
By A becker

Published on Jul 1, 2023



Eric asked which building... I gave them the address, "It's on the opposite side of Notting Hill Gate and down a bit from Mirabelle."

Gil's iPhone making noises... "Fay, the Franklin County Sheriffs have taken the bozo into custody... they will charge him. He will undoubtedly be offered bail as a misdemeanour law breaker.

They asked us to store the drone for now. They will send a truck for it. Tilly says they'll lock it up in a storage shed and `seal' the door."

"Please thank her."

A few more things here then home!


Chani and Charlie throwing their arms open when I appeared in the Nursery doorway. Hugs for them. They had a fun day. Tomorrow they would go back to the Natural History Museum... additional dinosaur time and lots more.

Cho and I at the entryway to greet Terrance and his wife Melody. Handshakes. In the North Drawing Room they got to meet the Twins. For Terrance it was as if he hadn't ever seem them given their growth. Melody squatting down to talk to them.

I had Melody and Chani in the South Drawing Room... the far end carpeting had been rolled up... for our dancing tonight. Mrs. Kelly had her folks doing that then a fresh wax of the floor. It glistened in the light of the chandeliers!

"I kidded Terrance about having a supply liniment ready at home...?"

Melody laughed, "Yes we have some. I exercise every day... he doesn't. I'll have some fun rubbing some on him."

We laughed.

Dinner... Mrs. Travers did salmon with a spice rub baked in parchment. Creamy whipped potatoes, little individual summer squash casseroles topped with flaky pastry. Bowls of a variety of olives. Lovely cross buns with our Oxfordshire butter.

Clough did bottles of Domaine de la Romanee-Conti Montrachet! Such a delicious taste with the dinner. Terrance really liked it.

We talked the Lords, horses, dancing which Melody was anticipating, golf, the Twins putting in their trip tomorrow and past visits to the museum... how cool were dinosaurs!

We did afters in the South Drawing Room... everything ready to dance. The music centre prepared with dance tunes of all different types.

We started with a waltz... me in Cho's arms moving over the floor... wonderful! Terrance and Melody looked terrific. Chani and Charlie together... We'd had a few lesson periods... they got it!!

Melody, "Fay... they are very good!"

"They are physically skilled. I want them to enjoy dancing their whole lives."

A polka, foxtrot. I had Terrance, Melody and Cho as partners. Gil and Chelle together then with other partners.

I picked up Charlie... we had a fun time doing a polka!! Cho had Chani!

Another polka I took Melody out... we were laughing having a great time.

A Viennese waltz with Gil... grins.

I danced with everyone... Swing, Rumba... a Tango with Cho... he's so good at it!!

Tha and Delphine looking pretty good... Cho did a foxtrot with Tha.

Delphine doing a waltz with Cho... dance lessons?? Very polished!

I sat with more espresso and Amaretto. Melody joined me.

Some chat about each other...

She and Terrance had been a couple for almost fifty years.

She grinned, "We met at an Army ball... friends encouraged me... Terrance is a few years older not many... he was a serving soldier. He left a few weeks later for an overseas assignment in Africa. I didn't know where at the time. He wrote me a number of very warm chatty letters... later I found out a few had been written under stress in one of colonial upheavals we were going through in Africa.

We got together when he returned... he was seemingly unchanged... I found over time he was disturbed by some of what he had to do."

Melody was shaking her head, "I asked him if he wanted to leave the Army... he said no... what he did was part of the job. It was a small scale shooting war... it was rounding up people to move them away from guerrilla areas. It bothered him we were taking them from their ancestral lands... all they'd ever known under the pretext of helping them."

"I can see why it made him uneasy. My parents did things they weren't happy about I'm sure... all in furthering the nation's goals."

Melody, "Well... we picked up again... happy and having fun... going dancing a lot. We figured out we liked each other more than a little... my mother liked Terrance. She was my advocate right off. A bit of living in sin then marriage!"

I did a mock `swat' on her arm laughing. Melody laughed with me.

"Fay, things were changing back then... we'd gotten through a lot... into the sixties changes... a lot more freedom for women and couples than ever... not even the war years were as wide open.

My mother had few romances during the war... she `took a few lovers' as they used to say.

Her advice to me was to have some fun... the men shouldn't be the only ones."

Fist bump!

"My mother helped me start on the pill' when it came on the market to give me the equality I deserved she said. My dad furious... Mother said to butt out' in front of me. I loved that but my father didn't. There were a few rows before he finally got that I should have the ability to choose which I couldn't otherwise. Mother told him the old norms had been changed."

A hug!

"Your mother is a queen. Your father unusual too."

"I miss them even more thirty years later."

I told Melody the Twins are to see my parent's grave tomorrow.

"We had a talk about things dying... they are so smart... they got it immediately. So tomorrow is just another small step."

"Fay, it's quite splendid to see them. Smart... obviously but well-mannered not a bit like the terrible two's that so often happens."

"Tha, their governess, said we had no worries about that... they are too curious and willing to listen and speak up... they don't build up frustrations. When Charlie was one he had a few episodes but Cho sat down to talk to him. Our little man was able to understand what his Popa was saying... all Okay. It was because he is so smart he wanted to do more than we felt was safe at the time."

"I see no diapers..."

"They decided just at eighteen months they wanted to move on. We were at the beach with family, Chani asked for the bathroom... we went... she sat on her potty... business done. It turned out Charlie had asked Cho too. They were in the water... Cho said he could pee in the water but only this once... he wasn't to tell anyone but Mama and Chani."

Melody laughing, "Fathers are indulgent to boys aren't they?"

More laughter.

She got the Twins had a linkage... often doing the same things at the same time in different places. They share everything they learn... so they both know.

Okay more dancing... Terrance was quite light on his feet, a good dancer. He only lacked Cho's emotional feel for the music.

We did some older rock n' roll for a bit... Gil and I did the Mashed Potatoes,' there an attempt at the Funky Chicken,' it didn't come out quite right. Cho with me to do some Disco tunes... not bad but we are rusty. We better practise before going to the `Ice Rink' in Bangkok.

The Twins got up for a first try... I've seen worse at clubs. We showed them some moves to try at the Ice Rink when we go to Bangkok! They liked!

Back to more traditional dance music... Terrance dancing with Chelle... a smooth and graceful waltz!

Terrance and Cho took Tha and Delphine out... our ladies did very well. Delphine's parents had her and her sibling take dance lessons which did not improve her brother's temperament.

It was terrific fun! I said we'd do it again... maybe add a few others for more partners to switch between. Terrance and Melody both expressed their delight and wanted to be included.

Many hugs and kisses at the door. We waved them away.

Cho and I carried the Twins up. They were yawning big now. Tha and Delphine enjoyed the dancing... it had been a while for both. Disco? They didn't think they were ready for that.

We four put them babies down. Kisses for their cheeks.

A no drama morning walk... out Great Peter Street to Greycoat Street to Elverton then Medway, Romney Street... up through Smith Square to our door.

Cho just down. A kiss. I loaded a plate. Clough poured my coffee. A smile... I asked.

"Ma'am, I enjoyed listening to your music last night. Dance music has such a lively beat."

"Clough, would it be improper for you to join in? Maybe a waltz with me?"

"M'Lady, I do not think the house staff would suffer any irreversible damage. So yes!"

I laughed and shook his hand. Cho with a wide smile.

The Twins came running in. Delphine well beaten in the impromptu race.

We got them fixed up. They went to it.

They had an interesting a day ahead... a visit to a cemetery, the museum and lunch out... they would get a list of cuisines to choose from. I had a side bet with Cho it would be burgers.

Another nice sunny warm September day... I chose the green suit, three quarter sleeves that was from Rear Window.' Light green with the white silk halter top, pale stockings and a strand of pearls snug around my neck, pearls at my ears, white gloves and white pillbox hat with the net. Black heels. The slightest touch of blush, red lips. Joy' A white Hermès 25cm Kelly bag.

We stepped from the cars in Fulham Cemetery by the chapel. A short walk on the drive then fifty feet on grass. Cho holding the Twins' hands. I had a large bunch of red and white carnations... my mother's favourites. Chani and I laid them down.

Phillip O. Martin Dorothy A. M. Martin

My Protector' Devoted Companion'

It had been many years since I'd made this trip.

I knelt between Chani and Charlie explaining they were my parents and their grandparents.

Chani asked about Keren and Phailin. I said they knew I lost my parents, they loved me and adopted me so I was part of their family too.

Charlie, "Mama, Gramps and Gamma are so nice... I... " Chani reached out to squeeze his hand, "...We are glad they love you and us."

"They are such loving people... I feel wonderful being their daughter."

Hug! Cho kneeling with us... huge hug!

I turned us so I could show them more family... Their Martin great grandparents plus two more generations of Martins buried here together. A few cousins, aunts and uncles of the `great' type.

We walked back to the cars... "Mama, will we be here when we die?"

I knelt down to Chani... "I don't know. We don't have a place for us yet. Here doesn't feel right... maybe... we have time to decide."

Fist bump! Charlie and Popa too!!

We said goodbye and have fun to the Twins. Their car with Gaby, Rafe and Kara plus Tha and Delphine is going to the museum.

I was going to Mirabelle with Cho then Cowley House for lunch before I went to the Lords.

Cho hadn't seen one of the new Mirabelle stores just the tiny one before last Christmas in Paris.

Pia surprised by Cho... "Sir Cho welcome."

He thanked her.

"You are my first real Mirabelle that is open."

I was holding a hand as he was looking around... a slow spin about. A smile that got broader.

"Pia, this is beautiful. Very nicely done. You should be proud of yourself."

"Sir Cho, this is a collaborative effort."

I squeezed his hand.

"The whole staff contributes their work and ideas on how to merchandise the clothes."

He shook her hand.

She could see my big smile.

"Are you glad you only sell clothes... not trinkets?"

"Yes M'Lady. We would rather advise a customer about accessories than sell them. There are many places to buy all sorts of jewellery, scarves, hats... I like having the room for more clothes."

I leaned over... fist bump! A big bright smile.

"Your sales?"

Pia proud... "We are sixty percent ahead of projections. Strong steady sales in all categories but the suits are the top seller! We are drawing many customers from south of the river. We are easy to get to via the Tube or bus."

Cho squeezed me with a `Job done well' comment.

He moved around looking some more... the only man in the store.

Pia holding my hand... "Your Ladyship... this outfit is awesome. We do have good sales of this suit."

I thanked her... `Made by Mirabelle ladies in New York City' made her smile wider.

Several women came up to say hello and ask if my suit was here. Pia said it was... a smile and she led the women to the suit racks.

Many of the customers put their names on our file to get a teaser email for items they were interested in. An easy way to connect with established customers... we made them a solemn promise their email will never be sold or used improperly or become an annoyance.

We did goodbyes... hands shaken and a hug for Pia.

In the car Cho smiling, "It was great to see it. You have done something quite superb!!! From nil to sixty in the fast lane."

We laughed.

"What Pia said applies... it is a collaborative effort... Coral wanting me as a partner her then seeing the possibilities of my ideas for expansion... the suits as the angle... finding some good locations and then the Parisien manufacturers and Mirabelle West to make the new stores work.

It's a whole."

A got another kiss!!

We sat to luncheon... interesting to think of the Twins at a restaurant of their choosing. We laughed!!

A few kisses to send me off. Lipstick fixed! Hat and veil back on. I walked with Gil, PJ, Tara to the Lords. In the little police booth outside the Peers Entrance there was a WPC. She gave two thumbs up for my clothes. I waved.

In the Royal Gallery... there was a knot of tories near the doorway. They gave me a look... a woman I didn't know... her eyes up and down on me. Nothing for her say... I was faultless!!!

I gave her my best enigmatic smile.

Terrance and a woman speaking... He gestured to me. He introduced Lady Wilmer. We shook hands.

"Lady Harcourt... a handsome outfit. A very fine look."

I thanked her. She was wearing a suit with trousers cut like a man's suit. A bit severe so I was surprised she liked my clothes.

Someone else engaged Terrance so Lady Wilmer and I walked a bit.

"Now don't jump down my throat... I'm a tory."

We laughed.

"I'm selective about my choice of throats. If you are stupid, foolish, pig-headed the odds go up."

"We don't know each other but I can honestly assure you I'm none of those."

We shook hands again.


Her head shaking, "You must indeed have something special because Terrance thinks the world of you."

"It's mutual. Terrance isn't hide-bound... he is willing to listen to an argument and make a decision rather than act reflexively."

She nodded, "I've known him for at least twenty years... he seems to be more like that than ever. I don't think its age mellowing him... its likely he has been exposed to more and that has stirred his thinking."

She rested a hand on my arm, "So you know I loathed Cameron... he was a poser without intelligence."

Laughing, "That's quite close to my appraisal... of him and his successor... mine has a few four-letter words attached."

"Mine too but I thought I shouldn't say them in here..." She cocked her head, "... I'm a lady."

We laughed!!!

Another handshake, Susanne' Fay'

A few people, tories, had been staring at Susanne and i... She leaned over... "Fuck'em"

I stifled a huge laugh.

Terrance came close with Wainwright.

"Have I started something??"

We smiled, I said, "We have decided some of the folks in here are tossers."

They both laughed.

Wain said we were right but it wasn't politic to tell them directly. He pointed a finger at Susanne.

"Now I know you would... I'm just saying please continue to control yourself."

Susanne shook his hand saying she appreciated his concern for her reputation.

I asked about Terrance's legs... interesting looks from Susanne and Wain.

Terrance laughed, "Melody did put on liniment... I'm fine."

I explained... laughter.

We were all smiles going into the House.

Mac! A hug for him. Cecil and Alexander. Alfred with a big smile. We shook hands warmly.

The session was the usual mix of activities. I did listen quite closely to one Lib-Dem peer about rural water quality. A Labour woman stood to point out the cities waste water is not being properly treated aggravating the problem downstream.

Water, one of those essentials, we better guard it better. I stood for a question... Argyle recognised me.

"Can you say with certainty the decline in quality control is related to the privatisation of the many water managing entities?"

The Lib-Dem fellow said there was a definite link... once they became for profit enterprises the decline was almost immediate. Verifiable! He had data!

I sat down, Cecil leaned over, "You emphasised that point nicely."

Fist bump.

On our way out later, Lord Dascom the Lib-Dem fellow said hello.

"Thank you for assisting me to emphasise the point. That was a help."

Smiling we shook hands. I said he was doing well... "You had my attention."

A laugh, "One member at least... Okay!"

"The labour lady was listening too."


Argyle came by looking in a hurry... "Very nice bit by you."

He squeezed my hand going on.

Dascom smiling, "Friendly?"

"Yes, a bit of social contact."

Dascom went quiet... a frown. I made a noise clearing my throat on purpose.

The smile back, "I'm in awe of you... you come in the Lords and within weeks make the biggest splash bringing down the government. I've been here eight years... "

"Now there was a lot of pent-up discontent in the tories, Labour made a big move at the top and the Armed Forces had been dealt many blows to their budget for years... it was just all sitting there for a spark to get a big bang."

He said from he'd heard the rumours I hand in the Labour leadership change.

I shrugged, smiling, "I made a suggestion..."

He smiled too. Head shaking.

We'd walked to the Peers Lobby... Gil there... pointing to her phone.

I thanked Dascom for the kind words and we should speak again.

"I'm a rural landowner so I'd like to know more about water issues around the country."

We shook hands again.

Gil smiling held up her phone... a snap of Charlie and Chani at a restaurant... burgers and chips! I won my bet!

Followed by a text from Tha... the museum was a hit again! They lots of fun. A very nice woman came along adding excellent information.

She added a hint `questions' for later.

On the edge of the College Green there were a few members of the press. I answered a some questions after saying I needed to be brief. Some questions asked after my limit. I waved to them.

Cho texted he was on the way from the City Investment Bank. Good.

The Twins came home earlier so I went up... hugs and kisses! They were bubbly... what a fun day!! I said I wanted to hear all about it at dinner. Okay!

After changing I sat with Arlette and Gil. More things being put on Arlette's plate...NOT too many or too fast. She was doing quite well so far taking over lots of correspondence. Gil was auto-forwarding some emails and sending Arlette's email address to certain folks.

Arlette keeping in touch with me directly on some issues.

Tha came down when Cho was home. We sat in my Lady's Room on the settees.

"Fay... Cho... Charlie and Chani... they were quite special today. The museum lady who came with us... she was very nice. We were in a room with dinosaurs things... She pointed out the Allosaurus and that it was a major predator living in the Early Cretaceous period.

Chani looked at Charlie... I knew they had something to say... so I asked... Charlie got a nudge from Chani.

"Miss... the Allosaurus was in the Jurassic period wasn't it?"

The woman looked at them... me... then a smile... she corrected herself saying it was indeed in the Jurassic Period and thanked them for the assistance.

Now it might have been just that easy but a man and woman nearby overheard the exchange. The man asked about the Pachycephalosaurus... in which period did it belong.

Chani turned to him... "That one is in the Late Cretaceous' period."

Tha grinning, "The couple are Palaeontologists working for the museum... shocked by the Twins knowledge for their obvious youth.

Chani and Charlie said they like studying about dinosaurs... Chani laughed saying the sizes having no bearing on their aggressiveness or diet was almost a joke played on us in the future."

We laughed, Tha's smile even bigger.

"The Palaeontologists were absolutely gob smacked by that. I got Delphine to go on with the Twins and their Protectors when the man asked if he could speak to me. Kara stayed with me...

He wanted to know a lot about them... I told him I couldn't say much... They were twenty seven months, living with their family and I was their governess.

They wanted to meet you and more... I didn't ask why but said if they gave me a card I would relay this to their parents but they should not necessarily expect an answer."

Tha handed the card to Cho... It said the fellow's name and the museum and he was a Palaeontologist there.

"I did not say your names so they may remain completely in the dark because at the end I requested our nice guide lady not to say who the Twins were... I said it was for their security. She agreed. BUT..." A shrug.

We thanked her. Cho smiling, "So everybody had fun?"

Tha nodding, "Lunch... Fay, you saw the snap?"

I said yes and handed my iPhone to Cho with my palm open. He laughed loudly... taking my hand for a kiss.

"They chose the `T.rex' Restaurant in the museum when we saw it... so the list was put away. Their burgers were vegetarian ones. They asked for them."

A big hug for Tha! She said it was so much fun going there... lots to see... so much to get there attention. They wanted to go back.

"It is so big and close!"

Cho squeezed her hand, "By all means... anytime we're here... GO!"

Tha clapping.

A family dinner enlivened by the Twins talk about dinosaurs. Looked like Cho and I definitely needed to do a refresher course!

My morning walk... the autumn cool mornings!

We had breakfast then left for Oxfordshire.

The Twins running across the gravel... the crunching under their small feet another sound that would forever mean home.

I went riding. Pamela pleased to be out with me, Roland nickering. We rode hard to Culham coming to the manor from the west. Cars out front... a small removals van on the forecourt.

We tied the horses in the front garden. Ting at the door...hug!

"Aunt Fay!!!" Caroline came running. HUG! Catherine! Hug! This is their first night here. Andrea at work coming out later. Jian coming from New York tomorrow.

A weekend in the country. I was pulled upstairs by Caroline to see her room. Armoires, a desk and chair. The bed was cushy on top with a small step stool and the nightstand big for holding lots of stuff! A nice big armchair for snuggling into! She had a blanket draped over the back ready!

Shelves for craft supplies, books, her music and a few dolls she especially loved.

All in a 1920's style.

"Aunt Fay, I like this. I will be comfy!"

"Good... that's the important thing."

She had her bathroom opposite. The adults were further down the passage.

Catherine who was still being her nurse close.

In the drawing room there were two focal points the fireplace and its built-in seating and an arrangement of chairs, settees and miscellaneous tables at the front window. The dining room had a big table, the chairs all had arms which was nice. Caroline's seat in one.

Peony and Meredith in the kitchen. They were happy it was move-in day. Meredith and her under-cook doing their first sit-down family dinner.

Catherine said Solange called... more furniture coming later today. The bedrooms they needed were complete. There was to be a joint nursery for the new babies with one nurse with an assistant.

Outside... they would be able to use the pool for a bit before autumn closed in. Two horses from my coastal estate shopping trip were in residence, the groom Kenneth had his room above the stables and ate in the staff lounge but he was working at Harcourt House the better part of the day. He rode one of the horses to the Harcourt House Stables and back... simple exercise for one.

Holding Ting's hand, "We do hope you guys enjoy the house. Nice to see a big family in residence! There's a nice primary school we support and pre-school in the village. Caroline is very welcome to go to the Daycare Preschool at the House."

"Andrea and Jian are going to sit down with Caroline so she can choose although there's no rush."

Hugs and kisses. We mounted up for the ride back. A stop at Denham School. Richard smiling as we slipped down.

"Fay, the first monies from those two educational foundations has arrived. We will disburse per their allocations. The Department of Education has released the funds to us... we have a good start to the term.

The paperwork is a pain but one of the people helping in admissions I moved part-time to deal with all that. He's the former headteacher. A wonderful paper-shuffler."

A hand shake over that decision.

I asked Pamela for speed past the railroad tracks... she was willing!! Roland on her shoulder when we slowed on the Flats. Gaby grinning. Fist bump.

Both Pamela and Roland let us know they enjoyed themselves.

In the Office Cho said maybe we ride over to Culham in the afternoon? I said fine with me.

I spent time on my work bits until Cho was ready to go. Rebel was ready, Cho was on him. I was riding Geo for the first time. Tessa on Gough. Penny on Max. These were beautiful horses. So wonderful to go out with Cho!

We warmed up everyone then after the tracks they were asked.

Geo showed speed... she ran almost level with Rebel. Gough was behind but close. At the Culham Manor gate we slid down to tie up... Andrea grabbed me. Hugs and kisses. Her tummy showing like Catherine!!

These guys were happy.

"Fay, this is going to be great! Loads of room, the gardens!"

Arm-in-arm we wandered... Andrea and Catherine had plans to decorate the Inglenook fireplace in the drawing room. Cushions and padded seating for sure! Maybe something with the scrollwork...

I said `Charge ahead and enjoy yourselves.'

I did remind her it had to be soft' things since this a scheduled house. No problem.'

Out in the side yard by the Dovecote... no birds of course. This scheduled building was a handsome piece. Sixteenth Century... holding up very well. I think the paperwork said it was the largest surviving dovecote in the country.

It was terrific to have them living here... close but separate so they had their own ways. We would exchange often I hoped.

In the stables... Kenneth. Smiling he bowed... saying hello. I told him that was not necessary...he's done it. Another smile.

"M'Lady, I like working for Gregory. He's organized like Galen! Everything neat and tidy the way I like too."

I looked in the tack room... neat and tidy. The leather shone. I turned to him smiling, "I can see."

A huge smile.

The two bays here were good riding horses, calm with some go.

He is riding these two every day... exercise and learning about the countryside here... And commuting to the House Stables. A laugh for that.

"I've been over to my aunt's in Wheatley. She's very glad to have me near. Her husband's business is used cars... he's going to get a good one for me. I have to pass my driving test first.

They want me to visit whenever I like."

I shook his hand, "Good. It is fine you have family close."

"Ma'am, do you like riding Geo?"

"This is my first time... she does go very well which is what I like."

Kenneth said she loves to run hard... he had ridden her often.

Cho and I with Tessa and Penny headed back to the House. Another terrific gallop home! Geo pushing at Rebel... he had too much!

My morning ride... Gaby again on Roland, Tara on Gough, Pamela nickering when I appeared at the office. A hug for her.

My usual path... hellos to those we saw.

At the grass in Sandford... Pamela and Roland took off. I could hear Tara urging Gough. We galloped across our neighbours... no slack until the Flats.

Roland almost at Pamela's hindquarter, Gough just a few lengths or so behind Roland.

What fun to have these lovely creatures running with us. Enjoyment!!!!!

Hugs for our mounts and each other!

At breakfast I told Cho of my pleasure... even more now that I didn't run away my Protectors. A hug and big kiss!

Flying to Doncaster Airport... in forty minutes Min settled us to the tarmac. We had cars for the ten minute drive to the racecourse.

An important day today... Black Star in the St. Leger Stakes! This is the last race in the British Triple Crown... if Black Star wins he closes out an amazing sweep of horse racing in the world. The American, French and British Triple Crowns have never been won by one stable. AND certainly not in one year!!!

For America and France it involved the Distaff side also. Sasithorn and Amira ran off this year leaving every other filly in the dust.

The cars arrived at the entrance below the Grandstand. Racecourse officials there to greet us. A nice welcome for our first visit here.

They didn't seem to mind I was in a cutaway and top hat. If it's good enough for Ascot then... A cutaway wasn't part of the dress code here. Tha, Delphine, Gil and Chelle all in nice frocks. Our Protectors dressed in their usual suits.

We had an escort up to the Owners viewing area. Cho and I carried the Twins.

We saw some owners we knew... many new introductions.

We arrived with time to spare for the race. We did a look around... all new to us. I had Chani up again so she could scan the course and crowd in her glasses.

Cho asked about drinks... I said just fizzy water.

A woman came over... the wife of an owner who had a colt in the St. leger... she loved my clothes. In answer to her question I said it was especially made for me.

She wondered if it was accepted at other tracks... I said the Queen liked it when I wore it at Ascot. Huge eyes. I said I'd worn several time at Ascot on purpose... she got it.

She thanked me for speaking to her. I smiled and shook her hand. I said good luck to their colt. I got a big smile back.

The St. Leger Stakes first run in 1776... an otherwise a pretty famous year! This is a G1 race of one mile and six furlongs plus one hundred and fifteen yards. No, I can't say why about the distance. This year the purse is larger with the hope of a Triple Crown win... Nine Hundred and fifty Thousand £'s.

