
By A becker

Published on Sep 26, 2023



Gramps and Gamma came to dinner. They got to meet Vinni. They liked books so it was easy to find dinner talk...

We had fun and afterwards the Twins kissed and hugged us. They and Delphine were packed up going the the Keren's for two days. Jaidee too.

Dad gave me a hug, "Don't worry I am sure Phailin and I will survive."

We all laughed.

We waved them away. On the dock grid we climbed into a AW139... a second one came in...we flew to Don Mueang. Two Gulfstreams waiting. One for Vinni and a few of our people... straight to Chalgrove. Hug and kiss for Vinni. Goodbyes for all.

For us a forty five minute flight to Narathiwat Airport.


We drove to the compound, twenty minutes... we got to see the neighbourhood out the windows before the sun went down. Small houses, scattered businesses and schools... a flat landscape. Off the metalled road a short way to cross narrow ditch which linked to salt water canals connected shallow lagoons.

The gate opened automatically as we approached... we pulled into the security fenced section, the next gate opened after the outer one closed.

Near the main house Savve was waiting. We shook hands, he had a big smile.

"Everything is ready for you."

Thank yous from us.

We stuck our heads in the kitchen... the ladies were all smiling as we said hello.

We changed to shorts and Polo shirts.

We sat on a screened patio facing the ocean. Moonlight on the water in between the trees... very nice.

Coconut lassi's to drink. Gil and Chelle, Protectors enjoying these delicious cool drinks!

A good dinner of southern Thai foods, fish, rice, vegetables... tasty!

Afterwards Cho and I walked to the beach. Past the tree line... empty sand. We sat on the edge of the water.

We discussed tomorrow... a string of visits to businesses Cho hadn't seen in over ten years.

My morning started with a swim. Tara and Ken joined me. We ran down to the beach... one of the Security Service staff said the shark net was in place... there'd been a few scares on this coast... no bites.

We swam for twenty minutes... grabbing up our towels. Walking and drying ourselves.

They were laughing when I asked if this water was better than Southwold. Tara said there was no Brrrr in this. Fist bump.

At breakfast email from Simon. A forest fire in the Gila National Forest northeast of Glenwood was put down by our foam. New Mexico Natural Resources contract aircraft mounted from the airport at Deming. One older one with the less than perfect seals and a new one.

It was thirty five minutes to the fire... no problem. They made two flights dousing the fire. New Mexico government and U.S. Forest Service folks went to the site. The fire only dying embers which they easily finished off.

They were very impressed. It wasn't a huge fire burning fifty five acres but with the dry conditions before winter rains and snow it could have grown quickly.

The New Mexico people made the foam from our dry mixture and loaded it with minimum supervision from our team. Simon watched the drops with U.S. Forest Service folks from a AW139 at a distance. His email praised the pilots and the ground crews.

Looks like we have a viable product to drop on fires. Cho grinning, fist bump!

SurFoam, Inc. based in Los Angeles would manufacture the product in a plant a quarter of a mile from Mirabelle West in East Los Angeles.

We were taking over an existing building, modifying it and getting equipment installed. The dry mixture will continue to be made at Lordsburg Ranch until SurFoam Los Angeles is up and running. Payne managing the operation as chief scientist.

Magenta from LAhires and Camilla of the Security Service are building the staff with Albertina who is the SurFoam General Manager. Emilio her number two as head of operations and Payne, to be the chief scientist, both contributing.

We hoped to be in full production there by late spring.

Email to Gil... the New York lawyers reporting reddit wants to settle the lawsuit we filed over pictures and assorted other things their users were doing.

I asked her to reply... My thoughts about conditions... they must be proactive with their users to stop the offending posts, take them down immediately making sure it is not only anything about us but everybody. They must severely punish the users. We would not seek penalties just costs but would re-file it they do not follow through.

Gil asked if she should get lawyers to send her copies of the subsequent correspondence. I said no she didn't need to be bothered the lawyers are awesome. A grin from Gil.

After food we loaded up two AW139's. Us four and Protectors.

I was prepared for a hot day out doors, pale khaki cotton trousers, soft green cotton short sleeved shirt, ankle high hiking boots for walking. A few bits of gold jewellery, `Joy' A light khaki Apple-Harcourt Racing cap.

Black wayfarers.

We lifted off turning west then southwest. In fifteen minutes we descended to a landing grid close to the logging camp in the hills above Si Sakhon. The grid was four acres of grassy space with one AW139 sitting there.

Cho's grandfather bought this property more than seventy years ago. Cho's manager for the south was waiting.

Aaban and Cho hugged after a handshake. I was introduced... a big smile and a bow... handshake.

I brought Gil and Chelle forward.

We walked up hill for ten minutes to the offices. Inside Aaban used several maps to show Cho and I where things stood to date. One map colour coded for date of planting, another for when to harvest and one to show the maintenance schedule for roads into the trees.

Timber harvested, trucked down to Si Sakhon to the Railroad yard for shipment north to the main yard in a Pattani suburb.

Sections of trees carefully chosen for harvesting... reforestation is a continuous part of the work, reforested areas growing quickly. On this property trees have harvested, replanted, harvested again and replanted every year for seventy years.

Three years ago there'd been a landslide which destroyed an unmarried worker barracks. No injuries because it was in the middle of the work day. The men had been taken in by the families in their houses while the new barracks was constructed.

Now each man had a private room with shared showers and bathrooms, a common room where they could relax.

It is a short drive uphill to the current work site. Cho and I met the workers... smiles. Only the foremen knew Cho... we shook hands.

It was quiet with all the harvesting machinery stopped. We spoke to them... Cho knowing their local dialect wasn't a big surprise... me on the other hand shocked them!!

I asked one fellow who operated a big claw to grab the logs about his job... he was diffident with me... I did get him to talk, he said the machine was easy to manoeuvre and very strong lifting the largest sized trunks. The various big machines made the work move along faster and it was safer for them.

We walked around the base camp... I stopped to talk to some of the wives and young children. They took my hand smiling as I spoke to them... surprise like the men at my knowing their local language.

The pre-school was jointly run by a teacher and parents. I asked about school for older children... there was a government school in Si Sakhon. It is a three hour drive one-way.

There is a house nearby the school Cho's family bought many decades ago where the children stay during the week. The mothers here rotate down to run the house.

One mother said they all contribute to each other's family so there was a closeness here. They make up joint shopping lists for trips down to Si Sakhon, doctor visits... they all shared so much. A tight community. This was built around the logging going on year `round, for the families this is home.

We sat down for tea at one house... four mom's and seven young ones from multiple families. Gil's bag magically opened to a big sack of hard candy! Clapping from the young ones. The mom's indulged them a bit... a single piece now more later.

We talked about their lives and what they might need. The water pipes to each house installed twenty years ago had made everyone's lives much better... I asked about hot water??

Their eyes lit up! I said I would find out about that. They nodding... happy for the idea to come from me. Each home had electricity so hot water heaters should be possible. I wondered why not. Shower stalls where the men could wash off the work day?

Several children walked with me towards the offices... a girl about five thanked me and Gil for the candy. A hug, I said she was welcome.

Aaban was using the other AW139 to go with us to Ban Lo our next stop. We did goodbyes, lots of waving. We rose up going north up a wide valley... in ten minutes descending to similar landing grid.

En route the pilot told us the town of Rueso down the hill in the valley bottom is growing into a major centre in this area.

I suggested hot water to Cho... he thought it had been done. Years ago!

Cho and Aaban spoke on the landing grid... They had wanted to do it for years... it is planned... they were waiting for new powerlines which had been delayed by the war... the greater voltage was needed to operate the water heaters... the power company didn't want to come to this valley while the insurgency was active... they'd done no work here at all. Now they said they were to be here working in a month! They have been promising that for a while.

Cho asked Gil to see what we can do to push them. A big smile on her pretty face.

Aaban said he could have the water heaters installed quickly. I asked about shower stalls... could we attach one to each house? Aaban smiling saying Yes... a wonderful idea!


The camp here in Ban Lo was alongside the village so our families were part of it. The men were driven up to the work sites each day, a good road, not a far trip.

The houses here had hot water, electricity and sewage.

There was a school for young ones here... it was older and had issues. All the village older children were bussed each day to the the government school down hill in Ban Ba-Ngo Pulo. It is only a five miles each way.

Here our families weren't as close knit more a part of the village but the manager did try to keep them involved in activities which were centred around our logging company people.

Cho and I met the families in a local assembly hall. None had never met Cho... he was well known but a distant person. His being in person made some a bit shy... he was the big boss. His reputation was gold here too!

I spoke to the ladies explaining me to them.

Cho as my husband was intriguing to them. My speaking their local dialect surprised them... Biggly!! When I opened my mouth there was shock on faces just as the first stop... PJ and one of Aaban's men were with me... they expected a translation. I was instantly accepted.

They had questions... I told the ladies Cho and I lived in several places... we had two children, the snaps of the Twins made them all smile. I said they were very smart and they had Jaidee as a friend... a snap of him. They got that the Twins were staying with their grandparents in Bangkok.

We did tour the village... our logging company was the largest employer for many miles around. There are gardens growing a variety of vegetables and fruit trees. The village leader joined us. He was pleased to meet Cho and I was the whipped cream on top.

We made a stop at the Iman's home. He was a man about fifty... a nice smile as he welcomed us. His wife took my hand with a slightly timid smile.

The Iman said the village is a small place but the people were doing well from farming and especially the logging work.

"They are hard workers, generous and happy. Faithful to god."

I said that was wonderful to hear. We love to see communities grow and prosper!

He thanked Cho and I for helping to make the peace here in the south.

"We were on the edge of things... a few young men went into the insurgent groups to work at revolution. One has returned to marry... the new couple moved to Yala where man is to enter the university."

Cho smiling said he was glad there were positive effects for all to see.

Cho asked the Iman to come with us to the village hall. I took his wife's hand to draw her along... a smile from the Iman.

With many villagers around us we told them a new bigger school building was going to be built. Cho said we were donating a piece of land that had trees now... some would be cleared for the building many to be left to shade a playground and a sitting area for the village would built, seating in the shade. We were paying for the school and other bits to be built.

There was clapping and smiles. The village leader knew about it... the Iman kidded him about holding it back. The leader asked if it was a good surprise? Everybody thought so.

A company from Rueso was contracted to do the work... if possible they would hire workers here to help.

The Iman shaking his head, "You have given this some thought."

I pointed to Cho, "He is good at that."


We stayed talking for a bit. The village leader's wife beside doing more introductions to local women.

A good crowd came near the landing grid to wave goodbye... we returned the waves as the helicopters climbed up.

North to Pattani... more accurately Makrut where the the lumber company's headquarters were beside the huge log storage yard.

We landed on a side yard big enough for all three helicopters.

In the offices I got to meet Aro, the yard manager, who'd helped Yoshi early on in his interaction with the local insurgents. He and Cho hugged happy to see one another again after so many years. Cho pointed out Aro had expanded a bit... patting his own stomach. Aro laughed saying his wife was a good cook!

That encouraged all our stomachs... Aaban suggested food! I was ready... Cho laughing about that!

We all walked over the road to a nice little place... they had a shaded terrace. I got a vanilla Lassi, red chile prawns with lime rice, a tasty fried fish with small sized chips! A sweet hot sauce for the latter.

Good food. The family that owned this place knew Cho's name... the lumber people always spoke so well of him and now people knew Cho had worked to make the peace... a high gloss on his reputation!

We toured the lumber yard... Cho was greeted by several men who had worked here for over twenty years... they'd met Cho many times then the ten year gap. What made it sensational was Cho remembered their names... that dazzled them and the other men... what a terrific way to re-forge a link.

Sitting on the beach later my arms around Cho... I told him what I thought. A kiss, "Fay, your memory serves you well as does mine. We are fortunate the babies follow us!"

Didn't I know it!! More kissing!

Huge amounts of lumber waiting for shipment from the spur line on the side of the property. Business was good... new batches of logs arriving as others headed out... some sold locally to furniture makers, a great amount went north to milling companies near Bangkok.

We sat with Aro and Aaban for a while discussing future projects. Aaban at Cho's request had been scouting tracts of forest that could be added to the company holdings. He had a half dozen, two very VERY good ones had not been seriously considered before as they had been in insurgent territory. Both were near Chanae in the mountains on either side. Excellent growth of trees with good roads going well into the interior. Lots of space for immediate planting of new trees.

There are ten acres in Chanae town near the Railroad's tracks for a lumber yard, a short spur could be added. Cho asked Gil to call Kavnu to have him plan that.

Cho told Aaban he would get both tracts at Chanae purchased very soon! We would also buy the ten acres.

I showed Aaban how to fist bump which had everyone laugh.

Now Aaban would need to hire men for the work. He is an old hand at it so Cho kidded him about it. Aaban smiling, "Maybe I will hire only young married men so they will be around until I am dead."

Cho said not to go too far to some laughter.

We did goodbyes, hands shaken. Aaban said it was a pleasure to meet the woman who had gathered Cho's heart. I thanked him saying it went both ways... the smile larger!

Many workers came out to wave to us.

The AW139 lifted up turning east. Cho pointed to a Railroad station to the southwest...

"Two years ago an insurgent explosive device destroyed a freight car and wounded three men just outside that station."

The south had come a long way since then.

Our lady cooks did us a fine dinner. They liked that we were vocal about our enjoyment... they were bowing and giggling.

Cho's arm around my waist as we walked to the beach. A night swim made possible by our security and the shark net. Afterwards we sat to watch the water changing colour and shape in the moonlight.

Tomorrow would quite different... more people, crowds and noisier.

Gil and Chelle with Tara, Tessa and Cal came out in the morning for a swim. I got in twenty minutes of good speed work.

Drying myself as we walked back Cal asked since I was so athletic why I didn't do more sport.

I laughed, "I have an allergy to sticks and balls which started when I was young. My school tried to get me into sport but it never took. My horse was much better."

Cal grinning saying he drove his mother crazy playing so many sports.

"She dealt with it?"

"Yes... she was very glad my younger brother loved books more."

We all laughed.

A hotter day and close quarters... a white cotton sleeveless frock, round collar and navy blue buttons down the front to the hem at mid-calf. A narrow navy belt, navy espadrilles for walking, gold jewellery and `Joy' professionally applied with a kiss reward! Red lips and nails... not too red.

The blue sunglasses.

Cho in a navy suit without a tie to block the blinding white shirt!

Chelle working on a project needing the internet would stay at the compound. PJ, Tara, Ken, Rande, Ansara and Ro with Gil as our group.

The AW139 climbed up into the partly cloudy sky going due west for a bit then north to approach the landing spot, a fifteen minute flight. We descended to a parking lot on the university campus they had reserved for us... It was about a football pitch length walk to the doors of the Meeting Hall of Yala Rajabhat University where the Southern Assembly was sitting.

There was a large crowd around the front entrance who started to applaud as we walked close. Cho had my hand... we waved to the many people... smiles... lots of calling out of our names... cameras and news people all about.

Policemen at the barricades.

So many smiling faces, the crowd had many young people.

At the door Chakan waiting with a group and a huge smile. We shook hands and I kissed his cheek. That brought louder cheers.

We shook hands around the group of Assembly people.

Inside we walked to the big main room where all the elected representatives were standing by their desks clapping... Chakan led us around to the podium.

We did a quick conference... Cho stood up to the microphone... he thanked them all for their wonderful greeting... he said we were here informally today and would try to come to each member to speak for a bit.

We waved to them... more clapping as we stepped back. Chakan guided us down a passage to his office.

He introduced his staffers... hand shakes and the ladies cheeks kissed.

We sat down... Chakan was smiling so broadly... He thanked us for the new Assembly Building.

Cho smiled too, "You couldn't stay here indefinitely... the new space is good, centrally located, the basic structure is sound so the re-do of the inside is straightforward."

We bought an old shopping centre, twice the size of this building. The large atrium with a big skylight would be the Assembly's sitting area with the first floor above around it as the visitor's gallery. The shop spaces would become offices and meeting rooms for the members, room for the assembly officials, security, etc... The restrooms expanded and an Assembly members canteen put in.

The old front would be redone, the car park turned into a curving drive with the buildings on either side removed for green space. An large nearby lot used now as an auto graveyard would be cleared and paved to serve as a guest and members parking area.

The entire roof will be covered in solar panels! A partially enclosed paved walkway from the car park will have solar panels on top. No wet shoes during the monsoon season.

Acres of neighbouring wooded land would be made into a park for public use.

Shaded sitting areas, a playground and a spot for food vendors.

We talked on any issues the Assembly had and how we could help. Chakan was enjoying being part of the process to make the South a happy and prosperous place... by peaceful and democratic means.

We began to wander... since Cho and I were proficient in the Kelantan-Pattani Malay language we could speak to the members easily. We decided to separate so to see more people then come back to Chakan's office by one o'clock.

Gil and my three with me... Chakan told me where I'd likely find Channarong... so I went looking. I did find him finally... I'd been meeting many elected members and staff, I shook a lot of hands before Channarong was spotted.

He was in a group... they heard the noise of my approach... I saw Channarong's face... a smile! We shook hands warmly. He told his fellows we'd met at the Narathiwat compound. I shook their hands.

Many thank yous for the new building. A fellow said the university had been very welcoming but they needed their meeting hall back at some point.

Smiling I said, "A home of your own... you need that."

Channarong said he had someone for me to meet. His aide is sent ahead... we walked around the main room to a passage... a few more introductions done by Channarong... an office, a woman sitting behind a desk conferring with two men.

Channarong introduced me to the lady... Mahini. She was the Buddhist Party leader. We shook hands. She introduced the men, two members of her party in the assembly.

Channarong said he'd leave me here and hoped to see me before we left. I said Cho wanted to see him... Ah... he'd try to find Cho. We shook hands, smiles.

Mahini asked me to join them. I got a brief history of her party and how they were doing as a party here.

"Miss Martin, we have a working three party coalition... when major issues arise we sit to consult on an equitable basis... everyone's opinion is heard and we thrash out a decision. Channarong is especially good at finding ways to make things work."

I couldn't be happier to hear that... "You are all validating the effort to make the peace! Working together in the interests of all citizens is the worthy goal Cho and I fervently hoped for."

Mahini smiling, "Miss Martin, your husband is the sort of man everybody can admire and trust... that is a large measure of the success here. He stood with you telling the fighters on both sides they had to talk... there was no other way."

"Cho and I are believers in talking... you find paths forward when you speak and listen to others speak. We as people have many commonalities... finding them means communicating."

A huge smile, "I know you and Mr. Cho are a formidable pair... I have seen in the news other things you have done. You in the British House of Lords... you must have some feel for what we do."

"Yes but for me I joined an ancient institution with time-honoured traditions... you all get to create your own."

Smiling Mahini said she understood.

She like the other members was very pleased about their new home.

"Miss Martin, looking at the plans... we will be comfortable and be able to serve the public much better!"

I asked about other party members and their leaders... Mahini joined my walkabout introducing colleagues and staff people... I spoke to each member one-on-one.

Gil was watching the time. A young man who was an assistant to a member helped guide us back to Chakan's office. Cho had just arrived. Chakan suggested lunch?

I was in favour of that. Our crowd, Chakan and several of his most important members walked to a restaurant opposite to where our AW139 was sitting. The owners had been alerted by Chakan's assistant, he had a corner spot with several tables for us.

I got a chai yen to sip... cool and sweet! Shrimp in a green chile sauce, grilled tofu and fish with lovely vegetables on top. The conversation was mixed between some issues at the Assembly, the Nobel Peace Prize, our trip here and the Twins. Snaps were shared.

Chakan smiling to know they were at General Keren's home for a few days.

"When the General came down to Narathiwat we were naturally wary but he was so open and pleased about what we were doing. He is an easy man to like... his people had been a lot of trouble for us during the war years. Very dangerous... insistent and skilled. He... himself was generous and polite."

I said he has been a strong and wonderful father for me, protective.

One of Chakan's member colleagues looking to me, he was Asae, "Miss, you were also protective for him... one of my cousins was there to kill him... you helped to stop it."

Oh my! That means I shot the cousin!

Asae saw my face, "Miss, it is fine... he has recovered completely. All he has is a scar now. He came out of prison... not bitter but energised to learn and to forget the lies he was told.

He's now in a Madrasa studying to be an Iman and a lawyer. He always loved the Quran and the law... so he is where he should be."

I squeezed Asae's hand thanking him for that. I said I'd been bothered by the shooting... I knew what had to be done at that moment.

"He understands that... there is some shame for allowing himself to be mislead by comrades."

"Please tell him we were both doing what we believed in so for him there could be regret but not shame."

A slow smile and nodding, "You are as some have said an intelligent and moral woman. I will gladly give him your words."

We shook hands.

A delicious lunch, the owner pleased to hear our praise for his food, we were welcome any time in his restaurant.

We walked back... we needed to see more members up close. Asae said he would guide me around for a bit. I thanked him. I told him whom I had met...

Between us Cho and I did meet all members and have some time to talk by the end of the visit. Back in the main room Cho at the microphone thanking everyone for being generous with their time. He told them we would be back.

Much clapping as he finished.

Chakan and the other leaders walked us out to the front... He had an enigmatic smile... like something's up!!

WOW! A large crowd had gathered. We were applauded... cheers... several teenage girls came up with flowers for me... cheek kisses for them.

The crowd opened so we could go to the helicopter... we kept waving... The police were able to keep people away from the AW139 so we were able to board and lift off. Waves from the windows as we turned east.

Leaning back... holding Cho's hand. His smile!!

PJ, "You two draw a crowd for sure."

We laughed. I was happy things had taken this turn for all the people here. The bombing Cho mentioned yesterday was a thing of the past.

Straight to Narathiwat Airport, the Gulfstream loaded up with all our people and things... take off for Don Mueang.

The helicopter flared for landing on our riverside dock grid. Amporn and Niran smiling, hugs and kisses.

Chelle arms open... Gil went in first. Chelle holding my hand said she had called the Keren's to let them know we were home. The twins were staying there tonight, we'd pick them up tomorrow afternoon.

The flowers from Yala in vases in our living room... beautiful intrinsically and for what they represented. Amporn would have them dried and saved as a memento of the trip.

My morning after a swim and breakfast became something of a novelty... Cho and I with all Protectors flew to Sari Buri. On the landing grid we had a big welcoming committee!!

Soam and Samorn plus Laya, our tech folks; Preecha and Tanawat from our Security Service Northeast Division; Selena and Enrique from Lordsburg! Sarge and one of his trainers.

Hands shaken.

Also there is a Vietnamese Major named Huy from the PAVN Air Force with six pilots. We shook hands.

Huy said General Ba wanted to be remembered to me. I thanked him and said to please return it to the General. He bowed saying it would be an honour.

Quite the crowd.

Selena and Enrique here to fly the new bigger drones, they needed the time with these new ones. Lordsburg would remain our busiest drone training site outside of this base. Tanawat is now a qualified drone pilot! He's gotten his full pilot's license using our aircraft based at Ban Mueang like all our drone `drivers' do.

Huy and his team doing training on our current drone model which the PVAN has purchased to patrol their border with China. They had two dozen other pilots who have passed through our training.

Two things on tap this morning... first a look at the new larger drones. One was sitting the the grid. Big! Two engines, hard points for eight add-on packages. This one is `loaded.'

Funny that it has only a slightly larger radar silhouette than the smaller one. The new shape and a better radar ray absorbent exterior has done the trick.

We would be making these at Ban Wat Bang Fai by the turn of the new year, soon after at Boeing Field. We were going to fill all the huge land area at Ban Wat Bang Fai... our things and likely four European and American companies.

Cho bought the land as a speculation many years ago... it sat dormant... Solar-To-Go first now the other bits. We saw a quintuple return on Cho's original investment in a matter of a year then it was all up from there.

My smarty-pants... thinking ahead.

We moved back from the grid... Samorn in the control building, other staff around to help with the lasers for a speed check, targets and more.

Selena and Enrique beside me, grins... they had already flown these new drones! They are more agile and FAST! A new venturi system, more capable cameras were among the changes.

Huy and his people watching. I bet they want this version!

It started up and lifted off... this isn't an inaugural flight but part of scheduled testing. The wing rose moving a short way down range... Samorn took it through its paces... zooming around doing seemingly impossible turns, drops and rises.

She flew off to the left out of sight... Soam said this is the speed test...

"We have made a few changes..." A big grin!

The wing came into view really moving... it crossed the big clearing very quickly... much faster than my memory of the earlier smaller version. Soam smiling looking at his iPad.

"Three hundred and nineteen knots!!!"

A quick calculation... three hundred and sixty five miles per hour!!!

Soam's iPad did the numbers... three hundred and sixty seven... Okay... I was close and what a show!!

Cho grinning, turning to Soam, "Is that the top end?"

"No, we can make some changes to gain a bit more... also depending its load... we could be looking at four hundred miles per hour."

Fist bump!

Samorn brought the drone back to hover over the grid... Folks had already setup targets down range.

Soam grinning, "Now for the noise-making."

Samorn moved the wing in the direction of the group of targets... a loud PHUT! The far fight target flipped over backwards several times. A second Phut but much less loud. The next target shivered but didn't fall immediately then it slowly keeled over.

Soam explained about the full and lesser power bean bag rounds being fired. It shot off smoke rounds and flares out to the sides and from the rear. These were defence flares to divert any heat seeking missile. They were the same heat signature as the engines so they would defeat even the most modern missiles.

The microgun fired single shots into the bullseye of a target... the full automatic burst obliterated the next target. Tiny pieces flying up, the stand was shattered into a pile of wood fragments.

That was expected as we'd all seen video of the robber's car in Kentucky. The single shot accuracy was new. The pilot could shift the microgun to semiauto or full automatic.

There was a fuel pod for extended range. The next is interesting... it held two air-to-air missiles. Our little device could shoot down other flying objects!! The missiles had heat-seeking capabilities and radar homing.

I had asked Soam to consider this... he'd been cute... making one for testing without telling me, this prototype is ready for testing. Today its first trial.

A large drone looking like an airplane was launched. Soam said it is a shell with one of our early engines to propel it and give off a heat plume. The engine modified to have a higher heat signature than normal to simulate a full-size jet aircraft.

The airplane operator took it off to the left out of sight... he would fly it back over the clearing at its maximum speed doing some evasive manoeuvres. He would not know where the drone is.

Our new wing was moved by Samorn behind several buildings to our right. We could see what it sees on Soam's iPad.

We could hear and then see the `airplane' it was at about a thousand feet manoeuvring about. Samorn flew the drone between some trees to burst out on the tail of the target... she launched a missile almost immediately.

We could see a small puff of smoke on the drone... a fast flying black dart zooming towards the target. The airplane' was still manoeuvring erratically then a boom' the tail exploded, it pitched over on a wing... flying into the ground in a few seconds.

Soam grinning to me... fist bump!

We all applauded. Samorn came out to us after landing the wing. Congratulations all around.

It isn't a large warhead but enough to do sufficient damage to the target. The proximity fuse detonates the warhead when it gets close.

Soam said they had more `airplanes' for testing. Higher altitudes, faster speed and he had created a small device to mimic a radar set in a jet fighter to test the missiles on radar homing.

Everybody is on a buzz seeing the show.

An other pod we couldn't demo today was a new model jamming device. It could interfere with any know drone frequency, cellphones, WiFi bands and more. The `more' is it could interfere with ground-to-air defence systems... units like the Russian made S-400 would be useless in the face of our drone.

A drone could be sent in to jam an air defence system then the real attack aircraft would come on.

The settings were configurable by the operator. Our wing drones being satellite linked couldn't be jammed by this or anything designed to interfere with commercial devices.

We gathered around Soam and Samorn thanking them for the demo... all the demo. Soam grinning when I kidded him about being sneaky.

Now time for Sarge. He had carts to go to the firing range beyond the far side of the clearing. He loved Soam's whiz-bang show!

We got ear coverings and impact glasses, gloves. Cho and the Protectors in a group behind me... Sarge handed me one of our issue Glocks. I hefted it... getting the weight and balance. I could see Sarge in my peripheral vision... his nodding approval.

Facing the target... safety off... the target was at four metres...I doubled gripped the Glock with my left to steady me... a shallow crouch... fired one shot... dead centre of the target abdomen. Then a second into the forehead... four into the heart!!

I stood up putting the safety on. Cheering behind me. I turned to bow.

Cho taking me in his arms, "Well done!"

PJ with a HUGE grin! Fist bump! Tara too.

Anyone knowing me already knew I could do the close range stuff.

I stepped back, putting my ear thingies and glasses back on. A new target at ten metres. I repeated my aiming points with six rounds. All my shots in the same places. Now Sarge was a believer!

"Fay, that is rare! You have a very steady hand."

A new clip... eject and slid the new one in. The target at twenty five metres. I didn't try for the head... I tried to group them in the centre of the abdomen... I put six into the body, a nice cluster.

I was pleased I remembered my father's teaching me... clear head... breathing... take your time because in a tough spot the important thing is to hit the target not necessarily exactly where you want. Head shots at any distance above a few feet are for fools. Those words are a vibrant memory.

Sarge shook my hand when he got the Glock back.

"Well done! Just perfect!"

Another kiss from Cho, "You have set a high mark."

Cho took my place... I watched my husband fire a weapon for the first time. It was picture perfect. He followed my lead in shot placement... exactly. I cheered him! Cho went on to duplicate all my shooting.

When Sarge got the Glock from Cho... I jumped to him... big hug and kiss.

Our crowd clapping.

PJ came close... he motioned to Sarge, a big grin... "Give them the Glocks back... they don't need us!"

I hugged him turning the others... "No matter how well we shoot... you are essential!"

They paired up to shoot from the other shooting cubicles... The Range Master taking charge, doing the announcements. Cho and I standing watching our people... Sarge came to me. My arm through his as the shooting started.

He was looking intently... his voice near my ear, "Fay, it is amazing to watch these folks. They shred targets... accurate... a high rate of fire. Just as any instructor would want!"

He said he had something else for me and Cho to try. He came out of the armoury with a Heckler & Koch HK33KA3 carbine like Tara and PJ had used at Phuket when the house invaders try to rob us.

It is our Security Service standard automatic rifle.

He took us to an end stall... we stood there as he explained the bits we needed to know. He loaded it... I took it from him... I did my hefting thing again. It wasn't as heavy as I expected.

Sarge's hand on my shoulder, "Its on full auto." He told me how many rounds in the magazine. A squeeze and the hand lifted.

I fired a short burst... ripping a chunk off the target. Then a another tearing through the centre of the target. I fired again at one of the pieces hanging down... it disappeared. A target at twenty metres... I cut it half then lopped the rest from the frame.

I put the safety on. Sarge was beside me. A smile, "You are disciplined!"

He pulled out the magazine it had one round left. He laughed, "Damn!"

Cho stepped up, I watched as he repeat my efforts once again. He did it effortlessly. His hands gripping the weapon looked casual but he was on target.

Cho to Sarge, "You are right... this doesn't cause as much rise on auto than other rifles of its type."

"It has a smooth action which is why Sumate has insisted on the model," Sarge saying it was in a class by itself.

PJ came over... a target at one hundred metres... he did aimed semi-auto fire pounding the silhouette... I could see in Sarge's field glasses who had been laughing as PJ fired... PJ had blown holes through the chest and head.

Sarge knew about Phuket including my part... "PJ, I can see why you and Tara were so effective."

Fist bump.

Sarge brought out more HK33KA3 carbines for the others... they all were highly proficient! Targets ripped to shreds at each distance.

I know some people find making the noise and ripping targets is cathartic... not me... I think of the only reason these weapons exist... destruction of humans.

Our Protectors blasted away for a bit. Cho and I took a cart to drive slowly back across the base to the landing grid. We held hands and talked on several subjects. I squeezed him... a kiss!

We stood under a beautiful old spreading Banyan tree hugging... a couple more kisses! He said the others were coming.

The AW139 flared over our dock grid... a soft settling down. Pascal grinning as we thanked him for the lift. He said he'd got to rip up some targets too! Fist bump!

We walked off he needed to move so the second helicopter could land.

Amporn had a light late lunch... tasty shrimp and noodles! We changed for the ride to get the Twins.

Dad at the door... open arms! Phailin... a kiss and hug! The babies in the garden with Delphine and Jaidee.

At the door to the garden... Jaidee saw us "Woof!" he came running!! We rubbed and hugged him as Chani and Charlie ran up. In our arms... giggling, happy kids. We put them down so they could say goodbye to Gramps and Gamma.

Phailin's arms around me... I thanked her for having the Twins... she laughed...

"I think we are both years younger and older."


Dad, "We had a wonderful time."

I whispered in his ear Chakan's words about him. A smile.

Charlie and Chani in their car seats doing waves to their grandparents. They were bouncy.

Chani, "Mama, we like their house. Jaidee too!"

There was a "Woof" for that!

At our house Amporn got hugs. We said... "Train time!"


Hats on... they took turns running trains while helping Popa on his farm or with me adding people around the town centre.

Niran made us mango Lassi's! Big `Thank yous' for him... he was smiling!

We received the letter from the Nobel folks in Oslo... official notification and what happens next. Okay... we were in for December.

Thank you letters from the people in Rivesaltes and the Children's Art museum. Barbara Bush wrote to us... an expansive thank you for the ten million dollars we had dropped into their lap. Unexpected and marvellous!!

