight all over it. Tara on Gough... we ended in a bunch. We all had redden cheeks from the cold air.

Out front on the grid... Almira as the command pilot, Kellen smiling.

Tara, Alba and Angie with me, Gil and Chelle too.

A fast trip... I took an interest in Almira's approach to the Wandsworth Heliport... very nice.

As I walked past her a thumbs up... a big smile behind that microphone.

Rae with a car ready... over the Wandsworth Bridge then on A3205 up to the Vauxhall Bridge over the Thames. Temple opened the door at Cowley House as I reached for the doorknob. A bow and smile... I thanked him.

Clough smiling too. He bowed, "M'Lady, it is good to see you. We are ready for luncheon."

PJ! A hug and cheek kiss. We had been apart for the longest period since we became a team three years ago.

We headed to the Lords... PJ let the others do the `guarding' so we could talk.

I heard he and Eloise got on... many shared ideals, concepts, beliefs... not religious in a formal sense... a reverence for life!

"She loves Thai food but French and Italian are at the top. We've been to a few restaurants... testing things. The Sole Meuniere at Le Colombier was a big hit.

The Indian place in Fulham one night... terrific. Thank you for the loan of the Basuto House. Far better than an hotel... she wanted to be out of her flat... neutral ground.

She showed me her favourites at the Tate Britain, we fed some noisy swans at the Serpentine."

"Good, you got around... using Prasert cars?"

"Yes... an invaluable tool."

Fist bump.

In the Royal Gallery I saw Cecil right away, he was with Alfred... they were both well. A hand on my shoulder... Mac! A hug and cheek kiss.

I waved to many others before going up to the National Security Strategy Committee. The Labour chairman shook my hand with many thanks for my base closure report.

"M'Lady, your point about the tories bias is well-taken. A few of their choices may stay... most are gone."

"The Mayor of Fortrose was delighted Fort George would not close. I told him after the Remembrance Day ceremony. Same for the fellow in Alness about the naval base."

"Well our list will not be punishment for tory voters. So... You spent your day in Scotland?"

"Yes... we got to those two ceremonies... I was on the programme at one and did an impromptu few minutes at the other. No rain, breezy and chilly."

"A smile, "How many of those I have done. I nearly froze my posterior a few years back... I took as a sign of my aging. More layers now."

I laughed, "I definitely do wool... lots of wool."

We shook hands as it was time to start.

The chairman thanked of the members who agreed to give a close look at the base closure list and make comments.

"I can say the list that goes forward will look much different from what the previous government proposed. I have been on to the MOD, they are working at their end so we should be able to report to both Houses quite soon so we can get the process begun."

There were several other topics then the chairman said he had received a report on the decommissioning of the nuclear subs... One of the oldest subs had metal fatigue in two sections which was caught, those areas were in the forward portion of the sub. That sub has been moved to the top of the list. The new bill having passed the Parliament had provisions to insure the issue would receive expedited attention.

"I can say there is no risk of radiation leaks as the affected metal areas were nowhere near the reactor."

Noises in the room... Clark looked to me. A thumbs up. I smiled.

When we broke up several members said I'd done a good piece of work. I thanked them. A good handshake with Clark.

"Your Ladyship, it won't be widely known... you were in place at a most propitious moment."

I thanked him.

I waved going down the passage.

I stopped in the Royal Gallery speaking with Mac... some Lords business and our hopes to see him during the holidays!

A hug for him I needed to get on. Now luncheon time.

Going across College Green several press folks accosted me... `What about the nuclear submarine radiation leaks?"

I asked what they meant... They had reports that one of our old subs leaked radiation. I said I knew nothing about any leaks. They were asking the wrong person `I am not in the government.'

Oh Shit! It can't be the same thing as the chairman mentioned... its quite a fast reaction. Or some fool in the committee trying something on or the press got it wrong... not my problem.

When I got to Cowley House the South Drawing Room is well attended!

Hailey, Garnett, Pia, Lina, Katrin, Allison, Channing, Georgie, Ellise, Fernande, Mila, Dodie, Eartha, Cynthia, Lyn, Cliffe, Antonella, Marcelle, Eugenie and Raphaela! What a mob!

I walked in to cheers, hugs and kisses which took a while. Clough had Lorenzo circulating with a tray of sherry. It was tremendous fun having all these ladies together!

We talked shop for a bit... Clough knew I wanted some time for everyone to relax and make several announcements.

Raphaela beside me speaking to the group.

"Coral is under the weather... it is bronchitis, her doctor was taking care of her."

Chelle behind me, "Fay, we're ready."


I got everybody's attention... Chelle had her iPad up... the Conference App running... Coral on the screen... waving to us.

Funny to see us all waving to an iPad.

I got started, "This pre-Christmas jaunt for you all has several purposes... We have to welcome Cliffe as our new manager in Bexley and Lyn in Shoreditch. Now I know Pia and Garnett will miss them..."

I blew kisses to those two, "... but they have a new challenge to meet."

Clapping for them. Their stores would open in a few days, first Bexley then next day for Shoreditch... Chani and I would be going to both. I got clapping from the two ladies.

"We have two new stores in New York. Eartha is open in Brooklyn and Dodie on Manhattan's upper Eastside." I clapped, everyone joined in.

"Their sales are awesome! Suits flying out the door!"

Cheers for them. Huge smiles on their faces.

I had more announcements... Cynthia is being promoted to store manager at New Bond Street! Everyone looking at Hailey...

I reached out for her hand... she knew this was coming... a general discussion several months ago... she expressed her willingness... I'd asked her the other day.

"Hailey is now the regional manager for Europe!!!"

I started the clapping... Tears... a hug for her, cheers from her colleagues, many hugs.

I drew Cynthia into a hug.

"Now it may feel like we are pushing you into the deep end near to Christmas but everyone will be around to help you... not the least Hailey."

They hugged.

"Raphaela has been managing the Herald Square store as well as other duties in design and management... Eartha was her assistant with Joelynn as the number two... Joelynn is now the manager with lots of help from Raphaela and Coral.

Joelynn had an conflicting engagement so she couldn't come... something about getting married... which she thought more important."

Laughter then cheering for all our newly promoted people!!

Coral cheering... low voice... clapping for them all!

"Raphaela is going to do more management and design things on the manufacturing side."

I made a toast to our new managers then a second to all the Mirabelle people who make the garments which Antonella, Marcelle, Eugenie and Raphaela represent.

"Our garment makers do such fine work the clothes sell themselves."

I had Ellise to tell her Chanel visitor's comments. Lots of nods and smiles! Applause!

A room of happy folks who I liked and respected for their efforts in helping to build up Mirabelle Retail from the ground up.

I took Hailey aside, "Now when the expansion spreads across Europe in the new year we will likely make changes...It could be you remain over all of Europe and we add a UK and Continental managers or maybe just the UK and Ireland for you and someone else does the continent. No decision on that."

"Fay, either way I am pleased to be the one."

Fist bump and a hug.

"You earned it!"

I squeezed her hand, "There lots of things to pass on...we will talk."

I said luncheon shortly. I took the iPad to speak to Coral.

"Fay, I am Okay. The medicine is working... I am tired from the difficult breathing and coughing. I have had it every few years, my doctor say it is a leftover from smoking... weakened lungs."

A very typical Gallic shrug... too late to worry about it.

Clough at the door... I said goodbye to Coral... I held the iPad up... everybody wishing her well.

We trooped into the dining room.

Mrs. Travers did a splendid lunch... a smooth creamy mushroom soup, small Asiago topped bread triangles around each bowl. Salmon baked in parchment with fresh dill, roasted new potatoes, asparagus under a butter sauce with silvered almonds. Cross buns and Oxfordshire butter. Small cups of black and green Sicilian olives.

Clough was serving a Sokol-Blosser Pinot Gris, a 2017 vintage from Oregon's Willamette Valley. A very tasty find by him. It had a very high toned acidity combined with a minerality that was just right for the fish and asparagus. I made sure Clough knew my pleasure.

The ladies were enjoying the luncheon. We talked more shop naturally, all the possible new stores, they were concerned about Coral... reassured by me and Raphaela she would be Okay.

Coral had been at the Park Avenue store before and opening day! Dodie saying Coral was a great help.

Our guests to the city were staying here... they were going to help Lyn and Cliffe for their openings, do some sightseeing and all would be here for a big dinner before leaving.

I was beside Antonella... She just got her passport in the mail a week ago... I said we'd have `snuck' her in anyhow.

She laughed... "My paternal great great grandfather came over the California border illegally over eighty years ago... the last member of our family to do so."

Laughing, "We all have varied roots... I was born in Washington, D.C. to British parents."

"Oh I didn't know that."

"I voted for Hillary!"

Her too! Fist bump! We laughed.

I told them the possible stores coming in the new year.

"It is becoming a long list of possibles which we will have to winnow. Lyon, and Cannes in France. Munich, Hamburg and Frankfurt in Germany. Liverpool, Glasgow and Manchester here in the UK. Other likely EU spots are Dublin, Brussels and Amsterdam. More stores in Paris! In America... new stores in Los Angeles, one each in San Francisco and Portland in the west, Chicago and Denver in the Mid-West. The Washington, D.C. area for sure, possibly in Baltimore and Pittsburgh. We are also considering Boston, Providence and Philadelphia.

It could be a VERY busy year.

Coral and I want you to work with your assistants as Pia, Garnett and Hailey did here and Raphaela in New York. We like to promote from within.

Coral and I are working on a plan to hire women as management trainees. They would be workers in your stores but they would not count against your staff hour levels. Free labour so to speak but a demand on you and your staff's time to train them in all phases of the business.

We.. " My hand motioning to Raphaela, "... are setting up with employment agencies a series of hiring calls... to get women into interviews and if they are right... into the pipeline. The plan is for it to happen here, Los Angeles and New York to start. We have an excellent agency in Seattle so that is likely also."

Bright eyes on the faces... they liked the expansion and the manager trainee idea.

Garnett asked if their assistants could qualify for those positions?

I said yes but "You would need to fill the assistant role because it is an important position within your store not someone we might pull out to get more training elsewhere."

Nodding heads around the table.

Dessert... Banoffee pie! Something quite new for non-UK folks. Very nice... forks working on it assiduously.

We did espresso in the North Drawing Room.

Standing I said I had to go back to the Lords for a vote... I would be back when it was finished. They were all going out... to stores especially the new ones to help them be ready to open. So if they were all out on my return they'd see me around.


My coat in Temple's hands... I slipped in. He handed me my gloves. PJ leading we walked to the Palace of Westminster.

Some more press on the way asking about subs... I steered them all to the MOD or the appropriate government minister. It really had nothing to do with me whatever it was.

At the Peers Entrance going in I met the Cross-Bench `shadow' Defence person... he hadn't a clue either. Quite a few reporters had inquired with him. I asked if he had heard who the source of the information was? He hadn't.

In the Royal Gallery Susanne came up with another woman... It was the woman who'd given me a `look' when I was in the celery green Mirabelle Rear Window suit... she couldn't find a flaw.

Susanne introduced Lady Warranton, a Life Peer from Norwich.

Smiling, "Louisa is a tory too."

Louisa started to curtsey... I put out my hand... she took it...

"No need for that. You gave me a look of trying to find a flaw a month back... so how about today?"

A black skirt to my ankles, sharp two and half inch pleats, a white mock turtleneck blouse, long sleeve in silk, ruffled cuffs showing under a red military cut jacket to my waist, short upright collar, two rows of gold buttons down the front closure. Black stockings and heels. Gold jewellery, `Joy' and a wicked grin.