The race was called... we turned to see the post parade. Gil got a texts from Olive, Black Star's groom... <he's calm, nickering>

Freddie's demeanour told us a lot. He was ebullient!! Cho smiling... Black Star is ready!

This race is an anti-clockwise race in the American style.

They loaded into the gate down to our right... no problems. A pause... they were released. They came out cleanly going away from us up the straight. Chani using her glasses... me too. I could see Black Star in a group on the lead... then a brown horse bolted ahead... opened a five length lead. The others let him go... this is a long race... knowing how to pace the horse was essential. Renaldo was good and well briefed.

I watched Renaldo... he was still as stone on Black Star's back. The field closing on the big turn... the turf was uphill. They had a good pace going... over the rise... it was downhill for the second half of the turn.

The sprinter stayed ahead by four as the they finished the big curve. Cho nudged me... my eyes on Black Star... Renaldo asked him!!!! The surge plainly visible to everyone.

In a matter of yards Black Star blew past the brown down the home straight... Renaldo was quiet on his back... no more urging needed now.

I heard an owner behind us `Fuck... the record is gonna fall!'

Several people said `Language' quite loud. Then an apology for his language, Cho turned and thanked him for that.

Black Star roaring along clear by ten lengths! He gobbled up the straight quickly... in the final hundred yards Renaldo softly urged him on further.

They crossed the finish accompanied by a gigantic shout from the crowd.

2:55.00!!!!!! He took five and three-quarters of seconds from the record by Masked Marvel in 2011 of 3:00.44. The record for widest margin fell also, Black Star won by sixteen lengths four more than Never Say Die in 1954.

The tannoy announced his amazing record time! They said the part about the winning margin and they added he beat the fastest wartime shorten distance race by six tenths of a second!!!!

The crowd was wildly cheering still.

The Triple Crown was ours!!! Not since the majestic Nijinsky in 1970 had it been won. That is exalted company for Black Star.

We took the congratulations from the many owners, they were very vocal and happy for us.

Freddie's hand being nearly shaken off. Cho and I with the babies were spared. Cho got some pats on the back.

We worked our way down to the Winner's Enclosure. We were cheered all the way.

A woman loudly called out as we passed that my clothes were awesome!

At the enclosure entrance the security didn't bother any of us about the little wrist band things we'd been given in case we as owners won something.

We met the St. Leger Stakes people who were very excited! We put the Twins down... many handshakes! The Doncaster people there... more handshakes. We were thanked for racing here.

Cho said we'd be back. They loved that!

Time for the gilt! Live on TV across the country.

Cho holding the big plate... news folks with cameras jostling for their shots! Cho leaned down so Charlie was included. I got the smaller plate we'd get to keep... Chani's hands with mine.

Freddie received the trainers plate, Renaldo the jockey's plate.

The press wanted all sorts of shots... calling out to us! A sponsor there with several press folks... he seemed to encourage them... several pushed in... Chani was bumped over... I grabbed her up... PJ knocked that fellow down... that had a salutary effect on the press crushing in... they backed away. Rande had one who shoved forward by the scruff of his coat collar.

Chani in my arms, she was Okay. Cho got Charlie up. Tara behind us said it was clear to go backwards.

The sponsors wanted more since they paid... Cho, "Sorry we've done more than enough. You are reckless."

Pointing to the one sponsor fellow.

Cho with one of his wicked smiles told the Doncaster people that sponsor... his finger pointing, the owner of some betting firm, is the problem.

Turning back to the press but looking at the one sponsor, "You are too pushy! There are babies here. We let you put your ridiculous blanket on Black Star... enough."

One started to say something but stopped seeing Cho's face. A fellow from the Doncaster management stepped in saying to the sponsors they had their day.

We walked away. Ansara and Tara making space ahead of us. Rande discarded his capture... he and PJ following maintaining an open area...

We left Freddie and Renaldo to do as much as they wanted... it didn't appear they'd stay long. We did not encourage them.

Off to the side Cho told the Doncaster fellow those sponsors were part of the problem with horse racing... certainly not the solution to making money. The Doncaster fellow agreed... he mentioned they sometimes had few alternatives.

Cho, "We will consider alternatives... if we find better ones or at least less crass ones would you be interested?"

He said YES immediately! Okay.

He said they were doing one year at a time contracts... not to pump the price but to be able to dump sponsors who didn't fit.

Cho said such betting companies were not a `fit' for us.

Cho shook the fellow's hand with `I will be in touch.'

As we moved to the cars Gil got a text from Freddie... he and Renaldo were going to the stables. Taking Black Star with them. They laid the horrible blanket laid over a fence. I didn't feel bad for the sponsors... too pushy and tacky. Much too aggressive.

In the helicopter Cho squeezed my hand, "We should ask our current sponsors if they want to expand... with Hermès coming onboard it might be a good time."

I squeezed back, "I will call Jillian and Carlos tomorrow...oops... rather Monday to see what they might dig up."

We were good. Reputable sponsors make it easy to display their names. They don't have yahoos like the betting jerk as part of their people.

Chani grinning in her travel seat holding hands with Charlie. I leaned across the cabin to shake PJ's hand.

He smiled "A bit of fun!"

Tara laughing pointing to Rande, "What kind of fish did you catch?"


We all laughed. The Twins clapping!

Sunday morning after my ride Cho showed me the papers... even the Daily Mail said the photographers being urged by a sponsor had crossed a line. A man with his camera laying on the grass was clearly shown.... face and all.

Chani being bumped was called a `disgrace' by several newspapers and the BBC. Sky UK had asked about Chani... they reported she is fine after talking to Cho.

A Doncaster spokesman was quoted by many saying `Shameful shoving around the Winner's Enclosure was unacceptable. Those who instigated it and took part could be banned from the race course after we investigate.'

Good! A strong statement.

Cho and I welcomed Argyle, his wife, Nori and Max to the house. Golf! The men loaded up for Oxford East.

Nori and I sat in the Great Room to have a get to know each other talk.

They had been married for twenty three years, a son at Cambridge, a daughter at Exeter. A big smile to find out it was my alma mater. The daughter studying English and German literature. The son in pre-law.

We walked about so she could see the house... I could se she liked what she saw, asking some questions.

The Twins in the Garden. They came over to meet Nori.

Jaidee got an introduction. Nori said they had two terriers, Sam and Ogilvy as she stroked his head.

Interruption... a tennis ball flung by Charlie. Jaidee a rocket in pursuit.

I gave her the tour of the sunny green space... at the far west stone wall she a good look across the Thames Valley. The small rose bush in its fenced square caught her eye... the little black metal sign giving it's provenance.

It was a beautiful piece of work, curled down edges, the words very nicely spaced, perfect! It is firmly planted on its stake. Our `anonymous' sign-maker did a superb job. He would only take twenty £'s for materials... nothing for his time. Gil said he was adamant.

Nori smiling reading it. More smiles after hearing my story of how our `relationship' developed.

"Fay, it's wonderful. Mystery! I should make a trip to Wallington... I love our small villages... that one would be a standout!"

We sat on the Terrace out of the rising breeze... Tha with the Twins and Jaidee... she'd texted Delphine who came out with hats and light jackets. They went back to playing with Jaidee.

We all went in for lunch. Like most others Nori was amazed to see the Twins do everything so like much older children.

After eating they went upstairs to their Nursery. Chani said she was close to finishing her landscape. Ellie was coming up to help her and Charlie.

We moved to the Great Room for coffee. I explained to Nori about Chani's project.

Gil brought up their bird drawings on her iPad. Nori shaking her head.

"Fay, I've worked with children in our village...volunteering to help at the day care and pre-school... none at two had anything close your two's physical skills or mental ability."

Nori got the latest evaluation... "Level seven or eight at two seems almost unreal."

I did say neither was composing music yet... "They aren't five years old when Mozart began composing."

We laughed.

Nori grinned when I told her they like listening to music... an AH! moment!

I turned to Gil... "We need a piano for the Nursery. Something to fit in... possibly an upright one. Try those nice people we bought the piano from for St. Thomas'! See what they say about electric ones... maybe one of those for a start?"

Gil, "Yes! I'll get on to them."

Nori looking the question.

"We sent a piano to the village school when their's was played out." Laughs for my unconscious bon mot.

A smile, "You two do spend your money on many things for others."

I shrugged, "There is no way we could spend it on ourselves... too much of it. The Twins will have a lot when we die... We're going to keep making more."

We both laughed.

Nori was the daughter of Viscount Aberfoyle, a brother and sister, both younger.

"We're in the first hills above Sterling. A very nice house from the end of the Eighteenth Century. A good sized property and our forbearers were smart Scots... they have maintained the estate in exceptionally good nick. Modernised farming and a small store to sell some of the crop."

I showed Nori how to fist bump. Smiles.

She had gone to Girton College at Cambridge. She met Argyle at university... He was three years ahead. He went into the army after his degree for four years. When he was out they re-connected. Together since then.

Audra at the door... I stood to wave her over. She had Liam... he was a sweetie.

Nori said her son had looked much the same.

Audra had been working on a project... slowly!

I asked Nori if she would like to see the cellar?

We laughed then I told her why.

In a storeroom... there were racks of clothes hanging and shelves with clothes neatly folded and shoes in rows on shelves. All the things Chani and Charlie had out-grown that had no sentimental hold on us. Staff members were adding clothes now... some out-grown clothes were coming back like jackets which didn't get a lot of wear.

The only rule was the clothes needed to be clean in good to excellent condition.

All our staff families could come to pick out items for their babies. Lots of good quality items, the entire `shop' looked wonderful the way Audra had it all arranged. When she was back full-time Eliza would take over before she had her baby and after when she was nursing..

The sign over the door had Nori ask... C&C Store.

"It's because we started it with the Twins clothes only. Now we lots of contributions plus the Twins are growing so quickly... we have a flow in from them all the time. Bigger sizes as they grow-up are coming thick and fast!"

She smiled.

Charles stuck his head out of his workspace... "Your Ladyship..."

I introduced him to Nori. Charles was nice fellow... he said it was a pleasure to meet her.

He cued up some video he'd done at Denham School... He had gone through the departments taking video for the webpage. It still needed work but I liked it... the people happy, smiling, doing their things.

"Ma'am, I'll edit it some more adding music and titles. I looking for it to be close to two minutes and half which is a good length for the web."

Fist bump.

Going up Nori smiling, "See you do many many many things for others." That after she heard Charles' history.

The guys returned from golf... hugs and kisses... upstairs to freshen up. Time for drinks. We gathered everyone in the Great Room.

The golf... Max was astounded by the way Cho plays.

I asked... Argyle shot a ninety which he was pleased. Max grinning he broke ninety! An eighty nine!! He did say he was at the shorter tees.

"They are appropriate for your size... no shame in that," Cho's fist out... bump!

We were told Max had a fine natural swing... he'll be quite good with some growing up.

They liked Oxford East... the course, clubhouse and the bar. A tour by Cho. The restaurant is doing one of its `dessert nights.' Max said the smell of all that was near to intoxicating! We all laughed.

Nori gave them our bits. Argyle perked up hearing about the Orwell rose. He and Max walked out with me. There was enough light.... Argyle said he'd started to read Orwell when he was Max's age. They'd given Max a group of Orwell books for his twelfth birthday.

"What have you read?"

"Ma'am, all I have... I started with Animal Farm then Nineteen Eight-four, Burmese Days and Keep the Aspidistra Flying."

"We have a fellow in our Protection Team, Ken from Virginia... he started to read Orwell young too... his teacher tried to re-order his reading but Ken stuck with his plan... to read each book in order they were published. He did!"

Max thought it a great idea!

"Ken re-reads them all the time... me too."

Okay! Inside I led Max to the Library... he stopped abruptly... looking around. Eyes wide!

"M'Lady... this is huge!"

I said much of it came with the house... we'd added quite a lot.

In the Annex I took down the Orwell books he didn't have, all paperback copies. The Annex was our overflow space... duplicates, books to be repaired, books to donate to local `bring and buy' sales like at All Saints in Sutton Courtenay, etc... this is Stanislaus' lair!

Back in the main Library... a grin, "Ma'am, do you ever ride the ladders?"

I laughed, "Tempting but I always get stopped when I see a book I want to re-read or whatever."

I told Max when he'd read all those I would give him copies of Orwell's other work... the essays among the best ever written in English plus the book reviews and other work all of which I'd read several times.

Max's thank yous. I put my arm on his shoulders as we walked back to the Great Room.

Fin took the books, he'd package them for Max. I thanked him.

A casual dinner, Max enjoyed it all then the Cherries Jubilee! He, like Artie, loved his dessert on fire. His face lit up! It tasted good too! The twins got to see their's on fire but not too close. They definitely enjoyed it!!

Afters... Argyle and I side-by-side... some shop talk. I asked... He was enjoying his role as speaker. I said he was good at it... easy hand at controlling the House.

He was leaning back on the settee, a Remy Martin in hand, "You are a true natural... when you speak it is purposeful not posturing or time-wasting. Your sort of member are the best."

Fist bump.

He smiled, "Max told me, on his own, what happened to bring him to your attention. He was embarrassed telling the story but happy you wouldn't hold it against him."

"He was honest about making a fool of himself which is tough for boys... he had to do it front of his mates an even harder thing to do. His mates dashed off right away when Max gave himself up."

Argyle laughed, "He did say he felt let-down... not having them there... solidarity and all that."

"I laughed inside to see them scarpering... His tears came after that."

"Ah... now he's one up on them all... he's had a luncheon invite from the fabulous Lady Harcourt!"

I was grinning, "If it helped I'm much more pleased."

"You've a devoted admirer now! All his school fellows are very jealous... he does a faux pas, admits his offense and gets rewarded."

"That was the point."

"You should meet his mother, Aurora." He smiled, "I like her even though she's my sister."


"She's a good mother... somewhat Victorian but much more love and attention."

"My parents were a bit like that with a twist they were absent not me away at school."

"They were in MI6 together? Odd."

"Apparently it was odd which disarmed the opposition. I don't know much about what they got up to except they had to be good at it... they worked steadily."

"Should you wish to know... Morrison is an old friend... I'm sure he'd get some looking done in the MI6 archives for you."

"I'll think about it... somethings are best left mysterious."

He nodded.

Noises to the rear... the Twins had enlisted Max to work a puzzle... done! Cheers! We walked over to see it... a barn? Ah... `Manor Farm' on metal sign. A snap from Wallington. The little sharpies knew about the Orwell stuff with Max and chose it on purpose. Such smarts!!

Max was amazed they'd have a puzzle like that. He sat next to me... I pointed out it was a common name for a farm but that photo was really from Wallington where Orwell wrote `Animal Farm' so it undoubtedly influenced him.

"Our niece Sunny took that snap the same day we got the rose bush cutting."

"You have a lot of Orwell around you."

Smiling, "He's my favourite author which is saying something considering how much I read.

When you come back I'll take you his grave."

He looked at me... HUGE eyes! A smile... he liked that and he might be asked to come out again.

I smiled too... "His grave is just a few miles from here in Sutton Courtenay."

"Wow! I would appreciate going there."

Fist bump!

Goodbyes at the door... Max had a brown paper and string wrapped packet of books which he held up by the string loop with a big grin.

We waved them down the dark drive after thank yous, hugs and a cheek kisses.

Carter with one of his funny slight smiles, "M'Lady... Sir Cho... their driver was very happy to spend some time with us. He marvelled at his dinner.

Lucas had a bit of fun... saying it was just a regular dinner not special.' That really turned the man's head until he could see we were all grinning. Then Kendall let the cat out of the bag... Actually this is our sort of normal dinner.'

The driver wondered why we weren't all fat... Kendall got him again with `Because Mr. Carter and Miss Audra run us ragged all day long.'

Cho and I laughing through that.

Carter with a broader smile, "The fellow enjoyed being here. He said to me out by the car that it seemed a happy house... I told him it was indeed."

Cho, "Now Carter you have to be careful... you will flood yourself with applicants... we can't employ everyone."

Laughter... fist bumps all around.

The Twins had gone up... we came in after all the `work' had been done to get them in bed... we got right to hugs and kisses.

In our darkened room... warm skin on mine... I reached back to hold the delightfully damp penis in its post-coital resting state. A soft kiss on my shoulder.

It was my turn to go for water... we sipped... picking up a conversation from before... smiles about how true it was our house was happy... certainly in this room and the Nursery!!

It wasn't like we were comedians or jokesters making our staff laugh or playing pranks all the time... everything reflected how happy we were and how much we loved each other, the Twins and our friends. We treat our people with respect and care. I'm sure there are some out there who would scoff learning our employees recognise that and respond in kind.


George asked to see the foal... we walked out.

The little fellow nursing... so small beside Gwen.

Our stablemaster with a huge smile.

"M'Lord, this youngster is doing very well."

It was plain the little fellow knew what to do. I stroked Gwen's face... soft nickers.

"Mother, you did very well! A handsome colt!"

More nickers.

"Popa, he is feeding a lot... how long will he nurse?"

I said for many months.

Going across the stable yard... "Popa, do all animals suck from their mothers?"

"Warm blooded ones do."

I turned us into the kitchen garden to sit on a bench... the sun on our faces.

"You sucked from your mother's breasts for a long time also. You do remember seeing Elisabeth with your mother?"

"I remember Elisabeth laying with Mama not the sucking."

"We all do it at some point... pigs, dogs, cats... if you come from an eggshell you don't."

George was looking at the sky...

"When you are older these things will come together in your mind. You have a lot of learning to do."

"That is what Mrs. Reardon says when I mess up a maths problem. She always says I won't be able to properly aim a cannon if I can't get my maths right."

I laughed.

"Well Mrs. Reardon may be right but I hope you use your maths skills for something less destructive."

"You went to war many times?"

"Yes, it is not a good experience. Men go because the King and Country need them to fight. I would rather it wasn't so often. Wars are terrible things."

George was silent... considering.

I stood up... I lifted him over my shoulder... A gentle swat on his backside. I carried him inside to loud laughter.

Awake... a smile! A look over my shoulder at my man... I slid the bedclothes up over that wonderful body. Mine!!

A kiss for Jaidee's head... dressed for riding in black! Not a mood thing! Ever!

Scones and coffee... Jaidee behind me attending to a smell... he's on his own. Andy's smile accepting the scone.

Thames bark brought Jaidee down. They ran off.

Gaby on Roland and Tessa on Gough ready. A knee up on Pamela... Roland making sounds!

Down the lane to the Flats... empty at this early hour. Up over the slope to the tracks.

"Gaby, let's go see Mr. Blair and a stop at the Manor after."

She and Tessa laughed, "Okay!"

We headed straight, past Denham School a turn south. Beside Tollgate Road to the bridges... over then straight to the intersection, a right to ride along Appleford Road to the lane. Gaby led us to the south gate of the church grounds where we tied our horses.

Dr. Ryles smiling, "Good morning, Your Ladyship."

I returned that. He said the same to Tessa and Gaby who he knew by name now.

At the grave... more black stones. I told him the Anonymous metalworker had replied to my note and did a very handsome sign for the rose bush.

"We should have you over for dinner so you can see it."

He'd be honoured.

"So you know who it is?"

"Yes but we have pledged our silence."

He laughed, "I understand... I've been there."

I squeezed his arm, "I'm sure... but not like the Catholics though?"

Laughter. His head shaking "Like them... Yes... the process is much different. The end is the same."

We laughed.

"I was in Culham visiting an elderly parishioner... there is a family living at the Manor? You own it I thought?"

"Yes we do own it. The family are friends... we offered it to them. An eclectic crowd, Thai, English with one darling youngster and two boys on the way. A complicated but very happy crowd I will say. They are people Cho and I have known for a long time.

It includes one of his cousins who was a youthful companion. He teaches surgery at London University Medical School. Two others work for us in different enterprises.

You should visit. The daughter is quite precocious not unlike the Twins."

He said he would.

My hand beside my face in a mock secret pose, "My old friend and her sister are C of E I think."

A laugh, "I'll go to say hello... maybe inquire?"

Fist bump!

Re-mounted we waved to him. Gaby took the lead. Over the first bridge then left on the dirt track to the small bridge that was behind Culham Manor. The north end was on the Manor property... a sign said so noting that the property was secured by the Security Service so please stay on the river path.

We opened the gate with the passcode, a little trot up to the tennis court onto the delivery drive. We dismounted, tied our horses to a post. Catherine had been binged that we arrived by Security.

She and Caroline in the back garden munching on cupcakes with hot chocolate!! The cupcakes from the baker down the High Street. I'd seen their sign. I shared one of theirs with Gaby and Tessa called `Summer Delight.' Sponge cake with lemon and Elderflower with a zingy lemon frosting!! Oh Yes these folks know how to do it.

Molly's Cupcakes in New York has competition!

Caroline in my lap said to me she and her mamas would talk about nursery school tonight. Okay. Fist bump.

Before we mounted I suggested we stop at the Cupcake Baker. A big laugh and a `We figured so' from my companions.

We tied our horses to the inside of their hedge. A woman at the door smiling, "Welcome Your Ladyship. You are the first to arrive by horse."

I shook her hand. Inside I went through their choices of flavours and styles. I did an order for `four... no make it eight dozen' mixed. She could choose the flavours... some of every flavour they had available though.

A nice big smile.

I said I'd have someone pick them up when she says `ready.'

Another handshake.

At the Stables office Gregory approached me.

"Fay, Diana asked to be taken off exercise riding because of your advice?"

I said it would come out I was sure but confidentially... "She and Pat want to start a family... Several friends of ours who are long time riders stopped riding so their bodies didn't have that bouncing motion."

"Ah... I'm fine with her decision... it was funny the way she said it. You advised her to stop..."

I laughed, "I can understand."

I asked about his Dorene... "She's a sweetie. Good nurser from the start... now onto the bottle and starting solid food."

Fist bump for him.

The Breakfast Room was loaded! Cho handed me the Oxford Mail when I sat down with my plate. The column I wrote started on the front page! It was about antisemitism... some how's and why's AND that it was a disgrace to our country and county that it still exists.

A reminder that freedom of religion protects everybody... a head scarf, kippah, crucifix, tilak, turban or other outward displays of devotion are personal and aren't meant to disturb anyone.

If you are religious or not... be happy others have a strong feeling about what paths they follow.

A kiss from Cho. He'd read it before I sent it off.

Cho and I went downstairs after eating to meet with Yone. Everything here was great.

"One security thing... an update for you from Sumate... the Drone Defence Unit at Harcourt Farm... it had an issue with following the signal to the source when it downed that intruding drone.

Analysis there and Bangkok says the intruding operator reset his unit when he lost the drone in a foolish attempt to reconnect the link. Things don't work like that but he didn't know it."

Yone added that the chase drones didn't identify him because he was under some dense bushes hunched over his device making him look like an animal on their sensors. The video images of him would be shared for training.

He smiled, "I have a personal issue... What I have is to ask if you had any problem with Celeste living with me in the Harcourt Close house? We will be married... no date for it yet... we are working on it. Family involved so...

The reason I'm asking she is at the end of her flat lease and can only renew for a period of one year."

Cho shook his hand saying we were fine with it. A hug for Yone. I said call her... he would.

Upstairs in the Office, Cho leaning back in the desk chair, "That was easy."

"I know we had talked about avoiding the co-habiting thing... I trust Yone so I can only hope they are happy."

I got a few kisses when I parked on his lap.

I had a few trips today... local ones.

A cooler day, overcast growing from the west. A suit, medium brown herringbone six button double-breasted slim jacket cut to the hips, patch pockets. The matching trousers slim cut to my instep. A creamy beige cotton long sleeve turtleneck top, gold jewellery, brown leather half-boots, zipper on the inside. A brown Kelly bag that had gold bits to match my jewellery. `Joy'

In the car with Gil, Tara, Tessa and Kara on the road to downtown Oxford. Up St. Aldate's to Queen Street, left to Westgate Centre which was opposite the Oxford government buildings.

Inside the shopping centre right to the library doorway. Gil spoke to the woman at the welcome desk... she called someone.

I looked around... bright, nice bold colours that didn't jar your eyes, lots of books and comfy places to sit. Two floors with open areas in between the floors look up and down giving a sense of space. They'd had a total re-fit... it looked very nice, a pleasant place to spend some time.

A woman and man came out. I met the Chief Librarian and the Chief Executive of the Oxfordshire County Council. We moved to a meeting room close at hand.

Gil handed me the cheque. They were very pleased to have our donation and the stipulation of one half to buying books was no problem.

"We don't often get donations like this..."

I handed the cheque over... The librarian gave it quick look... a double take.

"Your Ladyship... we thought it was for a million £'s?"

Smiling, "My husband and I decided to add a bit more. We will not hold you the half for books stipulation. Say five hundred thousand £'s or more if you want."

The County fellow shaking his head looking at the cheque,

"M'Lady, ten times the proposed amount is a lot more than adding a bit."

I laughed, "Well you know in for penny... We trust you can find ways to use the money for the benefit of the county library system."

They agreed happily with my thought.

Like other recipients of our recent donations they asked how they could show their appreciation for our gift.

"Please spend it wisely is all we ask."

I did ask for a tour... the librarian gladly showed me the space. There were many people using a multitude of library services. Over five hundred thousand books, music, video of all sorts.

An enclosed Children's Library, it had a very nice selection of books and multimedia things for children of all ages.

Lots of computers for visitor's use and printers too.

Meeting rooms you could put your name down for blocks of time.

I thanked the librarian for the tour. More thanks... many more from them for our donation.


