
By A becker

Published on Mar 22, 2023


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Dali said Cho's airplane was in bound fifteen minutes out. We'll wait.

Cho came down the stairs holding Charlie... our guys. He put Charlie down Chani ran to hug her brother. I did Cho then we swapped. Charlie smiling with cute white teeth, his arm around my neck.

All of us in a car heading to Topanga. The Twins grinning from their car seats.

We would go to New York after the race day tomorrow, I had the Forbes thing' to do then one day at Winged Foot for the Pro-Am. Then the beach with family!!

A lovely dinner on the terrace! Our crowd together, all the Protectors smiling as they grazed the California-Mexican goodies laid out by Dolores and Sora.

We exchanged news, not much to tell since we communicated all during our days. The Twins chatting about their events of today.


A brilliant bright day as we landed at Harcourt Ranch. Claude greeted us. A couple of Land Rovers to go to Winterset.

Everyone dressed for a hot day... shorts and short-sleeved shirts, walking shoes, a selection of floppy hats... Tha and Delphine with sunshade for Chani and Charlie.

A call from Francis... the auditors working at Gannett found a few things... we scheduled a Conference App talk for tomorrow morning.

An email from Ring... Chaiya won the Prix de La Fleury! Also at Deauville, Normandie Fille won the Prix Jacques Le Marois. Two G1 races!

All our racing this year at Deauville is over. It had been a very busy August well managed by Neva! The horses would move to the Montataire Farm to rest and train... races coming at Longchamp, Maisons-Lafitte and St. Cloud.

Niva was pleased with her successes at Deauville. As she should be!

She emailed that the staff at Moulins de Deauville had been so kind and efficient... They treated Octavie as one of their own.

I asked Arlette to send emails to the Moulins Farm staff thanking them for the efforts for our racing people.

A couple of Winterset folks were at the front entry to meet us. They were glad we came... They appreciated our supporting their trials and other equestrian events.

Their appreciation of Sunny...

One fellow... `Sunny is a marvel!'

Another person said "She is the nicest girl, friendly to all the riders... helpful."

It was quite nice to hear their praise.

Cho and I smiling... We said she worked hard... it showed.

Dressage and jumping wins on her belt... Sunny was looking for a sweep!

We carried the Twins to the stabling area... The first one of ours I saw was Marsha with a hose filling Zephyr's water bucket... a big grin.

"M'Lady, nice to see you. Sunny is in with Prince."

Hugs for Sunny and Charlotte. The Twins had big hugs for their cousin.

Declan smiling saying hello with a very big smile on his tanned face. His personality coming out more making these trips... now a suntan!

They were ready. Prince was set to go!

Kay, Greg, Artie and Sam!!! Hug, kisses, smiling faces!!! They were good. The rooms in the dormitory at the ranch were comfy. I squeezed Greg's hand... I wanted to hear about Gen Con.

The Winterset people had a spot for us to watch the cross country... we had our glasses out. Charlotte joined us.

"The course is mostly the same as last year... some jump changes and a longer finishing run."

Chani in my arms... she could see as much as me. Charlie up with Cho's arm around him.

We could see the start box... riders in a queue... Sunny on Prince! She worked her way forward... in the box... Off! Sunny punched her timing watch as she urged Prince. They moved smoothly to the first jumps... over easily... we watched they went through the course.

Sunny riding comfortably... Prince leaping high clearing each obstacle with room to spare... they worked forward to where we lost sight of them in a arroyo.

Kay next to me seemed much more relaxed about the whole thing.

"Fay, I decided to trust my daughter's judgement. She knows what she's doing so..." a done and dusted hand motion.

A hug from me and Chani. Our daughter put out her arms... Kay gathered her in... a cheek kiss. She stayed with Kay.

I brought my glasses up to where Sunny should emerge... there she was... still moving easily! She and Prince very steady... each jump they soared over! She approached the last quarter of the run... over a triple jump then down slope one... now they were easier... they cleared each... now the sprint to the finish... done! 5:20!! The exact time set down for the course!! Once more Sunny showed she had gotten the rhythm of the course perfectly.

It was one of Sunny's best runs... She with Charlotte's help gauged each cross country course beforehand correctly... a plan made... Sunny carried it out perfectly.

We all moved to the cool down area... Sunny slipped down... she hugged Prince! Declan did the shank lead... Marsha softly sponged Prince's face.

There were more hugs... her family and us. We didn't prolong it so others could do the same.

An event man came by to tell Sunny she had `zero' faults! Her smile! She thanked him. He shook her hand.

I had Chani, Cho... Charlie, we walked towards the stable area... Sunny had many people call out congratulations to her. Smiling she waved and thanked them. She did a couple of congratulations to other riders... one a blonde woman about thirty came close for a hug.

At the stall Declan and Marsha took Prince for some post-run care.

More folks came up to congratulate Sunny... she looked wonderful... tanned, light brown hair pulled back in a braid on her neck, her hat on her back, the black jodhpurs and bright white cotton shirt... her black protection vest open now to cool off... some event photographers and riders were snapping away... Sunny did more hugs and handshakes.

She walked to me... open arms... big hug! A whisper in my ear... "I'm so grateful to you and Cho."

I returned she was very welcome!

We held hands smiling at our family around us.

A man and a woman were deliberately approaching our group... they were wearing badges like ours which gave you VIP access to all parts of the event. The man had on a horrible sports coat... some sort of hideous... mottled plaid.

Sunny leaned close and said... `Olympics' in my ear.

PJ looked to me... I nodded. The two came on... they introduced themselves to Sunny... the man turned to me...

"Your Ladyship... we understand you are responsible for Sunny's success?"

"No we can't claim that... Sunny is the one and only person responsible... we, Charlotte and her team support her work. Sunny's commitment is the basis for her success."

Sunny squeezed my hand.

He smiled and nodded... "Yes... yes. You have encouraged her?"

"Yes in that we wanted her find her level once she was up on a horse. And yes... financially we have been behind her all along."

The woman moved forward, a smile, "Sunny, you have done marvellously... you are the youngest woman to win a major event like Badminton... you have won this event twice now... you should be very proud of yourself."

Another hand squeeze...

"Thank you. Aunt Fay is right she and Uncle Cho wanted me to decide my own direction... once I committed they have been alongside me with Charlotte showing the way."

Cho stepped close to speak to the Olympics' man. I gave the Olympics' woman a motion with my eyes as I squeezed Sunny's hand. They moved to the side. I tried to stay between the two pairs.

Kay joined me, "He's a bit gauche."

I nodded, "The woman is smarter. Cho is doing a great job running interference."

Kay grinned, "I do love that guy. Clever!"

We hugged.

The Twins had been with Tha and Delphine visiting the horses... they came out to me. Charlie once more being the soul of discretion... said `the man had a funny jacket' just loud enough to be heard.

It was difficult to not laugh... I picked him up... Kay got it and lifted Chani. We walked towards the stalls. I turned us to see Cho and the man shaking hands. Sunny doing the same with the woman. The pair walked away.

Sunny came to give a cheek kiss to Charlie, "You are right... funny jacket."

Now we laughed. Cho shaking his head.

"I've seen some odd jackets around golf courses where to be a bit tacky is accepted but that jacket takes the cake!"

Well if the U.S. Olympics folks were as rude at him... Sunny could handle them I'm sure.

A steward came by to say the results were in... we moved to the dressage arena for the awards.

For Sunny it was academic... she'd won all the senior individual events and so the overall. A U.S. Equestrian team colleague was second in the dressage and cross country, he got the red ribbon. The blonde woman who hugged Sunny came third, the white.

Other awards for various categories handed to happy winners. It was light hearted and the applause was generous each time.

The three top award winners went to the press tent.

I saw Alycha walking towards us. She was working for Donald's national sports desk. We shook hands...

"I've been doing some 'background' commentary... Donald asked me to follow Sunny and her events when possible. It has been a steep learning curve to educate myself about equestrian eventing."

We laughed. I said she could go over to Harcourt House when Sunny was back there..."I'm sure Sunny and Charlotte would be glad to help."

I turned to Charlotte... she was at the stall gate... I motioned to her. Introductions. Charlotte said they were staying at Harcourt Ranch for two days... a couple of days in Los Angeles for fun then going on to Oxfordshire.

I asked Gil to keep a link going so Alycha could be a Harcourt House at some point. A thumbs up and a note. Alycha thanked me.

I looked for the Twins... Gil said they'd gone off with Cho, Tha and Delphine on a walkabout. Okay!

Email... Cam and Rufus back at Lordsburg... Huge gold stars!!!!!!!!!!

They emailed when the latest test results were analysed... they showed the new solar array could achieve seventy percent efficiency! That is approaching twice the efficiency rate of steam turbines... even better they were sure the new arrays hadn't maxed out yet!!!!

I replied with our congratulations and a question... how long to go to production for the design?

They answered quickly with it depends on some further testing but they thought in six months. Although the methodology was new the underlying technology for creating panels was mature. The manufacturing of the new denser thermophotovoltaic panels and the core units will require changes to our current processes... for the panels... new frames, more wiring for new cells but an entirely new production run for the cores.

Their reply to my next question was Reg would know as soon as he looked at his email.

I thanked them. Cam replied they were heading back, they'll be in London in the morning.

I called Reg... he'd been CC'd the emails between Cam, Rufus and I.

I was informed he was sitting on their terrace with a `Brown' in hand. We laughed. I told where we were. He said to congratulate Sunny for them Will do!

"Fay, I am sure we have room in Dartford and El Segundo to build a production run for the cores. Definitely at Ban Wat Bang Fai. I've already emailed all our SolarToGo managers to get survey teams on the land to re-check everything.

Also I just emailed the MD at the firm that built the addition Dartford asking about their starting work next autumn. A similar type structure... I'll see what he says. The El Segundo and Ban Wat Bang Fai folks will have builders on site to speak with them."

I thanked Reg for being his usual self... well prepared and thinking ahead.

He was quiet for a moment... "Rona is with child." He said it so calmly...

I cheered loudly... some folks nearby looked over... Gil giving me a quizzical face.

I passed on our congratulations... "I'd love to be an auntie again."

"Too early to tell boy or girl but Rona is excited."

I said I would call her soon. Okay!

Gil and Chelle very happy for our friends! I could see Gil's considering look... harking back to a conversation about babies we'd recently had.

I nudged her shoulder... eyebrows up... "You decide... "

She knew we would have her back. A hug!

I called Rona... she was very happy, "Two is all we hoped for. Now to wait until we find out whether it will be a boy or girl. Reg naturally wants a son but so do i. Fingers crossed."

I said if they needed anything let us know... she thanked me.

I got Greg aside. He grinned almost laughing...

"Fay, It was good to go. Gen Con is huge! Thousands and thousands of people. I managed to get one hundred and twenty copies ready... what a pain to get them in the convention hall through the crowded space. It felt good to leave empty handed!!"

I did a cheer!

"I even sold the copies I had for display... discounted due to wear. A monster success.

All the info sheets I had printed about the game were taken... the website has had loads of hits. There is a back order list..." he motioned down his arm.

We did a fist bump.

"That is great! Now you'll have to get to work filling the orders."

"The folks in Baltimore I hired to help... several of the Baltimore Sun's employee family ones are going to keep working for me. They'll put the games together, package for shipping and send them off from the orders list on the webpage I forward to them.

Your `Baltimore Specialty Printers' company name and logo is on the packaging and on a separate slip inside. I also spoke to many people at Gen Con who have games of their own mentioning the printer. They could see in their hands how well done the work was."

Greg said he would have one for me and the gamers in the Harcourt House cellar. They were each mentioned and thanked in the game notes for being playtesters.

Another fist bump!

Cho and the babies came back... the whole crowd together... we loaded up for the ranch. Sunny and the Seattle group staying at the ranch for a few days then they would come down to Venice later... the horses to Topanga. Declan and Marsha would have time off to sightsee in Los Angeles... Viv's crew would care for Prince and Zephyr.

The Seattle folks would `do' the city with them!

We had a few races at Del Mar then New York.

Tonight they'd come down for a `success' dinner in Topanga.

A loud happy dinner it became. Greg and Sunny's successes praised!

I took Sunny aside, we walked in the garden... I offered the flat under Carter's house to her. More space, a second bedroom for all her `Loot' or a guest. That brought a smile.

I let her know I'd spoken to Carter he was fine with it.

She'd have her own sitting room and kitchen and dining area. The flat had its own entrance... closer to the Stables.

She was bouncing on her toes... hands clapping... "Fay, I would like that."

"You can have your friends over... to sit around or have a party... Security would need to know in advance who..."

I did point out Audra's staff would do her cleaning and dealing with her laundry as they do now.

"Also since there would be less `structure' in the sense of the rhythm of the house..."

"I would want to keep things as they are for food... I'm not a cook... probably never will be. Mom despairs of me in the kitchen. I can microwave things is all."

We laughed.

I said to talk to her mom... see what she thinks.

A hug and kiss... Sunny was off.

Sunny and her family were picked up on the front drive by Ted, he flew them back to Harcourt Ranch for a few days... they'd go to Venice next.

Cho and i watching the sun set on the bench at the far end of the garden. A dazzling display of colours before it sank in to the Pacific.

I got in a morning ride. French Toast in our tummies as Cho and I sat down with Gil and Chelle in the media room. An iPad hooked to the big screen... on the Conference App with Francis and Ali.

They were great. Ali just going along... ten weeks or so to go.

Francis said the audit he asked for found issues with three outside vendor contracts at Gannett. The BeneSecure contract was terminated under the moral turpitude clause for financial misdeeds. They had been paying kickbacks to the former head of operations for Gannett. The fellow Trim replaced had received the money.

The second and third problems were also kickbacks to two others... the fired CEO and another officer. Companies providing supplies to Gannett offices around America and to USAToday's offices next door.

Francis made it clear people below that top echelon were not involved... in fact several had complained about the supplies being delivered as low quality materials not the same as ordered. Justin had fielded complaints about several items supplied... clearly inferior. His speaking to the former CEO got nowhere.

Francis had the information... did we want to give it to the local Virginia state's attorney or sue or what.

Cho and I looked at each other... Sue! Francis was asked to get the local lawyers on it... ask for the monies back, penalties and attorney fees. `Air' fist bumps!!

Francis adding those men had been particularly poor managers... now we could prove a few were thieves too! He was very happy to do it!

We rang off after our thanks and good wishes for them especially Ali.

Kay called she and Greg had talked with Sunny about her move... they we fine.

"Sunny knows her mind about her school and training. We don't think anything will change. She's right... our daughter can't cook!"

We laughed.

As a group they were going use Venice as a base... fun time in Los Angeles for a few days!

We boarded AW139's for Del Mar.

Connie's carts carried us first to the barn. The Twins with Cho and I visited our colts. Decha, Samir and Rando! The first race on dirt for Decha. Freddie, here with his English team, said Decha had no problem with the surface. Decha had trained at Harcourt House on dirt before coming over to California.

It was fun for Freddie... he got to see some friends from his jockey days. He had ridden a lot on all the California tracks then he moved up to bigger races... riding across America.

In our box after a brief meeting with the Del Mar managers. All was well with them. Our Security Service highly praised. You could believe Connie walked on water or nearly so.

Our starting race was Decha... he came out in the post parade, Renaldo up. The Best Pal Stakes, six furlongs on dirt, a G2 race with a purse of two hundred thousand dollars.

The field walked easily to the back straight chute for the starting gate. Decha in number one... they loaded without incident... pause... Off!

Decha coming out cleanly going ahead along the rail. He was level beside four others. They raced down the back straight as a group. As the turn came up Decha and two horses remained even... in the curve Decha's first lead change gave him some space. Renaldo guided him around the turn... there was a two length gap at the top of the home stretch.

When Decha changed back to his right lead Renaldo asked him... the Monaco Surge... quickly the opening became five lengths... by the eighth pole it was seven... No stopping this youngster! He roared over the finish ahead by eight!

It was a fast time but not a record. We celebrated... hugs and kisses. Down to the Winner's Circle... Chani with me, Charlie and Cho to accept the trophy.

Cho with the microphone... not too close... he said we liked racing at Del Mar... everything here was well done! He thanked the Best Pal folks for putting on this race.

Back up to our box...

Samir was up in the Del Mar Handicap... a G2 race eleven furlongs and a purse of five hundred thousand dollars. Nathaniel with us smiling after the saddling... "He's ready!" Fist bumps!

The horses walked to the left... these three year olds knowing what to do loaded swiftly... pause... Clang! A clean start! They came down the home straight for the first time... Samir was a length ahead as they passed under us going to the clubhouse turn.

They rolled around the big arc Samir spreading his advantage to four as they came out on the back straight... Mike had him in hand... letting him gallop along. They moved towards the second turn... no one challenging Samir.

In the turn Mike took a quick look back, Samir doing his lead changes like clockwork... they came to the end of the turn... Mike asked... Samir surged ahead. He widened to seven rapidly then settled down to run hard down the stretch he approached the finish leading by nine.

Mike's unused whip held high as the finish line came and went. Samir by ten in a fast time. Mike slowed him in the turn... the outrider came up. She and Mike did fist bumps!

We hugged and kissed in the box then worked our way down to the track. Cho and Charlie on point again... Chani's arm around my neck... cheek to cheek as we watched our guys get the gilt! Mike and Nathaniel taking turns holding the trophy. Marti right there to get some exposure.

Cho and the microphone once more doing their dance.

One more race... the biggest of the day... the Pacific Classic! Rando's turn to run.

We settled in our box again... there was one race before ours. We had snacks to hold us until we had dinner on the plane. Chani and I shared a basket of chips and a vanilla milkshake! The guys did a plate of tortilla crisps with melted cheese, sliced peppers and black beans. Sour cream and lots of guacamole! Strawberry lemonades on the side.

The Pacific Classic was up! Rando's dark body shining in the sun as he walked to the left, Emanuel up in our green and yellow colours. This G1 race on dirt was ten furlongs, a million dollars in the purse.

The starting gate filling up... a veteran group of racers... Pause... CLANG! They burst out... Rando at the front! Rando... oh my! Rando is the speeding bullet! He came down the straight to the clubhouse turn on fire! He had a four length lead going under us.

Emanuel moved him to the rail into the big curve... his lead changes were so automatic it was almost impossible to see now. He was ahead by seven going onto the back straight.

No slack for his opponents! Emanuel looked back once at the end of the turn... that was it! Rando gobbled up the back straight... he was flying along... the fractions fast! Fast!

The second turn came and went in the blink of an eye... at the top of the home stretch you could see Emanuel ask... Rando's surge amazing for a horse who'd already run a mile faster than he'd ever before. On the straight Rando opened at least fourteen lengths on the rest of the field.

He blew through the finish like the proverbial express train! 1:57.00!!! Awesome!

We really celebrated! Our box was jumping! It isn't a record for the mile and quarter but very close to Glaa's time. One of the very fastest!!

A new record for the distance at Del Mar!

In the Winner's Circle the crowd went a bit crazy welcoming us. The Pacific Classic folks were bouncing on their toes. Shaking hands, smiles! Thrilled by Rando's performance! Cho received their trophy... our second in a row.

One of the Del Mar directors beside Chani and I... "Your Ladyship, Rando owns the track! He's had several out of this world performances here."

Smiling, "True... he does seem to like it here. He didn't mind being abducted either."

"Oh I remember... he stormed home in his race the next day like he'd been on vacation."

He stuck out his hand to shake... our darling daughter put out her fist... he got it and bumped to considerable laughing.

"Around here you and Sir Cho are golden. Marvellous horses and the security is rock solid."

I thanked him. Another round of fist bumps... smiles...

Chani and I joined Cho with Charlie... Rando on the track looking like he was ready to go again! A lot of snaps taken before we rode some carts to the barn.

Charlie and I, Cho and Chani as pairs visited the horses. Rando nickering as we petted his face... Charlie got to stroke his ears. What a powerhouse runner this big fellow is! Unbeaten in more than twenty races!

We thanked our Harcourt Racing folks, hugs for them.

Back across the grounds to have a look at our new Security Service building. The insides were being finished! It was going to be nice on the outside and good to work in.

At the Venice house... it was empty... they were out sightseeing!!

On to Santa Monica, we boarded a 737 for the flight to Newburgh.

News from Deauville... Femme de Nantes was going to the Breeder's Cup! She won the Prix Morny! An automatic spot at Churchill Downs in the Juvenile Fillies Turf Race via their Challenge Series. Neva and Octavie would get to see America.

Our thanks sent on and we'd see them in Kentucky. One more race in France for our filly then she'd fly to Harcourt Farm.

I sat to work with Gil and Chelle, Cho working with a Conference App call to Sanjara then another to Udorn. The babies did some schooling.

Dinner from Yobi and Lil was delicious... ending in Hagen-Das vanilla chocolate toffee ice cream bars for everyone.

Afterwards it was time to polish my speech for tomorrow. I didn't intend to go on for very long... enough to make my points and out.

When I suggested a topic the Forbes folks were happy with it... Gil said they'd have said that if I suggested talking about making cupcakes. A good laugh from that!

Roslyn at the lift... a big smile. The Twins into bed after greetings.

A good morning walk... no drama and a special guest... Candace. She was an early riser too! We circumnavigated Washington Square with Jaidee. Shorts and crop tops... it was a warm start to the day... rather it never cooled off very much.

Candace came to breakfast!' Sad to say Bfast' was no longer in vogue... the Twins weren't into baby talk any more... the only things left were some nicknames for certain people... "Car' was going to be Car for a bit, "Unc' the same... Aunt Dee is Dee' which she likes! Doc the same. We'd see about the Colonel' when he comes to Southwold.

Candace got a big welcome from Chani because we'd seen her in Boston. Roslyn's omelettes went over very well!

Cho going to Saratoga for Sasithorn's race, the Alabama Stakes. Another jewel in the Super Triple Tiara.

Dressing for speaking. Candace in the dressing room chair... she didn't envy me... I didn't either.

A navy silk frock, short sleeves with a cuff, a round collar and soft pleats to mid-thigh, navy stockings and heels. Gold jewellery bits, the horse-headed torque and the Cho' band, Joy' Red nail and lips! A navy Hermès Kelly 25cm bag. The round reflective blue sunglasses.

Cho is a navy suit and a Harcourt Racing yellow tie. Looking good!

We sent him off... well kissed and hugged.

I stepped into a Range Rover with PJ and Tara. Gil and Chelle had the day off, some shopping and visits to friends.

Pell took us downtown to the Spring Studio on Varick Street. At the door there was a small greeting group. Hands shaken. Upstairs to the big room... in at the back of the stage. PJ and Tara took a look around.

I was the first speaker today so I sat off stage in a small room to wait.

Forbes Power Women's Summit was going to get my `deep wisdom' today! Or a few words of encouragement to the audience.

This microphone around my ear with mouthpiece sticking out was annoying... PJ grinning beside me didn't help... he did the tiny violin with his fingers... that made me laugh... so true!

From my spot in the wings of the stage I could see the moderator at the podium... and TV people at the rear of the room... great! Well it wasn't like I'd change anything for them.

"Welcome to this portion of the programme. Today is an unusual event... we have as our speaker perhaps the most famous woman on the planet..."

My head shook at that! PJ laughing at me again!

"She is a businesswoman of the first rank... CEO of the NewsGroup, the largest newspaper company ever... Co-CEO of the 21st Century Fox Corporation, the largest electronic media company, she is the CEO of SolarToGo, an innovative solar power company.

Co-owner of the world's most successful horse racing team. She sits on important company's boards of directors, a philanthropist to many charities, museums and the Chairperson of the Chanthira Foundation which provides housing, educational assistance and healthcare to LGBTQ youth around the world...

I was itching to get started... wanting this to end...

