
By A becker

Published on Feb 23, 2023


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Kent, here's something to work on... This a very deep backgrounder... okay?"

"I understand... this is for guidance only."

"Exactly... Cho and I with others are working get the Thai army out of politics. Their highest ranking general knows they are failing... he and I have spoken about it face-to-face... My father and the Foreign Minister are working behind the scenes with the Prince discussing it with his brother the King.

It is delicate... I think some contextual stories... if they are carefully done could help."

"Fay, I get you. I will send Yoshi to Bangkok."

"Tell him to speak first to General A-Wut... if you remember he was crucial in the changes to the southern provinces. He believes it is time for the army to withdraw. Tell Yoshi to use our names to get in to see A-Wut."

"I do remember the name... we can start there... going around the edges."

I thanked Kent for the Russian updates.

He did add all over Belarus... tons of video of the NATO forces were being welcomed by the people. They are seen as guarantors of freedom. Some amazing street scenes of NATO troops being hugged and kissed."

"Let's hope it stays that way!"

We rang off.


We arrived at the Big `V' for lunch. Neko at the door... "Welcome Fay. Good to see you again."

I thanked her. I introduced Chani. Neko squatted down to say hello... she got a fist bump!

We parked ourselves in one of the restaurant's large booths... Campari and soda and a small cola. Okay.

We had veggie burgers, chips and sliced dill pickles! All very good!

Chani got a tour of the club... she was going to go in the `Petting Room' I moved us towards the stage. Chani got to see how it could rotate around, we sat on a box on one side... they rotated us around. Chani loved it. Also a chance to go into the DJ booth where Anka was spinning tunes. She got see how it worked.

We watched some couples dancing... Chani giggling as she moved her hips. A hug!

Walking back to the front Chani pointed to the Petting Room, "Mama I have not gone in there."

I said that for another trip after I gave her description of its use... she was Okay with that.

One sign of the Twins maturity was they accepted a decision if there was a reason. The `terrible twos' seemed to have passed us by.

To Venice!

When we got upstairs Sarita said Cho and Charlie had just gone to the beach. Yes! Chani and I changed to biki's. My crowd coming along, bikinis, towels, flip flops, hats...

One of Camilla's folks pointed to where the guys were... we ran down to them. Hugs and kisses.

Shoes off... into the water! Jaidee ran by to leap in! Charlie tossed his floatable bone! Jaidee chomped on it... along with a lot of sea water.

We frolicked for a while... warm sun, cool water. Taking a break... Jaidee laid down next to me after a towelling off... fingers in warm brown fur... he enjoyed the rub. Chani joined in... she was a fur rubbing expert.

Cho and I talked about Belarus and Russia. There was no war-like activity by either one. The army in Belarus was gathering a civilian group to advise them on the next steps for their country. Many of those leaders had been imprisoned by the dictator, freed and feted by the people for their steadfastness in the face of the brutal regime.

We didn't have much of a way to help... I did email all the publishers and editors of our newspapers and TV folks asking them to please give the news from Belarus and Russia good space when they could. And not to forget the Ukraine!

Gil had a long talk with Arlette. Our newbie was in at Cowley House. She said everybody had made her welcome, the room was wonderful as was the food.

She was settling into the work Gil had given her using my Lady's Room. So far Gil was passing on some groups of correspondence and some tracking of information.

Fist bump with Gil!

We had a delightful dinner... Dolores and Sarita doing their wonderful buffet of California style Mexican foods. All our crowd... Protectors too... browsing the tables! We did a huge amount of damage to the serving dishes!!

A brief sitting to digest then we headed to Santa Monica for a flight to Seattle. A 737. Joy the command pilot and Solange has us going right away! A bit over an hour and a half to Boeing Field.

The Twins very sleepy as we unloaded on Magnolia. Straight upstairs to bed. Well kissed and a last hug... small arms holding their buddies. Eyes closed... they were out!

It was a nice evening, it is dry and the warmth of day not all gone up in the sky... we sat outside with afters and some white chocolate.

Cho smiling in bed, looking up from his email, "Sasithorn won the Coaching Club Oaks! She wired the field to win by eight. Not a single challenge."

Our girl was duplicating Aneka's triumph of last season. The Super Triple Tiara was now what the racing press was calling it after we started using the phrase.

One more win for Sasithorn, one for Amira and one for Black Star we would have the all the big Triple Crowns in the big three countries!!

We discussed the very latest from Europe... all the Belarus political prisoners were home with their families... those in Minsk meeting with the army leaders... no grass growing under their feet which I thought was a very good sign. The Belarus generals wanted to go forward quickly.

The dictator in custody on an army base, locked up tight with several dozens of his sycophants... they didn't need a ploy of sickness for their former dictator to hide behind like the Russians. Everyone knew the former dictator was a rat even if they had been a follower. Sad.

In Russia, it was clear putin was in the eastern Moscow clinic... not approachable. The FSB was being manhandled by the army. Whatever they had in the way of power was swept away with the old government. Truckloads of FSB officers were moved to army bases outside the capital... tightly imprisoned... all their families knew was that they were arrested.

The worse news for FSB officers... the army had taken over so quickly and thoroughly no records had been destroyed. Even low level FSB people had to be concerned about being in trouble based on their work. The GRU was already re-using some of them to take over the FSB... fascists flock together.

Under the bedclothes I nestled against Cho's chest... "Can this be used to forward our goal of keeping the Thai Army out of politics? They must see something of themselves in the Belarus and especially the Russian situation."

"Perhaps... many of ours still think they could be okay running the country despite the signs. The men like A-Wut, Khemkhaeng and Somchair aren't deluded... they will speak out to their colleagues."

"Right now the technocrats are keeping things moving along... Maybe we should reach out to some of them?"

Cho agreed... He would ask some questions... find some names... then we could decide which to approach. We needed to discourage the Army.

Cho asked if I'd heard anything from Phailin on her case in Myanmar.

I said there were pre-trial things happening. The government wants to get going... Phailin is trying to alter things with motions on a change to the charges. The trial prosecutor seems to be willing to lower the charges but not his boss. Phailin said she didn't know how far up the pressure was coming from. The regional head prosecutor was clearly against changing the charges.

"Could I make an appeal to their Justice Minister?"

Cho's `maybe'... got a squeeze for him... He would contact a friend in Yangon to get contact information for the Justice Minister. I added for him to find out what languages he spoke since I knew no Burmese.

I called Dad in the morning to ask if Kon could help link me to the Myanmar Justice Minister. He would do some talking for me. Love.

Tara, Tessa, Gaby and Penny with me in the sun walking Jaidee to the stables. Dean with a smile...

"Your horses are almost ready."

Jaidee went into the stables to see his horse friends.

Dean and a groom led the horses out. We mounted up. Chess was ready!! I moved us onto the Lower Field then south to the parade field... three fast circuits then down to the beach. A terrific sandy gallop to the end marker and back to the old lighthouse. Flinging sand all about!!

We were in single file going up the road... the lights flashing on the warning signs... a big double dump truck, they are BIG, coming down going slow. We waved to the driver with thumbs up. He smiled and waved back.

I got us to gallop together through the Lower Field to the stables. We had fun!

Jaidee did too running around the stable yard. Dean did some ball tossing always a hit with our Brown Boy.

Gil smiling at breakfast, "All the publishers and a few editors arrived yesterday afternoon and last night. They are scheduled to be at the office in two hours."

Gil had an email from Arlette asking questions... I liked that! Gil said she answered them all. Hug!

Me in a short-sleeved yellow frock, shirt collar and royal blue buttons down the front to the hem a bit above mid-thigh, a narrow royal blue belt. Matching blue stockings and heels. The Lapus Lazuli jewellery which matched the blue, `Joy' a blue Hermès Kelly bag and my blue sunglasses.

Cho in one of his beautiful tailored black suits, WHITE shirt and a gold tie. Yes!

Anna W called... she liked the look of Hadley's clothes! She had spoken to several designers about her, they were all intrigued and wanted to interview her.

I had talked with Ralph Lauren myself... I sent on the snaps of her designs... he was very interested!!

"Fay, her designs are clean, excellent lines and colourful. Could she come to New York to talk with us?"

I told him to get a date set and we'd send an aircraft for her.

Ralph was amazed... "When you make a friend you don't hold back supporting them do you?"

"No! Especially when they have talent that needs to be seen."

He checked with his PA... they suggested two days... Gil contacted Hadley... the first day was great. Done!

Coral was interested... she did feel with justification we had excellent designers already. She would be glad to recommend Hadley to friends if I wanted. I said to hold off until the dust settles around Hadley's New York trip. A laugh from her.

Gil smiling after her talk with Hadley, "When I said a jet would be at Ross County Airport for her... there was silence... then a quiet thank you. I said she should have someone go with her... Hadley asked if Cammie was Okay?

I said yes. Then she got a pad to take down the information. I told her the aircraft would fly them to Teterboro then a helicopter to Manhattan, a car to the 46th Street Hotel.

The car would be for them throughout their stay and the driver would know where they were to go to see Ralph Lauren's team.

Fay, she was so quiet... I had to verbally nudge her a few times."

Gil added the top floor suite was booked for them.

We did a fist bump.

I called Anna W with the information about Hadley being in the city... Anna W said she'd try to see if the other designers were available. Her PA would contact Gil...

I called Hadley... she was over the moon about it all... many, many thank you's!

"Miss Martin... no one has ever done things like this for me."

I told her to relax when she speaks with the fashion people... "They know clothes so speak about your feelings and desires... your motivations... give them a look behind your designs."

Hadley got it.

I added if she needed anything while in New York to contact Gil. Another thank you.

It was less than fifteen minutes to the Western Newspapers building on Queen Anne Avenue. Glenn and Adrian dropped us at the front.

A two story building, the façade's lower half was flat stacked slate then cedar. A wooden door with a curved top and the canopy extending out was wooden with a curve like the door top.

Nicholas had several uniformed people outside.

The interior was a minor time warp. Wood walls, wood floors, those wooden railings with a little gate between the guest sitting area and the wooden desks of the office staff. All polished, shining warmly. Twelve foot ceiling... a sort of barn-sized room.

Standing in the middle of the inner area was a grey-haired woman of middle height, slender, horn-rim glasses. She stepped towards us as PJ swung the little gate open... a quite warm smile...

"Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... welcome to Western newspapers. I am Astrid the office manager."

We shook hands. I did the introductions for Gil and Chelle.

Astrid introduced the seven who were in an arc behind her, two men and five women. They were computing, HR and accounting folk. One was the secretary. We spoke with them for a few minutes then a tour.

The two private offices on this floor were like the front area... all old wood in excellent condition. One much larger than the other with a small conference table and chairs... all wood.

Astrid said it was the former family trust manager's office. Aston is now using it. She was smiling saying that... Aaahhh Aston was liked!! A good start!

We walked upstairs, a wood staircase... up six steps then to the left fifteen more to the first floor. More high ceilings. Some storage and the restrooms. The conference room was large also very barn-like... a large skylight opened to the blue sky. A big dark wood table and twenty eight chairs around it. The chairs were... wood... with padded seats and armrests at least.

A wet bar with coffee and tea service, a wooden clothes rack and several small tables with chairs against the inner wall.

Not much around this building from this century or a good part of the last.

Ah... maybe not! Beside the wet bar sat two boxes... one said DeLonghi on the outside, the other... Chelle opened it... five one kilo bags of coffee beans roasted for espresso and two twelve cup espresso cup and saucer sets!! Costco comes through!

Chelle smiling, "I'll get it going!"

A cheer from me. I turned to Astrid...

"Our first change!"

She laughed. "Your Ladyship... I'm ready!"

I took her hand... "I'm Fay." A smile as we shook!

I pointed to Cho... "That is Cho..." More smiling which Cho joined in on.

Aston came up the stairs... A hug and handshake for him. Astrid smiling saying she was getting used to seeing him.

We talked about what we wanted today... we were on the same page. Cho said he was going to encourage the men to shed their jackets and loosen ties... To relax them and the room was a bit warm. Astrid said she'd opened the windows and skylight... the building wasn't air-conditioned.

Chelle brought me a little white cup and saucer... lovely brown creamy top.

We decided Aston would be at the top of the stairs with us... he'd be first to greet the publishers, he'd introduce us... Astrid at the conference room doorway with her familiar face to lead them in.

The secretary was putting out names on stand-up cards around the table... Names on both sides! Cho and I together in the centre of the west side of the big rectangular table... Aston and Astrid opposite us. The HR and Accounting folks beside Cho.

Twelve publishers and six editors arrived in several waves... Aston with a big smile... each one was asked who they were so we could put names to faces. We shook hands... all men except the editor from Reno.

That was something that would change as soon as practicable!!!

We were heading into the conference room... a call from Dad. I grabbed Gil, we went into one of the store rooms...

I put it on speaker so Gil could hear and do some things...

"Fay, the Myanmar Justice Minister replied in the affirmative to Kon's request for you to meet with him. He said he was flexible considering your travel time."

A pause to calculate... looking at Gil... Fourteen hours or so in the air... "Ask if the morning of the day after tomorrow will work. Where?"

"I will ask about the place... the morning will be Okay according to Kon."

Gil pointing to some things on her iPad...

"I'm thinking I fly to Mae Sot then helicopter to the court house. Could we meet at the court house?"

Dad with that warm chuckle, "I am sure the court house will be Okay also. So the day after tomorrow at the court house. If that works or not I will be back to you."

I thanked Dad for his help... he would say thank you to Kon for me at my request.

Gil with her iPhone up... a text from Penn... a Gulfstream is at Boeing Field... it will be ready to depart in one hour.

Gil texted back>3hrs< Penn's reply was a thumbs up. She would have an AW139 at Mae Sot for me.

Thanks to her.

Gil's map showed the regional court house with a big grassy area to the southeast... a short walking distance to courthouse. Penn was asked to negotiate for it to be our landing spot.

In the conference room everybody seemed to be chatting, they knew each other. They had drinks, quite a few coats had been shed... Cho apparently was the leader on loosened ties. Most followed him.

Chelle said she was making another espresso for me.

I sat on Cho's right... He got things going thanking them all for coming and the NewsGroup was ready to make a new start for them all. He made the point that Aston was their boss, I was the CEO of the Newsgroup and he the Chairman of the Board of Directors on which I also sat.

"We expect you to be leaders in your cities but knowing that there is assistance up the line."

Cho went on about how we manage.

I took over... I gave them an overview of our takeover of Gannett since they might worry about our focus.

"In your locations only Reno has a Gannett paper... so we will discuss our choices with... " my hand motioning to the Reno pair across the table, "... you both separately.

What else does the Gannett deal mean for you all? Only that at the NewsGroup level we will have unprecedented buying power for materials. Paper, ink, etc... more than one thousand two hundred newspapers... one hundred and fifty are daily and the rest weeklies.

We are the largest in the world... I can say we will take advantage of our size."

Smiles around the table. The fellow from Bakersfield did a fist pump to grins and laughs after I said `Right-on!'

"We will offer to your papers the feed from our other media at no cost... that includes all media. So we will encourage you to widen your coverage of events beyond your area... Maybe only a few paragraphs in print to start with more on your webpage."

The group liked that!!! Free was always good! Our media among the best in the world!

I went on about what they could expect from us. I explained our NewsGroup staff at the Fox Tower was growing... there were human resource people they could tap into for assistance on all sorts of issues. Accounting, materials management specialists, much more.

"Now we want to repair the damage of the last years... we want you to make a list of what you need... grade it on a scale of what you deem essential then on down to over the rainbow possibilities."

They laughed.

I extended my hand towards Aston... "Aston knows how we manage... he will give every request careful consideration... I can't say you get everything you want... we know there's been lean times so our pocketbook will be open."

We went on to many other topics... as I spoke I kept my eyes moving around... looking at their faces... they were getting that we knew what we wanted and how to get there.

We broke for more drinks and a bathroom break.

I took Cho aside to tell him about my impromptu trip.

"Phailin isn't getting anywhere trying to get the charges reduced so I want to attempt a coup de main."

Cho smiling as I laid out my plan... a hug and kiss!! He and the twins would go ahead on the boat trip I'd join them on Vancouver Island for the rest of the voyage.

I said I will take Gil and four protectors.

I did get a potty trip in. More coffee!

We went on with more then a break for food! We all walked two blocks to Buckley's. They had the entire left side for us. Gil had given them plenty of notice so the restaurant was prepared. There over forty of us!!

I sat in between the Reno publisher and Lacey the Reno editor. I started a discussion on how to deal with their local competition... the Gannett Reno Gazette-Journal.

"We haven't spoken to them directly so this is just thinking out loud... we have choices... we could leave things as they are although it would be a waste of resources... or merge you together... while that might seem to be the sensible or obvious choice... I have another idea...

What about moving you to the afternoon... you would have the overnight news from Europe and back east plus anything local from the morning... they'd have the reverse."

They were surprised... I said it's just thinking by me now I would like them to take up thinking on it too. They would!

Also... "What about a package deal offering... the Gazette-Journal and you together? Morning and evening news that beats the TV with greater depth and breath. Please add that to your thinking."

The publisher smiling... he said it could be good! I thought so!

I added that we could consider how to use the two printing plants in the future... opinions were welcome... all options open.

I started talking with Lacey... I asked her history with Gannett. She'd been there for twelve years starting as a reporter...

A call from Dad... I excused myself... I walked towards the windows on First Avenue North.

"Fay, Denpo, the Myanmar Justice Minister, will meet you at the Thaketa Court House the day after tomorrow. He has suspended the trial until you meet.

Kon being the intermediary made sure Denpo knows who you are and you are making the trip specifically to speak to him. Kon says he seems interested in meeting you."

I thanked Dad. He laughed saying I had Kon in my corner... "He likes you and Cho... Amedee is your fan... you probably already know that."

"I really like them! Amedee is smart and strong, my kinda a gal."

We laughed.

"What about my doing some back channel speaking about the border wall idea? Just a warmup nothing serious."

Dad said he get on to Narong and the Prime Minister and be back to me. There was time for them to consider before I landed in Thaketa.

I said I'd hug and kiss Phailin for him. Love!

Back to my lunch which had arrived. I got more from Lacey, divorced now, a single mom of a teen age girl. They have a small ranch northwest of downtown, fifteen acres. It had been part of her divorce settlement so she owned it free and clear. They had horses, both loved to ride.

"I know you love horses not just racing ones. Gibby, my daughter, thinks you are the best. She has posters of you on her walls."

I laughed, "Posters? Where did she get them?"

"Some online company is selling them. They are mostly pictures of you outside... like paparazzi snaps. One has you `looking deadly' in black skin tight jeans and a cutoff top and a hoodie. Red round sunglasses..."

I had to laugh.

Lacey smiling, "That `Looking Deadly' is Gibby's phrase."

Shaking my head. I asked if she had a pad and pen... I did an autograph for Gibby saying best wishes and I hoped she kept riding.

Lacey was so happy for her girl.

"Fay, you are making a thirteen year old's day."

We did a selfie. Fist bump with smiles.

As we walked back I corralled the Boise and Pocatello people. I said we wanted them to consider an idea... I made the point that it was no more than a mote in the sky but we always were looking at possibilities.

"Please discuss between yourselves... one printing plant to print both newspapers shipping the others to them. The second printing press be setup for all sorts of other jobs, mailers, flyers, programmes for events, etc... It would mean the time to switch back and forth between print jobs would be eliminated..."

I smiled, "I don't know if this is practical or just something to discard so I'd like your input. I don't know the lay of the land... you do!"

They all said they would. I did add not to spend much time on it right now. Other things were more important.

At the Western Newspapers office we sat briefly to thank them for coming...

"I know it is a short meeting... we wanted to meet you all and give you some feeling for our style."

Thanks and handshakes all around. Aston and Judy were taking them all out to dinner tonight then tomorrow they head on home.

We were thanked for the flights... they appreciated skipping the airport messes.

Cho and I got Aston in his `office.'

Cho grinning... he motioned around the room as said he could make any changes here he wanted. Aston grinning too said the `wood' was Okay with him for now.

"I'd rather spend the money on the newspapers."

Fist bump.

I sat outside on the Magnolia house lawn with the Twins. I told them I had to make a trip to help Gamma with a case in Myanmar. They would go on the boat trip with Popa and I would join them at about halfway.

They were sad... they did want me to help Gamma.

"Don't worry we'll have lots more fun when I arrive."

Hugs and kisses.

In jeans and a long sleeve sailor shirt we climbed aboard the Gulfstream at Boeing Field. Paulette smiling, a hug for her. She and Juliette were our pilots.

Paulette said they were putting the `hammer down' for the fastest trip possible. Fist Bump!

Lis was on board.

We were off right away.

I worked with Gil... PJ, Tessa, Tara and Ken got to chill out. Books and electronics out.

Before dinner a call from Hadley to Gil.

Gil passed her phone after a minute or so...

"Miss Martin... I'm going to work for Ralph Lauren in New York. They made me an offer... it is so good! My mom and dad had their lawyer look at it... he said it was excellent!"

I said I was pleased... "Work and learn... to insure your future." She would!