"Your Ladyship, you are now and then quite sophisticated and very smart. I was envious."

I extended my hand again, she took it... "I'm Fay."

Susanne smiling, "Fay, you always look chic. I saw pictures of you on Remembrance Day... the coat and hat were marvelous. The poppy... you always wear it on hats? I've seen it before."

"On any hat that isn't casual... Yes! Just a small way of helping people remember on other days beside November eleventh."

"You really support the forces?"

"My family... both sides have been involved a long long way back... my first cousin is serving now. I do not like wars but having a well functioning military is simply a necessity for a modern state. We let it erode at our peril."

Louisa, "Oh my brother says that... he blames the conservative party for the Falklands War. He says thatcher ignoring Argentina's rising noise over the islands gave them hope of our lack of resolve."

"So he's not a conservative?"

"No. He votes Labour. We laugh about it. He has no illusions about any politicians but says Labour is just not as bad as us."

"And how does that leave you?"

A long look, "Questioning..." She squeezed Susanne's hand, "... like Susanne. Actually I do think like my brother about thatcher."

"So if a bill come through to re-nationalize the railroads, for example, you would vote for it?"

Another pause, eyes partially closed, "Yes I would. It has gotten increasingly difficult to get a train from Norwich to London to be on time or sometimes even run at all."

Susanne, "I remember British Rail had its ups and downs but not like these days. Some trains didn't run last autumn in the southwest because there were leaves on the tracks... do you recall that?"

I laughed, "Yes... it made me wonder how the old nationalized system managed to have the leaves come down off and away from the rails."

We all laughed.

We were rounded up to enter the House. Argyle got things going. A Labour person rose to ask for the vote on bill for harbour upgrades and repairs in the east. It passed... it simply was common sense to do so... very few no votes.

After a few other bit and pieces... we adjourned.

More press on College Green... I told them what I'd said before... I had no information about such a thing as a radiation leak... I wasn't involved.

Clough smiling, "M'Lady, your guests went to change then several cars took them away... to the new stores I was informed."

"Good. Thank you. Let them know when they return I will see them in a few days."

A smile, "Yes, M'Lady."

Tara at the door, "The car is here."

Off to Wandsworth... a quick flight to Harcourt House.

The babies roaring across the gravel for hugs!! Cho got a kiss. Carter's big smile.

"M'Lady, Carter2 is in his office... He, Clare, Andi and Bronwen talking on the Conference App about Windermere and horses plus other topics."

I thanked him.

Audra looking very happy.

She walked arm-in-arm with me... close, "Fay, Eliza just back from the doctors... all is well."

Good! Her `guys' were terrific! A hug for her.

In riding clothes I watched, holding Cho's hand, the Twins spin around on their merry-go-round. Tha and Delphine were the motors' for the spinning.

A solid looking thing... Cho said it had sturdy construction but easy to twirl about because of strong ball-bearings. He arranged it with Phillips who found a fellow who makes them. Top quality!

Charlie and Chani knew it was one of those things they needed to have an adult present before using.

A quick chat with Carter2... he said Bronwen, Clare and Andi are working to assess the possible interest in horse riding.

"Bronwen thinks it would be good spring to autumn not in winter," Carter2 asking what we would do with the horses for three or four months.

"We can move them here. They'll get ridden, get health care and warm stalls."

Fist bump.

I went for an afternoon ride... Rebel and me, Tessa on Geo and Gil on Max. We went east beside Baldon Lane after crossing the Oxford Road. In Marsh Baldon we galloped circling the green to the south then went north around some fields and houses to Baldon Row.

On the road into Toot Baldon... we walked through the village past the Mole Inn, the publican and his wife came out to say hello.

I asked after their business... very good!

I looked for Adele and her little one... not today.

Out of the village we turned west... crossing harvested fields, under the power pylons, around small woods aiming for the Oxford Road. We walked around our farm land north and east of St. Thomas' School.

At the school we walked to the front. Mr. Thorn had been told we were near... he was at the door. We shook hands.

"I just wanted to remind you the Queen is coming early next month..."

He was smiling, "Ms. Jones and Ms. Cluff's classes are working on the garlands... a competition again this year."


We shook hands again.

We crossed the road to ride by the closed old All Saints Church. Our contractor folks had done some work, it is now a sound building. It needn't worry anyone. Our people would be checking on it every six months.

The Bishop sent us a very nice thank you note for our efforts with the churches in South Oxfordshire. He knew about our donating land for the Masjid... he commended us for sharing.

We picked up the pace... going towards our drive I asked Rebel... this fellow zoomed off! He is feeling fine... running like the wind... not even the speedy Geo could keep up!!

We came through the inner gate to the gravel slowing down. I turned him to go to Harcourt Close. Tessa and Gil behind me.

We walked along the road... I loved how this place came to look like it had been here for fifty years.

I chuckled at the first house... Yone raking leaves... Celeste bagging them.

Laughing... I said they looked quite domestic.

Smiles and admissions of feeling domestic too. Good!

Their wedding in early spring.

Little Dorrie at Carl's door waving... we said hello. A cutie. Her mum came out. We did hellos.

"Dorrie you are getting to be a big girl. School?"

Dorrie's mom said she goes to the nursery at the Day Care. Good.

"Our two will be coming over there some now we are here for a while."

We waved goodbye.

On the way out we stopped at Mervyn's door... "Welcome M'Lady." A grand sweeping arm gesture which had me laugh.

In his office I could see the Harcourt Racing Museum timeline for construction. A beautiful looking colourful thing... Mervyn grinning... "I know you can appreciate a simpler update rather decipher this. We are six weeks ahead of the..."

His fingers pointing to the original timeline versus where they were.

"We are there because Gillespie is very good at what he does... he finds ways to streamline a process... not looking to cut costs or to lower the quality of the work... just reduce the time for a particular item. He makes sure parts are staged in order of need, access in and out to each location is clear, the workers all know exactly what to do and how to prepare for the next steps. He is supremely organised.

Jolly was here for almost a fortnight... he went over the place carefully looking at everything! He is producing a report... he sent a preliminary copy... "

Mervyn went to his desk to find it... extending it me.

"There's an executive summary... he says any changes to the building methodology are sound, the methods used, while unorthodox in a few areas, have not altered the design or structural integrity.

In fact he likes several of Gillespie's ideas... he would recommend them to other builders on this scale."

"I will stop at the site soon."

Fist bumps with Mervyn.

At the Stables Gregory smiling, "Your email from yesterday... on a groom... I will check with my contacts for someone local to the Windermere area. Although there is a lot of time we could hire someone from there and have them here so they get our style of managing the horses.

Horses will not be problem, we can find good riding stock. The stables... any local outdoor builder there can do the job... we would send dimensions, plumbing needs, ventilation, all those sorts of things which are commonplace."

Okay... we could do it quickly when we wanted to is what I am getting from all sides.

Time to change for dinner. Chani in a red jumper top and black slacks... cute... sitting at my writing desk swinging her legs.

"Mama, you are slim... why do people get overweight?"

"Ah there are many reasons... for some it is their body mechanisms not working properly... they do not digest their food efficiently or are injured somehow and cannot exercise or they are nervous... worried... so they eat to make themselves feel better... there are many of those.

One universal thing about people is there is no universals... we are all too different... Popa and I are dissimilar not just being a man and woman... our body chemistry, our minds, reactions."

"You and Popa are so close... good together..."

"We are... get to the same place... sometimes by divergent paths."

I looked at Chani... divergent she didn't know... "Different."

A smile, "I thought it might be... good... a new word!"

A hug for her!

I was done... black leggings and a big red cable-knit crew neck jumper down over my hip tops. Black ankle boots with spike heels. Thinking maybe the `Beat Generation' 1950's?

Chani hopped down, our hands clasped, looking in the mirrors...

"Mama, we look great!"

A kiss for her.

We went down to stop by the Great Room double doors... I said to Chani we'd show the men how scrumptious we are!

Hands held... we walked in... Charlie saw us first... he clapped... Cho! He stood up to open his arms... Chani and I got hugged and kissed by the guys.

Funny they were like us close to matching... black turtlenecks and trousers, black shoes. One wearing red socks though. Cho wearing a blazer.

Dinner was spaghetti and meatballs!! A new favourite! A wonderful red sauce, good spices in the veggie meatballs, tender pasta. Bowls of hot Rosetta rolls... these have spices and cheese inside.

Carter!!!!! The wine... Giuseppe Quintarelli Amarone della Valpolicella Classico Selezione. Amazing! A wonderful floral aroma. It is silky, I could taste berries, raisins and earth.

Carter smiling said he managed to get a dozen bottles of this limited production. Mr. Quintarelli's last barrels before he died.

The Twins twirling their pasta with big grins.

This fabulous dinner topped off by Sue's Tiramisu!!! When the cart rolled in I saw Charlie's face... it is a WOW!

Afters included a puzzle of the new type... the smallest pieces yet... it was a snap from the garden in Bangkok.

Cho and I on a settee by the fire watching them... they laughed seeing the box top. They did a fist bump! They love a challenge!

They were slapping pieces together right away... Tha standing over there near... did a motion like `hot!'

Delphine walked closer.

Cho grinning. I squeezed his arm... leaning close.

Gil started the stopwatch on her iPhone as the first piece went down.

I was laughing... I buried my face in Cho's shirt... his arms encircled me.

"Behave," a soft word in my ear. I sat back Cho's face was laughing without a sound.

Tha was fanning her face with her hands... Delphine holding a hand with two fingers very close together.

Chani's right hand came up above her head swinging down... a cheer from them... Tha and Delphine cheered too.

Gil's iPhone... twenty seven and two thirds minutes.

Tha brought the box top when the babies came to jump on us with triumphant noises.

"Fay... Cho... these pieces are adult size."

We held the box... small pieces... the garden looking very beautiful with a riot of colour from all sides to meet the gorgeous green of the lawn.

White chocolate pieces doled out with high fives!! This candy was round with a liquid centre... Chani bit hers... Charlie, the big bulge in the cheek told us, was sucking on his.

Delphine picked up the pieces... in the box, the lid on. She suggested it go to the bookcase in the Staff Lounge as it was appropriate for big people and the garden was lovely. A thumbs up for that.

The babies in their beds, all their friends close... Raggedy Anne and Daisy, the Triceratops with Chani. Blu dog and Danny the Stegosaurus in Charlie's arms. Kisses, goodnights. Exquisite little faces!

In bed, Cho grinning as I ran Gil's video of the Chani show in Birmingham... giving away the autographed menus. His head shaking, one word... `Fearless!'

My daybreak ride... I saw my morning friends... an incredible run from Sandford... Roland's nose level to Pamela's rump when we crossed the property line. Tessa on Gough only a few lengths behind. Cheers, hugs and fist bumps for us, neck rubs for our wonderful horses.

We'd gone out early the sun barely up... the Breakfast Room had only Gil who I knew was plotting to dump a lot of work on me... an `evil' smile on her cute face. We laughed.

Cho came to a big hug and kiss. He was filling a plate as the Twins came running in... "Mama! Popa!"

I knelt down for hugs... Cho put his plate down for some love from the babies.

Tha and I did plates for Chani and Charlie. As they dug in Chani asked about going to Cowley House. We'd go up to London in the morning... she would go with me to the Mirabelle opening... clapping by Chani.

The men were going up separately to see more of the Imperial War Museum with Sir Alan, we'd join them for lunch then to the Museum for a short talk and book signing by Mr. Hardy.

I parked in the Library... Gil and Chelle. I did calls to Eric with Reg, Francis, Bill and more.

Eric and Reg on the Conference App. Eric said they put on a `Helleva Show' for the Northern Virginia-Washington, D.C. folks!

