Jian: Cast of Characers

By A becker

Published on May 5, 2023



All together going to Thayer's... time to split up! We did a last meet with Dillon and Sondra. They were good! Kiet was doing part day's at the restaurant.

A big hug for Thayer! He was a happy fellow, Sondra was good and there was a wonderful little man in the house!

Beverly and Sam... hugs and kisses. They'd fly home shortly.

I did waves from the door of Glorianna's AW139.


The Twins going to Minetta Street with Jaidee. Cho's off to the west visiting the Observer Dispatch in Utica and the Democrat and Chronicle of Rochester. Then to Manhattan.

Me to the east on the same task, the Providence Journal in Rhode Island first then The Journal News of White Plains. Manhattan after.

These four are daily newspapers from the Gannett chain.

My AW139 lifting off, Gil, Chelle, Tara, Tessa and Kara with me.

Email pinging in...

Kevin and Hjalmar in Seattle... the tunnel borer is over two-thirds the way to its destination. No issues... it is on track and tomorrow it will begin its slow gradual rising towards the surface. The folks doing the interior work are right on the heels of the borer with the pre-cast forms. Those forms turning out to be even better than we hoped, easy to go in, fitting as planned, lots of space for wiring! Paving and finishing to follow when the borer is done and out of the tunnel..

I replied with a thank you and a `full steam ahead' message.

I sent my reply to all on the thread so Cho would get it. The CEO of the borer builder in Stockholm was on the thread. We had spoken a week ago... he was happy... business is up. They were creating a new borer for the Iranian Energy Ministry to connect more of the mountain reservoirs in a completely linked system.

Taj had laughed when he found out we owned the borer builders, "Fay, I do not think I should be surprised knowing how smart you and Cho are about investments."

I had explained the SODO tunnel in Seattle to him... "You two do spend your money... no being miserly."

"Well... we all pass on and there will be plenty for Chani and Charlie."

He had laughed.

In a matter of a minute Cho sent me a text with a load of thumbs up!! Mine back was big red hearts!

In three quarters of an hour we began our descent to the top of a multi-story car park. There were two Providence Police cars sitting up there blocking access to the roof.

I stepped out into the bright sun with my yellow round sunglasses. I walked over to the police officers, I shook their hands and thanked them for being here. Smiles and it was nice to meet me.

Downstairs to Exchange Street at the corner a right turn on Sabin Street then we cut through a car park to Fountain Street. A half block to the Providence Journal front door... Tara on point.

A guard at the door from a local security company wasn't sure what to do about us walking in. Smiling I said I was Fay Martin... `I've come for a short visit.'

"Please call the publisher's office."

He picked up his phone and dialled. A bit of a stammer as he said my name... I watched his face go a bit red.

He hung up and said "Please this way."

He opened the inner door... I thanked him. Straight ahead was the newsroom... me going there!

In the large room, lots of desks in low cubicles... I walked to the centre more or less... attracting attention passing the first desks. Tara held the chair this time with a grin.

I called in my loudest voice for everyone to come as close as possible.

There was a rush of people from the side... suits... the management folks were coming.

A lot of expectant faces. Smiling I thanked them for their hard work and hoped they were enjoying themselves more here. A loud chorus of `Yes' came back.

I gave them some of my usual bits... then because I knew they had considered creating a union...

I explained how the new Gannett would operate regarding that from an HR standpoint. I said I was sure they'd heard about the Arizona Republic's staff wanting to unionise to defend themselves from the Gannett management.

"In Phoenix I told them we supported their move to form a union but the adversarial relationship no longer existed. I can say the same to you. Cho and I believe unions are good for businesses.

You can negotiate for yourselves but when a contract is in place the obligations go both ways. To us that means both sides need to speak honestly... we always do that."

I paused at that point... I could see they were paying attention... they could have their union... we didn't feel threatened like the old Gannett bosses.

"The only way for the Journal to prosper is for you all ...." My hands motioning around the room including the management folks... "... to work to your utmost. The new tools you have received and more coming should enable your best efforts. Look to the New York Daily News for inspiration."

I thanked them for letting me get in the way of the next edition. Laughter!! Smiling I waved to them all...

They started to applaud, a few cheers.

I stepped to greet the publisher. A smile on his face.

We worked our way to a conference room on the floor above... I shook hands going through the rest of the newsroom with a few detours to greet people on the margins of the room.

I parked in the middle of the table after introducing Gil and Chelle... giving their roles.

I said we were pleased with their numbers... advertising space up, revenue up too. Lower costs... all good. Things looking positive!

I said one item in a report was a question mark, "Circulation fulfilment issues? What is that?"

The publisher said they'd had problem with the management of some delivery people. He turned to a fellow opposite me... He said the delivery manager is... `Kenneth.'

Kenneth said the individual who had run the distribution network for about a quarter of the city delivery area had fallen down on the job... "He had personal problems that were consuming him... we let him go four days ago... his replacement has gotten things back on track... no delivery failures since."

"Is the fellow being looked after in any way?"

The publisher's head shaking... "In a manner of speaking... he's under arrest in the Providence City Jail."

I looked his way... one word explained it... drugs. Too bad. According to the publisher he had been a good employee for many years. They didn't know what sent him off the rails.

I asked if we could help him? The Managing Editor who knew him for the longest time said he had a family, two young daughters and his wife while working wouldn't be able to cover their bills.

I turned to the publisher... motioning also to `Kenneth.'

"Find out if there is an amount of money they might need to meet their needs and communicate it to Chelle so we can assist his family also I want to know if he's likely to stay in jail or not. Chelle should get what you know."

I asked his name `Glover.'

The publisher with a bit of amazed look said he'd be in touch about the fellow to Chelle. Our girl smiled and nodded.

An email from Cho... I pardoned myself...

Results from Del Mar. Phawta running in the Del Mar Debutante Stakes won by six in her second start. It was a G1 race of seven furlongs for a three hundred thousand dollar purse.

Sirikit also won! Her race was the G1 Del Mar Solana Stakes, she wired the field to win by five. The purse was four hundred thousand dollars.

Cho pleased with the clean sweep over the long weekend. Harcourt Racing was now entering further rarefied air... in ten days we'll know if we have won the Triple Crown titles in the three major racing countries... something never done before... certainly not in the same year!

I had a big smile... I nudged Gil and Chelle showing the email... smiles.

To the sports editor, "We have ended our racing for the weekend... Cho heard from Del Mar... two of our fillies won there."

Thanks to Chelle's work I knew he was an old horse racing sports reporter. A smile as his head shook side-to-side.

"That makes ten wins in four days?"

I nodded smiling... "Yes... You keep track?"

"I always keep my hand in," a big smile.

"Ever had a talk with Nipsey in New York?"

"Yes we're friends. He's told me all about your work on the Daily news... everyone there is so positive."

I leaned over the table for a fist bump. Smiles around the table.

I brought up another topic... "We have been looking at real estate in the downtown here..." Eyes popped open!

"We are considering buying a property that is suitable for a new Journal home."

They were staring now.

"We have some people doing the looking... we have requested they concentrate in the downtown area. The production facility on Kinsey Avenue would remain... In fact the other buildings on that site have been purchased so we own the entire block. A new press will be installed in the larger building it would be for speciality printing jobs which we will hire a staff to sell the print capabilities to new customers across New England. Our business opportunity hunters have researched the market... we see a opening for speciality printing across New England."

I could see the publisher's head was swimming.

"Any new Journal location will have more space and be designed for your needs... a place for a health clinic and a canteen included which we do not have here."

Smiles on their faces.

Grinning at them, "We own a lot of newspapers now... Cho and I believe in them as a primary news source. What a newspaper lacks in instant gratification in print they deliver in the depth of coverage and analysis. Our websites are a terrific way to get the news out pushing people towards our papers for the real in-depth coverage.

No web or TV show filled with talking heads can compare with our ability to put a local spin on events of our times with reporters who dig for the news. There simply is no real comparison except with another company we own... Fox News.

If you follow what has been happening there in the last two years you know they have become the GO TO source for news on TV... a powerhouse of quality and detailed reporting. Breaking dozens of important stories."

The Editorial Page editor, "Miss Martin, the republicans here are running scared. Fox News reporting has them looking over their shoulders... some leaving politics. We know of several in Rhode Island and next door in Massachusetts. We are developing several stories on that which may stampede a few more to quit."

I did a yea!

I asked if they'd seen anything from The Day in Seattle? Many heads nodding.

"They are a paradigm for us! We built them from the ground up... in one year they have become a shining star... tossing aside the Seattle Times... they are now the leading news source in Seattle... beating the TV stations..." I laughed, "E... Even one we own."

They all laughed.

"We recently bought the Western Newspapers chain of regional newspaper in the Pacific Northwest... Aston, the editor-in-chief of The Day, has moved to be the new CEO of Western Newspapers. He's still the The Day's publisher.

The Day in Los Angeles will likely win many awards for their work on the heat ray company abusing students at California universities. The company's owners and top technical people were just indicted by the Los Angeles County District Attorney plus they have the California Attorney General and the Justice Department breathing down their necks.

The Day in Los Angeles is within ten thousand copies of the Los Angeles Times. Our two very young newspapers are defeating their old entrenched rivals... we didn't shy away from challenging those big boys. We felt we could go toe-to-toe with them... they have a bad case of institutional arteriosclerosis.

We succeeded because those newspapers had lost their way... we don't want you to ever take anything for granted!"

A small slap on the table... "We want you all to be hungry... dig around... find the news.. write it honestly and responsibly and passionately... then print it!"

A smile, "Please emulate Jack White as often as you can!"

They laughed and clapped.

In the publisher's office he asked about my Jack White reference.

"I dabble in history..." a huge cough from Gil which made me laugh.

"Okay I love history and I spend time on it. I loathe the sort of politician like nixon... he was a scumball, liar, cheat... a criminal who should have gone to gaol... I'm delighted we own a newspaper with the past of the Journal! Jack White did the Journal proud!"

I showed the publisher how to do a `proper' fist bump which made him laugh.

"If there's a cheater like nixon in public office they better get used to looking behind themselves because we want our newspapers and Fox News to come for them."

"Damn! We are all glad you own us now. Gannett was wearing us down... cutting away at the core regardless of the cost to the ability to our work."

"That is over! You have spoken to Justin and the new management at Gannett... it's the classic new day... Justin knows how we think... we spend money to make money and we don't expect rewards the following week.

Other folks are catching on... the Gannett share price is now over twenty five dollars! Much more than ten times what we paid. People are jumping on the bandwagon to get the shares because we make money... always!"

The publisher said one of the reporters had come to him earlier before we walked in to say he'd seen a white helicopter landing on the top of a building a block away...

"That was us. We are on the top level of the multi-story car park thing over by the convention centre. We need to go because we promised the city we wouldn't stay too long."

A good handshake with the Publisher, a big smile on his face. Gil and Chelle shook his hand. Downstairs I walked back through the newsroom waving and shaking more hands.

Back to the multi-story, the police man and woman were thanked again. More handshakes and a double selfie using their phones.

Glorianna lifted us up climbing and turning to the southwest. A half an hour flight brought us to the Journal News of White Plains.

Their offices were in an office park southeast of the city. A disused car park served as our landing spot. Glorianna and Aubrey would stay with the aircraft... they were our pilots but also officers in the Security Service like all the helicopter pilots, highly trained and armed. It was a strength for us to have our pilots be fully doubly qualified.

We walked around to the front door... they weren't expecting us either... A typical suburban office centre... parking, lawns, bland anonymous buildings. This one tried to be cute using large gray pavers as edging... the same old asphalt roadway.

Inside the outer door the security guard saluted... odd. I said that wasn't necessary.

"Ma'am, I was told you were arriving and to be correct."

I thanked him and shook his hand, "You aren't supposed to salute without a hat or indoors since you shouldn't wear a hat indoors...." A grin, "Just something from my father's days as an army officer."

He was a surprised then laughed. Smiling he held the inner door open for us.

Inside I could see the management had hastily gathered themselves. I assumed the helicopter landing in full view of their offices would give me away.

The publisher stepped forward, "Welcome Your Ladyship... to the Journal News."

I thanked him... a bit of a prompting with my eyes... "Oh yes..."

He introduced the management team. I did Gil and Chelle. My three protectors standing quiet behind me.

I headed into the newsroom... they all knew I am here... standing by their desks... I moved forward shaking hands to a central spot and climbed onto a chair. Tara with a grin had the chair.

I said I was glad they were part of the NewsGroup... we liked their association with the many small cities and towns in the Lower Hudson River Valley.

"I have read some of your copy... It is pleasing to see the Journal News hasn't lost its local connections or appeal. We want to extend the area of your coverage adding more town sections to the daily paper."

I could see smiles as they got we paid attention...

"Yes there are over twelve hundred different newspapers and magazines in the NewsGroup... it would be a life's work to visit them all or read all the output... we will pay closer attention to the larger more important ones.

Although the NewsGroup has some `big names' in journalism..." I did the finger quotes for emphasis, "... we do appreciate every member newspaper for their own virtues. Please continue to raise your level of work... the path to success for newspapers is difficult... together we have a great future ahead."

I thanked them again. Waving as I stepped down. Clapping, a whistle and cheers.

The publisher's face said a lot... big smile.

We went through the rest of the newsroom... more handshaking, several women got hugs on the way to a conference room.

I sat in the centre of a large rectangular table, Gil and Chelle beside me... the publisher, the editor-in-chief and others opposite.

We spoke about the increased advertising space buys and how they were using social media to bring in more readers. Reginé's people had given them ideas and other assistance. Their twitter account followers numbers up twenty percent in the last month and a half. Their website was gaining more hits all the time... the advertising revenue there close to covering its cost.

More on how the expansion to other areas should play out in the pages of the newspaper...

"Bringing items of interest from the peripheral areas in sections tailored to them is going to work for you. Those people could become regular online readers and we want them to see the value of the printed page in their hands.

We are seeing a very diverse new readership for all our newspapers... younger readers whose families had not taken a daily paper as they grew up to older readers who had let their subscription lapse coming back... businesses taking our newspapers to see more of whats was happening in their neighbourhoods... and more.

When Cho and I with our investor friends took over 21st Century Fox... Fox News was regularly watched and trusted by a segment of the population who were among the least well educated, the most credulous... It pandered to that base. Outside that backward looking bubble Fox News was disdained and scorned..."

Smiling I leaned back, "... How about now?"

Looking at their faces... they got it... things can and do change.

"Our creating two newspapers was laughed at by some media `pundits' who are not laughing now. The Seattle Day now the only media outlet to have won a Pulitzer Prize, a Peabody and a Polk award in the same year for the same stories. Their quality shone through."

Smiling, "Our insistence on honest, straightforward, ethical news gathering and superb writing for the video world and newspapers has shown people we can be trusted. It's like having an Edward R. Murrow or a Walter Cronkite sitting with our people editing their copy.

Those values are encouraging Americans and others to come to our media to see what we are saying... then they are staying."

Smiles and nodding heads.

The publisher looked around the table at his colleagues... "We are proud to have the NewsGroup as our parent... we even have put it in our masthead beside Gannett."

The editor-in-chief, "I have a nephew living in Seattle... he clued me into The Day from its beginning. He's twenty nine, a coder for a local app building company, his comment was `Watch out for this newspaper it is well written and good about one thing which pissed me off about all the media... they do follow ups. A story doesn't die after one edition with them.'

That amazed me so I started going to their webpage... he was right... even some innocuous stories got a blurb later with an outcome. I was impressed so I started to needle our people to do the same. I told them if we could... based on space... we'd get their follow ups in somehow."

I stood up an leaned over the table... fist bump which drew laughs from everybody.

Smiling, "That is perfect. Exactly what should happen! Congratulations."

My hands sweeping around the table, "The Day has passed the Seattle Times in circulation and isn't looking back... the lead extending each month. The Day in Los Angeles will likely pass the Los Angeles Times in a few weeks.

They are both built from the ground up... taking down the local behemoth because those newspapers had become complaisant."

I pointed to the editor... "I am very pleased to see that won't happen here."

Smiles and more clapping.

I said we had thoughts about their printing... it was being done by another company... they were surprised when I said I had people investigating property in the area to build a new building that would bring everything to one location...

They even more surprised to learn we had recently purchased the printing company doing the print work for them.

"We want to bring all these pieces together under one roof."

I gestured to the publisher, "You will become the manager of all these assets..." head shaking but I could see he was good with it... pleased!

"The printing boss will report to you starting..." I pointed to my wrist where there was no watch... "... right now!"

Laughter. He pulled up his jacket cuff exposing his watch... "When?" Then an ear cocked for a sound...

His assistant looked in to say he had a call from the printing company fellow... that shocked the whole White Plains crowd... like I was a magician!!

I asked her what line... the editor picked up the phone and placed it beside the publisher's hand... laughing! He punched a button and picked up... "Hello... Yes... I've just been told... Lady Harcourt is across the table from me... I think so... Please come over in the morning... I'll be waiting... Ten is great..."

He had a big smile... "What kind of Danish do you like?"

The room laughed. "Yes everyone is laughing... Cherry it is... See you at ten..."

I put out my hand, "Hello... Yes... Fay Martin. I'm glad we have a deal you like and you are staying on. We'll meet at some point. Be well!"

Much more laughter after I rang off.

I was smiling, "Yes sometimes things do align perfectly!"

Laughs... sounding happy beyond just a good funny moment... deeper.

"A good start. The printers are a good company, financially sound with a lot of other work. Our plans aren't finalised... we are leaning to keeping open the existing plant doing other things with a sales staff of their own to generate new business. An entirely new press for the location you move to..

The Providence Journal is in the same position as yourselves... a new building for them.

As a child in England I went with a school group to a newspaper... we had a tour of the offices and newsroom then walked down to the press room... noisy and busy! It is a memory which has stayed put in my mind as a supremely logical arrangement..."

I laughed, "I was an impressionable child."

The table was all smiles.

A few more things then I did my goodbyes. Lots of handshaking on my way out. Quite a few folks came to the outer door to wave as we walked around the building to the AW139.

Glorianna and Aubrey cued by Gil were warming it up!

A short flight to the Westside Heliport... views of the city in the twilight. Hellos to the staff.

Pell waiting.

Nina at the Minetta Street doors... Alice on duty too. A fist bump for one, an ear rub for the other.

At the lift door. Loud Mama's!!! Hugs for the babies! Cheeks kissed. Jaidee added some woofs and a wiggly body to the mix. I knelt beside our Choco Boy... he was happy, full of life, enjoying being around the Twins who kept him going!

Gil's iPhone binged... Cho about fifteen minutes out from the heliport!!

Roslyn said the Twins had their dinner... grilled cheese sandwiches and green beans with loads of Romano shredded over them. I asked about omelettes for all of us? I got a `You betcha!'

So when the lift opened for Cho he was mobbed by Chani and Charlie with an assist from Jaidee... who led him to the kitchen where I was sitting. Roslyn said food was nearly ready. A happy face on my husband! A kiss.

The Twins took off with Jaidee to play before bed. We waved.

Steaming omelettes, veggie sausages and toast!! Smiles as we all dug in... Cho and I giving each other a summary of our visits to the newspapers. Cho laughing about my `little things' at each stop as recounted by Gil and Chelle.

Cho's visits had been a success like mine. One had advance notice, the other didn't. They were very pleased to see him, happy to be part of the NewsGroup... knowing we weren't the least bit like the old managers at Gannett. And that Justin and his team were like us!

That was a good takeaway from all the stops... they got how we are different and progressively minded. The level of enthusiasm at Cho's stops mirrored mine. Delightful to see people being happy at work.

The only down part of today was the news from Santa Anita... Kannika was out for the year. Her ligament was healing but not quickly... no point in hurrying her along. She'd winter at Santa Anita where her veterinarian would keep an eye on her and Monaco could work up a plan to get her racing next year.

Cho said he expressly asked Monaco to investigate her running on grass rather than dirt. A surface change might be best for her.

A kiss for him... it was a very good thought.

My morning walk with Jaidee toured the close neighbourhood... on the way back I spoke to the admissions lady at the Little Red Schoolhouse who had just come outside greeting pupils... She was well, the school doing quite fine. They liked having Mara.

"She has a bright personality, engaged, friendly and SMART!"

She laughed. "She's popular."

I mentioned our two growing up very fast... quite advanced... I added we didn't think they were ready for a classroom. She said she understood after hearing about how Tha and Delphine work.

We shook hands.

Upstairs breakfast was going. I got mine and we loaded up for England. I told Charlie and Chani we'd be in time for dinner. Yeas!

Mira had us going quickly. The boys noises part of the fabric of our family flights now!!

I went to work with Gil and Chelle. Sage sent something almost every day... she even apologised once. I told her to send it on... it doesn't matter I rarely take an entire day off I said found it better to do it as it comes. I needed to be at the Lords on Wednesday morning. Okay.

Cho on his phone with Francis and a few others. The Twins schooling. Jaidee with Cho... those strong fingers on his back... he looked blissed-out. Cho and I exchanged grins after I pointed to Jaidee.

Gil had been in touch with Narong's PA... a date was proposed for the party to be at our home in Bangkok. It would finalise soon. Okay!

Everything was set for the upcoming trips and a stay at Twin Ponds. A busy few days.

Also Jolly would still be in Berlin and would love to go to the estate north of the city for a look.

We rolled over the gravel... Ah!

Carter, Carter2 and Eliza smiling! Charlie and Chani had warmed them up with hugs and fist bumps.

Carter said Carla was nearly ready with dinner. Good... we could sit for a few minutes.

Leaning back into a settee by the fireplace... a warm Cho against me... two giggling babies opposite... very nice!! A bit of quiet. The Twins happy to be here... this was their favourite house.

Lots planned to keep them busy!

Carter at the door... Food!

Afters outside on the Terrace as the Twins romped with Jaidee. Tennis ball tossing an important element of the fun. Jumpers for them and a mac for me... autumn!

My morning ride with Tara... she and Gaby really loved riding Roland!! He kept pace with Pamela on the run from Sandford. I didn't try to push the pace. He made loud happy noises at the end on the Flats. Pamela nickering. They liked running together.

Penelope rubbing against her mom in their stall... looking like Pamela. Growing up! She was all legs still.

It was an unseasonably warm day... could be as much as twenty-eight or nine!! Dress accordingly.

Min dropped me and mine at Wandsworth. I thanked her. Rae with the car... to the Peers Entrance of the Lords.

Inside I was greeted like a long lost brother. Hugs and cheek kisses.

Interestingly all my best `buddies' were men. Not many Cross Bench women peers.

I walked into the House on Mac's arm... We sat down, Alfred on my right.

Argyle, Lord Balloch, brought us to order.

Some brief comments on two bills then voting. The bills were part of the Labour programme and had wide-spread support in the Lords except for some recalcitrant tories.

In the Royal Gallery afterwards I told Mac I'd be around for a fortnight... in and out though.

Cecil and Alexander joined us.

Cecil shaking his head, "I saw the racing news from America. Do you two plan on ever losing a race?"

Laughing I told him now that Asda and Glaa were fathering babies we should prepare for a lift in competition with the breeding in America and here.

"It will take a few years before they'll be ready... soon enough."

A hug with each of them. They had sent their best mares to Asda so they'll benefit. Babies for them by spring so they'd be competition... but... I let it hang...

"Glaa is back in Kentucky from Thailand..." They were looking... "... he covered the five mares that Asda has had several foals from who you know... SakChai, Rando, Hansa, Aneka, Sasithorn, Black Star..."

I was grinning.

Cecil's head shaking, "So we benefit but you are doubling down with Glaa's genes in those mares?"

More grinning.

Laughter from Mac, "I guess you fellows are behind the curve."

Alexander smiling, "Fay, you guys are killers in the American vernacular."

I squeezed their hands, "Hathai will be brought Asda in a year and a half... Their most current foal, a colt named Aroon, will be racing next year. He looks like his full-brother..."

Cecil and Alexander laughed, Cecil... "Another Glaa?"

I shrugged. Handshakes and hugs for these three.

Out front Rae was ready... we crossed St. Margaret's to load up. A bit of a go round to get to the Strand and the 180 Building. An ugly structure on the outside... the Brutalist' school of architecture.

At the door a woman guide introduced herself, "M'Lady, the Victoria Beckham presentation starts shortly. We have the seating you asked for."

I thanked her.

We were escorted into the big room... the central area clear... chairs in rows on each side on risers. The crowd started to notice me as we walked in.

We were shown to four seats... Tara and Angie would be behind Gil and I.

I chose a light royal blue frock with narrow white diagonal stripes that angled inward, deep cleavage to near my belly button, sleeveless to mid-thigh, lightweight silk... a bit flirty and fluttery. Gold jewellery including a necklace of a dozen strands laying in my décolletage. The `Cho' gold band and his horse-headed torque. White heels.

I'd worn a short white Nehru jacket over it in the Lords. Decorum!

I could see people pulling out their phones for some snaps. Some fingers pointing... a few waves...

A surprise for Anna W! She stood up to hug and cheek kiss.

"It's delightful to have you here!! I wondered who was going to be beside me. The people here didn't appear to know or were keeping a secret... now I know."

I said Gil arranged it. Anna leaned forward to smile at Gil.

She squeezed my hand, "Fay, it was very nice of you to host me and my clients at 21. They enjoyed their lunch... me too!

The Bar Room is always fun."

"Go any time... just call Bryan."

A big smile. And another thank you.

I asked about the clothes being shown so far this London Fashion Week. Anna said some excellent items... a few disappointments where she'd expected better. Anna said she anticipated softer looks from Victoria Beckham.

Everything ready... Victoria Beckham came out to say hello and speak briefly. Her seat was beside Anna... Anna had stood up to cheek kiss then did an introduction for me.

A curtsey, "Your Ladyship! It is wonderful to have you here."

I'd stood up to shake hands, "Thank you for having me. I'm Fay."

We sat so it could get on.

Anna was right, soft looks, not too close to the body, pastels, light khakis, blacks and some very bright reds. I liked one red frock. Deep cleavage, a big shirt collar, long sleeves, hem at mid-calf. It flowed beautifully. I wasn't sold on the overlong sleeves... over the hands. I guess I'm too practical for some fashion.

It was an interesting ninety minutes. I sensed Anna was not a talker during these shows so I let her alone. Gil showed me a few emails...

When the show was over I thanked Victoria. She asked what I thought... I told her my impressions and about the red frock.

"Ah!" She looked at me... "What are you a four or maybe a six?"

"In UK sizes yes. I'm an in between actually... In America I'm a two."

She smiled, "I will have one made for you."

I stepped closer to take her hand, "I endorse Mirabelle because I am an owner... so I couldn't do promotions for you. Should I wear it and I am asked I'll be happy to say it's yours."

