
By A becker

Published on Oct 1, 2022



There were several days of home things for Cho and fun with The Twins while I went up to London each day to the Lords for Nuclear Submarine Decommissioning debate.

My remarks were by and large well received as they made important points why these `ancient' subs needed to fully taken apart. Their age becoming a serious risk now... that was beside the ridiculous waste of money maintaining them all so their aging problems didn't get worse. A task that was becoming more difficult.

The faster the process was completed the better for everyone was repeated several times. Labour was leading on this after my advocacy so my comments were greeted with approval. The tories tried try harass me but after a few sharp ripostes they shut down to an embarrassed silence.

Ashover shook my hand in the Royal Gallery afterwards, "Damn fine stuff. You do know a lot about the process I hadn't ever heard before." "I've been working on it." A big grin.



A bright cheery morning for a ride. Roland thought so too! We rocked... two long gallops ending on the Flats with a loud whinny!

"Yes, I loved it too!"

I was thinking of Declan musing on whether we were understood... I certainly would be glad if it were so.

Eve, Alex, Duncan all emailed me! The GWNW switchover was done.... as of midnight they were running our software on Apple OX Servers!! Redundancy server farm in Seattle and our Fox Tower server farm holding a full duplicate.

No issues... it went as planned. The GWNW folks quite pleased with the system and us! A terrific project for us showcasing all our talents!!!

STS Railroad was rolling along... literally! They had been happy with our software and hardware from the beginning!! George, their tech guy, sang our praises!

Alex was speaking with several other American railroads... maybe we'll have America sewn-up?

Email from Kent... the piece of the six republican congressmen would run tonight! There ought to be some fireworks tomorrow morning in America. We were accusing them of extensive corruption and perversion of their positon as elected officials.

Kent sent us a copy... naming names, showing documents, witness testimony and more! Speaker Pelosi and Nick Rawlins had been invited to view it at the Fox TV station in Washington this afternoon their time. I asked Kent to arrange it... they were good as representatives of each party.

Nick could end up as the republican house leader as we found out the current one was among the six!

My reply queried whether there'd be any republicans left? Kent sent me a `hands up and out shrug' emoji.

Reg, Lamai and their staff were close to landing at Mehrabad Airport! They would have talks with Taj and the other government ministers plus construction people about the SolarToGo plants.

Then visit the sites, one south of Mehrabad airport in Tehran, the other in the eastern suburbs of Isfahan.

Lamai was to be the project boss! She was looking forward to it. A big step for her.

She sent me a thanks and a grinning emoji for the two headscarf's I had Gil send via DHL to her.

We had four puppies in the cellar! Sons and daughters of Jaidee destined for their new family's.

It made us all laugh to watch them romping around the garden with their dad. A lively crowd of happy little puppies!

Phillips put up a precautionary barrier when they were let out so the garden would not be devastated!

Ansara, taking a some vacation time, was delivering the boy puppy for Thet and Reyna to Bangkok on a Cho-Fay flight. Another boy was going to Sasha and Roundell in Kentucky via a Cho-Fay aircraft with a drone pilot who'd been here for advanced training with Benjamin.

I would deliver a girl to Hillary and Bill myself. The last girl for Pam and Ken was a work in progress for delivery.

It was racing time for us at Ascot! It was Royal Ascot!! The Queen would be in attendance today!

We flew down for our initial Ascot trip of the year. We walked across the road from the helicopters to be greeted by several Ascot people. That was funny... hard to shake hands... the Twins were in our arms.

We were thanked for racing here... five entries were the largest number on one day by Harcourt Racing. We got an escort to the Owners and Trainers Terrace ... Cecil and Gee already there. Alexander and Shawn came in behind us. Hugs and kisses.

They happily shook hands with the Twins.

We had a look around saying hellos to other owners. Cho went for drinks with Alexander and Chelle.

While Shawn, Gee, Gil and I talked, the Twins met another child, the son of an owner, Barry, Viscount Marlow. He was the son of the Earl of Westhampton and his wife Lady Valerie. We were introduced by Cecil.

Valerie joined us ladies, the men together like the little ones. I found out Barry was four... Valerie quite surprised to learn the Twins would be two in six days. She could see them chattering away with her son on equitable basis.

I did lean over to Cho to ask if he had placed any bets? "No... it doesn't seem worthwhile to make a few thousand £'s."

Valerie's eyes to mine, I shrugged, "We used to wager frequently... not anymore."

She laughed, "We don't often... Barry occasionally takes `a flyer' as Americans say on a horse."

Hansa was our first up in the Queen Anne Stakes, a G1 one mile race with a purse of six hundred and fifty thousand £'s.

We watched the horses coming out for the post parade... they are to go off to our right down the turf to near the end of the New Mile. Tomas up in our silks. Jackson joined us on the Owners and Trainers terrace.

We did introductions for him. Several owners asked about Hansa's history... Jackson smiling as he gave them her record in three years of racing... three `places' in the American Triple Crown races... second to her half-brother SakChai each time. All the rest of her races were victories. Heads shaking.

I was holding Chani, Charlie in Cho's arms. We pointed out the long way to where the start was located. Chani tried my glasses...

"Mama, I can see a little bit..."

They were released... Cho said Hansa got a good start... she was on the lead! We watched them come down towards us... Hansa leading by four... the rest bunched up behind her. She was widening...

At the halfway mark her lead was eight... no slack! Cho said she looked strong!

Valerie beside me, "Fay, she runs so powerfully!"

I agreed, "She almost beat her half-brother SakChai in America, he barely won each time."

The crowd noise rising as Hansa was asked by Tomas for the last two furlongs. Her acceleration visible... her lead now had to be ten lengths.

Some fellow behind us... `Damn... she's a locomotive!'

Hansa barrelling down the final metres of turf indeed looking like an express train roaring through a country town station!!

She finished fourteen lengths ahead in a new record time for the Queen Anne Stakes!! Our beauty!!

We cheered for her, Chani clapping! Cho and Charlie pressed against us in a family hug!

Jackson getting congratulations all around with us. Westhampton smiling as he shook Cho's hand.

Shawn and Gee beside Chani and I hugging us. Shawn got her cheek kissed by Chani... smiles!!

We all walked down to the track, Cho and I still holding the babies... the crowd giving us a warm applause. Tomas brought Hansa to us... Jackson took the lead, Reggie gently wiped her face. Hansa's eyes bright... her breathing coming back to normal.

Chani and Charlie in our arms got to stroke her neck.

We went on through to the Parade ring. The Twins on their feet running around... Charlie in his tails and top hat like his Popa smiling and laughing. He looked smashing like Popa!!

Chani in a pale yellow frock to her calves, white socks and Mary Janes.

Me in a cobalt blue dress, sleeveless with a pencil skirt to mid-calf, a back hem slit to make walking easier. A matching three quarter sleeve bolero jacket. Silvery white heels, silver jewellery, `Joy' and a white cloche hat, the brim rolled up in the front and flattening to the back, a cobalt blue band and a red poppy. White linen gloves.

Tomas slid down from Hansa's back in the unmounting area to join us to receive our prizes.

We congratulated Tomas. He was happy.

"Fay... Cho... I don't think this lady has ever run better! She likes the grass!"

We had escorts onto the Parade Ring winner's platform...

Princess Anne! A bow and Curtesy from us and the Twins.

"Well... this time we meet you get the prize rather than your niece! Congratulations... your lady was a thrill to watch her coming home."

She bent over to shake hands with Chani and Charlie. Charlie being the soul of discretion...

"The Queen is your mama?"

Anne with a big smile, "Yes she is. You have met my mother several times haven't you?"

Chani and Charlie said yes together.

We moved to giving away things. We received ours, Jackson and Tomas got theirs. Loads of smiles by us!

Princess Anne said, "I see you have several other horses entered... are they all like Hansa?"

Cho laughed, "Yes, two are half-brothers, another a half-sister and IrishRainbow has made himself known here last year."

She said good luck... we thanked her.

Back to the owners area... I was beside Westhampton and Barry. The father said he was Barry also.

He asked about our trainers... I said each horse running here had their own trainer with Monaco being our `head trainer' setting the training standards.

Our second race was up... the Commonwealth Cup, a G1 race of six furlongs with a purse of five hundred and forty thousand £'s. Sirikit, a chestnut beauty, whose sire is Asda, is an unraced three year old filly.

MacKenzie is her trainer, Tomas was up again for us as her jockey. We have high hopes she'd win this her maiden race. In training she showed she was fleet of foot with stamina and superb acceleration. The latter valuable for this sprint.

Cho introduced MacKenzie to Barry, Cecil and Alexander when he came up. Alexander had one of his fillies in this race. I did the introductions for the ladies.

The horses walked to the right a bit over halfway down the New Mile. Chani in my arms again... I had the glasses this time. They loaded fine... CLANG! They came out well.

They were spread out across the grass... Sirikit in the centre was level with four others...

At about three furlongs Tomas asked her... the surge was obvious... Sirikit opened two.. three... four... five... lengths. Like her older half-sister earlier she came down the final metres pouring on the power! Drawing further away from the rest.

Sirikit won by eight in a new record time!! What a start for her career!!

We did our dignified celebrations... hugs and kisses! Alexander shaking his head... his filly was close to Sirikit when she opened her jets only to be left behind to finish second.

I congratulated him for the `place.'

"Fay, your trainers are like gods or something... they get enormous strength from your runners."

Cho joked about giving them Wheaties' which made Alexander laugh with I will try it.'

We walked to the track carrying the Twins. Alexander and Shawn with us, their trainer along.

Tomas walked back his second winner of the day! The crowds were very generous with their applause and some cheers as he doffed his helmet.

Ethan had come down from Harcourt House as Sirikit's groom, he gently mopped her face. MacKenzie holding the shank lead to bring her to the Parade Ring.

The Twins on their feet running ahead... Gaby along with them, Delphine trailing. Under the walking bridge to the ring... The Ascot security fellow smiling, "So we are going to meet each other often today?"

Cho said it was possible. The Ascot fellow said it would be a pleasure.

At the presentation platform William and Kate came out to do this prize giving.

We shook hands after the four of us did our bows and curtseys.

William with a smile, "Princess Anne said this might be the same as Badminton where one rider scooped up all the good trophies."

Cho with a grin, "We are trying!"

We got a nice trophy, MacKenzie was introduced and got his plate. Tomas, now an `old hand' at this thanked the Duchess for his plate. A beautiful smile from Kate.

"So you have three more today," from William.

Cho said yes, two had raced here last year and won.

William's smile, "So I should bet them?"

I laughed, "Your best source for good information? Ask Her Majesty your Grandmother... she knows them."

Kate laughed. William with a big grin saying `She probably does.'

We waved goodbye as they got ready to give prizes to Alexander and Shawn. I squeezed Shawn's hand in passing.

We gathered for lunch... up the lift to the Panoramic Restaurant. It was run by a Michelin Two Star chef whose restaurant in Great Milton we had not yet visited. Maybe? It was a twenty minute drive from Harcourt House.

Our tables against the glass windows gave a wonderful view. Charlie and Chani were accommodated nicely, good child seats.

The food was excellent as you might imagine from such a ranked chef! The `maybe' got much stronger.

His salmon was amazing! Everybody agreed. There was a lot of champagne flowing around us... I stayed with water... it was a long day.

A fine lunch... we watched several races. Now back to our racing.

A maiden race for Decha an unraced two year old colt whose sire was Asda. He'd been at Pleasant Valley over the winter coming to Oxfordshire early in the spring to train with Freddie. The Norfolk Stakes was a G2 race of five and a half furlongs on the New Mile. Renaldo was his jockey.

The field walked out in the post parade then off to the right down the grass. Cecil had one of his in the field. His colt had raced twice before gaining a place and a show.

They walked behind the gate, Decha was in number six, the centre of twelve. He was the only unraced horse. They loaded easily... CLANG! They came out clean going down the turf.

I had my glasses... Decha was in the lead by about two at the halfway mark.

I focused on Renaldo... he chirped to Decha. The colt accelerated! Like all of Monaco's trainees there was power to spare... Decha separated himself from the field immediately. His surge down the final furlong extended the lead to four... then five as he crossed the finish going full-out!

A maiden race and a maiden win! Decha took away the Norfolk Stakes cup with the second fastest time and the second widest margin of victory. Quite the show.

We did our usual dignified' celebration to the congratulations of the other owners. Cecil got our cheers for his boy placing' behind Decha.

"Fay, yours always have so much power! It's impossible to beat them."

We walked down to the turf carrying the Twins. Cecil and Gee with us.

Renaldo smiling, Decha standing still as Olive mopped his face. Freddie had the lead. Chani and Charlie got to pet his powerful neck.

We gathered in the Parade Ring, Renaldo and Freddie with us as Prince Edward and his wife, Sophie, the Countess of Wessex smiling as they walked to the stand.

We bowed and curtseyed. The Prince who we hadn't met before was very nice, quite complimentary about our stables.

Prince Edward laughing, "Sir Cho, Lady Harcourt... will you allow the other owners to win a race?"

We laughed in turn. Cho said it was up to the horses... ours don't like to lose. More laughter.

We all got more gilt. Freddie responding the a question by the Countess said Harcourt Racing was an amazing team of which he was proud to be part. Sophie said he should be since the stables were showing off beautifully.

Warm wishes from them for more success. Thank yous from us. The Countess made a point of giving Chani and Charlie a handshake. Our babies smiling saying thank you.

IrishRainbow was up this time! He was in the Prince of Wales's Stakes, a G1 race of nearly ten furlongs and an eight hundred thousand £ purse! James joined us on the Terrace after the saddling. We did introductions for him, many owners commenting they'd seen IrishRainbow last year.

James told them our colt was only running on turf this season. One said Then we can expect something good?' James said the colt was wired' in training! Eyebrows raised!

We watched the horses walk over to the left for the start, Dom in our green and yellow walking IrishRainbow quietly along. If he was `wired' nothing showed in his demeanour.

A mile and a quarter race... it would be IrishRainbow's second longest this year so far.

They loaded into the gate easily... CLANG! Off to a clean start! They ran away from us up the course. IrishRainbow in a group of four on the lead... the leaders had a big bunch behind them... It was a good pace heading to the first turn.

I had Charlie in my arms this time ... He had my glasses... I could easily see IrishRainbow begin to pull away as they headed into the turn. Out beyond the ponds... coming out of the turn it looked like three or four lengths of space for him. Down the back straight he continued to hold his position...

Halfway down the back straight he had widened a bit. As the field began to approach the second turn I watched Dom... he asked... IrishRainbow responded with power! Surging away from the rest... his dark brown body was near to flying turning into the home stretch.

The crowd was loud... cheering for him. They could see him widening... widening!

He came down the last part of the course charging along spreading his lead with every stride!! He blew through the finish by sixteen lengths and close to the record time for the stakes!! 2:01.80!! Only four hundreds of a second from The Fugue record in 2015.

Our celebrations were a bit noisier this time! Our colt had wowed the crowd like last year! A powerhouse effort... showing Monaco's training regime created horses that could run with authority and endurance!!

Again down to the turf to meet our horse... the crowd giving us a louder reception!

Dom grinning... a raised whip hand... that brought more cheers!

James grinning holding the lead. He was happy! IrishRainbow got petted by the Twins after Darryl sponged his face. A terrific smile on Darryl's face! He'd been with IrishRainbow from the colt's first day with our stables.

We walked through the tunnel to the Parade Ring again. The Ascot fellow shook Cho's hand with a big congratulations. We came together at the presentation platform side...

Prince Charles and Camilla came on smiling. It was their turn!

We bowed and curtsied. Chani and Charlie were introduced to Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. She said it was very nice to meet them. She leaned down to shake hands.

Prince Charles looking quite good in his cutaway. The Duchess in a pale blue lace dress to mid-calf, long sleeves and a white ecru straw hat with a wide sidesweep.

Charles smiling, "It is nice to see you both again. Here I am giving you prizes... well-earned once more!"

Cho thanked them for the trophy!

Charles gave us a very nice piece of gilt, James was introduced and received his plate. Dom with a huge smile accepted his plate and said he was proud to have won the race named for Prince Charles.

Charles smiling telling us the family was betting the other horses in races with ours...

"1 to 4 doesn't allow much of a return."


Another nice meeting!

Chani in my arms going back to the Owners Terrace, "Mama, he was at the house?"

"Yes... when Popa and I got our special gifts from the Queen. He is the Queen's son, Princess Anne's brother. He is Prince Harry and Prince William's Popa."

She was smiling, "We get to see all their family today?"

"If Rando wins his race we will see the Queen!"

Clapping from Chani.

Our owner friends smiling hearing from Chani she was meeting all the Royal family today.

Our last race today... Rando who had so impressed the Queen last year! This was the Diamond Jubilee Stakes in her honour! Six furlongs and a G1 race. The purse was five hundred and ninety thousand £'s. Monaco saddling Rando, Emanuel up.

Maylene texted Monaco was on his way.

We did some introductions to owners Monaco hadn't met in the last two years. He was warmly received... his record spoke for itself... his trainees hadn't lost a race except to a stablemate in three years!!

An unparalleled success story!! He was already in the American Thoroughbred Racing Hall of Fame! He was in position to do a Triple Crown sweep... the American one which he now held, France, he had two of three, the same for England. It had never been done before. Our fillies Sasithorn and Amira were in position do it in America and France! Aneka had done the Super Triple Tiara last season as SakChai did it for the colts.

An owner asked about Rando... Monaco smiled, "I don't know... he appears to be quietly excited. His groom said Rando was eager to go!"

He shrugged, "He may surprise even me."

The horses moved to the right up the New Mile for this sprint. We watched them... they were all calm. Rando in the second slot. Loaded... CLANG!

Rando came out like a rocket! He was in full stride immediately pulling away from the field. After a furlong he had a four length lead! The crowd could see him roaring over the grass leaving the rest behind... their noise showed an appreciation!

Owners near us were exclaiming about his powerful start... could he maintain that effort? Several were saying he couldn't.

Rando wasn't listening!!

By the end of the fourth furlong something of a hush settled over the crowd... there was silence amongst the owners... Rando was ten lengths clear and Emanuel was just asking... He knew his horse... Rando running in pure pleasure.

Oh my... you could see Rando accelerate!! By the last two hundred metres the lead had to be fifteen and widening further... Our fabulous colt ran past the finish in 1:03.56!! He took five seconds off the previous Ascot record for the distance!! He won by seventeen lengths. More than double the previous number!

The crowd had been almost silent watching Rando's effort... now they burst forth in a huge wave of cheers and clapping! We could see folks in the crowd jumping up and down.

The owners and trainers around us shouting out congratulations and amazement! Rando set people on their ear! Just like last year!

We could hardly walk down to the turf with all the handshakes and greetings. The cheering was LOUD!

Monaco shaking his head, he leaned close to be heard, "Fay... Cho... He took two seconds off the world record."

Monaco updated us later... Rando beat Disco Partner's 1:05.67 record from last year also on turf... it had been the fastest for either surface.

Emanuel walking Rando towards us... his smile was terrific.

Maylene grinning as she cooled Rando's face.

Emanuel leaned down... "Cho... Fay... I knew he was wound up but this..." his hand sweeping around... "I... I never expected this!"

My arm around Monaco... "Fay... this horse... he has such power... I think today he was saying... `see me amaze you' to us."

A hug for him.

Through to the Parade Ring once more shouts of congratulations all around. The Ascot fellow had a monster grin, "Well when you win... you do it in style."

A big handshake with Cho.

Chani and Charlie lively, running around... happy... laughing. Gaby and Delphine trying to keep up with them.

At the edge of the presentation platform we were together... the Queen was coming. She walked towards the stand... we were escorted up onto the platform. Her Majesty was smiling to us... we bowed and curtsied, we were holding the Twin's hands.

Her Majesty smiling, "After that show maybe I should bow to you or at least to Rando."

That brought a lot of laughs from the people nearby.

"I watched your horse run away in his race last year... this was more spectacular in every way. I am doubly glad we didn't enter a runner in this race!"

Cho smiling motioning to Emanuel... "Emanuel said he had no idea Rando would run the race like this... we are all quite shocked. It seems the colt wanted to say something."

"Well... Sir Cho, he made a statement for sure."

Her Majesty shook our hands, Chani and Charlie smiling as the Queen held their hands.

We were congratulated for meeting the whole family today.

I laughed, "Nearly so, Ma'am."

"Princess Anne told me about your niece's triumph at Badminton... you really are a horse family."

Chani and Charlie said they had Iris to ride and care for. Her Majesty said to take good care of her... they replied they would do.

We got on... Her Majesty handed us the big square top gold trophy cup, a plate for Monaco who the Queen clearly remembered from last year. She congratulated Monaco for his third American Triple Crown. He was smiling as he thanked her.

Emanuel thanked the Queen for his plate saying it was his second time with Rando but that this one was more special.

Her Majesty had been very happy and light-hearted... we said our goodbyes. The Queen remarked she expected to see us at this place again. Cho said we hoped so because Rando would be back for the Qipco Champions race.

Her Majesty smiling saying she looked forward to seeing him be spectacular again.

We had been with the Queen for some time doing all that... the press got their snaps and video... we walked with Monaco, Freddie, Mackenzie, Jackson and James to the Grundy Bar. The Twins went for ice cream!

Our people were hailed by their colleagues at the bar... drinks offered.

I felt good to see Jackson have a cola. He had lost more weight... looking fit and tanned from California sun. I made mention of that...

"Fay, I have been seeing a woman... younger by twelve years... It is very nice to be around her."

I gave him a cheek kiss.

His son was doing well as a groom for a stable that ran on New York tracks throughout the year.

I squeezed his hand.

"My friend and I are looking at a house... it's in a canyon above Sierra Madre... about four miles from the track."

I hugged this big man saying it was wonderful. We are happy for him... them!

We hugged and thanked our training staff. They would collect the trophies later when everything was done and come to Harcourt House this evening with the horses and crews. They would stay for a few days then fly back to the States.

Some rest and recreation for the racing staff before getting back to it. We had some activities available if they wanted or a trip to London. Or the grooms could just have `a lie in' every day as our Stables staff would take care of their horses.

In the helicopter I leaned close to Cho... his face in a big smile hearing about Jackson's news. My hand squeezed.

The Twins changed to play with Jaidee in the Garden. Romping about with a tennis ball!

The little brown sons and daughters joined in... What a show! Brown puppies doing their little barks, woofs from Jaidee and the Twins yells!!

We stayed on the Terrace out of the way! Phillips' barrier was breached. Delphine and Tha with Teddy trying to keep everybody from terrorising the plants. We joined to help moving the Twins closer to the house... the dogs followed.

Ellie and Prasert came out with Kasem... he was walking... not well enough to mix with this crowd so Prasert was advised to stay close... he was laughing at all the romping about. Kasem grinning waving his arms.

Chani and Charlie went to him to give hugs... very cute.

Ellie beside me with a huge smile.

"Your Ladyship, Kas loves the daycare... he has lots of friends."

Yes! Hopefully friends for a lifetime!

Chelle came up, a smile, "Fay, a man has filed suit against Twitter because they allowed him to be defamed on their site and wouldn't tell him the name of the person on the account. It's the first one."

Oh well it will be as predicted a growth in income for lawyers! This fellow didn't wait for the Supreme Court to have its say.

Our trainers, jockeys and grooms joined us later for dinner. Everybody was out in the Garden in a lovely evening. It was fun to talk about the day... they loved hearing what the Queen had to say about `bowing' after Rando's startling run.

We talked horses naturally... Kaao had won the Run Happy Metro Handicap at the Belmont a short time before dinner started. He ran the one mile race in 1:31.16 breaking his own record he set at Santa Anita in January.

Kaao was shocking to our folks... the speed and power like Glaa his older half-brother. Kaao won by sixteen lengths... also a record for the race. It had a competitive field of three year olds for the G1 one mile race with a purse of one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars!

Kaao came storming out of the gate and never looked back... leading wire to wire. Demetria said she'd never seen a horse run the back straight at the Belmont faster.

Marnie was his jockey... We had a phone call. Marnie asked what was planned for him... Cho and I told her he'd do the races at Saratoga then ship to Harcourt House to train for Ascot... his first turf race. Since he had such acceleration we would put him a sprint.

Marnie had ridden him on the turf track at Santa Anita... "He seemed to like it so it may be good."

Monaco with us smiling, "We held Kaao back a year because he wasn't concentrating on his training... being a youngster rather than a racing horse. His efforts this season show that was a good decision."

He and Cho shook on that. They had made the correct choice for Kaao. He would keep racing for several years.

We'd see how he liked grass... maybe have him here in England or France for a while.

Now about Kannika... her leg was improving!! The ligament healing... a long rest with only walking for now. It could be months before we know if she'll be able to race this year or wait for next season.

She'd had a great two year old season, winning five of five! We knew she could be a winner when healthy.

We held good thoughts for her recovery at Santa Anita. We had an excellent veterinarian and caring staff.

I told our guests about my advice today for Prince William on who to talk to about betting on our horses... not a friend... not a bookie... his grandmother! That got a lot of laughs... some didn't know she had visited us here to see Asda and our Stables.

Cho let them in on a minor secret... Asda had three of Her Majesty's mares in foal. Our folks loved that!

Clare emailed she was living in the Great Peter Street flat with Andi. They got along well and both loved to cook so eating was quite good. The office Andi was in... too small for two... so she setup in the sitting area on the upper floor between the bedrooms. A table was fine for her.

Excellent! A good outcome for them!

I got emails from Nick and Speaker Pelosi after they previewed the Fox News piece on the six republican Congressmen... they had been shocked at the extent of their colleagues corruption. The Speaker was referring them all to the Ethics Committee for immediate action.

Nick saddened by the dishonesty and open palms of the six. The Minority Leader he had known since his first term was hypocritical in his yammering on about the Democrats abusing their majority power.

It was running in an hour or so in America... we'll wait to see the response.

Gregory and I spoke after my morning ride... The C*******'s had both ridden on their visit and their twins got to meet Iris and sit on her back. Diana and Monty showed them how to brush Iris telling them Chani and Charlie ride all the time and did the care for Iris.

Gregory said Diana had taken some snaps and emailed them to the C******'s.

"Fay, the family seemed very happy with their visit. The mother and father got a stables tour from Andy and met the horses. They did some treats too."

Gil had received an email from them with many thanks. They were shown into the Great Room when they arrived... They raved about it! We hoped they would come back.

I was up to the Lords in the morning after my ride and Food! The Joint Committee on the National Security Strategy was meeting this morning for the first time since the election.

Surprise... Clark our MP from South Oxfordshire was the new ranking tory member. A big handshake for him!