"The room was quiet when we finished then they started to clap... their faces said it... they want our system. They will have to find the money but there's no doubt they want and... NEED IT!!"

I cheered, Gil and Chelle looking up... I gave them a quickie update.

"The Seattle video and audio were killers... they could see what the operators see, how they interact, changes that can be made on the fly... add in the bridges... it was a killer!

We brought in Antoine and the Seattle Transportation Department head... live to speak to them... they could ask questions in real-time!"

I congratulated Eric and Reg! They were jazzed about this part of the business taking off.

We were scaling up for the London job... the installers in Seattle... over eighty five percent were willing to travel to London... others had family reasons to stay close to home..

Andrea found us a specialised employment firm here to hire installers and other folks for the project.

Eric, "Fay, you and Cho mentioning that right off the bat in the big first meeting in Seattle set them to thinking. They could be paid, housed and have time see tourist places across the UK.

I made sure Wayne and Ralls kept them up on what was happening, how it would be for them, how R&R aircraft could bring the families over to visit... The workers are ready to go!"

I told them we had real estate buying happening. Three depots for London have been purchased, all the deals have closed. A big one in Camberwell, slightly smaller bases in the Three Mills and St. Pancras neighbourhoods.

"You will get complete documentation tomorrow. For housing we bought one place with two very strong likely ones that could close shortly.

The done deal is near the three Mills depot, a block of flats being built... about ninety percent completed. It has very nice two bedroom flats, we can house at least two hundred workers there.

The maybes are close to the other two depots. They are office buildings we can convert... there will be shared bathrooms and showers but everyone will have their own room. Space for special rooms and a canteen in all three.

The guiding principle is proximity... these fit the bill!

Jemina is working on all the locations; the conversions and repairs schedule on her plate."

Our friends were flatly ecstatic... "Fay, you guys are real gems."

I laughed, "The money helps, we pay cash for quick decisions."

We rang off after more information sharing. Solar-to-Go's expansion is underway! The three new manufacturing building designs are finalised, we have planning approval for all and builders hired.

Construction will begin soon.

After lunch which was a delight... listening to the Twins talk about dinosaurs. Damn they knew a lot!!

My afternoon ride... Rebel was nodding as I stroked that powerful neck. Tessa on Geo and Angie on Rascal. We went south around the Sci Ctr then north past Clifton Hampden to run beside the Oxford Road... we walked into the Garden Centre.

Dave's top assistant, Aurelia spotted us, a big smile.

"Your Ladyship, nice to see you."

I leaned down to shake hands.

"Oh... Dave is Los Angeles on an R&R trip," when I asked for him.

"It will do him some good to see what amazing things grow in California."

She laughed, "Ma'am, Everything here is great..." She grinned, "... I guess we shouldn't tell Dave yet he might worry and hurry home."

We laughed.

I said leave him go have fun. A thumbs up! Goodbyes.

We walked around the perimeter of the centre to the museum works office... Gillespie waiting at the door.

"M'Lady, Gil texted you were coming."

In the big open room I could see the work flow on huge chart covering one wall... it was marked up with comments and numbers like Mervyn's only larger. Gillespie did a tour of it for me.

We donned work helmets to walk around a bit... steel beams everywhere... like an erector set. I got running commentary from Gillespie... he needed no prompting.

I spoke to some of the workers... they all seemed happy with their work, smiles and an easy attitude... I was only mildly surprised to have a few of them bow... I'm getting used to it. EEK!

I thanked Gillespie for the tour. I said I'd send Cho over. He said that would be terrific!

Something new after dinner... Cho and I sitting with the Twins by the fire reading to them. We chose to begin with Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. We alternated reading... Cho on one settee with Chani, Charlie beside me... we each had a copy of the book and followed along as the other read.

I could see they both were paying attention... closely! They listened... at the end of a chapter they could ask questions. They wondered about our inflection as well as the words themselves! Smarties!

What was plain... Chani did not like several of the ladies... Miss Bingley at the top of her list.

So this is a success... We said we'd do it at night when possible.

I asked Tha to make sure the two copies got into their bags for Cowley House.

I hugged Pamela in the morning after a brilliant ride. I asked for her speed several times... the last run to the Flats she pulled away from Roland by two lengths. A big whinny at the end which Roland echoed.

Gaby grinning at our horses delight.

Okay some fun today. We would host the Mirabelle ladies at Cowley House for dinner before they all headed home.

First... Chani and I in Min's AW139 flying to Bexley. A Mirabelle opening!!

Min descended to the top of a multi-story car park... a Met Police car sitting there. The car park owner had agreed to let us do this and closed off the northwest section.

I shook the WPC's hand thanking her for being here.

We walked out of the multi-story onto Graham Road then to Broadway, a left onto the mall.

Cliffe met us at the door... a hug for her. Smiling she squatted down to meet Chani.

We had a tour... the store on Broadway in Bexley, a half block from King's Arms pub in a busy area of the pedestrian mall stretch of Broadway. Our building had been a bank some time in the distant past, four floors, offices on floors one and two plus a top floor flat, a big cellar. In the ground floor Mirabelle the bank vault had been made into a work room for the store. A lift for all floors.

We didn't bother the tenants on One and Two, all small businesses, lawyers, an accountancy and the like... who were not troubled by the increase in security measures. There is a separate entry to the lift for them on the west end of the building.

One of the perks for the manager here is the flat upstairs. Roomy, lovely big windows, two bedrooms. There was roof access via a locked stairway, up there a large wood deck with a fence around it.

Cliffe smiling saying she'd settled in. Good!

The store had large windows to the mall, it was basically one big open room. The suit section had a large part, displays all around for each category. The big windows had platforms created for displays... mannequins dressed in our clothes.

There is an entryway so when its wet customers can shake it off, deposit an umbrella then enter the store.

Some of our managers from out-of-town had given suggestions on how to present the clothes... it was bright, colourful and inviting!!

Cliffe's staff were likewise. It was great to see Chani doing fist bumps with them. Laughter.

Some press... Sky UK, BBC, The Sun and other newspapers... it was announced I would be at the opening. I spoke to them, many repeaters amongst them. I did a précis of Mirabelle and how we were expanding.

I did questions for a bit... they got that we were opening one more tomorrow in Shoreditch and I'd recently gone to new stores in Edinburgh and Birmingham.

"We do have plans for more after the turn of the New Year. Here in the UK and Ireland, Germany, France and the Low Countries. America also."

I thanked them for coming.

Time to open... a queue outside. Doors open I greeted ladies as they came in... a bit wide-eyed seeing how good the clothes looked and me shaking their hand.

Cliffe's folks right there to help.

I could see Chani at the cash wrap desk, Delphine behind her, Gaby next to them. Alba and Tessa in the store near me.

Chani using her iPhone to take snaps.

A call from Francis. I moved outside, Alba ahead of me, Tessa behind.

"Fay, the deal to buy Calcott's process is done. He's very happy. The money in hand for him to invest went over big. I got on to a fellow at the Investment Bank in The City, he's going to speak to Calcott... give him advice on investing it. The bank won't charge Calcott for that.

I've talked with Carter2... he's going down to Twin Ponds to meet Calcott and get a look-see... get details about connections, etc... So you can make plans."

I asked about Wesley and Ali... TERRIFIC was the answer.

"Fay, he's so small, he acts happy. He puts out his arms when he can see you... I have to get close so he can recognise me then I scoop him up. We are getting bubbles... lots."

I said enjoy.

Another call... OZ.

"Fay, thank you for pushing for a bill to rise our people's pay. The PM told me this morning they are going ahead with it. So all mine will benefit."

"Oz, it needs doing... when you showed us the current pay rates... it is quite ridiculous. I told Keir Starmer I would speak for it in the Lords."

I was thanked again.

Alba had edged away when I started speaking... Tessa moved closer. I put out my hand to Alba as I finished with Oz.

Tessa, "Alba, Fay wants us to stay close." A look to me, "Fay believes we are to do our job and unless she expressly says something you are not to worry about hearing her side of a call."

I was squeezing Alba's arm through that. She looked to me... I nodded. Fist bump! A smile.

The queue was still there... this store is quite large the queue is reduced faster. I went along the line speaking to the ladies... they all had seen the sign about getting a free drink at the coffee shop opposite. A few held theirs up, smiles.

Inside it was busy... the iPad cashier working with the stand of bags beside her... what a great idea that had been. Pia had gotten full credit for that!! A bonus too!

I did go through the store talking to more customers, asking what they liked...

Chani and I did our goodbyes after a few hours. Some folks snapping pictures as we walked to the multi-story. I thanked the WPC and we did a selfie.

Min had us airborne quickly.

Rae at Wandsworth, our car over Thames into Battersea through Nine Elms, Vauxhall, Kennington and into Lambeth. Rae pulled up to the Three Stags Pub on Kennington Road at Lambeth Road.

A woman inside the door escorted us upstairs, a private room setup by Gil. It was a good sized room with older wooden tables and chairs, hard wood floor and a brick fronted bar.

We were here first... a menu. I ordered the starters, the baked Camembert... several... hold the salad, the nachos times many.

Chani and I looked at the mains for us. I texted Cho... would he share the Greek salad and the fish and chips. A thumbs up emoji!

I sent some choices for Sir Alan... Cho came back with the fish and the fries emoji's. Done!

Chani texted Charlie... <U want 2 split... fish and the fries emoji's> a big emoji came back.

Our server was smiling at all that.

"Your Ladyship, your daughter is very good at texting."

Chani grinning... fist bump... amazing to the woman.

Drinks... I wanted a half pint of Guinness, a pint for Cho and Sir Alan. The Twins and Delphine would get colas. Gil and Chelle did all theirs, Tha got her choices via a text.

Tessa arranged food for the Protectors.

Drinks arrived as the men showed up. Hugs and kisses. Sir Alan looking quite well! A big hug.

We settled down, the other folks confirmed food decisions.

Lunch talk was the museum and Bexley... Charlie liked seeing the history things...

"Lots of interesting displays... there were so many bad things... the many poor people killed and hurt... the mud looked really yucky."

Sir Alan, "Charlie saw pictures of the First World War. Wherever men fight the ground gets torn up... it becomes a mess when rain or snow comes down."

Charlie shaking his head saying war is not good for people. How right he is!

Our servers did well, the food very good. Their fish and chips excellent! Gil left a big tip.

Outside we walked over to the front door of the Imperial War Museum, the big naval guns aimed, co-incidentally I'm sure, towards The City and its many banks.

A fellow with a proper regimental moustache greeted Sir Alan who did the introductions for us. He bowed and shook our hands... the Twins too. The fellow said there were seats reserved at the rear of the room as Gil asked where Mr. Hardy would do his talk.

The signing table is outside in the large foyer.

We sat at the back...our Protectors behind us... there are many people standing... the room was full!! Cho saw two middle-aged women, he nudged Sir Alan... they offered their seats to the ladies who thanked them.

The lady beside me... "Your children?"

I nodded.

"They seem young for this."

I said, "They know Mr. Hardy."

She nodded, I think she got a look at me... Cho behind me hands on my shoulders...

"Oh my... you're Lady Harcourt!"

I nodded once more as Mr. Hardy was being introduced up front... that short-circuited any more talking.

The fellow doing it was very effusive...

"Our speaker's first book is quite amazing... `The Age of Warfare: Napoleon's Military Impact on Europe.' It is thoroughly researched, superbly written with several new interpretations on several events of the Napoleonic Wars which are so apt they seem quite natural to accept.

Our members comments have made it a book you cannot do without if you study the period. It is already making it's way up the best seller charts heading to the top I am sure...