I waved good bye at the main door.

Out in the Westgate Centre walkway having a look around. It is much different from American malls which by and large are completely enclosed, creating an entire ecosystem. Many British malls may have a roof but otherwise open to the air. Another one... the Lion one in Cambridge comes to mind. I wasn't the mall type so limited experience.

Prasert took us north to the Richmond Road, down to the Oxford Synagogue. Rabbi Kotlar at the door. Inside I said this was to be just a brief visit to see how they were doing after the bombing incident.

They had many visitors from various churches and mosques showing solidarity. That is very encouraging!!

He was smiling, "I want to thank you personally for your `owner's comment column' in today's newspaper. It was well done with emotion. I felt your being deeply upset by the existence of such people... the link to the war was very apt and could be understood by every British person."

Smiling, "I would have liked to use stronger language... I was informed the newspaper couldn't print it."

The Rabbi had a short laugh, "Well... those who I spoken to appreciate your anger however suppressed."

We shook hands... I got to peek out the window to the construction site... a hole in the ground MUCH bigger than our shovels had done. The Rabbi laughed at that too.

At the door we were thanked anew for our generosity. I said they were welcome.

Prasert had to double back a short way to go west into Osney. We got to the Oxford Mail offices quickly.

Going through the door... CHANGE! It was bright in the reception area... the receptionist smiled to me... inner door open I walked in. She rang the editor.

Inside I was spotted by several people... they waved hello, some came over right away. The tenor of the people in this big room had changed... the environment was considerably altered. it was brightly lit now with all new ceiling fixtures.

Workmen moving on the perimeter... it looked like painting... ladders, drop cloths, etc... I could see brighter walls.

There was new furniture in place in some areas. More informal seating.

The editor with a big smile... I shook some hands on my way to his office. Inside I turned to look... the big window clear and clean. His office was two-toned in a warm light brown and a creame... much brighter... new lights too. New furniture!

"You Ladyship, we heard about your visit to the NewsQuest office. What an explosion of comment on our internal network."

I raised my eyebrows... "All good!" He hastily said.

I smiled, "Well we found it was impossible to believe how worn down your space had become... it had to be those above being irresponsible A short inquiry found the former MD took advantage of the management mess at Gannett headquarters in America to make NewsQuest numbers look better by neglecting the properties... saving expenses.

He did some whinging about what I ordered for you... did he give you a bad time?"

"He tried but Chelle had let me know if I was to get `guff' from above to pass them on to her."

Gil laughed, we fist bumped. Gil told the editor Chelle knew I was standing behind it all.

I asked about the ongoing work...

"The workmen do things on the edges during the work day then work like demons when we are mostly gone."

I asked what the reaction has been about my frontpage column.

"Our webpage isn't doing comments but we have had calls and in person comments around town sent back by reporters working stories. It has been very very positive.

The idea we fought a long hard war to stop that sort of thing resonates."

Walking out I shook many hands... the editor and I did one at the front door. His staff being so upbeat and his smile was payback for my efforts. Not to speak of an uptick in circulation! And advertising space!

Home... lunch!

Cho smiling at my `labours.' "You didn't update the library people?" My head shaking. "You were bad... no one had a heart attack I hope.. you probably would have mentioned that."

I put a finger to my lips... "Yes!"


We went to the Garden with the Twins... Jaidee bouncing ready for play. A tennis ball went flying from Cho... Woof' Jaidee on it! He brought it back tail wagging. Charlie took over tossing. He was getting good. Jaidee always brought it... well... sometimes he wanted to play tag' running around keeping the ball. He loved the Twins chasing him.

I stayed clear. Chani did a good throw... Jaidee right back to her... another toss.

Gil came out with a magazine... Vogue. The October issue... Lady Gaga on the cover... a lovely face.

Nick's interview... the catch phrase on the cover... "A Decent Man in a Tough Spot, Nick Rawlins what every republican should be but aren't'

Oh that was going piss-off a few republicans! Too Bad! Anna had sent the article so I knew I was a great piece.

Pauline had done fine work to capture the kind of man he is built on his western roots. Excellent snaps... his family looked great. A particular fine snap of Nick and Seth together talking with their men. They looked like their character... strong, comfortable, leaders.

Liza looked winsome and happy, their children in a corral running with baby animals... joyful faces.

Pauline linked his character to the need of the republicans to repair their ethical standing.

`Never a better time to have Nick Rawlins out front.'

That was true.

I emailed Nick with a thumbs up.

He answered quickly with a thank you. `Pauline is terrific, she came... listened, looked and asked questions... then synthesized it better than I could have done.'

Anna called to say she was pleased and hoped I was too.

`I am! Thank you for taking up my idea.'

Anna said I should make suggestions at any time. Laughter.

Cho sat beside me as the Twins were off running with Jaidee.

"Charlie wants us to watch them on the new swing. Can you handle it?"

"I guess I'm going to have to `handle' it."

Cho's face in a big grin!

When the babies came to take us to the swing... was I ready??

Chani said for Charlie to go first. He climbed on easily, a wood plank with a padded cloth cover, strong looking rope. Phillips folks made something nice. Even the big tree branch had protection.

Delphine was the pusher to get him going. Tha beside the forward path of the swing as the `guard.'

Charlie on his way... he was pumping... then he stood up to pump harder... my heart rose in my throat for a moment... Damn! He was under control... going higher... then he sat... more extra heart pumping for me... higher... I was really getting nervous... Cho's arm came around me... a soft voice "He's doing very well... the ground is soft, Tha is in the perfect place."

I wrapped my arm over his and held on.

Charlie was horizontal to the ground... he didn't try for more... slowly winding down to a point where he jumped off from about three feet to land safely with arms out-stretched... a MONSTER smile!!

He ran over to hug us and Chani! Such a happy fellow!

He showed a lot of body strength... I was amazed.

Chani squeezed my hand and ran over to jump on the swing seat standing up. Delphine asked if she was ready... Chani called..."GO!"

Jaidee beside me did a `Woof!'

Delphine gave her pushes to build up speed.

It began again! Chani pumping her legs... rising... she stayed upright longer then dropped to the seat in a whoosh... I jumped! Cho's arms came back tighter. Chani was nearing horizontal... she had a wild look of ecstasy and fun!

At horizontal she backed off like Charlie. I found out later that was the limit for them. They were good, obeying Tha like they should.

Chani swung on down to jump off lower than Charlie... same look of exultation! She ran for a hug!

Cho and I hugging them close. Kisses and congratulations!!

They were bouncing around... Holding hands up in the air! Jaidee barking jumping with them.

They came down from their `high' so we could go in to change for dinner.

Dinner had a wonderful ending... a surprise for us all... Tha had alerted Sue and Maxine... they had made a cake for dessert... as treat they put a swing on the top!

It was a carrot cake, moist and delicious... creamy icing... the Twins helped cut it. They shared the marzipan swing! They dished out hugs for Tha and Delphine, more down in the Kitchen for Sue and Maxine.

Afters in the Great Room... Chani and Charlie said they knew swinging could only be done when Tha and Delphine were there. Charlie did a `cross his heart' motion to seal the promise. Cute.

Tha got a new puzzle out for them. She sent them off.

"It is a panorama of the 767 lounge so they have to do it from memory."

Ah... a good test!

They went to work... a challenge which always sparked them. Competitive like Cho and me too!

In fifteen minutes they laid down the final few pieces. A cheer when Chani stuck in the last piece.

They came over for hugs.

An unusual face at the Stables in the early morning, Ronnie didn't do this often. She asked to speak to me after my ride. Okay.

Pamela pulling at the dirt, Roland nickering. We went down the lane.

A good chill in the air... autumn coming.

Gaby and I had a great run to the lock. My friends happy, waving their hands, hellos shared. Over the river we turned for the Thames Path.

We rode beside the path... some boaters were tied up to the shore. A few were awake and waved to us... we returned the waves.

I liked riding here every so often. It was our property, we were responsible for maintaining the path. Opposite Lock Wood Island there had been some recent repairs under some trees. It had been regraded to accommodate tree roots.

Lights on at the Carmichaels... somebody's up.

We passed our boat house on the opposite shore then into the Boatyard. It was alive... some boats being brought in from the water. Less demand so they'd be worked on and stored for the winter.

Dennis directing traffic. We shook hands, May was doing fine with their third.

I said hellos to Dennis' crew. Smiles and waves.

Northward there was a wide verge next to the path to our farm land so we could trot and gallop some. Into the woods... we had a good gallop until we could see the yurts to our left.

Going slower beside the power pylon to the small bridge then the lock. The lock man smiling with a wave from the north end opposite shore. A loud good morning for him.

Mr. Hardy was out walking so we turned for the the south end of Sandford... the grass!

Both horses knew what that meant... OFF! We galloped the whole way to our property! Fast and wondrous! Whinny's from the horses, fist bump with Gaby. Her cheeks red, a huge smile.

"Fay, this is just the best!"

I thought so too!

Ronnie waiting, we borrowed the Stables office to talk. The cats had `their' chair occupied. Tess purring as I stroked her ever so soft body.

Ronnie's smile... "Fay, I wanted you and Cho to know Cormac asked me to marry him... I said I would but not right away. I want to learn more about training horses. The people here know so much... Freddie especially! I need to be here."

"It is only a fifteen minute drive you know."

"Yes but it's more than that.. being around here I get extra time with them... I can get little tit-bits that add up."

"I get it. What did Cormac say?"

"He's so nice. `I'll wait for you girl...' which made my heart sing."

A hug and cheek kiss. I asked if she was going to tell the folks in California. Yes including the caveat. Good!

The Breakfast Room had Cho and his newspapers. Grinning he handed me The Sun... it had my owners column from the Oxford Mail on the front continued inside.

Cho held up today's Oxford Mail... on the front our donation to the county library system. Local politicians being quoted praising us. Our MP Clark said it was `our style to do big things with little fanfare.'

I looked at it as I told Cho about Ronnie and Cormac. A smile.

"We really have become `love central' haven't we?"

I agreed... "It's because our people feel appreciated and secure. That means they spend less time worrying about essentials... so love can blossom!"

Kisses from Cho! We might have had a few more but our thundering herd came running in. So we kissed and hugged the Twins.

They were ready to go to Twin Ponds!

Kellen and Min were out front... We loaded for the twenty five minute flight which included a detour to give some space from Boscombe Down. We landed on the big lawn south of the house.

The Twins on their feet holding our hands... we walked slowly to the terrace telling them about the house... how it would shared with the people who work for us.

Chani saying it would be cool to meet other people. Okay... that's a maybe for the future.

Jaidee bounding up onto the stone terrace all tail waggy to greet Augusto and Agnes who he knew.

Augusto and Agnes had settled in here comfortably after their move from Harcourt House. Happy here.

They with Elfrida the housekeeper waiting. Hands shaken and introductions for Elfrida, we were all new for her and her to us.

We did a tour of the ground floor... looking very different now populated by furniture. Solange and Jane had done a marvellous job! The carpets wonderful, full of colour! The furniture fit the house... it wasn't Elizabethan in style... it was Late Nineteenth Century and the first quarter of the Twentieth the time when the house was at its peak... before us that is! Ha!

More wandering around the rooms, both libraries, the study, my Lady's Room. The Twins checked out the powder rooms. There were potty's for them. Up to the first floor where all our rooms were. The stone stairs... a gentle curve. I liked them! Jaidee sticking his nose in the rooms...he walked right on into the nursery. He sensed its use.

The Twins loved their nursery. Beautiful big windows with a bench they could stand on to look out over the south lawn towards the ponds and river beyond. They wanted to continue to share one room... when they gave the Okay... each would have their own. That was decision for all our homes. Tha had a room in the Nursery suite, Delphine across the hall.

Lots of room to play, arts and craft supplies, puzzles, games and more already here. Tha choose the puzzles so when they were used up by Chani and Charlie... they were generic enough to go for guest children to use.

Chani and Charlie sitting on a settee in our suite. A load of clothes had been driven over days before. Chani helped me and Maxi, a housemaid, put my things away. She brought a armful of jumpers from the bags.

In my dressing room I changed to ride with Chani on a chair swinging her legs.

"Mama, your riding clothes are so nifty."

A kiss for her cheek.

Cho and the Twins would continue the exploring with Jaidee while I rode. Tara and Tessa in the large ground floor passage as I came through the little door at the bottom of the narrow stone spiral staircase from the suite... our backdoor! They had been watching the big stone curved main stairs... Laughs as I came up from behind.

We walked out to the stables. Galen and Al waiting. They did bows with smiles. I shook their hands thanking them for their hard work getting everything shipshape here.

My ladies were introduced.

Galen, "M'Lady, Ginny is looking forward to seeing you again. She's at school in Amesbury, home after three o'clock."

I said I'd be around later.

Galen said they'd saddled three when Gil texted. He led out Laith, the gray stallion who came with the other seven horses with Galen and Al from the coast estate sale.

Handsome fellow with a shiny black saddle making an excellent contrast. One each of the black and brown horses saddled for my companions.

"We are going over to Stonehenge... so you know. The folks at the house know also. I will tell you each time where I'm going."

He tipped his flat cap to me.

I turned us out to the north then west, we crossed the road walking on the verge of fields... some that had been harvested were more less parallel to the road.

After half a mile we went west to a tree line then north again... once going north at a distance Stonehenge was in full view to our left. Strange to think of the people who built it looking from the same distance...

The dirt road beside the A303 led to a low narrow underpass we had to dismount to walk our horses through, re-mounted we went left along the motorway. We crossed onto National Trust land, a dirt and grass road with a grassy verge. A soft trot.

Small low tumuli to our left... we stayed on the road to the edge of the visitors walking space. Neither of my American ladies knew very much so I dug into my store of information... aka my fly-paper-brain.

They got a précis of its history. Both were amazed the builders brought the stones so far... from Marlborough about fifteen miles north for the largest standing stones, the smaller `bluish' ones from Wales which isn't next door by anyone's reckoning. Quite a trek five thousand years ago. I thought it likely by boat up the River Avon.

I mentioned Woodhenge and Bluehenge... neither existed above ground now. Other bits scattered across the Salisbury Plain.

Some amazing engineering feats were needed plus commitment by thousands of people in much more than a few generations.

Although Newgrange in Ireland doesn't have the same world iconic stature as Stonehenge it is a remarkable structure done by a farming society similar to the builders here. It was in place about five hundred years before Stonehenge... long before the Egyptian pyramids!!!

Some of the people walking around the monument started to stare and point our way. No one approached... we sat on our horses looking around.

"Fay, there's a fellow... looking official approaching. Your two o'clock," Tara's voice on my right.

I turned me not Laith towards the man coming on foot. Dark green trousers and a forest green Polo shirt and a flat cap. He had an identity badge of some sort hanging around his neck.

I pushed my hat onto my back... now fully facing him.

He got in close visual range and slowed down...

He stopped about ten feet away.

A bow, "Good morning, Your Ladyship..."

I said thank you and a good morning to him.

He said his name was Willis. "You do surprise. I can't remember ever seeing riders come to Stonehenge."

"We don't intend to advance any closer. So no need to worry."

He was shaking his head. He said we were good.

"We have a house..." My arm motioning to the southeast, "... in Millsford. We will stay there sometimes. It will also be for the use of our world-wide employees as a rest and recreation house.

They will want to come to visit Stonehenge and all the other sites here on the Salisbury Plain will attract them.

What we would like to do since many will walk or ride a horse over is give a sum of money on account we expect to cover the costs of their admission."

"M'Lady, that is wonderful. We would happily welcome them."

"Will you be on duty this afternoon say around two o'clock?"

"Yes, I will be here until four."

"Then I will return by car to your visitor centre with my family for a visit."

A big smile, "Yes. I will have the director and a few other staff waiting to meet you if that is fine with you."

Smiling I said it was, my group would be me, my husband and our children plus aides.

He seemed a bit excited. I leaned over extending my hand... we shook.

"See you then."

We turned our horses to re-wind our ride over here. This time we walked through the village. People came out of houses and shops to say hello. I shook hands.

They seemed a happy bunch... certainly interested in seeing us. Several cute babies and toddlers, all the older children at school.

The shopkeeper who was also the Royal Post service woman thanked us for the repairs to the roof and chimney. Well we owned the structure... it behoves us to keep it up. I didn't say that. I said she was welcome.

We walked by St. Aldhelm in the Fields... quiet today. Dr. Matthews, the vicar, came out of the church.

"Your Ladyship, it nice to see you here. We heard the helicopters guessing that was you."

"Yes, the whole family this time."

Constance, his wife, joined us with a load of flowers.

Hellos, "M'Lady, you do look smart in your riding clothes."

I thanked her.

"Quite comfortable for riding. I'll gather the crowd for a visit after luncheon? I'd like to see inside the church."

"Please... I'll be happy to do a tour."

Laughing, "You need to be on your guard with the Twins... quite precocious."

A smile and "Okay! I will be."

At the stable I told Galen we were going to go to the church after a family visit to Stonehenge so I would see Ginny afterwards. He smiled saying he'd tell her.

Lunch was Kendra's first meal for us. She showed real skill... crêpes! Seafood, grilled vegetables and cheese crêpes... the dessert... crêpes with strawberries in a thick sweet vanilla cream sauce.

She was well thanked and `No' she wasn't going to make them for our R&R guests... way too much work. She said she had a good staff. She had done the crêpes and they had done the fillings and sauces. I said to thank them for excellent work. A huge smile from her.

We changed for a trip to Stonehenge Visitor Centre. I put on a frock, navy with long sleeves, fold back cuffs, small shirt collar, mid-thigh length. Red heels, gold jewellery, red nails and lips, `Joy'

Chani in a navy dress to her knees, white knee socks and red Ralph Lauren ballet shoes. A white cardigan over her shoulders held by a golden chain.

Cho and Charlie in navy trousers and white cotton long-sleeved shirts, black loafers. Charlie did his red socks... of course!

We drove over to the Stonehenge Centre. Ken and Rafe were our drivers. They dropped us at the curved east end... we walked the hundred feet to the front of the Centre.

Mr. Willis spotted us as we approached. Mr. Willis introduced the Director, he bowed, handshake.

I introduced them to Cho, Charlie and Chani. They bowed welcoming us all. Tha, Delphine, Gil and Chelle were introduced.

An interesting building... surrounded by upright posts connected to the high flat roof. A café and shop in one area, a small ticket window and a space for guides. The largest section is a series of rooms with displays on the people who built Stonehenge, the how' and when's, the land, etc... they were set around a big circular room that has a 360 degree video display of the henge and the countryside from the inside.

We looked at everything... Charlie asked if the bones were real... Mr. Willis said indeed they were. Chani liked the face of the man re-created from his skull.

Outside a grouping of typical round huts of the time, thatched rooves and interconnected by wattle fencing. Very authentic, to me anyway, looking inside displays of tools, bedding, a fire circle, reed woven storage baskets. The Twins had a close look... they didn't touch anything after Tha made the point.

Mr. Willis gave us the history of these dwellings.

There wasn't a lot of depth to the information in the inside displays but it all looked quite nice. A space issue surely.

The Director re-joined us outside by the huts.

I gave Gil a sign... she dove into her bag for an envelope.

I explained to the Director about the R&R scheme and we didn't how many of our people would come to so we wanted to cover admissions for the balance of this year and next.

I had the envelope, "If all of this money isn't used for admissions please put the balance into your general fund at the end of 2019 for use on any project. We would then bring over a new amount for the year 2020."

He opened the envelope... his head slowly came up... "Your Ladyship... this is good for several hundred thousand entrance fees."

"Well have several hundreds of thousand employees... we don't know how many to expect to come here in a year..." A smile.

"Ah... I understand! An interesting way to support the Centre. Thank you very very much."

"Now some of our people will walk or ride over from the estate the way I came in this morning, some may drive in and come in your regular way like us this time. We'd like to make it simple for them to get in... would showing their employee identification cards work for you?"

"Yes, we can setup a procedure at our ticketing window. It is a picture ID?"

`Yes with their employment location. They could come from a half dozen countries. Family groups."

"We will be glad to welcome them. We will keep a tally of them. Who should receive our totals?"

Gil had one of Andi's cards, she said, "Andi was the manager for the R&R Scheme. She should receive your numbers and you can do any co-ordination with her. She could give you updates on the numbers of people who might be arriving. She is based in London."

He'd be pleased to work with her.

Cho and I shook his hand. The Twins too which gave him a big smile.

We said our goodbyes... I thanked Mr. Willis again. A big smile.

We drove back... we unloaded at the edge of the village... a stroll through for us. The people came out again to meet us all. Chani and Charlie shaking hands with other youngsters. The owner of the Gray Stone public house greeted us when we stuck our noses in... He pulled a short pint for Cho and I to share, small colas for the babies.

A cosy pub, nice wood and a fireplace that looked well used. The publican pleased we'd stopped.

"Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... we..." His hands spreading wide, "...are all glad you have chosen to be part of Millsford. A nice boost for us all."

Cho thanked him and complimented him on his beer. A happy and pleased smile on his face!

The family walked on the short distance to St. Aldhelm. The Matthew's all there to meet us. Chani and Charlie introduced along with Tha and Delphine and my ladies.

Dr. Matthews gave us the tour. It is quite handsome inside. Good floors, several lovely stained glass windows, one depicting St. Aldhelm. The stone altar is fine, a large tenth Century baptismal font that was from the first church on the site. Pre-Norman.

It is a well cared for building. Wyatt said the local parishioners volunteered their time, the past estate owner did give money but never enough. The local people always helped out.

Cho, "As we own the building there will be no doubt we will maintain it as it should be."

I asked if there were any known issues. Wyatt said minor things.

Nodding, "What we will do is send some folks from Oxfordshire who are experts with older churches to do a thorough look and we'll make a plan."

Wyatt was obviously happy to hear we'd be active in maintaining the church. As with the shop and post office... It is part of the estate so we owned the church, rectory and out buildings...

It was a lovely building... I'd never owned a church before... a source of a joke later in the darkness of our bedroom.

Charlie asked why people come here?

Dr. Matthews said they came to join in the worship of god.

Chani, "Who comes?"

"Our neighbours. Those who believe in god."

Charlie, "Do all the people in the village believe in god?"

"Yes I think they do..."

Chani, "Do they all come?"

"No, not everyone."

"Why not?"

"Some might be sick, some believe in god in a different way than we do."

"The same god but different?"

Dr. Matthews getting a workout. Still smiling. Constance with a slight smile that said better him than her.

"Yes, god is worshipped in different ways because people are not all the same."

"They don't come from the same place to here so have their own ideas?"

"Yes you are getting there."

I put in, "We live in many places... not everyone you see looks or acts the same... right?"

Chani squeezing her brother's arm, "Like Yobi and Lil. Yobi laughs a lot, Lil is quieter."

Charlie kissed her cheek.

I explained they were women who were cabin staff on our aircraft.

Dr. Matthews nodding, "How are they different?"

Chani, "Yobi is Afro-Caribbean, Lil's family is from Finland. They have different body rhythms."

Charlie, "Yobi sings to herself very quietly."

I was laughing inside, Yobi did but usually only in the mornings.

Chani, "I do not know what god they believe in... should it be dissimilar?"

The vicar gave me a look at the last word... I shrugged, he managed to keep smiling, "It may be, sometimes even people who worship here have different ideas about how it should be done."

"Does that bother you?"

"No, we try to accommodate them."

"You make a community of different people together?"

A big smile, "Yes! We are a community."

Chani and Charlie looked at each other and thanked the vicar.

The Twins chose to go look at the font more closely with Tha and Delphine.

Dr. Matthews and Cho shook hands after he was congratulated by Cho for how he handled the Twins.

He'd never had such a conversation with two year olds. A motion like wiping one's brow...

Cho grinned, "It happens all the time for everyone... We thank their Governess and Tutor for continuing to expand their knowledge."

Dr. Matthews said they must be hardy souls.

My smiling face saying "They are indeed!"

We asked them up to the house for dinner. They were pleased to come.

I said `Casual' to Constance.

I dressed for a ride. At the stables Galen said he may have a pony for the Twins and visiting children to ride. He had asked around... a fellow in Stapleford let him know he may have what we wanted.

"I will go over to have a look, M'Lady."

I thanked him. I mentioned the pony could be good for young ones too small to ride to touch and groom as a learning thing.

Galen smiled and thought that a good idea. I suggested a small step ladder... he got it and laughed. "Will do, M'Lady."

I followed with helmets for little ones too. He said he had a selection coming from Salisbury, "They should be here tomorrow with other items... I will call and add a few more children's sizes. And tack."

I thanked him.

Laith and two others saddled.

Penny and Gaby to ride with me. Northeast to two large fields surrounded by trees bordering the River Avon to the east. One could become a football pitch or for other sports. It only wanted mowing.

We doubled back beside the water to our bridge over the Avon.

We crossed over the ancient stone bridge... it was like going into the back of C.S. Lewis' closet. Nothing remotely modern in view.

Grassy areas with trees around, planted fields to the east. About two hundred acres being farmed on a lease from the estate. The fields bordered by hedges with grassy lanes in-between.

Something to break the spell...

A man came towards us in an open top Land Rover, it is old with some repair spots and obviously altered by someone locally. The vehicle driver stopped when he came close... he had a look at us... on his feet... a bow.

"Your Ladyship, it's nice to see you."

He was Calcott... Will.

I said good afternoon. I asked what the crops were the field to our left... I didn't recognize the leafy green plants.


"I didn't know you could grow them here. Are they a good crop?"

"M'Lady, they aren't always happy in England but we get enough sun to make it work. The yield is a good cash crop and the plants return nitrogen to the soil. Far more than any other comparable plant."