Gil had a file on the thanks yous.

The Bergen Record and Herald News of Passaic stories on polluters were moving forward. They had inside information from a whistle-blower for one and data from an EPA report that had not yet seen the light of day... they were going to work on why the report had been buried as part of the story!!

I emailed the publisher, he got that we would authorize any expense to have these stories in print. I gave him the name of our lawyers in New York to consult on issues that might arise about the story and the sources they were using. Their own attorneys could do FOIA requests for documents.

His reply a big thank you... he wrote there are few questions they need to ask lawyers who had experience.

Cho came in as I typed the end... he added his voice to the `pedal to the metal' encouragement I'd given the publisher.

After I sent it we did fist bumps.

"I don't think any of these exposés will end such dirty cheating by businesses... too many greedy people but if they have to pay huge sums... maybe some will have second-thoughts. It's the only means if we don't want to go full throttle on criminal charges which no one seems to want to do."

These cheaters always made me think of nazi bureaucrats... thinking of ways to do things to enhance their positions without regard for the consequences for others.

Cho kissed me in agreement. Fine by me!

Cho told me the meetings at Ban Wat Bang Fai were all set for tomorrow. We'd talk with some prospective clients and Cho would get to see the Solar-To-Go manufacturing and Winged Flight plants. We would visit the Foundation labs too!

Donovan... no new identifications and the concrete in the mechanical space would come up tomorrow.

We called Donovan... "Please call the Sharks about the DNA genealogy companies. Morgan's team say they have the best for you. I just got an email from her."

We brought Burton in on the conference App...

He was happy! We could see the smile on his face... "Our latest numbers... we are up in circulation by a further four percent! Our advertising numbers are better... an eleven percent rise over last year!"

We cheered them on!

In the morning our helicopter landed on the grid at Ban Wat Bang Fai. Another welcome committee.

Chaloem, our SolarToGo manager, Lamai, his number two and our world-wide plant expansion expert. Rochana, the SolarToGo cell plant manager.

Racha our Chanthira Foundation laboratory manager. And Bruce, our manager of the Ban Wat Bang Wai Winged Flight plant.

We greeted them, hands shaken, introductions done.

Tours for us, Cho's first time here since all the construction...

The Solar-to-Go the main production building's expansion was completed we had the capacity to produce four times the original setup. Lamai had supervised the expansion project explained to Cho how it was done.

We walked through from the first assembly point right through to the pallets being ready to ship. Cho grinning as the robotic device placed boxed panels on a wooden pallet then shrink-wrapped the whole thing and pushed it out to the loading dock.

Chaloem had this place humming! We had a huge number of orders from across Asia for the panels.

Lamai was going back to Los Angeles to help finish their expansion into a new building we planned for the more advanced panels and collectors.

The plants in Iran getting their basic structure done so she could go there to supervise the interiors. She knew we had entirely new devices coming and it was to be her job to setup Los Angeles for the new panels and collectors. Once that big project was over she would go back to Iran to do it there... that several years away.

We had time to decide to build an entirely new building in Iran or switch one of the two plants to the new devices.

Rochana gave us a tour of her plant. We moved along the process behind the plexiglass walls... staff in white protective suits with hoods and respirators... we were too dirty to go inside.

The production here had ramped when the new production lines started up in the panel plant.

Rochana pointed out they had capacity to double their output... they had had already doubled up once. The new cells design was being finalised in London she was in the loop on the design and the new equipment being prepared.

Here adding the cell production would be done taking over part of the existing production space and jumping up the remaining runs to a higher level so we'd get the same output.

Rochana smiling saying that was not going to be a problem. Fist bumps!

Cho was loving all this. Our production facilities were the best in the world... making the best solar panels!

A hug for him, "Feels good doesn't it?"

Nodding and squeezing me.

It was Racha's turn. We talked to his staff after we got a short walk-through. We did not go into any lab... no need for us to see and we had no desire to bother the people working. Neither of us wanted to do the gown-mask-glove thing several times.

His folks were pleased with EVERYTHING! The ones working on viruses like coxsakie B which causes pancreatitis, several coronaviruses and AIDS (hiv). The word `proteins' mentioned very strongly as a possible pathway to disable coronaviruses. Also in Alzheimer's.

They were working alongside people from several other nations and especially with `emergent' virus watchers. President Obama had created a White House task force to keep a lookout around the world with a detailed plan to address any potential outbreaks. Hillary augmented the team when she became president.

She knew there'd be more ... MERS and SARS had taken everybody by surprise... swine flu... she didn't want it to happen again.

Certain areas in Sub-Saharan Africa and China were high on our watchlists.

Racha introduced Castor, he was the lead on the laminitis team. They are quite separate from our other teams, working in tandem with several other labs... very determined to find a cure. It is less likely they'd find a vaccination scheme because of the multiple potential sources of the disease.

They were creating a detailed programme for all equine veterinarians... diagnosis and treatment plus an all important checklist to identify possible Laminitics so they can be assessed repeatedly to catch the disease as soon as possible.

Castor told us the levels of certain hormones are especially intriguing as risk factors at the very least and were possible sources of causation.

We liked Castor, a scientist but capable of telling us about the work without being too `techie.'

I think he got that we were something different for him... although we had considerable wealth we were also smart and attentive. I am of course the head of the foundation...

We thanked Racha for the tour. Cho said he may be back to talk with a few researchers. Racha said he'd be welcome.

Our last tour... the Winged Flight plant. Bruce had happy face... "Fay... Cho... we are getting close to completion several weeks ahead of schedule."

Fist bumps!

We got to see the frame construction room... the battery of big 3d printers sitting there silent now... they'd be making noise soon enough.

The exterior covering in huge rolls hooked to a big flat table cutter which would slice the shapes in the coated cloth. It would be glued and stapled to the frame then given a another layer of radar wave adsorbent coating.

Putting in the wiring and computer was in the next section then the hard points... all of this in a nice flow to end in a large room where everything would be finalised.

Simple test flights taking place from the grid outside after which they would be trucked to Sari Buri for a complete test suite. Once they pass the tests they would be given aircraft ID numbers.

They would be flown from Sari Buri to Ban Mueang for shipment. Another test!

The Boeing Field plant a mirror of this one except the test suites would be done there followed by shipment right from the plant.

Bruce said Colin, our General Manager for Winged Flight based at Boeing Field would be arriving in two weeks. He's bringing Sy, our Chief Engineer and Natasha, our Production Manager with him for a tour and tests. They have a week planned for it all.

We headed out to meet the business folks from France. Another Cho-Fay Air AW139 was now on the landing pad... Savve & Mak were here.

We shook hands... Sarawat, our Security Service manager for Ban Wat Bang Fai joined us.

They were all part of the planning for today.

We used the Security Service building for meeting the French people; the plastic container company, the SSD hard drive maker and the auto parts folks... we'd met them all in Paris at the trade show.

They had had an escorted tour around by Sarawat so they knew the lay of the land. He explained the site was secured by our security. They could see how we did it.

Mak had shown them the locations we had available... the basics like water, power, sewage all in ready for them make their connections.

Now Savve gave them a more throughout security briefing in which he made strong points about we took security very seriously... we had rules which are not bent for anyone.

We could protect their buildings at our usual rate or they could hire security on their own... we were fine with that as long as the people they hired were vetted by us. Any company they contracted with would need to understand our security is in command of the site with the ultimate decision-making power.

Mak gave them information on our unusual real estate contracts using the American organic cleaner manufacturer which was up and running as a model. It was reiterated about the environmental restrictions and the consequences for violating them.

They all asked questions and seemed content with the answers. Mak made sure there were no misunderstandings. He is good!!

Gil had handouts for them on employee hiring. She gave them the contacts for the one employment firm we owned which we use for management level folks. She also had more they could choose from, they were recommended by us... for lower level managers and line workers. All were vetted by us so they were reliable.

They were free to find other agencies for employees with the caveat we needed to vet their hires.

Their heads nodding through all that.

The SSD hard drive people were quite happy about the emphasis on security, their products had parts that were pending patents in several countries so protecting those is important.

A break for snacks and coffee or tea or a Restroom visit.

We welcomed Noreen, her company agreed to be a resource for the French folks to ask more questions and get her experience with us.

She greeted us with a happy face.

"Your Ladyship, I am enjoying the city! So alive, vibrant."

"Noreen, I'm Fay"

She smiled. We talked a bit about her living here. Her partners rotated with her being in Thailand... she is the primary person. They have a flat to share on the river in a Bang Phongphang complex of flats and shopping. A Twenty minute drive to here.

"Fay, we have a car service so we don't make mistakes driving. We're all Americans not used the way folks drive here."

A sound idea! I asked her to mention it.

Her company had distributors across Thailand for their cleaning products and business was good... on a rising trajectory! Sales people were going to neighbouring countries now looking for new distribution channels. I congratulated her.

Noreen told us she and her partners would be glad to speak to the French any time they needed it. We asked...

She spoke to them about their employees who they found through the companies Gil had given the French. Noreen said they were terrific agencies, easy to work with. The workers hired via them diligent and reliable.

Noreen pointed out all employment agencies were very adept at finding multi-lingual folks.

A thank you for Noreen. She is happy to do it.

We shook a lot of hands before flying back to our house. As we approached the dock grid we could see the Twins in the pool with a crowd of adults.

Donovan's email... no body under the mechanical room's concrete floor but there are fragments of cloth likely from a pair of men's underwear. The radar folks had it right the ground had been disturbed... maybe a body had been moved? No way we would get an answer to that.

I replied they could have a cadaver dog test the spot. Donovan sent back a thumbs up.

Email from Greg... he's in Essen at the Spiel Gaming Convention. He is to show off and sell his game at a booth and participate in a discussion group about creating your own game and getting it produced for sale.

He had T-shirts with the cover art, he is pricing them a little above cost... just an advertising gimmick. Also he didn't want to carry them away!

Kay, Artie and Sam were there. They'd help in the booth and do some sightseeing. Afterwards the whole crowd would go to Harcourt House to see Sunny for a few days.

I replied for us both `Go get'em Tiger' which had a laugh from Cho.

We were going to Harcourt House... just a stopover on our way to Ascot! A full day of racing then to Paris for an overnight... another day of racing at Longchamp including Prix De L'Arc De Triomphe!! Then back here!!

We loaded up on the tarmac at Don Mueang... the 767 ready to go.

Charlie got us going as we lifted off the runaway. We missed his buddy's woofs. This was a whirlwind visit so Jaidee is to stay here. Niran promised lots of ball tossing.

A morning arrival at Chalgrove.

Yobi and Lil fed us very nicely! We watched the animated film `Brave' the Twins wanted to see.

It was cute, we enjoyed it for the most part. Charlie and Chani did ask if our Munro family was as rambunctious as the ones in the movie. I said the movie went a bit overboard... We all laughed.

Chani said no matter how mad I might make her she'd never put a spell on me. I thanked her for that... lots of laughter.

The dark cabin... I was awake... one minute before the iPhone would become an alarm... I stifled it.

I started breakfast as part of it dripped into a cup, a pile of salapaos and patongos from Amporn!!

The news... The Russian Army chiefs decided to begin talking about elections... nothing serious yet... just talk.

Tomorrow the people of Belarus would have their chance at the ballot box for a constituent assembly that would make changes to the current constitution. Once the garbage parts put in by the dictator were gone and voting districts were reviewed they would arrange new elections.

The candidates were all pointing out their stands on the issues involved with the changes... so the voters would be able to choose those who espoused what they wanted done. Sounded good to me. More power to them!

Ali... she was doing fine... now down to counting days... Francis was excited but keeping a lid on it so as not to bug her which she appreciated.

The two New Jersey newspapers had more data on their pollution stories. We paid for studies on the water down-stream from the chemical plant... very BAD. Way over the state and federal limits!

A New Jersey water quality control officer has been interviewed on background... he was appalled by the levels he was shown. Our people didn't tell him where... yet!

This piece is much further advanced so would go to press first... soon.

The air pollution piece was enhanced by data and court rulings in England on several similar cases. Birth defects and chronic illnesses common factors with the New Jersey cases.

They were scouring the world looking for more

Our New Jersey newspapers were going to have `Wham-Bam' double punch series for us.

Prasert cars for us at Chalgrove. Carter, Carter2 and Audra smiling as the Twins raced across the gravel to them.

I had time for a ride! A decided chill in the air maybe it was just me coming from the tropical climate. Not enough for more clothes.

Gaby and Tessa with me. Pamela glad to see me... nickering. Roland's ears flicking... shaking his head. Gough was bouncing... making nickering sounds.

A happy bunch I hoped would even happier in an hour.

Down the grassy lane to the Flats... horses on the tracks... Freddie not working the horses, he and Diana are already at Ascot, Ronnie with the horses this morning. We waved.

Warming up the horses on the slope, over the tracks we had a great gallop to the lock. Morning greetings for both men. On the west side of the Thames we could see the roof nearly completed on the Masjid.

A wave for the works manager.

Up through Lower Radley, waves for the few folks we saw then into the woods. A good hard ride to the Industrial Estate we walked around it to the first bridge then the lock. The lock man waving from the north end, we returned it.

Our clip-clops didn't bring Mr. Hardy out so it was to the grass... the horses eager! Off! They were in a gallop quickly... we were like an arrow... me at the front... my ladies a bit behind on either side. Across the grass to the river path... rushing along the flowing water... a pretty day shaping up... the sun making the river shimmer.

On the Flats we walked our horses... I got a look around then up to the Stables. Monty and Andy again. Smiles and thank yous from me.

We'd all had breakfast on the aircraft so folks were off doing things.

I had a chance to speak with Tha. She had enjoyed being with her family for a week. Delphine had managed with our help. The two days at Gramps and Gamma's had been quite the diversion.

We lunched early then dress-up time. I was going in a royal yellow sleeveless frock, round collar, the hem a few inches above the knee. A glistening navy blue Bolero jacket, three-quarter sleeves, two frogs to close it, a short upright collar. Navy stockings and navy blue heels. Matching blue gloves, gold jewellery, `Joy'

A royal yellow cloche hat, round top with a small brim roll in the front, navy ribbon and a red poppy on it.

Chani in a navy dress to her knee top, golden yellow knee socks and navy Mary Janes.

The guys in their cutaways with Harcourt Racing yellow ties. Top hats! Charlie grinning... this is a favoured outfit.

We looked terrific!

Quarrie picked us up on the Harcourt House landing grid. A big turn to the southeast... a twenty minute trip to approach the track grounds from the south. We settled on the grass and assembled ourselves to walk over the High Street.

At the gate is a woman who had welcomed us before. Smiling, she said `It is very nice to see you again.' We thanked her. We were escorted to the Owners and Trainers terrace.

We said hello to many owners. Cecil and Gee, Alexander and Shawn, Barry, the Earl of Westhampton with Valerie and little Barry. The Twins and Barry hugged. I did hugs with the ladies, hands shaken all around.

Today was a day of champions for us! Four races... Kaao, Toes Tapping, Black Star and Rando!

Power and speed!! Our gorgeous horses on display!!

Our friends knew we'd brought an `A Team.'

Cho and the guys went for drinks. PJ and Rande made some space for the three babies... two fellows tried pushing in without regard for the babies. One man got a bit huffy until I stood there face to face telling him we have children here and to step back.

I don't think he liked the look on my face... he certainly knew who I was. He and his buddy disappeared seeing my anger plus PJ and Rande at my side, a few owners looming nearby... Tara and Ansara with the children.

Good they left! PJ laughing... he was ready to throw the one particularly belligerent fellow out onto the track.

The men back with drinks had missed the fun.

Cho joking about my `death stare.'

An Ascot security fellow came out, he inquired about our fracas and smiled at the resolution. He asked us to call if they came back, the men would be shown the door. Okay!

More than a few owners had been ready to help. Several wives had closed up to Shawn, Valerie and Gee who where beside Tara and Ansara's spot with the three children. I did a toast to them all with my fizzy water.

All quiet again. PJ and Rande kept a lookout for those two bozos.

Cho smiling, "You know Diana and Pat are here... we won't see them."

Diana helping the trainers and Pat managing the barn area with our horses. I'm glad they get to see the racing side more... we will see a lot of them once we are back at Harcourt House.

First up for us is Kaao in the Qipco Champions Sprint Stakes, A G1 race with a eight hundred and ten thousand £ purse. Six furlongs. Kaao's first turf race... we will see how he likes it.

Saddling done Demetria joined us. She was introduced around.

Kaao something of an unknown around here. The bookies knew a bit... the odds were 2-1 still punishing him for his first time on grass. Something Cho still thought silly. Maybe Kaao will finally disabuse them of that concept considering he holds so many records on dirt.

Marnie up, walking Kaao out for the post parade, She got a very loud round of applause.

The horses were quiet walking down the New Mile to the six furlong mark. They loaded without incident.

Clang! They started cleanly coming down the grass towards us. Chani in my arms with her glasses, Charlie with Cho.

Kaao off to an early lead, three lengths as they crossed the five furlong mark. Then Marnie asked him... OH MY did he accelerate!!! Looking like Rando from earlier this year... he was rolling. Seven lengths... eight... nine!! Kaao roaring along leaving the field far back.

Noises in the crowd and the owners around us...

With a furlong to go he was flying... the field twelve lengths back... he was still widening!

He was running all out in the last yards amazing... pouring it on... more power!!

The crowd now silenced by his effort... waiting for IT!

He crossed the finish in full stride... his time flashing on the tote board... 1:03.54!!!!! He beat Rando's time by two hundredths of a second... his had been a record time by several seconds.

The crowd went crazy!! Many might have thought they'd seen it all with Rando's other-worldly performance... Kaao continued his run of record shattering victories!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Marnie brought him back up the grass as we worked our way down. The cheers and applause very loud and sustained.

Kaao on the lead shank, the Twins got to pet him as his groom Trimmer wiped his face. Kaao was quiet... his head up high... like he'd enjoyed himself thoroughly. A head bob and a snort when asked if he was happy. I guess Kaao likes grass!!

We headed to the Parade Ring and the Winner's Enclosure. The same Ascot security man beyond the tunnel, smiling and congratulating us.

We were waiting by the award platform... Prince William and Kate came out! We four bowed and curtseyed. Then handshakes... they had big smiles. The Twins got handshakes from William too!

Kate crouching down down to say hello face-to-face and shake hands.

William, "Sir Cho, When your horses win they leave no doubt about it!"

Cho's grin, "Sir, Demetria asked Kaao to go all out... so!"

Cho introduced Demetria, she was praised! When asked Demetria said she tells her horses run their race.


We got a nice trophy and a plate. a plate for Demetria. Marnie was a known name, she was congratulated, a smaller plate for her. Kate said Marnie was amazing. A big smile on Marnie's beautiful face thanking the Princess.

Hands shaken again.

William, "Grandmother is looking forward to her visit to you in December."

I said we are too. Some wonderful babies in the Stables for her to meet.

We moved out of the way so the others could get their's.

Marnie was up again in the next race, the Qipco Champions Fillies, a mile and a half G1 race. Eight hundred and fifty thousand £'s in this purse.

The crowd woke up when Toes Tapping and Marnie were announced! Loud applause and some cheering upon their hearing she is the American Triple Crown holder.

The field walked to the left for the start.

Monaco came up to join us. A few introductions and reacquainting him with our friends.

Cecil looked over to us, "No slack from her either?"

Cho smiled, "Even less! She's already won at twelve furlongs this year."

Heads shaking. Monaco looking to us with a grin!

The horses loaded... a pause... CLANG! They came out... no issues. Moving away from us up the straight. Toes Tapping on the lead with four close behind... I was watching with glasses in one hand and an arm around Chani on my hip. She was using both hands to keep her view of the horses.

"Mama, Toes is moving ahead."

"Yes, she will likely have a good lead going into the turn."

Marnie keeping Toes Tapping moving along smoothly into the turn with a four length gap. Looking at her strides from our side viewing angle as she went through the turn... big strides, very easy.

The long back straight opened for her I zoomed in... Toes Tapping had increased her pace... trying to count back to her pursuers... it looked like eight or nine lengths!

Cho said it is more like ten!

Barry over my shoulder, "Cho, Fay, Toes Tapping looks very strong."

Cho said she did... as a joke, "No slack from her today!"

Our friends around us laughed.

More than halfway down the straight Toes Tapping had opened a further five lengths... Cho's voice, "Marnie will ask her soon."

Our eyes riveted on her gray body flying down the grass. There was a burst of speed near the last turn... Toes Tapping kicking in the Monaco Surge!!! She came around the turn rolling!!!

Amazing to see her come out of the turn looking every bit the locomotive on full throttle!!

At the top of the home stretch... she was soaring... the crowd quieting... watching a real champion!

Monaco leaning close, "She's very fast... her fraction are close to the world record for turf."

I squeezed Chani, "Well do you want Toes Tapping to set a record?"

Giggling, "Yes Mama!"

I let my glasses drop on my neck strap... My fist raised as Toes Tapping stormed to an unprecedented victory. She blew through the wire... in 2:22.60!!!!! A new world record for a mile and half on turf!!!!

She erased Twilight Eclipse's 2:22.63 run at Gulfstream in 2006.

Watching this I knew she should be in the Breeder's Cup Classic against SakChai and Stellar Black!! Two Triple Crown winners in one race again this year... never could anyone have imagined it happening over!!!!

We celebrated in fine style. Our filly amongst the best ever!!

The tannoy was almost breathless announcing her record time. The crowd noise rising in response.

Toes Tapping had grown so much in the last year and half!! Whatever you wanted to say about Monaco there is real genius... here was proof positive!!! IrishRainbow too! A change of ownership and a new trainer... our trainer!!

We had a difficult time going down to the turf... so many people congratulating us... hands shaken. Cheers cascading onto our heads, loud clapping. Our horses convinced even the most jaded horse racing folk!!!

Toes Tapping looking pretty after that amazing performance. She wasn't lathered, her breathing back to normal. Marnie doffed her helmet to astounding cheers and applause. Marnie's smile massive!!

A successful young woman... at the top of her game! She is making her mark on the sport!!

I reached up to shake Marnie's hand... "Fay, this is a special one!"

I agreed!!

Chani on my hip petting Toes Tapping, a favourite.

We put the Twins on their feet... they were leading the way for us... Tha and Delphine with Gaby right with them. Charlie's hand holding his top hat on his head as he ran.

A big thumbs up from the security guy.

We approached the Winner's Enclosure... lots of cheers from the people in the Royal Enclosure viewing seats. We waved to them.

The platform folks had us ready when Princess Anne came out. Our bows and curtseys done she shook our hands, "My don't you folks have runners. Toes Tapping is stunning!!"

Cho with his cute grin, "She has the blood of Secretariat on both sides... likely a big heart in more ways than one."

Princess Anne was introduced to Monaco and Marnie.

"Sir, you have the touch of a miracle-maker! I have never seen horses run all day long like yours! Congratulations and I'm sure you are not done for the day."

Monaco smiling, "Ma'am, we have two more to run."

The Princess shook Marnie's hand, "Young lady, you are lucky to be the pilot on a machine like Toes Tapping."

"Ma'am, her winning the Triple Crown was a tremendous event... this race showed her power."

"Indeed. Twenty five lengths... it was as if the other horses were in the upcoming race that started early."


The Princess got on with the business. We got the trophy... into Cho and Charlie's hands. Chani and I had our plate. Monaco and Marnie got theirs! We are a happy group!

We waved to the crowd as we walked out to where Toes Tapping was waiting with Gus. A hug for Gus... shining eyes and a smile.

Up on the owners terrace we got new drinks... we have a wait for Black Star in the Queen Elizabeth II Stakes.

Tha had Aunt Dee's shortbread for the Twins and some for Barry... the three were very cute munching sharing a cola. Valerie leaning over to thank me for the treat.

"It is real Scots shortbread made in Fortrose by my Scots aunt."

Valerie laughed, "Nothing like having your own pipeline."

Fist bump.

Shawn, Gee and Valerie close ... we talked all sorts... they got this day and tomorrow were in the middle of our time in Bangkok. When our Bangkok time is over we'd go to America for some events, the Breeder's Cup meeting in Kentucky then to England in a round-about way via France.

We chatted about the dinner at ours over the Christmas holidays... they were up for it! Gee and Shawn remembered last year meeting all our horse folks from America... they enjoyed the dinner crowd very much. Valerie pleased they had been invited.

We dragged the men in to confer about the dinner... they definitely were ready for it. I nudged Cho... he got it. He asked if they'd like to play a round of golf? Several of the American guests were golfers.

They looked at each other... heads nodding. Cho got `Yeses' so it would mean they should come earlier... make a day of it.

I said to the ladies we'd find some things to do. Laughing they agreed.

So it will be festive.

The Twins wanted to show Barry the Rêve! They had the slides too. Okay!

The Queen Elizabeth II Stakes was called. The post parade with the first English Triple Crown winner in half a century... a loud welcome. Nijinsky mentioned to a nice applause although most of the crowd hadn't yet been born when he raced. I wasn't.

Nor was Cho! My mentioning it in a naughty `I thought he had watched Nijinsky race' little way had me grabbed... and kissed. Mostly to shut me up I think but who cares kissing with Cho is always pleasurable!

This is a G1 race of eight furlongs, a mile. The purse is one million four hundred thousand £'s.

Freddie came onto the terrace to greetings from us and many trainers and owners. Black Star was a popular horse for having broken the long drought of Triple Crown winners. The betting line was 1-6.

Cho said it sounded weak to him.

Barry leaning over... "They're afraid it might mean lower betting totals if they really posted what they think."

Our men nodding.

The field walked up the New Mile to the end... in our glasses we could see the loading. No problems... all in... They're off! Black Star in the middle was on the lead immediately.

Coming down the long grass straight Black Star was pulling away... he was six lengths clear before the tunnel under the track. We all had our glasses up... Alexander saying `No slack!' To a lot of laughter.

The final three furlongs... Black Star was asked by Renaldo... the surge was obvious... he added to his ten length lead. Once again the crowd was mostly quiet watching a colt of ours.

On a fifteen length lead Black Star getting a mild urging from Renaldo. Faster... faster!

The finish line a blur as the colt dashed across... 1:31.23!!!! He tied the world record for turf! He now shared the time with two others.

Loud cheers and clapping! We celebrated our colt! Chani in my arms part of a hug and kiss for Cho and Charlie then Freddie. Handshakes and kisses from our friends.

Down on the turf we waved to the cheering crowd. Renaldo with a big grin bringing our boy back to us. The Twins petted him then we put them down. Cho and I shook Renaldo's hand.

To the Winner's Enclosure... the attendants at the platform said the Queen is coming. We four lined up to bow and curtsey for Her Majesty. She is smiling.

"We meet again after a powerhouse runner has won for you. You are to be congratulated."

Cho thanked Her Majesty, "Your Majesty, Black Star is having a very good year."

We laughed when the Queen said `Indeed he is!' A huge smile.

She shook hands with us, the Twins saying it is `nice to see her again.'

"Little ones, you are always so enjoyable to meet."

Cho re-introduced Freddie. "Congratulations on the Triple Crown. It had been a long time. I saw Nijinsky run. It is wonderful to see yours race... so prepared."

He bowed, "Your Majesty, they love to run so it is an easy task."

Renaldo bowed... a shy smile.

We did the business, the Queen handing over the gilt in her own name for this race... She said it is pleasing to give it to us.

She spoke to Renaldo saying he must feel wonderful on a power runner like Black Star.

Holding tight to his plate, "Your Majesty, it is a gift from providence to ride Black Star."

She smiled and nodded.

Many thanks from us all before we moved away.

Olive holding Black Star got a hug from me and Chani. She was to have her first trip to America next month for the Breeder's Cup races at Churchill Downs. She was ready!! Fist bump! Chani too!

One more time up to the terrace... the next race was our last in Great Britain this season...

Good it was the today... We could see the Twins were getting tired.

Qipco Champions Stakes! Rando is racing! We knew the Queen is interested... she likes watching our big fellow run!

The announcement of Rando's name caused a stir in the crowd... loud cheering and applause... he had quite the reputation here! His victories go back three years... big wins done with panache!

Monaco arrived on the terrace to quite a big welcome from the owners and trainers! Kaao, Toes Tapping and Black Star has caused a commotion with their stylish victories.

The post parade ended over to the left up the track a bit for the start, this is ten furlong race. A G1 rating, the purse is one million five hundred thousand £'s... the biggest of the day.

Rando's return to run in this race is for Her Majesty. Rando holds the race record and the Ascot track record for the distance at 1:57.70.

The dry, solid grass had yielded speed records already... maybe Rando will put on a show for the Queen!

The horses entered the gate without a problem... a short pause and off! Going up the straight away from us again... Rando on the lead by two immediately.

The field bunched up behind him as they approached the first turn. Emanuel took a quick look as he the steered Rando into the big curve.

On the back straight Rando upped the pace... he opened a ten length space very quickly. Running like a howling wind storm he was gobbling up the turf in an amazing style... like his stablemate Toes Tapping!!

He moved into the second turn with a fifteen length lead and striding out in a bravura way... putting on a show! Once again the crowd in awe of one of our runners... a hum that was rising as our colt roared down the home stretch widening at each stride!

Emanuel in a hand ride the whole way... no need to urge Rando... he was going flat out in the final yards to explode over the finish!! It was indeed like a detonation in the crowd... they wildly cheered and applauded him!!!

1:57.68!!! He beat his own record!!! Winning by twenty eight lengths!!

Our horses running like demons issuing from hell!! Fearing no competition!!

The owners and trainers around us cheering too. My own throat dry and croaky from yelling. Our friends jumping up and down, happy for us.

My free arm around Cho... a kiss... my lips on his ear I said the `demons' thought for him! A huge laugh... another kiss!

We received huge congratulations and good wishes as we slowly made our way down to the turf.

I had Chani on my hip, Monaco taking my other arm.

Emanuel rode Rando to us... the big colt looked tremendous!

Maylene there to hook the lead on him and mop his face... a face splitting grin on her. I set Chani on her feet after she petted Rando's neck.

A hug for Maylene... she'd been with Rando from his first race three years ago... a steady caregiver and his biggest fan! I remember her feelings of guilt when he was kidnapped from Del Mar... nothing Maylene could do... she waited like us. I saw her face the next day... how relieved she was.

At the Winner's Enclosure platform we waited for the Queen. The attendants amazed at our successes.

Queen Elizabeth slowly walked across the grass looking good in her peach outfit. In a nice line we bowed and curtseyed in sync.

"Well I do enjoy watching that fellow race! I am pleased he could come back!"

"Your Majesty, Rando will not retire at the end of this season as we planned. He is healthy and quite fit so he will race on for another year. He will be back to race here."

She was happy with the thought of seeing him again!

Cho with Charlie got the big trophy from an attendant, Chani and I got our winner's plate, Monaco got His plate as did Emanuel plus Her Majesty best wishes. Monaco and Emanuel had met the Queen many times now. Her Majesty mentioned to Emanuel his not urging Rando.

"Your Majesty, he was running at such a pace there was no need to encourage... he decided to really let loose."

She smiled saying he was smart to let Rando enjoy himself.

Emanuel bowed.

She said she would see us in December... she was looking forward to re-visiting Harcourt House.

We thanked her saying it would be quite fine to host her again.

I asked if she would like to meet Rando... "Yes I would."

Cho got Maylene to walk the big guy over... The Queen stroked his nose saying how handsome he is... "His glossy black is marvelous."

We moved on so Her Majesty could do the others.

Walking away with our mob... thinking... We were two million and seven hundred thousand £'s to the good! An interesting way to spend a few hours collecting money, being with friends and meeting the Queen several times.

Rando in the record books but still short of his half-brother Glaa's record 1:57.65 for the ten furlongs.... that on dirt! Black Star, Kaao, Toes Tapping and Rando setting records... whirlwind of success.

We did goodbyes with Monaco, Demetria and Freddie. They are stopping at the Grundy Bar for a short while. We were all tired so skipping it.

I had Charlie and Chani's hands as we walked towards the gate. By the road we picked up the babies... a pair of PC's managed the traffic so we could cross safely... Our thanks.

The AW139 was ready... we turned south... Quarrie said he was putting on the best speed.

In a few minutes another Cho-Fay Air AW139 appeared to our left. Quarrie said it is Almira flying our other Protectors and baggage.

Gil on her phone... she was smiling... a thumbs up!! She rang off. We had a booking at Le Petit Pontoise tonight... she was checking to see if they had seats for the Twins!!! Yes! Yea!

I checked email...

Donovan! A second body is identified... a young man from Detroit. He'd supposedly gone to New York to look for work... his family never heard from him again.

Odd these young fellows go off to seek their future not believing there was anything near their home for them... the Sixties and Seventies had many people go wandering looking for something... a time of great flux.

No cellphones... much harder to keep in touch with huge long-distance call charges. He had been drafted at eighteen into the Army... that was the link to help identify him. His parents long dead... he has brothers and a sister... they would take his remains to be placed with his parents.

Two of seven... a long way to go.

The babies dozed off in their carriers. Good.

Cho leaned over holding his phone out... email from Mak, he had had contact with two of three French businesses we'd met at Ban Wat Bang Fai... the auto parts maker and the SSD Drive manufacturer were in. Contracts being prepared.

