Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on Aug 24, 2023



Cho waiting in the North Drawing Room with a drink. A hug and kiss.

Clough delivered a sherry which I appreciated. We sipped our drinks... Cho smiling as I told him my news from the Duchess.

He was grinning, "It'll still be a surprise because all we know is something is coming... it could be a squib or a big boom!"

I shrugged.

"I have no idea but then last year was close to the atomic bomb."

Okay so we wait.

There was some very nice kissing and rubbing in my dressing room before I shooed Cho out.


A bright canary yellow skirt, layers of sheer chiffon flowing down from waist to the near the floor, underneath the modesty skirt was overlapping pieces of silk in the same yellow going down loosely to mid-thigh. The halter top vest in the same colour... bare shoulders and low back, it closed in the front at the belly with two big gold buttons! A nice swirling effect as I turned about.

Gold strap heels, nude stockings.

I had worn this going to Yonno's party in New York... lots of dancing that night!!

Cho came back for the last bits! I put on the Lapus Lazuli set, the bracelet taking me back to my first night with Cho! I saw the recognition in his eyes! Cho fastened the necklace. Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes applied!

Something new... a yellow overcoat, low ankle length, big collar, cuffs on the sleeves and two large buttons covered in the same cloth, light cotton batting, warm not heavy.

Cho in a black suit he poured himself into... his body made for the narrow shapes. A very pale gray shirt and a striking red and black tie. Terre! YES!!

He said I was going to be noticed in my clothes. A big toothy grin on me! A laugh when I said him too!

Food first... dancing after!

Allyn took us to Le Colombier in Chelsea. We hadn't been back for years... the night of our engagement in fact after I got the news about my birth certificate being `corrected.'

I needed the coat because we took several tables outside in the terrace area. The autumn evening chill!!

The booking done by Gil. The Maître recognised us as we are now... He bowed and seated us. PJ and Rande in the adjoining table. Another nearby table was left open following Gil's request, she assured them we would compensate them for the space.

We started with a bottle of Veuve Clicquot, Brut. Toasts for recent successes, the Twins, our friends, and us! Cho grinning. Some kisses!

The Seared tuna starter plus the Breton sardines to share. The Salade d'Endives avec Roquefort for me.

Cho chose his favoured Sole ou Meuniere. The Crevettes a la Provençale for me, a good spicy Southern France taste.

The sommelier and Cho decided on a Puligny-Montrachet Les Demoiselles Premier Cru 2016, Phillipe Colin.

The champagne went well with the fish starters. Plates exchanged... my salad.

The food was excellent like we remembered.

The mains arrived... My shrimp very tasty!! The wine perfect for the Provençale sauce. I watched the sole slowly go away on Cho's plate. A very pleased look on his face.

The servers were discreet... not approaching until a glass was low or a plate empty.

We talked some business... Cho wanted background on Cam and Rufus... he got what I had in my head which was complimentary. I added in some on Chad, Benni's son working for us.

Cho... Asprey's was interested in a limited sponsorship deal. They wanted it for the UK only. Cho said we should talk about maybe just Doncaster, Newmarket and Ascot racecourses. I was going to speak with Jillian again so I would propose it.

Some family bits... the Twins `house' in the Garden now resided at the Day Care and was quite popular. I said we'd go for a visit. The new slides for Charlie and Chani were being installed by Phillips' crew.

The Sun-Sentinel publisher sent a long email... our circulation jumped in the days following my interview and the speech in Tallahassee... it stayed up five percent! They had many compliments from colleagues in other press outlets.

Also they have a bump in advertising... the local Miami-Dade and Palm Beach county areas showed a boost of six percent. The publisher thought it would stick at least through the election season.

Cho laughing, "Way to prime the pump!"

We squeezed hands and kissed.

One of Cho's cute smiles, "The last two competing rating agencies have merged... now its just whatever the new thing is called and TruRating! Our new ratings boy on the block is likely to grow further."

Honest and ethical sells! We are trusted. Cho's assessment of the competitors underlying weaknesses in the post 2008 market crash and his good marketing has made TruRating a clear winner.

A kiss for his cheek. I liked this... lots of reasons for kissing!!

More from him... the SSD drive maker has leased land at Ban Wat Bang Fai! We have a twenty year deal and our Security Service will do their security completely.

Cho got that the upcoming Vogue, the December issue, has the Mirabelle suit shoot at Fox Tower. Anna had sent me the snaps and text. They did a fabulous job showing our wares!!

"Gigi looks like the happiest woman... smiles, her face very alive. In our clothes she is awesome."

"Well Gigi has a face to show happiness."

Fist bump.

All our recently acquired helicopter companies around America were now using AW139's exclusively. All their old single engine models reduced to parts and sold that way. The two engine aircraft are being sold as they were. We decided not to make use of any of them.

The Lorenzo AW CEO and his people had a bit of a laugh over it.... He said, `We were our own best customer.' We owned hundreds of AW139 now. Three of four off the assembly line were coming to us. All were up-engined plus the latest avionics and defence measures for the ones we will operate outside of the tour companies.

We were taking some AW189's for fire-fighting work. They didn't need a long range just the lifting capability and their greater weight made them more stable over the rising heat of fires.

A flight of six was going to California in the spring to train for the west coast fire season. Two other flights of six were to be ready to go fires by June. Lots of training for this dangerous work.

The New Mexico Natural Resource people were very impressed with our foam and the delivery by helicopter on the edges of a fire to stop its advance very effective. Being able to drop it from a fixed-wing aircraft was shown to blanket large areas... excellent fire suppression.

Our dear Lawan... she was working exclusively on Jane Austen translations. She's taking a break for the holidays after she finished her latest! Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion all completed, up online. They were already printed. Copies of all sent to the Jane Austen House in Chawton. They were selling at the museum shop and online.

I kidded her she would be working herself out of a job. Laughter!

I said not to worry `We will find other books for you.'

Ronnie's news... her parents had been told about Cormac... all of it. They wanted to meet him in December. Jack kidded her about all the hearts of fellows in California she'd be breaking.

I was also told by Ronnie she was spending a few nights at EFT... We grinned at each other.

I love our sharing news! Cho grinning knowing that Ronnie was enjoying being with us in all sorts of ways.

Love! A magical mixture of people... it can happen in wild and crazy ways.

I was done... all my shrimp gone!

I asked for the orange Crêpes Suzette. Espresso. Cho had a glass of port skipping dessert. A whisper... `I was the dessert he wanted!' He got a well disguised lascivious smile.

The Maître came back when we asked our server, Gil had everything prepared like last time we did a night out! He bowed and thanked us for coming... it was an honour to have us.

Cho asked if he remembered a couple several years who became engaged here... He did...

"M'Lady You? Wonderful... we didn't know."

He bowed again. We shook his hand. I decided not to explain I wasn't a Countess then.

Allyn carried us a few blocks south to Kings Road then west a few more blocks to Raffles. The waiting line a dozen yards long on the sidewalk. The man outside texted to the inside people as we stepped out. The manager in the entryway smiling.

My coat taken.

Cho motioning to their wall of snaps... we were up there near to Prince William and Kate. We let them take another picture.

In the VIP room we had the same two back tables.

Their security sent two of their folks to join us. PJ had one stay at the tables... the other just off the dance floor near us, PJ and Rande close by.

Cho and I dancing!! We had fun! We always do on the dance floor!

No dizzy girl bumping me this time! There were some comments about my outfit... several women complimented me. One fellow gave me a good looking over... he was abashed when I caught his eyes. He bowed and turned away.

Cho! He had such moves! I leaned close to say in his ear I was going to sit to watch him... such a laugh!! We stopped after thirty minutes.

We parked on the booth seat... dry Martinis delivered. Rande and PJ smiling over to us. We thanked them. Thumbs up.

We chilled out for a while then back for another thirty five minutes. It felt very good to shake a leg for a while!

Now to Cowley House.

The manager said Gil had made all the arrangements. Cho helped me into the big yellow coat... out into a bit of damp... a mist. Allyn at the kerb.

We thanked our Protectors in the entryway at Cowley House.

PJ with a smile, "Fay... Cho... we are happy to do it."

He and Rande did a fist bump.

Hugs and handshakes for them.

My head pillowed on Cho's muscular bicep... dark eyes on mine... he went out of focus as we kissed. My body tingling from our past hour of lovemaking.

Cho grinning down, "You look as if you feel as good as me."

I described the feelings... he was nodding. Kiss!

Wrapped in strong brown arms... wonderful! Sleep came easy, warm and safe in Cho's arms.

My morning walk around the blocks north of the Abbey then west, south then east... we bent about to Great College Street... no boys at the Westminster gate. Home to sit with Cho. A plate of eggs, tomatoes, veggie sausages and toast. Clough poured my coffee.

"Was it a good evening My Lady?"

"It was. A fine dinner then we shook it up."

Cho laughed, "Indeed... shaking."

Clough's face in a big smile.

Cho held up the Daily Mail with a snap of us on the front... We looked good! The other newspapers had short pieces about us. They all had the usual muck about a night out.

I know I must be a bit off... why would anyone care what we did? It sells newspapers and glossies but really?

I was in a Modern Munro tartan mini-skirt, a white cotton long sleeved shirt, black slender tie, a black wool vest and a black blazer over it all. Black tights and heels. Silver bits of jewellery, `Joy' A small black leather bag.

Walking across the College Green towards St. Margret's. A WPC at the Peers entrance saluted. Smiling I nodded to her.

In the Royal Gallery... Susanne waved, she was in a group of tories. Smiling I returned it.

I saw Ashover talking to two fellows. Mac! A hug, a cheek kiss for him.

"Fay, I looked at the 21st Century Fox stock... its up five percent in the last thirty days? Something going on I missed?"

"No. People are responding to those stories on republicans... and a few other things... a delayed reaction... like they were waiting to see if it would continue... which of course it is."

"Well I have no objections to making money by standing still."

We laughed. I motioned to Ashover... he joined us, a big smile. I asked why...

"The Government is going to make changes to the asylum rules and procedures which should make it easier for those in real need to be helped. One more tory mess needing a clean-up."

Fist bump.

"I met your niece at the Palace yesterday at an authors and editors tea thing."

"Ah... the book editor. She's a smarty."

They were mildly surprised to learn we were creating a book publishing company.

"So if you're thinking of doing your memoirs... salacious or prim let me know."

Such laughter... a few folks looked over.

I was assured by both men that wasn't going to happen.

A woman peer I did not know... looking about forty, slender... she was going by... she paused, "Your yellow outfit last night was terrific!"

I thanked her. Smiles.

We introduced each other, Lady Whitchurch, a Labour life peer. Alexandra.

We shook hands as we were called into the House.

Some voting, debate on a bill to make changes to several government departments and some other bits and pieces.

The government's solar subsidy bill for homeowners got its first reading. I liked it. Warren and his colleagues did a fine job. It made sense and offered excellent subsidies!! Real encouragement to home owners to install solar.

Not a long session.

Susanne waved... "I saw your press coverage this morning. What a frock!"

I thanked her.

"We love to dance so when a chance comes along we go!"

"I have a husband who also likes to dance. We do a few local events back home in Leicester."

I said we had a dancing evening... Terrance and Melody our first guests.

"NO! I had no idea... Terrance? Hiding his light?"

"Yes, he's a good dancer, light, leads easily. Melody is great!"

"If I can pry Joss out of the house... maybe we could join you sometime?"

"Of course we would be delighted. There's no schedule but we would be able to give you some advance notice."

She was happy! A hug and cheek kiss. A wave.

I headed back to Cowley House.

Cho and I rode over to the SolarToGo offices north of Paddington Station. On the way I emailed Eric and Reg about the solar bill's first reading.

We went through speaking to everyone. Cam and Rufus jazzed about the new `collectors' and panels. The newest prototypes ready for installation... one on the roof here, others to be shipped. Their staff people would follow to install them.

Chad smiling as I introduced him to Cho. Chad was a golfer!! He was thrilled to meet the `Pro.' I left them to talk golf for a bit... wandering.

I looked in all the corners then sat down with Cam and Rufus. She was sure the new devices would be finalised for production by mid-January. They were working with Reg and the construction and fabrication people to have the new plant interior design ready by the first of November. Building could begin, the manufacturing process for parts was being created. The new solar cells will be easier to make with less expensive and more available materials.

In my Lady's Room I sat to sign the first batch of birthday, anniversary, etc... cards. This is a chore. Arlette sitting opposite smiling... it is her work. She was thanked! I slogged through it.

She said she was doing fine... the work as advertised and not too heavy... I added a `yet.' She laughed when I said Christmas cards.

Gil was continuing to move things to her... they talked, texted and emailed throughout the day. She stayed in touch with Sage the same way plus in person as they both lived in Cowley House.

Alex called from California... good I needed a break!

"Fay we have two real possibles for new railroad users for our systems. The Southland Rail system here in southern California, Arizona and Nevada is one, the other is the NENY Network in New England and New York.

They both have watched from afar as the GWNW and STS have come into our camp. Each has made inquiries to both our clients... I spoke with Ted in Atlanta.

He says the Southland people have links to STS since a few of their management had worked for STS in the past."

"Good! You have spoken to them... you feel they will bite our bait?"

I laughed... "I'm not sure where the fishing metaphor came from."


"We do have a juicy worm dangling..." More laughing, "... seamless link from track to board room, faster operations, top quality equipment, outstanding software with the best support I have ever seen.

We're a tasty package for sure!"

A lot of laughing.

Alex said, "A top corporate officer at GWNW took a call from a Canadian Railways person, they're friends. He wanted to know `all about' our system... the GWNW fellow told him and gave him my name."

Excellent! Let's take over North America!!

I tried to keep signing cards... the laughter making it a bit difficult.

"Oh... I wanted to tell you I went to the WEHO Big `V' the other night. You are right... great sounds, excellent drinks... the food amazing! That is a fabulous place."

I was glad to hear it all.

"Also some guy tried to pick me up!"

"So how did that go?"

"He was disappointed but nice about my answer."

"Seems you had a good time. I'm pleased. The club in New York is just like it should you ever go that way."

"From the way the NENY folks talk on our doing work for them it's a real possibility."

I said I wouldn't jinx it but he got my congratulations.

Arlette sitting there watching me sign her work with a wondering look on her face. The piles getting lower.

Oliver... I picked up.

"Fay, the new forges are installed."

I cheered for that.

"Benson has been to the forge maker to get schooled from the bottom up... now he's itching to get started. The computer system that drives it is ready... Simone is preparing sample runs as we speak.

I'm am pleased Simone is here. She really knows her stuff! When you sent her here to talk with us... we knew she was right... not just her computer knowledge especially with cutting technology but she can explain what is happening clearly so us Virginia country boys get it."

I did laugh again! Simone was pointed out to us by Eric. She's a Jamaican `Windrush' baby! Educated at St. Andrews, the top computer science university in Great Britain! Good for us Eric knew her family through Malee working in fashion in London where her mother was a long time designer... Simone wanted to live in America.

We did a deal for her... a year in Virginia getting Metal Specialities online with the new systems and training the staff then we would find another spot for her. I told her it looked like New York in the Fox Tower which thrilled her! We were good!

All is well for Metal Specialities, Oliver and his family!

After a late lunch we flew home to Harcourt House.

I changed to ride.

We walked over to Carter's house... Sunny standing in the sitting room of her `new' flat... a smile. In the space between the bedroom doors... shelves! Handsome dark wood to match the wood in the flat. They were put up by Phillip's carpentry people... she had it filled with trophies, ribbons and doodads. There are still some on the floor...

"I had to choose."

A hug. Cho pointed to the shelf space above the kitchen cabinets... Sunny grinned, a thumbs up.

She had house-warming gifts from us... a big box of microwave popcorn packages in several flavours and the fridge had drinks of all sorts that she liked plus some of her favourite ice cream bars.

Some friends coming for a little house warming tomorrow after school.

I leaned against her... "Your alarm?"

A smile, "It's set and loud." Fist bump!

Rebel making noise as I stroked his face. We mounted and I turned us north. Warmed up we galloped to Sandford. Walking through the village to the church... we spoke to many villagers on the way then across the grass to the Talking Shop. Liquorice!

I bought liquorice squares and strings. The lady proprietor smiling saying it was nice to see me again. I thanked her.

On the return I asked Rebel... he was willing to run like the wind! We soared along the river running easily... Tessa on Geo stayed close until I asked Rebel for more then space opened up. On the Flats I walked this powerhouse colt. Tessa caught up first! Then Angie.

Gil had a few things for me so I sat in my riding clothes to work for a bit.

Gil heard from the Thames Valley Police... the young bombers had chosen to roll over on their mentor... they were offered lower sentences to fully testify... the other little nazis in the group did likewise so the ringleader faced with those odds confessed. He was going away for two decades. The Prevention of Terrorism Act had draconian prison terms attached.

So it was over no trials. That is good for us.

Fin was tasked to ask PJ and Angie to come up. Cho beside me... I told them the result. Fist bumps! So no fussing with the court.

Angie had received a commendation from the Thames Valley Police Chief Constable.

Going through the Great Room I could see the Twins romping with Jaidee in the Garden!

After dinner I took a call from Daniel.

"Miss Martin, I received a letter from the U.S. Equestrian Federation... we now have an A' rating from them! It was helped by a four' rating from the World Equestrian Council which is a rise up of one point.

The Concours de Saut International rankings for the individual events was sure to change also... we can hope our reclassifying younger riders will help there."

Daniel is pleased as Cho and I were. I thanked him for staying on top of it all.

"Fay, our people have worked very hard... the competition venues are world class! The new covers for the dressage and jumping are going ahead on schedule... I'm sure those changes influenced our rise in rankings."

"Daniel, our sponsorship attorneys are working for more involvement so we can offer higher prize money to the professionals and have a wider range of awards... like Best American bred, Best owner, etc..."

He was in favour of those... "Of course you know they will make work for you... giving away all the prizes."

We laughed. Cho did too when I told him Daniel's bon mot.

I made a note for Daniel to get a nice bonus this year. His people too!


Tony, our London shelter boss, emailed that she'd spoken to Rudy's nephew the social work graduate student, he was interested in working for our foundation. Tony's email said he is fluent in French with passable German.

He wouldn't complete his graduate work until late spring so they would keep in touch.

Cho gave me a thumbs up for that!

Casita called from Los Angeles... the heat ray company officers, all indicted for multiple charges, pled guilty to slightly reduced charges which likely involved goal time for them all. Most were facing a few years maximum and they were all being sued by the State of California. The U.S. Attorney still investigating.

They would undoubtedly be sued by the many possible victims, Casita said a likely `class action suit.' She added they'll have to show damage for it to go forward... that may be hard to do... at least for now anyway.

Good! The weasels deserve it all!!!

General Ba's email was enlightening... the border between themselves and China is closed except at a few old well-known crossings. The wall with the accompanying drone patrols was `live' from this day.

He was very pleased... his boss the Defence Minister gave him a medal, the citation saying he had done an unparalleled job managing the two vital projects... the wall and the microwave upgrade. Nice!

I forwarded his email to Eric, Reg, Stephen and Conrad. Stephen was back to me right away with his big thumbs up emoji!! Soon Conrad replied... he is on a holiday in the Philippines after his hard work in Vietnam. He said there is a lot to do but the team, on holiday too, was excellent and the support of the Vietnamese is awesome!

I emailed Narong about the extended border wall idea... `Any movement?'

Asprey's contacted Gil... the pins for Mirabelle and the shelters were ready. Gil prepared a list for them to ship to each location. The managers would receive a big box... they would give everyone a pin.

Each person would get a thank you card Arlette created, printed and had delivered to Asprey's.

I signed them all... tired hand!

A nice simple thing for all our workers in two enterprises!!

Cho took a call from our New York lawyers... the SEC had talked with them. Certain individuals had been on to the SEC to inquire about our purchase of Gannett.

Cho's smile told me... the SEC had rebuffed those individuals' saying first the deal was open and above board, at the top of the scale for fairness, the stock weakness made it a target and that was caused by the company's own management... above everything else those individuals' had no standing to complain as they owned no stock in Gannett at the time of the transaction.

"The lawyers said the `individuals' were unlikely to go further especially since the SEC had so comprehensively knocked down their complaints. The same arguments would apply in any Federal court."

Fist bump.

We had several days of good weather so lots of time spent in the Garden, walking the estate, swimming and riding!! Cho and I spent with Archie and his teams... our seasonal harvest was excellent... lots of hay, vegetables. The fruit and nut trees growing up strong, they would produce in a few years!

Gil heard from Rodney Brooks... he sent several possible dates for an `AI' talk to members of Parliament.

"Fay, I checked with Lord Balloch's office and the Labour Commons leader... they agreed on one of the dates. Mr. Brooks hasn't responded yet... I sent the email about two hours ago.

I mentioned to the two people at Westminster I'm dealing with there is a four hundred and ten person limit that St. John's Smith does not want to exceed so it would need to be done like your solar speech... make a booking on a `first come ... first served' basis.' The date is December seventh."

Fist bump!

Gary let us know... Theodore and the FBI had our database of Russian spy faces... they were happy. We got their group Russian faces in return.

Gary's report said there had been no return of Russians to Minetta Street. We watch carefully.

The building we wanted in White Plains for The Journal News deal closed a months ago. The renovation in progress. The new printing press being installed in the big attached warehouse, lots of room.

The existing printing company we bought will be used to print other items. The previous owner who works for us is assembling a sales force to work all of the New York metropolitan area and over in lower Connecticut.

The publisher was thrilled. Our promises coming through. His team responding with increased ad space buys and a wider reporting area bringing in new readers! A four and half percent rise in circulation.

The 767 rising from Chalgrove... a big turn to the east then southeast... Tehran. I sat to work then supper and sleep.

The morning sun at Mehrabad Airport. I stretched my legs around the big jet. Our security devices sitting on the tarmac... silently doing their thing.

Maisil had been in touch with Gil about today... he had a helicopter for us. Cars took us to the military side of the airfield then we rose up going north-northeast. Several small buildings had been razed for new construction across the street from the school... Maisil arranged for it to be a landing zone for us.

Farzanegan 6 High School, an all girls NODET school. Students get into NODET schools after a rigorous testing regime, highly competitive entry because the curriculum is geared for exceptional young people. They have both middle and high schools in the NODET system.

I chose gray and red today. The pale gray suit was slender cut, a single button on the jacket and the trousers to my ankles. A red sleeveless top with a slight V' in front under the jacket. A black silk scarf on my head. Some silver jewellery. Black heels. Joy' Red round sunglasses on my face.

Gil and Chelle like me. PJ and Ken in their usual well tailored suits.

Too noisy to talk easily inside the moving helicopter... Gil holding up her iPhone.

Her mouth near my ear... "Rodney Brooks replied. He can do the Seventh of December.

He will be in New York City... I arranged with Penn a lift from the Westside Heliport to Teterboro and a Gulfstream to Chalgrove then to Cowley House. He'll arrive in the evening of the sixth, do the speech the next day then return to New York. He is pleased with our arrangements."

Fist bump.

We stepped out of the Iranian Army helicopter to cross the street over to the entrance of the school courtyard... the doorway surrounded by a paper arc saying in English `Welcome Lady Harcourt.'

The school administrator at the gate, she was smiling. Allysiah beside her. I shook hands with them as they greeted me in English. I saw an impish grin on Allysiah's face! Okay I got it... she hadn't let them in on my speaking Farsi.

I introduced Gil and Chelle.

Inside the courtyard was empty... The administrator said everyone was in the auditorium.

She led us there. Hundreds of girls and staff stood up to applaud... Wow! I hadn't gotten started. A big welcome. I waved to them.

Up on the stage, chairs and a lectern with a microphone.

The administrator introduced me... in English! It seemed like the barn door was open but it was her show.

When she had given me the build up I stepped to the microphone to loud applause.

Smiling I said `Good morning to you all' in my Farsi!

That caused some wonder... A few teachers looked at each other... like I'd managed to learn a phrase to be nice. Smiles.

"I am very pleased to be invited to speak you... This is a very fine reason to return to Tehran."

My Farsi had the entire audience stunned into silence except Allysiah... she had a cute smile. Then they clapped. The faculty heads shaking.

I went on in Farsi...

"Strength... is needed for all women everywhere. Women are the family pillars of strength... holding the men, boys and girls together. In today's world women need to be strong outside their immediate family.

Iran, like all countries, needs to have all the citizens give their best efforts in whatever endeavours they choose. Doctors are badly needed for the growing population, teachers for the ever larger numbers of students to be educated."

I motioned to the faculty sitting in the front rows... and clapped! The students joined in. Smiles from the faculty.

"Iran needs all sorts of scientific roles to be filled. Chemists, biologists, physicists, many more... males or females can perform those tasks to move critical government and business efforts forward into the future."

Smiling, "Maybe not being construction workers but surveyors, architects for building the nation's buildings."

Some tittering behind hands over their mouths..

"During the Second World War women worked in professions that had been exclusively male... the men went into uniform but so did women. One of my great grandmothers was a welder and an air raid warden.

A good pair of hands are always valuable not just on men. A good mind... thinking and learning are skills... You have them... or you wouldn't be here in this school if you didn't.

A lifetime task for you is to keep learning... never stop. The more you know about your chosen field of work the better, the more you know about life makes you a better person.

There will be a lot of trudging uphill... that is the way forward though. Imagine what you will see each time you gain a new level... more hills... Yes..."


"But... " My hands out to them, "... you have learned how to climb."

They loved that... clapping and laughter.

"So how to be strong? There so many parts to life where your strength will be needed and tested. It is possible your family might not approve of your chosen path... You have to show them your strength of purpose through explaining what you see for yourself. It may take time and some upset but if you are committed you can overcome their objections.

You succeed by knowing what to say because you will have been able to create an argument through education.