"She is a Peer of the United Kingdom and a member of the House of Lords... Please welcome The Right Honourable Countess Harcourt of Oxford, Fay Martin!!!"

Boy she was going the whole hog...

I walked out to shake the moderator's hand... I thanked her for the fulsome introduction.

The audience stood to applaud... they kept it up for several minutes... I smiled and waved... they continued... I said thank you several times... they finally let it go.

"I'm also the mother of a pair of twins who are gregarious, active and very intelligent two year olds... which is close to the needs of all our businesses."

A huge laugh!

I motioned to the video panels...

"This short clip of a Jane Elliot video is my beginning..." the panels on either side of the stage came alive...

The video of Jane Elliot at a lecture of several hundred asking her audience of white women to please stand if they would like to be treated as black citizens in America are treated... none stands... since none stood she says that means they know what is happening and are Okay with it... why do they allow it?

"Now this clip was about racial prejudice which has not been conquered in any country or society... you can insert gender, or religion, or age, or sexual orientation in replacement to racial bigotry and get the same result.

We simply cannot eradicate prejudice! So if we can't then what should we do?

Fight harder to shove it into the dark recesses at the edge of civilisation.

Where do we start?

Education is the beginning! We have to teach what the results of hate can create... whether it is the ku klux klan or nazis or whoever AND very importantly NOT forgetting their fellow travellers... Those who slink along with the bullies.

Education... this is a subject fraught by competing visions! Public education does not get the respect it requires. Teachers are badly paid EVERYWHERE..."

Slap on the podium!! That startled the crowd...

"Their profession hasn't been respected in America for over a hundred years. I met an older man in an airport, we were waiting in vain for a flight during a night of bad weather related cancellations... he was a retired U.S. Army general. We had a wide ranging conversation... one part was his son who had been a teacher in a southern state... holding a Master's degree in his subject... in 1977 he was paid eight thousand eight hundred dollars a year to teach in a middle school. He qualified for Food Stamps with that salary."

I paused for that to sink in... heads shaking throughout the audience.

"If we want better citizens... we'll have to do better! We have to get good teachers and KEEP them in the classroom... but without them our citizens are ripe to be manipulated by conmen, bigots... political charlatans of every stripe.

Ignorance is the greatest danger this country or any other society faces. Not to know means there is not an informed choice. We get the worse sort politicians elected... the recent republican party disasters show that starkly.

Curing ignorance requires education... good education... sustained education. My husband and I promote education in many places... in many ways... but still it is a drop in the bucket to what governments are doing or should do.

I'm not talking golden faucets in faculty bathrooms... I'm talking decently paid teachers with up to date materials, engaged parents, school boards that aren't filled with incompetent political cronies. Having qualified principals leading the schools, business people supporting education instead of whining about their school taxes.

Speaking as a business person... who wouldn't want a well-educated workforce?"

"Can this be achieved?


It is NOT a pipe dream!

I believe we can do it but a commitment has to be made by the leaders in society and government to do so for more than one election cycle. This is a forever commitment!"

"At no point can the guard be let down or our societies' worse elements will try to takeover. Such as the many corrupt republicans have amply shown us."

"Once quality education can be realised then prejudice is doomed to inhabit only the deepest, darkness regions of humanity where it will never be eliminated because the worse sort of people will always be hiding under the rocks there."

I went on about how education without prejudice would level the field for everyone...

Also how it is resisted by those who like an ignorant people who can be manipulated for their profit or lust for power.

How the German mind set of obedience and ingrained respect for their betters' whose own prejudices were pushed forward, even with a more or less decently educated' electorate, Germany ended up with the nazis in control through elites use of their power... who were then overcome because of their ignorance of the true goals of hitler and his associates.

The German education system of the time rewarded the `do as you are told' mentality.

The fact that the nazis never achieved more than forty three percent of votes in any open election but still gained control of the government through an illegal back door mechanism should have been a lesson for the future given their spectacular failures.

Alas not!

I did a review of America's many flirtations with fascism from the ku klux klan marching down Pennsylvania Avenue in our nation's capital... to Catholic priests spouting racist and antisemitic lies on the radio to national heroes like Charles Lindbergh speaking publicly with racial and religious prejudice front and centre. Senator McCarthy's abuse power in Congress to erode others individual liberties but keep his own... a classic fascist trick.

How fascism failed in every country that tried it... because it promises but never delivers because it can't. It robs the people of any incentive.

"Those who do nothing are an equal danger to those who wish to do harm. We do not need more champions of mediocrity we need real leaders... people with open minds and willingness to learn..."

Smiling I waved my thanks.

"From a prayer attributed to the Sioux people who knew prejudice and worse from white Americans...

`I should wish not to be superior to my brothers, but to fight my greatest enemy....myself.'

Each of us has that battle to face... Cho and I will continue to do what we can wherever possible to encourage education... in small ways and large... with money... with our time... "

"Seeing our children grow up without prejudice despite great wealth and position is a priority. Balancing their growing up years between a maximum exposure to world's good and bad... and protecting them from harm is something we deal with daily.

They are learning that those who have all the advantages also have an obligation to help others who don't."

"We own a lot of media companies... for Cho and I we consider we hold them in trust for the public. They are mandated to be always fair and accurate, to act in the most ethical manner at all times."

<Applause... rising... sustained>

"I admit to prejudices... I don't like to see people hurt for reasons they can't control... I hate bullies of any type... I am disgusted by anyone trying to force their views on others... there is nothing so certain to annoy me than an ignorant person refusing to learn..."

<Applause... they stood up again... for a longer time>

I waved saying I was almost done... some laughter and lots of smiles which I took as a good thing rather than being glad to be rid of me.

"What I would like you all to take away from this Forbes Power Women's Summit is a determination not to be a spectator but a doer! Not to look away but act!

Come out of the shadows to stand tall and proud... support each other in the fight against prejudice.

Thank you for listening. Enjoy your time here at the Summit."

They all stood up to applaud loudly... cheers... Animated faces... several bouncing up and down...

The moderator came to shake hands and thank me.

"It was a wonderful speech... so much there for us all. I do hope you will come back."

I thanked her and said `I will be around' which made her laugh.

The audience gradually eased down... many waved to me... I returned them.

Tara and PJ waiting in the wings... smiles and fist bumps!

I said my goodbyes to a group women from the event staff and other speakers who were waiting their turn to go on.

One woman said I was a tough act to follow.' My reply was for her to go out and give'm hell!' A huge laugh and a handshake.

Time for food! Pell carried us uptown to the 21 Club. Bryan at the door...

"Your Ladyship, wonderful to see you."

I shook his hand and thanked him for a fine bit of work running the club for us. I'd seen the financials... we were making money! Increased customers... many repeaters. I guess no harm had been done by a story on us owning the club on the local CBS TV station... which ran again on their evening news... New York Times picked it from them... free publicity for the restaurant.

Our tables were ready... my guests were here... Francis and Ali. Hugs and kisses for them. We had good food and a nice talk face to face for a change.

Ali was doing fine! A big tummy... no problems... just usual seven months of carrying around a lot of extra weight. A nice smile!

Francis had a made a few quick trips for us. Otherwise he was taking part in expanding the Sharks and the auditing business.

TruRating undergoing another expansion, staff and equipment. The world of corporate value ratings was down to three with the other two barely holding on...likely to merge if their egos can deal with it.

So Francis was busy.

A few folks came by to say hello while there was no food... they were brief... no one I knew.

A good lunch with friends. Hugs for them in the entryway. I left first to attract the paparazzi.


The Twins were ready to go swimming! We loaded up for the Riverfront Club. It was the right time for open swim so the Twins got to go flying courtesy of PJ. They had fun... I did a lot of watching from the sideline.

I had some things that needed doing... a few calls and email.

Tessa on a lounge next to me... a grin and finger-pointing, "All work and no play..."

I offered to give her some of my work... Her `I am working' made me laugh.

Charlie and Chani had a good time which is the point! Dried off and changed... Cute in navy blue jumpsuits!

Back at Minetta Street they got ready to welcome Popa home... we were on the terrace... everyone in shorts and t-shirts... Roslyn leaned out saying Cho was in the lift... the lift opened we all ran to Popa. Cho had big grin... he knelt to scoop up babies. They hugged him... I leaned in for a kiss.

I poured a scotch for my guy... once Cho changed we laid out on settees and lounges.

Cho gave us today's racing story...

"Sasithorn's win in the Alabama Stakes caused some excitement... she got mugged at the start by a horse that jerked sharply to their right. Radha held her tight... she recovered... the jockey of the errant horse fell off... Radha got Sasithorn around him and back running!

Radha aimed our girl in pursuit of the field. She was well off the pace... there was a mile and quarter to the race... time for her to get back into it. Radha got Sasithorn rolling asking for speed but keeping control.

When our filly got onto the back straight she was probably fifteen lengths from the leaders. She was moving smoothly picking up speed... as the field entered the turn she was closing on the rear group... in the first part of the turn she gobbled them up... she went four wide to take the next three near the end of the turn... at the top of the home stretch Radha asked for more...

Sasithorn accelerated passing two more to aim at the two leaders... the crowd noise was rising... Sasithorn closed to two lengths by the eighth pole... she roared by the leaders with yards to go!!

An amazing comeback!! The crowd really responded to our filly's run... cheering and loud applause. Radha walked her back to more cheering which went ballistic when Radha doffed her helmet.

In the Winner's Circle all the people there said it was the greatest comeback they'd ever seen. I got the gilt and the bucks!"

I laughed, "So obviously Sasithorn wasn't hurt."

"No she's fine... not a scratch. The offending horse is okay too... the jockey got bruised up... nothing broken. The stewards said the video would be looked at and possibly some penalties applied if it was human caused."

I gave Cho the tale of my morning's fun... he laughed at my podium slap which was becoming part of our public speaking repertoire. Lunch with Ali and Francis... he was sad to have missed them.

Tomorrow we fly out to Winged Foot for the Pro-Am tournament. Cho and Tom paired up again. Tom's first outing since the PGA Championship win.

The 767 would meet us at Westchester County Airport... on to Chalgrove.

Dinner outside... Candace came up with her assistant so we got to meet her. She had a line on a flat about ten blocks from their office... she'd see it tomorrow. Good luck from us.

Candace loved her flat, the lift took her back to her time in Paris, the cleaners were terrific... the commute to work... AWESOME.

"Since I'm not paying rent... any objections to my getting a small dog or cat?"

Cho shaking his head, "None! Please go ahead. Hopefully they will get along with Alice and Jaidee."

"I've met Alice... she's a sweetie! And so far everyone at NYU has been also been sweet and helpful. My colleagues in the computer department very happy to have me around!"

I asked if MIT had found a replacement for her... a cute grin and a `NO!'

We laughed.

Roslyn did her Mexican buffet, Mita here to help. We grazed it thoroughly! There was vanilla coffee flan at the end with whipped cream! Chani and Charlie cheered for that!

Afters in the half dark. Candace sipped Amaretto... she was really happy at NYU so far. The four students who'd transferred from MIT were warmly welcomed by NYU. Their final year was all set!

We went down to see Candace's flat... nice very comfy furniture, one bedroom now the `office.' It had ceiling to floor bookcases... they were filled. Her desk was decently cluttered already. She had an office in the computer science building... she would do her non-work writing here.

Candace expressed her happiness giving me big hugs. The Twins thought the idea of a cat or dog terrific!

Chani contributed... "Why not one of each?"

Candace looked at us... Cho laughing said it was up to her...

Well... no decision was made on that.

We did goodbyes as we wouldn't be coming back after the Pro-Am was over.

My morning walk with Jaidee took us west to the James Walker Park then on the return a stop at Molly's Cupcakes!! Several boxes of goodies. Jaidee sniffing the boxes... wagging tail.

Roslyn laughing as I came in with my goodies... one for Jaidee, plain white with vanilla icing... his fav! Chani and Charlie cheered seeing my `loot.' They got their share!

The babies got in some schooling, me and Cho sitting in the office doing a conference App talk with Justin at Gannett, Aston for the Western Newspapers and The Day in Seattle, Marita in Los Angeles, Adam in London, Terrill in Chicago and Royce here in New York.

We covered a lot of topics, a discussion about `Comments' being turned on since the vetting software was in place... unsurprisingly there was little enthusiasm to do it. No encouragement from us... so it would remain a NO' for now.

All these newspaper folks were happy... loads of smiles... business going up... many awards both national and regional coming from their excellent reporting. Our reporters and staff working at the highest levels... being inquisitive, tenacious and professional.

We were getting readers from the `never before' crowd as well as those we could welcome back.

We rang off after many thanks and encouragement from us.

We drove to the Westside Heliport... hellos for the staff and Scott. They were kept busy these days which is reflected in their numbers... looking very good!

We were lifted to the driving range at Winged Foot. Carts to the clubhouse first to drop Cho, Rande and Ansara then rest of us to the pool. Several club officials out front to greet Cho... I waved to them.

It was a warm humid day... the shimmering water looked very inviting. We parked ourselves in the corner area from before near the fence... the Twins with lots of `lifeguards' went to the water. I sat to do some work... the sun on my body was good... the bikini didn't block hardly any. Ha!

Chelle forwarded a link to a New York Times piece on my speech at the Forbes Summit... they thought it quite good, things that needed to be said. Nice... What's gotten into them?

The Daily News was still kicking their butt!

Chelle said the local TV, besides our Fox station, were also very complimentary about the subject but also on my delivery! I laughed inside... if they only knew!

Email from Racha... the Chanthira Foundation Labs were fully operational! Their four projects have begun... three human and one equine. The last was a deep look at Laminitis, searching for cause and a possible cure and or vaccine. A deadly disease!

The human ones were about autoimmune diseases and coronaviruses. Stopping them, preventing them... we will see.

It wasn't going to be easy for any of the tasks.

Racha was an excellent manager so that side is set. He has hired some first class folks... we have hopes.

The latest from Fortrose and Edinburgh... all hands ready to fly! Graeme was a thumbs up text reply!

From Francis... the Rossen expansion at Dulles was complete. They took over the neighbouring space when Dulles evicted the rednecks. The plan is for them to be our east coast repair base for fixed-wing and rotor. Much more space than Newburgh plus a hangar that can take a 767 fully inside.

Mary, who'd been a senior deputy to Raleigh in HR at Fox, was now our head of HR for our American businesses outside 21st Century Fox. All the recruiting companies we bought now reported to her. She would stay in the Fox Tower on the floor with the other support services for our businesses. She'd be building her own staff. They would be available to help all our businesses deal with HR issues.

Long term planning, physical environments, government relations, etc... were the remit of other teams we were building at the Fox Tower. Smart folks gathered together!

Dad called... A very poor southern accent, "Whose it Calling?"

That lovely chuckle which always warmed me... "No one... just your father."

We laughed.

He'd spoken to Somchair... "Fay, he has been talking to brother generals around the country... they are uneasy but they see the point that their interference hasn't been healthy. It looks like the Army may begin backing away slowly... no timetable."

I was happy to hear that. I asked about his force.

"Fay, we have been doing our work as usual... we haven't done some requests from the Army... like rounding up what they call dissenters who are democracy supporters to us.

I have stayed away from speaking to army generals I know just so our not `toeing the line' for them is not an impediment to progress."

I said I loved him for many things but his brains were close to the top.

More laughter when he asked how I rated his `good' looks.

"Near the top... all of you is up there!"

The chuckle again.

They were anticipating our autumn trip... time with Chani and Charlie. Us too! We hoped Somsak and Tona with their babies would be there too!! Many babies to see for the first time!

Bangkok after the rainy season!

I was overrun by wet little people... "Mama!"

They ended up on top of me... everybody laughing.

We put towels to work. Rest time, juice and Aunt Dee's shortbread!!

I walked with Tara and Ken for coffee. The drinks bar could do lattes... tall, non, almond. The woman behind the bar laughed, "You must be from Seattle."

`No but I speak the lingo."

She didn't recognize me... the small bikini, black wayfarers, my hair behind my ears... I looked different.

Sipping mine holding a tray with other's drinks. The lady did a good coffee.

More work as some folks dozed... the babies napped under an umbrella. Tha and Delphine could relax and zone out for a bit.

I did some paperwork and email... a call from Jillian our sponsorship attorney in Los Angeles.

"Fay, we have to start to look at next year. There is a flood of offers which Kaela has been winnowing down... maybe twenty possibles. I understand all your current Harcourt Racing sponsors want to stay onboard so it comes down to deciding to add more or not.

When Kaela has a final list we want to have a meeting... your conference App is great.

I did look over Kaela's shoulder so to speak... there is one you may want to make space for... Hermès' agency contacted us. They mentioned Taittinger's great satisfaction with their connection with you... apparently some link there... They know you shop in their Paris store and buy equestrian clothing and accessories for your niece."

"We would be fine with adding them. We do like their stores and what they sell. They've made Harcourt Racing ties and scarves and other gifts for us for two years."

"Ah... that could be the catalyst. I will have Kaela put them on the front burner."

Good. They would an excellent sponsor.

I thanked her. Jillian said hello from Carlos... "He's in Mexico for his daughter's engagement party."

"Say congratulations from us."

She would.

Sleepy heads up... hungry? YES! Okay we walked to the restaurant area. Several tables. Veggie burgers? They did have them! Okay. The Twins got veggie burgers and fries/chips, I got a tuna melt which the waitress said was a house specialty. Lemonades... sweet!

The food was good... we got the Twins in the shade so they could not get too much sun.

Walking back Tha beside me, "Fay, based on the last two year's timing we should be able to get in another swim before getting dressed up."

Fist bump!

Everyone relaxed, Tha kept the time... the Twins keeping an eye on her... LOUD CHEERS when Tha said it was Okay to swim! They had lots of escorts... they loved to swim.

Southwold was going to be good this year with them being older.

We got ready in the changing rooms for the ceremony. A fellow from the club had come by to tell me Cho and Tom were already seven strokes ahead when they started the back nine... not likely anyone would challenge their score.

A pale green sleeveless mini-dress, no stockings... lots of leg showing, white espadrilles, gold jewellery, `Joy' Chani got a spritz too.

A bright yellow frock to the knees for her. Sleeveless and very cute. White socks and blue shoes.

Charlie in a crisp white short-sleeved shirt, navy shorts and white trainers with red socks.

Several carts for us to go around to the clubhouse. There was time before the end so we all went into a side room. Drinks for the Twins, a cola to share.

A club official guided me out to the covered terrace where the desk for the players to sign their score cards was placed near the outside entrance.

A pair were on the green finishing... Henry White was on the walkway. I stepped out to say hello... a big smile.

Henry gave me a bow, "Your Ladyship... wonderful to see you again."

I squeezed his hand, "Very gallant but you're not English."

"Well it must be an atavistic holdover from all my many English and Scots antecedents."


"Cho and Tom are ahead of their record pace from last year."

We did a fist bump Henry enjoyed that.

"I did see a good deal of whining by some of the press and I'm sure some bookies when Tom choose to be with his wife rather than play a golf tournament seven thousand miles away. That was foolish talk. Cho standing up for him was marvellous."

I told Henry we'd gotten to see TJ, "He's very handsome."

Henry shrugged, "He's got terrific parents."

Henry had met Roxanne here a few years ago.

While we were talking the green cleared and the pairs on the fairway hit their second shots. Henry looked a sheet of paper.

"Dave is in that pair." He arm pointing the ones last to have hit.

He flagged down a club person for the latest standings... Cho and Tom were now fifteen strokes in the lead. Dave was in third place with his amateur partner. The man gave Henry a card.

Henry's head shaking reading it, "Cho had a hole-in-one on the Tenth and he added a second one at the Thirteenth."

My guy! A wizard.

Henry laughed, "All the pros wonder if he'll play another tournament?"

"Most likely not... for the same reason he doesn't play in the amateur tournaments... he thinks his game would overwhelm the others and it wouldn't be fair. It's their profession. He did it once... that was enough for him."

Henry looking at me, "Does he ever go out to hit practice balls?"

I shook my head, "Not as thing... he's gone to be with a friend to help their game... otherwise he just goes out to play. Before the Concord Classic he played three rounds at three different courses with friends in two days to test his stamina in the humidity and heat in Phuket."

I laughed, "He holds the record low score at each of the three courses."

Henry clapped his hands together, "I'm not at all surprised."

One of the tournament folks came up to us, "Cho and Tom are on the tee, Tom is hitting."

Dave and his partner plus the other pair were approaching the green. Lots of applause and cheers. They did their putting things. All done... Dave's pair got a birdie three.

Dave saw me as they walked up to the score's desk... a quick handshake, "I'll be right back.'

The other pair with Tom and Cho had hit their second shot... on the green about twenty feet from the hole.

Dave beside me... I congratulated him on winning the British Open... smiling, a thank you.

We three turned to watch Cho hit his pair's second.

Dave it was about a hundred yards... Cho would use a wedge he said.

I watched the `cobra' like action... I lost the ball in the sky... Dave said it was coming straight to the flag... I watched it bounce above the hole... a fraction of second pause then roll backwards... slowly to drain into the cup.


Henry and Dave cheered... the whole crowd did too! Loud applause... sustained. Me smiling!

The two pairs walked up to the green... I could see Tom and Cho hanging back a bit so the other pair could get their recognition.

Henry leaned close, "See what a sportsman your fellow is... nothing obvious... just being polite."

Dave said the `Pro' member of that pair, Cummings, was really playing well in the last two months... he was third at the British Open.

Cummings was a slender, tall young-looking Black man. He had a great smile for the crowd's appreciation.

"Fay, he's twenty four, a real comer, two years ago he was the U.S. Amateur winner."

I turned to Dave, "So he must be glad Cho didn't play that year... he considered it."

Dave laughed, "I'm sure. His pair are in second place. The amateur member is a good golfer."

We watched Cho and Tom acknowledge the crowd's considerable welcome. Tom doffed his hat, a simple wave from Cho.

Cho stepped to get their ball from the hole. Enormous applause!

Cho and Tom stayed to the side so Cummings could putt. Dave said it was a twenty footer with a bit of slide away downhill towards the hole. He said `makeable' but tricky... too much pace and it go past the hole and roll quite a ways down the slope.

Silence as Cummings leaned over after giving the putt a good look. His arms moved easily... a good speed... it started to slow... allowing the slope to take over... it rolled towards the hole... and dropped in.

The crowd reacted with a huge applause. Cummings smiling walked to retrieve his ball. Cho and Tom clapping. Handshakes by the four golfers and a veritable storm of applause and cheers.

The four walked up to the Scorer's table... Cho got a kiss on the way... Tom's cheek got another. They were back out quickly. I was introduced to Cummings and his amateur partner.

The amateur was a paediatrician from Scarsdale, a long-time member here at Winged Foot.

Cummings smiling, "I hoped to play well enough to meet you."

"That was your motivational strategy?"

He laughed, "I saw clips from last year's Pro-Am... you were here... on this path..."

We laughed. I said I didn't get to watch Cho play often. Golf was not my sport.

"I can admire his skill."

"We all do... we are also glad he doesn't play in tournaments. What he did to Bel Air... amazing!!"

"He was considering playing in the U.S. Amateur two years ago."

Cummings looking at me... "Serious?"

"He decided not to play because he thought his game a bit too much for amateur play."

"I'll say! Personally I am glad he didn't..."

"Yes... you won that year."

He nodded, "I had a great tournament but Cho..."

I squeezed his arm, "Cho enjoys playing... the weather never deters him... he takes friends and family out in December in Oxfordshire. They use a lot of hand warmers!"

We laughed.

The Winged Foot folks got us moving towards the awards ceremony. Cho went with the golfers I headed to the room where our crowd was. The Twins dashing out, Gaby and Ken close behind.