A smile, she nodded, "I understand. It will be a gift... no strings attached. Where should it be sent?"

"Cowley House is fine."

A server came by with a tray of drinks... I asked, he motioned to the end. Fizzy water.

Some folks came up to Victoria... I shook her hand and said thanks so she could get on with her work.

Anna was talking to a small group.

A slender blonde with dark thick eyebrows, blue eyes approached me, a bit taller than me... Tara slightly in front of me Angie behind... She stopped level with Tara sensing there was a limit. Smart!

A curtsey, "Hello Your Ladyship, I'm Jesi. It is wonderful to see you here."

I extended my hand, we shook.

Up close those `iconic' eyebrows were terrific!

"Jesi, I've seen snaps of you in some terrific clothes... you have been a cover-girl for a while... on Vogue many times."

A bigger smile, "I hope that means you haven't seen me out of them?"

I laughed, "Not my sort of picture..." I leaned closer, "I'm sure you look spectacular either way."

A big laugh from her.

"M'Lady, funny! So you don't surf the web much?"

"I'm Fay. And not much on surfing... I use it for business not browsing for snaps of people with their nickers off."

Another huge laugh!

Jesi, an English woman with aristocratic family links, known for being primarily lesbian but open... not fair... she self-labelled as pansexual. Svelte and good-looking and commonly photographed by paparazzi.

A server came by I got rid of my glass and got another. Jesi got a fizzy water also. We walked in the open middle of the room.

"I have seen Mirabelle's clothes. Your suits are quite sleek."

I asked Gil to show Jesi a snap from the Gigi shoot at Fox Tower.

"This will be in Vogue in a month or so... These will be in the stores soon." I pointed to a Gigi snap the big yellow suit.

"Wow! I like that. I'd wear it!"

A smile from me, "The whole shoot was suits so the world will get to see them."

"I saw you sitting with Anna... Your cover with them was extraordinary... the piece was very laudatory. You and your husband looking like a couple from another age."

"Not too far back I hope."

Jesi laughed, "No... Just a bit other worldly."

"Not in a City of a Thousand Planets I hope?"

Another big laugh, "No... no... the other way in time."

"Do you have plans for lunch?"

Big eyes, "Nothing firm."


"I would like that very much."

"We'll leave shortly. Stay with me?"


Gil at my shoulder, "I texted Clough."

Jesi looking the question... I said he was our butler at Cowley House.

"He'll let our cook know."

We walked some more discussing clothes. She was wearing a sleek dark pinstriped suit with narrow trousers. An open neck shirt.

"I like your blue... sexy without being pushy."

"That's me for sure. I wear my power suits when I need to be `pushy' for real."

Laughter... "I can see you in a business suit being `pushy!"

Smiling, "It has happened... a few times... to several person's chagrin!"

A laugh!

I asked if anything in this show interested her.

"A few dresses and some of the trouser outfits. You?"

I told her about the red frock... smiling eyes, a nodding head.

"I remember that one... the over the hand long sleeves... right?"

I said yes which was the part I had reservations about.

"Victoria is sending me one so I'll see if I can deal with those."

I slipped my arm through hers... steering us towards Victoria... A few folks with her... they saw me... Victoria turned to me... she thanked me again for coming and I her for the frock to come. A hug for her. She cheek kissed Jesi. Smiles.

Anna got a cheek kiss, she and Jesi smiling shook hands, kissed cheeks.

Rae waiting, a PC on the kerb beside her car. He saluted. I thanked him.

Angie got the door. Gil climbed in. I slid in towing Jesi. Tara and Angie in the jump seats.

Rae let the barrier down saying "When I told him I was waiting for you he said he'd stay so there was no trouble."

Nice of him.

Jesi looking at my two beautiful Protectors. I did introductions. Jesi amazed.

"You are wearing terrific clothes..."

I explained the rationale behind it. She was shaking her head.

"I've had a bodyguard at some events... they usually look like thugs... difficult to determine who's who if I were to be attacked."

"It's Cho's idea."

Jesi smiled, "It's very smart!"

Cowley House... Temple at the door... inside Clough smiling. They were ready for luncheon shortly. Okay.

"Do I have time to change?"

"Yes, M'Lady."

I motioned to Jesi to come on up. I pulled out some trousers, black and a short-sleeved crop top in white with narrow black horizontal stripes. Black Hermès loafers.

I stripped down to nickers... a soft sound from Jesi sitting on the lounge in my dressing room. I turned to her in my tiny nickers.

"Fay... could I presume..." She stopped shaking her head... a hand waving like a `no never mind.'

I got it and moved close... I peeled my undies down... Jesi looking at my sex then to my eyes...

"I've never..."

I stepped back removing my nickers and putting out my hands. She stood and allowed me to undress her... her eyes on mine the whole time... when all she had were panties I sat on the lounge my chin in my palm looking.

"Damn, you are amazing."

Jesi slid her nickers down and stepped clear. A beautiful vagina... I said so.

Jesi smiling, "Yours is too. I am quite struck with your body."

I stepped to press against her, a kiss. Not long but sweet.

I laughed, "Now I've seen you out of them."

We both laughed, shaking her head, "Fay, you are sneaky."

Holding her around the waist, "Well it was worth it."

I turned us to the big mirror... we looked a lot alike. She was only an inch taller and slightly bigger in the bust.

We liked each others tattoos... her fingers on my front flowers... lingering.

Jesi said she'd seen snaps of me in lots of outfits...

I said `Let's try this."

I got out the Diana Revenge black frock. She slipped in easily. She liked it in the mirror.

"I've worn that once... to a romantic night out with Cho... a sort of delayed anniversary dinner and dance night."

I laughed, "A great evening which ended up on the bed... " motioning to the bedroom, "... in a passionate hours long coupling."

A cute face on Jesi, "Your husband is awesome to look at. What a body without doing the whole bare chest macho thing. I could fall for a man like that any day." A wistful look.


"I feel closer to women than men... not that I haven't made love to men but they don't get inside my mind like a woman."

"With Cho I have that `inside feeling' plus he has no feelings of insecurity... when I want to be with my women friends."

Eyes open... I reached down to cup her sex... looking in her eyes... she reached for mine.

I held her eyes, "I will say I'd like to make love with you... unfortunately not now."

I gently squeezed her... a bit of caressing which she did for me.

"Fay, I am seriously interested... that's not even the half of it!"

"If we do... you have to have the understanding that it will be for pleasure and friendship only."

Jesi smiled, I kissed her again.

"Fay, I do know what you mean."

"Jesi, the taking of pleasure is never an idle thing for me. I will give it and take it on those terms."

Her arms around me for a warm kiss which I took for much more later.

We dressed smiling at each other. Inside the door before opening it, in my arms... CLOSE lips, "My staff and Protectors are jealous... not because... I am not with them that way... I have an iron rule about that but because they love me I'm happy to say... they want me to stay safe and happy!"

"Fay, I can see why. Would they be happy knowing we may be together at some point?"

A smile, "They will be pleased."

Eyes wide open again.

"I don't hide it from them or Cho. I am enough for him... my `ladies' are fine because he knows I truly love and adore him and our children."

"Fay, being any part of your world is likely to be wondrous... exciting."

"I think you are going to find out whether it is or not."

A kiss.

We walked down hand-in-hand.

Mrs. Travers did a marvellous luncheon. Afters in the North Drawing Room. Jesi sitting there with an espresso. It was just us.

Jesi looking around, "This is one of those places I have gone as a stage for pictures or a family visit... never to live in."

Smiling, "It is a comfortable house. Upstairs is less ornate as you saw."

"I liked your bedroom... stylish for the house... it fits. A place to be at your ease."

"That was exactly the mandate given the woman who did the decorating for us. Harcourt House is more grand... also very comfortable. There are many staff people which some folks worry about... would they be in the way or something. Our staffs are terrific... laid-back, efficient and trustworthy."

Jesi looking a question at me with those famous dark eyebrows raised...

I smiled, "Yes, they know some of your business... ours are loyal to the nth degree."

I leaned back, "You ought to join my ladies trip to Phuket in the late winter. A bunch of my friends... some of whom work for us and my women Protectors go to our beach house there for a few days. Cho and his buddies... most of whom are the husbands or partners of my ladies play golf a few miles away, the non-golfers go deep sea fishing.

At the end of our stay we gather them all at the beach for a big roast tuna luncheon. We girls do put clothes on for that but otherwise very little is worn. We swim, eat and make love... no strings attached. Taking pleasure solely for pleasure's sake but wholeheartedly."

"You surprise... your public persona is as a cool one... sort of like Grace Kelly or... maybe Diana."

I pointed out they had been portrayed as volcanoes waiting to erupt and that Grace Kelly had love affairs before marrying her prince. Diana after!

Jesi's face a devilish grin, "That's clever!"

I laughed.

"I'd like to join your group... if I do I would be able to be with you and others?"

"Yes... that's the point. I just don't make love with anyone I directly supervise except several close friends I knew in the period before my life changes."

I did my devilish grin back, "Wait until you meet my other Protectors... seeing them you will not have doubts about the strength of my willpower."

Jesi laughed outright... She asked about Tara and Angie... I nodded... "They'll be there."

That cute devilish smile again and a thumbs up.

"See there you go... getting into the spirit of it."


"I need to go to Harcourt House... where can I drop you?"

"Oh I don't need to go far. How about Earls Court? East side?"

"No problem. I'm going to Wandsworth."

She looked... I said helicopter to Oxfordshire.

"Oh! Much quicker."

We climbed into the car again with Gil, Tara and Angie. Jesi smiling at them. Smiles sent back.

We dropped her at Earls Court after a hug and cheek kiss. She had one of Gil's cards.

In Min's AW139... I casually mentioned to Gil to keep Jesi in the loop for Phuket. Tara grinning a `I hoped so!' We all laughed! Tara and Angie fist bump!

Cho holding me after my fist bumps with Carter, Carter2 and Eliza... and many laughs.

The Twins giving out hugs too. They told me about riding with Iris and their grooming her. An obviously pleasant time for them... wonderful for them to do it every day when we are here.

I asked if maybe they'd like to swim? Big grins and clapping. Upstairs for us all.

Cho and I in the water waiting, goggles on... the Twins at the pool edge... JUMPS!! Big splashes and they swam to us. We did a swimming race... the babies versus Popa with me holding Popa's feet so he did not get very far! More jumping plus ball time for Jaidee.

At the end Chani and I on a lounge, "Mama, I am almost done with..." Her small hand motioning towards the Thames, "... my landscape."

"Good! I want to see it."

A hug lying down and a kiss. Such a sweetie.

Drinks before dinner had several word games mixed with math. Tha and Delphine laughing trying to keep to the subject as the Twins veered off.

I kissed the babies as Cho and I put them down. Sleepy faces, holding tight to Blu and Raggedy.

In the passage... "Their little friends are holding up pretty well considering. I don't think we have to replace them yet."

Smiling eyes on Cho, "I'll let you be the judge of that."

A hug and kiss.

In bed Cho got my day and meeting Jesi. He was grinning when I asked her to Phuket.

"She was on a Vogue you had around?"

I nodded saying she had been on the cover several times.

I got in my morning ride before we loaded for Paris. Amira had a chance to win the French Triple Crown for fillies... we were going to cheer her on at Longchamp.

Kellen and Min dropped us at the Paris Heliport. Thierry had cars for us all. It was a short drive to Longchamp. We went through the same gate as earlier in the year to the car park. The guard smiling as he waved us in seeing our pass. Walking up the ramp to the long promenade... the Twins skipping along with Tha, Delphine and Gaby. Rafe close behind.

The lift up to the suite level. Everything ready. Ring here waiting. Handshakes and hugs. A big greeting by the Twins.

We got drinks... there was a bit of time before our race.

Ring was happy... he'd had a great summer here. Going to races, collecting the loot, making friends, having fun and he loved our house on Quai De Bethune.

"It is comfortable. Close to lots of things to do, good restaurants especially those you guys recommended. It's a short walk to a Metro stop! Cossette is an excellent cook!"

Cho asked if he'd like to do it again next summer... Ring said Yes immediately.

"Can I have some friends come over to stay?"

We both said `Of course!' at the same time.

"Oh... double barrelled... I guess you're sure."

We all laughed.

He was shaking his head over our weekend victories.

I told him and Cho what Cecil had asked and that we'd start to see some of Asda and Glaa's babies running for other stables in two years. Ring nodding.

Cho, "It can't be helped and it's a good thing. Asda's pedigree has many many long lived and successful runners. His sire's early death was an anomaly. Asda at nine looks like he did at three.

The bloodline will be good for thoroughbred racing."

He and Ring did a fist bump.

Ring watching the Twins play word and math games.

"I see they haven't decided to be ordinary babies yet."

"That's not going to happen... they're only getting smarter."

Ring squeezing my shoulder with a `Keep'em at it!'

A salute and a will do!

Our race was called. The Prix Vermeille. It is the last race of the French Triple Crown for three year fillies. Amira has the first two in hand... This leg is a G1 race of twenty four hundred metres... near to twelve furlongs.

The post parade had the field pass below us going left to walk around to the chute near the `crossroads' over the way. Amira walking along quietly. She is so beautiful to look at. Gray and white... her white flowing when she runs! When you see her white flat out she's really moving!

They loaded with no issues. OFF! They came out cleanly! I was watching in my glasses, Chani on my lap doing the same. Popa and Charlie like a mirror of us.

Amira with the leaders... a length back. They raced like that down the straight... as they approached the turn Amira took the lead. In the curve Amira is striding out picking up her pace...the others falling back not matching her acceleration. It was wrong of the other jockeys to think she is a `bolter.'

The big long turn seemed endless... Amira running easily at the halfway mark.

At the end of the turn I zoomed in on Francine... she asked Amira for more... there is plenty in her tank. Her surge of power way too much for her pursers... they were now eight lengths adrift of her.

Down the straight heading towards us for the finish... the rise in the track coming to the finish wasn't bothering Amira. Her white mane and tail flowing as she is pouring on the power. It looked like twelve lengths... in the last hundred metres there's no slack... it was an all Amira show. She blew thorough the wire like a speeding gray and white locomotive!!!

Amira set a new track record for the distance by a filly!! Also the fastest Prix Vermeille ever!

We celebrated! Hugs for everybody! Ring grinning his fist in the air!

We headed to the lift. A loud crowd as we were going down!

An escort waiting at the lift door with a smile, she congratulated us. She was thanked by our many voices. On a walkway to the turf... out on the grass the tannoy announced us being here to accept the trophy.

We received a loud applause... it lasted.

We got to hug Jonny! He was really jazzed. He's won the two French Triple Crowns in the same year. Something completely new!! A world-class trainer with a huge new reputation.

Francine brought Amira back to us. We shook her hand and lifted the Twins to pet Amira.

Chani's fingers in the silken white mane... a huge smile.

The Prix Vermeille people presented their trophy, many hands shaken. Amira's powerful win amazed them.

A lot of press... video and snapping away.

The France Galop folks right there with a trophy for the Triple Crown. More thanks from us. Cho was effusive in his words... We were glad to participate in horse racing in France and we looked forward to much more racing.

No stable had ever won both French Triple Crowns before in the same year. The France Galop people amazed and obviously pleased with our runners drawing attention the sport.

We kept Ring there beside us. He was a big part of the entire season.

The France Galop folks had met him many times over the summer. He was shaking hands, lots of smiles.

The press got their shots and video... Cho spoke to them with Jonny and Ring. There was a Sky UK team... they got a chance for an all English version.

They did it for a while... then we moved down the turf towards the parking area. We said our goodbyes to Ring. He was going back to the States tomorrow, visit some family in New York and go on to California briefly then back here for more racing in October and a few in November. He'd be back and forth to America a couple of times.

We'd see him in Kentucky in less than two months.

Thierry ready... back to the heliport. I said my goodbyes to the Twins and Cho. They were going back to Harcourt House. Cho going on to Fortrose for golf with Uncle Craig and a couple of friends of Craig's at different courses in the Highlands. A property to look at in Inverness for the R&R Scheme.

I waved to their departing AW139. Mine here to the Le Bourget flight line... a Gulfstream waiting for my Berlin trip. Derry has us away rapidly... fifty minutes to Schönefeld... Berlin's only fully operating airport. That says a lot about the quality of the rail system.

Deutschebahn, their national railways, is very efficient just like its predecessor the Reichsbahn which delivered millions of Europe's Jews to be killed at Hitler's murder factories in Poland. The leaders of the Reichsbahn were never punished for aiding and abetting the mass murders though without them it would not have happened on a fraction of the same scale. The trains were an absolute necessity for the nazi murderers.

Germany carries a lot of historical baggage... so few places you could go that didn't have a nazi era dark history. No innocents except the smallest children... everyone `knew' what was happening. They've tried to make amends... a decent effort but the hole is still very deep.

Unlike Japan which FAILED to make amends. They have yet to face the `Comfort Women' issue... properly admit their wrong-doings and pay the survivors a full recompense. Not to speak of Nanking and other China atrocities or the Burma railroad prisoners, British, Commonwealth soldiers and local Burmese peoples worked to death or the Filipino people who they tortured, massacred and raped for years.

The Japanese were just as bestial as the Germans... even worse on some occasions... cannibalism at their distant conquests where their soldiers were starving. British, Commonwealth and American soldiers and sailors were eaten... especially the Japanese officers getting the `best' parts... the internal organs. Of course the Japanese ate each other too!

This was unique to the Japanese.

War is the worse of us coming forth... there is NO bottom when it gets going.

Our approach to Schönefeld had us pass over an abandoned Soviet airbase near Sperenberg. It looked like nothing had been done there... the plant life taking over slowly. All that concrete!

We taxied to park at the northeast part where a private aviation company would service the Gulfstream. I shook Derry's hand with a thank you.

The cars ready... we went north on the Autobahn in a big arc then west to pass Tempelhof... interesting to see it again after so many years. I had flown in there from Zurich on a Lufthansa flight not too long before it closed. Now it was both a museum and playground for Berlin's citizens.

North to Wilhelmstrasse, the old government centre street to Unter den Linden and a u-turn to the front door of the Adlon Hotel.

At the kerb under the canopy the doorman opened the door... He bowed... ?? Maybe he just does that. PJ out. He handed me out then Gil and Chelle. Tara leading... PJ beside me... everyone else behind.

Another fellow at the door bowed holding it open... Him too! I needed to forget about it!

The lobby ornate, gold and yellows everywhere.... an arching ceiling in front of the main desk.

Gil went to the desk... a man in a black suit came out...

A bow. Well...

"Your Ladyship, welcome to the Adlon Hotel. We have the accommodations your staff requested... this way please."

He escorted us to the lifts and the suite. Two actually. Mine had rooms for me, Gil and Chelle, a connecting room for Tara. The second for the other Protectors.

The Royal Suite... gray marble entry then thick carpet, pale yellow and gold colours with big pale gray settees... cream, yellow and pale browns in the main bed room...windows overlooking the Brandenburg gate. It was a handsome suite.

A piano... I hope I can resist mangling some Chopin!

The office was RED! I don't suppose I'll get rest in there! The sauna appealed but not now. I could do my laps in the bathtub! The dining room... nice mahogany furniture and brown walls, a few portraits of Eighteenth Century folk. The kitchen may come in handy... the espresso machine for sure!!

One thing was appreciated... no visible TV's!!

The Concierge came into the sitting area behind us with the porters... she had Gil's instructions on what to do with the luggage. She spoke to Gil who smiling turned to me with a thumbs up and a large envelope! I knew what that was about!!

We settled in. A hotel maid was introduced by the Concierge. She helped unpack me for a few days stay.

Gil and Chelle with me in the sitting room. The settees were squishy soft.

Tonight... dinner and a concert at YAAM!! An Afro-Caribbean multi-purpose entertainment location. They have shops with food products from Africa and the Caribbean, restaurants, basketball and volleyball play areas, a sandy `beach' beside the River Spree and a club that holds concerts.

We have a connection to there... The Minister of Energy and Water in Angola has a son living in Berlin.

Their family originated in what was now Namibia but had been Southwest Africa a German colony which they lost in the World War One ending Peace Treaty of Versailles. Their tribe is the Herero who the Germans practised their genocidal skills on for the first time.

The Herero are a Bantu people who were killed by the thousands by German soldiers and colonists... some like the Minister's family escaped first to British Bechuanaland then to Angola, going north overland, a difficult journey.

Like so many refugees they worked hard to create a new life in a somewhat safer place. Angola, a Portuguese colony, went through years of warfare after World War Two... the people trying get rid of the colonial government then a long civil war. The Minister's family supported the MPLA throughout... right to their ultimate victory.

The son is friend to one of our people who worked on the river water project in Angola. That project a true success story! The Minister's son is close with the managers of YAAM so they knew I wanted to come to YAAM for a concert.

Everything was arranged... Gil smiling! The Concierge had brought up our passes to enter the compound and the concert sent over by YAAM. YAAM also knew I would have my Protectors who are armed... they said they understood and were glad the Berlin Police also knew about my people. Good.

Time for some work... I preferred to sit here than use the RED office where I'd have to wear sunglasses.

Gil was communicating with Narong's PA about the cocktail party... at this point it was to be a sort of end thing after their meetings in the morning and afternoon. There was a meet and greet the evening before at the Foreign Ministry as the ministers arrived in Bangkok.

Gil had alerted Amporn and Niran, she brought in the Kiet Family restaurant folks to help with the food. There'd be the ministers, an unknown number of deputies, many aides so who knows how many. Narong's PA said he would try to nail down the crowd numbers.

Kenneth at the Providence Journal contacted Chelle with information on the fellow Glover's family situation. Chelle responded we wanted to maintain the family on our healthcare programme and give them some cash to cover bills. If he is offered bail they should find a bondsman for him... if he's addicted get him into a treatment programme.

Chelle smiling as I dictated that... I looked, "You and Cho do take care of people."

"We try... remember whatever we might spend it minuscule amount for us."

Nodding but still smiling. I stuck my tongue out which brought laughs from them both.

We changed to go out. It was going to be a warm night and we'd be in close quarters at the concert so I went light. I started with a black silk nickers, quite small! A black sleeveless crop top, black skin-tight jeans, black above the ankle Doc Marten boots to protect my toes. Some silver jewellery including my `Cho' silver band. Red lips and nails!!

Wallet, lipstick and iPhone in my front pockets, red round sunglasses. A black Harcourt Racing ball cap with the silver Apple on the front.

Gil and Chelle much like me... we were cute and sexy... showing some arm and tummy...

Our Protectors... Tara, Tessa and Kara... tight jeans loose tops to cover their Glocks.

Car out front... we left the lift crossing the lobby... several men gave us a good look. The same doorman was on duty... he stared... amazed. Good! Who wants to be predictable!

It was only ten minutes to YAAM... Young African Art Market. We piled out... our passes got us in... no problem. We turned right inside to look for a cluster of wooden seats under a tree... we worked our way forward... the crowd wasn't dense... The graffiti art mixed on various wallspaces... marvellously inventive and colourful.

At the cluster of seats there was a slender dark young man looking like the Angolan Minister... smiling he extended his hand...

"Hello I am Katjiua." I introduced myself to a wide smile... "Your Ladyship... I recognized you immediately."

Gil and Chelle introduced. Then I got Tara, Tessa and Kara to come closer... introductions.

"You are a collection of fine looking ladies... you will attract attention."

I pulled my sunglasses off... hooking them in a belt loop.

"We would rather not of course."

He smiled and motioned to his right... We could several men with their beers giving us a look.

I shrugged, "Well... we will have a fun time anyway."

He laughed, "Good."

At his suggestion we went in groups of three to get drinks and look at food choices.

I was beside Katjiua. I said what I wanted for food he was nodding.

"Very good choices."

We loaded up Gil paid for mine, hers, Tara and Katjiua... he sought to demur... I said, "You are our guide so it is right."

A smiling thank you.

The others went over when we were back. Katjiua headed into a small building... he came back with a folding table and a big chested fellow with wonderful dreadlocks!

I was introduced to `O.' Smiling he said it short for Oscar which he wasn't fond of.

We shook hands. I asked if he could sit for a few minutes... he nodded.

"I be right back."

`O' returned with his beer bottle and a chair. We talked as we ate about YAAM. He was on the governing board. It started decades ago, growing slowly... several location moves were a mixed blessing.

"Now here we seemed to have a home here. Some fuss with the riverwall maybe falling into the Spree... the local government seems to like us so they have been good most of the time... nothing is perfect.

We have many art projects bringing the neighbourhood in and they participate often... we try to be a good citizen."

I motioned to the chalk board of `NO' for guests in the evenings. It was prominently positioned.

"Yes... as I said mostly good. We do make an effort to co-exist. You have come for the concert which we hope you will enjoy... there are many Turks here so it is sold out."

"Gaye Su Akyol is a favourite of mine. It is quite fortuitous she is here when I can see her live."

`O' was smiling, "Your German is perfect Berlin accented... I have been here twenty five years... Do I sound like a native?"

"Actually on a telephone it would be difficult to choose where you are from."

He gestured to my folks... "You all speak German?"

He got Yes's! He asked Tessa where she was from.

"I am New Yorker with family in Barbados too."

"Ah... I thought there was an Island Girl look on you."

She gave him a big smile.

He turned to Kara next...

"I am from Bangkok. My family are merchants, we have always lived in the city... many generations back." She was proud of her family.

Tara also a native New Yorker, ex-military... "A U.S. Marine? Amazing."

Tara told him she had two combat zone tours, one in Afghanistan, the other Iraq.

`O' shaking his head, "You are alright with it?"

"Politically no, my role Yes!"

`O' got it.

I was paying attention to my food... I think I chose well! I began on Jamaica with veggie patties, and a bottle of Ting to drink, grilled snapper with coconut rice moved me to the Dominican Republic and my jollof rice with spicy shrimp, a version common on Martinique.

`O' laughing, "You have surfed the islands."

Fist bump!

Looking at our empty dishes I think we all enjoyed the food. `O' said he would make sure the ladies knew how we enjoyed their cooking. I thanked him for that. He gave his watch a look...

"Come let us get you inside to the spot that has been set aside. Then some cool water for it will be hot!"

The club was a long single level building by the river... O' led us in... the men at the door hadn't bothered to look at our passes. We were with O.'

The interior was matte black... not a lot of light... the little bit there was eaten up by the room colour. The crowd was happy sounding... lively voices.

We followed O's bulk to the left side of the stage... actually down stage right.'

"Now if there are any problems the fire exit is there..." His big hand aimed behind us.

"I be back in a moment."

We were right at the stage edge. Looking back the way we came the room was filling up... temperature rising. Spicy food giving us some internal heat.... adding to our warmth.