My parents never knew what I wanted... they were not around me for long periods while I was growing up. I lost them both when I was eighteen..."

The room quiet.

"I kept going for myself. You may face that unpleasantness... I hope not... You have to go down inside yourself find the will to go forward. I finished university as my first big climb."

They applauded.

I spent some time on how to gather their thoughts so a reasonable and cogent argument could be made for whatever life goal they desired. At each point they should think critically about their approach and ideas... building up the argument.

Critical thinking comes from education! Education! Education!

I told them to seek strength in their beliefs... There are lessons in the word of god... There are lessons from your family... Keep your eyes and ears open for learning those lessons!

So many women have come before them... they persevered... seeking their truth... pursuing their goals. Learn from their failures as well as successes.

"You may face opposition from people outside your family to your goals... such people will not know you well... another hill. You make your case to them for what you want. Your argument should be built around you and your abilities. You may not win them over the first time... then you go back to building your reasons and make another attempt.

Your personal life will always be a source new developments. Families are ever changing... you may find a man to love... if that happens... I hope it does... for you all."

My arms wide open to them...

Smiles and some clapping in the crowd.

"Then you may have to use strength to have your love accepted by your family or theirs. I met a family to replace my lost parents... I was adopted... my new mother and father fortunately knew the man I wanted for my husband... they loved him so..."

I wrapped my arms around myself... much laughing and clapping. Several of the faculty smiling and nodding.

"Being strong is a complicated thing... education, work, love, friends... at each hill you have to climb remember the rewards at the top... it will not make the trek shorter only reaching the top more rewarding."

I gave them a biography of my recent life... the businesses I was involved in, charity, government...

"Is there some limit or barrier to make you stop striving? NO! Iran needs the voices of its women... in business... in government... in public life. So many exciting things happening... Iran is a country on the move... so many roles you can fill.

There are ways of moving forward for you... its up to you find those paths. I looked for mine... I found them... multiple paths... now I have a very full life in business... in government and wonderful friends... a busy family... two children who are amazingly smart and very active.

I will return to Iran often... I have made friends, our companies are building a considerable business relationship... I look forward seeing Iran prosper.

Thank you for the invitation to visit you all. Be well! AND keep climbing!"

I stepped away from the lectern. The girls and their adults stood up to applaud... cheers!

I waved to them. Down the steps to Allysiah who rushed forward for a hug. Cheers and more clapping.

The administrator came up I shook her hand.

"You certainly surprised us. You speak Farsi like a Tehran citizen."

I squeezed a hand telling her I have a facility for languages.

Allysiah had my other hand, the administrator asked if she knew about my Farsi.

I squeezed Allysiah, she said, "Yes... I thought it would be a nice surprise for everyone. They could see that a famous English woman thought so much of Iran to learn our language."

The administrator's head shaking, "It is a wonderful surprise. What you said I hope will encourage our young women. Thank you for coming."

Another handshake and a hug.

Two men in dark suits had been at the far back... they came down front.

I was shaking hands with the faculty... thanks yous and amazement at my language skill. One an English teacher said she had never heard any western woman speak with such an accent and command of Farsi. Her English was excellent with a slight Oxford tint.

I found out from her that English was a class every student had to take and pass to advance. I said I wish languages were as deeply engrained in American and European schools.

I spoke to all the faculty and the staff. They were amazed at my Farsi and very pleased to meet.

Two older girls brought me a bunches of flowers... lovely blues and yellows!!

Allysiah walked me towards the door with the Administrator. Chelle took the flowers.

The two men went out ahead towards the gate.

PJ leading, Ken behind my ladies. In the sun I did my goodbyes. Allysiah gave me a big hug. I said for her to say hello to her family... nodding she would.

At the gate the two men.. one stepped forward... he bowed.

"Lady Harcourt, General Soleimani asked us to attend and give you his greetings and respects. He is called away to the south..."

I extended my hand... "I understand."

He looked easier shaking my hand, "He wanted to see how you were received... he had planned to attend himself..."

Smiling, "Please thank the general for the thought and it is shame to have missed him."

He bowed again saying he would be honoured to carry the message.

I shook hands with the other fellow.

The first man looked to his colleague.. "Lady Harcourt, we think your words to the girls were very good. I have two girls and... " His hand on the shoulder of his companion, "... my colleague has a boy and a girl. We don't want our girls to have their future's limited..."

A big smile, "They are very smart and we..." The look again... the other fellow smiling too, "... think women have so much to offer to Iran besides staying at home having children.

You have children but do so many things... ours should too!"

Smiling, I took their hands again, "I believe your girls will have the chance especially with your support. One way to start..." expectant faces, "... have them learn languages... I know English is taught in the schools but go on to French or Arabic or German... or others. First, there many ways to use such skills... in business, government, the arts. Second, they could read the millions of wonderful books in other languages plus meet people from other countries on an equitable basis."

Bigger smiles.

We shook hands once more, quite warmly.

I said goodbyes. We re-crossed the street... they each raised a hand. I did too.

The helicopter pilots spotted us coming out... they began to crank it up. We climbed in. In a few minutes we lifted up turning north. A crowd of girls in the courtyard waved... Gil close to a window waved back.

It was a short hop to the Energy Ministry. I thanked the pilots... smiles. Maisil nearby... when the doors opened we walked right over to him, we exchanged greetings. Up in the lift. The well-remembered room with the fabulous view. Snow already on the higher elevations.

Taj smiling, a warm handshake.

"I had Maisil bring you up for a look."

We laughed. He shook hands with Gil and Chelle. Then PJ and Ken.

We sat looking out for a few minutes. I told him about my speech and the two fellows at the end.

Taj's head shaking, "You have a firm comrade in Soleimani. He helped to persuade everyone you are a serious friend to Iran. The Ayatollah understands you have been instrumental in positive things for our relations with the western powers and even more so for our future with the water project and now the solar panels."

I thanked him for his help.

"I did not do much... I just reminded a few people of the many things you have already done."

I squeezed his hand.

Taj with a big smile... "Doosti?"

A big YES! I could see all my companions were ready! Taj laughed.

Okay back down to the ground... cars.

At the door of the restaurant... Afrin smiling... a big welcome, we shook hands. Esfir came out for a hug.

We were led towards the same big seating area... Whoa! Afrin stopped short in front of us! Spinning around...

"You... " He bowed, ".. you are a noble lady!"

I took his his hand, "Here I am Fay Martin."

A smile and a thank you.

I could see some of the people in the other areas of the restaurant looking over...

We slid into our now normal sitting arrangement... Taj and I at the back. Maisil with PJ and Ken. Gil and Chelle beside me.

Tea! Afrin and Esfir bustling around... food started to arrive quickly... no ordering needed.

Sipping saffron tea watching Taj look at recent snaps of the Twins... a head shaking.

"Fay, they are growing up so quickly... the video of them in the park is amazing! They are agile!"

"They surprise us all the time. They graduated from the little swing on their garden house... now it a big swing. There new slides in the Garden... tall!"

My arms going wide.

"They love to go to museums... natural history are the best! Dinosaurs!"

He laughed, "My grandchildren also love dinosaurs."

I found the Tyrannosaur skeleton snap Charlie sent me. Taj laughed at that.

"Could you send it to me?"

I did.

It would be a hit with the grandkids!

"It is the Museum of Natural History in New York. They went to a children's art museum in New York... they made some art while visiting."

I turned to Gil... I got her iPad so the pictures would be bigger... Taj looking at the `pot' and little temple watercolour... more head shaking.

"Fay, they are wizards!"

Gil nudged me, she said `Thames Valley.'

I scrolled in her snaps to Chani's landscape... Taj put his hand over his heart...

"Fay, they cannot be two... it is impossible."

Charlie's two birds made the same impression.

"The only training they have is from Tha and Delphine. They are naturals."

I had not ignored the food... my scooping up delights with my lavash brought grins from Ken and PJ... who were doing the same thing. Gil and Chelle right along with us. Maisil a huge smile, he was a regular here with Taj. No doubts about his relishing the many delicious tastes which he wasn't ignoring!

Taj put down the tablet... head shaking. He made an effort to catch up... we were all laughing at each other... enjoying the food!!

Esfir at the opening by the samovar... she smiling watching us eat! She motioned to two teenage boys. She introduced her two youngest... they bowed... big eyes. I stood to shake their hands.

They helped their mother clear away dishes... Afrin on the way with more.

Stews, several rice dishes and pickled vegetables!! All so delicious! Taj and I grinning at each other.

We were speaking a mixture of Farsi, English and French. Complete enjoyment. Doosti was indeed a place for friendship!

A nice long pleasant luncheon. Our hosts very happy to have us return. Afrin and Esfir marvelling over the snaps of Chani and Charlie. Their art work praised.

Esfir had box of almond cookies and rock candy for the Twins.

Afrin borrowed Gil's iPad to show the Thames Valley piece to a man in another seating area... he was a professor of art at Tehran University. I saw his head shaking... he followed Afrin... we were introduced.

I said it was a pleasure to meet him... my Farsi raised eyebrows.

"Lady Harcourt, your children are quite amazing artists... they must follow you in many skills... your Farsi is excellent."

"They are products of a nice combination of my husband, Cho, and I. They love to learn. Their being so young we encourage them so they will continue throughout their lives."

"How old are they?"

`Almost two and half' FLOORED him.

He groped to speak... "Pardon me...Lady Harcourt, how... how do they know to do something like shading? Or to change tint?"

"They seem to know instinctively what looks good or is the `right thing' to do."

He expressed to me his opinion we should get them some training because they have such potential.

"We are letting them enjoy themselves... if they want to go further they will say... they are terribly smart and communicate exceptionally well."

The professor shook my hand thanking me for sharing. He wrote his name and email address on a piece of paper Afrin brought out to him. I thanked him.

I did goodbyes, a big hug from Esfir.

Taj and I said goodbyes by the helicopter... waves from us as it rose up.

At Mehrabad the 767 was ready to go... we taxied to the runway... off. A long flight to Florida.

We worked for hours, a light supper after all the deliciousness at Doosti!

In bed on the phone with Cho... he and the babies had a great day! A visit to the Day Care... their old Garden house well used. The younger ones loved it. Jocelyn pleased the Twins wanted to share their fun house.

Chani and Charlie told Popa they were happy it was so well used... it was in a good place. Lovely!

We landed in the night... sitting up in bed to read the military base documents. A soporific!

In the morning I took a walk with Tara around the parking apron. Warm and humid! Not a lot going on... we could see the main terminal building a half mile away... only one passenger jet parked at a gate. Not a lot of air traffic here.

Breakfast, news, email and some calls.

PJ, Tara, Tessa and Angie with me today.

A short sleeve black frock to mid-thigh, silk, open shirt collar, a narrow black leather belt. Black stockings and red St. Laurent heels. Silver jewellery and red nails and lips. `Joy' A black 25cm Hermès Kelly bag.

The car ready on the tarmac. It was only twenty minutes at this hour to the Donald L. Tucker Civic Centre. We came in under the portico at the rear.

One of Charlie Crist's folks there.

"Your Ladyship, welcome to Tallahassee."

I thanked him. He led us to a room on the same level as the stage.

I was informed our newspaper and TV reporters would be shown into a room on the next level down to meet with me afterward. A thank you.

He asked if there anything I required... I said, "Coffee?"

"I'll have someone in right away."

A spritely blonde showed up... she smiled at the coffee for seven.

Crist's campaign manager came in... we shook hands... he said several people would start up the event then I'd be introduced. Charlie would follow me. He asked if I could stay on the stage as Charlie spoke...

"He won't have long remarks just hitting the campaign's hottest topics. You there for the optics... I'm sure you understand. He might ask you to join him when he finishes?"

I said I was fine with it.

Chelle looking up from her iPad, "Fay, from Francis... the Hays-Adams deal is done! He says the price is good and the family pleased to sell to us. They remarked on our reputation."

I smiled... Now we had a place in Washington to do some entertaining.

I asked Gil to notify Hillary's assistant about the hotel. She gave me a grin.

We could hear the crowd noise rising... I was near the door when the knock happened... Tessa opened it to a tanned white–haired fellow with a big smile... Charlie Crist.

"Your Ladyship... welcome and thank you for speaking today."

We shook hands.

I told him I was going to concentrate on corruption... the NewsGroup newspapers and Fox had released their pieces delving into the extensive republican misdeeds in Florida.

They had gone off like grenades!

Crist was fine with that.

"Your news folks are really slamming them... they have done a lot of damage to Florida we hope to repair."

A woman come to the open door, "Your Ladyship... its time."

Okay. A handshake for Charlie Crist and off.

I followed the woman to the stage wing... PJ and Tara with me, Tessa and Angie on the other side.

The second speaker was going on about social programmes being cut...

The host was a Florida state senator from Tallahassee... We spoke briefly.

He took the podium again...

"Our next speaker isn't from Florida but is an important business and property owner in our great state... she is the CEO of the NewsGroup which owns many newspapers here, she is also the CEO of the 21st Century Fox Corporation which has TV stations in Florida. It is the corporation that controls Fox News.

You may have seen the recent news reports about corruption by Florida republicans... including the current governor. Those stories laid out the web of deceit woven by republicans for decades all came from her newspapers and TV!

Please welcome Fay Martin!!"

The crowd did WELCOME me!! Very loud, clapping, feet stomping and jumping up and down. A whale of a start!

"Hello! Thank you for that amazing welcome!

No I'm not a Floridian... my husband and I do care what happens here. We are business people... the current governor..." I motioned over my shoulder towards the state capitol building four blocks to the east, "... is a petty tyrant who is ruining Florida's good name for business."

<Loud approval for that!>

"He leads a republican party which is poisoning the well for business opportunity through criminality and stupidity. The republican corruption is now at such levels business people are shying away from investment in this state. No investment means an economic downturn which brings job losses and cuts in services for the citizens of Florida.

The bozo..." My arm motion again, "... is attacking Disney? What is that? They are Florida's largest employer bringing tens of thousands of visitors to the state every month... Why? Because they support their employees? ALL their employees!

Any business owner that doesn't help its workers deserves to fail."

I went on recapping the news stories briefly.

Taking illegal campaign donations, fraudulently reporting donations, accepting in-kind donations but not reporting them, on and on...

Millions of dollars under the table from real estate interests who were trying to buy access and favours.

"Other kinds of corruption coming out... the republicans are trying to take over functions assigned to county and city governments. This is contrary to their espoused beliefs in local control being essential. Its only essential for republicans not others...

Why interfere with county prosecutors doing their job? Because they aren't republican or they won't kiss your posterior? These are the actions of a petty tyrant seeking some sort of revenge. That is not part of the job description of a public servant.

Of course the republicans don't think of themselves as public servants... voters are just there to be used for their personal agendas and profit. Republicans serve their donors not the citizens of Florida."

<Another huge noise for that... foot stomping!>

"Only republican politicians fear the voters... why else try to disenfranchise voters? People who have served a jail term and are released should have their voting rights returned AUTOMATICALLY..."

<Applause... APPLAUSE>

"The republicans have wickedly blocked those people from voting simply because they know as a group they will not vote republican... Why would anyone vote for bullies? Naturally you wouldn't!"

I went on with more examples of their corruption... small and large... every way republicans, in particular the governor, has failed the citizens of Florida.

I pointed out when Charlie Crist was the governor a few years ago Florida had a positive attitude and the business community benefitted enormously from policies that promoted growth rather than impede it as republicans do now.

Florida needs the return to commonsense government and honest behaviour.

I wound down... Thanking everyone for their kind attention and generous welcome.

I looked to the host... A huge smile... he motioned me on...

At the microphone... "Welcome your next governor Charlie Crist."

Charlie came out bouncing... a big grin and a handshake. At the microphone he thanked me. I waved... the applause very loud.

I stepped to a line of chairs... shaking hands with the earlier speakers. Nobody was sitting so I stood with them as Charlie Crist did a terrific stump speech on the evils of republicans in office.

How they stole the feeling of self-worth from individuals and the state of Florida!

He spoke well driving home his points... he did it for twenty minutes... repeatedly interrupted by the audience with applause and approval noises.

He finished by calling for voters to send Democrats to the state legislature to get Florida moving forward... NO GOING BACKWARDS was repeated several time in his remarks.

He was waving to the crowd... he motioned us all forward. His hand out to me... I stood beside him waving to the people.

The crowd kept up the clapping and yelling for some time before the host came back to take over... he thanked everybody for their support of the Democratic Party.

He closed asking everyone to take care going home. And a Big thank you for upholding democracy in Florida!

Back stage Charlie Crist smiling, "Your Ladyship, you gave a great speech. Thank you for your support!"

"I'm Fay." He smiled wider, "Cho and I support politicians who want to serve the people they ask for their vote.

Cho and I believe the people properly informed know a scoundrel when they see one. We are trying to give them what they need to make that choice."

He nodded, "Your newspapers are doing the job for sure. The Sun-Sentinel dropped the biggest bomb... your interview! It was an amazing read."

I thanked Charlie.

I laughed, "They are doing the task Cho and I set for them... dig deep, report honestly! Unfortunately for republicans Fox News and our newspapers are finding a lot of their dirty deeds. We are very proud of them."

I wished him a big victory and we would would keep pushing to help candidates for the legislature.

"Thank you. If we can make a dent in the legislature it could be a new day for Florida."

A big handshake.

I said I was going to meet reporters from our state newspapers and TV in a room downstairs.

A woman from the Tucker Centre led my crowd down a level. Halfway down the passage... The room door was open reporters going in. Marvin just inside... smiles and a handshake. He got everyone's attention...

"Now our boss doesn't need much of an introduction... either I go whole hog or just say `Welcome Fay Martin!' as it."

I was laughing, "Marvin... Thanks for the brief version!"


To Marvin, "I will say Charlie Crist called your interview a `bomb' just now so congratulations."

I clapped for Marvin. They all did!

I then got introductions for all the folks in the room shaking hands.

I did say I didn't think I'd be back before the election... "Please don't stop looking for more republican crimes!!"

Everyone laughing. A woman from the Florida Times-Union standing close... turning to the room... "Let's give Lady Harcourt her wish!"

Loud YEAS!

I spent some time speaking one-on-one with each reporter... They were all upbeat about their newspapers... Gannett and Tribune papers mixed together easily with the TV people.

I thanked them all for meeting... "Now off to file!"

Laughing... I did a fake shooing motion...

That brought amusement and thank yous!

We did mill about for a bit more... they knew my record in Great Britain for election success... they hoped I could duplicate it here.

Our car at the back... Gil had alerted the Stephanie in 767 we were coming.

At the airport we loaded up. Tom on the tannoy said ten minutes. Okay.

I called Cho...

Delphine answered... "Fay, he's in the pool with the Twins. I'll tell him."

In ten minutes Cho called as we lifted up from the runway... the Twins were drying off Jaidee with help from Tha. He got my speech thing and the meeting after.

"You did good! Blasting republicans and asking for more ammunition is the right thing."

We talked a bit then the Twins got on holding the iPhone between them... They heard I'd be home in the morning! `Goody!!' Very nice to be wanted!

Cho would call back later. Okay!

Email from Donovan... the ground penetrating radar at the block of flats has thrown up twelve VERY solid hits after two scans. The operators will do those spots again before the shovels are used.

Seven or eight are very likely locations being at the right sort of depth.

My answer was to work at the speed deemed necessary by the radar folks. We don't have a timetable.

Later Cho and I talked for a while... I was missed by him too! Good to hear!

He had a few business things to share.

I got a goodnight with verbal kisses!

Food and then sitting with my ladies to work. We stopped... to bed straightaway! We'd home around five o'clock in the morning before the sun was up.

Tom picked us up at Chalgrove. A smile at my comment on the darkness.

I walked into the house... Carter coming to the door.

I knew he was going to apologise for not being out front.

"Carter, I know you take these things seriously... We do appreciate it. We are not medieval... Fin was there."

Fist bump. A grin.

Hungry! I told Yobi and Lil to sleep in. Just coffee and an apple so far.

I peeked in at Cho... sound asleep! Handsome. I resisted the temptation to jump on him.

I changed to ride.

Coffee and scones, two for me, one for Andy.

Gaby on Roland, Pamela nickering going down the lane.

At the lock, no Roy. The lockman said the great nephews were in town for two days. Ah! I'll bring treats tomorrow.

No workmen at the Majid! It isn't a holiday??

Gaby reminded me it wasn't yet five thirty. Ah... a good reason.

Up through a very silent Lower Radley... lights on in the milking barn. Terry working.

A hard run through the farmland and woods to the yurts, over the small bridge to the lock. The man on duty I'd never met, our usual fellow comes on at six o'clock. I said hello to a surprised man.

"Your Ladyship, you are out early."

"Just back from America. Nice to meet you."

We steered away from Mr. Hardy's so we didn't wake him. At the grass Gaby gave me a big grin... the horses eager to go. Off!!

It was a roaring run to the Flats... no let-up! Brilliant!

Gaby and I did fist bumps and leaned in for a hug! A whinny from Roland, nickers from Pamela!

Andy took the horses, more walking.

The food was just going in the Breakfast Room. The coffee ready! I did a plate, Carter poured the coffee!

I told Carter of going by the milking barn... no cows finished milking.

Smiling, "An unusual morning for me. Truly out before the cows."

We laughed.

The newspapers came in... I was really up early!

The Oxford Mail yesterday had a frontpage piece Cho left in the Breakfast Room for me on the Oxfordshire Library System's dilemma... how to use ten million £'s? I was smiling as they laid out the donation, the surprise amount, the five hundred thousand £'s for books, videos, materials, etc... at a minimum. The library staff was holding meetings, public gatherings were likely to take place... quite the quandary!

There is some pleasure in that we made them have to stop and consider. I hoped there is some fun under it all.

The Times picked up the story doing its own piece on all the donations we'd made recently. They contacted the various museums on both sides of the Atlantic, getting quotes and snaps.

It was a good piece, accurate, detailed and well written!

They did mention we appeared to be quite idiosyncratic in our choices of where we donated. I liked that... hoping we would be able to do a few more `surprise' donations.

Cho! I jumped up for a kiss and hug. Very nice. Beautiful eyes! He wrapped me up I was briefly spun around.

"I saw some news reports late last night on the web... the Sun-Sentinel raving about your speech. Clips on youtube... you looked like a million bucks exhorting the crowd to support the effort to oust the republicans. Amazing!"

We sat holding hands.

"I enjoyed myself... as much as I can doing public speaking. Like the election whirl here... it is in my gut to do things to rid governments everywhere of scumballs and fascists."

"Well you were in a groove yesterday!"

I pointed to The Times... Cho looked at the lede... a grin, "Well we are making it tough on people... how to spend money."

We both had a good laugh!

Noises off stage... "Mama!" "Mama!"

I knelt down... surrounded by babies. Kisses!

They settled down, we got them in their seats. Cho and I did plates for them. Scrambled eggs and grilled tomatoes. They loved that combo! Toast. Milk.

Sitting beside Cho I mentioned the Emmy Awards tonight! In Los Angeles... eight hours time difference. They'd start in the wee hours here. I had asked Carter2 to programme the TV recorder so we'd be able to watch the whole thing... or just clips.

I was going up to town, a day at the Lords.

Weather holding in late summer mode. Chilly mornings and evenings, mild during the day. Lots of sun forecast.

The salmon outfit I'd worn once before to the races in Arkansas. Sleeveless knitted jumper close to my torso, creame piping with creame curly-cues matched with a mid-calf pleated skirt, softly falling straight.

Pale stockings, creame heels. Gold jewellery, pale salmon nails and clear gloss for my lips, `Joy' and a narrow silk scarf of the same salmon shade as the rest.

For the Lords, proprieties must be observed, a creame hip length jacket with matching salmon cuffs and a shirt collar. No bare arms!

I was sent off with kisses by Cho and the Twins. Min lifted me, Gil, PJ, Tara and Angie up and away.

Chelle working with Francis on several things... who knows?

The manager at Wandsworth Heliport said they had a landing yesterday late afternoon... an emergency. A fuel line issue... the aircraft landed safely.

"We had a look and replaced a gasket, re-fuelled them for their leg to Gatwick. The company owning the helicopter called this morning to thank us and to ask for an invoice... plus could we save the failed part. They got a `yes' to the latter two items."

He added the pilot did a good job coming on a `wing and a prayer.'

"We were ready, two fellows in their flame retardant suits, fire equipment on line. Nice as a practice exercise!"

We laughed. I shook his hand and a thank you from us.

Rae carried us to Cowley House. Clough was prepared... he said Mrs. Travers was ready for the luncheon crowd.

I thanked him.

A brief stop to see Sage. Nothing really important going. She was doing letters to folks who had asked me to go to them... speech or whatnot. All replies were negative.

Linc was in Yorkshire to see the RAF officer. Good... maybe the last of the MOD things. Casteen was at the library?? The ones for the Commons and Lords at Westminster. Researching several education bills specifically what those legislation said about how the money was to be used. She wanted the actual language.

That sounded like fun. Sage pointed to the tea table... a big tray of cookies from Cowley House to stoke up Casteen when she comes back. Thumbs up!

Sage loved my clothes... I said watch the car chase through the Riviera villages scene from `To Catch a Thief.' She could see how beautiful Grace Kelly looked.

We crossed College Green to the pedestrian lane, a slight smiling wave from a WPC near the Peers Entrance. I smiled.

In the Royal Gallery... Lady Wilmer in conversation with two ladies I didn't know.

I stopped, pardoning myself to ask to speak to Susanne before we got started. Okay.

Mac! A shake and hug, Alfred shook my hand. David, Lord Ashover, gave me a thumbs up. I waved to him.

Knowle, Ducovney, Evesham, Rothbury, Maresfield, Adforth, Dascom all coming to luncheon. Terrance, Thame with Susanne all coming too. Cecil and Alexander!! A nice sized mixed mob.