I nudged Tha, we grinned at each seeing the babies charging to cross the street. It was blocked off to traffic but Delphine stopped them... pointing out it was a road and they are supposed to wait for an adult. Little heads nodding. Gaby was right there to take a small hand... she was very good with the Twins.

Everything set up on the practice green... we clustered on one side... Popa got big hugs... so did Tom.

Henry with us... he got to meet the Twins again... remarking how big they were. They shook hands then Chani, our bump expert, got Henry to fist bump. Laughter.

The Pro-Am folks got things started with their thanks to the many companies and individuals who supported this event and the PGA tournament that would begin tomorrow.

There a few prizes for people... a special announcement... the charity would get two bonuses for holes-in-one courtesy of Sir Cho. Big applause! Chani and Charlie gave Popa hugs before he went to get a plaque.

Cho waved to everyone!

He was starting to walk back when the fellow he might as well stay since he and Ton Angleten had won again... the third year running! Each year a lower score than the one before!

Tom and Cho smiling thanking the Pro-Am for having this event... as Cho said so `He and Tom could play a round together at least once a year.'

Laughter and applause.

Cummings and Dave with their amateur partners got trophies for their top three finishes.

We did some general milling about... I got a bit more from Dave on how he was doing... plus a big thing! He was to marry at Christmas time in Florida to his girlfriend of three years. I kissed his cheek congratulating them. They were happy, their families were behind them so they hoped for smooth sailing.

His fiancé was a writer for an important business magazine... "She'll be frightfully jealous I've spoken to you."

Laughing I motioned to Gil, she gave Dave one of her cards... I said, "Have Dorrie get in touch maybe we can work something out for her."

Dave thanked me, handshake.

Cummings' playing partner, the paediatrician, looking at Chani and Charlie, he asked the ages of the Twins and was shocked they were twenty six months. I said they had very advanced skills both physical and mental.

Head shaking. "I assume they have been professionally evaluated?"

"Yes... last November. The two men doing the testing used the Stanford-Binet Test."

His jaw dropped... Smiling... I said they'd scored at the top end of the scale.

He turned to me, "You and your husband are very lucky... it special to have such children."

Smiling I agreed.

I asked Cummings if a picture would help him being believed he'd met me?

Laughing, "Yes, if you don't mind. I have a family I'd like to impress. And a girlfriend!"

Laughing Cho snapped us on Cummings iPhone. We shook hands.

We did our goodbyes... Henry got some more fist bumps via the Twins and a hug from me.

Our bunch walked over the road again then alongside the east car park to the driving range. The AW139's waiting... we lifted off for the short trip to Westchester County Airport.

Mira had a 767 warmed up. Jaidee waiting for us. In the lounge we strapped in as the big jet rolled down the taxiway.

"We are cleared for takeoff."

The intensifying engine noise... a big sweeping turn onto the runway and the rush down the tarmac... our guys doing their noises. Chani's giggling as backdrop.

We were light quickly. A big rising turn to the northeast... we'd clip New Brunswick, Cape Breton and Newfoundland before a big piece of the North Atlantic... over Ireland to Chalgrove. A morning arrival just at sunrise.

Yobi said dinner in thirty minutes. We all changed... to comfy warm things... air conditioning... Brrrr after the hot humid day!

We did a food quiz for the Twins... Yobi brought over a bowl of fruit for a start. We asked the Twins questions in their three languages about the different fruit... they had fun describing the tastes, textures and smells.

Dinner came on... dessert was in three languages too. We asked questions before they ate it and after. Chani and Charlie's vocabularies growing every day... their understanding how to use all that knowledge growing too.

Reading and writing in all three languages amazing. There was a word and math game after eating. Terrific!

I went to bed to read... Chani at the door with a book... birds! We shared the bed and book. Nice pictures! Chani loved the Scarlet Tanager! They were very beautiful. They were now considered part of the Cardinal family so their name is not true anymore.

It didn't matter to Chani they were still quite lovely to look at!!

I was wearing a tight t-shirt in the chilly cabin... Chani asked my nipple piercing... I told her I hadn't been my choice and I was considering taking the little bars out.

I said we could have a talk about such things a bit later... `Okay.'

Tha's head in the cabin doorway... Chani threw open her arms for a hug and kiss. A wave.

I put on a robe... joining Cho for baby goodnights. Sweet sleepy faces.

Breakfast... looking out over Ireland sipping my second coffee... the others were out... the Twins settled in their chairs. Nice to see smiling faces.

I pointed out some news items for Cho.

The Russian Army said they were releasing some prisoners who may have been improperly treated by the past members of the old government. Institutional forgetfulness to suit the current people in power... nice to have a collection of scapegoats to hand!

Well at least some people would be released.

The Russian Army had not in any way impeded the news gathering of foreign journalists... in fact two dozen were invited into the Kremlin for a special briefing, Fox News and the London Times among them.

The prisoner releases was one subject, another important one... Crimea. The Russian Navy, under a temporary agreement with the Ukrainian government, would be in Sevastopol for six months. It was good there was something on paper with a time limit.

In Belarus the democrats who had opposed the dictator were meeting to arrange elections. They agreed to the current election districts for this vote but they would recommend to a new government that they review the boundaries.

They wanted to have a vote before winter sets in... a sound idea. Also there was no need to delay... the people wanted to elect a parliament that could change the country's laws... make a true democracy!

It was looking much better for Belarus! My fingers crossed.

The crunch of gravel... home.

Carter,Carter2 and Eliza out front... smiles. The Twins getting their hugs and fist bumps in!

Upstairs my black outfit laid out for me!!! Yea!

I looked in the Nursery... I was warned off by Chani... she was working on her picture of the Thames Valley. Okay.

Carter2 asked for some time to discuss Twin Ponds... I said the Breakfast Room after my ride? A smile, he would be there.

Andy standing with Pamela... saddled for me. A hug for her. A hug for Roland who had Gaby in the saddle. Fist bump!

Down the grassy lane to the Flats, jogging up the slope... a trot to the railroad crossover... a full on gallop to the lock. Delightful to have these two beautiful chestnuts side-by-side running!!

The lock man waving with both hands up. We called out good mornings. Roy turned in his chair to say hello. All was well with he and Angie.

Over the river we stopped at the masjid site... they were framing for more of the foundation. Further concrete to come soon. Fast workers. We waved to the works boss.

Terry at the back door of the cow barn, a wave we returned. Margie stuck her head out their door to wave. I slowed us to callout a hello.

Up through the farmland and woods to the Industrial Estate. At the Recording Studio Cleo was the overnight person a smile and a wave.

At the lock I got a big wave from the north end. Gaby and I returned it. Mr. Hardy was out so we had our first run to home with Pamela and Roland.

I asked my girl... she burst into a gallop... we romped across the Radley's and Fraser's side-by-side. It was amazing and heart-warming... my girl a mother and my morning companion again!!

She moved ahead... we crossed the property line in full flight!

Roland loudly whinnying on the Flats... I stroked Pamela's neck... her making noises... happy sounds... lovely nickering.

Walking the them on the grass... a fist bump with Gaby. Pamela had led the way but I could see Gaby wanted more.

Andy grinning as he took Pamela, "Fay, that was wonderful to see... the two of them... together racing along."

Monty took Roland... a big smile on his face.

A hug with Gaby.

In the Breakfast Room Cho held me as I told him about the ride. A kiss.

"Many more to come."

I nodded in joyful anticipation.

Gil came in... the Gulfstream was nearing Chalgrove from Inverness. Family!!

Carter2 and I with Cho sat in the chairs by the window with a coffee to give us splendid news. The staff at Twin Ponds was full, he thought they would be hard workers with good department heads to lead them. The housekeeper and cook were veterans in service.

He really liked Galen, plain-spoken and he `knows his trade.' Ginny was a sweet girl.

Al was young but very willing.

"I met his parents. They were excited for him... seeing his being your employee as a way to further himself."

Cho, "If he works hard and learns from Galen then he will."

We thanked Carter2 for the work getting Twin Ponds ready.

"M'Lady, as a side note... I took a walk over to Stonehenge. It is an easy trip... slightly uphill on the way but not a problem. Good paths to use even in the wet, wellies would be needed though."

Fist bump! Another thank you.

I asked him to send a note to Elfrida to get several dozen pairs of wellies in various sizes for the guests. He said Okay.

All of us at the door... loud Unc's' and Dee's' on the forecourt with `Doc's.' The Twins did our greetings.

Plenty of woofs!

My arm around Doc... big smile... "Fay, they know how to make a body feel welcome!"

Indeed! My hug for her mum and dad were big too!

In the Great Room we sat so they could recover from the welcome... they were all fine. Craig is closer to retiring and good with it after working for over forty years. Dee smiling said she was nearly ready for it. Laughter.

Doc leaning against me, she was looking forward to this trip. Fist bump!

"Good, we are too!"

Her job was terrific. She was being exposed to lots of techniques and ideas! Lots to learn.

Everything packed... us too! The three AW139's on the lawn... lifted up turning northeast by east. In forty minutes we crossed the North Sea coast above of Aldeburgh making a wide sweeping turn to port landing three abreast on the grass.

We hopped out into the sunshine... heading to the back gate. Chani and Charlie leading the way. Giggling and yelling out hellos to Grace, Poe and Arc in the back garden.

Fist bumps and hugs applied.

They were glad to see us. Lunch was ready.

A slight postponement as we all waited out front for Graeme! He rolled up in that cute blue MGB... he hopped out to a loud welcome. He barely survived the crush of hugs and kisses.

My arm through his walking in the central passage... "Fay, it is so good to have us together."

We sat in beautiful day munching sandwiches, crisps and dip. Grace got a heads up... celery stalks stuffed with peanut butter! Jaidee got his share.

Tha doing her thing keeping time after eating, Cho, Craig and Graeme to go to the Southwold Golf Club for a round. We changed to swim costumes... sunned ourselves until Tha's Okay. Cheers!

We went down the wooden pathway to the beach. Doc, Dee and I did the lifeguard thing for the Twins with some Protectors around. Charlie and Chani had a great time swimming. Jaidee got to chase a ball in and out of the surf.

Laying out, sun warming me, the babies under an umbrella and towels... napping. Tha and Delphine smiling... they'd had fun too.

Email from Francis, the lawyers in Virginia would file suit against BeneSecure and the two other companies involved in the kickback schemes as well as three of the former executives we'd fired.

He had a good accounting of the monies in each case so the lawyers felt there was an excellent case against each. They had photos of the improper goods delivered versus what was on the orders... very telling for that part.

I replied a thank you and asking who was going to follow up on it... I suggested he keep Chelle in the loop. A thumbs up came back to me.

Inside I got to meet Grace's grandbaby! She was a very sweet girl almost one now. Grace's son and daughter-in-law proud parents. They said another one at some point would be all from them.

Grace was quite happy with this darling bundle of blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

We used a car for a short trip. Me, Gil, Chelle and Protectors to 48 Stradbrooke Road close to the Southwold Parade... the Orwell/Blair family's first home in the town.

I was standing in the road taking some snaps when a fairly large fellow came out of the door... he wanted to know why I was taking photos... he advanced towards me... Gaby moved in between us... he wasn't happy about that... less so when Tessa and Kara moved up on either side.

He stopped making noises so I could say it had been the home of the Orwell/Blair family and I was a particular fan. We had a house north up the coast... I motioned that way...

I said I hadn't come close to the house on purpose so as not to disturb.

He was mollified... he certainly felt a bit threatened by my ladies which was to the good.

I told him my name and these ladies protect me. His eyes jerked up to mine at the name.

A woman had come out... taking his arm... when I said my name she jumped.

"Bob, go back in."

"Your Ladyship, I'm sorry... Bob sometimes get irritated by folks stopping... not many mind you but..."

I said I hadn't approached the house on purpose. We would leave them alone.

"Sorry he's upset... his advancing towards me wasn't a good idea."

She could see my trio... I slipped my arm around Gaby, "They are careful when people come too close."

I shook her hand and said goodbye. A few people had gathered... we got back in the car and drove off.

I thanked my ladies.

Gil, "Fay, something as simple as a few snaps... I don't get it."

"Well I think Bob has a few issues... I mentioned drink as I had gotten a whiff of his breath. I won't recommend anyone stopping there."

At the house the Twins, Tha, Delphine, Ken, Soraya had gone in the water again for a bit. Everyone dried off and ready for a snack. Grace's molasses and walnut cookies!!! Milk and coffee!

A text from Ansara... Cho burning up the course... they were enjoying themselves strolling in the sun. My text back asked if it qualified as her exercise' for the day? I got a check' in return with LMAO emoji.

Doc, Dee, Gil, Chelle and me walked to the Southwold pier for a takeaway of fish and chips. Jaidee chasing a tennis ball tossed by Ken and Ro. I put Jaidee on his lead when there were people close.

At the takeaway window we loaded up... the woman there smiling at thirty servings of fish and chips going out in bags. A big thank you from me as Gil paid.

Back up the beach... lovely smells! Smiles in anticipation.

A Cho-Fay Air helicopter passed by out over the North Sea... a turn to land. The men on the grass in the back garden... greetings and our goodies giving off the delightful smells. Beers, cokes and waters in an iced filled tub... picnic dinner in the sun!

The guys had a great time golfing. Cho was one stroke above his last year's score. `Aw! Too bad' which got me tickled. We were in high spirits. The fish and chips... terrific!

On the beach after dinner... some digging! Cho made one of the `disappearing' seats for the Twins. Everyone laughing. They cuddled together... big grins! Lots of pictures.

It had to be almost twice as big this time!

A call for Chelle... Judge White in Brooklyn closed out our case against the website... they would pay the one dollar penalty and our legal bill. Our attorneys presented their costs... the website accepted them and would pay.

Okay done!

For the internet it was still a huge change that hadn't settled down yet. The lesser ethical sites like facebook, twitter and their ilk were suffering... quite a few lawsuits had been filed before the ruling simply because none of the sites adequately prepared themselves.

The Supreme Court's stay did mean none of those cases would go forward yet... no new lawsuits could be filed until the stay was lifted.

For twitter it might cause a shutdown for a period to get their `vetting system' working properly... facebook was scrambling... missing a lot of posts that should have been blocked. More lawyers!

David Simon, the writer and screenwriter of The Wire' and Homicide: Life on the Street' was at one point suspended from twitter for wishing some sleazy scoundrels would get a horrible skin disease after they committed slander and defamation on twitter against mothers who had been separated from their children by U.S. border patrol... AND the scoundrels on twitter got away with it!

Simon added that the money-grubbing fool @jack, who supposedly managed twitter, could die of boils.

He then wrote:

"Seriously. As far as I'm concerned, your standards (meaning jack and twitter) in this instance are exactly indicative of why social media – and twitter specifically – is complicit in transforming our national agora into a haven for lies, disinformation and the politics of totalitarian extremity. The real profanity and disease on the internet is untouched, while you police decorum."

The freedom to say whatever comes to mind without consequences had never been allowed except on the internet now finally that was over. Time to pay for reckless disregard and blatant greed!

A morning swim... cold... I loved it... even better to get a cup of hot coffee from Cho as he grinned... he stayed in! Tara, Ken, Tessa, Chelle and I all did the swim.

A text... Sir Alan was inbound... ten minutes out. All the golf clubs were in a AW139 for the hop to Woodbridge. Gil had inquired for me... the archaeology digs at Sutton Hoo next door to the golf club were closed up now... nothing to see... too bad another time.

The Twins beside me as Cho greeted Sir Alan popping out of the helicopter... they stepped forward to fist bump with him. Big helloes to the Colonel! I got a hug.

"I owe you a story about Edwardian furnishings..."

"Indeed... I'm patient."

We laughed.

They loaded up and flew away south. The temperature wasn't rising quickly with some clouds about so it would be a walk... Gil and Chelle had some work.

Dee, Doc, the Twins, Delphine and me with Protectors and Jaidee... we walked north on the beach... Delphine and I carried the babies some as it was over a mile and half to Covehithe.

South of the village there was an easy slope up from the beach at Covehithe Broad. We walked up the dirt road with a bit of a turn to the west reaching Beach Road. St. Andrews Church a hundred and fifty feet away towards the sea.

We stopped at gate so the Twins could see it... pointed out the thatch roof like our house in Froyle. I explained the shell of the old church surrounding the current one.

"Mama, why didn't they put a new roof on the old part?"

I said to Charlie it was a good question... I didn't know the answer but my guess is that there were so few people still living here so a smaller church suited them.

We went inside... Tara had Jaidee on his lead, they stayed outside... the Twins looking all around...

Chani took my hand... "Mama, they must love this place... everything is so neat and nice."

It was indeed. I told them about the different parts of the church... as I was the vicar came in... he was smiling...

"Please go ahead you seem to be doing quite well."

I laughed saying it the first time Chani and Charlie had been in a church... so I was doing a tour.

We shook hands doing introductions... He was shocked when I said my name.

"Your Ladyship, you are an unusual guest."

I told him we'd been here last year when the Twins were one... it was all new again for them.

The `one' got his eyes open! Another amazed person.

"We have a house down the beach towards Southwold... we gather our family..." My arms around Dee and Doc, "... for some time here each August."

Chani said she liked the church... comforting and quiet inside. The vicar looking to me... I was smiling.

I requested a chance to go up into the tower if possible. He said yes but it was a climb... Delphine got it... the Twins went with her into the graveyard with Tara and Jaidee. Dee decided not to climb.

The vicar, Doc and I went up, Tessa behind me. I said the Twins were very advanced for their age... several years ahead. He said it must be wonderful for us... I said we were thrilled.

I took a hard push to get the trapdoor to the roof open. The vicar said it had been many years since he'd made the climb. We looked around... turning three-sixty... a very nice view... the clouds going off to the south... sunlight!

Doc slowly scanning the land to the west. Green countryside, tilled ground and many trees.

Tessa shading her eyes, "This is fertile countryside."

The vicar agreed. Tessa smiling looking at me... I introduced her. Our host was confused as usual I hadn't introduced my Protector companions... I said Tessa and Tara were protecting us.

Now he was wondering... I added it was part of our life. He was nodding now... a sad expression.

It was just as hard to throw the bolt back to close the trapdoor... the vicar said he would get someone to come up for a look. Upon thinking... He added that maybe it being difficult wasn't so bad since having a crowd up here wasn't a good idea. We laughed.

Downstairs I asked if he would accept a donation for the upkeep of the church...

He bowed, "We would be happy for your support."

I said Gil, my PA, would bring it up later.

We shook hands... our folks gathered... we all said goodbye... the vicar had a big smile.

Back down the sand... the tennis ball came out... Jaidee charging after it!

When she got my request Gil said she and Chelle would take a walk up after dinner... A hug from me. I told her where the vicar said to put it if he wasn't there.

The guys on their way home. The text from Ansara was just '48.' Oh boy! Cho had had himself a day!

Snacks and beers ready as the sound of the helicopter came in... they were out over the water on approach to the grassy landing grid.

We waited at the back gate... hugs and kisses for all.

Newcastles cracked open!

We got the tale of the golfing... Cho's `48' was one higher than last time which had destroyed the lowest score by fourteen strokes. I gave him a commiseration kiss with a grin.

I said he must be getting old since the two recent scores were higher. I got tickled for that.

Craig smiling, "The folks in the clubhouse amazed that Cho could play their course once a year and devastate it each time."

Sir Alan, "They loved hearing about it though."

Graeme, "They know Cho is a member so it does go over Okay."


Cho said some had been over to play at Oxford East as part of an `exchange' programme. And vice versa.

It was a lovely warm evening... clear. Gil and Chelle walking north to Covehithe, they had a few others join in. Cho with me and the Twins plus Protectors went to look at several of the other houses where the Orwell/Blair family had lived in Southwold. I intended to be careful...

We drove down Stradbrooke Road slowly opposite Number 48 without stopping... I thought Cho wanted to say something to the fellow there... he shook his head `It was not worth bothering.'

3 Queen Street was a sandy brick three floor block of flats flush to the sidewalk... nothing really to see. A couple of snaps. The Twins got that George Orwell lived here for short periods.

They had watched an animated version of Animal Farm. It had been a hit since they love animals. Don't all kids?

So Mr. Orwell was known' to them. A trip to his grave should be arranged... more for them to know about endings.'

Montague House on the High Street was better. An actual marker although now it was being eroded by the wind and rain. It was a rental space, fitted out for tourists. More snaps.

I touched the doorcase with the Twins... big smiles. Cho grinning remembering my doing the same several years ago.

They learned Orwell's family owned this house but he didn't spend much time here.

We stopped near the Parade to buy ice cream... cups for the Twins, one chocolate, one strawberry both with sprinkles on top. Very cute sitting in their car seats spooning up the treat.

Up in the nursery we were thanked again for the ice cream... they snuggled with their buddies... a last kiss.

Us oldsters' sat outside until the chill pushed us into the drawing room. The Colonel finally gave me his Edwardian' story. His Great Aunt, his mother's mother's sister, had a big house in London, Cornwall Gardens, Kensington. Although it was the late 1950's everything in the whole house was Edwardian.

"My Great Aunt when questioned about modernizing always said nothing new was actually any better than what she already had. So it remained unchanged throughout my growing up years. I liked the big old place... two cellars, a big attic with many places to play and hide out.

The garden, it was old fashioned, it was a fun place! Big shrubbery, walkways and a fountain. It backed against the garages in the mews.... The garage had only one car... a 1923 Albatros sedan! While not `Edwardian' it certainly was close."

At that we all laughed.

He added at that time the car still operated.

"I was probably the only one who liked the house besides my Great Aunt. When she died there was a good deal in the estate so everyone got a nice bit for themselves... me... I got the house!

My mother was smiling when that part of my Great Aunt's will was read. She said it was a forgone conclusion in her eyes.

You should visit me... there's been a lot of changes but the drawing room looks like this..." His hands motioning around us, "I've never changed that room... it was her favourite."

We cheered! A hug for Sir Alan.

Yes we would accept the invitation to visit.

There was a question about the Albatros,' What had happened to it?' Graeme asked.

Sir Alan said the Great Aunt had gotten rid of it at some point because it was missing on a stay he made while at Cambridge.

"I have no idea where it went or if indeed it still ran." A shrug.

Gil and Chelle reported the check was delivered through the Vicarage letterbox.

I was the lead on a morning swim again... Ken, Tara, Ro, Ansara and Graeme. Back inside the towels were put to use. Cho pushing the DeLonghi button multiple times for us.

Graeme shaking his head... "No more of that."

Laughter and a `You decided to go after my warning' from me.

I warmed him up with a hug and a vigorous towelling.

Today was sand castle day! They got the tools together waiting for the tide to go out.

I sat watching the guys, Chani and Charlie getting on their knees in the sand with the men. Very hard workers, Cho was the works boss keeping them at it.

Castellated walls, a tower, a keep and roads... quite a beauty. It ended up eight feet square dug into the slope of the beach.

Many snaps. I got juice, beers and other drinks for the worker bees. Some of Grace's wonderful cookies to stoke them up.

Charlie and Chani clapping at the end of hours of work. Charlie saying he wanted to see the water wash over it.

"You will be asleep... we'll get some pictures for you."

He was happy with that.

The Vicar of St. Andrews called Gil's number... she said I was here and passed her iPhone over.

"Your Ladyship... I am at a loss for words seeing your generous donation! The money will be put to good use you can be sure of that."

I said I was pleased he'd find uses for it.

I added we'd be back next year and would walk up to see him and the church.

He said the whole congregation would want to show their appreciation. I told him Gil would be in touch before we returned.

More thanks and we rang off.

Cho looking to me... in answer to his look I said it was twenty thousand £'s.

He reminded me of Tara's `doom statement' they'd be looking to make me a saint. Laughter!

Chelle gave us the news from Francis... the purchase of the block of flats at Miami Avenue and Elston Avenue in Chicago was closed.