Katjiua hadn't heard the band's music before so an initiation for him. He said he knew almost nothing about Turkey. It was common position for most people no matter where they are. Turkey had a low profile outside its region... even here in Germany. The many Turks here have always seemed to me to maintain a low visibility except in their own communities... I'm not here that often these days to know if it was changing for them.

O' off to the side motioning to me... I tugged Tara's hand... she was right behind me. O' led us to a door... a knock... "It is `O' with the important visitor I mentioned."

A `Come!'

Inside the nice large room... cool... fans moving the air.

`O' introduced me to Gaye Su Akyol. Her face in a big smile... "It is amazing to meet in a club in Berlin. You are an important person... known around the world."

I thanked her saying that, "I have been following your music for years."

We shook hands... then `carefully' kissed cheeks... I didn't want to muss her makeup.

"I just wanted to say hello and tell you your sounds have been on my electronics for years. My first tunes are from Hologram Imparatorlugu. The album Istikrarli Hayal Kakikattir on my number one playlist especially Meftunum Sana!"

A brilliant smile and thank yous. Her band had come close... hands shaken.

"We are glad what we do stirs you. It isn't always easy to truly know how we are received outside of our home."

I stepped back... "I like this outfit!"

A black bra shaped top with shimmering translucent long sleeved shirt, black short shorts with tendrils hanging onto her upper thighs, shiny belt with a big buckle around her hips, thigh high silver spike heeled boots!!! Over it a translucent pleated cape to her knees.

Red slashes beside her eyes, shiny eye shadow, wide metal bands on each wrist.

She was laughing, "I enjoy mixing things. I am not linked to any style, I make my own."

We laughed. Fist bump! She had a beautiful body shape... her outfit looked great!

I said I'd go so they can get ready. Another careful cheek kiss and a wave.

On the way back I thanked `O' for that.

"Miss, you are an important person as she said... doing many good things... it is an honour to help you enjoy the night."

Another thank you for him.

He said he would be around but he had to do some things. A wave as he worked his way through the crowd looking rather like a snow plough.

Together we waited. A lovely dark toned woman in a very colourful dress of stripes rolling around her diagonally brought us icy cold bottles of fizzy water. She said `O' sent them... I thanked her. What a gorgeous smile.

Gaye Su Akyol's band came out to do their setups. The band in black hooded capes with small masks around their eyes. They were a contrast to the outfit Gaye Su Akyol was wearing.

A woman in a terrific yellow and blue striped Dashiki style frock stepped onto the stage from the other side to introduce Gaye Su Akyol to loud applause and cheers!

She came out into the lights... a single green spotlight lit up her shiny outfit!

They did a great show... playing all their hits! I enjoyed it... bouncing on my toes. Gil and Chelle on my left... Tessa, Katjiua on my right moving with the sounds... Tara and Kara working. The three switched off.

We were glad of the cold water!! The room temperature rising! I had a bit of perspiration at my temples.

Gaye Su Akyol was so limber, athletic, dancing around the stage. Her sonorous voice grabs you... you get pulled in without knowing a word of Turkish. The emotion was the key.

Her dark hair framing a beautiful face... pale in the lights. Lovely hands, graceful as she held the microphone.

She often interacted with the crowd... a big response!

Halfway through the set... a break... Gaye Su Akyol spoke to the audience thanking them for a warm welcome... the lights came up in the room...

I could see many people who had small Turkish flags... waving! They were young men and many many more women... smiling faces cheering for Gaye Su Akyol. She called out something in Turkish which got a huge cheer.

She coughed... several times... dry sounding... I put a foot on the stage with an unopened bottle of cold water extended in my hand... She covered her mouth... took the bottle, popped it open for a drink. She called out a thank you... I did a bow with a Wai... a huge smile from Gaye.

The crowd cheered.

The second half marvellous... including some new music... One tune in particular had me feel the influence of the band Morphine... Gaye Su Akyol always said they were part of her catalogue of favourites.

Damn... Mark Sandman has been dead for nearly twenty years... Morphine is just a trivia question for most people now.

This is an enjoyable show in every way!!!! The sounds and watching Gaye Su Akyol move on stage!!

At the end she thanked everybody for being such a great audience... her arms motioning the band forward... they all took a bow... waving as they moved to exit... a loud yell in Turkish had Gaye Su Akyol stop... turn and another big smiling wave.

`O' appeared from behind us... "Come say goodbye then I will lead you out to the street by a quicker way."

Gaye Su Akyol came out for a good hug and cheek kiss! I had Gil give her a card `to keep in touch.' I loved to see them play again soon! A hand squeeze and goodbyes.

`O' took us from the club back area to Stralauer Platz via a path around back gardens and through car parks. Gil had texted to the driver... he was pulling up as we reached the kerb.

A big handshake for `O' and Katjiua... many thanks for a fun evening. We were told to come back soon. I waved from the car door.

The six of us smiling... I was still keyed up!

"When we get to the hotel..." my hands doing a circle, "... come to the sauna... we can slug back some water and get hot and chill!"


Six ladies in the Royal Suite sitting room in soft white robes from the hotel... Gil had figured out the sauna so... IN! Towels laid on the seats... six naked ladies... a bit crowded... who cared... absorbing the warmth. We sipped cold fizzy water... they asked about Gaye Su Akyol.

I told them I'd heard some of her tunes I couldn't remember when but checked her out on iTunes. I loved her voice and music...

"Gaye is so eclectic... so many sources of influence which she synthesises to make her unique sound."

Laughing, "I suppose I should have learned Turkish to get a proper experience... it didn't seem necessary for my enjoyment. It flows over me with emotion. I think I will give it a try now."

Gil said she'd join in... others too.

It was late, bed covers pulled up over bare skin looking at emails from Cho. He and Craig played the Fortrose and Rosemarkie Golf Course in the afternoon. Some wind... not much until the end... He shot a 59... a new low score... one shot lower than his previous record.

There was some cheering in the small club house when the local pro, who played with them, announced the score. Cho said he only had two scotches of the many offered.

He was comfortable in the bed at Ness Road. He, Craig and the Fortrose club pro, a buddy of Craig's, were going to Castle Munro in the morning for two days of golfing in the area.

I replied with a `Congrats' and the wish he and Uncle Craig enjoy themselves. He also got my account of the night... very happy tale it was.

I crossed the hotel lobby... the sun was just up... short shorts, crop top, trainers on my feet, sunglasses on my nose, ball cap and my iPhone. Ken and Gaby with me. Ken smiling saying I looked pretty fresh for someone who likely didn't have a full night's sleep.

"I had emails from Cho... that always lifts me."

Fist bump.

Gaby said the ladies who were with me last night... still sleeping. Smiles.

We went left out the front door.. behind my sunglasses I could see the two doormen giving me a looking-over. Fine... nothing to do but accept... speaking to them a pure waste of time.

I stopped at the kerb to take snaps of the Brandenburg Gate... iconic landmark. It had been inside East Berlin... now fully restored to its former looks!

We walked through heading into the Tiergarten. We went down past the Der Rufer and turned left going to the Amazon... I patted her horse's foreleg. A rub of the bear's snout the left again around the goldfish to the Beethoven-Hayden-Mozart Memorial.

I looked at it... sad so much beauty for the ears that was inevitably tainted by the dark time of the nazis. I couldn't help but make the link... I loved their music despite that.

Going east through trees on paths then lawns towards the monument to the Homosexual Victims of the nazis. I did not personally care for it... more should have been done. I thought of the young woman server at Pastis Restaurant in the New York Meatpacking District. She wore a pink triangle pin for a great grand-uncle who survived the nazis. It cut deep.

Two more stops on mini-tour of the eastern Tiergarten for my companions... Goethe. A giant whose work was so often mangled by interpretation for some pecuniary advantage. His time with Schiller... a period of great triumph.

Was he gay? It was comical to see the reactions to a book saying he was! Why should anyone care what another person's sexuality is? A world of Peeping Toms caring so much about what others are getting!

Maybe the Monument to Homosexuals under the nazis should have been closer?

I decided to pass on going to the Löwengruppe... It always depressed me. We crossed Ebertstrasse to the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe! So many dead... no monument could encompass it all for me... in these quasi-tombs the memories have to reside.

It was so close to the Fuhrerbunker... I don't know the memorial back history... maybe that was the reason for the site. I should check?

I did pause to look up and down the road... this was part of the death strip... reclaimed land. That didn't answer my question.

I asked Ken and Gaby if they would go a couple more blocks... they were good.

We walked one block on Hannah Arendt Strasse then a right... one hundred and fifty feet. A large sign beside the sidewalk... I let it speak for itself to my fellow walkers... I knew what it said.

Ken turned to look at me... a finger pointing down... he saw my head nod.

Gaby didn't say anything... just a shake of her head.

"I lost family in the Resistance... at Ravensbruck and the Dordogne."

Okay... no more sadness. Back to the Adlon.

Gil had done the breakfast ordering... the room service folks were laying it in the dining room.

Yes... scrambled eggs, toast, veggie sausages, coffee!

An under-manager brought up a guest... Jolly. Handshakes and introductions.

He sat with us... he'd had his breakfast... coffee!

I explained about today's itinerary and what we might be doing.

"I'm wearing trousers in case I want to go into some weeds to look at things."

Okay's around the table from the Protectors.

Another warm day...

Black cotton pleated high-waisted trousers to my ankles, a white silk short-sleeved shirt, open collar where some silver necklaces were visible, more silver jewellery, black ankle boots, red lips and nails, `Joy' Red sunglasses!

We loaded up for Tegel Airport. A ten minute drive. On the heliport flight line a white AW139 with red-centred yellow hibiscus Brilliant on the tail. Kellen beside our bird... she smiling as she saluted.

We laughed and hugged.

She had the flights planned... all aboard! PJ, Gaby and Angie with me, Jolly, Gil and Chelle.

We turned north by northeast... it was a short flight. Kellen made her approach from the east so I could get the `big picture' of the property. The Bogensee itself wasn't very large. The estate took up much of the western, eastern and northern shoreline.

There was an empty field where we were suggested to land. A bit of dust kicked up.

On the front entry plaza three folks were waiting... we were bang on time.

The two men were from the Berlin government which owns the property, the women represented the Land Brandenburg government which controlled where we were. Hands shaken, introductions done.

We started the tour inside the main house... it was a handsome place despite the long emptiness. Good wood and tile, the rooms generous in size... they asked what use we would put it to... I gave them the story of our R&R Scheme.

Standing in the large entryway room... I opened my arms wide... "Here I want to defuse any issues for our people when they come. There would be a display of photos and documents giving the history of the house and who the family was that lived here for a short time.

In this room each person will know enough to decide for themselves whether they want to stay in the house or one of the other places on the estate."

My hosts were watching me... the woman asked since my German was so good if... I said my family were English and Scot, my ancestors fought against Germany in both World Wars.

"A place like this holds no bad feelings for me... no more than any other place in Berlin."

One of the men looked startled.

"There are almost no places in Berlin which don't invoke a sense of the nazi past... it is pervasive... all encompassing... I love the city nonetheless. Here is no different. This place has a bit more historical baggage which will be on display also..." they looked at my face, "... The GDR history while not as bloody wasn't a good time for Germany... they will get that too."

Smiling, "We want to make a place for our employees to come to relax... a short travel distance into the city for all its splendours, swimming and boating on the lake, walks in the woods, play sports with their colleagues.

We will also use the estate for teaching... I'm hoping the classrooms are in good shape. The education portion would cover all our businesses... we constantly teach our employees new methods of various types, processes, techniques.

We have several hundred thousand workers at many levels who are eligible to stay at our rest centres... so more capacity is always needed. We are opening five places for the R&R Scheme in Berlin.

Also the Chanthira Foundation will open three LGBTQ youth shelters in Berlin by the end of October... those guests would be welcome here... a trip out of the city."

Gil used her iPad to bring up the R&R webpage. I pointed out the five hotels in Berlin.

"Those have just recently come on our webpage for use."

They could see the many choices of locations around the world... pictures of the places... our employees enjoying themselves... I would say they were nearly mesmerised by it.

Time for a walkabout. We looked in dormitories, classrooms, workshops, the dining hall and kitchen, examined the grounds. I took a few hours for a good look... Jolly moved around examining the buildings much more closely.

Finally I was satisfied... my hosts seemed a bit worn down. Back at the main house on a sideboard were some sandwiches, cookies and coffee we brought from the Adlon. They perked up.

A small stoke up always helps.

I had a coffee and a big cookie with the Land Brandenburg woman, Frau Elbert, in the garden.

"If we buy it... we will likely knock down the dormitories. The classrooms and dining hall are in good shape. We will build new living quarters for our guests."

I motioned with my hand towards the sun, "We will do a large solar power installation here. There are new devices coming... we will likely be able to power the entire estate."

Frau Elbert huge eyes. I added it is one of our businesses.

I asked if the Land government was going to have any issue with large scale changes.

"No! We would like the property to be used, it sounds as if you have a sound plan for that. Any construction would of course have to follow the building codes but otherwise I cannot see any limits."

"Good! The old GDR Soviet-style dormitories are in bad shape."

She was nodding.

The two Berlin men joined us. I repeated a few things for them.

The dark haired man waved his hand, "We have no problems with changes... that is up to the Land government."

The blonde man who was the senior. "You want to buy the whole area... we want to sell. We are ready to negotiate with your representatives immediately."

We shook hands all around.

"Our fellow will be in touch this afternoon. He's in New York,,, Francis can be here tomorrow to finalise everything. He has our power to act in his hands."

They were obviously pleased. Frau Elbert, the Land Brandenburg Lady too but for other reasons. The Land would get the property back on the tax rolls... income is always appreciated. She would get a stable owner with a sterling reputation. Something else that came from our insistence on ethical dealings... we are a gold standard in everything we do!

"If we can get a deal done in a few days we can start on the obvious changes before winter..." turning to the Land Lady, she was nodding.

I did ask one thing... will our helicopters be acceptable? It wouldn't be that heavy of stream of traffic or late at night. She said she couldn't give me an absolute answer but she didn't think it would be a problem. Okay!

We did our goodbyes and a wave from Kellen's doorway. On the intercom Kellen said she had clearance for the stop I wanted. I thanked her.

She took us west before turning south we passed over Oranienburg and the former concentration camp there. A political prisoner camp for the most part not defined as a death camp although distinction is only in the numbers the nazis killed and the methods used.

I thought of my grandfather... one picture stood out... he was in his khakis at a meeting in London... he was deeply tanned from his North African service.... so it had to be soon after he arrived. He looked quite handsome... not many memories... another one fixed in my mind... his face rigid, eyes narrowed speaking about having entered Belsen... Hatred for the SS and the like for their bestial behaviour. He couldn't hate the Afrika Korps and Italians he fought in the desert... they had been correct, decent fighters.

We flew over the western suburbs... Berlin to port... as we went south.

We did our approach over the east side of Wannsee... coming to land at a boat yard's open space near the water's edge. The boat yard fellow in front of us smiling as we settled down. I thanked him for making this possible. He was glad to accommodate a great lady. Whoa!

The fellow said we could walk to the house by the shore path. We walked through the estate garden around to the front.

A slender older man met us under the porte cochere... he bowed, "Lady Harcourt... Welcome. I am Friedrich."

We shook hands as I thanked him for his welcome. I did my usual introductions.

He guided us into the Haus der Wannsee Konferenz. What had been a private home was taken over by Reinhard Heydrich via the SD of the RSHA branch of Himmler's empire for the use of nazi elites. It was now a museum and resource centre.

Here in this lovely villa on the shore of a beautiful lake... Heydrich and a group of nazi bigwigs agreed on a plan to implement the Final Solution of the Jewish Question which brought misery and murder to millions of Jews just because they were.

In a grotesque twisting the nazis decided to claim Jews were a race' unlike any other. In the rest of the world being a Jew meant you adhered to a religious practise not part of a racial group. It gave the nazis a feeling of superiority so they could be the deciders' of peoples fate. The `other' is always easy to demonise. In Germany of the time it became government policy.

Friedrich gave us a tour of the floors, upstairs the library and research centre... his soft voice as he explained the beautiful rooms belied the horror of what resulted from a ninety minute meeting in a conference room.

Friedrich was very knowledgeable... he saw I wasn't asking questions... my companions had done so.

We stood in the main room... "Lady Harcourt, you already knew a great deal about this house?"

"Yes. I know a exactly who and what they did more than most. Not to offend but it is like going to Dachau... " My hand on his arm, "I mean it is neat and quiet... the sense of horror has to creep up on you... when it does... " I shivered!

Friedrich nodding, "Yes... sometimes even on a lovely day like today it can feel oppressing, in the winter more so. Not everyone feels it..."

I thanked Friedrich for being our guide.

"You are a board member?"

"Of the Advisory Board... yes. I came today specially to be your host."

Another thank you.

"I am not sure about your protocols but my family want to make a donation to your endowment fund... Can I give it to you?"

"Yes... I could accept it."

Gil handed me the envelope.

"We make no demands and give it to you for your unrestricted use."

He bowed taking envelope... It had my name, title and crest on it.

Friedrich smiled as he looked down... his eyes snapped up to mine... his hand shook a bit.

"Lady Harcourt... a most unexpected but wonderful surprise."

Smiling, "Good... please have your colleagues and yourself enjoy spending it."

He laughed, "I am sure they will be delighted. You have done a rare thing... the foundation I am sure will want to do something to show their appreciation of your gift."

"Have them spend it wisely is all we need in return."

"Is this meant to be an anonymous gift?"

"No... not at all. We aren't seeking praise or recognition but you do not have to... as the Americans say...'keep it under wraps' in any way."

We laughed. I shook his hand. He bowed over mine.

I thanked him again. At the corner of the building I waved to Friedrich standing at the door under the porte cochere.

We followed the walkways back to the shore and our helicopter. Kellen had come inside at my invitation. She was beside me, "Fay, sorry... I'm nosy..."

I smiled, "How much?"

She nodded.

"Ten million euros."

Kellen fanned her face with a big silent WOW!

Off to Tegel then the short car ride to the Adlon. Upstairs in the sitting room I sat to talk more with Jolly about he saw at Bogensee.

He agreed with my observations adding what his digging in more had found...

"Those dorms are bad... knocking them down is best. Building new will be better and cheaper in the long run. It would be a waste of time and money to repair them. That Soviet era rubbish just doesn't last long then you're into constant repairs which never stem the tide of decay. It would become a sort of `whack-a-mole' exercise."

We laughed.

"If you don't buy it they'll have to take down those buildings just for safety sake!"

I asked about the foundations... most of the buildings have concrete crumbling... "What about the buildings I want to retain, the canteen and classrooms?"

"Fay for whatever reasons they were built with a better concrete mix. The northeast corner of one classroom structures will have to repaired but the rest..." air finger quotes, "... seem to be good.

I would scrape the paint off to the wood or metal... I'm not sure without testing but a lot of the paint appears to have lead content from the look and feel of the chips flaking off of it."

Shaking my head, "So they wanted to poison the children's bodies as well as their minds!"

He smiled and shrugged.

An email binged...

Cam and Rufus back in Lordsburg testing the new solar arrays with a few changes. They achieved a new level of efficiency... seventy four percent!! Edging up closer to twice the steam turbine rate. They were taking their data to the lab for more looking.

I replied with thanks and we'd be in London soon. Maybe a meet?

I told Jolly about the new arrays. He asked about size and weight for roof tops. I had no definite numbers... "The panels will weigh about the same as existing models. The frame lighter with new metal housings but the interior a bit heavier. I don't know the core unit's weight... it isn't huge."

"Roof tops are out of the way, little human traffic. Up there weight counts."

Gil leaned over with her iPad to show Jolly something... the panels weight and the number in one of the new arrays.

Jolly nodding, "That weight isn't going to be a problem... then the cores... when its all together..."

I said to Gil to give Rufus' email to Jolly. A thumbs up, she'd send it to him.

I leaned back in the softness, "So what was this `history' you used to teach?"

A laugh, "It seems like the proverbial `lifetime' ago... World History to ninth graders, U.S. History to eleventh and U.S. Government to seniors. I usually trimmed the world history of much of the early civilisation parts on China and India... this was a semi-rural county in Central Virginia they had no connection to those cultures.

My department chair said she didn't want to know about the trimming. Actually she wasn't worth much as a teacher. Likely she had done worse through ignorance."

He grinned, "You surprised Friedrich today... he wasn't ready for your level of knowledge."

Gil smiling from the other settee, "Fay, knows a lot about history! The people at the Providence Journal found out the day before yesterday... Fay name-dropped Jack White on them."

Jolly looking to me.

"Jack White was a reporter slash editor for the Providence Journal in Newport, a satellite office... he'd heard some inside information from rich republicans on richard nixon's money fiddling... he did the reporting... it blew up in nixon's face. That was when he did that horrible `I am not a crook' quote... what a shambles."

"I know what you mean. So you just casually worked the name in?"

Gil laughed, "Fay asked them to do more reporting like Jack White... it stunned them for a second then they laughed and applauded."

I was laughing, "It popped into my head... so I used it and they did love I would know about the Journal's past successes.... AND I was hoping for more!"

I aimed a finger at Jolly... he put up his hands to block my power ray... Laughing.

"Your connection to Oliver's family is interesting. So you know... Tarin, his wife, and her mother and sister are INTO genealogy... so expect to be pumped for all you know."

"I got that from Oliver in an email. Fortunately a few of my family in Goochland are also INTO genealogy. Not me!

My cousins here in Berlin are very nice. A real saving grace for me is they like puttering around in family bits and pieces and they are English fluent!!"

I leaned forward for a fist bump... "You're off the hook!"

He was clapping with a grin!

Jolly gave me a synopsis of his history interests. The American Civil War because of family involvement, World War Two because family members on both sides had fought... he didn't think any of his German family shot at his American but who knows. Several on the German side were wounded, two twice... they survived!

"I am more interested in what made people like Heydrich and Himmler tick. The psychological aspect of their warped personalities. What is odd to me is so many of the worst nazis were Catholics... Bavarian and especially Austrian, a high number of the top nazis in the concentration camp system were Austrians.

Austria is one of those countries that never paid their debt to the world for their part in starting the war and the Holocaust.

As a group they were very conservative although not deeply religious. I've been doing some ad hoc research on that... not enough time for much these days."

My head shaking, "I'm also interested in their thought processes but we aren't ever going to have proper answers... it died with them. What we get are educated guesses and some outrageous supposing!"

"Those `supposers' do peeve me. They get attention because of their outlandish claims... shoving proper history aside."

"If you ever want to have the time to do some serious work on it let me know. We can make arrangements."

Jolly looking to me, "Fay, I may take you up on that at some point."

"You are welcome to do so."

Fist bump!

I asked if he'd gone to any Berlin locations... He'd gone to the Fuhrerbunker location, down the Wilhelmstrasse to Goering's old Air Ministry.

"I have to laugh about that one... Goering got a load of shit because it and the Luftwaffe pilot's welfare building next door were almost undamaged by Allied bombing... like he had some sort of deal with the RAF Bomber Command and the U.S. Eight Air Force."

We laughed

"We drove in from Schönefeld past Tempelhof which looks pretty good. I took Gaby and Ken on a short tour of the eastern Tiergarten then to the Fuhrerbunker site this morning."

He did a thumbs up.

Jolly said he stopped briefly at the Schwerbelastungskorper, "That is a real oddity. What is funny is they didn't get rid of it when they had the chance... all 12,650 tonnes of it. They've given up and named it a national historical piece."

"It is well Speer didn't get to build his monstrosities. Poor Berlin if it had happened.

There's a funny'..." My air quotes, "... scene in the movie Der Untergang' in English Downfall.' Hitler is near the end of his time... down in his bunker... he's looking over a three dimensional model of the new' Berlin Speer designed as what is left after the bombing of the real one is blasted into dust by Russian artillery... telling Speer it is well the bombing has destroyed so much of the city... it will make it easier to clear it away for the new city."

Jolly laughed shaking his head.

Me smiling, "Nothing like megalomania for black humour."

That made Jolly laugh outright, "Fay, you are something."

I looked to Gil... I rubbed my tummy, she understood. "We have a booking! And I have added Jolly to our group."

"There is a restaurant around the back of this block... it's supposed to be very good Indian food, Northern Indian. I know a bit about the food so we can test them."

A big toothy grin by me!

Jolly rubbing his hands, "Thanks for including me. I do like Indian food."

Motioning to his casual clothes, "Is this going to be a problem?"

I shrugged looking to Gil. She's seen pictures inside, there were men without ties... looking casually dressed.

Okay we go with it.

I checked my trouser... all good... Okay! I added a red long sleeved Bolero jacket, the collar is black velvet, the lapels red satin, it was short with red cloth covered buttons in a vertical row of three on each side. Black heels on now.

We walked the shorter way via Wilhelmstrasse to Behrenstrasse. At the door Gil gave her name for the booking... they had set us up in a corner... several tables together for the twelve of us.

I liked the interior, nice colours! Vivid!

Drinks... their take on the Negroni sounded good. The Crispy Potato Gunpowder Salad and the Pindi Chole Kulcha as starters. My main... I chose the Jhinga Kali Mirch (Tandoori shrimp) with Saffron Pulao rice and Naan ordered for the table.

My Negroni was good but I preferred the classic manner more. The potatoes were wonderful and the Kulcha bread quite tasty.

We talked Berlin projects. Jolly had been in the shelters and the R&R buildings. The R&R were all in excellent condition no serious work needed just some cosmetic things. The shelters were on the schedule to be ready in October they could accept guests now if necessary. Moving some walls and adding privacy features to some bathrooms done! Now that the clean up was finished some painting and touch-ups all that was left to complete.

He was looking forward to seeing the Mirabelle stores with me. We were going to shelters and R&R places so he could give me his take in a tour.

My shrimp and rice arrived! I love food from a Tandoori oven!

Jolly asked me about my favourite historical event... I had to confess I didn't have one... too many to choose from...

"I do like events involving people doing something special... good special preferably. We have a friend whose book is coming out soon you should read. The title tells it all `Women After Armageddon: German Women in the Post-War Years.' I've read it... she did good!"

"Wow! I would be interested."

"The German women worked hard... more so since at first the former German soldiers were kept under the Allies control. The western allies tried to release `ordinary' soldiers quickly... the SS, etc... they held for a longer look at their record. The Russians didn't release their last German prisoners until 1956.

I told him that Flix had an interview on our Los Angeles Fox TV station. I'd seen a video the station sent to us. She was marvellous, cool, collected, voluble and thoroughly in command of her subject. The interviewer was visibly impressed and recommended the book when it came out in October.

Flix looked good, she was happy with it. A good start for her `media' career for sure!

Laughing, "I did sort of plant a seed for her next possible book... German or other war widows, how they managed, what help they received and how they were viewed by others."

"That is a good topic. Almost ignored by everyone!"