Susanne came over... Yes, she got the name for the cutaway and had an booking for a fitting. Fist bump! She liked my outfit.

When I said where it came from a smile, "Grace Kelly? You do remind one."

I squeezed her hand with a thank you.

Argyle got us going. Debate on legislation for funding various government parts including the public owned lands. A second reading on a public housing bill.

We broke for lunch. At the Peers Entrance my guests collected. Smiles. We set off... we did attract lots of looks.

PJ, Angie and Tara grinning. I was in the middle of this scrum. They stayed on the perimeter of our crowd.

Temple took a few hats at our door.

Clough had sherry or whiskey in the South Drawing Room.

Susanne with a sherry was by the lovely etched crystal vase we received from Prince Charles... looking to me. I joined her.

"Very nice but what is it for?"

I explained Prince Charles' group.

"We were always ethical and up front so being rewarded was agreeable but not necessary."

"My dear... you will learn that many awards are given for such reasons... you are `such n' such' here's something to show we like that about you."

I laughed, "We don't mind... it seems a bit silly somehow."

"Well... it is but those doing the giving feel better for having done it."

I squeezed her arm, "We accept everything but we may need more display space."

Susanne laughed out loud, "Storage! You could bring out the doodads when your benefactors might show up."

More laughing.

Clough at the doors... Food! We trooped in.

I was between Ashover and Ducovney. Susanne and Alexander directly opposite.

Grilled salmon on every plate, casseroles of Arroz al Olivar were placed around the table, a wonderful rice dish from Peru! Small puff pastries in enamel pots filled with creamy broccoli at each place. Bowls of cross buns and our Oxfordshire butter. Dishes of piquant and sweet pickled carrots, a recipe from Esfir at the Doosti Restaurant in Tehran.

Clough serving a delicious rosé, a Les Sarrins from Provence. A slight tart peach aroma with something warm country flowery alongside. Very nice, refreshing.

I could see everyone who took a glass enjoying. I am.

We chatted all sorts. Some shop talk.

I was asked about horses... all those Triple Crowns.

"Nijinsky is the last horse to win the English Triple Crown... back in 1970. Black Star did it this year... he also set new speed records for each race. That's something Secretariat did in 1973 winning the American Triple Crown which no other horse had ever done before or since... his records still stand. Glaa got close... He is a great champion not quite good enough to match Secretariat.

So Black Star has moved to a new plane."

I leaned forward to look down the table to Cecil and Alexander across from me. Motioning to them...

"Our foundation sire, Asda, has had horses by our colleagues brought to him. Both mares are in foal."

Cecil smiling, "We have high hopes for the babies. We have been eclipsed though... Glaa has five mares in foal in Thailand who gave birth to his spectacularly successful half-brothers and sisters.

So we will be up against an awesome mixture of genes!"

Some commiseration and kidding followed.

I added Glaa's dam Hathai would be brought to Asda next year... grins for our racing friends.

Questions about the NHS grants. I made the point compared to the total NHS budget it wasn't a lot but it was found money for them.

"A few have sent us notes on what they are doing with the money... They have spent some on new diagnostic equipment, operating room upgrades, A&E improvements and one spent some on a training programme. We did not ask for any kind of accounting so its whatever spending they make known."

The big question asked... `Why?'

"We wanted to bring attention to the trusts... the average person really doesn't think about them although they rely on the care they provide."

Heads nodding down the table and across.

Ashover beside me asked what we knew about the Nobel `thing.'

"Not much, they haven't contacted us for anything... if they do go crazy giving it to Cho and I... he gets to do the speech."


I did add he hasn't agreed. More laughing.

Terrance smiling, "That means you are still on the hook for it."

I shrugged.

Wain, a golfer, asked about the Pro-Am tournament... "Did Cho really get two holes-in-one? In the same round?"

"Oh yes. We have a trophy at Harcourt House somewhere or maybe in New York! The charity who does the tournament got bonus payments for them."


"Cho was paired with Tom Angleten for the third year in a row... they won the Pro-Am easily."

Someone commented `the way they play could there be any doubt?' More laughing.

Someone asked about Tom Angleten missing the British Open?

"If you see a snap of TJ you would understand. He's a gorgeous boy!"

Cecil said he was disturbed by some press whinging on Tom's decision.

Mac, "Cho came out for him, that was widely reported. When the best amateur is on your side... not to speak of all his colleagues supporting him the offending press folks ended up quite embarrassed."

I clapped at that!

Our guests attitudes were clear Tom made the right choice!

I gave them the tale of our Chanthira Foundation Cup tournament. Tom winning seemed entirely proper given what his record is.

Mac pointed out Tom is playing in fewer tournaments this year... others adding they would do that too.

On our tournament, "We made some money but more importantly we had a lot of exposure in the American news media and selected golf loving places around the world.

It was our first... we are lucky to have the Hedges Golf Club as our site. They have much experience and are lovely people... quite adept at supporting golf tournaments. The PGA was very good all through the entire process. Their people are knowledgeable and very happy to help."

Solar-To-Go came up via Ducovney. He asked about the Iranian deal that we had announced.

"We have two sites in Iran, one in southern Tehran and another on the southeast edge of Isfahan. They are under construction. The main buildings are large shells relatively simple to build, several production runs inside going parallel.

Interestingly the most expensive part of the building is the air-conditioning system. Iran's summers are blazing hot. We have to cool the buildings... we are using a lot of passive technology as well as huge air-conditioners. All the exterior surfaces that are usable will be covered in solar panels.

What we are manufacturing there to start are our basic panels. A second building at each site will make batteries which the Iranians are doing under license with an Italian company.

We have a more advanced type of panel coming soon which can be manufactured in those plants with some modifications. We are going ahead with the current models to get everything up and running faster. The plan the Iranians have is to get panels into users hands across Iran in large numbers.

We have enough space to build a solar panel farm to help power the plants. We are planning on a forty percent contribution by solar at the beginning. When our new collectors are ready we will be fully powered by solar at all plants.

The panels will be put into kits the Iranian Government will buy and sell at a reduced price or to give via grants to people to power their homes. They want to cutback oil production to make their reserves last.

Two new oil refining plants, a very efficient ones, are being built with help from a French company. They will produce petrol which will become their major use of the Iranian oil production.

They are to capture the waste gases... no burning of methane into the atmosphere.

I have no direct knowledge... I have been informed they are building nuclear power stations... the Iranians are mindful what they need to do... so great care is being applied. Let's say they have studied the lessons of Chernobyl and other plants carefully... not just the failed designs but more importantly the management fiascos."

I mentioned I was recently in Tehran to give a speech.

"I met a Iranian teenage girl in a Tehran restaurant... the food is fabulous at the Doosti restaurant... so if you ever go... I've a contact for bookings." Laughter.

"Allysiah and I spoke for a few minutes. I wrote a note for her. In English and Farsi. She contacted me asking if I would speak to her school. So I went... several hundred senior school girls and faculty... It is an advanced curriculum school, a very competitive entry process. English is a required course for all of them.

They greeted me speaking English... I did the speech in Farsi... they were bowled over. Few had ever met a Western woman... then to have one come and speak their language... total amazement!!"

I raised my arms over my head... laughter.

I was asked about the Iranian government and my speech content.

"My contacts in their government helped the process by bringing my doing the speech to the attention of religious leaders in advance... I was given the Okay when it was understood I was not a subversive."


Mac asked about the Farsi... "I'm fluent now. Learning languages comes easy for me thanks to my parents who were both polyglots. Apparently I sound like I was born in Tehran."

Terrance changing the subject brought up our dance session! He told everybody that Cho and I were wonders. Amazing to watch almost like professionals.

Someone said we should go on those TV dancing shows. A quick firm `NO!' from me. A lot of laughing about my immediate negative answer.

I asked about Melody's liniment rubdown after the evening's exercise... Terrance laughed saying it was wonderful! Laughter.

Alexander, "So what is new... and different?"

I asked `How different?'

He shrugged, "Anything."

"We bought a small block of flats in western Chicago a few months back."

There were a few `Huh?' looks.

I looked around as I asked if any had heard of John Wayne gacy? Several said he was a murderer??

I gave them a BRIEF synopsis of the story and the background of the flats.

"The Chicago Tribune, one of our newspapers, is running a search of the property. Years ago a ground penetrating radar company scanned it and found places where the ground had been disturbed in the past. The local Chicago police having been humiliated by their failures in the original investigation didn't want more chances to fail. They intentionally botched the searches of the property so they could say there was nothing there.

So we bought the land and are starting from scratch. Our scanning company has found thirty possibles and are going over those again to narrow the sites. Then the digging will happen.

The murderer admitted there could be a dozen more the police didn't find forty years ago.

Any family deserves the chance to have answers for their missing loved ones. That is what we are doing.

Yes it will sell newspapers which is good but we are sharing our video feed from drones and other photos with all the news media. So there isn't a `scoop' in it for us.

The Chicago police folks are NOT happy with us... We go on anyway."

Some heads shaking.

Dessert and coffee. Banoffee Pie!! Clotted cream! Smiles around the table. Forks going to work.

Afters in the North Drawing Room. I was thanked for the wonderful feed.

"I'm glad you enjoyed the luncheon... now I have some requests..."

That got laughter!

Ashover smiling, "Funny... we all know that was an immediate non-starter joke from you."

The whole room laughing!

We gathered ourselves for the walk back to the Lords. Cecil beside me, "Fay, you do wear wonderful outfits. This is one ..." A thumbs up!

I described its provenance.

"I remember that movie... you and Grace Kelly wear the clothing very well."

We laughed. I thanked him.

We did an afternoon's work.

I waved goodbye to several colleagues. Allyn took us to Wandsworth.

In a blink I was in Cho's arms! We walked around the north side of the house past the pool down to the swing tree... slides!

I watched as Charlie at the top of the high one and Chani on the wavy one slid down waving their arms... giggles and smiles!! Hugs and kisses.

They went around to go again! I could see these new things being popular.

I changed to riding clothes. Gil walking with me to the Stables... going over a few things. One interesting.

"I received an email requesting a mailing address for you two from the family who sold the Hays-Adams Hotel... they want to write to you and Cho."

"Give this address... it would be the simplest." Okay.

Tara mounted on Rebel, Geo for me. Tara had a bag over her shoulder. We headed north into Sandford to do a reverse run. Across the lock walkway to the surprise of our lockman... he laughed as we waved to him.

We walked into the Industrial Estate... Jeffery at his car... hellos. He was well, the Industrial Estate was doing fine. We were at full capacity. A thank you for him.

On the dirt road beside the train tracks we went to a trot then a canter passing the tree lines beyond the yurts. The workmen at the underpass... we slowed to see how it was coming.

The man in the trilby smiling to my question, "Your Ladyship, we are moving along nicely. The drains and pump in... the pipes in place. We have a bit of grading to do then the last step... pouring the concrete roadway under the tracks."

I thanked him for the update.

We went south to the end of the field then east to the north-south dirt road, right going south to Lower Radley. Another left to reach the Thames Path through the trees.

A few scattered boats tied up to the shore... no people wandering about. A gallop along the path... passing the Carmichael's... slowing at the path beside the river under the railroad. Another quarter mile or so under the trees.

We went right to go around the pond to the Masjid site. The men were very industriously working on the frame. They'd have a roof on in a week according the works boss. We waved.

We went along Barton Lane to Audlett Drive, we walked to Roy and Angie's door. Stares by a few neighbours. A teenage girl waved... I returned it and called out a `Hello!'

A knock on their door... Roy.

"Your Ladyship, welcome."

Angie came from the kitchen with a big smile. The bag Tara had was unloaded as the grand-nephews walked through the door from the garden.

They were wide-eyed. Roy gave them a `look' they got it and did bows and said hellos. They were getting to be young men.

I shook their hands as Tara laid out the goodies. Cookies, scones and chocolate cake.

"Your Ladyship, you are so nice to do this... chocolate cake!"

We knew what was highest on Angie's list!

Many thank yous.

On the front steps, Roy thanking me again.

Me smiling, "Are you sure you wouldn't rather some stinky fish?"

Roy was sure I'd done the right choice. Handshake. He was grinning.

Crossing the weir to the islet and over the lock. Our favourite Abingdon lockman waving. He laughed when I told him what we delivered. Waves.

We galloped up and around the motocross track over the railroad then we asked our horses. Speed!! Rebel and Geo neck-n-neck blowing through tree lines and over lanes on the open grass Rebel pulled away by a few lengths before we slowed on the down slope.

Exercise riding on the Flats and Sunny in the jumping arena had us go slow. Fist bumps for Tara. We walked our horses up the lane.

Cho grinning, "So you got beat?"

I laughed, "Yes! Tara and Rebel... a good combination. Geo is very game! Also beautiful!"

We hugged.

I changed for drinks. The Twins had spent an hour on their new slides. Back and forth between the two shapes and even going down together! Tha and Delphine went down too!

Happy babies with us in the Great Room.

I gave them the box from Esfir and Afrin's Doosti Restaurant. They could have a small piece of rock candy now. The almond cookies for tea tomorrow.

Cho said most of the Protection Team had come in to see the Twins art work. Amazement the typical reaction. So its universal.

Gil sat beside Cho and I with her iPad... she had clips from the Emmy Awards. We'd seen the news... our people had scored BIG again! We scooped up all the top news and documentary awards, the entertainment side swept through grabbing a ton of awards.

Gil had Megan cued up... In a nice emerald green dress... she looked quite bosomy. Megan got her statuette, doing thanks to her directors and producers... then `For the Countess Harcourt, Fay Martin..." A curtsey!

We all laughed. Megan was a cutie! Her shimmy last year stole the show.

I sent a thank you to Megan.

My morning ride ended on the Flats earlier than usual... a long day.

Cho was doing meetings at the Investment Bank in the City, the Twins doing their normal day here at Harcourt House. I was touring the `North.' Gil, Chelle, Tara and Tessa with me.

It would be cooler in the north according the MetOffice. A black silk mini frock, sleeveless with a round neckline, close to me until the hips then it flared out a bit. Short... Short... showing most of my thighs! A light black cotton long sleeve coat to the top of my knees. Gold buttons in two rows. Black stockings and black spike heeled boots that rose to just below my knees. Red lips and nails, `Joy'

Six gold necklaces of varying weights and lengths hanging from my neck, other gold bits. A black D&G bag. Black wayfarers.

Kellen lifted off turning north... Bolton. Gil and Penn arranged a landing spot on a car park behind buildings that fronted on Knowsley Street. Kellen easily found the location and we settled to the pavement softly.

A police car with two PC's nearby. I thanked them for helping us.

We walked through between two buildings to the street then across to The Bolton News offices. It was a storefront, we entered... a reception desk. The lady there called the publisher/editor as I asked.

He and I shook hands inside. I introduced myself to everyone. Smiling faces... they were very glad the NewsGroup owned their newspaper. They had personally benefitted and recently they received new electronics... cameras and iPads.

A new position had been opened to enlarge the area they could cover. I shook the hand of the `newbie' to some laughter... she had been made redundant by the previous CEO of NewsQuest... rehired as soon as possible! Good!

I sat with the publisher/editor for a short while... he was happy with the changes, feeling that all the many newspapers meant something to the company besides a name on a map.

"Your Ladyship, no senior person from NewsQuest ever came to see us... not in the five years I've been here. Now the head of the entire world-wide company walks in our door! Your visit is emblematic of the change. Thank you for coming!"

Smiling I said I was glad they were seeing changes... positive changes. We shook hands warmly. I did more on my way to the door.

Selfies for the PC's.

Kellen ready... we rose from the city centre to fly a short hop north to Blackburn. A large open space that had been cleared in an old industrial area served as our landing location. Kellen descending to the spot off Salford Road. Another police car sitting on the road beside where we landed. I thanked the PC's. I did a selfie with them.

The sun coming out through the clouds as we walked to the Lancashire Telegraph offices on Church Street a hundred yards away. They were in a building on the pedestrian mall.

To our left the Blackburn cathedral dominated the area.

There was a goodly number of people on the mall... we could see the retailers had many shoppers inside their businesses.

We walked upstairs... through the doors a small reception space... a young woman looked up her desk... huge eyes...

"Would you please call the publisher?"

She nodded, she made the call... I walked into the newsroom... several folks looked over... they were shocked but recovered to come close at my urging. I shook hands all around. The publisher/editor with a smile held out his hand... it looked a padded cricket glove... he is a big fellow.

They like the folks in Bolton were more upbeat now... NewsGroup owning them and NewsQuest management being changed quite positive events for them.

They appreciated what we were doing... lots of thank yous.

The publisher/editor and I sat in his office. He was glad to know Gil and Chelle and their role in the newspaper business.

I asked if he'd been contacted to evaluate the offices. He had...

"I said on a one to ten scale we were an eight. As you saw it looks fairly good and our equipment is in good shape. Some few bits of furniture was what I suggested."

Smiling, "I asked Julian to do an assessment so we could get some work done where its needed."

I gave him the example of the Oxford Mail.

"I've known the Oxford Mail editor for nearly fifteen years... you are a queen in his eyes."

I laughed, "We already have one." He laughed. "It was a dismal office... something had to be done. Seeing the state of that location was part of the propellant that ejected the former CEO out the door."

"We are all glad. He loved to cut and slash making it harder and harder to get a newspaper out."

We discussed any longer term needs and concerns he had.

He said his wife liked me because... "She says I smile more now."

"Good!" Fist bump which made us laugh at the mismatch size of our hands!

He added they had `heard' Justin's visit to the NewsQuest offices in London had been a success in many ways. When he spoke to Julian the impact of the willingness of Gannett to spend money was reinforced.

"M'Lady, that is such a sea change from the past... it's almost incomprehensible!"

Smiling, "It's what we do. As we told the new Gannett managers when we took over... "you can't starve your way to profitability,' it's axiomatic with with us."

His head shaking.

Going out I spoke to the staff again... I liked seeing their faces... smiles.

At the door the publisher/editor shook my hand... mine disappeared in his again.

I asked about the coffee place across the way... `Its good!' A smile and a wave.

We walked over... Gil texted Kellen and Avril to ask about drinks. We got them coffee and cookies.

A young woman and a teenager came in behind us... as we waited for ours they were staring and whispering. I was behind my wayfarers ignoring. They were working up to an approach as we picked up our drinks.

They started to close up but Tessa was in the way. We walked out turning left. They decided not to follow as Tessa remained a buffer.

We were thanked for the drinks at the AW139. After a break to sip and nibble for them, they wound us up to rise. Going due east for thirty miles... southern Bradford. We landed on a grassy space beyond a large warehouse building. Two police cars, two PC's.

I thanked them for being here. One smiling, he was a sergeant... "M'Lady, this is one job I did not want to miss."

Another thank you, handshakes and a selfie for them.

We had to walk about three football fields to get to the Bradford Telegraph and Argus office. I doffed the coat as the day had warmed up... the walk added warmth. Chelle took my coat.

The publisher/editor at the door... a monster smile.

"M'Lady, one of ours saw the white helicopter come over and a descend... he said it had a yellow flower on the tail. He knows what your markings are."

We shook hands... He held the door... I introduced Gil and Chelle as we went in. He looked to Tara and Tessa. I moved ahead... he had to catch up.

In the newsroom I gathered the staff to say hello and we were glad they were part of the NewsGroup. They like others seemed happy... upbeat. It is nice to see that at each location. I shook every hand, getting names.

I could see several men had a good look at my legs! Well... I was showing a lot of thigh!

In the publisher/editor's office... Tara and Tessa standing against the door seemed to worry him. Let him off the hook and introduced them. Their role surprised him.

Smiling, "I saw some rough-looking hombres on your staff so..."

He LOOKED... then he got it, a smile and laugh too.

We discussed the same sort of things I had done on my two previous stops. He got I was making a tour of the daily newspapers in the north.

They had moved to these offices less than six months ago... it appeared to be in good nick and apparently cheaper... for the old CEO that was the overriding concern.

"We will look for new digs for you near the city centre. I can't give a timetable for that but we will try to make happen within six to eight months."

A big smile, "We'd like to be back closer to the centre of town. That is wonderful, Thank you."

We covered some other things then we were leaving. I did goodbyes to the staff.

"Could we give you all a lift to the helicopter... save you the walk."

I thanked him for the offer which we would accept. He and the young woman out front drove us in their cars to the helicopter.

More thanks and handshakes.

The police sergeant shaking his head, "Your Ladyship I'm sorry we couldn't give you a ride but you know..." He motioned to the marked police cars.

I shook his hand saying it is fine.

Kellen had the rotors turning... we boarded. The police pair raised their hands. Tara by the window waved.

Another short trip to land beside the York Barbican. Since they had a bit of misty rain Gil had taxis waiting on Barbican Road. A short drive through Walmgate at the York city walls. Up the rise to the offices of The York Press.

The lead cabbie was smart he turned right and came around on side streets the beside the building. Gil asked them to wait... on their meter. They were fine.

Tara leading as we came through the front doors... the reception desk was empty so we entered the newsroom completely unannounced. Two men raised their heads to stare at us... a pause... It HIT one! He jumped up... He called out for someone... I motioned to him... he came closer.

"You are?"

I got his name... He was a sports writer covering football.

"I called for the editor."

I thanked him.

That person came down between the desks...

"Your Ladyship... A surprise."

He was also the publisher.

We shook hands... boy do I do a lot of that!

A woman came towards us... the receptionist. She apologised for not being at the desk. I said not to worry... we just `barged in.' She smiled at that.

I prompted him to introduce his staff by doing it for Gil and Chelle.

I spoke to those folks moving around the office seeing them one-on-one... then the publisher's office.

He had had a call from Julian the day before yesterday... a good talk about what he needed and/or wished for.

Smiling, "Do tell him about things you wouldn't ever expect to get... You never know."

I said to him I was roaming around the north today. He got my earlier stops.

We talked about what was happening here with the other parts of the business especially the web hosting portion which is doing very well. A money-maker!

I told him he'd see some people from another company we own... I described Reginé's team and how they could help his staff. He was interested. He's very much a technophile! Doing twitter and facebook... I did say to beware on those sites.

"M'Lady, I am careful. I keep an eye on what is happening online. Your lawsuit in America has changed the landscape completely."

Smiling, "It was fun too!"

He laughed out loud.

I told him I had visited facebook and twitter more than eighteen months ago before we started the lawsuit... speaking directly to Zuckerberg and Jack... making the point they need to rein in their users before they were forced to do so. They hadn't listened.

`M'Lady, many tech firms act like that... they seem to feel they are somehow above the usual laws. You brought them back to earth! Good on you!"

Fist bump!

I did goodbyes out front in the main area. Waves from the taxi doors.

The taxis took us to the helicopter. Gil paid them and thanked them for waiting.

The day had changed... the sun was out!

Kellen lifted us up. A turn to the north for a short ride to northwest of Haxby.

Our approach to the Haxby Estate from the south... a half dozen acres of grass... Kellen came in low to settle softly. Several people came out onto the terrace... Hélène and Dalton, her husband.

I could see Hélène laughing as I stepped out and walked towards them. They walked down to the grass... Hug for Hélène, a handshake for Dalton. It my first meeting with him.

They wondered what I was up to... "I'm touring parts of the NewsQuest empire in the north. Four stops... we were just in downtown York..."

Hélène remembered Gil, she and Chelle were introduced to Dalton.

Dalton smiling, "So you're not driving... a drink?"

We were nodding. Inside... a nice drawing room, comfortable chairs and settees... nice colours!

Hélène asked Tara and Tessa to join us. They said they could take soft drinks or fizzy water.

Dalton looked over... Tara smiling, "We're working."

An `AH' moment. He got some fizzy water cans when I asked if he had enough for Kellen and Avril. Tessa stepped out to wave to them.

I did introductions for them... Dalton shook their hands.

"I'm a pilot, fix wing only."

Kellen, "We all are fixed wing too. Sir Cho and Lady Harcourt provide us aircraft to maintain our skills. We share the aircraft with the Security Service drone pilots at Chalgrove."

They talked flying... Hélène and I took a short walking tour. Her arm in mine.

"Fay, you get better looking every time I see you. This frock... amazing!"

Shaking my head, "It can't be because I have fewer cares... I don't! I hope to age gracefully."

We laughed.

"The Twins and Cho are keeping me young!"

I showed Hélène some snaps on my iPhone. The Twins on their swing and slides.

"Oh you should meet our little ones."

Hélène pulled out her phone to call her oldest son whose family lived on the estate he helped to manage.

I motioned to Tara letting her know we were walking out to their pool. She came along. She hung by the outside door.

A good-looking fellow with a slender woman on the pool edge talking to several youngsters swimming. They were all in swim costumes teaching their children to do laps.

I was introduced to their son and his wife. Their two youngsters popped out to meet me. I shook hands, big smiles.

They were surprised to see me `way out here.'

Hélène a smiling frown, "We're not that far out."

Her daughter-in-law hugged her, "Compared to London... we are."

The kids put towels over their shoulders. Stop a chill. Their dad took a look around the sky... "We've a bit more time so if you don't mind we'll finish up."

"Please... I'm an unannounced guest."

Hélène and I walked back inside... Tessa with Gil and Chelle. Dalton was in his office talking airplanes with my pilots.

Hélène laughing, "He doesn't often have such visitors."

We sat to sip our drinks, Pimm's always refreshing.

We talked some 21st Century Fox business. She laughed about Mac's query on the stock price rise.

"I could see some interest in the common stock from institutions. The ownership encourages investors. What Fox News is doing attracts moths to the flame.

Those stories on republican scoundrels keep coming... knocking them back.. it seems like every month there's something new."

I squeezed her hand, "Bill is living the dream. He hates the petty fascists... his experience in American public TV was all about little wars over funding and squabbles about some conservatives whinging on the `slant' of a story.