His hand motioning, "These two fields this year the other two next year are the ones we lease. We do it on our own fields too. They pay nicely and help the soil."

We shook hands, I thanked him for the information.

He asked... I said we'd be here for another day and around at irregular intervals during the year. He tipped his Tattersall cap.

I waved as we trotted southeast. More open fields bordered by a mix of deciduous trees. Sheep populating both of these... what we could see... they were all Blackface. Something to ask Rowley the estate farm manager. Two dogs keeping watch. Laying down... looking like Malinois.

I'd ride on the western side of the estate tomorrow to see the rest of the land. Rowley is to meet me at his office in the morning.

At the river a turn to follow it northward. Several more fields of grass, some had been harvested into bales.

The day was going so I headed us back to our bridge and over. A good gallop. Laith was a big strong fellow, he felt good to be up on. He was eager to run.

We went around the eastern pond to the stables.

Ginny home from school in her uniform smiling at the stables.

"Oh... M'Lady... your clothes are terrific."

A hug once I was down.

Galen with a big smile and Al took our horses.

Ginny obviously happy! School was good, nice teachers and the kids had been welcoming. Her living here was a bit of a sensation as the people of Amesbury were quietly thrilled we owned the estate... a celebrity couple and a countess.

A mental note to ask Augusto about gawkers.

"Ma'am, things are good. Several children in the village go to the same school so we have worked out some ride-sharing... some do sport which might be a bother."

I said I hoped she enjoyed the school.

The room re-arrangement above the stables almost done. Ginny said she'd have nice big bedroom, the sitting room was big with an alcove for a desk. Her dad's bedroom was a good size too. The bathroom they hadn't expected... she and her dad were very pleased it was included.

Another hug.

I went by the Carriage House to see Augusto... I got to see the control room. Camera views on the screens. The sensor map was quiet.

No problems as yet with gawkers stopping by because we owned the estate. They would find it hard to park, the public road had narrow verges in shadows so often muddy. We do have signs on the edges of all the property beside the road.

Because we own the property on both sides of the road for over a mile it was in our security zone... Augusto and his folks monitored it so folks stopping would be seen.

Signs on the road said it was part of the Twin Ponds Estate... `Please Do Not Stop.'

I thanked him.

The terrace occupied. Cho on a lounge with Charlie in the sun looking at something on an iPad. Chani on another with Delphine a big book from the library on birds of Southern England. Kudos to Stanislaus and Monsieur Verlaine!!

Jaidee lying in between the lounges. Tha sunning herself, eyes closed, hands resting on her tummy, a soft smile.

Kisses spread around!

I changed and parked in the library to do some work before guests and drinks. Gil and Chelle had done a walking tour around... the ponds and the close-in areas. Then a dip in the pool which was a chilly. They did a lot of `rubbing' to get warm.

Laughter at my raised eyebrows and `Did it involve towels?' Much laughter.

Cho texted... Gerald and Antonio were making plans with an interior design person to open up the new space. Did we have anything we wanted done?

I replied... <<yes a bigger owner's table!>> it ended in a LOL emoji.

Cho's response <> Emojis.

The Matthews were good guests, lively and fun. Drinks then dinner.

Webb had an encounter with a bee who didn't sting him but made it plain Webb needed to move from where he was. So he did. His sister Mary said Webb was `bee'sy body' looking in the flowers which is why it happened. Laughter.

Wyatt and I talked churches, he was amazed listening to what we were doing in southern Oxfordshire... not just for Church of England parishes.

"Sounds like the various Bishops approve."

"Yes, the Bishop of Oxford also likes our shortbread which is really from Scotland made by my aunt."

He laughed, "Our bishop is partial to Constance's ginger nut cookies."

Constance's head came around hearing her name... laughing she said he does manage to eat quite a few.' She usually sends him off with a takeaway box.'

They had lived in Yorkshire before here, Wigginton. It turned out the Matthews knew Hélène. She had worked with Wyatt on committees for fund raising... the hospital, playgrounds, nature walk, animal welfare, etc...

He was amazed we'd know her but he did say the Haxby's were known for being quite well off and also generous.

Smiling I said, "Hélène is a very funny lady, we get on. We don't see enough of her. She and Cho have know each other for decades. She's on the Board of Directors of the 21st Century Fox Corporation which owns Fox TV in America and Sky UK here."

He understood, she was considered a good businesswoman which is why she was often asked to be part of money raising events.

"She has a common-sense approach to doing local events," Wyatt liked her.

Kendra did a very nice poached fish, good grilled veggies with grated Romano to sprinkle over them and roasted thyme and Rosemary new potatoes. Fresh rolls and locally made butter!!

Cho had spent a bit of time in the cellar... a very nice white Burgundy was the result. The cellar was another reason Carter2 had been here several times beyond hiring staff... building up the wine.

Wyatt thanked Cho... he enjoyed the wine.

There was cake and ice cream! The younger set was IN for that! I enjoyed mine!

Afters was split between the drawing room and the terrace... we went back and forth through the big windows... the twins had Jaidee on the lawn with Mary. The tennis ball flying... so was Jaidee.

A decided chill settled in as the sun disappeared so indoors for everybody.

Constance sitting on a settee opposite me.

"M'Lady, the house seems quite comfortable despite its size."

"Constance, informally I am Fay. We like it... big... yes... we will only use a small part for us, our R&R guests will use the rest."

A smile, a thank you, "We had only been inside a few times before. The previous owners weren't socialisers. We didn't get much of chance to interact... they lived here full-time... you never saw them in the village or at church."

"What did they do?"

"We don't know... I don't remember seeing them ride... there were horses... we could see them moving about."

"We have no information about them... we wanted the estate not them."

We laughed.

Tha got out a puzzle from the big pile sent from the makers in London. She showed me the picture... the beach at Phuket. Lots of sunny sky, blue water, the rocky end and sand. It could be tough... the pieces getting smaller!

I liked the boxes, they had a high resolution picture of the puzzle and the size of the pieces on the box top.

The Twins had it on the parquet by the fireplace... busy putting pieces in with Mary joining them.

Constance shaking her head piece after piece was laid down.

I motioned towards them, "They have excellent visualisation skills... if they see something it stays in memory."

Gil had her iPad, I prompted her to pull up the drawings. A lot more head shaking from Constance. She motioned to Wyatt... he looked... his eyes coming up wide.

I suppose the word `astonishing' have been said often?"

I said he was right.

We watched the three children working the puzzle.

In the space of time of our watching more than fifty percent had been done... it was going to be finished shortly. The Twins really had an eye for shapes and colours.

Mary had pieces she placed them... the Twins were faster... they did a scan of the puzzle then reached for more parts... sticking them in quickly. The rocks done... the water filling in... the sand wrapping around the blue water... the sky done!

Mary poked in a piece.. Chani followed up with two alongside... Charlie leaned in with several pieces... Mary did another... Chani added more on one side, her brother on the other poked in several pieces... almost completed.

Mary ended up with the last one... In! They cheered!

White chocolate pieces as a reward. Smiles!

I sat on a settee Mary sat beside me.

"Ma'am, that was fun! They talk like all my friends... better words than me even."

I smiled, "They have a big vocabulary, we encourage them to use it."

Constance sat across from us as Chani came up into my lap. Chani was getting big for my slender legs. She sat quietly.

Webb came in... he'd been in the Library... two libraries! We said more books were coming. Cho told them all they could borrow books... just fill-in the log. Webb especially thanked us.

We talked about the area, the village, who would be coming to the house.

There was some incredulity on what we were doing for our employees.

"We have bought a lot newspapers recently, three companies... we now have over twelve hundred newspapers. Those companies added about seventy thousand employees.

To get those businesses going ahead... making money... we demand a lot from the people... in return we pay well and offer good benefits... like the R&R places.

The newspaper business works for us because we don't need to have huge profits... we own all those companies outright."

"So you bought the newspapers... but why? With TV being so prevalent?"

"First, we think good citizens are informed citizens. The information needs to be accurate, unbiased, thorough and timely. Second, despite it all we also believe people like to read rather than have the news thrown at them. A point we always make is reading is far and away better for learning and retaining information.

The local newspapers allow advertisers to interact with readers.

Another reason... we create jobs... good paid employment for a variety of people to display their talents for writing or research or interviewing plus photographers.

In New York City there was an old established newspaper close to failing... its hard-times damaging the company. It was owned by a big corporation in a distant city. We bought that newspaper from the corporation which seemed quite glad to do the deal.

We invested in it... the business and the people. Today the New York Daily News is the largest selling newspaper in the world's most iconic city! AND it is now making money!"

As a fillip, "The corporation that sold us the Daily News... we now own it!"

Constance, head shaking, "You and Cho seem almost other worldly to us who have spent our lives in the towns and villages of England.

I think the Queen has been very smart... she recognized your differences from others. No wonder she made you a countess."

"Cho and I are very grateful... it meant our efforts were bearing fruit. It's always quite nice to be rewarded for doing what you'd do anyway."

Constance laughed.

Mary said she'd seen a picture of Cho and I all dressed-up for something at the White House.

"You looked like a princess..."

I thanked her for that characterisation. When I asked... "The dress was blue."

"It was a dinner for the French President, Monsieur Macron."

Mary asked what the pink ribbon Cho wearing was for.

"That is the ribbon and star of the Order of the British Empire... he became Sir Cho when Her Majesty knighted him."

Mary smiling, "You both looked wonderful."

I thanked her again.

Delphine and Tha came in... bed time for the babies. Kisses and hugs. I said we'd be up shortly.

Goodnights from them. They waved from the doorway.

Constance said they should go. Cho and I thanked them for coming. Cheek kiss for Mary and Constance, a good handshake for Wyatt and Webb. We walked them to the front. Waves.

Up to the nursery... Chani and Charlie in bed... we got in kisses and goodnights.

In our suite, on my side looking into dark pools with gold flecks... a very nice smile after a few kisses. I was rolled over... a warm Cho on my back... strong brown arms around me. Sleep.

Tara and Ken with me riding over the road to the estate grounds-keeping buildings. Rowley came out of the office surprised.

"M'Lady, we said morning but I had no idea..."

Laughing, "This is my normal start to the day."

I slid down introducing my companions which brought big eyes.

"So you work for the same company that does security here?"

Tara, "Yes, we are in the Personal Protection Division. The others in a different department."

I said Augusto's folks are from the largest unit of the Security Service.

Rowley looking like something needed to be said... I prompted him.

"Your Ladyship, I can't presume... do you and Sir Cho have plans to make changes here?"

I smiled, "No! We are pleased with what is happening. The property looks wonderful... we like how the grounds are laid out.

We of course have questions... The land Calcott leases... how long are the leases? And What do you think of his use of the land?"

"The current leases are for two plots with a four year term. He's two years into those. He is a good farmer, he seems to always have high yields... never an issue about the money by the way. He works hard and is well thought of locally as a man of sense... and as a very good farmer."

"Funny... I found him quite interested in selling me peanuts."

Rowley laughed, "He does have a thing about that. Most people are surprised about it but he seems to be able to coax the plants to grow to get a good crop."

Rowley's shaking head, "He isn't fond of chemical fertilizers... the peanuts and night-soil are what he prefers."

"Night-soil? He does treat it somehow?"

"Yes. Amazingly he has a sophisticated system he built with his sons. You should ask him... I'm surprised he didn't mentioned it."

A laugh, "He ordinarily isn't shy about it. Perhaps, M'Lady, he thought it inappropriate a subject upon first meeting you."


I asked Rowley, "Sheep? All Blackface?"

"Yes, M'Lady. They are localised... acclimatised to our area. A happy group which is easy to manage. We move them around often. The dogs are excellent... real workers and steady!

I said `Malinois?'

"Yes! They are quite talented at herding, protective and they are a larger than than say a Border Collie. Their size can intimidate other animals and humans... And they are quite fast... moving across the grass like the wind. They are less restless than a collie."

He added they are well trained and responsive.

"The sheep provide excellent wool, a good source of revenue. We keep some which my wife and several other wives spin into yarn and knit us jumpers."

He turned around... hands lightly on his hips, a big grin, "What do you think?"

A blonde cable-knit roll collar jumper... good for chilly mornings.

Laughing I said I liked the jumper and suggested he not become a male model.

LOUD laughter and he had no desire to change professions.

Another of my questions prompted...

"Oh... the Stonehenge World Cultural site thing isn't a problem for us... unless you want to build a collection of homes here."

My head shaking.

"It doesn't come into play. The people from the National Trust and assorted universities have dug some holes over the years. They stay around for a limited period of time, take away the bits they find, close up the hole. No permanent markers rather they use a satellite GPS link to mark the spot these days."

"Good. NO worries about a collection of houses from us! That isn't our style. I might want more carrots grown for the horses but no other changes.

So how many acres on this side?"

"Nine hundred and fifty... all under cultivation except our work space." His hands motioning around us.

I thanked him, "You will see many different folks wandering around... our guests from some far off places where we have businesses. You yourself and family could go to Bangkok or Los Angeles under the R&R scheme that will bring them here."

"My Rose and I looked at the webpage... shocked by what was available... we're sort of `empty-nesters' a name I don't care for... the thought of hopping a plane to California is rather amazing."

"Do it. Beware there is a LOT of LIGHT in California."

He laughed, "M'Lady, I would like to see a bit of the world... I'll put Rose on planning. I've some time coming to me."

I shook his hand, "Good! Go! Enjoy!"

I added he could go to Stonehenge for free with his employee identity badge. See the displays in the centre. `Please pass it on.'

A thumbs up.

I waved goodbye as we turned out of the gate. We went south towards the village of `Pond.'

It was about the same size as Millsford. Our property abutted the village. A goodly number of our workers lived here.

We walked beside the road to the village green... saying hellos to some folks out and about. The publican at the "River Bend' pub came out to say hello. I shook hands.

A short double back to a bridge we own over the Avon in the rear of the village.

Back on our land we went around the sheep to get to a farm road that ran very straight... we followed it. Trees to the north... we could see a house. A good trot.

In the farmyard a woman came out. She pushed her hair back and swept her hands across her apron.

A curtsey. "Your Ladyship, welcome."

Smiling I thanked her for the welcome. I hoped I wasn't disturbing her.

"No, M'Lady, chopping some fruit for preserving."

"I spoke to your husband yesterday..." she was nodding, "I wanted to see how he treats the night-soil to make fertilizer."

"He's over there now with William, our oldest. You just walk through between those two barns and around to your right."

I thanked her.

Beyond the barns I saw Calcott with a younger man coming out of a building, a wood frame building with several large metal additions... silos.

Calcott saw me, "Your Ladyship, welcome."

He introduced, William, his oldest son.

I leaned down to shake William's hand.

I asked if he would tell me about his night-soil fertilizer process.

"M'Lady I wouldn't want to bore you..."

"No I'm serious. My husband and I aren't fans of chemical fertilizers on our properties."

"I will of course Ma'am. How about some tea?"

I said I'd like that.

We sat at a table in their garden, I did introductions for Tara and Ken.

Calcott had raised eyebrows, "M'Lady, around here?"

"It isn't the place but our life in general. Besides would you like to tell rough-tough looking folks like these two they weren't wanted?"

He stared then got it and laughed quite loudly. Tara and Ken too.

"M'Lady, amazing."

William shaking his head.

His wife Lotte smiling with a tea tray.

I got he hated the chemicals... "I know they say all sorts of things about safety and such but I don't trust them. Not that I'm some sort of Luddite... I wanted a different way. Also those things are not cheap!"

"We have over four thousand acres at Harcourt House in Oxfordshire under cultivation plus large gardens. In the gardens of all our houses we do not permit chemical fertilizers because of our children..."

He was nodding vigorously.

"I want to know if we could move your direction. At Harcourt House we usually have about forty horses who make considerable contributions..."


"Our gardeners already use the waste mixed with hay and grass. The main house is connected to a sewer system but we have many buildings that have septic tanks which we... " looking a question to Calcott, "... we could alter to collect it separately?"

"Yes, We did that here. We mix the night-soil with our goats and cows waste into our mulch, grass and hay... we put in enzymes, natural ones we get from a Southampton company, let it 'rot' so to speak. In the silo the temperature of the mass will exceed 72c, we leave it sit for thirty days. The temperature kills the harmful bacteria.

We send samples to a Department of Health lab in Salisbury... every test shows there are no harmful pathogens or other things like those heavy metals. Not once have we been off."

I showed Calcott how to fist bump which causes Lotte and William considerable merriment.

"We are using our mixture on Lotte's blooms and veggies and on fields of our vegetables and peanuts."

His hands up, "Not on the land we lease from you."

"Please if you have enough use it on our fields."

He nodded.

William nudged his father saying `government...'

"Oh yes. The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has had people out here. They have had a good look and talked to the Department of Health people in Salisbury. They are satisfied, signing off so to speak telling us to go ahead.

Also some people from the EU Fertilizing Products Regulation Department came by after the London folks spoke to them. We aren't directly exporting anything. They looked at everything we have including the paperwork and design... we are good with them too. In fact they may be back for another look."

I leaned back sipping my tea...

"We would like to try this at Harcourt House. Do you have patents applied for?"

He didn't.

"We could have an attorney come down to talk with you about that. What you have is something you've created so you should protect yourself from it being copied. You have intellectual as well as physical portions which could be patented."

Calcott stared at me, "M'Lady, I've never been called intellectual before."

We all laughed, Lotte leaned over to kiss his cheek.

"I do understand what you mean. As for your using at your house... well just go ahead."

"That is what I mean... we will pay you for the process details so we can. Others should do the same.

Here's another thing for you to consider... making the process more widely available... after patenting it... you could earn from each sale. Admittedly the number of buyers won't be in the millions."


"My husband and I would help you do that."

"M'Lady, my head is spinning."

"Okay... we make a start by getting the lawyers here, you talk with them. They'll advise you on the patent business... get that done... first step."

I needed to get on so I told him my assistant Gil will be in touch.

We shook hands... Calcott was happy. Lotte smiling holding his arm. A fist bump for William, a big grin.

I asked Laith for speed down the straight dirt road... nearly a mile. Through some tree lines to our stone bridge. At the stables Al took Laith... I told Al they'd had a good run and some walking after. He nodded.

Breakfast was well advanced. I got a plate and coffee. Cho looking at me...

"You are up to something... I feel it."

Grinning with a mouthful of toast.

He got my mornings doings.

"Fertilizer? Not a word I would associate with you. That fascinating?"

"Oh yes! It's a great idea."

A thought, "Maybe we could consider buying it, giving Calcott a flat price and a piece of the company we build. Selling it around the world? Buy the enzyme company too so we have that part locked in."

Cho was having a hard time with this... or wanted to give me one... the latter more likely.

"So we call the company `Turds-To-Go?"

He got my tongue stuck out at him... laughter from the Twins.

Strong arms around me, a kiss on my neck.

"You are amazing at finding new ways to make money... I never doubt you."

I demanded a proper kiss... which I got.

More food!

We were visiting a newspaper! A cool day... black pleated trousers to my ankles, black ankle boots, a white long sleeved silk shirt and the red Bolero jacket. It had the black velvet collar and red satin lapels. I wore it in Berlin first.

Gold jewellery, my `Joy' man did his thing.

He was in a black suit white shirt, no tie... warm brown neck... Yummy!

Chani in black jeans, white Polo shirt and red long-sleeved jumper, black socks, black Mary Janes.

Charlie like his Popa... except for the red socks.

We drove down to Salisbury, only twenty minutes. We looked at the countryside... a stop at Old Sarum on the way home... me pointing to the signs... nodding heads and Okay's.

Gil grinning she knew!

In the city we worked our way to the centre... Sarum College opposite the Salisbury Cathedral. A real beauty of a church! I told the Twins we'd be back to go in there... it was over seven hundred and fifty years old.

Clapping from the car seat crowd!!

We parked in front of the College Close. The Salisbury Journal dated from the first half of the Eighteenth Century. It is a NewsQuest paper. They knew we were coming.

This is a temporary location, new digs were coming at some point in a commercial area a bit north of here.

At the doors PJ opened them and scanned the space. The receptionist got a look... she was cool. Smiling she made a quick call then stood up...

"Welcome Your Ladyship... Sir Cho!"

We thanked her. A fellow pulling on his jacket appeared. He was the publisher and editor. We shook hands. Cho did the introductions and we moved into the newsroom. It wasn't big.

We shook hands all around... we gathered them close.

I thanked them for their hard work to maintain the newspaper's circulation. All my other usual thank yous. I was repeating this often lately.

I told them the move to bigger quarters would be happening... there is some delay.

One of Reginé's teams was going to come here in a week so they could have the advantage of their skills to raise the newspapers visibility and increase... we hope... the adverting and newspaper copies sold.

In the Publisher's office, he was glad we visited. He learned that we owned the Twin Ponds estate... news for him. I said it had been recently listed on the R&R website.

We let him know of the office move delay... the spot we wanted was no longer on the market so a new search for an appropriate sized space would commence.

He'd talked with Julian, it was a good talk. He was greatly encouraged by what Julian had to say about where NewsQuest was going.

"M'Lady, it was an upbeat conversation... much different from the others with London."

Smiles from us, "Julian is indeed unlike his predecessor."

We didn't stay long not wanting to badly disrupt their day.

We thanked them all once again before leaving.

In the cars we turned off the Amesbury Road to up to Old Sarum. The other day in preparation Gil had gone to the English Heritage webpage and purchased lifetime passes for our family, she and Chelle as a couple, and lifetime passes for our Protectors. So we all can go into any English Heritage location showing our passes.

The car park was inside the old city outer wall and moat where the people of Old Sarum had dwellings, shops and businesses. The cathedral and cloisters were in this outer area.

We walked uphill to where the castle and keep had been.

I did my historian thing for everyone.

Old Sarum was trading centre, based on two main roads and the River Avon down the hill, from before recorded history. Various groups had used the obviously valuable hill as a fortress of some kind. The Normans did a motte and bailey castle then built it up to a much more important centre with a stone walls all `round and a cathedral.

It was a strong and powerful castle and city for hundreds of years. Then there began what could be called a pissing match' between the bishop and the local lay leaders. The church leaders complained constantly... about the local business people, the wind, the soldiers, the mud, the unruly townies' but most about limits placed on the church by the various civil leaders like the local sheriff and town's leading people. The locals complained about the high handed church people and their rules.

The church monks and priests finally moved out to build a new home in what is now called Salisbury and its big beautiful cathedral was begun 1220.

Old Sarum declined after the clerics moved away eventually the city was abandoned. Edward the Second had the castle pulled down.

Charlie asked why pull down a castle?

"Kings worried about people possibly coming along to take their lands... leaving an empty castle for them to use... well it wasn't done."

Smiles from the Twins, they did fist bumps with each other.

The city was empty but until the Reform Bill of 1832 it was famous as the rottenest of all the `rotten boroughs' electing eleven MP's to Parliament with no residents just a few absentee landowners who had the right to vote!!

It was on the register of historically important sites since the 1880's. Some archaeological digging has been done but not enough considering how long it had been inhabited and how much would be below the surface. Not just the Normans but thousand years before!

"Okay lesson over."

There was some clapping which I acknowledged with a bow.

Four ladies who had come up also clapped. I thanked then.

"You don't work here do you?' from one the middle aged ladies sounding very American.

Smiling I said `No I just know a bit.'

"Well you ought to work here."

Smiling, "I'm kept quite busy with my own things."

We looked around at what was left on the castle hill then down to walk over to look at the remnants of the cathedral.

A school group going towards the exit... we were getting looks... several young teen girls came over...

Tara looked to me I nodded... she let them pass.

"Pardon us... Your Ladyship...??? You're Lady Harcourt??"

I said I was.

"M'Lady, you are so cool. You wear the best clothes."

I thanked them... pointing at older fellow waving at them.

They smiled and thanked me for talking to them... they ran off waving over their shoulders. I waved back.

Chani had my hand, "Mama, you are cool."

I laughed leaning down to kiss her cheek with a thank you for her.

One of the middle aged ladies was staring now... she huddled with the others. They seemed to have come to a conclusion.

We kept moving... I pulled out my sunglasses from an inside pocket. Behind them I could ignore gestures.

I guess they got it... none approaching.

We walked back to the cars. The Twins holding hands swinging their arms... Cho's hand in mine... smiling at each other.

A late lunch... schooling for Charlie and Chani. Some work for me and Cho then to Stonehenge with the Twins.

We walked over on the route I'd done on Laith. It was an easy walk... we carried the Twins at several points so we didn't wear out small legs. They giggled as we passed through the tunnel under the A303.

They asked about the tumuli... they got people of different ancient periods sometimes buried their dead under those mounds. I told them this entire area was a grassy and wooded plain prehistoric man had lived for maybe thousands of years before anyone could write a account of their time.

All we had were spots like those tumuli, Stonehenge and the many other sites where they lived to figure out how they lived, what they did.

On the grassy Stonehenge circular walk around we gathered on the east side... our Protectors forming a semi-circle behind us... we were on the edge of the allowed space.

I had Charlie's hand in mine, Cho and Chani... Chani asked why it wasn't fixed? When I told them about Stonehenge I said we of today shouldn't disturb the workings of time to make things pretty... rather maintain it so it doesn't get worse.

I got a nod.

Charlie asked `What about old houses that are fixed?'

"People can still live there so they should be fixed... those are not ancient places where people do not live."

He smiled up at me... fist bump. Chani stuck out her fist... bumps all around. Popa too!

There wasn't a big crowd so we stood out... we moved as a group to circumnavigate the site. On the west path that went close... in the afternoon light the Twins could see colour differences in the stones. I did some more tour guide things from my fly-paper brain once again.