Please welcome Mr. Arthur Hardy..."

He started the applause which was loud and sustained as Mr. Hardy moved to the rostrum.

I was feeling tingly with happiness... his first book selling like the proverbial `hotcakes' here and in America. The French edition would be released in summer of the New Year. We knew... we owned the Paris based Livres de Monde as part of Munro Publishing. A German one to follow from our new publisher in Berlin.

I decided to stand to clap for him... it caught on... others began to stand... my view partially blocked... Mr. Hardy smiling and waving. Cho clapping behind me... the Twins sitting but clapping... cute smiles.

It died down but an amazing start.

Mr. Hardy spoke for thirty minutes starting with how the failure of the `Continental System' brought on economic disaster for France forcing Napoleon to widen his wars into Spain and Russia... to close their markets to Great Britain. Their resources had also become vital to maintaining Napoleon's war machine.

The guerrilla war in Spain did enormous damage to the French. He said it should be considered the true destroyer of the empire... a long grinding conflict. First against an enemy they couldn't find or stop... The rebuilt Spanish Armies fighting alongside the guerrillas then to be aligned with the English led Allied armies of Wellington fighting their way through from Portugal... Napoleon sent tens of thousands of troops to be swallowed up on the peninsula. Most of those troops were non-French with considerable morale issues being drafted' in the French Army from the forces Napoleon defeated. Tens of thousands of those drafted' soldiers deserted from the French side.

Combine that with severe supply problems creating unstable units, many militarily useless, which Napoleon considered expendable.

The Royal Navy interdicted all of the sea approaches leaving the French to move all their supplies and men overland... painfully slow and inefficient.

The long series of defeats of the French under Wellington's leadership eventually led to the invasion of France from the south when his armies burst over the Pyrenees.

Many `famous' French generals and marshals were sent to defeat the guerrillas and Wellington... their reputations shattered by repeated failures. Wellington defeated them all.

"I know the great battles in Russia and Germany are seen as the death knell of Napoleon's Empire... he tried to send troops from Spain to save himself in northern France... the classic `too little too late' resulted. He could not rebuild his armies because of Spain's lost would expose his rear... The Peninsular War looms large in Napoleon's own thoughts... a cancer eating at his empire."

Mr. Hardy continued how resurgent Russian and Prussian forces driving a wedge into France from the east and Wellington from the south caused the fall of the empire. Napoleon could no longer supply or raise armies... nothing left... France bled white.

When he ended... the audience gave him another huge ovation... standing up once again.

I loved this! Such acclamation... having read the book I fully agreed!!

Mr. Hardy shook a lot of hands on his way out to the signing table... he saw us. Charlie and Chani went to him with us... fist bumps! We shook his hand... I could hear murmurs in the crowd... my name spoken.

We moved aside to be out of the way. Mr. Hardy sat at the table... there were piles of the book nearby in nice displays. A sales line was already well filled. People who had brought along their copies could go in the signature line right off.

The process well managed by the museum staff who did this all the time via their `Meet the Author' programme.

Standing back, Cho behind me, the babies had my hands... Charlie holding hands with Sir Alan.

It was quite the show... Mr. Hardy speaking with each person, signing and shaking hands.

Earlier when I learned about the book tour I had suggested hand exercises to Mr. Hardy beforehand to get prepared... much laughter. He did say he was likely to put on some ice afterwards then after a bit some heat rub.

Before we left I walked over to the table, a museum fellow unhooked the rope from the stanchion to allow me by... Mr. Hardy stood up to shake hands and get a hug. A huge smile.

"We'll see you at Harcourt House soon."

A car for Sir Alan... hugs and we'd see him soon.

Our Prasert cars took us straight down Lambeth Road over the Lambeth Bridge... the museum practically on our doorstep... Millbank to Great Peter Street and Cowley House.

Temple opened the door... Clough right there... Chani and Charlie going up to do a fist bump. Smiles.

"M'Lady, your guests are in the South Drawing Room."

I thanked him. We went that way...

The ladies all smiling... They looked relaxed in casual clothes.

Hailey, Garnett, Pia, Lina, Katrin, Allison, Channing, Georgie, Ellise, Fernande, Mila, Dodie, Eartha, Antonella, Marcelle, Eugenie and Raphaela... I introduced Cho and Charlie to everyone and Chani to those who hadn't met her.

We were missing three... Lyn getting ready to open in Shoreditch tomorrow always one last thing to do! Cynthia closing her shop tonight will be coming late, Cliffe closing on her opening day. Cliffe is really happy... they had a big day, lots of sales and they made many friends!

Cliffe is ecstatic on the the phone... "Cliffe, go get'em!"

She laughed with a `Will do!'

Sherry being served. I said we can mingle before dinner.

Chani and I went up to change, jeans and jumpers. Walking down together... a big grin on her face.

I asked why... "Mama, it because I like the ladies. And we have had a great day!"

Fist bump!

We re-joined the crowd in the South Drawing Room... Chani and I circulated.

I heard the stories of the ladies helping at the stores and doing sightseeing... all the usual spots plus being retailers they looked in it at other people's stores. They got to see the amazing Harrods', Harvey Nichols nearby and a big Burberry's store.

Cynthia arrived. A cheer for her. She got a big hug from Hailey.

We all went into dinner... Mrs. Travers' folks doing a great dinner. Clough had an excellent wine. Everybody raving about it afterwards. Dinner closed with Spoom and Bombe Glacée.

I did goodbyes to our out-of-town Mirabelle ladies who would be leaving tomorrow.

After my walk and breakfast Chani and I with Delphine and Protectors mounted up for Shoreditch. Almira flying with Kellen along in the other seat. We fluttered down on a grassy football pitch... under-sized... must be for either young kids or training.

I turned to Gil... a grin... she would send a note to the sports club thanking them for allowing us use the spot today.

We walked over to Braithwaite Street onto Chance Street to Redchurch.

This store in the heart of Shoreditch's growing shopping area is down the road from the `Owl & Pussycat Pub. It is a corner building so lots of visibility and large shop windows.

Three floors, pale brick, large windows upstairs. There is a nice size first floor flat for the manager and an office, a large, dry, clean cellar for storage with easy access to the ground floor shop space. Also one big flat on top floor to let, two bedrooms with access to the roof sitting area.

Our name out front... the beautiful backlight Mirabelle script!

Chani and I met Lyn's staff. They were all dressed to kill in our clothes!! Smiling faces, bubbly attitudes!!

We had some press coming, repeaters and a couple of newbies. I did my now `famous' spiel on Mirabelle and they toured the shop. Cameras going.

A queue forming... the ladies waiting could go to the coffee shop a half block east for free drinks. The electronic number thing getting a lot of exercise... all day yesterday in Bexley... today hard at work in Shoreditch. It is well travelled... Edinburgh for their opening then down to Birmingham now here.

We also had a WPC out front. Chani and I thanked her. She was smiling as a `fist bump' took place.

Lyn opened the doors... Chani in the office upstairs... I helped greet customers... many quite nice comments about my clothes.

A wool chestnut brown full skirt to my ankles, pale beige short-sleeve cashmere top with a matching cardigan over my shoulders, a gold chain connecting the collar buttons. A broad chestnut leather belt. Chestnut heels and pale stockings. Gold jewellery bits. `Joy'

I was able to say the skirt was in stock!

Chani in a black wool skirt to her ankles, a white long sleeve turtleneck jumper. Her red `heels!' She came down when the doors had been opened for a bit.

The customers were nearly all in their twenties and thirties, one woman stood out... slender, my height, a mop of gray hair... looking good in a skirt and jumper two shades of gray with black accessories.

I stepped towards her, "Hello... that is good for your colour."

She was holding an azure blue double-breasted suit jacket... A smile, "Your Ladyship, I am considering it."

I said I'd be right back... I plucked up a pair of wide-legged yellow trousers. I held them up beside the blue jacket... her eyes lit up!

"M'Lady, that is the idea! I want more colours in my clothes."

"Now not to be pushy... if you bought a jacket in each colour and skirts and trousers... you switch them around. The trousers and skirts will work with different kinds of tops... without the jackets!"

She introduced herself, Anya, a BBC executive working in the Foreign News division. She had done on-air reporting before moving into management. I thought her face was familiar... it had to be more than a half-dozen years back when I occasionally watched the news.

Anya, "I moved into Shoreditch a year ago... I'm two blocks away. I saw the signs about the opening... I had to come see."

I said I was glad.

"Our Len Copley is going to visit you next month?"

"He's coming out to Harcourt House... we'll see how it goes."

A huge smile, "I've seen you do news conferences, impromptu exchanges near Parliament and on your front door steps... you handle us press people pretty well."

I laughed, "I've had to learn a bit... I don't let them get a rise from me."

"I know Len, he's very good at interviewing. He and his staff usually find some zinger question to ask... so you are forewarned."

Laughing I said I can't anticipate the questions... "I know my answers."

Anya looked at me, "That is probably why you deal with the press so well... you know what you want to say."

We shook hands. She decided on a blue outfit and a yellow one with skirts and trousers.

I smiled and thanked her for coming in.

To Chani, "We aren't going to stay much longer."

Chani did a thumbs up. Delphine smiling at that.

I took Lyn aside. "The flat upstairs... would two of your staff want to live in there?"

"M'Lady, I'm sure they would but the rate... isn't going to be substantial?"

"How about one hundred £'s each per month per bedroom? Ask then let me know."

"Your Ladyship, that's an amazing offer! There will be takers."

"Good! It would be good for us too!"

I wandered for a few minutes speaking to staff and customers. Chani joined me. She was smiling.

"Mama, these openings are fun."

A hug for her.

After a while I did goodbyes to the customers, staff and Lyn. She was pleased with everything so far. Sales amazing.

She laughed, "The woman you spoke to for a time bought three suits, azure blue, the canary yellow and the celery green `Rear Window' one with skirts and trousers.

Whatever you said... she was sold on our clothes! Thanks!"

We laughed, a hug for our newest store's opening going so well.

She would get on to Gil about the upstairs flat. Fist bump. Chani too!

We walked back to the helicopter landing spot. Kellen doing the flying was dropping down as we turned into the sports ground. Away in a flash turning west. A fist bump for Kellen and Almira at Wandsworth. Rae had the car there... we were at Cowley house in a few minutes.

Cho, Charlie and others in the breakfast room for a late lunch... we happily joined in!

Cho said the Mirabelle managers were away to Chalgrove or train stations for their trips home. Everyone was quite upbeat! Kiss for him.

A visit to Sir Alan's Cornwall Gardens, Kensington home. We loaded into cars, not a long drive into Kensington... we pulled up outside. It is an end house, the garden to the side, the mews behind. Six floors from the street, pale green with white trim. Beautiful tile front steps.

Sir Alan at the door... a big welcome although we'd seen him yesterday. The wood in the entryway dark, shiny with a reddish warmth in the colour.

A footman took all the outer clothes.

The first stop was the Edwardian drawing room. It was very handsome, excellent colours in the fabrics and walls. It did look like a hundred years back... the same as the drawing room at Southwold. Small wonder that our room was familiar to Sir Alan.

The house is unusual in that it is not broken up into separate flats except for two.

Sir Alan explained he lived alone, he had guests staying every now and then.

There is a grand-niece and grand-nephew in the house. They have each have a flat upstairs at the top of the house. Those had been servants quarters in the past, redone for family use.

"They join me for dinner several times a week and at other times. They both work full time, my grand-niece in The City as an economic analyst, the grand-nephew is on staff at the Foreign Ministry."

Cho, "You seem to be full-time at the MOD these days."