Now he gets to enjoy his folks kicking some ass... regularly."

We laughed! Fist bumps!!

A finger aimed my way, "You and Cho keep doing amazing things... the NHS grants! Our local trust got over four hundred thousand £'s! They were over the moon... new equipment coming!"

"Good! Now we hope others pay attention to the trusts."

"Sneaky way to get folks moving."

More laughter. "It isn't like we could go around speaking to groups and have the same impact."

"No, you are right on that. You two chose a nifty path... give money and get people tuned in... grabbing lots of media attention!"

I did a thumbs up on that.

"I saw on Sky UK a piece on your trip to Tehran. They didn't say much... you went to give a speech at a girl's school?"

I gave Hélène the whole story... she was shaking her head.

"You are so good to friends... even new ones of short standing! Your Allysiah is a lucky girl.

The dark suited men... did they worry you?"

"No, I had PJ and Ken. If any other part of the Iranian Government messed with me General Soleimani would come down on them like the proverbial `ton of bricks.'

He has such a fierce reputation... He has always been a polite and generous man to me."

Hélène smiled, "Well you do represent several somethings that Iran needs and you say Soleimani is intensely patriotic."

"Indeed. He can also have a laugh... He was gob smacked to see me and Cho in New Mexico." I was grinning.

Hélène laughed, "You have a well-developed sense of humour... there's always laughter around you and Cho."

"We are like that because we have each other... the Twins and our friends!"

My hand out to her. Hélène smiled squeezing.

"Dalton followed the Chanthira Foundation Cup... he's a golfer. Your interview on the first day was repeated by SKY UK... we watched. I got your feeling about the message of Cho's mother's life. Such a woman should be memorialised."

"It's one of those things that binds Cho and I... both sets of parents gone close in time, the loss still present. We took Chani and Charlie to my parents graves a few weeks ago. They get the idea of death."

I paused... Hélène looking, a concerned face...

"Hélène, they are so smart... intuitive! We had them evaluated again... they are reading near year eight and maths isn't far behind. Trilingual... wanting more!"

I asked Gil for her iPad... scrolling to their recent work...

"Fay..." A hand over her mouth looking Chani's landscape and Charlie's birds. "They are wonders! What will they do next?"

I shrugged, "Delphine is fluent in German... that's their next challenge... they want it!"

I leaned over, "We will have a new C&C Production soon. Charlie Chaplin is the subject so who knows what they come up with for us."

Hélène had seen the video of the Mary Poppins show when they were eighteen months. She knew!

Her son and family came in, shorts and tops now. The mother smiling said she liked my outfit... we talked clothes for a few minutes. She heard about Mirabelle... the Birmingham store our closest.

Dalton was back with my ladies in their white, silver-gray and black uniforms. They were introduced to the family by Dalton... he seemed bouncy.

Kellen asked if they could take him up for a short flight. She said they were aware of the time. I said yes by all means... the son and grandson were invited to go if they wanted. Okay!

The granddaughter sitting with Gil looking at snaps on her iPad. Chelle taking a call moved outside.

Hélène asked if we could stay for dinner... I said we needed to be back... guests tonight.

"You all should come down before we head off to Bangkok. We can send one of those..." My hand motioning towards the outside, "... for you. It's only about forty minutes that way."

Hélène pensive... a motion to her daughter-in-law and grandchild... I nodded.

Chelle came close I put out my hand to her, a squeeze, "Fay, the attorneys have started on the patents for Calcott. He says thank you for the idea and he's glad he won't have to do much paperwork."

I laughed.

"Francis says the company in Southampton has accepted the offer including the management team to stay on."

I thanked her. "Anything from Chicago?"


Hélène shaking her head when I explained the `night soil' thing.

"You two always finding new `things' to get involved in... Chicago?

That venture surprised her!! Her `why' didn't surprise me.

I laid out the families waiting on the police for forty years to do their job appropriately. The deliberate evasion of responsibility for political reasons was hurtful and unnecessary.

"Perhaps we find nothing... maybe a lot... doing a proper look is the right thing to do."

The guys returned from their flight. I could see Dalton was revved up. He said he might give rotors a try.

I almost burst out laughing when Hélène said so evenly, "Not over the house, Dear."

Dalton saying `Of course not.'

They all liked the idea of a flight down to visit us. Dalton said maybe he'd fly them... Gil said she'd be touch on arrangements. I added the guys could go over to Chalgrove to see the helicopters. That appealed for sure.

Hugs, handshakes as we did goodbyes. A kiss on my cheek by Hélène For Cho!' You bet' from me.

Avril on the controls as we rose up to turn south. Kellen said they'd put the foot down.

Forty minutes exactly we fluttered down on the Harcourt House grid.

Loud greetings by Charlie and Chani! I gave Popa his kiss from Hélène... adding in some extra!

Cho smiling, "I can guess which part was yours!"

"I should hope so."

I changed to a simple shape white dress, short sleeves, a V-neck showing a bit décolletage, mid-thigh. Pale stockings and navy heels. Of course `Joy' redone by the expert.

Gold jewellery which included something new from Cho... for no reason at all... a necklace of circles of mother of pearl connected in four strands of medium weight gold chains. A bracelet of the same chain with one mother of pearl circle on the back of my hand with a single chain length down around my middle finger.

Local guests tonight for dinner. Dr. Ryles was asked to come early...

I took Dr. Ryles out to the Orwell Rose. The sign brought a smile.

"He... or she... does marvellous metal work. Can it be just a hobby?"

"Very possible if they have both the skills and tools. I would have thought such ability would have been noticed locally."

He nodded, "True. A nice pleasant mystery for me not you."


We met the other guests in the entryway.

Dr. Ryles and the Lone's plus several of the other local Church of England ministers... Cuddesdon, Dorchester, Chalgrove, Warborough, Long Wittenham, Marsh Baldon, Berinsfield all represented and their partners.

For most all it was their first meeting with the Twins... a few shocked faces finding out they were twenty seven months.

After a wonderful dinner capped off by tall glasses of Spoom with a small white chocolate Bombe Glacée on the plate. Afters in the Great Room...

The Twins worked a puzzle in the background... Cho and I explained the babies' considerable skills. A few questions and many congratulations.

Several had watched from a distance as the Twins did their puzzle... more questions.

We heard the noises as the puzzle was completed!

Charlie and Chani came to me after the puzzle was done! They got some M&M's from the porcelain White Orpington Chicken jar when I lifted the lid.

They joined in the conversations. Dr. Lone and his wife smiled to me... they knew!

Cho grinning as the lady minister from Cuddesdon spoke with Chani... there was something on what Chani had fun doing. She led the lady to her landscape... I trailed along.

I picked up Chani so she was eye level with her work. She explained it was the view from the pool. The lady minister looked carefully... then it was like a light came on...

"Chani, you did this?"

"Yes. It took a bit of time because of our trips."

Huge eyes... she turned to me... I was nodding.

Our guest went over to the others... urging them to see Chani's watercolour. They moved our way.

Cho and Charlie came over too.

Once they had a look... exclamations all around! Chani was praised!!

I aimed them to Charlie's birds.

Again they were amazed... made more so when Cho and I told them their works were done from memory.

Dr. Lone asked what the birds were? Charlie said they were birds he'd seen in Discovery Park in Seattle. A black-capped Chickadee and a Northern Flicker. Charlie explained the flicker was a relative of the woodpecker.

Dr. Lone told our guests neither bird was present in Great Britain.

I squeezed his arm, he was smiling.

That was quite a bit of disturbance in `the force' for our guests. At the entryway as they worked their way out... we shook lots of hands... they were still talking about our babies.

Dr. and Mrs. Lone hung back at my request. The Reverend was grinning as I thanked him more openly for making the point for Charlie.

"Your Ladyship, I remember a conversation with Charlie last Christmas... I was amazed at the time... now I have accepted they are beyond special."

A hug for them both. We waved their car away towards the drive.

We went up with the Twins... clothes changed... hugs and kisses. Goodnights said.

The game players were in the cellar... I went down knowing they'd be at it until late according to Carter2.

I passed the refreshment table... someone had put a cup under the spout of the DeLonghi machine... coffee dripping down. At the door I came face-to-face with Jerrold going for his drink.

"M'Lady, very nice to see you."

There was lots of chair shuffling in the room as the men stood up. I was welcomed.

I told them all to sit and get on... I was just an observer. Laughter.

Carl and Spencer smiling.

Carl pointed to two new fellows... friends and colleagues of Jerrold from his school. They seemed to be his age. A wave.

Mr. Hardy a big grin, "M'Lady, did you want to sit in? We could use a good tactician to drive home an armoured attack."

I laughed saying `No but thank you.'

I asked if they had received their copies of Greg's game? They had... he'd sent a box with copies labelled for each with a thank you note.

Carl stood up... "M'Lady, the one Greg included for your collection is on the shelf."

He pointed to it on the shelf. I picked it up... a simple plastic zip bag but the artwork on the frontsheet was terrific... a man in a French bush hat moving through jungle brush diagonally set from a another man in conical n"n lá hat doing the same.

`Street Without Joy' A terrific name. In his game notes Greg had praised Bernard Fall's pioneering works on Indochina and its wars.

I opened it on a side table... the counters colourful, clear... well-done!! The map... awesome. In four parts that were geomorphically interchangeable to make a multiple number of terrain layouts. It was a handsome piece of work. Greg put in a lot of effort... Greg had also done the frontsheet himself.

The rules looked very professional! I can see why he sold out at Gen Con... it was superbly done!!

The gamers all said they were honoured to be mentioned as playtesters. Jerrold's two newcomers had played the game here... they loved it.

Jerrold beside me sipping his coffee... he said thank you for the drinks table being around. It was very welcome as the evening wore on.

I could see some damage had been done to the cookie tray. He laughed, "That too!"

He motioned to his school colleagues... I was introduced to Cordell and Boyer. They bowed. I said once was enough. Smiles.

Jerrold smiling, "Lady Harcourt stuffed me in a scenario of `War in the East.' Her Russian armies did a terrific flank attack that stopped me dead then they were going for encirclement! A real drubbing!"

He pointed to Mr. Hardy who grinned our way knowing what Jerrold was saying, "Our commander tonight was the northern Russian general... he blunted Greg's attack and then attacked rolling up his flank. An all-around debacle. And terrific fun!"

Jerrold and I did fist bumps! Laughter.

I asked if they knew the games could be checked out if they signed a chit. They did and thanked me for the opportunity.

Boyer said he hadn't ever seen some of them... They got that I had started collecting games as a youth... then the pressures of life had them filed away.

I said VERY LOUDLY... "The chance of whipping someone's hindparts drew me out of retirement."

Mr. Hardy stood to bow with a huge grin. He gallantly said he was proud to be a victim of my skills.

More laughter.

My best wishes for their game play... I said my goodnights. Loud goodnights from them!

Upstairs Gil and Chelle were home from dinner out at the three star restaurant in Great Milton whose chef operated a restaurant at Ascot where we lunched. They were pleased... the food and presentation were excellent. Service was middling but acceptable as the house was quite full.

Chelle received an email from Donovan... of the spots that had been re-scanned seven were VERY likely going to be something according the scanning company. The crew was going to have a day to consider every possibility before the shovels came out.

The warehouse was prepared to receive any remains that were found. A lab to do multiple tests ready to go.

The local media would be informed as would the police. We were not letting anyone inside except our people.

At some point the police would need to be involved so our DNA experts could have access to the Cook County Sheriffs DNA database created from relatives of missing young men who had contributed.

Although there was publicity from our newspaper and the other media in Chicago... Everything about this project on the ground had been low key... no building of hopes by any of our people involved since the unknowns were so large.

Cho and I in the Gulfstream in the early morning... Berlin. The Twins staying home... this is an involved trip so we decided they should stay and have their usual happenings. In fifty five minutes we were wheels down at Berlin-Brandenburg. Parked at the general aviation terminal.

We thanked Derry at the doorway. Cars waiting right there. North into the Mitte.

The Adlon managers were out in force today... Cho and I in the lobby being greeted. We had an escort to the Royal Suite... once the Adlon folks were gone I showed Cho the office... head shaking seeing the correctness of my description.

A bit of a chill today, overcast... We dressed for shelter and Mirabelle openings. A black wool dress, long sleeves, round collar, clinging to me to mid-thigh. A slender black leather belt, silver jewellery, black stockings and heels, red nails and lips, `Joy' A small D&G bag.

Cho in black too! A medium gray shirt and a red tie with an elongated silver diamond in the centre.

Gil, Chelle with us, PJ, Rande, Tara and Ro. Ro with a big smile... he just back from a multiple week vacation in Thailand. Fist Bump.

Back to the cars, a short drive to the shelter near the Nollendorfplatz. We were arriving well ahead of the time.

Liesl at the door... pleased to meet Cho.

This is the largest shelter with a big meeting room. Today it would host members of the Berlin city government and some Land Brandenburg people too.

The news media were to be here... TV and print. Sky UK had a crew here, they were setting up. We said hello to them. We promised equal time in English for them. Smiles and thank yous.

Interesting that we have no trouble getting media attention for our projects... Gee... maybe we're famous enough? Cho laughed out loud when I whispered it in his ear.

We met the sixteen guests who were in residence. They were amazed to see us here.

We did a tour for Cho. He got to see a few of the rooms and the general spaces. The kitchen manager and head cook, a slender fellow with a few tattoos, piercings and a goatee, Manfred aka Manny.

The dignitaries began to arrive... in a side room we had coffee and sweet snacks as a pick-me-up. That brought smiles.

Introductions all around. Most were shocked to find we spoke German fluently.

In the room with the media, a small platform. Cho and I started things off... I gave the genesis of the shelter concept as part of the Chanthira Foundation's spreading its wings. The health clinics in Thailand first then the shelters.

Fourteen shelters in America, ten in the United Kingdom, Paris, Bangkok and now three here. I gave them the addresses... I hoped it would get coverage for the other shelters so they would be known to city people.

I made the point that we will accept any young person regardless of their sexual preference, gender, religion or whatever...

"We are not exclusively an LBGTQ shelter operator... they are our target group because they are especially vulnerable on the streets."

It was obvious they thought it a surprise our doors would be open to all youth.

I gave them an overview of the services we offered before introducing Liesl. I explained her role and she took over being more detailed on what happens inside our walls. And how we reach out to the community.

Our guests are encouraged to continue their educations in whatever manner seems best to them. We provide financial support for those efforts.

Gretel and Layla, from the Kreuzberg shelter, spoke about the support we give to their emotional needs... Counselling and support groups... all of which is voluntary. She explained we were gathering information, anonymously, to decide on new programmes and make changes to existing ones.

I could see the dignitaries doing some head shaking.

I was back to explain to the government people that we get the shelters open spending our money... only then do we seek support from local, regional and federal governments.

I used Mona in Los Angeles as an example of how the city has gotten involved. Education initiatives, job help, specialised healthcare and more.

"The City of Los Angeles sought funding from the U.S. federal government for some of those programmes... they were awarded new monies this year. Our guests there are also in several new focused job programmes as a result of Mona's and the city's hard work."

Cho wound it up doing a brief review then telling the Berlin folks and the news people we have made a long-term commitment... every shelter will be kept open and guests supported as long as there was any demand.

"The Chanthira Foundation has a mission... now a world-wide task to be a refuge for LGBTQ and other youth who have been cast aside without care or safety."

We shook the hands of the government folks with thank yous for their coming. A tour for them, the common areas and looks into unoccupied rooms.

Cho and I spoke personally to the journalists, on-camera. Sky UK got lots of my time... everything we said explained for their audience.

A woman from our `dignitary' group approached... She was Fraulein Lohse from the Land Brandenburg government. A dark blonde, slender, green eyes, a blue dress that didn't fit well, she was too young to wear the style.

She was going to be directly involved with us through the Land Brandenburg planning department for any shelters outside Berlin and the Bogensee.

"Comtesse, Frau Elbert has spoken very highly of your project at the Bogensee. I have the responsibility of oversight so I will see what you have planned. I have also some overview of things in Berlin.

Now you are doing these shelters... you and your husband are liberal with your wealth."

Smiling, "Well.. there is a lot of it..." she did a nodding smile, "... we see needs... we have the wherewithal to act... so we do things. The Bogensee estate will benefit all our world-wide employees as a rest and relaxation centre for them, education facilities for training... We do a lot of education to maintain skills and teach more across all our businesses.

We will be hiring from the local population, we need a large range of skills.

From cooks to maintenance workers, gardeners to language teachers plus those companies we engage to make the physical changes we desire to the property will have construction and other workers."

"We see you are going to do good things for Brandenburg in many ways. Our government is pleased you own the property... such activist owners!"

I showed her how to fist bump... laughing.

On a side note... Frau Lohse liked my frock! I said she should go to another of our undertakings... Mirabelle.

"We have two stores in the city, on the Kurfürstendamm and in Kreuzberg. They are opening today."

I got Gil to come over... she showed Fraulein Lohse some snaps of the stores in London and America.

"Comtesse, you have varied interests!"

I extended my hand, "Fay." A very big and lovely smile, "Gita."

"Gita, you should go and have a look..." I took her hand, "... not to be in the least unkind but your dress is too matronly for your age and figure."

A blush! She stammered out it was her older sister's...

"There was an accident in my flat... the fire sprinkler in my bedroom came on... all my things were wet. I borrowed this so I wouldn't miss this event."

"Ow! I hope no real damage was done?"

"Clothes... some not meant to be soaked... the mattress... anything that cannot be dried out properly. Fortunately only the bedroom."

She was sleeping at her sister's until things were normal at hers.

We talked more about what we might do after the old GDR Soviet-style dorms were gone. Gil showed her snaps of the yurt cluster at the Recording Studio.

"It is obviously a less dense housing arrangement... on purpose! I think they are fun too."

Gita laughed, "Yes, the little walkways... how they sort of cuddle together... I like them."

She got we'd reuse the power, water, sewage connections... she was nodding.

"Comtesse... Fay." I smiled. "Your plan seems sound... we will get to the details at some point but you and your husband seem the type of people who will have thorough and correct plans. So we should have a good relationship."

We shook on it, smiles. I got Gil to send an email to the two Mirabelle managers to offer a discount to Gita. Her smile much wider!! A big `Danke!'

We were doing goodbyes to our dignitaries then the staff.

I was taking Cho to the R&R hotel in Schoenberg then the Ludwigkirchstrasse shelter and Mirabelle. A few more stops today... tomorrow Kreuzberg and the Bogensee.

Liesl was very happy. The local TV people said it would be on tonight's news. Good! Spread the word.

Our guests here had stayed upstairs out of the hubbub which was their choice... fine by us. We did go up to say goodbyes.

We waved from the car door to Liesl.

The R&R hotel on Martin-Luther-Strasse in Schöneberg looking good! Anke grinning as she shook Cho's hand. She was bouncing!!

"Sir Cho, we are glad to see you."

Ah... It comes out... Anke plays golf! Cho's tour with Anke went off with an under-current of golf chat. I looked around the neighbourhood a bit more... Incognito!! Berlin's number one transvestite bar, they host many shows and contests! A legend! Just around the corner.

When I came back Cho was talking bratwurst with the curvy kitchen manager. That's a laugh!

We took our leave.

Ludwigkirchstrasse shelter was open with nineteen guests. Romy smiling as I introduced Cho...

"Sir Cho, welcome!"

He got another tour, we met guests... they were excited... we got many thanks yous!

A brunette with big green eyes... had my hand, earnestly saying how the shelter had already made her life different.

"Lady Harcourt, I was on the street for five months or so... many bad days... a week ago a policeman was going to arrest me until a shopkeeper said he should bring me here. Fortunately he did so I avoided goal."

Her arms open, "Now all this!"

Her family did not want a lesbian around... she would corrupt her younger sisters. Her father was cruel... packing black plastic bin-liners of her things... throwing them out the door... her sisters crying... her mother hid herself.

"I realised I was different but I was not bad... I have never hurt anyone."

I hugged her, Elke squeezed hard back. I sat beside her.

"Please take advantage of everything we can offer... finish school... that should be a priority. Then decide what next when you have done that."

I leaned over, "What do you like to do?"

Music! Elke is a pianist and singer! Romy told her she could get an electric piano for her room... when she was settled.


"Have you been in touch with your family?"

No. "I want to see my sisters... I do not want to cause them trouble. I do not know what my father might do."

I asked Chelle to please find Romy.

Elke was to be in her eleventh year in school...

Romy in a chair with us. She knew about Elke's school level but she'd missed the end of last year and the start of this so there would have to be a negotiation with the senior school where she might go.

It was not her old school. Romy was ready to go to `bat' for Elke so she was not put back. They had a copy of her school record... very high marks! Okay!

Yes for the piano very soon! Yea from Elke. She hugged Romy.

I walked aside with Romy... "If Elke wants to see her sisters you call Gunther to arrange something, he will have a few of our Security go with her. Brief him about the father... no surprises."

Romy nodding.

Goodbyes done we walked to the R&R hotel.

Angelika waiting with a smile. Another... short... tour for Cho. He liked it!

As with the others this a small nifty place, none were huge... just nice hotels in good neighbourhoods near things to see, shopping and Ubahn stations.

I leaned over to Gil... I rubbed my tummy. I got a nod with a smile.

We walked to the Kurfürstendamm Mirabelle. The doors open... a nice crowd, no big queue... a small line to check out at the desk and the iPad. This store was large... there was loads of space!

Katrin got to meet Cho. She showed him around. He was the only man other than our Protectors. I stayed to the side watching the flow of people. It is after lunch time... more women coming in behind us. Several outside looking in...

A customer recognised me... She was shy in approaching. I shook her hand. She asked if my frock was in the store... I said no. She said `too bad' saying it looked very good. I thanked her.

I went outside to look at the store and the neighbourhood, PJ with me. We walked around, other merchants had a few customers unlike us! Across the street... our store looked BUSY from here. Moving west... Cartier on the corner then Chanel...

Dolce & Gabbana. I walked in there holding my bag up. A sales woman came close.

A smile, "You like it?"

I said it was a good size I didn't often carry much.

Another sales lady joined us... she thought she knew who I was... I could see it in her eyes... she asked... I said I was... that caused some excitement... they got their manager to come out. I shook some hands.

I told them I needed to get back... Me being at Mirabelle surprised them. They saw the store getting ready... they got it was OPEN.

They were even more surprised that I was an owner.

I waved goodbye.

PJ grinning, "Feeling out the competition?"

Smiling, "We're not competing for the same customer... our suits go for a fraction of theirs."

I looked in the St. Laurent store windows... shoes! Not stopping today.

Cho and the others were ready for food. Gil told them she'd made a booking in the Asian Hour around the corner.

We trooped in to some surprise by the petite waitress who remembered us. A cook peeked out to see what the noise was... she recognised Cho... her father works for The Railroad! He's a yard supervisor... Cho knows him!

They shook hands. She said all our food would be done by her. Okay!

We made our choices. Tea! Cho was pleased with all my `work!' He smiled saying it and took my hand to poo poo any possible naysaying by me. A kiss!

Gil with a `Don't we all know it too' look.

The cook did herself proud... all the food from starters on was delicious.

When we finished she came to say goodbye, our thanks given. Cho asked how she ended up in Berlin... her husband is studying at Humboldt so she works to make extra money for them.

The cars took us to our next to last stop... the R&R hotel in Moabit. Valentina smiling meeting us in the lobby. A tour which took us to the top floor. We got to see the view from the south suite, not occupied right now.

Valentina said many guests have walked over the Lutherbrüecke to the Tiergarten as we guessed. Fist bump!

She was enjoying working for us... our employees were very nice... none had snooty attitudes! Cho grinned.

An impromptu stop...

We drove south under the train tracks to stop on the east end of Joachim-Karnatz-Allee. A short walk to the River Spree and the Monument to the First Homosexual Emancipation Movement. Six brightly coloured calla lilies on tall stems and several metal upright panels that explained the monument.

Many individuals tried to get the German government at different times to end the laws criminalising homosexuality. The nazis used those old laws to attack gays throughout the twelve years of their control.

After Ernst Röhm's masculine debaucheries, the old nazi hitler ran shy of gays... allowing Himmler and his ass-lickers to persecute all LGBTQ people. So Magnus Hirschfeld, a sexual researcher and a gay man, had his offices destroyed and his library burned.

Anita Augspurg, suffragette and lesbian, once tried to get hitler deported in 1923 to Austria his home country because of his seditious speeches around Munich. It didn't happen. hitler remembered her!

She escaped with her partner to live in Switzerland until her death. Like Hirschfeld, everything she owned in Berlin was destroyed or stolen.

We doubled back to Invalidenstrasse... all the way to the Arkonakiez R&R hotel. Sophia with a big smile! Her son here to meet us. Hands shaken. Cho did his tour.

On the top floor the solarium's condensation issue was fixed.. Jolly had emailed me days ago.

While Cho was on tour I spoke to Sophia's son... he is pre-med wanting to specialise in tropical medicine.

"Oh you want to go to warm places?"

He laughed, "Partly true... also they are very interesting. While I study I will likely consider other choices."

I commented to him `Not to box himself in' when it comes to choices. He got it!

He did say our giving the donation to the Wannsee Konferenz house was terrific. One of his great grandparents was a nazi victim because he resisted. I said mine had fought the nazis... fist bump!

Okay to the hotel. We had a dinner booking... I wanted to sit for a bit. Gil and Chelle helped by having some things that needed attention. Cho in the RED office on his phone to Sanjara and others.

I did a quick shower, hair done, a sheath dress of soft cotton, long sleeves, a series of colour gradients starting at the crew neck in dark reddish brown becoming a light brownish to orange that fading to a series beige rings around me by my thighs then waning to a pale olive green then through some blue shades darkening to navy at the hem.