"Indeed. One of my great grandparents on each side were war losses, one soldier, one mother."

Ken said his paternal great grandfather served in World War Two in Europe as a truck driver in the Red Ball Express. I said I'd read about them... a terrific story.

"He was also a mechanic which came in handy after Army service. He managed to earn a quite decent living working on cars and trucks at home in Virginia."

He went on... "Funny... he was highly respected by the white man who owned the repair shop where he worked... He was paid more than other workers who were white. He could repair anything with a motor."

I did a double thumbs up saying when it comes to mechanical things like motors I was all thumbs so `my hat's off to him.'

Ken smiling, "He had many talents... he taught me how to throw a curveball... he was deadly with a baseball!"


Gil, "Since are talking the past..." A smile, "... what got your father into intelligence work? Your mom too?"

"We never talked about it much... he was Army Intelligence after being in the Royal Artillery so I suppose it was a natural thing. My mother was a sharpie... a woman college graduate which wasn't too common even in post-war Britain. She did a double in History and Philosophy at the University of Glasgow. She had an analytic mind. And very good with languages like my dad."

Gil laughed, "Like we all know you got that!"

Smiling, "I have always thanked their memory for it."

Jolly looking... I went on, "They died quite close together when I was in my first year at Exeter. Not much other family. My father an only child like me. I did reconnect with my mother's sister... Aunt Dee and her family several years ago to our mutual pleasure. Cho is playing golf in Scotland with my Uncle Craig."

Gil nudged me, "Probably scorching a few golf courses!!"

My people all laughed.

Jolly it turns out had no idea about Cho's golf game... he didn't play.

He was shaking his head as a few of Cho's exploits were given...

"You two get up to lots of things. Oliver's outfit in Ashland... what will it do for you?"

"They will make Titanium and Aluminium parts for our newest drone. Corner and joint sections to give strength without much weight."

Gil pulled up a snap of one on her iPad. I asked her to show him one with pods. More head shaking when he heard what the pods do plus the other built-in doodads.

"We'll be manufacturing them at Boeing Field in Seattle by spring along with a new location in Bangkok. They certainly enhance our security at larger sites. They will likely be at Bogensee."

"So how are they controlled?"

"A satellite link... the operator can be anywhere... contact a local base... get a drone released to them and fly it. To do anything with their `special' onboard tools they need permission from higher up via a code they put in."

Our server was keeping a distant eye on us... when we appeared to have finished he came back. He was looking at the serving dishes and our plates... pretty clean!

Smiling I said I thought the shrimp stayed in the Tandoori oven a bit too long...too dry. He said he was sorry... I motioned to my plate...

"I enjoyed them as you can see. So not to worry."

He smiled. Dessert?' was answered with Noes' we were full. Gil was doing the money. Kara stayed with her as we walked back around to Unter den Linden. Jolly waved as he walked to the U-Bahn entrance in the median. He'd be back in the morning.

I called out to come for breakfast. A thumbs up.

I found out he was staying with his cousins about six or seven U-Bahn stops away.

Upstairs it was espresso and Amaretto time... The hotel had obtained the Amaretto Disaronno for me... time to call Cho. I'd gotten texts during the day from Chani and Charlie telling me what they were doing. Snaps of them with Iris and in the pool.

Chani and Charlie with towels drying Jaidee was a very cute video from Tha.

I leaned back in a settee... Cho's voice grabbing me like it always did.

He was having fun playing golf. A new course each day. Craig loving it too. Yes he was as Gil suggested `scorching' them all. They usually took the local Pro with them if possible. Craig's buddy the Fortrose Pro having a great time. Lots of golf and he got to watch Cho's play!

They played and had some good food, beer and talks.

Cho got my day... he was excited about all our new properties.

I put him on hold for a moment when Gil motioned...Francis was on his way to do the Bogensee deal, he'd be here for breakfast!!

Cho liked that. My little side trips made him laugh.

"So the Wannsee House is as well-kept as you thought?"

"It looks great... it's been over ten years since I was there last. It looks the same. The fellow, Friedrich, was overwhelmed by the donation. I expect we will hear more from them about it.

I've confidence they will spend it carefully."

My descriptions of the buildings at Bogensee and Jolly's input was something we'd have to get work done.

"Please tell me if I'm off my rocker if I suggest we try doing clusters of yurts to replace those old ugly decaying Soviet style dorms."

Laughing Cho said "Tell me more."

"Well... we knock those things' down, reuse the power, water and sewage connections for the yurts. Do them like at the Recording Studio... a central bathroom and a separate snack kitchen slash sitting room... then just sleeping spaces for the rest. We could do family' clusters. Multiple clusters could use one of the old buildings connections.

We can number or colour code them to make it easier for guests to find their way.

The canteen will be the main food service area so no need for complicated kitchens.

They are a lower impact kind of building, we could take them down easily for replacing if we change our minds and they'll fit in well in the woodland environment. A sort of playful looking area... attractive."

"Okay... I am sold... see if there's any objections from the Land government."

"Frau Elbert said our taking the buildings down would be fine with Land Brandenburg. The yurts probably will be Okay."

"Even better... so Francis will get it done tomorrow?"

"I hope so... He's got the contracts... I'll be touring our other properties while he meets with them."

I gave Cho my idea about the entryway of the main house at Bogensee... He was quiet.

"Fay, your idea will strike the right tone... let everyone know up front... explain the actual use of the estate by the nazis and the communists then how we will use it. Terrific. I love that brain... along with everything else!"

Laughing saying I had gotten the idea he did.

The Twins texts were funny, he liked they wanted to communicate but not obsessively. A few texts and emails over the course of the day was great.

Love over the ether... a lot!

Gil and Chelle came in. They worked out a schedule for tomorrow. Kreuzberg, Arkonakiez, Moabit, Charlottenburg, Schöneberg, Nollendorfplatz... a mix of shelters, stores and R&R locations. A long day in a car. If I can get it done then any return trip would be easier.

The following morning to Munich then France... the south first then Paris.

My day started with a walk... Gil, Kara and Gaby. Through the Brandenburg Gate again straight on past yet another Soviet war memorial... there's maybe a dozen in Berlin... grand ugly! I did understand their motives after the fearful human cost they paid to rapidly conquer the city.

Around the Kroll Opera Haus and the Haus Der Kulturen der Welt to get to the Spree, along its bank past government offices to get to the north side of the Reichstag.

My companions got a brief few words about the big building from me then into the Tiergarten again. A stop at the memorial to the Roma and Sinti who were also systematically slaughtered by the nazis. Deep prejudice remains for these people... all you have to do is be a bit different and powerless. Nazis were... are bullies.

Jolly was in the sitting room with us as the hotel staff laid out breakfast.

Francis was escorted in. A big hug and kiss. Gil and Chelle too. He and Jolly did a handshake. Handshakes around with my Protectors.

"Did you sleep?"

"Oh yes. I was warm and comfy. Hungry though!"

"Okay you're right on time!"

We dug into eggs, potatoes, veggie sausages, nice hot Kaiser rolls. A lot of quiet at the table... me smiling with a mouthful.

Francis, "Fay, when I told Gerald about the space next door belonged to you and Cho... And you were offering it to them to expand... there was silence. I almost thought we'd been cut off then he said he was grateful. He had considered making an offer when the people next door said they were selling but he didn't want to commit to so much debt. He's over the moon... dinners on him forever!"

I laughed, my arms up hands out, "He doesn't let us pay now!"

Laughter all around the table.

"I'll get Cho to call him."

I thanked Francis for completing that deal.

Jolly told us about his Berlin family, they had lived in the city since the late Eighteenth Century. During World War II they had moved often after being bombed out several times... after the war they managed to get back to their old neighbourhood in Friedrichshain. A happy group.

Marvellous Jolly should `find' more family in a distant place.

Today I was going to many places where I be back to next month when they opened... I wanted to see them in case of any changes were needed.

Francis had arranged meetings with the Berlin government property people. He'd see them at eleven.

"Our local law firm is sending several of their people... we've read the contract Berlin sent over... it looks good. I will finalise a few items and sign."

Good. I asked if he was coming with me to Munich... he'd thought about... Yes.

"So we will see you here for dinner... right?"

Fist bump!

A cooler day... Tight black and white vertically striped low-rise jeans to my ankle tops, white long-sleeved top with black polka-dots cut off at my waist, black spike heeled ankle boots, silver jewellery, `Joy'

Gil laughed, "When will those be in the stores?"

I shrugged, "Maybe a bit too much for that."

In the cars we started in Kreuzberg. First the Mirabelle store, the construction boss was happy to show me around. They were only two weeks from being done. He and Jolly shook hands, they'd met already.

Lina, our manager, freshly back with Katrin, the Charlottenburg store manager, from training in Paris. She was a bouncy petite Berliner of long standing, lots of retail experience!

"Comtesse, your clothes are terrific! Style..." Her arms opened WIDE!

I squeezed her hand thanking her, "Informally I'm Fay."

A smile.

Lina was hiring now, one really good one, Sybil, still working elsewhere, she'd given notice, she'd come on board in three days. A potential assistant manager.

Lina said she and Katrin had been to the warehouse, the clothes were coming in, all the computer and telephone bits were there so once the construction folks were out they move it all in... setup and start training staff.

I walked along the street... shops... a great variety, bakeries, restaurants, bars, it was a crowded area very alive with foot traffic. I think we'll do quite well here.

I stepped into a sporting goods store... "Golf tees?"

The fellow took me to a rack... a small package of white and navy blue ones with Berlin on the shaft... Okay! I had to get Gil to pay... it was only five euros so I didn't want to bother them with a credit card BUT I had no euros!

I thanked the store fellow. I got a big smile in return.

Next to the R&R hotel a short four block walk away. Tommy is the manager, a good handshake. This location like the other Berlin R&R stops was now on Andi's listing. They were working hotels when we bought them so almost instantly ready.

Tommy had been running this place when we purchased it. Francis said it was well run so we wanted to keep Tommy who was clearly happy joining us. Everything here in tip-top shape. Jolly said the only thing needed here was some fix-up painting in a few spots.

He was anxious to meet his R&R folks. Six to arrive in the next twenty our hours... then more.

The last stop in Kreuzberg the Chanthira Foundation shelter. Layla was our manager. She was a native Berliner, lesbian with a partner we hired. A team. They were both psychologists so it was a two-for-one deal. That description brought out laughs.

The inside work here nearly completed... down to painting only and that way more than three quarters the way on.

The rooms were a good size, they did all have large windows and were ensuite since this had been a hotel. Forty four guest rooms, Layla and Gretel had a flat made from several rooms.

Nice sized game room, a quiet room, a computer room and library together. The dining area was easily switched between food and meetings.

The cook is a fifty year old gay Swedish man whose specialty was Italian cooking. Go figure? Layla mentioned she could see some weight being gained. Pasta! Laughter.

All the Kreuzberg spots were no more than two or three blocks to a U-Bahn station. Excellent!

Northward around the Mitte to Arkonakiez district. The hotel was a gem. forty two rooms, ensuite and very modern. Lovely colours and an afternoon sitting area for tea and cookies and the odd glass of sherry in a glass solarium on the roof.

Jolly said there was a small issue with condensation in the solarium... it was being addressed.

No restaurant which did make things easier for Sophia to run.

Sophia, our manager, was a curvy blonde divorcée of forty three, a son at Humboldt University. She was also a native Berliner and proud of it. Her office was bright, flowers from her own garden! She lives in Tegel, an easy commute... S-Bahn to U-Bahn to Bernauer Strasse.

Like Tommy they were ready for their first R&R guests. They had bookings for two days hence so they would get started.

Each R&R hotel would get from the guests was name, location where they were employed and any special items they might need support for and sightseeing interests... beyond payment information.

Fist bump with Sophia. Smiles.

I got my crowd to walk a block to the Berlin Wall Memorial. The memorial and several blocks of the `death strip' were well kept, many people using the park to lounge in the sun. A piece of the actual wall still there... with memorials. The Russians and their East German sycophants so afraid of their own people deciding the crap version of communism wasn't for them they had to be penned in.

Like Russia, the GDR had been a failed state controlled by a new version of the nazis with their own gestapo.

The park-like atmosphere contradicted what it had been... anti-personnel mines, automated machine guns, snipers, barbed wire, attack dogs...

I said Bernauer Strasse had been one of the most important stretches of the Wall... where early escapes occurred and tunnels were dug under it.

I'm glad they didn't just sell all the space where the wall had been to real estate developers.

Back in the cars... Over to Invalidenstrasse then a long way on it past the Hauptbahnhof into the Moabit neighbourhood. Close to the Luneburgerstrasse U-Bahn our hotel sat on a leafy street. It had thirty-eight regular rooms and two on the top were suites with three bedrooms each!

Valentina met us at the door. She had just finished registering a couple from New York who worked for the Daily News. Terrific!!

This hotel was older but in excellent shape. It had been modernised about ten years ago so it had a good look and had been well maintained.

Valentina had been the under-manager when we bought it, her boss moved on... with Francis' recommendation we are giving Valentina a chance. Francis really liked her... I did too. Bubbly but not a fool.

There was a bike rental stand being put in at the corner so our people could extend their range easily.

No restaurant here either... there many restaurants, shopping and some varied retail close by.

We went upstairs to the top floor suites... a nice view southward toward the Tiergarten. It was so close to the River Spree it could be walking distance to the Tiergarten and all its bits for our more hardy visitors. Over the Lutherbrüecke... you were there.

Going down we met the New York couple. They were surprised to see me... He was a sports reporter, she in the City news department. We shook hands, I wished them a enjoyable stay. Smiles and thank yous.

In the cars once again... my suggestion of FOOD was well received! Gil called Katrin at the Kurfürstendamm Mirabelle. She said there many restaurants close by... what kind of food?

Gil asked about a vegetarian one... Yes, one block away. Gil got the name and made a booking for us.

On Kurfürstendamm... very busy, wall-to-wall shops, spas, restaurants. At Mirabelle I snagged Katrin to come with us... Okay! Around the corner on Schlüterstrasse was Asian Hour, a vegetarian and vegan restaurant.

Gil sent our driver to get his lunch with a good bit of time... he knew when and where to meet us again.

At Asian Hour they had several tables joined together for us. An excellent aroma... warm spices!

Introductions for Katrin as my phone binged. Francis... the deal is done we own the Bogensee estate. I thanked him.

"Call Ali she should be up by now."

He would and see us later.

Gil and Chelle knew... it didn't take much listening to my side. Fist bumps!

I told Katrin we just bought a large estate near Bogensee for multiple uses... the R&R scheme, corporate training and more. I leaned closer saying it had been briefly a Goebbels residence.

"I know of it... empty for a long time."

"Over twenty years... we will fix it up and make it a fun place."


I asked for several platters of spring rolls to get us all going. Then for me... miso soup and their Pad Thai with tofu for my main.

Katrin and Lina were `tight' sharing information. They'd travelled to Paris together and stayed at Quai De Bethune.

"Your Ladyship, the house is wonderful. So beautiful... your suite door was open..." A shy smile. "... I peeked in... very romantic."

Smiling I said informally I'm Fay. A big smile as I squeezed her hand.

"Yes, it is a lovely room. The house is very old... we are quite lucky to have it. The former owner and us are friends. He lives full time on Martinique."

I asked Katrin about the training in Paris... she said Georgie and her staff are very organised, easy to work with and know their `stuff!'

She just like Lina was hiring, she had two and maybe another... she was waiting on the background report for the third.

"Either of my two could be the assistant-manager. Both are experienced retail people."

I said she'd need to get them up to speed if only so she could have a break. A big smile!

Asian Hour's spring rolls were tasty... the soup smooth, nice veggie cuttings in the broth.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying like me.

Katrin had a degree in art history... she said Mirabelle was like art.... beauty, colour and shape.

"And art history?"

"I had several positions in galleries, the pay wasn't enough and they were as Americans say `dead ends' for the future. Moving to clothes, which I love, I get to delight in what made art interesting and make a decent living so I can have a good life."

Fist bump... a big smile.

We discussed her languages... French, Lina too... so Paris was great!

"I speak and read Polish but I need to work on writing part. Czech and some Italian. My English is Okay... I can read and write but not novels."

We laughed.

The Pad Thai was good but not spicy enough... I had answered the question when asked saying I liked it spicy. It tasted good but...

The others were fine.

When the young woman came around I did tell her my issue...

"Miss, I'm sorry... I did write down spicy in capital letters when you were so sure."

"I live part-time in Bangkok... so I am used to chilies being hot... I like what they contribute."

She said they wouldn't charge for the Pad Thai... I stopped her... "I ate it and enjoyed it... we will pay... I was just letting you know how I felt."

A nice smile as she thanked me.

After she left I told Gil to look on our cheque to be sure. Thumbs up.

Katrin looking like why not take the freebie...

"Paying a few euros isn't the point... I hope my small complaint might make an impact. They aren't in the business to give money away and restaurants can be difficult to succeed with in any market. Their food is good!"

She was nodding.

We thanked our server and went to the Kurfürstendamm Mirabelle.

Inside it was almost finished... it was looking like the drawings Callie had made. Low platforms at the two large windows for showing off the clothes to the outside, a room for suits, the biggest one. Tops in another and on. The racks were going to show off the clothes very well... the colours would bounce out!

A nice sales counter and good sized changing rooms. Decent storage for stock, a break room and office at the back.

The builder smiling saying his folks found the design to be easy to do... no complications. Jolly had made several suggestions which had simplified the work around the front windows especially. The builder said he liked Jolly's eye for minimalism.

I laughed holding Jolly's hand. Our minimalist!

Our name out front was the backlit version we were using a lot. We fit into the neighbourhood.

I walked with Tara across the street to have a look at our front. Through the trees and around cars our sign was clear and good-looking.

Balenciaga, Ferragamo, Cucinelli all had shops in the ground floor of Cumberland Haus behind us... Gucci and Ferragamo on either side, so we'd be in some select company.

Quite a few shoppers going by... very encouraging. A nice looking crowd on the street.

I did my goodbyes. We all walked two blocks then a right turn... I stopped to look... a very nice salmon pink front with dark cream framing around the windows on the hotel. Angelika waiting. Handshake, a cheek kiss.

This location had thirty six ensuite rooms, a roof top lounge for afternoon tea and sherry. Different shades of the exterior colours in the lobby and public areas, warm, inviting.

Angelika had three parties of our employees staying here. One each from Seattle, Los Angeles and Bangkok.

"They're all out in the city," a laughing smile. "They are young and energetic."

She added they were nice and well-spoken. Good.

Angelika said she was hired from another hotel where she was the third ranked manager but It was made plain she'd not likely advance because they wanted men as leaders.

Shaking my head, "You are with us now... we don't have such limits."

I looked in some unoccupied rooms... comfy and nicely furnished. Another real gem of a building.

I wanted to remind Francis to work on a reward for our German real estate partners to show we appreciated their good work. Gil nodding.

At each location Jolly was a great help pointing out features of each building... things we would need to address. Jolly was creating a timeline for the work projects. There was nothing large.

He was working with a local company to be our `on-call' repair service for all the Berlin properties.

I asked if he thought we should buy an existing company or build one?

"Fay, these folks are good so maybe a test run then decide?"

Fist bump!

Another Charlottenburg stop... two blocks south then three to the east... on Ludwigkirchstrasse our shelter was managed by Romy. She was a psychologist also... we had excellent help from Kurt in London finding these wonderful folks.

He tapped into his German contacts in their shared discipline to winkle out qualified people with some `zoom' to them for the shelters.

Romy, thirty three, short blonde hair with blue streaks, was married, she and her husband had a flat in the building with a separate office. Her husband worked for the city of Berlin.

Forty guests could be accommodated. Shared bathrooms with private washing spaces, each guest room had a basin.

Although there weren't any pretty views, the big windows let in a lot of light. The colours were pleasant but not bland or industrial.

Several rooms for our usual functions and a good sized multi-purpose room between the lobby and the kitchen.

Romy was ready to open, a full staff.

"So open the doors! Startup your outreach programme and street sweeps. The weather is going to turn soon so you'll likely have some guests come in."

"We will be happy to see them."

I met her staff, young and old, smiling faces, pleased to be working here. I thanked them all.

Two more stops... Schöneberg first. Our driver smiling... he'd had his lunch. A big thank you for the lunch stipend. I, in turn, thanked him for his excellent navigation of the city. We'd moved between locations quickly, minimum time used.

Going east was easy turning onto Lietzenburgerstrasse then MartinLutherstrasse. A nice older building... this had been a hotel for over eighty years. Completely modernised in the 1970's it was well Maintained.

Anke was our manager. She was young... twenty nine, she had a degree in hospitality services and had worked in hotels all through university. Dark blonde with rosy cheeks... she'd never need blush.

I did laugh internally as I described Anke to myself as `young.'

They also had visitors, two pairs in and two more sometime this evening. More the day after. The restaurant had a traditional German food menu, a mix of different areas of the country. There was meat and fish but also many vegetarian choices. A thumbs up from me.

The cook was a smiling somewhat roly-poly woman of forty some years. A high energy lady who had been here for ten years. The restaurant had many neighbourhood regular customers. I shook her large hand thanking her for running the restaurant so well.

"Comtesse, you should eat here... you need to fill out."

She rolled her substantial hips. We all laughed.

A short neighbourhood walk... some retail and food shops, a bar or two but not a super active shopping area. Pleasant though, lots of trees everywhere. More small hotels.

Our rates varied with each location... based on amenities, room type, etc... this one the lowest per day cost in the city.

The next to last stop! A short drive north into Nollendorf. The shelter was around the corner from the U-Bahn in an area that had a significant LGBTQ population.

This is the largest shelter, space for a big clinic! It had an X-Ray machine and other diagnostic tools.

So we could service all the shelters on a twenty four hour basis we had a staff physician on-site all the time. The doctors were experienced with adolescents.

Liesl our manager. A trained clinician in psychology, she would lead a study on our guests across the city. The data would be used by us only to help provide more services and fine tune our outreach. Liesl was VERY aware of our privacy policies.

Kurt would come over to work with her on the study along with the other psychologists!

Liesl was forty, divorced, happily she said. No children but she has a niece who is staying with her while at university. The niece is studying psychology at Humboldt. Lots of psychologists!!

"Your Ladyship, this is a somewhat above average income area but it does attract a lot of young people many of whom are homeless or marginally housed. We may not fill up the first year... we are already out on the street looking and talking to the neighbours. We had an open house so the people around us would get to know about what we are going to do.

They were supportive, glad someone was trying to help. It isn't that they want homeless around but they don't want them out without help.

If anyone appears or we find... should we consider ourselves open?"

"Oh yes! Go out to do your looking through the neighbourhood... and remember any young person should be accommodated while we aim at the LGBTQ population we will help those in need."

What she said sounded good and I thanked Liesl for being so pro-active.

"Your Ladyship..."

"Fay... Please."

"Fay, such a private endeavour like yours is not at all normal. Our neighbours were amazed about the foundation doing this with its own money."

"We have the money and want to see young people supported when they do not have the resources themselves. If we wait for governments to do this sort of thing... hell will be frozen over."

She laughed with me.

"Also we know there will be young people from other countries here... Berlin is a major draw for LGBTQ youth from all the neighbouring lands... these are not rich kids... their resources are finite.

If their current home life has become too difficult or worse they are thrown out...

The shelters take them in... support them until they can do so themselves.

We get the shelters running then go to government with a `see here this is what we do' argument to get funding. "

"Fay, it works?"

"Oh yes. We are getting money at the older shelters in America and Great Britain."

A few staffers were around so I got to meet them. Younger than Liesl, some university graduates, some still attending. I made sure they understood our education policies and we will be happy to help them.

Smiles and nods, they said Liesl had given them the whole picture and requests were being readied. Good!

They liked my outfit. I told the ladies they would get a discount at Mirabelle stores... not that my outfit was there but some other things might interest them. Thank yous!

Sorry to the men... Laughter.

Handshakes and hugs! Goodbyes.

A last stop... a mile or so eastward to the Dreifaltigkeitsfriedhof, a cemetery, in the north of Kreuzberg. Inside we drove down a long avenue and made a left to stop outside the Varnhagen family plot. A brief visit to Rahel Varnhagen's grave. She was the keeper of the preeminent intellectual salon in Berlin in the late 18th Century into the 19th.

A sharp intellect and wit, a letter writer with a considerable number of correspondents with whom she kept in frequent touch.

She was close friends with Moses Mendelssohn's two daughters and also with Felix. The Mendelssohn Family plot was beside the Varnhagen's.

This wasn't a sad place... so much talent here that had been shared!

Okay back to the Adlon. I asked Gil to be sure the car service knew I was pleased with all their drivers, good tips for them. Gil smiled saying she expected that. I gave her a mock arm punch to a car full of laughter.

The car would take Jolly to his cousins. A hug, it had been great to have him along. He knew so much about the locations it made easy for me. We waved him down Unter den Linden.

One of the doormen bowed as he opened the door... I guess they just do that.

In the suite Francis was on his phone in that RED office. He waved me in...

I paused at the door... email binging... Taj. The email was regarding my giving a speech at Allysiah's school. He spoke to several religious authorities who finally got back to him. They sought the opinion of the office of the Ayatollah.

Whew! It was a speech... Oh well.

The Ayatollah said the content would matter... not me addressing the young women. Ayatollah did say he has been briefed about me. I have been in and out of Iran several times and have done some VERY important things. He inquired about me further... Cho and I hosting the nuclear talks... His opinion was I should be trusted to be sensitive on the subject of my speech.

Taj added it was a considerable thing for me to allowed in to speak without prior viewing of my words especially to young women.

I sat down... RED room... My reply said I was pleased and humbled by the Ayatollah's knowing of me and felt I was to be trusted.

I said I would keep him up-to-date on my schedule so maybe we could have lunch? Doosti Restaurant? I knew he'd go for that!

Francis was off... he gave me a look when I told about my email...

"Fay you can be sure Soleimani probably was heard from."

I agreed. I had already concluded that.

I was happy. Something new for me... giving a talk to students wasn't new but in Farsi...

Another email...


`There's new stingray software... completely rewritten... it is automated in its response to one of those devices. Ni says to download it. They have tested it thoroughly... it works like a charm.'

"I need to get out of this room... too much RED!"

Francis laughing, "It is a bit much... I needed the desk."

We sat with Gil and Chelle for an espresso. The hotel's little machine was easy and worked well.

I did some more emails. Rona got I told the shelter managers here they could accept guests. She and Kurt would over here in October.

Gil got an email from Gaye Su Akyol! She enjoyed meeting me even if briefly and hoped we could see one another again. I asked Gil to do a reply and include my named but protected account.

Thumbs up!

Dinner! Appropriately tonight was to be German food.