The two separate sources for the stones and maybes on how they were brought here was laid out. The babies listening carefully.

Cho grinning.

We turned right at the end of the path to go home... As we walked I said we would take them to Ireland to see Newgrange which was much different and older. They wanted to go now.

Cho lifting Chani up, "That is for another day when we can plan it... Okay?"

Both babies said `Yes!'

We had cookies and hot chocolate at the house. The molasses and walnut cookie recipe had been shared... noted as a Twins favourite. We had plenty... big thanks to Kendra and her people.

We were ready to go back to Oxfordshire. We did goodbyes to the staff. They would start to get R&R guests in three days. They were prepared, looking forward to meeting new folks from all over.

I was chuffed... Andi had emailed they had twenty people going to Twin Ponds in the very first groups!! I guess my thought it would appeal was right!

A quiet `Congrats' from my guy when we read it!

Kellen and Min landed, we loaded, they took us home.

On the gravelled Forecourt Carter, Carter2, and Audra were there. A big welcome! Hugs and fist bumps spread around by the Twins!

The Twins went with Jaidee to the Garden to play. Cho in the Office, me on his lap. We watched the babies romping around... they were so cute. Jaidee loving the ball tosses and hugs he got. Tha and Delphine keeping track... then they all were out of sight.

I said one word... `swing.' Cho laughed nodding.

We talked on some of our things. One of the biggies we had made some decisions for but we didn't have much involvement directly... the golf tournament! We'd be going there in a few days.

We had both sat at Fox TV in Mid-Town Manhattan several times to do some video promotion pieces over the last five or six months. Just short spots to be used on the webpage and twitter. One longer one for Fox TV to run as part of an advertisement.

We hope it helped... ticket sales were very strong! Tom, Dave, Cummings and a host of top rank pros were coming. They gave us gravitas!

It was a sanctioned PGA event which was great for promotion and a big name draw. Also the Hedges Golf Club had a history of a September golf tournament so we could do a bit of piggy-backing.

Jian and Tini were there working with the PGA and Hedges Club people. Their emails said they were happy with everything. The Hedges folks knew their business very well, the PGA easy to work with on all their bits. The TV coverage was being done by Fox Sports as part of their broadcast deal with the PGA.

Jian said she had fun with some of the Fox people, she kidded Nash and Colby, the Fox Sports on-air people, that Tom wasn't coming.

"Oh Fay you should have seen their faces... droop... they laughed with me when I told I was funning them. Elinor came at the end... she looked at her colleagues... like `you guys fell for that' and laughed."

Cho and I on speakerphone, laughing I told her to behave. Her laughing at that, "Fay I was trying break the tension... they seemed so serious. Elinor said she'd help lighten their mood. I get they don't want anything to go wrong. This is the first time Nash has been the lead person so he's a bit nervous."

We'd see her in a few days. She and Tini are staying at a home eighty yards from the main gate of the golf club. One of the members of their Board of Directors was putting her and Tini up so they wouldn't have the commute.

We would go each day from Minetta Street to take part in events. A helicopter landing grid was setup on an bit of land the club owned they were developing into a temporary hole to replace one with drainage trouble they wanted to close to fix.

The Twins will split their time coming with us on the first day after that who knows. A big city to play in!

Min dropped me on the Wandsworth grid in the morning. Gaby grinning across from me in the AW139... she and Roland had been only a couple of lengths behind Pamela and me this morning. She was jazzed.

I stepped from the car opposite the Peers Entrance, we walked over on the pedestrian lane. In the Royal Gallery Mac, Alfred, Cecil and Alexander together. I joined them after a hello for Terrance and Susanne.

She squeezed my hand, "I saw your outfit at Ascot... I loved it. I think get one like it for me."

I said I'd send her the name of the folks who made it. A thumbs up!

Mac and the guys glad to see me. Cecil asked what brought me in early today. I had a scientific committee meeting then back for the afternoon session.

Hands shaken, I waved going out the door to a right turn in the passage. Gaby and Kara and Gil with me. Down the halls, up a floor then further back. I found the room.

At the door Gil showed me her iPhone... text from Anna W... Nick's interview getting raves from other press sources. Good! Pauline did a fine job! It can only help Nick be the leader the republicans need to restore their credibility.

Gil grinning, "You building up the republicans?"

I laughed, "No, just Nick... but if it helps them then I'm good with it because it will be what Nick believes in."

Inside the committee room the chairman was Bryant, the Eighteenth Earl Adforth. A big smile!

"Fay, I'm glad you are here. I hope you can contribute... we as a group have a limited knowledge of computer things especially AI... the staff has had an uphill climb to educate us."

I squeezed his hand laughing, "I'm not an expert. I do have a bit of knowledge stored." I tapped my head.

"Good! Anything will be an aid for us."

We found our seats, I shook quite a few hands in the process of doing that... many names I won't remember. I'll see them all again... this is a Lords committee.

We had a lightly technical briefing on car and truck use of AI for driverless vehicles. The person doing the briefing making an attempt to stay within what he believed was the limits of technology toleration by the committee members.

When he was done I saw Bryant giving me the `eye.'

Okay. I asked the fellow if these system can really learn' as he described. What did he mean by learn'? He unfortunately tried to `generalize' me with his answer... he had no experience with me.

"What happens to that `learning' when parameters change? I think you need to be clearer that most systems when they perform a task have probably had hundreds of hours of human preparation. Any changes to the task create the likelihood of failure... Yes?"

He reluctantly agreed to that with a caveat that some systems can adjust depending on their programmers.

"Wouldn't you describe such AI systems that cannot change as brittle?"

"Yes M'Lady."

I asked what percent of AI system could described as `brittle?'

A slight smile, "More than ninety percent I believe."

There was noise in the room hearing that number.

"Do you personally want to ride in a driverless vehicle?"

My hand up, "On ordinary city streets such as downtown London."

"I know they cannot deal with all the possibilities of the ordinary roads. So no, M'Lady."

Smiling I asked, "In fact it is likely that in twenty years we may driving electric cars but still doing all the steering ourselves?"

"M'Lady there are no systems available now or even suggested that actually do the job properly because road conditions can change so quickly... not just what other drivers do but the physical conditions."

Smiling inside, "How do driverless vehicles do in the rain? Sleet? Snow?

He smiled, "M'Lady, they are miserable in wet weather. Their sensors generally don't see as well as humans... rain splattering, snow sticking... They can not be trusted."

More noise from the members... it did sounded restive.

I let him off my hook... thanking him for his information.

I asked Bryant if I could say a few words to the committee. A smile, "Yes please Lady Harcourt."

I stood up... "I will forward to each of you by email a short essay written several years ago by one of the pre-eminent researchers in the AI field. His name is Rodney Brooks, a former director of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT. It is entitled the Seven Deadly Sins of AI Predictions.

One point I want to I impress upon you is that the people working in AI, with some few exceptions such as Mr. Brooks, have a tendency to over-promise and under-deliver. They don't want you to remember they program AI systems so every human failing they possess has to be taken into account... including racism, misogyny, homophobia, ageism all of which affect their programming and the outcomes of their research.

An instance of such personal failings entering to programming... facial recognition software which has an eighty five percent or higher failure rate for men and women who are not white. Even white women are disproportionately affected.

Their over-promising for AI technology is an institutional failing that cannot be overcome. Such AI `experts' are zealots and as such are not be taken at face value.

Now I would like to see some of what they are selling come to pass but I simply don't trust their predictions."

Bryant thanked me when I finished, "So you advise caution on predictions. That's a good starting point. Their biases coming is definitely unfortunate... why do you think?"

"The primary reason is the programmers are white men, generally younger with a narrowed outlook and very little real life experiences. As I said it is institutional as they hire like minded people to staff their companies."

A lot of head shaking in the room. Bryant again thanked me as I sat.

There was some other bits and reports then before we ended a member asked if I had a real world example of a system failure.

Smiling, "A direct example about driverless cars?" He nodded. "Okay. Assume four such cars approached an American roadway four way stop. At such an intersection the drivers are to yield to their right if they have reached the stop signs more or simultaneously. At such a stop the driverless systems now have to decide who goes ahead?

Again assume one has the `brains' to decide... goes and the one to his right does too... the on-board collision avoidance devices order the cars to stop. If they have advanced into the intersection the collision avoidance devices on all the other cars will force them to stop if they move ahead.


I wasn't surprised by their laughter.

"I will add the act of backing up' is a near total failure for all driver-less vehicles. Mostly because they cannot communicate with other cars or people so working out' an arrangement for going backward doesn't happen."

Bryant leading the way as I could see others thinking the same, "I guess our round-abouts would solve the issue?"

"Not entirely. If a car wanted to change lanes in the round-about to go around to their exit road and did so abruptly... the collision avoidance devices could force a car behind it to brake short more abruptly than a human likely causing a rear-end accident with a following car."

More smiles.

We broke up after that.

Several members came to thank me... a few questions I tried my best to answer.

Bryant and I together.

"Damn Fay, I knew you were mustard!"

We laughed and shook hands.

My folks waiting, Bryant remembered Gil. He said hello. I shook his hand after another thank you.

Down the stairs to the passage straight to the Peers doorway. The day staying sunny! We walked to Cowley House. It was a minor laugh to see an MP being surrounded by press on the edge of the old Palace Yard.

Gil looking with a grin, "Did he step in something?"

I shrugged happy to see the press on to someone besides me.

The afternoon session was mix of things including questions on the plans to commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day next year. Terrance rose to speak on this. He was eloquent in reminding the members of how much the landing meant to all the Allies and the peoples of the nazi conquered nations. A ray of hope in the long dark of occupation!!

Many `Hear Hears' led by me.

A Trade Bill was having its second reading.

On my way out I said to Terrance I liked what he said.

"My grandfather was at the Ministry of War by then... I'm sure he would have appreciated your words."

A hug for him.

I was ready for dinner when Min's AW139 deposited me on the Harcourt House landing grid.

Fist bumps for our staff... hugs and kisses for Cho, Chani and Charlie. Of course Jaidee!

After dinner Cho and I were asked to go out of the Great Room so Chani and Charlie could do something. Okay we went out to the Garden.

I grabbed a mac... autumn is here... evenings shorter and chilly. Arm-in-arm we strolled around all the Twins bits of playing equipment. The little house wasn't used now... too small and `tame' for our growing babies!

Cho squeezed my arm, "Let's get Phillips folks to move it to the Day Care."

A wonderful idea. Jocelyn will love it.

Cho said he'd ask the Twins tomorrow.

I wondered when the Rêve would go the same way... Cho's cute grin... "We'll let the babies decide that."

A kiss.

Fin came out to us... a big smile, "M'Lady... Sir Cho... a message from Lord Munro and Lady Chanthira you are invited back in."

We laughed. We thanked Fin, Cho patted his shoulder for the very `dignified' invite! He had an even bigger smile.

Inside the Twins were on a settee by the fireplace, holding hands, giggling.

"Mama... Popa, there are some new things in the room... you have to find them." They took turns saying that... very cute!

Cho's hand tightened in mine, smiles. I said I'd go to one side... Cho went to the other. I had the fireplace side... Near the passage to the Library... I found Chani's Thames Valley scene.

I turned around after a good look... I opened my arms... Our darling and talented daughter rushed to me... Scooped her up for a hug and kiss.

"Chani it is lovely. You really got it!"

Cho joined us. Chani was given more kisses. A gigantic smile as we congratulated her.

The watercolour was done as any good impressionist would have... each of the features were obvious but not sharply defined. The curving dark water, trees along the river bank, slopes of grass, the indistinct faraway hills and trees.

Our daughter can paint! Not just birds.

It was a landscape about twenty four inches by ten in a matt and frame. Ah... that was Ellie's part! The medium brown narrow frame fitted the colours of the piece with the pale beige matt.

It fit in the room very nicely! A very English scene!

Chani got a hug and kiss from Popa, she stayed in his arms as we returned to searching. I was going along the wall where the Christmas tree goes... AH HA!! In a space between landscape paintings above a table between several chairs... Two bird pictures!!

Charlie came running to us. I bent down to kiss him! He was smiling so broadly I might worried about his face splitting open. I lifted him up... ooof... He was getting heavy for this.

A very cute Black-Capped Chickadee, a male so the black head was there. Then the strong pointed beak speckled brown, white, orange and dark brown of a Northern Flicker. Two wonderful coloured pen drawings. No mistaking either bird.

Ellie had matted them and excellent frames surrounding each with well chosen colours. She has a very good eye!

We put the babies down... we stood looking holding hands. Then on the settees they were congratulated for their work. I said we are very happy you put them up.

"They show what good eyes you have for shapes and colours... " I looked to Cho, "... We are very proud of you both!!"

Hugs and kisses anew!

Two hot chocolates with tiny marshmallows!! They each got a small square of white chocolate. Jaidee got a soft chew thing.

Cho did a Remy Martel, for me an Amaretto.

We toasted the Twins.

Upstairs they were hugged in the beds... smiles, sleepy babies.

Outside the Nursery we thanked Tha and Delphine for helping them. Big smiles.

"Fay... they get so intent on their artwork... we leave them alone."

A hug for Tha then Delphine.

On the settee, a warm hand in mine. I raised it to my lips... warm against my cheek... I was very tenderly kissed.

Cho turned me slightly... pulling my back close to him... arms around. Quiet!

We lost track of time... Gil and Chelle came in from a night out in Oxford... they stirred us.

They had a good time dancing, a couple of new fun places.

Cho told them to go look at the Twins work. They were in front of Chani's landscape... Gil's head rotated slowly to us... eyes HUGE!!!

`Fay... Cho... this is out of this world. For a two year old it is from a different universe!!"

I pointed to Charlie's pair... they looked, Chelle leaned in close for a good look. They sat opposite us... Heads shaking!

Smiling, "You know the watercolour of river grasses by the Thames in my Dressing Room?"

They nodding together.

"It was done by Maeve as a twelve year old..."

Chelle's head going back and forth, "She is very good too! It's like there's something in the water or the air."

We laughed.

Gil said the landscape Chani did is easy to recognise. "The birds?"

Cho laughed, "Charlie saw them in Discovery Park on our day out there. He saw them for maybe twenty minutes all told. They aren't unique to Seattle but they are not around here."

I pointed out Chani hadn't sat out at the pool drawing... they `remembered' what they felt was important then drew it.

I squeezed Cho's arm, "It is just like the two child psychologists said last year... We should expect accelerated development because their memories were so powerful."

Fist bump!

After our usual morning things and lunch we loaded up for New York. Mira at the controls said we'd be in Newburgh at six o'clock local time. The sun will be westering so we can see the city at sunset as our helicopters made their approach to the Westside Heliport.

Around mid-day New York time I took the Twins into our cabin for a nap... we slid under the comforter... little heads on the pillow. We were asleep soon. My iPhone woke us up after ninety minutes. Cho beside me... he'd come quietly... not waking us.

Charlie sitting up smiling, "Mama that feels good."

Stretches and fist bumps for all!

Yobi had some cookies as a snack, milk for the Twins, coffee for me. Cho joined in on the cookies with a big grin. Gil and Chelle didn't resist our waving them over. Yobi had lots... the Protectors grinning as they chowed-down too.

We sat down with Chani and Charlie... would they be willing to part with their garden house? We would move it to the Day Care. They laughed... they were fine with it.

"Mama, we don't use it now."

Charlie, "Can we have a bigger slide?"

"We will get two slides... one with a hump..." They cheered as I made swooping up and down motion, "... one taller one. You have to follow the same rules for them as the swing... until you are older someone has to be there with you."

Their heads nodding in sync! They promised!

Gil sent an email to Phillips about the little house and the slides.

The light was fading on the ground but we had a marvellous view of the twilight city from five thousand feet!!

Terrance, Pell and Jesus waiting with the cars at the Heliport. The Twins did their usual greeting... fist bumps!

Roslyn and Mita had dinner ready shortly so we went to it!! Grilled skewers of shrimp, onion, red pepper, mushroom and eggplant all marinated in a teriyaki sauce, Fried rice with veggies and tofu! Very good stuff!

The Twins went down a bit early to be up earlier. Us big people sat on the terrace with a heater blowing warm waves towards us in the chilly night air. Gil and Chelle knew we'd be involved with the golf tournament but carrying our iPhones.

We were waiting on some information from Reg on the SolarToGo expansion. We had the money so it would be full speed ahead.

Cam and Rufus analysing their data back at the research offices near Paddington reported a seventy five percent efficiency rating, a small increase over their field readings.

After interviewing him they added Chad, Benni's son, to their solar cell team.

Cam said she dumped a pile of data on his desk for him to review so he'd get on board quickly. In two hours he was on to her with questions which showed Cam he indeed did get it! She immediately narrowed the scope of his review to the solar cells interfaces.

I replied to her... We were pleased.

Email from Sunny... they were all in Venice... going to run around Hollywood tomorrow. I replied they could go to 21st Century Fox for a tour if they wanted. I got Gil to send on Arabella's contact details. It was on the way to Hollywood in Century City.

Cho and I went up the block to see Ali and Francis. Hugs and kisses. Ali's tummy was huge! I asked if they were sure it only Wesley in there?

Ali said the doctor had made a thorough check... only Wesley.

They were good. Aylesha was going to keep a car outside around the clock starting in a couple of weeks so the trip to the hospital would be as fast as possible.

They were prepared.

We didn't stay long, Ali tired out quickly.

We did discuss a couple of things...

The Supreme Court's recent Section 230 ruling was still on hold... they told the Federal Courts not to accept any cases until the stay is lifted. That should chill some folks.

The websites know they are working on borrowed time. Fox News in a report on their status said they had vetting software ready but for now were not going to open comments. That set off a deluge of inquiries about it.

We had Public Relations at 21st Century Fox hold a press conference since the interest was so large. They put it out that a software company developed the vetting software for businesses controlled by Lady Harcourt and Sir Cho... We owned the the company... we would not sell it because it would cross our ethical boundaries.

When the press folk heard that they asked immediately why so? The PR people read a statement from us... we would not profit from the problems of others we helped cause.

Our PR people said to us the press crowd were nonplussed. When they recovered they wanted more... our PR folks said that was it. They were thanked for coming.

Cho smiling, "They are learning from us."

We all laughed

A longer morning walk was foregone I'd get exercise since I'd be on my feet all day long. Jaidee got his business done. Some of Nina's folks would take him out for walks during the day. To dog parks we suggested.

A warm and humid day... A white short-sleeved silk frock with a circle collar, a narrow waist with a gold belt, mid-thigh length wide soft pleats, no stockings, gold and white espadrilles for walking. Gold jewellery, the Cho band on my wrist. My `Joy' man on the job! Red lips and nails. Blue sunglasses!

Cho going in golf clothes, black trousers, a white Polo shirt with a light cotton steel gray suit jacket, black brogues. A kiss for him!

Charlie in black shorts and a red Polo shirt with a little black rider on his chest. Ralph! Red socks and black trainers.

Chani in a white dress to her calves, yellow socks and blue Mary Janes.

We loaded the AW139's at the Westside Heliport. Up and over the river on a north by northwest heading. In fifteen minutes we descended to a grassy area a short distance from the Hedges Golf Course clubhouse. Electric buggies ready.

On the club terrace... Jian! Ku! Hugs and kisses. Tini, cute petite lady with very dark eyes, our first meeting.

The club members who were managing the event, tour representatives from the PGA and several local town people all smiling. We shook hands thanking each for helping to put on this event.

We introduced the Twins when we could get them away from Auntie Jian... everybody laughing.

There was a simple opening ceremony for the TV audience... no speeches. Introductions for our family, Jian and Ku. The sponsors and club officials also. Some of the local dignitaries got to show their faces.

We set it all in motion.

The clubhouse manager approached, she said to Tha they had the room for the Twins to use. Tha thanked her. The Club lady led the way. Kisses for Chani and Charlie... we'd come and see them later.

We got a briefing about how things would start... A PGA guy said once it starts there is a certain chain effect... as each foursome tees off... the next steps up... like a snake slithering.

I thanked him for the graphic thought. Laughter.

I asked if was appropriate for us to greet each group at the first tee? They all said it was fine... just not too long a time so the rhythm was maintained.

The starting foursome would go off soon so we worked our way to the first tee. Cho smiling with my hand leading us. PJ and Rande in front, Tara and Ansara behind us. All the rest of our Protection Team was in the clubhouse... they would share the duty during the day. Gaby and Penny would share being with the Twins.

At the tee we shook hands with several PGA tournament people... we had a spot on the walkway to the tee. We shook hands and thanked the players as they arrived for their tee times.

There were thirty-two foursomes... Cho and I started to switch off.

Dave! We both shook his hand and his foursome, we wished them a good tournament. I leaned close to offer `Good Luck' to him. A big smile.

When Tom walked up I opened my arms. A big hug and cheek kiss for him. I shook the hands of his foursome. They were pleased to meet met us.

Cho and Tom did handshake and hug. We stood to the side as the Tom's group teed off. Tom went last. The hole was a fairly straight Cho said about four hundred and twenty yards.

I watched Tom do the stillness to cobra like striking of the ball... it soared down the fairway... there were OOOOHHH'S and Wow's in the crowd!!

Cho close as Tom `s foursome moved forward.

"His drive is over three hundred and sixty yards... he has a chip shot to the green. Quite a good start!"

More players coming up... Cho or I greeted them all.

At my elbow was Elinor... surprise! We hugged.

I was reminded she's on the Fox Sports coverage team.

"I saw Tom's tee shot! What a monster!"

"Cho said it was over three hundred and sixty yards..."

"If you didn't hear... Tom birded the hole, got a par on the second and birded the third. He's rolling!"

I was happy... Tom is a terrific fellow, a friend. It would be lovely to give him the winner's trophy on Sunday!!!

Cho came over, a handshake for Elinor.

"Go see how the Twins are doing I'll stay here."

Okay. A kiss for him.

Elinor walked with me... we did a detour to the Fox Sports broadcast booth. Elinor said they would like to have me speak a bit about the tournament and the foundation.

I shook hands with Nash and Colby, the men in the booth. I sat in a chair, they had a camera on me. We talked for almost ten minutes... the Chanthira Foundation's background, goals and efforts explained. The Why's and How's covered by me with minimal prompting.

They thanked me very nicely and went to a commercial break.

When we were out the men were VERY pleased I could speak off the cuff so well. Nash, the lead... "You were a smash. The live viewers got a thorough look at the Foundation in a way that would keep their attention. I think our folks in the city will reuse parts over the next few days... so you know."

I was happy with it and glad they thought I'd done well without going over the top.

Inside the clubhouse a nice woman led me to the room the Twins were using. I thanked her... a smile.

"Your Ladyship, we are all behind this tournament. Your people are terrific and your cause... light years ahead of that car company."

I shook her hand.

Charlie and Chani had watched some of the TV coverage.

"Mama, you were wonderful!"

Chani nodding, "Mama, what you said about Grandmother was really nice."

Hugs for the babies.

Gaby sitting in a big chair... I parked in another one.

"Fay, the Twins are right. You made Cho's mother stand out... almost like an ethereal presence guiding you."

I laughed, "I hope I didn't go overboard."

"No... you made her sound... real... inside you both."

I squeezed her hand... smiling.

Tha said the Twins had veggie burgers and chips for lunch. Lunch? What a thought!

I texted Cho... he was wandering... he'd find something at a vendor stall. Okay.

I went down to the restaurant, the woman greeter smiling, "Your Ladyship... a table?"

I was going to do a takeaway... turned to Tessa...'Had she eaten?' `No.'

"Yes please, a table for two."

We were seated by the big windows looking out towards the course. Hundreds of folks wandering in our view.

I got a omelette avec fine herbes, rye bread toast and coffee. Tessa went for a grilled cheese sandwich and a tossed salad.

She was grinning, "Chani rocked Joice's world!"

I laughed, "Seriously?"

"Yes! She couldn't believe a two year old had those thoughts. Gil showing Joice the blackbird... that tiny little bird is so well done... I know Chani fairly well and I still am amazed."

"Have you seen her Thames Valley landscape?"

A `No.'

"It's up in the Great Room near the passage to the Library... on the north wall above the two embroidered barrel-back chairs are Charlie's two new birds. Just as amazing."

I asked about Joice and Dantone.

Tessa with a smile, "She has smoothed out a few of his rough edges. He has gone to art galleries, exhibitions... seeing culture as never before. Less time having beers with the guys! That is just as well... when cops drink together it usually lasts too long and they speak on job things which is never good. Issues they have are reverberated and magnified. It makes the blue wall thicker but not better."

"Okay... you were deep into that culture... SWAT and all that... so one officer commits a crime... isn't it better for all to be rid of that person rather than closing ranks behind them?"

"Ah... in theory Yes! But cops have to depend on each other covering their backs on the street... when a cop turns in a fellow officer they are seen as untrustworthy."

"I've seen the stories of drug sales, murders... you name it done by cops... who are backed by their colleagues... murder is Okay with them?"

"No! But the blue wall is nearly impenetrable... It's that culture I wanted to leave behind. Pressure to write a report in a certain light to benefit the department... overlooking mistakes made which could cause injury or death... I couldn't do that."

I squeezed her hand, "I'm glad you are with us!"

A big smile and a `Me too!'

"I'm not prying... did you meet the Vogue lady?"

A brilliant smile, "Yes... we had dinner last night... a nice little French place on the west side of Sixth Avenue in the Village. I know the owners... from my NYPD past. I did our ordering in French which was a tip-off to Marlee... she's fluent, her mother is French...