It was body-hugging the whole way down. It ended in chestnut brown half boots with a two and a half inch heel. Gold jewellery.

I skipped a bag just my iPhone. To walk I had to pull up the hem a bit to step very far.

Our crowd walked around to the Bavaria. The owner at the door to greet us... bows and handshakes. He had a big corner area put aside... we slid into comfortable chairs.

Okay I did it again... Paulaner Salvator Bock Lager! Cho laughed, he knew I hit gold... Done!

When it came to food I decided not to mess around... the potato soup to start then the Steckerlfisch which tonight was southwest German brook trout, herbed Spaetzle and the braised red cabbage.

We had a different server... she smiling said I had made marvellous choices! Cho looked at me... at her... a `Me too!' Okay!

We toasted the open shelters and Mirabelle's! Cho leaning on me saying all this things coming together must have had some amazing leadership... I looked around the table with hand held flat above my eyes... searching! Laughter!

I was squeezed. A kiss!

We talked tomorrow's events... Kreuzberg then Bogensee.

A call from Donovan... PJ and I went outside... the first time they dug... a body, just a skeleton. They carefully removed it to the warehouse laboratory. The ground around it was minutely searched also all the dirt sifted for any evidence.

"Fay, everything that was done was like a textbook operation. Careful and precise. A complete skeleton. The skull was intact with the teeth for possible identification, the pathologist said they would likely get an excellent DNA sample."

Now it was time to get the Cook County Police involved with their database of potential victims.


I called Oleanna, "Now that we have something the Cook County police are going to want to take over... We need their database but not their problems. They are not going to give us anything... it is not their nature to share so we will have to take them samples.

Have your people accompany anyone carrying samples that go to them... Remind the Cook County folks... first, there is no proof of a crime for them to investigate. Second, the samples are our property until there is a positive match then the victim's family will be given custody of the remains. Be sure they sign our receipt for each action.

Despite appearances unless there is direct proof of gacy having killed this person we can only assume it is an improper burial. There is no criminal charge to answer.

They aren't going to find a note from gacy saying he did it."

I wasn't trying to be flip but emphasizing the point. No laugh from Oleanna.

"Fay, I understand. I've spoken to several Cook County people... they aren't the bosses... they are behind our efforts and want to help the families find closure."

Oleanna told me the property was secure... no issues. She had increased the round-the-clock protection.

I thanked her, she would keep in close touch with Gil.

Inside Cho and the others got my news. My guy was very pleased.

I squeezed him, "Oleanna is on it! She knows the gravity of the situation. Even forty years on I would want to know what happened to my child."

Murmurs of agreement around the table.

Food arriving changed the atmosphere. The trout delicious, the spätzle and cabbage perfect! I went for coffee after skipping the chocolate cake which others indulged in happily.

We were well fed.

The owner came to check on us, a big smile to see the many empty plates. His faced showed he was proud to hear our compliments.

Our walk back leisurely... Gil powered up the sauna. Chelle, Gil and I with Cho. Cho came in with a towel around him... us ladies were naked... I turned to Gil and Chelle... Gil looking at Chelle, they shrugged. They both said they'd seen a few naked men so it was Okay. Four hot naked folks...Icy fizzy water!!

I had Ansara and Kara with me walking in the Tiergarten just after dawn. Trackies and trainers with hoodies. They saw a few sights, asked some questions... a good walk. Breakfast being laid out on our return.

In Kreuzberg Cho got to see the Mirabelle and meet Lina. Tommy at the R&R hotel was happy to see me again and meet Cho.

A couple from London saw us in the lobby... we shook hands and wished them a pleasant stay. One worked at the NewsGroup offices at London Bridge, the other worked for Rolf at The Times in the same building.

We mentioned the `Bavaria Restaurant' to them. Smiles and a thank you.

The Kreuzberg shelter had fourteen teenagers in. They were throwaways who became street kids, some runaways from horrible homes. Their stories repeated over and over at all our shelters.

Coming out to parents was a big risk... young green-eyed brunette from yesterday experience all too typical.

This was a generally happy crowd... a few shy ones but Lina said they were intakes from the day before yesterday so they need time to settle in.

Many loud goodbyes and thank yous as we worked our way out.

Straight to the Tegel Heliport... Kellen waiting. A hug for our smiling pilot. She said everything is in the other ship. Up and away to the north... she did an eastern approach again so I could point out the estate features to Cho.

Gunther at the front plaza to the main house. Hands shaken... Sumate liked this fellow, he had been with us for a year and a half at various posts... a history of security work! He is now our head for Germany which basically means this place, Berlin with the one building in Frankfurt.

Inside for a tour. Cho really liked this place. He agreed with me on what rooms for us... the master suite and a group of rooms close by. Gunther nodding as he took notes.

There is a nursery so that choice is easy.

The upstairs rooms were good size... fine for our Protectors and R&R guests. An interior decorating company in Berlin had been contracted to fix up the building and furnish the house... they would do nice utilitarian modern furniture for the R&R rooms... for ours they would do a `book' so I can decide what we want. I did suggest 1930's and 1940's German style.

The woman owner of the decorating firm asked if she could speak to our British decorators... get a feel for the `book.' I had Gil send her the contact information with a heads–up to our English folks.

The goodies from the Adlon were brought in! We had sandwiches, crisps, fruit and drinks. We ate inside and out in the garden.

Gunther smiling with a sandwich, "Comtesse... Sir Cho... we are forty five percent finished with the security perimeter. We had to have a survey team out to assure us of the boundary in several areas of the forest. One thousand Five hundred hectares with all the edges in the woods means multiple levels of defence.

There is the basic line of defence on the outer edges done... the in-depth rings are what we are doing now."

A drone defence unit was coming with Security Service people from Fulham and Harcourt House to man it while our German staff is trained. We will have winged drones to patrol... pilots from the Lordsburg `school' will arrive when the drones do.

He told us the Land Brandenburg people had been very nice... `Glad to see us.'

Cho asked about the questionable buildings on the grounds... Gunther said he was keeping his people away from the old GDR dorms... too dangerous to muck around them.

"I have many vendors coming next week to interview for the house cleaning and repair of various things on the main house, gardeners, a company to test the water for the buildings and the Bogensee itself for swimming, a group of forestry companies to deal with the woods and more.

Thomas has people in London ready to do the vetting of each when it comes to choosing which ones."

Cho thanked Gunther. I asked about all our bits in Berlin... the Mirabelle stores had conventional burglar prevention/detection schemes plus cameras linked to the Tegel offices. The R&R hotels the same and our security humans going there every day. The shelters are of course different.

"We have outside human patrols especially at night and guards on-site in an office around the clock.

The use of cameras is limited so sensors are employed. We do not want to spook the guests they have had enough trouble."

I shook Gunther's hand for being sensitive.

Cho asked how the Tegel office was working out... Gunther smiling told us the hangar was good for the helicopters and the office space was excellent.

"We have good quarters. The computer room is quite large, room to grow. We are putting in a canteen. A quartet of `box' units from Thailand are on the way to be the clinic."

Great! The old airport was a good location, easy to get into the downtown Berlin.

We borrowed a Land Rover and driver so Cho could see more of the whole thing. A couple of stops near those GDR dorms... Cho got the pithy comments Jolly said about them... laughter.

We thanked Gunther and his people.

The AW139's took us straight to the flight line at Schönefeld. Derry there with the Gulfstream.

Kellen and Avril were the command AW139 pilots today... we thanked them for carrying us. They would now return to Chalgrove with some Protection Team members and baggage.

Cho-Fay Air's security division would have AW139's permanently stationed here with a group of pilots very soon.

Aboard for the trip to Rome. A bit over an hour to Rome's Fiumicino Airport.

Cho and I worked the whole way. Derry gave us a heads-up so we all could pack up.

At the aviation support hangar an AW189 from Leonardo was waiting... this model has bigger engines for greater lift, it is not as fast as the AW139's and has a shorter range.

We flew northeast to the Rome Leonardo Headquarters. A side road near the River Tiber had been blocked off by the police... we flared for landing. Two cars... we loaded up and drove up the hill to the west.

A nice broad road that became narrow and quite twisty, four severe switchbacks then up to the front of the Cavalieri Hotel. We were welcomed at the front and escorted up to the Penthouse Suite.

Warm browns, handsome wood, stairs to the rooftop... marvellous view and a hot tub.

We were shown the wine cooler where several bottle of Taittinger's were chilling. Canapes would be here shortly. Dinner whenever we requested it would be served. The menu chosen by Gil.

We did thank yous!

No swim attire... PJ checked the rooftop... fencing up, trees and a pavilion blocked all lines of sight! The light was going. Okay!

We decided to try naked alfresco champagne sipping! Big hotel robes... up the stairs... canapes tray beside the tub... Taittinger's poured... robes off into the hot water! It was easily big enough for us four... no problem.

We toasted the Bogensee Estate becoming something wonderful!!

It was nice to sit beside Cho, sip Taittinger's and chill. Gil and Chelle grinning like baboons... my `What?' got laughter.

"Well two nights in a row naked with you guys? After zero times in the past."

I rubbed Gil's leg with a foot, "You folks are very lucky!"


We could see the lights at St. Peter's Square and the Basilica. The mass of Rome to the left and right of that.

We had a good time... Gil let the hotel folks know they could start on the dinner service.

All dried off in jeans and a crop top.

The room service folks laid it out on the sideboard... all tucked into heated trays so we could browse.

Starters... a fish Brodetto, a small bowl for me. Carciofo alla Giudia is a springtime dish so they must have a special source for the artichokes. Crispy and tasty.

A very nice Cacio e pepe, the pasta perfect. Shrimp Fra Diavolo, tender shrimp in the tomatoes. Arancini alla Norma, I like these little Sicilian rice balls. Tagliatelle al Ragù, a vegetarian version, the sauce thick to cling to the flat noodles. Trofie al Pesto, the Trofie very tender and squiggly.

Bowls of bread, butter.

This is fun, having some of each! We sat at the big table grinning at each other. Complete enjoyment!

Giacomo Conterno Monfortino Barolo Riserva... several bottles opened, nicely shaped glasses. This is a lovely red from the Italian northwest with a great history.

Tiramisu pre-cut into big portions! I liked theirs having thick blocks of sponge! We added coffee upstairs on the rooftop terrace. Cho and I shared one piece.

More coffee and Amaretto in the deeper dark.

Some kissing as we were on a lounge together. Gil and Chelle parked on a settee... some smooching over there!

When we came down the dinner was cleared away. Okay bedtime, Cho and I across the passage from Gil and Chelle.

One Protector sitting in the suite's main room on four hour shifts.

A comfy big bed!

I sat up reading, Cho watching something on his iPad from our server... a documentary on new and theoretical forms of propulsion for aircraft.

Lights out... Cho against my back!! Sleep!

For breakfast... Sfogliatella, a big tray of these terrific pastries! There is orange ricotta, almond and candied citron fillings! Okay... one of each! Upstairs in the sun!!

The cars are here, hotel folks had our bags. We said goodbyes and thanked them for a very fine dinner. Bows and thank yous for staying with them.

Down the winding road to the River Tiber. At the front doors of Leonardo's Headquarters we had a welcoming committee... hands shaken! Inside we rose up in the lifts to the executive floor... a stairway to the solarium.

A comfortable room with a view across the city. Coffee served, we mixed chatting... talking, learning a bit about each other. They were pleased Cho, I and our staff could speak Italian easily.

This is our first visit, we control the company with the Italian Government being the second largest stockholder. Cho felt the management was excellent so we haven't been very involved.

What we did want was more AW139's... the production lines were increased so we are pleased. Cho-Fay Air is by far the largest user of AW139's, we have some of the larger versions, several AW189's are being used for shorter but heavier lifting jobs. Some in Lordsburg for fire suppression foam testing and training of pilots. The AW189's are our helicopters of choice for that group.

I walked out onto the terrace... the sun warm not hot. The CEO came up beside me.

"Contessa, you like the view?"

"Yes, I think the rooves of Rome interesting... the many shades of tile and shapes."

He looked, a smile, "Yes, so many colours."

He facing me, "You and Sir Cho having the controlling interest are hands-off..."

"I think we have been clear regarding how the company is moving. Every report is encouraging not just for immediate results but for the future."

He did a small bow and thanked me.

"I know Sir Cho can tear into a financial report... he has very sharp eyes... that makes your happiness with us even more significant."

We shook hands, smiles.

We sat for some briefings on several important sensitive projects. New robotic equipment for space exploration, robots for multiple types of ground operations and robots for undersea work. These remote controlled devices were of interest since we were heavily involved with our drones.

Cho asked me to speak about them. Gil plugged in her iPad to the big screen. I gave them a good overview of how we envisage using them then details of their construction and finally the actual operations. Gil ran several demo videos then a video of Benjamin's flight over the `locos' from the New Mexico office of ICE.

Then the video created of the Kentucky capture of the murdering bank robbers. I watched the faces as it played out... there were several times when on-screen actions had them jump a bit. The slamming of the driver into the door was one.

The smoking carcass of the robbers car spoke for itself.

When that was finished I mentioned these drones were early versions... many improvements have been made. I told them we would begin production in America in late spring of a new larger version, more range and lifting power as well as speed.

We can see them used for aerial surveying, forest fire monitoring, scientific research, search and rescue, etc... They would have enhanced FLIR, Infrared and video cameras.

I added that while there might be a large potential customer base we were going to vet all to see if they lived up to certain ethical standards.

"The potential for abuse is huge. Any law enforcement agency interested will have to be tested against our values and their history. We will also limit what accessories are sold to certain customers.

We also will put in a clause in the contracts informing the customer because of encrypted code inserted into the controlling chipset they can not re-sell a drone without our Okay. We can ground any drone in use by some one beside the original purchaser."

A few questions about that last part... Cho and I said we were firmly against our product being used to exploit or manipulate or injure people by law enforcement. I added police forces everywhere are quite good at doing harmful and illegal things now with their existing equipment.

Afterwards more coffee and many more questions. I asked about their robots... they asked about our drones.

The satellite link for a device that small was a treat for the more technically minded. Gil showed off the snaps of the bigger ones being tested. The new venturis really got them!!

They found out the wing drone was my idea... eyes opened! Several congratulated me.

We had some fun talking about these toys! Much laughter at that description!

Cho told them we were glad to meet them and we could see it will be good to work with them all.

Clapping and happy faces.

We did our goodbyes at the sound of a helicopter. Cho thanked them for the lifts' which got us a big We were welcome!'

At the Fiumicino flight line Derry was ready to go. Strapped in, Lis said she had luncheon for when we were level.

Email from Des... Roseanna was promoted major! I sent our congratulations with the hope of seeing them soon!

The attorneys working with Calcott in Wiltshire reporting that he has signed the deal where we buy the process rights for a flat sum and he gets twenty five percent of the company we create. The patents he has applied for would be in his name licensed to the company.

They say he is very pleased... us too!

We didn't have an email address for him so I replied to the lawyers to pass along we are happy.

Two emails close together... Malee and Rona both pregnant with boys!! The families are overjoyed right through to the grandparents... Anne and MFA got their wishes! Now with Andrea and Catherine also having boys... quite a turn-around from the first batch of babies.

Anong and Rak bucking the trend with Rak2 and now little Chana.

Francis... Ali is doing fine... more then ready to have Wesley out into the world. She's at eight months so I could imagine her being `ready!'

The publishing project... he has completed deals in New York, London, Berlin, Paris and Madrid!!! Did we want to go further?

I called him.

"Fay, these are good publishers with excellent backlists and prominent current authors. Vinni is a good choice, she's in London ready to meet with publishers."

"Let's consolidate on these five before any further expansion... Oh wait... what about Edinburgh?"

Francis said it is a work in progress nothing definite yet.

I thanked Francis for getting this together.

"Fay, I can't take much credit... the Sharks especially Lenora did most of the work... just me at the end to close it up."

"Then pass on our `Thanks' to them! I didn't meet Lenora..."

"She's your age, Vassar grad with English Lit background."

"Good... sounds like books to me."

We laughed.

The Chairman of the Senate Committee I'd testified for emailed... they had a bill ready to go to a vote in both houses. No question it would pass. There were No exceptions for any Helicopter company regardless of size. That was what I'd advocated.

In committee hearings a few members wanted their local companies exempted... the Senate Chairman held firm... NO way!

It will give the FAA new mandated powers over the flight characteristics, equipment types for certain kinds of operations, repair recordkeeping and crew training!!

A side note... Nick Rawlins removed the Texas fellow from the committee for undisclosed conflicts of interest.

Lis served lunch... fruit, cheeses, warm bread and butter. I was working on a bowl of vanilla ice cream when Cho leaned over... Ralph Lauren, Asprey's, Hermès are on our Harcourt Racing sponsor team! All signed up! Yea!

Ralph Lauren and Asprey's are going to be the main sponsors at Doncaster next season... no more betting companies to be very visible. Plus they would participate at Ascot and Newmarket.

Cho said the Doncaster fellow we'd spoken to was very pleased. He was encouraged to go look for a few more possible sponsors on his own... he would keep us informed!

Ralph Lauren had been enthusiastic when I asked him. None of our sponsors were asked to give enormous sums to us... their products we use already so it was mainly clothing for our people and horses plus signage to be put up.

They are such quality companies the whole `name' thing cuts both ways!

Putting their names out front at Doncaster and other tracks would mean the betting firms would have a lower visibility... good for everyone but them. We would advocate other tracks in England should consider collecting somewhat lower fees but getting high profile and quality sponsors!!

Doncaster is leading the way.

Cho said we would look into racing there more.

Fist bump for Cho!

Daniel's email from Upperville caused some excitement... A Tall Timber colt born this morning!! The dam is also Samir's so a proven winner has a full brother! We have a name ready `TimberLine.' Daniel will register him in a few months!

Our congratulations passed to him and his crew!

On approach to Chalgrove. The breaking G-force always an interesting part of the trip... the end!

The Twins rushing across the gravel for hugs and kisses. They had been sending texts and emails each day... cute and funny things from their day's and the house.

We picked them up... Chani was a heavy weight now to lift straight up!

Carter smiling, fist bump! Carter2, Eliza and Audra. Smiling faces... nice to see.

A nice evening at home. The Twins went up after dinner to work on their C&C production. Anticipation was running high.

I got in my morning ride then another `ride' to Wandsworth and Cowley House. I walked to the Lords after a stop with Sage.

I saw Adforth... He said the Brooks article had caused comments from several members.

"Who can we trust for a full and accurate assessment of AI?"

"I will see if Mr. Brooks would come across the pond to speak to the committee or a larger group of members. He could give us his insights and suggest some people to seek out for further answers."

"I'm sure others would be very pleased if you did."

Okay. I turned to Gil who was typing... a smile.

Adforth laughed, "I see how this works."

We all laughed.

Argyle stopped on his way past, "Fay, Max wrote to you at Cowley House about some school thing?"

"I didn't look at the mail yet."

"It didn't appear particularly urgent."

Handshake and smile.

In the House some voting, debate on a trade agreement, two member's private bills.

The mail at Cowley House included a thank you from the Duchess of Cornwall for the copy of Flix's book I'd arranged for her. She would be back to me when she has had a chance to read it.

Max wrote to ask if he could use the Library at Cowley House or Harcourt House to look for maps of the `Colonies' before World War One. There wasn't much on the internet of use and several had been contradictory.

I gave it to Arlette to answer with a yes. He should call the Cowley House number, ask for Clough. Going out to Harcourt House is more involved.

"Arlette, please ask Max if he reads French."

She would.

Lunch then a visit. I stepped out of the car behind Tara. Lydia at the Vauxhall Shelter door. Smiles, a curtsey and a hug.

She was happy to have me back. Inside I met some guests most were at school. This the smallest shelter had the highest percent of senior school students attending classes.

Nona! She did a very nice curtsey.

"Your Ladyship, it is so nice to be able to tell you I'm attending City University on a bursary."

A hug for her. Lydia looking over at us like a mother hen.

I got a review of Nona's school life and classes. She was excited!!

Later in Lydia's office. "Your Ladyship, Nona worked so hard once we got her in a senior school. The teachers said she had a real yearning for education. They were very proud of her earning her way forward."

I smiled, "You too... right?"

"Oh Yes! Nona isn't a real `pet' but I did fuss over her a bit so she got that we really wanted her to succeed."

"A result for you!"

Fist Bump!

The shelter was doing fine... a good mix of staff who worked hard and were careful with the more damaged guests. One boy of fourteen was dropped off by his father who yelled out at the boy as he drove. away.. `Now you're with the faggots where you belong.'

That boy was a tough one for a few months... he's rebounded, in school doing well. His mother has visited... she's so under the bully father's thumb she's useless to the boy.

"He will be fifteen in three days... we have a secret party planned."

Fist bump!!

Lydia on the sidewalk waving as we drove down the road.

Rae took us south to cross the Wandsworth Bridge and a flight to Oxfordshire.

Cho and I in my Dressing Room... he was smiling listening to Nona's success!

"We likely cannot find a more thrilling example of why we need to continue to expand the project."

Cho stood to hug me, "I agree! You are doing a great job... I know others are more hands on... you are the mind behind it."

A hug and KISS!

Hélène, Dalton and their son and his family flew down from Haxby. Dalton owns a Beechcraft King Air 250, the family loaded up for the short flight to Chalgrove.

We met them on the Forecourt. Hélène had been here before for last year's 21st Century Fox board meeting.

Dalton smiling, "The house seems appropriate for your status."

We laughed...

Cho said we were thinking of adding a few floors for my hat size... we all laughed after I stuck my tongue out to my husband.

In the Great Room they all got to meet the Twins and Jaidee. Nearly a year of growth by the Twins amazed Hélène.

She sat on a settee with Chani... they went to chatting. Jaidee getting petted by Hélène at the same time.

Dalton, the son and grandson all went back to Chalgrove with Cho to see the helicopters. They were going to get a bit of an introduction to rotary flight.

Delphine appeared with jumpers and hats. Chani and Charlie going into the Garden with Jaidee.

Hélène's granddaughter was joining the Twins.

Hélène, her daughter-in-law and I with coffee... we talked many things and especially 21st Century Fox. The current state of things and where we were heading including the Entertainment division.

Both sides had been so successful in the last two years. Sky UK had rising numbers of viewers here with our being the owners demanding quality programming and a greatly improved news division.

The skewering of republicans in America had Hélène's head shaking.

A cousin of Hélène's was married to a Wall Street banker... the cousin stayed away from politics... her husband gave money to republicans. Fortunately his dealings were above board but the dirt spreads... he had backpedalled to the point of no money at all..

I said `Good' they don't need to be supported until they clean up their act.

I told her about Nick Rawlins, he was a class act, honest, ethical and straightforward.

"Nick is a good man... he can't erase the misdeeds of his colleagues... he will lead by example but time is required. Your cousin's husband should give his money to better people until then."

"I saw you two have been giving money to various folks... quite a fair bit."

They got the story of our recent doing's and got to see some snaps of the visits.

"Cho wants me to do a build-up before I hand over the money. The lady at Rivesaltes had tears..."

Hélène smiling, "He does have a point."

I agreed, "At the Children's Museum of the Arts in New York I did do a `build-up' for the fellow there. He had seen the stories about our gifts in Europe... he was sort of expecting something but the dollar amount still amazed him."

Hélène leaned forward, "Are we going to see Daria over here this January?"

"I doubt it. Daria's health is marginal, she's conserving herself for being an auntie."

Hélène looked?

"Ali, our current and her former PA is eight months along... she and Francis are living fulltime in New York."

Hélène remembered them. "Francis is pretty important a fellow for you two."

"Yes... we have used his talents in many ways."

Hélène smiling, "I rather like that you brought him back from a low point... such a success."

I was going to say... Loud "Mamas" from the big windows as the Twins rushed in with Helene's granddaughter... Jaidee leading the charge!

Delphine out run by small legs came in laughing.

I knelt to scoop all three babies into my arms. Hugs and kisses... even Jaidee got into the kissing.

Order restored. Gil said Cho called to say they were having lunch as discussed at the Lamb in Chalgrove. The flying had been great fun.

Carter said our luncheon was ready. We used the Breakfast Room... spaghetti and veggie meatballs... a Twins favourite. Charlie grinning as he used a piece of Pane Toscano to help spin his pasta.

Hélène looking on with a grin.

A good lunch, coffee after with cookies!

The guys showed up a few hours later... they were all pleased with their day. Dalton was convinced to try rotary flight, his son also. The grandson was learning to fly... fixed wing first.

Dalton had spoken with our Chalgrove Cho-Fay Air team... he could fly down in his own airplane to train on one of our Bell Jet Ranger helicopters. They are only used for beginning pilot training. Tough, easy to learn and they have an unparalleled safety record.

We have a simulator on site for the AW139's where all our pilots go from time to time... Dalton knew he could make use of our various aircraft bits with an appointed day and time.

He and his son were jazzed!

Dalton's phone went off... he checked. The weather was changing rapidly... they were going to fly home now ahead of a storm coming in from the west across the Midlands.

Hugs and kisses, handshakes.

We waved them down the drive in a Prasert car.

Cho's arm around me.

"Dalton is really excited by the challenge. I did get he is cautious which is a good trait in an ordinary private pilot."

I asked about his flying... Cho said he'd had a pilot's license for years but let it lapse.

"I ran out of time to enjoy flying... now I prefer to work or relax and let some one else do it. I don't need the stress of learning new aircraft. I haven't flown for six or seven years.

And before you ask... I'm not interested in changing that."

I slowly raised three fingers... Cho looking a question... then it hit him, "I thought you'd stopped counting contractions?"

"Every now and then especially when they come thick and fast."

A kiss!

Chelle's head to one side, a question on her pretty face.