I gave her back to Gil for some information... she could stay at Minetta Street at least to start... sharing with Yi and Roslyn... no charge!

Gil held her phone away from her ear... a loud whoopee from Hadley.

Okay someone's happy.

Gil and I did fist bumps.

Lis fed us well. Some more work then the sleeping things were setup.

I was the first up, I showered, etc... by then everyone was up and moving. The bathrooms were put to use and Lis started on a simple breakfast.

Warm rolls, butter and strawberry preserves, cut fruit and coffee!

Gil smiling... she was a great travel companion. She liked to read as much as me so prolonged quiet never bothered her.

We did work for a few hours... she `quietly' slipped me things to do.

Juliette on the controls said we were three quarters of an hour out from Mae Sot.

I sat with PJ to go over this visit's mechanics. Ken was to be the aircraft's security on the ground in Myanmar. He would have a uniformed member of our Security Service with him. PJ, Tara and Tessa would be with me.

At Mae Sot two AW139's were waiting. AND three uniformed Security Service folks on board the second helicopter. We were away quite soon after a short walk to stretch our legs. It was a forty minute flight to Thaketa, an eastern suburb of Yangon.

In ten minutes or so Pascal, our pilot, said we were passing over Mawlamyine... I had asked him to notify me. It used to be named Moulmein. George Orwell's mother was from the small city. Her French father owned businesses in the area during the British colonial period.

Orwell had been assigned to the city while serving in the Imperial Police. He was able to meet his maternal grandmother.

We closed in on our landing spot... our approach was over Paxundaung Creek. The AW139's side-by-side flaring for landing. Ken and the uniformed officers would remain at the helicopters.

I stepped out onto the grass. Warm sun, humid... my short-sleeved pale green cotton frock good for the temperature. No stockings as the hem was mid-calf, dark green heels, gold jewellery and a Bamboo Green 25cm Hermès Kelly bag. `Joy'

We walked over to the court house car park and a pathway to the building. A number of gawkers on the periphery looking at us.

There was an open veranda and several men waiting. One came forward...

"Lady Harcourt... I am Denpo."

We shook hands.

"I am pleased to meet you U Denpo."

Denpo had a nice smile, he was slender two inches shorter than me in heels.

He motioned for us to go in... he said to the passage on the right. He escorted us into an office on the left then to an inner office. It looked out onto a large pond with a small islet and a stone bridge.

The tall windows were open... the scent of flowers... very nice.

Denpo offered me a seat. I introduced Gil and my Protectors.

Denpo gave me a `knowing' look.

"Lady Harcourt..." I reached out my hand... he took it as I said I was `Fay.' A broader smile, he nodded.

"You have come about the woman on trial for killing her husband... how can I help?"

I said I was sure he knew the details but I wanted to say that the facts do Support the woman's version of events. I said I was sorry to say but it appeared the local police had let her down. Her multiple complaints hadn't been addressed. The police `talking' to her abusive husband was not a substitute for real action.

The events weren't in dispute... she did stab him but only once... unfortunately it was fatal. There were no other stabs or marks on him. The pictures the police took of her showed fresh bruising and cuts, some had recently been bleeding.

"Now I know a man is dead... there's no way to diminish that... she should be allowed the privilege of defending herself as any man would. She is contrite."

Denpo was watching me carefully... "Fay, you have come a long way to tell me much of which I know... Why have you come?"

"I wanted to impress upon you her fate is ultimately in your hands. She has led an otherwise blameless life... her response to the physical abuse was instinctive... she acted as any person would defending themselves. I would do the same.

I have been put in danger by armed criminals twice... "I put out my hand to PJ and Tara... "My loyal protectors were there defending me but there were too many for them alone. I fired a handgun in each case... wounding three men... if I had not done that in one incident my father would have been assassinated... the other... my friends and I may have been killed."

Denpo leaned back a bit... he closed his eyes for a moment.

"What would you have me do?"

I smiled, "I am not a lawyer or jurist... the woman has suffered... she at some point loved the man she killed... that is quite a burden to carry. Her good name has been soiled by the pre-trial publicity. Her children do not deserve to lose both father and mother."

Denpo's face relaxed, a smile, "You are a very fine advocate for her... a selfless one."

Denpo stroked his chin... "I will not make the regional prosecutor happy... nor the police although they should quite ashamed of themselves... there will be a reckoning for them to come"

He decision was to drop the charges on the woman. She will go free today in the interests of justice.

Denpo motioned to an aide, speaking quickly... the aide nodded and left. Denpo said he was having the prosecutor in.

In a few minutes the aide escorted in a slight fellow with dark rimmed glasses. I was introduced to the prosecutor... a deep bow. Denpo told him he was dismissing the charges against the woman. She was to be released from detention immediately.

The prosecutor looking at me... he wasn't angry... he had wanted to do the exactly the same. He would willingly do as the Minister wanted... but what about his boss the regional prosecutor.

Denpo said he would speak to him and tell him of the decision. The prosecutor bowed to Denpo and me. He did say the woman and her lawyer were in a small office at the far end of this passageway.

"Miss, you can go down with me to see them as I give them the Minister's resolution of the case."

I said I would very much like that.

I turned to Denpo, "Can we have a few more minutes to speak on something else?"

Denpo said he will remain here for my return.

I followed the prosecutor down the passage with PJ. At the door he held it open... the women inside looked towards us... Phailin!! She came into my arms... HUG!

The prosecutor stepped to the woman... she burst into tears as he gave the Minister's decision to her. Phailin's arms around me tighter.

A cheek kiss for my Mother then she hugged the woman who was crying... I stepped to them. Phailin told her I was her daughter which surprised the woman and the prosecutor. I hugged the now free woman saying I was so very happy for her in English when she said she understood.

I was thanked many many times. Siri gave me a big hug too.

Quietly in my ear, "Fay, you worked a miracle!"

I squeezed her.

"I need to speak with U Denpo for a few minutes... I will be back."

A squeeze of Phailin's hand.

In the office... Denpo and I with his closest aide and Gil. I said I wanted to thank him for giving the woman justice. A smile and a nod.

"I know you as Justice Minister have seen many cases of drug smuggling across your northern borders..." He was nodding strongly, an unhappy look, "... there is a proposal I believe can help with the drug trafficking... I have to say nothing is definite... there is much discussion to come."

I gave him a précis of the Vietnamese border wall and the cooperation between them, the Cambodians and Laotians. I gave him the proposal of extending the wall along their border and the Laotians with China.

"Some countries are involved who are considering paying for the construction. The Thai government is one... they have also offered to create a regional command centre in their northwest city of Chiang Mai to co-ordinate the monitoring of the wall. The idea is that each country have such a centre of their own and the one in Chiang Mai would be the clearinghouse for all."

Denpo watching me closely again.

The smile, "So you wish to have China deal with its problem of nowhere for the drugs to go?"

I nodded with a big smile.

"Fay that is a devious plan... one that I like!"

He reached to shake hands... I decided to show him how to fist bump... he laughed!

"My children love to fist bump... anyone doing it around has to be prepared to share with them."

More laughter.

I found out he has four children three boys and a girl. Their girl was twelve and much more trouble than the three boys combined. He was grinning broadly! We laughed some more.

Denpo said he would be glad to pass along the border wall idea for discussion by the government.

He was sickened by the damage drugs do... saying not just to the poor wretches who become enthralled to it and their families but how it debased their society with the greed and violence.

Agreeing was easy.

He thought the Vietnamese going forward with the wall was splendid.

`They are already poking the Chinese in the nose!" That seemed to delight him.

There was knock on the door... a head came around who spoke to Denpo. He nodded.

A slender medium-height fellow stepped in. A nice suit and an open handsome face.

He addressed Denpo, they shook hands. Denpo introduced me to U Thuta, he was described as a well-known lawyer.

We shook hands.

Denpo said we could use this office for a bit... he needed to get back to his. I shook hands with him then a fist bump to much laughter.

At the door he turned back... "Thank you for coming. I think this is a good day for justice."

I thanked him.

U Thuta looking at me... I said I had come to speak to Denpo about a case here.

"Ah... the woman who killed her husband?"

"Yes. Denpo dismissed her charges. So it is as he said a good day."

Thuta said he was an old friend to Cho who had emailed him I was to be here...

"It is quite amazing to meet you here in Myanmar! You and Cho are much admired as a couple who do good things around the world. I always wondered if any woman would ever catch Cho's eye enough to get him to marry. I can see he didn't miss out on the looks or brains."

Smiling, "I feel that way about him."

Thuta laughed, "So you came all this way to persuade U Denpo...?"

"Yes... fortunately he listened. Now I need to leave to get back to my family's sailing trip."

"You came thirteen thousand kilometres just to help the woman?"

"My mother is her lawyer so there is a connection."

"Oh... I didn't know that."

"Phailin is my adoptive parent... she and Keren adopted me several years ago."

"Keren... General Keren is her husband?"

I nodded.

"You do run in some interesting circles."

I said I wanted to say goodbye to Phailin and the now free woman. I smiled saying this was a very short meeting... He laughed. I shook U Thuta's hand saying I'd remember him to Cho. We said goodbyes.

In the other office the women were smiling... many thanks. I was introduced to the local lawyer and Phailin's staffer from her law firm.

I sat beside the now free woman... I told her I'd given the Justice Minister a précis of her situation from my viewpoint, a reminder of the police failings... with some examples from my experiences...

"He was persuaded that you had been wronged and left unprotected by the forces of law. I said you had the right to defend yourself as any man would... he agreed."

We hugged. More thanks.

Phailin holding me tight. She said she'd be back in Bangkok in a day or so when I offered her a lift.

"I want to make sure the paperwork is done properly and my client has nothing further to fear from the government."

I got another hug saying I would take it to Cho and the Twins. Laughing Phailin said she was happy to hug me even just for the sake of doing so.

She and the woman walked out to the car park to wave to us going into the AW139's. U Thuta had joined them, he waved... I called out it had been very nice to meet. Another wave.

The door closed... we rose up to turn east to re-cross the Gulf of Martaban. A straight run to Mae Sot.

On the tarmac I thanked Pascal and Chalerm for the flights. Chalerm's AW139 had been a backup... Penn being careful. I shook their hands and their co-pilots.

I thanked the three Security Service members who had flown along with us. Smiles.

We climbed into the Gulfstream.

Paulette had us airborne in minutes. A long flight to come. Paulette saying we had made a very fast trip to Mae Sot averaging over six hundred and seventy miles an hour. She would repeat it.

I read emails from Cho and the Twins. Charlie and Chani's filled with emoji's!! They were enjoying the boat trip up the Puget Sound.

They'd gone north on the Puget Sound through the Saratoga Passage to slip through Deception Pass at slack tide and onto lunch at Friday Harbour on San Juan Island. They were in Canadian waters now, the Salish Sea between the British Columbian mainland coast and Vancouver Island.

Tomorrow they'd pick us up at a marina in Sidney north of Victoria, the provincial capital, after sailing past Nanaimo into the Trincomali Channel. We'd go south to Victoria for a stop!

Some snaps showed family, Jud and Tricia and Protectors sitting around in swimming costumes looking relaxed. Pictures of the shore which were too far away to show anything other than a vague strip of land with lots of water.

They were anchoring in Trail Bay tonight.

We droned onward in the darkness, I sat up talking with Gil as I read the news and email. There things for my attention in email... Arlette send several. Gil worked with me.

The news... The Russian Army finally held a real news briefing. They said putin was a sick man, he'd likely be hospitalised for a long time. They certainly hoped he'd recover his health.

They were going to manage the country using the existing government staffs led by specially chosen army officers.

Almost all their troops were out of the Crimea... the Kerch Isthmus Bridge now had a customs and security barrier at the eastern end. The naval forces at Sevastopol would remain for now as there was no other Black Sea base to accept their numbers. Changes to existing naval bases would be made to accommodate them.

In the interim Ukrainian military and civilian police would be responsible for the city of Sevastopol up to the dockyard gates.

Russian citizens in Crimea who wanted to leave had been told they could enter Russia over the Kerch bridge. The Ukrainian Army re-occupying the Crimea had informed the Russian Government they would assist anyone wishing to leave. Those staying will need to become Ukrainian after some checks into their activities under Russian rule.

Thousands were expected to leave. Many had moved there after putin stole the land from Ukraine in 2014... The Western leaders did virtually nothing to Russia when that occurred. It was encouragement to putin.

The Crimean Tartars have spoken out for more of them being allowed to return to their native areas on the peninsula. They were moved to Uzbekistan at Stalin's order after 1944... They were saying it is time for that to be redressed. Certainly most all the Russians on the Crimea were stimulated to move there by the Soviet government... they had no association with the land.

The Tartars now largely lived in Uzbekistan and Turkey. They should have some say in how their ancestral land is treated. Under Russian control they have been persecuted, detained and murdered. It was now time for the Ukrainian government to deal more thoroughly with the issue.

In the southeast Donbas region, the Ukrainian Army has re-occupied almost sixty five percent of the territory. They have arrested several dozens of men and women trying to hide automatic weapons. They will go into the court system or be offered the option of going to Russia.

Many thousands of rifles, handguns, rocket propelled grenade launchers and other miscellaneous military hardware has been voluntarily turned in. It will be moved to Donetsk for destruction.

In contrast to the Russian Army... the Belarus Army was working with civilian leaders to create a temporary government that will be charged with managing an election to the parliament. Their signals were clear... they wanted no part of running the country only protecting it.

NATO has spoken... their forces in Belarus will stay for a month or so then begin a slow withdrawal. If there were no issues...

The scenes of the people of Belarus celebrating the men and women of the NATO units were amazing! Much like those of the end of World War II... flowers, kisses and food.

I believed it had been carefully planned in advance... a coup for Hillary!

NATO was instantly ready to help. Their manoeuvres were upgraded in the last weeks before they started to increase the size of the American, French and British units. Munitions and foodstuffs had been placed in border forward supply dumps.

The Poles and Lithuanians blocked off Kaliningrad in a matter of an hour. Borders shut. A squadron of NATO ships were off the Kaliningrad coast almost immediately. They enforced a blockade. I think that was the signal to the Russian Army.

I assumed Hillary had used links to the Belarus Army to assure them of America's support and by extension NATO. It was horrible a dozen people protesting against the dictator should have been killed... their army didn't hesitate after that which was terrific.

The Russian business... Hillary had control of their nuclear force so tough talking raised the ante for putin... he didn't hold any high cards. He didn't even know his missiles were hostage. It was doubtful any Russian knew the state of their missile systems.

The Russian Army was aware, just as when Stalin died, the FSB or KGB as was... leaders would try to take over if putin faltered.

The army was better prepared for action than the FSB which was still pre-occupied in their squabble with the Army's GRU. Now the FSB was in ruins... it will make a comeback of some sort... nascent-fascist slime always seep back in. I expected the GRU to have control of whatever the new FSB was.

Europe was looking better... their economies like America and Canada were booming! The few fascists like Orban in Hungry and Erdogan in Turkey were being isolated because they were out of step with their neighbours. Their nation's economies lagging very far behind the rest of Europe. Hopefully that will undermine their rule.

NATO's new resolve reflected the upbeat tenor of the member states. Also Sweden and Finland were considering applying for NATO membership after seventy years of standing off to the side.

Okay sleep. We settled down to the steady sound of the engines powering us toward North America.

I was the first up again... not by much... I was done washing... Gil took over the rear bathroom from me. I went forward... Lis' shining face... she was making breakfast. Fruit, toast and coffee!

I went to the cockpit... Paulette on the controls said we were forty minutes from Victoria International. She had a message for me... the cars were on the tarmac waiting.

I brought her a cup of coffee... a big smile.

We all ate, dressed, ready to go.

We came in from the west to land on Runway 09... a quick taxi to a parking spot west of the terminal building. Two cars sitting... we transferred to them after hugs for Juliette and Paulette. They would go on to our base at Boeing Field.

The cars went onto the motorway for a few miles then off to the marina at All Bay. We rolled onto the pier down to the end where the "Fay' and Jud's boat were tied up. Gil signed for the car trip as we clambered aboard.

Cho on the foredeck... kiss and hug!! The Twins in the salon jumped up for hugs and kisses too.

All aboard we turned out into Tsehum Harbour then the Salish Sea southbound in the Sidney Channel.

I sat in a bikini on the foredeck to talk with Cho. I delivered the special hug from Phailin.

Cho grinning through what I told him about my previous morning. That grin... "Well you know you had an impact just showing up. Thuta was right about your thirteen thousand kilometres... it a long way to go for an hour or so."

He had urged Thuta to go by just in case some extra help might be needed.

"I didn't have much time to speak to Thuta... he was visibly surprised to know Phailin and Keren were my adopted parents."

"When I emailed him I did not go into much detail about you... more on the woman's case and your seeing Denpo. That part was wildly successful!! You were quite good bringing your experiences defending yourself and Keren, etc...

You also did good with the subtle approach for the wall. Sounds like Denpo wouldn't mind having a border wall."

I said he showed some sincere dislike for the Chinese allowing their people to profit on the misery of others... He is to talk to other members of the government and keep in touch with me. Gil gave him her card.

"If the financing can be arranged the Myanmar folks will likely be pleased to be part of the scheme."

Fist bump! Our children came out on deck at that moment... they wanted in on that! Tha and Delphine grinning!

In a little more than two hours at a slow cruising speed we pulled up to a pier on the east side of James Bay, Victoria. We changed... Chani in a white short-sleeved frock with white lace top socks and black Mary Janes. Cho and Charlie in navy suits with Harcourt Racing yellow ties.

I had on a light blue short-sleeved dress, round collar with cute little triangle blue buttons on the front, the hem at mid-thigh, a blue belt. A darker shade of blue stockings and heels. `Joy' and a darker blue bag.

In the bright sun I had on the blue reflective sunglasses. I was blue but only in hue! Ha!

We walked down the pier then up some steps to Government Street, we crossed to the walkway that aimed at the Empress' front door. The huge façade of the old hotel looking magnificent! One hundred and ten years old!

Gil said they knew we were coming up from the harbour.

At the big doors the manager waiting... He bowed... "Welcome Your ladyship... Welcome Sir Cho... we are pleased to have you as our guests."

We thanked him and shook his hand. Viscount Munro and Lady Chanthira were introduced. He bowed to them smiling saying welcome. They shook his hand all very proper. Smiles!

He escorted us to the right into the Lobby Lounge to hand us over to the tea room manager.

A beautiful room, huge pillars and lavishly but tastefully decorated. In the southeast corner a space was cordoned off.

A small squad of servers... they bowed and curtsied.

A big main low table with some very comfortable looking chairs and settees. Two smaller comfy chairs for the Twins next to chairs for Tha and Delphine. Gil and Chelle on a settee. We filled the space, Jud and Tricia with us.

Our Protectors at two tables that were well placed on either side to the front.

It looked like Gil had done a wonderful job of laying out what we needed. The Empress' staff was more than willing to accommodate us.

Settled in we began to make choices... over twenty types of tea... Lapsang Souchong for me. Fruit juice for the Twins.

Gil had given them our `noes' on food so they were prepared... the tea and triple cake trays started to arrive!! A nice tea pot for each on a warmer, excellent! All sorts of sandwiches, the sweets were amazing!!

Gil and Chelle did take a few snaps of the colourful displays.

I found the salmon sandwiches delicious... I saw Chani very neatly eating a cucumber and butter sandwich... she saw me and giggled. We grinned at each other. Charlie had something with a strawberry on top. Munch! Cho smiling as he ate an egg sandwich.

Everyone was enjoying.

The tea was lovely... I made a good choice. I didn't put anything in it on purpose!! Full body with a very nice bouquet! I sipped happily enjoying the faint but noticeable wood smoke and pine resin notes. I should do this tea a lot more!

The staff kept watch but didn't hover... very nice. I mentioned it to Gil... a thumbs up as a scone partially disappeared. Chelle's smile as she bit into a well buttered and damson preserves coated crumpet.

Jud looking around as he chewed, Tricia smiling towards me... she had on a pretty flower print frock... looking good. That egg sandwich was disappearing... with a smile!

Jud with a wide grin as a chocolate something was about to be bitten.

I checked on our Protectors... some watching some eating... working as usual when we were in a public space. Their cake trays emptying... PJ smiling with a discreet thumbs up! A big smile for him.

The Lobby Lounge manager came up to his people, they spoke... that was all. I liked them even more.

When I poured another cup someone could see I must be low on water so I was re-filled. Well done.

Interesting... no one bothered us.

We had a view over the harbour out the big windows... sunlight... blue... endless blue sky.

The cake trays were looking bare... smiles on faces... Chani rubbing her tummy to laughs. Charlie said he couldn't eat any more. Tha said it was good to make that decision. Delphine was able to eat a raspberry topped cake!

We sat to let everything settle nicely. I was looking around the room... this building was built as a Canadian Railway hotel back in the Imperial days. Things were done on a grand scale... this room qualified. Whoever owned it now had the good sense to maintain it as a first class house.

The Lobby Lounge manager did come up when Gil asked. I stood up with Cho to thank him and his staff for a very enjoyable tea time.

"This room is a wonderful place made delightful by the excellent food and your staff."