The plastic container company hadn't made a decision.

Good! The land would be used, maybe several hundred new jobs created, construction companies gaining contracts... more to come. Good for Thailand... the French companies... and us!!

A kiss for Cho.

Eric emailed!!! The City of London is asking for a bid to expand the traffic project we are currently doing to a city-wide project. Okay that's a biggie.

I nudged Cho... raised eyebrows on my guy. Cho said one word... `Seattle!' indeed!

Eric's email stated they were having team meetings at the beginning of the week. They had done preliminary planning with an eye to expansion but it needed to be further updated for the newer technology and latest methods rolled out in Seattle.

I replied with our encouragement... I added with the Seattle project going live shortly all those very talented folks at CableTeam and WiringSpecialities would be available to go to London in the new year!!

The elections in Belarus ending... vote counting in progress.

We flared for landing the Paris heliport. The manager there to say hello. Cho said it was nice to see him, we'd read his reports which were very positive! We thanked him. We got a `Merci!'

Thierry's cars ready... we got to Quai de Bethune quickly. Lucien at the door to the tunnel... inside on the courtyard we put the Twins on their feet... they went back towards the front to say hello to Lucien and Augusta.

Such lovely smiles on our two Paris folks... the Twins always made people happy!

They were surprised by the guys cutaways... Cho explained. They congratulated us on hearing of our horse's successes.

Upstairs the Twins went into the Nursery to change... dinner was casual.

Cho holding me in my nickers... warm hands sliding around.

"I do love your skin... soft, supple."

A slight tush pinch... OW! I'm glad it was slight! He dodged away from my hands going for his naked male parts.

Slender cut black trousers, a red cable knit shirt collared jumper, black ankle boots, silver jewellery... a re-up of `Joy'

Cho in black and gray.

The Twins in blue and red, jeans and jumpers.

Off to eat! We carried Chani and Charlie most of the way... they'd been on their feet a long time today even with a short nap its been an active day.

We took our time... no need to rush... Le Petit Pontoise... A few hardy folk eating outside, a chill... they seemed to be enjoying themselves... animated conversations.

The Maître at the door with a smile... She and I hugged. They were ready. The banquette! Seats for the Twins! We settled in... the restaurant was crowded! We caused a stir arriving.

An Old Fashioned for me, Cho did a martini! Colas for the Twins.

Starters... Chani and I would share the Au gratin parmesan ravioles. Cho and Charlie the artichoke and parmesan tart.

I wanted the scallops a la Provençale, Cho the sea bass, the Twins joined their Popa.

Cho and the Maître did the wine.

I sipped my drink, enjoying the tangy sweetness.

Montaigan's name came up via our horse of that name winning the Prix de l'Abbeye de Longchamp. Charlie and Chani wanted to see Montai!' He is a favourite. They liked that we lived in his house here. Christmas was the next time when they'd see Montai.'

Chani chewing a bite of ravioles... a grin. The Twins loved their food... neither is in the least bit chubby... slender and lithe. They were so active burning loads of calories! Growing like the proverbial `weeds.'

My shrimp were wonderful, a spicy taste of southern France! The wine is a very good pairing! Everyone is eating with smiling faces. The Twins children's size sea bass is disappearing!

Ah... a new decision... dessert! The Twins were torn between two choices... they each got a different one and shared! How very Solomon-like.

Chani and Charlie made a good deal... some vanilla ice cream with raspberry syrup and chocolate mousse for each!!

Cho is sharing the pear Tarte Tatin with me. Espresso!

I did my usual visit to the kitchen and Gil left an envelope. We waved goodnight to the staff, smiles, and Merci.

The Twins were tired now... we carried them, at the house we kept on in the lift up to the nursery. We helped Tha and Delphine get them bed ready then applied kisses and hugs. Blu and Raggedy hugged close.

Eyes closed.

In the Drawing Room we had afters and talked about miscellaneous things. The deal for the second publisher in London was done! Their extensive backlist and a fine group of active authors made it a good buy! Plus Flix's book is coming out from their imprint.

Francis' notes said we needn't worry about the management for now it is sound. We should consider speaking to both the London and the New York publishers about personnel matters, our style of management is progressive... much more so than theirs. Okay.

I turned to Gil to please work on meetings with both London ones around a day at the Lords... perhaps. Make sure Vinni would be available. Thumbs up!

A New York Times piece on Chani's little Greek temple watercolour at the Children's Museum of the Arts saying she is our daughter and is now almost two and half years old. The article said there is no doubt about its provenance because the museum staff were there from the blank paper until Chani was done.

They had a snap of her work in the article.

They expressed their amazement at her obvious skills for such a young person. Her use of shadows quite adroit and the clever use of the overhanging branches to focus the eye to the centre.

She was fortunate to have such talent and they hoped to see more. They said their readers should go see the entire museum's fascinating collection children's art and Chani's watercolour. A good boost for the museum!

Chani is going to love seeing this!

Charlie's bonsai planter is on a table near the west windows of the Great Room at Harcourt House. Plenty of light! Ben, Phillips' fellow, and Charlie made it look very handsome. The lovely and graceful conifer stretching out... very pleasant to look at. It will be fine to watch it grow more fully... of course never getting big.

We had taken a snap and sent it to the Japanese ambassador here in Paris thanking them for our seeing the plant at the trade show since it had been the inspiration. He wrote back in amazement of Charlie's pot looking so close to theirs especially it being done by a two year old!!

Charlie had been happy to see the note.

Our babies living a full life! We had thanked Tha and Delphine for their help. Funny...both said the Twins made the decisions they merely facilitated.

Chani grinning when she did see the New York Times piece on my iPad... we promised to get a paper copy for her and save it. Gil had already called Roslyn at Minetta Street to save our delivered copy of the Times cultural section for Chani. Done! Okay!

I went out with Ken and Roche on my morning walking trip plus breakfast food run. We brought back loaves, a dozen eclairs... dark and white chocolate ones, two dozen big sugar cookies and an apple tart for Augusta and Lucien, another for us.

Our house concierges very happy with the treat!

Cho came into the kitchen whilst I dipped my bread into my coffee bowl. He got coffee, a plate of bread and nabbed an éclair... all before I received a kiss... I tried to do a convincing pout which Cho didn't fall for because he knows I don't pout!

I did get my kiss!

I sat in the dining room with Gil and Chelle to work briefly. Cho in the office.

Grinding away on multiple things before a quick trip. Gil and Chelle got to keep working, tongues stuck out towards me. Ha! A burden easy to carry... laughter!

Casual...Red leather slacks, snug to my bits, a red t-shirt, the Arline rent' jumper. ivory cable knit Cardigan, big buttons, to my hips, a big collar. It is quite like a jacket! Gold jewellery, black heels, Joy', red sunglasses.

To Livres du Monde. Over the Seine on the Rue du Cardinal Lemoine to Rue Clovis which become Pace du Pantheon to Rue Souffiot. It was a quick trip. I stepped out with Gaby and Alba, a short walk into the lobby. They had the first and second floor in this corner building.

Up the stairs to their door... I asked Alba to go up one floor and see what it looked like.

"Fay, there are several doors with no name and large urns with plants positioned near but not blocking them."

I thanked her... we walked in. A reception desk... the woman turned to us, a smile... `Could she help?'

I took off my sunglasses and asked for Victorine. She appeared not to know my face and asked my business.

"I am Fay Martin, my husband and I own this publishing house."

She jumped in her chair, snatching up her receiver a quick press of several buttons. I guess she knew me now.

"Yes please tell Victorine that Fay Martin is here... Yes in the lobby... D'accord."

"Her assistant will tell her immediately."

I thanked her and walked into the main room. Open offices on all four sides, a sitting area in the centre, two curved metal staircases going up in opposite corners. A very high ceiling that was shared with the next floor, a lot of light from the overhead fixtures and table lamps making the room very bright... warm bright.

Offices around the perimeter of the second floor with wrought iron balustrades all along the passage overlooking the floor below.

A woman came to the top of the rear staircase, she had a look... I raised my hand... she did too and descended. I moved her way... A nice light green frock and tan heels.

We shook hands and did cheek kisses.

"Victorine it is very nice to meet you."

"Comtesse, it is an honour and good to have you here."

"I am Fay. Vinni said she briefed you on our taking over?" A head nod. "...Can we get everybody together somewhere so I can tell them?"

At the back of this floor there is a conference room... Victorine, "We can squeeze everyone in."

I stood at the door shaking hands as the staff came in. At the front I told them Munro Publishing the company that now owned Livres du Monde is controlled by Cho and I. There are surprised looks on many faces... some bit of apprehension on a few.

I gave them my usual talk about how we do business... there were universal head nods when I asked if they got the letter about the changes for them... pay rise, better benefits for healthcare and retirement. The R&R scheme they knew about...no one had used it yet.

Regarding the R&R Scheme, "We have met some employees at a few locations... it does appear to function well so I hope you take advantage of the programme."

Smiles when I said we are bringing some work for them... "Two authors whose books in English are selling extremely well will be printed by Livres du Monde.

They gave looks to each other hearing about Mr. Hardy's book which some obviously knew and Flix's wonderful book. One woman had a copy of Flix's book, she bought it from an online bookstore.

I asked if she had read it through... "I am halfway... it is very good... she brings the women alive."

I thanked her

"The two authors are personal friends who happen to be excellent writers. Both books will go into a second printing soon."

Lots of looks around for that.

I did say neither author was fluent in French so translators would be needed but there is plenty of help to get the authors nuances across.

"I read both their books before publication so I have a `feel' for them. My French is pretty good..."

That brought laughs.

Victorine, "Fay, je pense que c'est un euphémisme." "Fay, I think that is understatement."

We all laughed. Gaby shaking her head... Victorine asked why.

"I think Fay speaks better than me... I'm from the Dordogne."

Fist bump for Gaby.

Victorine introduced Armand who does most of their historical works.

"I will have a copy of Mr. Hardy's book sent to you. I read chapters as he did them along another friend General Montaigan. The General..." Victorine's eyes very wide... I asked.

"Fay, a favourite uncle served under the General for many years... a parachutiste... a real Army `Para' of the old school."

I put my arm around Gaby, "Gaby, was a Para although too young to had served under Montaigan."

I nudged her, "Mon frère est un 'Para' maintenant dans le 3e RPIMa." "My brother is a `Para' now in the 3e RPIMa."

A hug by them.

I told Victorine the General sold us his house on l'Isle Saint-Louis and he'd be up from Martinique for Christmas with us.

A bit more time with Armand, he got there were people he could call on for help with issues about wording or syntax so the translation would be done easily and quickly. I got he has a good deal of experience.

A good handshake.

I did goodbyes shaking more hands and a hug for Victorine.

In the car email from Kent... an update.

Belarus election results showed two parties in the lead. They were progressive, seeking to make changes across the board in Belarus. Individual rights, environmental protection, curb police powers and lots more. Each had as its leadership group people who'd been imprisoned by the dictator. They had experienced the old regime's enmity up close! They looked to have nearly sixty percent of the votes between them.

Far right parties being mostly ignored. They'd been portrayed as Russian toadies! Right now in that part of the world nothing more egregious could be said.

Time to dress for Longchamp. The morning chill hanging on... wool!

A red wool frock with a cowl neck, long sleeves to mid-thigh. A wide black belt, black stockings and heels. Gold jewellery and `Joy'

A lightweight wool and cotton jacket cut to just passed my hips in black. Car coat length. Slash pockets and a soft full collar. Black leather gloves.

Chani in a red wool dress to her ankles, white socks and black Mary Janes. A white cardigan on her shoulders under a light black pea coat style jacket.

Our men in black, pale gray shirts and green Harcourt Racing ties. Both in black lightweight car coats.

Thierry had cars at the street door... in a short while we stopped at the same car park at the north end of the Longchamp complex. The Twins leading with Tha and Delphine, Gaby and Rafe going up the ramp to the promenade.

We rose in the lift to our suite level... Ring! We hugged him! Fist bumps for the Twins.

He'd come straight from Le Bourget after the flight from New York. Ring had been here at the first of the month for three races... Femme de Nantes, Montaigan and Demoiselle d'Orleans all won. The first two here at Longchamp, the other at Maisons-Lafitte race course.

Ring grinning, rubbing his hands together, "All these winning horses... I have been told I am to be envied."

We laughed. Cho said we didn't want to ruin his record.

We had a look at the crowd... the grandstand filled, standing room very dense. A big racing day!

Prix de l'Opera was our first race, a G1 of two thousand metres. Amira running! She's the French fillies Triple Crown holder, unbeaten. A real beauty as well as a tough competitor!

The field walked out from the gate to our right.... up the track past us in the post parade. They moved to the gate near the big crossroads across the track... we could see them quite well with our glasses.

The gate loading done... They're off! Amira on the rail level with four others going down the straight... they went behind the clump of trees... coming back into our view very near the turn. The five were stretched across the track more or less level.

Amira on the rail staying close to the front. The big wide turn was being eaten up rapidly. The group staying as they were until the curve was ending... Francine asked Amira... the Monaco Surge! She pulled away quickly... five... six lengths.

Coming onto the home stretch... the rise of the track didn't bother our horses... at that point they were pouring on the power. Amira certainly was not bothered!! She had eight lengths... the final two hundred metres Amira was striding out... grabbing at the grass... rolling!!

She blew through the finish to cheers from the crowd. As always she was a beauty when she was in full power mode. Her pale gray body darkening... her snow white mane and tail flowing.

We celebrated with hugs, kisses and fist bumps!! To the lift... down to the ground level, out to the Winner's Enclosure. The track had an escort for us, she greeted us at the end of the big open space.

Francine rode Amira into the Winner's Circle with Jonny holding the shank lead. The stakes people presented their trophy to Chani and I with lots of smiles. We did the snaps holding the prize, Jonny and Francine too!

Ring, Cho and Charlie right there applauding.

Our champion filly received many compliments!

Back upstairs... our next race is right now... Prix Royal-Oak. Satirical is entered... he is having a wonderful year, he's also unbeaten. This is a G1 race of three thousand and one hundred metres... nearly two miles.

A long race calling for stamina and a smart jockey to keep control knowing when to ask for more from their horse. Rene has raced this length last year on our colt.

They loaded the gate to our right, this race was around the whole track to end below us. The field is twenty. Satirical is in the middle.

CLANG... Off! A good start the horses sprinting down the straight... three bunches with Satirical in the front group. They entered the first turn... stretching out a bit... early days.

Out of the turn now a LONG run on the far perimeter of the track complex. The three bunches thinned out to five horses in the leading cluster... Satirical in that front group. Things stayed the same as they spun into the big long curve.

I zoomed in on Rene... he gave some looks around as the turn was ending... the final part of the turn a shallow flattening curve... the home stretch opened clearly in front of the field... Rene asked Satirical!!! The surge obvious to everyone... our colt was running freely across the grass... he opened a five length lead... `très rapide!'

Chani giggling in my lap, "Mama, there he goes!"

Indeed he is going!!!

They were coming up the slope... Satirical running like it was flat... his muscles rippling... huge strides... seven... eight lengths now. The crowd into it now... making loud noises.

Satirical striding beautifully as he roared over the finish ten lengths free!!!

The crowd really approved... loud cheering and clapping!! Us too! Our colt had run a terrific race!

Another happy ride down in the lift. Our escort back with a smile and congratulations for Satirical's victory.

We were greeted by the folks from the Royal-Oak stakes who were very lively. Our colt had put up quite the show... a dazzling race with the huge ending which left people gasping.

Ring said our horses were closers... even if they are ahead. Smiles... laughing! They got it.

Cho and Charlie got the trophy and many snaps taken. Jonny and Rene getting their hands on the trophy... smiling faces.

Chani's arms around me, a kiss for me. Smiles!

A hug for Rene... one race left... Thaksin... Our champion is racing!! I kissed Jonny's cheek sending him off with our encouragement and a fist bump from Chani! The same for Rene! He was grinning as he thanked Chani.

While we had gone down the Longchamp staff had laid the buffet in the suite. It was welcome! We grazed. Tha and Delphine got the Twins setup with plates and juice.

I was with Ring... he is a happy fellow. A snap of Marthe. A lovely face with a hint of irony. Ring laughed at that description.

"Fay, she can be quite ironical. We joke a lot. She has a streak of satire to go with that irony. Her writings reflect that."

"So it is serious?"

"Yes! So much so I have kept her out of view so to speak. I wanted to get to know her away from my usual haunts. She was over briefly several times this summer from New York. We played in the city. No horse races."

"Next season if she can't come when you do... You should call Penn about flights for her, we have many crossing the Atlantic... we don't mind."

"Well... thank you! I will.' He stopped on his way back to the buffet... looking up then down to me, "We are going to move in together!"

I squeezed his big hand.

"She has a nice big condo in Greenwich Village off Sixth Avenue. I have a rented flat since I haven't been in the city much... half the time I was staying at the family house on Long Island."

"Speaking of family..."

Ring smiled, "They love her. My mother asked me why I didn't find her earlier... she's been a `find a woman' nag!"

I laughed, "I'm not going to be that kind of mother."

Ring laughing too, "Please don't! Mine has been a royal pain in the butt. Fortunately Marthe understands about mother... hers was the same towards her brother."

Fist bump!

More food! The Twins enjoying eating and looking snaps and video of themselves as `babies' saved on Gil's iPad.

The Longchamp food is quite good! Our crowd did a fine piece of work on the buffet.

Cho motioned to the track... The post parade... Thaksin is up!

We looked down on the spectacle that is the Prix De L'Arc De Triomphe! We weren't here last year when Satirical won...The Champions weekend completely overlapped it so we were at Ascot.

Today our French Triple Crown winner Thaksin would try to win the biggest race in France.

Chani on my lap... our glasses out. Charlie with Popa. The horses walked over to the chute for the start. They looked calm... This scion of Asda had proven himself at different tracks and lengths in any weather. The twenty four hundred metres... close to a mile and half... was a distance he'd already run this year.

The betting line is 1-9 on him. The punters know he's the best! He isn't a `dark horse' now!

Into the gate... easy and quick... the CLANG from a distance... audible. They came out cleanly.

Down the long straight on the far edge of the grounds... the field stretched out some... Thaksin on the lead by two as they were hidden by the clump of trees... They approached the huge curve Thaksin was ahead by five... in my glasses striding beautifully, easy... no strain!

In the turn the field was fading... Thaksin by nine at the mid-point! He was rolling!

As the turn began to flatten out our colt was running freely on a twelve length lead! Simply no horse capable of challenging him!

Up the long rise of the home stretch our boy kept widening... the crowd loving his performance... they were cheering him on! The finish line seemed like an anti-climax... he'd won the race on the back straight!

A huge roar from the crowd signalled the finish!

A new record time 2:23.5 beating Danedream's 2:24.49 from 2011. He even beat Found's 2:23.61 when the race was at Chantilly during the re-construction period.

Plus the widest winning margin ever at eighteen lengths three times wider than the previous record.

Thaksin the dominant three year old colt in France... I thought about next year... Montaigan would be three... he was good but not a dominating force like Thaksin. Notre Noir as a two year old... we hoped he'd be a champion... to race in England and here in France. Rebel, his sire, had been a very successful racer and Mahogany, his dam, our dark brown mare had Secretariat in her blood... we wait to see.

Our celebration was raucous... we toned it down for the lift ride to the ground floor. Our escort smiling and again congratulating us.

Our second win at this prestigious event. Two years running.

The ceremony was a bit more elaborate than the others... live TV coverage start to finish here. All the sponsors could get their `oar' in... Cho was gracious accepting the trophy with Charlie. Chani with me watching.

Cho on the TV was generous in his thanks for our experiences racing in France... thanking France Galop, the many race tracks and the staffs... adding our appreciation for the many involved horse race fans.

We did a lot of snaps and video... the France Galop folks had been asked beforehand to limit this so we could get the babies to a place for a rest.

Chani and I joined Popa and Charlie for some snaps... I could see the France Galop folks making a move... They very nicely managed it.

They walked us to a secure area... big thanks for racing in France... we drew a lot of attention the way our horses ran with power and élan!

Handshakes and cheeks kissed.

We carried the Twins to the car park where Thierry's Range Rovers waited. Off to the Heliport then a hop to Le Bourget.

The 767 on the tarmac... ready to go back to Bangkok.

Yobi and Lil would serve dinner when we reached level flight.

We changed after takeoff... casual but warm clothes. The Twins did a low-key play time. Cho on his phone... me on a settee with email and work.

Spiel in Essen was over! Greg and I exchanged emails.

Greg had sold out all his games!! And T-shirts. The money wasn't the thing... he'd had fun talking to many people... making contacts... enjoying the convention `feel' and participating in the seminar on publishing your game.

Kay, Artie and Sam had a good time helping to run the booth, doing sales... they got to wander a bit.

I replied with our congratulations! I was glad he'd had a fun time. The contacts could be very useful!

Greg bought a game, created in the 1970's by board game legend Lou Zocchi, about the French Indochina War... an antique.

The game is in my collection, not a bad game at the grand-tactical level... A bit idiosyncratic. I told Greg to find it in the Game Room when they got to Harcourt House... look inside the folio for my suggested changes.

He said the gamers were having a meeting about Christmas.

`Have fun in Oxfordshire... we're on our way back to Bangkok.'

A fun dinner... a Twins special... veggie burgers and chips! Cho looking askance when I asked for onion on mine. He got a kiss before and a promise to brush my teeth.

The babies liked going to the races... Charlie said it is fun seeing all the people, listening to the crowd make noises... all the beautiful horses...

Chani added... the colours on the jockeys... the excitement when we have a horse running!

Cho said they would come whenever it is possible.

We landed on the dock grid as the sun was coming up. Amporn and Niran... Jaidee!!! Hugs and kisses spread thickly around. Charlie and Chani jointly hugging Jaidee... A big tongue hanging out... on Jaidee.

Swimming then breakfast! The Twins leaping into the water to us. We splashed around... more jumping... the laughing as Jaidee did his version of a swan dive to a big splash... towels drying the babies... Cho did me and I reciprocated. Gil did Chelle as Chelle did her!! Jaidee has us all doing him.

Patongos and Salapaos, coffee and juice!

Tatra, Tai's assistant, emailed Gil with her latest on twitter about us... this is a weekly re-cap. We were mentioned tens of thousands of times... several fake accounts had been removed... since we had NONE all were fakes!

twitter and facebook didn't much like us or at least their management didn't... they did have a healthy respect for the skill of our lawyers. Their lawyers getting plenty of practise! Many of the lawsuits were being dismissed as the injury' was not clear-cut or egregious. A celebrities' were going forward because they had public personas that they claimed were damaged. Oh well... we get to watch from a great distance.

Tatra had informed us she had phone numbers given to her by twitter so she could call about any post or account... they would respond quickly.

Tatra had called a couple of times... the `pretend they are us' accounts were disabled immediately!

Cho grinning towards me as Gil read it to him... fist bump! The Twins wanted some... they got bumps. Giggles.

Amporn and her staff had us ready... AW139's coming in to carry us to the Forest Palace! Up river to gain altitude then a turn to starboard to head east northeast.

A quick flight... good weather... sunny!! We flared to land on the wide lawn.

The staff on the terrace near the steps as the Twins ran across the grass. They shook hands and showed everyone how to fist bump! Giggles and laughter.

We were welcomed. Do bowed, he had things ready. Good.

Upstairs to change... our housekeeper had our clothes laid out. We brought new outfits for the much larger babies. Cho and I dressed then we took over getting the Twins prepared while Tha and Delphine dressed.

Good walking clothes, long sleeves and trousers closed at the top of the hiking boots. Gloves, floppy hats. Fanny packs for adults carrying water. Two ruck sacks with the food.

We hiked into the forest... Ken and Rafe with us, at the steep parts we shared carrying the Twins. Less than last time! The last three hundred yards they could do it on their own... the warning repeated... stay on the path.

They got a lesson in why it is important a hundred yards from the little house. Do waved us to halt... he moved right with his forked walking stick out... A snake... he pinned it down... Cho had a quick look...

"Red-necked keelback! Very dangerous! It's here because of the stream... the water feeds a pond about twenty yards beyond that big clump."

Do saying Cho was correct as he lifted the snake on his stick... a flick into the underbrush by the clump.

We moved along after Do put down some powder... it is a repellent Do makes himself... he smiled when I asked what is in it...

"Miss, it is secret." He laughed. "It has garlic and other spices... the snakes do not like it, they will not cross a line of the powder. It does not last long with the rain..."

At the house Do opened it... it is not `locked,' it has an animal proof entry. Shoes off we let the Twins investigate.... Do took Rafe and Ken up to open the windows... Chani and Charlie climbed upstairs without help from Cho and I. They had practise on their slides at Harcourt House. They had a good look out then we sat to talk about staying in the dark area so we would not be seen and being very quiet.

We settled down to wait for the clearing to forget us. For the birds it didn't take long... parakeets and trogons were fluttering around soon. I loved the brilliant greens on them all!

Red-Bearded Bee-eaters worked the clouds of insects... glorious colours on their bodies.

I took some snaps of all the birds... no sudden descent by a raptor on an unsuspecting ground dweller... things on the ground were quiet.

We watched birds... nothing else moving.

We sipped juice and water. Sandwiches from the cook, fruit and cookies! A nice meal... the Twins were enjoying this outing. The birds had their attention... big surprise.

We put everything away then settled down on the circular bench around the opening for the ladder. Quiet... I reviewed my pictures showing them to Charlie and Chani.

Do waved his hand... we looked to the west... movement at the margin of the undergrowth... Seua Fai!!! Two!!! The Fire Cat!! Asian Golden Cats. I was snapping... Cho too.

The pair paused... their heads rotated back and forth... they came on... around the south of our house and the big trees there. They were heading to the stream... fabulous shots of these elusive animals.

The babies standing on the bench... a good vantage point!

At the water's edge the male stopped to look about... raising his nose... sniffing. He appeared to relax... the other leaned down to drink. The male sniffed her hindquarters... Ah... she might be in oestrus!

The male drank when the other was done. They sat to groom a bit then turned into the undergrowth and out of our sight.

I breathed... I must have taken a forty or fifty shots... Cho grinning, him too!

Do smiling, he was pleased.

Softly, "Miss, they are good luck! You have seen them twice!"

I asked about them being together... Do said the female was certainly in oestrus... otherwise they would avoid each other... very solitary animals. A wonderful sighting!!

We explained the cat to Chani and Charlie. They were clapping without making a sound... bouncing on their toes.

Chani leaned close, softly, "Mama, they are beautiful."

I agreed.

Charlie asked Do if they had a hard life here in the forest.

Do smiling, "No... there is much food of one sort or another for them. They hunt at night but scout during the day. They sleep in places chosen for safety. They have no predator except humans. Your father does not let men come into the forest... only when they are his men to do logging or to fix a road. Most animals hear them and hide."

A fist bump for Do from Charlie.

Cho smiling to me.

We waited hoping they would stroll back this way... not today. The days were getting shorter so we packed up and adjusted our clothing. Do on point, Rafe was trailing... the babies were still carried in sections but the trip was quicker... all downhill. When the ground was flat I ran forward calling them to follow... we raced to the back steps.

Gil and Chelle on the terrace in the sun waving to us.

Hugs and kisses. Chani and Charlie thanked Do for taking us.

Do, a big smile, "Little ones, I will go with you every time you come here."

Fist bumps!!! Laughter!

We went to change... shorts on the men, bikinis for us girls.

We got cool drinks in the kitchen and spread out on the terrace.

Chani and Charlie telling Gil and Chelle about the birds and Seua Fai, the Fire Cats!! The snake!!!

Do was taking them and some protectors to the little forest house in the morning. I gave Gil my camera after uploading all the snaps to the cloud server. Cho did the same for Chelle.

After dinner in the game room Cho tried very hard to beat me on the billiard table... no chance... much to the Twins amusement!

Music! Dancing we all danced, skipped, hopped and bounced around! Everybody loved this!

Cho and I worked on our `disco' moves! We called up the Twins... we did some teaching on disco steps. Chani and Charlie loving it.

Up... pre-dawn light on the tower terrace with a coffee... the sun made its appearance... brilliant!

Cho joined me... kiss!

We were all going to be out today... Cho looking at his iPhone, "They are on the way!"

Dad, Thoi and Rak flying up in a AW139 to play golf with Cho at the Korat Country Club. Cho is a member. It was about twenty kilometres away.

Chani, Charlie and I were visiting in Korat... the Chanthira Foundation clinics then a stop at the warehouse after that to Ting's parents. We were flying to the old Thai Army airport in Korat... cars to go around.

An AW139 landing out front...

Hugs for the golfers. The Twins got in fist bumps after Gramps squeezed them.

Thoi holding my hand, "Fay, being famous agrees with you."

I laughed, "Since I seem to have little choice I'm plugging along. You look good too!"

He and Kanda were enjoying their life... he was working less, "More golf. No matter how how well I play I will never beat this guy."

He nudged Cho. Cho smiling said `He needed to work harder at it.'

We waved their Land Rovers away.

Pascal smiling as we piled into his helicopter. Tara, Ken and Kara with Delphine, Tha and us three.

The Twins and I had wished Gil and Chelle a good time in the forest.

We landed on a helicopter grid at the Army airstrip quite close to downtown Korat.

I stepped out to thank an Army officer. He is smiling, a bow, "Welcome Your Ladyship."

A bit of a surprise... Oh well. We shook hands.

Preecha's Land Rovers for us with his Security Service drivers. Now to the clinics. West to the first one... The original Korat location... Sahae met us at the door.

We shook hands, "I do not know how to address you... you are a very famous person now."

I smiled, "I am Fay to you."

A hug!

She was shocked at the Twins size for twenty eight months... more so when they said hello to her in Thai saying how nice the clinic looked outside.

Chani had Sahae's hand, "Please show us the inside."

Sahae smiled, "Yes I will be glad to."

Still amazed she led us on a tour. The Twins were sweet saying hellos to staff and a few patients. A girl about ten with a scratch on her ankle which had become infected.

Chani said hi. The girl managed a smile as Chani squeezed her hand. The mother shook my hand. The doctor had cleaned the scratch, put on antiseptic, began bandaging.

Sahae said they dealt with many of those sort of injuries with children, infected wounds which were easy to fix. Some broken bones, mostly in boys. A snake bite last week... the viper was a rear-fang venomous kind so no poison just a nasty bite.

I reminded the Twins of the snake Do dealt with on the path into the forest yesterday. They were nodding. Charlie said it was handsome to look at.

"Yes... many things that can hurt you are."

Both heads nodding. Information accepted and filed... I knew my babies well.

Sahae looking at us... I squeezed her hand, "We have a little cabin in the deep forest preserve where our house is... we walked in to it and a Red-necked Keelback was moved away by our gardener guide."

Charlie grinning, "Do had his stick on it... he tossed it into the bushes and put down powder."

I explained to Sahae about Do's homemade snake repellent. Her head nodding now.

The clinic looked wonderful. It was `lived in' now, plants and pictures, the waiting area comfortable. An older couple sitting there as we were going out. We stopped to say hello.

Smiles on their faces... Charlie, in his usual disarming way, asked them why they were here saying he hoped they were well. The couple kept smiling saying it was a checkup after the man had pneumonia.

Chani lightly touched the man's hand hoping he was feeling Okay.

A huge smile from him "I feel good now." He thanked her for the asking.

I did look around outside... the landscaping had growth like the clinic's inside... it looked like it fit into the neighbourhood. Shrubs and the trees growing beautifully... vines on the fence twisting and turning.

Out front a hug and thank you to Sahae for her hard work. Goodbyes from the Twins.

The vehicles on Highway 2 towards the city then around to the left on Highway 204. A few kilometres to Cho Ho... the clinic was in an area of older homes and commercial property that had a new housing development growing beside it.

Sopa, the director met us at the door. We shook hands. I introduced Chani and Charlie. Sopa leaned over to do fist bumps when Chani suggested it. Laughter!

My first visit here. We got the tour... meeting the staff who were mostly young except for one man who was sixty. Chakkri had a big smile meeting the Twins... he is a grandfather to youngsters near the Twins age.

I wanted to speak to Chakkri so Sopa went on with the Twins, Tha and Delphine.

Chakkri was doing research on several local infectious diseases on a grant from us as well as working several days a week as a physician here.

We got past the `call me Fay' thing.

He led me to the two boxes' we'd added to the side of the clinic... one of our new modular passages is the connection... through the security... I met the young woman who is assisting Chakkri, Pelly.'

The lab looked organised... I found out Chakkri is supremely `organised.'

"Fay, it saves so much work when the tools you need are to hand where you expect them to be. Pelly...' He squeezed her shoulder, "... has the same mind set. "

I got they worked well together and Chakkri could trust Pelly to work without close supervision. That is always a wonderful thing which Cho and I looked for in people we employ.

Pelly worked on the research full-time with Chakkri part-time as physician.

Chakkri and especially Pelly were working on a vaccination for Leptospirosis. The disease has many vectors so they were looking for a comprehensive vaccine. A bacteriological blood infection most commonly transmitted via rodent waste mixed in water. Monsoon flooded areas and stagnant water both are sources in farming districts throughout Thailand.