"Your Ladyship... good to see you."

We chatted for a few minutes, he said it was odd to be on committees seeing Labour take the reins. So many new faces also... far fewer conservative colleagues!!

The new Labour chairman said everyone was here... we got to work. Some house-keeping items, miscellaneous reports were `accepted' and there was a discussion on all the Labour defence bills especially the Trident Submarine Bill.

I was asked about my part which I explained. Several members, tories naturally, whinged about my playing such a large role in an important subject like our nuclear defences.

I asked them why they might think I was not capable... did they believe themselves more qualified?

I did point out the Tridents actually only defended our hubris... it was the American's umbrella of nuclear terror that properly protected us.

I could see Clark's head shaking in my peripheral vision... neither tory gentleman chose to go forward on that or with their whinging out loud.

Afterwards Clark said he could see me ready to draw a blade... "I was relieved to see them back down."

We laughed.

"It's not like you hide your verbal abilities... they just open their gobs without thinking of the consequences."

I thanked him for the appreciation of my skills. Smiling he did say both were from the Commons so they had no direct experience with me.

We had a good handshake.

PJ and Tara with me going out the Peers Entrance... a call from Francis...

"Fay, the metal speciality company in Virginia has been acquired. The owner has signed off on the sale and the non-disclosure agreement. He knows the agreement is temporary until you or Cho visit the company."

I thanked him for getting it done.

The company will make parts for the larger drones, braces and corner pieces in aluminium and titanium. These parts will give the bigger size drones strength without adding weight. We were making pieces now a few at a time... not efficient.

"He is willing to stay on at the salary you proposed and I tried to impress upon him your management style. He's only forty two so he could easily stay for twenty years. He's rooted in the community... our information is that his wife wouldn't want to move away from her extended family."

Crossing College Green... some press lying in wait... I told Francis I'd have to ring off... "I'll be there in a few hours," from him.

The press had a million questions... I stood there being videoed and snapped answering a few questions before saying I needed to get on.

Sage had a few things for me, Linc waiting to talk...

"Fay, I may have uncovered a new group of messes... I believe I've only seen the classic... tip of the iceberg on this. I have a new contact in a finance office. They can get their hands on paperwork of all sorts. None of it secret or classified at any level."

He handed me a handful pages on MOD monies being used for much different purposes than they were allocated for. So far he had traced one hundred and eighty thousand £'s which should have been used to upgrade family housing for the forces... some was diverted to several entertainment facilities for naval officers.

Another item was some funds moved from a contract of two hundred and ninety thousand £'s for the Royal Navy... shifted away from ship refurbishment to shore installations work.

Those were definite, some others only maybes.

"What the hell!" I was holding a sheaf of invoices, contracts and such! "Are we becoming a nation of thieves? Linc... this doesn't say if the officers who were to benefit knew of the diverging of funds... do you know? Can we find out?"

"Fay, like I said it's the tip... So far from what I have seen I'd say the officers not involved in the process wouldn't have a clue but somewhere in the chain of command someone had to have the full knowledge. I mean contracts were let, the work done and then signed off by someone with rank. This wasn't all done by bureaucrats."

"Please try to get to those people's names... The more specific we can be the harder the hit!"

Grinning Linc said he got it! I thanked him for his work.

In my Lady's room at Cowley House I called the Colonel now aka Sir Alan.

"Fay, good to hear from you... something tells me there is a reason beyond just saying hello."

"I need to talk to someone high up at the MOD who you know is absolutely trustworthy so I can ask some potentially embarrassing financial questions. I don't know anyone like that."

"Can you tell me a bit so I might direct you?"

I told him... there was silence... "Fay, I know a deputy to the Defence Minister, his name is Reginald F*****. He is a civil servant... I mean that in the old sense of truly wanting to serve the public interest. He's ex-Army."

"Now... I may put him in a place where he will feel duty bound to speak to his boss. I don't know him either... Maybe it would be better if I ask for a meeting with the Defence Minister.

He wasn't in his position when all the fiddling took place so no blame can be placed at his door but..."

Sir Alan, "I understand. Politicians do have their own issues too!"

"I think that is my best course... he might have an urge to bury it but he'll know I know..."

That made the Colonel laugh, I joined in.

"Fay, the Defence Minister is a former soldier, a good fellow who has high standards."

I thanked him for that.

We rang off with warm wishes and a need to make a date to get together.

I leaned back on the settee... a quick look online at biographical details for the Defence Minister. He's an MP from the Mid-Lands, in Parliament for over fifteen years, an ex-officer in the Royal Artillery like my father. A lot of gunners in government?? They would be technically minded. If that helped.

Gil used a special number for the Defence Ministry Sir Alan gave me... she called, "Hello... I am Lady Harcourt's Personal Assistant... Her Ladyship would like a few minutes of the Defence Minister's time... Yes I'll hold the line."

Her eyes rolled... "Posh voice!"

I laughed.

Her eyes narrowed, "Yes... Thank you." A grin, "She's getting his office on..." Gil listening, "Yes... Her Ladyship is here... "

Gil handed me her iPhone...

"Lady Harcourt?" A woman's voice.

I said yes...

"A moment."

A few seconds of silence...

"Lady Harcourt... Good morning. How can I help?"

"Hello Minister... Good day... I have several questionable financial issues I would like to inform you of..."

Gil grinning.

"Yes... maybe fifteen minutes... I can come to you until about four o'clock... Immediately if that suits... Fine I will walk up now... Myself, my PA and two bodyguards... Thank you."

Gil's grin bigger... "So Countess Harcourt... using her name to get some pull are we?"

We burst out laughing... Chelle came in at that moment... Gil told her where we were going. Rolled eyes!

I asked Chelle to tell Clough I was going out... not sure when I'd return but I hoped not to be gone long.

Out to the Entryway the day was sunny with a slightly chilly breeze... my clothes were fine. A Munro modern miniskirt, a white long sleeve shirt and a slender black tie, black stockings and heels, a wool vest in deep black with a black blazer over. Silver jewellery to match all my buttons. A large black cloth clutch purse.

A pair of thin leather gloves, dark lensed black wayfarers. PJ and Tara left their Glocks here.

We re-crossed College Green going north up St. Margaret Street to Parliament Street and the doors of the MOD. The sidewalks were crowded so we had to do a bit of weaving... it thinned out past Bridge Street.

At the doors on Richmond Terrace there was a young uniformed Army officer... He bowed...

"Your Ladyship, welcome to the Ministry of Defence, please this way..."

A guard opened the doors and we walked through without a security check. Straight to a lift... we went down several corridors... This has to be the `back way in' to the Minister's office.

Through tall wooden doors to a reception space where the officer bowed and left. A woman about forty in a nice frock came up...

"Good Day... Your Ladyship... this way please ..." My hand signal told PJ and Tara to stay here, Gil came with me.

Through more big doors to the minister.

Kirk came around his desk, a smile and a bow. I was surprised by that. His hand out... we shook as he introduced himself.

"Lady Harcourt it is nice to meet you. Your reputation for knowledge of defence issues precedes you!"

I thanked him. We sat on chairs in a corner seating arrangement after I introduced Gil.

I got right to it... I rolled out what I knew about the misuse of funds making sure he knew I had already found the tories to be quite lax in the monitoring of how money was spent. And possibly downright criminal in some cases.

Kirk's eyes narrowed with the word `criminal.'

"What is concerning about these cases is that while I am sure civil servants had knowledge it would appear that Naval officers also had to be completely in the know for two."

He was shaking his head, "Lady Harcourt... pardon me... I want to have someone come in."

He dialled at his desk and spoke then returned.

In a few minutes a man entered from a side door.

"Lady Harcourt my deputy for finance... Reginald F*****."

A slender fellow with blue eyes behind glasses, thick blonde hair and a regimental moustache. We shook hands.

I repeated my information for the new fellow at the Minister's request... He said it would likely be more coherent from me. An internal smile.

Reginald watched my face as I spun the tale... at one point his head started to shake...

"M'Lady, you say your people are still looking?"

"Yes... they hinted at several more episodes of fiddling they didn't have enough on to bring to me."

"Can I send someone to see what they have?" His hands up... "Not to take anything away but have a look."

"Of course... I will have copies made for you. None of what I have seen are `secret' documents... sensitive maybe in the sense it is military spending but it's mostly contracts, invoices, progress reports, etc..."

I did add there was nothing about weapons or anything like that.

I turned to Gil on a settee, "Please call Sage and ask for it all to be copied and..."

I asked Reginald for a contact email or number motioning to Gil... he moved to her.

I turned back to the Defence Minister. "Minister, my plan is to have my people continue their work and now to keep Reginald in the loop."

Kirk said that was fine, "We will begin looking from our side... if we bump we will contact you."

Gil and Reginald had things straight.

I stood up. My hand out to Reginald then Kirk.

"Gentlemen, these sort of things are why the electorate made such a powerful statement in March. I am confident this Labour Government will clean out the mess."

Kirk smiling, "We will especially with you helping us. Reginald is... not to be pejorative but rather a bit jocular and very serious... is a bean-counter par excellence!"

I laughed and shook the bean-counter's hand again. Smiles! I thanked the minister for the impromptu meeting. His `please call on me anytime' sounded sincere.

The young officer was outside... down at the outside doors he said it was a pleasure to have assisted me. I thanked him for the `tour.' That brought a smile.

We walked home on the Embankment. Some tourists, folks hurrying back to work from lunch, the odd dog walker... the Thames tour boats had some people disembarking adding pedestrians. We moved around them heading to Bridge Street.

Right at the Tube stairs two men... looking like rough sleepers attacked a woman trying to get her purse... I told PJ to go... Gil and I moved around them to stand against the stone base of Boadicea with Tara in front.

PJ slammed one fellow into the parapet wall... then grabbed the arm of the other... twisting up behind him... HARD... there was a screech.

I called to the woman as she started to run away... she was good to come to me with Tara easing the distraught lady behind her.

PJ kept the fellow's arm up high... he reached own to take the ankle of the other who was stunned from his impact on the stone parapet... PJ pulled the leg high so he lost control being turned onto his back. He flopped around ineffectively trying to get free.

Gil had dialled 999... "Police needed at Boadicea on the Embankment."

As she was speaking two Bobbies ran up... PJ told them what happened... they took the two, cuffed them and laid them on the sidewalk.

Gil let the 999 operator know the police were here.

One of the PC's called for a wagon then came to us.

The woman told him the men tried to take her purse... "The man there took care of them."

"Officer... the man she is referring to is one of my bodyguards... I asked him to intervene."

Then I introduced myself... He saluted me.

"We saw this lady being attacked so I asked PJ to wade in."

A sergeant arrived... he got the gist from the PC I'd spoken to.

"Your Ladyship... all is well with you?"

"Yes... except for PJ we weren't involved. Tara stayed with me while PJ dealt with those men."

The sergeant asked if Tara and PJ were armed... I said ordinarily but I had a meeting the MOD so they left their weapons at the house.

The sergeant smiled, "It doesn't look these two would have been worth a bullet."

He gave me another salute and moved to PJ. The younger PC came back to get our details, "M'Lady, We may have to have you two be witnesses. Also your two bodyguards."

The sergeant returned to ask the woman if she had spoken to the men or any reason why she might have been chosen. I could see why he'd ask... she was dressed in an office worker sort of outfit... nice enough... not flashy at all. Her purse wasn't special.

We could see her thinking... "Oh... It might be my husband... we're divorcing... his infidelity... I've thought I was being followed for several days... putting it down as my fear of... I don't have any money except for a few £'s or anything valuable in my bag... just the usual... my phone... they might have wanted that...

My husband is trying to show I was unfaithful to him... which I wasn't... you know as a ploy against me. My solicitor said he was angry... making threats."

The sergeant's head shaking, "If they are private detectives or some such they're sorry at it."

He thanked us. He said we could go now, he had what he needed.

"I can't predict but this may end up in court so please be aware of that. Miss, you may need to further identify these fellows... someone will call if so."

The woman nodded her head.

I said we are out of the country often but with notice arrangements could be made.

A nod.

The sergeant winked to me, "I made a few bob on your Black Star the other week."

I shook his hand saying he would race again soon... this time at Ascot then Doncaster. I did add the odds would reflect his blowing away the records. I said he should look to the next few horses in the odds to make money. A grin and a thank you.

The rest of the walk was quiet except for PJ's `event magnet' comment which got him a poke in the arm. That was the worst he got from the whole affair!

Sage had a new item from Casteen and Linc... more fiddling by tories! Damn what criminals they are. They were in power too long... they felt invincible... the tories have always been bad at the `people's business.'

I let her know about my meeting and what I said. She said she was already working on copies for Reginald's folks, should be done in half an hour. I thanked her.

Mrs. Travers' lunch was saved from being overdone by Gil's call to tell Clough why we were further delayed. It was delicious!

Chelle had first reactions from America to the Fox News piece about the republican corruption... it was awful... for republicans! The New York Times called for them all to resign immediately! Other news organisations saying impolite things about them. Even reliable republican newspapers were aghast at what Fox had found.

The condemnation was universal!

Like the other stories... our news people were being believed wholeheartedly.

Ms. Pelosi's office released a statement saying the republican members were referred to the Ethics Committee caused no big partisan backlash... it was so obviously needed.

I suppose the November elections are going to Have a few changes made in the republican line-ups! These fellows would find it hard to go forward now. We'll see... in the past republican voters have been able to put on blinders to the ethical lapses of their candidates.

I called Sir Alan, the Colonel laughed when I told him I'd been introduced to Reginald. Even louder when I said I hadn't mentioned him.

"Thank you for protecting my reputation."

More laughing.

"Fay, I will speak to him myself and tell him I know you."

"Ah... will you tell him you helped build ramparts for a sand castle with my children?"

"No... I think I'll likely not do that."

I made sure he was up to join us in Southwold again this year. He was looking forward to it!

Laughing as we rang off.

I sat in my Lady's Room for some interviews for the secretary position. Gil had things arranged. Each of the four had been vetted sufficiently get them on Gil's list.

The first three all were nice, well-groomed and amazed to be sitting across from me. They spoke well answering my questions... the fourth was smiling as she was escorted into my room.

She, Arlette, wasn't surprised... she figured it out because she knew the address... that meant she paid attention to the news and maybe the `celeb' glossies... not that was bad given the position involved.

Arlette was twenty five, half French, the rest Swedish. Slender, light brown hair, pale skin with a tan, green eyes... good looking... surely to be attractive to the opposite sex. I asked about the latter in the context of her having to travel...

"Your Ladyship, my parents split up because my mother was like me... a bit darker in hair and complexion... men were always interested in her... my father... unSwedish-like was demonstrably, sometimes physically, jealous. My mother never gave him cause... it didn't matter... he went back to Sweden when I was twelve... a divorce based on desertion followed.

I have been very careful about my connections with men to the point of putting-off a few I liked by being up-front about my independence."

Arlette shrugged in a very Gallic manner, "C'est la Vie... right?"

"Vraiment. C'est ça l'amour... Oui?"

She nodded smiling. We all laughed.

I asked in German about her time at the Sorbonne. A light in her eyes... Arlette said she enjoyed `her time at Uni!' The life meant being disciplined about her studies balanced against a social life in Paris.

She did graduate with a First Class psychology degree so school won out!

"Vad innebär ditt nuvarande jobb?"

(What does your current job entail?)

A laugh at my knowing Swedish, "Det är en del sekreterar... mest korrekturläsning på svenska och franska."

(It is part secretarial... mostly proof reading in Swedish and French.)

"Ville det være et problem at flytte ind i dette hus?"

(Would moving into this house be a problem?)

Arlette didn't miss a beat switching to Danish...

"Nej... Jeg er i et værelse i Croydon nu. . . at flytte hertil lyder rart."

(No... I am in a room in Croydon now... moving here sounds nice.)

"There are some things which still have to happen before I will make any offer... the completion of the background check and a medical exam. Do you understand that?"

"Yes Ma'am. I can see why you are careful."

"Okay we will get those set in motion. Gil will be your point of contact from now on. The employment people who were involved are out of the loop after today."

Arlette nodded taking Gil's card... I asked if she had any questions.

She shook her head... "I might think of some though..."

I said contact Gil... she'll get you the answers.

Gil leaned forward, "The medical exam... there is a company clinic in the Investment Bank building in the City. Your current workplace is about six blocks away... I will contact the clinic to give you priority whenever you walk-in. It shouldn't be very long."

"Can I go there directly from here?"

"Yes, of course. I will do the call now."

She did.

I went on with Arlette... I asked how she viewed us from the outside.

"Ma'am, you and your husband are huge public figures... in the news almost every day. I am sure there are enormous pressures upon you both... the same for your staff... organising things has to be a major activity behind the scenes..."

I smiled, "Ask Gil... she has been doing it for over two years."

Gil on her call gave a big toothy grin!

"The reason I am looking for someone now is I need to split off some of Gil's work so she can concentrate on other things. Gil is supremely organised so it should be easy to pass along jobs."

Gil hung up. "They know your name and will get you in to see a doctor quickly. Today... you aren't going in to your present job?'

"No. I took a vacation day. I will go straight to the clinic."

Gil smiling, "Would you be interested in the salary and benefits?"

We laughed when Arlette shyly said yes.

Her eyes widened as Gil gave her the particulars.

My `Don't count your chickens yet' had Arlette laugh.

"I understand. I does sound like anyone getting the position will have plenty of incentives."

Gil told her some detail about the work... Arlette was listening carefully... interested!

I walked Arlette to the door... she seemed very happy to have come this far in the process.

I sat across from Gil... A smile, "Yes I liked her... the best of the four by far."

"I agree! Get on to Thomas' office to have the background finished ASAP."

"Will do!"

We loaded up for Oxfordshire. We arrived in time for me to give Chani and Charlie a good rub with a towel. Prunes!

They came down to visit Iris as I went riding with Tessa and Penny. Cho was coming home from Oxford East as my ride was ending. I met him again on the Forecourt... hug and kiss!

During drinks Cho got my day... He said it sounded like Arlette had the inside track... A laugh! I turned to Gil asking about the others in the pipeline...

"Fay, they are nearly ready to interview."


There were raised eyebrows for the Embankment fun. Laughing I said PJ made short work of those two bozos. If the police link them to the woman's husband... he's done for!

He smiled at Sir Alan's link to the `bean counter par excellence' and the sand castle bit.

"Well... he shouldn't hide his light... his walls were quite good."

A laugh ended with a kiss.

The public reaction to the Fox News piece kept coming in... worse all the time for the republicans. Nick did do an interview... he was plain the men had a lot to explain... given the documentation and witness statements it will be a very up-hill road.

"We cannot look away from this because they are colleagues... for me it makes it worse. I had reposed some trust in several of these men... that appears to have been burnt to ashes now."

I did feel bad for Nick! He hadn't ever been anything other than highly ethical and honest... to be tarred with the brush of republican corruption had to hurt.

Okay on to fun things... the weekend!! The Twins birthday! Friends from London coming!

After breakfast Cho scooped up the Twins for their first joint Cho-Air Express romp in the Great Room!! Hilarious to see them yelling for Popa to go faster... Arms waving... calling out hi's to me as they flew by... they zoomed around... I was laughing with Delphine and Tha... with their noise Eliza came to the door, Chelle and Gil from the Library. Laughter!!

Cho deposited the Twins on a settee... hugs and kisses for Popa!!

The Twins went out to the Day Care... bringing cake for everyone. Maxine had made an angel food cake with icing!

We walked over carrying trays... the 'kids' all happy and laughing as they got cake... not too much... a sweet taste. We brought a tray of brownies for their snack later. No nuts!

The Twins hugged everybody.

A great start to a birthday... giving sweet treats away!

MFA with her adults, Anne and hers, Rosalie and her mom's, Caroline and her bunch! Jian was in France, she was coming later. Tanawat, Phitsamai and their three children, Akrai, Amar and Asmar.

They started to arrive at ten o'clock. Hugs and kisses in waves at the front door. Terrific to see the Twins greeting their friends... giggles and hugs!!

Fun time was planned... the play house and the Rêve, picnic lunch, kickball, maybe some dancing, a cookout dinner and Charlie Chaplin's The Immigrant!

It was a warm sunny day so the Garden was the centre of activity. Tha and Delphine with the mom's supervising. Cho took the dad's to play golf. Akrai, Tanawat's nine year old, went with the golfers again. He had a good time being with the men. Cho got him on the putting green... a big hit.

The kids all went up to the Nursery to play for a while... then change for a cruise on the Rêve!

The prates clambered aboard with some help. Jaidee joined them. They took turns steering and attacking. Many ships were captured. Jaidee found the crew too large and rambunctious so he stayed in the cabin.

Snacks available, down time on the lounges. Inside to change back to regular clothes... shorts, t-shirts and trainers.

There was some ball tossing for Jaidee. A few pratfalls and lots of giggling!

Little knees with grass stains!

They moved to the little house, everybody got to swing and slide. There was a crowded `meeting' in the house's ground floor room.

Lunch outside under a canopy Phillip's folks had erected... tablecloths on the grass surrounded by babies and moms eating cheese, crisps, fruit, cookies and brownies. Fruit juice!

Some rest in the shade...

They made a comeback for kickball in the American style which Charlie preferred. It was fun with many new players... Charlie and Caroline seemed to be the best `kickers.'

Jian arrived in time for some `hide and seek' then some dancing to music... that was funny with the different gyrations by the little bodies. They loved it! The mom's danced along.

Carla's staff did a great cookout dinner for all our guests. The dads joining in happily. Burgers, hot dogs, all veggie! Loads of chips with catsup or mayonnaise! Fruit cut for small hands! Colas, fruit drinks or flavoured water.

Lots of giggles and laughs. MFA winning the grape toss into the mouth game which we did cut short before it got out of hand.

The cake was brought out to a table on the grass brilliantly lit by a pair of number `two' candles and sparklers!

Chani and Charlie blew out the candles after the sparklers were removed.

Slices of cake and ice cream!! Sue and Maxine did the cake... sweet, moist... delicious.

The babies were enjoying themselves.

All the little ones trooped into the Game Room for the movie. We chose `The Immigrant' because it was only twenty three minutes... young bodies would be running down their batteries by the end.

They laughed... a lot! Charlie Chaplin as the Tramp `shared' his bowl of soup across the wave rocked table... kicking the officious man in the hind parts brought mountains of giggles. Eating beans was great! The coin going round and round... They enjoyed it. Some of the bits were too much for them... I thought. It didn't matter they loved Charlie Chaplin!

There were yawns by the end. We gathered them all in the Great Room for a group goodnight. All the dad's and mom's carried their little ones up to bed. Cho and I went to each baby thanking them for coming to the party. Sleepy hugs.

The adults had afters with us. It had been a full day! The men had a good day, the mom's too! It had been wonderful being with all the youngsters.

I sat with Andrea and Catherine... the mom's to be!!! They were great. Andrea giving Catherine the benefit of having done the business once... No problems so far, not much morning sickness for them.

Roland was wound up as our morning run from Sandford ended on the Flats. He wanted to go for more. I said tomorrow. I rubbed his neck thanking him for a great trip.

We had made a stop in Baldon Row after riding around and through Marsh Baldon and Toot Baldon. We walked up to the front garden gate of Merry's family. We were `spotted' Merry came running out! His father and mother followed.

Tara and Penny said hellos with me as I slipped down. A hug for Merry, a handshake for his dad and mom. She was smiling saying it was safe to shake hands this time.

They were well, Merry's father about to go to Germany for a week. I wished him a good trip.

They thanked me for paying Merry's school fees. I said they were in the catchment and we were very glad to do it.

I said we were on the way home... Merry's dad was kind to give me a knee up. We waved turning west towards Sandford.

The Breakfast Room was well attended. Our visiting families would stay until late afternoon so there could be more play time. I had a date in Fulham...

The babies romping on the Nursery floor, loud laughs, yells and giggles!

I came down the stairs to walk out with Phitsamai. She was dressed for her first riding lesson!! A big hug! She looked good in a traditional riders garb.

Our lady guests loved the yellow double-breasted with the wide legs suit.

The families would leave in a few hours... I said my goodbyes with hugs and kisses for the adults.

Min dropped us at the Wandsworth Bridge Heliport... the drive was short up to the Mirabelle store.

I asked Rae to let us off on Linver Road at New Kings Road. Standing on the corner I could look down New Kings Road to see the shop... the signage like the Notting Hill store... Mirabelle in backlit script. It looked good... fresh, simple! Just like our clothes!

The big windows had mannequins dressed in suits and frocks in a rainbow of colours... as we walked forwards the clean shapes and colours of the clothes became more vibrant... terrific!

Pia at the door with a huge smile.

"Welcome Your Ladyship... That's a terrific suit!!" Her arm sweeping wide. Her staff there with smiles.

I thanked her.

I got introductions... they appeared to be in their twenties and early thirties showing off our clothes... looking-good! They all liked the yellow suit.

Pia said... giving her watch a glance the press should be here soon. I wandered around... it was a good sized space... second only to the Champs Elysees store for size. Lots of clothes displays, racks full up, a brilliant show of colours.

I complimented them for the window displays! Pia told me all the ladies had contributed to the look.

The press out front... Pia opened the door with me. I shook their hands... some were repeats from the first opening on New Bond Street. I did some questions alongside Pia with background information on Mirabelle then they got to look around before the public came in.

These fashion reporters were WOW'd by the suit! Everyone liked it... I guess we should try it in the stores. Gil grinning taking a note to contact Coral about it.

A reporter and a camera person from the BBC wanted a few more minutes... on camera. Okay but the others too.

The woman BBC reporter asked if any more stores were planned for London or the UK. I said not for London right now but other cities were being scouted. I added that cities on the continent are on our list of possibles especially since the two Paris shops had such success.

I told them Mirabelle was to open another store on Manhattan and one in Brooklyn in New York. The store on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills was near to open as was the downtown Seattle one.

I could see the eyes widen hearing about Mirabelle West and the two clothing manufacturers in northern Paris... The Sky UK woman inquired about how far we would go?

"We do careful research to find areas where there are women we think our clothes would appeal to... Obviously we aren't the cheapest or the most expensive... we look for working women especially since our price levels and the quality of the clothing fit well for them.

Our clothing is made to last in two ways... they are very well made, carefully made... and the styles cross over changes in fashion quite easily."

I opened my arms, "This suit is one Mirabelle in Los Angeles made for me... it may enter our selection if there is interest but it is a bit beyond our normal... that in fact may accelerate it coming in because we want to encourage women to wear..." my arms thrown wide again... "... COLOURS!"

They laughed!