It was a casual place... I chose an Erte Art Nouveau frock. It had long sleeves... I expected it to get cooler.

It was navy blue on the top with a V-neck, close to my torso then asymmetrical to below the knee on the left. Some stars and pink clouds at the top, women in slinky frocks around the mid-section in shades of orange, around the waist it was lighter blue printed to look like folds of cloth hanging down then the navy again with flamingo dancers in orange shades and white. The long sleeves matched the upper part of the frock.

Colourful and fun with orange St. Laurent heels. Orange nails and clear lips. `Joy' An orange fold-over leather purse!

It was a short walk around the block to Hannah Arendt Strasse and the `Bavaria.' They set us up in an outdoor area to the right of the door. Two tables together.

Testing my memory... I asked for a Paulaner Salvator Bock Lager. The waitress' eyes sparkled, a big smile. My companions saw that I'd scored so they joined me except those who were working.

When the beers arrived I toasted to a very successful few days in Berlin.

I was toasted for sharing my knowledge of the city. Francis sorry to have missed that.

Food! I would start with their potato soup, the menu description intriguing. The Steckerlfisch which tonight was Oberfälzer carp, herbed Spaetzle, I added the braised red cabbage... when I was told it had no meat broth.

Our waitress grinning like I knew what I was doing. Okay! I'll take the glory. Ha!

The beer was good... as my memory told me. Everybody enjoying.

Francis got more on the Bogensee estate deal he helped to finish.

"It was good Jolly could go with you."

I agreed, "He knows his stuff! I saw a lot I didn't like... he saw much more. The Land Brandenburg folks know we are going to knock down a lot... what we replace it with is up in the air.

I told Cho we might try yurt clusters like at the Recording Studio in Oxfordshire.

Easy to build, low density, fit into the landscape and kind of fun."

My `morning riders' who'd seen it agreed. Tara said my thought they looked something Hobbit-like stuck in her head. We laughed.

My food was wonderful. The soup lived-up to its billing. The fish well cooked, not over-done. The Spaetzle fluffy not soggy, the cabbage piquant and sweet... excellent.

I stayed with the beer through dinner. After two I felt the higher alcohol content. I wasn't driving!!

All the plates and serving dishes were emptying. Our waitress came by... she approved of our appetites.

A chocolate cake... oh Yes... this was terrific! Rich! The icing!!!!! Some real skill needed to make this.

At the end I told our waitress I would be back though not for a month or so.

Another woman came out to help her clear away... she looked at me... startled. She picked up some plates and almost dropped them... gone. Then she was back with a gentleman... the owner.

Our waitress told him we had enjoyed EVERYTHING! He thanked us.

"You are Lady Harcourt... yes?"

I said I was. He thanked me and my group for coming.

I said we were staying at the Adlon... leaving in the morning. I would be back in a month or so with my husband for some events.

"I will bring him here for dinner."

Smiling he bowed thanking me once again.

We got ourselves walking... slowly as we were all a lot heavier.

In the sitting room... espresso... there were several conversations occurring at the same time... me and Cho, Francis and Ali, Gil and Chelle sharing a chair.

Cho was going home in the morning. We'd both gotten texts and email during the day from the Twins. Their days full of activities... Iris, play, Jaidee, arts and crafts and `schooling.'

"They are very smart in their use of the iPhones."

Laughing I agreed, "It is fabulous to get a text from our daughter saying how she loved getting dirty in paddock with Iris."

Cho said he got one from Charlie with a picture of Iris' back end as she pooped."

I was almost choking laughing so hard. The babies!! I said forward it to me. Okay!

Cho still laughing, "I spoke to Tha... she said she explained that like themselves Iris has poops... she doesn't have a bathroom as they do... it's her stall so she goes when needed. The straw was there to be her toilet tissue. Tha added it gets used by the gardeners to help the flowers grow.

Tha said they loved that."

I was laughing, "Our babies are getting a complete education."


We'd be together in Paris tomorrow night... much love sent along tonight.

Francis said Ali was fine. He was going home after the Munich visit tomorrow until he found out we were going to a museum in Rivesaltes... he wanted to go. Okay!

Everyone loved the Iris `poop' snap when it arrived!

Bed time.

I was up early with Ken and Kara. North up Wilhelmstrasse to the Spree then right... the nifty `Tränenpalast' is closed but I told my walkers what it was and had been. Over the WeidendammerBrücke a left along the river. We wound around the government buildings back across the Spree on the KronPrinzenbBrücke.

Across the Spreebogenpark to the MoltkeBrücke, I aimed them to the northwest, they got the story of the `breakout groups' that tried to flee from the Fuhrerbunker. Everything past this bridge under fire by Russians... many died. At the north end I pointed toward where the Lehrterbahnhof had been on the left.

I said one of the greatest nazi criminals, Martin Bormann, died in the gutter there... a suicide... after failing to escape. He was the shadow of Hitler for a decade, the evil guardian at the gate and a fierce promoter of the Holocaust.

"Like I said there are few places in this city to avoid the nazi past. Too much... I love history... there are times I need to let it go."

Ken nudged me, "Remember Santayana you quote."

I shrugged, "I said I wanted to let go not forget. That is a lesson I have learned well."

We returned to the hotel passing in front of the Reichstag again.

Breakfast was being put out! We gathered in the dining room.

Francis grinning at me when he heard about Bormann's body in a gutter.

"Appropriate! An easier fate than what he wished on many."

Fist bump.

Okay a visit to a big corporation gotta dress nice. A cobalt blue suit, double breasted jacket with nothing underneath except those nifty boobie sticky things, skirt to mid-thigh. It was cotton and lightweight. I skipped hose and did gold jewellery including several necklaces in my modest décolletage, heels from St. Laurent in cream coloured leather, `Joy' A cream 25cm Hermès Kelly bag. My blue reflective sunglasses.

The short car ride to Tegel Heliport. Kellen ready. The second AW139 would go directly to Paris with bags and several Protectors.

We lifted up turning south-southwest. We worked in flight, about two hours and a quarter. The weather good, an easy trip.

Plenty to occupy my time.

Kellen gave us a heads up... she was making her approach the MAN headquarters in northwest Munich. They had cleared a car park south of their main offices.

Kellen flared for landing... a bit of dust. We sat for a minute to let the rotors spin down to push it.

A cluster of men with golf carts were nearby. We all stepped out. I walked straight to the crowd. Two moved forward... Helmut and a fellow in a nice gray suit, no tie.

They bowed... Yes I know I am a Countess... not used to it at all... Seems I'm more sensitive to it as time goes on. Get over it Fay.

Helmut did the introductions. Gregor was the CEO. He introduced the other two as I did mine.

Helmut and Francis smiling, shaking hands, they hadn't seen one another for some time.

We rode golf carts to their office. I told them I liked the curved ends of the cursive shaped `H' building... sort of Bauhaus. Gregor said the buildings were much newer but inspired by Bauhaus.

We walked to the central entryway... I liked this shape and style.

Inside it gleamed... the conference room had a high ceiling with a backlit soffit above the table... the same shape. Pinpoint lights aimed at the table. Pale colours... blue, gray and green. I loved it.

We talked our video systems they were installing in their buses. Many customers seeing the capabilities wanted it!! Our hardware is in its sixth iteration... faster uploads, deeper compression to make the files ever smaller, quick recall of any file with the powerful database being easier to use.

Gregor smiling, "You are helping to sell our buses... when they see your demo it seems to inspire more purchases."


"I hope so! We can sell more video systems."

Laughter... We agreed it had been a good partnership.

"I can say a new version of the base management software will come in early the first quarter of the new year."

I handed Gregor fold-over pouch, inside a file and a thumb drive.

"You have a preview there with documents explaining each change or addition."

He was smiling, "More goodies for users?"

"Indeed. All existing systems can upgrade to this version. They will immediately see benefits. The transition is seamless."

Gregor's face had a bigger smile.

We talked contracts and how we could improve some things.

Coffee! Several young women did the serving.

What I found interesting... I was the only woman sitting in the room besides Gil and Chelle...

BUT the men were taking me seriously... absolutely paying attention and no pandering. I liked that... there should be women at the table besides me and mine!

Helmut had the floor speaking about a few nuts and bolts topics. Heads nodding on the MAN men... I had to think that just for laughs.

Some talk from one of them about hardware shipping to them from the UK and miscellaneous other things.

We were done and I was happy. My first personal contact with MAN above Helmut was good. Gregor clearly respected me and he talked plainly which always wins with me... `going around the houses' pisses me off!

Warm handshakes when they dropped us back at the AW139. Gregor wished us a good visit. I thanked him. A good handshake.

Francis was continuing on to St. Cyprian and Paris. He'd discussed it with Ali last night.

Kellen's ship rose up to turn south, stayed on a south heading then a turn to port. We were flying around Munich's core. A another turn to port as we lost altitude. A spot in a large grassy clearing.

Kellen settled us down softly. PJ out first. A gentleman in a dark suit was at the tree line. I headed towards him.

He bowed...

"Lady Harcourt, welcome to Friedhof am Perlacher Forst. I am Karl Peters."

I thanked Herr Peters for the greeting and allowing our use of the space for the helicopter.

He bowed again, "Our pleasure."

We followed him through an opening in a hedge. It was only a hundred feet past that... we were all quiet standing in front of the graves.

Three graves... two had a connecting cross. Geschwister Scholl Grabmal. Sophie and Hans Scholl connected side-by-side and their friend Christoph Probst.

These three and others murdered by the nazis for speaking out against the corrupt dictatorial murderous regime. In their twenties... intelligent, full of promise, ethical, decent people... the opposite of the nazis.

I opened the box Gil handed me... Herr Peters looked at it... a smile and a nod. I leaned over to place the white rose on the ground just beyond the front edge. It was a white stone six inches across and four inches high carved in the shape of an opened rose... my initials and the date etched on the bottom.

Herr Peters smiled, "Lady Harcourt, it is a simple and beautiful thing. Thank you for thinking of our White Rose friends."

We shook hands... he bowed and stepped back.

I took a few moments... I suppose I could stay all day thinking of how brave and a bit foolish they had been. As Sophie said after being sentenced to be executed... "Somebody, after all, had to make a start..."

In two years time the whole rotten nazi mess collapsed into dust. Sixty million people had died.

I thanked Herr Peters. He responded to my query that all we need do is contact him and it would be arranged for us to use the clearing again.

We retraced our steps to the helicopter. Kellen wound us up and we rose into the sky.

Kellen turned west by a bit south. Two and three quarters of an hour for this leg.

We flew over southern Bavaria, the northwestern tip of Lake Constance, Zurich off to port, Geneva to the left of us, northwest of Lyon a turn to the south. A straight line to St. Cyprian on the Gulf of Lion.

Chelle had sandwiches, crisps, cookies and drinks for us. Very welcome!! The Adlon good at these picnics.

I worked through the whole flight with a few moments off for sightseeing. I surprised by what I accomplished by the time Kellen gave us a notice of descent to the R&R hotel grounds.

We were approaching over the water... a good look at the hotel before the final turn. The central section higher than the two wings. The wings were `layered' downward to the end where there were large terraces opening to the grassy courtyard

Red tile rooves the rest in pale pink shades with shades of light browns on windows and doors... a warm Mediterranean look!

Kellen settled the AW139 on a fenced grass area near the pool. A small group of people waiting.

I stepped out... Arnaud our manager smiling as we shook hands. Introductions all around. Inside to the offices.

This site had been a working resort hotel for many decades, nicely maintained! Arnaud remained as manager when we bought it. He knew the place inside-out. His staff had all stayed so there were no issues in the transition.

It also spoke volumes about our reputation for being good employers!!

They were still taking guests from the general public like all the others, some of ours had just arrived for the warmth and water sports. The beach was an open to the public area which had not caused any problems with the hotel guests in the past. Okay!

I did a tour with Arnaud... a family of four going to the sand burdened with bits and pieces. We helped them down the stairs... one of Arnaud's people took some of their things to the gate at the beach.

The family was English, the father worked at our solar plant at Dartford south of London.

"M'Lady, we are looking forward to this."

The father assembled solar panels for us... he said the work was getting easier with automation... a smile, "My job isn't going away with the new machines."

A handshake for him as I said it wouldn't ever.

I was introduced to his wife and two girls. I said I hoped they enjoyed themselves and `use your sun-block the afternoon sun is the worst.' The mother said they had plenty in her bag. We waved them off to have fun. This was just the beginning for them. I wished them an enjoyable time.

Arnaud was pleased with our new regime, "All your people are easy to deal with. Andi is terrific, right on top of things."

Always nice to hear such things. Our people working at the top of their game... just what we wanted.

I thanked him for helping her get it all up on the website quickly. A nice smile.

Kellen ready to go, she and Avril had been changing off being the pilot during our flights today. A short hop to Rivesaltes. We landed in a field across from a big car park. The AW139 is to make the short hop to the Perpignan-Rivesaltes Airport to re-fuel.

We climbed out walking the short distance to meet a woman and a man from the Mémorial du Camp de Rivesaltes.

Very welcoming! They were pleased to have us visit... in English.

I replied in French I was looking forward to learning more about the camp and seeing their new museum.

They were amazed by my French...

The man, "Lady Harcourt, you do surprise."

He asked about continuing in French... "All of my people speak French."

He picked up, "Our facility is somewhat unique."

As we moved to the doors he gave us a brief history of the museum and then the camp... The museum... an ochre coloured long narrow rectangle nearly as long as a football field. Almost all below the grade of the surrounding old camp buildings.

Once inside my first look... remarkable!

I said the shape is like the barracks... our lady guide said it intended to resemble them. The colours of the surrounding countryside inside... warm shades of orange, pale and dark browns. Superb displays of life here in the successive waves of peoples assigned to be imprisoned.

Its first iteration was as a French Army camp then refugees escaping from fascist Spain were interned here. France under Vichy vastly increased the numbers with who they considered undesirable people... Jews from everywhere the nazis went who came to France because it was a beacon of hope in a convulsing Europe, political refugees from Germany, Austria, Spain, Poland, Czechoslovakia and more.

Other camps around the France were filled with the same people who Vichy didn't want.

This camp didn't properly house them, fed them poorly and there was little means of getting contact to the outer world. Escapees were brutally punished when recaptured or sent on to worse places.

The opening scenes of a very fine movie, Coup de Foudre,' known in America as Entre Nous' were set here. Isabelle Huppert's character, a Jewish woman refugee from Belgium, got out by marrying a French Foreign Legionnaire, who it turned out, much to her chagrin, was Jewish also.

When the nazis occupied all of France in 1942 most of the Jews were sent to their deaths in Poland. Many of the Spanish men ended up in a camp with the most evil reputation... Mathausen... in Austria. They were worked to death beside Allied POW's and thousands of Jews and others.

I asked a few questions as we did a tour. My hosts did look a bit surprised by some of my inquiries about the various groups of women and ethnic minorities interned here.

PJ stayed with me... I told the others to please look around on their own if they liked. Several stayed close to listen to the man and woman.

This was a handsome place, organised and beautiful... depicting a time of horrible events and sorrow. This trip had been full of sorrow... I needed to change the tone on the next time around. One of the results of enjoying history... so much that is well recorded is all about death and destruction.

Back at the main doorway... I thanked my hosts.

"I have great respect for what you have done. The innovative design right through to the selection of exhibits. I would like to leave a donation... is it possible for me to give it to you?"

They said they could accept it. Gil handed me the envelope. I knew some about this museum before coming here so the cheque was ready...

"Seeing all this..." my hand motioning towards the hall stretching away from us, "... I am sure you will use it well."

The woman peeked in... she dropped the envelope... her hands to her face... Francis bent down... he retrieved it for her. Her hand shaking a bit as she gave it to her colleague... he looked.

"Lady Harcourt, We are amazed! This generous... amazingly generous donation will..." His hand on his heart, "... will be well used. It is an honour to receive it from such a fine lady."

He bowed. He asked how they could recognize such a huge gift... I said there was no need other than to make the museum even better. He was shaking his head... our lady host had a tear on her cheek... I handed her a Cho-Fay handkerchief from my bag. A smile and thank you.

We shook hands saying goodbyes. A hug for the lady. They came out to wave to us as Kellen had the helicopter rotors going.

PJ buckled in leaned around me to Gil... A big smile... she knew what he wanted... "Ten million euros.'

A fist bump with Francis.

Francis smiling he had seen the amount when he picked it up for them. A smiling thumbs up.

On the tannoy Kellen said an hour and forty minute trip.

I leaned back to close my eyes for a bit. Chelle brought out drinks in a little while.

This part of the trip was restful.

Lucien had the doors open to the tunnel at Quai de Bethune, we glided by. At the lift I thanked him... a big smile...

"Comtesse, it is always fine to see you. Will the little ones be coming?"

"Not this time. You will see them again soon."

I squeezed his hand before stepping into the lift.

On the main floor I asked for a couple of Protectors to go for a walk with me. Tessa and Ken volunteered right away.

I changed to red trousers, a short white top, a navy cardigan over my shoulders, brown Hermès loafers on. We walked out going around on Rue Des Deux Ponts to the shopping district.

Gil came up from behind, she handed me a small wallet... euros! Ah... glad she thought of it.

"You're going to cook for you and Cho?"

I said yes... she offered her hands to help carrying my `loot.' I thanked her.

I stopped at a florist shop for several big bunches to be delivered... The woman patron smiled when I gave my name and address... "Welcome Comtesse. My son will deliver in thirty minutes... Okay?"

`D'accord' and a Merci from me.

A stop at Nicolas' for some Calvados for Cho. Ring left a note... the supply was low.

Cheese, bread, veggies, some very nice trout all from individual shops. I like shopping this way rather than a `supermarket.'

The last stop... Calvert's Ice Cream Shop! We were welcomed with open arms. Monsieur Calvert got his cheeks kissed.

Francis came in the door to laughs.

"I knew you'd come here! I wanted to be sure you got some of their vanilla."

We got four flavours in large quantities. Francis carried that.

My iPhone binging, Tessa pulled it from my pocket as my arms were full.

"Cho's helicopter is nearing the heliport." Good!

We unloaded in the kitchen... Lucien had been startled by our loads. He offered to carry some... "No we have it... Thank you."

I did the start for dinner... Francis got out several bottles of a dry white from Alsace from the cellar. He opened one.

Lucien brought up the flowers... I made up two big vases for the dining room... yellow and red for one, yellow and blue for the other.

I was sipping my wine when Cho walked into the kitchen.

A big hug and kiss. His Protectors stuck their heads in... smiles and waves.

PJ knew we'd be IN tonight so he was taking the crowd including Gil, Chelle and Francis out for some fun. Cheers from Cho and I.

I had the fish in the oven, Cho cut the bread, veggies grilling... more sips on the wine... Very nice.

When all my efforts were done we sat in the dining room. A toast to us!

The fish was good as was everything else. I was congratulated for being so `domestic.' Laughs.

In the sitting room, one balcony door open to the night air... we cuddled on a settee. Espresso, Amaretto and Calvados. A nice end to a very busy day.

Cho was pleased with me at every level.

"I thought your white rose very beautiful. We will have to go so I can see it in place."

I said whenever... for now he'd have to be content with snaps. We'd do a side trip to Ludwig-Maximilians University to see the Geschwister Scholl Memorial.

Cho laughed at the reactions to our donations... "For them it is a lot of money in one lump. The lady being shocked... you will to have your little surprise..." I gave him a mock arm punch!

He pulled me close, "You have to stop that... remember what you said to the babies!"

I said I would, "Are my `little surprises' wrong?"

Cho shook his head... magnificent head... "No... It is just these folks don't get that size donation every day."

"I will try working up to it from now on."

A kiss for me.

BING! A reminder email from Anna W... the interview with Nick was in the October issue which will be out in a matter of days. A thank you for the idea... she was very pleased with it and the snaps.

Cho tickling me with "Now big-time publishers" to add to my list of admirers next to Presidents, Prime Ministers, Foreign Secretaries, Justice Ministers, etc...

I was also tickled some more... I went on the attack... truce with a lot of laughter.

The big bed upstairs proved of adequate size for our sexual fun. No one fell off. Cho's cock inside me drove me to several orgasms... I returned the favour. We ended as a pile of hot bodies, sated and very happy. The duvet pulled up finally as we lay face to face... I slid a slim leg over Cho urging him closer... mashed bodies and lips!!

Fingers eased hair from my face... a cute smile... "I am glad we are good at this!"

Laughing, "Better than good!"

We laughed more when I again thanked my husband for his donations of his `signature.'

Sleep... a warm Cho my soporific!

I was up early... Cho lying there... so handsome... dark hair on the pillow.

Downstairs... Kara and Cal... I laughed, "So the juniors got stuck?"

They laughed too.

Cal said it was late last night when they got the bad news.

"Okay let's make the best of it for you."

Out the door going left down to Square Barye at the end of the isle. Around the small park... The air cool and delightful. Onto Rue St.-Louis-en-l'Ile stopping at the Boulangerie for loaves! The bakery for eclairs and big sugar cookies. We doubled back a bit to go down Rue Poulletier.

Father Bertrand outside the church, he was putting up a notice.

We said hello. I said he was out early... He started to say he was often up... then he paused, a bow surprising me.

"Comtesse, you have made some significant changes since we last spoke. Congratulations on your honours."

I thanked him, "It has been an interesting past year. It isn't over yet. We will be back before Christmas I will try to bring the Twins by to see the church."

He was smiling as I said that, "It will be wonderful to meet them."

"I will caution you they are very precocious."

A laugh, "I am warned."

We shook hands.

On to Quai De Bethune.

In the kitchen I did the loaves, split and buttered in the oven, coffee in the big coffeemaker. Kara laid the sweet goodies on a platter. Sitting with my walking companions dunking the bread in my coffee bowl and munching. The breakfast with sweet goodies was accepted as their reward for being up with me.

Others dribbled in to take advantage of our labour. Cho beside smiling... an éclair disappearing.

Francis very capably devouring a cookie. Gil and Chelle smiling... a bit sleepy looking.

Today Cho and I were wandering about only a few planned stops, one was Monsieur Verlaine's shop. Then Rue Jacob.

The weather was cooling down a good deal, light wind. A red sleeveless frock to my ankle tops, a slim shape. I skipped the stockings, beige espadrilles, chocolate brown trim. Gold jewellery, `Joy' My expert doing that.

I put on a creamy beige long sleeved lightweight cotton coat to my ankles like the frock close to me but not tight. The inner border beside the buttons in chocolate brown. A creamy beige round roll brim cloche hat, the border in chocolate brown, a chocolate brown hat band with a red poppy. Chocolate brown linen gloves.

Cho looking deadly in a white cotton long sleeved turtleneck, pale gray flannel trousers and a jet-black wool blazer. Black half-boots. Very Tasty!

Francis was going to Le Bourget for his flight to New York. Hugs and kisses to share with Ali.

We headed out on foot over the Pont de le Tournelle, a right on the quai down a couple of blocks to Rue des Bernardins. A quick stop at our building. A wave to the chocolatier through their door and up to the first floor. We entered Laurent and Morin Avocats. Pierre came out right away to shake hands.

His partners joined us. We said we were just dropping in. We were always welcome to visit.

Pierre had informed us they had leased the space across the passage where our brexit office was to have been. A chartered accountancy in there. A nice quiet firm that was well respected.

Their own business was doing very well, we benefitted from their assistance in several ways for a number of our projects.

Pierre with a grin, "We like doing the work for you buying property... that's one. Your accountants in London are very good! They sent us a query about an invoice... they believed we had under-charged for some of our time on real estate activity based on earlier emails.

Our accountant looked... we had shorted ourselves eight hours of billable time by leaving off one person's work."

We laughed, I nudged Cho, "Do you have any euros?"

More laughter as Pierre said it was straightened out but he appreciated my suggesting cash.

More handshakes for him and his partners.

On the Boulevard Saint Germain we went left a block and a half to the bookstore. Monsieur Verlaine pleased to see us. Stanislaus was making a visit to Twin Ponds with the stock they had acquired to date.

Monsieur Verlaine had some snaps... Stanislaus' pictures showed the bookcases about twenty percent filled.

"He has more to put up... we still have some way to go. Rue Jacob is further along because of the larger mix of French titles."

Cho, "We are going there... I want to see it."

"Sir, it is a beautiful older fashioned house... a long literary history."

We did wander a bit looking for anything that caught our eyes. I found something... an early edition in German of `Bis zur letzten stunde. Hitler's Sekretäin erzäblt ihr Leben' by Traudl Junge. She was one of Hitler's secretaries, she took the dictation of his last will and political testament, a load of nazi crap. She typed it for him. She stayed in the Fuhrerbunker until after the old nazi's suicide. She was in one of those groups that tried to escape... not the one that included bormann. She got out as far as the River Elbe but then went back to Berlin. She was a bit of a lost girl at that point.

I held it up to Cho... he knew who she was. I came close to lean on him, "We should watch Downfall' sometime. I want to see it again. I have much respect for Bruno Ganz!! Bread and Tulips' was awesome!!"

A kiss.

More looking...

Yes! `House of Bondage' Ernest Cole's magnificent photo essay book on apartheid South Africa from the inside. Stark black and white pictures of how the fascist bigoted white's held the majority peoples in poverty and statelessness. In his time he risked his freedom taking pictures of what the white man wanted kept secret.

This is an excellent English copy! I put it with Ms. Junge's book on the counter, Verlaine's assistant smiling... looking at the two books.

"Comtesse, vous avez deux trésors." `Comtesse, you have two treasures.'

I smiling I agreed.

I made a stop in Biography... Oh Yes! Hannah Arendt's `Rahel Varnhagen' a most unusual lady writing about by another unusual one. Finished in 1938, published in 1957. Well there was a war and lot of other shit in the way... like missing archives.

This is a decent hardback first edition with minor gnawing on the top of the binding.

This was a major score for me!!! A chance to visit her grave now this book.

Cho didn't know the subject Ms. Varnhagen... the author... He knew her...Yes!

Cho had in hand a good English hardback copy of `The Cuckoo's Egg' by Cliff Stoll.

"I met him once at Berkeley a long time ago... I was young, early twenties and loved his twisting the government to do its job. The first catching of a hacker... in the original sense."

"Early twenties?? The 1920's??"

That cost me... I was tickled... not too much. We were laughing... the shop assistant smiling at us.

I found a good copy of `Death on the Rock' by Roger Bolton. The story of the nadir of decency of the Great Britain's thatcher tory government. The shoot-to-kill without warning by the SAS against three unarmed members of an IRA active service unit on Gibraltar.

As a TV show it was one of the most acclaimed broadcasts of the Twentieth Century, it brought the wrath of the weak-minded weasel thatcher whose subsequent broadcasting reforms caused the end of Thames TV one of the finest channels in all of UK TV history.