I told her to contact Donovan, Edison and Grady.

"Please tell them to go slow... the tenants needed to be told that there would be activity by our people and likely other news folks would be around. If they wanted to leave before their leases were up... we would help them.

A new below ground survey to be done also consult with the people who had been instrumental in identifying this location... a local journalist and a former police detective. Engage a `quality' forensic team, include consulting archaeologists so there was a plan in place before any soil was moved.

Inform the Cook County Sheriff's office we own the property now."

A thumbs up from Chelle!

Another sunny dinner outside... some jumpers and light jackets needed with the breeze. Something warm... veggie Sheppard's pie with wonderful fresh baked rolls, local butter Grace had a terrific source for. A nice pile of cut green beans on the side... lots of fresh grated Romano cheese on top!

We talked about all sorts... golf... Ha! Sand castles, dogs, cookies... Politics, Russia, Belarus, Hillary Clinton.

Graeme asked what brought us together with the Clintons. Smiling I told about our meeting her and Bill at the convention that nominated her. The takeover of Fox News made us her ally in the political fight to change America. Our support plus our news media that wouldn't lie or cheat for anyone helped to stomp trump's head.

"Since then our shared goals have kept us close... we have done something's in concert without any direct connection. There are a few things we can't speak about which have made the link tighter. The TAG meetings and what else we have passed on was appreciated."

A précis of TAG followed.

I moved us back to sand castles... Cho said he'd take snaps of the tide coming for Charlie. Fist bump for him!

Everyone who joined had fun! The `old sapper' Sir Alan did his battlements again very well! Hidden talents.

"Should I mention that to Kirk the next time I see him?"

Sir Alan said it wasn't necessary... the Defence Minister had a good opinion of him... no need for more. He added that the need for battlements had past...


The carpet was rolled up in the east end of the sitting room... a waltz... Cho and I started things off... the Twins got up together after watching us. They looked great! Cheers for them.

Sir Alan was talked into a polka by Gil... he was good! Lots of dancing... changing partners. Dee and Craig doing foxtrot. Charlie and I... we did a slow number, Cho and Chani beside us.

A waltz with Sir Alan then one with PJ... Gil came into my open arms for a foxtrot!

What fun!!

Everyone enjoyed this! Me for sure!

Cho and I on beach in the dark. Tara and Ro with big torches shining on the castle... Cho got snaps of the tide reclaiming the beach... a short video of the tower and the keep falling into the water.

Charlie will be happy!

A kiss!

The morning swim... no Graeme... Ha!

Soraya surprised me joining in.

"I've lived in the tropics so long... the cold is an amazing change."

Lots of fast towelling... into dry clothes with a big grin. Soraya smiling saying she was good.

Cho showed the Twins the snaps and video of the North Sea taking back the beach. Charlie cheered as the water took the tower and keep in the video.

"Popa it was so much fun to build... I like it doesn't stay. It is good the sea takes it back."

He was hugged by Popa.

At the front door Chani and Charlie waved goodbye to Popa, Unc, Sir Alan and Graeme with me... they were to play at Halesworth Golf a twenty minute drive away. Cho had an invitation to play with a banker friend from The City in London.

We loaded up a AW139 for a short flight to southwest of Great Yarmouth. We landed in a field a farmer gave us permission to use. No one came from the farm so we went on to the fort.

Burgh Castle is a Roman fort built in the Third Century CE. Big walls... typical Roman stone and plaster construction then covered with flint or tiles. Three of four walls of a huge rectangle remained. The walls were fifteen feet high, three feet thick at the base tapering upwards.

The west wall was gone, fallen down as the river moved and the land shifted. There were bastions apparently added after the initial walls construction nearly two millennium ago.

The Normans later used the fort's open space to build one of their classic motte and bailey castles in the southwest corner... it is all gone now.

Outside the fort walls there was considerable archaeological evidence of a thriving community linked to the fort and all its soldiers. A lot of human activity.

A paired fort in Caister to the north of River Yare is much smaller and most of its walls gone. Because the river bed's shifting the fort at Caister is no longer anywhere near water. Three quarters of a mile from the North Sea and further from the new river mouth to the south.

Charlie and Doc standing beside the wall... reaching up as far as he could... "Mama, were the people really tall?"

Smiling, "No, there were wood walkways, steps and buildings that are long gone."

"Oh, I see... the walls did one job and the wood parts another."

"Yes! Very true! It was faster to build the walkways in wood than stone. Also there is not much stone available in this area so it would have to be brought in.

The soldiers would be on the wood walkways to defend the walls."

Fist bump.

Delphine and Chani came up... I had us turn to face to the west... I said we couldn't see much if the wall was still there because the land hereabout was so flat. The babies got that being up on the walls would give a long view.

Tha had juice and a tin full of Dee's shortbread... Dee laughing about that. We sipped and munched sitting on the grass... it was quiet... no one else here... some bird noises the only sounds on a weekday morning.

Doc laying back on the grass... a big smile.

"I'm enjoying being out here."

I said the open space would have had barracks, workshops, storage for food and hay, stables... a lot of those since part of the force that was supposed to be at the fort was cavalry. It would have been a busy place like the village on the outside.

They liked this wide open space... blue sky horizon-to-horizon. Warm sun.

We walked and carried the Twins back to the helicopter. The farm family that allowed us to land... a woman at the rear of their house, about three hundred feet away, waved... we waved back.

Kellen grinning as we loaded... fist bump. She lifted us up for another stop... Dunwich. A turn out over the water and southward. We got to see our house on our way by... it an oddly handsome building... the gray stone unusual for Suffolk. It must have come a long way.

The trees and grassy acreage giving a quite pleasant and homey look. It gave off a Mid-to-late Victorian feel.

Gil arranged for us to land near a house adjacent to old Greyfriars monastery grounds at Dunwich. Kellen had us there quickly coming in over the beach and cliffs to land north of their swimming pool in a large open field. The family came out to greet us which I thanked them for. Hands shaken. They said we could do it any time... a phone call was all that was needed. More thanks from me.

Their teenage boy showed us the path through the Greyfriars Wood to an opening in the old monastery walls. It was a walk and carry for the Twins to the ruins... I explained to everyone what had happened here... for the monastery, it was dissolved by Henry VIII. Probably some of the original buildings were torn down at that time.

The land went to private ownership, first to a bishop who was a lackey of Thomas Cromwell who `arranged' the monastery's dissolution then it was sold on for profit. Such nice folks in the Church of England in those days.

We walked to the east towards the cliffs near to where the Church of All Saints had been before the last of it fell onto the beach around 1919.

The sunken town of Dunwich was of interest to everybody... the great storm of 1286 followed by two huge storms in 1287 changing the life of the town from thriving port to swept away houses and a silted up river port. It was progressively abandoned. Successive storms craving away chunks of the cliffs carrying the town out to sea. The tides carve out the land to this very day.

I pointed back to the abbey ruins saying the original went under the water in 1286... that was its second home. I motioned out over the North Sea to where it had been.

Chani asked if it was still washing away how fast was it? I didn't know exactly but the disappeared church was out a ways in 1919... less than a foot per year.

Charlie laughed, "We are safe."

Laughter from everyone and a fist bump for him!

We walked to the west to look at the old monastery gates... quite nice, a bit imposing... I suppose on purpose.

Back at the AW139... the family where we landed said their road... High Street... in the past ran past where the cliff is and would have connected to a gate over a big dyke named the Middle Gate before the town was washed away.

Their teenager mentioned you could still see the dyke from the beach... a deep `V' in the cliff.

I thanked them once more. We loaded... Kellen got we'd like to see the dyke in the cliff. She took off, turning east... staying low we crossed the beach... she hovered... we could all see the deep cut on the cliff-side. It had been nine metres deep when dug with a wooden palisade on the inside top. A very formidable obstacle to attackers.

The portion of the dyke inside the monastery walls had been filled in by the monks so only that small piece we saw was left.

Kellen turned us north over the water the short distance to the house landing grid. On the grass we were welcomed by the freshly returned men! Golf was over, all happy fellows.

We changed for dinner.

We had drinks and hors d'oeuvre.

Dinner began with some very nice little cheese savouries from Grace!

Roasted seabass, whipped potatoes, asparagus in a butter sauce, rolls and the very nice local butter again. Cho had brought up several bottles of a terrific white Bordeaux.

A good dinner in the dining room. The sunlight coming in the tall windows open to the stone walkway... The room colours, green and yellow warm and pleasant! A happy meal.

Charlie and Chani telling Popa and the others about their day. They loved the history of the places... being where people had lived long ago.

There was a question from Charlie about our house being washed away? I said the beach here wasn't eroding so no worries on that.

We found out how the golfing went. A new course for all... Halesworth was a very nice place. The members were welcoming... some laughter at the start about Cho's possible score by a few members who knew about Cho's game... some betting which Cho stayed clear of.

"It isn't a long course so I was on greens in one on many par fours. The first big surprise was the eagle at Number three a par five. A long drive then a short shot to the green which rolled to stop six inches from the hole... tap-in eagle. Number Five was almost a hole-in-one on the par four... another eagle.

It continued like that birdies and eagles through the front nine.

Another near hole-in-one at eleven... my tee shot rolled past the hole missing by inches a going in. More eagles and a close for a double eagle on eighteen... my second bounded onto the green heading for the hole then ran out of steam a foot short.

So I ended with a 49... a new record low score.

As a fivesome we moved along as easily as four... my banker colleague is a good player. It was enjoyable to have us together. Craig shot a seventy eight, Graeme the high man at eighty-five, Alan at eighty-one. Our host at seventy-five. A good day's play."

The golfers agreed. They toasted! The rest of us joined in!

In bed later Cho held me close, "I want to see the places you went today with you sometime. Sounds fascinating."

"Ah... it's just dry old history."

A big SQUEEZE... "It can't be if you are interested."

I thanked my guy for the compliment and said I'd be glad to any time.

"Maybe we should come over in winter... storm tossed sea... winds... cold and wet!"

Cho laughing, "You can't discourage me that way."

A kiss... "I wasn't trying... it would give the Twins a feel for how powerful the weather can be."

Another kiss, "You amaze me... always thinking! I would love to come with you and the babies.

A big hug!

Another chilly early morning swim... No Graeme! He's grinning as we came into the mud room to dry off... Upstairs... slipping into trackies and trainers... downstairs for coffee and food.

Graeme looking spiffy in his khaki's... ready to drive to Merville Barracks to be at his battalion adjutant's job. Many hugs from the whole crowd... the Twins sat in the MGB clapping... Charlie's hands on the wheel. He blew the horn... making vroom sounds.

Laughter as Graeme climbed in after we lifted the babies out... waves as the little blue car rolled away.

Grace did a very nice lunch of grilled salmon, roasted potatoes and a tossed salad. Fresh bread and her local butter one more time. We ate in the sunny dining room. Tasty!

It was our turn to move... the AW139's lifted up... one going southeast heading to the Wandsworth heliport, Sir Alan on his way. We went west until past Milton Keynes we turned to port... a southern heading to land at Harcourt House.

Carter with a big smile, Eliza squeezing my hands.

Cho and Craig went over to Oxford East for a round. Dee and Doc with Gil and Chelle for a short shopping and sightseeing trip in Oxford.

The Twins up in the Nursery for some schooling

I went to ride. Rebel ready... he was nickering loudly. Tessa and Penny with me. Going north at speed... into Sandford. We walked our horses on the streets to St. Andrews Church.

We did hellos all through the village.

Dr. Lone out front looking up at the roof of the Rectory. We stopped... I asked the obvious question... he laughed and pointed... a man's head appeared from the roof's backside...

"We have a visitor..."

The fellow held up a cat which he put in a net bag. He lowered it down to another man who'd come around the house. The cat bolted off over the road when released... Dr. Lone said it was from down that way.

He thanked the men who gave him a thumbs up.

We were laughing... a wave and we turned around to go to the dirt road heading south. Rebel wanted to run... I held him in check until the berm... OFF!

We roared down the dirt curving towards the tree opening... whoosh... we blew through the trees going south aiming for the river path. Rebel striding out... his breathing rhythmic... Rebel picked up the pace when I asked him... my hat blown back... I leaned down... The Radley's and the Fraser's blurs as we rocked on... I knew the Flats had action so I slowed Rebel starting at the property line. He was whinnying loudly... we softly trotted up around the Spinney and back.

My companions joined us on the Flats... Rebel had left them way behind today. Fist bumps! Big wide smiles... a good run for us all!

"Tessa, let's make sure you are on Geo for rides like this. She's got some real speed."

Fist bump.

Andy smiling, "Fay, Liam is almost ready to walk..."

We laughed with my `Right!'

The youngster was doing well, eating lots, pooping plenty and being the centre of their lives right now.

I took Tessa and Penny around the stable giving out treats. They did most of the giving I did the stroking.

Penelope was so sweet. She came to me for a hug and nuzzle. Pamela watching us, tender eyes. I heard a snort... I walked out the stall into the paddock... Father Roland was there by the fence. I walked Penelope to her sire... noses rubbed through the fence. I sat on the fence to caress Roland's ears... he liked those soft ears played with.

I walked up to the Garage. Gerry was out working on a piece of farm machinery, Prasert and Fazli heads under the bonnet of a car... I made a noise with my boot so they wouldn't be startled and bang their heads on the top.

Fazli grinning... he was learning about carburettors!

Prasert wiping his hands... a video of Kas in the Garden chasing butterflies... he didn't come close... thankfully.

Across the lane to the greenhouses. Phillips stood up when I came in... I motioned him back. Smiling he pointed to his desk... plans for several new walkways at Culham Manor. They would be all-weather. One to the stables, a longer one to the back fence near the Thames. They would build a new gate. It would be easier for folks to take a walk along the water rather than tramping through the grass and muddy spots.

He had topo maps and topo slices of the terrain.

"It will be easy to do. We have already done the gate, we will hang it when the rest is done. A good project for our people to benefit your tenants."

He added they were not doing anything to alter the character of the estate so not infringing on its listed status.

I thanked him. The river path itself was in good shape... I'd crossed not long back going up to the manor from Sutton Courtenay.

Phillips took me to the smaller greenhouse... he had some new flowering trees to put beside the drive into Harcourt Close. Dogwoods!

"They bloom in the spring for several month or so... in the autumn they show red leaves and twigs."

I like the sound of that... more colour!!

We headed to see Audra and Liam. She heard us call from the door... they were in the kitchen... Liam in his bassinet, so cute! He was doing very well. All those normal `baby' things he was performing on schedule.

They were a happy family. Audra was doing some things at the house... not much... schedules and inventories. Liam in the staff lounge being made-over by everybody coming through.

In the Entryway Fin said Sir Cho asked for me to join him in the Office. I thanked Fin.

Cho laughing, "Those two military etchings are indeed rare views of Crimean War French Army troops as was surmised. They are also valuable so Carter is going to contact the insurance people."

"How valuable?"

"Maybe half a million £'s but more than that they are part of a small group from the period... very small."

The Crimean War was the last major war before the American Civil War. That unfortunate conflict in America is considered the first `modern' war with so many innovate war machines and use of technology. Plus it was heavily photographed leaving a significant record in contrast to the Crimean one!

We discussed the invitation by the Southern Thai Assembly to speak to them.

Cho, "I think we should go but not speak... let them get on with their work."

"So we meet the members informally? I'm Okay with that... I don't need to do anymore speeches than necessary."

We laughed. Fist bump!

I went up to change.

Time for a Denham School visit before the autumn term started. The Twins happy to come.

Craig, Dee and Doc coming too. They wanted to see it.

We met the new teachers and Richard's new deputy Headmaster, Myra. She was to oversee the school admissions.

Myra was slender with black hair and green eyes, Myra had years of experience. We got to meet her husband, Joseph and teenage son, Jack. They were in one of the houses on the grounds. Joseph was a senior machinist at RAF Benson.

I spoke with Joseph... he was in-charge of all Augusta-Westland maintenance at the base. I mentioned we had a repair depot for our AW139's at Chalgrove. He could go over for a visit sometime.

"Just ring them... I'm sure they'll be glad to have you visit."

Joseph thanked me, "M'Lady, it would interesting to see a `civilian' shop at work."

We laughed.

Romeo was the new Auto Mechanics teacher... He said only engines to start then more depending on the interest.

"Prasert and I have talked, he will come over on occasion to assist. He has a new apprentice, Fazli, who is going to take the class."

"Fazli's seems to be very interested in learning so you should have a dedicated student in him."

"Your Ladyship, it is remarkable to have this opportunity. I do love to teach so I hope it all comes together."

Laughing I said `We do too!'

I chatted with Ivy, our garden teacher and Quade the farm specialist. Their classes going ahead with full programmes! Wonderful. Ivy was doing garden layout as well as the growing bits.

Quade's students were nearly all home farming types, some acreage for family use rather than full-blown farms.

"M'Lady, although small they contribute to healthier eating, fresh vegetables and fruits... nothing better."

I couldn't agree more! Fist bump.

Both were using locations here and at Harcourt House for their classes, Phillips and Archie helping them.

We did some wandering, Imogene had full classes, Marianne too! Calista was teaching again... she's up in town until the start day.

The Twins and Doc found the bakery and some eclairs that were being shared. Small pieces for them. Sticky fingers got licked... Tha and Delphine doing a clean-up of the Twins. Doc smiling did herself.

I got a chance to sit with Myra. She had been teaching since graduating university. Different schools at the junior and senior levels. She came to us via the search for a deputy.

"I was a deputy Head and classroom teacher at a senior school in Swindon looking for a new opportunity. Here there's a new curriculum... new types of students... something special. A big challenge."

She was grinning as I stuck out my fist... BUMP!

Her family was happy in their house, very happy for it to be part of her compensation package.

"When Richard told me about the house I could hardly believe my ears. We went to his, I met his wife... we had coffee in their garden... amazing.

Jack is going to attend Abbey Hill School."

I told her our niece and pack of her friends are students there.

"Sunny will likely go up to Oxford next autumn... she's a year ten but advanced. Her GCSE's are done, six nine's of nine subjects, the other were eights."

Big eyes.

Myra was Wow'd, "She is advanced."

"Abbey Hill is an excellent school, the students are pushed to reach out for more... to get their maximum from all their classes. Mr. Horrock is a low key leader who demands their best efforts. His intensity comes through when you talk with him."

"I try to be low key too! Yelling rarely improves any situation. It definitely doesn't do the students any good. Being hard of hearing isn't common among teenagers.

There are plenty of ways to show you are angry or disappointed in some behaviour without raising the volume.

A colleague once told me about a boy in his history class... he was sort of `cutting-up' during class. My friend didn't say anything... the class got it... silence... he looked at the boy who wilted under the gaze... the miscreant broke down calling for the teacher to yell at him or something but stop staring."

We laughed! Fist bump!

Cho, Craig, Dee, Doc and the Twins found us. Hugs.

I told Myra she might see me riding by... She said she'd ridden as a girl but not since... no horse.

I pointed out there were eight in the stables here... they would always enjoy some exercise rides.

"There is a `Go Outdoors' store on the Old Abingdon Road before you get into Oxford. We have an account there. Go get a good pair of boots, Jodhpurs and a helmet... put them on account."

"Your Ladyship... I couldn't..."

"Yes... it's easy. Get your sizes and say `charge it!' That's all!"

She burst out laughing... Cho and my family joined in, the Twins clapped their approval.

Chani, squeezing her brother's hand, "We love to ride. Iris is our pony.."

Myra said they were lucky to have Iris.

We did our goodbyes... the Twins and Doc thanked Marianne for the éclair bits. Smiles as she said they were very welcome.

Sitting for some work with Gil and Chelle.

Gil got notices from several local construction companies who we engaged to do work on churches in the area. All the work has been completed!

None was major, things like walkways, windows, doors now all in good shape for the winter.

The one major project... a new furnace and duct work upgrade was in progress to be finished tomorrow at the rectory in Cuddesdon. The vicar will be warm this winter!

"Fay, the Vicar at All Saints Church in Cuddesdon wrote the Bishop is visiting two days after tomorrow so she'll show off the new heating system."

Okay. The Bishop likely has other more important issues...

We had received a letter of thanks from the Bishop of Birmingham for our assistance to Our Lady of Abingdon Catholic Church. Father Michael had apparently given a glowing account of our lending a helping hand and about the other donations we had made to various other churches and schools in Southern Oxfordshire including Our Lady's School.

The Bishop was fulsome in his thanks. Gil would reply with our thanks.

Very nice to be thanked... We would have done it anyway.

Cho and I leaving for an overnight in Paris. Sleep then go to the trade show in La Defense at the CNIT convention centre.

Dee, Doc and Craig would leave in the morning while we were in Paris.

So big hugs and kisses for them. The beach trip was enjoyable for all. They would have on repeat in their calendars!!!

Thierry met us at the Paris Heliport. Straight to Quai de Béthune.

At the door Lucien was waiting, "Comtesse." A bow.

I squeezed his hand.

Lucien helped with our bags to the lift.

Gil thanked Thierry.

Our Protectors up with us... we got off on four, they up one more.

The bags down in our suite... a text from Chani... in French asking how trip was! What a cutie!

I replied we were good and for them to enjoy their movies tonight. A double-bill of Charlie Chaplin!

Cho got a similar text from our son also in French. They are so smart!

We changed for a walk and dinner at Le Petit Pontoise. Our Protectors looking forward to it! A nice evening... we took our time going the five blocks... enjoying.

Over the Pont de la Tournelle to the right... we walked under the trees... the last few riverside vendors closing up. A left into Rue Pontoise... we were on the opposite sidewalk... a greengrocer made me laugh with a Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream freezer out front. Cho shaking his head... American culture can taste good even in Paris.

At the front door the Maître smiling as she greeted us. She guided us to the banquette. I went to the kitchen door to wave to the staff... several knew me right off.. waves and Bonne Soir's!

Our server smiling... we knew him. For me one of their delicious Old Fashioned's to start. Cho and I would split the Artichoke & Parmesan Tart Tatin, Gil would share the Roasted Camembert with me.

I was going to have the scallops à la Provençale... Cho the Sea Bass so he was looking for a white wine with the Maître. They decided on a Ladoix 1er Cru `Les Gréchons.'

With a bit of help Gil chose a Sancerre.

Sipping my drink, sweet and very nice. Cho and Gil did Martinis.

There was a good crowd, no empty seats except outside.

Our server said they had been `found out' by tourists... He laughed, "Our English is being tested."

I laughed also, "Americans?"

"No, British."

I pointed at myself.

He nodded, "Mais vous et votre peuple êtes très différents de ces Britanniques récents. Ils sont souvent impolis." (But you and your people are very different from these recent Britons. They are often rude.)

I did a silent `Oh!' and commiserated. A shrug from him.

Our starters! Like everyone else we applied ourselves to the delicious food. Cho grinning.

A couple at an inside table departed... there was a loud voice outside... English... "We want that inside table... not out here."

The Maître explained that the table was booked.

"Well they can sit out here."

With the windows open... a calm explanation that the booking was a long-term one for a local couple who ate here every week. It didn't have any impact on the loud Brit.

I kissed Cho's cheek and slid out motioning to Tara and Rande. Tara in front as I stepped outside...

"Hello... would you please listen to the Maître... she is trying to be polite."

A woman beside the loud fellow was startled to see me and to my surprise she curtseyed. The man shocked by that looked at me... a quick bob of his head... also a surprise.

He apologised for disturbing me.

I turned to the Maître, "We have two places at the end of the banquette..."

She was looking like why would I want these yahoos near us...

"Please let the Maître seat you..."

The man has a sheepish look now... a `Thank you' from them both.

Rande led the way back. I was beside my guy. He was laughing quietly.

The couple were very quiet... almost hunched over.

I asked our server to give them a drink on our tab. A `knowing look' and a smiling nod.