Gil gave her a kiss, "Fay was trying to get Cho's colloquial command of English to include more contractions. Fay would count them..."

Nodding of her black haired head.

Everything ready! We went up the stairs to the 767. Ten hours to Santa Monica! Yobi and Lil would have dinner for us.

Work!! My `Dear Companions' loaded me up with paper and online docs. Cho doing his bits... grinning as I got things handed over to me.

I called Vinni in London, "Can you come to Bangkok for a few days... we can talk and get to know you."

She got there'd be a Gulfstream at Chalgrove. She sounded psyched!

Donovan calling... "Fay, the first body... the DNA doesn't match anything the Cook County folks have.. it's on to the FBI and others. No match for the teeth either here.

What it means? No family donated their DNA or dental records although they have a `missing' male relative. The sheriffs here aren't authoritative. We don't know any dates for possible victims here unless we get a hit with the DNA."

I said we went into this to help find missing people... No other agenda so whatever happens... happens.

"Fay, the forensic folks said there's no obvious cause of death for our first. They've gone over the bones carefully."

They were going to dig tomorrow at the second site.

I thanked Donovan asking him to pass it on.

Cho looking over... he shrugged, he heard my side.

"Be sure Donovan is keeping the costs separate from any Chicago Tribune budgets."

A thumbs up from me. I asked Chelle to send a note to Terrill about it. Although I was sure he would have it in mind. Okay.

After dinner the Twins had a romp with Jaidee... up and down the cabin. Laughing and rolling around the deck with the Choco Boy! Such fun!

They went to sleep all giggly happy. Kisses and hugs.

In the morning... Leslie at Santa Monica! It was good to see him. Camilla and Dali! Hugs for them. They were all doing well. All security things were good in California!

We were changed for a racing day! AW139's lifted us for Santa Anita.

At the barn I got to hug Monaco. He was smiling, `Everybody's ready!' the first thing he said.

He and Cho shaking hands. Demetria, Nathaniel and Jackson! Lots of hands shaken. Rande and PJ did their usual handshake and shoulder bump with Jackson to our laughter.

James was at the Belmont with Ring for two races. The Judd Hirsch Turf Classic! IrishRainbow was racing, twelve furlongs, a G1 race for half million dollar purse. The race would go off in an hour.

He reported IrishRainbow was nickering and playing. Ah... he's ready too!

Phueng later in the Frizette Stakes.

The Twins got to pet each horse from our arms... Samir, Phawta, Sakda and SakChai. Happy horses.

The carts took us onto the grandstand. Several members of the track board greeted us. They were happy too!

Our security had the entire facility locked down tight... There was almost no theft of any kind and the reputation of the track for a safe customer experience was very high.

We knew the trainers liked us, they also reported no stealing of supplies or tack. The barn area was very large... they as individuals spoke about our Security Service folks in the best terms.

Up in our enlarged box area... a group went for drinks and food... Charlie wanted chips and ketchup! Big surprise!

We all had our glasses out. Gil and Chelle smiling holding their own glasses we just gave them. We must look funny... all of us sitting staring through binoculars.

A race went off... we had to wait through another before Samir was up.

Food! Charlie got his wish. Chani and I shared a BIG warm tortilla chip with dips plate, guacamole, sour cream, cheese, black beans, sliced hot peppers!! We had limeades to drink. Cho and our little man shared the chips and a veggie burger! One and half vanilla milkshakes for them.

Everybody enjoying their food in the warm sun. Cho having to do a chin wipe for Charlie... giggles from Chani. It was pleasant to do this family thing.

James calling... IrishRainbow wired the field to win by seven!! Our boy came clean out of the gate... never looked back!! Dom there for yet another win on turf for our brown fellow!! Quite a string of victories!

Our colt loves running... like all our horses. They train hard... enjoy their time off! IrishRainbow would retire at the end of this season. We have to make a choice for him... Harcourt Farm or maybe Harcourt House. He has a considerable reputation in England which could attract owners. We have time to talk about it.

Racing! Samir was up in the Awesome Again Stakes, a G1 race of nine furlongs for a purse of four hundred thousand dollars! His glossy black shining very brightly.

The post parade got him and especially Mike a big applause. Mike lived near here and rode a lot of ponies at Santa Anita... a well-known figure as he is a consistent winner.

They walked to the left for the start. Samir was in the five slot in the middle of twelve. The loading was easily completed... no drama.

CLANG!! They were released... Samir on the lead with the numbers three and seven horses on either side. Down the track abreast they opened two lengths then three as they headed into the Clubhouse turn.

Samir eased ahead... his lead changes made a difference! At the beginning of the back straight he was pulling away... four lengths. Mike had him going along the rail... looking at his stride... very smooth. The others had switched a bit... the first pair had dropped back, a black and chestnut were in pursuit.

As the second turn came up Samir maintained his four length space. Mike did a look back... into the curve he leaned down a bit further. Halfway through the chestnut made a move forward... at the top of the stretch he closed to two lengths.

Mike knew he was there... as Samir moved back to his right lead Mike asked him. The Monaco Surge... no glasses needed to see Samir accelerate!! He moved away by five quickly... no slack going down the last eighth... seven lengths as he blew through the finish.

Yes! We stood to applaud our horse! Hugs and kisses.

Our neighbours clapped and did a few cheers. We waved to them. Then mounted up for the trip downstairs.

The Awesome Again Stakes folks were happy to give a trophy to Cho and Charlie. My guys funny with the microphone... laughter around us and in the stands.

The one Santa Anita fellow I always speak with leaning over, "These guys should be on TV."

We laughed, Chani giggling in my arms.

"I saw a piece in The Day by Nipsey from the Daily News... including a snap of Secretariat as a foal... except it wasn't him... Secret Royal! A handsome fellow and its likely he'll never be a secret."

Me smiling, "With his pedigree you are right! We've had a few folks come by at Harcourt House... they've met Asda... they all thought he physically resembles Secretariat... now his blood is mixed with that great champion."

I put my hand on his sleeve, "A man who as youth worked at Meadow Stables who was a groom to the young Secretariat..." Big eyes on him, "... and Her Majesty the Queen... both said he had the perfect conformation. I recently re-read Charlie Hatton's description of Secretariat... close, VERY close."

I shook my head, "We have hopes!"

We shook hands as he wished our hopes came true. Chani got him to fist bump to laughs and giggles.

We were back in our box. Phawta's race the Chandelier Stakes coming. It is a G1 of eight and half furlongs for three hundred and seventy five thousand dollars.

Phawta's silvery white telling the tale of her being the younger sister to SakChai. She looked smashing walking in the post parade. All the other fillies were black, brown, a bay and one chestnut.

They loaded into the gate, Phawta in the number one slot. CLANG! Our girl came out like a rocket! She was rolling immediately... down the straight to the Clubhouse Turn. Into the turn she had three lengths on the field.

I watched her closely as Emanuel steered around the big curve. Her lead changes silky smooth. On the back straight she was six clear! No slack. As the second turn opened Emanuel took a quick look... eight lengths now.

In the turn she was running easily, no strain at all. Emanuel asked her at the top of the home stretch... a huge surge extended her lead to twelve! Emanuel urging her... Phawta roared across the finish fourteen lengths clear! Emanuel holding his unused whip way high!

We celebrated! Our girl can run! A hug for Demetria for doing a great job getting Phawta ready to roll.

Down to the Winner's Circle. Chani and I with Demetria to accept the prize. Chani with the microphone said `Hi' to everyone and very nicely thanked the Chandelier Stakes people for having their race so Phawta could win it. That drew a lot of laughter from the crowd.

Me laughing and clapping for our girl!

Demetria holding up the trophy was a great snap. She brought in Chaz the groom.

Upstairs again we had Sakda in the next race, the Frontrunner Stakes. It is a G1 race for four hundred thousand dollars at a distance of eight and half furlongs.

The field was fourteen, Sakda in the number three spot... he'd have to run hard to get clear of the crowd trying to close to the rail. Leonie, his jockey for today since Dom was in New York, knew what to do.

The start was clean... Sakda sprinting forward to take the lead. Into the first turn Sakda had three lengths on his pursuers... he was moving smoothly. Around the the turn he extended his lead to five when he entered the back straight... Leonie had him on the rail rolling down the straight!

I saw Leonie in my glasses take a look back... six lengths back to the nearest competitor. She aimed Sakda into the second turn... the curve quickly was gobbled up!

My eyes zoomed on Leonie... she asked Sakda! The Monaco Surge was like an explosion... Sakda almost jumped forward. By the eighth pole the lead was ten... no slack!! He crossed the wire like a bullet.

More celebrations by us! Jackson got our congratulations and thanks for a great job training this young fellow!

We were enjoying this day of racing. Another trip down to the Winner's Circle.

Charlie and Cho up. Chani and I talked with the board of directors fellow again. He was grinning, "I guess you'll be back in another hour or so."

Smiling I said we hoped so!

James emailed again... Phueng racing at Belmont in the Frizette Stakes a G1 race of eight furlongs. She had a slow start... on the back straight James said it was like she woke up! On after-burners she ran down the field by the eighth pole to win going away by two! Four hundred thousand dollar purse we would get the lion's share!

Phueng another young horse that ran very hard with power. Dom was riding her to replace Leonie. He told James Phueng didn't want the bit then she suddenly took it hard and responded to Dom asking her.

James wrote to us he checked her mouth afterwards... nothing wrong in there.

Now our Super Triple Tiara winner Sasithorn in the Zenyatta Stakes! This G1 race is eight and half furlongs with a big purse of eight hundred thousand dollars!

Zenyatta, a great champion, the race's namesake which was changed ten years ago from the Lady's Secret Stakes. Lady's Secret, the daughter of Secretariat, was the 1986 Horse of the Year winner over all the male horses! Another fine champion!

Sasithorn unbeaten in two years of racing, her glossy black seen from behind most of the time. Her last outing in Saratoga Springs... she got mugged at the start, a rider fell, Radha kept her going. She made up twenty lengths to win!

We saw her this morning... she was bouncy.

In the post parade the horses were calm... the loading easy... CLANG!! Off down the track... Sasithorn like a missile! As they came by underneath us she had three lengths already!

Into the turn Radha had her on the rail spinning around the curve. What a beauty she is! The sun on her... she glistened.

On the back straight... the lead was eight... Sasithorn giving no slack! Down the dirt she was galloping along at a fast pace... widening! The second turn... she entered with an eleven length lead.

She came out of the turn leading by fourteen... Radha asked her!! Her Monaco Surge was awesome!!! By the eighth pole the lead was twenty... Radha doing a hand ride the whole way was gently urging her...

The finish line came and went in a dust cloud... Twenty three length victory. We jumped up! Chani's arms around my neck... we cheered and clapped for our filly.

Hugs and kisses!

A new race record time and margin of victory. Sasithorn tearing things up everywhere!

We went down... Chani and I were up. A very nice trophy and the crowd was noisy. Lots of applause for Sasithorn and us. Chani at the microphone thanking the Zenyatta Stakes people.

One race left... It was inaugural Glaa Special Stakes. It is the re-named Santa Anita Special Stakes. Glaa had set a new record for the distance last year... his next to last race.

The post parade. Shining like a star... the silvery white of SakChai blazing! They got a huge applause, Marnie raised her whip to acknowledge the crowd. They walked to the far left... our colt and ten competitors. SakChai in the number ten slot.

It is a long race, the longest most of these horses will ever run at a mile and five eighths. Glaa holds the world record time he set last year at 2:35.1!!! SakChai has won everything in sight but hasn't matched his older half-brother's speed.

The purse is two and half million dollars. This race isn't yet rated but the U.S. racing folks were considering a G1 rating for next year.

The field has a lot of quality runners... SakChai has beaten many already, one a five year old gelding raced against Glaa last time. He can't breed so he should race. It was good to see owners keeping their healthy horses running.

They were in and ready... CLANG! They're off! SakChai sprinting out as Marnie moved him toward the centre of the track from his far right slot. Halfway down the straight our colt was leading by three... They passed below us going to the Clubhouse Turn... SakChai's lead was five. In the turn Marnie moved to the rail. She kept him going, long smooth strides.

The back straight shimmering in the afternoon sun... SakChai powering down it like an bullet train... smooth as silk! I squeezed Chani when she said SakChai was so beautiful in the light.

Cho had my free hand... none to spare for glasses. I didn't need them to SakChai rolling around the turn... looking like fifteen lengths in his lead.

At the top of the stretch Cho squeezed my hand... Marnie asked! SakChai geared up... reaching out for more dirt... extending his lead immediately... twenty one lengths as he crossed the eighth pole.

The final yards seemed like a blur... SakChai giving the maximum effort! He was across the finish in 2:35.9!!!!!! The second fastest time ever! He had a twenty four lengths victory margin!

The crowd let go! Huge clapping, cheers and some foot stomping.

We did our celebration in the box at a higher volume!

Cho kissed us with Charlie! Monaco got a hug from Chani and I.

Down the stairs one more time.

The crowd giving us a huge welcome! Charlie and Chani, big smiles, walking on the track clapping to the crowd.

Marnie brought SakChai back up the track to ever louder crowd noise. She doffed her helmet to a swell of applause.

Carlita put on the lead shank and Cho lead him into the Winner's Circle. We all did this one. Loads of snaps... we mixed everybody together... I was hugging Marnie with the trophy, Chani's arms around me. Carlita smiling as she held the prize.

Cho and I kneeling arms around the Twins holding the trophy... with Cho's hand underneath taking the weight.

We had fun getting everybody in the snaps.

SakChai was walked to the barn... we rode over. We congratulated and thanked our trainers, jockeys, grooms, all the Harcourt Racing staff!

The Twins went to pet the horses.

We talked with Monaco about Ascot. We would fly in from Bangkok for those races and then to Paris for a day at Longchamp then back to Thailand.

He would be with us for Ascot. Handshake!

We rounded up the Twins... they were helping to feed a few horses. Giggles and laughter on the menu too.

At Santa Monica the 767 soared upwards to the sounds of a Woof' and a Yoo Hoo!'

Dinner was loud... celebrations for a spectacular racing day...

Chani and Charlie singing... they were learning some songs from France courtesy of Delphine. Chani asked Popa if he knew the one they were doing... Un Elephant qui se balançait.' Cho on-guard said he didn't... I could see Chani was giving the get Popa singing' a try... very sneaky of her.

Later in bed Cho was laughing about it, "She has some conniver in her... that's from you!"

I did an offended look then claimed credit much to Cho's amusement!

Kissing and petting... I got him a bit worked UP... I volunteered to take care of it for him which was graciously accepted. A delightful period of close oral contact with the `Penis!' Tasty too!

Cho laying back... a blissful look... me on my belly holding the `Penis' up so I could give it a good clean.

Morning sun on the Himalayas as we crossed over a corner of Nepal. George Herbert Lee Mallory still up there on Everest. It is where he belongs. No reason to change that.

Coffee with the scent of breakfast cooking. Yobi was humming and singing at low volume as she worked. Funny the Twins picked up on it.

The news had all the normal bad to worse things. A piece in the Guardian on the Russian prisoner releases. Thousands had been freed... back in their home cities... trying to pickup the life they had been torn from... some many years ago.

They were receiving help from several non-governmental groups. I waved to Gil as she and Chelle came out. I pointed to the article... would she ask the Sharks to research the NGO groups so we could make donations. A thumbs up!

"Popa!" On repeat! The babies grabbing Popa... he hadn't made it to his coffee!

I knelt by the table to gather them in! Yobi was ready... food delivered for them.

I sat to work... we had two hours to go. The Twins went to their cabin for some schooling. Cho leaned over me... kiss! I mentioned the Russian NGO's... he was in favour of helping.

I drew him down beside me... he knew about the publisher lady at the Duchess' tea... the company she works for belongs to Munro Publishing now...

He grinned, "I guess she will have a surprise when you walk in there."

Fist bump.

I got answers to messages I'd sent separately to Hilary and Keir Starmer... Would the current changes in Russia give an opportunity to negotiate a nuclear weapons deal to at least end all ICBM targeting of each other's territory? Dismantle a percentage of weapons? Withdrawal all tactical weapons to one's own territory? And more?

Both thought it was an idea but that the political situation in Russia wasn't settled... the Russian Army command shouldn't speak for the whole political structure or the entire country... too much flux. We needed to wait for the dust to clear.

I was good with that... for now.

Gil parked beside me, "The Global Health people have responded with a `Yes' to your donating to them."

"Okay, find out their preferred method of receiving funds... send them ten million."

Fist bump!

Cho laughing, "An end run on Bush2?"

I did an `Okay' hand motion and "I don't think he matters much... off the grid... watching elections and everything else from the sideline. He's too toxic."

Carter let me know a letter arrived from Iran. The return address he couldn't read. He got some help from Yone ... `Qom.' I asked Gil to send an email for it to be DHL'd overnight to Bangkok.

Gil and Chelle both asked `Qom?'

"It is the religious centre of Iran where the Ayatollah lives."

Eyebrows raised!

Cho didn't hear... on his phone.

"Fay, our New York attorneys filed suit on reddit for pictures they allowed to remain posted after Tai sent a take down request because they were copyright photos.

The lawyers say a five hundred million dollar lawsuit will likely gain their attention."

We laughed... I would think so also our very successful record in litigation.

We were descending to Don Mueang. In our seats... Jaidee looking out a bit of tongue showing.

The house coming in view as the AW139 flew down the river...a tightness inside... where our love was built. My hand being squeezed by Cho... he knew what I was thinking.

We released Charlie and Chani from their travel seats in the AW139... zoom to the terrace where Amporn and Niran were waiting, Achara, Intira and Nat behind them. The Twins dishing out hugs and fist bumps! So much laughter!

Jaidee close behind them getting in his woofs.

I walked in with my arm around Amporn, huge smile on her face.

"We are ready for you!"

In a bikini running to the pool with Chani dressed like me... through the gate and dive in... Chani waiting until I was ready... SPLASH!

Cho and Charlie coming... Cho in first then Charlie jumped well out to Popa.

Gil and Chelle came across the lawn from their place. Splashes!

Tha and Delphine walking more leisurely... they dove in.

I swam for a bit then I parked on a lounge in the sun for more work. I shared with Chani who had a book on insects of Thailand... Did she want some field work?

I texted Cho if he could have Knor come by to talk with Chani... `insects.'

I could hear him laughing. A smiley face back.

I went in for coffee... Knor beside the lounge talking with Chani... she was clapping. Chani said she was going with Knor to see `bugs.' A kiss for her and a thank you to Knor. He had a big smile.

Cho and Charlie sharing an iPad looking at pictures of animals we might see at the Forest Palace. Anticipation!!

Standing at the drive... the car coming... the Twins beside Cho and I... Gamma!! Gramps!! Massive hugs and kisses... that took a while. The Twins and grandparents going toward the terrace... Cho arm-in-arm with me smiling behind them.

I got in another kiss for Phailin and Keren... they were grinning at the blizzard of kissing.

We got drinks and settled in for a talk.

Phailin received a letter from her Myanmar woman client... she was doing well, the family happy to have the badness behind them. A good outcome from a lousy situation. Big thank yous for me.

Gil came out of the house with an iPad... "You two have to make a decision..."

We looked at her... "What?"

"Which of you will make the speech... Just announced in Oslo! You two have won the Nobel Peace Prize!!!"

She dropped the iPad on a lounge... we hugged! Cho gave me a monster kiss!!

Phailin surrounding me with arms... "Fay! Wonderful!!"

Keren had my hand, smiles, "You two earned it... you made it start... you kept it going and were generous with your help."

A kiss for his cheek.

The Twins got we had been given a big award... a rare thing.

They hugged us.

Chelle, "The world is going a bit nuts!! Headlines and a blizzard of congratulations flooding in!"

I looked my phone... it was on mute... I missed about twenty calls... more coming... the little red dot on the email icon changing... changing... I put it down... later.

Gil held up her iPhone a call from Oslo. She answered, "Yes they are here..." She handed the phone to... I pointed to Cho. He spoke for several minutes... He thanked the caller.

"We will receive an official notice with the information on the award ceremony in Oslo. You heard I asked for it to be sent to Harcourt House." Cho turned to Gil, "... Please ask Carter to send it on whenever it arrives."

A smiling thumbs up!

He grinned, "You are giving the speech."

"NO... we share the prize... we share the speech!"

Cho looked... fist out... BUMP! Okay! The Twins wanted in!! Bumps!

A hug and kiss for Cho.

Everybody laughing.

We leaned back in our lounges... well no waiting on that anymore.

We have a full agenda for our time here. Today a party... our friends bringing over their babies we haven't met... all five months or more old now.

Phailin smiling, "I have one of my `ladies meetings' in a few days... Can you come?"

"Which day?"

I got it... Gil gave me an Okay for that morning.

A reminder for Phailin about the Foundation Board of Directors meeting...

She smiled, "You are on my calendar."

A hug for Phailin.

I was walking with Dad... he had Chani's hand and mine as we did a barefoot walk on the grass... Chani told Gramps about her garden bug fun with Knor. She pointed out several plants where the bees liked to go.

Jaidee and Charlie came roaring by... a tennis ball in play! Chani grinning... she ran to join the boys for fun with a wave over her shoulder.

Dad and I sat on the grass, "Fay, Narong's assistant has published a schedule for the meetings and your get-together... I have been invited because of our border responsibilities."

"Good a friendly face!"

Dad laughed, "Well you know Narong... of the crowd coming I don't know any personally... no contact except official bits through channels."

I lay back, "We have what Narong's assistant says is a final count for the cocktail party. Amporn and the Kiet's are working on everything."

Cho and I were going to the south. Dad's people there knew. We asked Phailin and Dad to host the Twins for two days with Delphine. Tha was going off for a week of vacation... her family pleased.

I laughed, "Are you and Phailin ready for the Twins? Even with Delphine they'll be a big handful."

Dad laughed too!

"I think we can handle them. The house is new to them so a lot of exploring plus the garden."


"Not to worry. There's plenty of space for him, Charlie and Chani to run. I know the `magic' word so he will eat."

A hug!

Dad nudged me, "You two even made the news here with your donations to museums. A fair amount of money for them."

I told him Cho's admonition about my `surprises.'

"He is right... no fainting!"

I laughed, "The last place I did warn the museum director... the catch was he'd heard about the others so he was expecting some amount that was significant... the ten million surprised him but not as badly.

Did you hear about the Oxfordshire library?"

Dad shook his head. "No? We told them we were going give them a million £'s then upped it to ten million. I originally asked them to put half into book or other media purchases... they agreed."

He laughed, "Five million £'s of books?"

I told them we wouldn't hold them to the `half' when I gave them the cheque."

"You are naughty... in a good way."

We got run over by kids and a dog. They were giggling so loud.

Dad grinning, "I see we may have to re-consider our offer."

We laughed!! Cho and Phailin came out... we could see them laughing. Dad took Phailin in his arms, "Dear, help me... I have been rundown."

We `assisted' Dad to a chair and a fresh coffee.

They headed home after a while... so good to see them. They knew about the Hay-Adams Hotel so if they wanted to go to Washington to see Somsak, Tona and the babies... they could stay there so they didn't burden a house with two more when there were two little ones!

We'd provide an aircraft too! Hugs for that!

Arlette's email said Max's reply to my question about reading French was `he was not perfect but pretty good.' So I replied for her to aim him to the big map atlas in the Cowley House library... the white one with gold lettering.

The maps were done in detail, excellent and readable. I thought them accurate.

We had folks arriving soon. A very informal party... Babies!

Our family waiting by the drive as cars came up...

Anong and Rak, Rak2 bursting out to hug his friends! We got to meet Chana... A cutie! Rak and Anong very happy Chana was doing well. I held her for a few minutes... big dark eyes staring at me.

Anong leaning in chin on my shoulder... "She is so good... sleeps and eats... wonderfully. She comes with me and her nurse to the office now... it is fun to see her during the day! Having her close is marvellous!"

Cho took the little bundle... I gave Anong a big hug!!

Ban and Soka arrived with their little man... Boon-Nam. Soka smiling, "We call him Boo."

Another cute baby to hold... he smiled up to me... Cho came close... little Boo stuck both arms out... Cho got him.

Ban laughing, "Right now he is a daddy's boy."

I had Soka's hand, she was smiling, "He always does that when Ban comes home."

They were enjoying being a family.

Kamol and Sarge with their Landon Kla. Sweet face, curly dark hair. He saw me... reaching out. Okay my arms full. They were proud parents. Landon was bubbly and giggly.

Cho relieved me of Landon Kla... they went on a walkabout to meet the others.

A hug for Kamol. Sarge smiling as we shook hands. He said the Los Angeles side of the family were still jazzed about their boy. At Christmas they would make Landon Kla's first trip!

"Beware those baby spoilers."

They laughed, Sarge said he knew they would try it.

"They are so happy about Landon because my marrying late... and I never tom-catted around... they all thought there would never be any nephews or nieces or grandkids."

My arms on their shoulders as we followed Cho... he was showing off Landon. We laughed. They went over.

Reyna and Thet, Krai! Jaidee's boy puppy, Chalermchai came too!

Reyna hugging me, Thet holding Krai... sweet face. Cho got him! Cho was grabbing all the babies.

I bent over to say hello to `Chal' who looked like an exact copy of his sire, Jaidee.

Thet smiling, "Chal is a good fellow... he and Krai nap together during the day... he sleeps in a bed beside Krai's cradle."

I hugged him, "Good! They'll grow up together like you wanted."

Jaidee came over to see his son... Chal was still not full grown... they did some sniffing... they were good!

Charlie had a tennis ball... Jaidee was up... he nudged his son... Charlie gave it a toss... two brown streaks flying across the grass! Jaidee scooped it up to run back with his son trotting alongside. Game on!