Vaccines available are not all-inclusive as each Leptospiraserovar are specific. It is also sometimes difficult to get farmers to agree to inoculation without extensive government help in education. Chakkri has been liaising with the local health authorities to that end.

They were making considerable progress... the goal looking possible. He could see I was pleased with the research. We warmly shook hands.

Pelly smiling... she said it was amazing to meet me here in Cho Ho. I got her to come out to meet the Twins when I found out she had two young children. A happy face meeting the Twins!

Sopa smiling, she had enjoyed doing the tour with the babies who asked questions.

Hugs and handshakes outside... loaded up. On Highway 2 into the city to Suep Siri Road then a left to the warehouse complex that Tadeo manages for us. We turned in the gate and parked at the office. Chani's hand in mine, Charlie with Delphine as we walked behind Tara in the office door.

A receptionist looked up... she started to say something when Alice came through her door... a loud yell!!

"FAY!!!" She rushed into my arms... huge squeeze! We kissed cheeks.

Alice asked the woman at the desk to get Tadeo to come here. She did a page on the tannoy.

I introduced Charlie and Chani to Alice. Alice knelt to say hello...

"Chani, you look like your mother... that is wonderful she is so pretty!"

Chani, "Yes... Mama is the prettiest!"

Alice learned how to fist bump.

I had Alice's hand... stepping back a bit... a baby bump?

Yes, she is four months gone on their second child. The boy is nearly two and a happy, playful baby. The new one is also a boy. Tadeo is pleased.

Tadeo's mother is their baby minder. A grandmother who thinks herself among the blessed to be able to live with them and have the grandbaby around. She's over the moon for another.

Tadeo! We hugged and shook hands. He squatted to meet Chani and Charlie. A shake then our daughter gave him the fist bump lesson to laughs. Charlie bumping too!

Tadeo got the receptionist to call for all workers to go to the rear of Number One building, the loading dock. We all walked through to the end of this building. The loading area was open, the people were arriving.

Looking at the crowd I could see every sort of face that makes up Thailand's multiple ethnicities.

Tadeo introduced me.

I stepped forward to say hello to them. Smiles and waves to me. I introduced the Twins. They clapped for them. Chani being the princess waved and said hello. Charlie laughing... he waved both hands.

I told them I was here to visit other places and wanted to say hello. I thanked them for their effort... I reached out to Tadeo... "I hope Tadeo is not working you too hard."

Laughter and a few yells... he is a slave-driver to much laughter and clapping.

We headed back to the car. Alice talking to the Twins about their stay in Thailand.

Tadeo beside me, the business was good. Many companies renting space appreciated our careful handing of their merchandise and the tight security.

"Fay, some customers have used our location for ten years. Cho buying the company so many years ago is amazing forethought as Korat's economic growth is very strong! We have another two buildings planned for the land purchased four months ago."

Fist bump practise for him with Charlie. Chani giggling as she joined in... getting Alice in too!

Hugs and cheek kisses as we mounted up for Ting's parent's lakeside home. A short drive.

They greeted us at the door... hugs and kisses. Boy do we do a lot of those.

We got to meet Tasanee, a beautiful tan Chihuahua! She was new to me... here for eight months. Almost one year old. She was waggy tail happy going in circles to see us.

Charlie and Chani took to her right away. She is so different from Jaidee!

The Twins growth a source of wonder for Ting's parents. Ting was an `only' like Cho and I so they had a limited experience. Caroline was a slight bit bigger than normal... not like Charlie and Chani.

We sat to catch up as lunch was prepared. They heard from the Culham crowd on how much they loved living there. Caroline over the moon about being to run around the estate.

A wonderful lunch for us... cool green chili soup, fresh veggie rolls, peanut tofu noodles. Tasty!! Ice cream bars for dessert!!

Their terrace dining area was shaded and cool... a view across the lake. Peaceful and pleasant surroundings.

We talked all sorts... they heard more about Culham Manor... intrigued and ready to stay there with the family. The sisters were both due in January so they'll be big at Christmas time! I said why don't speak to them about staying until the babies were born... they would see them right away.

That sounded great... they would call later to suggest it... Ting's mother looking at me, "We will be welcome... you think?"

I said the house is big, space enough to be out of the way... so as not to annoy anyone. They could go up to London to stay at our house part of the time.

Ting's mother was clapping at the whole idea!! A hug!

The Twins got a tour of the house courtesy of Ting's father. We relaxed in the shade to have a bit of his homemade beer... it was good as ever! He has the knack!

Sipping... the Twins running around the garden with `Tasa' having fun. Tasa was loving it! When they were back with us I told Tasa she'd have lots of fun with Caroline and her siblings when they came to visit. Ting's mother had a tear thinking about that happy possibility.

The unusual arrangements of the Jian-Ting-Andrea-Catherine household did not bother Ting's folks. They loved their son and all the women of his shared ménage.

Ting's mother suddenly stopped... what about Tasa if they go to Oxfordshire? Several months or so without them. It was a wall... I said there is a process so Tasa could enter the United Kingdom. She should get the approved shots, a pet passport which they could get through their veterinarian. Maybe a few bits more but doable. Check online at the UK government website.

"She could have Caroline as a play pal at Culham Manor."

A big smile, a hug for me.

Many more hugs and kisses at the front door. We waved from the Land Rover windows going out their drive. The helicopter ready... we lifted up turning south. Back on the Forest Palace grounds in ten minutes.

The guys were on the terrace with drinks! Hugs, drinks for all of us. Gil and Chelle joining us from their post forest trip clean-up. A big crowd!

Ting's parents happiness was toasted... new babies on the horizon. And maybe an extended stay at Culham Manor. Even Tasa would be happy.

I glanced at Gil... she had that faraway look on her face. I needed to speak to her again.

We had a loud dinner with our guests. We walked them to the helicopter... hugs, kisses and I did thank yous for coming up to get whupped by Cho. Laughter. Dad saying for them all, "He would do it in Bangkok... at least we got a day trip out of it."

Much more laughing. We waved them away.

Cho smiling later, "Keren only had a couple of phone calls... he was saying it was an easy day."

The Twins went up to bed... the old' folks sat outside as the day disappeared. Leaning back on Cho... I asked Gil about her look' earlier.

"We've been thinking about it... Chelle ..." A squeeze for her in Gil's arms, "...we are on the same page... I suppose finding the right donor who we might know enough about to appreciate their `gifts' to our baby but not so close it might be an issue... It doesn't seem like an easy task."

Me, "Do not hurry your decision but be mindful of your body."

Cho gave me another squeeze in agreement.

Coffee on the tower with Cho... a fine way to start a day!!

Breakfast over we loaded up for Bangkok.

Many thanks to our people here. Hugs and handshakes! The Twins did a boatload of fist bumps!

Pascal and Chalerm in their AW19's waiting on the lawn. We waved to the staff.

We landed and sorted ourselves out. Since post-breakfast wait time had passed according to Tha... pool!! Jumping, splashing, swimming!!!

It was fun but I had to work. Gil came with me... she had a pile of things... Yeech! I got to it.

Reports from so many companies! The Borer Company in Stockholm, The Company, the Security Service, Greg and his Seattle Conference App business, Solar-To-Go, 21st Century Fox, Metal Specialities in Virginia, all the newspapers... even filtered through their corporate offices was a lot, the Chanthira Foundation, etc... Even thinking about all of them was a lot of work.

A second personal note from Barbara Bush in the DHL package from Harcourt House sincerely thanking us again. She said they would go public with our donation since we had no objections. By the time I got it she had held a press conference in New York to announce our gift.

Since we were in Bangkok the fuss didn't reach us except through the news online. It is of course nice to be thanked.

From Achmed... the Italian water project would be live in the third week of February before the spring runoff. Great! Gil said she was already planning a return trip to L'Aquila!! We'd go after it was `live' so the local people could have their celebration without us getting in the way.

The publisher of the Bergen Record emailed... The water pollution piece would run on the frontpage Sunday. They were calling the chemical company for any statement on Saturday. They would hold space for their comments.

Herald News of Passaic had advanced the air pollution story with a half dozen examples from around the world... nearly identical events, the outcomes were positive for ordinary people, the courts siding with the injured people. In those cases remedial work to stop further pollution and money for the illnesses caused by the muck in the air.

Large lawsuits had damaged the offending companies financially and in their public image!! Deserved!!

Donovan... They had chosen, with help from the Sharks, a DNA genealogy company to work with to identify our five unknowns. He said the FBI was continuing to scan their archives back before the Chicago murders presumably started. The murderer could have begun earlier... we have no date that was sure except June of 1970 as a starting point.

Cho and I had a meeting with Thet, Sumate, PJ and Rande on our terrace... we had two new people joining our Protection team. The Twins made it necessary.

Roche, a German-Swiss citizen, was on Cho's team. A handsome face, blonde hair and blue eyes, fair skin... classic looks. He played golf... when he could, so an interesting addition for Cho!

He had begun his career in the German BND now after a year of training and work experience in our Security Service personal protection division he joins us.

Handshakes for him!

Alba! An American whose father was Latino police chief in New Mexico, her mother half African-American and half Latino. She was raised in several small cities in New Mexico where her father worked, scholarship to Yale, Yale Law School then into the FBI.

In the FBI she did investigations taking advantage of her multiple languages and command of a dozen Spanish dialects spoken in Central and South America.

She trained to join a SWAT team in Texas, she moved onto a SWAT team in southern California. She and Rafe knew each other... he'd made a suggestion to her... Sumate met her in San Diego... he checked her out before the meeting and hired her on the spot.

Sumate said she let out a YELL when he offered her the job!! In training she had been at the top of her class, she gone through work experiences like a hot knife through butter!

She and I shook hands with a cheek kiss. Her tawny hair a halo of short curls around her face, pretty with a slender steeliness to her body.

Later Cho laughed when I gave him my description of Alba...

"That's you!"

I looked at Cho with an `Are you serious' face... he kissed me, "It's true you are slender and there is a feeling of latent power... We've talked about it."

Ah... the aura thing. If so I don't mind... useful if only subconsciously.

Sumate with a grin gave them each a credit card in their names...

PJ, "You will need to spend on clothes there is a certain level of sophistication required."

They looked like `what did he mean?'

He explained the rationale... both looked to Cho who did a Groucho Marx eyebrow and cigar thing to laughs.

Their eyes widened when PJ told the card limits and they were encouraged to think big. They could get a car for shopping trips here or anywhere.

PJ, "Ask your colleagues about what to choose. We will all be glad to help."

They had moved into the Security House across the property grounds, both received a briefing on this house yesterday and a overview of what is coming up in our schedules.

PJ was using some of the slow time now to do training... they'd learn our peculiarities as we go. The challenge of protecting the babies was becoming crucial to the Protection Team's work.

We got a DHL packet from Harcourt House... miscellaneous bits and some snail mail.

We had already responded to the Oslo Nobel Committee people. Gil and Penn had made arrangements for us to fly in and depart afterwards. My separate trip setup!

Gil beside me, "I let the Nobel Committee know you both had many commitments and could attend some events... They responded that they understood, it was common among the past honourees to have pressing obligations. The Peace Prize part of the Nobel Week was tailored to suit the those needs so was unlike the Stockholm events for the other prizes. I thanked them."

Fist bump!!

Email from Vinni... she'd been to both the London publishers. They had been very welcoming! She had tours and good meetings. She tried to impress (no pun... she said) on them how we operated our businesses... our attitudes. She was going to visit each publisher in the Munro Group in the next few weeks.

The English one that wanted to get Flix's book had the deal. They were very excited for a new woman author in history and sociology.

I'd told Vinni about the woman at the Duchess of Cornwall's tea party... that woman seemed very pleased about Flix's book being in their catalogue. Vinni did not know of my exchange exactly... she knew we'd spoken and I was equivocal about her.

I stuck my head in the office... Cho looked up from his MacBook... I reminded him we had liniment for later. He laughed saying he was not Terrance.

More laughter when I did a pouty face, "I was looking forward to rubbing your legs."

"As if you need an excuse?"

Peals of laughter from us as I went down the passage.

We had an early dinner and dressed for a trip to the Ballroom!! The Twins were coming!!! We wouldn't stay late.

Rak and Anong were joining us. Her aunt and cousins babysitting so they could have a night out. Rak2 would be at the Ice Rink.

Thoi and Kanda coming!

Gil and Chelle were going clubbing with a few Protectors. They wanted to be included at the Ice Rink!

I chose a white chiffon gown down to my instep, slender shoulder straps to a modest décolletage, snug to my torso, after my hips it widened. Beading on the bodice made it shimmer. Red lips and nails, smoky eyeshadow. Silver strap heels over white stockings. Cho applied the Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes!

I got out the ruby set Cho gave me... Cho had an addition... a ring, a ten carat oval shaped ruby in a setting matching my other pieces. So rubies on neck, ears, wrist and now my finger.

Cho in a white tuxedo jacket, black tie and a Harcourt Racing yellow cummerbund. Shoes like mirrors. Also a wonderful smile!

Chani in a white frock to her ankles, it had silver thread embroidery on the bodice, white socks and red ballet shoes from Ralph! She had on the ruby pendant we gave her for Christmas!!

Charlie in his black tuxedo, a yellow cummerbund too! Shiny black shoes with red socks!!

Chani and Charlie were excited to be going dancing with us.

In the car Chani asked to have her ears pierced. Cho squeezed my hand as I said she could. Charlie squeezed Chani's hand... they knew it was a growing up thing. Fortunately Charlie didn't ask to have a piercing or a tattoo!

The Ballroom Manager at the door... we got a big welcome from him and the staff nearby. Inside people waved and called out greetings as we headed to our table. Someone started to clap... the whole room was standing applauding... Even the orchestra joined in. Amazing!

At the table we waved in all directions and called out `Thank yous' to everyone. Things calmed down.

Delphine was with us... Tha had the night off. Gaby here for the Twins. PJ and Rande for us. The three of them in tuxedos looked very smart, Gaby glamorous like Garbo!

This was nice to do... it had been a long time.

Anong and Rak joined us to a load of hugs and kisses. Thoi and Kanda greeted the same way!

The ladies loved my gown! Theirs... beautiful. Anong looking willowy, a huge smile! A second hug!

Kanda raising her eyebrows seeing my jewellery.

"I see Cho still has excellent taste!" I'd said Cho bought the whole set for me.

They were delighted to see Chani and Charlie!! The babies were made over! Giggles!

Chani's dress was admired. Charlie's cummerbund like his Popa's caught Rak's attention he said it was a `great colour for them!' Rak always been quite the fashion plate himself, beautiful suits.

The Taittinger's appeared! We each got a glass, Shirley Temples for the Twins. Cho did a toast to friendship! We drank!

Thoi did a toast to us... for all the things we had done this year! Rak followed with a toast to us as Nobel Peace Prize laureates! Our friends were loud in support.

We thanked them... I did point out we haven't received the prize yet. Thoi waving his hand saying `it's a done deal!' That line made us laugh.

The usual stanchions connected by velvet rope blocking off our space had been re-arranged for the Twins to dance without being bumped.

Okay... Cho taking me for a waltz... Viennese!! It was lovely! We did a circuit of the floor then stopped to be beside the Twins. We helped them... Cho had us all on a slow circle of the babies' space... they got it... we stayed nearby.

Another waltz, traditional beat, had us moving along. Chani and Charlie doing very well... smiles and giggles.

A Foxtrot...a good ordinary step which the Twins had down. It wonderful to be in Cho's arms with the babies beside us.

We gave them Rumba lessons... they liked that one! Swing! Chani was very good at Swing! Chani giggling as Popa lifted her to `swing' around.

The Polka had them both giggling... bouncing around... high stepping with glee!

They were having a blast! Cho's eyes on mine... sparkling with happiness seeing our children!

I took Anong out for a Viennese waltz to commemorate the night she and Rak broke through. Laughing as I turned her around the dance floor. Rak and I doing a Polka! What fun and my hand kissed at the end. A hug for him.

Cho and Kanda. Marvellous to see him move Kanda across the floor! Thoi and I! I enjoyed all my partners... Cho is my ideal!

Malai and her husband came in to a big greeting from us. They got to see the Twins... our babies `They are so big!' a surprised look on Malai's face... she loved seeing them be so outgoing!

"Fay, they are like little grown adults."

We laughed.

I sat with her for a few minutes.

"Fay, you two are simply amazing! You are now a Countess... an English aristocrat! The King giving you an award... that had the TV people going a bit crazy for a few days.

I see things in the news almost every day on something you two have done!"

Grinning I squeezed her hand, "We doing what we want... seems like we are doing Okay too!"

Malai laughed, "I expected to see it from Cho... he was always a very smart driven fellow... you have added your qualities to make an remarkable couple!"

I thanked her... "Cho's love has released many dormant parts of me."

A got a kiss on my cheek, "Go dance with that handsome fellow!"

A squeeze of her hand and I did!

Delphine and the Twins were dancing together. Cho extended his hand... A Viennese... OFF!! We soared!! Our eyes locked... the flow of emotion awesome! Cho leading us around the floor... round... round... we ended when the tune did right at our table.

Cho is so good! No matter how much emotion he puts into a dance he is always aware of his bearings!

I adored a Viennese waltz with Cho. Lively! Passionate!

Chani and Charlie standing there applauding... giggling... "Mama... Popa... You are the best of all!"

Kisses for the babies.

We danced a bit more then did our goodbyes. My arm around Kanda... big hug. Anong too!

Cho shook Malai's husband's hand, she got a hug from us. The Twins shaking hands saying goodnights.

The Manager at the door smiling saying how good it was to see us.

At the house, Delphine and I got Charlie and Chani ready to sleep. Popa came in for hugs and kisses... I'd already done a bunch!

Short shorts and a crop top on Cho's lap on the terrace. Kissing!!

A fun night for all. The Twins made it known they wanted more dancing. They were told the Ice Rink next!

We were going in when Gil and Chelle came home. They had fun too! Some club surfing then a good dance place! Fist bumps!

Gil was my swimming buddy in the morning. Laps then coffee and a plate of salapaos and patongos!!

Tha and Delphine had Chani and Charlie in the pool before their breakfast. Lots of splashing and jumping in from the edge. They ran up to the terrace trailing their towels. I helped to dry them.

Jaidee did his `spray' shake down by the pool so his drying off was fun for the babies.

Amporn had a tray of goodies like mine for them, juice and milk.

I worked for a few hours.

Donovan called... "Fay, we have one result from the genealogical search... a young man from Ohio. His family last heard from him when he was in Minnesota, he went missing from a job site there.

The history of the case gave us some information that our murderer was in the same city supervising a pharmacy redo... it can't be firmly established the two met at the job location. Too much time has passed for that. No paperwork exists. It seems as if the young man may have come to Chicago with the killer or shortly afterwards on a promise of more work. Not likely kidnapped... his skeleton shows he was a big man."

I thanked him for pursuing this.

"Four left of ours. I think we've all become invested in it. It has energised the news media in this city. We are being thanked by quite a few people... all sorts...media, government although few in Chicago. People from long distances who appreciate the effort because they suffered a loss also.

Your thought that the families deserved better has caught on... a local TV station has done interviews with retired cops from the time... several have embarrassed the police... they recount leads and witnesses being discounted or worse they were ordered to ignore about the murderer. The top cops were afraid to go after him because they were convinced he was `connected' to the big Chicago Democratic Party Machine that ruled the city. It was a con by the murderer which succeeded."

"Ow! That must sting!"

"The Cook County sheriffs do not like being criticised... a couple of snotty remarks by them on local TV video."

I said if they are defensive then there's heavy guilty feelings... inside the whole police force. Donovan agreed.

We rang off with more thanks by me.

After lunch Chani came with me touring Foundation clinics in the city. We flew to Don Mueang, cars from there. The clinics open so far were in an arc through the northern part of Bangkok.

The staff at each location were delighted for us to visit! Chani being named for her grandmother was applauded. She was so wonderful with all the different people.

A young boy about five with a hand cut on a fence... Chani patted his good hand... "They are nice people, you will taken care of very well."

His mother looking at Chani then me... startled at our daughter given her size.

"Chani is right."

The mother thanked me.

Chani enjoying this! Walking right into a clinic, Delphine and Gaby on her heels. Me following. The staff folks surprised by her ability to converse. Having this young girl walk right up to say `Hello' and stick out her hand... Our people had a hard time with it... it made me laugh watching.

We ended our tour back at the airport. Pascal lifted us home. Cho and Charlie had just arrived home from a few hours at the Railroad offices. Hugs for the guys!

Charlie had a tour of the Railroad building meeting all sorts of folks. He left people amazed also!

Cho said Udorn had a guest... "I was behind Charlie... he walked in saying hello to the fellow in a chair opposite Udorn... who was grinning."

Fist bump!

Amporn fed us well then another helicopter ride to Don Mueang... a flight to Phuket! We drove through the beach house gate at dusk... we put our things in the rooms, shoes off then we walked to the beach.

Jaidee had a tennis ball walking along wagging his tail in anticipation! Cho gave it a toss down the sand.

Charlie and Chani remembered this beach... Several of their puzzles based on snaps from here. The lights suspended in the trees giving it a magical feel. We walked along the shore sticking feet in the water. Jaidee running around after his ball as Charlie and Popa tossed it.

We carried the babies up to bed. Tha and Delphine smiling taking them from us.

In bed, Raggedy and Blu held close... the little ones kissed and wished a good sleep.

Cho and I did a night swim with Gil and Chelle. Jaidee was content to swim without ball tossing. The water warm... silky feeing! I doffed my top... the ladies followed. No Protectors down here.

Cho had considered this... a night swim... there was a shark net at the cove's opening to the ocean. The rise in shark sightings causing many nets to be deployed further in the tourist areas. I thanked him for ours.

On our bed... I lay stretched out as Cho dropped down onto me. Kissing... such a pleasure! I was wrapped his strong arms... sleep.

In a tiny bikini running down the wooden walkway to the water... SPLASH! Jaidee jumped in beside me.

I swam out to the rocks and back several times. Getting out Jaidee sprayed the sand as he shook off... I hopped out of the radius of that.

In the kitchen the DeLonghi warmed up... I did Jaidee's food. The machine spitting out my coffee! I had company, Pha said she'd have my eggs ready in a jiffy.

I carried my breakfast out to the sun. Cho followed with his coffee as Pha made his!

Chani and Charlie came running out with Tha and Delphine heading for the water!! They were yelling... `Woo Hoo's' all the way waving their arms overhead! Their escorts laughing. Jaidee running with them.

Cho and I breaking up watching the spectacle of our kids running amok!

We were done when they came back... we handed out towels and rubbed spots dry. Jaidee's tongue hanging out during his rub.

Pha had scram, toast and veggie sausages for them. Glasses of milk and cut fruit! Big eyes and happy faces! In the sun with floppy hats.

Cho was playing golf with a few local friends... the babies and I were visiting the new R&R hotel on Patong Bay.

Kisses for Popa from all of us!

A white crop top, red shorts and white trainers... blue sunglasses on my nose. Chani like me, Charlie in white and black.

Range Rovers in a group going east on the twisty coast road to turn south on 4030. The highway was a long stretch of restaurants, bars and hotels right down to Patong Beach.

PJ and I leading going in the front door of the hotel... A greeter at the door... we said hello going right in. A vaulted wooden ceiling held up by palm inspired pillars... orange tile, warm colours in light brown, ivory... the main desk a wide wooden platform. Two smiling young women working the desk...

I stepped close to one... "Hello, I can see the manager... My name is Fay Martin."

She looked surprised at my asking... also my colloquial Thai given my obvious not Thai looks. The other woman looked up... she jumped seeing my face... picking up the phone to call...

"Miss Martin... he's coming."

I thanked her and introduced myself to her. The interesting part of being in Thailand is the use of my name. Without an aristocracy there's no habit of using titles.

"Miss Martin, I would recognise you any time."

Smiling I said thank you.

The manager came bustling up... we shook hands. I said we were in town for a few days... I asked for a tour. Chani and Charlie looking around... we saw the restaurants, the cocktail lounges, the exercise room, the pool... A few empty rooms... not many. The manager said because they had an occupancy rise with our R&R Scheme guests.

The Twins went into the store... a good selection... some basic things that get forgotten in packing, supplies for the beach and souvenir items.

They were looking at picture postcards... one was an aerial... they asked where our house was... I said it off the edge... my finger on the west side of the card. They asked to buy it... Delphine smiling said she would.

The manager with us enquired about our home. "It is a seaside house we have had for several years. A few days of beach time for us all."

I thanked him for the tour... "I like the entry, the columns and this main front desk area."

He replied to my question the hotel is twelve years old, some remodelling and fixing up had been done two years ago. The entry is the original.

We said our goodbyes... the Twins waving from the sidewalk. Cars back home.

Beach! Then food!

We greeted Popa in our swim costumes... he was encouraged to change and join the fun! I knew what Charlie and Chani wanted... tossing! Cho came down quickly to oblige them.

Shrieks of joy and fun as babies flew up to splash down. They got in quite a few before Cho said it was time for a break... we all sat in the shallows.

Protectors and our four ladies laying out or swimming. A volleyball net put up down the beach... it is a game of three on three.

Gil's phone making noise... The Day in Los Angeles passed the Los Angeles Times this morning!!! The largest newspaper on the west coast!!!!!

She sent our congratulations and a thank you for a job well done to Marita and her staff. "Shall I add your now famous `pedal to the metal' encouragement slogan?"

I said yes... "Make it in Caps!"

A grin.

We played more in the water then a nap for the babies before we went out to dinner. I took Cho with me to bed... no sleep...

I was in a pink micro-mini-skirt, loose, flirty and an orange crop top, pink trainers, gold bits and 'Joy' Lots of leg and tummy showing. Very sort of touristy looking.

Chani like me, a pink miniskirt and orange top, just a bit of tummy showing. Pink trainers with Velcro closings.

Cho and Charlie in light khaki shorts and navy short-sleeved sport shirts, white trainers.

We were cute.' I had to laugh about it, as an only' with parental units rarely around, there was no past of dressing like this. For Cho as an `only' of older parents like mine, that sort of dressing thing just didn't happen either.

Gil and Chelle with a couple of Protectors going to scout out the local scene... dancing, clubs, etc...

We were having dinner at the Pier Restaurant on Chalong Bay. On the drive over we made a short stop at the R&R hotel on Patong Bay so Cho could have a look.

The manager got a heads-up from Gil. He greeted us... we did a quickie tour of the main ground floor areas. We stuck our heads in one of the bars... an insistent rhythm with some pulsing neon! We grinned at each other seeing many patrons drinking and dancing.

Cho liked the entry and front desk area too.

We met a couple from Los Angeles... the husband worked in circulation for The Day! Handshakes... I asked if he had heard about The Day passing the Times... A whoop! He hadn't but is thrilled. Fist bumps!

We said enjoy your trip. Cho mentioned the Pier Restaurant, a strong recommendation!


Going in the restaurant owner smiling, remembering us. The same table on the water's edge, seats for the Twins and a blocking table for PJ, Rande, Tara and Ansara.

Coconut lassi's for Charlie and Chani, Cho asked for a scotch on the rocks, Sabai Sabai for me... I asked for Mekhong... the server smiled nodding.

We had grins looking at us all. Delphine and Tha... outfits close to Chani and I, huge smiles. The beach house is popular... very casual dress and attitude.

My drink... cool, refreshing! The lassi's being quietly slurped.

Shrimp and chilies, grilled tuna, Pla duk phat phet... a deep fried catfish in hot red chili sauce; Pla sam rot... sweet-sour-salty fish... wonderful fish dishes. The babies smiling as their food disappeared! Plates emptying!

All done... dessert? As if I didn't know the answer!

Both the babies wanted Khanom Tuay, a good choice! Coconut milk custard served with small spoons... you have to take your time.

Cho joined me to share a Khao Niao Mamuang... Mango Sticky Rice. Sweet and tasty! The mango melts in your mouth!

The owner brought his wife by... they appreciated our enjoyment of their food. We shook hands.

The wife knew who we were... her husband remembered our faces. She smiled and said it was nice to see we liked their food. I squeezed her hand.

Okay... some evening swimming. We walked about and sat with our feet in the water until Tha gave us the Okay! The lights in the trees twinkling with the breeze moving them gently... interesting shadow effects.

Popa did a few ball tosses with Charlie for Jaidee. He splashed with abandon! There were tosses of babies too! Everybody enjoyed this evening swim... it is late. Cho and I toted Chani and Charlie up to their bedroom... Tha and Delphine joined in so Chani and Charlie were abed quickly. Many hugs and kisses. Their eyes closed. Out!

The morning was swimming! Jaidee loved to swim here... warm and lots of space... more than any pool. Cho indulged him with big tennis ball tosses. Jaidee showed he's a smartie... long tosses towards the rocky end... Jaidee ran down the beach to near the ball before jumping in.

We leisurely packed ourselves up. In the Range Rovers going to the airport. The Twins bouncing in their car seats... happy!

Derry on the tarmac with the Gulfstream. We were away... the boys doing their thing. Chani shaking her head, grinning to me.

Amporn and Niran were homeward bound from a visit to family in Pattaya. Pascal told us their helicopter was on approach... We waved as his AW139 lifted up and away from the dock.

So we had the fun of being the `greeters' this time. Amporn and Niran had a good laugh with us.

The many foreign ministers would arrive tomorrow during the day. They would gather at the Foreign Ministry for a reception in the early evening... they'd have the day after for meetings... our part at the end of it all.

Amporn said the house was ready, the Kiet's have begun making the food... canapes of many sorts. The caterers were prepared... Amporn had it under control. She was managing rather than making things which is what we wanted.

My day after a morning swim was work! Cho did the trains with Charlie and Chani, they played in the garden with Jaidee, more swimming... I was a drudge, Gil and Chelle too! I got it all done, caught up and ready for more. Laughs for that!

Donovan called.

"Fay, the FBI went back a few years... they found a 1972 match with a young man from down state Illinois, Cairo. He'd left home to seek work in Chicago. His going missing could right about the time the murderer's mother moved into the block of flats..."

Donovan said Grady was on to the ex-Chicago cop and his writer colleague about the murderer's access to the property at that time.

It leaves four unknowns left from our group.

The Providence Journal publisher emailed Chelle. The fellow who had a drugs problem named Glover was in a rehabilitation facility, he is doing well according to his wife... who and his family are being looked after. The wife is very grateful and wanted to write a thank you letter to us.

Chelle said she asked it be sent to the Providence Journal, they would forward it to us. Fist bump.

Eric on a conference App call with Cho and I... London's government had `officially' asked for our bid to manage the city's traffic. Eric was ready, they had been working on it for months updating it frequently with data from Seattle.

"We will deliver it tomorrow. Mr. Khan is hosting us. I don't know how long they will take reviewing it. I presume they have enquired into other companies doing similar work... no one else has the same level of expertise as we do or the devices needed to do the monitoring."

Cho, "Go Wow them! I know you will."

I chimed in, "Eric, are you coming to the switchover in Seattle?"

He was! He was brining his ladies to visit Seattle then on to Los Angeles and New York.


"Gil will have our homes ready for you. We have a nice house beside ours in Seattle for you."

Eric was delighted with our offer. Malee's first trip to America and she'd get to see three important cities and some of our homes!

We carried the Twins in to the nursery after sitting outside in the dark... chillin'

Kisses and hugs as we got them into sleeping togs. Their buddies, Blu and Raggedy held close... `Nites...

Cho went to the Bank early, me on the terrace until the caterers needed to set up. I moved to the terrace off the playroom. Chani and Charlie schooling... after lunch we did `train time!'

Popa came home for that!

There was lots of laughter and `tooting' from trains. Popa made a Super Chief passenger train as an express... he sent it off zooming around the layout. Everyone waiting for it to pop out of the mountain tunnel... cheers when it did.

Amporn came in smiling broadly... that is a good sign, "Cho... Fay, everything is ready! The food and drinks here ready to be put in place. The caterers here."

A hug and thank you for her.

Sumate had been by earlier to review the security... the Drone Defense unit working, a winged drone overhead, extra officers on the perimeter and dock. A special reaction team at the Security Service building on the east side of the compound.

Fist bumps!

Time to get cleaned up for the cocktail party. For me... the yellow sheath Carolina Herrera dress I bought in New York, cap sleeves straight to mid-calf. Blue sandals, the Lapus Lazuli set with the gold Cho' band on my left wrist. Joy'

Cho in a black suit, white shirt without a tie.

The Twins were staying in the playroom with Tha and Delphine, Charlie Chaplin movies and more to entertain them. Dinner by Amporn.

Cho and I at the walkway from the front door to the drive... Our Security Service folks there to manage the cars.

Narong was first... he stepped out of his car with a huge smile. Big handshakes and a hug.

He introduced several aides.

"We have consensus and a good set of principles we will work into an agreement via groups at levels below the ministerial. The American, British, French observers seem very pleased... the talk of the western countries helping to finance it did not dissuade them from participating. The thought of causing China trouble appealing to many."

More handshakes for us. Narong was quite bouncy!

Narong remained with us as the foreign ministers began to arrive... he did the introductions.

India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Nepal. The latter added after we were known to be involved.

Cho and I shook a lot of hands... Foreign Ministers and their aides.