Cho leaning on me... "I don't know if they will be pleased or hate you for putting them in an awkward position."

I shrugged saying it didn't matter to me... things were quiet.

My scallops... fabulous! I'm not a fan of chickpeas but these were tender in an excellent sauce.

I could see busy utensils along the banquette. Enjoyment was general!

I chose the Tarte Tatin to share with Cho. Espresso alongside. The caramelised apples were SO GOOD!

An Amaretto and more espresso. I stepped to the door of the kitchen again to thank everyone for a delicious dinner. They called out cheers.

We prepared to go... Gil had an envelope for the staff... the Maître thanked me for defusing the loud man and for returning to see them. And the envelope to take to the kitchen.

As we walked by the couple... the woman thanked me for arranging their seating.

Tara on my left nearest to them, I smiled to both, "I hope you enjoy your meal... this is a favourite place for us."

On the walk back, Cho's arm on my shoulders.

"You are such a peacemaker... if it happens I think you should give the Nobel speech."

We laughed! Gil next to me with a big smile saying I earned it. Laughter!

We invited Luce and Marie up for afters. They sipped Amaretto with me. They were doing well, they had done some travelling... Bavaria, Tuscany to a friend's estate.

Marie smiling, "We lead a quiet life... unlike yours if the news is correct."

We admitted there were times...

A brisk morning walk around the neighbourhood, a stop at the Boulangerie. In the kitchen I did the loaves split with butter in the oven. Coffees made... we enjoyed the start of the day.

The trade conference was in the CNIT building in La Defense in the last large sized room left after the re-model. Thierry's car and a second were at the door. Tara, Tessa, Ken, Rande, Rafe and Ansara with us. Gil beside me nodding.

I asked why?

"I expect there'll be a lot of folks trying to get to meet you so it's good you have more protection today."

A Gallic shrug. They laughed.

Thierry knew how to get us to the below grade entrance to the CNIT Building in La Defense. The streets were a maze but Thierry easily rolled us up to the doorway.

Kovit was waiting. He is the current Thai trade representative to the E.U.

He bowed... we shook hands.

Cho said in the car he didn't know Kovit... we had both met the Ambassador at the Thai Embassy almost nine months ago when we were asked to attend.

Kovit escorted us up to the big meeting room... this was trade conference for Asian countries and E.U. companies and governments to meet. An exchange of information and contacts is an important part.

At the Thailand booth... it was large, beautifully decorated with photos of the country, landscapes and people. The base colours blue, white and red of the national flag on the exterior but the individual sections were different.

A lot of orange, yellow and shades of green as the backdrops... a vivid display. It is handsome.

At the entrance... Ambassador Makok. He also bowed... I am always surprised when folks do it. In Thailand there is no aristocracy now... The King and his Royal Family are all there is.

We shook his hand... a big smile.

"Welcome! It is good to have you here with us..." A quick look at his watch... "... the doors will open now."

I braced myself for a few hours of this. I could see people flowing in...

A Thai man came from the side... He was coming my way... Tara made a signal to Ken... Ken smiling after seeing he wore a privileged badge... They spoke... Ken motioned him towards me.

The fellow stopped to bow... He introduced himself... Phassacorn! Ah! We shook hands.

"Your Ladyship, it is wonderful to meet you. Phitsamai and Tanawat speak of you and Cho often."

I thanked him and said likewise! "I am pleased with your article for the Basuto Group. Very interesting and informative... It showed your deep knowledge of the topic."

A smile, "I have been at my game for decades so I know a few things."

We laughed. I asked about the `projects' Phitsamai told me about that he needed to do before retiring.

More laughing, "Well... there are a few that are moving along... my staff is a fine collection of what are sometimes called `pencil-pushers.' Dedicated to crunching numbers."

"If they are dedicated then you must be a good leader."

His head shook, "No more like I am a good judge of people who like numbers."


I caught Cho's eye... I introduced Phassacorn. Cho complimented him on the Basuto Group article.

"I enjoyed reading it. Clear, concise and full of usable information."

Phassacorn smiled, "You both are too kind. I do appreciate the opportunity to contribute. Maybe again?"

I said `Indeed!' "Please keep in touch with Jasmine... she is managing the group for us."

Makok `borrowed' Cho to speak with someone. I asked Phassacorn if he would walk around a bit with me.

"Your Ladyship... I would enjoy doing it."

I took his hand... "I am Fay."

A smile and a thank you.

We moved between clumps of people... Phassacorn looked at Tara and Tessa... I leaned close to say they are part of the cost... He got it.

We paused outside the Japan booth... very nicely done! They showed how Japan had moved from the era of Bonsai and Shoguns to a modern state that kept its links to the past. A beautiful woman offered us a brochure... Phassacorn accepted it.

A man came up to us... Tessa on my left shoulder... The fellow stopped and bowed. Was it contagious?

"Your Ladyship, it is an honour to have you visit us. I am Juro the deputy Trade Minister."

I shook his hand. I did an introduction for Phassacorn.

His name was obviously known to the deputy Trade Minister...

"I have read your article in the Basuto Group's latest release. Very thoughtful and if I may say prescient based on our own analysis."

Phassacorn smiling thanked him.

I asked how old the Bonsai was we were next to.

"Ah... it is almost two hundred years. It has been in our embassy here in Paris since 1920."

It was a lovely conifer, gracefully shaped in a very old looking glazed muted vermillion rectangular pot. The trunk at one end... the sweeping shape of the limbs extended over the mossy open side. A beauty!

Juro smiling as I admired the plant. Several other Japanese men moved our way... I was introduced to the Ambassador and his chief deputy.

I in turn introduced Phassacorn.

We talked about the Asian economic outlook briefly before the Ambassador had to go.

"Lady Harcourt, thank you for visiting us."

I shook his hand again.

I left Phassacorn talking with the Japanese deputy minister... I looked in at other booths. An effort was made to look good by all... I was impressed.

An officially accredited photographer took a few snaps... I didn't pose... I think he wanted more but I wasn't going there.

We found a coffee stall. I got an espresso... I kept us moving. We worked our way back to the Thai booth looking in at more booths. China was conspicuous by its absence.

Cho was in a corner speaking to two men... Makok joined me just inside the entrance.

He said Cho was talking to two Frenchmen about space to build at Ban Wat Bang Fai.

I told him we now had three big things going there... the solar cell production, solar panels and the Chanthira Foundation Labs. We would be adding onto the solar cell production plant for a new design. There would still be several hundred hectares open.

He asked about the labs.

"They are starting a programme to find the underlying causes of several human auto-immune diseases and coronaviruses. The fourth is a completely separate track going deep into Laminitis... it is deadly equine malady.

We have an excellent staff and a good manager."

He said it sounded good. He asked was there some sort of time involved to get results.

"No. We do things for the `long haul' as Americans say. We invest then wait for results in all our endeavours... we don't micro-manage or get into a hurry."

"You and Cho are remarkable in that respect. It seems, even here in France, there is too much of a rush for things to happen."

From behind Cho's arm around my waist, a squeeze.

"We will likely have a French company making containers for domestic and business use. Fully recyclable plastics!"

Makok smiling, "They are that interested?"

"Yes... I made sure they understood how we structure our lease contracts... including the forfeiture clause if they foul the land or air or water. They say they will be a good citizen. So they will get a survey of an area they will need and we will go from there."

Makok and Cho shaking hands... my waist squeezed again.

I spoke to another French group... they wanted information on the people of Bangkok who might be recruited for staff of a medium scale production facility for automobile parts.

After-market parts for Toyota, Isuzu and Honda were their main products.

I gave them a rundown on the education and socialisation of the Thai population. Well educated, open to learn, willing to work hard. They were pleased especially once they learned we are such a large and diverse employer... our experiences would be quite valid.

I saw the trade representative, Kovit... he joined us at my wave. I asked him to give the group more possible sources for information on the people and the varied western businesses with manufacturing in the Bangkok area.

He went to it.

I moved to Cho... a hug and kiss. A that moment Gil walked up with more coffees!! A kiss for her!

A blonde woman from the group I had just spoken to came over.

"Comtesse, my I ask an off the subject question?"

I said yes.

"Is your suit from Mirabelle?"

"Yes and No. It is a re-make of a Givenchy suit from the 1950's that Mirabelle did for me but it isn't in the Mirabelle stores."

It was a navy light cotton three quarters sleeve jacket with a round collar, double-breasted to the top of my hips. A narrow half belt at the waist sewn on from the same fabric as the jacket. The skirt was a pencil style to below my knees. No stockings and black heels. I had on a small light crocheted white cotton beret, a string of pearls as a choker and gold jewellery. Light red lips and nails. Cho had done the `Joy'

"You look very sleek, it fits your shape nicely."

I thanked her. She got that I liked this suit because of its slender silhouette.

"This suit style was worn by Audrey Hepburn in the movie Sabrina."

A smile, "You do have a slender figure like her. Thank you for telling me. I do think many women with the shape would wear the suit."

Smiling I said maybe we will try it out. We shook hands... she also thanked me for bringing the trade representative over `He has a lot of information we need to make a decision.'

We stayed at the Thai booth speaking to many business people. One Cho and I spoke to together... It was a hard drive maker who was considering Bangkok for an SSD manufacturing location to gain Asian buyers. They knew about the long history of hard drive business in Thailand... it encouraged them to come today.

Cho texted Sanjara to make appointments these folks for when we'd be in Bangkok in November. Cho said he would round up some Thai executives of the hard drive makers. Hands shaken.

Makok thanked us... he was pleased with the whole day... our part especially. We said goodbyes to Kovit.

Phassacorn smiling, "It was delightful to meet you both. I'm going to London this evening for a few days with the family."

We told him to say hello for us... he would and to enjoy his time there... he would definitely try to do that. A big smile!

Thierry's cars toted us all to the Heliport. We rose up turning northwest then north. Kellen put the pedal down! We landed on the Harcourt House lawn... Carter, Carter2 and Eliza greeting us. Fist bumps and a hug for Eliza... her tummy doing some growing.

Uncle Craig, Aunt Dee and Doc were away... back home by now. It was too short a visit. They'd be around at Christmas if not before.

We boarded the 767 at Chalgrove for New York. Chani and Charlie getting up the steps much easier... in the lounge we settled into seats, Jaidee bouncing around then hopping into his special padded seat when asked by Cho.

PJ back with us... a few days off in London. He asked to speak to us after takeoff.

We sat together...

"This is not a secret but I suppose the fewer people know the better.

I spent my time off with Eloise."

He paused for effect... I smiled... PJ shocked... pointed, "You knew?"

"No... just a thought in the back of my head. I saw you two admiring each other."

Cho asked if Oz knows?

PJ... a grin, "Eloise is doing the same thing as me."

We said from our side there was no problem.

Cho, "If you want more time off..." turning to me... eyebrows up... "... we can work it out for you."

I was nodding. He said he'd speak to Eloise tomorrow after she's had her `talk.'

PJ relaxing, "We are at an early stage... finding out what we like and trying to decide where it might go. We are good as a pair so far. There is the separation issue to deal with soon."

Cho shook his hand, he got a cheek kiss from me.

I motioned around... `Who knows?"

"I am going to sit with them shortly."

Ku emailed good news! The San Francisco neighbourhood meeting on the stalled shelter was well attended, three speakers live on a big screen from cities where we had shelters open and working broke the resistance.

They were very positive... seeing our shelters as a `good' that was needed. They had no issues with any of our residents.

Although it wasn't unanimous the shelter would open in two weeks.

The staff was being finalised, the building completely ready.

It was a good thing we could be open before the winter.

I laughed telling Cho an apocryphal Mark Twain quote... `The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.'

Portland's shelter was doing well now the city was out of the way. They were at twenty percent of capacity... the long cold and wet season to come... it would very likely be full.

Next up were the two shelters in Berlin in October. I'll try to remember to dress warmly, Berlin can be damp and chilly in autumn.

Mira delivered us to Newburgh. Helicopters to the Westside Heliport... Terrance, Pell and Maddie to pick us up. The Twins doing their usual fist bumps with the three.

Roslyn said dinner in thirty minutes. We skipped drinks... sitting outside.

Charlie and Chani said they were working on a new C&C Production which they hoped to do at Harcourt House when we are back there for a bit. Okay! We were up for that!

`Good nights' done for the Twins, cheeks kissed and hugs delivered. Their bed buddies held close... eyes closed.

On the terrace again. Amaretto and espresso. Francis and Ali had come down the block for dinner. Relaxing with us. They were doing very well. They'd spent last night with Daria... she was well, feisty as usual but almost melting thinking about little Wesley still tucked inside Ali.

Daria was ready to be an auntie.

We talked with Francis about the NHS grants... we intended to give five hundred million £'s to the various NHS Trusts across the United Kingdom to help them out a bit plus we hoped draw attention to their financial issues.

The biggest trusts in terms of area and patients would get twenty million £'s... it would go down to the smallest ones getting at least one hundred thousand £`s.

We planned no spending restrictions but would ask each trust to be as transparent as possible in the use of the money.

Keir Starmer knew but was being quiet about it until the press release. He was thrilled for the individual trusts... they would be even more surprised than the Prime Minister who was Gob Smacked!

He was generous with his praise and thanks. We told him in our eyes the NHS was the single most important element of government for the people in the Kingdom. He agreed but smiling said we do still need the rest of the government. We all laughed.

We told him and Annamarie, the Health Minister, on a Conference App link. She had a sort of bent smile when we explained our plan to help the Trusts... "Everyone seems to take them for granted these days."

She understood we didn't. The health clinics in our businesses surprised her. She also got that the entire health system was on our radar.

My morning walk a delightful bit of fun for Jaidee... he met Twist at George's Dog Run in Washington Square. They romped around as Tara kept the tennis ball moving. Paula and I watched the dogs have a blast.

I bought a round of Puppuccinos afterwards at Third Rail Coffee! A big hit!

Going in the front door at Minetta Street... Hadley going out. A hug and cheek kiss.

My first stop was an unusual one... The Eastern District Federal Courthouse in Brooklyn. Pell carried us over the Brooklyn Bridge... a twisting around to approach the building front on Cadman Plaza East. A security man at the door to greet us. He led us in a special door and to the lifts.

Up to Judge White's Chambers floor. At the door to her chambers her PA smiling... we shook hands... she was a conspirator... At the judge's door she knocked... the `Come' had me walk in much to Judge White's astonishment.

We shook hands. Her PA behind me got a `look' then a laugh. She was introduced to Gil and Chelle who were my side of the conspiracy.

We sat... I said I wanted to meet with no agenda to say how happy Cho and I were about the outcome of the case. I did ask if she would have a problem with our meeting?

She laughed, "No. It is out of my hands. The Supreme Court's decision made everything clear. The last court day was the end. I did anticipate your lowering your demand for compensation... down to `a buck' hadn't occurred to me."

We laughed more.

"Your attorney's fees took it easy on the defendants."

Smiling I said we wanted the point of law made not to bankrupt the website.

"I was sure that was where you were going but some money to `punish' them would have been appropriate."

"Maybe... they have to pay out to make their site conform to the new ruling... likely they'll be sued by many folks. When we started down the path we knew lawyers were the likely winners."

Boy did the Judge laugh to that.

"It would be just as well if my legal colleagues didn't reap too many rewards. I hope that judges try to find ways to avoid the financial penalties getting out of hand."

We talked about what would occur in other courts... since the legalities involved were Federal... the state courts were out of loop.

"It is well President Clinton is expanding the Federal Judiciary. We will need the new judges on the bench to deal with the likely rise in related cases but more importantly to erase the large case backlog we carry."

I said I thought Hillary was being thoughtful across a wide range of federal government issues.

The Judge, "I definitely think she's doing the job we need done! So many important national matters had been ignored. They are getting some attention now!

You two are friendly... Yes?"

Smiling, "We have similar goals... we support her going full speed ahead to reach those goals. I'm on a technology advisory board that meets in the White House. She's been to our home in Oxfordshire in the Christmas season these last two years. Cho and Bill play golf..."

A light in her eyes, "I am flatly amazed by your husband's play. I enjoy golf... my husband got me started... now I beat him."


"I was in awe watching the last round of the Concord Classic the year before last... my husband shaking his head as your husband hit perfect shot after perfect shot."

I told her I'm not involved... "No sticks or balls for me. I did go to the Bel Air Club on the final day of play. I was inside watching Cho and Tom on the Tenth. Quite the show!"

"We saw you and Cho at the prize presenting part... You were so generous to the families of hospitalised children... Also I like that green suit."

I laughed, " It seemed the perfect moment to make a point about helping others... The suit is a favourite of mine. It is in the Mirabelle stores. In fact we are opening a new store opposite the Apple Store down Flatbush Avenue..." My hand motioning to the south.

"I'll have to go see... When does it open?"

Gil leaned over... `The second week in November."

"I may be there for the opening depends on other things..."

The Judge smiling, "Your `sport' is horses... Yes?"

"Yes! I love riding! I miss it when I can't."

A funny sad face... The judge laughed.

"We're heavily involved in horse racing... we are going up to Saratoga for the weekend races. We have eight horses entered in various races."

"Oh you mean you are going to win eight races?"

BIG Grin!! "We certainly hope so. We're in the second half of the year's racing... the weekend is a big turning point... end of the summer."

"You like to make `points' you hope others will catch onto."

"To us there some ways to encourage people to find their better angels... so to speak."

Judge White smiling, "Well if folks won't listen to you then..." Her hands up and palms out.

I said I didn't want to take too much of her time. We shook hands. I said I'd be in touch via Gil if that was Okay for her. A `Yes!'

We headed down to Pell's car... he turned left then another left in a few blocks... we re-crossed the East River on the Manhattan Bridge this time. On Canal Street to Sixth Avenue then uptown to the Fox Tower.

I was standing on a chair in the Fox News newsroom... looking at smiling faces... I congratulated them for a series of terrific stories on Belarus and Russia.

"Add those to your other marvellous work... more awards will be coming your way."

They cheered.

"You have made our decision to gain ownership look pretty good. I can see you like to do the news this way... honest, hard-hitting and timely. KEEP IT UP!!!! Thank you all!"

Cheers and loud applause.

Waving as I stepped down... PJ with a cute smile.

Gil and Chelle were standing beside carts piled with boxes... Hermès on the the side. We went around giving everyone a tie or scarf with TV cameras. They loved the design and colours. Smiling faces.

I handed a tie to Kent! We laughed.

Kent's arm out, mine slipped in. Big smiles. I shook hands of more staffers on the way to his office.

We sat for a few minutes. I got a thank you for his tie and everybody's.

"Fay, the Eastern European stories are still running full blast. Now that the Russians started releasing prisoners... they can't stop! The pressure is on...names are being put forward to be let out... the people are voicing their desires for a `reset' about many things much more than the army wanted.

At this rate the all the `political' prisoners will be free in a very short time. They will likely put even more pressure on the army to move forward on elections and being more democratic. We are running with a story right now... Alexei Navalny has been released and is on his way to Moscow. This a scoop for us... a biggie for the democratic forces in Russia."

Good... Now I might believe the generals are serious about change!! Navalny is no fool but not a shrinking violet either! He commands respect!

I asked about any attempts at censorship... none.

"Our reporters have access to government members who answer questions... not always happy though. Older Army generals not used to the rough and tumble of news gathering are showing some pique but younger ones are stepping up to make the Army's case.

Several may piss off their elders by being engaging and media semi-stars. They should be happy those fellows are able to job.

The oligarchs remain in prison... the Army seems to be deciding they aren't needed for Russia. The new government has issued an order to the oligarchs... return to Russia for an investigation or forfeit everything! They gave them seven days to show themselves... no exceptions!!

I'm sure that made the hair stand-up on many necks!

If they are convicted of anything the background story were have gotten is they will be stripped of their wealth... everything will be sold off for the benefit of the Russian government.

Who knows if that will happen... since they all got their money and power through shady deals it would be just."

"The November American mid-term elections... what does it look like?"

"After what we and your newspapers did to the republicans... well so many are DONE!"

We laughed.

Kent said the Democrats will pick up seats in both houses of Congress. That is not normal for a mid-term election where the party of the President usually loses ground.

There were twenty or so governors positions up...

"Some of those are now safe Democratic seats, a raft of republicans are in danger... our political folks think a dozen states will swing to the Democrats. That would give them about forty of fifty.

Several long-time republican strongholds are on the edge... the petty fascist governor in Florida is behind in all the local polls. Add in the Florida state legislature long controlled by rightwing republicans could go Democratic.

The Democrats down there are hitting hard on the corruption issues that have come out. Change is in the air for the Sunshine State."

Fist bump!

A mental note to give a bit of attention to Florida. I turned to Chelle... she was smiling... she got it... learning like Gil... a thumbs up.

Texas was moving too! Several important cities were having mayoral elections and the Texas legislature had its lower house and a third of the state senate going to the the people.

He shrugged.

"The polls in Texas say the republicans control of the legislature is shaky. For what that's worth."

I was on my way out when Kent's PA stuck her head in...

Smiling towards me, she said, "Your grants to the various NHS Trusts is being publicised by the BBC, SkyUK News and on the newspapers websites. It is late afternoon over there so it will be on their evening news shows."

Kent told her to find Lorelei... bring her in here.

I was shaking my head as Kent laughed.

"I figured you wouldn't want to... humour me?"

I said Okay but find someplace else. We moved to a corner of the newsroom where it could be the backdrop. I faced the camera and Lorelei was rounded up. She, I and Kent had a quick talk about what I wanted from this. Okay.

Lorelei asked the usual... what, why, when then I made the point that the `trusts' are sort of independent but get their funding from London via the Exchequer, payroll deductions, etc... It is never enough. Many run deficits.

"Our grants are meant to give each trust some extra money... how they spend it not up to us. We are asking that whatever they do is transparent. We are leaving it up to them."

Lorelei, a serious look, "Five hundred million £'s... that is a huge sum by anyone's reckoning."

"It isn't enough... the very nearly one hundred billion £ NHS budget is huge... Our grants are symbolic and we hope of some value to the Trusts."

Okay... done!

Kent thanked me. Never hurts to get a scoop! It would go out in a few minutes.

I said goodbyes... going up in the lift.

Gaby smiling, "Fay, those little trusts are going to go gaga getting the money."

Fist bump.

I stopped on the Fox Sports floor. I wandered through with Gil and Chelle handing out ties and scarves.

I stopped at Frank's desk...

Frank smiling... "Eight?"

Laughing I said yes!

"Two more in California. We do have hopes for an amazing long holiday weekend!"

"I saw video of SakChai at Ascot... WOW! The crowd lost it... You folks in the Parade Ring... the crowd was very noisy... that was a long chat with the Prince and Duchess."

"Yes... we do seem to run-on when they are at the Winner's Stand. The Duchess liked my clothes..."

Big toothy grin! Frank laughed loudly.

I said I was going upstairs... I would stop to see Nipsey. Handshake.

Morgan leaning over a desk... looking over her shoulder when the door opened... "Fay! Good to see you."

She did introductions to the new `Sharks.'

I asked if they were trolling for anything good?

Morgan turned to a slender Black woman, Nata was her name.

"Your Ladyship... " My hand up... "I'm Fay here." A smile, "We have some local real estate items. Hotels and blocks of apartments for the R&R Group. They are mostly in the lower half of Manhattan, one in the `Downtown' area of Brooklyn."

"Really? I was just there this morning. Near the Federal Courthouse?"

"Further south in the same general area."

Morgan eased another one forward, Geneviève. She was French and now American too. A bit shy... I reached out, "I am Fay."

She gave me a nice smile shaking my hand.

"Fay, we have five locations for the R&R Group in Berlin! With Francis' help four are completed deals... one to come... soon!

Plus an interesting estate north of Berlin that may be something good... It is a big home empty for over twenty years."