Pia gave me a time heads-up... I said we have to end this so we can let the ladies in...

I pointed to a queue that went out of sight of the windows. A WPC was near the door as Pia went to open.

I stepped out to say hello to the WPC... she had a big smile and gave me a salute.

"Your Ladyship... you have quite the crowd. Love your suit!"

Some of the women close up all laughed when I suggested one of our navy suits for the WPC instead of the uniform.

The WPC grinning. "I might look more stylish but I doubt my sergeant would approve."

I shook her hand. The first group of women went in to greetings from the staff! They said they liked my suit. Gil's smile grew larger.

Tessa with me going across the road to Arro Coffee. I had Pia ask them in advance to run a tab for the ladies in the queue. Pia had given them two hundred £'s on account. I stepped in to say hello. A bit of PR and a thank you.

I shook hands and thanked them for accommodating us. They said a new business on the road was always welcome. They liked my suit too!

Back across the road I spoke to the ladies in the queue to tell them they could have a free coffee or tea or fruit drink at Arro Coffee. I again suggested every other one go getting a drink for the lady in front of them. It was well received and a group walked over right away.

I liked doing this... this third time being a success I decided to make it a part of all openings... somehow. In Pia's office I had Gil email Mila in Los Angeles and Fernande in Seattle to set something up.

In Seattle it would be easy with a Starbucks across Pine Street. I did have Gil add she could look for an espresso cart for near the door or ask Starbucks to do it.

In the email to Mila I had Gil suggest hiring an espresso cart... she would have to get permissions from a bunch of people but give it a try. Maybe Starbucks could do it there too.

I asked Gil to speak to Starbucks about carts letting them know I was the one asking for the two stores. I might as well use whatever `pull' the Director position affords me.

On the shop floor the sales counter was busy as was the staffer with the iPad. Pia had setup a stand with bags for the iPad person to use. Good idea! Gil made a note.

Garnett and Hailey came in! They hugged Pia and looked around. Pia's shop had the big windows they didn't... they really liked the displays.

The shop was buzzing... lots of purchases. Pia came close, "Fay our stock of suits is really taking a hit. We've brought out many from stock already!"

A hug. A wonderful start... All the stores were doing very well... barely any cool down!

I thanked the staff in-between customers, hugs for the three managers. A very nice opening! Lots of energy, sales and happy folks. Goodbyes for all.

Rae took me to Cowley House... Cho was coming... a wedding anniversary celebration for us. A bit late... who cares it is for us.

Cho and I got a call from Kent and Bill as we sat in our suite... the story on Russian money being fed into the republican party would run tonight. They had bank records, money transfers, eye-witnesses, etc... Kent said it was tight and authoritative!

Money went into republican national committee plus the campaigns of fourteen republican congressmen and eight senators. They will be named in the piece.

Bill with a laugh, "They aren't going to be happy... Kent's people got the goods on them all!"

Kent said, "We can name them because of the hard work of two producers and ten reporters. We have copies of the entire file... boxes of it... ready to hand over to the Justice Department who will hopefully prosecute them."

We congratulated them. I asked Kent to send me an email list of the folks who worked the story so I can send my congratulations to them directly. He would immediately.

Cho and I hugged! Another terrific coup by Fox News!

Kent's email binged in. His list was semi-colon delimited so I could copy and paste into an email! I did the email... off!

Okay party time for us!

I was going Va... VA... VOOM!

I started in a tiny pair of black silk nickers... Cho doing the Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes. I chose the Diana Revenge black dress! Décolletage, off my shoulders, high hem on the left, a bit of the crepe loose off my left hip. I needed a push up bra as I wasn't as well-endowed as Diana. It fit perfectly!! Black stockings and black spike heels. Red... RED... lips and nails! A choker of three strands of pearls with a black onyx brooch in the centre, dangling silver pearl earrings, the silver wrist band with `Cho' on it, a silver Chanel box bag.

Cho loved my look. He had been grinning putting on the Baccarat Les Larmes Sacrees de Thebes as he said `in anticipation of sniffing later.'

He was in one of those smashing trim black suits, a pale grey shirt and a shimmering red tie I bought for him. A black pocket square with small red polka dots!

We look marvellous!! Cho laughing in the mirror beside me at my comment... "Yes we do!!"

PJ and Rande in black suits with gold ties... big smiles!

Allyn at the door. To the Holborn Dining Room. Only two miles. We stepped out in-between PJ and Rande... at the door the Maître d' was all smiles.

"Welcome Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... This way please."

We went straight on through the main dining room to the outside courtyard... in under the canopied area.

More than a few heads turning to look... I smiled to Cho, "Some look like those little dolls whose heads bobble."

He smiled back, "Let's hope they don't fall off. They all want to see your dress."

I laughed.

We had the back right corner under the canopy... the small round table had been removed... a rectangular table there. Cho and I sat side-by-side on the banquette.

A table for PJ and Rande twelve feet down the banquette. A barrier was placed to prevent anyone approaching from across the room. The only way to us passed their table.

The Maître d' introduced `Paul' as our server and bowed himself away. Paul smiling inquired about cocktails... we both did a classic Negroni! Paul's face showed it was a good choice.

We looked at the menus... We decided to split the Grilled tiger prawns, I added the Cornish crab thermidor tart, Cho did Gin cured salmon!!

Paul back with the drinks... Cho gave him the starters.

Alone... we toasted to two years of marriage!! The Negronis were excellent!

Cho had my hand... a small rectangular flat box placed on my palm... inside a diamond bracelet, two rows of shiny bright diamonds in white gold settings. Pretty, simple... typical Cho. He got a big kiss for that! He put it on my wrist. I held it up to the light... amazing!

I opened my bag... a small box for Cho. The cute face... "Aren't we both cagey!"

My laughter stopped by a kiss.

He unfastened the lid to find an unadorned slender platinum moneyclip... just the inscription "Fay to Cho on Two Years' engraved. A brilliant smile.

"Thank you! Something beautiful to remind me of you every day... in my pocket close to me!"

Another very nice kiss.

PJ and Rande raised their glasses to toast us... they had been part of almost every day! We thanked them for the toast and their work.

Food started to arrive. Paul and another fellow delivered it for us and our companions.

Paul got our entrees from Cho... both to have the halibut and Heritage carrots, me the jersey royals, Cho the truffle and parmesan fries.

Food! The Negroni made me hungry!

We applied ourselves to the food which was looking tasty... and was! The prawns good sized, well cooked, the garlic not overdone. My crab tart creamy... they didn't skimp on the crab. Cho pleased with his salmon... `the salmon favour not overwhelmed by the gin.'

Dishes taken away... a fresh Negroni!

My hand in Cho's, his eyes on mine, "Is there anything you desire that hasn't been satisfied?"

A kiss... "I have you, Charlie and Chani... the families... friends... I will be content with those!"

Cho laughed lightly, "I think the same!"

More kissing!!!

A smile on that handsome face, "We still have work to do. There are many things we can have an impact upon...

Our various media have to be made stronger and larger to get the true news to more people..."

My hands holding Cho's face for a kiss... "It is happening. The Day in Los Angeles is fifty one thousand copies from the Times... They have momentum... a terrific staff who works it hard."

A Cho smile, "I don't think we could ask for more from the folks at The Day in Seattle..."

Smiles and another kiss!

The newspapers were excellent... confirming our idea that print was still valid. Higher circulation... some had slowed their rising numbers that was natural they were in crowded markets.

The Daily News still rising leaving the New York Times behind!!

I added the other media are working at the top of the scale... excellent reporting, savvy editors and producers. They are getting encouragement from above, receiving a lot of awards... plenty of notice in other media!

More food!

The fish was lovely! Cooked wonderfully... the Hollandaise creamy, smooth, flavourful. Carrots were good... I wasn't sold on the mustard butter. The potatoes very tasty! Good flavour!

Paul poured the wine... something special Gil had them acquire for us on Carter's recommendation... Domaine d'Auvenay Criots-Batard, smooth with some delightful undercurrents.

It was a good dinner... we were eating, drinking, talking, touching... making love with our eyes.

It was nice... made better by Paul being sensible... staying away unless a glass was nearly empty.

As we placed our utensils on the plates... Paul plus help was there to remove them... menus for dessert, etc... We decided to share a cheese platter with port... then coffee.

Everything came quickly. Stilton blue, Yorkshire Wensleydale and a Red Leicester. I skipped the fruit and crackers... just cheese!

The port arrived... it was perfect! Constantino from 1945. I watched Cho's face... enjoyment!

I could see a few sweet things being eaten down the way by our guys. Smiles!

The espresso was welcome. Looking over the cup rim into Cho's eyes... the light dancing there... my cup down for a kiss!

It had been an excellent dinner. Quiet, good food... the company... well what could I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cho had PJ signal Paul we were ready to go... The manager came... we were thanked for joining them. No bill was presented... Gil had arranged that in advance. We shook the manager's hand... he was our escort to the front.

More stares... outside Allyn waiting at the kerb. PJ and Rande grinning.

Cho asking in his smiling rhetorical way, "So you fellows enjoyed dinner?"

They laughed in sync... two big Yes's!

Allyn knew where to go... Chelsea! On the King's Road he pulled to the kerb in front of Raffles. Gil arranged this too.

We stepped out... there was a queue to get in... a long one! The club manager was at the door for us.

"Your Ladyship... Sir Cho... Welcome... Please come in."

We were escorted straight into the entryway... we looked at the wall of famous faces... some royal family, a duchess, other faces... some we knew! They asked if we would permit a picture... we posed for their photographer.

Inside further I put my red round sunglasses on... the neon was a bit much... Gil had asked about it and had tipped a warning to me. In the VIP Room we had the back two booths. PJ and Rande huddled to talk... Rande was going to look over the dancing area.

There was champagne... the server took it away from both tables and brought Stoli martini's for Cho and I. Fizzy water for our companions.

The DJ was spinning some EDM mixed with Top Ten dance tunes.

Rande said we could go to dance... Rande chose places where he and PJ could keep watch. The club manager came in with a two people, they were from their security. PJ spoke to them... one would stay at the tables, the other a woman to supplement Rande and himself while we danced.

Cho taking my hand... he led me to dance. We slipped into a spot not far from our Protectors. A hot tune playing... Cho grinning... we took off... it was fun to let go dancing. We bounced around... the beat good... I was giving him a lot of hip which made Cho laugh... lots of energy in the crowd... we were part of the scene... not standing out... or so I thought.

I had spun around... a bump by blonde young woman... I moved closer to Cho to avoid another... bump again... I moved away... bump once more... I turned since three wasn't accidental exuberant dancing... the club's woman security person was now between me and the blonde.

PJ there facing their way... Rande moved closer too.

I was close to Cho, I turned face to face with my husband, "They're dealing with it." I nodded.

We kept dancing... this was wasn't the Ballroom or the Ice Rink in Bangkok but it was very nice being with Cho. We stayed for twenty minutes or so... headed to sit... a drink. We were warmed up... our server placed fresh martinis.

PJ told us he had asked the club security woman to intervene because the `bumper' had very deliberately acted. PJ said the club security took the woman out of the room. Okay.

There were some other couples in the VIP Room... in their own booths... not really private but separate. I leaned on Cho's shoulder with my head back... fluttering my eyelashes up at him... his laughter bouncing us both. A kiss!

The drinks were good... some things to nibble appeared... Our dinners were holding up so we didn't bother.

The club manager came up... he told us about the young woman... she freely admitted to `admiring' me and wanted to see if I was interested.

He was shaking his head... "It wasn't exactly thought out... too much alcohol. I did ask if she knew you... she was a blank on that. We let her go back to dance but she had to stay well away from you."

We thanked him. We were good. A smile. Cho requested he repeat what he told us to PJ and Rande. He stepped across the aisle and leaned forward.

"Well... she wasn't trying to mug you."

We laughed, "Not in the traditional sense of that anyway."

I got a squeeze and a kiss!

We went back to dance some more... it was always fun... Cho... dancing! We did another twenty or so minutes then sat to rest a bit.

We decided to call time. The manager came back when we asked our server to get him. He said the everything was arranged by Gil. We shook hands. He led us through the club to the entry... They would put our snap up if we didn't mind.

Cho with a smile said we were fine with that. We shook hands again... Allyn out front... off to Cowley House.

It was late but Clough was at the door.

"M'Lady... Sir Cho... I hope it was an enjoyable evening?"

With a smile Cho said it had been... "Now please to bed."

Clough laughed, "I will, Sir Cho."

In our suite I had Cho stand still... kneeling front of him I undid his trousers... lowered his underwear... I pressed my lips to the `the cock.'

Cho laughing, "This is too one-sided... get naked!"

A challenge! I stood... stripping quickly... as quickly as I could... Cho tossed his clothes on a settee with mine... I was down to one stocking when I was LIFTED UP... carried to the bed.

Cho held me up with one arm as he swept the duvet aside... I was laid out then laid on! A warm Cho... lips!!! We kissed for some minutes... Cho worked his way down my body... kissing... licking... to my vagina!

He smiled up his tongue doing wonderful things... I cried out for cock... a sixty-nine!! Oral sex... so nice! Cho doing cute things... I got to taste my man... all wet I eased the foreskin down to get the prize... a hot cockhead! Delicious!

Mutual pleasure! My tongue bathing the cockhead... sloppy wet then sucking... I buried my nose in Cho's balls, soft, warm delicious! OOOHHH a loud response to that!! I went to work... Cho was rigid... pressing against me... he had my legs quivering... I was gripping his pubic hair... softly tugging.

"Turn around Fay..."

On my back looking into dark eyes... Cho opened my legs... easing forward he rubbed his cock through my labia... up and down... a grin... he slowly slid in!!!

Yes! His pubic mound on mine... my legs up holding him... our tongues joined in searching... the double-backed monster came to life!

Cho knew how to give pleasure... Every bump on him on... each stroke gave rise to my passion...

Cho using the incredible power and control in his body to deliver ecstasy to me... my first orgasm flooded me with heat as it rolled upwards... the second was like an explosion in my chest linked to my vagina!!

Cho stroked his cock in such loving way... he under all his passion knew he couldn't just pound into me... subtlety as we fucked! Amazing!

His hips moving smoothly... he rotated them to search my insides... the cock filling me from all angles!!

I pulled his face for kisses... "Fay... I'm close!"

"Cho you've given me pleasure... when you're ready... please come inside me!"

He kept on... such control... edging for a big climax... then the short stokes... I was gripping his shoulders... one... two... then a last thrust... I could feel his cock pulsing cum in me.

He withdrew... a long thrust back inside. Mashing our pubic mounds!!

I was squeezing him... holding tight... our lips locked! Cho's stiff body relaxed onto me... I wrapped him in arms and legs...stroking him softly... a kiss on my shoulder...

"Fay, as always we are good together."

I agreed with that... my body told me so! Right back to the first time in Bangkok... we gave and received pleasure equally.

I gave Cho's neck and shoulders a massage... there was a big smile!

Cho got up to get water from the pantry... he turned the lights down to a minimum. I pulled up the bed clothes then shucked off the stocking... We snuggled.

I laughed against his chest... I got a `What?'

"I was imagining our babies when they're old enough... finding out much fun this... I wonder if we will ever get feedback from them."

"You are more likely to hear from Chani than me from Charlie. Guys don't tend to share that sort of thing about someone they care about."

"Oh... you think they'll only have sex with people they `care' about?"

We were both laughing... Cho said he was probably wrong about that!

I fell asleep in my lover's arms... warm and safe.

No horses or Jaidee... Tessa and Kara were ready for a walk... out the door... South through Smith Square to Paige Street then west... past the checkerboard' houses... the original name is lost to me now. Brady... Bradley... Bennett' something like that.

North up Regency Street to Horseferry Road... east to Marsham Street north to Great Peter Street and Cowley Street.

Temple at the door, a smile. I asked after Clough.

Temple said he would down in half an hour. I thanked him.

Cho in the Breakfast Room with his newspapers. A smile and a nice kiss.

He held up the Daily Mail... we were on the front... a snap inside Raffles. The story said we were captured on a night out... they said my dress was stunning.

Praise from them? You had to wonder.

Our Sun had snaps outside Raffles... They recognized the `Revenge' dress saying I looked smashing in it.

I nudged Cho... "If you want to get noticed I guess you will have to be in your nickers!"

Laughing loudly, "I am fine being the escort if that is only way to get attention."

We hugged laughing, a kiss.

Dad called... he said the `Kraisee plan' is completed."

We were doing smiles to each other.

Dad laughed, "Kraisee's plan to get the families of the Chinese assassins to Bangkok has worked. His blackmail deal'... in exchange for our silence' on the industrial spying information the local fellow put us onto via Saul's hidden caches... their whole families were flown to Bangkok. They also are provided with money by the Chinese government... the amount decided on was one and half million £'s for each family... Our government made the point it had to be a considerable amount to secure their future.

Our government added in a deal regarding the complicity of Chinese diplomats... No more will be expelled nor would Chinese diplomatic activity in Thailand be further curtailed. As a sort of a sweetener."

We looked at each other... well why not...besides it was easy... it wasn't our call.

I said we were fine with that... "Of course since the families are safe... if the Chinese were to do something else stupid... you could maybe... release it all."

Dad laughing with us, "How could you think that of us..." a lot more laughter, "... We would do it in a heartbeat!"

Cho and I cheered.

Phailin's new case in Myanmar... she was flying there in three days... Cho asked if we could send a bodyguard with her.

"Actually Siri is going along with an assistant from Phailin's law office. The Myanmar government knows who Phailin is so we are hoping for no trouble... they have given assurances... for what that is worth. I am not very happy... Phailin... of course she wants to go and save the poor woman."

Cho said to please keep us up to date on what is happening.

"Keren, I have contacts in Yangon... they are good friends, some in government, others in academia, law and business. Smart, connected and steadfast."

"I will keep it in mind. Thank you."

Love from us!

We both received facetime calls at the same moment... Chani on her iPhone sitting next to Charlie. He was on with Popa. They were on a settee in the Great Room before schooling. We did facetime flashing back and forth between us... they did the same... laughter... lots of laughter.

Kellen dropped us on the lawn at the Millsford `Twin Ponds' estate. The purchase had closed five days ago. This house to be a mix of us and the R&R program. It sat one and a quarter miles southeast of Stonehenge astride the River Avon.

We hoped the surrounding countryside rich in English history would be a draw to our employees. Stonehenge, Woodhenge, Bluehenge, Durrington, Vespasian's Camp all within a short walking distance. Old Sarum a five minute drive to the south. The whole Salisbury Plain to explore!! The Mesolithic period represented on through to today.

Little more than half an hour to Southampton, an hour by car to Bristol, just an hour to the Vale of White Horse. Winchester, Shaftesbury, Bournemouth and more nearby. So much to see for outings!

Andi had the whole house blacked out on the schedule for several periods for our use. If we weren't going or no friends wanted to go she would release the block.

Two hundred acres bisected by the River Avon with a stone bridge, the bridge protected by Royal Permission issued by Elizabeth I. The village was partially owned by the estate, houses and several businesses all old stone buildings.

The estate proper was acres of open lawns, two formal gardens with elaborate topiaries notably including two big Yew tunnels' and a row of Boxwood urns' lining a gravel path to the river; fruit and nut tree groves and a large kitchen garden.

There are two large ponds whence it gets its name. The ponds, nearly the same size and shape, are spring fed with several varieties of fish. They connected by a short but deep stream bridged in the middle with small wooden arc.

A good size swimming pool, tennis courts, stables for ten horses with an attached carriage house, the flat above the carriage house is family size. Rooms above the stables for eight workers with a small kitchen plus an eating space and lounge. Sheds and maintenance buildings and a stone multi-car garage.

The house's main section is early Elizabethan with add-ons in the same style, it is a Grade 1 listed building that was modernized twice in the Twentieth Century. It was electrified in the 1920's and re-wired in the late 1970's. Twenty bedrooms of which ten are en suite, five bathrooms and a nursery of three bedrooms, a bathroom and play area beside the master suite.

The master suite had a huge bedroom and a sitting room with two dressing rooms and private bathrooms. A small bedroom off the master's dressing room.

Three staircases, the main one, another inside the master's suite had spiral stone steps to the ground floor behind locked doors. A set of backstairs that went from the cellar to the top of the house. On the ground floor it connected to the kitchen and staff lounge by a passageway.

Staff quarters on the top level with multiple bathrooms. There was a sitting room for staff up there also.

Two large drawing rooms and two dining rooms, one for breakfast or informal dining. A game room and a billiard room, a study with mahogany bookcases all around, a lady's room, ante-library and library.

The kitchens had evolved... now with modern equipment and pantries close at hand, a staff lounge and dining space off the kitchen.

Something new for us... a church. St. Aldhelm in the Fields with its rectory has been owned by the estate since the Tudor era. Likely it was gifted by Henry VIII as he dismantled the old Catholic Church. It is a good sized Norman structure, that replaced an even older church, which was mercifully spared from Victorian `modernizing.' It was now part of a larger benefice, the rectory occupied by the benefice vicar and his family. Service each Sunday and mid-week matins and evensong.

We stepped out of the AW139 to walk across the grass to the terrace that was facing south. Augusto waiting on the stone flagged terrace, smiling.

"Welcome M'Lady... Sir Cho... This is a wonderful place."

We entered the main drawing room through the big windows... lovely parquet, gleaming! We had seen the snaps and a video... the sunshine made the whole room glow from the reflection off the wood.

Augusto gave us a tour, he'd been here since the sale closed. He is the Security boss here. The team to do the security devices install is here working on the perimeter of the estate. There were several caravans to house them while they were here since it is a huge job. Augusto brought a few people with him, some to stay others would return to Harcourt House and London.

In the kitchen we met Agnes, Augusto's partner, she was a member of our Security at Harcourt House. Agnes is a drone pilot who will be doing training here for some new operators.

They were to live in the flat above the carriage house, the space below would be the Security offices. They were in a caravan for lack of furniture.

Agnes had coffee ready. We wandered around sipping waiting for Solange and Jane. We came early to do the tour.

Agnes' text found us in the pool enclosure, fenced with good gates and surrounded by high Laurel hedges. The stone edging of the pool smooth and well kept. Cabanas plus off-season storage for swimming gear and seating.

Back inside we greeted the decorator ladies... they were asked to please work jointly as the place was huge. They could sub-divide it however they wanted if they felt it would be simpler.

They got that it was also to be a period piece... they had already each done one residence for us in an `historical' manner. In the family and guest bedrooms upstairs we wanted period furniture with excellent mattresses. Nothing newer looking than the 1920's or 1930's.

The staff quarters in the house and stables were to be equipped with modern fixtures and furniture. They should talk with Augusto and Agnes on decorating their flat above the carriage house.

They understood Stanislaus would be working on the book shelves... since it was to be a shared space the libraries would hold an eclectic mix of volumes from the classis to modern works.

The shelves in the study and the Lady's Room were separate... Stanislaus would work from a different list prepared by me, Cho and Gil.

They went around taking snaps and talking... they knew all about `the book' so I would look forward to that. They knew like Rosalind in New York the staff quarters were to be modern fixtures and furniture so they could fill the rooms immediately.

They were staying for several days in a B&B in Amesbury.

Augusto knew Clare and Carter2 would be in charge of staffing the house... they were already recruiting and would be here for some interviewing. Augusto smiling, he knew Carter2 was good at the job. He didn't know Clare, he got how we felt about her!

Cho and I walked with Tara and Cal to the Rectory. A nice pale grey stone house, two floors and a cellar. The stone is same as the church.

The Mathews' at the door to welcome us. Wyatt bowed, Constance doing a curtsey... their children too. I said once was plenty. We met their children, Webb, the boy fourteen, Mary was eleven. A short tour of the ground floor... nice wood floors and handsome windows. It was in excellent shape.

Out into the garden... a sunny day making it very lovely!

It had a four foot tall fence of the same stone... a lively, colourful border all along its edge. Several beds overflowing with a variety of flowers. A vibrant display... I said so. It was bee `approved' as several dozen buzzed about.

Constance said it was done by them all. Webb did say his part was small... mowing the grass only.

Just outside the gate at the bottom of the garden was a shed for tools, the same grey stone, slate roof, strong looking wood door.

They had been here a year... the village people were nice. Their children went into Amesbury to school.

I spoke to Constance about that thinking of any of our families with children moving here. I got there were several good schools to choose, Church of England and others.

We let them know we would be around some but not often. Our friends and employees would be here a good deal we hoped as part of the R&R scheme. They thought was it marvellous of us to make places available for our workers.

We did goodbyes at the Rectory. Also to the folks at the house.

Kellen was ready... we lifted off immediately... home.

Carter at the door... the Twins came running out to greet us. Big hugs... kisses!!

We carried them in.

Gil, Chelle, Ali and Francis in the Great Room. Hugs!

We gathered on the settees by the fireplace... We showed them some snaps of `Twin Ponds.' The iPhone camera captured the glow in the main drawing room pretty well.

We showed the Twins and their ladies the Nursery space... it was bare... they said what they wanted... Okay. I asked Gil to forward their `requests' to Jane and Solange. A grin.

We thanked Gil for arranging the dinner and the club after. It had been romantic and fun! A terrific smile!

Today was Sunny's birthday. Gil had put a card from us in the Breakfast Room this morning... gifts to come!

Carter2 came in to give us an update on the Twin Ponds staffing... they had several important positions filled, the individuals had been cleared by Security. The housekeeper and head cook both with years of experience. Their staffs would be a mix of live-in and locals.

The head gardener was a local man, he had worked on the estate for the previous owners. They had recommended him. He would have mostly day workers possibly several live-in ones.

More interviews here and advertising being done in the local area of the estate. Fist bump!

Clare was going there tomorrow for some interviewing.

There was live-in space for a dozen staff at the top of the house not including the two suites at either end. We'd need to decide who might get those special rooms. Certainly the housekeeper for one..." I looked to Carter2, "... the cook?"

Carter2 said Kendra, the cook, lived with her family in Millsford. Elfrida the housekeeper is a widow with a grown son and daughter.

The eight rooms above the stables for grooms. I suggested we combine three or four rooms for a suite for the stable master leaving plenty of space for grooms since we won't need but two or three.

The past owners did not keep horses so no locals with recent work history.

Carter2 asked us about speaking to Gregory about offering positions to the existing Stables people here. Cho and I said give it a try. Grins... saying it likely wouldn't yield any. Carter2 shrugged.

Yone was doing interviews for Security people and drawing on Fulham House resources. Any new hires would go to Bangkok then either Sari Buri or Harcourt Ranch for their advanced training.