He was very happy to hear our praise. Even more so when we asked for the servers to come over.

The servers got our thanks in person. We shook their hands. We said they were terrific.

Gil waited for the `takeaway' as we walked slowly towards the doors... we got to look around a bit. The Empress was in very good shape for a lady her age!

The hotel manager joined us. He heard about our `tea.' He was very pleased we had such a good time.

Lady Chanthira said the ones with the caramel and chocolate on top were the best! The manager leaned over to say he liked those too! Chani showed him how to fist bump which made him laugh!

Gil and Chelle came up with a big bag... takeaway for the captain of Jud's boat and our two crewmen!

We left waving. Full tummies and happy faces.

Down to the pier, Cho and I carried the Twins. We lifted them on board. Everyone when to change. Shortly Jud at the wheel and the crewman cast us off. The other boat gotten their part of the takeaway and followed us out of Victoria's harbour into Juan de Fuca Strait.

Jud set a south-easterly heading to clear the Dungeness Spit and then round Point Wilson. We would spend the night anchored in Admiralty Inlet near the shore. Swimming!

We dropped anchor off Fort Worden. I climbed into the new Hermès bright yellow tank swimming costume. Our Protectors checked under the water for any obstructions... we were able to dive off the bow.

I was the smart one... Gil lost her top diving... fortunately it floated so her modesty wasn't too badly dented. She'd had it happen in Bangkok... she laughed when I said `slow to learn.'

The Twins got to swim in the shallows with many `lifeguards' around them then into the small boat we had been towing... Cho rowed them around for a little while.

Time to do some work... Gil and Chelle with things, Arlette sending email with questions and notes.

Cho came out on the aft upper deck to join us. He had his pile plus email things from Sanjara!

I didn't feel alone.

A lively dinner in the Salon. Lots of `cooks' but we managed to get it ready. The Twins thoroughly enjoying themselves asking questions in their three languages. Only one problem they asked me a question about Aunt Dee... I answered in German! They didn't understand... I said they would know when they learned German.

Laughter... the Twins asked Delphine if she knew German... Yes but he wasn't going to tell them the answer.

Chani sitting up hands on her hips, "Okay then teach me German!" Charlie joined in.

More laughter. I said they would need to wait a bit so their current three languages were in tip-top shape. Chani laughing saying she could see I would have more reasons to say no.

What a smarty!! A kiss for her and Charlie.

I leaned over Chani as I tucked her in...

"Mama, I do want to learn German."

"So you shall!"

A kiss.

My morning swim was chilly!!! Ken and Rafe with me. I climbed out, they swam to the other boat where they staying.

Cho was up... he pressed the DeLonghi button for me. I slipped into shorts and hoodie. We shared some fruit and warmed up scones. A bit of quiet before the Twins came out.

Breakfast time became quite a bit rowdy!

Our crewman came in for coffee, he thanked us for the Empress goodies. He admitted to having a sweet tooth so the treats were very welcome.

We got cleaned up to go ashore to visit the fort and the Puget Sound Coast Artillery Museum.

It was pleasant to wander the grassy spaces of the old coast army base. It like the others around the area... Discovery Park was also one... were given to Washington State once the military had no further need of them.

They had all been coast artillery forts or other bases... defending the Puget Sound and Seattle from a water attack. Elaborate gun mounts and other defences in concrete. No guns now... all were state or city parks.

Some of the old army buildings were retained in most all the parks. Businesses, theatre groups, artists, etc... were in many of the remaining structures here. The observation balloon hangar was now a theatre.

Here at Fort Worden the ranking officers quarters were now guest houses for hire to the public. There were more of the same at the other old army bases.

The Commanding Officer's House is now a museum to reflect the early 20th Century's Late Victorian look when these forts were at the highest level of activity.

This park was well used throughout the year. The other parks also had very high usage!

The Puget Sound Coast Artillery Museum was small but nicely done. It had lots of photos and bits of army clothing and equipment from the lifetime of the fort. The Twins asking questions... the fellow with us smiling at their interest.

We had Gil leave a twenty thousand dollar donation. The fellow who was there flabbergasted by our gesture. We said we didn't need any recognition when he suggested it... Cho added we were glad the fort was being so well maintained and appreciated seeing the pictures of the many volunteers who gave their time to maintain it.

Our hands were well shaken by the staff. Many thanks.

Fort Worden was a major filming location for the movie Officer and a Gentleman' in 1982. They used the old gun batteries in several scenes, the barracks as back drops and the balloon hangar where they staged the big fight' scene between Richard Gere and Louis Gossett Jr.

The small city of Port Townsend adjoined the park to the south we weren't going there this trip.

Back on board Jud turned us south and laid on the speed... two and half hours sailing time to Bremerton. A visit to a Gannett newspaper.

I laid out on the foredeck in a bikini catching some rays with the ladies and Chani. Our darling daughter in a white two piece plus a hat. Tha was watching the time so there wasn't too much sun.

We got things to munch on delivered by Cho and Chelle. Very nice too.

I went in to change... Cho is the cabin so we bumped butts! I chose white linen pleated pencil leg slacks, a black long-sleeved shirt with narrow horizontal white stripes and sailor collar. The black Hermès Greek sandals. Gold jewellery. `Joy'

Cho in steel gray trousers and a black Polo shirt.

It was going to be just us for a fast visit.

Jud eased us to a pier at the foot of Second Street. We walked with Chelle and Tara, Kara, Ansara and Sorya over to Pacific Avenue, up to Fifth Street. At the corner was the Kitsap Sun's building.

We entered the main doors... the lobby empty except for a man who waited for us to come in before going out the door... we asked at the desk to speak to the publisher. The woman looking at us like `huh' so I mentioned I was Fay Martin... CEO of the NewsGroup which owns the Kitsap Sun!

That nearly exploded her head... she paged the publisher. She opened the door on the side so we could step inside. Tara first then Sorya... A man about thirty five came towards us moving fast...

He introduced himself... he didn't have any recognition issues. He was both publisher and editor.

"Miss Martin, Mr. Cho a surprise. It is nice to meet you. We are glad you've come to Bremerton."

That all came out in a rush.

I said we were stopping at the end of sailing trip up the sound and back.

We moved at my suggestion to his office. As we did Cho and I shook hands saying hello to the staffers in the newsroom. A photographer came up `could she take some shots?'

We said go ahead but of Cho and I only. She nodded.

In the publisher's space... I got us started...

"This is informal... just a hello. Welcome to the NewsGroup... we are looking forward to communicating with all the many newspapers.

One item for your ears only for now... This building will not be sold. We will renovate it ourselves. The Kitsap Sun stays in downtown Bremerton."

A big smile, "Thank you for that. We weren't looking forward to moving. When could I tell my people?"

I grinned... "About five minutes after we leave..."

He was confused.

"You should tell them yourself... you can say you heard it from me but I want it to come from you."

He was pleased I had considered it.

I told him we wanted to increase his staff at some point for more coverage of the Kitsap Peninsula and the areas to the south towards Olympia. He was delighted to hear that.

"We will leave you to get on... you will be hearing from me later."

We shook hands again.

He walked out with us ... We asked for the staff to crowd in for a picture... they were in an arc behind Cho and I with the publisher-editor between us. Smiles.

More hands shaken as we walked out. We waved goodbye.

We attracted some attention on our walk back to the pier. No one tried to get close... We boarded the Fay.' Both boats cast-off and we turned out of Sinclair Inlet heading into Rich Passage going east. We rounded the east edge of Bainbridge Island... clear of the narrow passage Jud gave it the gas' for home.

Going north we had a beautiful sunny day view of Seattle's downtown off to starboard. Jud pointed out again the flat area that was Alki Point where the first settlement of Seattle had been before being moved across the bay. He said there wasn't enough fresh water there prompting the move.

We came around West Point into Shilshole Bay... Jud eased us back to nudge on the pier. We were tied up on one side... Jud's boat on the other... The unloading began... the Twins went up first with Tha and Delphine... then all of us helped move things.

Jaidee came down to the pier... hugs for him. Plenty of tail wagging! Cho sent him up to be with the Twins.

Cho and I thanked Jud and the fellow who captained Jud's boat for an excellent trip. I said I was sorry to have missed the first part but my journey to Myanmar was necessary. A hug for Tricia. I thanked her for the help in the galley. She was happy to have come. She loved being on the water.

"You are a fun bunch to be with... especially the Twins."


Martha and Lloyd helping a bit until I chased them off to go about their normal things. We did the carrying of bags... all bits and pieces was finally done. Both boats would go through the Ballard locks to the boatyard.

We waved them away! We had a brilliant time!

Martha did a very nice cookout dinner, the weather obliged with warm sun right on through. There were games for the Twins before and after food.

Jaidee had lots of time with Charlie and Chani. Martha said he had been a bit lonely... Lloyd and some of the Security folks had done walks around the neighbourhood and lots of ball tossing. It was different without his rambunctious buddies.

Tessa, Gaby, Penny and I walked with Jaidee to the stables in the dawn light. Chess and I enjoyed a good ride, lots of galloping. Artis, Fury and Beltrane all seemed happy... some whinnies and nickering as we walked them after the last galloping.

At the end we rode on the verge of Washington Avenue going east down the hill to the old Fort Lawton post cemetery.

It was open... they followed me around to the northeast corner... a grave much different and set aside from the others... Guglielmo Olivotto... he was found dead... hung by the neck on the Fort Lawton obstacle course the morning after a riot on the base in August 1944, the evening before.

Italian prisoners of war, like Olivotto who were working various jobs for the American war effort, got into a brawl with black soldiers of a port operating unit billeted nearby. Neither side much appreciated the other... the white American soldiers on the base disliked the Italians even more than the Black soldiers.

The Italian government had surrendered and was in August of 1944 theoretically on the Allied side. The Italian POW's were allowed much freedom... far more than the Black soldiers who were about to be shipped out to the Pacific war front. Or the white soldiers who made up the largest group at Fort Lawton.

A few drunken fellows started a fight which escalated. The Military Police utterly failed in their duties. Many soldiers were badly hurt, taken to hospital... most were Italians whose barracks had been overwhelmed by the Black soldiers.

A U.S. Army general was sent in to do an investigation... his report said the base commander, the various unit commanders and the military police were at fault. He recommended their removal from their positions plus further discipline.

Then the army sent a prosecutor in... a bigoted Texas fellow who was not very competent or his personal failings overrode his duty... he charged black soldiers... no white soldiers or Italians were charged... he `fixed' the trials so the Black soldiers were found guilty by hiding exculpatory evidence and suborning perjury. Most got long prison terms and dishonourable discharges after they served their time.

It took until 2007 for the U.S. Army to correct their mistakes. They were pushed by a local newsperson's investigation of the riot which found the causes and who was at fault. The general's original report came to light.

All the men convicted had their sentences overturned, the same for their dishonourable discharges. Nearly all the main defendants were dead by then... the few survivors and the families received back pay and after some Congressional bills were passed they got tens of thousands of dollars in interest for the withheld monies.

Justice... when it is delayed it is equal to it being denied.

Olivotto was buried at the post cemetery rather than send his body to Italy. The ultimate findings years later were white soldiers who hated the Italian POW's killed Guglielmo Olivotto not the Black men who got the blame. No one was properly punished for the murder.

I told this to my companions... their heads shaking. This was one of the reasons I made the effort to go to Myanmar... Justice!

At the stables I collected our Choco Boy for the walk home.

Today was the opening for the Seattle Mirabelle store!! I was wearing a pale blue version of the yellow suit, the looser legs and the big double breasted jacket style was comfortable, gold jewellery, dark blue heels and `Joy' Gil helped me with the nipple things.

Chani was coming! She was in a cute lemon yellow frock to her ankles with white embroidery on the bodice, white socks and blue ballet shoes from Ralph's!

We got kisses from the guys... they were going into Discovery Park... hiking, watching birds and a picnic lunch. Jaidee was going too. Tennis balls in their kit!

An email from Phailin... she was back in Bangkok, all was well with her client... home, reunited with her children. The government with a bit of prompting had agreed to give her a lump sum to compensate for the police failing to help. So she had some money to go forward for her family.

It was a great outcome!! More thanks from Phailin. I'd already spoken to Dad and Kon... they were both quite pleased. Dad got Phailin back and Kon liked my small start with the Myanmar government on the sensor wall idea.

Kon was very supportive of the border wall idea. He emailed me there'd been a conversation with Narong about the foreign policy aspects of the scheme... Narong was in favour of the wall being extended. He would do some talking to Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam. Sounded good to us.

Tara, Gaby and Tessa with us rolling into downtown Seattle! We got out beside the cascading fountain at Westlake Park again.

I was carrying Chani going down the sidewalk.

We could see the standing barriers on the sidewalk near the building walls, an espresso cart... Starbucks with a young woman and an umbrella. A few folks standing there for her.

I said hellos to the ladies already in the queue.

Noreen at the door. A big smile.

"Welcome Miss Martin... I'm here to manage this event."

We shook hands. I said it was nice to see her again.

Fernande was waiting... several news folks were outside... I told them it would only be a few minutes.

Inside I greeted the staff, hands shaken, smiles. Chani did fist bumps all around! Chani told them this was her third opening! The ladies were amazed... clapping!

Gaby and Delphine went off with Chani to look around.

The staff looked good in our clothes! They loved my blue suit!!

They were ready!

The news folks were let in. Four TV stations, the Seattle Times, The Day plus several others. One was from the Kitsap Sun, the Gannett paper, we'd just acquired and visited yesterday. I had Chelle extend an invitation specially to them yesterday during our visit. I shook her hand thanking her for being here.

I spoke to them all giving the Mirabelle story... what stores were opened. I told them we have two new locations chosen in New York. We had two spaces leased in Berlin plus one in Birmingham and one Edinburgh in the United Kingdom. The UK and Berlin stores we plan to open before the Christmas season.

I described our manufacturing locations and the new tools we were using to make garments faster.

I prefaced taking questions with a time limit. We could see the front end of the queue out the front.

As we started Chani came up... she said hello to all the news folks... Chani said she and her brother had been on Fox News in New York... "We had fun with Megan."

That floored some of the press... Henni, the lady from The Day, she had some exposure to our children's story so she wasn't surprised.

Laughing I picked up my daughter... I got a kiss and hug.

I got all the standard questions... why... how... where... when... I gave them the answers then wound it up. Several asked for interviews... I said I wasn't doing any interviews now.

"We have things to do in England so we'll be gone soon."

Chani grinned, "We have to watch SakChai and Decha."

I laughed at Chani remembering the horse's names... I told the news ladies Decha was a colt running a race at Ascot. SakChai the Triple Crown winner also racing there.

Fernande came close... I said the news folks could stay but no more filming, `let the ladies shop.'

I excused myself. I put Chani down at the front desk with Delphine.

I asked Tessa to keep an eye on Henni... "Try to get her to stay without drawing any attention to it."

A thumbs up.

I was at the door with Fernande... doors open... We welcomed ladies in... the sales staff stepped up to guide customers around. I did that for a while then I stepped out to say hello to the the women in the queue. Noreen smiling said it was going just fine. Okay.

The barriers were doing the job with Noreen's crew helping to channel the women into the queue after they got a number tag.

Several Seattle police folks were around but not especially close.

Tara right with me as I walked along the the line of women saying hello reminding them about the free drinks at the Starbucks cart... all they had to was show their queue number.

Walking back it was easy to see the electric number board... no question of who could be inside.

I stopped on the edge of the roadway to look around... a lovely day... the whole opening going well...

I felt a slight tug at my jacket... WHAM! A big blond guy was face down on the sidewalk... Tara on top. He was struggling... with an arm pinned high on his back and Tara's knee in the small of his back he wasn't going anywhere.

I moved away... Tessa was next to me watching out... her Glock in her hands aimed downward.

It took a minute for the cops to get something had happened. The blond guy was cuffed.

I was looking at him... he was easily over six feet and husky... big arms...

Tara with a grin gave her clothes a quick twitch into place.

Tessa's gun was back in her holster.

A cop was standing over a syringe lying on the pavement... A sergeant came up to us three...

"What happened here?"

Tara... turned to me... I nodded to Tara... the sergeant saw that.

"I am one of Her Ladyship's bodyguards... I saw that fellow approach Her Ladyship... "Tara getting that in nicely... twice... "... I saw something shiny in his hand... when he got too close and started to reach out... I took him down."


The sergeant looking at me...

I extended my hand, "My name is Fay Martin."

"The Ladyship..." then a look of recognition!

I smiled, "I am the Countess Harcourt... I'm English."

His face a bit tighter... I suppose he could see trouble ahead...

"I am also American born in Washington, D.C."

Lightening didn't strike so he eased up...

I smiled, "I felt a slight tug on my clothing... then Tara had that fellow on the pavement... That is my part."

The cop looking at us, "For someone who almost got stuck you are quite calm. You do this often?"

"Oh... you know us English are phlegmatic..." I grinned ... "I have had the odd event occur around me... I am to some extent a public figure..." A cough from the sergeant... my smile... "... That is why Tara, Tessa and the other members of our Protection Team are near."

"Your Ladyship... "He laughed, "That is not something I have ever said before... "I gave him a nice smile, "... We will need a statement from... "I said Tara. "... Tara."

I turned to her... "How about soon?"

She nodded. The sergeant did too.

I said I would go inside and stay until we left for the restaurant.

I turned towards the store... Gil was coming out after my wave. I asked her to send a car for Tara to... The sergeant said the `Third precinct' and the address. Gil was on it.

"Tara, do it so you won't worry about tomorrow."

To the cop I said we were leaving for England in the morning... If they needed anything more... Gil handed him her card.

"Gil, is my PA and confidant... contacting her is the same me. We will arrange whatever is needed."

I was thanked.

A young policeman came close with the syringe in a plastic bag. He pardoned himself, "Ma'am, did either of you touch this?"

Tara and I said no.

Another cop spoke to the sergeant... He turned to Tara, "You put him down hard... his nose is broken. They are taking him to Harborview Hospital to get it fixed."

Tara shrugged. The sergeant had to chuckle at her lack of interest in the jerk's nose.

I said why don't we move to talk briefly... I pointed to the Starbucks to get coffee before Tara goes with him... the sergeant nodded. We went over there... it was almost empty. I asked if I could buy him a coffee... a smile and a yes.

We ordered... the same young woman from my first visit was the cashier. A big smile, no wonder about at balance this time. I shook her hand again. She laughed when I said I was working on the balance.

Coffees in hand we sat in a corner area... Tara and Tessa did not get drinks. A higher alert status.

At the table I was told about a rash of street groping's and needle sticks in last six weeks in downtown Seattle. Those that were reported gave various descriptions...

"But two recent needle stick victims described your fellow... very closely. So maybe we have that problem solved. A big thanks for you..." He gestured to Tara. She smiled.

The sergeant was going to say something... Gil's iPhone going off... a text... A huge smile...

"Fay, Audra's had the baby! Liam is six pounds eight ounces."

We did fist bumps.

"I'll contact Phillips for the flowers and the Taittinger's from Carter."

I told the sergeant our head housekeeper and our under-manager of the Stables at Harcourt House had their first child. The sergeant smiled.

I said they were in Oxfordshire... England.

His head shaking, "I thought you looked familiar... I guess I didn't want an international incident on my hands..." He said his first child was going to be quite jealous, "She has a poster of you on her bedroom wall. I guess my wife too..." A laugh, "She doesn't have posters."

I was grinning at that thought.

Unasked... Gil smiling handed me a pad and pen. I wrote two notes, one to each. I gave them to the sergeant. He thanked me.

"These will get me off the spot if I fail to describe this whole event clearly in FULL detail."

I laughed.

I asked Gil to take a snap of us and send it to the email address of the sergeant's daughter he supplied.

"That is so she believes you."

He laughed, "You must be a parent to know that."

I said my daughter is in the store with her tutor and a member of the Protection Team.

"Chani's two... working on twenty."

My ladies all laughed at that.

The sergeant looked bemused.

"Chani and her Twin brother are rather advanced... so their actual age is a joke on where they are mentally and physically."

He got it.

His daughter was fourteen going on twenty also... very independent-minded.

I said I expect the same from Chani.

We walked back to the store... the queue seemed longer. Noreen said everything was going along well now the `incident' was over... a laugh. I could see the Starbucks lady now had help... the brown-haired petite store manager was there with another woman. They were cranking out drinks.

The sergeant said he missed the espresso carts on the streets that Starbucks helped push out of business.

Smiling, "I first came here after that had happened... Probably Starbucks is a mixed blessing... I'm on their Board of Directors now... so we will see."

The sergeant surprised by that.

I told him some company's like to have certain well-known people on their Boards... a form of hype.

"In my case... We have a sponsorship deal with Starbucks for our racing team... horse racing that is. So we have a connection and I have an interest in making changes."

He needed to get a report in on my `event', I was thanked for the coffee and the autographs. I said he was welcome. He and Tara got into a police car.

Inside the store I spoke to Gaby so she knew what was happening. Chani was in the office with Delphine. I looked in on her... a kiss for her.