He was shaking his head, "I'm contributing but not in the building every day. It is more research and meeting with folks. Not too taxing," a big grin. We laughed at that.

The garden and the garage in the mews were part of the tour. Back in the drawing room... Sir Alan said he is looking forward to a few days in Oxfordshire at Christmas.

"If you remember last year... More of the same!"

We got a thumbs up for that!

This is a handsome house, beautifully furnished. It suited Sir Alan. Older but looking good!

We did tea in the library... a bit more modern... comfortable. The Twins got slices of Victoria Sponge Cake!

I poked around in the books a bit.

We could see Sir Alan was comfortable here, dug in deep!

I have never asked about a `partner' not my business... he is a nice man... I believe I'm over my matchmaking days!

At the door Sir Alan got hugs and handshakes. Smiles. Big thanks from the Twins for the cake.

At home, a few bits of mail... not much for me to do.

We got drinks... leaning back on a settee with a Campari and soda. Cho had gotten a call... to his study. The Twins were talking about something... privately.

Gil and Chelle were doing some clubs this evening, meeting a few friends they rarely got to see for dinner first.

Clough came up to me, "M'Lady, there are some press folks at the front door."

Okay let's see what's up. I asked for two Protectors... I waited until Angie and Alba joined me. I told them what I was doing.

At the door Angie slightly behind off to one side of me as I stood on the steps. A clear view.

I could see a `Bobby' across the road.

The press have gotten used to Cho and I... no shouted questions.

I pointed to a woman in black trench coat...

"Your Ladyship... Amanda Parker, the Daily Mail. Have you been informed about any leaks of radiation from the group of old decommissioned submarines?"

I shook my head... a story that won't die.

"No one has spoken to me about any radiation leaks. In fact I have not any to do with the decommissioning since the bill was passed."

Another, "Bill Searles, Sky UK News. An MP said the National Security Strategy Committee was informed of such leaks. They said the leaks happened two weeks ago."

Shaking my head, "I have been in the meetings of the National Security Strategy Committee... I can say no such information was imparted to us. We were told of an issue on one sub that caused that sub to be raised on the decommissioning list. No radiation leak involved.

I will repeat for you... no information about a leak was given to the National Security Strategy Committee.

You need to go to more appropriate individuals. I might suggest you go the unnamed MP and ask him to put up or hush."

That brought out some smiles.

I was asked why the MP might say something wrong to the press...

"This is conjecture... if the MP is a tory it is an attempt to dirty the government which is asinine since the tories were in charge when all those subs were neglected for so many years. The money allocated for them was fiddled away to some other project.

It could be the unnamed MP is an attention-seeker with a lapsed moral code and limited mental abilities. Also conjecture."

My best wickedest smile went along with that. There were many laughs this time from the press.

I did a couple more before saying I needed to get on. They thanked me.

I turned to Angie, "Please ask Mr. Searles to come in."

Bill Searles was escorted in... I was in the South Drawing Room.

I welcomed him. He did look a bit apprehensive sitting in a chair opposite me.

"So who is this unnamed MP... can you say?"

He gave me the name saying it wasn't confidential and the fellow was not on 'background' for Sky UK. I wasn't sure I knew who he was. Bill Searles said he was a tory member from a West London riding.

I thanked him.

"So how is it working for Sky UK News?"

A smile, "Your Ladyship, The people are smart, driven and accomplished at the work. We make a good team."

That sounded fine to me.

Cho came in... "I hear you have been having fun."

Bill stood up... I introduced him to Cho. They sat down.

I told Cho what happened.

Cho, "Bill, does this MP have any credibility?"

"Sir, From my vantage point... no! His motives are not clear. He has a big mouth... nothing much of value comes out of it... But you can appreciate we do follow up on such things."

Cho, "Of course... you sound like you do not expect to find anything."

"No Sir. Not likely. The MP has been pushing this for more than a week with few takers... he did another shove this afternoon. My colleagues and I came here because Lady Harcourt's reputation for being honest with the press."

He laughed, "M'Lady, inside SKY UK you both have the reputation for not putting up with... pardon me... bullshit."

We all laughed.

"We don't. So was I wrong to question the MP's motives in my wicked manner?"

"NO M'Lady! You heard the laughs... everyone seems to be pulling loose threads to see if something falls out."

We thanked Bill for coming. Handshakes.

Clough with a bow, "M'Lady... Sir Cho..."


We smiled. I took Clough's arm with a thank you for something normal. He smiled.

My morning walk went around the Abbey then to the road past the Winchester back gate... no young men hanging out there. No press at all.

Breakfast with the Twins and Cho. Our babies going to the natural History Museum again this morning, Popa was going also to the Twins intense delight.

Me to the Lords.

I went out the door first... A black suit, the jacket cut snugly to my body, the trousers to my instep slender close to my legs. A white silk shirt with a narrow Munro Modern tartan tie. Black heels, silver jewellery. Red lips and nails. `Joy' A red Hermès clutch bag.

The weather mild, mostly clear and no wind. I skipped the coat. I slid on a pair of gloves.

Gil, PJ and Kara with me. Some press on the College Green... more about the leak thing at least now they were asking about the MP. I told them I had not ever spoken to him so I hadn't a clue to his motivation... only guesses.

In the Royal Gallery... Mac grinning when he saw me. Terrance, Susanne and Louisa coming my way.

Mac laughing, "Your comments last night... straight to the point!"

"Well the fellow must be an idiot to keep shoving at an immovable object."

We all laughed. I shook hands with the tory trio. They were laughing too.

Terrance, "You are always forthright. Many tory colleagues happen to agree with your assessment."

The ladies nodding.

Louisa, Lady Warranton, now shaking her head, "I know his sister... she thinks he's a nitwit."

Considerable laughter.

Susanne asked what was his point?

Mac smiled, "I think Fay's second thought last night is more than likely. A fool rarely knows when to quit."

Heads nodding.

I saw Dascom... I thanked him for the water quality information from a rural area downstream from a Midlands city... an ugly assessment report.

"Fay, I have a meeting with Lib-Dem Commons members on this. I want them to push the government on it."

I leaned closer, "You know the solution?"

He nodded, "Re-nationalise all those that are failing their quality control checks."

"Or all of them?"

"There is a good argument for that. I will send you a note when I've had the meeting."

I thanked him again.

An email from the chairman of the National Security Strategy Committee in reply to my question sent him about how much to say about the metal fatigue issue on the one sub. He said he was PO'd at the tory MP and would release a statement this afternoon making it all clear after consultation with the MOD.

We were called into the House. Some debate on bills, a new life peer member's maiden speech, not a bit controversial like mine, a first reading of a bill.

On my way home. Gil took a call... Donovan.

I spoke to him as we walked.

"Fay, the genealogical site has matched another body to a family. A young man from West Virginia. The only family left is a cousin... She's sixty some years old. I spoke to her... he's a dim memory for her. She has no know idea when his parents last heard from him. All she knows is he went away.

She will accept his remains and have them put in his father and mother's grave."

All so sad... too long between the crime and identifying the victims.

"Donovan, thanks for taking this on. It is sad but we will persist. Is the Cook County Sheriff tired of being berated by every form of press and politician?"

"No. He seems to be perversely enjoying being the butt of impolite comments. The scandal is not dying down."

I was pleased to hear that!

"A point we have been reminding our readers in each piece... there is nothing conclusively linking these young men to the mass murderer, only circumstantial factors. Yes it may seem reasonable to make assumptions but we are dealing with facts."

I was pleased to hear that.

"Fay, I'm not one to speak about my superiors... Burton is re-born! I've known him for about fifteen years... he seems to be getting younger each month."

I was laughing, "So this isn't a complaint?"

He was laughing too, "No... NO... I am amazed at his energy."

I suggested he find ways to use that energy. Donovan said he'd look into it. I said I'd ask Terrill to try also.

I did an email to Terrill, very light-hearted, saying he needed to find a few things for Burton. I got a quick response... he had a few thoughts and would do!

It is Gil and Chelle with me for lunch. I'd gotten a few texts and snaps from the museum crowd. They were enjoying themselves. Their lunch... veggie burgers all around.

Going back to the Lords...

On College Green... maybe twenty press folk... the unnamed MP had issued a statement in response to the National Security Strategy Committee chairman's press release telling the truth of the committee meeting... he is saying the first reporter got it wrong... he never said there were leaks.

Oh shit... how amazingly unhelpful to blame the press. I hope they roast him.

My comment to the reporters... "In my experience with the press..." My hands motioning towards them, their cameras going, "... no reporter has ever gotten it so wrong!"

One reporter from the Telegraph, "The MP said he didn't use the word leak... the Daily Mail editor has retorted `He was quoted accurately based on the reporter's recording I have heard' so where does that leave us?"

I raised my hands outward palms up, "Well the issue about being on background' puts the press in a bind... this is being reduced to a He said <-> He said' which is unsatisfactory. The Daily Mail should release their reporter's audio."

My hand on my chest... "Me ... I'm inclined to take the reporter at his word... to get it so wrong on a sensitive issue is out of character even for the Daily Mail."

The woman reporter representing the Daily Mail was close... I squeezed her shoulder. She smiled... a bit of tittering in the background. We all laughed. She was grinning.

I needed to get on... they did say many `Thank yous.'

I still wondered why the press zoomed in on me... the decommissioning bill my only connection to the old subs... hardly making me an expert on the things.

A mental shrug.

I could see Gil's face in my peripheral vision... a grin.

I asked... Her response, "I guess you are wondering why they are bothering you?"

I nodded.

"You do know a lot about many things, you are on the relevant committee and you are honest... is that enough?"

I laughed, "Yes but still... off-the-wall comments by nitwits..."

She laughed some more, "It is because he's a nitwit... AND you aren't!"

Okay... enough! I could hear Tara behind me laughing... I reached back to grip her arm.

We crossed over St. Margaret's to the Peers Entrance... we were all smiling.

The afternoon session in the House wasn't long... a vote and a second reading.

Back home in my Lady's Room... Sage and Arlette working... me on a settee with some work delightfully shared to me by Chelle.

Sunny called... she had her meeting with the Brasenose graduates. They had been invited out to Harcourt House...

"Fay, they were VERY impressed that I am your niece... so thanks for that."

I said talk to your grandmother... "It's her doing."

We laughed.

"They were quite nice. I got a lot about how the college works, what to expect the first year from the various subjects, what were the best, in their opinion, classes to choose, the best tutors, etc...

I took notes. We talked some about my school experience to date... my age came as shock to them.

Two knew my name beforehand... horse families."

"Sounds like it was useful for you."

"Yes. It gave me a `feel' about expectations and living at college. I don't think I'd want to live-in for more than my first year. It's such a short drive from here."

"You can start applying for your provisional driving license at seventeen... you might be able to drive yourself with limitations in two years."

"Something for the future."

Sunny was happy... all good. She'd talked with her Mom already.

I wrote a note to Grace, Marchioness Ovendem, to thank her for the link to the Brasenose graduates. Arlette properly addressed it and put a stamp on it. Grinning... `snailmail' spoken. Grins!

Noises off... The babies came running down the passage... I knelt down to grab some kids! Cho behind them, a big smile. I got a kiss!

They'd had a great day... the Natural History Museum dinosaur room then lunch at T.rex again. They spent the afternoon in Human Evolution... what terrific fun that is. All our ancestors, the many branches.

Charlie sitting on a settee with me, "I think the Neanderthals were smart! All the things they invented..."

My arm around his shoulders, "Olden time people are as interesting as dinosaurs?"

He nodded.

Chani wanted to go into the Volcanos and Earthquakes exhibit next trip. Tha by the door gave that a thumbs up. Chani clapping!