My eyes open...

"It was occupied during the nazi era by joseph goebbels... who used it for his extra-martial affairs... Later he and his family used it as a country house. It became their main residence when the bombing of Berlin became regular and massive to keep his children safe."

"Empty because no one wants to be associated with the nazis or for what happened to the family?"

They didn't know... I told them about the family moving into the Berlin Fuhrerbunker at the end of the nazi time in April 1945. Mrs. Goebbels killed their six children then goebbels shot her and himself.

They were shocked and appalled... one of those truly disgusting nazi things!

"Knowing that terrible story... It may be both... the local government, Berlin that is, owns it... a white elephant... they would love to sell it because they are on the hook for its upkeep which is several hundred thousand euros per year... for security, a big maintenance bill, etc...

It also has associations with the old communist regime of East Germany. They used it as a youth training centre... in other words it was an indoctrination school. Force feeding their bizarre take on socialism. There are dormitories, eating halls and classrooms they added."

I was interested... I didn't give a damn about old nazi ghosts... even less about communist ones.

"How much of it is for sale? The communist's bits too?"

"Berlin would like to unload the whole thing!"

"Do you think they'd be willing for us to make major changes... Renew what we can use and demolish useless buildings? Add amenities for our world-wide staff to use?"

"I can't be sure... the property is in the Barnim District in Land Brandenburg... the `Land' government would be the governing entity."

Geneviève shaking her head, "I don't see any government objecting to something that adds value and makes a new start for the estate."

"Okay... find out exactly what they are offering... we'd want the whole thing."

Geneviève smiling! "I have another interesting item of real estate in Germany... Lichtenstein Castle! It is in the Swabian Jura south of Stuttgart. It is owned by the Duke of Urach... his family seat... he doesn't live there... He hasn't ever lived there nor any of his family for some considerable time... like more than a hundred years. It is a tourist destination."

She laid out a map of the castle and its immediate area. The walls, castle, out buildings, two restaurants, an outdoor sports park, etc...

Pictures... picturesque castle on a hill... deep snow in winter but no ski slopes.

I said let's not bother the Duke.

Dorian was next... he had some Washington, D.C. things. The Hay-Adams Hotel in Washington, D.C. It fronts on Lafayette Park opposite the White House. I got a rundown on the history and financials. I said dig into the owners more... Okay.

The store beside Le Champignon d'Or was going on the market.

"We have a tickler file about all the properties you own and those of your friends... this property will be available in two days..."

"Get Francis to buy it.. today if possible."


Some more bits and pieces.

Turning to Geneviève I changed to French... I asked where in France her family was from... She was stunned by my accent...

Her family was from Normandy, a married sister living in Brittany. I told her we had a horse farm a few kilometres from Deauville.

She lit up, "Our family is in Honfleur."

"Close! We were there for racing this past month."

I switched back to English, "Any of your family in horses?"

A laugh, "No... they are merchants now... in the past fishermen and smugglers."

We all laughed.

"I suppose in the past it could have been sometimes lucrative... other times may be prison."

A nod, "You are very right. None were killed for it as far as I know. There are some fascinating family stories that I'm sure have been embellished over time."

Laughter and a fist bump!

Morgan said their things right now were on a smaller scale... "Francis has warned us away from newspapers."

We had a laugh for that.

I said other media was fine. "Think book publishing! New York, London, Berlin, Paris... Madrid?"

A thumbs up from Morgan.

Upstairs to Eve. A huge hug! Ku was in California getting the San Francisco shelter open.

I gave her an extra hug to make up for the absent Ku.

We chatted with her team... no issues!

The two railroad company's databases were in great shape. Both of them reporting no problems... just `rolling down the tracks' happily! Their tech staffs pleased that our software had so many powerful features they could show to users throughout their systems.

We had to do very little maintenance... more teaching!

I did say Alex had meetings scheduled with two other railroads here in America... one in the middle west into part of the south and a northeast one. Eve grinning.

Fist bump

Eve was coming up for lunch at the 45th. In the lift again... grins all around for the delicious lunch to come.

Benni at the lift door with her son Chad. It was nice to meet him.

All of us together going to the big booth.

The house was almost full... it was late lunch time. I said some hellos as we walked.


I talked with Chad... he was moving to London to work for SolarToGo at the labs north of Paddington Station. His electrical engineering degree from Cornell very much valued. Excellent new skills for us.

Reg was to be his boss... me too. Some laughs about that.

We had a great lunch... a new server, Misty, she was a bit nervous. I walked with her to the kitchen...

"I'm just another guest... I eat like everyone else. You know you wouldn't be working here unless you were terrific at your job... right?"

A nod and a smile.

In the kitchen I said hellos to the staff... they'd seen the `Z' light come up on the board. Smiles and waves.

We ate well, talked some electrical bits and about London. We had a flat for Chad in our Maida Vale block of flats. A very short commute on the Bakerloo Line or by bicycle his preferred mode of travel. He got some tips on how to get around London... some interesting things to see from me.

Benni knew she could hop a R&R flight to London for visits and the reverse. Many thanks!

In the lift again, I stepped out on the Daily News editorial floor. The carts with us loaded with more scarves and ties. Old style Remington typewriters in various colours. I toured the offices with Gil and Chelle giving each person one.

Royce holding his... smiling, "Fay, these are very nice looking. I'll be proud to wear mine."

Fist bump.

All was well here... they were still gaining readers... slower but still rising. We were to make a push in the suburbs... New Jersey, Westchester County and Nassau and Suffolk on the `Island.'

Reginé's team working with the Daily News folks on that. Doing ads along the commuter routes... roads and trains.

Down a floor with the carts. Ties and scarves given out. Our reporters and staffers shaking hands and hugs. Smiles back.

Louise loved it! Laure holding hers... "Miss Martin, Hermès for us all? Very nice!"

Nipsey was packing for the trip to Saratoga... a big smile. He said the tie will go!

"Monaco says his team is ready to roll... eight entries for the weekend is large..."

"Yes a lot... they're all in appropriate races we aren't just squeezing some in."

He waved his hand, "You should... you have the ponies why not race them!!"

He asked about Stellar Black in the Travers and Kaao in the Woodward... not Toes Tapping in either.

"We're trying to keep them running at the top ranks so when the Breeder's Cup comes around they have been thoroughly challenged. The Ballerina stakes for Toes Tapping... it is a G1 race..."

Nipsey laughed, "You two have never been afraid of running against the best talent... Yours are always primed to run at whatever distance. Monaco knows how to prepare a horse like no one else... ever!"

I said someone mentioned that although Monaco was already in the Horse Racing Hall of Fame he might be voted in again..."

Nipsey smiling, "I guess it was somebody who's smart!"

Laughter! As my finger aimed at him.

I sat beside Zachary... he had a big grin, "So Your Ladyship, five hundred million £'s for the NHS? You've given Teresa something to work on!"

"Yes. It's an attention grabber! We want folks to be reminded of what the trusts do and they should support them however they can."

"Keir Starmer is quoted saying he had never seen such philanthropy before. He made the point you two had nothing to gain making it a true benevolent act."

"Well... we won't gain' anything directly but if the trusts are healthier they will be able to care for our people better. So we will gain' that way."

His head shaking, "You are on the record?"

"Yes. We have many thousands of employees in the United Kingdom who use the NHS... we want them to get the best care possible.

We do have health clinics at some of our business locations... they are for light medical issues... no specialists or surgery."

Zachary waved to Clement. He gave him a précis of what I'd said.

Clement smiling, "Here in America?"

"The same. The new federal health care laws are coming into force... we will fit ourselves into that along with our extended coverage for all medical issues... Dental, vision. The health clubs, etc..."

I needed to get on. They thanked me for the comments. They would go on the webpage and into the morning edition.

More thanks for their ties. We shook hands.

Down to our growing management team floor. Mary and others building a staff to assist our multiple companies, HR, planning, technical assistance, etc...

I spoke to the whole crowd... thanking them for their work to get all this up and running.

"We keep adding to our portfolio of companies so there will increased demand for your services... it is important you be able provide support because some of those businesses don't have a lot of depth."

I could see they got it... happy faces.

At Minetta Street Cho and I had a brief meeting with Nina... no further sightings of Russians which was good. She had backed off a bit on the security threat level... slowly. The security zone was working well!

The local FBI office had been by to talk. Our spotting Russians wandering around was helpful...

"They asked if we needed any assistance... I said we might on facial recognition issues... We were hoping they have a larger database."

She smiled, "We sat down to look at that... they were amazed by how many Russian faces we have. More than they do. I felt it wasn't my play to say how we managed it."

We said she did right.

We left it there.

Cho thinking out loud with me later, "Maybe we should pass it along at a higher level..."

"I'll email Theodore to ask who would be best at FBI to talk to... or maybe send it on a hard drive to him... he could pass it on with our provenance."

A kiss!

The Twins were having a veggie burger and chips dinner... Cho and I were going to see Alex's Broadway show. We had Chelle get us a box... it was easier than asking Alex for a bunch of tickets and much better for our security.

We would eat later at 21.

Tomorrow we had lawyers coming for a meeting... I was going to Vogue and then all of us would go to MoMA after lunch.

Arlette sent email to Gil giving an update on birthdays... she had that calendar and was doing the cards... when I was ready they'd be in monthly piles on my Lady's Room sideboard, separated by friends, family and acquaintances.

Gil with a grin, "She's gotten stuck in!"

Fist bump!

Cho smiling with his MacBook on his lap...

"Glaa successfully covered all our Rabam ladies. The five are in foal!!!"

A cheer, hugs and kisses!!!

Chek was very happy... Glaa as a baby had been a special favourite of his.

Oh what could come from that... Asda's genes combined with Hathai's inside our five superb mares... no telling! Glaa was the greatest horse of his generation... even given his brothers and sisters amazing successes he stood above them all.

Cho in one of his gorgeous black suits with a shimmering silver tie.

I'm in a Mirabelle copy of an Erte dress, deeply black, softly flowing down my body straight to the floor, silver beading beginning sparsely on the bodice going down to very dense near the waist to mid-thigh where it faded out, a slight gather at the hips, inch and half straps over the shoulder, a deeply scooped back to near my waist. Black ankle strap heels, light black linen gloves with an open crocheted top, a small crocheted black beret and a black velvet clutch, silver jewellery, `Joy' I was very Art-Deco!

Going uptown in Terrance's car. At the theatre PJ was out first Rande next, Cho handed me out. Tara and Ansara behind us.

Passersby gawking... theatre-goers entering... crowded sidewalk... we passed through.

Cho leading... my hand on his arm. A theatre management woman was just inside the doors... the crowd around and behind her... she had been alerted by Gil. She escorted us to the right and up the stairs... I had to lift my hem for the stairs. Cho's arm a steady support.

The other theatre goers looking on as we worked our way forward... we were recognized... fragments of comments floating by... I saw a woman in a nice red dress doing silent clapping. A smile for her.

In the box there were six chairs. Our hostess said a server would be here to get drinks for us. She added that our interest in going backstage was Okay'd. She would return at the end of the show to take us back. We thanked her.

We settled in... the view from stage left was very good... likely only a small area way upstage left wasn't going to be easy to see. We looked at our playbills... Alex's name prominently displayed as choreographer. A brief biography and credits.

Our server brought us our chosen drinks. We looked around... the lights began to dim...

The play spun out... a family of actors have a issues after the death of the patriarch, a hugely successful song and dance man. His career triumphs played out in flashbacks of his singing and dancing. Alex's dancers all through in the various scenes.

A great undercurrent of repressed familial anger with the old man... he'd been a tyrant and loud critic.

The pay was well done... it kept our interest... the dancing excellent. The four leads did very well on their feet just as Alex had mentioned. The cast seemed well matched with their roles.

At one point the father, as a youth in a flashback, and his son in the present dancing the same steps perfectly synchronised... exactly! The son showing he was as good as the father!

The commanding father, the mother acquiescing to his demands but resisting in her own way, the son and daughter were excellent players but in the shadow of the father.

The father's death a relief for the family that each dealt with individually rather than as a group. Intriguing.

There was a very great applause... multiple curtain calls and the audience calling for the director and choreographer. We certainly added our share to the applause.

It certainly earned the plaudits the critics had bestowed upon it. The press promising many awards for the production.

Our hostess returned as the curtain closed for the last time. Smiling when we said we had enjoyed the show. We went downstairs then around to the left through a locked door to a passage.

The hostess had called ahead... the director and Alex greeted us. I introduced Cho.

Alex smiling when I said we'd gone for box... I motioned to our Protectors. He understood immediately.

The director introduced the playwright... we shook hands... none of the producers were here tonight... the principal cast was introduced.

We thanked them... "Go on with your usual things. It is very nice to meet you all... a wonderful show. We enjoyed it."

Smiles and thanks.

I had Alex's arm, "So you were right when you said your leads could dance."

A nod, "They have really done quite well."

Alex was now our guide around backstage... we got to meet the rest of the cast and the dancers.

We were causing a bit of a sensation... many of the cast and crew shaking our hands... a few hugs. I was standing to the side with the second lead female who played the daughter.

She loved my dress... a grin... `a bit quirky and very sleek' was her description. I told her about Erte... her eyes opening... she said she'd look him up.

We didn't want to over-stay our welcome. At the door I hugged Alex.

"If you get yourself to Denver we would carry you the rest of the way to the ranch."

"You mean provide a car?"

"No... a helicopter over and back. We used them when we visited. We have some based at a heliport east of Denver."

He was dumbfounded... "Fay, that is so generous."

"Well you need to go... so if we can make harder for you to say `no' then..."

He laughed, "You really like that side of my family."

"Nick is definitely one of the good guys. His brother is too. Their wives and kids are great! Have they shared the news that he is being profiled in Vogue?"

A shaken head and a laugh, "I wonder how that will go over with my side of the family?"

"I suppose they will get to decide." I laughed squeezing his hand, "If they can find a Vogue in their farm town... that is. It will be in the magazine soon."

Enormous laughter from us all.

More hugs and handshakes and we worked our way out. We thanked our hostess... We were sorry to have missed the producers. She said our thanks and enjoyment would be passed onto them. She added it was a pleasure to have us.

In the car a kiss for Cho.

At 21, Bryan at the door... "Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... good to see you."

He escorted us into the Bar Room. We got some clapping and waves. We shook a few hands on the way. Cho paused at the bar...

Axel smiling as he pulled out the table for us.

Two house Martini's arrived. A smile.

We toasted to a good evening and sipped. Axel got our choices for dinner.

A blonde woman approached with a man trailing... he was not looking happy... PJ stood up... the man looked a bit more doomed at that... She said hello... We did too. The man had her hand pulling gently... he said he hoped we have a good dinner. She allowed herself to be walked out.


Bryan came up, "The couple who just were with you... the man asked me to apologise to you. He didn't say what for..."

Cho grinned, "I think the young lady was a bit star-struck and perhaps quite tipsy too."

"Ah... No problems then?"

We laughed, "No, she was dazed but Okay."

Bryan thanked us and was shaking his head as he went back out front.

Our food began to arrive... hunger!

After food we went upstairs with Bryan... all the private rooms were in use!

"We have been well booked for several months... with the holiday season starting in a couple months I expect the trend to continue.

Many of the regulars have expressed their happiness that the house is being maintained at the top level."

We shook his hand and thanked him for the fine work.

A woman came out into the passage... looking for the Ladies Room... she stopped abruptly when she saw me... "Your Ladyship..." A curtsey... a strange place for that.

I said hello and moved aside so she could get to the loo. Going down I told Cho she was an English actress. Bryan told us the room was booked for an after performance get together.

Terrance out front... we got in back after a quite a few flashes. Some calls to look their way which did not happen.

A turn right at Fifth Avenue, southward. PJ in a jump seat smiling. Cho asked...

"The blocking car is in place."

Fist bump.

At 15th Street we went west... PJ looking at his iPhone... he sent a text... we continued on... the blocking car did its job stopping paparazzi following us.

Cho laughed when PJ got a confirmation. Fist bumps.

We took a look into the nursery... the Twins asleep.

Tha smiling... "They watched three Charlie Chaplin movies. I think they are getting close on what they want to do for the next C&C Production. They watched the Immigrant again tonight.

It has to be at Harcourt House for reasons they have not shared."

We were grinning!! Big grins!!

My morning walk with Jaidee was in Washington Square Park, around the whole thing! We were at the Minetta Street lift when Candace came down. Hugs!

Her term would start after the Labour Day holiday. Cheek kiss. Off to a faculty meeting.

Upstairs the Twins came out in a rush! Hugs and kisses for them too!

They were going uptown with Tha and Delphine to the Museum of Natural History. Gaby, Kara, Soraya and Rafe were going also. They were to go to 21 with us for their lunch.

We had lawyers... I changed for my second meeting now to save time.

A white cotton skirt, A-line to mid-thigh black belt, two slash pockets on the sides with black edges. A black mesh crop top with string shoulder straps and lined in black silk to be opaque. A matching black cotton mesh bolero short sleeve jacket cut above the skirt waistline, a round upright collar, three silver buttons that have snap closings underneath with the same lining as the crop top. No stockings, black heels and silver jewellery `Joy'

We sent the Twins off... happy babies.

Cho and I greeted the lawyers. We moved outside. Coats off.

They were warmly thanked for the success of the Clause 230 lawsuit. I told them I'd spoken personally to Judge White the other day in her chambers... eyes wide.

"We did not discuss the case just the outcome... there was also talk about..." my hand squeezing Cho's, "... Cho's golf game since the Judge is a player."


"She figured out we didn't want destroy the website... the one dollar did make her laugh."

The Principal partner smiling, "We could see her on the bench with a partly disguised grin. Her opinion was the deal-maker. She had it right... every other judge after her recognized her direct and correct ruling! That doesn't happen often."

He said the website had paid their fees in total. So for us and our lawyers it was over.

The Supreme Court placing a stay was expected... their emphasising its very temporary nature a bit unusual but it made the point to the internet folks!

The partner directly overseeing our work said there had been a big uptick in interest for their legal services after the ruling.

"Like other firms before us a hugely successfully case draws attention... we are being as `choosy' for ourselves as you would have us be for you."

I applauded.

Their being the sieve for any requests for our time was excellent. The lawyer involved on a day-to-day basis told us the level of requests for interviews continues to rise... they are responding to `serious' individuals only.... those response are negatives.

Product and other endorsement requests are all replied with a `NO!'

He was smiling, "We have two mailrooms... one at the loading dock to scan everything then it comes upstairs. Sometime I go in there... the folks doing the opening and classifying are laughing at what they see. It's serious business but some of the requests are comical."

Cho smiling, "Well at least there's a break for levity... the people wading through it all deserve that."


They understood we liked what they were doing... no changes.

I excused myself for another appointment.

Pell carrying us downtown to Vogue. Going in the door at Fulton Street behind Tara aiming for the Conde-Nast bank of lifts. I nudged Tessa with a grin... Anna's PA there... I got a smile.

In the lift, the PA beside Tessa... a lovely face... her make-up highlighted her features without being overdone, smiling to Tessa. My eyebrows raised... a nod of my head to Tessa.

We worked our way to Anna's office, handshake and cheeks kissed. I did a spin-around so she could see my outfit. It was a hit.

"It is great for air-conditioned buildings." Tugging at the hem of the jacket. We laughed.

I said `Mirabelle.'

Anna shaking her head, "Is it going into the stores?"

I shrugged, "Too late for this summer... maybe spring... other colours."

We talked Nick's get-together with Pauline...

"The interview is very good. He was responsive and open. Not too much politics but he made clear his disgust with his corrupt republican `colleagues.' He was going to campaign for republicans who he believes are ethical and honest like himself.

His family and his brother's people were very welcoming to ours. The ranch hands are not exactly our sort of folks... Pauline said they were nice and willing to speak to her. Nick told the workers it was good with Seth and himself.

The cowhands did like their boss getting some attention. One quote we will use was `They are the kind of boss you want to work for' which is one way we will sum up the brothers.

So we have excellent copy to go along with a lot of good outdoorsy snaps. Several of Nick in the Congress and at a Washington event with Liza. It's early days but we may lead with that piece."

I was pleased for them and Nick. He was a good man in a tough spot acting gracefully and honestly. His Nebraska constituents should be proud.

I gave Anna the tale of our going to see his brother-in-law's Broadway show... we enjoyed it plus we got to meet the cast, management and crew.

Anna asked about using our tables for lunch at 21 tomorrow?

"We're going to Saratoga for racing in the morning then to Oxfordshire... so please go."

I turned to Gil who was texting to Bryan. They'd be ready for whatever time she decided on.

Anna was pleased... it was after a meeting with a big advertiser for the magazine.

I said take them along... smiling, she nodded her head. A thank you.

Some more talk about fashion in general and how the ready-to-wear women's clothes makers where churning out copies of my outfits.

Smiling, "I'm Okay with that as long as they put their names on it all."

Anna pointed out they most likely read the fashion `Trades' news and Coral's interview WWD made some waves... "It was remarked on repeatedly and quoted many times over. The good garment makers know to steer clear... the rougher-edged ones may try some tricks."

Laughing, "They've been warned."

"Indeed. Quick profits still may lure them."

"We're ready!"

I did goodbyes. I said we'd be back in the middle of September for the Chanthira Foundation Golf Tournament but very involved with that.

Cheek kisses and handshakes.

Anna's PA escorted us down to the lobby... I was grinning but not staring. Going out the door Tessa showed us a piece of paper in her palm... She looked at in the car... name, Chelsea neighbourhood address and `private' phone number.

"We spoke briefly while you were with Anna... she asked if I might be interested in a meeting... I answered with a Yes.' So I got this. She knows I'm on the move a great deal but that I am also a city' girl."

"She's a very beautiful woman, tall and slender... a good match in shape. So see where it goes... enjoy!"

Tessa grinning. Tara giving her a fist bump! Gil hugged her.

A family lunch at 21! I was first... Bryan smiling. I walked into the Barroom to polite clapping, waves and a few handshakes with some CBS folks at a table close to ours.

I slowed by the bar to order two house Martinis... a smile from the bartender.

I was finally seated... it was an interesting entrance... as I neared our table a man and a woman came from further up the banquette... they had several men in front of them... Tara moved up... their approach was halted by her.

Gil at my left ear said the man was the former President George Bush 2.

I said hello and sat down... then Tara moved back. I could see his Secret Service folks were flummoxed... stopped cold by Tara.

Funny... interesting.

The former President and guest went on out... I saw a woman standing deep in the centre tables... hands over her head clapping. Tara sat down with a slight smile.

My drink arrived. A sip... the clapping woman came over... Bette M***** Handshakes after we introduced ourselves.

She turned to Tara... "Well done!"

Tara with that smile still in place nodded.

"I really don't like him so anyone who gives him a bad time is great with me."

Smiling I said Tara does her job quite well.

She was on her way out... smiles. I sat back down.

Bryan joined me... he said the former President wasn't here often these days. He could see from my face his never coming back was fine. A grin.

He volunteered the woman with him was one of his daughters who lived in the city.

I thanked Bryan.

Gil aimed her iPad to me... Barbara Bush was a founder and leader at the Global Health Corps. I read something about it a few years back... they give fellowships to young professionals in America and Africa to work towards health equity for all citizens.

"Gil, get me more information on them... put the Sharks on it."


"Mama!" "Mama!"

The Twins crossing the floor in front of the bar... Tha and Gaby in pursuit. Axel right there to move the table for me. I squatted down for hugs.

The whole room looking our way... They could see me hug the babies.

Cho! I stood up for a kiss. There was clapping! More fun!

We got Chani and Charlie in their seats and the table back in place. Big smiles on small faces!

Cho beside me... another kiss. We sipped our drinks... small colas arrived!