The public was badly served, just as every tory government in the Twentieth Century performed its tasks for the benefit of the few and to maintain its grasp on power.

Where the tories could have negotiated with Sein Fein over legitimate issues of discrimination they feared the Protestant backlash. They chose to go to the gun... troops and more troops... a clearly failed strategy. The IRA's response was to stymie the Army and MI5 and the RUC. The billions of £'s spent to NO benefit! Thousands dead. What all that money might have done used for good rather than evil.

For the tories failure was a way of governing... they dragged down a modern industrial state to a low moral and ethical level... disgraceful!

Cho added some English hardback copies of fiction from Eric Ambler. An interesting writer, not a bit in the mainstream of plots but very arresting. Lots of spies and dark characters. Many of his novels were made into films.

Like Cornell Woolrich in quirky plotting and outcomes... very appealing to screenwriters and movie studios.

I found a very nice copy of Stella Gibbons `Cold Comfort Farm' now if you want to talk quirky... Ms. Gibbons is the one. Her farm is not very appealing with the odd animal body part going missing although the beast goes on despite its loss. Quite odd family doings! In French.

We stopped to go onward with our day. Monsieur Verlaine would have the books delivered to Quai De Bethune. Cho asked for some of Eric Ambler books in French for Rue Jacob. If not English was fine. Monsieur Verlaine would search!

Hug and cheek kisses for him from me.

Thierry had a car waiting for us... to Rue Jacob. Cho grinning as our driver had to work his way to the one-way street.

Paul was at the street door... we parked inside on the courtyard just beyond the tunnel. Cho got a look at the Pavilion. A smile as he turned to me, a hug and kiss.

"So a little hideout in the big city?"

I laughed, "Something like that. A meeting place for friends."

We walked the property... Cho liked it very much... the odd shape of the grounds made him laugh. The temple... I told him Chani said it would be good for play...

"Ah... she has an eye for pleasure."

My arms around him... I whispered that was what it been used for in the past... we laughed.

Inside all the work completed... it looked glorious! The floors shone after the treatment they received, the ceilings bright with their original colours brought back by careful cleaning. The bookshelves' dark mahogany with the new shelves a perfect match. Much more than three quarters filled by Verlaine and Stanislaus... we browsed the shelves. Good stuff!

The furniture was coming bit by bit... lovely lounges throughout, barrel-back chairs in a group around the fireplace in the main room. Carpets, Persian and French, helped to make the main room into segments.

The paintings and framed photographs... all from the periods I wanted. They gave the room a handsome appearance of the time, excellent frames... looking like they `fit!'

The kitchen had a period look with a few new appliances... no way around those.

The bathrooms on the ground floor pearly blue with wonderful brushed silver accoutrements. Towels, soaps all looking as if they came from a store of the first quarter of the 20th Century.

Upstairs Mireille had done herself proud!! The rooms filled with amazingly wonderful period pieces... the ambiance of the rooms was exactly what I wanted. Bookcases in each room being filled.

In the master suite my arm around Cho's waist... A beautiful mahogany four poster bed with a canopy. Matching tables on either side of the bed with tall lamps. A commode in the same wood, bureaus and armoires all shiny showing the care taken to maintain them. Pale blue and white with darker blue accents were the colours.

Cho grinning, "Very romantic! Shall we try the bed?"

I said we should postpone that...

Two wing chairs and a small table by the fireplace. Cosy.

I opened the big eastside windows... the tiny balcony... we looked out on the garden. A kiss.

"You did it right."

"I had a lot of help."

"Yes but your vision... it makes the difference."

In the kitchen we fired up the DeLonghi for coffee. The house had staples in the larder, some bits in the freezer... fully equipped with period cutlery, glassware, dinnerware. Modern cookware... no point in punishing oneself!

Cho and I with PJ and Rande sat at the kitchen table sipping our coffee. They liked the house... PJ said he could see it appealed to my history bent.

Laughing I nodded.

A housekeeper is hired, Emilienne, she would shortly move into a small flat in the side building. A widow with a grown son and daughter.

She would supervise a cleaning company's staff and the gardeners.

We walked around more, sat on some furniture finally hunger got us moving.

It was just us four so we walked down Rue Jacob to a brassiere at the corner. There was a nice looking hotel on the opposite side halfway down we could possibly use for overflow guests!

Le Pré aux Clercs looked good... we got an inside table to the far left by the windows. Cho and I by the glass. PJ and Rande inside us. We laughed when I said I didn't see any clerks or a meadow.

I would have to fall back on Ferdinand Hérold for its inspiration. I decided not to ask the staff.

A Pernod avec l'eau to start... ease us into food. I wanted crêpes!

Tiny crevettes in a cream sauce, grilled champignon in my second. I ended with framboises and cream. All very light and delicious. Just still water to drink then espresso and a Strega. Cho joined me.

Our server had given me some looks' like he knew me. An Oh well...' When I saw him speak to the patron... that barrel-chested fellow came over. He asked about our meal... we could quite honestly say it was excellent.

He asked if we were from nearby.

"We are in number twenty... " I motioned down the street.

"Ah... you are the new owners?"

We said yes. He had seen workmen going in out for months then furniture going in.

"We had the pavilion cleaned up and a bit of work done."

An inquiry about whether they might see us more. Cho said we wouldn't be living there full-time... we also had a house on l'Ile Saint Louis... this was something separate especially for get togethers.

A big `OH' with wide-eyes followed. He thanked us for our patronage. We both said we'd be returning. A smile.

Our server back to check on us. More looking... another talk with his boss. Shaking of heads... the owner back...

"Pardonnez-moi mais êtes-vous la Comtesse Harcourt?"

I said I was... introduced Sir Cho. He bowed... he was Gerald the owner. We were very welcome and it was an honour to have us.

Smiling we thanked him.

Okay that is over, we should be Okay from now on I hoped. Cho with that cute grin.

Cho did l'addition... I waited outside with PJ.

"Fay, they have a fine kitchen I want to come back."

Fist bump.

At number 20, Paul, our concierge, said he would lock up the pavilion. He would contact our Security. He told us Emilienne had spoken to him about her furniture being moved in... he would arrange it. We thanked him.

Thierry's car ready... time for a fillip to my run of World War Two visits... the Pantheon. A graveyard.

The Pantheon a stylish, handsome building. We entered this amazing place... a guide took us straight to my requested grave. She gave me a `look.'

We went down... at the entry to the cul-de-sac she paused motioning to us, we went ahead. A lovely upright cat sitting there... large dark stone creature... a guardian perhaps?

Jean Moulin's ashes side-by-side in the same marble coffin as Andre Malraux. Resistants to nazi oppression!

Moulin, the classic ethical, principled man tried to cut his own throat with broken glass to stop being tortured by nazis. They wanted him to sign a paper saying the French civilians the German air force slaughtered were instead killed by French Colonial African troops. The Germans gave up after his attempted suicide.

Later he became General DeGaulle's delegate back in France to bring all the resistance groups together. He was captured again and tortured by klaus barbie in Lyon... he died from the stupidity of barbie and the Gestapo without giving away anything or anyone.

Cho's hand in mine we were silent for a few moments.

Our guide asked if we wished to see anything else especially. I said we would be back with our children for a long look around. She smiled. We thanked her for her help.

On the front steps looking across at the huge Lycée Henri-IV. It was built partly from the ruins of the Abbaye Sainte-Geneviève which was taken down during the French Revolution when they had banned all religious organisations and voted to legally defrock all priests. Only the bell tower and a few other perimeter buildings remain of the abbey.

The Pantheon had been the Church of Sainte-Geneviève before being altered by the revolution.

Thierry's car carried us back to the Quai de Bethune. Cho and I walked to the rear courtyard flats... our young handyman tenant was in the garage workshop. We thanked him for a job well done with the heated towel racks.

He said the electrician was very good making his part simple. We shook his hand.

We went up the curling wrought iron steps to the southern flat, Cossette greeted us.

"Comtesse, you cleaned up very nice last evening."

I laughed, "We couldn't leave you a mess."

She knew we'd be out for supper but some of our staff would appreciate one of her delicious dinners. A big smile. Handshakes.

On the first floor Marie and Luce said helloes... they several guests so we didn't stay.

Gil and Chelle arrived back from their outing. A few packages.

Lucien brought up the books from Verlaine's shop nicely wrapped in brown paper with string. Boy that takes me back!! Cho laughing when I told him.

Cho, "I did not have that experience until I came to Europe. One of my landladies when I was in university always saved the paper and the string. She had a fine collection."

More laughter.

My ladies joined me in the library for some work. Oh Yes... lots to do.

Cho was so kind to bring us a tray with a pot of tea and a plate of cookies! What a guy! He was rewarded with kisses!

Work done! Cho did drinks...

Yone email...

Charlotte had two students, they were living in the village, coming up for riding. He had done background checks, clear. In their middle twenties, from wealthy families, university graduates. One man and one woman.

Charlotte's concentrating on Sunny... She would have the three together sometimes... Mostly working the two when Sunny was at school.

Imogene would work with them whenever Charlotte was off to an event with Sunny. Charlotte had a work plan posted in her office.

She knew we were good with it.

Dinner... Cooler evening coming. I chose an ankle length khaki brown cotton drill skirt, two rows of buttons parallel going down from the hips. A pale long-sleeved khaki shirt, a navy blue tie that hung halfway to my waist. A navy cotton drill bolero jacket, embroidered lapel front and cuffs, a single frog in the centre. Brown button-up ankle boots.

Gold jewellery, one of the `Cho' bands that I wore all the time.

A straw boater hat with a navy band, red poppy on it. I put it on at an angle to the right. A brown bag over my shoulder tucked under my arm.

Cho put on the `Joy' in the right places as I dressed.

He was in a blue suit, bright white shirt, he skipped the tie.

Gil had made arrangements at Brassiere d'Ile de Paris for us. She laughing, "Alain said we'd take about half the seats."

Cho shrugged, "Easier to handle."

We set off early for a walk on l'Isle de Cité around Notre Dame. We walked along the quai to the Pont Saint-Louis. Thierry, one of the waiters, at Brassiere d'Ile de Paris saw us and waved. We returned it.

Up Rue du Cloître Notre-Dame to Place Jean-Paul II... we paused to look up at the façade... Our people taking snaps and some selfies.

Cho smiling at me, my hand squeezed. We're not religious... there so many churches and temples that are beautiful... easy to admire the craftsmanship. The makers zeal to please.

Over to the river to re-cross the bridge to the restaurant.

Alain at the door, a big smile. Hands shaken cheeks kissed. He laughed as our folks came in and in... and in... He ushered us to the back tables and several others.

He asked about the Twins... we said they'd be with us in November. His were doing well, his cute older daughter won several awards at school last term. Thumbs up from us.

Okay FOOD! Salade D'Avocat, Tomate and Oignon Rouge plus the Leeks for my starters. I chose the cod steak in a basil sauce. I added an omelette aux fine herbs.

Thierry smiling, "Comtesse, you always have interesting choices... so quickly done!"

I smiled back.

Cho chose the sole so he spoke to the sommelier about the wine for us. I went up front... Alain made me an espresso.

We talked horses... he'd done some wagering using our horses as foils... betting on the place' and show' horses. His wife had kidded him, since he had been successful, not to bet on `winners' any more.


"Monsieur Ringgold was a frequent diner. He was quite good with choosing his wine. We had several talks about wine, Calvados and horses."

"Ring is a wonderful fellow who knows horses!! He did us proud all summer being our representative in France."

I was warmed by the contents of the little white cup.

Other diners seemed happy, enjoying! A few hardy souls at the outdoor tables. Too chilly for me.

Alain liked my outfit, "You look like a 19th Century woman."

"True, it is inspired by clothes worn by French women of that time."

"My wife showed me some pictures of you in a magazine. She said you have many `looks' and change up often."

I laughed, "I do change a lot. It is whatever is appropriate and any whim of mine."

Alain made me a second espresso I carried it back to the table. A kiss from Cho. "Thierry said starters coming."


We tucked into our food. Cho shared some of my starters. My main was excellent. The fish cooked to perfection, the basil sauce did not overwhelm it. My omelette fluffy!

Silence took over our tables... I grinned at Cho.

Later Thierry came to remove things with a helper.

Dessert... Crème Caramel Maison was my choice. Espresso. Cho did coffee and Calvados.

We said our goodnights. The walk home was leisurely.

Upstairs lying on my back... a warm Cho on top under the bedclothes... Cho kissing my face... each part slowly. My finger nails gently on his back... a very nice petting session.

Cho slid off... I rolled to my side after some kissing... sleep.

Tim was brought to my study with a message...

"M'Lord... Gwen is having her baby."

I stood thanking Tim. He was going to be a fine groom, he loved the horses and cared for them like he did. I sent him on out to the stables to tell the stablemaster I was coming.

I mentioned to Alice where I was going and why... she blew me a kiss.

I walked to the stables... no hurry Gwen was likely to be at it for a while.

I looked in the foaling shed... Gwen was... the baby coming now!!!

Our stablemaster there on his knees... I threw off my coat and I knelt beside him... we helped her push out her son. We wiped him down... rubbing... gently.

We examined him... perfect! Handsome!

Gwen was fine. No bleeding!

A very fast birth!!

We let Gwen lick her first baby... she knew what to do... instinct.

Hands shaken with the stablemaster... I could see he was pleased and relieved. Gwen was an important part of the life of the stables he surely wanted no complications.

"M'Lord, I will send Tim when the little fellow gets on the nipple."

I clapped him on the shoulder... my thanks.

I started walking across the yard... I was a bit of mess... the birth fluids on my shirt, some still on my hands.

I used a bucket of water a groom drew for me to do a basic clean-up. My trousers a bit wet but fine to go in the house.

George at the door... "Popa, what happened?"

I squeezed his arm.

"Gwen has foaled a handsome black colt. The image of his father. Healthy too."

I stopped briefly at the door of Alice's lady's room to tell her the news.

"I am pleased. I will wait to see Gwen until the foal has had a meal and is steady."

Alice came to the door... she carefully leaned over for a kiss. Then shooed me upstairs.


I was awake... I'd sat up... I swung my legs out... sitting on the edge...

It had been a long time between Gwen dreams... funny... it often happens that this one finished a previous one with Gwen giving birth.

I dressed for a walk. I was always amazed by my dreams... I so rarely remembered anything when I awoke except Gwen dreams! They were always quite vivid!

Today a shorter walk... up to the Boulangerie for loaves and back. I did the prep for the bread. Gaby did the coffee. We sat enjoying it as the rest came in.

We rode with Thierry to the heliport. Kellen and Min waiting. Up and away... an arrow shot for Harcourt House.

The Twins were at the door behind Carter and Eliza... they came running across the gravel. Hugs and kisses. We picked them up to walk in. Carter grinning. Fist bump. A squeeze of Eliza's hand.

I could see some more tummy showing... a smile... "M'Lady, We..." Her hand resting on her tummy, "... are Okay."

I took Chani with me to change. She was bouncing on my writing desk chair...

"Mama when we are bigger can I have a hat like yours?"

I said yes after she was large enough for one to fit properly. She clapped.

On my way out to the stables Gil joined me walking.

"Fay, the two psychologists have sent the names of a specialised teacher and another psychologist to review the Twins. They said they might be biased knowing what they know. New eyes..."

"Can they do it at Cowley House on Wednesday? That would be good."

"I will see what can be done."

Gaby was changed and waiting. I squeezed her arm... Pamela and Roland saddled. I thanked Andy... a knee up.

Liam was terrific! Audra too! Good!

We headed down the grassy lane. Warmed up, after the tracks it was a full on gallop to the lock. The lock man waving... Roy packed up... "Two trout... very nice ones too!"

He was congratulated as we walked over the weir.

A stop to see the Majid's progress.

They were framing ... the men all over the structure.

I said to the works boss `No grass growing.'

"No M'Lady. We want to have the lid on before the weather changes."

I waved as we turned away. On the dirt road past the railroad we went up through the woods to go by the edge of Radley then to our farmland north of it.

We could see workmen and machines near the tracks... some big dump trucks... We approached from the east so they could see us. A fellow in a trilby came towards us.

He took off his hat... "Your Ladyship. We are getting to the end of the second round of digging."

I asked... He said putting in the drains and the pump were next.

Large concrete uprights and steel bridging were in place under the railroad tracks.

"The GW people have been out often. They are pleased. Our supports will do the job for them with strength to spare."

I thanked him for the work.

Gaby and I entered the woods behind us and turned north then over to the Thames Path to go to the lock. The lock fellow's substitute was on... he waved to us. I called out a hello.

Mr. Hardy was in... we stopped. Inside...

"M'Lady, I've... " he held out a copy of his book! Wonderful!

The cover art was from `Tres De Mayo' by Goya. Brave Spanish Resistants as they were shot by French soldiers!

I flipped through... excellent maps, pictures, some tables of units, a lot.

Mr. Hardy took it to open to the dedication page. `For Lady Harcourt in gratitude for all she has done to assist my endeavours.'

Short and simple! I gave him a hug! Gaby shook his hand...

"Come up to dinner?"

He would. I asked if he could bring the book then... yes!

I waved as we walked our horses away. Before we reached the grass... "Fay, I know the story about you doing resuscitation on him... what else?"

"We gave him some tools to write and inspiration. I guess my trouncing him in a few war games shouldn't be mentioned."


We asked our gorgeous chestnut pair for speed... we got it! A terrific romp to the Flats.

Andy grinning as I kidded Gaby about coming in second. She smiling in the enjoyment of a brilliant gallop. Fist bumps!

Cho was in the office... his face when I told him about the book coming up for dinner with Mr. Hardy. I parked by little butt on his lap... kissing!

Gil came in... a grin, "Sorry to disturb... The folks in London can do Wednesday."

I thanked her. I gave Cho what was going on.

"I'll be at the Lords. They can use my Lady's Room and maybe your study?"

I got an `Absolutely!'

More kissing!!

I changed... before lunch we had a meeting in the Library with a few police people.

They brought us up-to-date on several things. The Synagogue bombing... the young men were out of hospital in gaol. They were talking all about their `mentor' who was also in custody. He had betrayed their trust. The lies he told them!!

Several other `members' of the fascist cult thing had been given police bail but still faced charges under the panoply of terrorism laws. They'd been made fools of the leader person like the two bombers.

All could see custodial sentences even if they plead guilty. Terrorism charges weigh heavily.

Although not new they did review the charges against the various former members of the News UK crowd... all had had prosecution stopped but not forgotten. Ah... they had to worry about that for a bit. Good.

The fellow who robbed the Wilcox's several Christmases ago was likely to get released. He'd been a good boy while in prison. He was a non-violent offender. They had already spoken to Mr. Wilcox.

They didn't know where he might go... he'd lost his house in Kennington. There was family in Yorkshire...

The 'sharpshooter' was still in Broadmoor... he wasn't going anywhere. Their report on him was he is in a word totally `barmy.' What they knew was he was in treatment but he had also violated prison rules a number of times causing his custody to be tightened.

As the superintendent said `He is his own worst enemy.'

Always nice to get updates. The police folks drank a lot of tea, the biscuit plate emptied.

We did appreciate their effort of coming to see us.

The Twins were in the pool during that... so cute in their fluffy robes... kisses before they went up.

Mr. Hardy sitting with us after dinner. He had inscribed the book for us. I told him we were buying a copy of his book and Flix's for all our houses.

"Well that will certainly boost sales."

Laughing Cho said we could put some in the R&R hotels too. More laughter!

He was working on a second book with all the information he had already gathered it had a big head start. Cheers!

He, Jerrold and our staff fellows were playing games in the cellar. They had regular evenings... they had become a close group. I was pleased to hear that. I said I'd stop in.

At the door later a hug for Mr. Hardy. He held my hand... a big thank you. I said he was very welcome.

Tom drove him home.

Cho and I looking at each other on a settee in the Great Room. Hands squeezed.

"Fay, your act of saving his life galvanised him... it is almost stereotypic but since we are so close I can't really see it that way. More the power of you. Perhaps in a magical mystical form."

I laughed, "Well you better hope I am a `good witch' rather than the alternative."

A kiss, "I already know you are a good one... you don't melt when water is applied."

We laughed!!!

Gaby came out with in the morning again. She wanted to ride Roland! We had a good ride but Pamela still outran her guy to the Flats!!

Roland whinnying... he was happy running he didn't have to be first. Pamela just ran from her heart.

A rowdy breakfast... the Twins knew we were going to Cowley House. They were rev'ed up!

From Wandsworth we did some building names with the twins. They liked this new game.

Clough at the door... fist bumps for the babies! Very cute... Clough with a smile.

Mail... Clough handed me one from Clarence House.

"M'Lady, it was in this morning's mail."

I thanked him. I asked for coffee in my Lady's Room.

He nodded... "Yes, M'Lady."

I sat my desk... Sage left me some notes. Bits and pieces... nothing urgent.

Clarence House... The Duchess of Cornwall was having an informal tea in the garden at Buckingham Palace... to recognise women authors and book editors from the United Kingdom. She would be pleased for me to attend.

Gil looking over my shoulder, "Do I put it on the schedule?"

I looked up at her... she was grinning!

"Okay... done!"

Oh well... another bit of the price!

After lunch we all went to the `park', Victoria Tower Gardens to be precise. We gathered at the far south end away from everybody. Jaidee got to run down a tennis ball. The babies got to go into the Horseferry Playground. Tha, Delphine, Kara and Penny along.

I leaned against the low metal fence as they hopped around on the cluster of cylindrical concrete blocks of various heights standing on end. I could easily see why people didn't believe they were two years old. They bounced around those blocks like dancers.

They ran down to jump in the sand pit! They were dressed for play so rolling in the sand was fine, jumping up to the side then leaping in again.

I hope Jaidee doesn't see this!

Over to the slide... zoom! The swings were open... I motioned to them pointing. They ran over... hey stopped to look, our son, "Mama, that is not much challenge."

They were sort of small... like theirs at Harcourt House. I was told they didn't use that one any more.

Okay??? They dashed off to the slide again.

Delphine leaning close to Cho and I, "One of Phillip's folks put a swing on a branch of the tree to the right of the Terrace."

News to us.

"They didn't want you to know until they got it going high one day."

We shrugged... Delphine smiling said she and Tha promised to be quiet about it.

"I guess they let the cat out of the bag themselves."

Cho laughing, "If you two are there with them they can have their secret a bit longer."

We walked up the park towards Dean Stanley Street. Chani waved to the Buxton Fountain. It didn't wave back.

Home through Smith Square.

We used the South Drawing Room for tea. The Twins shared a cup of VERY milky tea. They also managed a VERY decent number of biscuits of different sorts! Our daughter solemnly informed me Fortnum and Mason salted caramel biscuits were tops!

Cho went into his Study for a moment... Chelle gave me an Okay hand sign. Done!

I was sitting beside Chani... we were both munching a biscuit when Popa came back... the little packet of golf tees in his hand I got in Berlin. Smiling he thanked me. A kiss. Chani wanted one of those too. A kiss for her cheek.

The babies upstairs doing things... me in my Lady's Room... Cho in his Study. The arrangement made me laugh.

Yoshi called us so Cho and I came together in his study so Arlette could work. He had spoken today with A-Wut. Yoshi assured him the conversation was off-the-record. Our friendly general had a few choice things to say about some fellow officers. He felt it was obvious the Army's meddling in politics was wrong...

"We aren't equipped to run the government!" "Why should we detour from our appointed mission to defend the nation?"

There were more pithy but unpublishable comments.

"Cho... Fay... There is an Air Force general A-Wut called while I was with him... I'm to see him tomorrow. I'm doing everything off-the-record for now. When I have enough to ask some pointed questions it'll all be on-the-record."

He got we were happy with his work. He was keeping in touch with New York on it all getting their input.

He would spend another week or so doing this preliminary work. He was making a week's stay in Tokyo afterwards. We wished him a fun time.

We leaned on each other... Cho was laughing making me bounce.

"A-Wut running true to form."

I squeezed Cho's hand, "A man after our heart... straight shooting!"

"Indeed. Call Keren tell him what Yoshi is up to and how he is going about it."

Cho finger poked my bicep, "At some point there needs to be another talk with Somchair. If he is still behind the effort we should know where he has gotten to."

I agreed, "Should I do something before we go?"

"Its four weeks away... let's consider after speaking to Yoshi again."

A kiss sealed the deal!

My morning walk with Kara and Ansara went out Great Peter Street to Horseferry Road then back towards the river then north on Millbank back to Great Peter and home.

Temple at the door, a smile. I asked how he was doing with us.

"M'Lady, I like the house, Mr. Clough is a good boss. So is Mrs. Kelly."

I squeezed his arm in passing. I said we were pleased.

Chani was whacking her egg when I entered the Breakfast Room. Giggles as her `top' was scooped first. Butter in the upright egg, pepper. Her toast with strawberry preserves, two veggie sausages, a glass of milk... she was set!

Charlie doing just as well. Having a laugh at Chani's display of egg virtuosity.

I filled a plate to sit beside the man behind the Financial Times. He exposed a cheek for me to kiss. That was Okay considering all the kissing of my body last night!!

At nine o'clock I was walking out the door... to Millbank House... Sage smiling, I got some notes and `I am doing just fine. Enjoying the work.'

A white pleated skirt to the top of my knees, a navy blue double-breasted blazer over a pink silk T-shirt. Navy heels. Some gold bits, `Joy' A navy Hermès Kelly bag. Blue sunglasses.

PJ and Tara with me and Gil heading for the Lords. We crossed College Green to the pedestrian walkway at St. Margaret Street. A salute from the policeman in the booth. I walked around to the Royal Gallery.

Ashover speaking to another Labour peer, I was introduced to Bowden a Labour life peer from the Midlands. He bowed over my hand.

"Lady Harcourt, a pleasure."

Ashover asked what I was up to... "I've a Defence Strategic Committee meeting to start the day."

A smile, "Well enjoy yourself. I heard about you squashing a couple of tory MP's a while back in there."

I laughed, "They were foolish... I pointed that out. There were sniggers in the Labour seats."

Ashover laughed loudly, "I'll bet! Take no prisoners!"

"I shan't." a hug.

My folks followed me upstairs and around the back to a committee room. A slight blockage at the door with members greeting each other... I thought I slipped by but someone said `Hello Lady Harcourt.' I turned to the voice... I didn't know him... I smiled and returned his greeting.

Our Oxfordshire MP Clark inside... we shook hands.

I asked him if he'd heard from a few ladies in Sutton Courtenay about rail pass rates. He hadn't. I told him about my visit earlier in the year to the church and the earful I got. I hadn't done anything about them because it wasn't in my gift but reading about the various railroad companies repeatedly failing to do their duty...

He was grinning, "M'Lady, you weren't even in the Lords then?"