Henni was still here... she got the story of the `event' outside and that Tara was giving a statement to the police. I also wanted to speak to her... we had a short conversation about how she was doing... the work... the newspaper and her colleagues. The whole staff was VERY upbeat! The awards were welcomed as proof of their skills and energetic drive to get the news.

A hug and fist bump!

I went around speaking to customers. They loved the blue suit... I said it probably shouldn't be a work' suit... they said no' but going out... `YES!' We had a good laugh.

In an hour or so I told Fernande we were going. A hug and a thank you to her. I went about saying goodbye to her staff members.

Gil said Glenn texted he was on Fourth Avenue by the fountain... Okay. We walked out... I was carrying Chani... we waved and said hellos, a few handshakes with the ladies in the queue.

In the car... off to Queen Anne.

I wanted to stop at The Day to see Corrie.

Gil said Tara's car was waiting for her at the police station. Good! Gil texted the driver to bring Tara directly to Chinooks.

At the Rhomboid building, home of The Day, I was cheered in the news room as I hugged Corrie. The staff happy for their new editor-in-chief.

Aston would be missed but they really liked Corrie. She was quiet... a leader nonetheless. She knew so much about journalism... the staff practised `journalism' not just news reporting. They found the facts and wrote them well... bringing it all together for the reader.

The Day set new standards in `journalism' in their first year... no other newspaper had won a Polk, a Peabody and a Pulitzer in the same year.

Now in Washington State it was rare for anyone to say out loud they were a republican running for an elected position. They had shamed themselves! The Day had eviscerated the party by reporting on the local corruption! Add that to what Fox News had on national republicans... plenty of shame to go around.

I sat in Corrie's office... we smiled at each other.

"I want you to make Aston jealous!"

Such laughter!

"Fay, I will try! Those republican stories... will be hard to top! Aston knew right away they could be show stoppers... the one on their corruption has been... stopping the republicans here in their tracks."

I encouraged her to find some more good stories and run with them.

A hug and I was back in the news room where Chani was sitting in chair with a half-dozen men and women around her.

I got she was telling about `tea' at the Empress.

"Mama, weren't the caramel and chocolate ones good?"

"Indeed they were... everything was very good."

We waved to them from the doorway.

Glenn drove us to Chinooks for lunch. The manager at the front to greet us. He bowed over my hand... a bit much... we have been only here two times so my preferences weren't familiar yet. I hadn't met him before. I did say I was just another customer... he smiled.

We were escorted to several tables on the outside terrace by the glass walls. We had a view of the many ships moored at Salmon Bay. Mostly working boats... fishing and tours... some pleasure craft also.

I was surprised to see that the crab boats that went to Alaska weren't all that big. I think I'd like a lot more ship around me going into those cold stormy waters!

Tara walked out to us. She had done the statement... Okay.

Chani in a child seat at the table grinning when I said she could have fish and chips! A small fist came my way... bump!

I ordered crab bisque for us both to start... Petrale Sole for me.

I was a beautiful day... blue sky horizon to horizon with nary a cloud... the temperature was warm... not close to hot. Chani in her Wayfarers, me in the round blue sunglasses. Gil in her wayfarers. Glenn at Tara's table had on pilot type glasses, my three Protection ladies doing wayfarers. We looked `cool' in our shades. Ha!

The food was good. This restaurant knows their seafood! Some comes right off the boats.

I was sipping coffee... leaning back in my chair... Chani leaning back copying me. We giggled.

Such a sweetie! Gil smiling across the table at us.

"Well Fay... another little incident to add to your CV."

We laughed, "I know you all will tell tales... "

My Protectors laughing and nodding.

Delphine leaning over to tell Chani she should not slurp her cola. Chani's retort was she wanted it all to which Delphine countered with `Do it quietly.' Chani Okay'd that.

I loved watching our daughter's education... diverse but connected.

At the house the guys came home after we had changed. We sat outside in the afternoon sun... Chani and I in shorts and crop tops catching some rays.

The guys told us of the fun they had in Discovery Park. Beautiful views of Puget Sound. Fun with Jaidee... rolling down the grassy slopes with Popa. Ants! A few bumble bees... Squirrels!

Cho had shown Charlie sitting with patience would let him see birds and other animals doing their things. Charlie loved seeing the quirky behaviour and inter-play between the small creatures.

He had several new birds to draw... a Black-Capped Chickadee and a Northern Flicker.

Chani told them her day. Nice people at the store, pretty colours, she and Delphine taking over the office. Lunch in the sun like the guys picnic... hers had chairs... fish and chips!

Cho and I walked towards the water... An arm around me as he got my new `event.'

"I really was just standing on the sidewalk eyeing everything around me... then I am looking at Tara grappling with a blond brutish fellow...." I laughed, "That big chump never had a chance. Tessa was beside me in flash... then the cops showed up."

He got the rest with a mildly explicit scene of a cop pouring water on the blood on the pavement...

A laugh from him when I described Tara pointedly saying `Her Ladyship' to the sergeant.

Cho asked if the sergeant was another `heart' I'd captured? I said no but he was fascinated which wasn't the same. Also grateful for the tangible proof of his meeting me.

We sat later to watch some TV news on the Belarus and Russian events. Belarus was quiet, their KGB had been imprisoned or on the run from the army with every citizen on the lookout for them. The former dictator on a suicide watch. The NATO forces watchful... nothing happening... the Russians sitting it out now from a great distance away. It wasn't like they could do anything... NATO had made that impossible.

The Russian Army command held another press briefing... they said they would run the country until elections can be planned and the people are made aware of their responsibilities to the nation when they vote. That doesn't sound like they trust their citizens very much.

I will believe there's real change... when they open their prisons to release political dissenters and allow a free press. So far they weren't harassing western reporters... so far!

They'll likely drag their feet as long as possible.

NATO was feeling its oats since Hillary took office. This move into Belarus a remarkable display of solidarity and power. The video of that huge American helicopter force flying across Belarus was amazing, intimidating!

A squadron of U.S. Air Force fighters, several aerial re-fuelling aircraft and an air-rescue unit were operating from a Ukrainian airfield after their invitation to NATO to fly from there for the "no-Fly Zone' was accepted. The U.S. aircraft had become quite the draw for locals to watch their operations.

The Belarus Air Force was not flying at all so as not to cause issues with the NATO flights.

All of it quite astonishing... after so many years of allowing Russia to act the bully. NATO and especially Germany changed their tune... all that being nice to putin was shown to be a waste of time. Fascist dictators are all the same.

I rode Chess again in the early morning... he was frisky, a happy horse. He and Guy seemed very pleased to be here. The stables were popular, making money for us! The horses got a lot of exercise although not often at the level we gave them.

Dean and Myrtle giving lessons... with limited class sizes.

Dean mentioned one rider was here twice a week... Lydia the teen I'd met at the Coach store in downtown. She lived close on Queen Anne. I was glad she was taking advantage of our stables and the reduced rate I arranged.

I said goodbye to Dean... we wouldn't be around for a while.

We were ready to go after Martha's grilled cheese sandwiches and chips! The Twins gave her big hugs for that dinner.

Cho and I did a tour of the Winged Flight building construction site at Boeing Field. It was very advanced! No big excavation needed, the steel framework covered, interior walls and floors completed, three quarters of the plumbing done and electrics nearly finished. The construction boss from the general contractor said they were about four weeks ahead of schedule... he was pleased. Okay!

Amarha waving goodbye as the door closed.

Captain Kor said we would taxi immediately. We parked ourselves as the 767 began to roll... you could feel the engines rev up as we neared the end of the taxiway... "We are taking off' over tannoy as more power was applied... a big turn and the rush down the runway... the boys did their noises to laughter! We were light very quickly.

We were on the short polar route, over a tip of Canada's Hudson Bay, the lowest part of Greenland, south of Iceland, the far west of Scotland then the Midlands to Chalgrove.

We had late news from the east coast... The U.S. Supreme Court said it would announce their next step in the appeal of our case against the Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 regarding websites being protected from defamation lawsuits by being given no responsibility for what is posted by individual users.

The lawsuit had attracted a lot of attention from some groups... the ACLU supported the current law saying as they had been all along that free speech would be abridged if the law were changed... It's like they don't give a damn about the truth! OR any individuals right to privacy or any protection from defamatory speech on websites that could prevent it.

I guess they don't actually care about people except as abstract objects.

What we were asking wasn't difficult... either prevent users especially anonymous ones predatory behaviour or pay the consequences for failing to do so.

One noted constitutional lawyer in an NBC News interview said the 1996 law should not have included Section 230as it was written when passed. He said that at the time many knowledgeable people warned it was a license to abuse... they turned out to be prescient. He added since it was now within the ability of even the smallest website to prevent misuse they had no excuses.

Chelle said Monday was the day!

Okay we wait some more but we have a date.

Breakfast over the Denmark Strait. I guess the Vikings named this bit of the North Atlantic.

The Day in Seattle had a piece on their webpage about a man arrested in downtown Seattle in the needle stick attacks. A member of the public tackled him as he started to stick a woman... he was in custody being investigated in the other incidents.

I had to laugh... Tara and I not mentioned. I emailed Corrie to ask about it. She'd see it in about eight hours.

Cho laughed when I showed it to him... everybody gave Tara some ribbing as `a member of the public.' She shrugged it off with a grin. She knew how pleased I am... that was what mattered.

Ah... the gravel crunch!! Carter and Eliza to greet us. They were `mobbed' by the Twins!

I walked down to ride... in the Entryway Carter said Carter2 was at Twin Ponds... hiring and doing other things. Fist bump.

I rode out on Roland with Tara and Tessa my smiling companions... my friends out at both locks. A wave for Jerrold as he drove off to school.

On the Flats after our run I was rubbing Roland's neck... when my companions caught up we rode to Audra and Andy's house.

Andy opened the door... a hug for him.

"They're up in the nursery."

Audra siting with Liam... he was a cute baby. Andy proudly said he looks like his mom. I poked his arm. Audra smiling.

"Fay, this is so exciting... Our son... he's a good boy! He nurses well... he doesn't sleep long but he's just a few days old."

Andy squeezing Audra's shoulder, "We are doing fine. My mum has been coming up to cook."

Audra laughed quietly, "My husband burns his toast."

Laughter... then two bright eyes opened... I leaned over a bit...

"Hello Liam... I'm Fay."

There some chuckles behind me as if he'd remember.

I didn't stay long. At the door Andy thanked me for the beautiful flowers and the Taittinger's... he hadn't cracked it yet... waiting until buddies could join in.

At the Stables office Gregory was grinning. He hadn't been to see Liam... `Just some snaps.'

"SakChai and Decha left yesterday for Ascot with Freddie. SakChai had been burning up our track... he's primed!"

Fist bump! We'd see them tomorrow.

The Twins were a paddock with Iris, Diana and Monty. Chani just finished her ride... she was happy bouncing around. Charlie had gone first so riding was over... time to care for Iris. I hugged them.

"Mama, it is so fun to ride!!!"

Charlie joining with his sister on that.

"You should be able to ride all your life... learn well now so it will be with you always."

Fist bumps!

Diana and Monty with big grins. Okay off to do horse care!

I changed and gathered my ladies... to the Library. Conrad came in two hours with a coffee tray with biscuits!!! He was well thanked... he did say Carter asked him to... to that I said he was deserving of our praise for doing the work. Laughter.

After luncheon Cho and I sat with Gil and Chelle to a Conference App talk with Francis and Ali. They were fine. Ali was at eleven weeks to go... the nursery ready, the doctors ready... Ali wasn't ready... but of course her part was a given now.

She laughed at that saying there was no way Francis would ever swap with her.

Francis had news... the Sharks were now seven! Morgan and Whitney's folks working on some new things... He emphasized none of it was about newspapers. There was considerable laughter.

Francis was excited by Chelle's news on the court... only days away.

He was thinking we would win the case, "Should I have the lawyers look for cases of abuse to go after?"

Cho and I looked at each other... we said not yet.

I squeezed Cho's hand, "If we do prevail... It is going to take some time before it plays out... U.S. sites will likely respond quickly thinking we might go for them... they have reason to fear a lot of people if they don't comply. We will be the least of their worries."

Chelle said the lawyers could see... "The European and Asian sites will try to get support from their governments but a violation in America puts them at risk of a lawsuit. A successful lawsuit in America will mean damages they'll have to pay. If they didn't pay up... a plaintiff could go after any monies they might make in America... they would have to stop doing business in America... cutting them off from the most lucrative market in the world."

Cho laughed, "No one wants to be shut out of America."

We went onto other items. Francis smiling over the brief but valuable meeting in Seattle with the Western Newspapers' publishers.

He liked my idea of the Reno paper going to afternoon... "They probably won't lose many readers then pick up many new ones especially since Reno has so much going on in the evenings that an afternoon edition would feed into."

They got that we had a very busy August upcoming... Six races at Deauville and fourteen in America across the country. Cho and I would be splitting up several times so we can be at more races.

More time for me working on Gannett things... we would both try to visit their major newspapers as well as Western Newspaper ones. Trying to do it as we travel for racing. Like Utica and Rochester around trips to Saratoga maybe? Also try to go to the Hartford Courant, a Tribune paper, oldest in America via Saratoga... Providence too.

The Record of Bergen County New Jersey around the September golf tournament at The Hedges Golf Club in the north county area.

Roland loudly proclaimed his happiness on the Flats... a loud whinny!! I rubbed his neck waiting for Penny and Gaby. I kidded Gaby... there was a challenge coming... I would go back to riding Pamela... Roland would be the other horse every morning.

"I get it Fay... I'm up for it."

Fist bump.

Some work after breakfast, an early lunch before Ascot. We were dressing.

I was pushing at Ascot again... My slender cutaway suit, silver vest, slender Harcourt Racing tie, top hat and spike heels outfit from our first visit to Ascot. Her Majesty had liked' it so why not get the old race course people's attention once again! I added red nails and lips... Cho did the Joy'

Chani in a black frock to her knees, white knee socks and red Mary Janes!

Cho and Charlie in their cutaways with narrow Harcourt Racing ties! Top hats that Charlie so loved.

We stepped from the AW139... Cho and I carried the Twins across the High Street to the gate... an Ascot lady was there to welcome us. She was our escort to the Owners and Trainers Terrace.

My outfit did draw attention on the way in... Cho grinning as heads turned! On the terrace... Cecil and Gee, Westhampton, Valerie and Barry were smiling as we walked in. Hands shaken... a Hug for Gee and Valerie... she said I looked awesome.

The older Barry smiling, "Fay, you look better than nearly all the men."

I said he had to exclude himself... I nudged Valerie... a grin... Barry had a fine physique for a cutaway.

The Twins and Barry chatting away.

Alexander and Shawn came out. More hugs! I knew Shawn liked my clothes.

Decha was entered in the Coventry Stakes, a G2 race of six furlongs on the New Mile. One hundred and fifty thousand £'s purse. There were thirteen entries.

He'd broken his maiden last month here in the Norfolk Stakes also a sprint like today's race.

A text to Gil from Ethan, who was acting as Decha's groom, Freddie on his way up.

Introductions for Freddie to some owners. I nudged Freddie... he grinned... "Fay, Decha is ready but SakChai... his training has been brilliant! He is so prepared for today!"

Fist bump. A smile at Freddie using some `Britishisms' like brilliant. Me... I seem always to go back and forth on word usage... slang is so interesting so long as you watch your step.

The Coventry Stakes were called. The horses came out in the post parade then moved to the right up the New Mile. At the gate they went in easily... I could see one horse was restive... a longish pause to settle him... CLANG!!

They came out cleanly straight down the turf. Chani in my arms had the glasses now... Cho said Decha was rolling along on the lead... After three furlongs Decha had a two length lead... Chani let me have the glasses... Renaldo asked him... the Monaco Surge!

Decha immediately open three more lengths... into the last furlong the lead was six Decha crossed the finish unchallenged winning by eight. Renaldo holding his unused whip up in triumph!

We celebrated! A group hug! Freddie with a big grin! Fist bump! He and Cho a big handshake! Valerie behind me saying we were fun to watch.

Down to the grass with Freddie, we carried the Twins. We got a big welcome from the crowd.

Renaldo walking Decha towards us... Ethan put on the lead then softly wiped his face. The Twins gently petted Decha's neck.

We headed through to the Parade Ring... The smiling Ascot security man in his same place congratulated us.

At the presentation platform we were introduced to the stakes people and representatives from Coventry City. They were very nice... very pleased! Our Decha was great winner!

We thanked them for the trophy. Freddie got his plate as did Renaldo.

We moved away my hand in Chani's... my arm on Renaldo's shoulder...

"You're getting a nice collection of those."

A smile, "It is rather fun to collect them."

We had a big laugh... Chani got a fist bump from Renaldo.

"Now remember you've got a few trips to make to the States."

A fist pump... "I am looking forward to it!"

Back on the terrace, Barry had a horse in the next race. A one mile G2 stakes race, his horse had won once before with two `places.'

Chani lent our glasses to Valerie beside me... She watched their colt... Cho behind us said their fellow looked good coming down the grass. When they got close I saw a brown horse pulling away in last furlong to win by three!

We congratulated them. Little Barry in his father's arms clapping... the Twins clapped for them.

A hug for Valerie!

We waved them down to the track.

Our Champion was up next!

King George VI and Queen Elizabeth Stakes, a G1 race of twelve furlongs! A good length for SakChai.

Our SakChai `A' team! Marnie and Carlita here for this race!!

Carlita texted Freddie was on his way.

The Barry's and Valerie were back. They were staying to watch SakChai.

Freddie acting as trainer for SakChai was introduced to a few owners and trainers he hadn't met. Hands shaken. Many intrigued by the chance to see an American Triple Crown winner go up against top quality European horses, all multiple race winners, on grass.

The post parade... the introduction of SakChai received a large applause... Marnie's even louder I did a fist pump for her! Happy to see English racing fans knew about our champion lady jockey!

The horses walking calmly to the left for the start. A mile and half on grass for SakChai. His silvery white shining in the sun... he stood out against the browns and blacks of the others.

There are eighteen entries. The loading moved right along... all these horses were veterans.

Clang!! They burst out... a clean start! SakChai to the front immediately.

Barry leaned over, "He doesn't waste any time."

Cho smiling, "Watch him as they go to the turn..."

Cecil, "Barry, the others now have their only view of SakChai."

We laughed. So did several other owners and trainers nearby hearing Cecil.

SakChai with Marnie aboard was three lengths on the lead... as they approached the turn he was widening. In the turn SakChai picked up the pace... Barry leaning towards Cho and Cecil saying `I see what you mean!'

Alexander and Gee arm-in-arm close beside me smiling... Alexander nodding to Cecil's comment.

Around on the back stretch our colt was galloping along at a fast clip, the field now seven lengths back and falling away.

The long back straight run had our colt widening further. He was running easily... big smooth strides.

I zoomed in on Marnie as they were approaching the second turn... I had a smile... she asked him!

"Cho, now!"

His glasses on the soaring silver bullet!

SakChai surged ahead as he reached the turn he was eleven lengths ahead and accelerating.

On the stretch SakChai was running away... fifteen lengths... sixteen... seventeen... eighteen...

He roared over the finish nineteen lengths clear!!! 2:20.3!!!!!!!!!!!! An amazing time... BUT it wasn't record... SakChai's older half-brother set the record last year at 2:19.4!!!! Glaa in the history books!!!

The crowd went ballistic! Barry turning to shake Cho's hand! Valerie gave Chani and I a hug. Gee and Shawn hugged Chani and I.

Freddie... a big smile. He got hugged by me and Chani!! A handshake from Cho!

"You said he was ready!!"

"Fay, he had burned up the track at Harcourt House."

Barry was amazed by SakChai's power. Cho was going to say about Glaa when the tannoy said although a magnificent race it was not a record time. The record was held by another Harcourt Racing colt named Glaa! His time was 2:19:4!!

Barry's face! He had young Barry in his arms.

"Cho... Fay... That was terrific to see. It's not easy to believe my own eyes. I'm very glad we stayed."

Valerie smiling as we hugged with Chani again.

More hugs and handshakes.

Freddie and our crowd were congratulated, hands shaken, backs patted as we walked down to the turf.

Carlita waiting with the lead... Marnie waving to the crowd which raised the noise. Freddie took the lead... SakChai got a cooling wipe for his face. The Twins stroked his neck.

On through to the Parade Ring... the Ascot security fellow shook Cho's hand with a grin.

We were all waiting at the presentation platform... We were told the Queen would not be coming down. Charles and Camilla came out. They were smiling.

We stepped onto the platform. We bowed and curtseyed. Charlie and Chani were greeted by the Royal couple. Camilla leaned down saying hello to the Twins. Smiles!

Charles, "Well... your stables has no bottom of talented horses. This wonderful fellow was startling!"

Cho said he had one more race before he retired.

Charles laughed, "Don't all the owners hope for that."

I said he has two younger brothers... one of whom has set several records this summer and now the holder of the fastest mile ever run on dirt or turf. Charles's head shaking.

Camilla asked how many horses we had running this year.

Cho said twenty eight actively racing. She was surprised by the number.

Charles told her we had one of the largest racing stables in the world.

We moved to the business at hand... We got the big ornate golden trophy for the second time. Plus the plate we'd get to keep! Freddie and Marnie received their plates. Charles was quite complimentary to Freddie for how prepared our horses were.