Axel got our food requests. He also got a few bits about our horses running in the next few days. A discreet thumbs up from him.

Cho snuggled CLOSE... "I heard from Narong... there's to be a high level meeting in Bangkok in November on the `Sensor Wall' project. Foreign Ministers from Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Bangladesh joining Narong. They would like India to join... no word from them yet."

"Narong has been busy."

"Yes but you lit a fire under U Denpo! He's has been chivvying the others via their Justice Ministers."

I laughed, "He showed the idea was welcome to him especially the part about China having to deal with the drugs problem they create for a change!"

We had a delicious lunch. The babies got veggie bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches and chips. Ketchup for Charlie's chips, mayonnaise for Chani!

We heard about the museum trip! They loved it. Great dinosaur stuff! Early man was great. Loads of bird things!! They wanted to go back... I pointed to Tha and Delphine... small heads swivelled their way... both nodding. They liked the museum too!

On the way out I asked Bryan not to charge Anna and any guests tomorrow. "Tell them it's on us."

Bryan a big smiling thumbs up!

No car... we walked to the right and turned into the small plaza beside the CBS Building... we used the crosswalk get to the front of MoMA. Gil had texted Joice...

Joice and the The Museum of Modern Art's director were at the door with a couple of their security folks.

Introductions by Tessa and Joice. The Director said they were pleased we'd come.

"Anything special you wanted to see?"

I said the Impressionists. I squeezed Chani's hand... "We would like especially to see the landscapes and also the Turner's you have... and other English landscapes. Our daughter has an interest."

Smiling he said Joice would be our guide. We thanked him.

Joice smiling, she leaned down to Chani, "You like landscapes?"

Chani said she was doing a painting of the view from our pool out over the Thames Valley in Oxfordshire... Joice a bit surprised but said 'Let's go!'

In the lift... the MoMA security said they would stay back but help route people around us.

Tara said thank you and briefly described how they work.

Joice leading we headed towards an exhibit room from the lift... There were Turner's! I took Chani in my arms so she'd have a straight on view.

"Tell me when you want to move on..."

I got a cheek kiss.

She looked at the painting of small boats, men and a waterway... concentrating... cute!

"Okay Mama."

We moved to one I hoped she would like since we have a recent connection... `Dunwich, Suffolk.' Vivid yellow and blue, men manoeuvring a small boat in the surf. I said we had been on those cliffs... my hand motioning towards the painting. Charlie in Cho's arms beside us.

The Twins loved we had a link to a painting from almost two hundred years ago!

We moved slowly then on to a group of Constable's... Chani immediately saw the difference.

"Mama, he is more detailed."

"Indeed! Very good!"

In another gallery we stayed for a while in front of several Renoirs, Sisley, Manet, Degas, Monet's and other Impressionists. Cho and Charlie going around more.

"Mama, I like the Impressionist's colour choices."

Joice had stayed close to us... a lot of head shaking... I asked Gil to show Joice Chani's blackbird. Joice was floored that Chani had done it as a not yet two year old from memory of the bird in a park.

We moved about for several hours... Chani storing up ideas on form and colour... we talked about both as we viewed the different works.

Joice was looking a bit shell-shocked by Chani and Charlie in our discussions on the paintings.

We ended up in the lobby off to the side. Tara thanked the MoMA security... shook their hands. Joice had gotten the Director back... they were thanked by us and the Twins.

Tessa giving her sister-in-law a big hug.

Outside Terrance and Pell at the kerb to pick us up. Home.

On the terrace the Twins sat with us... cuddled on a settee. I think we are going to have start using two settees for this... the Twins were getting too big for a foursome on these settees.

"Mama, can we give money to Joice so the pictures will be safe and we can go back many times? I want to look more."

I squeezed Chani, "Of course we can. Wonderful and thoughtful of you."

Cho and I doing a fist bump! The Twins wanted in on that.

Charlie asked about a painter who did a portrait of mother and child... pastel colours... "Her name... " His eyes screwed up trying to remember, "Cassatt... right?"

Cho smiling, "Yes! Mary Cassatt. She was an impressionist like Monet and Degas."

"I liked the colours and the faces! Love there!"

I gave his hand a squeeze. I am proud of our babies.

Chani holding my hand, "I like Van Gogh too... he uses very bright colours, different shapes than Monet and the other Impressionists."

Ah! "Yes... he and his friends moved past Impressionist painters to new colours and ways of painting... different brush strokes."

The Twins were very observant and discerning... more exposure was needed!

Hadley came up for dinner. Yi was at a book show in Washington, D.C. giving a talk!

Drinks on the terrace... warm but we had plenty of shade and fans moving the air.

Hadley was doing well, settling into the work. The design staff pleased with her contributions so far...

"Not much... a few things. I can see where I might make an impact in dresses."

Fist bump!

She was comfortable downstairs. Yi was a great flatmate, quiet, often away these days. Alice a cuddler, incredibly sweet! It was pleasant and undemanding. Coming up here to eat with Roslyn, Mita and Yi was terrific.

"I'm not much of a cook so I'm being well fed which my mom is pleased about."


"I want to meet your family. I don't know if I will ever go back to Chillicothe though."

She laughed at that, "I will only go back to visit... a big city is where I want to be living."

Cho holding me in the dark on a settee... the house quiet...

"News from Deauville. Our horses won today... Chaiya and Normandie Fille finished their time in Deauville with very nice victories. Both running away from the field. Normandie Fille especially so... she won by ten lengths."

I embraced him tightly... "The New York state horse racing folks happy with us?"

"Yes... they had a look again. They say we are the perfect owners... nothing hidden, access to our barns and records on demand. They don't baulk at our security wanting to know who, when and where but otherwise not bothering them.

We'll get a written report soon... the verbal given to Monaco was outstanding. He's pleased. Me too!"


A quick walk with Jaidee, breakfast and a drive to the Heliport.

Kathy had us flaring to land in a corner of the car park across from the Hartford Courant's offices.

Cho and I crossed Flower Street to get to the sidewalk heading to the front door. PJ and Rande leading, Kara and Calvin behind Gil and Chelle. At the door the publisher and editorial staff were waiting inside. We shook hands.

We did a stop in the newsroom... Me on a desk with Cho's help this time.

The staff clustered close.

I told them we were very glad to have them as part of the NewsGroup. I got a laugh saying I'd visited the second oldest newspaper first.

They cheered and applauded when I gave them the news... this building was not to be sold... they would stay here. The newsroom would be done over, a small clinic plus a canteen put in and a new more advanced writing and editing software package would be worked into place.

What we had sent them in an email some months back when we took over the Tribune Newspapers was briefly repeated...

We had seen an uptick in advertising sales... averaging eight percent over last year. Circulation of the daily paper up slightly two months in a row, a big jump in user engagement on the webpage with a rise in online advertising.

They were thanked for those numbers.

"We want to expand the number of pages with much more overall state news so expect to asked to cover more with some new people coming in."

That was also cheered.

I thanked them for the hard work and waved our goodbye.

In a conference room with the whole editorial staff and publisher... we went over where we were and where wanted to be. They were making gains after years of decline!

The new software was going to involve a learning curve... not too steep. They needed to take that into account.

I made the suggestion to the publisher in his office that some of the laid-off people could be brought back to fill new roles. He said he would consider them on a case-by-case basis as the new positions might not be a good fit for several.

He got that it was his choice to make... I asked Chelle be CC'd in the communications from him going to Terrill in Chicago on the hiring. A smile to her and thumbs up.

We wanted more Connecticut news so the newspaper could appeal to a wider audience. The new positions should reflect that. They were good with it!

We got a tour... in the big press room, noisy, I spoke to an older man... he'd been with the Courant for twenty seven years... now the senior press room supervisor. I pointed to the ink stains on his hands... he grinned.

"Miss, sometimes I do still get right in there when it's needed."

We laughed. He said he was very pleased to meet me and to thank us for having faith in newspapers. I shook his hand. No ink transferred which had us laugh again.

We did goodbyes and Kathy lifted us up heading northwest. Once we cleared downtown Hartford she put the pedal down. Speed!

Earlier I'd gotten a text from Kiet... he was taking Sondra to the hospital her labour had begun!

An interesting weekend coming up.

The Twins and Jaidee were there already so... fun!

We heard from Tha that `Toga' was chanted for a bit as their AW139 lifted off from the Westside Heliport.

Kathy dropped us on Thayer's drive. The very same at the door. A big hug for him. He was holding the fort waiting for news from Kiet.

"Sondra went into labour... they had everything planned and ready so they loaded the car and were off. I was amazed... even though I knew it all... Kiet was calm and steady doing things. Sondra squeezing my hand saying she was doing Okay."

We were laughing.

Thayer said the party three days hence would go on... it was prepared and their housekeeper had it under control.

The Twins were outside in the garden with Jaidee... they came running when we stepped out. Hugs and kisses. Jaidee got his too!

I changed to shorts and a crop top sitting in the sun with some work. Cho using Thayer's office for some calls, etc...

Thayer beside me watching... "Damn Fay you guys do get right to it."

Smiling I said we didn't have a choice given all our hats.

"Just think where I'd be without Gil and Chelle plus Ali."

He asked about Ali's due date... the last part of October.

Kiet called Grandpa... there was a son... a grandson! Perfectly healthy with excellent lungs... quiet now with his mom's nipple in his mouth. Dillon Cho Albert Thayer was doing great!

Kiet said he'd was going to stay for a while... he'd call back.

Thayer sent on our congratulations.

I told the Twins Sondy had her baby... his name was Dillon. They would get to meet him a day or so.

We loaded up for a barn visit. The Twins clapping as we pulled up to the barn. Out on their feet... Monaco smiling... he did fist bumps with them!

Aneka, Toes Tapping, Sakda, Phueng, Stellar Black, Kaao, Prichit and Karnchana all healthy and ready to run!

Monaco rubbing his hands, "We're so prepared!'


We stopped at each stall... Chani and Charlie enjoyed stroking and talking to every horse. Zebra was introduced, he's a stable pony.

Nickers and quiet whinnies told us they liked us being there.

All our jockeys were there... no racing today. Leonie would ride two, Dom had two also. Radha one, Mike one also. Marnie two.

Our training staff... Monaco, Demetria, Mackenzie and Jackson. James trained Karnchana but we had two running at Del Mar this weekend so he was covering them.

We did hugs, kisses and fist bumps with them. Rande and PJ had their reunion with Jackson as always... handshakes and shoulder hugs.

The Twins were laughing as they walked along the line of our jockeys doing fist bumps. Loads of smiles and laughs.

All the grooms were rev'ed up, their horses set to run.

What a ready-to-go crowd!!

Sitting with Monaco in the barn office while the Twins wandered with Tha, Delphine and Protectors...

"Not to be crass... we are looking at three million dollars of winnings as a possible outcome from the long weekend here. Sirikit and Phawta are racing Monday at Del Mar so more..."

Monaco wasn't in it for the money... he loved the horses and the competition. The money merely paid for the fun.

Cho laughing said the money had its uses. Monaco nodding.

I squeezed his hand, "We love to watch them race... they love to run too!"

The Collingwood's! Jack and Ellice came by the office! Hugs for them. Janice and Wyatt at the house so we'd see them around. They were both doing well.

Jack's racing season had been pretty good, one youngster doing quite well. Three wins and a show in four races!

Gil smiling leaned in saying it' was ready! Cho looked to me... a mild surprise when I told him what it' was.

We said our goodbyes. The driver knew about the stop. We turned out of the racecourse to go north then west on Congress Street to Broadway then a right a short way. Kiet's restaurant.

Tara, Tessa, Gil, Chelle and me went to the takeaway window. Big bags of goodies.

The woman at the window was jazzed... they heard about Dillon. The whole staff was pumped up for Sondra and Kiet!!

In the car the aromas were almost too much. At Thayer's he was amazed with all our tasty goodness. Gil had let the housekeeper know what we were up to well before the trip the barns.

We laid it out on the kitchen tables and workspaces... Oh My! It smelled so good. We dug in... sitting opposite Thayer outside... he'd talked with Sondra and Kiet.

Her doctor said she was likely good to go home tomorrow after a checkup. Everything here was ready for Dillon's arrival.

I went back for more spring rolls and grilled tofu... Thayer's staff were all smiles... thanking us for including them. I said they were very welcome.

In the dark outside in a chair with Cho. The Twins asleep... I was well squeezed. The takeaway idea praised.

"I thought it would be a nice for us and everyone here before the little fellow comes home."

In the morning light, I gave my horse to a groom thanking him for saddling Morrie. He was a good ride, frisky but easy to control. Gaby smiling beside me walking to the house.

My boots making noises on the kitchen tile... the housekeeper smiling... more thanks for dinner. She liked Kiet's food.

"When his family was here I got to speak with his mother... a very nice lady."

"She is indeed. Their restaurant in Bangkok is wonderful... there is a huge banyan tree with tiny white lights that extends over the outdoor seating. Magical setting as is the food!"


We had two races today, then two...then two... then finally two on the last day!

We motored over to the track... our crowd going up to Thayer's box. We kept to our schedule... Kiet happy, well hugged and kissed on his way to the hospital to see and hopefully collect Sondra and Dillon.

"You don't need to do anything... We're prepared... " Head shaking, "Thayer has the staff ready, he's ready... I'm ready... If we were more ready the house would explode."

Laughing we agreed to go on as usual. We'd get to see Dillon after the races.

The bell had rung...

Our first race was the Personal Ensign Stakes, Aneka running! It is a G1 race with a seven hundred and fifty thousand dollar purse. Aneka almost at the end of her racing days. She would likely go to Harcourt Farm... have a few babies for us. Such a magnificent competitor... unbeaten in three years of racing!! More awards coming her way at the end of the year.

A one mile race on dirt. The start off to our left. The ladies came out for the Post Parade... when Aneka was announced the crowd responded loudly... she and Leonie very warmly received.

The field of twelve loaded smoothly... CLANG... they were released. Aneka came out beautifully going straight down the track from number four. Horses to her right couldn't close towards the rail easily with her in the way. Leonie kept her running dead ahead... she opened several lengths as they moved into the first turn.

As they went around the curve Aneka's smooth lead changes gave her more space... Leonie closed her to the rail at the beginning of the back straight. Her pursuers five lengths astern.

Aneka galloping along with ease opened two more spaces by the middle of the straight. The second turn approached a brown horse made a move to close the gap. Leonie spotted that but didn't ask Aneka for any more.

In the turn Aneka maintained a three length lead... at the top of the straight back on her right lead Aneka responded to Leonie's asking... ZOOM! She pulled away for six lengths very quickly... passing the eighth pole it was seven.

As they neared the finish the lead was eight... Aneka blew over the wire in full gallop! A wonderful race. Leonie hadn't been fazed by the one challenger knowing she hadn't asked Aneka...

We had a celebration. Aneka the Queen!

Down to the Winner's circle. Chani and I going to get the trophy. I bent down for her to handle the prize... giggly happy. A man with a microphone came close... Chani whispered to me... Smiling I nodded... Chani spoke to the man... the microphone in her small hands... Chani thanked the Saratoga Race Course and Personal Ensign Stakes folks for hosting the race.

There was shock on many faces... then loud applause from the crowd. Chani gave the amazed man his microphone back thanking him.

We moved out to the track where Corky was holding Aneka... She had a big grin. A fist bump with Chani!

Cho laughing with Charlie. Fist bumps for Chani!

Leonie got hug, so did Aneka. She was petted by Chani in my arms. A big smile on Leonie's face shaking hands with Cho.

The men headed up to Thayer's box. The Twins with me going in search of their favourite lemonade. We found the vendor... she remembered us.

"Yours are so cute."

I thanked her. She showed us a snap of her daughter, a four year old, very sweet face... I said so which made her quite happy.

Janice and her `hunk' came by. Introductions done. Wyatt was handsome. They were planning a December wedding here... they wanted snow! I shivered in the heat. Janice said she remembered I didn't like snow.

Wyatt was acting a bit star struck... talking about I was one of the richest people... just walking around Saratoga like everybody... on and on...

I whispered in Janice's ear... she was nodding. A squeeze of my hand.

We started back after Gil gave me a sign... Everybody got settled in the box.

Saratoga Club Stakes was up. Sakda was in this G2 race of six and a half furlongs for two year olds. Dom in our green and yellow blocks and stripes guiding the young fellow out to the chute after the post parade.

Chani had my glasses I think she was watching a bird... aiming in the wrong direction. Cho grinning underneath his glasses said they were all in. Clang!!

Sakda came out clean going down the back straight sprinting! This young colt looked like a seasoned veteran rolling along. He was on the lead with four competitors to his right a length back.

There was no let up for Sakda... was into the turn with a gap of four over two pursuers. His lead changes done easily gave him more room at the top of the home stretch. Dom asked him for more... his surge opened four lengths further space quickly. The others could not match him.

Racing down the last yards he was pulling away adding another length to win by nine!! Dom's unused whip in the air! It was fast... not a record.

We celebrated! Those six and half furlongs went by quickly!!

Down to the Winner's Circle. Cho and Charlie on duty this time. Chani in my arms watching our guys.

Her arms on my neck... "Mama, I like doing this." A kiss for her.

Charlie and Popa having fun getting the trophy and some chat with the microphone!

At the barn we thanked our team. Leonie and Dom would ride one more each for us as well as rides for other trainers. Both incredibly successful jockeys who garnered a lot of attention... they like our other jockeys were in demand by other trainers!

Upstairs at Thayer's we got to see Dillon. Sweet face lots of dark hair... he'd been asleep then his eyes opened... Sondra's blue! He was going to have a killer look when he grew up!

Sondra was doing very well. I sat beside her as the Twins got to meet Dillon.

In answer to my question... "Fay, I didn't have a hard time in delivery... Dillon wanted out! He was almost a week overdue."

A smile, "My bits weren't torn up so I'll be up and around soon."

Chani came over, "Sondy, Dillon has both your signatures. He's cute."

Sondra gave me a questioning look... I said we had explained some about babies to the Twins using signatures' to explain fluid transfer. A big OH!'

She squeezed Chani's hand, "Yes... it is nice he will be a little of us both on the outside."

The Twins went off to `school' I smiled to Sondra.

"Sondra, they are smart... not just how that usually is meant but capable of thinking and putting things together. They got that each person has DNA `signature' mixing that creates babies and they know they can't do that because of the closeness of their signatures."

"Fay, so what do you do for budding geniuses' education?"

"Tha and Delphine for now... actually for a few years then maybe something more structured. Right now we want them to be free to do things they think of... not restrained by a classroom."

I shrugged saying we were waiting and watching... giving them lots of stimulation.

Oh oh... sounds from Dillon... in my untrained ear he sounded hungry... their nurse brought him over for a feeding. I kissed Sondra's cheek and left her to it.

I sat outside in the shade with Gil and Chelle... work and lots of it. Cho is on his phone and laptop. There many tendrils to our businesses to watch out for.

After dinner I went up to sit with Sondra for a while. She was sleepy... we talked kids and horses. She loved hearing how happy Artis was in Seattle and he had a friend.

I said he could work for quite a few years more at the sedate pace of most of the riders but when it came time to retire he could do it with Beltrane at Harcourt Farm in Kentucky if they wanted. A sleepy smile, she said it sounded very nice for him.

I squeezed her hand and let her sleep.

I had another great morning ride with Morrie, Tessa liked her horse, a palomino, very bouncy and happy.

Breakfast then work after a quick stop with Sondra and Dillon. Kiet sitting with his son, it was a great scene... Sondra happy. Thayer doing some snaps.

Thayer holding his grandson was quite the picture! A genuinely delighted face. Cho snapped him... Kiet doing the same.

Thayer is coming with us today... he wants to see Toes Tapping run.

Helicopter noise... Sam and Beverly arrived! Hugs and kisses. I waved to the pilot Glorianna. A thumbs up back.

Okay we're ready.

In Thayer's box... the Ballerina Stakes was called. Chani in my lap... I've my glasses today.

This is a G1 race of nine furlongs, a nine hundred thousand dollar purse.

The race is longer this year with the larger purse... the presence of Toes Tapping was the difference! The first Triple Crown winner ever to run in this race! The Ballerina Stakes folks really liked that. Plus we said we'd continue to run our fillies here.

The announcement of Toes Tapping and Marnie brought huge noise... Cheers and applause that lasted. Toes Tapping walked past the starting gate... strolling. She'd beaten some of the field this year...

The start was below to the left of us... one time around the track. The horses loaded quietly, Marnie in our green and yellow with snowy white jodhpurs on the beautiful gray of Toes Tapping.

A pause... they're off! No surprises... Toes Tapping striding out at a fast pace... she is clear of the field quickly... two lengths back to three others then the rest. In the turn Marnie moved her to the rail... there was now four length gap.

Our girl swinging around the turn at speed... her lead changes were swift and smooth. Going down the back straight now a gap... maybe eight... no slack. Marnie had looked back once... no more! Our gray filly approached the second turn very rapidly.

Her gallop easy, she is comfortable running hard. The turn extended her lead... at the top of the stretch back on her right lead Marnie asked her... The surge is breathtaking... I heard Sam draw a breath... I reached over to squeeze his arm... a filled with wonder look as Toes Tapping powered down the straight pulling away... At the eighth pole the space is now fourteen lengths.

Marnie let her run!! Over the finish in a blaze of speed. 1:43.9!!!!!! The fastest ever nine furlongs here at Saratoga and third to Kaao's world record of 1:43 flat set earlier this year!!! Samir at 1:43.08!

What a show!!

Thayer shaking his head... "I'm glad I came... Toes Tapping is awesome... really... more than that!! Such power. Everybody entering in a distaff race will be clamouring for a handicap for her after this."

A hug and cheek kiss for him. Sam, Beverly too. Beverly squeezing Chani with me. Giggles from Lady Chanthira!

Monaco got hugs and handshakes... a big smile on him.

Our Triple Crown filly showing she could run on the lead as well as come from behind.

Chani and I laughing having fun getting the trophy. The Ballerina people are pleased we'd entered our Champion... she lived up to the billing!!!! Saratoga folks smiling as they might after they had announced the attendance as a new record for a single day.

People came to see Toes Tapping... she didn't disappoint!!

Happiness all around.

We had two hours before our next race so we went to Shake Shack. They held the outside tables on the side like last year. The manager welcomed us. We did FOOD!

A call from Dad... I moved to same place behind the restaurant... PJ with me.

"Fay, the Foreign Minister of India has decided to join the others for the `Sensor Wall' get together."

Good news. Dad said Narong and the Myanmar Foreign Minister had done fine work convincing him.

"Please tell Narong we are pleased. Not to be pushy..." A chuckle from my father... "... Can you tell him to emphasise they show solidarity to get America and the EU fully on board."

"I will. Narong's interested if for no other reason than to block China from any influence in South East Asia. He is going to use that to gain the solidarity you ask for."

I seconded that. I told him our horses were winning to another chuckle. Goodbyes and love for them.

As we left the table I got Cho to walk aside with me. The Twins and the rest of our party went on to the box. PJ and Rande with us. I told Cho what Dad had said to a twinkle in his eyes.

"The Chinese are going to be less happy with us after this little party."

Grinning I agreed... `party?'

"Should we do a cocktail party for the Ministers?"

Cho suggested I take it up with Narong since he was the `Host' for it all.


The With Anticipation Stakes was next. Our entry was Phueng a two year old chestnut daughter of Asda, this is her maiden outing. She had been training for months at Pleasant Valley, Jackson was her trainer. He had worked her to a peak!

A G3 race with two turns going a mile and a sixteenth on turf. A one hundred and fifty thousand dollar purse.

The field came out for the post parade... youngsters but well behaved. This is a race for young horses to show their `stuff' on grass.