Positions for Twin Ponds and here were offered on our internal network to Security Service personnel around the world.

Yone had already gotten inquiries from other locations. Harcourt House was one of the premiere locations for the Service.

Clare's dedicated background check person at Fulham House was getting lots of help to deal with the people for Twins Ponds.

Eric called... we did a speaker phone call... He got an official request from the Chinese Foreign Ministry to send a team to Beijing to give a presentation to a group at the Ministry. He got that we were Okay with it even though we didn't think anything would come from it.

"Fay... Cho... Reg told me about his talk with Colonel Ba during their trip to the border... You know the Colonel a bit... you believe him... no bullshit. So it may be pointless... I say we do it if only to say we did."

Cho grinned, "We are good with that."

"Stephan and several others volunteered to go... will you carry them?"

"Of course! How many?"


I turned to ask Gil to have Penn call Stephan to work out the details. Thumbs up.

I leaned closer, "Eric, get them burner phones and thoroughly wiped laptops with only the minimum software installed. Nothing propriety!! No email apps or social media. Only what they need to do the demonstration."

"Ah... Okay... Great advice! I'm glad you thought of that."

Gil moved close, "Eric... It's Gil... Penn will call Stephan shortly."

"Thanks Gil!"

We rang off after some family news. He said Anne loved the Twins birthday celebrations!

Cho said to bring her out we'll do hers. Eric laughed saying he'd confer on it with the `Mama.' We laughed.

I turned to Cho, "Should we send Security Service people with them?"

"Good thought. Gil... try to get Thet or Sumate on the phone."

A thumbs up.

I grinned, "You are thinking we have Chinese speakers on staff in Bangkok..."

Cho kissed me, "You are spot on!"

Gil leaned over... "I have them both on the Conference App."

Cho and I side-by-side... Cho asked the question. Sumate said Romulo and Iago would be the best ones.

"They are solid officers who both are Chinese speaking. Since neither is Chinese the hosts wouldn't have any reason to know their `extra' capabilities. I will speak with them about how they are to play it."

I turned to Gil get Eric and Penn... in a few minutes both joined our conference.

Cho, "Here's what we do... a flight from Chalgrove to Bangkok... pickup Romulo and Iago..."

I put in transfer to a different Gulfstream with fresh pilots...

Cho squeezed my hand, "Switch planes then on to Beijing... unwind it for the return."

I jumped in... "Thet... Sumate... When Romulo and Iago are back please one of you debrief them. We'd like their impressions and any details forwarded to us."

Everybody was smiling! Good it was a go.

Cho and I by the big windows to the Garden... the Twins and Jaidee were playing... giggles, shrieks, woofs and yells. Quite the show!


We had a family lunch... grilled cheese sandwiches and chips!! The Twins were happy. A special surprise... pirate cookies! Skull and crossbones! Pirate three corner hats! Treasure chests! Jolly Roger flags! Tasty sugar cookie shapes with pirate coloured icing and decorations!!

Delicious from Maxine. She came up when the Twins wanted to thank her. They gave her hugs.

I was taking the `girls' to the Library... Cho kissed me... Francis got one in for Ali! Gil and Chelle did one with laughter.

We worked for several hours... lots to do.

Chelle had a call... just the best titbit... the Court of Appeals signalled they had made their decision... It would be released Monday morning! Yea!

Chelle said our lawyers told her... a quick judgment on this boded very well!! I sent her to Cho.

I spoke to Reg in Tehran. He and Lamai were going south to Isfahan in the morning. Taj and a fellow from the Interior Ministry were escorting them.

The site for the SolarToGo plant in southern Tehran was cleared... we were using the layout of the facility in Ban Wat Bang Fai after its expansion as a model. Reg said the Iranians were Gung Ho!

"Their construction boss for the site preparation and the foundation is great! He's an English speaker making communication very good."

A meeting of all the construction folks in Isfahan tomorrow!

"Lamai isn't a bit intimidated by all the men... she speaks out and makes her points very well. Taj likes her... so he'll back her when needed.

You should call Taj... I think he has some back channel information."


I placed a call to Taj.

"Fay, we are going well! Your people really know their business. Like Achmed!

I do have some news... the police units around the job site have been informed by General Soleimani that the plant area is under his eye... to be the recipient of such a message gives a notice that cannot be ignored.

The General has told me the police in Isfahan will also be sent the same message."

"I will communicate my thanks to General Soleimani."

Taj laughed, "He likes you... you are up front and intelligent... both are characteristics he appreciates. We had tea in the Iranian Gardens last week... your solar panel gift is a huge success. The owner very pleased."

"Good! The General let me know how it impacted their electric rates... down to zero! I hope I am not going to cause the Energy Ministry to lose money?"

We laughed!

Taj said no and he would not care... "Fay, we cannot go on as we have been burning fossil fuel... it is too damaging."

I agreed. Taj thanked me for calling. Pleasant goodbyes.

I sent an email to General Soleimani thanking him for being proactive on the SolarToGo building sites. I said Taj was quite happy with the plans and things were going forward quickly.

I was going riding... Cho to the pool with the Twins. They were up!

Rebel was up too! We trotted up the slope then he opened his jets! Tessa and Angie following. We rode north of the Culham Science Centre to pass Denham School then we turned south to cross the Abingdon Road entering Culham.

We walked to Culham Manor... another quite old house we now owned. At the front... surprise... Yone opened the door. We laughed.

He was here with some of his folks planning the security setup. They would start in the morning.

I wandered around... Cho had come over the other day with the Twins. He had liked the old house... he wanted to offer it to maybe two of our families to share. We would staff it and pay the rates.

I asked who? He didn't know off the top of his head... someone who wouldn't mind the commute to the city and could be happy with the sharing idea. Maybe it would work out or not! Cho laughed.

The stables were stone... in good nick. We could put a few horses here for the families to ride.

But who? I was standing in the sun on the forecourt... Jian, Ting, Catherine, Caroline and Andrea! Plus two to come! Loads of room for Caroline and her two siblings!! Good grounds for children to have fun. They'd have plenty of room for their families to come visit.

I pulled out my iPhone... A quick call... Cho said ask!

I rang Andrea...

"Hello dear one... I'm interested in your view on a proposition we have for you and your bunch..."

Quiet... "Fay, what are you up to?"

"So suspicious!!"

We laughed.

I told Andrea where I was... "Cho and I wanted to ask your mob to consider living here if it was good for you. Loads of space for kids but there is the commute... Culham station isn't far... it goes to Paddington."

I sent her a link to the estate agent's page. I gave her a quick overview... I sensed her strong interest!

"I have more snaps I will send on... Cho and I would love for a nice big family to live here!"

"I will talk to to everyone... Jian is out and about so much I doubt she would mind, Catherine... she would have to want to live in the country... so far Hounslow is as far out as she has lived... Ting and I on the commute... we do it now and yes it isn't long... There are a likely lot of things on each side. I will get them together tonight... Jian on the Conference App."

We rang off with her `considered opinion' being she'd love to live there.

We remounted... waves to Yone and his folks... A stop at Denham School. Richard met us outside the administration building...

"Your Ladyship, the Ministry of Education is sending out two people for a look around and talk about funding. They are to be here next week."

It sounded good but I'll wait to be happy.

"Richard..." I was grinning, "... Make sure the bakers do something extra sweet as a treat to soften them up."

We laughed. He said he'd get them on it.

I gave Rebel his head once we were back over the railroad tracks. He took off... big strides... romping home! Such power! A treat to unleash him! He was enjoying himself!

I slowed Rebel as we went down the slope... we walked down as I looked over the property.

There was activity all around, horses moving about with and without riders. It was ordered activity... Every time I did this I came to one conclusion... Gregory was an awesome manager!

Monty took Rebel. I told him there'd been a bit of walking... a thumbs up and a smile. Marsha smiling holding Con and Max. "Yes... I'm doing great. I'm looking forward to the trip to America!"

We laughed.

"What do your parents think?"

"Mum is very excited for me... Dad... well... he wants me to be careful." She shrugged.

I said we hoped they'd see some interesting things and have some fun. Marsha was up for that!

Pat and Diana came down the stable lane... Hugs and kisses. Big thank you's for the Basuto Road house.

Holding hands, Diana squeezed his, "We had so much fun, so much history... we got a new education."

I said they could go back on their days off... they should talk to Gil for now.

I was looking for someone else to do those small jobs so Gil didn't need to be bothered. A work in progress by Gil.

Cho texted Sunny was home. Okay!

I did a quick stop to see Sylvia and little Dorene... they were great... Dorene growing up very cute! Lots of blonde hair... wavy! A major speed crawler!! I got a demonstration... she was awesome! What a mover! Hugs.

Inside Sunny was with Cho in the Great Room. Squeezes and Happy Birthdays!

She had her second set of GCSE results... Four 9's and three 8's!! BIG CONGRATULTIONS for her!!

Sunny laughing, "My Spanish has always been a bit weak... funny as my French is way up there. Media studies and economics are the other 8's... important but not at the top of my concerns."

The people at Brasenose had contacted Sunny to find out about her results which surprised me... Sunny said she was pleased they were showing that much interest.

"Fay, it is really terrific... it's like I'm being `head-hunted' by them."

We laughed... Okay... "Just be sure you keep a certain distance... in case."

Sunny squeezed my hand, "I get it. I'm keeping Mom and Dad in the loop."

I smiled, "So are you still up for a girl's shopping trip Saturday?"

"Oh Yes!!"

Okay... I didn't say it would be in Paris. Cho giving me one of those cute' grins... he knew Chani and I with Sunny were going to do' Paris.

Cho and Charlie were going to London... The Imperial War Museum... Charlie had asked about a pair of pictures on the Library wall, engravings of an infantry unit before and after a battle. They were dressed as Zouaves... possibly Crimean War. The was no provenance in the house for the pair... likely French. Cho wanted to go see the big museum too!

Cho had Charles take clear well-lit snaps of the engravings to show a fellow at the museum who was interested... Sir Alan had spoken to the fellow.

Something special... Sir Alan was to be their `guide.' Terrific!

Cho said Lamarr has signed off on our buying his Louisville security company! Good for us and him plus his employees. Lamarr thanked us for arranging the sale to be financially advantageous for him plus be Okay for the IRS folks. His lawyer had been amazed by the deal.

Cho had drafted a message to all the workers letting them know what is happening and what they personally will see as immediate changes. He let them know everyone would be going in small groups to California for classroom and live training.

They are all be raised to our usual pay rates, have all our employee benefits. Their current headquarters on South Preston Street will be expanded... a canteen and clinic to be added with much larger locker rooms and laundry facilities. They would change to our uniform style.

It was six blocks away from our home.

In the short term a clinic will open in one of the buildings near our South First Street houses and helipad. The clinic would have links to a variety of health treatment centres nearby for their specialised services.

Cho also mentioned our Security Service had high work and ethical standards. They needed to know they each were joining an elite force... so some hard work was ahead to be part of our team.

Gil was getting it finalized before sending it.

We needed to find a spot for a day care... close. A local estate agent was doing that for us.

The training program would begin in a fortnight with the first people flying to Santa Maria then bused to Harcourt Ranch. Markus had a full staff! He said they'd get `The Works!'

The first group would be chosen by Lamarr with his top supervisor's help with an eye to the chosen ones having leadership abilities.

Markus laughing on the Conference App call with us, Lamarr, Sumate and Claude... he was ready to go! An outgoing training group heading back to New York and Miami in seven days.

There were a few current Security Service personnel stationed in Louisville... Tilly had spoken to each, they were offered the opportunity of moving to Harcourt Farm or staying in Louisville. Either was fine with us was emphasised by Tilly.

I was sitting beside Audra in the Staff Lounge... a very big tummy and an equally big grin.

"Fay, I'm not going up many stairs these days... all is well... except for Andy who is being a bit over the top in his caring. I guess I am lucky though... he's going to be a great dad."

I asked... Audra smiling, "Eliza is awesome. She gets how I manage and my standards. Everyone is good with her taking over... The bad news is she might be pregnant also. A trip to the doctor tomorrow to check. It is good though they want another."

I got Audra to text Eliza to see if she could come to the lounge. Audra and I in armchairs by the cold grate... Eliza came in ... looking at us... smiling...

"So Your Ladyship has Audra spilled the beans?"

We all laughed, "Possibly since there isn't a definitive answer... right?"

"Yes... tomorrow. Will and Beth are excited!"

"We will be very happy to have another baby around. Jocelyn will need more help soon."

We all laughed.

The Day Care was being enlarged again! A big addition to the play room and napping space going up on the east side. Jocelyn pleased to get the added room.

Upstairs Gil held up her MacBook, "I got an email direct from the Blonde lady in Ho Chi Minh City... or rather Chillicothe, Ohio. She wanted to thank you again and give a gift. So what do I say?"

"Thank her... say we aren't anywhere near Ohio nor are we to be in Vietnam any time soon. We appreciate her wanting to give a gift but it isn't necessary. Add we are very happy she is donating books to the Can Tho library... that can serve as a gift for us."

Gil did a thumbs up with a smile!

Reading with Cho the reactions to the Russian money in the republican party piece by Fox News last night. It was a bomb going off in Washington, D.C. republicans in an all-out whinge! Their problem... Fox News had `evidence' and there was no nation-wide rightwing media of any size to lie for them to deflect the damage.

Our story with follow-ons would be running every night for a week.

The Baltimore Sun blasted them in big black type on their front page... our media across the country picking it up.

Public reaction so far had been totally negative for the republicans... our reporters were believed rather than the politicians!! Fox News and the Baltimore Sun had stellar reputations now... our owning them with a demand for quality, honesty and ethical reporting had won over the people.

All sorts of non-political public figures condemning the republicans for taking money especially from Russia who has been the enemy since 1945. A litany of Russian horror stories in some media... ours were reporting the news... no hyperbole.

Our competition was caught flat-footed again! They would undoubtedly get involved... their investigating would unquestionably widen an already massive hole for the republicans. There were mid-term elections in America in November. The Democrats were looking to gain more seats... maybe have the three quarters number so they can pass anything including constitutional amendments??

The Day in Seattle added the recent Washington State republican gubernatorial candidate to the list of Russian money receivers with documentation. They found the money had been funnelled through Russian accounts at banks on Cyprus!! A Cypriot bank regulator was caught up in the scandal!!

Like Fox News they had a lot of information making a very tight case. It was on the streets this morning there... there was already a huge response.

Some very unhappy, they are lying' quotes from republicans. Many Democrats saying they would say that wouldn't they' kind of responses. Good old Mandy Rice Davies... the girl's glib putdown of Lord Astor is so useful!!

The Washington State Democrats already riding high with total control of the state government said the republicans lying in the mud with Russians are showing their true colours... traitors to America.

The Seattle Fox station running with the story with help from The Day.

Other local news folks playing catch up to The Day! Again!

Taking money from the enemy! Not a good look for anyone.

Email from Nick Rawlins... he thanked us for blowing the lid off anyone who would take foreign money especially Russian. I replied with a thank you and I hoped I'd meet him again.

My phone going off with the Sci-Fi tone... Hillary laughing about the news... "Fay, there have been rumours for years about foreign money creeping in... your folks did drop a whopper!

The Attorney General called me... He said he'd received twenty boxes of documents delivered this morning from Fox News. He put two top prosecutors on it with the FBI.

If what's in the boxes supports the story there will be people going to prison. It is going to gut the republicans in the senate!"

I said, "From what I know the boxes have documents relating to our investigation but our sources are not exposed. Some redactions done on the copies to protect them... we are holding our originals."

I said it couldn't happen to a more deserving group. We laughed! A big thank you for our once again proving the value of a free press.

Dinner was a Sunny `request'... a Mexican buffet!! Carla and her crew were good at this. All the staff downstairs loved it. We had a fun dinner capped off with a big cake... fifteen candles!!

The blazing cake was seen in Seattle via the Conference App with Sunny's folks. Singing and cheering from both sides of the Atlantic as the candles went out from a big puff!!

Cake and ice cream! It was enjoyed by all!

We had some presents for her to unwrap in the Great Room.

Some scent she didn't know... Chanel's `Chance Eau Fraiche.' Its headliners are citron, cedar, and lemon then jasmine, hyacinth, and pink pepper when it was drying on the skin warm cedarwood and teak wood came to the fore.

Overall a fresh vibrant citrus, lively like Sunny! She gave me a huge grin...

"Fay, its lovely!!"

"Wear it in good health."

A special gift... Sunny opened the flat box... a bracelet... two rows of small pale green stones with a larger one on the clasp... Gaspeite! It was a match to her ring, necklace and earrings!! A yelp!! A hug!!!

"Fay, it's beautiful! Perfect!! Thank you guys!!"

A kiss for me and Cho! Laughing Cho said he was glad of the kiss for doing nothing. Sunny bounced up to give him another! We were all laughing.

I closed the clasp... she held up her arm... smile!!

Charlie and Chani got kisses too. Charlie was easier about it... I think Cho told him `girls like to do that so guys have to put up with it.'

I always thought the Quinceañera tradition was very nice... Yes as with anything those who would profit excessively have commercialised it.

Still there were some wonderful cultural moments for the young women to enjoy getting to be fifteen!

We didn't have that tradition... too bad. It was fun to give a nice birthday to Sunny!

We two snuggled on a settee... Sunny and Charlotte were leaving for Upperville the day after tomorrow in the afternoon. Declan and Marsha going with the horses in a Cho-Fay Air horses transport tomorrow morning. They'd all get settled in with practise time!

I squeezed Sunny letting her know she was tops with us. Her school work was spectacular, the GCSE's spoke for themselves!!! The equestrian side... As I predicted her beautiful face on six or seven equestrian magazines.

Town and Country led the way for that segment of the media here in the United Kingdom with Sunny on the cover! They had come by here to get an interview. Sunny had been wonderful... showing her class, sounding much older than fifteen. The interviewer came away impressed... it came through in the article!

She was still in demand by the press... She was being very selective with some advice from us and Charlotte who knew some of the writers.

She had one more English media interview in the morning after next, Horse & Hound was coming back for more. Sunny said she liked their writer Shelia... so she was being nice giving extra time.

She had the American top drawer EQLiving Magazine coming to Upperville. Gilbert knew about it and had spoken to them so what we needed from the interviewer was clear.

My morning start... Awesome! Roland and I rocking! From the south end of Sandford... We ran away from Tessa and Ken... really left them behind! I turned Roland towards the Oxford Road along the property line slowing to a walk as they galloped up. Fist bumps!

I asked if they would accompany me to St. Thomas School? Grinning... Okay's.

We crossed the Oxford Road turning left. A nice walk saying good morning to neighbours.

At the school we tied up out front. Mr. Thorn at the door alerted by children of a summer class looking out.

"Your Ladyship good to see you."

Smiling as we shook hands, "I came down for a look at the play fields."

We walked out... the close in area was where the sod had been laid... the outer sports fields were reseeded... I could see sprinklers running.

"We have the whole summer for it to grow in... by autumn we should a lush grass play space. The older students did have fun. They were cute thanking the contractor giving him and his crew a big cake."

A good result. I was thanked again for being generous. We shook hands once more.

At the Stables Andy said the little man has been doing some moving around today. Ah... maybe getting ready for a running start on life! Andy liked that. Fist bump.

We loaded the AW139 with Min as the command pilot. We turned south and kept going... we were chatting so Sunny wasn't paying attention until we reached the Channel...

"Fay, where are we shopping?"

I said holding Chani's hand, I said, "Paris!"

Chani grinning... she knew... keeping a secret! Laughter!

She and Sunny did a fist bump!

We made a west approach to the Paris Heliport... Thierry there with a smile and welcome. We went to 20 Rue Jacob first. Chani and Sunny got to see the Pavilion and grounds. They both liked it all... the Greek temple Chani said it would be great to play in.

"We will have some things put in for you and Charlie."


Mireille arrived with some workmen... we shook hands. Mireille was surprised by Chani's "Bonjour... Je m'appelle Chani." Chani got her to do a fist bump! Laughter.

I introduced Sunny who was not as forward as her cousin.

Mireille gave me a quick update, painting almost done, ceiling cleaning half done... I could see that... the colours of moulding and the designs brightened to show the beauty!

The workmen were going about their things...Mireille doing some further measuring upstairs.

We headed south over to wander further along the Boulevard Saint-Germain.

Window shopping... Sunny bought a cute navy and grey newsboy hat that worked with her look... pale grey linen trousers and a navy blue short-sleeved cut-off blouse.

Chani in a yellow frock like me, short-sleeves, navy blue ballet slippers for her, heels for me.

We went in and out of shops buying some things for us and our `men' at home.

Then I said FOOD which was cheered by all. Gil and Chelle had gone into a shop and would meet us. Delphine was rubbing her hands with a grin. Tara, Tessa, Gaby, Angie and `Net were up for food.

I had purposely added Net to our group so she would feel included. Sunny was going to events this summer, Net was to be with her. Lynette was a cute one from Essex. A sharpshooter, one of our best shots now moving into personal protection full-time.

Net had been the sharpshooter on the river bank with a clear shot on the MI5 fellow who tried to bug' us.

PJ had been pleased when I asked him. She needed to get more of a `feel' about how we operated.

Le Petit Pontoise was ready for us. The banquette filled when Gil and Chelle caught up.

A nice lunch, the staff happily taking care of us. The end... Chani and I shared a Tart Tatin... gorgeous golden pears!

A short walk to settle our meal... a stop at Le Boulanger de la Tour for Palmiers! Another apple tart which I knew would go over very well at Quai de Bethune. Meeting Thierry at the house.

Hellos to Augusta & Lucien who were amazed seeing Chani... they kept saying how fast she was growing! It was their first meeting with Sunny.

I handed Augusta the tart... she peeked in the bag... big bright eyes... "Comtesse... you are spoiling us."

I said I do my best. Much laughter.

A drive to the Mirabelle by the Place de la Bastille. Ellise was pleased to see me... Introductions for Chani and Sunny. Chani wandered around, Delphine and Gaby with her. Sunny looking around with `Net. It was busy... mid-day shoppers.

Ellise said the sales continued to be strong, above our estimates. Through the front window I could see there was a good deal of foot traffic on Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine which we counted on choosing this location.

Thierry next dropped us in front of H`tel d'Angoulême Lamoignon, we walked the half block to The Rochambeau. It was our R&R hotel in central Paris. Inside the manager and our Security Service chief were waiting. We shook hands.

I got an abbreviated tour because of Chani. It looked great! Several of our employees saw me... They were from Los Angeles, their first trip to Europe... they were having fun.

I picked up a piece of paper and a pen at the Concierge's desk. I wrote down several of our favourite restaurants with the warning it would not be inexpensive but the food was wonderful. They thanked me. We shook hands.

Another stop... Up Rue Elzévir to Rue del la Perle then Rue des Quatre Fils a turn south on Rue du Temple. Thierry had to park in the middle of the block. We walked the short way to our Parisien shelter doorway where Lydie was waiting. We shook hands...

"Welcome Comtesse!"

I said I was informally Fay. A smile.

I carried Chani part of the way through the tour of the upper floors... downstairs she took off with Delphine and Gaby in pursuit. That was always a laugh for me.

Lydie said the Paris Maire had been by to see the shelter... Anne Hidalgo was impressed...

"Fay, she would like to meet you sometime... I have a telephone number for you to call. You and she can speak and arrange a day."

In the dining room I sat to talk with eight shelter guests. They were happy to be here and have the opportunity to move forward with their lives. Five were going to do their Baccalaureate' next year, the other three were younger. Those three were committed to taking their Bac' in the following year.

Their existence prior to here had been like so many others in every country... abused, arrested a few times, kicked about, living rough or in a squat, danger was almost a daily part of their lives... not now. Big smiles!

They were a mix of religions and ethnicities... cast adrift by their families or had taken themselves off because of their treatment at school and home. Either way they found their way to this safe place.

I told them how Cho and I felt about education and we'd help them through.

All these young people after being discarded by their families... Here... seeing opportunities they radiated excitement... Terrific!!

We said goodbye to Lydie at the door... She did fist bumps with Chani! Lydie thanked me for stopping. I said we'd likely be around again this summer... plus a possible meeting with the Maire.

Thierry drove us down to the Rue de Rivoli then right towards towards the Champs-Elysees. I pointed out some landmarks telling Chani when she and Charlie were older we'd come for a long visit to see `everything.'

We were passing the Louvre... Chani clapped smiling as I said the name, "Okay Mama... I want to see Madonna."

Fist bump!

I looked at Delphine who smiled. Chani doesn't forget much! Sunny shaking her head.

We crossed the Place de la Concorde to get on the Champs-Elysees to the second Mirabelle. Georgie at the door happy to see us again. Sunny was introduced. We wandered... Chani going off again with her escorts. Sunny was gazing at the store... sort of as a whole.

Sunny leaned against me, "Fay, I love the wood here... it is warm and goes with so many colours."

Fist bump!

Georgie like Ellise had very strong sales. We talked store bits for a while. Madame Tallard and Eugenie had been back to see the store... she was pleased about the sales and the positive comments!

Madame Tallard quite proud to see her former company's name on every garment from them.

Georgie smiling, "Fay, she gave me a hug. Misty eyes."

Wonderful! I t was what I'd hoped... keeping the connection would give pride to the women working there! The clothes from Marcelle's had their name too!

I asked Gil to get Hailey and the other managers to send to Eugenie and Marcelle some snaps of their stores and the labels on the clothes.

Time for more shopping. On the sidewalk Chani got a look at the Arc De Triomphe... I picked her up telling her to look at it while we crossed the road.

"It is big Mama."

I said indeed it was... reminding her we'd be back for a `Grand Tour.' Giggles.

On the far side of the Champs-Elysees we headed to Hermès! Chani still in my arms clapping as we went in.

Maury waiting, we shook hands after Chani was on her feet. Introductions all around. Mitty joined us.

"Mama, can I shop?"

"Yes, Delphine and Gaby with be with you. Chelle will be around."

Those ladies did thumbs up... grins!

Maury said Mitty would go with Chani's crowd.

I walked Sunny to the equestrian department. I said she could buy whatever in here then go into young woman's... a hug! Sunny dove in. `Net with her. Maury had a sales lady go with Sunny telling her it would be paid for by Gil at the end... who waved her hand to identify herself. Okay!

I went to scarves... Mirra there smiling.

"Bonjour Comtesse."

I said it was nice to see her again. I did my usual going through the stock picking out more than two dozen scarves and stoles as gifts.

Jacques rolled in a cart piled high with boxed Hermès scarves... Harcourt Racing colours made for us. Also ties in the same colours. Several boxes of ties with modern TV cameras in various colours. I thanked him... a big smile... his moustache rising at the corners. I squeezed his hand.