I found out India was representing Bhutan's interests at the meeting. Bhutan has a long running border dispute with China... so wanted the Indian Foreign Ministry to be their voice since they had shared goals.

The Indian Foreign Minister said Narong was up front about our proposal of the sensor wall...

"He told us your technology was unique and your company outstanding. I know about your company's water management division because of the bids for the Uttar Pradesh project.

My government is doing a thorough review... it is a huge scheme that we need to get right the first time."

Shaking his hand, "Good! We know how important it is... Iran had the same issues. The scale is larger for your country."

We headed to the bar, a limeade for him, a Campari & soda for me. We moved onto the grass...

He smiled, "I know our Water Resources Minister has spent time with his Iranian counterpart who has been very helpful."

"Taj is a very nice fellow who is good company and he is an excellent manager. He has good people working in senior positions in his ministry. As a government unit they are tops with us."

The Foreign Minister laughed, "Apparently he says much the same about you and The Company."

We laughed together!

My hand on his arm as we walked back to the terrace. I excused myself to check on the babies.

The Foreign Minister mentioned he saw a small piece from the New York Times about Chani... her watercolour at a children's museum.

"They were amazed and full of praise."

I had him accompany me inside, I picked up my iPad. A quick scroll... WIDE EYES!!

"Lady Harcourt, this is a two year old?"

"Yes, they were twenty seven months at that time."

I flicked to Charlie's bonsai... he got the story of the `pot' and where it came from... I had the snap from Paris.

"They do these things from memory?"

"Yes... several psychologists told us to prepare for accelerated learning because they have such powerful memory capabilities."

I scrolled to the Thames Valley landscape... his head shaking... Charlie's birds added more.

"What do you do for their education?"

I explained what we have... "Also we keep them close... give them beneficial stimulation, love them deeply and show it."

A smile, "You have my admiration for having such talented children... I am sure you are up to the challenge."

I held up my crossed fingers. He smiled.

I slipped down the passage for a quick look in... there is laughing at something on the TV. I backed out.

Speaking with the Nepalese Foreign Minister, they were not choosing a side, rather their interest was in stopping any drugs entering their country.

"Even drugs that are meant to `transit' Nepal leave traces behind. Violence and corruption!"

I told him of the Myanmar Justice Minister's reaction to my suggestion, "I fully concur! Why should we sit by as our nation's values are debased by drug dealers? We shan't! This is a workable plan based on your proven technology."

We shook hands.

The Vietnamese Foreign Minister smiling as we shook hands again.

"Lady Harcourt, you have fervent admirers in my country. Deputy Minister Tran and I are long-time friends. He said you had the answer to a big problem for his project immediately to hand and that led to other uses of the same technology.

General Ba when one of my aides asked about you said you are one of Vietnam's best friends."

"Well it is nice to thought of that way. The General and Mr. Tran are from our view excellent members of your government... careful but willing to think outside the box.

For us they epitomise how ministers and leaders should act in the interests of their country.

I like them, they know what needs be done and we can talk on subjects besides the work."

"Yes... I understand the General arranged for you to see Ho's Mausoleum."

"He did... on short notice! We all were very happy. Ho was already dead twenty years before I was born... what stays with me is how the French stupidity and egotism blocked a peaceful resolution for independence in 1946."

The Foreign Minister smiled, "I have read you are a student of history... Even for me a child of the new Vietnam... the failure of the French government to see the value of our friendship within the Francophone world is bizarre. Their war damaged egos were certainly part of it but also they were a collection of `small' men... not able to show vision.

De Gaulle was no different then... he learned much which saved Algeria from further torments."

I showed the Foreign Minister how to fist bump. He laughed when I said to try on his children.

"I have two boys and a daughter... they are nearing university age. My wife and I are looking forward to some quieter times... until grandchildren arrive."

We laughed, "Cho and I are enjoying our babies... they are twenty eight months... quite precocious... a lot of fun."

The Myanmar Foreign Minister joined me at the bar... another Campari. He said Denpo had been quite excited by his making this trip here... he had been advocating for their participation.

"He hates drugs..."

A pause, "I do not think I speak out of turn... Denpo lost a favoured nephew to drugs a few years ago... he is aggressive in prosecuting drug crime."

"I could see his passion but he did not share that sadness with me. The lure of a `good time' is strong in humans and even stronger for the profits of the drug trade. The damage is immense something the Chinese seem entirely indifferent to."

A clenched fist! "They must be blocked from hurting us any longer."

Smiling, "I see the passion extends beyond Denpo. "

"Yes... I have not suffered the same loss as Denpo... I nonetheless despise any government that turns it back on the suffering of people even if they are other's citizens."

"The knowledge of your meetings will reach China... it will be interesting to see their reaction."

"Indeed! We did consider that... those of us who share a boundary with China will be on the lookout for changes across the border... Intelligence gathering will be increased."

"Excellent! I am thinking even the threat of the sensor wall may cause the Chinese southern regional governments considerable distress..."

He was smiling and nodding. He motioned the Laotian Foreign Minister to join us.

A quick recap for that fellow.

The Laotian Foreign Minister, "We have a few well placed people across the border in Yunnan... they are to be tasked with an extra effort in that direction. My colleague..." His hand on the Myanmar fellow's arm, "... has some similar assets to use.

The imminent actuation of the Vietnamese portion has already caused a stir. We are looking forward to what comes."

I spoke with the Bangladeshi, Cambodian Foreign Ministers. While they did not share a border with China both had become pass-through points for Chinese drugs. Their government's did not have many resources to aid in the effort but wanted to show solidarity and do what they could in a support role.

One thing the Cambodians were doing to ease the Vietnamese burden was to police their shared boundary areas more thoroughly. Animal poaching was doing much damage they wanted to stop.

"If our neighbours are to share their money and technology with Laos and Myanmar for the greater good then we can put more of our forces forward in areas where such smuggling is common."

I asked the Bangladeshi Foreign Minister about Pakistan... "They are wary of involving themselves with anything to do with India. They have a long border with China but it is quite remote from populated areas thus easier to watch. It is already fairly militarised."

I looked for Narong... we walked into the garden.

"Fay, you have been busy I see... you have `button-holed' them all. That is correct... yes?"

I laughed, "Yes... spot on!'

We both laughed.

"So what do you think?"

"I think they are pleased with the idea... the money will be an issue so getting the western nations involved will be more pressing."

Narong nodding.

I said, "One thing is crystal clear... they hate the drugs coming in from China."

"There is a lot of wild country we will have to tame. Many places are just a heavy monsoon rainfall from being cut-off from the outside world."

My hand on his arm, "That is where the militaries come in. Having them on-board, like ours, will mean the ability to reach those `wild' spots. It could be good for the various armies... rugged terrain training for them in the betterment of the country and region."

Narong added he was glad he was no longer in the Army.

We did a fist bump... laughing.

We stood on the grass looking at the terrace... all our guests were mingling fairly well. I did see one fellow who I couldn't remember... from our angle Narong thought he was an aide to the Myanmar Foreign Minister.

I said I would speak to him...

Up on the terrace working my way to the water side... I spoke to the man... he was Nyan, principal aide to the Myanmar Foreign Minister. I asked if he needed anything... food or a fresh drink?

No, he was fine.

"Is there something else we can help you with?"

He shook his head clutching a cellphone.

I pointed to it, "Is there a problem?"

"I have a sick child at home but no cellphone service... I wanted to find out what is happening."

"Please come with me... we can assist you."

We walked to our office, I took from a drawer a iPhone that was registered to the address of the Security Service... very `dry!'

"This phone is safe to use. Please sit here and make your call. When you are finished leave the phone on the desk."

I was very nicely thanked. I left him to it.

On my way out a woman aide to the Vietnamese Foreign Minister said my dress was terrific. I thanked her and told her where I bought it.

A smile, she was going to New York with the minister in a few weeks for a U.N. visit. I said if she was interested check to see if they still have it because it had been some months since I was there. She nodded.

Cho had seen me go in with Nyan... a smile on his face, "That was easy. Too bad other issues aren't."

I gave him a look... His head shaking, "I think we will have some wall mending to do... seems there is another border dispute... this between Laos and Myanmar... our guests don't have a problem with each other or the group goals... rather there will possibly be an issue back home for them.

They will work on it and try to minimise it as there is a greater good to be reached... it is one of those `things' which fester in some hearts where patriotism goes over to stupidity."

"So speaking to the two Foreign Ministers can not ease the problem? Neither brought up any issue when I spoke with them... together or separately."

Cho shrugged, "It was mentioned to me. It involves changes of the path of the Mekong River over time. It is supposed to be the border. So change in the river path means one country loses... the other gains."

I slipped my arms around him, a kiss, "Well I guess we should make sure it is either marginalised or try to fix it."

Another kiss, "My international diplomat!"

"Well chalk it up to the Oslo people."

A laugh and a kiss.

Back outside... the Foreign Minister's were winding down... time to go home some with longer journeys than others. We did the reverse for their departures...

The aide to the Myanmar Foreign Minister thanked me for the use of the phone.

"My daughter is doing better," a happy face. I shook his hand.

His boss thanked me for the kindness to his aide.

I asked him to give my regards to Denpo... he would gladly do so.

At the end it was just Narong. Gil came out with my iPhone... Dad calling.

He'd called earlier from Phu Phra Bat Buabok... a trip to the far north he thought worth making given the reason.

His people and the Laotians had traced a drugs shipment from China down the Mekong into Thailand. It had been cached in a forested area in the national park near where he called from.

I dialled him.

"Fay, We have been rewarded for our patience... the gang lord has himself come to collect the drugs for shipment to Bangkok."

I said Narong was still here.

We moved to the terrace and went to speakerphone.

Dad laid out the events and the haul... two and a half tons of heroin-base wholesale value about thirty five million dollars here... in New York about one hundred and fifty million. It has Chinese markings...

"I think our new `friend' is going to help us understand more about his business. This lot started its voyage overland in Yunnan to the water, down a tributary to the Mekong where it crossed into Myanmar... then Laos. So it crossed through two nations before us...

The sensor wall and accessories would have done some real good here... catching it crossing from Yunnan to Myanmar.

For it all to work there are people on the ground who need to be trained and motivated.

My people picked it up at Chiang Saen with the help of the Laotians when the boat stopped for food on the west bank...our side. One of mine, smart and suspicious placed one of the beacons you gave me on board the boat when he did a walk through which is quite normal on the dock side of an international boundary river.

Acting casual, dressed as a local police officer to not arouse their suspicions, wandering the boat and speaking to the crew... allaying any worries on their part. I was very pleased with him... he knows it!"

I did a cheer to him.

"It made a stop several nights later on our bank of the river near Ban Khok Suak, ten kilometres above Vientiane. They unloaded the drugs to several small lorries... the beacon included!"

He laughed, "It was actually quite a leisurely bust... we knew where it was so we put in place a camera to watch. Your equipment is wonderful!

When folks came to the spot we could see everything they did... we let them load it up and drive down the track to the main road where we scooped them up!"

There was loud laughter by us all!

Dad was pleased. "Those beacons work quite well. My people didn't have to stay close to be able to monitor the shipment."

Narong gave him the news about the meetings and the hopeful tone of an agreement in the making.

Dad said he have report on Narong's desk for his use in twenty four hours. A big thank you for Dad!

We ended with a reminder of dinner in two days. Dad said Phailin would get him straight... laughter.

We said good bye to Narong... he told us the day's fun by Dad's forces would go into a report to be shared to all the attendees... "They can see technology will make a difference."

A handshake and a hug for him.

We went to the playroom... burgers and chips as the Twins dinner served by the billiard table so they could watch more Charlie Chaplin movies. Three movies... the Immigrant again!

They'd had fun, games, movies, puzzles and Jaidee!

I whispered in Cho's ear in the dark... warm and comfy in his arms we should expect their upcoming show to have many elements of the Immigrant. I was squeezed in agreement.

In the sun on the terrace after my swim I emailed Soam about the dart pod' for the drones. It could be used to do just what Dad's very cool' officer had done to mark a boat or cargo.

He was back to me quickly saying it was on the drawing board, he would review what they had and move it up on the project board.

I thanked him in my reply and suggested he consider it having a mechanism to eject the tail on impact so it would be harder to see. I got an `Okay' and a thumbs up back.

I was in Tu's car with Gil and PJ and Tara. On the road to Army headquarters to see Somchair. I dressed for the occasion... a navy silk frock, shirt collar, cuffed short sleeves, belted waist to mid-thigh. Navy stockings and heels, gold jewellery, `Joy'

Cho going to the Bank this morning then he'd fly with Thoi to the Royal Thai Army course for a round of golf.

At the front of the Army HQ building a spruce young officer met us. He bowed and welcomed me. Inside we went up the stairs to Somchair's office suite. PJ gave me a smile with a faint gesture towards the young officer.

The general smiling... we shook hands. We sat on comfortable chairs at a table on his balcony. A tea tray appeared... se busied ourselves with it for a few minutes. Then I sipped mine...

Somchair smiling, "You do have patience... Your man Yoshi is back asking questions... now he wants people to go on the record. He won't have much luck with that but he will an earful of off-the-record comments.

I think many of those comments will suit his purpose. None of my fellow generals have any doubts that I believe we can not be the operator of the government. Not even through proxies of former officers, Army or civilian technocrats... We do not think the way proper officials do... seeing things differently... our perspective is unique."

Smiling, "I suppose you told that to Yoshi?"

"I did... he was grinning too."

We both laughed.

"You are correct about perspectives... Cho and I couldn't run an army properly... we could manage the back end things... not the warfare side.

Everyone has their limits.

We will, as I have promised, be your advocate within the democratic process.

You can point your colleagues to the current Labour Party government in Great Britain... they are re-building the armed forces for the simple reason they know a strong flexible military is required. It will defend the nation and be available to assist the people times of stress and emergency.

Like so many other democratic governments pragmatism is paramount! You do not have to like something that needs doing..."

Somchair's smile broader, "Lady Harcourt, you are the embodiment of the spirit I want to see in the people going to vote... intelligence and strength. Our people choosing leaders need what you have for sure."

"When the people are offered their next chance to vote I will speak out."

"Excellent! I am encouraged already."

We shook hands.

The smile, "A-Wut has been bending my ear over this. He is making the comparison of his position in the south before you and Cho got involved to mine... He trusted the goodwill Cho and yourself could bring to the table.

A-Wut has spoken to some of the new leaders who had been his opponents in the bush... Cho's reputation for being fair, treating his workers well and running successful businesses... especially being a man of his word meant the insurgents could trust him. For them it was complicated and quite simple.

So I will do the same for you both.

I have spoken to the Prince. His brother the king is very aware of his prerogatives and does not want them to be diluted. The Prince believes he will accept a more hands off approach to certain things and lessen his sense of Lèse-Majesté as part of it."

Cho had also spoken to the Prince so we knew these things and a bit more. I held that back.

A few more things... Somchair asked about our babies. He'd heard rumours...

I showed him on Gil's iPad snaps of them at Phuket plus some of their artwork. Somchair joined the Chani and Charlie fan club!!

"Such beauty from two year olds! I know they will only get better with your care."

"We are planning their education... not overdoing it giving them the freedom any child could have at their age. Some structure but loosely applied."

"Well, you and Cho are so good at many things I am sure you will succeed at this."

We shook hands... goodbyes. The young officer my escort again. He said politely he it was an honour to be of service. I thanked him.

Tu gave me a thumbs up from the front seat. We went back to the house. I changed to a white cotton skater mini-skirt with wide soft pleats, it hung on my hips. A black long sleeve sailor top with narrow white horizontal lines cut a few inches above my skirt, tanned tummy! Silver jewellery bits, black heels, red lips and nails, red sunglasses.

Chani dressed like me, looking cute in her short skirt, black wayfarers on! Charlie in black shorts and a Ralph Lauren silver gray Polo shirt, black trainers and Red socks.

We loaded up on the smaller yacht to go down river. The Captain at the helm turned on the speed. We all sat on the fantail to show the Babies the city from the river... their first trip.

The Twins were cute in their life preservers. Sunglasses on... heads turning to see the sights.

I made sure Gil and Chelle were taking snaps for Popa.

We swept past the Palace district... I pointed out the buildings. Opposite was the Royal Thai Navy Convention Hall, huge! The beautiful Wat Arun Ratchawararam Ratchawaramahawihan temple! The Twin were amazed seeing it in person... not just some snaps!

Past the ancient Wichal Prasit Fort.

The ferries and speedy transit boats whizzing by or rather us going by them.

Temples, houses, businesses, schools, hotels and restaurants lined the river bank. Tall blocks of flats with retail around the bottom were common. We zipped under bridges... We passed the R&R Empire Hotel to port... I told the Twins what it was. They waved...

The Captain steered us through the traffic with a skilled hand. He aimed us to a pier to starboard... a crewman jumped to the dock to tie us up. A sign said Pier 9, IconSiam.

We walked up the ramp to see the new Apple Store, the first in Thailand. The roof jutted out from the edge of the IconSiam Shopping Centre, well out from the floor to ceiling glass walls, thirty feet high. The big Apple logo two thirds the way up facing the river.

The store would open in a few weeks... at the doors several people were waiting, Gil had texted them.

The store manager and assistant managers... Bin was one of the latter. My old friend from the iStudio Store at La Villa Mall. When I knew about this store I put Apple's recruiters onto Bin. He got a an excellent build-up from me.

Bin knew the products, was personable and had superb customer service skills!! We had a nice reunion. I told the manager I had been a customer of Bin's at his old location. The manager said they were pleased Bin came over to Apple.

Bin found out when this meeting was setup I was on the Apple Board of Directors... he was quite surprised.

"Miss, I had no idea."

I said I was not on the Board when I first visited his store.

I introduced the Twins... The Apple amazed to see iPhones in their hands... smiles as Chani and Charlie told them how much they liked the phones.

"We have iPads too!" Chani making her point.

I said they could wander with Tha and Delphine plus Gaby and Penny but be careful of the workmen. I was kissed. They went off.

I had the managers with me... they used a series diagrams on a work table to show me the store layout, give me a timetable of the store... they were on time for the opening date of November 1st. The trees were coming in today... they would be arranged around the central area where four big pillars supported the roof.

The store entry ways were the doors we came through on the riverside and another into the IconSiam Mall.

The store manager said the IconSiam management was excited for us to open.

A text, the iPhone noise making the store people smile... Chani asked if they could go into the mall... I replied `Yes' with a reminder about lunch.

The manager asked how old the Twins were... I answered him.

"It seems impossible!"

I told them English is their primary language. Heads shaking... I am so used to that.

We talked Apple... iPhones and iPads, laptops, networking... I told them we had an Enterprise Network hosted by Apple for our considerable number of employees and the high volume of activity. World-wide messaging of all sorts, Apps, databases.

They were smiling to hear about the databases we had for our houses and libraries... a housekeeper could find out the level of linen in any closet... smiles!

I asked about the neighbourhood... it was a hub for creative types. Lots of companies doing internet work, coding groups, graphic artists, several data storehouses, a big draw for musicians... A host of musical genres but a many `Indie' and rock groups.

It wasn't particularly touristy but they had their share of visitors because the IconSiam Mall was a huge draw.

If this store is a success I told them a second Apple would likely be opened in the east central part of the city. They loved hearing that!

I followed the Twins into the mall... the Apple store is on the second floor from the street but level with the river entrances. On this level... a Nike store, a Levis', one level of a three floor H&M store! Lots more. Down a level... a Calvin Klein, Lacoste, Zara, more restaurants. Down one more... all the big names on this level... this is where the main street entrance to the mall is.

Dior, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Bulgari, D&G, Tiffany, Coach, Christian Louboutin, Rolex, Cartier, many more!

The Twins texted... they are on the fifth floor in Toy R' Us. They needed me? So we took a lift to five. We went by several kids play areas to get to the store.

Surprise... Chani and Charlie were in a section of dinosaur toys!! They got my answer to their question... they could buy one item. Dino Danny, who is a brown and orange Stegosaurus, for Charlie and Dino Daisy, a blue Triceratops, for Chani... good choices. Soft, plush toys.

The babies are happy!! It is quite the contrast between their being so smart and creative and liking kids plush toys. Soft and warm wins out.

Blu and Raggedy weren't going anywhere for the same reason. Neither was `played' with just for sleeping. Chani hadn't shown any interest I playing with dolls... who knows she's young.

I bought a dozen jigsaw puzzles... scenes of London, New York, several Thai locations and especially around Bangkok. I received cheers for those.

We used the lift to go down to the second floor to the restaurant... The Greyhound Café. We had seats by the windows looking down at the river.

Drinks... one lemon shake for Chani, an orange shake for Charlie. Me... a cappuccino!

The Twins to split a coconut prawn starter, bruschetta for me.

Their main... children's size Pad Thai with shrimp for them, mine is stir-fried noodles with seabass.

The shakes went over!!! We all were happy with our starters... my companions all had different choices for everything!

Chani and Charlie talking about the Apple Stores they had been in... several in New York, London... now here.

Gil got an email... Donovan. The genealogy DNA search was in progress for our four... the Cook County Sheriff hasn't been back to them about handing over the DNA results from their unidentified.

"Gil, answer that he should have a meeting face-to-face... put some pressure on them... remind them we are paying.

If they stall further or say no... write the story and do an editorial about the obstructionism. Emphasise we are working toward a goal of everything possible being known for the families."

A big grin, "Righto!" Fist bump! The babies got in on that!

Chani and Charlie split a mango pudding, espresso for me.

It was a good meal. The wait staff didn't bother us... doing what was necessary only!

They brought out my takeaway choice... a piece of sweet mango cake, a nice little bag. I gave to the Twins...

"That is for the Captain... Okay?"

Nodding heads.

We walked down to the pier... all aboard. The Captain smiling as the Twins gave him the cake. A nice thank you for them.

Up river... I pointed all the ferries and speed boats piers explaining how they moved a lot of people every day. At the Memorial Bridge I told them a bit about King Rama 1.

I got the Captain to move close to the west side of the river at Wang Derm Palace. The history was quite abbreviated... enough to make the point. Taksin's triumph over the invading Burmese cementing his control. He built the Old Palace beside the Wat Arun Temple, one of the wonders of the world, it signified the relationship between the spiritual and temporal parts of Thailand.

The old fort on the river bank was where Taksin was executed by the man whose dynasty still rules Thailand I decided not to mention any of that.

I sat between them, arms around them. I told them their Popa's family had been important before Taksin's time, they supported him to bring strong leadership to Thailand. Peace for the country.

Cho at the dock to greet us! Hugs and kisses! On the terrace Popa got their day... they went into the nursery to unpackage their new friends to show Popa. Dinosaurs!

In the dark later snuggled in Cho's lap... we laughed about dinosaurs being fun. Cho was certainly glad he had never met a real one face-to-face! Me too!

After my swim I sat with breakfast and email.

Linc sent a report on his meeting with the RAF fellow in Yorkshire...

Linc's RAF contact said it was about money allocated for specialised fighter maintenance... he didn't know where the money was spent he knows where it wasn't spent... aircraft which should have had the exceptionally detailed overhaul did not get it! He had the aircraft ID numbers!

The fellow told his superiors... after that he was not in the loop so what was done he had no clue. By the time he retired a short time later the aircraft had not been worked on.

I replied for him to write it up as we have been doing in this process... tell Sage to let Reginald know we had something new and important!

Where did the money go? Did those airplanes ever get the work done? It would be up to the MOD folks to figure that out. Their mess!

Gil and Chelle generously provided more work for me!

Chani on the lounge with me grinning, a salapao in hand. A cute pink bikini! We shared for a while then Popa came out of the office offering train time... YEA! Charlie charging in with Chani close behind. I heard Tha calling them to come change first...

Ice Rink tonight! The Twins first trip! Gil and Chelle! Rak, Anong and Rak2 coming! Thet and Reyna, Lawan and Thang to join us. The protectors too.

Okay... something flashy! The silver halter top... a silver metallic front with a loop around my waist, another around my neck... no back or sides at all. The red linen skirt with silver metallic fibres, it shown brightly like the top. It sat low on my waist, a circle shape to the top of my knee, silver stockings and strap heels. Red nails and lips! `Joy' A silver D&G bag.

Chani in a red frock to her knees, white lace socks and black Mary Janes. A couple of dabs of `Joy'

Giggles as always.

Our men in bright red trousers and black long sleeve shirts! One was wearing red socks.

DELPHINE!!! A red low-cut frock the hem at her knees, short pop sleeves, silver stockings and red heels!

She loved all our compliments!

Tha in a white and silver dress borrowed from me. Silver stockings and red heels.

Our ladies looked quite lovely! Ready to boogie!

Gil and Chelle came across the grass from their place... like all of us... red, silver, white and black. Hugs! Our theme for the night.

We all held hands, big and little people... we wished everybody a fun night.

Cars... at door where the blue neon shone down on a line waiting to get in... Doors would open shortly.

The vivid blue suit man at the door... a big smile. Cho shook his hand as we walked in. There was a buzz in the crowd seeing us.

Chani's hand in mine as we passed through the front parts... then she saw the 'rink!'

"Mama... it is beautiful."

Charlie clapping his hands.

I bent down to them, "This is your Popa's idea! We have danced here many times... having lots of fun!"

Fist bumps for Popa!!

We went to our big booth... the babies looking around at EVERYTHING!! I pointed out the DJ booth high up... My hand aiming them around the room to look at all the tables up the tiers.

I told them the lights on the tiers would go down, each table's lamp would make a circle of light.

The flashing neon tubes going up the end walls to meet on the ceiling where the BIG disco ball was rotating.

The floor pulsating with coloured lights... Huge eyes!

Anong, Rak and Rak2 arrived to a big welcome! Rak2 and the Twins hugged laughing. It was Rak2's first time too!

The youngsters were agog... in the booth we sat as the front doors opening sent in a flood of bright shining faces in colourful outfits... A young woman came in through the service door, she introduced herself as Anouk. She is our server!

Okay... we loaded her up with drink requests... she was laughing... scribbling... she said `I got it!'

Anouk was off.

Thet and Reyna! Hugs for them. Little Krai with his grandparents at home.

In preparation Cho had asked Gil to send a text the DJ asking for him to start with ABBA's `Dancing Queen.' Okay! He was spinning various dance tunes from several genres.

The folks coming in... smiles, very animated... some hips swinging! They looked ready for a night of it!

The tiers filling up quickly... Cho grinning at me.

"Now Popa and I are going out to get things started... you can come on the dance floor... to start stay by the door... Okay?"

I got smiles and nods.

Cho's hand out to me... Yea! We stepped out onto the pulsing lights of the floor...

The DJ was watching... Abba! Dancing Queen!!!!

Cho and I stepping lightly, arms moving, spins... A firm warm hand in mine! I was spun about... feet moving... arms swaying... pulled back close! We were smiling... after two minutes we motioned... Charlie and Chani came out to us... Charlie had a wireless mic...

Cho speaking into the microphone, "Everybody join us!!"

I had Charlie's hand, Cho took Chani... we showed them how to do more moves than the few we showed them at the Forest Palace... Disco Dancing Babies!!

They were grinning... stepping with us as the dance floor filled up! Anong and Rak... Rak2 by the booth... Chani waved him over. She took his hand... they danced with Cho... he showed Rak2 the steps and arm movements... that little man was very cute trying it!

His parents close to me... Anong mouthing a `thank you!' She got a big smile from me.

Reyna got Thet out to dance... he wanted to please her... she got him going... he was smiling, giving it a go.

The Pointer Sisters...'I'm So Excited' My arms up... Charlie too! He and I moved around... our son had his Popa's feet!! We danced through Prince's `1999' Michael Jackson's "'Billie Jean' then a break.

Small icy colas for three babies, Cosmo's for us big folk! Toasts to having fun!

Lawan and Thang!! She looked terrific in a shiny black tank top and red skirt, black strap heels, a huge grin!! Thang in a black suit. Cho motioned him over, Cho got him to remove the tie and coat.

We went back out! Diana Ross Love Hangover,' Patti Labelle 'Lady Marmalade,' Lipps Inc. Funky Town,' Chic 'Good Times,' Gloria Gaynor I Will Survive,' the Village People Macho Man,' Rick James `Super Freak!'

Thang doing very well holding Lawan's hand... they were `steppin' out! Thet looked looser the more he danced.

We sent Chani and Charlie to the booth about halfway...

Chelle and Gil next to us!! They were enjoying themselves!

I could see some of our Protectors boogieing... those not `On Duty' that is. PJ showing his moves!! I nudged Cho with a short thumbs up in PJ's direction... a big grin.

We spun around... feet flicking out and back... arms flowing around our bodies!

In the booth we parked beside our children who were smiling and clapping.

"Mama, you and Popa are so good!"

I squeezed Chani's hand.

"Are you having fun?"

She was nodding, "I like how the music bounces and sways."

We weren't staying late BUT more dancing until...

Donna Summer Hot Stuff' Rose Royce Car Wash' Bee Gees Stayin' Alive' Kool & the Gang Steppin' Out.'

Cho got the DJ to play Donna Summer's `Last Dance' for our final go with promise to the crowd he would play it again later for everyone!

Cho holding my hand as we danced side-by-side... I am loving this! Stepping out with my guy!

The babies at the booth doorway moving with the music... they started dancing... we motioned them close... we did a line... Chani and Charlie following our lead... terrific!

We did our goodnights... hugs with Rak, Anong and Rak2!! They were leaving too. Thet and Reyna said they would stay a bit longer... Thet was `getting it.' Lawan and Thang staying too!

Delphine smiling she had danced with Cho, PJ and many others. Tha Said it had been fun, she'd danced with a half dozen partners!

A smile, "Cho is the best!"

Fist bump for that!

Gil, Chelle, PJ and some were staying for a while... thumbs up from us.

At the house we sat on the terrace for a bit... a few yawns from the little ones...

We four helped the babies into bed. They thanked us for the dancing... a fun time!

We changed to shorts and Polo shirts. Cho and I did afters back outside. Relaxing... a few more days here then we'd be on the move.

In for bed... Tha brought the borrowed dress in with a big thank you and a hug.

Today in Los Angeles Flix's book goes on sale `officially!' It had been selling online!

She had been out promoting it on TV talk shows and news casts only. Now she would be doing a book tour... starting in Los Angeles at several bookstores then San Francisco, Portland, Seattle then Vancouver, B.C.

She would go east after those stops. New York for TV and book signings. Washington, D.C., Toronto, and Chicago onto Madison, Wisconsin finally Minneapolis... a break back at home.

A call from Donovan...

"Fay.. Cho... One more result leaving us three unaccounted for. The newest is via the DNA genealogy company is a young man from Detroit... he went `travelling in 1973 as a sixteen year old. His family hadn't wanted him to go but you know young men have urges... I did too... I found I wanted an education more.

The family last heard from him when he was in Los Angeles... he had a job and was living near MacArthur Park. Silence since then. They never considered he might be in Chicago... maybe he was working his way home?"

We thanked Donovan making sure he would pass it on. He would!

"What about the Cook County people?"

"Nothing... they don't want to meet... so we are doing a piece on them... I am watching it carefully... We want to make the point without going too far... Not that they don't deserve to be lambasted!"

We agreed. Cho suggested Donovan might try going over their heads...

"Cho, the Cook County Sheriff is an elected position... the county government has only so much `pull' with them... this isn't their fight so they won't want to expend political capital on it."

I asked, "Where does the Sheriff's money come from?"

"Cook County holds the purse strings... that shouldn't be taken as a huge hold on the sheriff either... the county government and sheriff is a co-dependant relationship so each side's toes are avoided."

Okay... the court of public opinion is the only avenue. Donovan said he wanted a balanced piece that made the case and stated clearly the Tribune is paying the bills.

"Would you mind if we changed that to say explicitly you two are paying? As individuals who have no axe to grind in the case it would highlight the process as altruistic."

Cho and I looked at each other... Cho, "If you think it would benefit the project... Do It!"

Donovan laughed, "It places a different complexion on this... you two as outsiders willing to help find the families for these young men who are so long dead... it's a winner."

I laughed, "It also makes the Chicago powers that be look rather pathetic... Yes?"

Donovan agreed... `They have had their chances to do the right thing."

Okay we would go out front. Cho smiling as I did shrug after the call was done.

Donovan left us with a developing story on corruption in purchasing contracts in Cook County government. A single county office was in the frame at this time... they were at the early stage with some inside information. Okay!

Donovan was quiet, I asked...

"Fay... Cho... the government agency is the sheriff's office... we don't know a lot but enough that there's more than smoke."

We got the problem... "Donovan, keep the knowledge limited, work it until you have something that bites... keep Burton in the loop... maybe we do something special for this."

Thank yous for him and his folks.

Cho went with Thoi and Rak to play golf at the Thai Country Club. The babies were schooling... then swimming. Rafe and Ken were lifeguards and doing Twin tossing.

I went visiting around. Gil and Chelle had the day off... it was Tara, Angie and Kara with me. Tu driving.

My ladies liked the stop at Noi's dress shop! Clothes! Noi got a hug.

She had two Bolero jackets for me, both had small upright collars and narrow lapels. They are quite short, snug under my breasts. Black satin and pearly white with shimmering beads on the front. They fit nicely... meant to be worn without anything under.

My companions found several items each they wanted, jackets and slacks. They were marked for alterations by Noi's ladies. I told Noi we'd send a car for the clothing.