Freddie smiling saying it was the quality of the horses mattered... all our trainers had wonderful talent to work with.

Marnie shook the Prince's hand as he said he was glad to meet the first women to have won the American Triple Crown... twice no less.


Charles asked if we were to continue to bring horses over from America? Cho said a definite Yes!

"Sir, we have found our dirt runners like grass so we have been running them on both surfaces with some success."

Charles, "Sir Cho, you certainly are the master of understatement."

We all laughed. Cho bowed to the Prince.

Camilla beside me, "Fay, I love this look! Sleek and a perfect fit for your figure. You wear it better than almost all the men."

We laughed. I said Charles looked quite good in his. A smile from her.

"Fortunately he does since he has to wear such outfits often."

She added in a low voice Her Majesty was feeling under the weather which is why they were the presenters. I said it was very nice to see her again. A nice smile.

We moved aside so they could get on. A loud applause for us as we walked from the Parade Ring.

A new tradition was re-enacted... the Twins went for ice cream... we to the Grundy Bar. Freddie got a good deal of noisy congratulations.

A few wanted to send drinks our way. Cho and I thanked them all... no drinks for us. Freddie sipped a bit of one.

We soon collected the Twins and headed home.

Email... Stanislaus was in Paris working with Monsieur Verlaine on two projects. They had the 20 Rue Jacob and Twin Ponds Estate libraries to fill! Maybe twenty thousand books altogether. The two men liked each other... Stanislaus was staying at Quai de Bethune... a short walk to the book store. They were attending book sales... it seems as if we started something!

Monsieur Verlaine's storage was filling up! Stanislaus said the two sets were kept well apart.

Cho laughing. `Like maybe they join and multiply?"

I was smiling leaning my head on his shoulder.

Costello's email was good... he hired Garrett. The young man was already at work... he'd go home for things and settle permanently into a room this week. We replied our happiness. Garrett was earnest and seemed to know a lot about animals.

His horse Kit Carson was doing well with the other horses. Always a plus.

A call from Graeme... I said we were landing now at Harcourt House... I'd call back. Okay.

The Twins rushed Carter and Eliza for fist bumps then ran inside. Delphine and Tha in pursuit... laughing.

Carter smiling as we fist bumped, "M'Lady... how did your cutaway go over?"

"The Duchess of Cornwall liked it. So did our friends. No one else made any mention of it but I'm sure some of the press will comment."

Carter nodded.

While I was changing I called Graeme.

"Fay, it is personal news... I am promoted major with immediate effect."

I did a WHOOPIE!! "Wonderful!! You work hard... it is great they recognize that!"

"Mum and Dad were over the moon. Dad has always been my greatest supporter in my career. Donella cheered when she heard."

I was in shorts and a crop top carrying shoes going down to tell Cho.

I handed my phone to Cho... "Graeme."

Cho listened a big smile, "Graeme, you deserve it. You have paid the dues... no doubt!"

I asked if he could make it to Southwold? Would his new rank mean a change of job?

Graeme said he was moving up in the intelligence department at the MOD... Yes other changes... He'd have to give up his Parachute company... it would be a wrench... he'd had some good years with the company, the men were excellent soldiers. He was to become the battalion second-in-command.

Graeme did say he and his company had had an excellent record in the recent manoeuvres. This sort of put a cap on it.

He had leave time for the Southwold trip all set!!

Charlie was going out to the Garden with Jaidee and Delphine. Chani was working on her landscape... ah! Our dedicated artist! I promised to stay away so she was working in her own time. Tha was upstairs with her.

Marnie and Carlita were coming for dinner and an overnight before returning to America. SakChai in our Stables, he would be pampered. He'd go to Chalgrove for the flight home with Carlita and Marnie tomorrow morning.

We had racing at Deauville, Saratoga and Del Mar this week.

We had a great dinner in the Garden. Freddie, Marnie and Carlita joining us. Lots of horse talk and our plans for same.

Marnie and I in the far end of the Garden after dinner... we went to the stone wall so I could show her the view over the valley... a small fenced square with a single plant in the centre of the long wall.

Marnie asked... "It is a cutting from a rose bush at a house in Wallington where George Orwell used to live. He planted a group of rose bushes which are still flowering. The owner gave me this cutting on a visit. Our gardeners have been nursing it along... they said it was good to go."

I told her about his grave a few miles away and the `memorial' behind it.

"I left a note for the enigmatic person who has made the various black metal things... I hope he will make a small sign for here."

Marnie smiling, "A sort of mysterious story."

"A bit of mystery is always nice."


We walked around... me asking questions...

"Fay, the news folks are a constant... I try to ignore... your Security is a great help... shutting them off from the barns and away from us when we go on the track."

"Did you want something more personal... closer?"

"No. Nothing has occurred to make me feel I need that."

I did a shrug.

Marnie smiled, "Out on the street I'm barely known so I can blend in... as opposed to yourself. If it changes I won't be shy to ask!"

Fist bump!

Monday morning after my usual `things' I was in a Range Rover going into Oxford. Prasert driving, I was in the back with PJ and Gil. Angie up front.

I was in a light green frock with short-sleeves with cuffs, the hem at mid-calf, round collar, dark green buttons going down the front, a narrow belt of the same colour, gold jewellery, dark green heels, `Joy' plus a kiss from Cho!

Feeling summery!

A quick visit to the Oxford Mail and Times offices in western Oxford. We went up through the city crossing the Thames several times to get to Osney. We pulled up to the front door off Osney Mead... I led us to the door...

This is a Newsquest paper which a wholly owned subsidiary of Gannett. I wondered if our owning it had reached down to the employees... we sent them each a letter but experience says many don't read such things. They must have heard by now?

In the entry... two men just going out... one gave me a good looking over without getting to my face... I walked forward to the newsroom doorway... a woman started to ask me what I wanted... then she got a look at my face...

"Your Ladyship... who did... did you want to see..."

"I want to see the editor."

She grabbed a phone... dialling... she turned away to speak...

"He's coming."

She opened the door for us. I thanked her.

I was getting a look at the the newsroom... there were empty desks... it looked worn out... drab office furnishings... poor lights. Some of the folks gave me the same vibe... no wonder the circulation was in a steady decline.

The editor showed up... he looked wary...as he should. He introduced himself with a bow.

"Welcome Your Ladyship!"

Others around finally got that something was happening... They started to move my way... PJ held a chair... I stepped up.

"Gather `round everybody." I raised my voice to carry.

"This a short visit... To make things clear I am the CEO of the NewsGroup... we now own this paper..."

There was no excitement here...

"I've seen the numbers... not a pretty picture!"

The faces were dismal...

"This newsroom isn't pretty either. There will be a physical makeover performed here. It will be clean, bright... well lit. The amenities will be improved, a proper canteen installed plus a small health clinic."

Now they were paying attention... looking me.

"We will encourage you... we will give you the tools... new software and hardware... the budget for advertising will rise... social media will be employed to gain attention to you..."

The faces were brighter... smiles... I had their attention!

I gave them a quick re-cap of what Cho and I had put in the letter to them all. The benefits... the many benefits and our expectations...

"Now you will have to work to build up this newspaper... It will be a hard slog... we want you to succeed for yourselves and us."

They weren't fainting... the smiles were still there... heads nodding!

"The Newsgroup has rules... total honesty, exceptionally ethical conduct! We will accept no less."

I was looking at their faces... they got it in the post-News-of-the-World era... dishonesty, shady dealings weren't going to fly. Never with us.

"We want you to enjoy your work... enjoy digging out new stories... finding new facts on older stories... reporting everything thoroughly and then following up assiduously.

Then seeing your work in print!

There are over one thousand two hundred newspapers inside the NewsGroup... you are part of the largest and most dynamic newspaper chain ever! Our media digs deeper than others... we are big but still hungry for a story... I want you to rekindle the desire which brought you here... Let your readers feel your energy!"

There was some clapping. Smiling faces as they looked to each other.

"Our family lives down the road... your newspaper comes to us every day... we will be around to visit... to see you renew your enthusiasm and improve this company. We will all benefit when you do.

Thank you for your kind attention!"

I turned to step down... there a few cheers and surprisingly strong applause. PJ smiling.

I took the editor's arm... a smile, "Your office."

I shook some hands on the way.

The room wouldn't encourage me... "The changes will include this office..."

He smiled, "No one at Newsquest was interested in how rundown things had become. They didn't give me a budget to fix anything... they even slashed the cleaning budget!"

I said I haven't visited them yet... he looked a bit hopeful... as if I might do some good.

"You will have a visit from a company that will plan the refurbishment... the way the newsroom was organized is not going to work... work with them to re-arrange it in a more commonsense manner... fewer desks... comfortable chairs and desks... more group seating for collaboration... people together that have a natural link.

Sports is sports but it is also entertainment... the link should be used even if not physically close in the newsroom or in the minds of the staff... get people to think of sharing... if the stories are better everybody gains!"

I was standing to look over the newsroom through the large window... not clean enough, "There will more open space... a faster internet pipe..."

I turned to the editor... "It has to start in this room... you have revitalise your folks. Your leadership is essential!"

He was smiling... "Your Ladyship..." He stopped... "You make me feel someone gives a damn... it has been a while for that happening."

"Good! We do care... we never buy anything unless it has value for us. We want this paper to soar."

We shook hands. There was a big smile on his face!

The editor walked out through the newsroom with me... smiles and waves. I shook hands... a hug from one woman... in her forties... she said 'Come back to encourage us again.' `I would' was my reply.

At the Range Rover PJ was grinning. Another stop... Prasert knew where to go. We re-traced our way back towards the city centre then northward around Worcester College to Richmond Road... down to the Oxford Jewish Centre.

Email from Sunny... She, Charlotte, Marsha and Declan had two great days in Washington, D.C. Many museums, walking around... The Holocaust Museum was amazing. A special experience!

Gilbert's tour guides' had made it so much better for them and fun! I asked Gil to send my thanks to those guides!'

Rabbi Kotlar at the door of the Centre.

"Welcome Your Ladyship."

I thanked him. We went into the centre... through out to the back garden... there was a crowd of about two hundred people. A Sky UK camera team with a reporter with other press in a clutch on the side.

Rabbi Kotlar led me to a different group... I was introduced to the Elders and other senior members. Hands shaken... smiles on their faces.

The Rabbi got things started... I was introduced to the crowd... a warm reception... smiling I waved to them. Rabbi Kotlar told them that Sir Cho and Lady Harcourt's family had donated one third of the money for the new construction... that set off cheers and applause.

I waved some more...

Today was the ground breaking for their new building. Several short speeches then I was escorted to a small area of exposed earth... a shiny rack with a half dozen shiny shovels leaning on it. We were invited to pick one...

We stood in a semi-circle around the dirt patch... the press moving in... We dug in lifting a shovel full of dirt. We posed for a more snaps and video. Rabbi Kotlar smiling took my shovel... he laughed when I resisted saying `Don't you need more digging?'

An Elder smiling, "M'Lady, We do have some fellows to do that."


I surrendered my shovel and shook hands with the Rabbi and Elders. More handshaking in the group. We moved inside to a large room for refreshments.

I got a glass of water... I managed a sip before the press descended. They had lots of questions... the usual Why's, When's and How's.

I told them we had been supporting religious and educational communities around the southern arc of the county for several years.

The Oxford Mail reporter asked a `Why' hadn't they heard about it. I was glad it was asked...

I smiled, "Because it isn't `news.' It is personal for Cho and I."

I held my hands open towards them, "So much of this nation's history is bound up in religious institutions we want to promote the conservation of that vital past. The schools are where our citizens begin their public lives... learning how the past has shaped us and how we need to protect our heritage.

We have thousands of year's human history in these isles which forms the basis for our culture... We have already lost so many churches and other historic places... we are doing a small bit to help communities survive be they educational or religious.

We do not seek recognition for our projects."

Another reporter asked about this ceremony... `Isn't this your receiving recognition?'

"Please remember I said we didn't `seek' recognition... The congregation invited me to thank us for our donation... As you have admitted you folks had no idea we were involved until today."

Someone asked how much we donated. I said that was private.

I smiled, "We can afford it."

That brought laughs and few more tries by them to get a number.

I said I needed stop this now and thanked them for being here for the ceremony.

I turned away... Rabbi Kotlar smiling extended his hand.

"You are quite good at dealing with them."

I mentioned I had practise... he laughed.

We moved away... He asked what else we had done... with a hand up saying he didn't really need to know.

I told him we had paid for repairs at several Church of England churches, a Catholic school, a new play area for a school in Abingdon, we donated the land for a Masjid to be built in southeast Abingdon...

A smile, "You are non-denominational which is wonderful."

I mentioned we haven't helped any wiccans yet. He laughed loudly.

He said he heard about my giving money to schools... The Bishop of Oxford had mentioned it at an ecumenical gathering a few months ago.

He had a big laugh when I let him in on my method of delivery. I reminded him I'd said I was late getting them because it was hard to ride to them... he remembered.

As we talked his wife Shona and daughter Anna joined us. The Rabbi did introductions. They did little curtseys.

We spoke for a few minutes... Gil came close... she seemed excited... a whispered she had `a bit of news from America.'

Rabbi Kotlar and his family were walking me out to the front walkway. We were shaking hands... there was noise of a loud lorry engine... squealing tyres...

PJ yelled out `GET DOWN!'

To Angie... "Go!"

He shoved the rabbi saying `cover your family' as he pushed me down over Gil... PJ's weight on my back...

A yell... "Get out Jews!"

A shot... a scream... the engine of the lorry was gunned... its wheels spun as it picked up speed.

Angie bent down beside me, "PJ, I got the hand holding a device... it fell into the truck with the man..."

They stood up guns ready.

There was an explosion down the road... I was up... looking that way over PJ's shoulder.

"Fay, stay here. Angie follow me watching your back but only come about ten metres. Keep watch up the road."

She said `Yes.'

I squeezed Gil's arm, "Call three 9's... police and ambulance... say a bomb has exploded"

She was dialling before I finished.

"Prasert... block the road with the car. Rabbi, please move yourselves back inside... Don't let anyone come out here."

Rabbi Kotlar said `Yes.' He escorted Shona and Anne to the door.

PJ moved along the sidewalk towards the truck which was smouldering from the blast. He was at an angle to the truck his Glock aimed at it. He stopped at the left rear for a look... then peered in the cab... a hand wave and a gesture of `Okay.'

He leaned in... As he stepped he back tossed something into the grass past the sidewalk...

Then he more closely checked the fellow prone on the lorry bed... PJ walked back to us motioning Angie to be beside Prasert's Range Rover.

"They are down, bleeding but breathing... I didn't see any weapons."

I asked what he threw... the lorry keys... just in case. It would be tough to drive with shredded rear tyres.

We could hear sirens... police louder then medics. Two police cars... PJ and Angie had put away their weapons.

PC's bailed out coming towards us... an armed response unit in the second car... PJ pointing down the road quickly saying what was down there.

PJ gave a quick tale of what happened to the first PC as the armed officers surrounded the lorry. He also told them what he'd seen of the men in the lorry when he walked down.

Prasert moved the car out of the roadway to let the ambulance through.

We stayed out of the way.

More police cars, a superintendent... another ambulance arrived... they encircled the still smouldering lorry... a fire extinguisher was readied.

The medics on the flat bed working on that fellow... the driver was lifted out to a litter.

A sergeant spoke to the superintendent... their heads close... the superintendent came to us. He recognized me... "Lady Harcourt... all is well with you and your people?"

I said yes... "We were protected by my pair... I asked the Rabbi and his family to go inside. I'll let PJ tell you."

I squeezed PJ's arm. He gave the fellow what happened, Angie beside him.

He shook Angie's hand, "Miss... It's good you are such an excellent shot."

Angie smiling, "We train hard for events like this."

The sergeant came back to the superintendent.

I turned to Gil... my eyebrows up...

Gil smiled, "I said it was a terrorist bomb attack on the Jewish Centre that had been thwarted."

I laughed! Gil certainly got the police juices flowing!

A medic approached, he spoke to the superintendent, they were close to us, "There is a single gunshot to the right wrist and shrapnel wounds on the the fellow in the lorry bed... the driver likely has a concussion after hitting the steering wheel from the blast shock wave with an abrasion that isn't very serious but has bled a good deal. He also has superficial cuts from the rear windscreen glass. Neither has fatal wounds. We'll be transporting in a few minutes."

"I'll have officers going along."

The medic gave a thumbs up.

A bomb squad vehicle drove past us to the blasted lorry.

The press who had been inside had gotten out of the building... they started to move in... The superintendent had several PC's to keep them away. They called out questions which were certainly ignored by me... the police turned their backs.

The superintendent asked us to move towards the road as `Police Crime Scene' yellow tape was being put up.

More police showed up... the superintendent speaking with the sergeant... that fellow deployed them to keep the press away and manage any vehicle traffic.

The lorry was no longer smoking... sitting against the kerb... its rear tyres tattered... the wooden flat bed buckled... no rear windscreen... one of the stake side partitions blown off onto the roadway.

A PC approached, he saluted the superintendent, "We have identification on both... they are likely related, same last name, two different addresses but close in Chawsly. One is nineteen, the driver twenty one.

We have people heading to those addresses now with emergency search approval under the Terrorism Act."

The superintendent thanked him. He turned to me... a card extended, I thanked him and gave it to Gil.

"M'Lady, there is no need for you and your people to remain here. We have your names and addresses and the basic information. I will have an Inspector and some detectives visit you to get further statements. I would ask you don't discuss it between yourselves so you don't co-mingle events."

I said we wouldn't and shook his hand.

Prasert got us going, police officers helped get us out of the traffic mess.

I leaned over the back of the seat to squeeze Angie's shoulder and thank her for the fine work. Her hand squeezed back. I sat back...

PJ smiling from the other side.

"Yes, I know Cho will be less than thrilled... like in Seattle I wasn't doing anything."

Gil, "Rabbi Kotlar said after we arrived and saw the press... the ground-breaking had been in the Oxford Mail. So I guess those two disturbed fellows read the newspaper."

I had to laugh at that! Two little nazis can read... not sure that says much.

It would be in the news tomorrow for certain... TV I'm sure! Well nothing from me.

While we were working our way out of Oxford I called Cho... a gentle nudge we'd had a bit of an incident.

I asked Gil make a start on a statement for the press... "Something like... I was there for the ground-breaking... by happenstance was at the door saying goodbye... none of my people were hurt... I was well protected... Do not mention Angie that is for the police to do.

After Cho and I look at it I want you to send it to the superintendent for release... add to him that no further statements will come from us... all inquiries will be pointed to the Thames Valley Police."

A thumbs up.

I was right... Cho wasn't happy... in my Dressing Room a kiss. `Event magnet' spoken!

"That's why we have PJ... Rande and the others... there is no predicting. The ceremony may have been in the news but you weren't. When you called I had Chelle check in our newspapers and online... the Oxford Mail did run a couple of paragraphs... inside... not a word about you attending."

I shrugged.

"So there's a nest of nazis in Chawsly. Those two fools were willing to risk killing people because they were Jews? Because they want a nazi government here?

I have never understood the people who want to surrender their rights as citizens to dictators. If you want a fascist government you ought to know your life will be changed! Even if you are a supporter... you will have a fine line to walk so you don't transgress on some rule and find yourself inside a prison.

Who would want to live like that... being bullied into doing things you don't want to do... for the `nation's interest' as your dictator perceives it."

I did add, "Some people are too afraid to face life without crutches... they'll accept orders... it makes it all so simple for them... the `boss' says we are to do this so we do it.

It is quite pathetic and very sad to know after a merciless six year war against the German nazis for which this country sacrificed so much there is still nazi scum in the corners and gutters."

Cho, "Get that last in the statement you are sending to the police... Have Gil use something besides `nazi scum'... Okay?"

I laughed.

Another kiss with a good hug.

Downstairs Carter said a Thames Valley Police inspector had called about doing the interviews...

"I have the number."

I asked Gil to call back and set it up for this afternoon if it worked for them or tomorrow morning.

Fist bump as she laughed, "I didn't see anything with you on top of me."

"Well I didn't see much either... PJ was all over me"

Some press came to the gate... Yone told them to see the Thames Valley Police as nothing would come from us.

After lunch into the Library with Chelle to do some work... Gil came in to say the police would be here in an hour and half. Okay.

Colonel Ba sent an email... a progress report on the projects in Vietnam. The PAVN microwave portion for the Defence Ministry was near to completion, the border wall was seventy percent done on the Chinese section.

I knew everything already... Conrad was an excellent communicator!

He added a personal note... he was promoted general! I replied that was terrific news... was he to stay on the PAVN projects?

He answered soon... A thank you for the congratulations, his role in both projects was unchanged.

I replied the water scheme was finished with all parts running. Mr. Tran was very pleased.

Ba responded Tran was likely to become the new minister when his boss retires in the New Year. Good news for Tran!

Ba had selected twelve pilots to go to Bangkok for wing drone training. Classroom first then to Sari Buri for their beginning level flight training. His email said they were all in their twenties except their commander who was nearing forty.