The Twins dashed out...

I said to Tha and Delphine to look up Luis Alvarez and his hypothesis for Charlie and Chani. A pair of questioning looks... I added "When you get to a source you will understand."

My morning walk interrupted near the end by the press. We'd been around the neighbourhood coming up through the Victoria Tower Gardens to cross Millbank at Great Peter Street.

Seven of them... They'd seen me... waiting for my return... I chose to speak to them rather than go around to the `back' entrance... if they missed me it would mean there was another way in... I didn't want to give it away.

More bullshit about the `leaks' story.

Smiling, "You folks are barking up the wrong tree... I don't know the MP or why he'd say something untrue."

"Thomas Lydell, the Times. The Daily Mail released a digitally recorded clip of their interview with the MP... he clearly said there are radiation leaks."

I laughed, "Well you don't need me."

He followed up... "What consequences should there be for the MP?"

I stopped facing them, "For me... he is obligated to take an "office of profit under the Crown" and go. Such unethical business presupposes he no longer has the best interests of his constituents or the Kingdom in mind. He is hopelessly compromised."

I looked at them... a few smiles.

"Becca Rolleson, The Telegraph. Would you participate in any by-election as you did in the March general election?"

"Well that depend on my being asked. I don't know a thing about his riding. So my help might not be wanted."

I waved to them as I crossed Millbank.

Cho had a laugh... the never-ending `leaks' sinking the MP's ship. Easy to agree with that and laugh at a good line.

At my desk in Millbank House Sage at the door, "M'Lady, the note about the meeting with Prime Minister is on top."

I gave her a look... she shrugged, "I can't help it."

I laughed, "Just a slave to tradition?"

She did a very nice curtsey to my laughter.

Gil looking at the note... "It is the same office you went to in the summer."

Okay I know where to go.

Near to the appointed time we walked over to the Palace of Westminster... inside I worked my way to the Thames side corridor and hung a left... I was picked up by an aide of the PM's who guided me the rest of the way.

Gil came in, Alba and Tessa remained outside.

Hands shaken, Edmund and Keir Starmer. Their people.

"Fay, this is just so Edmund can get the lay of the land and your plans."

I gave them the genesis of the delving into the Education realm. I gave Edmund copies of the letter and what little we've done to date.

Edmund asked if we intended to find out the origin of the letter.

"No... I don't think it's likely or very valuable. As you can see we are looking at the companies that were named. How they do their business, any issues from any of their other clients, etc... It's early days."

I asked if Edmund had spoken to Kirk about what we'd done about the MOD things.

"Yes. He and his financial fellow, Reginald, gave me and mine a briefing. Your people are quite good at winkling out interesting bits. They were happy and impressed.

Not only is the MOD going after some to get money back they have passed onto the CPS packets for their consideration with the MOD's request charges be laid."

"I have heard that. Some of those companies are so dirty they need to go away.

Casteen will be the point of contact on this... you can of course route things via Sage to her."

Edmund said he would choose a staff member to be the primary on this. That person would contact Casteen.

A bit more then Edmund and his folks left. Handshakes and thanks.

I'd asked Keir Starmer if Cedric would able to meet at the same time... he couldn't but his principal deputy is here.

I am introduced to... his hand out "Your Ladyship, Grattan... Albert."

I smiled shaking, "Do you fill in a lot of forms with your name?"

He laughed, "No M'Lady... usually we use last names."

"Are you a member or... permanent staff?"

"Oh sorry M'Lady... I represent Manchester South in the Commons."

So it was me, Keir Starmer and his closest aides, Grattan and an aide plus Gil. Tea was brought in and happily accepted.

"Through a friend of ours we have made contact with a retired Russian general... he is very close to the men running Russia now. We have a meeting setup in Helsinki... I will fly in. At this point the plan is we will meet on our aircraft.

What we want is a way to talk to the current Russian leaders... to convince them democracy with all its faults is where they need to go.

They reasonably fear that the sanctions, trade barriers, the cut-off on banks information sharing, etc... which came after putin's adventure in Crimea... will continue even though putin is gone.

Their withdrawal from all Ukrainian territory shows they have that fear.

As you know their military, oil and computing industries are dependant on western equipment to maintain themselves. They cannot even build a tank without Western materials.

We want to show them they will be far better off relinquishing power to an elected government.

The many examples of democratic countries with strong militaries should give them examples of what can happen... recent cases on point... Belarus' army has backed away from politics as the Thai military is now doing.

America is the supreme example... their military has had every possible new weapons systems since World War II... all voted for by elected representatives.

Now there will be no promises about anything that is not within our capabilities. Nothing concrete except our willingness to help them get to the point of decision and then supporting them in the court of public opinion."

Keir watching my face through all that... a smile...

"Fay, I feel sure we can trust your judgement on that. Your possible new `friend' where does he stand now?"

"Publically he has supported the generals taking power given putin's `illness' but he knows they cannot run the country no matter how many technocrats they use. What I have is he's an old army man without blinkers. He's very aware of the personal limits of the men currently in charge.

We can assess his level of knowledge through a rather unique prism... we have dossiers on most of the generals in the ruling clique vetted by a former FSB officer."

Starmer's eyes narrowed... Grattan's went the other way.

"Yevgeny was a senior colonel in the FSB involved in multiple projects and tasked with computer operations. We aided Yevgeny's escape from Russia a year ago... he spend over six months with the FBI being debriefed and assisting their other endeavours. He provided us with a connection into an FSB server which he setup and managed.

On that server were backups from a dozen FSB offices and a folder of documents he amassed showing how several dozen top Russians manipulated things for their profit, crimes they committed and their sexual peccadillos.

We handed it all over to the NSA, they passed some or all on to the GCHQ.

Some of the generals are criminals... not all. Once the Russian Army removed putin... Yevgeny did updates on all the generals... so if I can sit down with them I will know more about them individually than they could ever imagine. I hope to parlay that advantage into some leverage to get the `criminal' generals out so we deal with the best of the lot."

I could see Keir Starmer wanted to ask about Yevgeny...

I gave them a précis of what we did, what happened when he arrived in New York and his current status.

Keir shaking his head, "I suppose I should never be surprised at what you two get up to."

"Yevgeny wasn't alone... his twelve year old daughter flew out with. He's a widower... while he was with the FBI Samara was our ward, living in a building in New York where we have a flat. We own four buildings on a short street... the area is in a zone our Security Service controls. `round the clock protection at a very high level."

I sipped my tea... their faces were studies in wonder with a gleam of intense interest.

"General Milanovski is one of the `clean' generals. A veteran of the mess Afghanistan still is and the Caucasus. He as relieved of command in the Caucasus by putin because he stopped the local nazis from murdering captives."

"So you will sit down with someone who is already sympathetic to your goal... he would then facilitate your contact with the generals clique. Then you have to persuade them.

I don't know many Russians... I would guess those I do know aren't typical of the Russian army general's class... but even my friends can be quite stubborn when they want."

Smiling I said, "We anticipate this won't an easy sweep in to make nice and succeed in our goal immediately kind of thing. The way we approached the southern Thailand talks was slow and easy made simpler by our having contacts with both sides.

What we would like is contact information for Alexi Navalny. Sounding out the Russian army via one of its own is only half the equation. Arranging a meeting with Navalny or someone who could speak for him is important if for no other reason he is up to speed with what we are doing. Exchanging views would be very valuable... we could assess possible ways to help him."

Keir Starmer, "We do have a contact point for Navalny and I will have it in your hands once we have informed him so it is not a `cold call' on your part."

He turned to Grattan who nodded.

I stood to get more tea with an eye motion to Keir. He joined me by the windows... the brown Thames flowing by...

I lifted out a thumb drive from a pocket, putting in his hand.

"On this is a report from our Security Service about China. Briefly... it describes the possible coming economic catastrophe in great detail. There are sections on their military, banks, real estate, foreign exchange, manufacturing... locally owned and outside companies from Asia, America and Europe... a comprehensive analysis.

The real estate sector is a major flashpoint. Although it is unlikely to injure world markets the destabilising effect inside China will be broad. It would affect their overall financial position most likely weakening the yuan further especially as their banks will be involved.

Their agriculture is not going to be able to fully feed the people... with their currency being eroded making it ruinously expensive to buy food on the world markets.

It is in short a mess! They will have to make a series of difficult choices very soon or face the possibility of anarchy and the fall of the People's Government."

The Prime Minister looking intently at me... "There has been some increased rumblings from MI6 and GCHQ... this is sourced how?"

"From some of our people on the ground in China and neighbouring countries, computer intrusions, decoded messages, the Vietnamese government and a Chinese individual who is working for us. On the latter... we did not use anything they told us until we had a second source. That agent is in the Chinese government, highly placed with excellent connections."

"Intrusions? Decoded?"

"We have gained entry to several important Chinese computer systems... this is all separate from the earlier ones passed onto the NSA and GCHQ. We can read what is sent to their Central Committee members, what passes to their military top ranks and the highest levels of their Foreign Affairs department.

On the decoding... our folks in Bangkok have broken their cipher for the Foreign Affairs communications."

Keir's eyes wide... he's VERY interested.

"We are sharing that particular aspect of our work with the NSA, they are gradually taking over parts and bringing in the GCHQ as they do. That might be your rumblings because we have been informed the `Five Eyes' have all been brought in. Also amongst other areas where we have an entry into is their unit which creates their ciphers."

A big toothy grin which had Keir laugh.

I pointed to the thumb drive, "What is not on there are names and details of the sources. For now we are not sharing all that with the NSA. We will at some point."

He nodded.

I added that the Chinese, like the Russians, are happy to try to poke around in someone else's systems but they do not protect their own very well.

"Well aren't we lucky they are like that."

Smiling I agreed. "The diplomatic code is an interesting thing... we were put onto it by our Chinese agent. They have not been told we broke the code only that we have shown interest. The less they know about our side of things the better."

Starmer, "On sharing this... " a finger aimed at the thumb drive on his palm, "... who else has seen these documents?"

"Hillary and some of her closest people. Internally for us... the number is less than your fingers."

I could see he liked that.

I said we will shortly share it with President Macron and Chancellor Merkel. We have arranged visits by several of our Security Service people to them.

They would have the same information he has.

Keir said he would read it and share with Cedric... then speak to Hillary, Macron and Merkel after getting Cedric's feedback.

Starmer, "When will they receive this? Is it possible to cherry-pick items and ask our people what they know? Like say something the banking area?"

"Within twenty four hours. I should think it would be fine as about cherry-picking parts... keeping back whatever those persons don't need to know."

He nodded, "What about Morrison?"


Another nod.

"I would do... maybe not say how you came by it unless he asks... which he is sure to do!"

One more big grin.

A laugh and a firm handshake.

"We have excellent information from the Cho Family Banks about Chinese banks... it forms most of that section of the report. Our banks do not do business in China and actively encourage clients to avoid China. That doesn't mean they don't pat attention..."

"You and Cho do amaze continuously... new things in all sorts of ways."

"We don't want to get bored."

We laughed.

I did my goodbyes. Grattan thanked me for the Russian bits, "I know the Foreign Secretary will be very interested."

"If he has questions... tell him to send them on. I'll look forward to hearing from you about the Navalny contact."

A good handshake... out the door. We worked our way to the Royal Gallery.

Louisa saw me, a wave. A smile... "See... you always dress so well with a flair."

I thanked her.

Today an olive green wool suit with a mini-skirt. Three-quarter length sleeves and three big buttons on the jacket, nothing under it. Gold jewellery with a necklace of small white shells on a gold chain close to my neck. Pale stockings and medium brown heels. `Joy' Clear nails and a very pale red lipstick.