Jacques rolled them all to a room near the concierge to wait for everything else.

I looked in on Sunny then Chani... they seemed to be able to get along just fine without me. To Men's... some little things for Cho. In Boy's some wonderful colours in Polo shirts for Charlie, a pair of shorts and a light windbreaker then on to Women's for me.

A sleek bright yellow tank swimming costume for the coming boat trip!

A cashmere and silk long sleeved frock, a bit stretchy, round collar, UPPER-thigh length. One in pale red and one in black. I tried it on... it would easily ride up my legs so some caution was necessary in public.

In shoes I found a Greek style sandal in black leather with an ankle strap, flat sole. A pair of basic black loafers, classic shape. I added a cordovan brown pair.

I strolled through the store looking at all sorts talking with Maury. I chased Gil off to shop saying she should be sure Chelle had time too. My Protectors alternating so they could shop.

Chani had tried on many things... Delphine keeping an eye on sizes. I suggested to Chani she needed to finish... saying we can come back... Hermès would be here. She giggled.

We all met at the Concierge... Gil and Chelle had done the paying... Thierry had a small van outside for our purchases.

Several hours here... we'd done some damage.

We said our goodbyes and thanks for their help. Gil had an envelope for Maury who smiled and thanked us.

We walked, Chani in my arms, to the George V. Inside a nice lady escorted us to Le George for dinner. The Maître d' bowed... "Comtesse... " His arm out. We followed him to a banquette, a child seat waiting. They had moved all the tables together, adding another so we had one long table.

We got Chani settled after a visit to the Ladies Room. I ordered for us both... gazpacho, ricotta tortellini, baked sole! It was excellent. The presentation glorious.

A fine Tuscan Montecarlo Bianco. The entire meal was wonderful, the food and the service attentive but not overdone.

Everyone enjoyed themselves.

The apple tart at the end with ice cream, Chani and I shared. I had a glass of Limoncello and espresso to close.

We waited in the courtyard for Gil to finish... it was a nice evening. I sat with Chani in my lap... I could see her batteries were running down. I carried her to Thierry's car at the hotel front door.

He had us at the helicopter quickly. I thanked him.

Min lifted us up for home. Chani fell asleep in her carrier seat. On the lawn at Harcourt House we unbuckled her... Delphine and I carried her in the seat up to the Nursery. Popa kissing her forehead on the way.

Chani and Charlie were in bed. It had been a busy day for each... sightseeing, shopping and museum trips. Lots of walking around.

I got a big Kiss from their Popa.

Sunny parked on a settee, "Cho, I got some nice things. I like these shopping sprees."

"When you stop growing there be fewer of them."

Sunny solemnly declared she was not done growing. Laughter.

Gil and Chelle said they had some bits for themselves and gifts for the future.

We gave Francis and Ali a big goodbye. It included some baby clothes from Hermès all nicely wrapped. I said wait to open them until they were at their flat.

Ali was going to stay in New York... still working but remotely from their flat unless we were in town. Her doctor advised her to stop the travelling as it was stressful. I did wonder if she understood how we travelled... her call. Their decision.

They'd be in New York in time for sleep.

Cho on the bed grinning as he got my little' gifts for him. More Terre' and miscellaneous things.

I had a great morning ride, breakfast done. I went out to talk with Phillips... Cho was on the phone with some of his bankers.

Phillips petting my companion, Jaidee.

"M'Lady, he doesn't dig like he did as a puppy. Our life is easier."

We laughed.

"Good! I hate to see your work tossed into the air."

"Me too. He is a good boy... always responds."

We talked about what was happening out here and down on Harcourt Close.

His people were adding some shrubbery along the close with some evergreens that didn't grow above twelve feet or so... more a visual barrier to `enclose' the close. Phillips laughed at my choice of words.

In the Great Room I asked Lucas if he would please find out where Eliza was and let me know. He was on his iPhone... "M'Lady, she's in the Game Room."

I thanked Lucas.

Eliza speaking with a staffer... when she saw me... she lit up. Yes... pregnant... two months! Will and Beth were thrilled... Beth wanted a brother... that was very sure!

Laughing, "M'Lady, Beth is in a tomboy phase so a cohort in adventures is desirable."

"Will she still be `tomboy' when a brother is ready to rock and roll?"

A big shrug. A hug for the mom-to-be!

I walked back through the Great Room towards the Library where Gil and Chelle had gone... one of Yone's people in there with a photographer who seemed to be looking around for possible posing places.

Carl came in from the main passage. He said he was there to watch over the interview process from a distance. When the photographer asked if some furniture could be moved... Carl after a look to me... said for the photographer to work around it. There was a bit of huffiness to which Carl was immune.

Sunny came in with the writer, they had been sitting in the Breakfast Room going over a few things. The writer seemed surprised to see me... odd... I did live here.

Sunny introduced us. Shelia, the writer, looking at my black riding outfit... she was going to say something foolish I could see it... Sunny, the smarty guessed too, said she had admired my clothes, "Aunt Fay had a set of her style clothes made for me. I love her look!"

An `Oh' from the writer. Sunny grinned behind the woman's back. Sunny had said she was nice... I guess I'm just being frumpy. I left them to it.

Cho gathered me in his arms as we watched the Rêve's crew capture a prize from the Office windows! Charlie and Jaidee on the fo'c'sle... one was waving a sword, the other woofing.

We sent Sunny and Charlotte on their way to Upperville later. We'd be there for the Trials.

Declan reported he, Marsha and the horses all at Upperville... settling in.

A summery morning! I looked down at Wandsworth, a mixed neighbourhood... iPhone ringing... Andrea.

"Yes... I'm landing at Wandsworth... I'll stop before going to the Lords."

Rae waiting... She said `No problem' to my change of itinerary. She pulled up in front of the block of flats where our second family lived on Favart Road. Up in the lift... Ting at the door... a hug for him... Caroline came running in for a squeeze. Catherine and Andrea... hugs... Jian!! We embraced and kissed.

We sat to talk about Culham Manor. They had looked at the online stuff and our snaps... some questions. We went over them.

I said we'd pay the rates, insurance, etc... We'd help furnish it. They owned this building so the flat always available should they want to be in `town.'

I brought up the commute... Cho and I thought it might be the biggest thing.

Andrea and Ting agreed it was important... but... they commute now... it would add time... if there was something on they could stay here overnight any time.

I said call Prasert for a car... "Go look at it. Give Yone a heads-up... he'll have someone meet you."

They said that was their planned next step so they would get on.

I suggested with Caroline in my lap she could go to Harcourt House Daycare. When we were around the Twins went over often. Caroline bouncing in my lap clapping her hands!!

The idea was hit with the adults too.

I kissed and hugged my way out.

Rae dropped me on St. Margaret's Street with Tessa and Angie. We went in at the Peers entrance and around to the Royal Gallery.

Mac on the side with several Cross-Benchers... I joined them. They were laughing about the tories being stuffed in the committees on the two Defence Bills presented so far.

Knowle smiling, "Fay, it was so funny to see their discomfiture. A richly deserved bit of karma. They had made a mess at the MOD... now they have to see their corruption and stupidity exposed in committee. Every time they tried to say something derogatory... Alfred and myself brought up issues from their stewardship which were less than stellar."

Alfred laughing, "They were not happy to be asked why they did this or that or why they didn't as a response to their limp questions and pissy comments."

Hands shaken.

What was interesting was a comment made to Knowle by a Labour MP... he said in his joint committee Terrance had spoken on the Trident Bill saying it was a commonsense piece of legislation that would benefit the nation. Some of his Tory colleagues from the Commons were upset with him... he responded he was thinking of the country rather than as a tory!

Knowle said his Labour MP friend was quite impressed by Terrance.

I needed to speak to Terrance!!

In the House there were votes on several items from the Labour program. They all passed easily... some were so commonsensical... a word I like... they had some tory votes. A mixture of other items... we were done by five o'clock. I said goodbyes... I went over to Millbank House.

In the lobby I encountered Terrance. I gave his cheek a kiss along with my handshake. His blue eyes twinkling... "So you've heard?"

"Yes! It was marvellous of you! I'm proud!"

A big smile, "Invite me to luncheon soon!"

I said I would!

Upstairs Sage had some bits for me and Casteen at my doorway...

"Fay, Linc and I have some new MOD things... we are working on them. The MOD people who came over after your meeting were very nice. I gave them the copies... they stayed to chat about what we were doing. They said they were now working on their end with the leads we gave them.

If we have an issue we will have another meeting. Linc and I didn't give away anything nor did they."

A big smile.

Fist bump and a thank you.

I flew back to Oxfordshire. A big reception on the Forecourt, Cho, the Twins and Carter!!

One more day at the Lords then Virginia. Lots of stops before Upperville.

Chelle joined us in the Great Room... I could see she bursting to say something...

"Fay... Cho... the U.S. Appeals Court... their ruling was unanimous!!! All twenty eight judges said section 230 was unconstitutional and saying ALL..." big waving hands... "... websites to make changes to prevent improper communications from occurring. Henceforth every post is their responsibility... they are liable!!!"

Cho and I kissed... a big embrace for Chelle. Gil came in. More hugs!

Chelle did add the Appeals Court did not permit a stay saying the constitutional issues demand immediate action.

Chelle was still bouncing... "There's more... the ruling also states it doesn't matter where the webpage is based or their data is stored... if it has American owners and or users the order applies. So off-shoring of data isn't a way to avoid the ruling!!!"

More high fives, hugs and kisses!!

I asked Chelle to check the U.S. media for reaction. She had already seen the New York Times... they turned off all comments on their webpages immediately...

"It looks like they anticipated the judgement... they had it ready to go. The Daily News has the ruling on their web front in huge letters! Fox News is saying the ruling doesn't impact free speech if it isn't deliberately false or egregious hateful speech. They also said it was time for internet website to held to account for what is posted.

I'll keep scanning."

Chelle said our lawyers were pleased... maintaining the Supreme Court was very Very VERY likely to go along with the Appeals Court! 28-0! What a score!

The defeated website and its amicus backers had harped on the financial aspects and issues with software to vet comments... the Appeals Court said that was wide of the point... they were allowing falsehoods and deceptions to occur when it was possible to stop it. Injury was being done to individuals and businesses who had little or no recourse. That was not lawful, moral or democratic.

Enough said!

Any posts, comments or whatever are the websites responsibility now... they are liable. So either they change... like right away or they'll make money for a lot of lawyers!!!

Some groups still want it but it does far more harm than good. If anonymous cowardly lying speech is what they crave too bad! `Free Speech' has always been limited by the courts... there has never been any absolute right to say whatever you want.

The Day in Los Angeles has a new story on the heat rays... they were sent test data and documents by an anonymous source from inside the company which they verified with several local scientists that the rays could possibly cause damage to human DNA since it does in tests on cells in mice.

Oh shit! Cellular damage means everything the company said about their rays is a lie! Our crowd here very thrilled!

I called Marita... she was excited.

"Fay our story hit like a bomb this morning! The company has shut its offices... they aren't speaking to anyone. The Los Angeles County District Attorney's office has already served them with demands for documents and test results. The company officers will likely be subpoenaed to a grand jury!

The State of California is seeking information and test data... I'm sure the federal government will join in!"

Yes! The Day had a huge story going!!

"Fay... in case you might want to know... we are less than forty thousand copies behind the Times!!! That was before this morning's paper."

I let out a whoop surprising everyone in the room. I told them... they whooped too!

I told Marita... `pedal to the metal!' She laughed... "Okay Boss!"

This is quite the moment! Two biggies!

Everyone was at the house in Upperville... Daniel reporting the grounds were fully prepared, some extra staff especially for Flo been cleared by Gilbert. So nothing for us to do but be the front face of the event... plus be spectators... and cheerleaders for Sunny!

I met the Favart Road crew at Culham Manor as part of my ride. We walked all through the house and grounds... they loved it.

Caroline grinning, "Aunt Fay, it is pretty!"

I hugged her.

We were all on the front lawn... sun on their faces... the garden beautiful... they wanted to move in! Good!

Jian holding my hand, "Fay, this is such a pleasant place."

"It is closer to Chalgrove for you."

A big squeeze.

I gave them Solange's name... "We will pay for her... We would like the furniture to be older in style if that doesn't bother you."

Andrea said they had talked about it... they all wanted the house not to have `modern' look inside... that would ruin its charm for them. Excellent!

Good toilets, a modern kitchen and heating were not included in the no `modern' scheme!!! I suggested those! Full agreement from them!

They came over to stay the night and say goodbyes to us.

We landed in the dark at Richmond's Byrd Field. We'd stay aboard then go into the city to meet Sydney and Sylvia for breakfast at a favourite restaurant of theirs.

Jaidee and his daughter got a walk in the early morning, a big grassy space beyond the hangars. Having two on leads was a new thing for me. The little lady was so cute giving her dad a hard time... Jaidee being a `dad' putting up with a wilful child.

Mattie smiling as she loaded us up in her car and another. Fist bump for her.

We met Sidney and Sylvia at Mae's Place on Chimborazo Boulevard up on Capitol Hill. Big hugs and kisses. Some of the diners looking over to us.

They were doing very well... Sydney was only doing two days a week at the Jefferson Hotel restaurant. He was doing a lot of training of staff. Sylvia the same at Joseph's, the nice quiet bar across the street. They co-ordinated their work days.

The food was great! Eggs over easy, a bowl of grits with butter, lots of toast... quite tasty strawberry marmalade. Cho did a waffle... it was huge, thick like a book. The Twins got scrambled eggs, their fav, with green onions... something new. English muffins for them.

All our people smiling as they ate.

Mae came out to meet us. She was fifty five, her dark skin glowed, tight small curls in her hair, a big smile. She was amazed to have us in her place!

"You are well known, strong women are appreciated here!"

I put out a fist... a smile and BUMP!

She sat for a few minutes before going back to cook. A hug. A selfie taken.

Our cute blonde waitress asked for my autograph... I did one for her and signed two menus for Mae.

I waved to Mae from the kitchen doorway. A big smile!

A great way to start the day!

Back at the jet... Jaidee and his daughter were going to Upperville... Yobi and Lil would take care of them.

Yobi said the little lady had followed Jaidee into the `box' and did some business!! Terrific... our boy training his baby.

We loaded into AW139's for the trip to Ashland. Alexi and Yana said it was just ten minutes.

They settled the helicopters to the ground west of the Metal Specialities buildings.

We stepped out carrying the Twins... on their feet they walked with Gaby and Tha beside them towards the three men moving our way. Chani and Charlie introduced themselves to Oliver who was the former owner now CEO of Metal Specialities Fabrication.

Big smiles on the men's faces... as we introduced ourselves.

Hands shaken, Oliver introduced his number two, Deke.

Gilbert smiling shaking our hands. His people had been around since we bought the company... it was secure.

Only Deke had been told of our buying the company. He knew that new processes were planned with our financial resources which Oliver hadn't had available. Trying to finance new forges, etc... was too much for Oliver's company. Now they would be able to operate a larger and more sophisticated company.

They gathered all the workers in an open space in a warehouse building, a small dais of wood pallets covered with plywood... there were seventy one men and a twenty six women. They were looking at us... talking amongst themselves... a few wide-eyed looks.

Cho and I with Oliver and Deke on the platform... Oliver introduced us. Cho moved forward...

"Good morning... I know this is all a bit out of the ordinary... One of our companies has purchased Metal Specialties Fabrication... " a BUZZ!! "Now to reassure you as this is a big change in some ways and no change at all in many ways... Oliver is going to remain the boss here with Deke as number two."

Faces were looking much more relaxed. Smiles! Clapping.

"What will change... you will have some new equipment come in... higher temperature forges... to start. You will be making parts in aluminium and titanium for another of our companies that makes aircraft."

Their demeanour said they seemed to like that idea.

Cho brought me up... I got going, "The parts that you will make are for drones..." Noises... they looked at each other... "... drones that we will sell to the Security Service which is a company Cho and I own. Gilbert..." I motioned to him... He stepped up beside me to take my hand.

"Gilbert who you have seen with his people doing the new security system around this factory and grounds... is our Virginia leader. You will see a lot of his people, they will fully explain what they are doing... they have brought some of the small changes already... like the new ID badges with a barcode for access... a few more to come."

I squeezed Gilbert's shoulder, he stepped back.

"We will possibly be making drones for the U.S. government very soon. The pieces you make will allow us to make bigger drones that are lightweight and fast... "

I looked to Gil who nodded... I flicked a slider on my homing device and motioned to the workers to look out the big loading doors... Gil's iPhone dinged in a text... a wing slipped into view just outside. I waved to it... the folks in front of us staring wide-eyed as the wing did a waggle.

It moved in to be right at the edge of the big truck sized doorway.

Noises of astonishment and chatter...

"This is one drone we are currently using... some of your work will go into these but many more pieces in a larger version... about twice as big."

I looked to Gil... she said `Donde.'

I called out "Donde... have you ever been to Virginia before this flight?"

His speaker came alive... "Hello Miss Martin... No I haven't. It is very green, lots of forests. Beautiful to see from the air."

"These people here will be making parts for the drones very soon."

Donde said it was nice to `see them and hoped they enjoyed being part of the process.'

I waved again... he waggled... backed away and ZOOMED off.

The workers were shocked... really stunned... looking at us... was that real?

"Donde is at his control station at Harcourt Ranch in California north of Santa Barbara. So you see you will be an important part of a much bigger operation."

Loud murmurs that sounded amazed.

"Now we would wish you didn't spread the news too far... we don't want people to come by to try to see drones... they'll only be disappointed... seeing only metal parts."


"Now what other changes... first you will receive a five percent rise in your wages... all of you... as of NOW!"

Lots of noises... very positive. Folks looking at each other... smiles.

"You will become members of our world-wide family which means... a new health care plan that supplements what the new Federal government legislation covers plus there will be a health clinic built here... it will be available to you and your families at no charge beyond the co-pay."

Louder noises. Some clapping. Many more smiles.

"The plan has a co-pay of twenty dollars for all visits. Our plan has no deductibles or pre-existing conditions or lifetime limits."

They loudly clapped. Several of the ladies bouncing up and down. Some hugged! A man and woman hugged.

"The clinic staff will treat colds and flu, give immunizations and fix simple broken bones, the staff will be fully licensed and the clinic well equipped."

Some cheers!

"There will also be a canteen serving food throughout the day. Hot meals, sandwiches and snacks at low cost to you."

Lots of positive noises from the workers as I kept on...

"You will all be part of a retirement scheme that will allow you to choose how much money to put aside from your pay check and how you want it to be invested.

If you have any education loans outstanding... they will be paid by us so that debt will be erased."

The noise level had been rising... now there was applause, cheers and more hugs in the crowd.

"My last bit for now is our `rest and recreation' scheme... we own houses and hotels around the world... they are open to you now, low cost and free transportation to most all. You will get a brochure setting it all out. The brochure will describe how to go online to make a booking for your family. Then where to go to get a Cho-Fay Air flight to your destination.

There are hotels in New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, Paris, Bangkok, Scotland, several homes in beautiful spots in England, a beach resort in France... we are adding more.

The brochure and website will explain it all."

The workers were cheering, slapping backs and hugging.

I embraced Cho. Chani and Charlie were lifted to join us. I had Charlie's hand as Cho introduced the Twins. They waved... the workers waved back.

Cho picked up from me, "Now we want you to do what you have been doing... excellent work! The pace will increase with the new equipment and learning different new methods which means expanding the plant, more tools and staff. There will be a lot of work so we hope you all get stuck in right away."

I spoke up, "We will be around every now and then... we have a home in Fauquier County and go to Washington for various things. We have some business in Richmond and friends there. Now you all right here.

We look forward to your contributions to your future and ours. Thank you!"

We waved as they gave us big cheers and applause. Cho and I hopped down and lifted the Twins to us. We moved to the crowd to say hellos and shake hands.

We worked the crowd talking to everybody, shaking hands, a few hugs too.

These people were pleased with all we said, pleased that Oliver and Deke weren't going anywhere. Excited for the new things.

Oliver's wife's family is deeply rooted Hanover County... since before the American Revolution... she wasn't going to leave here. Our wanting Oliver manage the business had been very well received by her also.

We had several cars to make two side trips... first to Elmont Elementary School. They had a summer programme running which Tarin, Oliver's wife, helped to operate. Play time as well as nature study.

We parked in front of the school... a slender blonde woman came out... Oliver with us... he introduced Tarin. She had a great smile. Hands shaken, the Twins too.

Around to the west side of the grounds a group of children were cataloguing the plants and trees along the property line. As Tarin explained I could see Chani and Charlie were INTERESTED... The Twins looked at us and Tarin... "Pouvons-nous les rejoindre... S'il vous plaît?" From Chani. Charlie nodding vigorously.

"Please ask in English... not everyone speaks French."

They asked to join in... Tarin wide-eyed said yes. I did too... they dashed off with Delphine following.

I said `Sorry'... "Sometimes they just do that... they enjoy learning languages... at this stage they think everyone does too."

Tarin asked how old they are... my two years shocked her.

I slipped my arm with hers... we headed towards the kids.

"They are advanced... very advanced... Delphine is one of their tutors. We encourage them to learn anything they want... they also play very hard."

Tarin laughed at that.

I had Tha's hand introducing her to Tarin, and explaining her important role in our family.

The kids found some bugs which were added to what else was living in the wooded edge of the school grounds.

I said there would be field mice since they are the number one mammal on Earth.

"They won't let you see them... very secretive." I leaned close saying it a hushed voice.

A red-headed boy asked how many there were?

"There so many no one can actually count them all."

"So there could be lots in here?" He motioned to the woods... I said it was very likely.

A girl asked what they ate?

The other adults were looking at me... I laughed, "They eat plants, seeds... from the trees right here... sometimes they eat insects."

The children going back to the trees.

Tarin beside me... "So beside your other talents you are a naturalist?"

Laughing, "No... but I do store an enormous volume of barely needed information... because I have inquisitive children who ask odd questions."

Another teacher nearby laughed at that. Tarin introduced us.

Tarin asked how we became interested in Oliver's company.

"We have a small group of researchers based in New York... their job is to find things that we can use in our businesses. Some new devices we are making needed metal parts that were light and strong... Oliver's company came to the researchers notice. One of our close staff talked to Oliver about doing our work or us buying the company... so here we are."

We chatted while the Twins and the other kids had fun rooting around... I was brought a ladybug by Charlie... Cho behind me leaned close, he said they are a good bug. They eat other bugs that damage plants.

Charlie liked that... he was going to put the ladybug back where he found it so it could do its work.

Tarin and the other woman looking like WOW.

The school principal came out to meet us. We shook hands... she was surprised we'd be in their school's side yard. I motioned to Gil... she handed a cheque to the principal... that lady was gobsmacked.

I said it was a thousand dollars for each of Tarin and Oliver's children. One didn't attend here but would soon.

She was amazed we'd give money for the school... "You don't live here do you? No children here?"

Smiling I said, "It's a no for both but we like to promote early learning everywhere to build educated people who make the best citizens!"

She thanked us, waving the cheque. "This is a wonderful windfall!"

I told her we did the same sort of thing at a school in Deltaville. I took Ken's hand, "Ken's family is there so we helped the elementary school a bit."

Ken shaking his head, "More than a mere `helped... a bit' you made a big contribution."

I squeezed the big hand in mine.

Oliver rounded us up to go theirs for lunch... His sister and Tarin's sister and mother were doing the lunch. It was only a mile or so away.

A nice big white frame house in a grove of trees. We had a good view going up the drive. It looked like some of the houses we bought in Kentucky... added onto as needed. Tarin said that was its history... the core of the house was from 1840... it had been expanded some in just about every generation since.

We met the three ladies doing lunch and thanked them. A swarm of kids came running up... the Twins got to meet Tarin and Oliver's, her sister's and Oliver's sister's crew. They off to play with Delphine and Tha giving them some space.

A tour... the house was so neat inside, beautiful floors, the woodwork shone. In the oldest part No closets in the bedrooms upstairs, armoires and lovely bureaus. The furniture was not modern... more timeless... comfortable. I got a `NOT Early American' very firmly from Tarin.

We laughed... I wasn't into spindle legs and such. I told her we did do period furnishings in several houses because they seemed to demand it. She got it.

Two tawny Labrador retrievers were introduced... Gus and Shorty, who wasn't short. The Twins petted them explaining about Jaidee.

The AW139's flew into the large grassy space in front of the house. We did introductions for our four pilots. Everybody was here... a real mob. They'd had advance notice of how many so all was prepared!

Outside they were getting it ready... baked fish and veggie burgers, lots of different types of salads, bread, pickles and olives. Pies and ice cream for the ending.

We sat all around... mixed families... Tha and Delphine with the Twins and the other kids and one sister... Oliver and Tarin's three, the two sisters added four. I was between Tarin and her mother, Willa.

I explained about the drone parts Oliver's folks would be making. The story of our breakfast today at Mae's Place in the Chimborazo neighbourhood with Sydney and Sylvia. Some about our various companies, horses, the upcoming trials at Upperville and Sunny. I showed them some snaps of Sunny with Prince Sergey and Zephyr.

They saw Jaidee, he was admired as he should be! Some snaps of the puppies! I told them a daughter of his was to be delivered to the Clinton's tomorrow! Big eyes!

Tarin, "Wow... that's amazing!"

Some more pictures of our horses. I told them I had been to what was left of the Meadow Stables in Doswell to see the foaling barn a few years ago and a few months ago to Secretariat's grave in Kentucky.

A picture of Secret Royal. He was a cutie according to them. Indeed!

I got more on this farm and its history... the great great great great grandmother saved the house from being burned by Union soldiers when she showed them wounded soldiers from both armies were inside and in one of the barns. A Union general had come by to thank her for helping with all the injured men.

Willa said that grandmother lived to be ninety eight! She lived long enough to see the new century. A tough lady!

It was a nice summer day, not too humid, warm not hot! After eating the kids romped around. They were all ten or younger. I helped clear away but wasn't allowed to clean anything.

I got a cup of coffee and Oliver walked with me. We crossed the big grassy area behind the house around the playing kids... a river in front of us.

I asked if the river was the Chickahominy... Oliver looked...

"You know the Chickahominy?"

"I've read some about the Civil War and the fighting in Virginia during the war. That river was troublesome for both sides but more the Union."

Oliver nodding, "It was springtime for a lot of the battle action around here... heavy rains... flooding... the river used to go a bit crazy... not any more but then it was a real mess further downstream. This house was partially surrounded a few times... never flooded inside."

We sat on a bench next to the flowing water... it was a favourite spot of Oliver's.