He thanked us for providing the housing and other accommodations for his folks.

I replied we were looking forward to this new portion of the agreement.

I worked with a break for some Pirate watching... Cho's hand in mine squeezing as Chani went forward to help her brothers capture a prize. What fun for them.

The Thames Valley Police arrived... we used the Library for the interviews... it was big enough for two to go off at the same time. Gil and I were done quickly... PJ and Angie took longer.

I went up to change for a ride... then in the Great Room with the four policemen. They were done, happy with us. Angie handed them her Glock for testing earlier... they said it would be returned in the morning. Fine.

The inspector with Cho and I... he said they young men were first cousins... their nazi sympathies were known to their families who were not happy with it.

"They had been encouraged by a neighbour... who we are now investigating for making the explosive device... the cousins said they got it from him.

He has been arrested under the Prevention of Terrorism Act... we are going deep into his life. The young fellows are credulous... not well educated... it appears he has manipulated them for six months or so.

Diagrams and instructions for making several types of explosive devices in the neighbour's possession.

At the neighbour's we also found some written information about other `cell' members so our net is widening."

He said the cousins were awake and sensible although with pain medications onboard... they would both recover completely from their injuries. The bomb thrower would have some scarring on his face and head from the shrapnel wounds. His wrist would heal properly after a planned surgery. They had not been fully interviewed yet.

They are alive because the fellow in the back of the lorry fell when your bodyguard shot him... the device landed beside him... with effort he managed to push it off the truck before it detonated which saved their lives. The lorry's underneath absorbed most of the blast.

It wasn't a large device fortunately for the two of them.

The CPS hadn't been involved beyond official notifications to them. They wanted the police to do their enquiries.

We thanked him for the information.

Oh so much fun! I went riding with Tara and Tessa. Rebel happy to RUN! On the way back we paused at the Radley's after Mr. Radley called out to us. Deanna smiling at their kitchen doorway. A hug.

There was a new child in the house! Thomas! He was a cute fellow, Lorraine and Tom very happy. He was Thomas Radley the sixth!! Okay that was Mr. Radley's first name too! Finally!

I took a few snaps for Cho. Hugs and kisses. At the barn Mr. Radley had a big grin, "He's a handsome fellow isn't he?"

We agreed. He had come a bit early and in a rush... almost born in the car on the way to the Churchill Hospital.

A handshake for the granddad!

At the house Gil had some Taittinger's wrapped up and Phillips was commissioned to make a bouquet for Lorraine.

After dinner our family went to their farm! Tom smiling as we shook hands... he was very happy Tom the Sixth was a healthy boy. The champagne and flowers delighted them.

The Twins got to see Tom the Sixth... they squeezed one of his tiny hands. They were getting to see a lot of babies. More in Bangkok to meet when we go.

At home we sat as a family in the Great Room talking about babies. They knew big tummies became babies... our explaining that mom's and dad's came together to make the baby grow inside the mom. They knew their genitals were different... they could see how one could be inside the other.

We tried to be mindful of their mental abilities in explaining... talk about love bringing people together... not everyone should be a couple... like they shouldn't as brother and sister or with cousins... the idea that what passed between the man and woman contained a signature of their bodies that joined to create the baby.

Chani asked when this happened? I said both women and men usually aren't physically ready until after twelve or so but that was too young for girls to have a safe birth because your body isn't finished growing.

Chani thinking, "Then after twenty is good?"

I said yes for several reasons "Your body has developed and you also have a more mature outlook on life to appreciate bringing a baby into the world."

Charlie looking curious asked if they, motioning to Chani, shouldn't because their signatures were too close?

Cho with a monster smile, "Yes. If the signatures are too close the baby often doesn't develop properly which isn't fair to a baby."

He and Charlie did a fist bump which Chani and I joined in on! Hugs and kisses.

They seemed pleased with knowing a bit about babies.

In bed Cho laying on me after a passionate forty minutes... I said, "Thank you for sharing your signature with me."

We laughed loudly.

I squeezed him with my legs, "Damn if they aren't smart! Explaining me to them is going to be easier than I would have thought."

A kiss, "Yes. Abstract ideas are already understandable."

I got a wave from Tom Radley as he was leaving in the morning. `All is well!'

Roland did a big whinny on the Flats. I walked him up the lane to Andy... The report from the nursery was great... little Liam growing, pooping and eating well. A laugh about the pooping... at least the unlimited diapers was a good thing.

The Breakfast Room was just me... then a crowd descended!

Cho and I were making a trip to Deauville for two races. Me in a white silk mid-thigh frock, round collar, sleeveless for the heat, silver buttons, a silver belt. Shiny silver blue heels. Silver jewellery, red nail and lips, a silver and white Chanel bag over my shoulder. `Joy'

Cho in a navy suit with a Harcourt Racing tie.

Kellen was out front in the AW139 waiting. We were off immediately to the Moulin de Deauville Farm. A fast flight.

"Those two boys with the bomb..." Cho looking, "... the Inspector said they were credulous and not well educated... that is exactly what I was saying to statement for the police to release. Ignorance is such a destroyer... think of all the human events where it was central to vast killing or financial disaster... Who would go to war if they knew what would happen?"

Cho had my hand, "We are trying in our way to help eradicate ignorance... accurate, honest news reporting, helping to build better education opportunities, training all our people to have be on the leading edge of their fields... Our standing up and yelling won't be of any value... you know that... So we continue to do what we can."


On the ground at the farm we said hello to the staff... They had been taking care of Rene, Jonny, Ring and the grooms this week and Niva and Octavie for the month.

Two Range Rovers here... we drove the few miles to the race track.

Our parking at the barn had Ring come out! Huge hugs and kisses for him. He looked good, big smile. Jonny... he was smiling too! Niva and Octavie's cheeks kissed.

We took Ring with us to the grandstand.

PJ and Gaby with Rande and Soraya, Gil and Chelle. A small crowd. We went up to the restaurant... it had a great view. The restaurant manager smiling as he escorted us to the table.

First up as the Prix du Calvados for two year old fillies. A local themed race. Demoiselle d'Orleans was entered. Niva said she was ready to go for this G2 race of fourteen hundred metres... nearly nine tenths of a mile.

They came out for the post parade to walk down the long straight to near the end. The gate loading was easy... the pause then they were released. We had to watch the first part on the screen behind us... we could see Demoiselle d'Orleans and three others running level in the first several hundred metres.

By midway our filly was pulling away... two then three lengths. No horse was rising to challenge her yet... at the three quarters mark she was asked by Francine... the Monaco Surge!!

Demoiselle d'Orleans opened to a five to six length gap quickly... the other racers picked up their game but Demoiselle d'Orleans had too much... in the last hundred metres she was adding to her lead!

She powered over the finish clear by eight in a very fast time but not a record for the race.

We clapped and hugged. The lift going down was crowded with bouncing folks!! Out on the track Niva and Octavie were there. Hugs and cheek kisses for them again.

Francine brought Demoiselle d'Orleans to us. The race and track people waiting with Cho, Ring and I. We shook hands all around.

Cho and I with the prize then Niva and Octavie, Francine too. More handshakes.

The crowd was generous with applause.

We went back up into the grandstand to the restaurant.

A race was prepared and sent off... we had some light food and drinks.

We had some time... another race was preparing to run.

Chelle's iPhone came alive... the lawyers in New York... They were excited!!! The Supreme Court decided they need not become involved in our lawsuit as the lower courts had made plain the need for section 230 of the Digital Communication Act of 1996 to be invalidated. They upheld the lower courts unreservedly.

Total rejection of any appeal!!

What they did do was issue a temporary stay. Their order stated the stay was put in place for websites to do what was needed comply with the decision. They emphasised the temporary nature of the stay and that they would themselves be the court where any further activity would occur regarding the stay.

Their decision left Federal Judge White's decision in place. We quietly celebrated. Hugs and kisses shared!!

A notable win!

Every post by everyone was now the ultimate responsibility of the website owners. They could be directly sued for each and every defamatory, lying, hateful post! Their only way out was to give up the identity of the account holder... tough for them since getting a completely anonymous account was child's play. Without being able to give up the users true information... they will have to shoulder the burden!

Hello... welcome to the real world!! A long overdue change! Permitting lies and hate speech does not equal free speech... stopping both is not censorship.

Past time for all websites that allow comments or tweets to install some software... they'd been forewarned when the Appeals Court refused a stay and the Supreme Court did not offer a stay before they issued their ruling. The new stay

Also past time for them to KNOW who held the account that was messaging. Anonymous posting is not a `right!'

Twitter had already been sued! I warned them and facebook more than a year ago... I made the effort to personally speak to the men at the very top... nothing changed.

All our webpages had our proprietary `vetting' software in place but we were not allowing any comments at this point. If we did it would be for users who had validated identities and they would know the vetting software was in place to do its work.

The newspapers might want to... I couldn't see why since the comments by and large were stupid or evil rantings done by sad sacks... I'd already sent the CEO's and Publishers an email saying not yet.

Bill wasn't interested in turning any Fox News or entertainment comments on. Abbey was strongly opposed to allowing comments on the Entertainment webpages.

We'd heard from the CEO at SkyUK, he didn't want comments either.

The final disposition of the case with the penalty phase was in Judge White's court again. That was going ahead as the Supreme Court ruling was the final word. At our request our lawyers were prepared to amend the penalties we sought to one dollar! A nice discount from one billion!! They would request the loosing website be made to pay our attorney's fees.

There will be some surprise at the terms we propose. The Judge, according to our lawyers, had a good idea of what might come... she likely had figured out what our purpose had been.

Maybe after all was done I should visit her in Brooklyn? Cho thought it would be fine... depending on what we talked about... maybe ask the lawyers first though. Okay!

Okay back to racing. Thaksin was running!! He's in the Prix Maurice de Gheest, a G1 race of thirteen hundred metres, about eight tenths of a mile. The horses came to walk down the mile of grass to the start.

Rene is up... the team of Thaksin and Rene won the French Triple Crown last month. A power runner with a terrific jockey.

They walked easy down the long track to our right... loading calmly... pause... Clang... they're off!!

Thaksin bolted out from the number one post... he grabbed the early lead and ran off. After four hundred metres he was five lengths clear... running strongly. The field was spread out behind him.

Halfway the lead was six... Rene riding like a stone... like Mike, Marnie and our other jockeys he rarely moved on his mounts.

At the last quarter mark we saw Rene ask Thaksin... the Monaco Surge... he pulled away a further four lengths before any of his pursuers responded... it didn't do them any good... Thaksin was still rising!!

He roared over the finish in full flight... smashing the track record for the distance... the stakes time blown away!!!! Moonlight Cloud's 2013 record of 1:14.33 destroyed by Thaksin's 1:12.60!!!!

He won by eleven and a half lengths!

We celebrated a bit louder this time!! Ring grinning ear-to-ear!

The restaurant manager came up to congratulate us. Cho shook his hand. He was thanked for the good food and service.

We were happy bouncing about going down again. Soraya stayed with Gil to do the money.

The announcement of our coming out brought big cheers and applause. On the track we hugged Jonny. Rene brought our champion back up the track.

The race folks joined the Deauville track people in congratulating us. We were thanked for bring the Triple Crown winner here!

We got a nice trophy! Ring in with us. He had been introduced earlier to the Deauville folks as our representative in France. They spoke for a few minutes. Ring's French was very good, well accented.

The France Galop people speaking with Ring... hands shaken.

The crowd was very loud in their noises and clapping. We waved to them as we passed through the lower grandstand to go to the barn.

Hugs and handshakes for our people. A big hug for Ring. Cho said we'd see him again soon.

We stepped out of the AW139 onto the lawn at Harcourt House. Carter, Eliza and Yone. The Twins in the Great Room... I had Chani on my lap... a kiss with giggles.

They had been down to ride and groom Iris plus a raiding voyage on the Reve. Schooling too! A busy day.

Yone said we had a clutch of press at the gates... they wanted to know about the incident in Oxford... some wanted to ask about the U.S. Supreme court ruling. Yone got we weren't interested in speaking to them.

He went down to say they would have to see the police in Oxford and our lawyers in New York.

Gil got an email... the `mysterious metal worker' from All Saints Churchyard said he'd be honoured to make a sign for me. Gil replied with my suggested text and size... would he please reply if he was willing to take the commission with timing and costs.

Gil laughing, "Fay, he will be willing."

My smile.

Gil showed me the email from the head of the Oxfordshire County Public Library system... we told them we wanted to give them a million £'s for general use with a one proviso... half to be spent on books. They were thrilled and agreed to our request!! Okay! Gil would get a check ready for them and I'd make a visit.

We kissed Popa and Charlie on the Forecourt... they were going to New Jersey for the Haskell at Monmouth Race Track in New Jersey. Stellar Black racing!! After that to Saratoga for four races with some newspaper stops.

Chani and I going to California for two races at Del Mar... Newspaper visits, shelter openings, a visit to Harcourt Ranch.

Busy busy!

At the end of my ride Rebel loudly expressing his pleasure, we walked up the lane with Tessa on Max. Anthony waiting for us, Teddie was pregnant!!

A hug for him... they were pleased to have started quickly. Their house on Harcourt Close was going to be another very happy place... I said talk to Gil about our gift of nursery furniture. He would tell Teddie!

Babies... loads of them. It meant to me our people were feeling secure and happy... exactly what we wanted!!

Chani and I loaded up for America. Gil, Chelle and Protectors... all aboard at Chalgrove. The big 767 jumped into the air, a power turn to go northwest. We'll clip Greenland, Hudson's Bay then a lot of empty space in America.

Jaidee was staying home this time, he would get to spend his days in the Stables with his buddy Thames and chase balls in the Garden. Much better than being cooped up in an airplane.

I sat to work. Gil and Chelle had plenty. Chani with Delphine, school and fun.

Flix sent the date... October 25th publication day for her book! `Women After Armageddon: German women in the Post-war Years.' I loved the title! It made a clear statement! Her publisher was VERY upbeat about its potential.

Snaps from her PHD ceremony... She looked terrific in her gown and cap, Wade and Cicely looking proud. Many thanks for our help! I replied with our congratulations and I was looking forward to seeing a hard copy of the book.

Flix said there was a book tour developing... stops before Christmas then more in the New Year. A TV show in Los Angeles since she is a local area person and one for New York on Fox TV. I helped with that getting Flix connected to Lorelai at Fox.

Mr. Hardy's publication date was November1st. He had a book tour scheduled already, it would start in London at several locations and a talk arranged for a meeting room at the Imperial War Museum.

A SkyUK book TV show appearance was on the schedule also. His publisher knew we'd help on any American tour.

I loved these nice people having success!!

Lots of fallout from the Supreme Court decision... whining from websites was off the scale. They'd had plenty of notice of what could happen.

The American public appeared to be Okay with the idea that lying and defaming people would end. There was no sympathy for websites like twitter and facebook... they made their own bed... time to lie on it. twitter and facebook yelling bloody murder like I hadn't warned them a year ago.

A lawyers group issued a statement asking their members and other attorneys not file lawsuits until websites could show a good faith attempt to be respectable web citizens. They said the criteria should not be a single errant post but a series that the website failed to stop.

That seemed reasonable but the websites needed to know who was at the other end of a post so that person could shoulder their share of the blame for the improper postings. If a website couldn't show they acted to find out who the user was then... Boom!

It would work itself out bit by bit... it was plain `John Q. Public' wasn't going to run to lawyers.

This was of course not going to stop the rednecks, anti-Semites, racists and their ilk from spewing their lies unless they named names... then they had crossed the line.

Nothing was perfect... this was at least a way for people to be held to account for their words! As they should be!

After lunch Chani and I went in for a nap. The time change being taken into consideration. She was grinning as we snuggled under the duvet... we were asleep quickly.

My iPhone woke us after ninety minutes... giggles and stretches. A hug!

Chani with me as I worked... we talked in Thai, French and English... everybody joined in on it. Chani did say `no German.' Laughing I agreed.

Mira announced we were thirty minutes from Phoenix Sky Harbour Airport. Okay... dress for a visit. A hot day.

A pale cream sleeveless full skirt dress, to mid-calf, a Nehru collar, it was bordered in gold piping. A gold belt and gold heels, gold earrings and the gold band with Cho on it around my wrist. Pale red nails and lips. `Joy' A gold bag from D&G. Red round sunglasses.

Chani in a white frock to her knees. Lace top socks and Mary Janes. She had a new pair of sunglasses... red lensed wayfarers!! Very cute.

The 767 parked on the tarmac... blazing heat!!! Into the air-conditioned cars! We left the airport getting on the 10 Freeway then off to go west on Washington Street... after a dozen blocks north to Van Buren. West a few more blocks to turn north on Second Street and stop beside the Arizona Republic building.

In the front door... Chani beside me... two security folks, a man and a woman... I could see the woman knew who I was... The man not sure.

He was going to ask something when she stepped towards me... "Welcome Your Ladyship!"

Smiling... I asked for the editor-in-Chief and the Publisher... Her hand went to a phone... a brief conversation.

"This way please."

We followed her... the security man looking like he dropped the ball.

Up in the lift to the management level. The lift door opened there were a half dozen people... I introduced myself to the President who was also the publisher, the editor-in-chief and other senior editors. Some women!!

I introduced Chani... little miss stepped forward to shake hands.

A lot of handshakes. We went into a conference room close at hand. I chose a chair in the middle of the long side. I put Chani in the chair next to me. Before I sat I introduced Gil and Chelle telling the Arizona people their roles. PJ, Tessa and Gaby I did not introduce.

Sitting I told them it was good to meet and that Cho and I were working our way around to the main newspapers we recently acquired. I gave them an overview of our holdings which had some eyebrows rising.

Newsgroup was twelve hundred newspapers... quite an amazing thing...

We discussed their fall in circulation... the bottom line not so bad with the other business activity contributing. I told them our social media company will come in to do promotions and give their staff some help and ideas.

"We want to raise your circulation... tapping into past readers and new ones from all walks of life. Reginé and her people are very talented and easy to work with."

The publisher brought up the sweep of the executives at Gannett...

"A person you will meet was my proxy that day acting on my instructions. Francis is our right hand man. He is also the CEO of a company started a year ago to do audits of all our businesses. It is based in New York where Francis and his wife are living. A child is on the way... a few months to go.

Francis will be here periodically, the auditors will come on a schedule and at other times not scheduled.

You will be most often in contact with Chelle... she is one of my travelling companions... not usually far from me." I reached to squeeze her hand.

I asked about the news staff working on unionizing... It was in the early stages... it will likely go to a vote within a year.

"So you know we support labour unions. Having a negotiated labour contract in place is good for both sides. Everybody knows their responsibilities and limitations.

How have you been about it?"

The publisher-president said they had taken a hands-off approach... "Our staffers are smart and they work hard and have been very loyal.

Miss Martin, the former execs at Gannett wanted us to fight it... use a panoply of methods to discourage it... make life difficult for the leaders. Gannett was breathing down my neck."

"That's over! The employees will be told by me shortly they have our blessing but that we expect them to be responsible about it."

I turned to the publisher again, "Has the NLRB been involved?"

"Only to the point they know a movement towards unionizing has begun."

A few more topics... Chani had her iPhone out doing a text to Charlie. I could see the folks watching her. Our little lady giggling at something from her brother.


The woman who was the managing editor asked Chani if she liked the iPhone.

"Yes! It is fun and easy to use. Charlie and I keep in touch all during the day when are apart."

I let them know Charlie was with his Popa back east.

Someone asked about their age... twenty five months was a big surprise!

Gaby and Delphine went down with Chani... the publisher's PA went along to give Chani a tour.

We got ready to go downstairs... Gil showed me a snap from Rox... her, Tom and TJ outside. Rox knew I was in town but I had to go on to Los Angeles. Tom was in St. Louis for the PGA Championship... he was leading by six with three days to play.

A fellow behind me asked if that was Tom Angleten? He was the sports editor naturally... I said yes. A very nice family. I had Gil show the snap to the others.

The sports guy knew Tom and Cho were buddies the rest didn't... a fresh surprise for them.

We went down to the newsroom...

Not far inside Chani sitting at a desk with her companions. A big smile.

PJ held another chair for me, a smile... up on a desk... the newsroom folks gathering close.

I introduced myself... A loud and sustained applause... a few cheers! A good start!!

I told them I liked their product and that we intended to energize them a bit with some help. They knew about the benefits we had given them and our expectations for their contributions to the newspaper's growth.

I mentioned a few things we'd be doing...

I said about the union organizing...

"Cho and I support your efforts!"

Cheers and clapping! Sustained!

I did say if the union was meant to protect them from the past management at Gannett... that adversarial relationship no longer exists.

"The new management people at Gannett know how we feel about unions. We believe a union contract binds you and management together to work for the betterment of the newspaper."

More applause.

"You are now part of a huge global media company but your focus must remain on Phoenix and the surrounding areas. There will be some new positions to expand the newspaper's reach and for enhanced coverage of state and regional issues."

Applause for that.

I thanked them for listening and welcomed them to the NewsGroup.

Loud applause... some cheering! PJ's hand out... I shook hands around the room working my way to Chani.