"No, I was going that way... the by-election was up soon... I was just a plain old citizen."

This time he laughed, "You've never been that... but your point... given the lamentable state of our railroads bringing `nationalisation' back is likely to be supported. The private sector has failed in every way possible."

"I understand from a few northern Peers their people are having a lot of trouble with basic rail service. So many stations have closed under the for profit companies."

Clark shook his head, "Only tory friends of those in power at the time have benefited... another black mark for my party. There are those who want to be obstructionists so they can shift some blame to Labour."

I said that was a non-starter.

"Labour isn't going to let them. They are vigorous with many strong voices... I'm glad to say."

He agreed.

We were called to order... we shook hands and found our places.

Today was a consideration of our military base needs for the future. Labour was re-building our Armed Forces so base closings would have to be re-considered. Also the Americans were asking for more space for their special units to train in the United Kingdom especially in remote areas of Scotland.

On the latter the chair said the MOD was in favour because the training areas would be shared... The Pentagon was willing to pay for the use and build-up of the facilities.

I inquired if we were being asked to make decisions or be advised.

"Lady Harcourt.... a bit of both. Any monies will be in the Defense Bill next year or if they get in a hurry a supplemental one this year. Also we are asked to voice our opinion of the plans."

I thanked him.

We went on for an hour before adjourning.

The chairman asked if I would be in a group to review base information, give a report to the committee. My question back was whether the materials could be viewed outside of the Palace of Westminster or my offices. If the answer was yes I would.

He said an inquiry would be made. We shook hands.

My three waiting patiently... The chairman beside me looked at them then me... I shrugged. He didn't laugh but the grin was obvious.

We headed down to the peers entrance, over to Cowley House. Lunch was ready.

The Twins had been having fun, time in the park, later arts and crafts and declension of French nouns! Their French is excellent... syntax and pronunciation! Colloquial! It was fun for them!

Fish and chips was a GREAT lunch!! It was always a delight to see them eating... they enjoyed their food, exceptional control of the utensils and good table manners. Tha had worked with them from their first meal at our table.

They were mentally adept... it was looking like to Cho and I backed up by Delphine that they were closer to being ten to twelve years old or more... add to that their physical skills... they were growing at an amazing rate... four year old clothes for some things.

Tomorrow we get a new set of opinions.

We are going to Newsquest. Allyn stopped outside Queens House at Lincoln's Inn Fields. Rande and PJ leading Gil and Chelle behind us with Rafe and Gaby bringing up the rear.

Up the lift... at the door a receptionist... who took one look at us and PANICKED! She suddenly didn't know how to use the intercom... I put my hand on her shoulder leaning over... "Relax... We are just people."

Cho saw a fellow and motioned him over. He got we wanted the MD of the company and made the call.

The MD showed up in a rush.

I saw PJ's eyes roll... he'd seen this a few times. I grinned to him behind Cho.

The MD greeted us saying we were very welcome. We walked through the office toward the executive's space.

A conference room... Cho and I sat in the middle on a long side Chelle and Gil beside me. Our Protectors behind us in chairs.

The MD with a slightly lop-sided smile. His senior staff beside him opposite us not looking any more comfortable than he did.

It was my play... I asked if he'd heard from the company Chelle arranged to re-do the Oxford Mail offices. He had made inquiries with the editor-in-chief who referred him to Chelle.

"I was upset to find someone doing things like that out of the chain of authority."


"I tried to have it stopped until I knew where the money was coming to pay for it. I exchanged email with Chelle... she told me you had ordered the work without telling us."

I turned my head slightly... Chelle beside me... "I am Chelle. I was fulfilling Lady Harcourt's requests following her visit to the Oxford Mail offices. It was her feeling that the neglect was too horrible to waste any time with the chain of command."

He sputtered something about keeping things straight...

"And now...?"

I surely wasn't going to make it easy for him. I wanted him to get an explanation of the neglect out.

"Now? I understand that you have made a decision... I was trying to manage our cost so savings wouldn't be lost. The shareholders..."

"The only shareholders who matter are ourselves... we have control."

"Yes... but Virginia... wants to keep our expenses down..."

I moved in... "I did what you should have done. You had a certain amount of autonomy from Falls Church... you could have spent monies to maintain a decent standard for the working spaces... you decided it would look better on your bottom line betting that Gannett Corporate wouldn't go to newspapers here for a look-see. Too bad you forgot where we live. The Oxford Mail is delivered to us every day."

Chelle laid a card face-up... I nodded... "You..." My hand aimed at three people opposite me, I named them, "... are discharged. You have fifteen minutes to depart. One of my staff will accompany you off the premises."

Rande stood up, Rafe and Angie followed... they had been briefed beforehand. Each went with one of the three. The ex-MD was shook up.... Angie was beside his chair as the other two got up and walked out.

I told the other NewsQuest staff people to stay. I walked behind Angie to the ex-MD's office. Inside I said I wanted him to know we would provide a reference for him... it would not demean him in any way. He was nodding.

Angie near him saying wasn't to take anything other than personal things... everything else that might belong to him would be sent to his home after the office was looked through.

Back in the conference room I stood in front of the man who had been the principal financial deputy, Julian, a numbers whiz. I shook his hand telling him he was the MD on a trial basis... if he was willing.

"Your Ladyship, I want to try to do the job for you. I have gaps in my experience..."

Smiling I extended my hand to a blonde woman beyond him. She stepped to me and took my hand.

"I know... that is why I want Portia to be your right hand person. She knows HR work and has past experience..." I grinned to her, "... with sales."

I told her she was a temporary DMD.

Portia smiled and nodded. I motioned to the other two... Archer to be a temporary Deputy MD as operations director and Kenley, the office manager, would remain in that post.

"Each of you has a strength we want you put to use in a larger way. So you know right now..." I looked at my empty wrist with a fake look at the time, "... you have three weeks before Justin, the CEO of Gannett, comes for a visit."

Smiling, "He's new to his role also. He will give you a good briefing about how we manage and what our are expectations will be. Until then try to get grip on your new position... if you have questions please ask him or Chelle.

Chelle is my PA for various businesses including Gannett."

I squeezed her hand, "She's a great resource with access to me and Sir Cho."

A smiling nod from her as she shook their hands.

Cho moved beside me shaking hands... in his role as the Chairman of the Board of the NewsGroup.

Rande, Rafe and Angie were back. I moved to them as Cho picked up the conversation.

Smiles, no problems. Each gave the three a card from Chelle if they needed something. They also gave the three a letter saying their health insurance extra benefits would continue for six months, they had other benefits which we would maintain until there expiry. Like I told the ex-MD the other two were told they would get a reference without pejoratives.

I thanked them for their work.

Angie said, "The ex-MD said to me he understood he'd let down the company by not showing enough leadership.

I said he should tell you that. He looked... `How?' I said write to you. He was nodding."

Another thank you for her.

Separately Cho and I went around the offices saying helloes, meeting them all. I stepped into Julian's office...

"Please have Kenley assign good people to go through the offices of the departing former employees. What is theirs should be sent on to their homes by tomorrow morning."

He nodded.

"You should move when you can. You need to hire another financial person to support you. Or promote one if you have someone here."

He would review the current staff before looking elsewhere.

"Your Ladyship, you came prepared to discharge them... so... Is there any definite you want me to do?"

"Yes. For now I would like an assessment of the physical conditions at the various newspapers... "

Julian sat to take notes.

"Get snaps and a detailed description... Have them highlight particularly egregious issues."

Julian nodding.

"Follow up with the Oxford Mail happenings. It really was a dismal place small wonder the staff had little enthusiasm for their jobs. When I saw it... I had to get something going for them."

"We are talking assessments... How about a report and a grade on a one to ten scale so we can set priorities for work to be done?"

I was smiling... the Sharks score again.

"Yes that's fine. There's two hundred so maybe do a spreadsheet?"

A laugh, "I'm the right person for that."

I laughed more, "So you know all of what happened in the conference room was carefully planned... not off the cuff.

We have a team that does research for us. All of you staying were deeply looked at... I was in the position of being well armed in advance.

I also know those three aren't bad men... just not willing to go the extra distance to succeed. The problems in the various newspapers should have addressed in some positive way... they weren't. You don't succeed by providing a negative."

He was nodding... and a smile.

"I think you will like Justin... he's a numbers guy too. A good head on his shoulders... ready to be a leader like we want."

Julian looking at me... he straightened up, "I'm ready."

I said `Good!' as we shook hands. I added we are not micro-managers which Justin will validate for you.

Chelle close... I gave her a look... Chelle asked to use his telephone... Julian moved some files for her. Dialling...

"Go on do you best... AND don't be afraid to ask for help. To have an issue and not asking makes things worse... Yes?"

A smile, "I got it!"

I laughed, another handshake!

Chelle smiling, "Julian, here's Justin for you."

Big eyes.

I said, "Have a good talk."

I squeezed his arm as he stepped to the handset extended by Chelle.

We did our goodbyes... The staff all knew what had occurred... there were a lot of smiling faces rather than upset! We have had this happen several times...

I held off discussing it all until Cho was sitting in my Lady's Room.

A big grin, "You do know how to do this managing thing. You gunned down the boss... leaving behind a new man not worried you'd do that to him without a reason."

A kiss!

"It helps to have talented researchers who find the gold. You saw their faces at the end... they had no trouble with their boss going away. That sort of reaction means Francis and the Sharks correctly gaged the tone of the office and that the employees recognised the failed leadership."

He agreed.

I leaned over for another kiss, "We have had the benefit of Francis' skills for almost three years... think of the deals we have done with his help."

Pulled into his lap... kissing.

Cho, "Now we have a bunch of folks like Francis in the `Sharks!' Think of the future!"

We knew power of information!

Drinks tonight included Oz. He and Eloise came to us. His bodyguards went with two of ours to the breakfast room, they got espresso or tea and sweet treats... on duty.

Eloise and PJ going out... smiles and waves.

Oz smiling, a glass of Lagavulin in hand.

"This is nice way to end the day... thank you."

Cho, "We are glad you could come. We do hope Eloise and PJ aren't a problem?"

More smiling, "On the contrary... I've been after her to go out... have some fun... get out of the office. She works very hard!"

He laughed, "I can be sure there will be no loose talk since they are both so professional."

We did a fist bump.

We talked a bit of current events... the Belarus and Russian news was quite positive.

The Russian Army finally got that the mass of people while not politically astute knew their minds about personal freedoms and government corruption. Their voices were coming out now in the prisoner issue and the oligarchs.

The people who had been released added their words to the pressure... it had been announced that all persons in custody would have their sentences erased if they weren't actual criminals.

The murderers, drug dealers, molesters and real evil-doers got to stay in! What a shame!

Political expression was not a crime any more. Navalny was having an impact... speaking out but not rabble rousing like some senior generals feared. They were urged on by the junior generals who, like some of the Thai generals, realised they should not worry about a democracy in light of the American, British and French militaries.

The putin period was corrupt from the top... billionaires got the green light to abuse the country's assets and people for their benefit as long as putin and his cronies got paid.

From me... "The Russians have to give democracy a chance... take the upsets that come from it. They almost got there in the Yeltsin era... they were upheavals... I think it scared them... After Yeltsin the country's bits and pieces were carved up by men who bribed, cajoled weak men to become the oligarchs. They helped put a man like putin in power... he took advantage pushing it into authoritarianism. I would have thought the Russians to be sick of tsars of one shape or another by now."

Oz shaking his head, "You would wouldn't you! Right now America is leading the way. The republicans trying to fiddle with state elections plus taking money from all and sundry went over badly... the Democrats are pushing hard on that.

Your media is really leading the charge! My hats off to you both!"

A sip of his drink, "Clinton's Justice Department going after racial bigots with such force they are being driven out of the light. The FBI has been unleashed to go after crimes of prejudice like never before.

The agents in charge of the field offices were given their marching orders last year, in what I heard in a back channel, was `in no uncertain terms' by the Attorney General and the Director of the FBI at a big meeting. It was made clear their jobs were at stake.

I can say we have been asked to do the same. Several of my assistants are preparing the first campaign... it is against the police forces throughout the Kingdom. Misogynists, bigots, sexual predators and criminals of all sorts will be removed, then charged if they have broken the law and sent to prison.

A lot of interviewing of PC's right up through the top ranks. The PM has said to me if he needs to go to the public in a big way he will."

Fist bump.

I asked... "Now don't tell any tales but has the activity of Russian security services overseas lessened?"

"No need to be secretive... the answer is yes. Here... with information passed on to us several well-placed agents have been neutralised. We passed on to the French and Germans some very sensitive information for their action. The Dutch added more. Norway has deported several Russians in the last few weeks.

I have been told more will come... a lot more.

I haven't been made privy to all the details but it seems that the GRU has been penetrated to its core by the U.S. They spent so much time on defeating their rivals at the FSB... they forgot to cover their backside."

I looked at Cho who smiled and nodded.

"Oz, some parts of our security aided elements of the U.S. intelligence in those endeavours."

He laughed, "That sounds like a classic understatement!"


Oz leaned forward, "I know this much... the NSA wormed its way into the heart of the FSB and GRU which I can assume helped prepare the path for both the Russian and Belarus about-faces. Putin's fall a direct result."

A big smile, "I also know... although I'm not sure they wanted me to... your people did the initial penetrations laying open all their secrets... because of that... worse things were done to undermine the separate parts of their apparatus."

Cho laughing, "Our folks are rather good at some quite secretive things... the FSB and GRU's problems began when they tried to get into our systems."

"In fact it was like their fly's were undone while trying to sneak into our computers," I was laughing saying that.

A burst of laughter, from Oz "That's a graphic way to describe it. It brings to mind some GRU officer at his console... fly's undone... sweating over his attempts to guess his way forward."

Much more laughter.

He said he didn't know the minutiae... he needn't know... the results were excellent.

He sipped... a considering face... "So what about that Ambassador Ti thing? Those inept Chinese fellows really went to kill you and yours?"

"Yes! They had been bought... money enough for a lifetime... enough to take the risks although they weren't field agents... far from it. Ti counted on the money doing the talking... he was right about that but he didn't think it through.

His illness was making him unstable... deep thinking wasn't happening as it had for him before."

Cho said we'd seen the complete autopsy of Ti... multiple and ongoing mini-strokes were impairing him.

"What got the whole thing moving was the sycophants inside the State Security administration who to curry favour with their old boss did his bidding knowing it was illegal under Chinese law. Asskissing is still a popular sport... everywhere."

Oz's head shaking, "Money is always an issue regarding loyalty. I have someone watching out for possible points of weakness within my shop to avert trouble.

We do have the issue of ours are public servants and the pay will never be large enough."

Me, "We understand that... we do pay well, lots of benefits, etc... not to `bribe' our employees but rather show them we value them, we appreciate their efforts."

"Fay, I wish we could offer something besides an appeal to our people's patriotism." A smile, "Maybe you could introduce a bill to raise their pay?"


"I would be willing to talk to the government folks about it."

I asked about his turnover?

"In the mid to upper levels those people are careerists so very little. I don't like losing skilled operational employees in specialised fields to private industry. That hurts!"

Oz took a second scotch.

Our drones... They were quite interested.

"What has intrigued my people is their simplicity of form and internals mated with the satellite link."

Cho and I suggested some of those `intrigued' people should go where all of the features could be demonstrated... Lordsburg.

From me, "One very important item... whoever you send has to be a qualified pilot. Joystick jockeys aren't trained for the rigours of flying these aircraft."

Oz nodding, "I understand."

Cho, "The ranch has lots of space ergo... privacy, no one to disturb using the louder bits and we have excellent pilots and trainers stationed there."

Cho told Oz if he got his people to El Paso we'd carry them the rest of the way.

Cho, "You want your folks to see it in real-time. We could show you demos and video from past events all day... it isn't the same. They'd be able to sit at a control station themselves."

"I will find some money for plane fare. Is there some schedule we need to fit into?"

I said if Lordsburg has a date they can adapt to it.

"I would offer an aircraft but if you are contemplating a purchase then it would cross ethical lines unlike a short hop from El Paso to Lordsburg wouldn't. We would just be picking them up at the airport."

Oz got it.

Eloise would be in touch... "Whenever I get her back from PJ that is."


The Twins came down... Oz got to see them again. He looked over to us... mouthing `growing' we both nodded. They shook his hand... very proper. We were grinning.

We waved him off from the entryway as his car pulled off. Oz was an interesting fellow... despite his burdens he was convivial. Speaking with spooks is less scary a thought when they had some idea how much we knew... a sort of levelling thing.

I said speaking of El Paso... email from Simon earlier... the latest test for the foam in a tanker aircraft. If the aircraft had a well-sealed tank it lasted up to four hours. Their tests showed older planes available to them from the New Mexico folks did not seal well enough for that outcome so two hours was the absolute maximum for them. Newer aircraft tested were good. It would in the end depend on maintenance and the condition of the seals.

There was a big difference between a bit of water leaking and our foam holding its consistency.

A family dinner from Mrs. Travers... delicious! Dessert... custard tarts with whipped cream. Cherries on top for the Twins. Tasty. The Twins loved it. Forks digging in! Lips licked clean! Tha suggested napkins... they both did it... smiles.

A chilly morning, trackies and hoodie. Across College Green, past the Jewel Tower that has no jewels. A wave to George V as he stares at the Peers Entrance of the Palace of Westminster. Around the Abbey and St. Margaret's, the edge of Parliament Square onto The Sanctuary.

We walked past London's most confused monument... The War Scholars Monument or the Crimean War Monument or the Indian Mutiny Memorial. It could be either or the other at the same time.

A left onto Great Smith Street then Little Smith to Tufton we were going right at Great College Street where some Westminster School boys were at the gate.

They were looking... a few pointing... Tessa moved between them and us. Penny moved in front. A voice called out `Hello Your Ladyship!' I waved and gave them a smile.

Another voice yelled `You're hot!' I stopped and rounded on them... Tessa in front now... I stepped closer...

"Would you say that to your mother?"

They were abashed... heads down... A fellow in a school gown came up behind them. He asked them what they were doing out there. He saw me... I was in walking gear but he knew who I was.

He bowed, "Your Ladyship, is there a problem."

He got what occurred. He was looking pissed off.

I moved closer, "I expect one of you to own up to that misogynistic remark."

I was hoping for a bit of British decency to come forth.

No one spoke up... that made the fellow more angry.

A blonde boy stepped forward... "I said it. I am deeply sorry... I was showing off."

The school fellow made an angry noise... the other boys ran off at speed not looking back.

"Who are you?"

He said he is Maxwell Douglas. I asked about his family... that brought a tear from each eye.

I reached into my hoodie pocket for a Cho-Fay handkerchief. It was accepted. I was close now... he was a handsome boy about twelve. Gorgeous green eyes with tears.

"You won't do that again will you?"

"No, M'Lady!"

"So tell me about your family."

The school man was smiling now... he bowed and moved to the gate.

Maxwell said they were Scottish from around Dunbartonshire.

I smiled... "With a name like Douglas I should think so. I'm half Munro from Ross and Cromarty."

He coughed... another tear... "M'Lady... you know my uncle... Lord Balloch..."

No shit I did! Argyle!!

"I do... he's a someone I have a great respect for."

More tears now... my arm on his shoulders.

"Maxwell, I am upset you said what you did... I am pleased you owned up to it."

I took a look at my iPhone.

"When do you go to your lunch?"

He said eleven thirty or so. I looked for the man... Tessa said he's inside the gate waiting... She asked him to return.

I said I wanted Maxwell to come Cowley House for his luncheon... "Will that be possible?"

"Of course, Your Ladyship. He will have to run back."

I laughed when Maxwell said he'd run both ways.

"Okay! Do you know where to go?"

"Yes Ma'am! Everybody knows... Cowley House is famous."

I laughed. He handed my handkerchief back and thanked me. A handshake.

The man in the gown had a broad smile now.

I waved as we went on... Maxwell waved from the gate.

Tessa and Penny were giggling when we picked up our walk.

Tessa a huge grin, "You know how make a point and a friend!"

Fist bump. Penny gave me a hug.

Temple at the door... Cho! A kiss. He took my hand.

"I was wondering where you were."

At breakfast everyone got my story... Cho grinning.

"Okay... company for lunch... who else are you having?"

"Actually I thought I might ask Argyle to see his nephew."

Cho looking, "Maybe you should let Maxwell off the hook on that?"

"You are right. I don't want to `out' him to his family without explanation since the lunch is meant to bury it."

Charlie asked about Westminster School. I told him it was three blocks away... very famous and quite old. It had been only boys...

"Now it has girls too."

Charlie said he wanted to go a school where Chani could go too.

Chani did a fist bump with him.

I was pleased he'd say that!

After eating they raced upstairs... Cho had already told them some people were coming to talk to them like last year at Harcourt House. They got that we were doing more planning for their schooling. They both said it was fine. They knew the last time brought Delphine to join us. They loved her.

They together said `Westminster?'

Cho and I smiled, we told them it was undecided now. Okay's from them.

I stopped to see Sage before going to the Lords. In the Peers Lobby I saw Argyle with a group... I leaned in to pardon myself and asked to speak to him before the session. He `Yes' in a few minutes.

Mac joined me with Cecil. They were well. Cecil had several horses at different tracks on the weekend... a win and a place. I congratulated him.

Mac laughed looking at me, "I guess you didn't have an entry?"

Laughter... I said that was an illegal low blow. Cecil holding my arm as we all laughed more.

Argyle came over. We shook hands, I excused us.

"I met your nephew Maxwell this morning at the gate on Great College Street. I invited him to luncheon..."

I told Argyle what happened... he started to furrow his brow... My hand on his arm... "Now don't worry. He came clean and was sorry. He said he was showing off. I liked him. He's a handsome devil."

"He's my sister's son. He is smart... not much of athlete though other than golf... his Scots blood for that."

I laughed, "I can sympathise with that. This is on deep background... a few tears were shed.. he was embarrassed and contrite. We will find out if he has a good appetite."

Argyle thanked me for the way I handled it.

"I will not give away the secret. I am glad he stood up... character... His father's side is another very old Scots family... they go way back... like yours they've been soldiers for centuries."

I told him about Graeme... he nodded with open palms... "That is what I mean."

His head shaking, "His father died two years ago... jumped into a river to save two boys who had fallen in... it was storm water rushing at quite a speed, he got them close to shore to others then was swept away by a surge."

My hand squeezed on his arm. "My sister has dealt with it well... better than her mother-in-law... she was devastated. He was thirty seven... much too young."

"Maxwell here at Westminster?"

"It was my school also his father's... he was a half dozen years behind me."

"Schools are topic at ours today... We have some folks over to do an assessment of the Twins progress."

"Damn... what you need is for them to get places at university next week before they get too smart."

Laughing, "Well Cho and I were told by Delphine, their tutor, she thought they were working at year six at least. They are solving simple equations, conjugating verbs... their French is excellent as is their Thai... Chani and Charlie both want to learn German next.

Argyle more head shaking, "I repeat get them in a university soon."

Laughing... I stroked my chin, "We should be looking..."

More laughing.

He had to go in to start the session. A thank you for being nice to Maxwell. A warm handshake.

The session moved along through multiple items until it was almost noon. We'd be back after lunch.

Tara and Gaby with me and Gil. Gil talked me through a few things as we walked. At the door Temple had it open as our feet touched the first step.

In the North Drawing Room Cho was sitting with Maxwell and the Twins. Chani and Maxwell talking about maths. Cho and Charlie grinning about something. I got a big greeting!! I shook Max's hand... Okay!

Clough was at the door... Food.

Cho had my hand he whispered he'd tell me about the two education folks and the Twins later.

"It's all good."


There was a cool melon soup... veggie burgers with cheese and veggie bacon on top. Tomato and lettuce, onion if you wanted. A big pile of chips... ketchup or mayonnaise. Olives and pickles, various types of each.

It looked like Max had opted for the fully dressed burger. Turned out he'd rather have a veggie one over beef. He enjoyed the meal... the hamburger and chips disappeared.

The toasted and buttered yellow pound cake slice with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top went over very well!! Sprinkles!

Max and the Twins scooped it up!

Cho looking over me... that cute smile!

We'd talked a few different things... I tried to draw out Max on school things. He really liked maths and science... the latter one subject the Twins hadn't much time in yet. He was amazed at how much the Twins knew. Doing equations at two!!!

Cho found out he liked to golf without my saying I'd learned it from his uncle. Cho said he could come to Harcourt House to play.

I said don't do any betting against Cho's game which made my guy laugh loudly.

Cho asked what he needed to do to get permission for a trip out.

That moved into a discussion I let them have.

Chani and Charlie asked to be excused... pressing business in the nursery. Okay. Tha and Delphine... huge grins.

Max needed to get back to classes... I needed to go back to the Lords. We walked out together on Barton Street... before we went our separate ways... "Your Ladyship..." He bowed, "I don't want to presume... you have forgiven my stupidity?"

I shook his hand, "Yes... anyone can make a mistake. Please don't do it to anyone else... Okay?"

He said he wouldn't. We waved going in opposite directions. He ran off up Great College Street.

At the House I told Argyle Max was a fine fellow with excellent table manners. That broke him up. I told him Cho invited Max out to play golf.

"Cho can certainly show him how the game is played."

"Maybe you could come out together? Play with Cho?"

"Depends but I'd like that."

I said I will tell Cho... he can do the details. Fist Bump which made Argyle laugh.

We finished about five o'clock. Walking with Gil... the BBC had been on again about an interview. I guess I needed to agree.

"Try for when we are back at Harcourt House for Christmas. Time for a bit of fuss. After the tree is up... AND the Queen's visit is over!"

Gil grinning said "Will-do!"

Cho beside me on a settee in my Lady's Room.

"So the big picture... Chani and Charlie are according to these two to be working at nearly Year Eight level in language skills. In Maths year seven or more. They solved some equations for the interviewers. They were VERY IMPRESSED with our babies.

The Twins ability to engage, speak, write and carry on a conversation left them astonished. The teacher, a nice woman about forty or so, said she'd had teenagers in senior classes unable to articulate like Chani and Charlie.

The psychologist spoke French... he was gob smacked when Chani corrected his pronunciation at one point. He said she was right."

I was laughing, "I can see her do it!"

Fist bump!

"The teacher showed me pictures of drawings by two year olds... some stick figures, blobs of colour, not sized proportionally... a few better than that. Holding her pictures beside their bird drawings and still life pictures... it was cave man versus Monet."

I hugged him, a kiss!!

Cho with my hand, "What were already know is the area of science are weak but in their love of dinosaurs and archaeology ...." I put in their interest in birds, "True! They don't lack interest in science just exposure.

I don't mean we set up a chemistry lab but find ways to bring in more science. Possibly another teacher or send them to classes... We'll have to work on that."