"The drone thing today was magic! You really captured the folks attention! The box in your hand?"

"It's a homing device... the drones can follow the signal..." I told him about getting the attention of the leader of the UK's version of the FBI!

He laughed. "Our people were very impressed. It didn't fly all the way from California?"

"It is based at Upperville Farm... Donde took control of it on the base there via a satellite link. The local base `released' it to his control... he flew it down here the ninety odd miles."

"Damn... that's slick. Our people will be proud to know that... if I can tell them?"

"Yes... Just remind them these devices are proprietary so not too much talk. It isn't a secret we own and operate them.

Hillary Clinton was at our home in Oxfordshire in January... she knew about them in a general way... I had one flown outside a Library window like the English fellow I mentioned... a lot like today... I got Hillary to wave to it... it did a wing waggle after she waved."

Oliver looking..."The President... You get around."

I smiled, "We have widened our sphere of activity a lot in the last few years."

We walked some more... I asked if there was anything special we should expect from the local Hanover County people.

"No... folks around here roll with most things these days. There are still some `old-time' locals... they can be annoying but they are fading.

The police have improved a good deal... more minorities on their staff reflecting the population. The county government knows if they want investment to make the local economy grow... the old ways have to die. There's no on/off button though... it takes time... sometimes a lot for some folks."

I said I saw a lot of different faces today at the foundry...

"I have always hired quality. It is the only way to go. Benson, you met him with me... " I nodded, "... he's been with us for fourteen... no... fifteen years... he was one of my early hires. He had the right experience, good references and when we spoke he was open to change, new methods. He is the senior foreman and I want him to be the lead on the new titanium process. He's steady and smart.

He's nearing fifty, a daughter is going to make him a grandfather in six months, he said to me he wasn't ready."

We laughed.

"At no time has the fact of him being African-American been an issue. My family were like Tarin's... small farmers. Mine worked a family owned land about forty miles west of here... none of our ancestors owned slaves. Some fought in the Civil war for Virginia... they were men of their times... insular... not well educated... they accepted some of the states rights' rubbish that was spouted out, obedient to a flawed class system... acquiescent to the leadership' of wealthier more important men.

One relative of mine after the war moved to New York City because he was sick of the way things were... he fought for three years in the war, all in a Virginia cavalry unit. He always wrote he felt guilty about it but what's done is done. We have a bundle of his letters to my great great great great grandmother.

We aren't political but if somebody wants to know... I stand for equally and fairness... You shocked my people with what you told them about the benefits they would receive... talk about fairness... several could hardly believe it... They could see that you didn't yet know them but valued them and wanted to be fair and decent.

Four men were with Benson discussing it... they couldn't imagine how it was possible... Benson turned to me... I told Benson and the others it was the size... the scale of your enterprises that made it possible."

I smiled, "We have several hundreds of thousand employees these days.

One thing... You will have to lead on this... our Security Service people are gifted by us with the ultimate power about security... you will have to defer to them if there is a security issue."

He nodded.

"They are smart, tough and highly trained... we go through a long hiring process before they are accepted."

I mentioned PJ who was watching us... He smiled at my wave... "PJ has been with me for three years... he has protected me in some dangerous moments... always calm, quick thinking and determined... He's the boss of our Protection team. Cho and I trust them with our children's lives as well as our own.

They typify our whole Security Service... outstanding people!"

He asked about other parts of our world-wide interests. I told some about what we own and where.

Oliver shaking his head, "Now you own us... I feel we won't be lost or moved aside."

"No! We only acquire businesses that will help us get a result... they all fit in a special place."

We kept moving slowly... talking. I made the point we wanted him to feel `invested' with ownership in our name.

"We never micro-manage! You were a success on your own... we want you to continue that way. If you need something you have access... use it. We are always available for guidance and support."

A smile on his face, "I think all the new things going to happen will be exciting... our people will rise to the challenges."

"Good. You and Deke will have to do some careful hiring... if there aren't enough folks around here we will have some HR people help you. Gilbert will do the background checks... we are thorough."

We did a `handshake' with smiles.

I saw a low wrought iron fenced area under some trees. It was the family plot. We stopped... Oliver pointed to the `tough grandmother's grave.' All the graves were neat and tidy, some well-worn headstones... big white oak trees guarding them.

We gathered ourselves to go on to Upperville... many thanks for the delicious meal. Charlie and Chani giving hugs to the other kids... very cute.

We loaded up with final waves.

Alexi lifted us up... the two helicopters turning north gaining altitude. Twenty minutes to flaring for landing at Upperville. Jaidee was with Mykal waiting... woofs and greetings for our sweet boy.

The little girl puppy was in the house.

Mykal said Charles and Agatha were in D.C., they'd be back tonight.

The Twins wanted the pool so... IN when Tha said it was Okay! I sat to do some work on a lounge with Gil and Chelle. Francis was coming in the morning with something interesting according to Cho. `Interesting?'

Gil raised a hand... "Kay, Greg and the boys were in-bound to Dulles... twenty minutes from wheels down."

Sunny and Charlotte came by in riding clothes... summery in white. Some clothes from her trip to Hermès! Sunny grinning at the family news.

A call from Reg... He and Lamai were en route to London. The Iranian trip a great success!!

"Taj and the other government ministers involved were delighted with us... we have seen they are moving ahead quickly preparing the sites. We did pose for some press with shovels... scrabbling in the dirt."

Laughing I asked whether he needed to be in a union to do that?

Laughter, "No this was ceremony no union card required."

I was glad he was elated with the visit. Reg said Lamai pleased that the Iranians had no problem with her being in charge.

"Lamai speaks the men listen which is awesome!"

We had some great things going in Iran. The water project was done and operating. Taj's folks thrilled with the entire thing! They could control the various small dams from Tehran!!

We had a fun dinner all of us together. It was staying warm so there was swimming after eating and waiting the appropriate time. The Twins and their cousins could hardly wait... Tha, Greg and Cho as lifeguards.

I saw Sam go flying up... a great loud yell and big splash!

Sunny rode with me in the morning, Tessa and Gaby along. We went around the cross-country course to the far west then a strong gallop back to the stables. Fist bumps at the end. Arm in arm we walked into the kitchen... Flo said cheese omelettes on the way. Cho smiling over his, the Twins deep in scram!

Sunny was going out to work herself and the horses... then an interview with the EQLiving magazine writer.

Cho going to the Potomac Golf Club to play... me to D.C. I was seeing some Congress people after a White House meeting... hoping for time to look around the Capitol Building.

My silk frock was white and navy blue checks, small checks, shirt collar, hem at mid-thigh and short-sleeves. A narrow navy belt, navy stockings and heels. Gold jewellery and red lips and nails. A navy 32cm Hermès Kelly bag. `Joy' professionally applied by my expert!

Gil and Chelle with me, PJ, Angie and Kara. Jaidee's daughter on her lead climbing in the helicopter. Yana picked us up on the grass... straight to the White House South Lawn. One of Hillary's assistants waiting.

"Welcome your Ladyship. The President is in the Oval Office."

She smiled to see my 'friend' walking along with me.

I followed her with the puppy. My people except Gil went into the Roosevelt Room. I kept Jaidee's girl with me. In the Oval Office I met Rowan, the United Kingdom's ambassador. We'd been introduced at one of Hillary's things here.

We shook hands. Hillary said hello to Gil. I introduced her to the Ambassador. I also introduced the little brown puppy.

Hillary smiling telling Rowan she was to join the White House staff. Laughs.

Hillary stroked the soft fur... chocolate brown baby.

Bill came in with a huge smile!!! He knelt down to greet their new dog... she was gregarious... a lick for his cheek. Hillary rubbing her back again smiling up at me. I did a `formal' handover to Bill and Hillary which has us all laughing.

Rowan said she was a beauty. I gave him the background. He and his wife had two King Charles spaniels... sisters and `quite rowdy!'

"Our head gardener at Harcourt House is happy Jaidee has matured... he is no longer digging in every flower bed. We put on extra staff to guard the flowers whenever the puppies were out."

Everybody had a smile.

Bill scooped her up for a trip to the lawn.

Us three sat on the settees by the fireplace... Rowan has some various bits from Keir Starmer and his people. Nothing secret... the rollback of all the brexit legislation was completed... offices created had been disbanded... so full steam ahead as an EU member.

Rowan with a smile, "You certainly should be chuffed with yourself after how you managed to get an end to that mess."

I smiled, "I said from the beginning... no tories... no brexit. It must be easier for Cedric speaking with our European friends."

"Oh yes... Everyone is on the same page."

Hillary smiling... She had a firm grip on the U.S. government... a single voice on foreign affairs.

I told Hillary and Rowan Belarus had been on to The Company about upgrading their railroad network... I saw an intriguing smile on Hillary's face when I gave them Eric's answer. Rowan said `good.'

I wondered what Hillary was up to??

I smiled towards Rowan, "We don't like dictators. They're not business people... there's frequently little reciprocity and often it gets sticky for companies to get things done or be paid. No need to go there. Interestingly there's a considerable difference in Vietnam... certainly not a true democracy... they are excellent partners though!"

Rowan nodding. "We've heard good things about them."

I said our dealings with them had been extremely professional and very friendly. The same for the Iranians. I told him about General Soleimani `stowing away' to El Paso. We laughed. Hillary and I did a fist bump for her acting to remove the General and others from the sanction list.

Looking to Hillary, I said we were sending a team to Beijing to brief them on the border wall technology... we did hold out little hope of anything coming from it.

I did add we were not giving them any deep details... just a good overall view to allay their doubts about the intentions of the project.

There was more... Hillary knew I had appointments. A hug and cheek kiss. I shook hands with Rowan again.

There were two vehicles at the North Portico... one for us and a Secret Service SUV to lead the way.

We stopped on Independence Avenue in front of the Longworth House Office building. The front has an imposing array of columns on a portico above the doors. An aide to Nancy Pelosi was waiting.

We were escorted up to her working office. Ms. Pelosi smiling thanking me for coming. We sat in some comfortable chairs... we talked helicopters, healthcare, news media which got us to rumours...

I was smiling as she asked about the Fox News interest in several Congressmen. I recapped the meeting I'd had on the helicopter legislation... the fellow from Texas making a few disparaging remarks about me afterwards to the press, a petty attempt to get revenge and salvage his masculinity... our Fox News people picked up on that... `Ha!'

"I can say the one Texas fellow has been deeply researched... it isn't pretty. There are five others whose names I don't know... what I know is they are all republicans and from southern states."

She was looking a question to me... "Cho and I never interfere with the news gathering or editorial decisions... We don't need to know. We have been briefed in general terms only... since it is an ongoing investigation we didn't ask any questions.

We hired good people to do the work... we leave them alone."

"So Fox News is going to run a story when?"

"I can't tell you that either... We will get a heads-up beforehand."

I added that the Baltimore Sun was involved in the story as well. And that it will be shared to all our media.

Ms. Pelosi didn't seem happy... I got a vibe of `the Congress didn't need the bad press' from her. All I could say was the Texas fellow has a big mouth and an open palm. She did a shrug saying whatever happens those congressmen had brought it on themselves.

I made it a bit worse for her when I brought up the Russian money scandal! I let her know I had been informed our media hadn't let go of that... Ms. Pelosi already knew other news organisations were digging in deep. Likely more Congress people could be exposed.

The Justice Department had opened investigations on all the Congress members we named in the story... they had whined loudly... threatening to sue... none of them had so far. Lots of fallout to come yet.

What had come so far were lots of subpoenas... more to come surely.

She did a hand wave of frustration... being criminal was a decidedly republican thing to be.

On helicopters...

"Cho and I decided several months ago before the Capitol meeting we would start to buy helicopter companies around the U.S. We own nine now... they will all be up to our standards, which are well beyond what is in the tougher Senate version of the legislation, before the end of the year.

All their current helicopters that don't meet our requirements will be retired, if they are single engine models they will be junked for parts so they can't be re-sold. Every pilot will be re-trained for the new aircraft and to our values and skill level, the maintenance staff increased and trained on the new equipment. The companies will be unrecognizable by the New Year."

"Is it possible operate them profitably with all the added costs?"

"Yes but NOT immediately! We do our things for the long-haul... if a helicopter company... say in Miami doesn't start to pay us back in two years we aren't going to worry. At least the likelihood of a crash has been eliminated. Innocent lives aren't threatened."

I smiled, "Our companies are known for quality so people trust us... We have an unusual... somewhat old-fashioned business practise... patience."

The Speaker smiled. Her top aide said that was rare these days.

I agreed.

Ms. Pelosi's head was shaking, "I can't see why so many people still under-estimate you two... you are up front and not shy about saying things."

I shrugged, "Cho and I do what we want, when we want and how we want... no one is being hurt who is innocent because we have values we never compromise on...

If we push on legislation... like to regulate helicopters... some companies may die but they are most probably ones that have or will kill people needlessly like Culver Aviation, the one owned by the Texas Congressman's best buddy.

We have no `lobby' machine here in D.C. It is personal... if we want to advocate on an issue we do it... we won't pay shills to represent us."

Eyebrows raised on the Speakers face. A smile, "Well if I want to know something I should ask?"

I motioned to Gil, "Gil is my eyes and ears. Your aide has her number and email... let me know any time."

I did add we also do not join umbrella business organisations... they are usually not focused enough for us. Or worse hold positions diametrically opposed to ours. I gave her the example of the Chamber of Commerce in Seattle... what it advocates is repression by business owners of workers, no recognition of climate change if it hurts business and near fascist love of tough police actions. All at the expense of the ordinary citizens of Seattle.

"Our writers have made those points in articles in The Day... which the Chamber of Commerce decried but offered no actual rebuttal. Sometimes there is fallout... membership in the Chamber has declined."

A smile, "You are beginning to have a collection of scalps."

I laughed, "So many are remarkably easy to take... many foolish and not very attentive people."

Madame Speaker did ask about the Security Service and our plans were for it.

Smiling, "It's going to get bigger and better. There are very near to one hundred thousand people in a dozen countries doing a wide array of work. Some basic security of fixed locations, some are electronic... in your outer office are three members of our Personal Protection Team... there are others doing that work for clients and we have..." I laughed, "... we have an air force."

I heard Gil laugh.

The Speaker looked towards her.

Gil smiling, "I think the idea of an `air force' makes us laugh."

I handed her my iPhone with an album up of drone snaps... she scrolled through a few with her senior aide leaning over for a look.

"The FAA has granted us permission to fly across the United States, ATF has granted us licenses for automatic weapons, individual states have also granted firearms licenses. In the United Kingdom, the CAA has cleared us to fly anywhere. The same in Thailand. We are negotiating in France and Canada for the same permissions.

Every drone operator is a licensed pilot. They go through rigorous training with lots of flight time.

The drones are meant for defence. We do not patrol beyond our property although we have done some work for several local police forces after they made a request for help."

The Speaker asked about the last... I told her about the old man who went missing near Lordsburg and the horses being rounded-up to the south of our ranch.

"Down there the Hidalgo County Sherriff's know we will give assistance whenever we can. Our `run-ins' with the INS are well known to them."

I gave the Speaker a précis of those two events... her head shaking.

"We made our point... so the top immigration folks understand we do not want to adversarial but we stand on the law. When they do not follow the laws we will oppose them. I think it helped get their attention to other abuses by the ICE and Border Patrol... it certainly came to the President's knowledge.

Ms. Pelosi smiling, "I heard about her comments to the INS director... Ms. Clinton made more supporters for herself over here since the INS hasn't been a favourite Federal agency."

I went on... our drone helping the police recover a stolen coin collection in Oxfordshire in near our home...

She smiled to hear about Julio being found and rescued. I told her Julio had been to Harcourt Ranch to meet Donde and see the wing in daylight.

"In Kentucky, two of our wing drones stopped some bank robbers during their escape after they killed a guard and wounded two people in a Frankfort bank."

I did give her some of the details and that three Security Service members were given awards by the local government for their actions.

I also told her drones were important in stopping the attack on our home in Bangkok that was initiated by the former Chinese ambassador.

"Oh yes! He was an unpleasant fellow."

I said Ambassador Ping will be good, a decent fellow with brains and common sense.

"You know him?"

"We met in London when he delivered President Xi's apology to us and here when I asked for his help on an international border issue in Southeast Asia."

Another wide-eyed look so I explained saying wasn't exactly a secret but sensitive for the parties involved. She was watching me carefully as I gave the `lowdown' on the Vietnamese border wall.

"We offered to send a team from The Company to brief the Chinese... they hemmed and hawed then finally agreed. They are there now as a matter of fact... doing it in Beijing.

The electronic wall doesn't stop anyone but it cannot be evaded. The Vietnamese, Laotians and Cambodians are working together... to stop smugglers on their shared borders. Smugglers who damage people with drugs and decimate sensitive animal populations.

There is an idea... started by me..." a big grin, "... to have several nations contribute financing to build a wall for the Laotians and Myanmar on their boundaries with China.

It would put an end to Chinese cross-border drug smuggling and create a lot of internal trouble for China in their south."

I smiled some more, "That may of course just be a fantasy of mine..."

The Speaker laughed. She said anything that bothers China is good with her.

I smiled inside knowing Ms. Pelosi was a long-time opponent of that `communist' country brutalities. The democracy protests in Tiananmen Square being pitilessly put down was a huge flash point for her.

Then she asked... "Is the technology expensive?"

"Yes... as we advance the hardware the cost is going down... There is more bang for the buck... the installation in those Asian border areas does cost more because of the terrain... inhospitable... dangerous with limited access.

The Vietnamese have been a very good partner making it go quickly giving all the support we need especially in transportation."

I laughed, "They had a big laugh when they saw some of the sensor poles... they were camouflaged to look like local plants... even the solar panel is made to look like a big leaf."

We talked on a few other things before I needed to go. Gil had texted to Congressman Rawlins office they were sending someone to guide us.

The Speaker and I shook hands... she was very happy we could meet and thanked me for all my information. She added if our news media had the `smoking gun' on the republicans then they deserve to be pilloried. A fist bump with the Speaker. Laughter.

Her assistant lead us down to the doors... we said goodbye as Rawlins' assistant walked up. She led us across the street to the Rayburn House Office Building. Upstairs to Nick's office.

He was in the doorway smiling... a very nice suit which I pointed out was different from our last meeting.

He laughed, "These are costumes we wear."

Inside his outer office I was introduced to his staff... they were very pleased to meet me. One held up the Vogue Magazine... we all laughed.

I asked Nick if that was the one he read... "Yes, Amy lent it to me on a solemn promise she would get it back."


We sat in some chairs opposite his desk. I told him about my meeting with Ms. Pelosi. He smiled at a few points... the juicier ones.

"You are true to form."

We laughed.

"So you know I've been interviewed by Fox News about unethical activity by Congress members... I told them it happens... the members should be forwarded to the Ethics Committee for adjudication."

He said our lobbying methods were far better than what usually prevails around the Congress.

"The idea businesses, charitable groups, sports people, etc.. pay people to represent them to Congress isn't awful... the lobbyists have perverted it over the years into a cash-cow for themselves. The worst of them are politically right-wing nuts who have figured out they need to give me a wide berth.

Much of the informational hand-outs they have are rubbish... insulting in fact. Presenting false data, skewed conclusions and absolutely ridiculous proposed legislation.

Nearly all of it goes into re-cycling here because I cannot trust what they say... none of their data can be received as valid without checking. When I need good information on an issue my people do the looking."

Nick leaned back, "They ask for our time to present their `clients' views... it is mostly just more crap like the printed material... I won't sit to listen any more.

I have the interests of my constituents to attend to and the country as a whole to consider. Giving time to narrowly focused groups is truly a waste. Even cattlemen's organisations are discouraged... my record speaks for itself on that issue."

He did a done and dusted motion.

He smiled when I told him about the helicopter companies we had purchased.

"They are not ones that are real problems, they do operate in urban areas. Some have been cited in reports as flying too low over residential areas. Otherwise they aren't too bad.

They will be changed by us before the New Year."

I gave Nick a big grin, "We have the second largest `air force' in America... behind the Pentagon."

He laughed out loud. His aides too.

"Well... the fellow from Texas was foolish with his comments about you... I was nearby when he was told by the Seattle Congresswoman, Jayapal... who was also interviewed by Fox News... he best not tug on a lion's tail."

"It's a bit late for that advice. I think Jayapal is sharp!"

Nick was nodding. "She is!"

I said we met her in Seattle when the Chanthira Foundation medical clinic and the first shelter opened.

"Whatever happens is out of our hands... we don't interfere with our news folks."

"Plausible deniability?" A smile.

"No... we stand behind everything... it's that we hire the best in all our businesses and send them off. We do not micro-manage it defeats the purpose of the hiring."

He got it. We chatted on general things and family. He smiled hearing about how much the Twins liked all the Rawlins' children and the fun they had. Their kids had fun too.

Nick, "They want yours to come back."

We laughed.

I gave him a very brief tale of the Twins now being officially two birthday doings.

Nick laughed, "Going on ten?"

We all laughed, "Yes. Every bit of that."

Smiling I drew out the homing device. "I do have an interesting new thing for you to see."

I handed Nick the small homing device asking him to slide the switch inside. He did.

Gil's iPhone made noise... she then looked up to me with a grin. She said `West side.'

I had Nick walk with me to the west window... there hovering was a drone. Nick stared at me...

I waved... it waggled and zoomed away to the south towards the Potomac.

Nick's head was shaking. There was a smile too.

"Tell me..."

I did. He was amazed. Gil showed us the text... it was Benjamin at Harcourt House this time.

"Aren't we lucky you and Cho are ethical and honest."

I did say the one outside had no `pods' on it... then I told him about what could be attached.

"It was thought best for it not to be armed flying around D.C. An armed drone in the Capital?"

"You're right about that. It would whack out a few of the less tightly wound people. They'd be yelling UFO up and down the streets."

He smiled at Benjamin's story... an outright laugh about the `wheelies' Benjamin did in the office.

Rescuing little Julio brought up a big smile. He leaned over for a fist bump which caused a giggle from one of his staffers.

"I have an off-the-wall question for you..." I did a come-on gesture, "... you flew around the UK during the recent election campaign... in the service of your desire to defeat the tories..." I was nodding, "...How did you choose which locations to go to?"

"I chose a few... the real good stuff came from the Lib-Dems and especially the Labour Party. They gave us lists of ridings where they needed help and some where there was a chance to turn out a long entrenched tory who was a brexit supporter. I think they did a tremendous job with the choices."

"I'll say... everyone you visited won! An enviable result in anyone's game."

I did a fake pulling on my braces in pride sort of thing to much laughter.

"How much did it cost you do all that flying?"

A laugh, "Prince Harry asked me the same question. I told him I had no idea... it didn't matter... the result was what did matter!"

More head shaking, "That sort of commitment should be a lesson to every politician."

I gave Nick a look... "I told the Senate Transportation Committee Chairman I'd support a decent person who would run against the Texas fellow."

"No shit! I won't tell him but that's a good one."

I added it may be `by-the-way' after Fox News is done with him. A smile.

We did goodbyes... I signed a couple of autographs for his staff women including the Vogue copy. Amy loved it... a big thank you.

I decided to skip the Capitol tour... Gil had texted Yana.

The cars were out front... a short drive to a White House gate that let onto the road around the South Lawn. Yana was there... the AW139 rotors moving slowly.

As we took off Gil handed around pieces of Aunt Dee's shortbread... no lunch. We were stepping out on the lawn in twenty minutes.

I had babies and Cho to hug. Jaidee wagging his tail... happy puppy... a big hug for him.

I changed to swim before dinner. Gil and Chelle with me plus my Protector Team from today. The Twins had had several swim periods today!

On the terrace... Charlie showed me a skinned knee... it had medication on it and a bandage.

"I skid on grass where there was a rock."

Tha smiling, "We found the rock... Charlie tossed it in the bushes... no more rock!"

Charlie clapping!! A kiss for him.

Sunny jumped in the pool with me. We swam laps for a while beside the others then parked in the sun.

I got how her interview went. She gave the writer some background, like her first ride saying I'd seen her looking relaxed, natural on Scout's back. How I had setup jumps for her which was so much fun.

"I said you asked me if I wanted to be serious without my having to make a lifetime commitment. My answer got you to hire Charlotte."

Sunny told the reporter Charlotte was terrific, calm and knowing so much, willing to give it all. How the staff at Harcourt House were so knowledgeable about horses and helpful.

"I made sure she got that they had made my doing the work easier and they taught me how to care for my horses."

Sunny expressed to the journalist her wonder that her Aunt Fay and Uncle Cho would give her two horses so she would learn to be responsible and to care for them. It was joint learning exercise for her, Prince Sergey and Zephyr which bonded them so closely.

"I think it went well! A couple of questions I didn't answer... I thought they went a bit wide towards you and Cho. The reporter was nice, not pushy so I'm comfortable with it."

"Good, that's the bottom line."

The last bit of drying off upstairs... Cho doing my hair gently... I gave him the tale of my visits.

He laughed at Nick's reaction to the drone, "You've used that a couple of times now... don't wear it out."

We laughed!

I did say it was `technically' a training exercise which made my guy laugh.

Gil had a text from Penn... our aircraft had cleared Chinese airspace on the way home. Good. That's done... we wait to see what comes from Beijing.

Penn had also notified Eric. A thumbs up from me.

Dolly and the two Wally's came over. We had fun, conversation and good food.

I was on the terrace with the smaller Wally in my arms. He was cute, doing well. No issues with him getting fed. They had an excellent nurse who made life much easier, they asked her to also be the nanny, she had agreed! That lady was thrilled with the endless nappies plan!

Chani beside me holding Wally4's tiny hand. His eyes not ready to fully focus yet... he did understand Chani's lightly squeezing his fingers. A couple of smiling bubbles for us.

Wally was having a good year on the tracks, winning and placing frequently. He had several promising two year olds who will start racing next month.

They might come over for part of the time on the weekend to see the trials.

As they were going to their car Cho had Wally4. They looked good... Cho remembering our two. We waved them down the drive.

My morning ride went west then turned back at Ike's place to go down to the gate visitors would use. More parking with some men from the village hired to manage it.

The portable bathrooms in several areas.

The signs were in place, the tote boards... one for the upper division standings and one for the lower division. Booths for food and drink.

I rode through the stables... the caravans for those entrants who lived too far away and wanted to pay for better housing were parked and ready. Dorm like trailers in several rows. We had a field set aside for tents with marked off spaces. Lots of parking space for the entrants trucks and trailers.

The food service for the entrants and seating under screened canopies. Flo was there going over instructions with the staff hired to feed the entrants, escorts and their grooms.