Kamol loved having Krai in the office a few days during the week. He was happy to have people come by all day long.

I shared a lounge with Anong... A smile, "Fay, I have missed seeing you all. If you will have us... Christmas?"

I kissed her cheek, "Of course! We want you all! I'm sure Cho wants to take some money off Rak at golf..."


I looked to a clot of men... Anong laughing beside me... Cho's head came around... he felt my eyes... an airborne kiss!

Reyna joined us. I drew my legs up she sat at the bottom of the lounge.

Reyna had a big smile, "Have you watched Chal and Jaidee... it is almost like yours is teaching Chal how to do things."

Father and son walked behind the Twins to Niran... a conversation... Niran nodding and ruffling Charlie's hair. He went inside...

I motioned to the Twins... They said Niran was going to get doggie treats. Good!

I leaned back, Reyna asked about Harcourt House...

"The Queen is coming again this year... after you all arrive. You all are the kick-off for Christmas as usual."

She held her hand to her mouth... "I guess I should have done a curtsey?"

A big grin, "I'll let you off this time but don't let it happen again!"

We laughed!

Anong, "It is amazing... you are a Countess... how is that?"

"I do not have my name used much... usually `Your Ladyship or M'Lady' that is a downside for me... otherwise getting into the aristocracy has had some benefits...

I got a lot of attention during the election in March which helped defeat the government in power. All good then!

Cho and I do have a higher than average public recognition level so we get to use it!

Surprising still to sometimes to see myself on magazine covers or newspaper front pages."

Anong, "The news here, TV and newspapers, covers you two a lot. You have done many interesting things this year so there is a steady stream of reports on what you are up to."

"Well it is too late to pull our heads in... we have so much happening... more coming!

Have you heard our latest?"

They both nodded their heads... They certainly knew what the Nobel Prize meant... they were thrilled for us... laughter about the `split the speech' deal.

An elbow gently into Anong's arm, a finger aimed at Reyna, "You two up for some dancing?"

"Oh Yes! Rak talks about it... we have not gone to the Ball Room... we should go now Chana is doing so well."

"We will set some time there and to the Ice Rink?"

"Yes! Time to boogie!"

Reyna was `UP' for that!

We all laughed! We went to the men with those ideas... we were welcomed! They wanted to go!!!

We moved our thing into the Playroom when showers came...

Nibbles for us, the dogs having had theirs were watching the babies.

The four babies on the floor with Chani and Charlie... they got out some of their `old' toys which they had long ago grown out of using. Giggles and happy sounds!

Chelle by the door waved to me... "Donovan..." Her iPhone passed over.

"Fay, we have two more skeletons. Intact, one has a ligature around the neck... some of gacy's victims had similar rope ligatures. We don't have a match on the rope yet. The bodies are with our pathologist.

Still nothing on the first one found beyond the remains point to a young male in the right age range.

I suppose gacy could have killed many who were completely estranged from their families or at quite some distance from Chicago so no efforts asking for identification assistance reached far enough to them.

Once we have cleared the property of any further remains and have DNA profiles... we can try the genealogical matching method."

"We will give Cook County their shot... if they come up empty and the FBI too then we can go that route but whoever we work with will have to sign confidentially agreements. There is no way we want them or some unethical press people going to town on this.... disturbing the families."

Donovan agreed.

"Fay, we have had excellent relations with our press colleagues... they are getting what we get. The Cook County Sheriffs have been hands off with the exception of one lieutenant who tried to have the recent sets of remains moved to their lab because of the ligature. A more senior fellow told him to back off... that was the end of it.

Your Security Service person Oleanna told us they would not have allowed the remains to be handed over to the Sheriffs also that lieutenant will not be allowed back to the site."

I said we were pleased with that outcome.

I'd read Grady's Tribune articles, they were restrained and well written. I thanked Donovan for the work.

He and Burton were very pleased with entire initiative, "You brought us to this point... we didn't have the resources... nor any urge to find out these things. A thank you to you both."

I whispered in Cho's ear the news. My hand squeezed.

It was wonderful to meet the babies... our babies had fun showing them how to play with toys... born teachers! The parents proudly showing off their little ones. They were all amazed at the Twins growth in size and shocked by their ability to communicate.

Lots of hugs and kisses sending them on their way home. We waved them down the drive with Chani and Charlie. They said it was fun to be with the younger ones. Fist bumps.

My morning swim wonderful... doing laps for twenty five minutes. Coffee and salapaos on the terrace in the sun. Gil and Chelle with me for all that.

We had the Chanthira Foundation meeting tomorrow. Folks from around the world will be arriving today.

Cho and I went to The Railroad. Loud welcomes, hugs, kisses and smiling faces.

Kamol happy to see us again so soon, holding my hand, "Fay, you are so famous! When people come to see Udorn... they ask about you two."

I laughed, "What do you say?"

"I discussed it with Udorn... Li and I tell them we are not allowed to say anything."

Ha! "Well then you are off the hook!"

Nodding and smiling!

Udorn and Kavnu with us... the business was literally rolling along at speed. We deliver on time, the passenger service departs and arrives on time. The infrastructure is in excellent shape... Rokson and his folks keep a good eye on it all.

"They know to replace something when it looks like it might fail and repair faults immediately. The upgraded reporting methodology gets the information to the right places immediately."

Of course Cho knows all this... the Railroad is a favourite part of Cho's business world.

In Cho's office I sat beside the tables I got him from Sakda. Beautiful! Delicate but strong.

Sanjara smiling, "I speak to Cho almost every day but see you two... not often."

Cho at his desk... he was smiling... "I have to think where things are. I know my desks at Harcourt House and Minetta Street much better."

While Cho `figured out' his desk I went down to the computer centre.

Tono smiling as we shook hands.

"Miss Martin, it is do nice to see you. Last time in London?"

"True! You are doing well...yes?"

"Oh yes! We are working at the top line."

Smiling, "I meant you."

A shy smile, "Yes... my life is very good. I have a girlfriend... we have fun together."

I shook his hand... encouraging him.

We sat to speak about some changes coming for the OS X Server software. He delighted to hear there would be new search tools.

"I am forever being asked for a look at the data from a different angle."

We did a fist bump which got laughs.

I wandered around a bit until Cho's text reached me. We met at the front door.

In Tu's car, Cal up front, Tara, Ansara and Kara in the jump seats. South to the Si Lom district to the Chanthira Foundation Bangkok Shelter. Halfway down Pan Road we stepped out.

A former small hotel was housing our first Thailand shelter. At the door... a slender woman, glasses and a pixie cut of red and blue streaked hair.

My hand out to Khun Mae, we shook... Cho introduced. She led us inside... a tour, meeting guests as we moved through. The guest rooms were not large, comfortable looking, they were ensuite which was great for personal privacy.

The usual common rooms all nicely laid out. The Dining hall aka meeting room was large! The kitchen had two women running the operation. They were life partners. They were happy here with us.

In Khun Mae's office she explained they were sixty percent occupied... "We have fifty rooms... since the rainy season is over we are down five young people."

A smile on her face, "They will be back... after months here going back outside will not be easy... certainly not comfortable. The end of the rainy season prompted them thinking about going back outside."

There is a senior school four blocks away seventeen guests were enrolled there. A fist bump for her!

Her intercom binged, the front desk lady said it was the police calling, we said she should answer, she excused herself. We heard her side... a youngster was in police custody... Khun Mae asked she was going to be charged... `Maybe...'

She would come to see the girl.

"Is it the regular police?"

"Yes Miss Martin. The Yan Nawa police station is five blocks west. We are on the edge of two police divisions... she is in Division Six. I know many police officers there. She suspected of shoplifting in a grocery store I will try to talk her out of trouble.

The division commander knows all about the shelter... the police have been supportive."

I leaned forward, "Please let me know through Gil if there an issue you can not overcome." Smiling, "My father may be able to help."

Khun Mae wrinkled her brow... not knowing my father. "Do you know who General Keren is?" She nodded, "He is my father."

A wide-eyed look, I explained... she got it... a smile.

"You are lucky to have a second family."

I said I was indeed very lucky! Fist bump.

We walked together to the street... Cho said we would drive her... it is a short way... save some energy. She laughed.

Tu had us there quickly... I squeezed Cho's hand... Tara and I went with Khun Mae. At the desk an officer let us through to a room on the right. A sergeant came in.

He was shaking his head... He knew Khun Mae. The store owner is disinclined to let the girl off.

I asked what she is accused of stealing... fruit and rice crackers. I said it sounded she was hungry.

The sergeant smiled, she had eaten when they brought her in... she ate what they gave her quickly.

He gave us the store owners name and address... a block away by the elevated train tracks.

The sergeant asked who I was... he knew Khun Mae. I said I was the chairperson for the foundation which setup the shelter and Khun Mae managed it for us.

"I am Fay Martin." We shook hands. A uniformed woman officer was passing... her head appeared at the door... the sergeant came to attention... a smile as she waved to the fellow... he had a grin... they were friendly colleagues!! She is the boss was made clear.

"Did you say you are Fay Martin?"

"I am."

Her head shaking, she asked why I was in this small police station.

I told her. She asked the sergeant have to the store owner come in now. He picked up a phone.

She introduced herself, she is the commander of this station.

"Miss Martin, you are quite an unusual visitor... we are honoured to have you."

The store fellow would come immediately from the sergeant.

The commander told the sergeant who my father is... HUGE eyes!

She added I had shot two men who tried to kill General Keren two years ago.

More head shaking which does seem to happen a lot around me... laughing inside.

The commander did say to her sergeant not to repeat the last. He nodded.

I did not ask how she knew.

The commander got a bit more about our shelters.

Cho appeared in the doorway... I introduced the commander and the sergeant. Ansara behind Cho.

I introduced Tara and Ansara to the commander. They shook hands... she was sharp... smiling pointing to her sidearm... they nodded.

I asked if there were many women commanders?

"No! I am one of the few. Things are changing... it can be slow."

I watched the sergeant's face... he did not have problem with her as his boss... He most likely is a rarity too!

An officer brought in the shopkeeper. The room was filling up.

The sergeant knew the man so he asked about letting the girl off... the shopkeeper looking around the room... he seemed nervous...

I motioned to Khun Mae, she smiled.

Khun Mae told him the girl had been in our shelter... she'd left but did not know her way around... He nodded. Khun Mae added the girl was fifteen... his eyes opened wide.

He said he would not press charges since she did not get away with anything. And was so young.

I thanked him which shocked him... me an obvious westerner could speak Thai like I was a native from Bangkok. He had no idea who I was but could see the police being deferential towards me.

The commander thanked him for re-considering. The sergeant ushered him out. A grin on the commander's face... "We ambushed him... it is a good cause... I do not want to lock up fifteen year old girls."

We shook hands as she said the girl will be brought in here in a few moments.

Cho smiling at me, a hug and a kiss after the commander had gone.

Khun Mae thanked me for adding my voice for the girl.

I said she needed to sit the girl down..."Find out if she wants our help because there is not going to be easy to get her out of further trouble. It may be she was too afraid of coming back to the shelter when she was hungry..."

Khun Mae nodding, "She left quietly... I can see she might be embarrassed to return. I will work on it."

A cute teen girl came in with a beat-up backpack, dirty clothes, her hair in a mess... she saw Khun Mae... her eyes downcast.

I extended my hand, "Hello... I am Fay."

Shy... she said she was Saengdao. She managed to look at my face seeing I was clearly different.

I told Saengdao there was no charge to answer... she was free to go.

Khun Mae smiling, "Miss Martin, is my boss. She was visiting the shelter when I was called about your problem."

Khun Mae added she was welcome to come back to the shelter... tears... Khun Mae put her arm on Saengdao's shoulder reiterating the police things were Okay now.

We walked out as a group. I shook the station commander's hand with a thank you. The sergeant smiling gave us a wave.

At the shelter Khun Mae had Saengdao's hand they waved. Khun Mae said she would explain it all to Saengdao. Goodbyes.

On the road home Cho with my hand... "You are good at charming people... it doesn't hurt you have an aura of... maybe not not as strong as `power' but authority."

I looked at him, "An aura?"

Cho grinned, "You carry yourself in a way... people see you as different... like a `command presence' some military and political people have."

I looked at him... Then Tara, there was a smile there. A nod.

I shrugged, "If so it's unconscious. My id having its way!"

That made Cho laugh, a kiss.

I needed my morning swim after the dinner Amporn fed us last night! Twenty five minutes of laps! Gil joined me for part of it. Chelle was a slug-a-bed today.

Coffee and a pile of patongos in the sun with email.

Our real estate people here had added a location for the R&R scheme on Phuket in Patong on the western side of the island.

Sitting on Thawi Wong Road, views over Patong Bay. There are two hundred mixed rooms, it is across the road from the beach. A big pool with a shallows where lounges stood in the water, you could sit on the shelf edge with water around your waist dangling your legs in the deeper water. Two bars, a restaurant and a breakfast café. A tourist shop and a well equipped exercise room.

It was surrounded by a very touristy area, `Sun and Sand' and nightlife!

It was about five miles from our house. I hope our people like the island as much as we do.

Email from Achmed... the Italian water project in the Aterno River valley of Abruzzo. It extends north, east and west from L'Aquila. Multiple dams and reservoirs under construction... he said it would be completed before winter was over to be able to collect the spring runoff.

I leaned over to Gil to find a date for us all to go back. She nodded.

The publisher of the two newspapers in Bergen county New Jersey sent me a heads-up message. They were developing the stories we spoke about during our visit, on two companies, one a chemical manufacturer and a medical waste disposal company. They were polluting water and air respectively.

One dumping partially treated dioxin waste into a river. The chemical plant makes several types of chlorine products, dioxin is a by-product of their processes. They are to fully treat the water before releasing it into the Passaic River... they haven't been doing the full mandated treatment.

The other concerns release of dioxin and many other chemicals from smokestacks at a medical waste incinerator. They have not been monitoring their exhaust stacks output properly. They only check when their facility is at full operation but there are many down times so the incinerators are powered down and only restarted when there is a need. During the shutdown and startup enormous amounts of dioxin and other things are released into the air, far above legal levels but it goes unrecorded because they aren't monitoring their smoke stacks then. The actual emissions at those transition periods are as much as three and half times the legal limit.

These investigations are undercover... the water pollution came from a whistle-blower, the air pollution from local people whose illnesses the incinerator people said couldn't come from the plant. There was no other possible source.

They were keeping the knowledge VERY close within their staff.

The work was being done by two reporters from each newspaper, one pair on each story.

I replied with my encouragement and if they needed something to move the investigation along please ask.

Dioxin... nasty stuff. Agent Orange had TCCD in its mix of chemicals, the most toxic type of Dioxin... Times Beach, a whole town in Missouri was wiped away it was so polluted!

Cook out tonight! Cho with Achara plus Intira's help doing kebabs. Veggies, roti, rice and more from Amporn.

Jian and Rona arrived!! Big hugs for them. Rona in a guest suite, Jian in their suite. Some pool time.

Jian would stay while we were here then travel with us when we made the Ascot and Paris trip. She'd stay in Oxfordshire... we would come back here. Rona leaving earlier.

Their families doing fine. Caroline loving the country life! She could run around the entire manor because it was protected space!

Tonight all the senior employees of the Foundation plus other important members of staff. Jian, Rona, Tony, Kurt and Angus arrived from the UK. Ku, Deborah, Wythe and Jenna coming from New York. Janesse from Seattle and Astara from Los Angeles. Liesl from Berlin.

Tala, Jotral and Tini from here with Kotro, Nu, Kam and Racha. I included Khun Mae as our Thai shelter manager.

They had been arriving all day today at Ban Mueang.

Ku arrived early to massive hugs! Cho and I got the story of San Francisco.

"Fay, your idea about bringing in people from cities where we were open did the trick. Those folks made it plain their cities needed the shelters and we ran them so well... each shelter well equipped and the managers communicated so thoroughly.

I could see the opposition melting."

A hug for her.

She was staying with us despite the flat she and Eve maintained in the city... it was great to have her here

Vinni would arrive tomorrow evening to spend two days with us. We would go deep on Munro Publishing!

Francis had emailed about a small but well regarded publishing house in Edinburgh... Leabhar Publishing. I said do it! His response was `Will do!' So another location. He would send the documents to me.

Cho and I greeted our people as their cars rolled up the drive.

Nu's greeting was a surprise... he bowed and said it was an honour to meet the Countess Harcourt. Laughing as I thanked him... a handshake and a hug.

Everyone got to meet the Twins... our babies shocking a few... their ability to engage with adults gave Cho and I smiles.

Drinks and hors d'oeuvres. We wandered around the terrace and gardens. I was moving between groups speaking to everyone... individually when possible.

Racha, he knew we would visit the Labs later in the month after we got some things out of the way.

"Fay, a titbit for you... the scientists you gave money to for laminitis research have shared their data with us."

Fist bump! I was glad... it should be a collaborative effort to defeat a terrible disease.

I saw Cho and waved... he shook Racha's hand when he heard the news.

It also meant Racha had the requisite public relations skills.

Liesl a wondering expression on her face... "Are you looking for something?"

A smile, "I am admiring your beautiful garden. And I need the bathroom."

I brought her inside to the loo. I pointed down the passage for her come that way after...

In the Playroom the Twins came in behind me... The train layout.

I said it may not be the best time... They did some wheedling... Liesl at the door... Okay I was let off their hook.

I urged them to go back to the terrace for food. I got a kiss from each.

Liesl had a good look around. I told her this was a house started by Cho's great grandfather... it had been expanded several times recently this room and some guests suites were added.

She got that Jian and her crowd had a permanent suite.

Janesse joined us after a loo trip.

They were anointed as the senior shelter managers in their respective cities. We sat by the billiard table to talk a bit about what we expected from them. Leadership, commonsense problem solving and a strong interface with their city government.

Both of these ladies had high energy personalities it was marvellous to have found them.

I gave them a short house tour as we made our way to the food.

The kebabs were being shared out. The serving tables covered with veggies, rice, roti plus cut local fruit. I was beside Angus and Tony... I urged them to try the rose apple... they did... smiles! More!

I sat next to Jenna and Wythe, they were enjoying the food. Each was doing very well with us. Wythe had two new shelters going forward, she was looking on Staten Island and Queens for more. Some possibles to visit when she was back.

Since the existing shelters were over seventy percent occupied now more capacity was needed.

Jenna had made several trips to Washington to see Congress members. She was asked to testify in front of a House of Representatives committee on the needs of young people in the position our guests found themselves. In three weeks! Fist bump!

Astara and Deborah with me for more food. Smiles... they loved the food... Cho's kebabs delicious. Amporn's veggies awesome!

Everyone enjoying themselves.

We went in with the Twins for bedtime. Night clothes and their `friends' held tight. Many kisses and hugs.

Later as our guests made their way out we thanked them for coming and we would see them in the morning at the Railroad Building.

Jian, Ku, Rona, Cho and I on the terrace with Gil and Chelle. The babies asleep after a busy day.

We talked all sorts. Rona's little man in her tummy did not have a name yet... some candidates. Eric had already told us his name was not going to be given to their son.

The Culham Manor crowd were so happy!! No final names for their little boys either... many possibles. Caroline had several... not a bit close to her parent's choices.

So it was up in the air for them all!

The sun was warm on my back as I did laps... Cho beside me. I managed about fifteen minutes before Cho's arms snaked around to halt my progress. Standing in shallow end... a strong body pressed on me... kissing!!

I gave up on swimming! Cho carried me to the terrace.

Tu driving us to the Railroad. The big conference room on the first floor was ready for us. Coffee and tea with bottled water. Sweet bits... biscuits and cookies!

The table prepared with small pads and pens, double sided name cards at each place. Kwang and Tini doing this for us with help from Li.

Gil hooked her iPad to the big screen... the CF icon up.

Cho, Jian and I greeted everyone... CF staffers first since they were here already.

Our Board of Directors arrived... Kanda, Phailin, Amedee, Dr. Vanatonu and Nu their places on one side of the able. Jian and Cho on either side of me at the head of the table. Our other staff opposite the board.

I did the welcome. And a brief overview of the state of the Chanthira Foundation. Cho did some board business then each of the staff gave a presentation about their areas of responsibility.

It was a run of good news from Jian on the Thai health clinics right on through the all shelters.

Then Jian and Tini did the golf tournament!! Jian did it from the inception with Tini giving details on working with the PGA people... The Hedges Golf Club folks being so prepared, experienced and willing to work to their maximum.

We made money! Not a lot but at least on the plus side.

I took over speaking about the publicity before, during and after. The tournament has raised our profile enormously! Social media accounts associated with the tournament have tens of thousands of followers, the videos heavily watched and spoken of in glowing terms by media critics.

Jian leaned in, "The interview Fay did on the first day was so good. She gave a moving rationale for the foundation which Fox Sports and News reused portions many times. Sky UK used the entire interview and later bits and pieces. Other TV shows have used portions also."

I squeezed her hand.

I told them we were working on new fund-raising events in locations where there are shelters.

I mentioned Alex and his willingness to help put together show in New York, our Fox Entertainment in Los Angeles doing a show with their many TV show cast members, the Foundation was speaking to the Prince's Trust in London for a joint show...

"We have a few things working in Berlin and in Paris the mayor Anne Hidalgo has been to the shelter, she is open to some sort of event. We have some ideas."

We went on to the `Financials' which is necessary, not exciting for everyone. Our luck to find Maida via a personnel agency! A chartered account married to a local businessman from Liverpool.

I asked Maida to take over... a smile. She took us through the numbers which by anybody's reckoning were spectacular. Cho and I had given the Foundation over forty billion £'s in the last few years.

The Cho Family Banks Investment Bank staff had done marvels. Sud's team had turned our donations into seventy nine billion UK £'s after this years expenses!!!!!!!!!!

Maida's smile was a thing of beauty, giving this sort of report would make Scrooge smile like that!

Regarding the shelters... She let us know that various government programmes in Thailand, America and the UK were making contributions now. In France we had submissions in and could expect some financial support for the Paris shelter especially from the city government.

"What I have researched and the people I have spoken to in Berlin... their government will help. We are getting their paper trail straight and will have our requests in soon. There does appear to be money available for various educational, job and cultural programmes in the shelters. So we will be pulling the parts together."

I added we had just hired an assistant for Maida... an expert paper-shuffler named Phwanna. She starts in two days. Maida doing a double fists held up!


I asked Tala to report on the hiring process and the state of our local staff and the world-wide picture. Jotral followed on the security for the clinics here in Thailand. Sumate had joined us... he gave them the situation around the world where the Security Service is the entity providing our safekeeping.

This was the place for a break. We all walked a block over to Wo's. His big room on the first floor, a buffet that had fabulous aromas!

I called to everyone to get started. Dr. Vanatonu beside me.

"Fay, you amaze me! You are the perfect poster person for transgendered women everywhere!!!"

I leaned down to her, "I doubt the transgendered part exists anymore. It seems to have been forgotten in the rush to admire what Cho and I do."

She laughed, "Well looking at you and how you carry yourself I have my doubts about it too!"

A hug!

Her head shaking, "Now you and Cho are Nobel Laureates... such an astonishing things happen around you two!"

"We are a team... together we are often too much to keep track of so we can still surprise!"

More laughing from her.

I told Dr. Vanatonu which of Wo's dishes I liked. She worked on filling a plate.

Kanda next to me, "Fay, Thoi and I were talking about you and Cho this morning... Thoi expects you to take over the world any day now."

A hug as we laughed.

"We don't need the extra headaches."

Smiles. She said that Reyna was very good at the work... "She has empathy and is a realist, so she gets into moving things along to the right places when we have to respond to a mess. She is also quite good at speaking to groups who can help us."

I squeezed her shoulder, "It's down to you for recognising she had further potential once she was on your staff."

A kiss for her cheek.

We loaded up and sat any-which-way. I was between Amedee and Nu. Amedee said she had reports from her publisher the Jane Austen House was repeatedly re-ordering her book.

"You wrote a wonderful book! I really enjoyed reading it because it was well written and I thought your insights on the manners portrayed in Austen's books hit the spot perfectly."

I got a hug and a thank you.

I could see in peripheral vision Nu had a big smile. I turned to him...

"Fay, you are such an amazing person... you can run a charitable foundation, read esoteric books, are a member of the British House of Lords and more... you are able to balance in-between."

I laughed, "You should see me give a speech in Tehran to hundreds of girls in Farsi or speak to a political meeting the next day in Florida trying to get an American fellow elected."

Amedee asked about both... I told them.

"Cho and I do get up to many and varied bits of business. The horse racing... we own over twelve hundred newspapers in America and Great Britain... Solar-To-Go is on a cusp... close to explosive growth. Plus we have fun!"

They both laughed.

I had a look around... everyone eating Wo's terrific food. Cho sent me a smile across the table... he could melt my heart with one of those.

I went back to the buffet... Kanda. She nudged me, "I saw the smiles you and Cho exchanged... It is so wonderful to see two people in love."

I nudged her back, "Speaking of love... how is the `Old Fox' doing now he's just a lawyer?"

She laughed, "He's taken to writing articles for law journals AND gardening."

"Does that mean he's content not holding some government position?"

"He tired of dealing with people who didn't understand how things should work."

"I can see that... it is a painful experience having folks around not on the same page."

I asked about golf? Kanda grinning said he was playing a good deal mixed in with his other things.

I walked Kanda back to her seat since she was next to Cho... I got a kiss!

Our afternoon session began with Jian and the healthcare clinics here in Thailand. There were eight now. Four in Bangkok, two in Korat, one in the far east, the latest in the southeast.

All running fine, their staffs complete and working hard. They were in the modular units from the company `Boxes' we bought. These units working out beautifully.

Jian brought in Kam the CEO of `Boxes' to give a report on additions that were made to several clinics. Each had units attached, connected and in service in one day.