Most of our talk was in French... She's thirty, a recent birthday. Her being totally unattached' was made clear! She likes going to clubs to dance... she hasn't been to the Big V' when I asked. I got the impression it being known as a place where `women' go... deterred her because of work. She was gob smacked to hear you go there and are a partner."

I laughed, "I don't think it has been mentioned to Anna."

"Well she was amazed. We had a good dinner, lots of talk... she got a goodnight kiss before I put her in a cab."

I was smiling...

"Yes we are going to meet again... just when hasn't been decided... I suggested Saturday night... it seems likely."

"I'll have PJ take you off Sunday duty if you want?"

"No that isn't necessary. Maybe in the future..." A big smile!

Tessa and Ken with me walking around the course... the crowds were big... every spectator meant money for the foundation... it was also important for them to share their experiences so we hoped they were enjoying the day with us. Their sharing the story of the foundation more widely which is worth so much!

The TV folks sending out the event on Fox Sports and all the news shows reporting on sport across the country. Our newspapers sports people cued in so they added coverage at each locality.

Having Tom, Dave, Cummings and the other important Pro's here making news got us more exposure.

We `snaked' our way between clumps of spectators. I got to see Dave hit a beautiful shot to a green... I was behind, well off to the side... it looked very close to the flag from where I was. The crowd loved it!

My identity pass had a colour that gave me and mine total access... no restrictions. So I wandered beyond the usual spectator areas.

I bumped into a man in one of those `areas'... he was the PGA official from the Quail Hollow tournament where Tom closed out the Grand Slam. He apologised. We shook hands.

"Your Ladyship... very nice to see you."

I said likewise.

"Tom is playing very well here. He's six under leading by three."

I thanked him for the update... I didn't say I'd seen a leaderboard.

I asked about the crowd. He said it seemed large to him for a new tournament's Thursday. Today was probably less than tomorrow and less than Saturday and Sunday if attendance follows the usual pattern!

I thanked him.

He needed to go.. Smiling I said it was nice to bump into him. We laughed.

Tessa pointing toward a huge mass of folks moving off to the right.

"You can bet Tom is over there."

I took her arm and Ken's, "Let's go in a different direction."

It is interesting to be walking around a golf course but not participating in any way. The course was lush... beautiful grass everywhere.

We found ourselves by the Eighteenth tee... A good crowd opened by the stewards... Cummings and his colleagues walked up. He saw me... I hadn't seen him earlier so Cho must have greeted him by the first tee.

We shook hands, "Your Ladyship. Very nice to see you out here."

I said the same. Cummings was four shots behind Tom, one behind Dave.

I said `Good luck.'

"Your Ladyship... I will need it." A big smile.

I stayed to watch... Cummings teed off first... A big booming drive well down the fairway. The crowd noise said it was a good one. The others hit their shots... Cummings waved to me as he walked down from the tee. I waved back.

I texted Cho... he was coming from the Seventeenth green... I told him we'd be beside the TV booth by the Eighteenth tee.

My guy! Smiling... looking like a million in his trousers and Polo shirt. A hug and kiss.

Quietly in Cho's ear, "There are a lot of people here... many thousands! I asked a PGA fellow... he told me what to expect but that he thought the crowd was large for a new tournament's first day."

Cho squeezing a bit harder.

We stayed together working our way towards the club house. We had go around groups... one man tried to get close... Ken on my right turned him away.

Finally passing the security barrier at the clubhouse... I am a bit worn down.

Cho gave me a kiss... scooping me up... I was carried across the threshold of the clubhouse to some laughter. A kiss for Cho!

Jian came out of the loo. A big smile as we laughed. She'd been around the course a little, more here dealing with some issues... nothing major. Tini was in a side room with her feet up. Good for her.

Ku had gone to Teterboro for an aircraft to California, San Francisco in fact. Checking up on the opening of the shelter.

We went up to see the Twins. They were napping on a sofa... we smiled... they were covered by a tablecloth? Tha in a chair... eyes closed. Delphine reading, a smile. Penny on watch, Gaby reading looked up with a smile.

We slipped out.

Down the passage... "Let's send the Twins to the Museum of Natural History tomorrow."

Cho kissed me in agreement.

"Then back to MoMA or the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Saturday... or swimming? Maybe have them come out on Sunday in the afternoon for the end?"

Cho smiling, "Today was good to start so we were together... they should go elsewhere."

I went to the room door to motion to Delphine. She was laughing when we asked... saying the blanket we brought was too warm so a club staff person suggested the tablecloth, cotton, good enough to ward off the air-conditioned chill.

Fist bump.

She was all for the Twins going around town... they would get to see things they liked!! A plan!

"Fay, there's a place they should go... the Children's Museum of the Arts. It is not far from Minetta Street. They can see what is in their permanent collection and maybe have a chance to do some things themselves if possible... depending on what the museum staff says."

I squeezed Cho's hand, "I've heard of the museum. Kids from deprived families, broken homes, homeless can go there to make art with help from artists. Let's have them go tomorrow and all of us go... maybe be Monday? We could donate some money. It's a good cause."

Cho was all for that. A family visit. I texted Chelle to contact them to see if we could do it Monday. Thumbs up came back!

Noise from the room... two babies came running out... "Mama... Popa!" Hugs and kisses. They had a good nap.

We told them we'll all leave in a short while. Okay!

Cho and I went down to the `Command Centre' which was a huge tent. Jian and club folks and the PGA Tournament crowd. Everyone was pleased with the first day. The crowds larger than expected but all the things in place to manage the spectators worked fine.

The food vendors had to get more food out to their course locations... that was the worst of it.

Security... no problems. There had been a few folks trying to go to out-of-bounds areas... they were turned back without a fuss.

Two wing drones were based on the roof of one of our building on Manhattan. They were doing rotating distant patrols... near but not over the Hedges Golf Club.

Cho and I let Jian, The Hedges folks and the PGA know we'd be around each day showing the flag, speaking to the press. Some friends from the city might come out, we'd escort them.

We got home with Roslyn's voice saying we could eat whenever we wanted. She came out of the kitchen smiling, "I'm ready if you are hungry?"

The Twins were READY! Okay!

Roslyn said Glorianna had contacted her when our helicopters lifted off from the Hedges.... so she got a heads-up!

We sat down to eat after hands were washed.

Spaghetti and meatballs!! Roslyn made the meatballs from veggie ground beef. Mita did Pugliese loaves!! Charlie grinning seeing the bread. He got two pieces!

The red sauce delicious. Rich tomato flavour thick enough to cling to everything!!

Small bowls of green and black Sicilian olives!

Cho got out bottles of Trebbiano d'Abruzzo from our Italian mountain trip.

We should go back to see that water project... it was well along now. I said I'd check on the end date... sometime in late winter to catch the spring mountain runoff. Cho wanted to go! My grin for that since I knew the reason... we were sipping it!

We smiled at the the Twins `twisting' their dinner. Charlie asking politely to have the bread sent his way. The covered bowl delivered with the butter moved close. Charlie was good without the butter!

There was a walk to visit Francis and Ali. They were good. The Twins wondered when they'd get to see Wesley... Ali shrugged her shoulders...

"It's up to him. We are ready any time!"


We gave them the tale of the day. Francis was impressed with how the Hedges people how prepared for the tournament. Jian and Tini were full of praise for them.

We put the Twins down a bit later tonight no need for an early rise... they were excited about their trips around town.

I got a walk around Washington Square in before Cho and I flew to New Jersey. A stop first... a newspaper... two in fact, in one place.

Hugs and wishes to have a great day to the Twins. They were rev'ed up!!

Glorianna dropped down to the grassy space across the road from the newspaper's offices in building where they leased their space. An ugly office building `thing.' The Herald News of Passaic and The Record for Bergen County were Gannett newspapers that had been losing circulation and money since Gannett bought them.

Most of the damage done by Gannett trying reduce costs at the expense of delivering the news! Small wonder people didn't think the newspapers were worth their money.

From the lobby we rose in the lift, Cho squeezed my hand... I knew I was on point!

PJ leading we walked to the doors... a guard at desk... he stood up.

"Hello, I am Fay Martin. I am the CEO of the NewsGroup, the owner of these newspapers."

"Yes Ma'am!"

He opened the door after I asked him to call the publisher and the editors.

At the open end of the newsroom... people working... not looking our way. I nodded to PJ. He led us to the centre... now our group attracted attention... Cho got the chair. A kiss on his cheek.

Cho and I called to the staff... three people coming in from the back.

The staff came up towards us.

"Good morning. I am Fay Martin..." They got close... they knew something was going to happen... they looked apprehensive... given their circulation they should.

"Your numbers are truly awful. No way to sell any other interpretation! I want you to know we want these newspapers to survive! The actions of the past Gannett managers have gutted your fine history of reporting the news."

I stomped my espadrille heel on the desk top... "That is past! Over! Done! From now on you are writing a new chapter for you and us! Think of the Spirit of Thomas Franklin at Ground Zero! We want you to be famous again like him!!"

Some fellow called out `CHEERS' very loud. Other joined in, clapping and smiles!

"What will happen? We will invest in rebuilding... first we recently bought an old mill building on the west side of downtown Paterson. A mile and half from here. It will be rehabilitated from the cellar to the roof. It will look like it did a hundred years ago on the outside... inside it will be an modern office space built for collaboration and comfort."

There more cheers and clapping.

Smiling, "You will share with other folks who are also media companies... web and radio. Included will be a health clinic and a canteen you don't have here."

More happy looks around the room.

"The clinic will be available for you and your families under the healthcare plan you are covered by now.

The canteen will serve freshly made food at very affordable prices through the day."

Loud approving noises!!

"Now this isn't going happen tomorrow... you WILL see it!"

Lots of happy noises...

"There will be more staff hired to make up for the damage done by Gannett's past management... the new executives at Gannett are on board for what Cho..."

My hand out to him... a big squeeze!

"What Cho and I want to happen! They know how we run our businesses... the money will flow to do the needed repairs. You..." My other hand out to them, "... have to step up... we want your finest efforts. Dig for those stories, write them like the journalists you are... be happy to see it all in print!"

I scanned the shining faces... damn they wanted this!!!

They reminded me of the Daily News staff two years ago!!

"The advertising sales people have already heard from a fellow named Francis... he gave them our mandate and how we would support them. Francis will visit... he is very close to us! He speaks with our voice!

You will see other people... experts in communication and marketing... they'll come to give you help."

I laughed, "That's enough from me. Please go on now knowing we have plans to make the changes required... no going anywhere except up from here!"

I started clapping for them... they responded with cheers and clapping!!!

I'd been keeping the editors and the publisher in my peripheral vision... they reacted as their staff had... smiles over there! They were applauding also!

Cho and I shaking hands and giving hugs as we headed to the newspaper's leaders.

We shook their hands and we all moved to a conference room.

They were very pleased to hear what we have done and planned and they didn't mind we hadn't told them in advance. The publisher said it was a great sensation to share the feeling of positivity with the staff!

"Good! You might suggest to they look at the Daily News as a model for the future. If their efforts reach the same level of commitment it could be them."

Nodding the three said they would!

"I want your two newspapers to reflect your communities more... right away if possible. Your front-pages should not be identical... the communities you represent aren't. As a cost saving mechanism it stinks!"

They laughed... the Record editor said I had expressed the feelings of the staff.

"You three have to step up more than ever. Your people need guidance to reach new heights."

Holding Cho's hand, "We need your best game... every day! We will do as we say... you will see a lot of things you have been without..."

I leaned forward, my hand towards the publisher across the table, "You will find Justin prepared to hear from you what you need... talk more with him."

I got a smiling handshake and a thumbs up!

I asked a few questions about local things... transportation, business activity, etc... This part of New Jersey was doing better economically. There were a number of societal issues... older people falling behind financially, long term equity in pay and position problems in business and government that they shared with the rest of the country for women and minorities plus the usual middle-class commuter difficulties.

More New York companies have been relocating to New Jersey so some of those issues are easing off... not going away!

The editors looked at the publisher... he waved them on. They each had a possible big story... polluters! They were at the very beginning of investigating.

I said to the publisher, "Call Justin, outline for him what you have and where you are think it is going to take you. Tell him you spoke to us about it and we want him to make sure you have the resources to get the whole story!"

They were smiling broadly!!

The editors said there was one of their shared reporters at the Hedges Club for all four days. Great!

We said our goodbyes to them and walked back through the newsroom saying goodbyes.

Glorianna lifted us up turning north. In a few minutes we fluttered down on the grass at the Hedges.

In the clubhouse the woman manager knew the Twins weren't coming back until Sunday afternoon.

"We will keep the room reserved for you if you want to be able to put your feet up."

We thanked her.

Today wasn't warmer but it was more humid. I did a soft sleeveless frock at knee length in pale yellow with blue accessories. Blue espadrilles for walking and stomping on desktops! Blue round reflective lens sunglasses.

Cho in navy slacks and a pale yellow Polo shirt. He looks GOOD in Polo shirts. Yummy in fact!! He laughed when I said so. A kiss!

We started together then separated to wander the course. I got to see Tom, from some distance as he was surrounded by a crowd, hit a second shot to a green... I lost it in the sky... it plopped down on the green and rolled towards the hole... The crowd had gone silent then as the tiny white thing rolled on there was yelling for it to go in... it stopped... it looked from my view to be on the edge of the cup... the crowd went bananas!

Ken over my shoulder... "He's channelling Cho!"

We three laughed.

I got us back to the clubhouse for a late lunch... hungry... not starving! There had been a large and very tasty warm pretzel an hour and half ago I split with Tara and Ken!

The previous day's omelette had been terrific so... repeat!

Refreshed... going back out... Chelle called... the lawyers in Virginia filed suit on the three ex-Gannett men who fiddled with outside suppliers for kickbacks and those suppliers too. Five million or so for each... that should get their attention.

They have all been served with the papers so the lawyers will be having meetings with their opposites prior to going to court. The cases are all in Virginia courts.

I doubt the publicity will do the former execs' job search any good.

I checked a leaderboard... Tom was leading by five, Dave was second and Cummings tied for third.

Cho texted he was with Tom at the moment on the Fourteenth tee.

I stopped by the Command tent... our folks working away. Jian and Tini speaking to a fellow by the far entrance... I went that way.

Jian put out her hand, introducing the security team boss. It was a separate company who had done the previous ten years of the old tournament with the auto company. The Hedges folks really endorsed him for being a knowledgeable and a good manager.

His people picked up two teenage boys trying to get in over a fence. The question... do we get them charged with trespass or ?

I asked if they had caused any other problem... "No, Your Ladyship, they came along quietly. They're young golfers but didn't have the money to get in."

Jian looked at me... I smiled to the security fellow, "Do you have any issue with our being nice to them?"

The security fellow laughed, "No Ma'am. They're teenagers is all."

I asked Tini to get some passes for the weekend days. She smiled.

In a small fenced area near the clubhouse the two young men were brought in. I said what they did was wrong but we appreciate their interest in our tournament and golf.

Tini handed them the passes... they were amazed... one had a tear. We were emotionally thanked.

Some questions from me... they were cousins and best friends, their families weren't poor but not a lot left over at the end of a month. No money for golf tournaments. They were in high school together... both fifteen. They worked at a another golf club nearby for a bit of spending money and free play time.

"Okay... go home now and be back tomorrow. You will be legitimate for both days."

More thanks. I shook their hands.

The security fellow escorted them out. Jian at the gate, "Fay, that was nice."

I said it was an easy choice. Hug and kiss.

I went walking. Tessa and Angie with me. Most of the action was over. Only a few foursomes left on the course. I found the rear doorway into the PGA tent behind the Eighteenth green... some golfers who had finished were in here... the scorer's desk by the other door. Players there signing their score cards.

Outside the door a PGA man in a headset smiled.

"Your Ladyship, everything is going smoothly."

In answer to my next questions...

"Tom is on the eighteenth tee, Dave on the fairway and Cummings is on the green. They are the last foursomes."

I thanked him.

We were on the pathway to the green... I took Angie with me, Tessa would wait keeping an eye out for Cho.

I eased down the walkway... I could see the green. The crowd was silent... Cummings leaning over his putt. He stroked it towards the hole but off to the side... the green's slope took it... a shallow arc... it rolled in!

The crowd applauded loudly. Cummings smiling walked carefully around to the hole to get his ball. The crowd responding to his wave.

I asked the PGA man about the odd way Cummings went to get his ball.

"The players avoid stepping on the route of another's putt to the hole."

Ah! That made sense... I thanked him.

A smile.

I glanced to the leaderboard... Tom by six, Dave second with two on Cummings. Blink... it changed... Dave by one over Cummings!

Dave's foursome hitting the second shots... three on the green at various distances from the hole. I saw Dave stepping to his ball... the `cobra' action... I always lose the ball in the sky... plop on the green twelve feet away then it rolled four or five feet closer!

The crowd loved it.

The just finished foursome walked up past me to the scorer's table. I shook Cummings' hand as he passed. I congratulated him on the putt.

A nice smile, a thank you.

"Those are the ones you need to make to get ahead."

The players walked on up. The PGA fellow pointed to a white ball bouncing on the fairway grass near where Dave had just been... only closer to the green.

"Tom!" Smiling and shaking his head.

My iPhone vibrated... Cho texting... He was on the way to where I am.

I turned to Tessa with a wave... she smiled, a thumbs up.

The spectators around the Eighteenth green gave Dave and his group a big welcome.

Each player moved to pickup their ball leaving a marker... the caddies washed the ball then they were replaced when each player putted. I had the PGA fellow to thank for my further golf education.

Dave was closest so he'd go last. Each putted and finished then Dave went to work. Every shot mattered at this level... it could mean hundreds of thousands of dollars to a player.

Dave to his ball... another look then he was over the ball... a smooth stroke sent it off... he rolled it right in!

The people around us cheered and clapped. Dave doffed his hat.

I watched him approach my position... as he reached me Cho was behind me... a strong arm around my waist. We both shook Dave's hand... smiles! He went on to the Scorer's Table.

Another glance to the leaderboard... Dave two up on Cummings again.

A kiss from my guy.

"Tom is loose, playing well."

A squeeze.

The other men in Tom's foursome had hit. Two were on the green, one on the fringe.' Tom's turn he had a look, a club in hand he stepped to the ball... cobra' I laughed inside as I lost the ball again... so I focused on the flag. Tom's ball hit below the hole bounced twice and rolled up... into the cup!!

The noise was astounding!!

Cho holding me, a huge grin!!!

I watched Tom very calmly replace his divot, Cho in my ear instructing me about divots, and walk up the slight rise to the green. The people weren't letting it go! When his foot touched the green fringe... whoa!! The crowd gave him an amazing welcome. Some jumping up and down.

Tom's smile terrific, he raised his cap! He walked around to get to the flag from a direction away from the other players balls. He bent down to remove his ball.

The crowd still letting him know what they thought of his shot. Tom waved as he moved off the green away from any player's line of sight. He handed the ball to his caddie... who was grinning broadly.

The crowd calmed down... the stewards and Tom helping to cool the crowd... time for the others to putt.

My iPhone vibrating... email from Monaco... Cho was CC'd. The Santa Anita Special Stakes that Glaa won setting a new record time for the mile and five-eights distance was going to be renamed the Glaa Special Stakes!! It wasn't rated... Yet! The purse was to be a two and half million dollars!

We have SakChai entered!

I showed it to Cho... he smiled.

A whisper in my ear, "Our boy still making waves."

A hug and kiss.

The spectators were quiet as the other three players finished. The fellow on the `fringe' almost knocked it into the cup so he got a par for the hole. Every stroke counts!

The men approached us we shook all the hands... for Tom a big hug and cheek kiss. Tom and Cho laughed and shook with a shoulder hug.

The leaderboard flicked... Tom by seven!

We left the players to have their time with the press.

In the big tent, I gave Jian a hug and thank you. I asked about her accommodations. Her hosts were very nice, a comfortable house. They were treated as honoured guests! She and Tini were enjoying their stay.

She was happy with our show so far. We were too!

All our folks gathered.

We lifted off for Manhattan. We hadn't gotten many communications from the Twins today... they were having fun! We both did get a tyrannosaurus rex skeleton snap from our son!

The Twins gave us a big welcome home! They were bursting with news of their day.

Roslyn had dinner ready. Grilled salmon, whipped potatoes and broccoli under a creamy hunter's sauce. Lovely bread from Mita!

The museum was so much fun!! They spent their entire day there. I said I liked the bone collection snap Charlie sent... he laughed. They were able to see so much... their favs and lots of new things.

The Fourth Floor was tops!! Dinosaurs!!

Tha said she had done the memberships for our family, she and Delphine, Gil and Chelle and the Protectors. They took a break in the members lounge and got a discount in the Glider Restaurant for lunch.

Tomorrow they had an morning appointment at the Children's Museum of the Arts! A staff person would help them do some artwork. We also had an early afternoon date on Monday for all of us.

Swimming tomorrow afternoon, Rafe staying here to be the substitute child `tossing' person.

Afterwards we sat in the media room to watch a documentary on Glaa. The producer had approached Costello... he referred them to our lawyers who in turn queried us. We said they could do some filming at Harcourt Farm under strict rules and monitored by our Security.

The production company had used available film from news sources, archives and others plus what they shot. We were told it was a near to finish copy for us to see and comment on before it was finalised.

It was quite good on the whole... we had a few quibbles but we won't interfere unless there were egregious errors. The video done at Harcourt Farm was quite fine. Glaa loping around his paddock very special. That golden red body... floating across the grass. He looked magnificent!

Gil sent an email to the producer with our few comments.

I got Jaidee out for a morning walk... he did his things. Rafe was to go out with him later taking the Twins with him before swimming. Gaby and Soraya joining in.

Kisses for the babies before we headed to the Westside Heliport. We wished them a good day at the museum and pool.

We walked into the Hedges clubhouse... Jian! Hug and kiss.

Play was about to start.

The `cut' had been done... if you didn't score below a certain number you were out of the tournament at the end of the second day... Half the field was gone... we still had thirty-two groups to tee off... now they were twosomes! The play would be faster. The tournament leaders would go off last as tee times were arranged in reverse of the standings.

Cummings was in third place with five players a stroke behind him tied for fourth. Dave two strokes ahead of Cummings and seven adrift of Tom.

The Hedges and PGA folks said the attendance was expected to be larger based on ticket sales for weekend days!

Cho and I wandered the course as the players teed off. By noon the whole course was full! The crowds were the biggest yet. We split up to go about.

I went to the Tenth tee where everyone's second nine holes began. I was there when Cummings came through... he was still two behind Dave but Dave had gained a stroke on Tom.

Cummings gave me a smile... I sent him a thumbs up!

He stepped to hit his tee shot... it drew ooohhh's and aaahhh's from the crowd as he blasted it down the fairway.

Another twosome came up... Dave. I shook his hand. He winked with a huge smile.

He hit his drive to cheers! I waved him off the tee down the fairway.

I watched Dave's twosome go down the grass slope...

Tom walked up a short while later... a hug and cheek kiss. On the tee he waggled his club... the `cobra!' The spectators loved his tee shot! His was the last twosome.

We were seeing Tom every day... no need to ask how TJ was doing... Rox was sending us a steady stream of news and snaps! Tom laughing as we told him yesterday at the end of play.

I moved us toward the clubhouse. I `dragged' Tessa and PJ into the restaurant for lunch. We were late... they were still serving. Another omelette! My Protectors had a good meal. The ones with Cho had to get something from the vendors as Cho stayed out on the course the whole day again.

Jian at the Command Centre, "Fay, the two teenage fellows are here somewhere. The security man asked them to come to a specific gate... they did."


In the clubhouse I took the opportunity to look at the trophies we'd be giving out tomorrow... handsome, simple. A series of ever larger ewers in silver with a big square base in walnut that gleamed as much as the silver!!

An engraver was to be here tomorrow morning ready to etch the names of the recipients on the top four trophies.

Cho and I flew home. The Twins at the lift bouncing around wanting to tell their day. Roslyn said thirty minutes so out on the terrace...

The Children's Museum of the Arts was fabulous! The Twins loved it! Really nice artwork... many different ages contributed. Painting, sculpture, clay. paper and more.

Even better they got to do some work. Charlie did a pot in clay... it would be fired tonight!! We could see it Monday afternoon. Chani in watercolours did a view of the Doric temple's front at Rue Jacob.

The artist who was there assisting asked what it was... Chani said it was a little temple on the grounds of one of our houses in Paris. That shook him up... he didn't know who they were... at first he thought she was making things up to cover her family's problems... kids invent a better world for themselves.

Tha and Delphine with them, Gaby and Rafe too. He had no idea? Who did he think they were?

Tha spoke to him... he was amazed the Twins would visit. She told him we all were coming over at some point.

The pool was great!! Rafe is a good tosser like Popa!!

Later on the terrace after the Twins were down...

Tha smiling, "Charlie's `pot' is a rectangle in a beautiful muted red. It is quite good. The artist helping them was loosing his mind seeing that... he turned around to see Chani's watercolour... He was truly shocked at their abilities.

I didn't have my iPad or I would have shown him their newest at Harcourt House."

We laughed, "I suppose it is just as well..."

Delphine's beautiful smile, "Chani really did the little temple in a lovely way... it is between the Turner's and the Monet's she saw at MoMA."

We laughed doing fist bumps!

She added the museum had a lot of materials for them to work with which made it all come together.

In bed later I squeezed Cho, "Chani saw the little temple for about ten minutes... no more."

I was squeezed back, "Those memory cells are awesome!"

A kiss to agree.

The morning had us make a slightly later start. Jaidee had a good walk and a puppuccino at the end.