We said our goodbyes... waving from the lift door.

A re-trace of our drive was easy, up into the cool quiet of the 767. We were away shortly. Forty five minutes to wheels down in Santa Monica.

Gil got... co-incidentally... an email from the Boeing CEO... thanking us for our newest order... Cho-Fay Air plus the U.S. Air Force's orders for aerial refuelling tankers were keeping the 767 production line going.

We were getting a good price making it work well for us.

Dali on the tarmac to greet us. Everything going smoothly here. A hug. Chani got a fist bump!

In Venice, Dolores was hugged along with her cousin Sarita. We had a bit of time before dinner so a walk... Chani with me going down the boardwalk. Tessa, Kara and Ken coming with.

We headed south passing shops and eateries... I had a destination... which would blow Chani's mind!

I carried her some to ease the wear and tear on small legs. I put her down by the tennis courts... holding hands we reached the... It's Sugar! Store.

Oh Wow! Chani pulled me in... Laughing I said she could buy two things. Tough choices for Chani there was so many goodies in this place.

She went around looking... she wanted a bag of Liquorice Allsorts... a good pick. I scooped it for her. The second took longer... a big box of Good & Plenty! Okay it was a liquorice day!!

Chani was happy with her choices. I got a bag of individually wrapped soft caramels and some milk chocolate nonpareils. I said we could share... Chani was up for that! Hug!

We walked back chewing... giggles.

Cho and I talked after we had a family gathering on the Conference App! Stellar Black blew away the field in the Haskell Stakes at Monmouth. He won by nine... never challenged. Demetria pleased, he came out in fine shape.

He and Charlie swooped in on the Asbury Park Press after the race. It was a short drive from the track. They had been welcomed like us. The Asbury Park Press is doing well, maintaining their circulation numbers.

Chani and I had two races at Del mar tomorrow then a day of visits. The guys going to `Toga!! Four races for them. Cho and Charlie would go to Arlington for a race then to St. Louis for the last day of the PGA Championship golf tournament to see Tom. Charlie would be with Popa for all that!

Cho would get in several more newspaper stops like me.

Flix's email was very encouraging! Her publisher was preparing a more extensive book tour because pre-publication reviews were stunning in their appreciation of the book! There were radio interviews at NPR and several other radio stations in New York and California. TV shows including a Fox News interview in New York and maybe the Today Show if the sales take off!! Some late-night shows if possible.

The publishers were working on a German edition.

This was terrific news!! Flix was thrilled, Wade and Cicely practising their cooking skills for when Flix might be away. Her school was being flexible... she was raising their profile!

Chani and I had a morning ocean swim... dressing for the track. Rayelle took us from Santa Monica to Del Mar. She landed the AW139 on the grid... Connie waiting with several electric carts. We shook hands.

Connie gave me a quick report as we rode to the barn. The new `security' building's construction well along... they were doing the interiors.

Around the track there had been a significant drop off of crime. The county sheriffs had thanked her for a significant decrease in crime outside the track, criminals didn't go there since the pickings were too hard!!

"We've scared off the petty criminals plus some of the other fraudsters are staying away. The barn area is locked down tight. Some squawks about the new procedures... not much from owners and trainers... they appreciated the protection. They remember Rando being kidnapped!

We have not been overbearing just thorough."

Fist bump... Chani too!

MacKenzie and Demetria were wearing big smiles... their horses were ready! Demetria had flown overnight from New Jersey. Black Star in the Haskell had been spectacular.

We have two young ladies running today. Phawta in the Belle Star Stakes, a G2 race with a Two hundred thousand purse. Is run on dirt at six and half furlongs. She was up first.

This is her maiden race. She's a two year old. Emanuel was her jockey.

She would race on the west coast until the Breeder's Cup in Kentucky.

Demetria was jazzed about her. Fist bump! Chani too... naturally!

We spent a few minutes with Phawta. I got to meet Chaz, she is Phawta's groom.

A stop to see Sirikit. This a big change... her only race so far was at Ascot on turf in the Commonwealth Cup. As a three year old she hadn't raced last season... so everything was new. Sirikit would stay at Santa Anita but race here also.

McKenzie was her trainer and Tomas her jockey. MacKenzie told me her training was excellent, moving to dirt wasn't a problem for her.

We hopped some carts to go to the grandstand area. First to the new Security Service building... we stayed outside. It looked pretty good from here. Connie told me the contractor was doing good work, careful but going along quickly. We wanted to be inside for the spring season.

At the main grandstand door several Del Mar folks were waiting, hands shaken. Chani greeted like she was a princess. They were still enthused by our security's success in dealing with crime and general issues around the track.

One fellow said they had never imagined things could be peaceful and safe for their crowds. Connie was well appreciated by the Del Mar people.

Up in our regular box... Gil and Chelle with Ken went for drinks. Chani and I with our shades on looking around. A nice day... getting warmer... Delphine had a hat for Chani. Our daughter grinning from under the brim.

Email from Eric... we had very strong interest from six cities about the traffic system going in Seattle.

The London test area was still working... still helping move vehicles along. So they want to sit down to speak about a whole city system. It would be huge...

Two American cities and the other three European. The traffic division would really have to ramp up to accommodate the work.

I asked him to have Wayne and Ralls in Seattle inquire amongst their folks... who would be willing to travel... inside the U.S. and abroad. Those agreeing to make trips outside the U.S. tell them we would pay their passport fees.

I did add they needed to be told the trips would likely be for months at a time...

I replied Cho and I would arrange a day for us all to sit down. Eric came back immediately with a `thumbs up' emoji!

News from Los Angeles... the district attorney had a grand jury working on indictments for the heat ray company's officers. Testimony and exhibits! The Day was still reporting on this story... finding little bits and pieces of new information. Quite a few lower level workers who knew a great deal had spoken to them... confidentially!!

Their reporting made clear the heat rays had indeed been used on the two campuses plus other places not revealed before these new interviews.

The Grand Jury was taking testimony on this too.

Email from Oxford Mail editor... they had re-run apiece on anti-Semites in Oxfordshire that had been in the paper two years ago. They didn't do a gotcha or anything like that... in a covering piece they said it was difficult to eradicate the prejudice... only proper education in all schools would succeed.

I had time so I went to the link to the first piece... it was well written, a lot of information and amazingly there was a quote by the neighbour of the bomber cousins! He babbled about how the Jews kept themselves apart and tried to undermine England. Typical ignorant and bigoted BS.

That is where education came in... Stop the ignorance!!

I got Gil email the editor to have everything the newspaper had on the `neighbour' available to the police. Also let him know I would be writing an owner's column about the subject for publication.

Okay racing! Phawta came out in the post parade... the Belle Star Stakes. She got some applause when our stables were mentioned. Emanuel was well known here especially for riding Rando!

The horses walked easily over to the back straight chute. An interesting difference between Europe and here... over there is was common to have a mile of turf for the shorter races... a straight run! In America and Canada those same race lengths have a turn.

These were young horses... they loaded with a few not being convinced...Phawta was between two of those... the pause was longer so they could settle... Clang!

Emanuel judged it proper to have her go quickly from the slot. Phawta was a step faster than the uncertain two who came out badly. Our girl was clear racing down the straight!

Phawta was sprinting along down the dirt several lengths clear of those around her, two others were level to her right. The three raced towards the turn... Emanuel moved Phawta to the rail... the two followed on her shoulder.

In the turn I watched our girl's lead changes... she gained ground doing them so smoothly. Running around the curve wasn't a problem for her. At the top of the home stretch she changed back to her right lead and had a four length space back to her opponents.

Emanuel asked her... Phawta was well trained... her `surge' obvious... the two faded as our beauty galloped home to a six length win. It was a fast time but short of the record.

We did our usual hugs then descended to the track. Demetria very pleased with this maiden victory!

Chani on my left hip... My arm on Demetria's shoulders, "She ran beautifully. Very smooth the whole way."

"Fay, she works hard in training... it showed."

The Del Mar and Belle Star Stakes folks welcomed us and our horse into the Winner's Circle. We got a nice trophy. Chani and I shared getting the gilt. Smiles on everyone's face.

Back in our box some people went for drinks and snacks.

Kent called me...

"Fay, some movement in Russia. The army announced they were evaluating the status of various prisoners throughout their penal system. They said... my paraphrasing here... those who may have been imprisoned because of political activities will likely be released. No time mentioned."

Now I might believe the Russian Army wants things to change. Still waiting those unjustly detained folks to free on the streets.

Kent laughed when I asked about several prisoners who were non-Russian.

"Fay, several reporters in Moscow asked about them... the officer doing the briefing said those names had been prominently mentioned. In the internal discussions."

Kent added that the Belarus elections for a new parliament were in an advanced planning stage...

"It looks like in a month or so the people will get their voice heard for the first time since 1991."

Good news... I thanked Kent... he laughed saying he was just reporting... my retort was I appreciated the messenger! Laughter!

Chani and I sipped our drinks and shared a basket of chips with ketchup. A big grin on our daughter's cute face.

Email from Cho... Karnchana won the Adirondack Stakes easily... Prichit going off in the Saratoga Special soon... Kaao and IrishRainbow up later.

I gave him Phawta's news in return. He was pleased to hear she broke her maiden right off.

The post parade for the Sorrento Stakes was called. Tomas walked Sirikit out with the others. She looked calm moving over to the back chute starting gate. This stakes was a G2 six furlong sprint... the purse was two hundred thousand dollars.

MacKenzie joined us in the box. His `She's ready to roll!' was great.

The loading was without drama... the pause was short... they're off! Sirikit with the leaders going down the straight. Five across the track level and sprinting ahead.

Sirikit and two were now at the front separating from the rest of the field. Into the turn our girl was a half-length ahead... through the curve she widened as her smooth lead changes gave her the advantage. As the turn ended she had a three length gap... changed back to her right lead and was asked by Tomas...

Sirikit `gunned it!' Driving down the home stretch pulling away with each stride... by the eighth pole it was a seven length lead. Sirikit ran past the finish going full out... wining by nine and in a new record time for the stakes!!

Her 1:08.80 beat the 1:09.00 that Windy's Daughter put up in 1972. Her margin of victory tied the previous best.

Another happy celebration in our box. Hugs and kisses spread around!

Down in the Winner's Circle Chani and I received the trophy smiling! She got to stroke Sirikit's strong neck on the track... Chaz holding the shank lead grinning at us.

At the barn we said our goodbyes and headed to the AW139. Rayelle had us going immediately going northwest over the coastal mountains.

We came into eastern Los Angeles passing over La Habra, Whitter, Montebello... on the tannoy Rayelle's co-pilot said we had permission to land where I wanted. Great!!

We settled on the asphalt car park at the motel we bought for our staffers. Our Security blocking the space for us. The lady manager waving to us from the office door... we waved back. A block and a half to the Echo Park Shelter.

Natal at the door with a huge smile. Handshake and hug. She did a fist bump with Chani as she knelt to meet our daughter.

Inside there were thirty or more guests... they started to applaud and cheer as we came through the doorway. Chani beside me was clapping too... a big smile.

I thanked them... Chani and I shaking hands with them. We got a tour of the Annex! Four floors of rooms... nicely coloured, lots of windows to let in the sun, cool with the air conditioning. The rooms weren't cramped... I saw music instruments in several rooms... Natal said we were helping guests with that and a nearby recording studio had two of ours working there!!

The laundry room and a recreation room. Storage for bicycles, etc...

Natal's flat on the ground floor was really nice! She a had a good sized sitting room and dining room combination, a kitchen with all the necessaries plus a big bathroom. Her bedroom looked cosy!

The older front building had been re-done... a well laid out office, computer room, a quiet space and a meeting room. A clinic... We met the nurse on duty. She lived at our motel where we landed. She was very happy to be with us... her own experience of being on the streets made her appreciate our efforts and was terrific for the guests to know how she went forward!

Chani and Delphine went to the computer room, I sat with a dozen guests for a short talk. They were very upbeat! They had what they needed here... security, shelter, food... the various programmes from the outside offered different paths for them.

The city of Los Angeles via Mona had education and job possibilities which our guests were taking advantage of in a big way. In this group they all were going to either high school or studying for the GED if they hadn't finished school.

Half were in a training programme for one thing or another. Three had part-time jobs... two at the recording studio, another at a club doing ticket sales over the internet. Another pair were in a cooking school's apprentice programme!!

All the activity made me proud of our team! Natal and her people were awesome.

Chani and I did our goodbyes to some cheers. PJ did a fist bump with me on our walk to the helicopter.

"Fay, those kids are so happy!"

Chani got in on the fist bump.

We lifted off for Topanga. Dolores had shifted herself there so dinner on the terrace! Flix, Cicely and Wade joining us.

Drinks... Chani showing Cicely the texts she was sharing through the day with Charlie. They planned a FaceTime call before Charlie going to sleep on Eastern Time.

Flix and Wade on a settee opposite me. Heads shaking over Chani's communications.

Wade quite pleased I was going to stop at Harcourt Ranch, "Fay, it is moving along very nicely. The exterior is done... so you will see it close to the finish product... more or less.

The staff quarters building is at the same point.

Aguirre's parts up the valley are also well advanced. The stables are complete, the out-buildings done... the canteen is operating for the workers. The housing is half done... the men's side is in use by Sunny, Charlotte, Marsha and Cormac. The rooms furnished with temporary furniture so they and Sunny's family can stay.

The ladies dormitory is on interiors now."

I thanked him for his work.

Flix was going on the Los Angeles Fox TV station... they have a local culture show... it is her first for her book.

I leaned forward with my fist out... Bump!

"Do what I do when I've been on air... ignore the cameras... focus on the interviewer. Talk normally the microphone will get it all. You know your shit so let it flow.

Wear something with clean lines... black or darker blue."

We ate a delicious dinner from Dolores... afters in the half dark. Cicely was going to sit with Chani while she did her facetime call to Charlie. They get settled on a settee... Chani fired up her iPhone... Charlie on the screen. I leaned over to blow a kiss to my boy!

I asked Flix about getting the women in her book to open up and comment on what they knew about the Holocaust...

"Fay, several brought it up. None had anything to do with the process but as you saw they all felt the guilt of responsibility. Even though half never voted for any nazi it was there.

What is so telling is their forthright admission they knew there were slave labourers around them and other things were happening... men coming home from the Russian Front told horrible tales... there was always gossip... the culture of the Final Solution was the public all knew a bit so they shared the blame which is precisely what Reinhard Heydrich wanted. Share the guilt!

When the Russians swept into Germany... the thefts, wanton destruction, murders, rapes were payback plain and simple... all Germans knew... my ladies knew their soldiers had done the same... worse actually!

Four of my ladies were raped... they were women in their twenties, in good shape... unable to escape immediately. Interestingly they all ended up either in the U.S. or British zones. They avoided the French zone... they all had heard rumours the French were too much like the Russians. It turned out they were right."

Smiling, "Okay... what is your next book topic?"

Flix laughed, "I have no idea."

I made a suggestion... Flix stared at me... then a look of contemplation...

"It might work... there has to be a subset to narrow the field."

I added, "What about age at war time? Newly married or longer term? Country? Germany again or elsewhere? Children? Husband confirmed dead or missing in action?"

"Oh Fay... you think too fast for me. I feel Germany... so many missing in action in Russia! I could narrow by branch of service. The Wehrmacht versus the Waffen SS... maybe.

Possibly how each widow was treated by the hitler regime?"

"Another time sensitive topic... the women are going to be the same age as your last group."

A big nod by Flix.

Wade shaking his head... I could see he didn't expect there'd be many nights by the fire cuddling up any time soon.

Flix squeezed his hand, "Don't worry yet... it's not tomorrow."

I was thanked for the idea... war widows don't rate much public attention... society likes to forget pretty quickly!

Chani and Cecily came over grinning, "Popa and Charlie had fun in `Toga!'

Cicely said Cho would call later. "They are flying in a few minutes."

Fist bumps for them!

In bed with some reports Gil and Chelle were kind enough to give... since I `played' today at the races I have to do catch up.

My iPhone... FaceTime... Cho, "Fay, IrishRainbow just continues to roll. He ran away from the field after the mile to finish in 2:25.55. He ran the last half mile faster than his first half. The New York Cup folks were blown away! So he has the stakes record for time and winning margin!

Kaao knocked everyone's socks off today! He came out of the gate and was on the lead immediately... Marnie never looked back. His time was 1:44.60 wiping out Lawyer Ron's 2007 Whitney time of 1:46.64 for the nine furlongs. A twelve length margin!

The crowd went a bit cray-cray!

So we won the owners shares of one million and two hundred thousand dollars from each race!!

So a million Four hundred thousand and change!! All our people will be happy with their shares. A good pay-out for their hours of work."

He loved the news from Del Mar. Harcourt Racing continues to roll!

The welcome for Chani and I at the Echo Park Shelter gave him one of his cute smiles...

"Fay, that is wonderful reinforcement for our efforts and for the effectiveness of our staff."

He knew our schedule for tomorrow. He and Charlie were going to the Arlington park for the `Million' race. Hansa was racing!!

"Fay, Tom is twelve strokes ahead at the end of today so the day after tomorrow promises to be a race to finish second at the PGA Championship."

I asked Cho to give my best to Tom.

Love passed between us!

My morning ride was great, Gil, Tara, Tessa and Gaby joined for a ridge climb with a rollicking gallop home! Smiles on our faces as we handed our horses to Viv and Jorrie.

Dolores and Sora did our Fav... French toast! We cheered and chowed-down!

Time for some visits... warm weather but comfortable... white linen trousers, a pale green short sleeve cotton shirt, brown loafers from Hermès and gold bits. `Joy'

Chani in a blue cotton pants and a bright yellow top. Navy blue Velcro-close trainers. Cute!

Rayelle picked us up on the drive... north by northeast... we crossed the San Gabriel Mountains going more northeast. In a little over half an hour we descended to an asphalt space north of a building at the edge of a desert town.

The Daily Independent published in Ridgecrest California was a Gannett paper. They had no notice of our arrival.

Some fellows came from the loading area to stare at the helicopter landing. A few more came out of the front door. I had Chani in my arms... PJ leading, Gaby and Kara behind Delphine, Gil and Chelle.

At the door I asked to see the publisher... a fellow stepped through the crowd... he introduced himself... we shook hands.

"Miss Martin, you have surprised us!"

"No need for alarm... just a brief hello visit."

Inside I put Chani down. I asked the publisher to introduce his editors. I was pleased they were both women! Big handshakes. I introduced Gil and Chelle... I explained their roles. I also presented my Protectors... big eyes on the Ridgecrest folks.

They gathered the staff for me... I said hello and welcome to the NewsGroup to them. I got nods when I asked about the email with the changes for them and the company.

"You all have maintained the circulation levels very well... thank you for the hard work."


"We do want to expand your reach northward up the valley and westward into the mountains further. There will some new folks hired to help with that. So opportunities for you also."

More smiles!

We got a tour, a well laid-out space! Their press was in good shape, not many years on it. They were printing other publications... that helped their bottom-line.

Chani came with me to the conference room. The editors and the publisher in with all of us. We talked about the local economy... the China Lake Naval Weapons base was continuing to grow... more positions opening there. There were to be new technical positions... good jobs and new neighbours.

I gave them a bit about how Cho and I operate and not to worry if we ever come back unexpectedly like today. Things were doing well here... we liked that and appreciated their efforts.

I asked about the airport in nearby Inyokern... I got there weren't any commuter flights now but it is heavily used by general aviation and glider folks.

Delphine carried Chani... I shook hands on our way out. We waved to a crowd as we entered the AW139. Rayelle had us up quickly turning southwest. Harcourt Ranch. Chani wanted to see Sunny.

Three parts of an hour later we climbed out onto the ranch grid. The views of the California Mountains had been great. It looked dry in many spots.

Sunny there with Charlotte and Claude. Hugs and handshakes. Chani wearing her red-lensed wayfarers in my lap as Claude drove the cart to the stables.

Declan and Marsha there with Prince and Zephyr. They were wearing floppy hats to protect their `English' skin from the sun! They liked the ranch.

Viviane there with them. A hug for her. She liked the ranch a lot... plenty of space to ride. The new stables were wonderful!

The stables had that older southern California look we wanted! Aguirre did a fine job designing this and the construction folks were great. Everything the staff could need close to hand.

Paddocks, a covered sawdust pit, the veterinarian's office and clinic, a covered pool for horses to do hydro-therapy, lots more.

The dressage arenas already in use by Sunny along with the jumping arena and cross country course. Charlotte smiling, "Fay, the cross country is terrific, simple to re-route the riders to keep it fresh and it is a good test... not too difficult on the basic run.

I toured the canteen and dormitory. The ladies building was getting close to completion. I spoke to the constructions folks as I worked my way through.

The house did look like it was near to being done! Tennis court gone, a rectangular pool with an endless thing, the acres of grass for Cho's sports!

The train station up the hill to the west was also nearly done... it was both a stop for the train and the Security Service offices. Those old guest houses were still with us as offices for the construction people and security. The replacement guest houses would be along soon enough after those things were flattened and taken away.

We sat in the canteen for a veggie burger and chips lunch. Chani liked a little bit of mayonnaise on her chips today. Sunny and the others joined us then went off to work.