Daniel smiling, "Fay, the group manging the event will be here in an hour. The trailers for them are over on the other side of the Security office. We will get them started then leave them to it.

All the iPads are ready and linked to the server. This year there is a separate server setup for the Trials by Gilbert's folks. It is on its own network.

The ID card making system is ready... they'll give every entrant and their support folks a barcoded picture ID and a green and yellow lanyard. It has their entry number at the top. They'll scan it for moving around the stables and at the food service. The card will go into the riders arm badge pocket when they are in an event."

Fist bump!

Charlie and Chani eating with Cho and Sunny. Tara and I joined in! Greg, Sam and Artie came in.

I walked to the stables with Sunny and Charlotte. Prince nickering... I stroked his strong neck, "Well big boy you ready?"

His head bobbing up and down. Sunny grinning... "Yea!"

Declan laughing, "He knows it's coming!"

I rubbed his ears, so soft.

Zephyr rubbing on Sunny, sweet. She was so laid back... she showed she can compete at a high level at the Winterset Trials! She trained every day the same as Prince. Sunny showed her skills working two different horses doing the same actions.

Marsha moved in with a brush and comb... a big smile. She was enjoying her long trip to America. I wanted them to get out a bit after the trials before going to New Jersey.

I encouraged her to see as much as possible... I piqued her interest when I said wait to you see California. Big grin!

Outside Charlotte said they'd seen the cross-country changes... "It is difficult but like you said last year... it is challenging for the horse and rider... not punishing."

We stopped at the edge of field we'd use for some group events... Charlotte said Cleve was coming tomorrow.

"He said he had a schedule of events they'd like Sunny to participate in. We will sit down and look it over with Kay and Greg. We'll see how they fit with the other events Sunny wants to enter."

I nudged Charlotte, "Sunny is Okay with her family here? She seemed fine at Badminton."

"Sunny has grown up enough to not be bothered about showing herself off to her family... or the public. Badminton dispelled any notion she didn't have `it' for big events. The turning point in her confidence was the Winterset Trials last year after that she knew she could compete at higher levels. And that the horses you gave her were up to any of the challenges.

Gloucestershire showed her she as good as the very best which propelled her forward at Badminton."

"The U.S. Equestrian events... they will be at Olympic competition levels?"

"Yes, very much so. Badminton is probably tougher. Sunny is going tear into them!"

Fist bump as we laughed.

Jasmine emailed the Ministry of Education pair had seen it all' at Denham School. They had been very impressed! One was the Under Secretary of State for Apprenticeships and Skills. Ah... the Labour replacement for the tory Jean'... she'd been nice but no funding had come from her department because the tories further up the food chain chose not to help.

Jasmine's feeling was this Labour government was going to change that! The Under Secretary making comments about our courses being perfect for so many people in areas which where there was little else offered.

Good! We already knew that. More waiting for something to happen. If we waited for some outside help projects like this would never happen.

A loud lunch outside after some heavy duty swimming! Laughter all through eating and the guys started a game of kickball afterwards.

Chani was with me on a lounge... I worked, she listened to music. Pop, Rock, some Metal, Chopin, Orff and Beethoven! Chani had her Mama's taste in music. There were toes tapping to the music. So very sweet!

I rode again, Tara and Tessa with me. Returning to the stables... a pickup truck with a horse trailer came up the back drive. A man about forty five climbed out with a young woman. She was an entrant... Alerted by Security Daniel had come out... they were welcomed. One of Daniel's people showed them where to park.

The two of them were put in a caravan they reserved.

In the early evening more entrants arrived... Daniel's staff helped get their things unloaded showing them a place to setup their tents or get into a dorm trailer or caravan. They helped them turn their horses into a paddock for some loosening up after being in a trailer.

Flo had two of the ladies from Upperville on the entrant's food team making dinner for them.

After our dinner I read the report by Stephan on the Beijing trip. The Chinese were polite but standoffish. His folks had done the presentation very well, the questions after were mostly Okay... a few wanted information not touched on by the briefing... Stephan said our predetermined response was it was beyond the remit of The Company people present.

One incident... a memory stick went missing... it had documents for the briefing. It also had more... another trick for the Chinese at my instigation... some files and drawings for scanning sensors BUT they had been deleted. Easy to find and undelete... if you looked.

They were a creation of The Company's staff. We hoped the Chinese would steal them.

It was a shot in the dark... nothing ventured... nothing gained. Ow! Too many of those!

Stephan said he and the others made a `show' of looking and being upset at its loss. A smiley face in the email at that point.

Romulo and Iago were great doing a `search!' Stephan said he almost laughed outright at their intensity.

The files and drawings described new sensors we were supposedly developing. Actually they were designs we discarded with some fiddling done to them. Like the ones for the railroad sensors Saul stole... they wouldn't work properly. Everything looked exactly right... We'll see if they take the bait.

I was doing a shimmy holding my iPad up. Cho and everybody laughing!

`Devious' from Francis! We did a fist bump!

Daniel joined us... the group managing the trials were here in their caravans. They had reviewed the software and were ready. Some more entrants who signed up for a caravan were in. Some in the dorm trailers or their tents. Tomorrow would the big flood of entrants.

We had three races in France tomorrow including Thaksin's try for the French Triple Crown at Longchamp. Ring was there.

Jonny's last word was Thaksin's training times were tremendous... so he had a good chance.

Ring would first be at Maisons-Lafitte Racecourse for Demoiselle d'Orleans race then to Longchamp for Thaksin. It was a twenty five minute drive for him, Jonny and Rene.

Niva would be at Deauville with Femme de Nantes running.

Samir racing at Santa Anita, Nathaniel said his training had him primed!

I walked Ash out in the morning with Tessa on Mr. Sugar. We went west around the cross-country course, a good gallop for the return. I turned us towards the back drive... pickup trucks and big SUV's with horse trailers lined up moving slowly forward.

Daniel had folks out guiding them in to parking places where could unload their horses, find out where their barn stall was and which paddock to put the horse to loosen up.

Other of Daniel's people showed them where to pitch their tents or go to a reserved sleeping space.

We waved to the folks coming in. They all seemed friendly.

Food... work... swim... lunch... work... ride. My second ride was east down to the major road, back up the main drive into the stables area. It was getting crowded... I spoke with many people as we walked through. There were quite a few young folks!

Ash was admired... they were thanked.

Tents up in the field west of the stables, trailers with showers were beside the bathroom trailers. Easy to get to the food tents.

It was like a little town. Daniel had it all under control. Yea!

Sunny was out saying hellos to riders and their families. Artie and Greg were along. So was Penny and `Net. Kay, Sam, the Twins, Tha and Delphine around the pool with Charles and Agatha. Several of our Protectors there too!

Cho inside working.

Gilbert had his people in the crowd and along the barrier fence between the action and our houses.

He would have a wing drone up during the activities away from the horses.

Several propeller drones would take video of the events which would be sent to Charles at Harcourt House for editing. He'd create videos to be posted on our trials webpage and a `channel' on youtube and social media.

Regine's people were doing the social media things for us and the youtube channel. Our people here feeding Charles... he passed the various edited media onto to Regine's folks. She and young Charles spoke often... Reginé was using him a lot... She was very pleased with his work!

Charles was making some good money too! Carla amazed at her talented son!

We also hired a video company from Falls Church to do the ground level video. They would edit it adding information on each entrant at the beginning of each clip before sending them to Charles. He would then create several videos of the events and ceremonies.

This year an `event' company from Reston was managing the food stalls for the daily visitors, they would maintain the shower trailers and the bathrooms plus doing the grounds clean-up after. Daniel said he, Flo, Gilbert and others would review their work and if satisfied ask them to bid on the food, etc.. for the entrants for next year.

Cho said we would leave it to him. Cho did suggest if Daniel went with the `event' company for more work that they be encouraged to hire folks from Upperville... fist bump!

We were growing... Daniel keeping an watchful eye on it all.

News from France!! Thaksin won the French Triple Crown!!! He won the Grand Prix de Paris at Longchamp to finish the series!!

Ring said he came out of the gate like a rocket straight to the lead. He ran away from the field unchallenged for a ten length win, five hundredths of a second from the track record, beating the race record.

Rene told Ring it was a great ride!! `I got him going... then I held on!'

Ring laughing, "You guys must do something to juice up Asda's sperm... all his babies run like express trains."

Trans-Atlantic laughter!

Demoiselle d'Orleans won earlier in the Prix Robert Papin at Maisons-Lafitte by five after trailing until the last three hundred metres... "Rene asked her... she took off... running the leaders down with a hundred metres to go then soared off. It was a terrific show."

He had our Deauville result... a win for us in the Prix Six Perfections. Niva very pleased with Femme de Nantes.

"She stalked the leader until two hundred and fifty metres... Francine asked... Femme de Nantes opened her jets to blow by the leader winning by three and a half lengths going away!"

Ring very happy, "I love this gig! I get to collect all the shiny bits for you... get loads of congratulations... all I have to do is say nice things."

We thanked Ring... Cho ribbed him a bit... "We are so sorry you have to spend so much time in France... it must terrible to miss the racing over here."

Ring said he was proud to sacrifice himself. Laughter!! We thanked him again.

Francis sat with us... a possible new project! The Sharks may have found gold!! This was his `interesting' item. He now had the last of the information he wanted.

`Western Newspapers Inc.' based in Seattle, a chain of twelve newspapers in minor cities in the northwest states and California. The chain is in markets without much competition, not unusual for small cities.

Boise, Pocatello, Richland, Bellingham, Salem, Medford, Helena, Billings, Ogden, Reno, Chico and Bakersfield. All were cities of importance in their region. Not big in a national sense... these newspapers had in the past covered large areas around their home city... each had narrowed a great deal in the last twenty years. According to Francis their sales outside their home city have fallen commensurate to the under-funding and lower staff numbers of each newspaper. They didn't have the people to cover the former areas. The company didn't pay for enough staff.

Francis looked at the numbers very closely, "I see many more possibilities than not. They all have their own printing presses... that is important! Modest investment in updating some of the presses is needed not wholesale changes.

They are already printing other things beside their newspapers which we could expand with a good sales push.

The company is owned by a family trust, the family members active in the business are older now, their children are not involved in the newspapers living their own lives separately. The trust has taken a lot of profit from the chain over many decades. The entire chain needs investment which they apparently aren't interested in doing."

Cho asked Francis what he had on the family members. He gave us each a folder with dossiers on the four participating members... as we scanned them Francis when on...

"The youngest is seventy two... he's one doing most of the leadership slash management role... none of their children have voting power... I would imagine they have influence.

I have a two valuations... one is ours and one made by an outside company at the request of the seventy two year old manager' although from what I have learned he did not tell his family' about that little bit of business."

Cho and I looking at the two valuations... they were quite close. Francis handed us an old valuation from seven years ago... it was forty percent higher. I scanned through ours and the older one... the presses were still the most valuable parts of the company. The other parts of their physical plant were Okay... again needing some investment.

Ours showed the company had lost a number of valuable employees and as a cost saving measure didn't fill all their positions. Leaving more work for others which is an exceeding poor return for the employees still loyal to the company.

As with the New York Daily News, The Baltimore Sun and the various Chicago Tribune Corporation newspapers... they all required money to go forward... without it they would be dying slowly. Now each of ours is experiencing a huge surge of renewal! The Daily News now making money... paying us back! The Baltimore Sun was coming close.

Cho smiling, "We may have a wedge issue with the family... we make an offer close to what the corporation is actually worth... the ones who don't know the true value might baulk at our offer... the `manager' gets put on the hot seat for holding back information as to the current worth!"

Smiling I stuck my oar in, "We have to be out front... our reputation precedes us... if they know it is Cho and I it will have an impact on the family decision."

A kiss from Cho.

Francis nodding, "The family members must know they won't get any other offers... the whole company has little to suggest it will survive under their management. They've been too avaricious... taking far too much out for an extended period. They could start selling off pieces... that would be foolhardy and would not return very much money. And preclude getting a decent price for any rump they might want to sell. The whole still has value."

I squeezed his arm as I moved to get some more Amaretto, "We will certainly have the employee's behind us if that carries any weight... moral weight at least. Perhaps a few raised voices too!"

Cho kissed me... when I sat down again... bright eyes!

We asked Francis to fly to Seattle... make the deal. Cho told him to offer ten percent below our valuation... they'll squawk about it... the manager' will have to come clean about the real' value then we'd say... `Okay we'll go up five percent' to close the deal.

Make the point the chain needs investment... without that it will die.

Francis nodding his head... a smile and a handshake! He'd leave in the morning. A hug from me.

The girl puppy for Pam and Ken was flying in tonight, she'd be delivered by Francis!

Nathaniel called... Samir won again! He took the San Carlos Stakes by storm... he ran wire to wire on the lead to win by six! He came out in great shape... ready to run again soon!

"Fay... Cho... He's still getting better... learning in each race, very competitive, eager to train and smart!"

We said sounds like our boy wants more! Nathaniel was obviously enjoying himself too!! Our thanks expressed.

The morning ride was at dawn... Angie and Gaby yawning `for effect.' We headed west all the way to Ike's property... it was quiet out in the fenced pastures near us... lights were on in the house and barns. We galloped back to slow by the arenas... they were ready... the jumps all set, the dressage arena looking pristine!

Down on the entry drive folks arriving. The local men Daniel hired to manage the traffic were the first to show up. I waved, hellos.

Walking into the stables area... some people out getting started. Many liked my black outfit the mother of one rider said she had seen it on a girl rider in a magazine. I said that was likely our niece Sunny.

"Your niece? I think it was at Badminton?"

I said it was her indeed. I told her she could see Sunny in her outfit riding here today.

The daughter, a young lady rider, who came gave me a look which said to me... `oh shit!

I didn't say it for her.

The field was divided into two groups... one would do show jumping today and Dressage tomorrow. The second group doing it in reverse. Then everyone would do the cross-country the day after tomorrow.

Our Upperville Trials was gaining attention around the world. Coverage by the media now included TV, social media and newspaper sports writers in attendance. It didn't hurt that we were hosting the event plus Sunny as an entrant boosted interest.

Cleve had spent some time with us... the Upperville Trials had a B' rating from the U.S. Equestrian Federation. He said we would easily be an A' next year! Maybe more. A `three' rating of five from the World Equestrian Council was very nice! It would help us move up in the various ratings.

Our having prize money this year for the professionals was a big step forward.

Cleve said it was terrific that our Show Jumping had official Concours de Saut International rankings. We are a CSI**/CSI2 event because of our prize money. Also We are a CSIAm event meaning for amateur riders.

Our Eventing rating from Concours Complet International was CCI2*-L because we allow younger riders. This was a tough call... we wanted to encourage youngsters. To get a higher rating we will need to divide the entrants by age... creating in essence two events run at the same time. We were basically there now.

Next year for that... Sunny will be sixteen the minimum adult age.

Our Dressage was given a CDI3* based on our prize money for professionals. If we raise more money from sponsors next year plus a divide by age system we could move up to CDI4* rating.

It was getting more complicated!! I talked with Daniel... he was good managing it. He understood the needs of the various rating systems. He would stay on top of each rating group.

We hooked him up with our sponsorship attorneys in Los Angeles. He would work with them on more prize money and other bits.

Mykal had been in charge of the physical things. We could see how good a job he'd done.

Mykal was to be the lead on our next steps here...

A major project for immediately after the event... enclosing the jumping and dressage arenas. The current seating for spectators will be part of the enclosing plan with some upgrades. Doing this would make our arenas meet a `world-class' standard so other top level events could be held here as well raising our status with the rating groups.

We walked out with the Twins and Protectors to the field reserved for group meetings. Daniel, Mykal, Gilbert and the event managers joining us on the platform. Cleve also as a representative of U.S. Equestrian Federation.

I got a nudge from Cho. Okay

I stepped to the microphone... I welcomed everybody to the Upperville Trials. I did introductions for everyone on the platform. Chani and Charlie both waved... they got lots of waves back.

I let the riders know that Daniel was in charge of the facilities and grounds... if they needed something please ask him or a member of his team. Daniel beside me... I put my hand on his shoulder... I said his folks were dressed like him... black shirt with `Upperville Farm' on the left side and silver grey slacks.

I introduced Mykal as Daniel's deputy... my hand out to him.

They could help with gear as well as any issues with their horses. I said we had an equine veterinarian on site.

There was a medical team for people here prepared for all the usual things.

To them with my hand on Gilbert's shoulder... Our Security would have staff around maintaining security and protecting everyone's assets. While security was their main role they'd help in any way possible. They were dressed like Gilbert, white cotton short-sleeved shirt, silver grey slacks or shorts and black boots or shoes. A name tag on the left.

I handed it over to the event managers... they did a welcome and hoped everyone had found their place in the competition schedules. The riders received a review of certain rules... an admonition to be sure to be at their event ahead of time... and some more bits of business.

The leader said if they had any questions or needs please come and ask for help. The event group wanted each rider to be ready. They wished them all good luck.

Sunny was in Dressage right after the lunch break today, tomorrow later in the afternoon in Show Jumping. She had an early afternoon start on the Cross-Country course.

All the higher ranked riders were in the afternoon sessions.

We walked around some carrying the Twins looking at all the activity then back to the house. I worked until noon, after lunch our families headed to the Dressage arena.

We had a spot reserved with a good view. The `bleachers' were on three sides of the arena back away a good bit from the edge. The bleacher seats gave a full view of the arena. The arena entry on the east edge.

In England `bleachers' were among the worst seats in a sports ground, here in America it was more generic term for group seating.

Charlotte came to join us.

A woman was finishing as we arrived... a man followed her then `Miss Sunny from Harcourt House riding Prince Sergey.' Kay's hand came into mine, a squeeze from me... her eyes were bright.

Chani in the crook of my left arm astride my hip... she was watching carefully.

Sunny moved to the entry... off! The two of them were moving smoothly, stepping easily but precisely. She and Prince looked awesome! They moved through the routine like they were computer programmed. Excellent turns, Prince stepping perfectly. He looked so good bringing his legs up on each step in the slow trot.

Their turns were perfect, Sunny and Prince with the correct posture. The movements from walk to trot looked like they came from a textbook!

Prince Sergey... a handsome fellow nearing his prime!

Sunny made her last move then to the exit. She saluted and was out.

The crowd gave her and Prince a loud ovation! A few cheers!

Kay and I hugged as Charlotte said it was just like Badminton!! We all left before the next rider was up.

Everybody in our crowd moved around to where the riders took a break afterwards. Sunny was getting congratulations from other riders. She was well hugged by us all.

Her score was the best up to that point, only eleven point five penalties. Sunny was pleased... Prince doing what she wanted... so steady!!

A good dinner... fun and happy! The Twins chattering away in three languages making everybody laugh wondering which one would be used next.

I was out at dawn again... I saddled Ash as Tara saddled Mr. Sugar. A groom came in... he looked at our work...

"Miss, You wouldn't be trying to put me out of work?"

We laughed... "No no... we are out early... "

He laughed when we said he could take off the saddles.

We went west past the two arenas then turned north to the boundary going east to the gate and through. We galloped to Dolly and Wally's front door. Their housekeeper said Mr. Wally was in the breakfast room.

Wally stood up.. a hug. He said Dolly might be nursing... I said it was Okay we were `just passing' to which he laughed.

"Okay... it is always good to see you." He said go up and look...

I ran up the stairs... Dolly had Wally Jr., he was having his breakfast. I leaned over to kiss her cheek. Little Wally was very cute. We squeezed hands... I waved from the door.

I confirmed the nursing with Wally. A thumbs up! I said see you soon.

We bounced out to the horses. A strong run from the north gate to the stables.

Walking in... quite a few people smiling... waving... Tara and I doing both back.

The morning was all work after food... Cho sat with me at lunch to discuss Harcourt Racing... It had become a good money maker since the first year. We ploughed the winnings back into it... the good side part about our sponsors aboard was an excellent variety of quality clothing for our staff at no charge, lots of champagne.

The investment in Harcourt Farm paying off... now it was earning with stud fees!

Despite Glaa's fee of two hundred and fifty thousand, he was being asked for often... we didn't approve every request. He is a big draw... a Triple Crown winner, unbeaten and holder of so many records... a proven runner. All his sperm tests showed him like his sire Asda to be exceptionally capable.

Asda's fee was the same! Our arrangement with Her Majesty's stable was we would get one of the three foals!! So no charge for them.

Any foals would likely be terrific... and she's the Queen! Ha!

We decided to send Glaa to Rabam, he would cover all our ladies there. Something new... since Asda had done all the work before. Bringing in Hathai's genes had to be good... VERY good... she was an excellent racer until she retired. If a Glaa or Hansa or SakChai are the possible outcomes... WOW!

Cho had spoken with Chek who was excited with the idea Glaa would return to the place of his foaling. Chek was a really good manager of the farm and stud. All our Asda fillies and colts racing had been born in Rabam.

Here we would almost break even doing the Upperville Trials this year... with various fees and especially with our sponsors joining in. The Apple Cup was now the name for our top division trophy. My being on the board encouraged them to support our effort.

The Levis Cup was for our junior level winners.

Apple, Levis, Starbucks, Kentucky Heat and Taittinger's signage up! They all appeared on all the materials produced for the trials. On the webpage too.

Starbucks had a booth making coffees, etc...

Roundell was offered a booth to sell his warming under-things... he jumped at it. We didn't ask him to pay any fee just the cost of the booth being constructed. Which is the same deal for Starbucks.

We got two local people to work the booth for him.

Roundell was very pleased.

Levis doing the same with a selection of their more riding oriented apparel offered.

Coming close to breaking even was an outstanding result! Any profits in the future would be put back into the whole effort... improvement in the grounds, staff, equipment, etc... and we wanted more prize money for next year. We would work with our sponsors for that. We planned an expanded set of prizes for riders, horses, owners and breeders.

A note to our sponsorship folks in Los Angeles to take a look at more companies joining us... as long they met our criteria. They were talking with several sponsors about the building plans for the arenas.

Cho grinning, "It doesn't matter that the Harcourt Racing business is profitable... but it sure is nice."

I happily agreed. Hug and kiss.

All the families were ready to go to the Show Jumping arena. Sunny was up soon. She and I had a short walk and talk this morning. After all the top riders had completed the Dressage she was in second position five hundreds of a point behind a U.S. Equestrian team member, Rory.

A perfect place for her going into her strongest events.

We were all together. Kay smiling taking my hand... "For Good Luck." A squeeze.

Sunny walked Prince to the entry... They were released... Sunny and Prince... what a team. It was terrific to see them moving around the arena... clearing every jump with ease... Sunny's form perfect. Prince's footwork in the landings was excellent.

When she turned to exit Prince's tail flying. The crowd gave her a huge and sustained ovation.

We headed her way. Greg looking to me... for an evaluation... I said she looked close to flawless.

I was right... when her score was posted... no penalties!! An impeccable performance!

We had a nice celebration of hugs and kisses for her. It was funny to see her holding Chani in the black Spanish Equestrian outfit looking so much like me. Chani gave her a hug and cheek kiss.

At the end of the day Sunny was the leader... pulling away as Rory, formerly first place, had unfortunately gotten some penalties in the Show Jumping. I watched Sunny talking to him... a sweet child... she cheered him on even though he was twice her age.

I told Sunny I was proud of her later on the terrace...

"Fay, I have found out that anyone could have a bad moment or two... get out of sync in the middle of something... it's hard to regroup on the fly. Rory's second half in the jumping arena was near perfect... so he showed considerable powers of concentration to do that. I hope I'm that good."

"You will be... being fifteen means you have lots of time to grow and fine tune that ability to re-focus."

Fist bump.

"I really like Rory... he's nice, open and very welcoming when I was in New Jersey... both times. He has a Masters in Child Psychology so..."

I was smiling... Sunny's eyes wide... "No nothing like that!!! We're friends."

"Actually I hadn't thought what you thought I thought... "

That made Sunny laugh.

"I was thinking you are already mature enough to know that romance doesn't have to be any part of a woman-man relationship. For example... I love Reg... but he's not my romantic type."

I pointed to Cho... who with his sixth sense rotated his head our way... I blew him a kiss. A grin... a knowing grin!

Sunny beside me laughing... she waved to Cho... at that he came over. I gave him the gist of our conversation.

"I love your mother but we couldn't be a couple... we were different and we knew it. It was fun to `date' her."

"Well if it's any consolation my mother indeed loves you back."

She and Cho did a fist bump!

Sunny did finish her thought from before all of my `thoughts' came out...

"Fay, Rory got his advanced degree while competing. I can too!"

A hug!

Tessa and I walked our horses through to the stables from the west. We were out early once again... the crowd around us was waking up. A young fellow almost stepped in front of us... he apologised right away.

"Sorry... " He looked at me... "Very sorry. I don't do things like that... Oh Wow! You're Fay Martin! Sorry... Sorry!"

I smiled, "No harm done."

I asked where he was from? `Kentucky'

"You came a long way. How are you doing..." I motioned towards the arenas.

"I think I'm last..." A down face. I got his name, Garrett.

I wished Garrett a good ride in the Cross-Country. I got a smile and thank you.

I did ask one of the event managers about Garrett... he was in the lower division in tenth place. That was a long way up from `last.'

In the kitchen Flo smiling pointing to her griddle... omelettes working. She had seen us approaching. A big double thumbs up from Tessa and me!

The Twins came in with Tha... hugs and kisses. Flo's assistant had corn flakes with banana slices and English muffins working for them. Yeas!

I set to work. Chelle informed me the Appeals Court ruling had been appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court. The defendants had a request for a `stay' so the case can be heard before it takes effect.

At this point no `stay' has been issued. Justice Sotomayor has not intervened. As a Supreme Court justice she has oversight for the New York based Appeals Court, moreover the whole court hasn't said anything.

Chelle said our lawyers certain they would take the case likely on an expedited basis as had the Appeals Court. Once the court had announced its decision we'd find out if there were to be oral arguments this time or not.

Ali sent some newspaper and 21st Century Fox things which Chelle added some to with a smile. Gil was working on her own. Sage emailed Casteen and Linc had more questionable MOD transactions. Both were still working those... going deeper.

Once the fellow D.J. Jones got my people started they expanded their searches with new information. Those created new contacts which led to more sources... the proverbial snowball rolling downhill.

Now their contact list was well over fifty people in and out of government... still growing.

Sage said Reginald's pair had come by, they spoke to Casteen as Linc was out. Coffee and tea, they stayed for forty minutes chatting with Casteen.

They took away the copies she'd made for them. They were nice and professional. That was good we weren't trying to be adversarial which why I gone to see Kirk at the MOD.