They were creating a `box' unit to be an X-ray room with appropriate shielding built-in. In the future each new clinic will have one as part of the original build rather than a retro-fit.

Kotro followed with how the units were evolving structurally. Easier to mate them with modular passageways to link units so when some locations the `boxes' wouldn't to directly touch making it easier to place them on the ground. He is currently working on making stairs the same... an add-on module.

We moved on to the shelters our biggest project. Anong giving the group an overview then the folks like Wythe and Jenna spoke on how they supported the effort, what was currently happening and where they were going.

Each of our shelter group leaders spoke about their area... Rona and Ku led it off. They were thorough in explaining their role and how things looked from their vantage point.

Astara, Deborah, Tony, Janesse, Angus... who wowed them with his Scots accent and turn of phrase... all spoke... each had some compelling stories about young people in their care. How operationally our shelters dealt with problems and gave examples of some of the many success stories. Senior school students, College students, good part-time jobs, job training schemes, etc...

They all described the people, the guests, the facilities and the challenges ahead. How each worked with the local governments was something I had asked for from them.

Janesse showing her spark as several incidents regarding the Seattle Police trying to over-step their mark were re-counted. Phailin, the lawyer in her, asked what followed?

Janesse, "The chief of police visited me at the shelter after the second confrontation. Toya spoke to me and suggested the visit, she came along. He had a look around, asked a few questions about us and..." Her hand motioning to me, "... you, Fay and Cho... he got you were actively interested in the shelters... And you had a home in the city. The latter surprised him."

Janesse laughing, "Because you two do not court press coverage for its own sake he didn't know much. I think the impact of learning about your involvement in the city..." A big grin, "... I told him things you are doing... all in public knowledge... the tunnel, the scholarships, the other businesses you own like The Day and the Fox TV station, the boat yard, riding stables, the property you own, etc... Putting all together... it sort of overwhelmed him."

Another laugh, "He was in a word `dazed' by it all. I could see he knew he would have to take you into account now."

More smiling, "Fay, you should have seen Toya's face during all that. She had to keep from laughing.

One of the people with the police chief was shaking their head... it looks like the police hadn't a clue."

Smiling, I thanked Janesse for educating the Seattle police.

Laughter around the table.

Liesl was still amazed at our getting three shelters open so quickly in Berlin, how well positioned they were and the city government was on their side.

"Our guests are so happy... Fay asked about our breakdown of guests... forty percent are from countries other than Germany. They are from places where being gay is dangerous for anyone and worse for young people. All the poor treatment by families and disdain by government you can imagine they have been through."

Liesl answered a question about how the German and non-German guests mixed... "They are wonderful together, shared experiences smooth the way. Plus we have our German guests helping the others with their `German' so they can do things on their own."

When asked about the local government she said because we had been there for the official openings, the Berlin city people got to meet us and see our commitment... the atmosphere was warm and helpful.

Racha was the last. He gave a complete but non-technical briefing on Chanthira Labs. What they were working on, what they hoped for as outcomes and that the processes were open ended in terms of time...

"Because Miss Martin and Mr. Cho are definite about one thing... there are no deadlines of any kind. Our people are excellent researchers who appreciate the urgency for some things but want to succeed and do so completely.

We are working with other researchers around the world, sharing knowledge and techniques. Part of our mandate from the Foundation is to be open so we all advance."

Standing at the head of the table looking at our workers and Board... I thanked them all for their efforts in everything we do and for their support of the Foundation.

I declared the board meeting finished. Clapping and smiles around the room!!

We milled around a bit... dinner tonight was at the Cho's favourite French-Polynesian restaurant... we hired the whole thing for us.

All our out-of-town guests were to stay two days further to sightsee in Bangkok. We had guides ready and tours planned.

The Twins were outside on the terrace beside the Play Room. Jaidee was digging in their sandbox when we arrived.

`Popa's and Mamas'... we got hugs. Jian, Rona and Ku also.

Our Lawyers in New York called... reddit wanted to find a way around being sued. Cho grinning, "Tell them to honour our take downs and everyone else's, drop any users who post such stuff, make reading their TOS mandatory for using the platform then enforce it.

We could almost hear the smiles on their end of the call. They would go back to reddit... it was suggested they be given a deadline, not too far out for compliance or the suit will go forth.

Gil said she'd been contacted by the Seattle City Attorney's office. The needle stick chump who Tara smashed up was found guilty in four other attacks in a trial. The four other ladies testified against him. Good.

I asked Gil to let Tara know. A thumbs up.

Gil told us Vinni's aircraft was on time. Good we'd put her to bed once she was here... in the morning she'd ready to go.

Also from Gil... two donations to Russian NGO's helping released prisoners... five million £'s for each. Gil had a conference phone call to both... she let them know they had no restrictions on how they spent the money just.. "Please help as many as possible' from Gil.

The groups were overwhelmed... many thanks and pledges to do their best for the ex-prisoners.

Dinner was fun! Casual dress! Shorts, crop tops, trainers, etc... Cho got his favourite coconut shrimp! I managed to get a couple!

Our guests enjoyed the food... the mixture of French and Polynesian is wonderful.

We hugged and kissed everybody at the end... those from far distant places quite happy to have some time in the city. They were at the short stay hotel near the Railroad building so they could choose what they wanted to see. Tours... curated or on-their-own.

We got home in time to kiss the Babies in their beds.

Vinni arrived. We shook hands and kissed cheeks. We gave her a glass of Amaretto and recommended her going to bed soon. She was good with that.

Our usual morning things were explained and a stop in the closet where the `spare' swimming costumes were kept. She picked out a couple of bikinis.

In our bed much kissing... Cho did a few things at different points on the compass we ended with south by southwest... a lot of laughing included! With sex... we always had a fun time!

Jian, Rona and Ku joined me in the morning swim. They were heading to the foundation office.

I was drying off from my laps, Gil next to me... Vinni walked out. She looked very good in the black string bikini, slender, cute boobs, nice legs. I kidded her about Cho likely to admire her looks.

"Fay, the way you look he's just got to be having a laugh... right?"

"Actually you are right. He enjoys seeing a nice bod... "I opened my arms, "... I'm enough for him!"

Vinni laughed. She did laps for a while then joined us to learn about salapaos and patongos!

Somethings she liked immediately!

We had sun creams for Vinni, she could make her choice.

We lay out eating and talking... I asked about her life... she was thirty five, unattached which got her both a frown for too bad and a smile knowing she could work long hours... a wry grin and a laugh from Vinni for those two observations!

An American mother and English father, dual citizenship.

A first class degree in English Literature from Newnham College at Cambridge. She worked as an editor at Penguin Books for several years then in America for Random House in New York. Then at Knopf Doubleday as a vice-president and in charge of an important imprint... now with us!

She has a leased flat in New York... Cho had a great idea..."Let's offer her one of the 40 Wall Street flats. They're big and she won't have to worry about a lease term. Plus we were considering setting up Munro Publishing in a commercial suite there."

I was all for that... so was Vinni when Cho explained it to her. She could have a flat in one of our London buildings.

Gil said one of the flats at Rue des Bernardins is opening. Pierre emailed wondering if we had a use for it or should he lease it.

When I said it is a third floor walk-up Vinni didn't mind.

"I'm in good shape, I would love it."

Okay... we will house Vinni!! She was jacked up about it!! I got hugs.

We had an invasion of little people not long after the salapaos and patongos... Delphine grinning as she herded them in for their breakfast after they met Vinni. Schooling after eating. Swimming later.

Cho with more coffee smiling at us.

"We need to get in some train time before going south."

Vinni and I changed to shorts and crop tops. I showed her the trains...

"Wow! My dad had a layout... I wasn't allowed to do much. My brother helped build it."

I setup a goods train and a passenger one. Cho brought in the Twins or should I say they came roaring in yelling for trains!

Charlie in his hat at the controls, Cho beside him. Chani, Vinni and I built a warehouse size retail store with a loading platform to go on a spur line. I got Vinni to help since she had `construction' experience.

We had fun for several hours. Chani in her hat got to drive the trains. She like the older style engines that puffed smoke and the old style Pullman cars.

Lunch was on the terrace.... the whole crowd. Delphine was managing quite well on her own... Tha was with her family for a week. The Twins and Delphine will go to Gamma and Gramps when we go south.

I was in the sun working on my things plus talking with Vinni. She had financials from the six press imprints... They were sound companies with good author lists, popular back titles and plenty of books in their pipelines.

I handed her a pile of paper on the Edinburgh publisher we just acquired. She was shaking her head.

Vinni had a report from the Sharks on the British publisher who is putting out Mr. Hardy's book. They were owned the larger publishing company we purchased... they had lots of history, political and economic titles in print... more coming.

We had wanted them... now Vinni got to manage them.

Vinni laughing over my adding work for her. I had mentioned Mr. Hardy, Vinni had gotten a copy of his book via Gil.

"Fay, I'm not a history buff but he writes well, clear and precisely. He carefully documents what he says... he does it in a style that remains readable... accessible to the lay reader."

Fist bump.

"That is why we want to promote the book more. It could be a huge seller for all those reasons. A cross-over book."

Vinni got it... she knew what that could mean for sales.

"He's working on a second book... He had personal issues which we helped him get past... I think he has the drive for several more books."

Chani and Charlie came out for a swim... Cho and Delphine in the pool with them. Behind my sunglasses I had watched Vinni's eyes track Cho in his Speedo passing by!

I nudged her, "Let's change for a swim."

She came out in a midnight blue string bikini with white polka dots. We walked down to the pool as Cho climbed out... the water sliding off his marvellous torso... a hint of a gasp from Vinni.

Cho knew I was being naughty... he took Vinni's hand... raising it... she smiled and did a slow motion twirl.

One of those `cute' smiles, "Vinni now we're even."

She blushed and laughed, "Cho... " She turned to me, "... Fay you set me up?"


"Oh you saw me look as Cho went to the pool?"


I squeezed Cho's hand, "Cho, likes to admire a good looking woman... as he should."

Another slight blush... Vinni thanked Cho. We all laughed.

There were calls from the pool for more jumping... we all went in and moved to `catch' leaping babies.

Amporn did crispy fish!! I was naughty but she was prepared... she had lots! Chani and Charlie loved it... so did Vinni. Cho, Jian, Rona, Ku, Gil and Chelle had to be proactive to get their share.

We did train time afterwards... The Twins got to run trains around the layout Vinni helped me finish the warehouse store and loading dock... boxes, crates, trucks, parked cars and assorted people. It was in place...

Chani with some help from Popa backed several box cars up to the freight loading side. Very cute!

Chani was so happy! Fist bumps! Charlie gave Chani a big hug!

Okay I brought out a candy dish... two caramels each! Yeas! We all chewed away.

Vinni smiling, "You guys do have fun!"

Cho got her on the controls... Super Chief with six passenger cars on the track... she was in charge! A huge grin... her father hadn't let her do this.

Charlie beside her running a big freight train... around the layout then he and Popa broke it up into loads to different places in the business district. Backing up, unhooking cars, manoeuvring around in the freight yard! He did good! Such a smile on his face.

The babies enjoyed themselves like Vinni. They were quite sweet saying good night to her.

We helped Delphine put them down... loads of hugs and kisses.

On the terrace we had afters.

Cho and I together reading the letter from Qom. The Ayatollah's personal secretary writing to say the Ayatollah had spoken to General Soleimani about my speech at Allysiah's school.

`The Ayatollah is pleased at your encouraging young Iranian women to take part in the national life, be educated and show strength for their family and Iran. He especially liked your metaphor on climbing as it typifies how one must reach out for advancement.'

He expressed the Ayatollah's hope to meet me at some point and wished further success for me in all my endeavours.

It was a nice letter to receive.

Cho squeezing me, "Soleimani is certainly on your side."

I squeezed back and delivered a kiss.

I handed the letter to Gil asking for a reply to be drafted. Thumbs up!

Chelle took a call from Chicago... Donovan... she passed him on to me.

"Fay, we have seven bodies. DNA from each one has been sent to Cook County... no hits! The FBI has the samples now. We appear to be looking at a protracted identity investigation via online DNA services.

Now we have to decide which one is best. Your folks in New York are working on it."

"Donovan, call Morgan in New York to see where they are at."

He was happy to do it.

"What is the status of the other possibles the radar folks got?"

"They are going over the other hits again. Trying to see which ones have the same characteristics as the seven. Some are close... we can always dig holes... another radar look is the least invasive way."

"Please remember we do not have a financial or time budget for this. This is something that needs doing."

"I understand and I will say we are very glad you feel that way and we are proud you and Cho own us!!"

I thanked him.

I got in a morning swim with Gil. Sun, coffee, salapaos and patongos... I liked this!

Vinni knew I was going to my mother's for a gathering.

"Fay, I have loads of work, I want to get in deep before I do anything."

Fist bump.

Phailin's social day get together!

Tu driving, Gil and Tara with me. Warm day, pale green short-sleeved cotton dress, shirt collar and an upper-thigh length. A dark green belt and heels. Gold jewellery, clear gloss lips and dark green nails, `Joy' Black wayfarers.

The guard at the gate of their drive saluted. At the door Phailin. Hug and kiss. I came early...

"Fay, look... "

Their nursey had to be updated with another bed for Somsak's two and the Twins visit!

"We had all the furniture stored so Charlie will be in Somsak's bed and Chani in Kamon's."

We laughed and hugged again.

We were at the door meeting the guests... a few I remembered... Amedee got a hug.

In the garden like the last time when I gave a talk on computer security... Today a woman was doing a talk on financial planning. She was interesting with a light touch of humour.

Gil leaned over to show me a call... she slipped out.

The lady was into how to spread the risk when Gil came back... I followed her out. Tara on the fringe joined me.

In Phailin's kitchen... Donovan...

"Fay, the FBI identified one. A twenty one year man from Florida. He was travelling on his own... his family never heard from him again. They had no idea where he was... their last contact had him in Boston... that was 1976. He was there during the Bi-Centennial celebrations in the summer.

His remains were those with the rope around the neck. There is no possible way to determine the cause of death... the rope is only a hint along with the location that he is the murderer's victim.

His family is reduced to just a great grand niece living in California. She was interviewed by the FBI this morning... she had never met her great uncle, he had gone travelling before her parents met.

I have spoken to her. We will send her grand uncle's remains to her to be buried with his brother in Ventura County."

"Send or should we have someone carrying them?"

"I asked her... she is fine with our sending them via FedEx. All the family being dead there's really no connection.

There is a bit more from the radar people... they had hits under the concrete floor of the building's mechanical room at the right depth. gacy was known to have taken up the floor at some point. We may have to bring in jackhammers."

I thanked Donovan.

Gil got my side so she could figure it out.

I got some coffee... I didn't want to go back until the lady was done... I'd already done some disturbing.

Gil and I watched from the kitchen windows... it looked like she was taking questions.

I walked out to sit down by Phailin... she reached out a hand... squeeze.

The lady was done... we all applauded. Phailin went to her, they shook hands and a cheek kiss.

A few announcements for various activities the women in the group were involved with throughout the city.

Phailin asked if anyone had news... Several stood up... one just found she was to be a grandmother for the first time... applause for her. The other's husband was selling the manufacturing business he created... more applause. More time for themselves... loud clapping for that.

Phailin smiling, "I have some family news... you may have heard... my youngest daughter..." Her slender arm aimed my way, "... Fay and her husband Cho have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize."

She started to clap the others did some jumping up to do more.

I stood beside Phailin after giving her my best `daughter peeved but not really' look. She was laughing.

When things were calm I told them we appreciated the honour and would receive it in the name of all those who had done the hard bargaining to craft the Narathiwat Peace Protocols.

"We are going south to visit the Assembly in Yala and meet the people who helped to create the agreement."

After that there was some milling about... ladies moving around Phailin's garden looking the beautiful flowers.

I got more coffee. Amedee and I sitting in the arbour.

"Fay, you do lead an amazing life. You and Cho involved in so many different things."

"When I stepped out earlier I got some results from a small but meaningful one of those... in this case... very different things.

We started an initiative to investigate possible buried murder victims in Chicago. Have you heard of John Wayne gacy?"

Amedee nodded, "He killed young men? Many years ago?"

"That is the one."

She got the story about the Miami and Elster block of flats...

"Fay, you are spending your money to do this... unasked... your own idea??"

I nodded, "Someone needed to step up for the families... the Chicago suburb Des Plaines police department got the murderer but there are six unidentified bodies from the original group because of the other police branches slipshod methods... one likely to be misidentified meaning seven. The Miami Avenue site was a huge unknown. The murderer had the use of the location for years. "

Amedee squeezed my hand, "As I said `Amazing' what you do."

"The caller from Chicago was our newspaper editor who is supervising the activity. One of the seven bodies that were unearthed at our building has been identified... the only family left will receive the remains.

There is nothing to do for these young men but try to reconnect them to whatever loved ones who remain."

Phailin joined us as I gave Amedee the results.

"We have asked the Cook County police for their DNA profiles of the remaining unidentified from the original investigation so we can work on those too."

Phailin looking at me, "Will they? They may feel vulnerable... not wanting to be sued for some unknown thing."

"Since what we are doing is public... a refusal would be very damning... likely resulting in a backlash of some kind against them. The legal bits I don't know anything about that."

I shrugged, "There are political games involved which is why we are being so public. Less room for them to wiggle in."

Phailin and Amedee laughing, Phailin saying "It is good you think ahead."

Fist bump.

We joined the other ladies as the meeting wound down.

Lunch on our terrace... the twins in swim costumes... they'd had lots of play time in the pool. Popa and Jaidee too! Vinni had joined in.

Time for a Prime Minister visit. We used the smaller yacht to go into the Phadung Krung Kasem Canal like last time. A beautiful day! Sun and light breezes... we sat on the fantail seats. PJ and Rande smiling in the swivel chairs.

I was wearing the white sleeveless dress with gold piping, it was a few inches above my knees. No stockings, gold heeled sandals and gold jewellery. Red lips and nails but not too red. `Joy'

Cho in a tan suit, pale blue shirt and navy tie, chestnut shoes.

The Khlong Phadung Krung Kasem floating market... I hadn't been there yet... its schedule of open days and mine haven't merged.

We tied up on the north side at steps which went up to Luk Luang Road. Across the street an official waiting, he bowed, "Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho... This way please."

We were led to a gated compound. We walked to a doorway in the same office building we'd had our meeting before Narathiwat. It was the side entrance to the Secretariate of the Cabinet, up to the first floor, the same conference room.

At the door the Prime Minister... he bowed and shook our hands... a huge smile!! His deputy behind him, Narong and Jun. Somchair... his smile was wide.

Hands shaken all around.

The Prime Minister did a semi-formal thank you to us for our backing Narathiwat talks which had succeeded so well.

"Now the world will find out what you did. We passed on information to Oslo at their request and updated it several times as the talks progressed. Oslo was VERY interested from the start."

Cho and I looked at one another... we shrugged at the same time.

He squeezed my hand, "We are pleased to be recognised..." Cho grinning, "... in another successful peace initiative..." a tighter squeeze, "... we have decided to share the acceptance speech."

The government men all laughed.

I spoke up, "We are going to include you..." My hand motioning to Jun, the Prime Minister and Somchair, "... and the negotiators from the south as joint recipients with ourselves. We may be out front but it was you all who did the hard work that has to be reiterated."

The Prime Minister smiling, "We are glad to be named. Looking at the process from the beginning the Oslo Committee has made the right choice... We..." His hand doing the motioning now, "... know without your impetus, direction and assistance we may have not moved forward at all."

More thank yous from us.

I was smiling, "Now since we are here... what about another project? Can we manage to get the army out of politics? The resolution of the southern issue should be used as a springboard for change."

Somchair's smile was still there, "Miss Martin, there is movement... I have kept the Prime Minister informed about your thinking... I have spoken to every senior officer... I shared what you two sent on the economic and political potential of full, unfettered democracy.

A quite a few are behind the effort... a number are concerned... as I am... that the military might suffer under such a government. I pointed out your commitment to me that you and Cho would be advocates for a strong armed forces. You allay my worries."

He paused, looking across to the Prime Minister, "Several of my colleagues have asked about the role of the monarchy... what changes could occur."

The Prime Minister was looking at us now.

Cho nudged me, I laughed.


Smiles around the table.

"We are monarchists... here and in Great Britain... we also believe the ordinary people are the true bedrock of any country... they do most of the living and dying, the digging and building, they are the creative power... they need to have the ability to speak through their elected representatives.

The King's position should remain inviolate as the head of state and we hope the moral leader of the nation... he need not be involved in managing or directing the affairs of the government or the military. We should use Great Britain as a model... the monarch has formal powers, is kept informed of the government's plans and is the ceremonial head of state.

Her Majesty's government ministers act in her name with her assent but they do so via the will of the people expressed at the ballot box.

Until recently in Great Britain there had been a long slide downward of the armed forces budget... now that is being changed. Under a Labour Government, the Army, the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy are being rebuilt... not that the Labour Party is enamoured of the military... more that they recognise the obvious need to maintain a strong and well equipped armed force.

The Americans have spend enormous sums on their military... even after the end of the Cold War. They do have the most sophisticated equipment... that technical prowess combined with highly trained soldiers and sailors has built the most powerful and efficient military on the planet.

All that building has come from governments of both of their political parties... over many years and changes to the leadership."

I could see heads nodding... Somchair's smile more like a grin...

"Miss Martin, as I said once... you are eloquent and make your points. Many of my brother generals would wish to define our relationship with the monarch so we are respectful but know the Prime Minister is our commander so we would be faithful to the king and the people through the government."

The Prime Minister's head nodding, "What we need to have is the same leadership from the palace that Queen Elizabeth provides. Although there are upsets occasionally... by and large the British Royal family has been their subjects best role model. Queen Elizabeth was put under considerable strain when Princess Diana died... a difficult time for all the people... she rose to the challenge and since has regained the public's affection.

The Royal family in Great Britain has had to accept being taken in fun by satirical commentary... Our laws on `lese majesty' will have to be changed... the palace needs to be a proper role model like Queen Elizabeth then they need not fear mention."

From me, "Having been a number of times in close proximity to Her Majesty... you are correct. She is an English lady in every positive sense of that phrase. Although living as she does within a narrower world than the ordinary people of Great Britain... she has all the human qualities we all revere and desire in our monarch. Her steadiness, inherited from her father, is admired."

I was grinning broadly, "Cho and I have gained considerably... personally... from Her Majesty's willingness to reach out beyond some limits but respecting the process.

The Royal family is bound by the constitution, assenting to the rule of the government so to speak. They chafe at the restrictions I'm sure but recognise there is no other way. That realization is what is needed here."

The Prime Minister agreed saying it was a process he would move forward slowly motioning to Somchair, "Knowing the military is in favour of it greatly aids us."

We broke after that for tea.

I had a cup with Somchair, he's smiling, "You see I have not been idle."

"Cho and I have stayed away so you could work at your pace. You know the ground."

His head shaking, "Please pardon my question I know it is not polite to ask a lady's age..."

I squeezed his arm, "I'm thirty one... " a pause with a smile, "... and a half."

I was grinning. A smile on his face.

Somchair nodding, "It is just that... you seem to have values and ideas of a much older person. Cho has been a staple figure in our country for decades... well known as a businessman and leader... a man of integrity and discernment... you are new to us... the depth of your understanding is less easy to comprehend."

"For many things I am an autodidact... I've been on my own since the age of eighteen, going to university then work... I am a very big reader and I try to think about issues, plans, projects including the ramifications further out than the next day. Cho is the same!

Cho has given me opportunities to expand my abilities... I have grown so much being with him... Together we are a team complimenting each other in amazing ways."

Somchair, "It is well for Thailand you both are here."

I squeezed his arm with a `Thank you!'

We all chatted for short while then we did our goodbyes. Warm and happy ones.

On the boat going west I leaned back to view the city from the canal. I had a warm strong hand in mine.

Busy streets, pedestrians, women carrying babies, strollers, bikers. We could see shops, restaurants, hotels, some government buildings. We passed Thewes Pier ferry building also many open air stalls where all sorts were for sale.

We walked up to the house from the dock after thanking the Captain. He was smiling, happy giving our R&R employees rides on the river. He and his number two enjoying meeting the disparate people who are our work force.

Gil handed me a draft of a letter to the Ayatollah as my reply to his. Cho and I read it... suggested a few changes. Gil said it would be ready in a short while.

Vinni was in the living room on a settee reading, "I've had enough sun... this last on the London publisher you just bought... this very promising. History is always changing... new documents come to light, people write memoirs or they are willing to speak about things in the past that upset them. Unexpected finds in archaeology... it's a restless subject."

Patting a pile of paper, "This publisher has been quite good at unearthing new authors."

Good... we were glad Vinni liked them because the deal was a good one... we both were happy with it.

She laughed when Cho told her that we made the deal in a manner of hours.

Gil was back with the new draft reply... I Okay'd it. Cho suggested she use my stationary carrying the coat of arms and the Harcourt House address. She grinned.

Gil was back in five minutes with it ready to be signed... done. Into an envelope with the same doodads addressed to the Ayatollah. She was going to send it via DHL. Okay!

Gramps and Gamma came to dinner. They got to meet Vinni. They liked books so it was easy to find dinner talk...

We had fun and afterwards the Twins kissed and hugged us. They and Delphine were packed up going the the Keren's for two days. Jaidee too.

Dad gave me a hug, "Don't worry I am sure Phailin and I will survive."

We all laughed.

We waved them away. On the dock grid we climbed into a AW139... a second one came in...we flew to Don Mueang. Two Gulfstreams waiting. One for Vinni and a few of our people... straight to Chalgrove. Hug and kiss for Vinni. Goodbyes for all.

For us a forty five minute flight to Narathiwat Airport.

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