Cho and I flew over to the Hedges, the Twins to come later for the end. They were going back to MoMA this morning then having lunch at 21. The babies out in public! Ken, Gaby, Rafe and Soraya with them for the day.

Jian and I holding hands as the PGA folks did a review of today's events for the ending. The players would tee off in a few minutes. The PGA and Hedges folks were quite happy! We have had a great three days... now we're on the down slope.

Cho and I went through the clubhouse and the players tent... we said helloes and wished them all success today.

On the rise behind the First tee we said some more greetings... Cummings got a big handshake.

Dave walking up with Tom a hug. Tom in my arms! We sent them on their way as the last twosome.

We heard the crowd around the tee vocalise their appreciation of Dave and Tom's opening tee shots. We parted... I took PJ and Angie on a walk towards the Tenth tee. The twosomes that came us by were furthest away from the leaders.

In watched a few tee off. I walked in between the crowds along the Tenth fairway.

I saw a slender black man walking down the Tenth fairway. I followed him from a distance off to the side... His second shot was on the green.

Near the green I saw one of the PGA people.

I called to him... I moved onto the edge of the fairway.

He suggested we go up on the slope in the trees to be out of the way.

I said hello, I got his name is Franklin... Frank. He is a senior PGA official. Could he identify the golfers in this twosome.

"Your Ladyship, the fellow in black is a New Zealander named Roberts. The man in blue is Simmons... he's one of the younger players."

I looked a question... A smile, "Thomas Simmons is nineteen. He has a smooth swing and an excellent putter. He's missing some college to be here... He also has a terrific future if he can get more yardage from the tee."

Smiling, "Thank you for that. Where is he going to school?"

"University of Virginia... which just happens to be my Alma Mater."

I laughed, "AH... now it comes out."

We both laughed.

"He is a great prospect for golf's future... like Cummings and other younger players he is a quiet fellow who let's his game speak for him. Also he doesn't do bullshit... if you pardon my terminology."

"If you end up spending time with Cho and I you'll find we definitely don't do bullshit."

A smile.

We watched from our location a short distance away and above the green as Simmons putted. He rolled in a very nice one from what my companion said was twenty feet. A birdie!

"Your Ladyship, those are the putts you absolutely have to make to play at the top level in professional golf."

"So do you ever get to play?"

He laughed, "Not nearly as much as I would like."

In answer to his question... "No! I don't do anything that involves sticks or balls. I ride horses, walk and swim for my exercise. I think Cho has golf covered for both of us."

"Your husband is the finest golfer I have ever seen. Focuses like no one else... that laser beam thought process gives him amazing control. That is the essence of golf... control of your body motion."

I told Frank how Cho prepared for the Concord Classic two years ago... three rounds in two days in the heat and humidity of Phuket. He wanted to see if he had the stamina.

"Oh My he had it! He tore up that beautiful old course..."

He stopped to look at me, "I don't know what Cho and Tom talked about when they played together that tournament... Tom's successes since showed something happened between the two."

"I believe Cho gave him the secret to his game is to forget EVERYTHING... but the next shot. Focus on each shot solely."

Frank nodding.

"Cho's `focus' is just that... when he's hitting nothing else exists. Away from golf Cho is capable of the same concentration ability on business and family."

"Your children are beautiful! I understand they are smart with a capital `S.' I hope mine will leave me in the dust."

He got that the Twins were well beyond smart... off the scale was closer to the mark.

A man came close... PJ had him slow to a stop. He said something... PJ let him pass.

He is a PGA person who needed to `borrow' Frank. Okay.

We shook hands... I said I'd look for him later. A thumbs up.

I'd stayed long enough so Cummings came by on the fairway. I saw him stroke a good shot to the green. There were some spectators behind me so I sort of blended in not bothering the players by attracting attention.

I remained there... Tom and Dave came in view. They were quite a twosome today... the leaders!

Both had hit long drives beyond where I'd seen Simmons ball. They waited for the green to clear. Dave first... a nice shot putting the ball to my eye twelve or so feet from the pin.

Tom... he took a look... asked for a club... then promptly knocked the ball onto the green inside Dave's.

They walked up to a loud welcome by the crowd around the green.

Tom was up by nine... Dave ahead of Cummings by two... Cummings had moved away from the ones behind him... a gap of three strokes.

Since Tom and Dave were the last group I moved with some of the crowd on the fairway to near the green. I had a great view of the scene.

Dave was to putt first... he took his time... it appeared to be fairly level between him and the hole. Finally he stepped over his putt... smooth arm stroke... the ball rolling... near the hole a slight arc... it dropped in! A very nice Birdie.

Tom did the same getting ready actions... he stroked his ball forward... rolling true it dropped in.

Dave didn't gain on this hole.

We started for the clubhouse... the Twins would be here in a few hours.

The crowds were definitely larger... more dodging around clumps. We made a detour because Tom and Dave were on the hole on our most direct path.

Okay finally the clubhouse... the security folks smiling as I managed to slip between parts of a big group.

Lunch... PJ and Angie smiling as our food arrived! Me too!

Email from Gil... Guillaume had the pony for the Twins at Moulin Farm and he tested her with his grandson who is three. The pony was quiet and moved easily. The tack from Harcourt House was excellent! Terrific! I asked her to thank Guillaume for us.

From Chelle... the legal limit for money had been sent to Charlie Crist's campaign and to two PAC's supporting him. He was running for governor of Florida... time to oust the petty fascist republican there... get Florida moving forward not backward.

The Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel and Orlando Sentinel are Tribune newspapers and the dozen smaller papers allied to them across south Florida and both the Naples Daily News of Naples and Florida Times-Union of Jacksonville our Gannett papers, came out for Crist.

I had an interview scheduled with the Sun-Sentinel for tomorrow morning. They had a reporter in town... the Daily news was sending a photographer. Clement said he'd try to be there.

The Fox station in Miami also had on-air editorials saying Florida is being badly served by the current governor who thinks like a man from 1830 rather than today.

Fox News had a developing story about illegal campaign contributions paid to the current governor by several republican donors. They were delivered outside the legal channels. Real estate and gambling interests were the sources of other donations which may not be illegal... certainly unsavoury. The story will likely run in a few days.

I was considering going to a Charlie Crist gathering in Tallahassee... a big maybe.

A call from Reg....

We had orders in for the equipment we needed to manufacture the new arrays. The company is in El Segundo, we bought them earlier this year for this purpose. The will make the machines for us. Spending all that nice money from the stock sale!!

"Fay, we have both El Segundo and Dartford surveys done, the new plants are now stakes with little bits of coloured ribbon dangling... It doesn't sound like much but we have started."

"I am pleased. What about Chaloem?"

Reg laughed, "Chaloem, sent me photos of the new building site already surveyed. You know how we have asked our folks to stay in touch with each other and the London office?"

I said yes.

"Well as soon as Chaloem heard about the new arrays in a briefing he spoke with Cam and Rufus... he got an outline of how the manufacturing equipment will look and some measurements... Using his brains and initiative he sent the surveyors out to work."

We laughed.

"There will be changes made, the basic space we need is marked."

I let him know, "At the Paris trade show there were several companies very interested in setting up at Ban Wat Bang Fai... various types of businesses. There are several hundred hectares open so there's room."

Other news... Rona is fine... they had to wait a bit before finding the sex of the new pumpkin... a matter of a few weeks. MFA is adamant there needs to be a brother!

Laughing, "I hope she gets her way!"

Reg and Rona were hoping too! Both sets of grandparents rooting for a boy!

I did get to eat my lunch... a bit cooler now.

Cho came in. A hug and kiss. He was grinning... "Have you seen the leader board recently?"

I hadn't.

"Tom is on a tear!! An eagle and three straight birdies. The lead is eleven now. Dave is playing very well... Tom is off the scale."

I was happy. I wanted to hand Tom the inaugural Chanthira Foundation Cup!!

"Where is Cummings? And the young fellow Simmons?"

"Cummings is solidly in third by four strokes. He's three behind Dave. Simmons..."

Cho pulled out his iPhone... a few seconds... Simmons is tied for fourth now... eighteen from Tom. "He has moved up nicely... a nice crop of birdies."

I told Cho about my conversation with Frank the PGA fellow.

"Frank may be right... the young man is showing something today!"

Kathy calling from the AW139... "Fay, we are inbound with the Twins."

I thanked her, "See you in a few minutes."

Cho and I walked out to the landing grid. The white bird came in from the north away from the course. The hibiscus easy to see when it flared for landing.

Gaby out first... she lifted Chani out... Charlie walked down himself. Tha and Delphine behind them, Rafe, Soraya and Ken.

We got hugs! They got to go to MoMA again! Having fun looking at art! Chani spending her time in the galleries with the Impressionists! Charlie went to the Dada displays... he said to us `They do things differently... I like them!' Indeed!

They had `burgers' at 21!! Everything was delicious! Also there were a few people who came over to say hello... like we were there!

Chani to me, "They must have thought you and Popa shrunk!"

We all laughed loudly at that!

Inside they went up to the same room for the time-being.

Cho and I to the Command Tent... Jian smiling pointing to the leaderboard on a screen...

Tom leading by twelve... Dave holding his second place position by three, Cummings by two over Simmons. Most players were in the clubhouse now. Simmons was done... so if Cummings doesn't double bogey he won't move up. The fellow playing with Cummings in a position to possibly come level with Simmons for fourth.

Frank, the PGA fellow, came over... smiling. I introduced Cho... they had met already. Handshakes.

I aimed a finger at Simmons score. He had a broader smile.

"Yes... he showed something today. A closing 64... a fine effort. His third tournament and he finishes fourth!" His fingers crossed.

Jian and the Hedges folks said everything was set the ceremony on the lawn behind the clubhouse. The Twins could be on the porch... they'd see everything or with us... we'd consider.

The crowd will be in a semi circle with a large space for the ceremony. The tables out there, the TV folks setup, the print journalists have their places laid out.

Jian smiling told us the man doing the engraving had finished the first place trophy given Tom's position... he'd moved on to doing the others holding off on the last... Good!

We walked over to the PGA tent above the Eighteenth Green. The same PGA fellow there with the headset. He and Cho shook hands as I thanked him for some of my golf etiquette schooling.

He laughed, "Your Ladyship, an honour."

Cho thanked him too.

Cummings was on the fairway to hit his second to the green... the other player was on the green already. Dave and Tom on the tee ready to hit waiting on Cummings pair.

I lost Cummings ball... shit Fay just watch the flag pole.

His ball bounced above the hole and drew back leaving him about nine feet to go.

The PGA fellow said it was very `makeable' from there. The hole was near the centre of the green today.

Cummings walked up to a loud crowd appreciation... he waved to them. He wouldn't lose any ground to Simmons. Dave would have to `blow up' as the PGA guy said to not be second. Unlikely!

Cummings twosome partner just missed a thirty foot birdie putt... he tapped in for par to finish fifth one stroke behind Simmons. So the young man had fourth to himself.

Cummings over his putt... he rolled it right in! Two behind Dave.

Loud applause for them.

Dave to hit his second... I watched the flag pole... Dave's hit to the right and stopped immediately after a short bounce... ten feet to go. He would surely finish second.

Tom on the fairway... the cobra thing... the ball dropped down above the hole and drew back to four feet away! The crowd cheered and clapped loudly.

They walked up... the crowd noise rising as they approached the green... They doffed their caps to immense noise.

The spectators on the fairway closed up to the green... a wide swath of people. Thousands! Many thousands! The Eighteenth green surrounded, bleachers full, folks standing fifteen deep.

Dave to putt first... he had a good look then stroked it right into the centre of the hole! Cho and I contributed our clapping to the crowd.

Tom... silence... he walked around the path to the hole then setup over his ball... a smooth stroke... it rolled in!

The crowd let go! Loud... LOUD! Tom and Dave shook hands with big smiles. They walked up waving to the crowd. I shook Dave's hand and gave him a hug. Tom grinning... a monster hug and cheek kiss.

They went in to sign their score cards. Take a short break... before the ceremony.

Cho and I with the help of six of our Protectors wedged our way to the clubhouse.

Cho went to the ceremony spot... I went up to get the Twins.

The PGA folks, Jian, the Hedges people, our family clustered beside the big gleaming mahogany table holding the awards. Chani's hand in mine, Charlie holding Cho's.

TV folks ready, the print news reporters in their spot... They had a beautiful scene... the hedge and flowering scrubs as a backdrop. Sunny skies!

The players came forward... a big smile on Tom's face seeing us together. Handshakes all around... terrific to see Tom squat down to fist bump with Charlie and Chani... massive smiles! Dave, Cummings and Simmons did the same.

TV folks rolling... A microphone stand on the grass...

Cho got things started... many thank yous to many sponsors for being part of this inaugural Chanthira Foundation Cup. He named each one.

I stepped forward to say the foundation is doing its work to benefit those who are often lost in today's world... we are trying to give them a voice. I extended my hand to Jian... a hug as I introduced her.

I went on, "We hope the spectators, players, PGA officials have enjoyed their days here... We all have to especially thank the Hedges Golf Club for their spectacular support and management of the tournament."

I began clapping... my hands out to the Hedges top people who came forward to shake hands.

Their chairman said the success was based on their staff of outstanding hospitality people and grounds crew!! His smile wide as he clapped for them. Everyone picked up on that.

Cho spoke about the players, their efforts to play well were admired. We were pleased so many participated in this inaugural tournament... we wished them all well in the future.

Cho asked Thomas Simmons to come up... He shook Thomas' hand... I extended the fourth place trophy. I got to shake his hand. A big smile and thank you.

Cho called out "Alex Cummings." His hand shaken as he took the third place ewer from me. A thank you which hardly be heard with the crowd noise. Huge grin as he stepped beside Simmons. They shook hands.

Dave Hendry's name called out. He was smiling taking the second place ewer. I thanked him for four days of fine play.

"Your Ladyship, thank you. Good to see you here."

The applause was loud and sustained.

Tom! Cho said Tom Angleten had set a new low score for seventy two holes at the Hedges!!

He and Cho had a good handshake with a shoulder bump! Charlie next to Popa got a handshake then... a fist bump! To laughter and crowd noise off the scale!

Chani at my side... a fist bump!! Tom laughing and smiling. I had to use two hands for his ewer...

He held the trophy up!! The crowd really let go! The applause and cheers very loud!!

He and his three colleagues all shook hands.

We thanked everyone once again and waved goodbye.

The players moved to speak to the press.

Jian and I holding hands with Chani and Charlie, Cho behind me... arms around me. I called Tini to join us. Fist bumps from the Twins for her.

We hugged and kissed... Jian and Tini would to go to do the final bits with the PGA. They were both taking time off after those details were done here.

I told Jian we'd see her in Oxfordshire. A kiss. A big thank you for her... I pulled Tini close to say the same. Her time off to be spent with family in Phuket. Aircraft waiting for each at Teterboro.

Cho and I had decided to give them both a bill bonus at year's end for this!!

The Twins went inside with Tha and Delphine until we flew back to the city.

Cho and I together spoke to some of the press. Wilt, the sports reporter from the Bergen Record, came up to introduce himself. He was covering this for both newspapers.

He was thrilled we owned the newspaper... he had a second cousin working for the Baltimore Sun. They'd spoken, the cousin over the moon about us. Wilt had expectations... I pointed out he had to be patient for it all to play out but it would.

"Your Ladyship, I hung on at the Record hoping... almost against every rational thought something would happen... then you bought Gannett. I have waited... I will stay on."

We shook hands.

"Did you get some one-on-one time with the players?"

I motioned to our top four. No.

I moved to Tom and eased Wilt over to him saying Wilt worked for a newspaper of ours here in New Jersey. I introduced them... I squeezed Tom's hand and Wilt's shoulder.

Cho watching me with that little bit... a cute grin so I knew I did good. A hug and kiss. I said I had a kiss deficit today. I was informed he would make it up to me tonight. One kiss to seal the deal.

We managed to gather the Hedges top folks to thank them for taking us on... novices at golf tournaments.

The Chairman smiling, "You have good folks and a wonderful cause. We want to thank you back for bringing such a terrific cause to us. The car company had soured us... now we are uplifted!"

Hands shaken with emotion!

The wife of one of the Hedges Board of Directors said she had been heartsick dealing those bigoted car people... "I think I influenced my husband to try to dump them although he probably didn't need much convincing. When your foundation came on the horizon I knew we needed to get it to work."

We kissed cheeks, "It is a good partnership. I hope you see us for many years."

We laughed, a hug. They were the family who were putting Jian and Tini up for the last week.

"Jian and Tini are wonderful guests, no problems, easy to talk with... I amazed how fluent they are with vernacular English having lived their entire lives in Thailand."

Smiling I said I was to blame for Jian... my undue influence.

Her laugh light, "You appear to have a lot of influence in all manner of things. Will you two get the Nobel Peace Prize? Jian is convinced you will."

I shrugged, "We don't have a vote..." I grinned, "... I warned Cho he'd have to do the speech if we do."

We laughed. She introduced me to some of the other wives. One almost did a curtsey... I took her hand.

"No... here I am American not a British aristocrat."

They found out I was born in Washington... Yes... to British parents. Smiling I said I voted for Hillary!

I got laughs. One asked how well I knew her.

"We have met on a number of occasions, shared thoughts, done some bits and pieces of work together, she and Bill have briefly stayed during the Christmas season with us in England the last two years. And they have a new dog who is a daughter of our chocolate Labrador."


I shook their hands thanking them for being behind our efforts. Lots of smiles.

PJ came into my vision... time to go.

I said goodbyes. Several wished us luck on the Nobel Peace Prize... I thanked them.

Kathy and Glorianna lifted us up... we turned southeast into lowering twilight. Maddie, Pell and Terrance at the heliport. They had seen the ceremony at the end on a TV in the office at the multi-story car park in the Village.

Terrance said, "You all looked very happy."

Cho said it was a happy event... made more so by one of our close friends being the winner.

Roslyn at the lift... she got hugs from the Twins. Dinner in thirty minutes... we changed and sat on the terrace.

My morning began with Jaidee pooping on the sidewalk at the end of the block. Plastic bag out... odd to picking up this in a chilly morning in New York while I was thinking about a big plane taking off from Dulles Airport... I was six, in short pants, the seat too big, the trip to a new life in England. After that I saw less and less of my parents... exactly the opposite what I wanted for our babies.

Cho saw my face when I came into the kitchen for breakfast... we walked into the dining room... I told him what I'd been thinking.

A hug and kiss... He'd more than made up my kiss deficit last night!!

"I think the same... no boarding schools."

Another hug!!

He did ask what brought it up... I'd thought about Max so far from home...

Cho smiling, "I was going to suggest he be over more and out to play golf. We are on the same wavelength!!"

A kiss we did think alike on nearly everything.

Okay breakfast!

I was in a cotton long sleeved round collared frock close to be all over to mid-thigh in pale gray, black stockings, black heels, the black onyx set, `Joy' A black Hermès Kelly bag. I threw a short light black cotton jacket over my shoulders for the trip.

Going uptown to the 46th Street hotel. The manager at the door to welcome me. We shook hands. Cho told me the house was doing very well, filled all the time.

I thanked him for his fine work.

He was pleased to be told. "I have excellent people... they work hard and know their business."

I like managers who praise their folks.

Up in the top floor suite I was meeting with Marvin, a reporter from Sun-Sentinel in Fort Lauderdale. A photographer with him. Clement from the Daily News joined us bringing his own photographer. He was going to let Marvin from Florida lead since this was for our drive to get rid of the little nazi republican governor.

We sat on the sofas in the main room. Coffee or whatever to drink.

I spent more than an hour and half answering questions about why our news media was against the nazi weasel and why I personally was involved.

It came down to his acting like a petty tyrant, misusing state monies for political purposes, being a bully to other elected officials who disagreed with any of his policies, being an active racial bigot, a hater of LBGTQ people and more. I gave specific examples and did full explanations.

I made it plain Cho and I were progressives, believers in helping people... not shoving their heads under water whinging at them about not knowing how to swim.

We believed government should serve the people... all the people not a small segment favoured by republican politicians especially money-grubbers like those in Florida.

Marvin smiling all through. Clement with a big grin.

I sipped my third espresso looking over the cup rim...

"So what's next?"

Marvin laughed, "Your Ladyship, I've enough to sink a battleship!"

"Or a republican governor?"

We all laughed.

I told him the Crist's campaign had invited me down to speak to a rally four blocks from the statehouse in Tallahassee.

Marvin's head shaking, "Right up his nose!"

"I'm usually direct... don't you think?"

"I'm a believer after this interview."

"Be sure to be there... I'll be in and out fairly quickly."

I stood up... We shook hands. The photographers... I'd almost forgotten about them. We stood by the terrace doors for a couple of shots.

I said I hoped their flight was good... last hand shakes at the lift.

Clement stayed... "Fay, I was nearly mesmerised by your performance. You answered every question... fully and decisively... no notes... all from your head!!"

I made another espresso, "I do run on when I feel passionate about something."

"You really hate the fascist types don't you?"

"Yes! They are against every good thing decent humans stand for... They are failures at governing because their narrow-minded, bigoted, racist beliefs get in the way of doing the right thing each and every time. The little nazi in Florida has governed only for the most wealthy and backward elements in his state."

I pointed to the sofas... "Did you folks across the pond hear about the antisemitic bomb throwers in Oxford?"

"Yes... not a lot... you and Cho have not spoken publically about it."

"No. For the most part we wanted to doom it to oblivion... I did write a brief column for the Oxford Mail which the Sun in London reprinted about the event keeping the focus on the antisemetism and how Britain had fought a long war to stop fascism and the hatred of the `other.'

The republicans aka fascists in Florida are using the other' to try to maintain themselves in power. Blacks, refugees, Gay people and the so-called elites' which is a codeword for progressive thinking people like Democrats... on and on.

Cho and I have a `bully pulpit.' I intend to use it to make life hard for those republicans of the fascist ilk. Every state where they are in control is up for grabs as far we are concerned.

If there is... a progressive republican they will get our support. Men like Nick Rawlins are the exception in the republican party... the party is the less for it."

Clement's head shaking, "If I were a republican I'd be shitting in my pants!"

We laughed!!

A good handshake for him.

Lunch with Cho and the Twins!! Cho grinning over my interviews. I told Clement I was `on the record' for him too. We'll see what that brings.

Our trip to the Children's Museum of the Arts was short only six blocks... we used cars to save small legs. We climbed out on Charlton Street in mid-block.

The Director and others met us inside. Introductions done... we asked to see their collection of art done by the many children who came here. Some truly beautiful things in many forms. Paintings in multiple formats, clay, paper and more.

Dazzling colours. We wandered all around. At the end of the display on an easel was Chani's watercolour!!

It was very impressionistic... she'd had three hours to work on it. The little temple was delightful, the trees surrounding it leaning over, steps up... handsome gray shades mixed to create shadow and depth... our daughter is a natural artist.

A small card on the easel said it was an ornamental temple at 20 Rue Jacob, Paris.

Chani squeezing my hand... I squatted down to kiss her cheek... "It is beautiful... you captured it!!"

Fist bump and giggles followed. Popa picked her up for a kiss and hug.

The Director said they would like to keep it on display if Chani would agree. Chani turned in Popa's arms... she agreed adding she would like it back at some point. The Director smiling said they would gladly return it whenever she requested and the museum was proud to have it for a while.

They wanted to add her first name and age if we didn't mind. We looked to Chani...

"Yes... please use my whole name... Chanthira."

They would!

In a work room we got to see the fired pot' Charlie made. I knew what the inspiration of the pot' was as soon as I saw it... Charlie liked the pictures I took of the bonsai plant at the Japanese trade booth in Paris.

His pot looked quite like theirs.. he had some assistance mixing the paint for the gorgeous vermillion shade... it just needed to age to match. The same simple lines and little feet!

He was grinning, "Can we get a bonsai for it? Like your snaps?"

A kiss and hug, "Yes we will. The same conifer?"

Charlie nodded as he did fist bumps with Popa and Chani.

I asked Gil to show the snaps to the museum folks. They admired the tree. I told them it was two hundred years old residing at the Japanese Embassy in Paris since 1920. They loved it being that old... Charlie's near match amazed them.

Several artists were here to work with a group of children coming in soon. They were agog over our babies work.

I got them to tell us about their methods working with the children... I liked they tried very hard to make everyone comfortable and welcome as a start! Then find out what they might have done or were interested in. After that they got them stuck in.

Before the group of youngsters arrived Cho and I got the Director and his staff to the side... the Twins were talking with the artists.

"We want to support your work... " Gil handed me the cheque. Following Cho's suggestion about my not shocking people...

"The amount is... well... large... We think you are doing wonderful work and we know it takes a lot of money to do that. So..."

I handed the cheque to the Director. His eyes to mine... a smile coming... He handed it to the others... The ten million dollar sum shocked them.

Cho, "We feel certain you will have uses for the money... if you have a major project please contact Gil..." Cho's hand on Gil's shoulder, "... She is always close to us and we can help. For example if you are needing to move at some point we would be glad to assist your search for another suitable location and assist you in other ways."

Many thanks were spoken, we shook lots of hands. The Director beside me I kidded him gently about his reaction.

"Your Ladyship, I saw the news reports about the Wannsee Konferenz Museum and the Rivesaltes Camp Memorial... you were very generous to them so when you said you had a donation for us I had hopes... the ten million figure surprised me... we aren't a large operation... it will make us sound financially for a decade."

We shook hands again.

"We will be back to visit again... we have a home in the Village and are around at irregular times."

More hands shaken by the door.

I was with Charlie... a big smile. Tha had a box with his `pot' well packaged.