Noi showed me a frock in progress... it was a red silk scoop bodice, narrow straps, form fitting to mid-thigh... not for me... a Christmas gift for Jian. Noi smiling said it would ready in a few days to ship to Oxfordshire.

A goodbye hug.

Tu took us the short way to Sakda's shop. He was pleased to see me, a hug and cheek kiss. I introduced my ladies.

We sat by one of his beautiful tables...

"I want you to make four sets of end tables and a coffee tables for me. Two in your flower pattern with the cute bees, the other two in the stars and planets design. There is no urgency for them... work in your usual way.

When you say they are ready I will have them picked up. They are for friends in America and England."

We did a ceremonial `deal' laughing handshake.

My three women had all seen the tables at the Railroad... they made inquires about having some made for them. Sakda told them about how long it took and what wood he recommended. The price was good for them.

They each did an order of a set, two flowers and one planets.

We waved from the car door.

Dr. Thannet's office next. The doctor came from behind his desk to bow, "It is an honour to have you here Lady Harcourt."

I did a wai in return... we laughed. Kaki had gotten a hug before I saw the doctor... she was smiling.

Thannet asked if I had had any changes to which I replied a `No.' He wrote the prescriptions and then filled them. Kaki had a bag for the boxes.

A handshake for the good doctor. A kiss for Kaki's cheek.

Dad's office for lunch. The guard on duty at the door came to attention and saluted. A smile as I thanked him.

Siri waiting, a hug. She shook hands with my ladies.

Siri said Lek was good... out on a detail now working in the northeast. They were to marry in the

New Year... the families agreeing on things... finally. Rolled eyes!

She's the only girl in both families so the mother's were planning' it... or according to Siri over-doing' it.

Dad at his desk with an officer. That fellow bowed to me, I thanked him. Dad told him to go on as discussed. He came to attention, quietly clicked his heels and left.

A big hug!

Atat at the doorway, a smile and a firm handshake. I asked after his family, his wife doing very well, the boy was an excellent student, his girl learning to dance.

"Wonderful. Our family has gone dancing twice in the last few weeks, our children enjoying themselves."

Atat's smile larger, "My wife and I love to dance."

I borrowed a sheet of Dad's stationary to write down the relevant people at the Ball Room and the Ice Rink for Atat.

"I will have... " I turned to Gil, "... contact both... you can go with no charge at all."

Atat thanked me, big smile, another handshake. I could see Dad's face... he was grinning.

Okay... FOOD! Everybody agreed with that!

We walked across the road to the restaurant... Dad's favourite lunch spot. A big greeting from the owner and his wife. We were seated once again under the huge spreading Banyan tree.

Dad arranged the menu in advance so we sat back to chat as the dishes started to arrive.

Their crispy fish is delicious... a fair way toward Amporn but she has my allegiance! Everything is wonderful as always. Such a pleasant lunch... Dad witty... me laughing at his jokes!! He loved hearing about the Twins. And what we will be up to.

We'd see him, Phailin, Kanda and Thoi for dinner at ours in a few days!

Hugs by the entryway... A kiss for Dad's cheek.

I laughed, "Lipstick."

I went digging for a Cho-Fay handkerchief... Dad had a faster draw!

I squeezed his hand.

Tu waiting, he is waving to several young women police officers going in... Tara laughing tapped his shoulder.

Tu smiling, he knew one of them. Seems Tu is something of bon vivant.

Back to the house.

I got mobbed in the playroom after changing clothes. Trains! Yeas!!

We sat to run some trains around. Charlie is showing he's got it! Running a goods train throughout the layout then backing it into the freight yard. He needed help with changing the switches for the run into the yard and the backing up.

Chani's is a fav... an old time American style locomotive and Pullman cars going round and round! Little puffs of smoke when she punched the button. Giggles! With a bit of help doing the switching she brought the train to the passenger station.

They loved doing this! We were rocking and rolling when Popa arrived. Hugs and kisses for him! Shining eyes when I gave him the tale of our two `Engineers' activities. Extra hugs for them.

After dinner we sat by the billiard table in the seats to watch a movie... the big screen folded out from the wall. `Star Wars' the original. A Charlie request... he'd seen some snaps of the characters and spaceships.

It was fun to see it again... I last saw it about fifteen or more years ago. The babies enjoyed it. The rollicking nature of it and the heroes winning... good stuff. R2D2 was a big hit!

The two sequels would be next. Charlie was stoked!!

Chani in my lap grinning at Charlie. "Mama it was fun... a bit silly."

I laughed, "It was modelled on old cowboy movies of the 1950's. Many kids used to go to Saturday matinee movies. Your grandparents told me about it... popcorn and chocolate in a theatre filled with kids."

Chani said the popcorn and candy sounded good.

I squeezed her, giggles.

After breakfast my day was mostly work... some catch-up and thinking forward.

There was considerable commentary in book reviews and newspaper book writers about Flix's book. It was widely admired for thoroughness, thoughtfulness and compassion. The ladies lives laid out, examined without prejudice. Flix wrote clearly, no hyperbole... to the point.

A modern look at a difficult time. Our British women did not have it as bad but there was enormous bomb damage throughout Britain especially London, shortages of food and fuel, the men coming home which was good and sometimes not.

Our British ladies did not want to go back into the pre-war boxes society had placed them in. They learned how to earn a living, take care of a family on their own. A level of independence never seen even during the First World War.

I was a appreciating the Women in World War Two Monument a bit more!!

Gil and Chelle had plenty for me to do... they also scrounged up some for Cho... who accepted it with a wry grin.

I finished my report to the chairman of the National Security Strategy Committee. I recommended we reverse all the suggestions by the tories for their bias and begin anew. The weakness of the supporting rationale for nearly all their choices amazed me.

The vast majority were in either Labour or Lib-Dem or SNP ridings which implied of a form of punishment for the citizen's voting habits. I am also angered because many were quite useful bases contributing to the defence establishment.

In Scotland alone there were many inappropriate choices suggested probably because the tories had so few seats. Ft. George, across Rosemarkie Bay from Fortrose, Meadowforth Barracks in Sterling, Craigiehall Barracks in Edinburgh, Redforth Infantry Barracks, more bad choices in Sterling, Penicuik and a naval base in Rosyth.

The locations where the Americans wanted were excellent for their purposes, all existing bases we would not now seek to close. They would build housing, workshops, storage, an obstacle courses... lots more... we would share with them. Those bases would all become fully self-sustaining with America's Pentagon paying the bills.

I sent it off using my House of Lords email. He'll see in this morning his time.

Sage was notified I finished the task so she could close the schedule item.

The lawyers in New York sent a message we had topped three thousand requests a month to endorse a product or go to some gathering' that a sponsor arranged for celebrities' to get free stuff and pose for snaps with the products... a soft endorsement.

Who goes to these things? Do real celebrity folks or is it the D list' types? I suppose I didn't know any real' celebrities... I don't count politicians in that category.

I asked Gil to define a `celebrity.'

Laughter! "Fay, I don't know either. I see..." air quotes, "... people who are known on the internet for one thing or another... sport or movies or music... I've often never heard of them when they pop up on a news site."

I said saw an article in the Daily News about some party at a club... they were naming names... names I didn't know implying they were famous.

"People we know... I haven't seen any in a celebrity column but I'm not a regular reader."

I could easily see Vogue putting some one like Lady Gaga on the cover... as `celebrity' she was a decent role-model, certainly talented so she qualified for the status.

Chelle mentioned she saw a piece about Gigi... a split with her boyfriend. Of course there's nothing in that for her... her pain spread around... doing those stories one of the media's lesser moments.

Gil suggesting perhaps they are contracted to go to certain events?

Looking at my ladies, "Do they need the money? Or the exposure?" I shrugged

Our not being conversant with the criteria to decide who should go one of those events made us laugh.

Another shrug. I could do without my face on another magazine cover.

We loaded the larger yacht for a trip to the Phosphorescent Bay! First time for the babies! We would there for nightfall swimming. The Captain smiling as the Twins walked aboard... hands shaken then fist bumps!

This was the first time for most everybody... Tha and Delphine, Chelle, most of the Protectors.

We had gifts for Tani and Kure. More footballs, new nets and several sets of coloured sleeveless mesh vests to wear for team play for the men and boys.

On the fantail seats Cho pointed out things on the water and shore for the Twins. I laid out on the fo'c'sle with my ladies. I did some work using my iPad then started a new book... What We Knew' an oral history of the Third Reich from all sides. The authors had done hundreds of interviews which they excerpted in various sections like Those who left before Kristallnacht' and Those who were sent to the concentration camps,' Those in the military,' etc...

The authors are a History professor in America and a German Sociology professor. Some interesting looking charts reflecting their subjects views of events in Germany.

We had lunch in the salon... burgers! What do you know it was a Twins request! We had loads of cut fruit instead of chips.

Chani and Charlie on the bridge with the Captain! He showed them everything... they got to hold the wheel!!

We were on the bow as the ship turned into the bay... the sun westering... enough light to point out things for the Twins.

It was dark when we were ready... They got to see the colourful bioluminescent display in the water... they loved it. Okay visiting time... the babies in their life vests in the little boat with the gifts.

Chani leaned over to stroke the water... the colours bright and ethereal. Cho and I swimming slowly towing the little boat... sharing the task with Gil, Chelle, Tha and Delphine plus Protectors.

At the beach we carried them dry to the sand. Chani's hand in mine, Charlie and Popa... we approached Tani's house. Her father Ban came out... hands shaken. A big smile meeting the Twins.

Tani and Kure welcomed us with hugs. Tani is so much bigger... she giggled when I said so.

She was eight now, very pretty! The Twins started chatting with Tani right off. Kure smiling watching ours chatter away.

Cho and Charlie went to the football pitch with Ban. All our gifts carried. Ban thanked us for thinking of the footballers. Ro, an enthusiastic footballer, smiling at thought of some play.

We ladies sat with tea.

Chani gave our gift to Tani... pearl earrings with a matching necklace. The pearls quite nice, a good size. Tani's eyes... misty. Chani hugged her saying they would make her feel more pretty.

Kure beside me her turned to me with a lovely `proud mom' smile. It was not a little girl's gift which Kure understood and thanked me for the thought.

Her gift was a large selection of thread on big spools since she was still a seamstress. A new collection of needles and a group of thimbles in various sizes for different jobs. The thimbles were very appreciated.

The girls in Tani's room where Chani was introduced to her dolls. Kure's smile as Chani held Tani's favourite.

Their life was so much easier now... Ban remained a fisherman... part-time, he was working at the fishing net and supplies company Cho had started to give work to the men of the village so they didn't have to be away from their families.

The electricity was marvellous, they enjoyed all its benefits though they did not buy things like TV's. I could see that looking around! Kure said she would rather read the news and being home having Tani and Ban was entertainment enough for her. We laughed when I said I felt the same.

Kure said the village had grown with the net company and other businesses that came in. More choices in shopping, new people who had blended into the village fairly well.

"Fay, I looked at a friend's magazine a few months back it said you are an English noblewoman... the Queen made you one. There were many pictures of you, Cho and the babies. We had no idea you were so famous."

"The Queen made me a Countess which was very nice of Her Majesty. I am in the upper house of the British version of our National Assembly."

Big eyes, "So you are in government?"

I nodded, "In a small way."

The sewing work kept her busy. Almost the entire village has clothing she made or altered. She made all of Tani's and her own clothes plus shirts for Ban. She showed us a frock she is working on... Tha and Delphine admired it... they said they would happily wear it. Wonderful simple floral pattern.

Smiling, "I do trades for other things... a nice older man creates the best sandals! We all wear his shoes. He wears my shirts! He is one of the new people... he has become one of us."

She lifted her foot... a nice looking pair of sandals. Simple, smooth upper, it was indeed quite nice looking. The man has skill!

We all walked to the football pitch... a game in progress, Cho and some of our Protectors playing. The new coloured vests on them as they rushed around.

Cho leading an attack... he had the ball on his right foot... a youngster made an attempt for the ball... Cho swapped feet then a quick hard pass to Ro who slotted it home! Cheers!

The boy who tried to get the ball from Cho shaking his head... Cho ruffled his hair saying something. Smiles.

That score was a cap on the game... Cho got a big hug from me and fist bumps from the Twins.

Tani walked us to the beach as she had always done. A hug for her by me and the Twins, a very calm sweet face, contented, like her mother. Chani and Charlie in the boat waving to Tani.

They got to see the colours in the water again. Magical!

Back on board it would be bed time soon... they got to lean on the railing to watch the colours move with the motion of the water. They were amazed the colours were caused by tiny organisms in the water. I explained we never went further in the bay than this so as not to disturb them.

In their cabin we all helped to get them in bed. Hugs, kisses and goodnights.

Up on deck with afters watching the village disappear as we headed home. Slower sailing at night so we got back to our dock just after the sun rose.

Amporn waved calling out she was making breakfast. Okay... Scram, toast and fruit!!

Scram' was one of the few baby' words still in use.

They did schooling until Tha's time limit for swimming was past... I helped change them to swimming costumes then back to my work. Cho was on his telephone in the office... he was in some sort of banking thing which he mentioned could be quite interesting.

"We are going to take advantage of putin's departure."

A kiss for him.

Email... Hailey on her way to New York! She'd see the town and visit with Coral at Mirabelle. She was all set for amenities by Chelle.

Our London builders were moving fast to get the new Mirabelle stores ready to open.

One in Shoreditch on Redchurch Street down the block from the `Owl & Pussycat pub. This area of Shoreditch growing rapidly, new housing and renovations.

Three floors, a corner building. The first floor flat for our manager with an office on the same level, a dry and clean cellar for storage, one big flat on the top floor to let.

A bigger space in Bexley on Broadway, a half block from King's Arms pub in a busy area in the pedestrian mall stretch of Broadway. A neighbourhood of commuters to their work in central London.

It had been a bank in the past, four floors, small business offices on floors one and two, a top floor flat plus a big cellar. The bank vault had been made into a work room.

We were promoting Pia and Garnett's assistant managers to run those. Laughing moans from them for losing their number two's but happy too!

In New York the assistant manager at the Herald Square store was moving to manage the new Brooklyn store. Coral and Raphaela had hired a woman for the Upper Eastside store from Coach. She was an under-manager looking for a challenge. Okay she's got one!

We encouraged all the managers to work on their staff to build up potential new managers and assistants to promote... we are still expanding!!

There is a Christmas surprise for Hailey... she was to become our European chief!! I was going to tell her with Coral when we got all the managers and support folks together at Cowley House. Coral and Raphaela agreed with me and were keeping it secret during Hailey's trip.

Hailey had been sounded out and was pleased so we go forward... exciting new things!

We had several days of fun around the house... pool, trains, games. I worked, the babies had their `school' time and Cho got in some golf with trips to the Cho Family Bank and the Railroad.

The people running those businesses day-to-day were excellent, Cho provided strategic direction and was a source of new ideas.

Since he spent time at the Bank, I kidded him about `re-learning' his desk layout there too. He shrugged.

The night before our departure a big dinner! Udorn, Ubon and Mali Fay, Kavnu and Ni plus his boys, Lawan and Thang. Thet, Reyna and Krai. Chalermchai too! Thoi and Kanda, Phailin and Keren.

Greeting them at the drive was such fun. Mali Fay growing up gorgeous. A big hug for her. She hugged the Twins. She hugged Jaidee. Kavnu and Ni's boys ran off with ours and Mali Fay... Jaidee leading!

The big lug' Thang grinning as he asked me about a movie... The Narrow Margin.'

"I liked that one! Suspense and action, really good acting!! It is well done in a thinking person's way."

Fist bump! Thang loved it. Lawan said she must have missed something so the ending was a surprise for her unlike Thang.

They had a good collection of Noir films. They both liked the off-beat themes and unknown actors.

I recommended they look at Cornell Woolrich's books... funky plots and wicked twists... a major source of film noir stories.

Thet and Reyna laughing about the liniment joke after dancing for him. He was good... they had fun.

Little Krai in my arms. Big eyes... bubbles! Soft hair! He was taken by Cho for walkabout.

Chalermchai joined Jaidee and the kids for fun. A lot of noise from the garden.

Kanda and Thoi... such lovely people... smart and happy with each other. Their personal repartee always wonderful.

Phailin and Dad! Hugs, very tight. Christmas at ours was going to be terrific! Somsak, Tona and the kids, Anurak's first trip! Kay and Greg with theirs... one big family together.

The big dinner from Amporn... piles of crispy fish... the Twins loved it like me!

We did big going aways at the end of the evening. Smiling faces which we'd see in Oxfordshire for Christmas.

Time to get going again.

Many hugs and kisses for our house folks.

Captain Kor said we'd be in Seattle at nine o'clock in the morning.

After the babies were down Cho and I snuggled in bed... we'd enjoyed our time in Thailand. Fun and good trips. They'd even gone to their first shopping mall! Lots of exposure to Thailand for the Twins!!

We need to do more so they get a full appreciation for Thailand. I suggested we reduce our appearances at Harcourt Racing events or split up more or send the babies and Jaidee to Bangkok on their own with a mandate for Tha and Delphine to get them out and about.

Cho kissing me in agreement, "We could do some or all of those... It's a talk we should have with PJ about spreading the Protection team out and his being able to do time-off for them."

It is good the Team has grown! More kissing for that!!

In the morning... Mr. Hardy's book was officially `out' it had been selling extremely well online already. The advance reviews were over the moon! Newspapers and magazine, paper and online, raved about it. It is acclaimed the best book on the Napoleonic Period in many decades.

We loved those comments... Promotion time! Mr. Hardy admitted to some shyness about events... given the fast sales start he would get over it.

He was beginning his first book happenings. Quite the list of locations. Signings at multiple stores in London and suburbs and a talk at the Imperial War Museum. After those many around Great Britain, Ireland then America next year.

Email took some time at breakfast... the sun shining in at thirty five thousand feet... still dark in Seattle.

Everybody had been fed and dressed... nicely but not overdone. We were going to the SODO traffic control centre for the `switch-over' to our new system.

Two years in the making!

On the ground we did hellos to the staff for both businesses at Boeing Field and Amarha. She is doing very well running these two businesses. Her staff was excellent so she could get in flying time. Amarha did fly some of the tour trips to keep her hand in and she is one of the instructors.

We have a twin engine aircraft here for our pilots to use so they get in fixed-wing flying like our drone operators.

We walked next door to see the Winged Flight building. The exterior was finished, solar panels on top already connected to the electrical system... contributing.

Inside plumbing done, electrical and network wiring was done. The offices were being painted, I peeked into the wiring closet... all the dangling network cables already capped off, shelves for the internet connection equipment, WiFi and network switches.

It was looking good... the drone manufacturing equipment is waiting in a warehouse... it will start to move in. By late winter we will be ready to startup.

The cars on the tarmac... we loaded up for the short ride. A couple of miles to our SODO traffic building... at the door a broadly smiling Antoine and his top staff.

Eowyn, Corrine and Zack.

Big handshakes... introductions to the Twins... fist bumps! Laughter.

Eric, Malee and Anne inside waiting. Hugs and kisses. Little Anne holding Chani's hand, a big smile.

Great to see them! They'd come in yesterday, a bit of sightseeing. They are in the second house on Magnolia.

The news folks here and at the city Department of Transportation office. We said hellos, we would speak with them later. I did ask if they needed anything... One was a wise-guy... he said more time with us.

The big screen was a WOW' for Charlie... he is our tech' child.

Malee had big eyes too!

"Fay, its amazing!"

Eric leaned over, "More amazing is it is Fay's idea... or maybe amazing is what we have become accustomed to!"

Fist bump! Charlie beside me got one!

We gathered on the side.

Antoine's crew at their desks ready to go.

Many intersections around the city on the various parts of the huge screen, slices of data in one by itself and a view into the Seattle city Transportation control room on one screen.

The latter filled with folks... we had a voice link too. We waved to the Mayor and his people. Antoine did the necessary introductions, our babies were welcomed by the city leaders.

The Mayor would do the ceremonial switch-over at a keyboard where he was... Antoine would do it for real here.

News people were in both places, they had cameras live to the local TV stations.

A short countdown then... keys stroked and it was completely online! We had been doing so many tests all through the build-out... what is missing in downtown Seattle? Traffic backups!!! Vehicles flowed evenly and quickly on all the arterial roads. The connecting streets showed no clogging.

One of the screens showed the traffic on an animated updated coloured map... red was a backup... none. Green for traffic flowing easily... everywhere!!!

The folks at the city office had cheered when the animated traffic map was live there!

Chani and Charlie sitting at a desk with Anne, Tha and Delphine leaning over.

Malee holding hands with Eric. Cho behind me... arms wrapping me up. A kiss on my ear.

"Another bullseye for you!!!"

I squeezed his arms, "US!! You are central to this."

"Yes but its your idea that got it started. Making changes to the sensors for this application!'

A tighter squeeze.

The folks in the city office were loving it. Their huge screen looked like this one... an exact copy fed from us here.

I could see Jonathan in the city group... he applied to work for us. We wanted him to be part of the London programme... he agreed to come over, he didn't know about London yet. He had given his notice. They wanted him to stay but he needed to grow.

We talked with the press... on camera... `live.' Answering questions about this project only. One fellow tried it on... Cho shut him down before he finished his off-topic question.

They got we had a limited traffic project running in London for years... nothing about the new contract. Eric filled them in on how it was going in London.

Our expertise was unique... Our equipment also unique... We told them we were making proposals to other cities and awaiting their decisions.

We moved to Antoine's office... I was grinning... he gave me a look...

I put my arm through Eric's... "We want you to go home and do the same thing in London!"

A star burst smile... "WOW! We've a contract?"

"All done, signed and we want you."

"No... really?"

Eric grinning, "You have acquired a matchless set of skills... we have lots of use for you!!"

He laughed, "Who here... Eowyn?"

Eric and I smiled nodding.

"Fay... Cho... Eric... what she doesn't know about this system doesn't matter! She's supremely qualified."

"Like yourself? That's what we see."

Big handshakes! The Twins got him to do fist bumps too!

Antoine is jazzed for sure!

"I'll miss my people... they are superb!"

"You can hop a Cho-Fay Air flight to come back to visit... but many of these folks could end up working for you in London."

Eric, "Our wiring companies are getting prepared in a general way. They will get the news shortly."

"When will it be announced?"

"Call Eowyn in."

That pretty faces dissolved in tears!

We were thanked for trusting her to do this job.

I put her in a chair beside me, "Now you have to get all your assistants up to your and Antoine's level... we might find you and them other places to go. There is a lot of interest by other cities."

Antoine sitting on the corner of the desk beside us. Eric leaning over beside us...

Eowyn looking at us, "Zack and Corrine know everything I know right now."

"That may be but they also need to be able to lead. We know you have that... we have seen it and Antoine has kept us up to date on you all... you need to pass it on. Develop it... Andrea is going to get with you on ways for you to do that."

We shook hands.

Antoine and Eowyn knew they would have to hold the secret for a while... not too long. We were doing a press conference in London with their transport folks and the mayor when we were back. Antoine is coming for that... he'll be introduced as the leader of the London project.

I got Eowyn to walk with me to the server farm side.

"I will tell you when the London project is announced you will likely see a huge surge of media interest... This project is unique. Use Geri, PR is her forte. She can advise you and schedule things for you...

Above all you do your work... any press or others interested in more information or interviews will need to accept limits. Do not feel any obligation to be available.

The Security Service will keep them away. Keep in touch with Nicholas... should it get to be a problem he can take steps."

She was looking at the ceiling, "I see there issues I hadn't considered. Antione has done all the media bits."

I smiled, "Even Antoine didn't face the possible hyped up media knowing this is the only point of reference in the world. Call Geri... get ahead of the curve."

She nodded... a smile, "Thanks for bringing it up I would not have considered it."

"When London a big place, prominent on the world scene..." Arms up and my hands turned up.

She laughed.

"Something a bit more technical... We are going to cover the car park with solar panels."

Big eyes!

"We have a new generation of panels coming, much more efficient! A grid will be built, the panels go on top. It will also be helpful in the winter rains..." I waved my hands over my head like rain falling... Eowyn laughed, a thumbs up... her winter coat hood wouldn't be needed as much.

I stood looking at all the racks of Mac OSX servers humming along. There is indeed a hum... smooth, nicely modulated exhaust fans.

Pointing to them, "We want this to run on solar exclusively... the power from the city to be a back-up. The generators the backup to that. The new panels will allow that. We have the space here for a large rank of batteries.

The existing panels... " I pointed upward, "... will be replaced once the new array is working."

"The new panels must be powerful!"

I gave her a précis of their capability.

"That bit of information is classified. You may share with Antoine but no one else... for now."

"I get it..." A pause, "It would mean even if the city power was down around here... we would still be operating... seeing the entire grid because of our solar power devices on all the poles across the city."

A fist bump, "Exactly! This will be a peerless system."

"Damn I want to see that!"

I said she would.

Antoine and Eowyn got that Jonathan had joined us. He would come here to see behind it all... much deeper than from the city side. They'd handle it. Grins!

Antoine wasn't leaving just yet... time for a few things.

We did goodbyes. Cars for both families on the road to Queen Anne.

We pulled under the porte cohere at Greg and Kay's. They were waiting... hugs and kisses. The Twins inside with Anne, the cousins and Anne hugging... a house tour for them.

Artie called down later they were all in Sam's room.

The big people sat around their living room... Kay said lunch is baking.

She said no help needed it was pizza... in her ovens. Greg asked `beer or wine?'

I went for a glass of a Willamette Valley Pinot Noir.

At the French doors to their terrace with Greg... sipping my wine... his game was selling nicely!

"The folks in Baltimore are awesome. Their turn-around time is two days. The fast delivery is getting many compliments. I'm to do a video interview with a major gaming magazine next week."

Fist bump!

"Has The Day shown any interest?"

Greg said `No' "It is a somewhat esoteric subject for a game, only appreciated by aficionados."

"Or History buffs?"

"Yes... they aren't likely to buy a game."

"They could get behind the History and your research?"

He nodded. I said I'd put in a word.

Greg laughed, "My publicist."

"Well I do have an in."

"When you own the newspaper I should think so."

"It is hard to keep track these days of what newspapers we do own."

"I saw you guys on live TV for your switch-over."

"How did we look?"

"Smashing actually. You and Cho know how to handle the press. And by the way the Twins are amazing. I saw a clip of Chani at a race in the Winner's Circle just chatting away into a microphone thanking the hosts and stakes people."

Smiling, "She's quite a little talker... glib and they both use their extensive vocabularies. Chani used the `dissimilar' talking with a Church of England minister... he was shocked... I smiled and shrugged."

Greg burst out laughing.

"Chani and Charlie put the poor man through his paces asking who worshipped and why. The minister and wife, two children are a nice family... I think he will bring more folks to the church. It is an oddity for us... the estate owns the church and rectory and part of the village."

"It is a bit odd to `own' a church. You don't go do you?"

"No it is not part of our life but we are good with anyone who does believe. In Oxfordshire we have been supporting all sorts of religious groups... to build communities... we think folks need to belong in groups of whatever kind... promoting human interaction is the point."

I nudged him, "What is the plan for the gamers at Harcourt House for Christmas?"

"We are considering several possibles. Did you want to be included?"

"Maybe... it depends on things not finalised... so you should not plan me in. You do have a nice group of players!"

I laughed, "Maybe I'll just be a kibitzer."

Greg laughed saying it was fine with him and he was sure the fellows also. Good advice is always welcome.

Greg was going to Oxfordshire early so he could enjoy playing. Kay and the boys would follow when school term ended.

Malee chatting with Kay, Eric and Cho together...

The call to Gil from Buckingham Palace! Gil had been contacted earlier about this, based on the time difference she was told it would be close to mid-day our time. She passed it to me. I stepped outside onto their terrace.

A member of the Queen's staff said Her Majesty wanted to speak to me. Okay!

"Countess... Fay... I am appointing you to the Order of the Thistle effective immediately. The privileges and duties will be explained to you by a fellow we will send to meet with you. He will be in touch to arrange a meeting so you know about the initiation."

I thanked Her Majesty. I said I was proud of my Scots family and very pleased to keep my connections to Scotland strong.

She said she knew about my feelings for Scotland.... the many things we were doing there. She was looking forward to her visit to us. I thanked her and she handed off the phone.

The aide back, "Your Ladyship, the announcement of your appointment will be tomorrow morning at Buckingham Palace."

I thanked him.

I stood there... Was this what the Duchess referred to? Inside I gave Gil her phone back. Cho beside me... he saw my face... I told him. That magnificent head shaking.

"You have a strong link with her now. You are someone she sees as special."

I had no response... if Cho was right what might be next?

Gil got my news, she grabbed up her iPad, a quick search. Gil leaned in to showed us a webpage about the Order of the Thistle... I scanned it... there didn't seem to be much of a set of duties to perform. I did now have another post-nominal. `LT'

All this drawing us closer to the sovereign... I didn't mind since I am a monarchist... I do hope my wanting to help and serve the ordinary people who make up the kingdom and our workers around the world is seen for what it is. I wasn't going to let that change ever!

Kay looking at me... I guess I was a bit vague looking... I slipped my arm through hers and we went down the passage toward the study. I told her I'd just spoken to the Queen... that stopped her, a LOOK at me! Kay was going to say something... it didn't come out!

I told her what Her Majesty had done.

Kay amazed, "You are calm about it... you just had a conversation with a living legend!!"

I laughed and shrugged, "Nothing to get too worked up about... just another day in the life of this English aristocrat."

We both laughed. I said I wasn't going to say anything now to the others. I really pleased since it is about Scotland but for Americans it is an arcane thing. She could tell Greg later and the boys if she thought they'd be interested.

A laugh, "They'll want to know."

Okay. We re-joined the others.

Back to ordinary things...

Food! Kay back in the kitchen called us over... the children came running downstairs. Kay cut the slices of pizza, everybody also got warm breaded mozzarella sticks with spicy dip.

Smaller pieces for smaller people. Big smiles! Small colas for the babies.

We talked all sorts. Our trip to Oslo, the Queen's visit, Kay wanted more on Mirabelle...

They had several days of good times with Sunny at Harcourt House. The Brasenose graduates sounded very positive. Sunny was pleased.

The elections especially Florida which was looking bad for the republicans! Artie's football season (Okay... soccer), was about to start. Sam writing programmes for his computer and iPad in `C++' and Swift.

"Aunt Fay, its fun! I have made an app for playing a piano."

I congratulated him and asked to see it.

The Twins talked dinosaurs! Going to museums is a big, all the wonderful things to see.

Chani explained the Children's Art Museum in New York when I brought up their artworks. Chelle got her iPad to show snaps of the Twins art done there. Our babies were cheered... they clapped.

The pizza was delicious... we gave Kay raves! Artie and Sam thanked us for coming because `Mom' didn't make it often enough. Kay poo-hoo'ed them.

Malee and I helped Kay do the clean-up, Artie and Sam cleared the table... another way to say thanks.

We talked in the kitchen. From Kay... She was volunteering at the Chanthira Foundation Health Clinic on Capitol Hill two days a week. She helped as a friendly face for younger folks and calming influence for those with some stress. She was very good with pregnant ladies.

"Fay, having been there three times... I know what I went through in my pregnancies so I try to share. I think I'm making a contribution."

I already knew she was! Regina emailed me how good Kay was with patients, she was especially glad on two occasions when pregnant ladies were very worried about things going on in their bodies.

Kay had talked with each giving them reassurance on how their `things' were normal, unexpected for them but a regular occurrence for a pregnancy. It soothed them to hear it from a woman who'd had three kids and wasn't a doctor.

I called... Regina had laughed about the `not a doctor' part, "Fay, Kay is seen as the commonsense type of person. That pragmatism comes through right away."

It was a great phone call.

Both families said our goodbyes with tonnes of hugs and kisses. We'd see them again at Christmas.

A car took Eric, Malee and Anne to the other house. They'd had a security briefing yesterday on their arrival. They liked the house... a wonderful view up the Puget Sound.

Martha smiling at our Magnolia house door to welcome us. Jaidee beside her woofed his greetings. He got hugs. Martha did fist bumps with the Twins.

We changed for some time in the garden. Jaidee running after tennis ball tosses.

I'd almost forgotten it is Mid-term Election Day in America. The whole U.S. House of Representatives, one third of the Senate, state offices and local ones too.

We gathered in the study to see some of it on the TV. It wasn't dinner time yet here... the polls were still open on the east coast. The only news was the polling of voters leaving the voting places. Not of much value.

I sat in the living room with Gil and Chelle to work. The babies upstairs for a while with Tha and Delphine. Cho got the office... he turned the TV off. I smiled inside on that. The TV was an interesting thing for very limited use. I do not understand those who had it on constantly... the inanity of it would make me crazy after just a few minutes.

A late light dinner after Kay's delicious pizza. A dish of vanilla raspberry ice cream!!! Smiles on the Twins!

After Charlie and Chani were down for the night we sat to view the election results. The east coast was reporting... in Florida... Charlie Crist won big!! The Florida state Senate and House went Democratic!!! Florida has a chance to join the 21st Century. republicans thoroughly repudiated!!!

Gil got a call... Crist. I took her phone into the living room.