A kiss for him, "We may have to decide they need to stay a few places longer... not travelling with us as much so they can have a classroom experience..." Pausing, Cho squeezed my hand, "... I think they are too young for that now.

We need to bring it inside somehow."

Cho's arm around me.

"I really don't either want them in a classroom yet. Let's talk to Tha and Delphine about incorporating science into their schooling... nothing heavy-duty."

"I think biology would be best. Things in nature as they so love being outdoors. Learning about what is in the dirt so to speak."

Cho laughing, a kiss... several!

After dinner the Twins were watching a Charlie Chaplin movie we sat with Tha and Delphine. Smiles, they had spoken with our two educational visitors... the results hadn't surprised either of them.

Our interest in increasing science was fine. They would do some looking for materials and prepare some activities geared in that direction.

Tha smiling, "They so enjoy learning new things they will take to it right away I am sure."

Okay! Some new stuff!

A thought zoomed into my consciousness, "How about circulation systems... blood or sap or electricity so they get how things live in a connected way. Arteries, veins, flowing of networks."

They liked that. I said they could walk out to College Green to look at leaves... the link to the branch, midrib, veins, venules...

Tha clapped her hands, "Or the backs of their own hands?"

Fist bump! They were enthusiastic... also clever so they could devise a new curriculum.

A morning walk without incident. I took us a different direction so as not to cause anything new.

A left turn passing Parliament Square, the Palace of Westminster waking as we went by. A turn on Horse Guards which we went on to the Parade through the archway to Whitehall.

We would pass a lot of generals today... a mix of very good to middling to incompetent.

The fact that they got a statue doesn't mean they possessed any worthwhile characteristics other than friends in high places who probably needed to cover their own asses after some colonial mess.

Down Whitehall... at the MOD... `Bill' Slim, the finest general England produced during the Second World War. No one else even close! Then we had to go by Montgomery, a true poseur and an incompetent... so much like MacArthur... that lout Patton too!!

The Woman in World War Two Monument a brave attempt, far better than some maudlin woman succouring a child thing first proposed. In a clear form the tasks women performed in the clothing they wore. It would grow on me!

The heavy black gates at the opening to Downing Street, guards with submachine guns. This side was more elaborate than the Horse Guards one.

The Cenotaph! A spare and clean monument to the sacrifice of so many people to preserve the values of the United Kingdom.

I like simple to the point memorials... it's difficult to imagine anything more dignified and iconic than the Washington Memorial in the American capital. It stands out both in placement and your mind.

George Washington was quite the fellow even with all his faults as we are willing to see them clearly now. He was the classic right man in the right place at the right time. Much of what else he did has been shoved aside. Explorer, surveyor, good farmer, soldier... A talented man. A slave-owner too... Let's not forget!

Breakfast just starting when I arrived. Hugs from family, Gil and Chelle.

At my desk in Millbank House there was a conference with Casteen and Linc. They had been doing more on MOD funds issues... following up on tips from people they interviewed.

More dodgy transactions... finding more money issues which Sage had been sharing with Reginald and his staff at the MOD.

Casteen shrugged, "We aren't finding many more explosive items... just things which should not have happened but did. A sort of sweeping out process."

Linc said there was one major outstanding piece involving the RAF and fighter aircraft maintenance... he hoped to get more soon plus a sit-down with a retired RAF officer who was in position to know a good deal.

"I don't have a day for that. The man is retired but has a very full life of goings-on in Yorkshire."

I said fine... there wasn't a day chosen to stop.

"What have you gotten from the MOD?"

Linc did a smile, "No information as you surmised but confirmations about what we were seeing and whether we might be on the right track to help them.

Not a lot but positive."

Okay. Now where to focus them after this... I was thinking education? There were so many diverse and odd items involving public monies being spent in that area plus Sage had received an anonymous letter with copies of several invoices for educational materials the letter writer said never appeared in the school.

We don't know if it's one school or a larger issue but the writer hinted at multiple schools in what they had sent. We'll hold off for now going at that directly instead build up a picture of the education department.

I should renew my acquaintance with Edmond, the Education Secretary.

Gil interrupted us with her iPad... a news conference in Berlin... the `Remembering for the Future' the Sponsoring Association of the House of the Wannsee Conference was announcing our gift to them.

They said they considered keeping it anonymous but since we had no objection they decided the world needed to know what we had done. We were thanked for the significant sum and our humble attitude.

They said some of the money would be used for building itself and for expanding the library. A part into their endowment fund for the future.

They would undertake expand their outreach to the public so more could learn about the process that led to the murders of so many innocent people.

Gil's phone was ringing and emails binged in. I got some email... I called Cho first.

He was laughing in my ear, "Well it isn't as if we weren't expecting something. I'll bet your new friends in Rivesaltes do the same now it's out in Berlin."

I had to agree, "I don't care except for all the noise in the short term before it fades away. I've eight emails from friends already... maybe time for a broadcast reply..."

Our laughing quite loud. Sage came to the door an inquiring face. Gil told her. A `I'll expect something from this' kind of look then.

I told her to pass anything on to Arlette... thumbs up! Gil certainly was... Arlette had already asked about the etiquette for her replies. Gil had given her what we generally used for wording and that we were not going to do any interviews, etc...

I did quickie emails to first ones plus the other six that came in before I was done. Then I turned it over to Arlette to follow up the rest.

Gil and Chelle got requests from the various media for comment.

I dictated a statement as a press release. I said we wanted to support the work being done at multiple museums and non-profit groups to remind people of the need to support such institutions. We especially were concerned everyone know of the horrors of war and that it could be prevented if dissenting voices are heard.

I said we would be doing more over time.

Okay... enough back to my stuff!

An email from Flix in the middle of all that. Her publishers had a deal for the German edition!! It would be out in May of the coming year. Flix being a fluent German speaker would make the process go much quicker.

Flix would do a book tour for them in the summer. Maybe a family trip for them in my reply. A huge smiley face back!!

It was sunny, no wind, a warm September day.

I chose a pale ivory short-sleeved blouse cut to my waist, a small shirt collar, tiny pearl buttons down the front. A navy blue skirt to mid-calf, it hung straight and a bit movement to it with a pleated panel at my left hip about six inches wide. Pale stockings and ivory heels.

`Joy' and pale red nails and lips.

A string of pearls laying around the open collar, gold jewellery, the `Cho' band and horse torque.

A Hermès 25cm navy Kelly bag finished me off.

A car trip... to New Bond Street first... PJ out in front of me when the car stopped outside Mirabelle. A big hug for Hailey. She was doing very well!! The numbers were almost forty percent higher than our projections. She and her staff selling everything. The suits still the top item often with both a skirt and trousers. Her people were doing well selling skirts to match, one short, one long.

I spoke to some customers... one, a repeater, back to buy another suit her first was a huge hit with her friends and family... she introduced one friend to me. I thanked them for coming.

Hailey had a trip planned under the aegis of our R&R scheme to New York. She was going to go to Mirabelle House at Herald Square to meet everybody!

"I have to do it now before Christmas ramps up."

I motioned to Gil... would she please send Hailey the names of some good restaurants... "Include 21 and let Bryan know."

Gil smiling, "Righto!"

That got a laugh.

I explained `21' to Hailey... I turned to Gil... "Give Hailey the car service number and tell Aylesha to take care of her."

Gil stepped close to Hailey as I walked around one more time.

Another hug for Hailey... A big thank you for everything. Hands shaken with her staff.

To the Soho shelter after Asprey's.

A walk to the end of the block to Asprey's. The doorman bowed and held the door... inside the same fellow who had done all the other work on pins for me was there. He bowed...

"Your Ladyship, welcome back to Asprey's!"

I thanked him.

"We are ready upstairs."

He asked... pointing to the lift. I shook my head no. The stairs were nice, elegant.

The room with the big windows. The first pin on a velvet cloth... a beauty.

A royal blue cloisonné bow mounted on a silver base. The two hanging ends of the bow... one had Respect' the other Caring' etched into the blue showing the silver beneath. Seven cm. A good size, easy to read the words.

A second pin, this a script M' in silver. Beautiful... just exactly the M' I sent to Asprey's. The Mirabelle `M' very nicely done!

"Ma'am, we can go to production immediately to have the entire run ready by Christmas as you asked."

I was pleased and said so.

I said do it. Gil would deal with the transaction.

I thanked him again for the excellent work.

He escorted us down... I decided to go on without shopping this time.

I thanked him again at the door.

Allyn's car right there.

A dozen winding blocks to the Soho shelter. Thomasina at the door... a huge smile! A hug and cheek kiss.

"Your Ladyship, Welcome again."

I thanked her.

Inside some guests... smiles, happy faces. Handshakes.

I sat with the group to discuss their experiences here and what was going on in their lives outside. Some working in spare-time jobs, volunteering, schooling of all sorts. One just starting at LSE! She was very excited about college!

This is exactly what we wanted!! They were moving forward... with confidence! Education high in their priorities now we had the essentials taken acre of for them.

Thomasina and I in her office... one item from two days ago that I likely hadn't heard about... the father of one boy had come to get his son out of this nest of faggots.' He bulled his way in, he shoved one girl aside to grab the boy, fifteen and terrified, and slapped the boy.

"I stepped behind him and kicked him the balls... HARD! I made good contact... he went down a howling lump. Several fellows arrived... they took him out, dumping him on the sidewalk. Fortunately a girl resident was videoing it all.

We called the police. They were here quickly... the man was on his knees still dry heaving. The WPC in charge took him into custody... she saw the video! He was shoved into a police car... not gently!

The local sergeant came over later... we had sent him a copy of the video. He asked if we wanted the man charged? He would get Police Bail in any case.

I asked the young man to come in, he gave the sergeant his history with his father... abuse, physical and verbal, then he was told to go they didn't want him around. He lived on the streets for months before he found his way here.

He had no idea why his father made an about-face wanting to control him again. There'd been no contact.

I said we had already asked our attorneys to seek a `no contact' order against him for the boy.

The sergeant said he would recommend the man be charged to the CPS, "We'll see what they think."

A smile from him, he said he wouldn't turn his back on me... the fellow was still hurting from my kick!"

We laughed!!!

"Please consider if we need protection beyond the basic. I do not want to inhibit young people coming in or make them think we are watching their movements."

"Ordinarily he wouldn't have gotten in the door but someone was coming in he roughly shoved his way in. This is the first time for anything like this."

I did ask if she had watched a lot of David Beckham video to get the kick down... She laughed!!

"No I think I am just a natural."

More laughter. Me thinking back a few years to my own David Beckham kick in someone's balls.

A hug and a thank you.

Up Regents Street to Portland Place and around to Stanhope Street. Tony and Isaac at the door. Hugs. This shelter was busy with guests and other activities. The health clinic was well used by a variety of LGBTQ folks from the neighbourhood. They knew the welcome mat was out.

There was also an elderly couple a few doors down... Isaac had spoken with them... they didn't get around easily... one of our nurses would go over to check on them a few times a week. We had done some care and one of our doctors was involved.

I thanked them for extending our help. I asked if there was anything more we could do"

Isaac shaking his head, "We've had that discussion. They are Okay for money... it's the getting to a doctor's office or a clinic... none nearby."

"Well you be the judge... we could offer them a lift."

He smiled, "I have, they will take us up on it if necessary but for now our visits are terrific with them. Our doctors have put them in the system so anyone looking will know what care we have provided."

Fist bump!

I did a tour speaking to guests... happy people. I could smell some cooking... vegetarian stew for lunch. French bread in big slices! Apple crumble!

Tony said he had invited a special guest when he knew I was coming.

Inside his office I met Rudy... Rudolph, the builder who had helped his nephew when the boy's father disowned him after his coming out.

I said it was a true selfless act, "You saved him. How is he doing?"

"M'Lady, he is in Edinburgh finishing his Master's degree in social work."

"Wow! You should be doubly proud."

Rudy a shy smile, "I would not have believed it... he just worked so hard to make it happen. Excellent marks at school... a bursary then some more grants for graduate work. He has pulled himself up."

"Rudy, you gave him an amazing gift of love being a family for him. Please have him call Tony to talk about working for us. A serious offer if he's interested. Tony can explain it all for him. Then send him to the right people. Okay?"

"Ma'am, I will call him tonight."

I had his right hand, joking... "Any soreness left from the whack you gave your brother?"

He laughed, "No! There wasn't any hurt only the pleasure of having done it. In all these years we have not seen each other. The rat's wife is nice... she has kept in touch with me and their boy... the man he is now. My brother once threatened her over that... I made a phone call to him... my last... he has had respectful silence about it to her since.

I don't have the slightest notion what she sees in him but that is her concern."

I asked how he himself was doing?

"I am well... I will retire in a few years but I still work fulltime as a carpenter but indoors now-a-days."

"Be well and let Tony know about your nephew."

He would. I thanked him for meeting me here today.

"Ma'am there's no way I'd missed it!"

A big smile for that!

I shook more hands on my way out. Just like politician!!! Ha!

Northwest to Finchley Road... I remembered the narrow lane to the shelter from the road. The manager Nele was waiting... I introduced myself to a big smile.

"Your Ladyship, I am honoured to meet you."

A warm handshake and a hug.

I said it was first time back for me since I looked at it before we bought it.

I got a tour... all the things I liked about the old sanatorium worked out. The clinic perfect. We were serving clients beyond our in-house guests from the LGBTQ community like at Stanhope Street.

Dining room is easy to make into a large meeting space and kitchen Nele said served good food which a local city councillor praised on a visit. Fist bump.

On the upper floors several guests let me peek into their rooms, tidy and comfy looking! The bathrooms with the privacy things... excellent!

Outside I could see the grounds were neatly kept, good grass to sit on where you could get some sun. A supply of sling chairs to lounge in.

The Tube station across the road was awesome. The shopping and entertainment places so close were providing some spare-time jobs.

There is a senior school six blocks away where a dozen guests were enrolled.

"I have been over there multiple times... we have a good relationship with the headteacher and the school staff. Ours are doing well there. A few issues but their staff have been on top of it."

Fist bump.

I got a lot of thanks and good wishes on my way out.

Gil looking at her email... the Rivesaltes folks had gone public with our donation. The Germans got them started.

Their announcement thanking us for the generous amount that will support the museum for many years.

They said my visit had been unique in that I knew a very great deal about the Rivesaltes Camp before I arrived.

A quote from the museum director who had been my host, `Most visitors need to begin at the beginning... Lady Harcourt asked detailed questions from the start.'

Oh... very nice of him! Gil grinning as she read it out loud.

Fist bump!

Maida Vale next. Down through Hampstead's south end to St. John's Wood then west to Maida Vale. I got Allyn to use Grove End Road to the Edward Onslow Ford memorial.

I asked if anyone recognised the location... all shaking heads... a whoop from Chelle... she saw the street sign... Abbey Road!!

"Right you are... there is the crossing."

My hand pointing.

Laughing I said I think it had been repainted since then. Laughing and a Bronx cheer from Tessa.

At the front of the Maida Vale block of flats our security woman smiling...

I shook her hand.

"Those tenants that are home are in the lobby wanting to say hello."

Eight people waiting... Our older, pensioner tenants. Smiles and loud hellos. I saw one who I remembered... I shook Ronald Neame's hand and petted Polly his terrier.

He was well... Polly too. She seemed very bouncy.

They all said our management of the building was wonderful... issues taken care of right away, the high-speed internet amazing, our security people lovely... they felt very safe.

I thanked them for their welcome and I was pleased they were getting along so well.

I went through to the garden... the grass thick and soft. This is a popular spot in summer, in the evenings tenants sit around talking. Sunbathing and parties... it was a well-used space. Terrific!!

I asked Gil to commend Erin and their management company folks. A thumbs up.

Edgware Road to Sussex Gardens where it seemed that every building is a hotel or guest house of some sort. At Lancaster gate a right on to Notting Hill Gate. Allyn stopped in front of Mirabelle.

A big hug from Garnett! She is awesome! The sales have barely slacked off from the openings days.

"M'Lady, we are drawing women from a wide area. Ealing, Acton, Chiswick, Willesden, Kilburn, Camden, Harrow... it is quite amazing. These are commuting women going to offices throughout the city... our clothes are right for them. We've had many come in to show us how they have accessorised themselves. Our weekends are crowded."

Garnett holding my hand bouncing on her toes!! I loved her enthusiasm. She led me to a cork note board by the changing rooms... it was covered with snaps of our customers wearing our clothes with their chosen accessories! Terrific!! All those smiling faces!

Garnett's face... she was so happy me seeing this. I hugged her... thanking her for this wonderful display!!

I said hellos to the staff and customers. One lady asked if my skirt was here... I had to say no but maybe.

"Your Ladyship, your look is simple but very sophisticated."

I thanked her.

Beside me... Gil showed me an email from Tilly... a snap of a large four propeller drone on the ground. Tilly's email said it was brought down early this morning inside our airspace.

She launched a drone to do a search... she added another one when another pilot arrived. The direction it came was searched... No luck yet. They were on a higher alert status to watch the boundaries for someone lurking...

No registration number... they will try to trace it through the manufacturers serial number.

The thing had a fancy camera, high resolution.

Tilly remarked the drone defence unit had proven itself at the first go!

I asked Gil to thank her and her team... please keep me up on developments.

A hug for Gil... a huge grin. Fist bump.

Back to here. Garnett and I upstairs in her office.

"Fay, I have no problems... " A laugh, "... Unless not getting enough stock when we have an awesome weekend!"

Fist bump.

I told her the output from Marcelle's Landy Costume in Paris was starting to increase so she would get more stock regularly.

"The expansion of the building there going along quickly.. she will be able to double and then triple her production."

I said she had the highest per square foot sales in the company!! A huge smile and clapping!

Garnett was looking good in one of our suits, she was sparkling... I asked.

"Fay, I met someone... someone special! She just walked in the door looking at our clothes. She bought a suit, trousers and a skirt and took me to dinner."

A hug as we laughed. A fist bump for her from my ladies.

"We are the same age, like many things the same and she is a splendid cook. Me... I can burn water."


"Would you be upset if I wanted to introduce her to you?"

"No! Not at all!"

"I will work it out when Gil might let me know you could be here again."

I said to keep in touch with Gil or Chelle. Okay.

Out on Notting Hill Gate walking to The Company. A few stares... nothing else. Tessa leading swiped us in to a big surprise... the Security Service uniformed person inside is a slender black woman who she knew. A big yell and hug!

Tessa turned to me, "Fay, this Tenelle an old friend from NYPD! I didn't know you were with us? When?"

Tenelle smiling holding Tessa's right hand. "Nearly ten months."

"Your Ladyship, it is nice to meet the big boss."

We laughed. I shook her other hand saying they should go into the canteen for a catch-up...

"I'll will be here for maybe an hour."

Tessa thanked me. Off they went.

Reg smiling looking up from his desk. I parked in a chair after a hug.

He pointing, "You got those emails from Cass?"

"Yes and I want to know when we can start cranking them out?"

Loud laughter!!

"Well we ought to have more working prototypes to use for testing in six days... All four will be good to go into the field. I want one more at Lordsburg and one on the roof here and at the SolarToGo offices.

Maybe at Harcourt Farm or better still at Ban Wat Bang Fai so we get a mixture of climates. The short answer for you is four months at the earliest for a process to be ready then construction of the interiors of the plants."

I leaned forward, "I had been hoping for a fifty five to sixty percent efficiency rating... to get over the steam turbines forty percent level... what we are getting is unbelievable. A real success."

A big fist bump!!

"The panels will be cheaper because we can use less expensive materials than will do the job as well and for some conditions better than the pricy stuff," Reg was thrilled with that side!

Our Multijunction Photovoltaics well ahead of anyone else with a variety of bandgaps in every cell to enhance the efficiency!!!

We couldn't know about their longevity for sure only extrapolate but the worst guess was fifteen years... likely to be over twenty five years since we are using more durable substrates... different from any other company..

He grinned, "So you know we have applied for patents for everything including the kitchen sink at the SolarToGo canteen."

We hugged again and laughed!

"What we have no one else has... in our timetable we'll be in production before the summer.'

Fingers crossed.

I did a hands rubbing motion, "We have a least a year or more head start... " I laughed, "...Just think what the Chinese are doing with those plans on the thumb drive they stole."

We laughed so hard people looked up from their work our way... FIST BUMPS!!!

I said "Lattes? On me!"

My people were in favour of that we'd no lunch with all my wandering around north London.

Chelle told him they saw the Abbey Road crossing. Fist bump.

I said biscuits included! Cheers. We all trooped down. Tessa and Tenelle were sitting at a table with coffees. Gil knew what to get for me...

I sat beside Tessa... Tenelle had been on Tessa's SWAT squad then transferred after training period to be the deputy on another SWAT team. Then Tessa left...

"I wondered what the Security Service had that drew her... I thought money then I saw a picture of you in New York... there was Tessa... I was flattened. Tessa went from SWAT, the top of the NYPD to guarding the most famous woman on the planet."

She squeezed Tessa's hand... "So I did some inquiring and applied. The folks in Bangkok liked me and my CV... I did all the training... I'm here on my first field assignment as a break-in. I'm to be moved a few times then go back to Bangkok for more training and I hope a move to Personal Protection."

I shook her hand as Gil put a latte down for me with a plate of biscuits. Tessa did the introductions to Gil, Chelle, Kara and Gaby.

We were all nibbling!

Tenelle smiling and motioning to Gaby and Kara, "You guys are the tops."

Tessa grinning, "You haven't met PJ or Rande or Ansara or Tara they run the team."

Tenelle shaking her head, "You are legendary in the Service! Your names are spoken with reverence in Bangkok."

I nudged Tessa with raised eyebrows... "Legendary!"

Laughter and fist bumps by my three.

A call to Gil... "Fay... " Her hand covering the iPhone's microphone, "Tilly's folks captured someone on the Farm! They have the county sheriffs coming out."

I took the phone, "Fay, the man looks completely dodgy, lying about losing control of his drone. He is running his mouth... we are recording him after pointing out a nice big sign saying we are.

We will not tell him anything.

We have proof he was on the property so he will be charged and our Frankfort attorney says he can file a lawsuit for costs if we want for annoyance value. We can get a restraining order regardless."

"Tilly, what have Thet and Sumate said?"

"They are pleased. The only thing is the drone defence didn't find the source of the directing device so that will be looked at."

"On a lawsuit I would say no to only because it would let him have his day in court. Ask the Frankfort lawyers about the trespass charge... how easy will it be make and the outcome.

We would likely get more from the restraining order than a lawsuit because his violating it gets him more criminal charges."

"Fay, I understand."

"Thanks again for your fine work. So you like the drone defence unit?"

"Oh god YES! It really works exactly as we were told. Awesome to see that drone come to the ground."

I congratulated her again.

"Oh... How is being a pilot working out for you?"

"I'm enjoying it. My solo flight was great... inspiring to be in control... knowing what to do. Flying the drone is fun... I'm restraining myself so no worries."

We laughed.

"Having the aircraft at Frankfort makes it so easy for my people and me to do training. Thanks for that!"

"You all are very welcome. Its our rule no one flies a drone without being a pilot so there are lots of those Beechcraft twin-engines around. You could vacation in Oxfordshire and fly one from Chalgrove."

Tilly laughing, "Don't tempt me. Clayton would love to see England."

"So go!"

I could imagine her smile, "Fay, maybe in spring near Easter vacation time."

"Now don't spread it around... we could put you up at Harcourt House."

"Oh we couldn't impose on you."

"It's a big house and we are likely to be away in America or France at a race track. Let Gil know... Okay?"

A big Yes and a thank you.

Tenelle's eyes big... She knew who Tilly was. I told everyone about the incident. Tenelle learned a device we make grabbed control of the invading drone and flew it down to the ground.

Looking around at my people, "The bozo couldn't let it go... he came back. Now he's got more trouble than a lost drone."


Reg and I went up to Eric's office... a hug and cheek kiss with Eric. We talked family first, Malee and Anne... TERRIFIC. A new one on the way too early for the sex. They both wanted a son and Anne was adamant she had to have a brother.

All the girls of our friends wanted baby brothers!

Pinky was going to have a brother... Ba was five months on... their new family growing!

Rona was doing well with her new one in the oven. Lovely news for all of them.

Onto business, technology like the new solar devices, we discussed processes, buildings, people... they were both on the Board of Directors as well as Reg's technology role.

The stock issue had given us a lot of money to put into the new things!

The Company books were packed with business. New projects a year out for many larger ones.

The work in Vietnam near the Chinese border was completed. The PAVN had staff working the system with a few of ours as advisors, drone pilots in the last portion of their training.

They wanted to hear more about the drones, the stingray software and more.

They got the story of today's fun in Kentucky. I said some one from the drone defence team would contact Tilly about the seeking out the drone signal source not completing its task.

"I think the unit is sound but we need to know why it didn't find the bozo."

They both understood why!

"The drone bits of the Security Service we will amalgamate then we will spin it off into a new company. You..." pointing to Reg... "... we will want you to be involved but as an advisor... you already have enough on your plate."

Reg smiling, "I'm good with that. The water management systems?"

"No... they are a good fit right here. Your level participation Is needed until the staff is able to be as inventive as you... if ever!"

Eric and I laughed as Reg did a double-take... he shook his head... I couldn't understand... it wasn't like he didn't know why he was appreciated.

Andrea hiring continuously... new people for her staff helping to bring more qualified folks to work for The Company. It was made easier when The Company has been listed as the best employer in the UK for two years running.

Tons of applicants for every listed position.

Leaning back in one of Eric's comfy chairs, "Cho and I just closed on a building in the next block west. We`ll move Jasmine, our office and the Foundation office to there. No decision on where to base the drone company has been taken... most likely somewhere in America... Likely Seattle where the big factory is going up. Lordsburg and Sari Buri will remain the test centres."

I squeezed Reg's hand, "It will mean Rona is out of this building but close. A full service medical clinic, a daycare will be inside it. A professional staff and full facilities to handle any age baby. Also a pre-school.

So our little additions will be taken care of!!

The building will have some overflow space for The Company too. The current tenants will gradually move on because for most we will not renew their leases. The retail on the ground floor will stay if they want.

I want to offer the open retail space to a book store... maybe Waterstones or someone wanting to startup a bookshop.

We will put in a staff canteen, I want the folks here to manage it. So no other food vendors."

Eric asked which building... I gave them the address, "It's on the opposite side of Notting Hill Gate and down a bit from Mirabelle."

Gil's iPhone making noises... "Fay, the Franklin County Sheriffs have taken the bozo into custody... they will charge him. He will undoubtedly be offered bail as a misdemeanour law breaker.

They asked us to store the drone for now. They will send a truck for it. Tilly says they'll lock it up in a storage shed and `seal' the door."

"Please thank her."

A few more things here then home!

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