Chani and I standing front of the house looking out through the trees towards the lake.

"Mama, it is nice here... hot."

She was smiling from underneath her floppy hat. I knelt beside our daughter... hug and kiss.

"Yes, it is nice."

We moved under the trees... sycamores and live oaks... shade... no breeze... still hot.

I turned to Claude... I asked about winter here... It could get cold and windy, rain... sometimes a lot and it does snow... not much but usually some every winter.

Claude motioned to the north and east... "Up in the higher hills there will definitely be snow."

Chani clapping, "We need snow now!"

A hug, "It's the wrong time of year."

"Now is the right time because it is hot."

I kissed Chani's cheek, "Your thinking is right but the weather is not arranged that way."

"Can we change it?"

A hug, "The weather is its own boss... we can't force it to do things for us. We are doing things to it but nothing nice."

A look at me, I added, "Pollution and more."

"Oh..." A smile, "More solar!" Her arms raised above her head.

Yea! A fist bump! Huge grin on her cute face!

Claude smiling but shaking her head at Chani's smarts!

The construction boss came out as we approached... they were more than a month ahead of schedule... it will be done by late winter... then they'll tear down the guest houses and get started on the new ones.

Chani and Delphine with Gaby went for a stroll around the lake... I sat on the bridge wall... Claude was pleased with her staff. Hard workers and careful. They've had some `tests' of the systems... if it moves anywhere near our property it shows up on the screens in the security house.

The Drone Defense unit... she pointed to a high ridge line to the west does a great job... stopping any drone they flew at it.

The wing drones cover the entire estate quickly... little Julio did visit with his family to see the drone fly... we got a many more thanks. He is a very curious kid.

I motioned towards our daughter sitting on a low tree branch with Delphine... "Ours too!"

Carts to the back of the main property. We stopped to see Sunny and Charlotte working. I asked Marsha what she thought of California...

"M'Lady, it has so much light! Not even on a summer day in Scotland is it ever even half of this..." Her hand motioning around.

A smile under her hat, "I liked Los Angeles... I want to go back."

"You can after the Winterset trials. You all can stay in Venice... go to the beach... to Hollywood... Beverly Hills... Sunny knows some good places to shop on Rodeo Drive..."

Laughter! Hugs and kisses goodbye.

We loaded up for the last leg of today's trip. Rayelle zoomed south to the coast... turning southeast... the ocean beneath us... we crossed back over the beach above Oxnard... in Camarillo a turn south to approach the Ventura County Star building over the El Camino Real. A piece of the car park open for us.

The Publisher and the top editors at the doors to meet us. Chani on her feet going ahead as usual... Delphine and Gaby in her wake. The newspaper people doing fist bumps with our daughter.

I shook hands... lots of smiles. Inside I spoke to everyone in the newsroom... they were all here as this was a planned visit. I thanked them for their hard work and the rise in circulation and advertising revenue. Applause and smiles!

In the conference room after sending Chani on a tour... the publisher said they appreciated Reginé's folks coming to help.

"They know their stuff... many good ideas we are putting to work."

I was glad Reginé's team had an impact... I pointed out they could go back to them for more when they needed to.

I asked about Ventura County... it was growing with more businesses and people moving out from Los Angeles. The military was also enlarging some of their pieces in the county. A solid addition to the aircraft based at Point Mugu Naval Air Station!

We stayed for a bit speaking about where we wanted the newspaper to go in the next few years. The publisher and the top editors, who happen to be women, were enthusiastic.

We waved at the AW139 doorway. Rayelle lifted us up to go southeast for the short trip to Topanga. On the drive I thanked her... "Fay it's always fun being your driver."

We laughed.

It was still hot so Chani and I joined the others in inaugurating the pool! Goggles on! I waited for Chani's jump... wow! What a leap and splash! We had fun swimming and jumping. When Chani tired... I powered up the endless pool thing as Chani got a snack and juice on a lounge. Twenty five minutes of un-moving laps I was done!

I laid on a lounge beside a giggly girl, all my folks around us... this was fun!

Dinner from Dolores on the terrace... chilled spicy pumpkin bisque, cold smoked salmon with cool salads, fat corn cakes! Very tasty! Ice cream... coffee or fudge swirl or both.

The terrace dimly lit for afters. Chani on her iPad doing FaceTime with Charlie. Cho on with me. They were at a friend of Cho's house a few miles from the golf course. Cho was to meet Tom in the morning.

"Tom is fifteen strokes ahead at twenty five under par. There are four golfers at ten under fighting for second place... Dave is one of them. So tomorrow will be interesting."

I said to give my best to Tom.

Cho and Charlie had been having fun... being `bachelors' together... we laughed!! The race today...

"Hansa blew the doors off the the field in the Arlington Million... we are six hundred thousand dollars to the good! She wired the race."

Our golden chestnut beauty!!

Cho laughed about my surprise in Ridgecrest... he was happy with my newspaper doings. The ranch coming along was great.

"It will be nice to see it at the end of the month."

We got Charlie and Chani to join our FaceTime for some laughs before bed.

Gil and Gaby up with me for a ride... into the hills then around the flats several times... a few miles worth of that! Jorrie took Inky from me, a big smile.

"So you doing Okay with us?"

"Oh Yes! I'm enjoying the work... all of it."

"Mucking out?"

"Yes... it's a part of the show."

Laughing I squeezed her arm.

A few stops again today. First the opening of the Santa Monica shelter. An easy drive down to Lincoln Boulevard in Santa Monica.

Ku! Big hugs and kisses. She scooped up Chani for more of the same. Aunt Ku happy to see us.

We had local TV stations coming with print reporters.

Avery got his staff together. I shook hands around the room. They were working already as we had guests living here for almost three weeks. There was a need... we couldn't turn them away. Eight so far divided in half by gender.

Mona had been here to visit with the guests and lay out what the city was willing to do for them.

Chani and I did a tour... nice mixture of warm and bright colours... not Day-Glo, good sized rooms, all ensuite. It looked terrific!

Avery had re-hired the cleaning crew who'd worked here when it was a motel. The guests were responsible for their rooms... the cleaners did all the common spaces.

We looked in a room, the door open... a girl was playing an electric piano with a headset. She raised head her... there we were... a smile... she thanked me when I was introduced. Her name is Tosha.

"Miss Martin... "She looked to Avery... "... when Avery brought me here I couldn't believe it. I'd been sleeping behind a coffee shop near the beach..." her arms open wide, "... now... it's paradise. I even have a piano!"

I asked her to play without the headset... just briefly... Tosha said Okay but she hadn't practised enough so it was our risk... I had to laugh at that. `Claire de Lune' filled the room! Tosha could PLAY!!

Chani's had squeezed mine... we looked at each other's smile.

"Keep working you have talented fingers."

A sunburst smile!! I gave her a hug... Chani was clapping. A fist bump for Tosha... laughter!

Avery said it was our norm to ask about any special interests or talents as part of the intake interview... the piano came up immediately. He got a local music instrument rental company to bring it over.

"Fay, Tosha cried when she saw it in her room."

I said a BIG THANKS to Avery!

A few others had instruments, another was doing an informal `apprenticeship' at a car repair business a block away on Lincoln.

Chelle nudged me her iPhone on her ear... Tom had gone on a tear... he was nineteen strokes ahead halfway through the final round. My... My... all that pent up energy from not playing at the British Open!! Dave had pulled away from the others.

Downstairs in the meeting room we did the press event. Astara with us. She and Ku were the leads... I added a few remarks. Chani sitting on the side with Delphine and Gaby.

Signe was The Day's reporter. A hug and kiss for her.

Avery and his team did the tours. The press got to see unoccupied rooms and all the facilities.

Ku and I walking in the courtyard, around the pool. Chani at a table with a small plate of cookies and a milk!!

A couple of swimmers... they came over to us...

Girls in cute bikinis. They thanked me for this... their arms waving towards everything... smiles. The blonde said she was Trans... An arm slipping around the waist of the other... they were buddies... the redhead said she was lesbian.

We sat around the table with Chani... they had both been tossed out by their parents when their gender and sexual preferences became known. One was from the `Valley' the other from Orange County. They were sixteen, they were signed up to go to Santa Monica High School for the autumn term.

Clothes... they had some... jeans and tops. Avery's number two... Annalise came over when I waved. I asked about transport... their van was here... I wanted the four girls to come to Mirabelle... they could get a couple of outfits... The two across the table were UP!

Annalise would organise it! They would come to eat at the Big `V' after my stop in Inglewood.

The four boys to go along... Ralph's for clothes for them. The news folks heard and wanted to come with but I dissuaded them. Too sensitive... I was pleased they got it. I thanked them for understanding.

Lunch at the Big `V'. Cheers!

Chani and I to the Inglewood shelter. Rema at the door. A hug. Her daughter's wanted to be here but school had started so...

Chani and I did a tour. It was larger than the others also an old motel. A big pool, secured. Lots nice ensuite rooms, computer room, quiet room and all our usual spaces.

They had five young people staying... they were offered the trip to buy clothes with the Santa Monica guests... they were UP!

Gil let Annalise know we were on the way.

Over there everybody cleaned up' and they loaded the van. Annalise, Avery driving the van. They rolled out and up Santa Monica Boulevard... a right on Rodeo Drive to unload at the Collection' entry.

We met them on Rodeo Drive.

Avery was taking all the boys across the street... Chani was leading the way. Gil, Delphine and Gaby with her laughing.

I told Avery Gil would pay. Fist bump.

The girls with me, Annalise and Rema.

Mila happy to see us. She had taken Chelle's call... several sales ladies took the girls in hand... I recommended they choose things to mix and match.

Mila's sales were very good, Antonella's folks were keeping them well stocked. The `big' suits were selling very well, the yellow and pale blue I'd worn really moving.

I wondered about that... Mila showed me a People Magazine she got because of a story on me and the stores... they had photos of me wearing those two suits... Ah! Snaps from the openings!

I walked across the street to Ralph's... in Kids Chani had a pile. Delphine showed me... Chani was making good choices... a natural born shopper! I leaned over our daughter in shoes... a pair of red block-heels shoes on her feet... she was waved her legs...

"Mama, these fit good!"

A young lady's first `heels!'

She was wearing a pale blue sun dress and white socks... the heels looked good.

I sat beside her with a single navy heeled sandal... the sale lady went to get a box of them for me.

Gil leaned over my back, "Fay, Andre Medvedev tried to muscle in on the Russian Army's running the government saying he had the experience to do the job... he was publically rebuffed in an Army statement that said he was just another one of the `hangers-on' who want to profit from putin's illness. The statement added Medvedev was being scrutinised like the ones who had been arrested.

OW! So much for him! The Russian Army was playing hardball with those they don't like! So far none of those recently detained had been released... `Under investigation' was the response to queries.

In Minsk on the other hand... a council of individuals is assembled to create an election board and schedule elections... a very public process. Their Army acting as guardians not rulers!

I bought the navy sandals... Chani got her heels and the other things. The young men from the shelters got jeans, tops and accessories. They were a happy group! Fist bumps by Chani, me too!

They loaded themselves and their new goodies in the vans... The girls joined them at the Collection' entry... further up Santa Monica Boulevard to lunch! Neko at the door of the Big V' to welcome us. The youngsters got a tour then we settled into the restaurant.

A nice crowd, our guests, Avery, Annalise, Rema and me, Chani, Gil, Chelle, four protectors! Recka there to do some training with newbies... I said we'd be her guinea pigs. Okay. Laughter!

It was a fun lunch! We were well fed, had a good time talking about all sorts. The redhead from Santa Monica asked about the Petting Room... I said it was self-described and that the `Lady only' sign was enforced! Since they were young it was a no go place. She was Okay with that really amazed it would exist.

After eating we wandered a more bit inside, they all got to see the DJ work up close. A dozen mixed couples on the dance floor moving about.

I scooped up Chani... we danced a bit too... much giggling by her.

I said our goodbyes at the door... hugs and handshakes for the guests... many many thank yous for the clothes. Rema, Avery and Annalise loaded them for their respective destinations... we waved the vans off.

Gil emailed Astara with my suggestion of more interactions between the shelters... get togethers, dances, outings, etc...

My crowd went up to Hollywood to visit that shelter... Rueben glad to see us. Chani got a fist bump! She went on a tour I sat with Rueben. He was a happy camper... the house wasn't full but the weather is good.

Mona had nearly every guest in some sort of programme. The money the city had been promised from the federal government came through... it had given a push to several projects.

"Mona is a real ally! She gets the need and looks for ways to help...." he smiled, "She's an actual `public servant' like they all ought to be!"

I felt Mona's commitment from the start so I wasn't surprised.

Rueben and his folks were out on the streets every day keeping their eyes peeled. Good folks who had been there themselves... no better education for this work. Their further education in a more academic setting was going forward for several of his staff. We could hope to have several new youth oriented psychologists in the future!

Back to Topanga... work to do and a ride, pool time, a longer trip tomorrow.

Chani and I changed to a bikinis... after a swim on the terrace with a Campari and soda... Cho on the phone... Chani on with her brother.

"Tom did it! He won by twenty seven strokes... a new record low score for the PGA Championship! He beat his own record from last year!"

Cho laughing, "It was like watching myself!"

We both laughed. He got that I would call Rox after we were off.

I gave him my eastern European news which didn't surprise him except for the vehemence of the Russian Army's statement on Medvedev.

"I guess he made some enemies over there."

I agreed adding he was putin's man so there's that link.

"Sunny did exceptionally well to start at the Winterset Trials! She won the Dressage today, tomorrow is the jumping then the cross country the day after."

Cho laughing, "She is cleaning up on trophies."

Indeed she was... time to find a place for her loot besides all over her room at Harcourt House.

"Cho, what about we ask if she'd like to move into the flat below Carter? It's big... pleasant, airy, lots of light... she'd have her own kitchen for snacks... the staff can clean the whole thing for her... she uses headphones for her music so she won't disturb Carter... I'm sure he won't mind... AND we can build shelves for her loot! It would be out of the way but visible."

Cho thought it a great idea... I said "I'll call Carter and ask Sunny after the cross country is done."

He seconded that!


Cho and Charlie were on their way now to Michigan for Gannett newspaper stops then tomorrow a day of more in Tennessee and Ohio. Then onto California to meet us!

I called Rox... she was funny, "Fay, ever since Tom met Cho and played with him he has been so energized. He used to go out to hit hundreds of practise balls then it was like he suddenly `got it' and all that time wasn't needed. He has been so happy. Tom's new attitude gave us TJ... being together was more passionate and fulfilling."

What a lovely thing... Cho being himself had made a difference.

She and their nurse were speaking English, Spanish and French to TJ all day long. Their nurse had a wonderful soprano voice... she sings in English and Spanish!

TJ smiling making bubbles when she sings!

A happy family!!

I got in my morning ride, filled with a wonderful cheese and chive omelette getting ready for a visit.

Dressed for meeting new folk... A Mirabelle pink suit with the double breasted jacket plus the sticky nipple things and the mini skirt. Pale blue accessories, `Joy' and gold jewellery.

Chani in a pale blue frock to her calves, white socks and the new red Ralph Lauren baby heels! Delphine said she had red trainers in her bag in case! Smarty!

PJ, Kara, Ken and Gaby in the Gulfstream as it lifted off from Santa Monica... `Forty minutes' said Derry. A clear day to see the mountains in their summer greens and browns, Lake Tahoe to port. We landed at Reno on 34L from the south. A smooth trip.

Cars to go into downtown. We were having a meeting of both newspaper leaders at the Reno Gazette-Journal offices.

North bound on Virginia Street... a long run of one business after another... all armpit to elbow... a bit of ugly actually... neon jungle. Its seems every place has horrible looking strips like this.

Then it became office buildings and car parks closer to the centre of town.

The Gazette-Journal was now in an office building since the previous owner had sold their building. We stepped out on West First Street and up into the building... at the lift doors there was a crowd. The Publishers of the Gazette-Journal and the Western Newspaper there to greet me.

I was introduced around to the editors... I was glad to see Lacey... a big smile. I asked about Gibby...

"Fay, she's here."

Okay! Before going into the newsroom I got to meet Gibby. She was bouncy and pleased to see me. We did some selfies so her friends would believe her. A laugh.

She thanked me for my note done in Seattle. I had her give Gil an email address.

A hug and a cheek kiss for her.

I started in the newsroom... PJ grinning... he chose a chair. I climbed up...

The staff close with all the bosses next to me... anticipatory looks on everyone's face.

"First... welcome to the NewsGroup!"

There was a cheer and clapping.

"You've all gotten the news about changes for yourselves and the newspaper in general... I have an announcement that is news for all of you..." I motioned to the publishers and editors.

"We have purchased a piece of land where we will build a new building for both newspapers to occupy. An ultra-modern printing plant will be there too!"

Applause, very loud indeed... a few `where's' called out.

I waved with my right hard... "It is nearly fifty acres off Battle Born Way east of downtown, about a mile and half from here. It is sort of industrial land we will make over... the main building will be your offices out front and the printing plant in the rear. Plenty of parking and the not used land will become landscaped like a park.

Burlington-Northern-Santa Fe Railroad has agreed to share the cost of building a spur for deliveries... newsprint and inks."

More clapping.

I turned to the two publishers saying I hope they didn't mind my springing it on them this way. They were smiling... happy. All shaking their heads in a `No!'

"Now what else... the transition will be several years' time... construction, etc... until then you will be as you are... except the Western Newspaper will move to an afternoon-evening edition."

The crowd here seemed to like the idea. Of course not many changes for them.

I said we hoped they liked being part of a huge newspaper company that wasn't going to meddle in their local reporting. Laughter and cheers. I waved to them.

In a conference room... we almost filled it up. Chani beside me briefly... the Gazette-Journal publisher's PA took her, Delphine and Gaby for a walkabout.

I smiled, motioning to the Western Newspapers pair, "I know there may be some upset transitioning to the afternoon... changing folk's schedules... be as flexible as possible. Also..." turning to the Gazette-Journal staff, "... you should consider transferring staff back and forth... you are one company now. If someone would like to work in the early morning and be off at night and vice-versa... if they can be accommodated please do.

So you all have your lines of authority clear... each paper's publisher will act as you have been... separate offices, when the new building is finished a shared printing plant and distribution. Our Gannett folks report to Virginia and the Western team to Seattle.

All pay scales will be the same, benefits, etc...

So what will the new building look like..."

Gil on her iPad... slides on the big screen... she worked her way through as I explained each view. They could see two newsrooms in discrete wings of the building joined in the middle by a reception area, the canteen, health clinic and a large conference room.

Each paper would have things of their own for the basics... they would also share a new photo lab... the staff there would work for both. The computer centre would be shared, managed by one team serving both newspapers.

I could see their faces... it looked like this was sounding pretty good!

When the slides were done I asked... they really did love it. Someone asked about the landscaping... Gil had some `maybe' slides to show open grass and trees with seating areas dotted around.

I said from the exterior of the property it will be all trees... fencing around the whole thing and the Security Service will manage the property.

"There will be new procedures... nothing too onerous but necessary for today's world. So you know the Security Service is owned by Cho and I... it is a world-wide company that does fixed locations and other kinds of protection work."

I introduced PJ... I'd asked him beforehand to speak... He introduced Kara and Ken... PJ gave them an overview of what the company does and where some of its bigger projects are. There was considerable wonder to hear about race tracks and buildings all over, drones and other bits of the whole picture.

My point was for them to appreciate the bigger picture they now belonged to although it would not intrude a great deal upon them. These people were the leaders for us here... I wanted them to get the `feel of us.'

Chani was back... she showed me a text from Charlie... they were on the way to Los Angeles. She stayed in the room while I went about a bit... speaking to people as individuals and small groups... they were nice polite folks. I could see a bit of `western country' in their appearance, cowboy shirt with mother-of-pearl snaps, string tie, a woman in jeans with cowboy boots...

I asked about local issues that they were reporting on... they were voluble on a variety of subjects. As always there were issues surrounding the casinos. I did ask about the Mustang Ranch as a joke... they said it was real and its history was convoluted so they better not get started... even in Nevada prostitution was a tangled subject.

I laughed, "Okay... let's not start."

We took our leave. A brief time for Gibby. Handshakes and a few hugs... the cars waiting... straight to the Gulfstream. Derry had us airborne right away.

Another untroubled flight.

Dali on the tarmac at Santa Monica, a big hello.

Fist bump.

Dali said Cho's airplane was in bound fifteen minutes out. We'll wait.

Cho came down the stairs holding Charlie... our guys. He put Charlie down Chani ran to hug her brother. I did Cho then we swapped. Charlie smiling with cute white teeth, his arm around my neck.

All of us in a car heading to Topanga. The Twins grinning from their car seats.

We would go to New York after the race day tomorrow, I had the Forbes thing' to do then one day at Winged Foot for the Pro-Am. Then the beach with family!!

A lovely dinner on the terrace! Our crowd together, all the Protectors smiling as they grazed the California-Mexican goodies laid out by Dolores and Sora.

We exchanged news, not much to tell since we communicated all during our days. The Twins chatting about their events of today.

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