Another smile... "I hope I don't annoy..." she paused, "... you have `air' like Grace Kelly."

I lightly laughed, "I have been told that before..." Another smile, "... in fact this suit is quite like one Princess Grace wore."

Her head nodding.

Susanne joining us. We talked clothes for a few minutes. Mac came up... he asked to pardon himself, "We need to speak for a minute."

Okay... I squeezed the hands of the ladies.

"There is a housing bill coming for further debate..." I nodded knowing that. "Well Lord Haseley was to speak to it but he's ill... will you do it?"

"Do you have his text?"

"That's another problem... No!"

"Oh you want me to do it off-the-cuff? Mac!"

He looked expectant...

"Do you have a copy of the bill?"

He drew it from an inside pocket... I looked him, "You owe me one! And don't complain if I make a hash of it..." A quick at my iPhone, "... You've only given me thirty minutes? Damn Mac!"

He made sounds like he was grateful and had confidence in me.

I dropped into chair to read the damned thing again! Mac had added a note with Cross-Bench opinions of the bill... skimpy.

I got Gil to sit and do some looking up bits on the internet.

Gil and I worked it hard!

We were called to the House...Mac looking at me... I pointed a single finger... "I'm going to kill Haseley if his disease doesn't."

Mac taking the finger, kissing the back of my hand.

We came to order... The Labour fellow re-opened the debate... Lord Haseley is called to speak.

I stood... murmurs... Argyle looking over... I could see a grin... I am recognised.

I began praising what was acceptable in the bill... pointing how ordinary citizens will benefit then I moved to what I called the watered down Council Tax reform.

"The government needs to move more firmly and faster to make changes to how the land and structures are taxed. If this is done the wealthy property owners and land developers will be pushed to build rather than sit on the land allowing to rise in value but remain unused.

We have not been building sufficient housing for thirty years... the nation needs six hundred thousand new quality homes... YESTERDAY."

I was interrupted a chorus of `Hear... Hear's' from the Cross-Benchers around me plus many in the Labour benches.

"The shortage has driven up prices and rents so many people are poorly housed."

More Hear... Hear's. A loud `Too Right' from a Labour member.

"Some of this has been kicked around for years... the previous government wouldn't do anything for fear of losing their `older voters block' because it will rise taxes on property owners who may not have the cash to pay for the new higher taxes for their land.

This is where common sense has to prevail... there can be an adjustable terms portion linked to actual income and other assets... Not a rigid schedule of pay or else."

Hear... Hears for that latter part, surprisingly a number from the tory benches.

"What to call this has been mooted before... a `Land Value Tax' where the value of the land is taxed not the structures. This could replace the Council Tax and business rates... being more fair overall.

The current system has wildly out-of-date house price valuations... this would be put into balance with a new methodology.

The local Councils will shudder to hear this... they will lose tax income they would use to finance home building... to address this the government should create a `sovereign property' fund from which local councils could draw upon to build homes so desperately needed."

I went on about changes to the tenancies portion... longer minimum terms and a cap on rent rises to prevent landlord abuse.

I ended giving the bill a qualified Okay but acknowledging its serious deficiencies... "It will not solve the housing crisis."

There were noises of support from my Cross-Bench colleagues and others. I could see many Labour members agreeing.

I sat down... Mac took my hand... a big squeeze... his eyes bright.

The House adjourned. I didn't cause that... it was time.

I was congratulated by many as we filed out. Quite a number of Labour members saying they supported my ideas and had wanted more in the bill.

Cecil and Alfred beside me... Mac looking in my face, "Fay, it was masterful. Unbelievable... thirty minutes... you produced a... I am just gob smacked!"

I kissed his cheek, "You don't deserve a kiss. Rascal."

Laughter around us!

Argyle going by asked to speak to me... we walked towards the lobby.

"Fay, Haseley?"

I said Mac told me he fell sick so I was shoved out.

He looked at me... "I know those weren't Haseley's words... he's never been that good ever!"

"No... Mac didn't have Haseley's text."

Argyle stopped... His head slightly tilted... "You found out you had to do the speech when?"

I shrugged, "About thirty minutes beforehand."

"If I didn't know you a bit I wouldn't believe that..."

"I got Gil to look up some things for me as I read the bill and made a plan."

"No notes... you just winged it?"

"Well I did I have a minute or two consider and catch my breath..."

We both laughed.

"Well I am truly impressed. Thanks for going through the effort it was a terrific speech. It made points that were brought up during the framing of the bill. Now I know where your Twins get their amazing memories from!"

A handshake and he got a cheek kiss too.

Walking across College Green was nicer... no press lying in wait.

Cho in the North Drawing Room with a drink... I dropped onto the settee beside him... a Campari and soda quickly in hand!! I generously thanked Clough.

I was informed the babies were doing something `Hush Hush' they'd be down shortly.

Cho could only shrug at what it is.

He got I had been pushed out onto the stage by Mac. I made light of it... the speech went over well so I will let it go...

Dinner was fun with Charlie and Chani talking about Neanderthals and Denisovans, how they interacted in Siberia. A lot of information about Denisovans from a few bones and teeth... they said DNA research is awesome.

These babies could be `scary' with what they got into their brains. Cho and I needed to keep up.

In the morning I found out Haseley has bronchitis... He's an Ex-smoker like Coral... I'm not surprised. I never did smoke. I had Arlette send him a get well card... something cheerful but not silly.

Cho going to the Investment Bank in The City. Me to my Lords office then the House. The Twins going to the Volcanos and Earthquakes thing at the museum. They were becoming well-known at the museum!

The palaeontologists who'd `met' the Twins now knew who they were.

I had Gil contact the museum deputy director to let her know we would not be engaging with the two palaeontologists. She said she was fine with it, they really didn't need to have interaction with us.

Sage had things on her desk amongst which is a list of groups requesting I speak to them... Sage grinning, "Actually the list is out-of-date..." I looked my question, "... I have already informed most of them, with regret, you are not available."

Fist bump. I wanted to keep those things to a minimum. Sage knew the sort to consider more closely and who to reject out-of-hand.

"M'Lady, I will bring to you a winnowed down list."

A note from Dascom on his meeting with Lib-Dem Commons members. They were of a mind to support re-nationalisation of all water boards given the systemic failures across the entire country.

Two more reports from Dascom on rural water quality both pointing to the local `for profit' water company as the primary issue. One particularly dispiriting from the southwest. Raw sewage in their water?

My reply... I suggested he circulate these reports and his colleagues opinions more widely to build some momentum on the issue.

Lunch at Cowley House with Vinni then a car trip to the two London publishers we folded into Munro Publishing.

Vinni had spent time at both companies so she is the lead on these visits. The management of the publishers only knew a corporation named Munro Publishing purchased them... no names. Vinni is a vice-president and the COO. I will likely be quite a surprise!

Rae driving, over the Lambeth Bridge, north behind Waterloo Station to Baylis Road... Clark Publishing. They were in an older re-done building. The presses are in Dagenham.

Clark's is now Flix's Great Britain publisher.

Vinni out front, PJ before me, Gil and Chelle, Alba and Angie at the rear. The receptionist knew Vinni, she stood up to welcome her... I moved forward as PJ stepped to the side... the receptionist almost lost it but recovered. A curtsey.

"Your Ladyship, welcome to Clark's."

I thanked her and asked to speak to Davis the MD. She rang him. We went into the office area, a bull pen surrounded by offices. A staircase on our right... a fellow came rushing down the stairs. In his forties, wire-rim glasses and a nice suit.

Davis bowed and said welcome.

Vinni did the introductions.

Vinni, "Davis, Munro Publishing that now owns Clark's is controlled by Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho."

Bugging out eyes!! Then a smile coming out.

"Your Ladyship, that is news... and it is good."

I got Davis to gather everybody... I saw the woman I'd briefly met at the Duchess of Cornwall's tea at Buckingham Palace. She came down the same stairs as Davis... she was startled... big time.

I told them one of our company's owned Clark's and there would be changes for them.

"First, security here and at Dagenham will be increased. You shouldn't find it difficult to adapt but it is a change. Second, now that you are our employees you will see benefits... a pay rise, more medical care coverage and access to our clinics around the city, an improved pension plan and the right to use our R&R Scheme."

I outlined the R&R benefits and they would receive brochures explaining it and how to make bookings. The other benefits are explained in a letter from Cho and I they would receive here today.

I did add, "There is no room for a medical clinic here... you are welcome to go to any location we have one. When it is completed the closest will be at the Traffic Control Centre on Southwark Street... about a mile from here. We will work with your GP at all times."

The faces changed from confused to wondering to excited as I spoke.

"Now we will expect you to do your part by being the best you can be at your work."

Nods and smiles in the group. Clapping.

I did a lot of hand shaking afterwards.

The tea party woman approached carefully...

"Your Ladyship, I was gauche at our meeting... it may have seemed I was trying to use your connection to Felicia Connelly to our advantage. I apologise if I left that impression."

Vinni and Davis beside us making her more nervy.

I told them all, "So you know I did not speak to Flix or her agent... your acquiring her book was on your own merit."

I added motioning to the gauche woman, "Our purchase of Clark's was already a work in progress on the day we met.

Also... " to her, "... I read a lot of history... Weimar, war-time and post-war Germany... are strong areas of interest... not my only. Flix's dissertation being on a subject I am interested in was pure serendipity. I don't read much fiction these days.

A new book which is also causing some waves in non-fiction... `The Age of Warfare: Napoleon's Military Impact on Europe' is put out by Bank's which we now own through Munro Publishing. So the y are your sister company now.

I read the book in instalments from the author who is a friend."

Davis, "Ma'am, that is a fine book... I have it. It reads so easily. So much detail thoughtfully presented."

"Mr. Hardy lives near us in Oxfordshire, we are close."

"M'Lady, You have good authors as friends. They both write well. Flix's book is extraordinary. Its sales in America are astounding for such a title... it has broken through to a general reading audience."

I said Flix's book deserved to succeed, "Flix captured every-day people's lives in a difficult time. I wish there were books like it on our British ladies during the Blitz and especially after the war."

Davis with a considering look.

I toured around greeting individuals at their desks... very upbeat!

I did my goodbyes.

Rae took us over the river on Blackfriars Bridge straight up New Bridge Street to Ludgate a left on Fleet Street. We walked across the road to Banks Library Publishing.

Vinni was the lead again... The Bank's receptionist welcomed her and saw me... a curtsey!

"Your Ladyship, welcome. How can we help?"

Vinni with a grin, "Lady Harcourt needs to speak to Felicity."

The young woman picked up her receiver and dialled, "Felicity, we have guest... you should come out... Yes... Lady Harcourt... Oh yes."

Phone down, "Felicity is on her way."

I thanked her. Inside... cubicles with low walls so people seated could see one another... some of them saw me.

A woman looking quite good in a navy frock coming from the back.

Vinni introduced Felicity. She welcomed me and asked how to help me.

"Felicity, the new owner, Munro Publishing, is a corporation controlled by my husband Cho and I."

Her eyes sparkled... there was also a smile... getting bigger.

"M'Lady, that is excellent news for us. We haven't heard anything except Vinni coming to us."

"I want to speak to everyone... is there a space or here?"

"This is the only open area."

PJ with a grin held a chair for me. Felicity and Vinni encouraged all the staff to come close, the other executives called by the receptionist coming downstairs entering from the right behind where I was.

I did my welcome to our world speech giving them what I'd said to the people at Clark's a short while ago.

The end reactions were similar... smiling faces and happy chatter.