I watched Zebra our stable pony escort our runner to the gate. Such ponies are the norm here but not in Europe. Phueng was mature for a filly who turned a calendar year two a few months ago... Zebra was there to help her be calm... a friendly face and a quiet horse.

Phueng had a great jockey aboard... Radha!!

They loaded into the gate on the inner turf Mellon Track without issue. A pause... CLANG! They came out clean! Phueng from her number one position straight down the track near but not too close to the rail.

Radha had her well in hand. She sprinted down the straight... three others were close as our filly stayed near to the rail. The turn would be important... I kept my glasses on Phueng... she changed from right to left lead easily... gaining more space.

On the back straight Radha keep Phueng in the first path galloping smoothly. The same three were holding their places to her right. Nobody making a move yet with the second turn coming up fast!

Around the turn Radha took a quick look back... at the top of the home stretch Phueng did her final lead change perfectly and was now four lengths ahead! I squeezed Chani as Radha asked her... the Monaco Surge! My hand pressing on Jackson's shoulder... a huge smile on his face.

Phueng powered down the home stretch pulling away... at the eighth pole... seven lengths... no slack as she roared over the finish in full stride! 1:40.6!! A new record for the stakes and eight lengths the largest winning margin. She erased Catholic Boy's 1:40.94 and Startup Nation's four and half lengths.

We celebrated our filly's triumph... breaking her maiden on the first try. Setting records! Truly a daughter of Asda!

In the Winner's Circle Chani and I were up! She enjoyed being at the centre of things with me. Waving to people who were clustered around to watch the trophy presentation.

We had fun, I thanked everyone who needed to be and Chani charmed them all.

To the barn... Cho, Monaco, Jackson, Radha and Marnie spoke to the press. The Twins and I visited the horses. Stroking the Toes Tapping's gorgeous pale gray neck... nickers. I congratulated her on a splendid victory. Gus smiling at me talking to her. Fist Bump! The Twins too!

We sat in the barn office... I checked email on my iPhone... indictments have been handed down in the Los Angeles `heat ray' case! Casita saying the owners of the company and three members of the tech team were indicted on a variety of charges including reckless endangerment, bribery and more. All felony charges!

The District Attorney had no trouble getting a Grand Jury vote for the indictments. Plenty of evidence... I supposed there'd be a lot of guilty pleas. They put the case together quickly which spoke directly to the amount and depth of the evidence.

We loaded for Thayer's. We were going to go up to see Sondra and Dillon... the housekeeper said they were in the sitting room. Kiet was about to go to the restaurant... Dillon doing everything parents wanted from a new born... nursing, pooping, sleeping and of course being incredibly cute.

They were happy and proud as they should be. He is a beaut! Thayer got his grandson in his arms... that look again!

The nurse was with Dillon so we had a family dinner, Kiet came back for this. Tomorrow was more racing afterwards the garden party Thayer always held!!

Victoria and Dickie were in town so it will be great to see them.

Cho and I on the Conference App with Francis, Morgan and Geneviève about the Berlin properties.

Francis said the deals for the two medium sized hotels and the two smaller ones were done. The small hotel north of the Mitte would close tomorrow morning.

The estate to the north on the Bogensee... we had an appointment to do a walkabout with people from the Land Brandenburg and Berlin governments in five days. I said I'd be over for that and to see the other properties in Berlin.

I turned to Gil who was already texting with Penn's number two on the scheduling desk in Bangkok with my changes. Cho was going to Scotland to play golf with Craig at several courses plus look at a piece of property for the R&R scheme.

Also another property... there was a medium sized hotel in St. Cyprian, France... on the Mediterranean coast, the Gulf of Lion to be precise, fifteen kilometres southeast of Perpignan. It was on the beach in the southern part of St. Cyprian.

Oddly the hotel had a huge pool? Well... I suppose the ocean isn't big enough. Smiles and shrugs.

"So where are we on that?"

Francis said it was to close today. He was waiting for the word any time now. Great!

Cho and I would meet in Paris after all my stops for an overnight!!

Gil contacted Andi about St. Cyprian. As it was a working hotel our R&R folks should be able to go there immediately. Andi would get the data on it and post the location on our site right away. Cheers!

Tessa and Tara rode with me this morning. I loved doing this... important for me!

The St. Cyprian hotel deal closed. Francis said we were keeping the current staff. Okay!

The Berlin hotels were also a done deal!! Five there!

We needed to go to the race course. Warmer today... Chani and I had sleeveless frocks in white with red polka dots. Red shoes. Mine heels... hers Ralph Lauren ballet shoes.

I added a red Hermès 25cm Kelly bag. Gold jewellery. `Joy' for us both!!

The guys in navy suits and white shirts, Harcourt racing ties. Very nice!

Beverly dressed light like Chani and I, Sam decided he was in a lower profile so he skipped a tie.

Thayer leading as we walked up into the grandstand. We saw some owners to say hello to... Thayer greeting other folks.

Victoria and Dickie! Hugs and kisses. They were sitting in her parent's box. They'd be at Thayer's later.

Today two powerhouse runners were going for us... Kaao the three year old wunderkind and Prichit who has won the first two races of the Saratoga Triple Crown for two year olds. Setting records!

A gift for Chani and Charlie... their own pairs of binoculars! Small and light, powerful. Smiles and thank yous.

The post parade brought some noises when Kaao was introduced. Even more when Marnie was introduced!!

Kaao began his career on California tracks breaking records then set his second one mile speed record at the Belmont winning the Run Happy Handicap.

He had raced here last month winning the Whitney in a blow-out. The folks here certainly knew about him.

The Woodward is a major race, there were many fine horses entered. It is a G1 race of nine furlongs with an eight hundred thousand dollar purse.

Monaco and Demetria joined us.

The horses loaded below... one wasn't sure about the whole thing... he went in the number seven slot well away from Kaao in one. A slightly longer pause to settle him... Clang! They burst out... Kaao straight down the track... sprinting towards the clubhouse turn.

He was leading by two into the curve... he wound around the curve leaving the field now six lengths adrift of his fast pace! I was smiling inside thinking of the many owners who'd asked if our runners ever slacked off... Kaao certainly wasn't! He showed that going at speed down the back straight.

He was galloping rapidly but Marnie was in control.

Entering the second turn he was ten lengths in the lead! Marnie gave him some mild encouragement Kaao roared through the turn increasing his speed. At the top of the straight Marnie asked for more... WOW... he had it.

A blistering pace... Kaao coming down the track approaching twenty lengths in the lead!! No slack!! He crossed the finish... 1:43.00!!!

He took almost three seconds of the record of 1:45.8 held by Forego and Dispersal. Winning by twenty one lengths! Tying his own record for the distance!! This fellow... amazing.

The crowd lost it... cheers, some feet stomping and wild applause!!!

Chani dropped her glasses as she clapped... Monaco picked them up for her... A hug for him after Cho and Charlie.

A hug for Demetria and a thank you for training Kaao! She said he was easy... always wanting to run.

Thayer in my ear, "Fay, he has such power at the front end of a race maybe some sprints?"

I kissed his cheek, "He's going to Ascot to run in a sprint... it's an automatic entry to the Breeder's Cup Sprint."

A smile... tapping the side of his head... "Smart... you guys are smart."

We walked down to the Winner's Circle. The crowd was very generous with their appreciation of Kaao's efforts. We waved. Trimmer, Kaao's groom, gave the shank lead to Cho... he walked Kaao into the Winner's Circle.

Loads of smiles, congratulations to us and Demetria. Marnie raised the noise level when she waved to the crowd. Chani in my arms watching Popa and Charlie get the trophy.

Okay we had to wait again for our next race... FOOD! The Shake Shack folks held the tables for us. The manager's smile big... we always left a big tip for the whole staff so they liked us!! Drinks and food orders. The Twins decided not to mess with a winning formula... veggie burgers, chips and a small cola. I joined in on that.

Our last race today was the Hopeful! This is the final race of the Saratoga Triple Crown for two year olds. Prichit had won the first two easily setting a new record time in the Sanford. He was up against many of the same horses plus a few new ones.

Mike was our jockey for him... they walked out to the back straight chute after the introductions had been done. Mike and Prichit both got loud applause when their names were announced.

This is a seven furlong distance on dirt.

The field loaded in the gate without issue... pause... Clang! They came out cleanly going down the back straight. Prichit from the number five slot was going ahead nicely... he and two others even across the track.

The field slowly moved towards the rail... Prichit on the lead. They were moving smartly on the dirt... nearing the turn Prichit had two lengths on the other two. In the turn his smooth lead changes got him more space... coming out on the stretch... Mike asked... Prichit responded with a huge surge of power. He pulled away from the field down the stretch...

By the eighth pole he was nine lengths clear... no let up for him he overran the finish for another eighth making a mile. Monaco had a groom by the track to get the time for the eight furlongs.

It was a fast time, close to the record held by Glaa. 1:21:10 it was one tenth of second from Glaa!

We did our celebration... hugs... kisses. The down to the Winner's Circle again. We received another big welcome from the Saratoga folks, the Hopeful Stakes people and the crowd.

We'd now won this race four times in a row starting with Glaa. One fellow brought up our champion's name... it was always wonderful to think of Glaa. He was doing so well in stud. Back at Harcourt Farm from Thailand!!

Cho and Charlie getting the gilt... Chani in my arms holding tight... a cute smile, tiny white teeth in her grin. We waved to the crowd from the track. The Twins petted Prichit who was acting happy... he'd run hard...enjoying himself!

Monaco close as we walked to the barn... holding a stopwatch out to us... 1:31.70... Prichit was half a second from Kaao's world record time for the mile!!!!!!!!!

His head shaking, "Fay... Cho... this is an unbelievable time for a two year old. He should not have..." He stopped... "We have the winter to mature him, if we get it right... he may become the fastest of them all."

I slipped my arm through his, smile, "I guess there's no pressure on you?"

A big laugh, "No... No! No more than usual which easy to deal with given the horses you two provide me."

Laughter! Fist bump which got a chorus with the Twins!

All the horses were here... our jockeys and staff. We thanked them for three marvellous days of racing. Mike was told the time on Prichit's `mile' more head shaking... he knew what it meant like we did.

The press were waiting, I happily waved Cho and the others on their way to go talk. Chani and Charlie with me in the office again. Tha had collected the new `glasses,' they were thrilled to be able to see better with something closer to their size.

We slipped into the barn to see Toes Tapping who was a particular favourite of the Twins. She was nickering as the babies stroked her. I gave her two mints... the Twins loved watching her chew.

All done... our crowd drove back to Thayer's. Party night.

It was still hot and humid so khaki shorts and a navy cotton short-sleeved shirt. Cho and the Twins likewise. We looked in on Dillon... sleeping, Sondra napping before guests arrived.

I got Gil and Chelle in Thayer's library... cool and quiet. They were so generous to give me a lot of things to read, review, make decisions, etc... all of the bits of our expanding world.

By the time Thayer's first guests were arriving I wasn't done.. too bad... more later!

Cho and I got drinks on the patio then wandered. I took him to the stables to see Morrie. I liked this fellow, strong and a bit wilful if you let him. Black with white socks and a slender nose stripe, handsome.

We headed to get some food from the buffet. Plates for the Twins, they were at the kitchen table. Shrimp, satays, salads and fruit. Smiles! A kitchen helper had their juice. Tha and Delphine sitting with them.

Grilled shrimp to start for me... several salads. A new Campari and soda. Victoria sat with us as Dickie went back to the buffet. The crowd was growing.

Ellice parked beside me, "Janice told me about Wyatt. Sorry..."

I could only shrug... I didn't know him.

"Janice talked with him... It's odd he's normally so self-possessed."

"Tell her not to be bothered too much... seems I elicit varied reactions from people."

A big smile... lots of teeth. Ellice laughed when I said he at least didn't genuflect.

Cho headed for more food... my `More shrimp' was acknowledged.

I got to hear the news from Harcourt Farm from Dickie and Victoria. The Farm was doing very well. They were enjoying the work, the people and the place.

Both were still in awe of Costello's skills... he was managing the show, dealing with the humans and animals almost like a circus ring master.

"People go hither and thither on very defined tasks... getting things done!"

Cho was back... a plate of shrimp for me!!

We were laughing at Victoria's description...

Cho said, "He's doing exactly what we wanted. Getting what needs to be done... done. He doesn't make calls to us for decisions that are within his remit... he gets on with it all."

He and I did a fist bump!

Dickie added "Costello is great with our neighbours, we don't often have issues... the odd stray cow or dog... visitors from local governments and schools come now and then. Costello handles them easily.

Brianna loves that he comes to Farm School on a visit once a month, often he does a story reading to the young ones in his delightful Irish brogue.

I can only guess where all this comes from... Costello's only in his middle thirties... yet he has such a good grasp of everything."

Cho's explanation of how we got Costello brought smiles. Monaco had as good an eye for human talent as well as horse.

We did wander a bit speaking to Thayer's neighbours... getting many compliments on our stable of power runners. One fellow's filly finished second to Aneka.

"She has been a classy runner since the first time I saw her at Churchill Downs. Such power but your Toes Tapping there's a real tough cookie!"

We readily agreed. Cho saying she wasn't done yet. Raised eyebrows on the fellow's face.

Cho had a chance to play some golf in the morning at the Saratoga National Golf Club. One of Thayer's friends and Jack Collingwood were taking him over there. It is a ten minute drive from here. Both our races tomorrow are in the afternoon.

After a nice ride with Morrie, a visit with Dillon, breakfast with the family... a goodbye kiss from Cho... I went to work making up for my fun time. Chelle had some things from Gannett, Western Newspapers and the Tribune Corporation... Ali sent some bits from 21st Century Fox and Gil had a bunch from the NewsGroup and Andi the R&R manager.

We talked... Andi was really jazzed about the new places in Berlin and Spain! I was going to have a look. She'd hear back from me on them all.

The place at St. Cyprian would be up tomorrow... Andi had spoken to the manager there who we were keeping on. He had given her everything she needed... a rundown on all the rooms, current bookings, facilities... he'd sent a load of snaps for her to use with captions!!

I thought the Mediterranean weather would attract quite few folks.

A video in email... Aaron and Nara sending it... their boy Conall walking or sort of... there are some spectacular flops on his butt. Conall grinning through it all... Trying to get up right away after a plop. Terrific!!

They were enjoying him. At the end news... they had another `bun in the oven.' Too early to know the sex... more happiness for them.

My reply was a thank you for the video, congratulations to them and Conall.

Victor's email had snaps of the the new facilities at the Montataire Farm. A new barn that was a combination stud and foaling barn. The foaling stalls on the outside with their own entrances. Satirical would stand stud there when he retired. We wanted to send other stallions to join him at different times. The stables enlargement had started so there'd be plenty of room.

Victor was very upbeat... the French were having an inflationary period so we raised the basic wages of the the staff across the country; trainers, grooms, walkers, etc... the managers too. The same for all our household staffers!

Gil had an email appeal from Allysiah in Tehran... she wanted to know if I would speak to students at her school... their school term was near to starting. She was so encouraged by what I'd said to her at the Doosti Restaurant... she thought other girls should hear it too.

I had Gil reply it would depend on when and if their government would approve.

An interesting thing... I emailed Taj for his advice about accepting and subject matter.

A call from Oliver in Ashland, Virginia.

A laugh, "It isn't business... we are booming along. The new building is near to completion.

Francis' construction trouble-shooter Jolly was here last month advising on the other additions to be built... I didn't know at the time... he is a second cousin once removed. Both our families from Goochland County."

I said that was great! We liked the connection. I told Oliver Jolly was in Berlin now on Chanthira Foundation and the R&R Scheme business then he was going to spend time with other family he'd never met from his maternal grandmother.

Oliver loved that, "Tarin is our resident family genealogy person with help from her mom and sister. She can work on new branches to the tree."

We laughed. He asked... "We're in Saratoga Springs for the Labour Day holiday weekend racing then to England. I'm going to Berlin and hope to link with Jolly there to look at property."

My best to his family!

I watched Jaidee and the Twins through the windows as they romped in the garden. Ball toss and some rolling around with Jaidee on the grass. Jaidee was a good sized fellow...three years old, twenty four inches tall and seventy five pounds.

His height and weight showing the American side of his breeding. His puppies from all reports are growing up very well... like Jaidee a bit taller than average for English Labradors and lighter in weight.

Okay Cho's home... lunch then time to change for the track. Another hot and humid day! Our last day, two more races.

A white frock, sleeveless, bright yellow piping all around, it was top of the knee length. I skipped the stockings. Yellow heels, gold jewellery, red lips and nails, a yellow Hermès Kelly bag and `Joy'

Chani in a white to her knees cute little dress, white lace topped socks and red Mary Janes.

The guys in Navy suits and Harcourt Racing yellow ties.

Beverly in a sleeveless dress of several light blue hues in broad stripes. Very nice.

In Thayer's box we waited for our first race. Drinks, relaxing looking around. The Twins with their new glasses scanning everything.

Karnchana up in the Spinaway Stakes, a G1 distaff race for two year olds of seven furlongs, the purse was three hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Leonie aboard they walked quietly out to the chute after the post parade.

This is Karnchana's third race...she'd won twice here in Saratoga in G2 rated races, a step up for her. Tougher competition.

The field loaded calmly... pause... Clang! Karnchana from her fifth position went straight down the track with the other leaders. Halfway down the back straight Karnchana took charge... she is three lengths clear quickly.

Leonie moved her to the rail for the turn. In my glasses I saw the right-to-left lead change... very nicely done. Midway in the turn Karnchana's gap to her pursers was seven. Another perfect lead change then she is going down the home stretch doing a Monaco Surge!

Ahead by ten Karnchana is not letting up at all!! She blazed past the finish in a record time.

Her 1:22.1 erased Hot Dixie Chick's very fine 1:22.28 in 2009. Eleven lengths is also a new record victory margin!

We celebrated! She was now in the Breeder's Cup as this is an automatic entry for the Juvenile Fillies race as part of the `Challenge Series.' We were loading up in the Breeder's Cup races!!

Hugs and kisses shared before we went down.

In the Winner's Circle Chani and I did the ceremonies. A nice trophy... we did joint thank yous to much laughing and applause!

We shook many hands.

Lemonade time for the Twins. The stall lady smiling at our approach. They got small ones... I got a large to split with Cho who was with us for the first time. A smile after he sipped... he said to the lady it was delicious...a huge thank you from her.

A bit of wandering... everybody behind sunglasses. Not anonymous because we could see a few folks pointing but no one came close.

Time for Stellar Black! The Travers Stakes was the BIG ONE of this weekend meeting! It was like a fourth race equal to the Triple Crown races. The cap to the Saratoga Season!!

A G1 rated, one mile and a quarter distance. The purse was a million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars!

We settled in for the post parade... Dom up in the irons, our green and yellow blocks and stripes shining in the bright sun. Stellar Black's dark black brilliant in the light.

Demetria joined us, a big smile.

"Owen says Stellar Black is primed! I think so too."

Well a groom ought to know how his horse is feeling.

The horses entered the starting gate below to the left... no problems. Stellar Black in the number six slot, middle of the field.

The pause... CLANG! Stellar Black came out storming! He was quickly clear of the field in the centre of the track... there was sort of a collective gasp in the grandstand seeing our colt pull away so rapidly.

He went by us three and half lengths from any pursuer aiming for the clubhouse turn. Dom moved him to the rail as the turn opened... `round he flew' or so it seemed. Out on the back straight Stellar Black motored. The pursuit is now eight lengths behind.

Our colt galloping... his fractions were fast. Cho said they were very nearly the same as SakChai's from last year. He is moving so fast the straight is history... he's in the turn. That didn't last long... out on the home stretch he surged!

Stellar Black's acceleration plain to see... Chani clapping on my lap...

"Mama, Stellar Black running fast!"

"Yes, very much so."

Dom like a stone on Stellar Black's back the whole trip... one look back at the start of the back straight was all it took. Now Dom is leaning forward giving Stellar Black the go... no holds barred!

The field was very far back doing their best to keep up... it wasn't near enough.

Stellar Black ran over the finish in 1:59.01!!! He was a hundredth of a second from SakChai's time from last year!! They were both short of Glaa's record but wonderful performances.

The crowd thought so too! They jumped up and down, applauding and cheering.

Dom brought Stellar Black back towards the grandstand to rippling waves of clapping... the sound rising as they neared the Winner's Circle. We were on our way down.

Cho with the shank lead brought Stellar Black into the Winner's Circle. More applause... Dom doffed his helmet to still louder cheers and clapping.

Stellar Black looked like a prince in the red carnation blanket with white carnation trim. He was a bit disconcerted when the race person tossed it over his withers.. he was settled down by Dom.

All four of us there to receive the `Man O' War' Cup from the Riddle Family. Smiles and lots of thank yous for racing here and entering such excellent, exciting horses.

Cho did the microphone part... he was complimentary to the race course for their hard work putting on a marvellous meet and to the fans for their reception and support of horse racing.

We walked to the barn with all our folks. Beverly wanted to go see Toes Tapping... Tha and Delphine took the Twins to see her again.

Cho, Monaco, Demetria, Jackson subbing for James on Karnchana and Dom with Leonie headed to speak to the press. I sat in the barn office once more.

Buzz came by to pick up some towels... he said Karnchana was terrific shape... ready to go again. He was her greatest booster, day to day contact... she was sweet, even tempered and funny. Odd how all the truly great horses are nice. Fist bump!


Narong said he would welcome our doing some sort of get together for the Foreign Ministers, his PA would contact Gil to make arrangements. Gil nodding!

The Chicago Tribune editor Edison's email gave me their scheme of things for the new property in Chicago. They had spoken to the retired Chicago Police detective and the journalist who had broken the story on the block of flats where John Wayne gacy's mother had lived and he did all the maintenance work. And likely some other `work.'

They both were ready to help especially since the police were out of the loop.

Three of the people who lived there decided to take our offer of help to move to avoid the fuss, they were in new flats away from it all.

We had permits to dig, blocking the sidewalk, close a lane of the road, etc...

Burton and Donovan had spoken to the Cook County Sheriff's office who were not happy about it but they had no say... they weren't needed unless something was found that might be related to a crime. They would have a few officers on hand... they got the message about our Security Service managing the property... they didn't like that much either.

A well respected ground penetrating radar company would do the scan. They had the latest equipment and years of experience!!

It would kick-off in a week... the Chicago Tribune is doing a series. The local TV stations wanted in... it was decided a `pool' camera crew would be present with the stipulation they had to follow our directions. All the TV stations agreed not to send helicopters overhead to minimise the neighbourhood disruption. We made it easier for them by offering video from one of our propeller drones for free.

Donovan and Burton did thank us for bringing in our Security Service to protect the property and securing the search. The security officers had been on-site around the clock.

Part of my reply told them extra Security Service people were in town to maintain that high level of coverage. They were all licensed in Illinois. They would do crowd control each day keeping a tight rein on who goes in. They were uniformed officers of the Security Service who were wearing their side-arms and body cameras.

Cho and Jackson were back from the press... a smile on Cho's face.

"A few ask good questions... I'm happy to say our media folks are among the best. Nipsey is such a good reporter... He has had his by-line for so many years because he's so good... he and Frank leading the pack. The Daily Racing Form guy is excellent, good questions.

Our Gannett paper, the Courier-Journal of Louisville had a person here. They cover major racing events nation-wide plus they were prepping for the Breeder's Cup races at Churchill Downs in early November. We've met him in Louisville, he's very sharp!"

All together going to Thayer's... time to split up! We did a last meet with Dillon and Sondra. They were good! Kiet was doing part day's at the restaurant.

A big hug for Thayer! He was a happy fellow, Sondra was good and there was a wonderful little man in the house!

Beverly and Sam... hugs and kisses. They'd fly home shortly.

I did waves from the door of Glorianna's AW139.

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