Charlie Crist thanked me for joining him in Tallahassee and the endorsements by our TV and newspapers. I said he was by far the better man so it was easy. He repeated his campaign promises of governing sensibly and for the people of Florida not the business interests. I cheered him on.

Cho pulled me into his lap... we watched as the Democrats piled up up victories! I tried to follow the House of Representatives races where I knew Nick Rawlins had gone. It looked like his personal probity and leadership ability was winning some seats or more correctly in most cases saving them.

Overall it is a disaster for republicans... the Democrats looked to get over three hundred and thirty members in the House of the four hundred and thirty five seats. In the Senate eighty one of a hundred!

A monumental victory for the Democrats and a ringing endorsement of Hillary Clinton!! Usually the party of the sitting President doesn't do well in the Mid-Terms... not this time!

Healthcare, environment, international relations, defence policy, climate change, strengthened unions, higher taxes on the rich... less on working folks ... and much more where Hillary had shown the country her leadership. She's done more in her first two years than any President since Franklin Roosevelt.

The Supreme Court has a solid majority of progressive justices, all down through the Federal judiciary people of sense and progressive ideals were going into place. America was on the move forward.

The United States is the dominant world power... more so now than any time since World War Two. What I did like about Hillary's foreign policy was the absence of any bullying toward the weaker states. She played hardball... true... with a different slant... she wanted America to lead on international issues working in concert with others.

We had helped a bit behind the scenes to give her an edge' in relations with Russia and China plus North Korea is more isolated than ever which is bad for its people. Time to pressure China for regime change in North Korea... expose China for hiding behind the wildman' in North Korea.

Give the ordinary North Koreans a chance for a decent life. End the seventy year stalemate on the Korean Peninsula.

Korea was on my mind... Kora let me know two of the North Korean servers used for ransomware and spying were back online. Her people were watching them closely... if they tried to re-build their network of infected computers we would inform those folks who could block them.

Her email was funny, `Fay we can take them down at any time... we could setup an intermittent shutdown schedule which would play with their minds."

My reply was we wanted them to feel secure in their hardware so the bombs' we planted would remain useful. Kora got it... I understood her wanting to play' with them.

I did ask if she could find ways into other computers in that beleaguered country we could use to cause instability in the leadership. Cause a break between the politicians and the military.

Her reply... `Yes!' It was to be a closely held project.

My day started with a blizzard of emails and texts about the Palace's announcement! Good the phone was completely muted. I looked the calls... I would get back to them one way or another before the day was done.

I dialled Aunt Dee... she picked immediately...

"Fay, the Queen must really like you! The Thistle is marvellous. Craig said this morning when we heard... it marks you as a Scot outside the ordinary."

"Her Majesty has decided to broaden my exposure! I have a few more duties to perform."

Dee, "It will be lovely for Remembrance Day."

"Yes... a bit more Scots linkage since I've been in the south so long."

Dee laughed at that. They were looking forward to seeing us all.

The news from the elections in The Day's morning edition. Nice to read the newspaper over my omelette about the several states turning from republican to Democratic... Florida was the biggest.

Jaidee's nose in his crunchies happily chewing away.... Martha grinning towards me watching him.

"Fay, it great to see him enjoy his food."

I said he's grown up with that brand of food... they better not go out of business. She laughed.

My iPhone in my lap... the Sci-Fi tone. Hillary.

"Fay, thank you again for your work in Florida. You made it possible for that important state to stop its slide into fascism."

I told her we were going to continue to pay attention to other election across America and put my oar in where it might do some good. We had Texas on our radar.

"Texas needs change like Florida. Fay, you and Cho are the poster couple for decency and generosity... I'm glad of it."

Their Jaidee daughter had a Thai name to honour her sire... she is Puan, Thai for friend! She and their older dog got along famously. Sleeping together and they loved chasing tennis balls on the South Lawn.

Wonderful news. We rang off with best wishes.

Eric, Malee and Anne went early to see sights around the city. They would be back for dinner with us.

It is warm enough for the Twins to spend their day outdoors with Jaidee. We had lunch on the terrace in the sun... grilled cheese! Charlie and Chani loved Martha's version!

Cho grinning towards me as he bit into his.

More work and an afternoon ride on Chess. Gil, Tessa, Gaby and Tara joined me. Cho came over to the stables with Chani and Charlie... they got to see it, meet Dean and the horses. Jaidee mingled with his old buddies.

Sitting on Chess looking out from the top of the slope above the parade ground... it was clear, quite the panoramic view around Puget Sound. To the left I watched a ferry approach Eagle Harbour on Bainbridge Island.

Some sail boats and working ships moving about. Well off to the right... amazing... an aircraft carrier coming down the sound! Damn it is huge! Gliding along silently... it seemed impossible something so big is completely quiet.

Tara said it looked like a Nimitz class ship. She had done a tour on one in her Marine career.

"It could be the USS Nimitz... It is based in Everett... looks like it's going to Bremerton Navy Yard."

It was quite the sight! Snaps taken! I texted Cho to go to the north cliff to see it.

We turned our horses for the ride back...

We walked to the house. Jaidee at the gate when he heard us... Cho and the Twins with others at the north end. The huge ship was now sailing out of sight from our house passing West Point lighthouse.

Cho grinning, "It's big enough!" Cho had binoculars out... he'd seen a 68 on the bow. Tara said it is the Nimitz.

Charlie asking questions... Tara as our U.S. Marine... knew enough about the big ships to answer his questions.

Dinner here then off. Malee, Anne and Eric! They had fun seeing things around town. Anne loved the Space Needle. Anne and the Twins talked about it and the Eiffel Tower... the views.

Martha had king salmon on the grill. Mashed potatoes, braised broccoli. We tanked up before driving to Boeing Field to fly to Kentucky.

Goodbye for our friends. They were going to Los Angeles the day after tomorrow for a few days staying at our place in Venice then New York to stay at the 46th Street hotel.

Our 737 departed Boeing Field to the Boy's noises.

We carried the drowsy babies up to bed from the AW139 at Harcourt Farm.

Sitting on the back porch with drinks... Jaidee next to me on the lounge, rubs for him!

Cho planned to host for several Daily Racing Form writers when we are in Louisville. He is giving them a few hours for a wide ranging interview.

We haven't done any interviewing for Harcourt Racing in a big way since May.

The morning... Me on Roscommon riding around the farm. Tara on Tomasina with me. First to the stud stables. Glaa!! He made loud noises when he saw me... that made Tobias, one of his grooms, laugh out loud.

"Your Ladyship, you are the only one who gets that kind of greeting."

I stroked the magnificent head and neck. Telling Glaa he was handsome... maybe more so than ever.

Tobias shaking his head, "M'Lady, Flattering him gets me no where... Glaa knows he's awesome."

I laughed as I stroked him, "I first met him in Bangkok after a big win... his trainer then said I should be careful because he's worked up after a race. I stroked his face to astonished looks... he was like a lamb with me. We've been friends ever since.

I have ridden him... only once at Santa Anita."

Tobias said he could get a saddle... I shook my head, "No thank you... Glaa isn't a saddle horse."

I stopped to see the other stallions. Rodrigo and Glaa were still buddies running along their shared fence line, talking to each other.

Remounted we rode to the Momma Barn. Grace of my Heart and Twilight Maiden in a paddock together. Their colts, a gray and a black, were playing. These two ladies were calm and happy nickering as I petted them. Rodrigo was an excellent racer so we had hopes for these two foals. We needed to choose names... I'd have Gil to get on to Monaco with a few of our ideas after Cho and I talk.

Back up Tara and I rode around the stables part of the Farm... I was looking at everything... seeing it all in order, tools neatly stored, tack gleaming. Blankets with our sponsors names folded over stall doors or on horses. The workers, men and women, smiling giving me `Good Mornings' in response to mine.

They wore an assortment of Levi's jeans and jackets, Kentucky Heat garments for the morning chill with quite a few Apple Harcourt Racing hats.

All our horses entered in the Breeder's Cup had moved to Churchill Downs. They'd been here for a few weeks acclimatising and training. We have multiple horses entered in ten races overall with some races having several horses.

We dismounted at the Security building. Tilly's smile, we shook hands. I said hellos to the staff, shaking hands. They all said they were doing quite well.

I sat with Tilly for a few minutes.

"Fay, we have an end for our drone intruder... he's pled guilty to misdemeanour trespass, given probation and paid his fine. He does now have a criminal record. He's never explained what he was up to but an investigation by our people has linked him to a Louisville stringer for several glossy magazines..."

Ah! It was bad for him our Security is good.

Tilly adding there is a no contact order on him to stay away from the farm. Violating it would have him arrested and held. Being a repeat offender would cause him a lot more trouble.

Her own flying was terrific. She used the aircraft at Frankfort Airport like the other pilots. She flew a drone patrol shift once a week and test flights when necessary. A big grin on her face!

Fist bump!

Tara and Tilly hugged as we left. Sisters in Security!

We rode to Farm School. Brianna at the door welcoming the children. We shook hands. Things were good here. All the students happy at the school. It was small so everybody is close.

Maya is working on English as a Second Language for children during the day then evenings for adults.

I wandered around saying hellos to the kids. I shook Octavio's hand as he guided kids in. I stuck my head in the Pre-School room... Kelly looked up waving me in. Two mothers were here today... clay day. More supervision. Handshakes with them.

Out front...

Brianna asked about the Twins... "Well they have only gotten smarter. They are reading and writing at a grade seven or eight level."

Her eyes saucer sized!

"They are fluent in English, French and Thai... they want to learn German."

Head shaking which made me laugh.

"I know it is quite amazing to see them do things. Do you remember the finger painting day they helped out at?"

She did... my iPhone snaps of their artwork almost knocked her over.

She exclaimed, "That's a black capped chickadee!"

"Yes. Charlie saw it in Seattle... then he drew in England."

"Fay, you have help for Tha?"

"I'll bring the Twins down later with Tha and Delphine."

She wanted to see them. Okay.

Tara and I galloped back towards the riding stable. Costello coming out as we rode up.

A big smile, "Your Ladyship."

I slipped down to shake his hand.

Tara to take Roscommon in.

"So you having fun?"

The smile turned to a grin, "It is such a blast to be here. Good people, the physical layout and buildings excellent... so much is new for all of us... we are making some rules as we go.

What is great... our people are dedicated to quality work. From the horse walkers through the Security and the kitchen staff."

He laughed, "Every now and then Security has a bit of extra-curricular fun. The drone goof... people like him aren't made to interact with others. Tilly called me to give the scoop... I wandered down. The fellow couldn't shut up babbling about how his drone had gone `rogue' as if those things had a mind of their own."

Smiling, "Those sorts of bozos do make life easier for Tilly."

A laugh from Costello, "As I said a bit of fun."

I asked if he had any requests of us. No. The farm was doing fine.

"We are earning quite well from our stallions and the guest stallions. I'm being careful about what mares are brought here. Sir Cho was clear he didn't want our stallions to be wasted on low quality mares.

As you know from our Conference App call the county sheriff's have `rented' time of our drones to help them. They are prompt with the payment and aren't making frivolous requests. That is Tilly's bailiwick."

"Good. They don't own any aerial assets?"

"Not according to Tilly. They have used the State Police in the past. The sheriff's like the drones... they are quiet. We have only allowed surveillance like you two said."

I was pleased. Costello walked with me to our house. Cho shaking his hand, the Twins eating breakfast waved. He sat for a cup of coffee. We talked about some of the staff... how they were doing, learning, growing.

"Garrett is a good find. He works hard... he's been made a supervisor on one shift. He trains with Kit in his off-hours, quite dedicated about it. He socialises with the others but never goes too far on the play side of things.

I like a man committed to something that he gives up anther part of life to get better."

I liked hearing about Garrett... he'd impressed me in Upperville! He was at his parent's home for a visit so we didn't get to see him.

Willie and Tobias... Costello smiling, "They love that chestnut! Glaa is such fine fellow. They really enjoy working with him. I think Willie is better for the mating times... Glaa seems to like him there. I know that sounds odd... it's a feeling."

Cho, "Well Glaa has always known his own mind about things so go with it."


Costello, "I do appreciate your leadership style."

We both laughed, Cho, "Oh you mean give you the role and shove you out on stage?"

Costello laughing hard, "Yes! You gave me parameters and let me go."

From me, "Any time you want someone to look over your shoulder... just call Francis, he'll arrange it."

"M'Lady, I'll wait on that."


We all got to work. Gil and Chelle with me in the garden... a nice sunny day, the morning chill was gone.

The two leading parties in Belarus agreed to form a coalition government, they had sixty nine percent of the votes together. The constituent assembly will get to work on repairing the constitution, not a major overhaul but so that the dictators fingerprints are gone.

Then they'll arrange a new election in early spring for a new National Assembly of Belarus from which a Prime Minister from the leading party will form a government. They will create a new Head of State position.

They have plenty to occupy themselves, the dictator had been in power a long time... his cronies are in deep... the best part for any new government is those toadies are all known! Fortunately many have decided to evaporate!

Cho heard from our real estate company in Bangkok... the two tracts of land near Chanae were purchased. The ten acre site near the Railroad tracks for lumber yard is a done deal too.

They had informed Aaban. Cho had given the green light to Aaban already to hire staff for both.

A construction company from Narathiwat was contracted to erect various buildings at both sites under Aaban supervision. He knew what is needed..

Sumate had a team ready to do a survey for the Security Service.

Cho wanted things moving to take advantage of the next few months better weather to get a lot done before the high heat came!

Before lunch we took the Twins, Tha and Delphine to Farm School. The name over the door made Delphine smile.

I said, "Keep it simple."

A laugh.

Brianna got introductions to everybody. She did fist bumps with Chani and Charlie.

I could see she is surprised by their size.

They sat in on Octavio's class on the Solar System. So sweet seeing them sitting a desk.

Cho and I backed out.

We checked in at the Pre-School room... Kelly and a mom were cleaning up... the babies all gone home or to the sitting service house until their parents picked them up.

Kelly smiling said the `clay day' went well. We got to see some of the children's work... a couple pieces looked like something we could recognise and a very nice bowl a girl had done. Kelly laughing told us there were limits to their skills at the ages she had.

I asked Gil to show Kelly a snap of Charlie's `pot' on her iPad. Kelly's face had colour rising...

"This is Charlie?"

I said Yes as Gil showed her the source pot... I gave it's provenance and that Charlie had only seen some pictures. She got where he did the work.

"Miss Martin..." her head shaking, "It seems impossible for him to remember and duplicate it."

"That's the key... they have awesome memories which underpins their abilities."

Walking to the house Cho and I got a `briefing' on the Solar System... Tha grinning.

An easy subject to build out from! The idea of networks could work in this context with gravity and the stars.

Thumbs up from Tha and Delphine!

In light of the Solar System interest we watched Star Wars number two. We got popcorn and candy! It was fun. Strange `horses' to ride on the frozen planet, light sabre fights, Dart Vader with his funny breathing, speeding spaceships, a frozen Solo, the smart and oddly funny Yoda and poor Luke's arm!!

Chani grinning, "Mama, its like Popeye... he always succeeds but on the way it can be tough going."

Cho and I laughing, Charlie did a fist bump with his sister, hugs all around! What a cutie... smart too!

Cho holding me in the dark, "I what do appreciate in the Twins abilities is their reasoning power. They assemble bits to make a whole."

KISSING!!! Absolutely!

I rode to the outer areas of the farm in the morning. Tara and Tessa with me this time. We crossed the highway to the fruit and nut tree orchards. Dozens were here when we bought the land... we added many more. The new ones had a ways to go before we'd see fruit.

We have apples for our horses, acres of various other crops including carrots. Costello was building a Farm `store' where staff could pickup surplus fruit and vegetables for their families at no charge.

After lunch we flew in a group of AW!139's to Louisville. Two at a time we dropped to the landing grid north of the house.

Inside the housekeeper welcomed us. Everything was ready for a few days stay.

We loaded into cars for a barn visit. Chani and Charlie eager to see our horses.

Monaco, James, MacKenzie, Demetria, Freddie and Niva were all here. Hands shaken, fist bumps!

Octavie, a huge smile, a hug for her. She and her mom were staying the South First Street house... like all the other trainers and jockeys. This crowd had been here all day with their horses.

Jackson will be here in a few hours from Santa Anita where yesterday afternoon Sakda won the Antonia Mile! A G1 race with a purse of four hundred thousand dollars.

Phueng won the Tempted Stakes this afternoon at Aqueduct, a G3 race of eight furlongs with a two hundred thousand dollar purse. Trena was there as Phueng's trainer since Jackson as good as he is can't be two places at the same time on opposite coasts.

Those races closed the two horse's 2018 season.

Normandie Fille closed her year winning at Longchamp in the Prix de Royallieu. Montaigan raced at Saint Cloud in the Criterium International. He won too! Both are G1 rated races!

More success for Jonny! Every horse he sent out won! They set records showing off Harcourt Racing as the premier racing team!!

The Twins went on a horse petting tour while we talked with the trainers. They were ready, expecting a terrific weekend!

All our jockeys arrived fresh from a meeting with the race track stewards... Marnie, Mike, Leonie, Renaldo, Radha, Dom, Tomas, Emanuel, Vanessa, Francine and Elin. Hugs and handshakes!

For some they had never been to Churchill Downs so its a big thing to ride at this iconic track. They were stoked to run here.

Back at South First Street Cho and I welcomed the Daily Racing Form duo. I went to the sitting room in our suite, Gil and Chelle bringing me work. The Twins schooling... the Solar System was one topic.

Cho took the reporters to sit in the garden. Our housekeeper delivered refreshments for them.

The main topic was this year's crop of Triple Crowns. No other stable had won the Triple Crowns in Great Britain, France and America before... most certainly not in the same year!!

We won all three for Colts and two for fillies, America and France.

Cho told me later they were astonished by our successes...

He let them know Toes Tapping, Stellar Black, Samir, Sasithorn and Kaao would continue to race in their fourth year. Kannika was expected back on the track for her four year old season. Aneka and Hansa would race... fewer races for both. They would be retired at the end of next season.

Rando was going into his five year old season at the top of his game... We knew he would be successful... such power! He loved him some grass!! More trips to Europe for him.

SakChai would retire to Harcourt Farm. IrishRainbow would retire also... he was going to Harcourt House. Queen Elizabeth expressed interest in bringing several of her mares to him.

Our upcoming crop of three year olds was strong... maybe not the same size as the 2018 group but very good.

The colts... Pravat a rising unraced two year old, Prichit, Sakda and Decha, the fillies Karnchana, Phawta and Phueng all three olds for next American season. In France Femme de Nantes, Montaigan, Demoiselle d'Orleans were our upcoming three year olds.

For the future rising two year olds... Notre Noir to race in England and France, Aroon to race in America. Cho gave them the pedigrees... the journalists amazed hearing another colt from Asda and Hathai was starting his career!

Cho said he was grinning telling them about six yearlings, to race as two year olds coming from Rabam. All had Asda as their sire. That really opened their eyes!

Not to speak of five mares in foal to Glaa living at Rabam.

The whole racing community wonders what might come from our Rabam horses. A place of ours outside the norm.

I called Donovan... nothing new from the DNA genealogy company. The Chicago Tribune piece on the Cook County Sheriff's not co-operating would run on the front page in Sunday's edition.

He expected lots of squeaks and whines from Cook County political people... the public was not likely to side with those folks.

"Fay, I know many of those politicians... they will be upset when they see the headlines but if they read the first few paragraphs they'll know the sheriff is getting the full blame for foot-dragging... then hopefully they will want to know why. It will not be good for the sheriff's image which isn't so good anyway."

I laughed and thanked Donovan and his crew.

I'd spoken to Burton, the publisher, he was fully behind his people. The sheriff was a `fool' according to Burton. He had given a speech to a community group telling them Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho started this project for one simple reason... find resolution for families of missing loved ones.

We had no political axe to grind... We weren't local... just concerned the local police had dropped the ball... the families of the young men had been disrespected... time to do it properly.

It was near dinner when Cho and the Daily Racing pair wrapped up their talk. I went down to say goodbye to them.

A hug and kiss from Cho.

"They have a lot of information, some of it new. I told it all to Nipsey in our call the other day, he's in the know completely."

The babies went down a bit early so they got more time in bed... a long two days to come. Three races tomorrow and six the next day.

I had Jaidee on his lead walking on South First Street. We turned east on Caldwell Street so I could look at the two blocks of flats at the end of our property. They were older, their outsides had a good appearance, some work done.

Air-conditioning and roof top solar panels plus new interior paint made the flats much more appealing for the tenants.

The folks living there were happy with our changes. They got to use the pool at the main house and had the grassy open space to play in when we weren't around.

Going south again on First Street we passed the mental health centre, in the next block Engelhard Elementary School. It had a 1960's look about it. After Jimmy's Corner Market... well-kept houses on both sides of the street. It seemed a bunch were sub-divided into flats.

Also small blocks of flats like our Caldwell ones. At Oak Street we went east to Brook Street then north. We walked by small grocery stores, a bakery, a big block of flats across Brook Street. More big old family homes broken into flats. This must have been a important neighbourhood at some point with all these big homes.

Down Brook Street... under the motorway... a huge building that looked like a high school... Oh! It was a Salvation Army building? Odd! It had to have been a school at some point.

We turned left on Caldwell and a right into the alley to our back gate. One of the Security Service people there to let us in. Big open tents for cooking and eating, people setting up... tonight we were hosting our Harcourt Racing folks. Eats, games and a few beers for them.

The Twins were eating their breakfast with Popa.

It was to be about 16c today with a slight breeze... A heavy cotton frock to my knee tops, sleeveless with an oval collar in Harcourt Racing green. Matching green tights and heels, gold jewellery, `Joy'

A yellow Hermès 25cm Kelly bag and round yellow reflective sunglasses. A yellow cardigan in hand.

Chani in a yellow long sleeve dress to her knees, yellow lace topped ankle socks and green shoes. A green cardigan for her.

Cho and Charlie in Navy blue suits with Harcourt Racing ties. Shiny brogues... one was wearing red socks.

Gil and Chelle in a mix of green and yellow as is Delphine. Tha was off today, on tomorrow.

We motored to the track, turning through the Central Avenue entrance to drive past the Barbaro Memorial. At the door there were Churchill Downs people... introductions. They were our escort with a couple of the track's security leading the way.

We worked our way to the Owners Box at the ground level under the Twin Spires. We'd been here in May... Much different weather. The sun was fighting a losing effort against the clouds. My cardigan... on! Chani too!

We got to see a few owners we knew... Tom's Everytime was out of racing with a muscle issue. Sad we'd not get to see Tom until Christmas with Elinor!

We didn't have long to wait for our first. The Breeder's Cup Juvenile Fillies... our Karnchana and Phawta entered for this G1 race of eight and half furlongs aka a mile and a sixteenth.

Leonie up on Karnchana, Emanuel on Phawta walking their horses out in the post parade. Going to the gate which is in front of us.

The loading was smooth... CLANG! They're off! Ours going to the front... no messing around... show the power! Down the straight to the Clubhouse turn our fillies were level... the rest of field trailing away.

The Owners Box at near track level meant we had to watch part of the race on the big TV screen across the track... too many buildings, pavilions, etc... on the infield now to see across to the track. Cho leaned over, "I'll fix it for tomorrow."

I squeezed his hand.

In the turn they stayed together like a matched pair... putting six lengths space back to the field which was bunched up. Out on the back straight Karnchana had neck on Phawta...

They raced along... smooth strides, galloping easily. As the turn came up our horses were ten lengths clear. In the turn Phawta came back to being level.

They swung around the turn to come out on the stretch... close! They came on hard both kicking forward with the Monaco Surge... two beautiful ladies roaring down the dirt... in sync!!

Past the eighth pole dead even!

The finish... Karnchana edged her nose out front to Win! Inches separated them. A wonderful start for us. A delicious battle someone had to win.

Leonie and Emanuel hugged down the track... the out-rider came up to them. In my glasses I could the smiles!!

We stepped out onto the track to walk to the Winner's Circle next door. Leonie walking Karnchana back to very nice applause. We got a few cheers along with applause when we are announced.

The sponsor was a vodka company... we met their people. Chani and I received the trophy. I let Chani do the thank yous. She is funny and happy.

We had time for a snack and drinks then the Breeder's Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf, a G1 race of one mile for a purse of a million dollars. Our French filly Femme de Nantes is entered. Francine up.

The horses walked to the inner grass track... the start off to the left on the seven eighths of a mile track. Femme de Nantes had to get accustomed to racing in reverse... it didn't seem to bother our horses going to tracks in England. Another thing to consider.

Loading all done... a pause for a restive filly... CLANG!! They came out cleanly! Down the straight our girl looked terrific grabbing the lead. She carried it into the first turn by two...

Around the shallow turn she had no problem extending her lead to four. On the back straight more of the same... Our filly going so smoothly... Femme de Nantes galloping like she is strolling in a park!

In the turn she was extending her lead. Francine asked her at the top of the stretch... boom she opened her jets... pulling away for eight lengths and no slack at all she powered over the finish to win by ten... looking awesome!

Francine eased her down... the out-rider caught up to them. A handshake for Francine.

Femme de Nantes came through the fence to a big greeting from us. Tessi, her groom, had on the lead shank. Niva with Octavie joined us in the Winner's Circle. Chani and I once again!

It is a very light-hearted ceremony. Chani is a budding comedienne! We got a another nice Torrie horse trophy!

A big day for our French team! Racing at one of the world's most famous tracks and winning against the best there is!!

Now Decha is up in the Breeder's Cup Juvenile Turf. One mile of grass for one million dollars. This is a new race, it is not yet rated.

Decha started racing in England winning twice at Ascot. Two turf races here in America now this. He had no problem running a race the opposite way from his first starts.

Renaldo is up.

The horses on the inner track, the start to the left as it had been for the last race. All loaded fine... They're OFF! One horse stumbled but didn't fall. Decha wasn't affected. He was sprinting along beautifully.

In the turn he took the lead by two. On the back straight he opened two more lengths. Galloping easily... Renaldo took a look back as the second turn came up... a five length gap now. Renaldo guided Decha around the curve... a steady jockey... waiting for the moment to `ask' Decha.

At the top of the home stretch he did! Decha surged forward, the seven length margin went to ten as Decha went back to sprinting to close the race.

Over the finish in style!! Renaldo's unused whip in the air. He slowed Decha in the turn... the out-rider came up. I could see a fist bump in my glasses.

We walked the short distance to the Winner's Circle again. Cho and Charlie did the honours this time. Chani and I are funnier! Which got a huge laugh from Popa when we told him.

Another Torrie statue. I liked the horse standing with one leg up... a handsome trophy. We were getting a big collection... the Harcourt Racing Museum would have lots of bits to show off!

One race to go! The Breeders' Cup Juvenile, eight and half furlongs on dirt for a two million dollar purse. A G1 race where we have Prichit entered. His year has been good, three wins in three races all at Saratoga. The Triple Crown of Saratoga racing for two year olds.

He'd broken some records!

A lot of new competition for him. Many horses from California.

Mike walked him in the post parade then joined the others at the gate.

They loaded to our front... no issues. CLANG!! It is a clean start! Prichit going to the front immediately. Afterburner on he sprinted to the first turn. Around the curve still sprinting... the field was already six lengths adrift of his pace!

There were noises from other owners... Too fast' He'll burn out'

Cho grinning at me shaking his head. There's no `burn out' with a Monaco trained horse.

Prichit now galloping smoothly halfway down the back straight he's eight lengths clear... no one challenging him. Mike took a look back... he leaned down over Prichit again seemingly unconcerned.

In the turn Mike was waiting... at the top of the stretch we could see them... in my glasses Mike asked him! The surge... owners voices... My god!' You see that!' `No way!'

Prichit roared down the straight pulling away at each stride... fifteen lengths now... he added a few more before he blew through the finish!!

What a show!! 1:33.8!!! Prichit was now the record holder for a mile and a sixteenth on dirt!! He destroyed Hoedown's Day's record from 1983 of 1:36.4.

The crowd electrified by his race... loud yells and applause. Mike walked him back with the out-rider to increasing applause from the Grandstand.

A short walk to the Winner's Circle again. Cho and Charlie received another Torrie horse and another Longines watch. The Breeder's Cup and Longines folks very excited by Prichit's amazing run.

He is now established as a front runner to come back here next May for the Kentucky Derby!

We thanked everyone for the trophy. Cho took a Churchill Downs fellow aside... they talked for a few minutes then a handshake. Cho smiling coming to me.

"We're set for tomorrow." He pointed up.

At the house... a change of clothes. Guests coming.

It was too chilly for swimming. The Twins were watching old black & white Popeye cartoons before the Harcourt Racing folks arrived. They knew Popeye would at all times win-out but the journey always made them laugh. They liked the old cartoons. We had a big selection on a server.

As a family we welcomed the jockeys, and grooms, walkers and more to the house. They were all smiles. We had met them all... many, many times for most.

The trainers with us, they were staying here.

Olive... she is obviously enjoying her first time in America.

"Your Ladyship, America is so big! Flying over seemed to take forever."

Smiling, "Olive, you've only flown over about a third of it."

Big eyes. I borrowed Gil's iPad. The map app showed Olive where she is and how much there is.

Her head shaking, "M'Lady, amazing for an English country girl."

I reminded her the R&R Scheme had places in America for her to visit.

"You can fly from Luton right to Los Angeles... see California!"

A big grin, "I'd like that."

I said it would be the most fun to share the trip with someone...

Olive said that sounded right... she'd think on it.

There is beer, soft drinks and water, snacks to start then food from the grills. Beef hamburgers and chicken off one grill, veggie burgers and fish from the other. Salads, lots of those. Chips in big warming trays with catsup or mayonnaise on the table.

Cut fruit of a half-dozen sorts.

There was a volley ball net, footballs of the brown oblong and white round types.

There are trailers... restrooms and wash basins for guys and girls.

Sitting on a lounge with Chani we could see Charlie and Popa had a round football on the grass.

Octavie sat on the next lounge. She is a happy girl... Femme De Nantes won showing off our French racing group and her mother as the trainer was awesome! Being in America is Awesome!!

They'd have some time to do sightseeing before Femme de Nantes headed home. A planned stop in New York!! They would stay in one of the R&R locations, they could call Aylesha to get cars and if they wanted a bit of a dress-up meal... they also had Bryan's number at '21.' Gil alerted him so they would seated at our tables... no bill would be presented.

Cho had received other results from racing today... in France... Demoiselle d'Orleans won the Criterium de Maisons-Lafitte at Maisons-Lafitte, Chaiya was victorious in Prix de Royal D'Ile at Longchamp!! Jonny's email said they had both gone to the front and ran away from the field for wire-to-wire wins, unchallenged.

He had our French Triple Crown winners, Amira and Thaksin, going in their last races of the year in a few weeks, both at Longchamp. Satirical racing the same day for his last race.

Then everybody would go to Montataire for the winter. To mix things up Thaksin and Amira would as four year olds likely go to Great Britain for a few races next year.

Chani chattering away in French with Octavie... Niva watching shaking her head.

"I know French children that cannot speak as well," her head still shaking.

Laughing I told her it was the same in Thai.

Everyone ate dinner around the back area at the tables... Me... grilled fish, for the Twins... veggie burgers!

Chani on one side, she had Elin on her left. Marnie on my other. I could see Cho and Charlie in between Mike and Jackson.

Marnie was doing fine... she loved riding our horses... she had plenty of rides for other trainers at meets... Ours are the best! Marnie was now the top jockey in America. Two Triple Crown wins, back-to-back, several dozen more important victories. Her skills in demand!

She was also in demand for interviews which she did very skilfully... no amount of wheedling by reporters ever got anything from her about behind the scenes bits.

Marnie is being represented by our New York law firm for interviews, photo shoots, commercial activities, etc... her rules for them... quality and not too often. While she liked earning money she got you can overdo it. She had our superb investment folks working for her... a rising tide for her money.

"Fay, I know there's good money in it but I don't like doing most of those things so... I don't. The lawyers reported to me one company that wanted me to model' their clothes was rejected thought I am stuck up,' another said up front they would not be held to ransom for my fee.

Like I don't even know these people but they say stuff such as that. Disgusting."

Her head shaking, "The lawyers said they didn't understand the second because they weren't asking for a fee above the norm for men."

I squeezed her arm, "You have the reason why we do not bother. I asked the lawyers not to tell us any details about all the requests... unless they were spectacularly ridiculously funny... we will not play the `celebrity game' that so many well-known folks do for the trinkets and public exposure neither of which we need.

Who wants to sell bottled water?"

Marnie laughed, "I will ask the lawyers to do the same for me... I really don't need to know!"

Fist bump! Our trolling fist bump shark beside me wanted in on that. Bump with Chani! Grinning Marnie leaned over to bump too.

I watched Francine talk with Frank... Elinor between James and Dom.

Frank and Elinor had arrived before the food... they told everybody they were `off duty' only here to enjoy the company.

I had a before dinner drink walking with Elinor... the volleyball net in use so we detoured around.

I asked about Tom and his horse, "Tom is good. He's had some good wins this year. EveryTime will be able to race next season. It is just a muscle issue. EveryOneInTime is a rising three year old looking very good."