Waving as we stepped into the cars... uptown to the Westside Heliport and a lift to Newburgh. Tom's voice on the tannoy said we could depart immediately. Okay everybody in their seats... Jaidee hopped into his... tongue hanging out and a grin!

His woof and Charlie's Woo Hoo got us airborne for Chalgrove.

Dinner in 30 minutes... Cho and I sat close to talk with Yoshi. He was in Tokyo! The Thai generals... We knew where A-Wut stood. The Air Force general A-Wut had introduced him to agreed with A-Wut... it isn't their role in the national life. Two others, one firmly behind A-Wut, the other equivocated.

Still three of those four he spoke with is good. Yoshi had more names to interview when he went back. He was taking time off and he would talk with Kent in New York before continuing. We were good with that.

We encouraged him to have fun in Tokyo... he planned too! Laughter.

Donovan at the Chicago Tribune had contacted Gil... the radar scan was beginning at the block of flats. Okay... we wait.

Gil joined us, she'd heard from Narong's PA about the cocktail party after the sensor wall foreign ministerial meetings. They were fine with what had been proposed and asked if we needed anything beyond the numbers which they were trying to finalise.

Gil, "I said The numbers the only thing needed... I suppose we could ask how much they intended to drink."

That got a laugh.

Cho, "Some will not drink at all for religious reasons. So fruit drinks and bottled water will do for them."

"Should I try to get a number for those?"

Cho smiling squeezed her hand, "Don't bother Amporn can prepare well enough."

I had a date to go to Tehran and speak to Allysiah's school... topic personal strength. Taj said he would love to have me and mine go to Doosti Restaurant with him. Done!

The Tallahassee stop on the way back!

After dinner we sat to watch Der Untergang aka Downfall on the big screen... the Twins were in their cabin with their iPads. We offered them to watch with us and we would help them understand...

Chani kissed my cheek, "Mama you watch it we will go do our things." Charlie nodding. They got hugged.

On a settee with Cho... a whisper in my ear, "They are aware of others needs..."

Indeed... they watch and learn.

Downfall succeeds more as a movie than history, it is thought provoking. Strong acting, handsome to look at... the story coherent and logical... also historical for the most part just some elements changed for dramatic effect. Bruno Ganz is marvellous as the malignant hitler.

Afterwards we talked... Cho is such a good listener... When he asks questions you know he's got it!

If there was some way to put on paper or screen how loathsome hitler was it would have been done already... giving him `human' qualities is logical because he didn't have four heads and flippers for hands. Criticising the film for that is puerile.

What he did have was an untutored nonetheless clear enough sense of the flaws inherent in the Weimar constitution and the German people's own weaknesses of overweening pride and fear of the `other.'

Instability in Europe from 1871 onward was a direct result of the creation of a unified Germany under a monarchy of venal nincompoops! The father of the `new' Germany, Bismarck, was far from perfect but he was usually pragmatic and not overly vainglorious.

The German pride had been fed by those nincompoop emperors' whose lust for power was their great weakness. Their failure in World War 1 was compounded by a reckless and irresponsible peace treaty creating an atmosphere' of being let-down that burdened Germany's psyche... the hurt pride! The old nazi recognised that early on because it was in him... he took it personally.

Only the colossal catastrophe of World War II knocked the German's pride on its ear long enough to get democracy working properly in the western part. As it does democracy triumphed over time... the nazi's siblings... the communists were swept away.

For Germany the fear of the other has never gone away... it is lessened but still there.

In the dark in my husband's arms... a soft kiss.

"Perhaps you need to write these thoughts down... build them into something larger."

I expressed doubt whether I had either the time or an audience.

Another kiss, "Audience... you make your own."

I decided to sleep rather than think about being an author.

Cho was coming next month to Berlin... a visit for Mirabelle and shelter openings... official openings that is. The shelters were all open with guests in residence.

Cho hadn't spent any time in Germany for... he thought at least fifteen years... just in and out quickly for meetings mostly in Frankfurt with Ludwig, Erich and banks.

I mentioned the `Bavaria' restaurant... and the Bogensee. Okay he was ready!

I was awake, I swung my legs out... no dream? Well it wasn't as if I wanted to...

Thump... thump... A kiss for our boy. A quick wash up. Jaidee all waggy tail... his breakfast down... a look to me and the `word.' Woof!

The DeLonghi spitting out my coffee, I unwrapped two of Molly's cupcakes.

The news its usual mess... The Sun-Sentinel interview was up on their webpage and would hit the streets this morning in print!! It was already causing some waves in Florida! Lizard-like republicans whinging about it! Good! The more they say on it the wider it is known which isn't positive for them.

Their whines weren't about the substance rather it was me doing because I wasn't from Florida, considering how interfering they tried to be in other people's business... a monstrous hypocrisy.

I had Gil email the Sun-Sentinel publisher to send us the numbers from the webpage and circulation for the next few days to see if there is a reaction.

The Florida Times-Union in Jacksonville has a new poll on the governor's race and the state legislature... Ooohhh not good for republicans!! Charlie Crist has a five point lead over the petty fascist and the state Senate was looking like it could possibly go Democratic.

Across Florida the Democrats were running get out the vote campaigns and lambasting in republicans even in what they think are their safe' districts for corruption. Tarring each republican with the same brush of venality... if you identify with republican party you are at risk of being labelled' as part of the criminal gang.

Cho and I had gotten an email from Kent... the corruption stories on the various Florida republicans will run tomorrow on Fox News in conjunction with the NewsGroup Florida newspapers stories on their front pages. The syncing of the pieces was a great decision.

Tribune Newspapers and Gannett newspapers in Florida did a great deal of the ground work. Fox News working with them for structuring interviews with a wide range of ordinary people and politicians of both parties.

Illegal use of Florida state monies, more illegality in accepting improper campaign donations, some were `in kind,' others in cash. Inadequate reporting of donations or not at all.

The District Attorney in Miami was empanelling a grand jury as part of their investigation into the local republican misdeeds.

I was going to Florida in days. Fun!

"Mama! Mama!" The Twins burst from their cabin! Cho just coming out was mobbed! What a face on him! The babies rushed over to hug me. Jaidee who'd been chilling was all woofing and bouncing.

I said sit to eat we've only forty minutes to go. Okay! Yobi and Lil were rock'n and rolling!

We had the gravel sound... Chani and Charlie lifted out of their seats... dashing across the gravel to `Car,' Car2 and Audra with Eliza.

Inside didn't last long... the babies went out to the Garden with Jaidee... to stretch their legs. And throw a tennis ball!

I went riding. Pamela ready! Gaby on Roland and Tessa on Gough.

South past Denham School to Culham. We tied our horses to the post out front. Jian came out... big hug!!

She was still high' from golf tournament success! We made some money and more importantly got the word out' to an audience who had not heard of the foundation. U.S. national TV exposure... the opportunity to speak to millions! I had received email from several sources saying they thought my short interview on the first day was terrific. Fox Sports and News had used portions over the next three days... more exposure!

We sat for a few minutes in the back garden... sun coming on strong. Caroline in my lap... a happy girl. She loved the house and grounds. She knew all the Security Service folks... they'd helped her explore the estate.

Catherine gently touching her growing tummy... she was five months gone. She and Andrea close on timing. Two sisters pregnant in the same house by two different partners.

I asked if Dr. Ryles had come by. He had, Catherine, Ting and Andrea sat out here with him and talked. He got the arrangements... Catherine said he didn't appear shocked.

I laughed, "I think I've made a small space in his up-to-datedness. He's more open than many."


Caroline joined them, Dr. Ryles spoke with her for a few minutes. She's a bit more `normal' a two year old than the Twins. Smiles.

I did some kissing and hugging. We resumed our ride. A stop at the Cupcake Baker at the end of the High Street to tell them their goodies were very well received. The eight dozen hadn't lasted very long.

"Our children loved the lemon and carrot ones especially... I hope you won't be bothered but the vanilla flavour went over very well with Jaidee our Labrador."

They laughed. They had not heard that Labradors liked cupcakes. I told them about Molly's in New York... Jaidee was very fond of their vanilla.

"You should connect with them... we love you both!"

Smiling they said Molly's would be looked up. Another order for eight dozen... no hurry, call when they are ready.

We waved and remounted.

We went north on the verge of the farmland then crossed the Abingdon Road to go over the railroad tracks on Station Road then a left to go north around the Culham Sci Ctr. Then a full on gallop home!

Over the grass at speed bursting through tree lines and over several lanes to get to the top of our slope... Roland three lengths back and Gough another two as we slowed going down to the Flats.

Fist bumps for us humans and neck rubs for our horses. We walked to the grassy lane and up. Andy standing there with Monty... smiles.

Monty grinning said he got it... more walking for all three. I thanked him.

Andy beside me, "Fay, he's doing very well. I saw his mum in the village... she said he comes home in such high spirits wanting to tell her his day!"

Fist bump and a hug for him!! Liam was marvellous!! As he should be! Audra too by the way! I said I'd seen her earlier.

Cho on his phone when I came down from changing so I gathered my pair in the Library. Carter pointed up when I asked about the Twins. A smile.

We worked until lunch then after back to it. I had an engagement in the city tomorrow, Cho and I would be overnight at Cowley House.

My guy came in to see us, "The Black Mead Hotel on the west side of Inverness is ours! The sale closed this morning. Sixty five rooms and suites. The restaurant is good, well laid-out and the kitchen staff very good."

I asked the address... "It fronts on Huntly Street on the River Ness across the Young Street Bridge from downtown."

A quick Apple Map zoom in... got it. A great spot... not far from Inverness Station, twenty minutes from the airport.

Cho had already given me the tale of another Scotland stop in the same trip... Greenock to see the Telegraph people after seeing the hotel. He and Craig had sent some snaps taken on the day. They had flown down in an AW139 to a car park close to the newspaper on his way to Turnberry. A small daily... they were amazed Cho would visit! It is a small office, their paper is printed in southeast Glasgow and driven over.

"They all were very nice, happy to be owned by us!!"

Fist bump!

"One more item... The Hay-Adams Hotel in Washington, D.C...." I looked up, "... Dorian has sent a message... it can be bought, his initial information was right the family wants to sell but they have conditions. They want the buyer to retain the staff and maintain the house at the same level.

Now if a sale goes forward to anyone... after it closes they will not be able to have any say about what happens so it is posturing... they hope to deter the marginal or rapacious buyers... leaving them wondering what the family might say in public that could hurt.

If we made an offer I'm sure they will look at us.." Cho grinning, "... to find out what we do to our acquisitions."

Fist bump!

We dialled the Sharks on the Conference App and got Francis to join.

"Please make the deal for the Hay-Adams Hotel. Let them know it is Cho and I behind the corporation doing the deal."

Francis smiling on the Conference App, "Will do!"

Morgan's face a big smile, she called out to Dorian... Cho and I thanked him for the business space beside Le Champignon d'Or and the hotel.

I added a `Keep going!' Thumbs up!!

We all walked out to see Phillips, I was carrying Charlie's `pot.' What Charlie wanted was explained. Phillips held it up, "Charlie, you have made something very nice. Yes, we will get a bonsai conifer and get it setup for you."

He rubbed his chin, "Ben is good with the smaller plants... I'll ask him to be the lead on this."

Charlie thanked Phillips, they shook hands... then a fist bump to many laughs.

An email from Donovan and Edison in Chicago. The ground penetrating radar folks have done one sweep. They found thirty possibles, a second scan highlighting those will be done in the next few days.

So far there hasn't been any issues with gawkers and the press taking the pool camera and drone video are happy. Right now it's a low drama period. When the shovels come out it will be different.

Cho and I sent our encouragement and a no `hurry' caveat.

My morning ride on Pamela was awesome. Roland and Gough running hard at the end... they couldn't catch us but it was great fun... the horses all making happy sounds!! Fist bumps with Gaby and Tara.

Tara really liked Gough, her hands rubbing his neck. I already knew Gaby was in love with Roland's strength and speed. They knew a welcome to join me was always open.

Min and Avril dropped us at Wandsworth. We offered the trip to Cowley House to the Twins but they wanted time to work on the newest C&C Production. It was easy to say yes... we were anticipating the show.

I went to Millbank House, Sage smiling. I made a coffee and sat to do some work. Casteen came in from a meeting at the MOD.

"Good morning, Your Ladyship."

My eyebrows raised... a grin... I pointed to a chair... she sat with a smile and "Fay, it is a nice day."


"Reginald, the MOD fellow, has a report on the last items we sent over. They weren't big money but all violated MOD procedures. He didn't say exactly what had been done to the individuals except that some disciplinary action was taken."

A shrug, "We don't need to know other than they took your information seriously. Anything else?"

Casteen smiled, "We are sure there is more... nothing big... you did say we needed to move on soon."

I handed her a packet on the education department, the people, programmes, etc...

"The letter we received was specific on one instance with a veiled comment about other schools and items. Make a start on it and rope in Linc when he runs out the string on his last MOD piece on the RAF business."

She gave me a salute which causes laughter as Sage was in the doorway to see it.

I raised my hand, "I have met the fellow in charge at the Department for Education... I will on him when you get started."

Another salute to more laughter.

I was sitting back with a report on the rural water situation sent on by Lord Dascom. Sage at the door again...

"Ma'am, there's a courier with a packet for you. He needs a signature... " A big grin, "... I'm not important enough to sign."

I said let's have him in...

A fellow in a gray suit and navy tie looking a bit prim and proper... He sort of came to attention... a bow.

I motioned him on... "Your Ladyship, these documents are from the National Security Strategy Committee chairman."

I signed his chit and he departed.

The packet had documents on the military bases that were in question. Whether to close or be maintained, some the Americans wanted to use. Also the list of what those ridiculous tories had proposed... a quick glance.

His note to me added this was also a review of those tories base closings which was problematical.

I called Sage in, "Please send a note to the committee chairman... referring to the tory list... say I think we should disregard the entire list. A quick look says to me they targeted non-tory areas for base closings... a closer look is warranted. Thank him for sending the documents."

A grin and a nod.

The chairman's note said I could take these out... they were sensitive, not classified as secret in any way. Once decisions were made all the local areas involved would know.

I flipped through, text, charts, maps and tables. Bases throughout the United Kingdom and overseas, many in the north. The ones the U.S. military was interested in were highlighted in separate section.

The note said he'd like some feedback in a fortnight or so. I asked Sage to put in on the calendar with a timeline and reminders.

Cho was at the Investment Bank so I nibbled at a small lunch and got ready for the tea party! Ooof!

It was a sunny day, light cool breezes. At 19c warm enough.

A pale blue silk frock, short sleeves with a cuff, a round collar, close to my torso, a narrow navy belt around my small waist, soft two inch pleats almost to the top of my knee. Navy stockings and heels. Gold jewellery and `Joy' A 25cm navy Hermès Kelly bag and light linen navy gloves. A navy cardigan in case... Gil holding it with a grin!

Rae picked me up with Gil and PJ. Out Great Peter Street to Artillery Row across to Buckingham Gate at the Palace we were directed into the South Gate then through the entryway to the Quadrangle. Rae was motioned to a parking place.

A fellow came up... he bowed, he escorted us into the Palace on the north side of the Quadrangle, out through a passage to a gravelled walkway and around to the west onto the lawn. A small pavilion was at the edge of the grass... A sign welcoming Great Britain's Women Authors and Editors.

A woman came out from behind the table... she curtseyed... "Welcome Your Ladyship."

I thanked her, she motioned to a young man in Palace livery... she said to him to escort me to the Duchess of Cornwall. She smiled and said she hoped I enjoyed the gathering. I thanked her.

The young fellow bowed and gestured...

PJ pointed to the wide stairs at the back of the palace where the lawn began... I nodded.

There was a long pavilion towards the southwest and dozens... dozens of table and chair arrangements across the grass in front of it. Many big clusters of people, mostly women mingling. A few positively silly hats.

I could see we were making a bee-line to the Duchess. She had a half dozen ladies with her. She was in a nice dress in white to her knees with blue accents. No hat.

The young fellow bowed to the Duchess, she smiled and put out her hands.

"Welcome! I am so glad you could come."

She turned to the group and introduced me... a few `Lady' names and a baroness. Several curtseyed. I reached to take each hand saying I was pleased to meet them. My frock was admired. I was good saying nice things about their clothes.

The Duchess suggested some tea so we headed to the pavilion. I got a cup and skipped the biscuits.

Camilla caught my eye... we walked together away from the crowd towards the rope barrier surrounding this part of the garden. The Duchess slipped her arm through mine... tea cups held steady.

A smile, "I am being a secret agent!"

My eyebrows up... the smile on my face remained!

"Charles asked me to gently inform you the Queen is going to give you more honours at Christmas. I can't divulge any details."

I thanked her.

"This year Charles and I will accompany Her Majesty on her visit to Harcourt House. I believe Prince Phillip will also attend... that depends on some things."

"That will be wonderful. We missed you last year. The Twins like Her Majesty. They have asked if she was coming again."

We had approached the rope... a footman lowered it so we could keep walking. He raised it behind us.

"The Queen would like to get more honours done to a wider group. Bringing younger people to the aristocracy... the institution needs new faces and I believe she wants to get this begun as she sees the end of her life coming. If she makes a start now Charles have an easier time continuing when she is gone as she had set a precedent."

I could only nod in agreement. I could see the logic from the Queen's perspective. It follows along with Charles pushing me towards the Lords. Cho's citizenship to enhance his knighthood too!

Camilla turned to me, "You and Cho shocked everyone with your grants to the NHS trusts. Money dropped into their laps... we hope as your press statement said they use it wisely."

"It sounds like a lot of money... it is I know but balanced against the whole NHS budget it is small. As we said it is symbolic of our interest in healthcare. We hope that it focuses some attention upon the trusts... they get forgotten as they sit behind the hospitals and the many staff."

"Well you turned Charles' head with that. He was already a believer in you and Cho as change agents... now he thinks you are not only on the leading edge... but heading up the charge."

I smiled, "Please tell him we are doing what we see can be of help for ordinary people many of whom work for us. They rely on services like the NHS."

She squeezed my arm.

We did a turn around... I motioned to the crowd... "Cho and I are building a publishing house... offices in multiple cities. We want to encourage women authors and any others who are without a voice."

"More good things!"

I nodded, "There is a new author from California, we helped her a bit to get over the hump' on her PHD. Her dissertation is being published and she is doing a book tour. The book is getting rave reviews... Women After Armageddon: German Women in the Post-War Years' is the title."

"Oh you mean those ladies who cleared the rubble and the like?"

"Yes, those and all the others who had to deal with the issues of occupation, rebuilding and lost. I can send you a copy?"

"Please. They showed such fortitude like our ladies here during the Blitz and after."

"Yes, the same strength! The same perseverance! To Clarence House?"

"That is fine. I will have my secretary keep an eye out."

"Officially it is not released but I can get the publisher to send me some copies."

"We should get back... I'm glad we could have a private moment. You and Cho are doing so many amazing things! Anything new?"

"I'm going to give a speech at a girl's school in Tehran."

She gave me a look... we stepped back over the rope laying on the grass...

"On one of my trips there I met a teenager at a Tehran restaurant... I gave her some encouragement about being strong for herself in many ways... Allysiah sent me a request... would I speak to all the girls at her school... the Iranian government agreed and so I'm going.

I have another speaking engagement on the way back... a political rally in Florida for their state governor election campaign. We are trying to help the Democrats take the seat and end a petty tyrant's time."

A short laugh, "You do get up to things."

`We have a long list... shelter openings in Berlin then we will spend time in Thailand. The Twins getting lots of exposure to one of their home countries."

The smile, "Your babies are quite marvellous. They are very advanced... how far?"

"Yes! We recently had a second evaluation done regarding their education... we had one last year. They are reading and writing at nearly a year seven or eight level and are trilingual... English, Thai and French. They are doing equations in their maths."

A new head shaking at the Twins abilities.

"Keep them learning... they are what we need for the future."

"Fortunately they love to learn. They know a good deal about dinosaurs... which is a very popular children's subject... enough to correct a lady at the Natural History Museum when she mislabelled the Allosaurus in the wrong pre-history period. They knew it was the Jurassic Period."

The Duchess laughed out loud, "I hope they do not ever stop doing fun things like that. Splendid! I will tell Charles... he will enjoy hearing it."

Back where the people were sitting... I was introduced to several ladies. One was an executive at a publishing company in the city.

"Your Ladyship, we understand you know Felicia Connelly? Her book coming out soon."

"Yes, we do know her. I have read the book."

"Ah... " Big eyes! "We are angling to be her United Kingdom publisher."

"I did read it when it was still her dissertation so I'm not conversant with its current version."

She was looking at me... a bit oddly.

"Ma'am, you know her that well?"

"We met through her husband, an architect, who is doing work for us in California. I was immediately interested in her subject because I have a close interest in the period before and after the Second World War in Germany."

Now I could see I was viewed as ODD for my being involved in historical subjects. She started to say something but I forestalled her...

"I hope your negotiations go well it needs to be widely read."

I shook her hand... Smiling I moved away.

I got another cup tea... A young woman approached... Gil coming close.

"Fay, a call..."

I took her iPhone... "Jillian..."

I extended my hand to the woman... She took it.

"Fay, you said you've done business with Asprey's... How about them as a racing sponsor?"

"They would be excellent... ask them... also I will call Ralph Lauren... it just hit me... he might be interested. Fine... let Gil know. Thanks."

I said sorry to the woman... A smile, "No... M'Lady, you are fine. I'm Patricia, you know my uncle, my mother's brother, Lord Ashover..."

"Yes. We're friendly. He's moved up this year."

A laugh, "You certainly helped him go up. Pushing over the ramshackle tory government."

I laughed in return, "It was a pleasure. David is a hard-working fellow so the Labour Party should be happy with him. He seems to be enjoying the job."

"Mother says he's built for it. She always thought his going into the Lords wouldn't ever satisfy him."

"Ha... I suppose I shouldn't share that?"

She was smiling shaking her head.

"What brings you here? Author? Editor?"

"I am an editor. I just finished editing a memoir by a woman politician... good stuff but she couldn't help much... a bit dotty. We worked from what she wrote eight to ten years ago when she retired."

"Will it sell?"

"We hope so... she was in government and knew `everybody'..." a grin and wide stretched arms, "... she's funny, clever."

"Good combination. How do you see the market for books about women?"

A tilted head, "If they are well written with a sharp subject... they will sell. We have several doing very well. Speaking about books on women... Have you read any of the books about yourself?"

I laughed, "That will not happen. We do have lawyers reading them. A few letters have been sent... I understand many thousands copies of one were pulped after our lawyers made representations."

She smiled, "That was rumoured... I'm glad! Those sort of things need to be checked... so many publishers think they can skirt by the edge of the rules. All they do is make the rest of us look bad."

Fist bump which got a laugh.

Gil held up my iPhone I'd given her... text from Bangkok... Dad! The forestry guy from Malaysia has been handed over at the border to the custody of federal police officers from Kuala Lumpur.

Oh... he was going to have fun dealing with a government that wanted him to disappear! Gil shaking her head... she knew.

I asked Gil to type a response with thanks and love. I squeezed her hand.

Patricia looking... I said some old business being closed out.

"You are a busy person... I shouldn't...."

"You are fine. I always need to be somewhere else... today it was good to come to here.

I shook her hand.

"By the way your dress is terrific!"

I thanked her.

Several other women came up... introducing themselves.

Ah someone I recognised... Grace, Lady Ovendem, who we'd met at Badminton.

I did a curtsey which made her smile, "Lady Harcourt, nice to see you again."

I replied the same.

Her cup was empty like mine... neither of us wanted more. A smiling young woman with a tray took them for us.

"Fay, I saw the news from California... Sunny won the Winterset Trials."

"Yes, she just keeps going along smoothly. We managed to get to the cross-country part on the last day. Sunny and her crowd are on the way to Oxfordshire after a family stay in Los Angeles."

"Good... break time."

"She has started school so fewer events until spring."

In answer to Grace's question, "She's a year ten but this is to be her last year at Abbey Hill... she has a place at Brasenose for next autumn."

Huge eyes, "That's my husband's college. I hope she does well. She's fifteen?"

I nodded, "So Sixteen going in. The Brasenose people have had Sunny on their radar since she expressed an interest in the law on a visit with her family."

"If she would like to speak to some recent graduates... to get a feel for it... my husband knows many of them."

"I will tell her."

"I will send a note to Sunny... at Harcourt House ?"

"Yes. Perfect!" I thanked her.

Gil was hovering. Grace smiled, "I see you are wanted. It is very nice to see you every now and then."

We shook hands... smiles and goodbyes.

Gil said the woman organiser was... she looked... "... There. She's a Lady-in-Waiting sort of in waiting for Charles to be promoted."

A laugh.

Okay. We moved that way. I was able to get to her.

Smiling she asked if everything was good.

I thanked her for the invitation. And asked her say my thanks again to the Duchess.

"Your Ladyship, I am glad you were able to come. The Duchess was quite pleased when I told her."

We shook hands.

PJ beside me, a smile. We walked back the way we came at the outer door a footman guided us through to the Quadrangle. Rae next to the car opened the door for me... PJ's grin larger as he opened the door for her... Rae laughed. Okay... all in! We motored to Cowley House.

Cho waiting in the North Drawing Room with a drink. A hug and kiss.

Clough delivered a sherry which I appreciated. We sipped our drinks... Cho smiling as I told him my news from the Duchess.

He was grinning, "It'll still be a surprise because all we know is something is coming... it could be a squib or a big boom!"

I shrugged.

"I have no idea but then last year was close to the atomic bomb."

Okay so we wait.

There was some very nice kissing and rubbing in my dressing room before I shooed Cho out.

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