Gil leaned over... "The MI5 folks have an appointment at Fulham House for the day after tomorrow. Graham says they will get a tour of the control room, a demo, a video of past events and a look at a wing up close.

I got an Okay when I thanked her. I turned back... "What about the secretary position... anything?"

"There are four ready for your interviewing and three moving in the pipeline for when we are back in London."

Another thank you... I got a smile... I knew why the secretary position got her smile... less work for her! Sage couldn't do it... I'd found too much for her to do for the Lords and politics.

I need to rearrange things with my helpers after that position is filled.

Lunch then the Cross-Country run by Sunny. A few things first...

Somsak arrived in one of our cars! Big hugs from Kay, Greg and the kids. We got in our share. He was laughing at the end! Tona, Suki and Anurak were good. The little man doing well with the nursing, Tona up and about doing all her usual things. Suki loving day care, many new friends and lots of fun!

I rode out for a bit around the farm then to the Cross-Country course with Gaby and Angie. We stayed mounted walking onto our little hill observation point. Riders in the queue being send off at intervals...Garrett was in the queue... then off. My glasses showed Garrett moving smoothly through the course... clearing each jump easily. When he debouched from the wooded section he was going fine.

Gaby with Cho's stopwatch said he seemed to be close to the time. Garrett cleared every jump without faltering. At the end a good run to the finish. Gaby said 5:31.25.

We walked our horses to the cool down spot... I said to Garrett he looked great... an excellent time. A big smile and thank you.

"It's all due to Kit... he's a wonder on cross country."

I was stroking the black horse's neck.

I said I see him later at the awards.

I turned us back to the stables.

Everybody was ready... anticipating Sunny's run. The whole family walked out to the small hill to watch the riders... there were several pairs of glasses to share.

Kay asked about the two riders from the morning who had bad falls... one bruised hip and one broken arm. Like last year the break wasn't serious, it was immobilized by our people and set in Middleburg's hospital. The young man was back wanting to stay for the finish. Tough these young riders... the girl last year stayed to the end.

The electric carts whizzed out with medical staff, they handled both quickly with great care.

Both riders were up and about... one walking slowly with crutches to take the weight.

I could see Kay was worried... I told her it happens... not often. Also the two were less experienced riders.

I pointed out Sunny was a really good rider, well balanced in the saddle.

Chani stuck her arms up... a smile as I lifted her. On my hip again... Chani leaned close for a kiss on my cheek. Sweetie!

Cho told everyone the course optimal time was set at 5:30 this year.

The riders were being sent off at intervals... Sunny was in the queue. Then she was second... in the start box... Kay taking my hand.

Sunny was released... A quick punch of her timer watch... Prince was off running... they went to the first jumps... lower to get the riders started... she was over them easily. I watched her going on clearing each jump with room to spare. She manoeuvred Prince skilfully to be in the right place to land... prepared for the next jump!

As she approached the bottom land and then the woods I had Kay looking through my glasses.

Cho's stopwatch said she was on schedule.

Sunny was out of sight... Kay with a tight smile.

"How were you at Gloucestershire and Badminton?"

"I was nervous... you weren't there so I sort of shutdown waiting."

I squeezed her hand with a smile.

"Sunny is really very good at this... exceptional in fact... careful! She doesn't play around... very serious!"

Kay looking at me nodding. I added with Winterset, Gloucestershire, Badminton and other events behind her... Sunny was among the very best there is.

I closely observed the space where the riders emerged from the trees...Sunny was clearly visible as Prince carried her to the first jump out of the shadows... over easy. A tough triple which Sunny and Prince soared over each one. Now on the last quarter... several tough combination jumps then they began to be easier so as the pair tired they could get over them.

Sunny wasn't having any problems. Prince's power lifting them clear jump after jump. At the final two Sunny was over... over... now the run to the finish... Prince digging in... responding to Sunny's urging... they flashed across the line... Cho's stopwatch showed 5:29.55!

Sunny was awesome... she and Prince got the rhythm of the course just right!!

We moved our crowd to the cool down area. Charlotte there with Declan and Marsha.

Sunny slipping down...hugs... Her first was for Prince! There were lots more... we got some!

Prince's face being softly sponged by Marsha as Declan put on the shank lead. I stroked his neck telling him he'd done terrific work. He nodded.

Declan laughing, "M'Lady, I know he doesn't understand except for your tone... sometimes though..."

I squeezed his arm, "Sometimes I think they do too."


The event manager came by... Sunny had no penalties... a perfect run!!!

We moved towards the stables out of the way of the other riders. Sunny received many congratulations from other entrants. She smiled and thanked them.

Cleve came by to congratulate Sunny... she had a huge grin. She thanked him.

He said they were looking forward to her riding with them at the end of the month. They shook hands.

We moved again towards the house... Marsha taking Prince to a paddock to have a longer walk to cool down. Declan had the saddle and pad plus the bridle and other bits.

Sunny got a glass of orange juice... we got drinks of various sorts. On the terrace on a settee with Somsak, Kay in a chair opposite.

Kay told Somsak about her motherly concern.

Somsak smiling, "It seems to me Sunny knows how to ride quite well... that should allay your worries."

Kay smiled and shrugged. As if it were that easy to get over her anxieties.

"I don't say anything to Sunny." That certainly was the right way to go.

I reached out to squeeze her hand.

Somsak said if this event was every year they'd all come out next time. I assured him it was.

We talked babies for a bit then an event person came up to the terrace... the results were ready as all the riders had completed the Cross-Country.

We went to the Dressage arena... a microphone at a podium, the seats around filled! The Twins stayed at the house. Pool!

A tri-level winner's stand setup. Tables with the prizes and plaques.

The event people spoke to the crowd saying they were very pleased with the riders skill and enthusiasm. Applause for them all. Cho and I were thanked for putting on a great event.

Cho said our staff, the event people and the vendors did us proud.

I said next year's trials would have more award categories and more prize money. I thanked Apple, Taittinger's, Starbucks, Kentucky Heat and Levis for their kind and generous support.

Now the awards...

The lower division first... the individual event awards for jumping, dressage and cross country. Garrett won the cross country! I was pleased to give him a Levis Cup. A shy smile.

In the less experienced group overall... three young women took the top places! They were on the award stand, smiles, happy. The winner received the Levis Cup! It was similar but smaller than the top-Flight trophy. A green and yellow sash and a blue ribbon. Red and white ribbons for the second and third. Smaller Levis Cups for them.

Now for the Top level...

The individual events first...

Rory won the Dressage, Sunny the Show Jumping and Cross Country! Cho smiling as he gave the awards out.

The overall prizes next...

The second and third place winners were announced one at a time, they moved forward... handshakes for them.

Another fellow who was on the U.S. Equestrian Team was second... Rory was third!

`First place to Sunny of Harcourt House!'

She was standing in a group of riders, she got a lot of handshakes and hugs... Sunny went up. The top finishers stood in the tri-level stand, they received their awards to a very loud applause.

Sunny received the `Apple Cup' in its inaugural year!

A beautifully shaped silver cup, smooth curved handles, a standing saddled horse on top. A clean and stylish design. It was two feet tall! A big blue Upperville Trials ribbon and a sash in green and yellow over Sunny's shoulder.

The second and third place fellows were presented their trophies, smaller versions of Sunny's. Red and white ribbons and the same sash.

Sunny looking ecstatic holding the big cup and her Blue Ribbon!

They stepped down after one more loud round of applause.

Each rider got a plaque. The organizers said to the crowd of riders to please come forward when their name was called to receive their plaque for participating. The plaques had a green and yellow ribbon attached. Every rider even the award winners got a plaque.

They began calling out names, each plaque was personalized.

There were three tables, A-J, K-R and S-Z. To keep it going they called out names alternately.

The riders laughing, happy lining up, chatting with each other.

We led the applause for them as the plaques were handed out.

I asked one of the event people if he could find out where Garrett finished in the overall.

"Oh I can tell you now... he was two hundreds of a point behind the third place young woman. His Cross-Country run was so good... he made up a lot of ground."

I thanked him.

I saw one of Daniel's fellows... Would he find Garrett from Kentucky so I could speak to him before he left. Okay. I thanked him.

The three Overall finishers in each division went to a canopied sitting area to meet the press. It was informal... we came in at the back out of the reporters view.

The equestrian press really turned out for us... and as Cho said "For that genre Sunny is a newsmaker now."

Fox Sports from the D.C. Fox station, Practical Horseman, Washington Post, US Equestrian, EQLiving, Sidelines Magazine, The Baltimore Sun, Chronicle of the Horse, Horse & Style Magazine, and the Leesburg News which covered equestrian events across northern Virginia.

Quite a good line-up!

When the upper group's time was called... Sunny and the two fellows handled it well! The press knew up front there was a time limit. The event group was managing this.

Afterwards the Leesburg News reporter came up to me... "Your Ladyship, do you have a moment?"

I said Okay.

"You got Sunny started... did you foresee her success? On the record?"

I smiled, on the record was fine.

"I told her once I saw her on a horse she was a natural... we setup some jumps for her to try... her form was perfect.. again naturally... completely unschooled. She loved being on a horse... she wanted to try doing equestrian events. She started with jumping and dressage with Charlotte teaching her.

It was obvious Sunny was talented. Charlotte was amazed by Sunny's ever so natural way of moving which was correct. If she applied herself and had the will to succeed... My husband and I knew she could accomplish a great deal.

I sat down with Sunny... I made it clear Cho and I would support her to go as far as she wanted to go. Whether she would choose to become a competitive rider or just enjoy being on a horse it was up to her. I said entering competition would require hard work... long hours and commitment.

You can see what she chose."

"Indeed! Thank you for speaking with me."

"You're welcome. We take your newspaper here... I've read your work... that's why I said yes to you."

He blushed... a nice thing in a man. He stammered out a thank you. I patted his shoulder.

As I walked away I was feeling older... I had spoken to the reporter like I was over fifty... he was probably close to my age... was my changed position changing me? I reviewed things I'd done in last seven or eight months... I was acting like I had more responsibilities... NOT conservative rather more high-minded... aware my life had been altered...

It was true I did have MORE responsibilities... tens of thousands of new employees... billions £'s of businesses to manage... The Lords... My family... I wasn't lacking responsibilities...

BUT Cho and I still had fun doing it all!!!

I shook my head... I did NOT have a rocking chair in my near future that was for sure nor that mind-set... maybe never.

Later Cho held me tight under the bed clothes... a kiss after I told him my thoughts...

"Fay, you have some idea how far you have come in a few short years. Remember you were teaching folks how to put cables in the ground... now you are... well you are you... an icon... world famous person... In demand for so many things... the spark for so many projects and businesses... my flame... my passion!"

I kissed that handsome smart man!

My lips on his ear... "Without you it would not have happened."

Cho response warmed me to my core... "It is us! We have done it together... a partnership!"

A very nice kiss!

In the house Sunny was bouncing on her toes... holding her `cup.' Hugging her family some more!

Sunny and I went up to change. We both were in short shorts and crop tops, trainers on our feet. I had a Harcourt Racing cap. And a second for Sunny. I got a big smile. She adjusted the fit. Cute.

Sunny and I walked out to the stables, `Net and Angie too. We waved to people who called out congratulations, Sunny said thank yous, waves.

A visit to Prince and Zephyr. Declan smiling, "Prince is good! He got some honey and oats. He licked the bucket clean."

Marsha using a brush on Zephyr... The pale lady enjoying that!! A contented tail swish.

Marsha thanked me for including her on this extended trip in America.

"Well make sure you get to see some of America... not just insides of several American barns."

Marsha laughed, "I will try... Declan wants to go some places too."

I turned to Charlotte, "You all should go into D.C. Gilbert can arrange a car... see some sights."

I got several Terrifics!' Declan and Marsha were excited. Charlotte hadn't seen much of the U.S. so she'd be happy to go. Sunny was enthusiastic... she wanted to see more of the nation's capital. I made sure Net would be included.

I spoke to Gilbert... he would be pleased to fix it up.

"I have a few folks who are native Washingtonians... they could be driver and guide."

A fist bump for him!

Garrett was outside the barn area... waiting.

"Miss Martin you wanted to see me?"

"Yes... I don't think `last' was quite accurate... was it?"

"No... it did feel that way. I wasn't trying deceive."

"Not to worry... I get it was how you were feeling. Your Cross-Country was quite good... 5:31.25..." He watched my face I let him see I was being open with him... "... has it always been your strongest event?"

"Yes... I learned how to ride in the countryside at our family place near Richmond."

I looked a question... he added `Kentucky.'

Ah! I smiled, "How long have you been eventing?"

"Since I was fifteen. Four years."

"What about Dressage and Jumping?"

Garrett shook his head, "I have a hard time getting enough work in on those. Kit is a good horse, he's responsive and hard working. The jumping is far better than dressage."

"You like working around horses?"

He nodded, "All sorts of animals but horses more so."

"Do you have a job?"

"On the family farm... I did some quarters at Eastern Kentucky University... maybe again in the fall."

"Would you be willing to move for a regular full-time job? Say to the area around Frankfort?"

Amazement on his face... "Yes... I would."

I asked if I could borrow his phone for a moment... I showed him I was writing a note... Costello's name, address and telephone number.

"Call Costello... not immediately but in an hour or so... I will talk with him shortly. He manages Harcourt Farm for us. It is northeast of Frankfort.

He will have work in the stables, a perk of the job is you get to ride horses... some for exercise and training but you also can ride in your free time.

There are dirt and turf tracks. In the very near future jumping and dressage arenas will be completed. A cross-country course is laid out and construction has begun. It wraps around the dirt and grass tracks.

So you could make a living... room and board is included... and get to do your training..."

Garrett was amazed.

I smiled, "Room and board for Kit... we'll throw in for free... if that sounds good?"

"Miss Martin, that sounds great!"

"Okay then... I will call Costello then you make your call. See if what he offers is good for you."

We shook hands... a big thank you!

"Maybe I'll see you there?"

Another thank you after a `Hope so!'

I made the call to Costello. He was always interested in good horse people.

"Garrett sounds like just the sort we need. Thanks for the recruiting."

I said I'd send him an invoice. We laughed.

In the morning we landed at Cho-Fay Air Heliport on Manhattan's west side... Terrance, Pell and Maddie waiting. They were smiling as the Twins did fist bumps with them.

Roslyn's smiling face... a hug. Mita leaned into the passage from the kitchen smiling and waving... a big spoon... she was icing a cake... `Did anyone want to lick the bowl?'

Our small people looking at me... heads nodding!!!! I nodded back... ZOOM! Laughter!

We had lunch in the sun on the terrace. Ali and Francis with us! She was well... thinking maybe her doctor was being too protective.

"You like her... right?"

"Yes she's good... explains everything."

"Then trusting her is what you want... right?"

Another `Yes!'

"SO trust her."

Ali laughed, "Yes Ma'am!" A salute.

A hug!

She said Francis was doing a `see that's what I've been saying' look behind me. I turned... He nodded. Fist bump!

Cho was taking the Twins to swim... I was going downtown to Vogue.

Something new and special for Anna W to see while we talked about the Mirabelle shoot.

A muted medium pink frock with a round collar and sleeveless top, it was linked to a paler muted pink skirt part, cut to above mid-thigh. Stretchy material... SNUG to my bits! Pale lips, nails close to the pale pink in the bottom of the dress, gold jewellery, softly pale orange heels and a matching bag from Jimmy Choo. `Joy'

Pell stopped on West Street beside the One World Trade Centre building. We walked the short way to the Fulton Street doorway. Tara leading, me and Gil, Gaby and Tessa.

At the Condé Nast lobby desk Anna's assistant was waiting.

"Your Ladyship, welcome back to Vogue."

I thanked her. In the lift I could see her do a discreet look at Tessa. Her `dreds' were bouncy surrounding her very cute face. The assistant was DEFINITELY intrigued!

Anna's assistant lead us through the Vogue maze to Anna who was at her doors. We shook hands, cheek kiss.

"Anna... good to see you."

She was going to do a `Your Ladyship' when I said "I'm Fay."

A big smile.

We looked at each other's clothes... smiling. She was in a floral dress, very summer. Good colours.

"Fay, that is a wonderful fit. Nice... I like the colours and shape."

"The shape is definitely all me."

We laughed.

The Mirabelle shoot with Gigi was set for the day after tomorrow. They were going to Fox Tower to use the building, the Fox TV offices and the Daily News space as the backdrop.

Bryan at `21' said they would accommodate the Vogue group in a morning whenever they chose.

Anna smiling, "I did a tour of the Fox Tower offices with Imelda, one of our best fashion editors... it looks great. We picked out two dozen possible locations.

Your Security was very helpful. They said they will be along to manage the traffic.

Cory and I talked about what Imelda wanted. He's ready!"

I was glad... I said Cory has a good eye.

Anna smiling, "If this all comes together... I will use him more for couture shoots."

They were going to use the office suite Cho and I kept in the Fox Tower for dressing and rest. Our Security will keep other folks at a distance. They were doing the shoot on Sunday because there'd be fewer people around.

Some women staffers had been `recruited' to be in the background... they were happy to do it! At my suggestion they would wear Mirabelle suits which they would get to keep. Yea's for that!

Anna leaned back, "Your cover issue has set new records for sales... the first second printing... which in case you haven't heard has sold out too!!

The comments have been amazing... you on the cover... you and Cho together... off the charts!!"

I was glad! There'd been some fun involved in the whole process.

Anna said Galetea and Cory were very impressed with how your various things are managed. Smiling I pointed to Gil... She gave us a big GRIN! Laughter.

I told Anna about the cattle rancher from western Nebraska reading the issue... I did say he was also a Congressman so not wholly provincial.

Anna liked that!

"Nick Rawlins is an interesting fellow... maybe you should look at doing an interview... a cowboy who is quietly sophisticated, a lovely family, he's smart and easy on the eyes."


"The only downside is he's a republican."

Gil laughed... we looked over... "Fay, Chelle looked at his voting record... he has supported much of Clinton's agenda... he gave a speech saying the people of America needed what President Clinton was proposing for healthcare and be damned to the special interests opposing it."

Anna looking up... bright eyes... she liked that as a `hook.' Anna asked her assistant beside Gil to request Pauline to come in.

We talked more on Mirabelle's expansion, the Los Angeles and Seattle openings to come. Mirabelle West had her interest... I told her about Paris...

"If you are in Paris with a bit of time free... go to the Mirabelle owned and our partner manufacturing locations in the close in northern suburbs. The women running them are excellent managers, their staffs are quite `gung-ho' about doing our clothes. The clothes they produce are top quality! A lot of pride of accomplishment there!"

Anna would see if she could. Gil gave Anna's assistant contact details for both plus the Paris stores. Antonella's name and telephone in Los Angeles too.

I told Anna we were finalizing locations in Brooklyn and the upper east side of Manhattan. Looking in Birmingham, Edinburgh, Berlin, Amsterdam, Brussels and Copenhagen along with Canada and San Francisco.

Anna shaking her head, "A lot of movement from Mirabelle... you personally are having a huge impact there and in the fashion business. What you wear has become very popular... your various suits, dresses, slacks... the ready-to-wear folks are churning out copies.

Oh yes... I read the interview with Coral in Women's Wear Daily. Articulate and tough sounding on counterfeiters."

"She and I talked a lot about that... we felt by putting on notice companies like amazon... the public could see some of the less reputable online retailers' dark sides. We haven't spoken to any of those... our lawyers will do the talking when necessary!"

Anna spoke about the knock-off couture all around the planet in markets causing a lot of damage, it even got online in some big name shops.

"Coral made the point that we don't sell online so anything with our name has to be counterfeit. I have no faith in the walmart's and amazon's of the world ever doing due diligence on the little outside retailers they `host' on their websites...

What I want is a good case to test the laws like our case against that website allowing their users to say whatever they want in an unregulated manner."

"Oh... I've seen that... you two may be making history."

"Our lawyers are confident the Supreme Court will agree with the lower courts. It will be quite the upheaval online. It's time... past time to make people be responsible for their words."

Anna said Vogue.com like all of Condé Nast has turned off their comments sections.

I related the 21st Century Fox discussions... `comments' weren't seen as helpful so they may not be turned on again even after vetting software is in place.

A slender brunette came in... Pauline was surprised to be brought in to meet me.

"Your Ladyship... We heard you were in the building... everyone watching out to get a glimpse," she was smiling.

We shook hands. Anna pointed to a chair. She got me to give a précis of Nick Rawlins. Pauline had a pad.

Because I like Nick... I was fulsome in my remarks. I could see Pauline lean in... getting it.

Anna gestured to Pauline, "Do some looking... check with a few Washington people... Rawlins could be an interview we might like to do. He sounds exceptional. Her Ladyship knows him personally and would help you with an introduction... she has visited his Nebraska ranch and met his extended family."

I put in, "He is a republican... he's an old school republican type... a throw back to when the party had real values not their current cockeyed fascism."

Pauline was scribbling. Anna pointed out any piece would have to have some politics... describing his would be crucial. Pauline nodding.

"I'll get a start today and have research dig up some snaps and video clips."

Anna thanked her... me too.

I let Anna know we'd be in Saratoga for racing so couldn't get to the Fox Tower to see the shoot.

Smiling, Anna said it will go well... "Coral and Raphaela told us they'd be there to help with the dressing. They've already sent most of the clothes to the Fox Tower. Imelda has collected a good deal of accessories to go over to the shoot."

I leaned closer, "Coral has had some new items done just for Gigi's shape... so maybe they'll have fun!"

A big smile.

Anna and I said our goodbyes. Cheeks kissed.

I went uptown to a Broadway theatre... a show was in rehearsals. At the stage door with Gil, Tessa, Gaby and Tara. A fellow opened up, I asked to speak with Alex.

"He's in rehearsal..."

"Please tell him it is Fay Martin... I just need a few moments of his time."

The doorman said please wait...

He was back in a flash opening the door wide saying Alex would be right here. We stepped in as a handsome fellow, blonde Adonis looks approached, to my eyes a lot like Liza.

"Ah... It is you... I thought someone was having me on. Welcome... please come this way."

Alex led us to the back of the theatre's main seating area. The stage had dancers working to music...

"How can I help you?"

I told him of meeting his sister in Nebraska... the whole Rawlins family in fact.

"Nick told me about you as we discussed the Chanthira Foundation's LGBTQ youth shelters."

"Yes... I've heard about them... here in the city right?"

"Yes four so far... more coming. Nick said he and Liza had seen one of the shows you choreographed... they loved the dancing."

A big smile, "Liza and Nick... such nice middle Americans who also happen to be without prejudice. She and I the product of the same family... different but tuned into each other. So at odds with the rest of our family.

Liza and Nick have come up from Washington a few times to see me and a show.

I gather you know I don't go to Nebraska and why."

"Yes, Nick shared... he was quite impressed with your work."

A terrific smile.

"Have you seen a show?"

"No... we haven't. Our evenings are when our family can be together so going out is rare."

"If you have time..." Alex pulled out a pad... scribbling his telephone number... "...Please call I would be pleased to have tickets held for you."

I thanked him. I handed the paper to Gil who I then introduced. I decided to go on introducing... Tara, Tessa and Gaby as my Protectors. Alex was impressed with my trio, you could see it in his eyes.

I put my hand on Tara's arm... "Among the very best at their work on the planet."

Alex's Adonis face a bigger smile, "Ladies I wouldn't guessed but I suppose that is good for you?"

Tara returning the smile, "Yes, we do not crave attention..." A look to Tessa and Gaby... "... We'd usually rather not be noticed."

The three did fist bumps which got Alex laughing.

To me as Alex turned back, "So you live in the city?"

"We have a flat in a building we own in Greenwich Village... We aren't in town for long periods... we do like New York... it is my official residence for voting. I was born in Washington, D.C."

"Oh wow... I didn't know you were American... with you being a countess... I thought English."

"I am also Thai... so three nationalities. We have homes in many places. We travel a great deal for horse racing and business."

I asked Alex if he would possibly help... with compensation... if we got a fund raising event going in the city.

"We have not done any fund raising for the Chanthira Foundation to date... we have a golf tournament in September at a club in New Jersey as our first event. It is something on a large scale with lots of attention drawn so we have hopes it will go over well."

He looked quizzical, "Then how have you put together the shelters? Government money?"

"Oh no... The foundation has paid all the bills... it has a large endowment from us."

There was an `Ah' moment.

"I would be glad to help... I would also donate my time..."

I thanked him for that... "If we get going we would insist on paying all your expenses at the very least."

"That is fair! I would like to contribute... I have worked so much in the last fifteen years... not much time for fun or being a better citizen. I have done a few things in the community... nothing much... Not enough."

He gave me a look, "It is pretty amazing you should come by here... I'm also amazed Liza hasn't let me know you'd been to their ranch."

I smiled, "She will. Our children liked being there... they love animals... they got to see a lot with your nieces and nephews."

Alex looked a bit sad... "You've not met them have you?"

A shaken head... "My busy-body opinion... you should go to the ranch. Seth and Loren and their kids are very nice. It is a bit isolated there... they love it. Nick and I had a laugh... he had seen a copy of Vogue that I was in..."

Alex with big eyes, "IN?...You were the issue! I read it... Vogue thinks you practically walk on water!"

I laughed, "Well... I just came from a meeting with Anna W... She's a very together lady. They are doing a shoot this weekend of clothes from a company I'm involved in... Mirabelle... using offices in the Fox Tower."

"Well the author of that piece.. she thinks you're special.. it was obvious. The pictures... just spectacular!"

Gil had the issue up on her iPad. She scrolled to the one of Cho and I.

"There! You two look a couple from a bygone era... aristocratic!"

I squeezed Alex's shoulder, "That from the guy looks like a Greek god of ancient times?"

We all laughed. Alex threw up his arms...

"I'm just what I am... Oh... I guess like you?"

"Me? I'm the scion of a middle-class family who as an American friend says has been `promoted' to a different status."

"You do have a different status... a countess... in the House of Lords... you've met queens and presidents..."

"A king, a half dozen princes, dukes and duchesses... all of whom put on their nickers the same way as you and me."

Alex burst out laughing! We all did.

I asked when his show was to open... `In two weeks.'

"We'll be ready... I've a good group of dancers many of whom have worked for me several times. The leads in the show are also good on their feet so that makes things much easier."

I wished him and the show to `break a leg' which had Alex laugh again.

A hug and a cheek kiss as we said goodbye.

Pell waiting out front to whisk us home. Tessa going uptown to see her family... a hug.... `Say hi to them from us.'

Cho and the babies greeted me at the lift. Kisses for them all!!

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