Good for EveryTime! I do hate to see a horse get hurt but athletes all over do get injuries... our `athletes' happen to have four legs on the ground. A fresh three year old contender is great!

They both would be over for Christmas in six weeks or so. My... it was coming on soon! The Twins will be happy... they love Christmas.

"Cho and I laughing a month or so ago... Charlie and Chani said they told us they wanted Mr. Cowley to come as Father Christmas again but that they knew it was just a show."

No way Father Christmas could get to every house on Christmas night... sound reasoning I did add, much to Cho's amusement. He said they needed to leave room for magic.

Elinor staring, "Fay, they are so smart... their thinking processes very advanced. I know kids at eight still believed in Santa Claus."

Head shaking hearing about the babies latest `assessment.'

"It does not surprise me... I only see them a few times in a year.. each time it is like I'd never seen them before.'

I was grinning.

"A common occurrence. Their size is slightly above a three year old already... no sign of a slow down."

Elinor was happy with her work... because she was smart and had personal experience in professional sports... she could be used in a variety of roles. Her favourites were basketball, no surprise, then horse racing and golf.

"Tom and I with his family still play a lot of basketball... Tom has yet to beat me on a golf course!"

We laughed.

Cho and Charlie were back to the round football after dinner. Cho was `schooling' Charlie who was extra interested after watching Popa play at the Phosphorescent Bay.

Charlie could run with the ball on his foot then pass it to Popa! Wow!

I could see Elinor's head shaking from across the field. She waved and pointed.

I waved back.

Everybody enjoyed the food and games. We shook hands and did hugs for the grooms, walkers and others as they boarded the shuttle buses to go the block of flats where they were staying. Several grooms had big bags of goodies for the pair who stayed to care for the horses.

Our jockeys and trainers were in the second house here so they could relax some more. Another busy day coming. Niva and Octavie would be spectators tomorrow.

In the sitting room... the morning light... on a call with Donovan and Burton. The morning edition of the Chicago Tribune has the front page story on the Cook County Sheriffs unwillingness to provide DNA information to us to search for the victims of murder from the 1970's.

In fact to reply in any manner.

It was a straight up challenge to do the right thing.

Each argument they might use to say `No' was demolished by Grady's article. He pointed out that the Chicago Tribune is owned by the NewsGroup who was paying for everything. No cost to Cook County or the victim's families.

Grady's piece said Lady Harcourt, Fay Martin and Sir Cho who owned the NewsGroup had jumpstarted the effort. He had a quote from us... `We want to find closure for families who have had missing sons for over forty years. For some parents it might come too late but it is never too late to return a son to his family.'

Donovan told me when Grady contacted the Cook County Sheriff to ask for a comment to the story... no one there would speak to him, even the Sheriff's PR folks refused. He included that in the article.

"Donovan, we are good with it. They've had weeks to decide. Stiffing Grady is not the act of a responsible public servant. It is time to do this!"

He was chuckling, "The Sheriff is going to wet his pants reading it."

We both laughed.

"His credibility is going to take a hit."

I responded with `He gets what he earns.'

Okay now for a walk. Jaidee was ready! The first solid upright object got watered by him... a tree.

We walked north, Ken and Kara with us. Past our local employee health clinic in the building at the north end of our block. The expansion of the Security Service building on Preston Street nearly done... this clinic will move in there.

Up to College Street then a left... over to South Second Street, a left again to go south. I can not remember seeing so many oddly shaped buildings in one area. Truncated, split into sections. Old houses mixed with commercial, churches looking like warehouses, tired old blocks of flats, a motel giving a strong appearance of a prison... lots of open space meaning buildings had been torn down and not replaced.

Old Louisville' wasn't a popular spot. What was the key to revitalise this neighbourhood? Jobs and decent housing to start! There are no reasons to move here.

Morning walks going south were nicer! Jaidee didn't care he was doing his business and having fun sniffing around.

Off to the track. Six races.

Cloudy, no rain forecast, some breezes, a bit warmer.

A long sleeved light wool navy frock to my mid-thigh in a circle shape, round collar. Navy accessories, gold jewellery, `Joy'

A Harcourt Racing Hermès scarf tied loosely around my neck.

Chani in green with yellow accessories and green shoes.

The guys in black suits with Harcourt Racing yellow ties. Snappy!!

Today we went up in the VIP lift to the top floor where there is a semi-secret' space unofficially known as the Mansion.' It isn't our crowd... the very wealthy who liked to show they were so you knew. The women dressed... mostly tacky. Flamboyant colours and horrible shapes... quite a few exposed a good amount of bosom! It was not a pretty sight! Really awful hats... Scarlett O'Hara wouldn't be seen dead in their hats.

No familiar faces... no horse owners!

The compensation... the view is unparalleled!

Churchill Downs had a space on the front left side blocked off for us. We had inside seating and a balcony area off that to ourselves... it looked down on the Finish Line with a sweeping view of the entire facility. We could easily see into the barn area.

Our Protectors were on the perimeter for us.

Effy was our `concierge' for the day. She spoke with PJ to understand how our protection worked. She brought a server over and introduced her to our Protectors.

Drinks and snacks delivered.

Our first race was up! Sirikit in the Breeder's Cup Filly and Mare Sprint, a G1 race with a purse of one million dollars. Seven furlongs on dirt.

The post parade ending had the field walk out to the back straight chute. Chani standing on a chair beside me... one arm around her. Our glasses ready for use. Charlie and Cho next to us in the same configuration. Gil and Chelle with Tha alongside.

Delphine had the day off but came with us... "I do not want to miss the action."

We had laughed at the cars, Cho handed her in.

All in the gate... OFF!! Down the dirt on the back straight... they were rolling across the track... five horses level... Sirikit in the middle began to pull away by halfway down the straight.

Tomas moved her to the rail in the turn when she was four lengths clear. Around the curve Sirikit extended her advantage to six. At the top of the home stretch Tomas `asked!' Her Monaco Surge was big!

Quickly the lead was ten... Sirikit ran down the dirt no other horse in view. Over the finish by twelve and a new record time for the Breeder's Cup!

We did our usual celebrating. Effy had the lift ready for us... down we went, she guided us through to the track and a short walk to the Winner's Circle. Tomas had Sirikit walking up... a big grin!

Fist bumps for him, I held Chani up to do it. Cho lead Sirikit into the Winner's Circle where Chani and I did the accepting of another Torrie Horse statute. Chani setting the tone... light-hearted with a big thank you for holding the race so Sirikit could win. The crowd loved it.

Up in the `place' in the Mansion our next race was coming up. The Breeder's Cup Turf Sprint, five and half furlongs on the inner grass track. A G1 race for a million dollar purse.

Kaao looking gorgeous, shiny even in the cloudy day.

This race like his effort at Ascot is a good fit because of his fast start!

Marnie up had gotten a big ovation when she was introduced. Kaao not so much. Funny if you followed horse racing you'd know the name... a multiple record holder at several distances.... but not on grass in America.

The gate ready... at the top of the back straight... they loaded... one horse was restive... a pause, CLANG! Released... Kaao true to form burst out onto the lead immediately!

Going down the straight he had three lengths quickly. Kaao was really rolling going down the back straight leading by six. He was imposing as a runner... power and concentration.

Being off what would have been his two year old season to work on his issues had made an enormous difference. He was the holder of three world records!

Into the turn... no question he was in control, unchallenged!

He came onto the home straight surging... Marnie asked him at the end of the turn... leading by twelve and widening at each stride. A White Streak like his older brother SakChai!

Crossing the finish line winning by fifteen in 1:00.20 another world record time!

The crowd loved it. A huge applause level... it didn't die down quickly.

Effy grinning escorting us in the lift again.

At the Winner's Circle MacKenzie walked Kaao to Cho!

Chani in my arms as our men did this ceremony. More bling and money!!

Chani giggling when Charlie got to hold the trophy... with some help from Popa... those things are heavy!

The Breeder's Cup folks were very happy. Kaao put on a show, smashed the old record time, set a new world record and looked like a million bucks doing it! What's not to like!

I was outside on the balcony area with Chani, our server brought us fresh drinks. Chani thanked her... a big smile from the young woman. The Twins knew what a `thank you' can mean and it was easy to say.

Okay now it was Hansa's turn. Our beautiful golden red filly walked out to the turf track. Tomas up in the irons. She had received a big welcome when her name was called out. The crowd here remembered her fantastic run in the Derby last year.

Jackson said this morning at the house... Hansa had trained like the professional she is... ready to roll!! She was ready for big things! A hug for him.

This is the Breeders Cup Filly and Mare Turf, eleven furlongs. The purse is two million dollars, it is a G1 race.

The starting gate at the far side of the grass track near the clubhouse turn... loading was very calmly done... these are veteran ladies.

A pause... CLANG! They came out cleanly... Hansa going to the front! I loved that Monaco could send our horses out to get the lead, run away from the field and still have enough for the `surge' near the end.

Hansa's golden red body flying down the back straight... Tomas not bothering to look back, he aimed our girl into the first curve. On the rail she spun around the turn... smoothly changing leads... right to left... at the top of the straight back to right. Her motion was silky.

Down the turf there is no let up! Halfway down she is ten lengths ahead... I turned to Cho he was grinning remembering like me Hansa gliding across the grass at Pleasant Valley!!

Tomas did take a look back as they entered the second turn... it looked like fourteen lengths to me. He steered Hansa onto the back straight again... the field far away now. Hansa rushed down the turf all alone!

At this rate if the race was any longer she might `lap' some horses.

Tomas guided her into the last turn... there is no slack! She came out of the turn firing on all cylinders!!!

Her surge obvious to all now... eighteen... nineteen... twenty lengths!!! She gobbled up the mile and three eighths of grass! Hansa blowing through the finish is almost anti-climatic.

The crowd is behind her, noisy approval, lots of applause!

We celebrated her success in a big way!

Effy smiling, "Your Ladyship... I guess we will do this a few more times?"

"Yes it is very possible."


Down to the Winner's Circle! Time again for Chani and I to do the show. Our daughter with the microphone, the man holding it, Chani's hand positioning where she wanted it. That brought smiles from the folks around us.

She thanked the Breeder's Cup people... and the nice Churchill Downs people too. The Breeder's Cup folks were smiling at a two year old doing this... loving our little attention grabber.

Cho and Charlie with big grins.

Chani was terrific. The crowd applauded her efforts.

Hugs from the guys! Up the lift. At the balcony watching the post parade for the next race.

We had three tough races coming... we had multiple entries in each!

The Breeders Cup Distaff a G1 contest of nine furlongs. Many of the best fillies in the world entered. The `Queen' Aneka and the current filly winning EVERYTHING Sasithorn in together with twelve others. The best part of the two million dollar purse awaited the winner.

Aneka and Sasithorn walked out in the post parade to a very loud crowd response to their introductions. Our ladies very beautiful!! Tough competitors too!

Leonie on Aneka as she had been for three years. Radha on our younger one... Sasithorn as she has been for two years.

The loading was easily done... CLANG!! Aneka in the two slot came out fast, Leonie making sure she was not trapped as the other fillies closed to the rail. Sasithorn in number nine quickly moved away from the horses near her. They were the early leaders heading down the straight.

They passed beneath us side-by-side sprinting. Aneka on the rail, Sasithorn next to her. Around the turn they were close... doing their lead changes in complete sync!

On the back straight they they were running like it was a match race. The field was eight lengths adrift of their pace.

On the straight nothing changed, a our pair galloping along smoothly. In the turn my glasses watching them... they changed leads at the same moment... as the turn ended each was asked by their jockey.

Dual Monaco surges... powering down the track leaving the rest far behind. At the eighth pole Aneka had her neck ahead... Sasithorn pushing at her... near the end Aneka eased to half a length lead... Sasithorn responding to move closer!!

They roared over the finish close!! Aneka by a neck!!! WOW!! The `Queen' wins!!

We jumped up and down... high fives and fist bumps shared!

At the edge of our `space' Effy was grinning broadly.

"So exciting to watch them."

I squeezed her arm.

Going down! We walked onto the track get to the Winner's Circle... there were cheers and the applause ratcheted up.

The Breeder's Cup people where all smiles, happy faces!!

Our ladies set a new record time for the nine furlong race and won by twenty one lengths. Racing against each other had them excel in every way!

I did the honours with the microphone this time. Chani tried to hold the Torrie Horse... a bit too much weight. Everyone laughed at her and me trying to keep my grip on it.

Loud laughter!

I managed to say what was needed as I laughed.

The next race... the Breeders' Cup Turf Classic! We had three runners this time... Rando, IrishRainbow and Black Star. Our turf champions!

This is a G1 race for a four million dollar prize over one and half miles of grass!! One and three quarters times around the track, three turns.

Rando is putting a twenty race unbeaten streak on the line. He hasn't had a single loss since he began his career. Black Star also unbeaten in his two years. IrishRainbow since joining us has only been beaten by our horses, he is unbeaten this year.

Emanuel walked Rando out for the post parade a very warm welcome for the big fellow. Dom is the only jockey IrishRainbow has known, a steady pair! Renaldo used to racing clock-wise, he and Black Star get to do something different today... they'd had plenty of training.

Out to the beginning of the inner turf track back straight... they loaded without a problem. Ours in the one, four and eight slots.

CLANG!! They came from the gate cleanly... Rando from the one slot sprinting along the rail. Dom taking IrishRainbow ahead from the fourth position at a fast clip. Renaldo aimed Black Star to move towards the inside as the field closed to the rail.

Our three on the lead as they rushed down the back straight. The field closed up to the rail as the first the turn came up. Side-by-side ours rolled around the curve the rest already six lengths back. The trio stayed close coming onto the front straight... it was as if they were attached.

Their strides were smooth, galloping along easily they moved in sync down the straight to the clubhouse turn. Amazing to watch them stay so close... Through the second turn onto the back straight again nothing changed... Rando, IrishRainbow and Black Star lined up like that moving down the turf.

The field is ten or more lengths back. Ours staying together as they approached the last turn. An amazing show.

In the far turn all of us with our glasses up watching... I would give Rando the edge... he had the biggest `kick' of the three. At the top of the stretch all were asked by their jockeys... the last few hundred feet they roared down the grass... Rando began to move ahead with a hundred feet left.

IrishRainbow and Black Star dead even a head behind Rando as they crossed the line! What a finish!!

The `Photo' notice came up for second.

The rest of the horses beaten by more than fifteen lengths came over the finish.

Ours clustered on the grass in the the turn, fist bumps exchanged. The out-rider gathered Rando.

Effy lead us down in the VIP lift. The `Photo' notice still up as we came into the Winner's Circle. Maylene had the shank lead on Rando. Cho brought him into the circle.

Rando's second win in a row for this event.

The crowd was very generous in their cheers and applause. The Breeder's Cup folks were loving this. Our stable putting on a terrific show... excitement!!

Chani in my arms... we watched the guys get the Torrie Horse and another Longines watch. Emanuel, Monaco holding the trophy... lots of snaps. Maylene grinning with it in her hands.

After it was done the board flashed off... it is announced... a tie for second, no viewable difference between IrishRainbow and Black Star, they finished dead even a neck behind Rando.

So we'd get the Place and Show money!

One of the Churchill Downs people beside me smiling, "You are cleaning up here. An amazing display."

I thanked him.

Chani, "We are really good aren't we?"

He laughed and shook her hand which she changed to a fist bump, more laughing, "Indeed you are!"

On our way back upstairs...

Francis called Gil... Ali is in labour. They were on the way to the hospital now. We all sent our best wishes Wesley and Ali would be safe.

We'd be in New York in hours so a chance to see the new little man very soon!

Going up I asked Effy... "Parlez-vous Françias?"

She gave me a look, "Oui, c'était ma mineure à l'université."

Chani, "J'aime parler Français!"

A fist bump with Effy!

One last race for this breeder's Cup Meet... the big one... the `Classic!' It is a big one for us... we have four horses entered.

This had never been done but if you looked at their race history for this year... no doubt they all deserved to be here. Three were unbeaten, Stellar Black had only lost to Toes Tapping.

SakChai with Vanessa as his jockey, Toes Tapping, Marnie aboard, Dom riding Stellar Black as he had all year and Samir with Mike, his regular jockey.

The crowd gave them all a big welcome. SakChai and Toes Tapping especially so!

The announcer saying SakChai last year's American Triple Crown winner and Toe Tapping this year's winner and first filly to do so. Two Triple Crown winners in this race... it happened last Breeder's Cup. SakChai trying to win this year after coming second to Glaa!

The crowd responded with sustained applause for them.

The post parade for the sixteen entries ended at the starting gate off to the left... loaded! CLANG!! SakChai out fast down the dirt from the number one spot, Toes Tapping from four, Stellar Black from seven and Samir from twelve.

SakChai right to the lead, Stellar Black moving close... they were side-by-side two lengths ahead passing below us. Samir in third and Toes Tapping fourth. The other twelve behind her.

No change in the leaders through the curve, several horses came up beside Toes Tapping. On the back straight SakChai and Stellar Black pulled away by four from Samir, six from Toes Tapping.

The pace was fast for this mile and quarter race but the fractions were not like Glaa's. As the second turn approached SakChai moved ahead by half a length, Stellar Black steady, close. Samir closed on Stellar Black and Toes Tapping eased forward a bit in front of the two beside her.

The turn... SakChai opened to a length and half, Samir on Stellar Black's shoulder, Toes Tapping a length back of them. Little change until the top of the stretch when our jockeys asked their horses.

SakChai opened to three lengths, Stellar Black couldn't match his stablemate's move. Samir level with Stellar Black... Toes Tapping made her play.

Down the straight Toes Tapping closing on SakChai! Samir and Stellar Black stayed even behind Toes Tapping, the field faded from our horses power surge.

At the eighth pole SakChai by a half a length... Toes Tapping still closing... Marnie urging her without the whip. Vanessa pushing SakChai for more... the last yards Toes Tapping level with SakChai...

My glasses laser focused on their noses... they soared over the finish in a dead heat!!

Stellar Black edging Samir for the show spot.

The `Photo' notice up again!!

Chani hugged me, "Mama who wins?"

Cho squeezing Chani's hand... "We do but which horse?"

In the turn our four jockeys celebrated with hugs and fist bumps! The out-riders were out numbered.

SakChai and Toes Tapping walked back up the track to cascading applause and cheers from the stands.

Effy shaking her head congratulated us. I asked Chelle to give Effy one of her cards... Effy looking at me... "You might want to give us a ring... we could have a job for you... a bit more to it than..." I motioned with my free hand, Chani holding the other.

I was thanked... a slight blush on her cheek.

DOWN! Out on the track we stroked our horses noses after their faces were softly sponged. Carlita smiling holding the lead on SakChai and Gus doing the same for Toes Tapping with a monster smile.

A wild ending... we stood around for a bit waiting the results... the `Photo' notice went dark... the tannoy announced it was a draw! We had dual winners!! SakChai's silvery white and Toes Tapping's gray in the Winner's Circle. What a mob scene.

The four of us there... Cho got the Torrie Horse holding it up. Me and the Twins got a chance to hold it together. Monaco, Marnie and Vanessa had their opportunity. Gus and Carlita too!

It was a crazy end to the Breeder's Cup Meeting which the promoters really loved. Lots of exhilarating moments for the crowd here and on TV! The bookies would have fun figuring out the bets.

Hands shaken all around, the Breeder's Cup folks very excited... congratulations loudly spoken also their thanks for entering such spectacular horses.

Harcourt Racing at the top.

Cho and Monaco did a short live TV interview on the track outside the Winner's Circle. The rest of us worked our way down the track to a cluster of carts for a ride to the barn.

Charlie and Chani pumped up about our victories. They wanted to see the horses.

Everybody there was excited too. We'd swept the Breeder's Cup!! Entering ten races... winning all ten plus winning the Place' when two were entered and the Show' for three!

What a success!

The babies with Tha and Delphine to see the horses. Several Protectors went along.

The horses were being cared for by their grooms. Octavie in the barn with Femme de Nantes.

I sat in the office as Cho, Monaco, MacKenzie, Demetria, Freddie, James, Jackson and Niva all went to speak to the press. It would likely take a while.

I managed a coffee... I sat with Gil and Chelle.

I called Donovan... nothing but silence from the Cook County Sheriff's office. Chicago city leaders in government, business and socially all calling for the sheriff's office to get off its arse.

Our article raising the noise level.

The pushing was getting loud... I could hear the glee in Donovan's voice.

"Donovan, is it time to ask the Sheriff to go?"

Silence... "Fay we can... there is justification. He has not done a great job with the office... he's mediocre. On this particular issue, which he started up, he has failed the people of Cook County. I will poll our people to see what they think."

I thanked him saying `more pushing.'

I rang off asking him to enjoy himself... more laughter.

Chelle asking... "Why should it be such a big deal for Cook County government?"

"They must have institutional guilt feelings even forty years later about the murderer `conning' them, tricking them, getting over on them many times. They completely blew everything about the case. If they had been doing their jobs properly the number of dead young men would have reduced by at least three quarters. So many didn't need to be murdered.

It was the suburb Des Plaines Police who got the murderer... their first brush with him met with success.

The Cook County and Chicago police had to watch it happen.

Shame on them all."

My phone ringing... the telemetry sound... Francis!

"Fay, Wesley has joined us. He is a healthy boy with all the appropriate parts and sound lungs!!'

I cheered!

"Ali is fine, she's worn out but no issues."

Even better.

Francis said they were likely to come home tomorrow afternoon if everything is good. Their flat is fully ready, lots of food for him to fix for Ali and himself plus every accessory known to man for a baby.

Laughter. He knew we'd be in town tonight. If they came home tomorrow we all would come up for a short visit. He welcomed our coming.

Cho came in... "I cut my part short."

He was thrilled for Ali and Francis, Wesley too!

I thanked Cho for getting us the place in the Mansion, "Not for the Derby though... I think we should be with our friends in the owners box."

A big smile, "Good! I was thinking the same. For this there few owners we know well."

A kiss!

We rounded up the babies and did goodbyes to everyone here. Our Harcourt Racing folks were justifiably proud of their work... we are moving onto a different plane... a fine crop of rising three year old runners, our rising two year olds were nothing short of amazing... in the wings is the great grandson of Secretariat. After that five sons or daughters of Glaa coming from Rabam... on and on!!

Cars to the South First house... AW139's lifted us to Frankfort Airport. Going up the 737 stairs... the babies doing it with us behind them.

Mira on the tannoy said we can taxi, everybody belted in, Jaidee in his seat.

Airborne... Lil told us dinner in thirty minutes. Clothes changing for us all took most of that.

Jaidee's dinner down.

Yobi and Lil did a wonderful stir-fry for us! Vegetables, tofu, water chestnuts! Shrimp fried rice! Crunchy vegetable spring rolls. Dessert something new... Matcha green tea wafer covered ice cream bars! Very tasty! The ice cream being green made Chani and Charlie laugh.

We relaxed until Mira gave us an approach to Newburgh warning. Packed up and belted in we got the G-force on landing. Charlie's arms up waving... he loved take-offs and landings.

Kathy and Glorianna dropped us at the Westside Heliport. Terrance, Pell and Maddie waiting.

In the Minetta Street entryway Chani stroking Alice's softness.

"Mama, she is incredible."

Alice's tail up and head back enjoying the petting. She and Jaidee did a `check' with noses... all Okay!

There was one half molasses and walnut cookie for each Twin with a hot chocolate to share.

We sat on the terrace with the heaters going for a bit then bedtime for the younger set.

Angie and Penny with Jaidee and me walking in the chilly morning. Trackies and hoodie on as we entered Washington Square park. Peter Snow with Pip! We shook hands.

He won some money on our horses.

"I won the most on Aneka. I bet her to win... she's the `Queen' so I backed her."

I said I was glad he made some money on her.

"She's a family favourite... power and beauty."

Another handshake as a goodbye. Smiles!

Two stops for me today... Mirabelle openings, the Upper Eastside and Brooklyn.

I was in the yellow double-breasted suit with the big leg trousers. Gold jewellery and my `Joy' man on duty. I did the sticky nipple things!

Chani was coming with... she's in a pink single-breasted suit, a mini-skirt. An orange t-shirt under the jacket It was a wonderful outfit. She looked terrific!! Some `Joy' for her. Giggles.

Today was going to be special after the visits... Sadie gave me the name of a place to get Chani's ears pierced. She said they'd done their daughter's, very professional. Chani was stoked!!! She had a booking.

I have some earrings for her, she didn't know. They would be her first, small 14k gold rings with a second slightly larger ring dangling... not big or too long. Nothing fancy... simple. Dangly movement without weight.

I have some single 14k rings for her to wear for everyday and sleeping to maintain the opening. Tha has a short instruction sheet for Chani on how to care for her ears with our help.

Upper Eastside first. The store was on the east side of the nine hundred block of Madison Avenue one block north of Ralph Lauren's three stores. A good sized space, two floors, which gave us plenty of room for a full display of suits and everything else! A big store room, an office and a break room.

The suits upstairs, a bigger room to display the many choices. on the ground floor the tops, skirts, etc... The stairs in the centre so there was room all around them to display clothes.

Dodie at the door to welcome Chani and me. We shook hands, Chani got a fist bump! Coral here. A hug and cheek kiss. Raphaela is in Brooklyn at that store opening.

Coral over her bronchitis!! Colour in her cheeks which wasn't rouge!

We met the staff! They're in our clothes looking good!

All ready to go... the press would be here soon.

We got the tour, it looked great. They'd done displays of everything... creative ones by them and some from the manual we created for store openings. It had a lot of merchandising suggestions.

At the foot of the stairs, a mannequin in a baby blue suit her arm extended pointing up... cute!! The space upstairs is amazing... the suits stunning!!

In the main area by the cash wrap I spoke to the news folks... Our first `opening' in the city. Fox news and other local TV stations, all the city newspapers. Louise and Laure from the Daily News with their photographer Dougie.

I gave them background, Coral and I answered questions for a bit. We let them wander to look at the clothes.

Doors open... there was a considerable number of women in the queue. Starbucks had an espresso cart out front for us. It was a good perk for those waiting. The morning chill lingering.

Dodie, Coral and I greeted the women coming in. Dodie's staff helping them right away. Her staff had a few veterans of the retail women's clothing trade including a friend from Coach who was acting assistant manager.

I stepped outside with Tara... the queue very orderly... a lone cop from the NYPD. She was smiling saying no problems. I shook her hand and thanked her.

I spoke to the ladies shaking hands... making sure they understood about the Starbucks cart.

Chani was behind the cash wrap with Delphine, they had an iPad and their iPhones... taking snaps and getting them on the iPad. Sending some to Charlie and Popa.

A line at the cash wrap desk... A staffer with an iPad checking ladies out with the shopping bag stand beside her, a short line.

Dodie looking quite calm in the middle of the activity. A big smile from her.

"Your Ladyship, this is going like I envisioned it."

"Good! Planning makes execution easy."

We shook hands.

Coral joined us, "This is fun to do this every now and then. Too often would wear me out."

A hug for her.

Chani and I stayed for a bit over an hour then a drive over the Manhattan Bridge into Brooklyn. The store at the meeting point of State Street and Flatbush Avenue opposite the Apple Store. The Boerum Hill neighbourhood had a lot of activities happening all the time.

The store is open with a queue out front going west part of the way down the block. The Starbucks cart had a waiting line. A single NYPD officer on hand.

Our security person at the door smiling... Chani did a fist bump as we went in the door.

Eartha inside with Raphaela... hugs. They got to meet Chani... a surprise for them.

I'd met Eartha before, she had been the assistant manager of the Herald Square Mirabelle. Taking this position was awesome for her, she lived in Brooklyn and had loads of family nearby.

Chani wandered with Gaby and Delphine. I talked with Eartha in the office. She had a good staff, one a second cousin who had worked for Bloomingdales, the others all had clothing sales experience.

"Your Ladyship, we will have a fast start I think. Our clothes are the best made garments available, the price points are excellent! Folks here look for quality and a good price... things made to last with styling that isn't so that it will be completely déclassé next year."

I nudged her, "It is well women's lapels aren't as serious as the men's."

We laughed.

I toured with Eartha... women customers were asking about my yellow suit Eartha directing them to where they would find it on the racks.

Eartha turned to me, a slender dark hand on mine, "Will Raphaela be mad if a sales associate at Herald Square wants to come over here?"

I shrugged, "I doubt it... break it to her gently." I smiled, "... Actually I think all the staffs should be interchangeable... it would be good for everyone."

We stayed for almost two hours then off for a late lunch on Manhattan. Back over the East River up into SOHO.

Jayne and Montana at the door of the Big `V.' Hugs for them and introductions for Chani. They were amazed by our daughter... Chani started in by asking about the name.

I said it was for part of a woman's anatomy she didn't share with men. Chani was on it right away...

"Oh vagina? Why the big?"

"Think importance rather than size. This is a club mainly oriented towards women... not just women though."

Chani looked around... the late lunch time had thinned the crowd... in her view one man at the bar with a woman. Jayne took us to a big booth by the dance floor. There was another man eating with two women in a booth.

Glo there, a hug for her. She did a fist bump with Chani. Grins.

A sweet lemonade and a Campari and soda. Chani naturally got a veggie burger and chips. I did my usual Caesar salad with anchovies and a side of chips.

Jayne sat with us. We talked business...

Chani knew I am a partner in the club with Jayne.

"Remember one in Los Angeles... "

"I remember... It was so much fun inside."

Jayne with a smile that had a bit of wonder in it. Jayne asked about her burger...

Chani said she enjoyed the food as we all did. Jayne got veggie burgers were a `thing' right now but she enjoyed her dinners at Le Petit Pontoise. Chani explained it for Jayne.

Jayne pleased at the business... all the parts were above last year. They'd had their first live gigs, a local bands and a singer. The woman singer was marvellous. She did a variety of tunes... a couple of rock n' roll torch songs which lit up the audience.

"I want to sign her up for more," Jayne shaking her head. The crowd had been knocked back, great vocals and music... her backing trio really alive!


I stuck my head in the kitchen on the way out to thank them all. Smiles!

Hugs for Jayne and Montana.

On Houston over to Sullivan Street up just across Bleecker...a small tattoo and piercing shop. I told Pell we'd walk from here.

Wearable-Art near the corner.

A big biker guy waiting to get another tattoo to go with the several dozen he already sported.

A tattooed pixie cut black-haired woman with a terrific smile took us to a small room. Chani in the chair, the woman looked at me... I said please tell Chani everything. She did. Chani was like Okay... let's go.

Another glance to me... a nod. The woman was careful, she did it easily, professionally. Chani hardly winced. I took a small box from my bag... the woman took it and looked inside... a smile "Nice."

She put the earrings in Chani's ears then a mirror... she got a look.... a starburst smile!!

"Mama, I love them!"

A gentle head shake to see the move! A big hug and kiss.

Gil did the paying as Chani and I went out. Tara, Angie and Gaby with us. Home. It wasn't a far walk.

Cho and Charlie in the office looking at video of yesterday's races. Chani and I changed to jeans. Charlie gave his sister a kiss to congratulate her for the earrings. Popa did too!

Cho said Ali and Wesley will be at their place in an hour. Francis suggested we come up right away for a short visit. He knew we were on our way east tonight.

Tessa called, I said come up. In my dressing room... a hug.

"Fay, we broke the ice last night... marvellous!!!"

Her date with Nelly... sex! Tessa's face said it was good...better than good! They'd had a talk' about being long distance... they had the electronic tools to stay in touch and Tessa explained that either could hop' a Cho-Fay Air flight to meet. Nelly amazed by that!

"So you're good for now?"

"Yes, we're still feeling things out... the signs are propitious."

We laughed. Cho knocked, a head in the doorway, "Francis called they are at home."

Okay a walk up the block. Chani and Charlie running ahead... they wanted to see Ali's baby. Gaby and Ansara keeping up with them.

Ali looking gorgeous sitting in a rocking chair holding Wesley. Blue eyes, light brown hair, quite cute.

Chani and Charlie softly squeezed one of Wesley's hands, Ali smiling.

"Fay... Cho... we are so glad Wesley has joined us properly... me especially!"

Francis nodding behind her... a smile that verged on bursting his face open. A proud popa!!

Daria at the door, hugs and kisses. Francis took Wesley so Daria could hold him, it is amazing to see her face.

"Daria will you be Wesley's grandmother?"

My arm around Daria... she quivered saying `Yes!'

We did a mild cheer for them.

I got Wesley... a cutie for sure. His face now showed a bit of mom and popa.

Noises from him... Time for a feeding... he did his first ones at the hospital very successfully. Ali moved to the nursery, another rocking chair with a rocking footstool.

We got Wesley settled down with her... he went on her nipple right away! Wonderful to see him be so eager. Daria on a chair holding one of Ali's hands... such a light in her eyes. In the living room I mentioned to Francis he'd have to keep his guard up with Daria... a quizzical look.

"I can see she'll be a `spoiler' with Wesley."

We all laughed to his, "She will have considerable competition from me!"

We didn't stay long. Goodbye kisses for Ali and Daria... Francis too.

He is good for tonight. Wesley's nurse would start in the morning.

Strapped in at Newburgh... all Okay for take-off. Next stop Bron Airport at Lyon... Delphine doesn't know.

Comments welcome: ABecker60@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 85

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