I stepped down... Lots of hands shaken.

We moved up to Felicity's office... a small sitting area.

"Your Ladyship, this is all quite the surprise."

I pointed to Vinni who chuckled, "My co-conspirator."

Felicity laughing.

"We have assembled a firm of publishers that Vinni is the boss of... here, New York, Paris, Madrid, Edinburgh and Berlin. Seven companies in all. At some point soon we will bring you together... so you meet each other and hear from us what our plans are. I will say now there are no big changes planned in the short-term.

Further down the road we want to publish more titles. Spread your wings a bit."

I explained we are pushing print... newspapers, magazines and books... saying we believe in people reading.

Felicity asked if I had seen a piece on newspapers run by the BBC this morning? My `No' got her telling me about the story... the BBC reporting on the renewal of newspapers. Circulation up, advertising space also... this rise in business they said is led by Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho.

Ah... Very nice. I asked Chelle to try to get the video for Cho and I.

They must have done their piece after the Pew Research Centre most recent report was released.

"Call Tai about reaction in America."

Smiling to Felicity, "Now you know how print fits into our business plans. We started this with the New York Daily News purchase then we built two newspapers on the American west coast, The Day in Seattle and The Day in Los Angeles which have come on like gangbusters.

Honest, straight-forward and detailed reporting... They have taken over their respective cities... pushing aside old established but calcified competitors.

Since then we have bought two large chains and one regional one. The turn-around is easy to see on our balance sheets. There are a few not doing as well as the rest but we do not easily tire... every business is a long term investment."

"Ma'am, I have read that about you both."

"Felicity, informally I'm Fay... Yes?"

A big smile, "Thank you. The NewsGroup takeover of the Sun and The Times was rather gleefully welcomed by many. We had gotten our fill of the fascist bully-boy M********** and his servile clone son. Their fall from grace a delight."

I leaned back, "It came at some cost... good in the end."

I brought up Mr. Hardy... Our knowing him well, a frequent visitor to Harcourt House.

"Fay, he is a marvel. He writes wonderful prose with some feeling which is rare in a history book. He makes one think of Max Hastings but with more scholarship... more depth. His research is impeccable and the notes clear, concise. The sales reflect that... we have a second printing shipping with a third likely quite soon. A true runaway success!"

I told her Mimi at GlobalBooks Publishing in New York is thrilled to have Mr. Hardy's book in their catalogue. It selling at a higher rate than here.

"Fay, she and I had a wonderful get-to-know telephone call the other day. She said they were happy using our version rather than wait for the spellings to be changed to the American style. Their editor made the point there were no examples which made any difference worth bothering with. They wanted it on sale as soon as possible."

"We went to his signing and short talk the other day at the Imperial War Museum. The audience was very excited when he began and more at the end be cause he may have signalled his next book's topic... the guerrilla war in Spain."

She was nodding saying, "We are hopeful he has several more in him."

"He probably does. He has our backing. He is encouraged to go on by a group of men who play wargames in our Oxfordshire cellar."

I could see I needed to explain... she got it.

A smile, "He's got motivators which is terrific!"

I did my goodbyes to her and the staff. I said my next visit will include the family so we can all go around the corner into Gough Square.

Going home via the Strand-Whitehall route... a call from the Publisher of the Bergen Record and the Passaic Herald News. The stories on the two company's polluting the water and air in the county having an impact! Two different local county grand juries had been empanelled plus the state government and EPA along with OSHA were investigating.

It is an all hands to the pumps affair.

Our two New Jersey newspapers receiving plaudits for their work. Suggestions they should be nominated for various awards including Peabody, Polk and Pulitzer Prizes. Many other journalism awards! Good. That'll beef up morale and draw attention to them.

Their circulation is up, their advertising space rising... ten percent over the previous year already with six weeks or so to the end of the year.

I let him know we are very pleased with the newspapers... for their reporting and strong work by their sales people. They were validating our confidence. He's a happy fellow.

An `Oh by the way'... a thank you from him for helping Wilt, the sports reporter from the Bergen Record, at the Chanthira Foundation Golf Tournament get some face time with Tom Angleten.

"He wrote fine piece on Tom to go with his tournament reporting. A small gem!!"

I asked for it to be emailed... done!

A very pleasant and rewarding phone call.

Lyn calling... three of her folks wanted to live upstairs over the Shoreditch Mirabelle.

"Fay, they said they'd do three no problem. So its up to you."

"We will be fine as long as there's no drama. They'll have work out their arrangements to suit themselves."

"Two already share a one bedroom flat, they are Okay continuing like that at about a tenth of their current rent."

I laughed, "Done. Give them the Okay and it will be setup with our estate agent."

A big thank you.

Gil grinning, "From seven hundred £'s to Sixty seven? Now that's a savings."

I said maybe they'd buy more Mirabelle clothes.

We all laughed.

At the house sitting with Cho... he got my day and the call from New Jersey. The Shoreditch arrangements made him laugh too.

"Well tell Lyn they better be on time to work every day."


I got kisses... until the Twins came roaring down from their Nursery.

Drinks! I got my Campari and soda, Cho his scotch and Clough made Shirley Temples for the babies. We were all smiling.

Tomorrow another trip to the Natural History Museum and lunch out for the Twins. I'm going to the Lords. Cho was seeing his tailor, lunch with me then a meeting here with some lawyers.

Dinner at Harcourt House!

My morning walk very nice... no issues or press!

Kisses for the babies off to have fun at the museum.

Going over to the Lords a call to Gil from Lord Haseley. I took her phone...

"Lady Harcourt, thank you for your very nice card... I am doing better. I also have to thank you for filling in for me."

I said I took his name in vain until heard of his bronchitis. He laughed and coughed.

"I fully sympathise with you. I understand you were a smash hit."

`I think I made right points and made a small contribution to another housing bill to come we can hope."

"I do hope so... I think what you said quite correct... the Labour bill isn't strong enough. Thank you again for being my substitute."

I told him he was welcome and get well.

Gil got her phone back. A grin. We were laughing passing through the Peers Entrance.

In the Royal Gallery I kidded Mac... "I spoke to Haseley... he said he was fine you told him to stay home."

Mac looked fit-to-be-tied.


I squeezed his arm with a smile...

"Oh you! Remember I have a weak heart!"

"I might have fallen for that three years ago... not now."

Alexander joined us, a smile hearing what I'd said.

"Well Mac was just trying to give you another chance to showcase your talents."

"Alexander, I do not need any practice. Certainly not under pressure!"


In the House Argyle had a full mornings work which ended at noon as he said it would. What a guy!

Mac and I said goodbyes... he knew I was going to Oxfordshire and it would be tough to pry me out of there until next year. He'd be out at least once. A big kiss on his cheek.

I did say to stay in touch... maybe he could come out to play a round of golf with Tom Angleten?

He'd like that but watching Cho and Angleten together would be demoralising. Laughter!

Lunch with my husband! Mrs. Travers did big fluffy cheddar cheese and chive omelettes, American style buttermilk biscuits, soft and tasty. Good for buttering and Fortnum and Mason Lemon Curd!

The lawyers arrived, I met them before Cho took them to the South Drawing Room. A kiss for Cho.

I changed into black leggings, ankle boots, a tank top and a BIG black cable knit jumper, crew neck, long sleeves, a Harcourt Racing black cap. Black gloves. The red round reflective sunglasses on my nose.

Gil and I in Rae's car with Tessa, Alba and Kara heading to Basuto Road. At the house the Security Service fellow smiling as he unlocked the door.

Gil brought an empty carton up from the cellar... I put some things in it I wanted to be elsewhere. We stopped in front of the drawing of me at seven... Gil's face... a grin.

I nudged her.

"Fay, you were a cutie... no doubt about it."

Laughing I said I hated sitting for it. I decided to leave it where it is.

Out the door, a walk to look at the Favart Road block of flats our friends owned... it looked very good. The workman had done a fine job. It looked almost new!

Our Parthenia Road house... looking nice. Graham's family lived there... his wife had written to me when they moved in a year ago... she was so pleased, their children loved the house. A terrific outcome.

In the car going a short way down Kings Road... we stopped opposite Mirabelle. I walked in... a surprise for everyone once they got it is me. The red round reflective sunglasses always worked.

Pia pleased to see me again so soon. Middle of the afternoon... there were eight women shopping... amazing. I said hello to them and the staff.

Several women said my outfit was terrific! I thanked them.

Rae took us into Knightsbridge, we are dropped at Harvey Nichols' door. I went up to have a look in Alice + Olivia where I'd gotten a few things in the past.

Walking in I left the sunglasses on... no one paid me much notice except for a quick look. I could see my legs got a few stares!

I wandered... it was not good... the florals ugly, some frocks that looked like Mormon ladies from the Nineteenth Century... I saw a couple of mini-dresses... not for me. They were the best.

I worked my way around then aimed for the door... a sales lady came by... `Did I need help?'

I thanked her `Nothing for me...'

I looked in at few more `big brand name' departments with no luck. Isabel Marant Etoile had a few ugly floral dresses... I did not get it... maybe I'm on a different wave as they. I knew our beautiful suits were selling... that is good enough.

Using the stairs... up two floors to Kidswear... More wandering without inspiration. In Girls... more unpleasant florals??? Was there some ugly frock contest I missed??

I walked through Versace Kids almost cringing. The only thing I liked in Kids I was not going to buy here... a Ralph Lauren hoodie, beautiful navy with a large horseman in multiple shades of pastel colours on the front.

Another sales lady came close... My sunglasses off so she recognised me.

"Your Ladyship, can show you anything?"

I thanked her... I did not need assistance today.

A woman approached... she whipped out a pad and pen... I looked to Tessa and turned away. I heard the woman call out... I kept going. Alba in front, Gil beside me, Tessa immediately behind, Kara brining up the rear blocking the woman.

At the lift Kara joined us.

"She wanted to talk and get an autograph. I told her that was not possible. She was deflated... "

I thanked Kara. A professional autograph seeker? I did not need that.

Gil had contacted Rae... she was rolling up as we made our way out. Around Hyde Park Corner into Piccadilly to Fortnum and Mason.

At their door one of the red-coated young men opened the door. No sunglasses... he recognised me and bowed.

Down to the Food Hall on the lovely spiral staircase! Gil had called them, a young woman about thirty, `young' nice try Fay, was waiting. Gil had said the Food Hall.

Elanor introduced herself... she understood I was going to buy a lot, she had porters on standby. We will take some with us, more to be shipped, a large number of addresses which Gil had printed out.

I waded into biscuits. Tins and boxes for our houses here and overseas. The Company canteen got three dozen boxes of biscuits! Dad and Phailin, The Thoi's, Kay and her crowd in Seattle, Somsak and the Washington group. Lots of other friends and the staffs at our homes... they all got a mixture of biscuits, tea, candy... some got hampers.

I worked my way from the front to the back. Lots of candy!

Bottles of Strega to be sent to our houses wherever the laws permitted. Val d'Auge Calvados for Cho... spread around the world.

No fresh items although their fruits and vegetables looked wonderful!

I lost track... Gil on-the-ball with her lists so I didn't forget anyone.

Elanor had a fellow keeping track of everything. The store General Manager came to see me.

"Your Ladyship... quite the shopping trip."

Laughing I told him I should be here more than once a year... it just hadn't worked out.

Gil did say we had ordered a lot of biscuits online.

The GM was thanked for Elanor and the others.

"Your Ladyship, we are always willing to be of assistance."


Going in the door at Cowley house carrying four tins of shortbread for the staff. Lorenzo gladly took them from me with an `Enjoy' from me.

A big smile, "M'Lady, I love shortbread."

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